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How to relieve pain from a burn with boiling water. What to do if you are burned by boiling water at home? Self-help for burns

A burn is tissue damage caused by exposure to hot objects. chemicals, hot liquid, radiation or electricity. Boiling water – common reason injuries resulting from accidents at home. The victim requires urgent medical attention and further home treatment burns from boiling water, the specifics of which depend on the degree of damage to the skin.

Hot liquid can cause serious injury with subsequent complications. To prevent the consequences, it is necessary to take immediate action after boiling water gets on the body. There are several degrees of burns:

  1. First. Characterized by damage to the epidermis. Symptoms are swelling and redness, which disappear after a few days.
  2. Second. The dermis suffers, blisters, redness and swelling appear on it. If the wound does not become infected, healing takes 10-12 days.
  3. Third. It differs in that the depth of the lesion extends to the dermis and soft tissues. Blisters form at the site of injury, and after they are opened, scabs with purulent contents inside. Yellow subcutaneous fat is visible in the wound. After healing, scars remain.
  4. Fourth. Develops as a result of prolonged exposure to boiling water. The damage is severe, symptoms of a necrotic process are present on the skin, tendons and muscles suffer. The victim may experience pain shock.

Only first two degree burns can be treated at home. It is mandatory to seek qualified medical help in case of damage to the neck, genitals, face, or chest from boiling water. It is prohibited to carry out independent activities if the victim is a child!

First aid

Burns from boiling water of any severity must be treated immediately to eliminate serious consequences. Eliminate the source of the heat. When pouring hot liquid over your body, you need to quickly remove your clothes.

If individual pieces stick to the skin, the tissue is cut off. You can't rip it off! Threatens the formation of wounds and scarring!

To reduce the temperature under the skin you need to:

  1. For the first and second stages of a burn, place the affected part of the body in a basin with cold water or under running water. It should not be icy to prevent frostbite. Hold for 10 seconds until the severe pain and burning subsides.
  2. If boiling water gets into your mouth, throat, or tongue, you should place a piece of ice there or rinse with cold water.

After providing first aid for burns with boiling water at home, it is necessary to assess the degree of damage and area, and in case of severe injuries, call an ambulance.

To reduce pain shock, the victim can be given a local or general anesthetic.

If it is a leg, the limb must be slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

It is necessary to carry out disinfection after anesthesia. The following can help in this matter:

  • antibacterial or baby soap - allowed to be applied to the skin without open wounds and blisters;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

A sterile dressing is done on top.

Effective home remedies for treatment

A properly selected medicinal drug will relieve swelling, burning, eliminate severe pain, and prevent the development of serious consequences.

For treatment it is allowed to use:

  • Sulfargin – modern effective medicine containing silver ions. The medicine helps relieve pain and quickly cure damage.
  • Olazol is a burn spray with analgesic and antiseptic substances in its composition, which allows you to eliminate negative consequences exposure to hot liquid.
  • Levomekol - proven over the years antibacterial ointment. Liniment must be applied to a bandage or gauze bandage and applied to the burn. Change the compress every 20 hours. Remove carefully, without sudden movements. Heals, reduces the risk of scarring, prevents suppuration and draws out already formed pus.
  • Polimedel - the drug is produced in the form of a polymer film, which accelerates the restoration processes in tissues, has therapeutic effect, activates regeneration.
  • Argovasna Nut is a medical gel, the action of which is aimed at stimulating metabolism in the skin and accelerating recovery processes. The components in the medicine prevent the growth of scar tissue, reduce allergic reactions, stimulate metabolic processes in the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Panthenol is a recognized remedy in the treatment of burns. Foam and cream help quickly remove main symptom injuries - pain.
  • Ricinol – has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Restores the membrane of damaged cells without forming a film on the surface.
  • Solcoseryl - the medicine is produced in the form of a gel. Provides tissue regeneration, dries, prevents getting wet and inflamed, and activates restoration processes.

Home care using the listed medications is allowed if the damage is stage 1-2. A serious thermal burn cannot be treated on your own! Only a doctor can carry out correct measures and reduce dangerous risks.

Traditional methods

You can effectively treat burns from boiling water at home using useful plants and products. Folk method allowed, but with small affected areas and shallow depth.

  1. Pour boiling water over plantain leaves and cool. Apply several times a day until the wound heals.
  2. Apply sea buckthorn oil to the burn and wait for absorption. Treatment is carried out three times a day. Important condition so that the oil is of high quality.
  3. Mix potato starch with water to form a thick paste. Treat the affected area every 2-3 hours and leave for 5-10 minutes. Remove the remains with cool water and apply an antiseptic on top.
  4. Immediately after contact with boiling water, apply salt or soda to the burn (you can use sea ​​salt) and cover with a bandage. The swollen cover, blister, and redness will quickly disappear. In the future, the wound will heal faster.
  5. Heat badger fat in a water bath, lubricate a bandage with it, and apply it to the injury. Keep the bandage on for 3-4 hours, then remove and wait 3-4 hours before the next procedure.
  6. Oak bark 40 gr. steam with boiling water. Keep the hot broth on low heat for 10 minutes. The tincture is filtered, applied to gauze and applied to the burn.

Apply folk recipe possible 3-5 days after receiving a burn with the permission of a doctor and only for injuries of 1-2 degrees. IN difficult cases the bubble risks bursting, the skin peels off and an ugly scar may remain in its place.

In what cases is treatment at home contraindicated?

Before treating a burn from boiling water at home, it is necessary to assess the percentage of affected area and the extent. You cannot take steps on your own if:

  • the affected area exceeds the size of the palm;
  • received a deep, severe burn of 3-4 degrees with the formation of blisters, damage to surrounding soft tissues, and a necrotic process;
  • if opening the wound is accompanied by symptoms of infection after 1 or 2 days.

It is important to see a doctor in time! If the burn is mild, but the symptoms worsen, you should consult a traumatologist!

Further wound care and possible complications

In order for the skin to heal faster and no scar tissue left in its place, it is necessary to ensure complete care. The pharmacy offers a wide range medicinal products, which accelerate regeneration processes in tissues.

It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Treat the wound regularly every 3-4 hours.
  2. Disinfect the exposed affected area, lubricate it with Levomekol, Olazol, Panthenol or other drugs.
  3. Cover the burn with a sterile bandage.

Lack of care can lead to inflammation, skin cell death and health problems.

Applying folk remedies treatment, follow the advice and keep the proportions!

Be careful, many drugs contain pregnancy and childhood are a contraindication for use!

Anyone can get burned by boiling water, regardless of age or area of ​​activity. It is important to know how to take the first step towards providing the right medical care and how to help the wound heal quickly without the risk of scarring. Adequate comprehensive measures can eliminate dangerous complications. Always keep anti-burn medications in your first aid kit!

Hot water, a boiling kettle or pan, scalding drinks - all this is fraught with danger to humans, especially to children. If you accidentally turn a dish with hot liquid over yourself, the main thing is to act correctly. Otherwise, the consequences of incorrect first aid can be even more terrible and painful than the injury itself.

Children explore the world unaware of danger

Children who are exploring are especially likely to turn boiling water over themselves. the world around us and cannot assess the dangers of their actions. Burns from boiling water in children under five years of age account for 80 percent of all burns. And the area of ​​skin damage in children is much larger than with a similar wound in adults. Also, babies are more likely to burn their face, neck, and chest. And such wounds pose a danger to life, because the eyes, respiratory organs, oral cavity. While parents turn away literally for a moment, children can sip hot tea, and at the same time often get burns on their tongues from boiling water. At the same time, breathing becomes difficult, the victim begins to cough, and the voice becomes hoarse.

Not only from boiling water

You can get a burn not only from boiling liquid. Such injury can be caused by very hot water from the tap if it comes into contact with the skin long time.

Treatment of burns with boiling water depends on what you burned with. Remember that clean, hot water is less harmful than spilling sweet tea or pickle juice on yourself.

Determine the extent of injury

There are four degrees of burns from boiling water. Doctors advise: before providing first aid, you need to determine how severe your burn is. At each degree certain symptoms are observed.

If you are only slightly burned, the skin will turn red and become slightly swollen. You will feel pain in the place where the boiling water hit. But there will be no blisters on the skin with minor damage. All of these symptoms disappear quickly enough even without the use of medications. Such a burn will not leave a mark on your skin.

For severe burns, call an ambulance

Burns with boiling water can only be treated at home in the first degree, sometimes in the second. It is always worth considering the severity of the damage and the area of ​​the wound. If a child is burned, you should consult a doctor immediately. In case of severe burns, painful shock may occur. There are cases described when people died because of it, even if the burns were minor.

Third and fourth degree burns can only be treated in a hospital. Moreover, in major cities Burn departments have even been created. This indicates what serious consequences come from such wounds.

Burns can leave scars and welts

We figured out what to do in case of a burn with boiling water. But, after you have received help for a burn, you may also need cosmetic surgery. TO plastic surgeon contact if, after treating a burn with boiling water, scars and cicatrices remain. The doctor can also recommend medications that eliminate the consequences of burns. But remember that the treatment will be long-term in any case. It is important to follow through to achieve the desired result.

In the article we discuss burns from boiling water. You will learn how quickly skin lesions of varying severity heal. We will talk about first aid methods and how to treat burns at home.

Appearance of a boiling water burn. A burn is damage to skin tissue that can be caused by heat, chemicals, or radiation.

The most common type of household injury is a burn with boiling water.

Most often, you can get a thermal burn on your arm or leg at home. The usual cause of injury is spilled tea, soup or other hot liquid.

It is less common to get a facial burn at home. This injury is the most dangerous, since skin damage can be combined with eye burns, respiratory tract and oral cavity.

Depth of lesion

The severity of the injury is determined by the depth of damage to the epithelial layers and the area of ​​the burn. There are 4 degrees of skin burns.

Degree of skin damage Symptoms
1st degree Redness of the upper layers of the epidermis, which may be accompanied by swelling damaged areas. The burn site may hurt. Damaged skin peels off after 5-7 days.
2nd degree The burn affects the upper parts of the epithelium and the germ layer. Thin-walled blisters appear on the skin, and if damaged, infection can occur.
3rd degree

Grade A: damage to the upper layers of the epidermis and partially the dermis. A black or brown crust from dried blood, pus and dead cells. The injury is accompanied by the formation of large dense blisters with serous fluid.

Grade B: damage to all layers of the epidermis down to the subcutaneous fat layer. Often a weeping wound forms at the site of the burn. The affected area festers, and after healing a scar remains.

4th degree Death of subcutaneous fat, which is accompanied by charring of tissue. The burn affects muscles and even bones.

First degree burns can be treated at home. A second degree burn requires visiting a doctor to prescribe treatment. The third and fourth degree of skin damage is treated exclusively in inpatient conditions under the supervision of specialists.

A skin burn whose area is more than 30% of the total surface of the epithelium is life-threatening. Damage more than 10% skin 3rd and 4th degree burns can be fatal.

If the burn is extensive and deep, a complication such as burn disease may occur. This is the body's response to exposure to high temperature. Burn disease accompanied by state of shock, which can last up to 3 days. Then kidney function becomes impaired, blood circulation deteriorates, and ulcers may appear. internal organs. This disease occurs simultaneously with recovery from the burn.

How quickly does a burn heal?

The speed of epidermal recovery after thermal burns depends on several factors:

  • temperature and composition of the damaging liquid;
  • size and depth of the burn;
  • level of immunity;
  • patient's age;
  • complications in the form of concomitant infections;
  • competent and timely treatment.

First degree burns usually resolve within 3-5 days. It will take 10 to 14 days to restore the epidermis after 2nd degree burns.

During the first weeks after a 3rd degree burn, the destruction of the skin continues. Tissue regeneration begins a month after the injury. Full recovery skin changes occur no earlier than after 1.5 months. Burns of this type do not pass without a trace. After the skin heals, rough scars remain on it.

The most long recovery occurs with 4th degree burns. Getting such serious injuries leads to disability. During the first 4-6 weeks, the damaged tissues die and are rejected. Only after this the wound begins to become covered with loose granulation tissue. The skin then scars.

If the area of ​​the damaged area is small, then the epidermis is restored in 1.5–2 months. Extensive damage to the skin leads to the formation of scar tissue. These skin defects interfere motor activity, especially when bending the arms and legs.

For more information about burns, watch the following video:

First aid at home

To help with a thermal burn, the first thing you need to do is not panic. The speed of your actions directly affects the speed of skin restoration.

In order to provide competent first aid, it is necessary to determine the degree of burn and the percentage of damage to the epidermis. Glumov’s method will help with this: the area of ​​1 palm corresponds to 1% of damaged skin.

Let's look at a detailed algorithm of actions for providing first aid for a thermal burn and figure out what you should never do.

What not to do

Do not wash the burn area with anything other than water. Application baking soda or citric acid can lead to complications and scarring.

Before treating damaged skin with an anti-burn agent, it is necessary to cool the wound. If the burn is severe, apply a sterile cloth bandage before applying cold.

Never treat your skin with substances that can cause skin irritation - onions, alcohol, brilliant green, iodine.

You should not use any oils as first aid; they can clog your pores. The well-known sea buckthorn oil should be used only at the recovery stage.

If the burn has penetrated through clothing and it is stuck to the skin, do not try to pull it off; rather, trim it around the edges of the wound.

Under no circumstances should blisters be punctured; this will lead to infection of the damaged skin and complications.

What to do first

The very first thing to do in case of a burn with boiling water is to immediately stop its exposure to the skin. After this, you need to remove clothes, bracelets, rings and everything that comes into contact with the burn site.

For quick recovery skin with a 1st degree burn, you can use dexpanthenol-based products (Panthenol, Bepanten).

For severe burns, it is necessary to treat the damaged area. antiseptic, for example, Furacilin or Dioxidin, then apply a local anesthetic - Novocaine, Lidocaine. They will relieve pain and prevent wound infection. After this, a bandage is applied to the burn area. At severe pain you can take Analgin or Pro-medol.

To prevent dehydration in case of severe burns, the patient should receive drinking plenty of fluids.

How to treat a burn with boiling water at home

Only first and second degree burns can be treated at home. In this case, extensive 2nd degree burns require specialist consultation. Tissue damage of degrees 3 and 4 is treated exclusively in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

To restore skin after burns, you can use open and closed treatment methods:

  • Open - for treatment use any external anti-burn agents - wound healing and antiseptic creams, ointments, sprays.
  • Closed - involves applying a bandage to the burn site. It is best to use a soft cloth so that it does not stick to the damaged skin. In this case, the bandage must be treated with antiseptic ointment (Bepanten). It needs to be changed every 3 days.

Ointment for burns with boiling water

IN home medicine cabinet There should always be ointment for burns in case emergency assistance. There are many medicinal drugs. Let's look at the most popular ointments for treating burns with boiling water:

  1. Panthenol - universal remedy, which has a high regenerating effect. The ointment soothes damaged skin, increases metabolism and eliminates burning.
  2. Actovegin is a nourishing ointment that improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells and helps provide them with oxygen. The product accelerates tissue regeneration.
  3. Levomekol - antibacterial drug, which has a bacteriostatic and immunomodulatory effect. The product is suitable for the treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

Folk remedies for burns with boiling water

As alternative method To treat a burn with boiling water, you can use folk remedies, but only for 1st degree injuries. Severe burns should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist to prevent complications.

Universal remedy for burns


  1. Aloe - 2 leaves.

How to cook: Grind or mince the aloe leaves. Apply the resulting paste to a piece of soft cloth.

How to use: Apply the compress to the burn site and secure with a bandage. Change the compress twice a day.

Result: The product effectively copes with skin redness, relieves pain and speeds up the recovery process. Suitable for treating burns in adults and children.

Lotions for boiling water burns


  1. Red clover - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the clover, cover with a lid and let steep for half an hour.

How to use: Soak a piece of soft cloth in the resulting infusion, wring it out and place it on the burn site. Lotions can be repeated every 2-3 hours.

Result: The product has an analgesic effect and relieves skin redness.

Homemade ointment for burns


  1. Zhivitsa - 50 gr.
  2. Pork lard - 50 gr.
  3. Beeswax - 50 gr.

How to cook: Combine the ingredients, bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer for 1.5-2 hours. Cool the ointment and transfer it to a glass container with a lid. Store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day to the burn site.

Result: The product has an analgesic effect, quickly relieves redness and restores damaged skin.

For more information about the treatment of burns, watch the following video:

Boiling water burn in a child

One of the most common childhood injuries is a burn from boiling water. According to statistics, about 80% of all burns of children under 5 years of age are caused by boiling water. The cause of injury can be any hot drink who was left alone with the child unattended.

First aid methods for burns in children are no different from adults. The injury site must be cooled, then disinfected, treated with an anti-burn ointment or spray, for example Panthenol, and a soft cloth bandage applied. If the burn is severe, then it is necessary to urgently take the child to the doctor.

Children's skin is much more delicate than adults, so the same conditions (duration of exposure to boiling water, area of ​​damage and depth) lead to different degrees of severity of burns. Where an adult receives only reddening of the skin, a child can receive deep burns of internal tissues. It is very important to provide proper first aid to your child as soon as possible.

For first aid for a child who is burned, watch the following video:

Burns in the bathhouse and sauna

When visiting a bathhouse or sauna, you must take precautions and not neglect the recommendations for the length of time you spend in them. Exposure to hot air in a bathhouse or sauna can cause severe internal burns. In this case, only slight redness of the skin will be observed externally. Such burns are especially dangerous.

Also, in a bath or sauna you can get severe dehydration if you stay in them for longer than the prescribed time. In this case, blood circulation is impaired, and a stationary position only aggravates the situation.

Under no circumstances should you use alcoholic drinks in baths or saunas, as this can lead to increased blood pressure and disruption of heat exchange, which will accelerate the appearance of a burn.

Preventing burns from boiling water

To prevent burns from boiling water, first of all, you must handle any hot liquid carefully. Most often, thermal burns can occur in the kitchen or bathroom.

To prevent burns in children, follow these rules:

  • cook food on the far burners of the stove;
  • do not allow your child to play in the kitchen;
  • do not hold the child in your arms when preparing food;
  • use non-slip tablecloths for the table;
  • matches and any other flammable objects should be kept out of the reach of the child;
  • Teach your child to open the tap with cold water first and only then with hot water.

What to remember

  1. Failure to take precautions when handling hot liquids can result in thermal injury, such as a burn to the leg, arm, or any other part of the body.
  2. Do not use oils as first aid. They are more effective during the recovery phase.
  3. Never puncture blisters resulting from a burn.
  4. To treat 1st degree burns, you can use folk remedies; in all other cases, you must contact a specialist.

Among domestic injuries burns from boiling water are quite often recorded. From time to time, patients with thermal skin lesions are delivered to hospitals. A fifth of the victims are children.

Timely assistance in case of a burn with boiling water will ease suffering and minimize the consequences of an unpleasant incident. Knowing the rules of behavior in an unusual situation often saves the health of loved ones.

First aid for burns

Confusion, panic, vanity covers people when thermal burns. It doesn’t matter who turned the pot of boiling water over itself - you or your loved ones, help must be provided on time.

How to help with a burn from boiling water? Act clearly and competently:

  • Remove wet clothes quickly. Get rid of synthetic items first.
  • Don't think about the cost of clothing, don't skimp on a dress or sweater. Most quick way expose scalded skin - cut things with scissors.
  • Proceed carefully, try not to touch the skin with scissors - you can damage the blisters.
  • Do not rub, do not scratch, no bubbles. You can easily get an infection under the inflamed skin;
  • Place the burned area under cold water. The stream should not be too strong.
  • The ideal option is to immerse the affected area of ​​the body in a container of cool water. This prevents swelling, reduces pain, and cools the scalded body and adjacent areas.
  • After 10-15 minutes, pat your skin clean soft cloth without lint, apply a sterile bandage.
  • Do not tighten the affected area; the bandage should cover the skin, but in no case press or rub the skin. How more blisters, the looser the bandage or gauze you wrap.

Burn degree

What to do if you are burned by boiling water? Focus on the signs different degrees burn:

  • I – the skin turns red, slight swelling appears, some pain is felt, there are no blisters;
  • II – after a few minutes, blisters with a clear yellowish liquid appear, severe pain is felt in the burned area;
  • III – numerous blisters, the skin peels off. Severe pain, the surface turns into a wound bright red. In place of dead tissue, black or gray scabs form;
  • IV – more than 50% of the skin is affected. The described symptoms provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition, and pain shock occurs. Non-healing ulcers and scars appear at the site of deep burns. Recovery lasts several months. After severe defeats skins often remain cosmetic defects, appearance deteriorates.

Pay attention! IV degree burns from boiling water are rare. Most patients develop I–II, less often III, degree of damage.

Is it possible to smear the affected area?

What to apply to a burn from boiling water? Before treating blisters and wounds, remember the saying: “Do no harm!” If in doubt, it is better not to lubricate the scalded body with anything.

It is prohibited to apply vegetable or animal fats, oils, or ointments to the wound. The reason is that the temperature of the inflamed area does not decrease; microbes quickly multiply under the oily film.

Treatment methods

After providing first aid to the victim, go to the outpatient clinic or call a doctor at home. Focus on the person’s condition and the area of ​​damaged skin. For severe burns, call immediately Ambulance».

Treatment of seriously ill patients is carried out in the intensive care unit of the hospital, in specialized burn centers. In grades III and IV, hospitalization will save the victim’s life - with severe burns, the wound often becomes infected, which is fraught with serious complications.


How to treat and how to treat a burn with boiling water? Recommended:

  • Panthenol. Modern drug, widely used for various skin injuries. The consistency of the drug resembles shaving foam and is applied from a can. The aerosol method is most convenient for burns of various origins.
  • Olazol. The product has a pronounced analgesic effect. The drug prevents reproduction pathogenic microflora on the affected skin. Accelerates wound healing. The composition is applied from a spray can.
  • Solcoseryl. Effective drug Available in the form of a gel or ointment. Excellent healing of wounds, reduces inflammation.
  • Gel anti-burn wipes sold at the pharmacy. Action – cooling the lesion, localizing the burn, reducing pain, fighting microbes. After use, special wipes can be easily removed.

Important! Do not attach gauze, bandages, or napkins with an adhesive plaster under any circumstances. It is problematic to tear off the used tape; you can seriously injure the burned skin.

Folk recipes

Home remedies include methods approved by doctors. Some would-be healers offer dubious remedies.

If you don't have it at hand medicines, remember about grandma's recipes. Burns have been treated this way for decades.

Remedies for burns with boiling water for treatment at home:

  • Pumpkin compress. Grate the pulp onto fine grater, place the mixture on gauze and gently cover the affected area.
  • Gruel from grated beets. Rub healthy vegetable, apply the mixture to the burned area. The pain quickly subsides.
  • A simple remedy for first degree burns. Finely grate the potatoes, apply the pulp on the right places. Keep the mixture for an hour or two, during this period, every 15 minutes, apply a new portion of grated potatoes to the reddened skin.
  • Aloe. Pluck large, fleshy leaves; at worst, even small and thin ones will do. Separate the spines and cut the leaf into wide thin slices. Apply to the scalded skin, carefully tie the leaves with clean gauze or bandage. Keep it for several hours. Carry out the procedure in the evening, change 2-3 sheets per night.
  • Honey. For a small affected area, mild degree Lubricate the skin with high-quality honey.

Treatment of non-healing wounds after severe burns

Traditional medicine offers proven remedies. These compounds helped even people who had lost hope of healing serious wounds:

  • Egg ointment. Brew 20 fresh eggs hard-boiled, place the yolks in a cast iron pot. Simmer in the oven for 4 hours. Apply the mixture to the wound daily.
  • Miracle ointment from burns with boiling water. Mix 3 tbsp in a bowl. l. honey, the same amount sunflower oil, wax or regular candle. Melt the mixture in a water bath, cool. Beat the egg white chicken egg, add to the prepared mass, grind. Apply to desired areas several times a day.
  • Ointment with oak bark. Take 2 tbsp. l. oak bark, grind in a coffee grinder. Pour the powder into a glass of water. Keep in a water bath until the volume is reduced by half. Strain, mix with 50 g of good butter. Apply this medicine for burns with boiling water to the affected areas daily.

Boiling water burn in a child

What to do if a child is burned by boiling water?

  • First of all, don't panic. The task is difficult, but doable;
  • secondly, remember everything you know about first aid for burns.

Have no idea about these things or have forgotten how to help your child? Read and remember these tips carefully:

  • Are there adults or older children in the house? Call them for help;
  • Remove wet clothes from your child as quickly as possible. Be careful not to damage the blisters in case of a severe burn;
  • the next stage is cooling the scalded area. Ask an assistant or open the bathroom faucet yourself,
    place in a large bowl cool water. The choice of method depends on the area where the boiling water fell;
  • For burns in areas that are inconvenient for treatment, for example, the stomach, chest, shoulders, back, apply wet sheets to the body. Wet the cloth well in cool water;
  • reassure your son or daughter, do not show that you are very worried. Clear, thoughtful actions will prevent complications. Good helper will facilitate the implementation of all procedures;
  • after 10 minutes, stop cooling the affected area, otherwise the child, especially the small one, risks catching a cold;
  • gently blot the body with a clean, soft, lint-free cloth;
  • Apply a sterile bandage, do not pull on the gauze, or use an adhesive plaster.

Tips for parents:

  • For mild symptoms, no blisters, or a small affected area, apply Panthenol to the skin. See your doctor as soon as possible.
  • In case of severe pain, large damage to the skin, blisters and peeling skin, call an ambulance. Before the brigade arrives, provide first aid.

Remember - the health, and sometimes the life of your child, depends on your composure and knowledge. Consultation with a doctor is required.

You already know what to do immediately after the incident.

Remember a few important rules:

  • do not wipe blisters and areas with peeled skin with iodine, alcohol, or potassium permanganate. The drugs cause severe pain and burning. It is more difficult for a doctor to determine the extent of the lesion;
  • It is forbidden to apply ice to the wound. Without a protective layer of fabric, a piece of ice will cause frostbite in the damaged areas;
  • do not burst bubbles. Under a thin film, the wound is reliably protected from the penetration of pathogenic flora.

Domestic injuries are a common occurrence. Learn the rules of first aid for a burn with boiling water, and then unpleasant incidents will not take you by surprise.

From the following video you can learn everything about burns with boiling water: