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Cardamom green properties. For the pancreas. Weight loss recipe from India

The word “cardamom” brings to mind the smells of Indian cuisine, Christmas gingerbread, delicious sausages or something else aromatic and tasty. But not everyone knows what kind of plant it is, where it comes from, and what beneficial properties and contraindications it has. This will be discussed further.

Where did fragrant grass come from?

Actually, cardamom is a perennial herb, a relative of ginger. True, this grass grows up to four meters high. All its parts, from roots to seeds, have a strong, unique aroma. True cardamoms are considered to be plants belonging to the botanical genera Elettaria and Amomum.

Elettaria - green on the right and Amomum - black on the left

Their homeland is South India. Nowadays, plants are also cultivated in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Guatemala, where it is grown on plantations. The first flowering and fruiting of young plants occurs only in the third year after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Cardamom produces a harvest only for six to ten years.

The fruits, collected like cobs, are removed while they are still immature, because as they ripen, the capsules crack and the seeds they contain spill out. Next, the fruits are dried, sorted by size and color, bleached and sent to consumers.

Green cardamom in all three of its varieties is considered more valuable and expensive - Mysore, Malabar and Vajuka. It has a stronger and more complex even slightly resinous aroma.

Black, Javanese, Bengal, Siamese, red variety - all these are the fruits of plants of the genus Amomym, growing in the tropics of Asia and Australia. They have a milder taste and smell.

Green and black are so different that they cannot be substitutes for one another when preparing dishes.

Cardamom in natural conditions: examples in the photo

plant in natural conditions cardamom flower

Beneficial features

The use of cardamom in cooking, drinking, and baking is well known. Much less is known that the essential oils, fats, numerous chemical elements, vitamins, including group B, contained in the spice, ascorbic acid, proteins, sugars, starch, gum. They are in such a combination that they can have a beneficial healing effect on the human body. This property of cardamom has been used since ancient times and to this day in the countries of the East, India, and China to treat various diseases.

When consumed, spices enhance body functions such as:

In addition, it cleanses the body, removing toxins, waste, excess liquid, relieves constipation, and also fights pathogenic intestinal microflora.

At the same time, it is an antiseptic and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is used in the treatment of colds, respiratory diseases, skin diseases, including dermatitis, as well as ailments genitourinary system.

Not everyone likes the aroma of cardamom.

The use of spices can reduce stress, get rid of fatigue, heart pain, improve skin condition, normalize sleep and digestion, get rid of heartburn, constipation and flatulence, freshen breath, and make it easier to lose weight.

Cardamom is an active aphrodisiac. It is used to treat various sexual disorders, including male impotence, frigidity of women.

The spice contains a lot of manganese, a deficiency of which is usually present in diabetic patients. Regular use as an additive to tea makes up for the lack of luck.

For women

For ladies, the spice will also be useful for restoring the functioning of the central nervous system during menstruation and will help get rid of the symptoms of menopause.

There is no consensus among doctors regarding the use of cardamom during pregnancy. Some consider this acceptable and even useful as a remedy against toxicosis, which also has a sedative effect. Doctors who disagree with this fear negative impact to the fetus, which can cause the child allergic reaction.

At breastfeeding Pediatricians clearly rule out mother’s use of cardamom, according to at least, until the baby is three months old, since newborns have not yet fully formed their digestive system.

For children

Regarding the use of children by children, the opinions of experts also differ radically. Some include the product in the list absolute contraindications, others recommend using the spice for diarrhea in a child and even for disinfecting milk purchased at the market.

Contraindications to the use of cardamom

There are a number of body conditions when the use of aromatic spices should be completely avoided. The list of such cases includes:

  • gallbladder diseases, pancreatitis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hypertension or tendency to sharp increase blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

Cardamom causes a severe allergic reaction in many people. Therefore, when using it for the first time, you need to be very careful, and if you are individually intolerant to the product, completely avoid its use.

You should be very careful when including spices in your child’s diet, especially younger age. You should also not overuse this spice.

Treatment with spices

Cardamom lovers often do not even suspect how many health problems their habit of consuming this spice can save them from.

Invigorating tea from Yulia Vysotskaya

You can also use cardamom for the targeted treatment of many ailments, but you must not forget about existing contraindications its use. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor.

Magic tea

For a cold

To treat bronchopulmonary diseases and cleanse the sinuses of excess mucus, many recipes recommend using cardamom. One of the tips received from Indian yogis is tea for colds.

Yogi tea


  • cardamom - 9 grains;
  • cloves - 7 pieces;
  • grated ginger root - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick the size of an index finger;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

Place all ingredients into boiling water and heat for another five minutes. They drink it warm with honey not only for colds, but also for flu-like conditions and to relieve fatigue.

Tea to prevent influenza

Cardamom tea


  • low-fat milk - 0.5 liters;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • cloves - 10 pieces;
  • cardamom - 10 pieces;
  • fresh ginger pieces - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground nutmeg - half a teaspoon;
  • green tea - 2 teaspoons.

Prepare tea in enamel containers. The water is heated, cardamom, cloves and tea are added before boiling. Pour milk into the boiled broth and add ginger. When the liquid boils again, add powder nutmeg and keep on low heat for another 3-4 minutes. Drink both warm and cold.

Inhalations with oil

A nebulizer can be used for inhalation

The procedure is very useful for relieving sore throat and other cold symptoms. To carry it out, use 1-2 drops of cardamom essential oil, which are added to hot water inhaler bowls or a regular cup of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing steam.

Getting rid of flatulence

To get rid of this problem, traditional medicine recommends simply chewing four to ten cardamom grains throughout the day.

With severe flatulence, Roemheld syndrome may appear - heart disease, caused high blood pressure diaphragm. To eliminate it, tea, the recipe for which is given below, is useful.

Medicinal tea

For flatulence, you can use cardamom tea as an aid.


  • water - 250 ml;
  • cardamom - 20 g;
  • cumin - 20 g;
  • fennel - 10 g.

Place all the ingredients in boiled water and boil for three minutes, filter. Drink the drink as needed, 200 ml at a time.

Cardamom and blood pressure

As mentioned earlier, the spice is completely contraindicated for people who suffer from hypertension or have a tendency to increase blood pressure. On the contrary, it is useful for hypotensive patients. You can consume it in the form of tea, prepared at least according to the recipe below. This drink improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure.

Tea with low blood pressure can be consumed outside large quantities


  • cardamom seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • black tea - 2 g or bag;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • honey - to taste.

To prepare the drink, pour a glass of boiling water into the tea leaves and spices. When it cools down a little, add honey and milk. Drink the drink 1-2 times throughout the day.

To get rid of impotence

Tincture for prostatitis

Cardamom tincture should be consumed in moderation, no more than one glass per day.

For the treatment of male prostatitis and prostate adenoma, we prepare medicinal tinctures with cardamom.

Tincture 1


  • cardamom seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.

The powdered grains are poured into a vessel with vodka and kept at room temperature in a dark place for 14 days. Then sugar is dissolved in the tincture. Before going to bed, drink about 50 grams of tincture daily.

Tincture 2


  • cardamom seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • vodka - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 150 grams.

The seeds are pounded in a mortar or crushed in another way. They are poured with vodka, allowed to brew for 21 days, filtered, and sugar is added. Take 30–40 grams half an hour before bedtime or add the same amount of tincture to tea.

Lose weight with cardamom

As a regulator of the digestive system and a cleanser of the body from toxins and excess fluid, cardamom is recommended to be used in nutrition when losing weight. This use of spices was known back in Ancient India. There, obese people were recommended to season their food with this spice. This advice is still appropriate today, if there are no contraindications to consuming the seasoning. We often drink teas with cardamom for the purpose of losing weight. You can brew them according to several recipes.

The simplest tea

The simplest tea – and so many benefits!

For it, only cardamom and boiling water are used in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of spice grains per glass of water. Brew like regular tea, leave for 10–15 minutes. Drink this infusion half an hour before meals for no more than two weeks. When using this drink for weight loss, you should give up alcohol, smoking and coffee.

Green tea with spice

To prepare it, steam half a teaspoon of cardamom grains and a tablespoon of green tea in a thermos overnight. Use the infusion as tea leaves, diluting it with hot boiled water. You should drink this tea before meals, 20 minutes before eating. It is recommended to drink two to four glasses of the drink per day.

Tea with cardamom, hibiscus and ginger

The drink with cardamom, hibiscus and ginger has a ruby ​​color and a unique aroma.


  • cardamom grains - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • hibiscus - 1 tablespoon;
  • green tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 300 milliliters.

Steam all ingredients with boiling water overnight. 17 ml of infusion is diluted hot water and drink before meals.

Arabic coffee is useful for weight loss, but is contraindicated for hypertensive patients

Arabic coffee with cardamom is good for weight loss. The drink will invigorate, lift your spirits, and warm you up in the cold. You can add lemon or cream, spices such as cinnamon, vanilla. When losing weight, Arabic coffee will help overcome the desire to eat something inappropriate, while the aromatic spice will help remove toxins and speed up metabolism, which in turn speeds up fat burning. At the same time, it neutralizes the effects of caffeine on the body.

To make Arabic coffee, you will need:

  • ground coffee - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • cardamom beans - 2–3 pieces;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cardamom grains are slightly flattened in a mortar or two teaspoons. The turk is preheated over a fire, sugar is added, distributing it along the bottom, then spices and coffee are added, and everything is poured cold water. Let the drink foam and fall three times when the Turk is removed from the heat, and at the end let the drink sit for 1-2 minutes. During this time, heat a cup with boiling water and, after pouring out the water, fill it with the drink.

If there is no spice in the beans, but only powder, the only difference in the preparation of the drink will be that the spice is added to the coffee after it is removed from the heat. Sometimes it is advised to mix dry coffee with cardamom powder.

Gourmets all over the world love cardamom for its exquisite, unique taste. The homeland of the spice is India, where it began to be eaten and used for magical rituals a long time ago. Now the plant is grown in Central America, on the island of Sri Lanka, in China and in many other countries. The beneficial properties of cardamom and contraindications to its use deserve special attention, so let's look at them in more detail.

What kind of plant is this

Cardamom is a perennial tall herb. It has large, long leaves that are pointed at the tips. The first fruits appear no earlier than 3 years after planting. The plant blooms with light, delicate flowers that have a delicate aroma. In their place, over time, small boxes form in which the seeds are set. They are used to produce a wonderful spice with a strong aroma. Its camphor notes with a slight lemony scent have conquered the world, so the spice is considered one of the most expensive and deservedly takes its place as the “queen of spices.”

Spice production

So that the finished spice retains its aroma and valuable properties, you need to collect seed boxes when they have not yet fully ripened. The selected material is sorted and carefully dried under the sun. Then it is moistened and dried again. The result is faceted capsules, which go on sale. This production best preserves taste and smell.

There are three types of cardamom most commonly found on sale.

  1. Dark, almost black color. It has a rich specific aroma and burning taste. This makes the spice ideal for adding to Asian dishes.
  2. Gray-green hue. Miniature round boxes are sold in many stores in Russia. They are successfully used in cooking and medicine.
  3. White with a grayish tint. It has a more delicate taste and light aroma. In addition to cooking, cardamom has found use in perfumery as a flavoring agent for shampoos, eau de toilette and other cosmetics.

There are other types of this herbaceous plant of the Ginger family, but their cultivation is not widespread.

When purchasing seasoning in pods, be careful and do not take it if the boxes are damaged, not tightly closed or have an unpresentable appearance.

In stores you can purchase already hulled cardamom seeds and the spice in powder form. They have a less intense smell, so they are cheaper than boxes. When making a purchase, give preference to tight, sealed bags. Be sure to check the expiration date. The closer the final date of sale, the less aroma is preserved in the spice. Therefore, it is better to purchase the freshest product.

Composition of the product

If you carefully study the composition of cardamom, it becomes clear that it is not in vain that it has been valued for many centuries. It has incredible health benefits. On healing qualities influences high concentration essential oil, giving the spice a lemon-eucalyptus scent with a camphor note. It invigorates, is a natural aphrodisiac and improves stomach function.

Cardamom is filled with valuable substances and vitamins.

  1. Magnesium, iron, zinc strengthen nervous system, improve brain function, relieve headaches, and normalize metabolism.
  2. Phosphorus, calcium, potassium, manganese help strengthen bone tissue, make nails beautiful and teeth strong.
  3. Vitamins B, C and PP strengthen protective functions body and stimulate the heart.

Cardamom contains a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Because of this, the calorie content of the spice is quite high and amounts to 311 kcal per 100 g. This does not prevent it from being actively used by those who are struggling with extra pounds. Valuable substances cardamom stimulates metabolism, forcing the body to burn fat more intensively, and the burning taste prevents you from eating so much spice in order to gain weight.

Beneficial features

Even in ancient India, they knew very well the benefits and harms of cardamom, so they used it for treatment various ailments. Due to its valuable properties, spices have found application in traditional and folk medicine.

One of unique properties cardamom is that it is able to remove from human organs toxic substances, stimulate the production of gastric juice and normalize digestion.

If you want to regulate your stomach, prepare a mixture.

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. cardamom powder, add the same amount and 1 tbsp. l. herbs.
  2. Measure out 1 tsp. mixture and pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. After half an hour, filter and drink 80 ml before each meal.

Spice has antiseptic properties. If wounds appear in the mouth, an infusion prepared from 1 tsp will help speed up their healing. cardamom and 250 ml boiling water. Rinse your mouth with it every 2 hours.

When you need to freshen your breath, you don't have to use chewing gum. Instead, try chewing a couple of spice grains. The effect will pleasantly surprise you.

Since cardamom has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, it is recommended to drink a drink from it for insomnia.

  1. Bring a glass of milk to a boil, add 3 almonds and a pinch of ground cardamom.
  2. Add sugar to taste, stir and turn off.
  3. Drink warm before going to bed.

Cardamom essential oil, on the contrary, has a stimulating effect and increases male potency.

In cooking

Cardamom is an exquisite spice that will transform your culinary masterpieces. It is added to salads, lentils, beans and pea soups. It gives them a unique delicate taste. Spice is added to soups 3 minutes before readiness. Then it fully reveals the aroma.

  1. IN culinary recipes different countries cardamom is an indispensable ingredient for minced meat from or. It greatly improves fried and boiled poultry dishes. It is often used in the preparation of homemade sausages and pates.
  2. When combined with saffron and cumin, cardamom adds a wonderful flavor to fish soup and seafood salads.
  3. Cardamom is commonly used in sweet desserts and baked goods. This is explained by the fact that the spice perfectly retains its qualities during heat treatment. The spice added to the dough for pies or cookies makes them aromatic and very tasty.

In many countries, cardamom is used for marinades. It can be found in recipes for a spicy mixture for vegetables and fish.

Adding cardamom to drinks is common. The ideal combination is coffee and oriental spice. It gives our usual drink new flavor notes and greatly enhances the aroma. The coffee turns out incredibly rich and tasty. Drinking in the morning, it invigorates and provides energy for the whole day.

To prepare, measure out 2 tablespoons of your favorite ground coffee and add 10 cardamom seeds to it. Pour 140 ml of water into the Turk and put it on fire. When it warms up slightly, add coffee and spice. Bring the liquid to a boil, turn it off, carefully strain through a strainer into a cup and drink.

Cardamom for weight loss

Doctors have long found out that cardamom stabilizes metabolic processes. Therefore, with its help it is easy to deal with overweight. To do this, you need to include dishes sprinkled with spices in your diet.

To speed up the process of losing weight, it is useful to drink tea with cardamom. His recipe is simple.

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. green tea and half a teaspoon of cardamom seeds.
  2. Pour half a liter of boiling water and leave to steep overnight.
  3. Dilute your drink in the morning warm water half and drink as tea, adding a small spoon of flower honey to each cup.

To regulate metabolism, you need to drink 4 glasses of tea a day half an hour before meals.

Are there any contraindications

Like any medicinal plant, cardamom can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is not recommended to add it to food and drinks in the following situations:

  • If you are prone to allergic reactions;
  • for gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • during pregnancy.

For cardamom to be beneficial, you need to consume it little by little. In large quantities, the spice will easily overwhelm the taste of the prepared dish instead of enriching it with savory notes. Excessive use of cardamom can lead to stomach upset, so do not add more than a quarter teaspoon of seasoning to your dishes.

Range healing properties cardamom is very wide. If used in reasonable quantities, it brings great benefit for the body, so be sure to include this spice in your diet. It will make any dish more appetizing, help you lose weight, invigorate and give good mood.

The most ancient and valuable spice in the world, the grain of paradise, the king of spices... What are we talking about? Of course, about cardamom. Its green seeds have a characteristic spicy-hot odor with barely audible notes of camphor.

The bitterish-sharp taste delights many inhabitants of the planet. The seasoning is considered one of the most expensive, but even this does not stop lovers of amazing dishes. The benefits and harms of seeds have been well studied by experts, which allows people to make the right choice for themselves.

Legend has it that cardamom came to us from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. However, real versions claim that the spice was first discovered in Ancient India. Until now, the country is a leader in spice exports along with Guatemala.

The benefits of cardamom were noticed many centuries ago. In the Middle Ages, spice was considered a cure for almost all diseases and miraculous abilities were attributed to it. In many ways, our predecessors turned out to be right - the rich composition of seeds still helps to maintain good health.

Cardamom grains contain 4-8% essential oils - borneol, limonel, cineole, terpineol. In addition, the spice is rich in microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and calcium. Also contains B vitamins, vitamin C, protein and saturated fatty acid. The combination of these substances gives not only a unique taste, but also great benefits.

Positive properties of cardamom

Cardamom is a very multifaceted spice; it can best influence the most different organs and systems.

  1. Digestive tract.
    The spice has a stimulating effect - it cleanses of toxins and waste, accelerates metabolism, reduces the percentage of fat in the body, and promotes weight loss. Cardamom is often used to treat gastrointestinal ailments, such as flatulence. Another advantage is that the spice improves the smell of your breath, relieves symptoms of toxicosis (relieves nausea), improves appetite and digestion.
  2. The immune system.
    The health benefits of cardamom are especially felt in the treatment of respiratory infections, fever and flu. If you use grains for inhalation for bronchitis or prolonged dry cough, the spice exhibits expectorant properties. Long-term use of the spice increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.
  3. Central nervous system.
    The combination of microelements and vitamins makes cardamom an excellent regulator of the central nervous system. Coffee or milk with this spice, salads, meat, fish with spice will help drive away depression, stressful conditions and tension. With the help of cardamom it is easy to fight insomnia. To do this, you need to drink a decoction one hour before bedtime - 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the seeds.
  4. Reproductive system.
    Cardamom will be a real discovery for men, as it is a powerful aphrodisiac, increases libido and even prolongs the act of love. The smell of the spice has a positive effect on the sense of smell and excites the partner.

On this positive properties cardamom is not running out.

Spice helps the body:

  • cope with headaches;
  • increase tone;
  • eliminate PMS symptoms in women;
  • fight diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, nephritis);
  • lose weight;
  • cheer up, warm up and relieve cramps.

Use in cooking

Cardamom gives a special taste to main courses and salads. The spice will do more better soups, especially legumes. Asian pilaf is generally unthinkable without spices. Grains go very well with fish and meat.

Quite often, cardamom is added when making canned food, sausages, minced meat and pates. Even desserts use this miracle spice. It emphasizes the taste of cottage cheese sweets, fruit and berry salads and baked goods. To ensure a particularly successful meal, it is recommended to remove the dry seeds from the shell right before adding them to the dish.

Negative effects on the body

The harm of cardamom will be noticeable for those who abuse it and have a tendency to food allergies. Also, the spice can cause individual intolerance. Therefore, before you buy a spice, be sure to try it in small quantities.

Cardamom should not be taken by those who have problems with the gastric mucosa. The harm is as follows: a spasm may appear, worsen chronic form ulcers or gastritis. There is no taboo on the spice for pregnant and lactating mothers, but it is worth limiting consumption - adding it to food in small quantities and not every day. But here it is essential oil cardamom can cause harm to pregnant women.

An overdose of spices often leads to diarrhea and dehydration. Always remember to have a sense of proportion, and then your body will thank you with good health and good mood.

Among the huge variety of spices imported from all corners of our planet, one of the most common iscardamom. This is the oldest oriental spice with a thousand-year tradition. Cardamom is still popular in many countries around the world and is used by humans in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. About what types of cardamom there are, as well as about useful properties ah and contraindications to the use of this wonderful spice we'll talk in this article.

Cardamom and its types

Cardamom is a close relative of ginger, turmeric, galangal and Guinea pepper. The spice is native to the Cardamom hills in southwest India. It is especially popular in Asian cuisine. This plant is grown in various countries South-East Asia(Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka), as well as in South America(Guatemala). Whole cardamom pods, seeds or powder can be added to dishes. However, cardamom is not always used as a pure seasoning; it is added to spice mixtures.

Did you know? Along with saffron and vanilla, cardamom is one of the most expensive and valuable spices in the world, which is why it is nicknamed the “queen of spices” or “queen of spices”. Cardamom has earned such a high status due to its rich aroma and medicinal properties.

The most common types are green and black cardamom. Both species belong to the ginger family. Each type has its own distinct aroma.

Green cardamom widespread in tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The fruits are thick green pods. This variety has high value and quality. Green cardamom has a rich sweet and spicy taste and a very pleasant strong aroma. Green cardamom can be called an aromatic spice - its smell is very similar to mint. Only a small amount of this spice gives a special taste to the dish. Cardamom is used in making sweets and baking; it is added to tea or coffee.

Found mainly in Asia and Australia, it is widely used in Indian cuisine. This variety is characterized by pods dark brown, which are larger in size than green cardamom. They look like tiny stringy coconuts. Unlike green cardamom, black cardamom has a more tart and bitter taste. That is why it is rarely used for making desserts.

Instead, the spice is used in savory (meat) dishes. The dark brown seeds are known for their medicinal value, particularly due to the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Although the flavors of black and green cardamom are very different, black cardamom is often used as a substitute for green cardamom since it is much cheaper.

Did you know? The processes of growing and harvesting cardamom are extremely labor intensive. This is partly why this spice is overpriced. The plant is grown at an altitude of 500-2000 meters above sea level. In order to get a harvest, the temperature should not fall below 23-25°C . In addition, cardamom must be protected from direct contact sunlight. The first harvest can be obtained only after 3 years. The pods are collected individually by hand.

Useful composition of cardamom

Cardamom has many beneficial and healing properties. Cardamom seeds are rich in important chemical elements and organic substances: calcium (383 mg), magnesium (229 mg), iron (13.97 mg), zinc (7.47 mg), sodium (18 mg), potassium (1119 mg), phosphorus (178 mg), manganese (28 mg). Cardamom contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, A. Nutritional value of cardamom: carbohydrates (52.5%), proteins (19%), fats (23%). Energy value cardamom per 100 g is 311 Kcal. The content of essential oil in cardamom seeds can reach up to 8%, but largely depends on storage conditions. The main chemical compound found in cardamom essential oil is cineole. The aroma of cardamom is due to the combination of this compound with other components.

The essential oil in cardamom seeds contains the following components:

  • cineole (up to 70%);
  • a-terpineol (45%);
  • a-terpineol acetate (30%);
  • myrcene (27%);
  • b-pinene (16%);
  • limonene (8 to 14%);
  • menton (6%);
  • b-phellandrene (3%);
  • sabinene (2%);
  • heptane (2%).

In addition, there are: borneol, α-pinene, humulene, γ-terpinene, p-cumene, linalool, linalyl acetate, terpinene, citronellol, nerol, geraniol, methyl eugenol and trans-nerolidol.

What are the benefits of cardamom for the human body, the use of cardamom

In addition to its taste, cardamom has positive effects on our health. Cardamom seeds contain essential oil, which is widely used in folk medicine. Cardamom seed compositions are also used in traditional medicine as general strengthening and stimulating agents. In addition, cardamom has antiseptic properties and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Use of cardamom: relieving fatigue and increasing body tone

Cardamom essential oil and its medicinal properties have only recently come under the close attention of scientists. However, in Asian culture, cardamom has been actively used for many centuries as reliable means from depression and fatigue. The healing properties of cardamom have now been proven: it produces an amazing effect on the body. A cup of tea with a small amount of green cardamom helps to invigorate and gives energy. Ayurvedic practitioners are convinced that cardamom tea is an excellent way to combat depression. It contains a natural ingredient that tends to detoxify the body, which overall helps in fighting depression. Additionally, many vitamins and essential oils present in cardamom act as antioxidants, which helps in resisting cell aging. Antioxidants protect our body from stress and also help in the fight against general malaise. Cosmetical tools using cardamom are known as aromatherapy products.
Cardamom essential oil can be added to your bath. Such procedures help relieve tension and fatigue accumulated during have a hard day. For the same purpose, cardamom seeds can be added to tea and other drinks. The warm and pleasant smell of cardamom essential oil has a great therapeutic effect. This magical spice is also very beneficial for children and teenagers. She contributes active work brain, increases the tone of the body, which is very important in the learning process. In addition, cardamom can have a cooling effect in extreme heat.

Medicinal properties of cardamom

Using cardamom for weight loss

Cardamom is considered the most famous spice that helps effectively fight excess weight. Many women use cardamom as a means to lose weight. Cardamom in this case serves as a product that stimulates the metabolic process, which helps remove toxins from the body. This exotic oriental spice is known for its warming, pungent, fiery taste. It has been used by Indians for hundreds of years to treat obesity. Cardamom can be used to prepare various medicinal drinks. Green tea with cardamom is the European version of tea for weight loss.

To prepare this drink, brew one tablespoon of quality green tea and half a teaspoon of cardamom beans in a small thermos. The drink should infuse for one night. In the morning, dilute the tincture with warm water. Must be consumed with liquid honey. You should drink at least two to four cups of this drink a day, half an hour before meals. It is strictly forbidden to drink this drink during meals.

The use of cardamom in cosmetology

Cardamom is often added to skin care products for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory purposes. Thanks to his therapeutic effect cardamom soothes and improves skin condition.


How is cardamom used in cooking?

Cardamom is widely used throughout the world in many sweet and savory dishes. The spice is available in pods, as grains (seeds), and also in ground form (powder).

Important! If you want to fully enjoy the aroma of cardamom, it is preferable to buy whole pods in small quantities and extract the seeds from them immediately before use. Otherwise, they quickly lose their aroma and taste. Closed cardamom pods, on the other hand, have good timing shelf life and are able to retain the aroma of seeds for up to one year.

Grind the grains with a mortar before use. If you are using cardamom to flavor stews or other hot dishes, lightly crush the entire pod and add to the dish. Once the dish is cooked, remove the used pod. Cardamom can be added to tea, coffee, liquor and other drinks to add a pleasant and refreshing aroma. You can add cardamom powder to coffee grounds before brewing.

In addition, cardamom powder can be used to flavor bread, pies, cakes, cookies, and desserts. And finally, cardamom is added to savory dishes: soups, stews, purees, porridges, pates, rice dishes. Cardamom adds piquancy meat dishes; often used in marinating meat for barbecue. Cardamom is also added to pickles and herring marinade.

Use of cardamom in different national cuisines:

  • In Asia Cardamom is used to add flavor to various hot and sweet dishes. Green cardamom is actively used in Indian cuisine and is one of the main components of garam masala (a spice mixture). Cardamom is also an important ingredient in making curry powder. This spice is often added to Indian sweets and drinks (tea, coffee, liqueurs). In Northern India, cardamom is actively used in rice dishes. In Sri Lanka, cardamom pods are added to spicy beef or chicken dishes (chicken curry).
  • Cardamom, thanks to its amazing taste characteristics and properties, has gained wide application in everything Arab world. In these countries, cardamom is one of the most popular spices. Coffee with cardamom is a symbol of hospitality and prestige. A small amount of cardamom gives coffee an enticing aroma. In Middle Eastern cuisine, green cardamom is used as a spice for sweets or as a traditional addition to tea or coffee.
  • Cardamom is widely used as a flavoring in the preparation of the famous Turkish coffee.
  • In addition to savory dishes, the spice is used in various desserts and sweets. Cardamom is present in the cuisines of countries Northern Europe. IN Scandinavian countries it is used in flavoring all types of sweet pastries and breads instead of cinnamon (Danish cakes, Finnish sweet bread, Swedish yeast bread).

Can cardamom harm the body?

Cardamom is the unique fruit of an unusual herbaceous perennial. This tropical plant of the popular Ginger family often reaches a height of four meters. It has a creeping root and lanceolate leaves. Typically, two small stems emerge from each root - a leafy stem and a creeping flower stem. Beautiful cardamom flowers are expressed in white color. They are collected in graceful brushes. The spear-shaped leaves have a pale green tint.

The fruit of the plant is represented by a small three-chamber capsule. It is covered with a green leathery skin. Such boxes are collected by hand approximately two years after planting. They should then be dried under straight sun rays so that they do not open. It is in this form that we are accustomed to seeing the spice cardamom. The spice has a sweetish taste and a strong spicy aroma.

South India and Sri Lanka are considered the birthplace of the plant. Cardamom prefers evergreen forests. It should be noted that the plant grows well in Laos, Scandinavia, New Guinea, Central America, Cambodia, Tanzania, Guatemala, Vietnam and El Salvador.

Such a delightful plant, as a rule, begins to bear fruit in the second or third year of life. A good harvest can be harvested approximately in the sixth year after planting. The favorite places for cardamom are forest loamy soils, where there is a lot of organic matter and nitrogen, and the amount of phosphorus is insignificant.

Beneficial properties of cardamom

The chemical composition of plant seeds includes numerous useful components. Cardamom boasts a high content of essential and fatty oils, protein, amidon, cineole, terpenol, terpinyl acetate, rubber, starch, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. Thanks to the combination of such amazing microelements, the presented plant has strengthening, carminative, gastric, stimulating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties .

When exposed to human body the plant helps stimulate work nerve cells, strengthening the stomach, enhancing the synthesis of gastric juice, and relieving tension. Cardamom is indispensable for quickly getting rid of serious depressive states. Moreover, this incomparable spice has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. Various medications indicated for the treatment of colds, asthma, bronchitis, nephritis, cystitis, pharyngitis and all kinds of skin diseases.

Since cardamom has a special taste of lemon, camphor and eucalyptus, its regular use perfectly freshens breath, neutralizing pathogenic flora in the oral cavity. Long-term use Plants normalize the digestion process. Cardamom has long been used for severe toothaches. It has been proven that it has a beneficial effect not only on vision and male potency, but also amazingly improves the tone of the body. Various products containing the plant will help eliminate involuntary urination and improve your mood.

Uses of cardamom

Small cardamom seeds are indicated for regular physical activity, as they are a natural tonic. Various seed remedies are prescribed for various problems with the intestines, including with flatulence. It should also be mentioned that regular use helps to significantly reduce the risk of developing dangerous cancer tumors.

For the treatment of all kinds of diseases respiratory tract you can offer special effective remedy. For pharyngitis you can cook healing medicine from half a teaspoon of chopped cardamom and one glass of boiling water. The mixture should infuse for an hour, then it should be strained, after which it can be gargled up to five times a day.

To treat insomnia, it is recommended to prepare another remedy by taking 1 tsp. well mashed fruits and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After the decoction has cooled, it should be drunk at a time before bed about half an hour. To improve digestion, you can use a special collection. Take 20 grams of cardamom and 30 grams of cumin. Mix everything thoroughly. For one glass of boiling water you need 2 tsp. mixtures. After 10 minutes, filter and drink 100 ml per day.

For those men who want to get rid of impotence, we can advise brewing a pinch of cardamom in a glass of milk with honey. Drink this remedy needed every evening. To significantly improve vision, you can mix 1 tsp. honey and 5 plant seeds. It is recommended to consume one teaspoon of this mixture daily.

Cardamom for weight loss

Despite the high calorie content of cardamom, it effectively reduces weight by stimulating metabolic metabolism in the body. At regular use Various preparations containing this plant burn carbohydrates and fats much faster, which leads to stable weight loss. Modern nutritionists often recommend consuming this aromatic spice as part of the main course of treatment for obesity. To get rid of it faster extra pounds, you can mix cardamom with a small amount of cinnamon.

Cardamom tea

To prepare miraculous cardamom tea, you need to carefully mix 20 grams of the spice presented with 20 grams of cumin and a pinch of fennel. It is not recommended to take more than 10 grams of fennel. Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. After about 20 minutes, the tea can be strained and drunk throughout the day, 100-150 grams per day. It is indispensable for flatulence and also improves appetite. Moreover, this remedy is prescribed for dangerous syndrome Roemheld, which is expressed by serious cardiovascular changes.

Cardamom essential oil

Delicious cardamom essential oil is a clear or pale yellow liquid with a spicy, delicate aroma. It has a huge number of useful properties. This wonderful remedy perfectly normalizes the complex process of digestion, while simultaneously providing a carminative and antiseptic effect.

In addition, it should be noted that cardamom oil perfectly enhances stomach activity, increases sexual activity and improves overall well-being. It is indicated for the treatment of flatulence, heartburn, will help get rid of nausea, and also alleviate conditions when it begins. respiratory infection. Externally, this product is used for rapid skin regeneration. It is indicated for various fungal diseases, lichen and scabies.

Cardamom oil is often prescribed for various peripheral circulatory disorders. To get rid of a cough, inhalations are prescribed along with this miraculous oil. To increase sexual activity, some experts advise drinking half a glass of good quality wine every day with the addition of a couple of drops of cardamom oil. For colds, you can also add oil to your rinse.

Cardamom for men

Cardamom has been proven to be effective in treating a serious disease such as impotence. The causes of impotence are not only excessive alcohol consumption, but also various mental disorders, and long-term use modern sedative medications. In addition to this, on sexual function obesity, diabetes, fatigue and general weakening of the body also affect. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in erectile dysfunction and temporary failures in regular sexual activity.

For normalization intimate life It is recommended to use a special tincture. To prepare it you need to take 2 liters of vodka, 200 grams of sugar and 2 tbsp. cardamom The plant must first be crushed and then filled with vodka. After 20 days of infusion, you can add sugar. After complete dissolution, the product is filtered. This unique cardamom infusion has a spicy aroma. You should consume 30-50 grams of it daily before bed, and you can also add a teaspoon to your favorite tea.

In addition to restoring the functions of the reproductive system, this course of treatment will increase the body’s immune forces, helping to cope with various viral infections during periods of mass epidemics.