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Prenatal depression in pregnant women. How dangerous is depression for an expectant mother?

Prenatal depression can affect almost any pregnant woman. It is very different from ordinary depression. Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman’s life, which requires a lot of energy and strength. Any woman experiences indescribable happiness when expecting the birth of a baby, but sometimes this state is overshadowed by various thoughts that lead a woman off her usual rut. She begins to worry that she is not ready to become a mother, and such thoughts become more and more depressing. This is how depression before childbirth manifests itself.

Causes of prenatal depression

Prenatal depression in pregnant women occurs due to various reasons. The following factors lead to this state of mind:

  • financial difficulties;
  • past or present violence;
  • emotional experiences;
  • problems at work or in relationships;
  • complications during a previous pregnancy, etc.

As doctors note, prenatal depression often occurs due to discord in the family. A quarrel with your husband, any troubles in the house can cause this condition. Pregnant women should not be upset, since in this situation the mood of the fair sex changes all the time, and any sadness can ultimately turn into full-fledged depression.

Play a major role in the onset of depression individual characteristics woman, as well as her character. Quite often, expectant mothers do not quite understand what they feel. In addition, women who are about to give birth for the first time are afraid of not coping with the role of a mother. This begins to put a lot of pressure on them, leading to prenatal depression, especially if the woman does not have support.

A depressed state in a pregnant woman can cause partner's sexual behavior. Many men are afraid to disturb their significant other once again and suppress sexual desire. This is often due to fear of harming the unborn child. This leads to the fact that a woman ceases to feel desired and loved - this, in turn, also contributes to the development of depression. During this difficult period, the spouse must be very sensitive and support his significant other in everything. He needs to instill in the pregnant woman confidence and the feeling that she will cope well with the role of a mother.

Symptoms of Prenatal Depression

Every pregnancy is unique, so prenatal depression is unique in its own way for every woman. But there are signs that greatly influence the expectant mother, both psychologically and physiologically. These symptoms are associated with a woman's transition into a new trimester. Her mood begins to change frequently and she becomes irritable. If such signs disappear without a trace after some time, then there is nothing to worry about. The situation can cause concern if all the symptoms are present until the birth itself.

Please pay attention to the following alarming symptoms:

  • the pregnant woman's memory begins to deteriorate, she begins to forget simple things, cannot concentrate on anything, poorly absorbs information, and becomes absent-minded;
  • there is a strong hesitancy to accept certain decisions, including those related to the child;
  • there is excessive anxiety and concern about future motherhood;
  • periodically there is a feeling of tearfulness, irritation and moodiness;
  • state of weakness and apathy, constant feeling fatigue, a pregnant woman is unable to rest properly;
  • a feeling of guilt appears in everything, and it is groundless; a feeling of one’s own helplessness and uselessness arises;
  • is decreasing sexual attraction to a partner, which is why a woman is worried about thoughts that she has fallen out of love with her spouse;
  • there is a sharp change in weight, in any direction;
  • the feeling of apathy increases several times, suicidal thoughts arise.

All these symptoms should alert you, especially if they do not go away. long time. If this continues for more than three weeks, then Need help from a qualified psychologist. If you refuse help, the consequences can affect the health of both mother and child.

How to get rid of prenatal depression?

Support from loved ones

If a woman has been diagnosed with prenatal depression, then she needs to feel the support of loved ones, especially the father of her unborn child, as quickly as possible. Treatment may also be needed. The spouse should surround his other half with care and warmth to the maximum, helping her forget about all the problems and the upcoming birth.

Exists a large number of ways to help calm a pregnant woman. For example, shopping has a positive effect on her, but not the kind where you have to stand in lines, but the kind that brings joy and tranquility. Going to the store to buy children's things is considered especially useful for a woman. It's best to go there with your partner or girlfriends, but it's... as a last resort. In any case, a woman should not be alone.

Active recreation and entertainment for the soul

The expectant mother should stress less and rest more often. Walking and reading have a calming effect. If a woman has any hobby, then she should pay more attention to it - this will distract her from neurosis. If the doctor allows, then You can also do water aerobics. Such activities are not only very calming, but are also considered useful.

Massage during pregnancy helps relieve pain in the legs and back, relaxes, calms the nerves, improves general health and lifts your spirits. Many couples visit special courses, which help to properly prepare for childbirth and make it easier to survive the pregnancy period. Walking on a walk is effective in combating prenatal depression. fresh air, art therapy, Pilates, yoga.

Thanks to art therapy, girls get rid of negative emotions and find harmony with yourself. During Pilates or yoga classes, pregnant women learn to produce correct breathing technique and prepare your body for upcoming birth. In addition, such classes teach you to overcome various difficulties.

Intervention by specialists

If a pregnant woman's depression is prolonged, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants, but only as a last resort. Any medication taken during pregnancy must be agreed with the attending physician. By the way, drinking hot sweet chocolate, as well as bee honey, improves your mood, the main thing is that you are not allergic to such products.


Thus, prenatal depression is considered normal occurrence during pregnancy. During this difficult period, changes occur both physically and mentally. emotional state. But if depression lasts for a very long time and threatens the health of the expectant mother and the child, then in this case the help of a doctor is necessary.

According to the results modern research Almost every tenth pregnant woman suffers from prenatal depression. This condition is caused by many changes during the period of waiting for the child. Prenatal depression in pregnant women is far from harmless phenomenon, and has its unpleasant consequences. But if you pay attention to the alarming symptoms in time and know how to deal with them, you can avoid emotional disorders completely changing your lifestyle.

Causes of Prenatal Depression

Since childhood, we have all become accustomed to the rosy pictures that book covers paint for us. fashion magazines for expectant mothers. Well-groomed and joyful women lead them familiar image life, despite the growing belly. And at the same time - no unpleasant pregnancy companions. All this ends with the birth of cute little ones who delight their parents and cause a minimum of trouble. But a huge number of women, finding themselves in “ interesting position", they understand that everything is not so rosy. Moreover, this applies to both planned pregnancies and those that came as a surprise to future parents. Suddenly it turns out that toxicosis may not only bring discomfort, but also completely changes the way of life: due to the heightened sense of smell, it is impossible to cook food, travel to public transport, and just work calmly. Attacks of weakness and drowsiness force you to give up your usual pleasures: meeting with friends, going to the theater. Possible threats For the normal course of pregnancy, barriers to travel are put in place. Such things affect a woman’s psycho-emotional state, causing attacks of anger, resentment, and despair. And if all this is compared with hormonal changes in the body, it becomes clear why the prerequisites for the unstable condition of pregnant women arise.

What signs indicate prenatal depression?

Prenatal depression is an emotional illness. It should not be confused with states of melancholy and melancholy. Depression affects every area of ​​life expectant mother and can lead to severe physical impairment. The main symptoms of the disease are considered to be:

  • feeling of anxiety, helplessness;
  • heightened perception of the surrounding world - increased sensitivity and aggressiveness;
  • insomnia or, on the contrary, the desire to sleep all the time, as an opportunity to protect yourself from the environment;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite: from complete failure to uncontrolled absorption of food;
  • indifference to what is happening, including one’s condition.

In pregnant women, depression before childbirth is caused by fear. A person is always afraid of what he is not yet familiar with and what he cannot yet influence. It is the feeling of helplessness and loss of control that leads to increased anxiety. Sometimes to such an extent that it develops into panic. Various things can be scary - from financial issues to... appearance during pregnancy and after childbirth. For example, a woman is used to watching her figure and being financially independent. And pregnancy changes her waist and affects her performance. Leaving your usual comfort zone is already stressful. If we take into account the almost constant presence of a large army of relatives near pregnant women, whose advice and stories are not always appropriate, then it is quite understandable why women’s stable emotional state is disrupted.

What can be the risk of prenatal depression?

Since during depression there is a strong emotional shock, it cannot pass without leaving a trace. And it affects both physical state the woman and those around her. What might this look like in practice?

  • Stress affects the vascular system. The feeling of anxiety creates a spasm blood vessels. The brain receives less oxygen and nutrients. Result - headache. But that's not the worst thing. Normal placental nutrition of a child depends on proper operation vascular system moms. When vasospasm occurs during stress, placental metabolism is disrupted. Due to spasm, the baby receives less nutrients and may suffer from intrauterine growth retardation, as well as hypoxia;
  • Anxiety is accompanied by muscle tension. The uterus is the same muscular organ that pregnant women should remain in a relaxed state until the moment of birth. If premature severe spasm uterine muscles are a direct threat to maintaining pregnancy;
  • There is a strong psycho-emotional connection between the expectant mother and her baby even during the period of its intrauterine development. The child reacts sensitively to the sensations of the mother's body. Research has shown that pregnant women who suffer from depression may also have a child who is more likely to experience emotional instability later in life.

Depression is treatable

The first step towards getting rid of any disease is to admit that the problem exists. Then - accept yourself “as is”. Understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but at the same time it is a period that requires special attention. For a normal psycho-emotional state, a pregnant woman should surround herself with those people with whom she feels comfortable. If the mother is ready to put her to bed at every “sneeze”, and the mother-in-law perceives fears as a whim and repeats, “what before women there was no time to do stupid things” - these are manifestations of two extremes. Which are contraindicated for pregnant women. Especially if a woman is an emotional person.

Don't suppress your fears. You can fight them by initially “talking out” everything that worries you. The listener can be anyone - a husband, a close friend, a psychologist. The main thing is that this person accepts the pregnant woman as she is - with understanding and support. Showing emotions is natural.

If your physical condition during pregnancy does not cause concern, you should not give up your usual things - interesting trips, going to the theater, meeting with friends, your favorite job. Positive emotions are one of the ways of treatment. Pregnant women are recommended to do yoga, long walks, breathing exercises. If no methods self-deliverance They don’t help with depression; specialist support is needed.

Prenatal depression can strike almost any woman in an “interesting” position. Pregnancy is a difficult and energy-consuming period in the life of an expectant mother awaiting the birth of her baby. No one is immune from the appearance of symptoms of fatigue, weakness, and apathy. However, you can effectively combat this difficult condition by knowing the causes, symptoms and treatments for prenatal depression.

Why can a pregnant woman experience depression?

Among the many factors influencing the course of pregnancy and the mood of the expectant mother, psychologists identify the following reasons:

  • The presence of intractable problems in the family related to the emotional situation, lack of support from relatives or a spouse, due to which prenatal depression appears.
  • Financial difficulties, as well as unstable, dysfunctional relationships with the father of the unborn child, have a negative impact on the health and mood of a pregnant woman.
  • An unhealthy lifestyle, irregular nutrition, and lack of an optimal daily routine allow you to quickly appear.
  • Smoking, alcohol, and psychotropic drugs also make a significant “contribution” to the development. Even if a pregnant woman smoked and drank strong alcohol six months to a year before conception, the risk of depression will be an order of magnitude higher than for those who consciously prepared for the role of a mother.
  • Among the factors that cause depression before childbirth, experts highlight the presence of stressful situations, instability at work, lack of social support.
  • Doubts about the correctness of the decision to give birth to a child, the desire to save a dysfunctional and disintegrating family by any means possible through the birth of a baby can lead to serious adverse consequences. In this case, stress and internal conflicts, despite a generally happy event, are guaranteed. If there is no love and mutual understanding in the family, a woman can develop not only prenatal, but also postpartum depression.
  • Chronic and untreated diseases also do not contribute to a favorable pregnancy. Hormonal changes, increased load on the spine and internal organs provide the appearance of numerous symptoms of emotional distress, which results in prolonged prenatal depression in pregnant women.

In what cases is specialist help needed?

The experience of each pregnancy is unique in its own way, but there are some that disturb a woman physically and emotionally. These symptoms are associated with a certain trimester, when unexpected mood swings occur, the level of sensitivity increases, and irritability appears.

You should not worry if these feelings do not last long without causing significant problems for you or your loved ones. It is necessary to pay serious attention only to the following alarming signs on the eve of childbirth, indicating that prenatal depression is taking place and needs to be dealt with:

  • Difficulty remembering, inability to concentrate, difficulty absorbing information;
  • Acute indecision in decision making;
  • Excessive anxiety about the current pregnancy, future motherhood;
  • Excessive irritability, tearfulness, a feeling of emotional devastation that is difficult to deal with;
  • Difficulty falling asleep, any sleep problems that did not bother you before pregnancy;
  • Constant fatigue, weakness even in the morning, inability to fully rest for a long time;
  • Unjustified feelings of guilt, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness;
  • Loss of interest in the intimate side of life, apparent cooling of one’s feelings towards one’s husband;
  • Sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain;
  • Significant changes in habits;
  • Appearance anxious thoughts about suicide, persistent and persistent.

If all of these symptoms are noticed, we're talking about about a pathological condition whose name is prenatal depression. When a state of depression, anxiety, or emotional distress lasts more than three weeks, this means that it is impossible to do without qualified psychological assistance. If you ignore the problem or refuse to contact a specialist, severe postpartum depression can negatively affect both the mother’s condition and the child’s health.

Treatment and help for loved ones

In solving such problems, the method of family or individual psychotherapy has proven itself to be excellent. Since the essence of the difficulties that arise is not related to the character traits of the spouses, but to a misunderstanding difficult period life and their roles, only a specialist can find the right solution and effectively help the family.

Depending on the degree of the disorder, prenatal depression is treated with the latest pharmacological drugs, safe for the health of the expectant mother and child.

Only a doctor can select appropriate medications and determine acceptable doses of medications.

What can be done to prevent depression from occurring in the expectant mother or to go away very quickly? The most effective and effective method solutions to this psychological problem will be the sincere love and help of a spouse. A man, daily demonstrating to a woman his readiness to help, sharing with her all her problems and difficulties, taking part in the life of the family, provides powerful and invaluable support to the expectant mother. This helps create a favorable microclimate in the family, unites spouses, and strengthens mutual love and affection.

Many couples who are expecting a child sign up for special courses. Such classes can be very useful in preparing for the role of future parents. There you can learn about all the nuances of a pregnant woman’s condition, get the most reliable information about the course of childbirth, and the features of the postpartum period.

A man can also accompany the expectant mother of his child to consultations with doctors, carefully ensuring that the environment in the house is as comfortable and calm as possible.

A man can do a lot to improve the condition of the expectant mother if he often and willingly discuss with her the changes in the life of the family associated with the birth of a child. If spouses share their experiences and talk about topics that are relevant to young parents, an optimal environment is created for the birth of a baby.

The expectant mother herself can do a lot to avoid depression. This precise understanding their role, focus on a successful outcome of childbirth, taking care of their health and the unborn baby, creating conditions for a comfortable placement of the child at home.

Don't forget about simple, accessible joys - healthy sleep, proper nutrition, communicating with friends, attending pleasant events. Fill your life with ordinary favorite activities, do not refuse to satisfy even the strangest desires. Sign up for a swimming pool or decoupage course, go to hiking to parks and recreation areas, and do light exercise if your condition allows. Joy and a positive attitude will allow you to overcome any problems with dignity.

All these measures will help a woman effectively cope with temporary difficulties and maintain emotional balance!

For every woman, the period of bearing a child is very exciting; the palette of sensations at this time can be incredibly rich.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that prenatal depression may begin - a condition when future mom feels unhappy without any visible reasons. Moreover, a variety of reasons can provoke a depressive state.

Causes of depression

There are many reasons for falling into a depressed state before childbirth. The most common among them are:

  • health problems;
  • complications from previous pregnancies;
  • financial difficulties;
  • violence;
  • social factor;
  • any stressful circumstances (for example, moving).

Statistics show that 80% of depression during pregnancy is caused by family problems and difficult relationships with a spouse. Common reason- personal characteristics of a particular person. Expectant mothers carrying a child for the first time can experience fear in expressing one's own feelings, conflicting emotions. This becomes especially relevant when faced with such a widespread concept in society as ideal motherhood.

Prenatal depression is often caused by feelings about intimate life. The husband, who is worried about his wife and baby, strives to bother them as little as possible, restraining his own sexual impulses. As a result, there is less sex, and the woman may think that her husband no longer loves her. This is also a common cause of stress.

Women at risk

Experts are convinced that women who were prone to depression before pregnancy should be especially attentive to their mental state. At risk are those representatives of the fairer sex who manically watch their figure and suffer from anorexia. Disorder eating behavior is not uncommon today. Many, in pursuit of beauty, literally bring themselves to a critical state.

If unreasonable anxiety has arisen at least once in your life, most likely, while carrying a baby, the situation will worsen, and phobias will begin to torment the expectant mother even more. Depression is often associated with abrupt cessation of medication to normalize the psychological state. A woman may decide to stop taking medications for fear of harming the baby. Be that as it may, it is better to ask a doctor for advice, let him tell you what to do. After all, a sudden refusal of medications to which the body is already accustomed can also worsen the situation.

It is important to be able to hear your body, constantly listening to yourself, this is especially true for those whose loved ones suffer from depression. Often a tendency to increased anxiety is shown by people with the appropriate character, who are accustomed to worrying at the slightest reason and without any reason. Pregnancy is an ideal time to disengage from adversity and concentrate on creating a positive and cheerful mood.

Intimate life during pregnancy

Sexual activity during pregnancy can experience ups and downs, libido either decreases or jumps. Most often, in the first few months the desire decreases and this is easy to explain. This is due to the peculiarities of pregnancy and the presence of factors such as:

  • nausea;
  • intolerance to smells and food;
  • vomit;
  • bad mood before childbirth.

Improvements will become apparent in the second trimester. There will be no trace of fear left, the baby will start pushing and it will be clear that everything is fine with him. The tummy will be rounded, which will make the figure attractive. Intimate life will also improve, but in the third trimester difficulties will arise again due to an enlarged belly and new experiences characteristic of prenatal depression in pregnant women. The most unexpected reasons can be found.

Statistics show that 25% of pregnant women suffer from a feeling of apathy. Unpleasant condition poses a danger not only to the expectant mother, but also directly to the baby. Immersion in depression increases the risk that the fetus will not be able to carry to term.

Signs of prenatal apathy

Women experiencing nervous disorders during pregnancy, they contain a large amount of stress hormone in their blood. There is always a feeling of excitement before giving birth, but a significant increase in this hormone can speed up the onset. labor activity. So detecting depression and carrying out necessary correction from a psychologist - important prevention premature onset of labor. In addition, most women who have not managed to cope with apathy continue to experience it after the birth of the baby.

A pregnant woman may suffer from the following symptoms of stress:

There may also be problems with attention, increased anxiety. It is usually difficult for a woman to identify the presence or absence of such manifestations in herself, but the mentioned symptoms cannot go unnoticed by those close to her who surround the expectant mother - her husband, parents, friends, girlfriends.

Therapeutic methods of influence

Psychologists know how often pregnant women, when depression appears before childbirth, ask how to cope with the painful condition and return to normal well-being. The main difficulty here is that not everything can be used medical supplies, and a list therapeutic methods is also strictly limited.

First of all, relatives should take care of the formation as much as possible comfortable conditions For expectant mother so that she does not experience any difficulties in everyday life. It is important to talk openly with your husband about problems, but if you cannot reach mutual understanding, always You can contact a family therapist.

These have proven themselves best psychological directions, How psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, art therapy. Simple exercises also help to reduce worries and help normalize the course of pregnancy.

Ways to overcome depression

Shopping lovers should never deny themselves their favorite entertainment. If shopping makes you feel better, don't waste money on new things. You can just look for something for yourself and your baby, spending time not only with pleasure, but also with benefit. Go shopping with your spouse, but if he is not a fan of such events, take your girlfriends, they certainly will not refuse you. Remember how joyful and carefree you were before pregnancy and try to enter that state of happiness again.

It's great if you have a hobby that inspires you. With absence medical contraindications You can do water aerobics. It is an excellent means of lifting general tone, maintaining shape and getting rid of painful apathetic manifestations. Favorite activities always help take your mind off bad thoughts and lift your spirits.

Why not treat yourself to a massage? A pleasant procedure will allow you to calm down, relax, get rid of accumulated fatigue, and reduce painful sensations in the legs and back, and just get great pleasure.

Focus on yourself, now is the time when you are the main character of the novel. Talk to your baby, communicate with him more often. Do not doubt that he hears and understands you. Let the pregnancy be fun and joyful, then premature contractions will definitely not occur.

When the baby is born, the stress will go away, as if it never existed. You will forget about negative mental states and regret that you did not strive to overcome depression earlier. Your baby feels everything that you feel, this is a part of you that needs to be protected and protected from any negativity. Take care of the little man, look for ways to deal with worries and tearfulness before childbirth, try in every possible way to tune in to the positive. Then the child will feel protected, and the pregnancy will be much easier.

The psyche of a pregnant woman changes while carrying a baby, this is observed before the desired meeting with the newborn. Expectant mothers know firsthand that prenatal depression is a complex condition from which it is difficult to get out.

Pregnancy and depression are two concepts that are one step away from each other. Constant hormonal imbalances negatively affect the mother’s well-being. The presence of a mental illness is not easy to identify, as the condition looks like a mood swing. In order not to miss this, you should familiarize yourself with the manifestations of pathology.

Symptoms of prenatal depression:

  • constant pain in the head;
  • sadness and fatigue over a 2-week period;
  • irritability;
  • apathy towards life;
  • constant desire to cry;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • memory problems;
  • withdrawal from friends and relatives;
  • hints of suicide.

These manifestations of the disease should alert the husband and surrounding family members. Depression before childbirth does not always go away on its own. Sometimes long-term therapy is required to eliminate the pathology.

If mixed feelings are present for a short period, nothing needs to be done. But when anxiety, insomnia and thoughts of suicide haunt the expectant mother for more than three weeks, it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor. If ignored, health deteriorates.

Prenatal depression occurs in women at risk. Symptoms arise from a layer of emotional and physiological characteristics future mother.

Factors predisposing to the pathological condition:

  • pregnancy diabetes;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • bad habits;
  • drug addiction.

These features female body provoke the occurrence of prenatal depression in pregnant women. For more quick recovery, diagnostics needed concomitant diseases, rest and get enough sleep.


The causes of deviation are conventionally divided into two groups: physical and psychological. Physiological factors include changes associated with pregnancy and a woman’s health.

Toxicosis, large uncomfortable belly, swelling, excess weight predisposing the vulnerable mother to a sad state. Often the causes of prenatal depression in pregnant women are chronic diseases and exacerbations in connection with bearing a child.

Why does prenatal depression occur in pregnant women?

  • poor financial situation of the pregnant woman;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • constant stress in the family;
  • lack of support from close relatives or husband;
  • negative attitude of people around her towards pregnancy or the woman herself;
  • quarrels between husband and wife;
  • lack of attention from her husband.

Uncertainty about the right choice to keep the child or give birth depresses the mother’s psyche. In such situations, you need to understand yourself, change your self-awareness, or seek help from a psychotherapist.


If depression before childbirth manifests itself in mild form, it is normal for a woman to panic due to the unknown of the process. Mom should not exceed the permissible limits, psychological condition not as harmless as it seems.

Chronically depressed and frustrated women risk giving birth to a child who lags behind other children in speech or thinking development. Depressive symptoms negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. This is the anxiety of a newborn, inexplicable hysterical attacks in postpartum period. It is often more difficult for a baby to adapt to the new world due to the instability of the mother’s mental state.

Childbirth also comes with complications; it is difficult for an obstetrician to interact with an irritated and distracted mother. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the problem long before the due date.

A prolonged depression turns into a serious one mental illness that needs to be treated conservative methods. Then the child will need to be isolated from the mother, and this will negatively affect development.

It is better not to delay getting rid of prenatal depression in pregnant women, so that light form did not develop into complex illness. There is nothing better for a baby than a happy and caring mother at hand.

Breastfeeding is necessary for the baby, and a woman with an unstable mental state will not be able to provide this to the child. With constant stress, it is impossible to produce milk or the nutrition will not be enough to fully feed the baby.


A proven method for overcoming pathology is revision. family relations. As soon as the husband surrounds the expectant mother with care and love, she will stop thinking about suicide and other nonsense. The partner must constantly demonstrate support, thus achieving mutual understanding and harmony in the home.

A positive family microclimate will contribute to a faster recovery from a woman’s apathetic state. It is worth trying not only for the husband, but also for other relatives (future grandparents, uncles, aunts) to cure the pregnant woman.

It would be nice to accompany my mother to routine examinations And ultrasound examinations. It is also required to participate in discussions of fetal development at each stage and choose a name for the baby together. This will give the relationship between the future parents sentimentality and novelty of sensations.

You shouldn’t keep your emotions to yourself, because someday it will all come out or lead to depressive syndrome. It is better to have family conversations to reconsider the attitude towards the partner or what does not suit the wife and vice versa.

How to cope with depression before childbirth:

  1. good sleep;
  2. rest;
  3. proper nutrition;
  4. meetings with girlfriends, friends;
  5. arrange joint outings (cafes, cinema, concerts);
  6. do what you can physical exercise in the fresh air.

We must try to saturate the gestation period with pleasant moments, favorite hobbies, and watching positive videos and films. Walking in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and improve your mood. It is recommended to enroll in driving courses or any other area that a woman likes.

A depressed state aggravates depression before childbirth. The positive experience of motherhood of her friends or acquaintances has a good effect on the expectant mother. Don’t read about the complications of labor in books or on forums, it only upsets you, but doesn’t help you get in the mood for it. positive emotions. If you cannot get rid of depression on your own, you need to see a doctor.

Help from a psychotherapist

The depressive state is eliminated with medication or with the help of psychotherapeutic sessions. These methods complement each other, but do not replace each other. The choice of treatment is made only by a psychiatrist, based on the severity of the woman’s condition.

Drug treatment for antenatal depression is extremely rare, because the main objective doctor - to help the mother without harming the fetus. Basically, the techniques that psychotherapists use are meditation, breathing relaxation exercises, art therapy, and treatment with fairy tales. But these options are only effective for initial stages. When too aggravated depressive states Treatment is carried out using drug therapy.

Don't worry about negative influence medications for the baby. There are products that are approved for use during pregnancy with the slightest impact on his health. The appropriate drug is selected only by a psychotherapist under the supervision of a gynecologist.

You can fight prenatal depression with stimulant drugs (Fluoxetine, Clomipramine, Milnacepran) or sedative drugs (Petilil, Pyrazidol). For pronounced anxiety and excessive irritation, Amitriptyline, Sertraline, Paroxetine are prescribed. For more strong effect Quetiapine, Triiodothyronine, Clonazepam are prescribed. The dosage of the drug is determined by a psychiatrist together with a gynecologist.

Such medicines are prescribed by prescription and must be taken strictly as prescribed. The slightest excess causes pathology in the development of the fetal brain. The action of medications is aimed at quick exit from a depressive situation, to facilitate the recovery period.

Therapy is canceled by the psychotherapist after complete deliverance from pathological condition. If you refuse treatment without permission, an exacerbation occurs, which will require more radical antidepressants. During the use of such drugs there is no talk of maintaining pregnancy. From harmless means, which have a positive effect on the mother’s condition, chocolate and Bee Honey, but only in the absence allergic reaction for products.

Depression is not as scary as it sounds. Neglecting treatment can cause harm to the fetus. Mental condition mother influences the formation of the child’s thinking, colloquial speech. Simple care and love from loved ones cures depression.