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Merz special. Special dragee "Merz": reviews, instructions for use and composition

The ingredients that make up Merz dragees are in a special proportion, which can significantly improve and give healthy looking skin, get rid of split ends in your hair and stop worrying about fragility. A pharmaceutical company located in Germany has developed a vitamin complex, selected from 15 components, and produces it using the most advanced equipment.

Composition and pharmacodynamics of Merz dragees

To achieve a comprehensive effect, Merz includes:

  • . In the human body, retinol has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves vision, especially with myopia. In the case of a growing organism, vitamin A has a regulatory function.
  • Provitamin A. Helps improve twilight vision and improves metabolic processes in the retina. Also significantly improves protective functions body.
  • Vitamin E. Prevents the occurrence and spread of free radicals. Has high antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamin C. In addition to the fact that ascorbic acid creates sourness when taking pills, it perfectly improves immunity. Vitamin C reduces the permeability of vascular walls.
  • Vitamin B1. Able to charge a person with energy and good mood from early morning. Calms and acts as a regulator nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2. Normalizes between cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. Has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
  • Vitamin B5. Regulates the functioning of various glands, for example.
  • Vitamin B6. Serves to prevent many diseases associated with incorrect functioning of neurotransmitters.
  • Vitamin B12. Normalizes exchange folic acid and is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. Indirectly eliminates oxygen starvation in tissues.
  • Vitamin RR. Accelerates metabolism, serves as a catalyst for burning carbohydrates and fats.
  • Iron. Together with vitamin B12, it eliminates oxygen starvation by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

German experts discovered that Merz has an optimal effect on the body due to the joint activity of the components that make up its composition.

However, bioassays and markers are unable to perform kinetic studies, so Merz metabolites cannot be detected.

Indications for use: Merz

  • A person suffers from vitamin deficiency, which is caused by seasonality or high physical activity, emotional, and neuropsychic stress.

The human body requires increased amount vitamins due to:

  • Serious illness
  • Chronic
  • As a result of the destruction of microflora during antibiotic treatment
  • Applications of Chemotherapy
  • Anorexia and related conditions due to the use of strict and mono-diets
  • Senile age, with decreased absorption of vitamins
  • Problems with hormones and general hormonal levels

Women are recommended to use postpartum period when the body is exhausted by the end of pregnancy. To replenish vitamin reserves and ensure their successful absorption, it is recommended to use Merz tablets during breastfeeding.

Girls use dragees to improve their appearance and acquire a healthy look of beauty from the tips of their fingers to the ends of their hair.

Merz jelly beans are not serious medical drug, so in order to start taking them there is no need to go to the doctor for a prescription. They should be taken according to the instructions. One tablet in the morning and evening.

Increase the dose to create more greater effect It’s not worth it, since vitamin deficiency can turn into hypervitaminosis, which will not benefit the body. Serious consequences due to excess dose of Merz not detected.

Consumer Reviews

Merz is mostly used by women to improve their appearance, which is why 90% of reviews are written by the fair sex.

Girls notice that only systematic reception the drug for 120 days or more leads to a pronounced improvement in the condition of the nail plates.

Regarding hair, 80% of women consider the effect to be insignificant even with prolonged use.

Every patient taking Merz noticed an improvement in their well-being. A surge of strength good mood and the desire to actively move was felt by 97% of people participating in surveys about the effectiveness of Merz dragees.

In general, all Merz consumers were satisfied and recommend improving their health with the help of this supplement. The main thing when taking Merz is to be systematic and follow the instructions.

Contraindications for taking Merz tablets and adverse reactions

When there are enough vitamins in the body, or hypervitaminosis is observed, taking Merz tablets can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from using it if the norm of at least one of the vitamins included in the tablets is exceeded. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin A levels, as this can lead to a severe reaction.

During pregnancy high concentration retinol can cause abnormalities in fetal development. If it is necessary to take the drug, constant supervision of the attending physician is necessary. The drug is prescribed to pregnant women extremely rarely, only if positive effect significantly more possible negative consequences.

While watching the video you will learn about hair vitamins.

Everyone decides for themselves whether or not to use Merz dragees. If there is any doubt, it is forbidden to start taking it without consulting your doctor, despite the fact that the drug has no obvious side effects.

For every woman, hair health is an important component of her health. Bad habits, diet with insufficient amounts of vitamins, weak immunity, frequent colds negatively affect the condition of the strands. Facing various problems associated with them, one has to resort to various methods their elimination. In addition to a variety of external products, it is important to nourish your hair from the inside. Dietary supplements come to the rescue with this. And Merz dragee is one of them.

Briefly about the drug

Special dragee Merz is a vitamin complex that was developed back in the 60s of the 20th century. Due to its composition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and the whole body.

The dragee comes in the form of biconvex circles. Their surface is smooth and shiny, the color is light pink. The drug is packaged in a bottle placed in a cardboard package in quantities of 60 or 120 pieces. The average cost of a vitamin complex is 657-720 rubles (60 pieces) and 1050 rubles for 120 pieces.

Open packaging should be stored at room temperature (no more than +25 degrees) away from children. Shelf life: 3 years.

Composition of the vitamin complex

Merz dragees contain many useful vitamins and elements:

Cystine is an amino acid that promotes the synthesis of keratin, which is the basis of hair.

Yeast extract is a storehouse of B vitamins, which improve the condition of the skin, hair, and mucous membranes.

Iron is involved in the process of blood formation. With a lack of this mineral, hair begins to fall out.

Vitamin A is responsible for the integrity of the epithelium, improves blood circulation, restoring elasticity to the skin.

Vitamin C – does vascular walls less permeable.

Vitamin E – improves tissue respiration and is a good antioxidant.

B vitamins are responsible for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and are needed for the normal process of hematopoiesis.

Biotin is a beauty vitamin. With its deficiency, it develops seborrheic dermatitis, and hair falls out.

Beneficial properties and effects on hair

About this Swiss drug, buyers mostly give positive reviews. It is noted that hair loss decreases, ends do not split, smoothness and shine appear. New hair growth is also observed, making it thicker. Observations show that By taking special Merz tablets, you can delay the appearance of gray hair.

The effect of the drug was studied by scientists through special studies. 21 women participated in the experiment. For 6 months, each took the pills according to the instructions. Testing has shown that this dietary supplement reduces dry scalp by 78%, eliminates split ends by 74%, and strengthens hair by 18%.

Thanks to its components, the Merz vitamin complex has the following effect on the hair and scalp:

  • Improves blood circulation to follicles, strengthening and preventing hair loss.
  • Promotes keratin synthesis – building material strands.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, restoring the structure of damaged hair.
  • The Merz complex is useful for those whose curls are often exposed to high temperatures, dyes. It protects them from destruction.
  • They nourish the roots and shafts with microelements, which ensures healthy hair.

When is it still necessary to take Merz tablets:

  • When there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, which causes vitamin deficiency.
  • During recovery from serious illnesses. Then the body needs an increase in the amount of nutrients.
  • After reception antibacterial drugs and a course of chemotherapy.
  • During heavy physical activity.
  • As a prophylactic to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The drug should not be used if:

  • May occur allergic reaction on some components of the additive.
  • With an excess of vitamins in the body (hypervitaminosis). Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition by taking Merz.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should take the drug with great caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Taking pills can negatively affect a child's development.
  • The product should not be taken by children under 12 years of age.

As side effect An allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash, and swelling may occur from the Merz drug. In this case, you should stop taking this drug.

Instructions for use and dosage

Each package contains instructions for the drug detailed description and dosage. Average duration The average course duration is 2 months. You may need to use the complex for a longer period of time, depending on your health condition and the desired effect. But The duration should be determined only by the attending physician.

How to take the special Merz dragee? The daily dose of the drug is 1 or 2 tablets twice a day. It is better to take it after meals (after 20-30 minutes), drinking plenty of still water. Preferably during the reception period vitamin complexes drink plenty of water throughout the day. This allows the components to be better absorbed and penetrate into the cell structure. One package of 60 pieces is enough for a month of use on average.

You should be very careful not to exceed permissible dosage. This can lead to hypervitaminosis, and medical intervention will be required. Women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be especially careful when taking the drug. Excess vitamin A can provoke a teratogenic effect.

Attention! The composition of Merz dragees provides the body's daily need for vitamins. Therefore, it is not advisable to take it at the same time as other multivitamins!

During the period of using Merz dragees, it is better not to dye your hair with aggressive coloring compounds. It is necessary to avoid the influence of ultraviolet rays, which destroy the structure of the strands. In parallel with taking vitamins, you should enrich your diet healthy products, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and walk in the fresh air more often.

It will take time to completely heal your hair. Typically, the results of using Merz dragees can be observed after 2-3 months.

Effective analogues of the drug

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of multivitamins that are analogues of Merz dragees. Their action is aimed at replenishing the deficiency necessary for the body elements. They allow you to restore hair, strengthen it, and restore shine.

  • Complivit Radiance is a complex of vitamins and minerals with the addition of green tea extract. Application this drug contributes to improvement general condition hair, nails and skin.
  • Revalid – In addition to vitamin-containing substances necessary for the health of curls, this drug contains wheat germ extract. This is an additional source of lecithin, sterol and silicon for the body. There are 30 tablets in a package. It is recommended to take the complex 3 times a day.
  • Alerana – the composition is almost the same as that of its analogues. The advantage of this tool is its affordability. You can get beautiful healthy hair for little money.
  • Phyto– this one is biological active additive belongs to the expensive category. But its effectiveness is very high. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition of the drug includes antioxidants and fatty acid, which the body does not synthesize itself. The course of treatment is usually 1 month.

Merz special dragee – a vitamin-mineral complex with a high content necessary for hair substances. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for use and not exceed the permissible dosage. Reception of any medicines requires mandatory supervision by a specialist. Treatment of hair from the inside in combination with external procedures will make hair healthier in a fairly short time.

Review of the use of Merz dragees against hair loss in the following video:

Daily provision of the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful micro- and macroelements is a significant contribution to health and uninterrupted high-quality functioning of all organs.

For women role important substances It doesn't end there. After all, they are the ones who directly affect female beauty: the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

However Often it is not possible to fully obtain all the beneficial substances from the food consumed. This fact is explained by the modern rhythm of life in which we are all forced to exist.

We are talking about bad ecology, and the inability to use quality products in your diet, and a banal lack of time for a healthy snack.

More and more new developments are coming to the rescue pharmaceutical companies in the field of vitaminology. Over the past decades, many vitamin complexes and dietary supplements have been created designed to improve the level of health of every person.

Special dragee "Merz" is a complex of vitamins and other useful substances, designed for women in the 60s of the last century.

The purpose of its use is to maintain health and female beauty. The composition of each of its capsules is balanced in such a way that the use of the drug can significantly improve the condition of hair, skin and nails, as well as strengthen the overall immunity of the body.

Instructions for use

Dragee "Merz" is prescribed by a doctor based on complaints, examination and results of necessary examinations. In this case, the manufacturer’s recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug are also taken into account.

  • Seasonal hypo- and vitamin deficiency. In the winter-spring period, when the body has used the vitamins accumulated over the summer, the use of reserves begins. At this time, it is very important to support the body with an additional source of nutrients.
  • Poor nutrition. Not everyone and not always manages to adhere to this rational menu, in which the supply of vitamins and minerals will be optimal for the normal functioning of all organs, tissues and cells. The problem is especially relevant in the winter season, when there is no opportunity to consume fresh fruits, vegetables and berries.
  • Prevention of damage to hair, nails and skin. Taking the drug has a positive effect on appearance women.
  • Increased psycho-emotional, mental and physical exercise . This frequent stay V stressful situations, as well as active sports and other activities that require huge expenditures of the body’s energy resources.
  • Poor absorption of any vitamins and minerals. This happens when increased sweating and other specific conditions of the body.
  • Recovery period after illness, chemotherapy and antibiotic therapy. At this time, a person needs nutrients in increased quantities.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. When does the body begin new life, the need for vitamins and minerals increases.

Mode of application

The regimen for taking the special Merz dragee is generally similar to the method for taking similar vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. The dosage can be determined by both the doctor and the patient himself according to the instructions.

Here are the recommendations to follow:

  • The drug is taken twice a day, one capsule.
  • The dragee must be washed down with a sufficient amount of clean still water.
  • The dosage should not be exceeded, as side effects may occur.
  • The course of vitamin therapy is 2-3 months. Noticeable improvements can be seen within 3-4 weeks.

Release form, composition

The drug "Merz" is produced in the form of round dragees, covered with a smooth light pink shell. The packaging is an opaque glass bottle placed in a cardboard box.

Each package contains 60 tablets, which is designed for a two-month course of taking vitamins.

The composition of each capsule is the optimal balance of vitamins necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body, as well as to take care of the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Let us consider in detail the substances included in each pill and their pharmacological action:

In addition, each dragee also contains auxiliary components: purified water, corn starch, castor oil, talc, dextrose syrup, sucrose, red iron oxide, silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, cellacephate, titanium dioxide.

Video: "How often can you wash your hair and what vitamins exist for hair?"

Interaction with other drugs

Positive interaction: Negative interaction:
  • Vitamin E, which is part of the Merz dragee, enhances the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen and diclofenac.
  • Thanks to the content of ascorbic acid, iron absorption is improved.
  • Vitamin A can increase the absorption of tocopherol acetate.
  • Vitamin E negatively affects iron absorption.
  • Some oral contraceptives interfere with the absorption of ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin C enhances harmful effects sulfonamides and penicillin.
  • B vitamins can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy based on tetracycline and erythromycin.
  • Action

Merz is a vitamin complex for women in the form of pills, produced in Germany. The drug contains many vitamins and minerals designed to saturate the body with substances necessary for the healthy growth of skin cells, hair and nails.

Dragee Merz is designed specifically for women. Its rich composition allows you to establish metabolism in the body, while stopping structural and functional damage to the skin, nails and hair.

The complex contains the following vitamins:

  • Retinol – ensures the integrity of epithelial cells, improves blood circulation, gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
  • Beta-carotene – functions as an antioxidant;
  • – makes the walls of blood vessels less permeable;
  • – promotes tissue respiration;
  • – accelerates the growth of nails and hair;
  • - promotes good metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Merz also includes, which are indispensable for female beauty:

  • – improves carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • B5 – provides skin cells with moisture;
  • – promotes protein metabolism;
  • – helps in hematopoiesis.

In addition to all of the above, the composition vitamin supplement includes the following substances:

  • Cystine is an acid that helps strengthen nail plate and hair growth;
  • – helps cells breathe;
  • Ferrous fumarate – normalizes the number of red blood cells in the blood;
  • Yeast extract is a source of amino acids and minerals, helps maintain healthy hair, nails, and skin.

Based on the rich composition, we can conclude that Merz really has good influence on the body, helping skin, hair and nails to be healthy.

Who should drink Merz and how to use it

Merz vitamins are intended exclusively for women. It is worth drinking them when it is necessary to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body. Typically, in autumn and spring, women notice a deterioration in the condition of their skin, hair and nails. Merz will enrich the body with vitamins and improve general health and appearance.

The complex will also be useful when it is necessary to restore metabolic processes in a woman’s body. But his main direction of Merz dragees is complex treatment hair and nails.

The instructions for use warn that the daily dose cannot be increased in order to speed up the process of action of Merz tablets.

Dragee Merz for skin

Merz vitamins have a targeted effect on the skin, providing it with the proper level of hydration, nutrition and protection. Merz contains a complete set necessary elements, maintaining the integrity of epithelial skin cells, improving its blood supply, restoring elasticity and firmness.

The components included in Merz, such as vitamins C, A and E, are antioxidants and slow down skin aging.

Women who took Merz noted that their skin became more elastic and looked “rested.”

Dragee Merz for hair

Merz will be good for hair, as it contains beta-carotene, cystine and B vitamins. These substances promote hair growth, protect it, nourish and strengthen it.

Taking Merz gives the following results:

  • Hair becomes thicker and silkier.
  • Dandruff and itching, if any, will disappear.
  • Hair will grow faster.
  • Hair follicles that were inactive are awakened, and strands begin to grow even on bald patches.
  • The ends will stop splitting.
  • Your eyelashes will also be thicker and longer.

Women who took Merz to eliminate hair problems note that the drug helped them. My hair overall began to look more beautiful. Damaged hair acquired a healthy appearance, became more obedient and thicker.

Dragee Merz for nails

Merz contains components that are important for nails. This is biotin. They eliminate brittleness, accelerate growth, strengthen the nail plate and give a healthy shine.

From taking the drug, your nails will become noticeably stronger, due to which you can grow their length. They will stop peeling. Yellowness and spots will disappear.

Based on reviews from women who took Merz, we can conclude that without the use of any additional medications and vitamin preparations, the nail plate becomes harder, it can no longer be easily bent, and the peeling practically goes away.

Contraindications and side effects

There are absolutely many components in Merz various actions. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions before you start taking it. Merz is contraindicated when hypervitaminosis is observed in the body. The composition of the pills is already rich in vitamins, and excess will lead to negative consequences.

If a woman has an individual intolerance to any of the components in the vitamin complex, then she should not drink the pills.

As for pregnant women, Merz should be taken with great caution during this period, and it is better to consult a doctor. Studies have not proven a risk for pregnant women from taking Merz in recommended doses.

If a woman is already taking pharmaceutical drugs containing and, then taking Merz is contraindicated.

The simultaneous use of retinoids and Merz dragees is impossible due to an overdose of vitamin A. Therefore, at the time of taking the drug, it is worth excluding additional pharmaceutical supplements with retinol in the composition.

If the dosage is observed, there are no side effects. IN in rare cases An allergy to one of the components of the drug may occur: rash, itching, redness of the skin. Then you should stop taking the pills and it is better to consult a doctor after that.

Analogues of the drug

Dragee Merz in its composition can be called a unique drug. It does not have a complete analogue, but there are many other vitamin complexes with a similar composition.

The most popular analogues of Merz:

  • . One of the most popular and inexpensive vitamin complexes. But sometimes women note side effects in the form of vomiting and nausea, this is due to an overdose of vitamin A.
  • Vitrum beauty. The drug not only has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also generally improves mood and well-being.
  • Revalid. A targeted drug for hair and nails. Trichologists confirm the effectiveness of the complex.

Why choose Merz

Merz dragee was developed back in the 60s, during which time many studies were conducted on the effect of the drug on skin, hair and nails. It has been proven that within six months of taking Merz vitamins, the roughness of the skin in women decreases by 48%, and its dryness by 78%; hair becomes stronger and thicker by 18%; An 18% increase in nail plate growth and up to 14% smoother, stronger nails were noted.

If you take the drug according to the instructions, you can delay the appearance of gray hair.

The average cost of one package of Merz dragees is from 700 rubles.

A woman’s beauty begins from within, and therefore her restoration in case of various types of violations should also begin with debugging internal systems. One of the most safe ways improving the condition of the whole body, various multivitamin complexes are considered, among which the leaders are German vitamins"Merz" for hair, skin and nails. But are they as effective as the manufacturer claims? How do they work, who are they suitable for, and what do doctors say about them?


What are Merz vitamins?

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the fact that under the Merz brand it is produced some various drugs , which often introduces an element of confusion when it comes to studying the real opinion about the product. In particular, in the category “cosmetology” there are special tablets to stop diffuse hair loss, as well as vitamins that are lighter and safer in their principle of action, aimed at improving the condition of hair and nails. Thus, there is no point in counting on the latter to help get rid of alopecia: they should solve less complex problems. Which?

  • The main orientation of the drug is eliminate shortages vitamins and iron (including the development of anemia due to a lack of the latter). It contains vitamins A, E, C, as well as B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, H, iron, L-cystine. Separately, it should be noted the presence of yeast extract.
  • Indications for use are not only problems with the condition of nails, hair and skin, but also the general exposure of the body to physical and nervous stress, recovery after past diseases, malnutrition.

Like chemical composition dragee "Merz" leads to the fact that it not only improves cellular metabolism and respiration, and also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the process of hematopoiesis, but also stimulates the growth of nails and hair, allows you to maintain skin tone, eliminate dryness, peeling, and improve water balance in cells.

Most important point - dosage each ingredient. In this case, Merz offers a single version of the dragee, in which the following amount of active ingredients per tablet is:

  • 1500 IU vitamin A, 50 IU vitamin D, 75 mg ascorbic acid, 30 mg L-cystine, 20 mg iron and 10 mg vitamin PP.
  • 9 mg vitamin E, 3 mg calcium, 2 mg vitamin B12, 1.6 mg vitamin B2, 1.2 mg each vitamins B1 and B6, 0.9 mg beta-carotene and 0.01 mg biotin.

As for yeast, its presence in 1 tablet is 100 mg, as a result of which a slight weight fluctuation while taking the drug. However this side effect is rarely recorded and usually disappears on its own upon completion of therapy.

Experts draw the attention of consumers to the fact that all components of the Merz dragee are adjusted in dosage taking into account the standard daily requirement adult organism. However, the proportion of iron is increased due to the focus on individuals with a pronounced deficiency.

The packaging is standard, containing 60 pieces in a glass bottle, the cost is in the range of 700-800 rubles.

How to take the drug correctly?

Those who believe that vitamins are safe “candies” that, no matter how much you drink, only do you good, are deeply mistaken: even here you can provoke a very strong side reaction. To avoid such a negative result, it is worth very attentively read the instructions.

  • Regardless of the purpose of taking Merz tablets, the stomach should not be empty before using it. A snack like an apple, a sandwich or a glass of juice does not count as food in this case, however, as consumer reviews show, if you don’t have the time/desire for a hearty meal, you can pour 200-300 ml of full-fat milk.
  • Adult dosage - 1 tablet up to 2 times a day, it is advisable to maintain an interval of 8 hours between them. For the initial dose, it is recommended to reduce the dosage by 2 times to check the body's reaction, but exceeding it is strictly prohibited.
  • Course duration is 30 days. If a repetition is necessary after this, a rest of 10-14 days is needed before it. Doctors call the optimal schedule 2 courses per year, with an equal interval between them.

The result of using Merz in relation to nails and skin appears faster, approximately on days 14-16(average statistics), in relation to hair at severe loss the situation returns to normal only after 2-3 months, but a general improvement in the condition is noticeable after 3-4 weeks.


The main contraindications to therapy based on Merz dragees are an excess of tocopherol and chocalciferol, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. However, doctors also insist on caution in cases of liver dysfunction and damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa.

During pregnancy, the possibility of using Merz tablets should be discussed with an obstetrician, since high levels of vitamin A in the body can provoke a teratogenic effect.

It is worth mentioning separately that adverse reactions to these vitamins are mainly explained by allergies and therefore can manifest themselves completely from any side. The most common malfunctions observed digestive tract, and autonomic system- headaches, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, sweating, poor circulation in the extremities. All this requires immediate appeal see a doctor and cancel or adjust the course.

Reviews about the drug from consumers and specialists

As for the immediate reaction to “Merz” from women, an analysis of comments on portals intended for this allows us to conclude that overall rating"good" rather than "excellent". Vitamins demonstrate good results, but have a number of strong and frequently occurring adverse reactions, and enthusiastic or absolutely positive reviews are rare.

I’ve been familiar with Merz dragees for 7 years; I started drinking when I was tired of fighting for every centimeter of hair - it just stayed at the level of my chin and not a step further. The doctor prescribed me vitamins, I didn’t believe in them at all, but there was nowhere to go; after 1.5 months of daily use (1 tablet in the morning and evening), I saw how the ends of the strands reached the middle of my neck - for me it was a victory. At the same time, they did not look exhausted - the hair itself became stronger and denser. Over 7 years of use (courses 2 times a year, 2 months each) I was able to grow my braid to my waist, and it seems to me that even the comb now has less hair left. I know that the drug is not suitable for everyone, but for me it worked a miracle.

Alena, 39 years old

These vitamins are an extremely controversial thing. I took it at the insistence of my mother, a doctor, to stop hair fragility caused by iron deficiency anemia; here they coped with their task. But the rest of the declared functions left much to be desired: the nails did not want to grow and did not express this desire, the dryness did not go away, they did not become stronger. There was no increase in density on the head, and the only thing that really pleased me was the increase in density and smoothness of the hair. On top of that, for 3 weeks from the start of the course I was plagued by headaches. As soon as I stopped taking Merz, it immediately became easier.

Ulyana, 27 years old

I’ve never suffered from a reaction to vitamins, I’ve tried many different brands, but nothing has worked like it did with Merz. I acted exactly according to the instructions - 15 minutes after eating. I drank the pills, and half an hour later I started severe nausea. I blamed everything on the food, and in the morning I repeated the steps again - I felt nauseous again, and this state lasted until lunchtime. After the new evening pill, I felt more dehydrated and dizzy. As a result, my “course” ended that day: there was simply no desire left to continue and find new side effects.

Tatyana, 31 years old

Doctors comment on such a range of opinions, the reliability of which cannot be doubted, as follows: any medicinal product, regardless of its components, can cause a differentially opposite reaction in different organisms, even if they have similar data - for example, deficiency of a specific microelement, which needs to be replenished.

Vitamins are no exception to the rule, and even they can cause serious harm in case of intolerance to components or hypersensitivity body. Also, there are several more nuances mentioned by experts.

  • Firstly, if you have already taken the Merz course for hair and nails, after some time you decided to repeat it (based on your own feelings) and did not see the same pronounced result, it is likely that the problem is not in the drug, but is that your body is at this stage does not need such a composition.
  • Secondly, despite the fact that most multivitamin complexes have similar composition, they differ in the ratio of their components. And exactly correct selection The dosage of each of them determines the effect that the drug will have. If Merz showed its negative side, it is likely that certain ingredients are in too high a dose for you.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the benefits synthetic vitamins There are still disputes even among the leading medical specialists, and therefore controversial opinions about dietary supplements, which include Merz tablets for hair and nails, are completely justified. It is better to decide whether to start a course with this drug based on a doctor’s opinion or a full comprehensive examination.