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How to stop a cat from urinating anywhere. Reasons that caused the problem. Tray position is incorrect

A cat is a pet with a very difficult character, and it sometimes takes many months to train her to use the litter box. Why did the cat start peeing anywhere, and how to deal with it - really current issues, exciting cat lovers around the world.

Reasons why cats don't like the litter box

A neutered cat started peeing all over the place - a very common problem that many pet breeders deal with. After castration, cats change their habits dramatically, and therefore begin to pee in other places. The only way out of the situation is to move the tray to where the cat goes most often.

However, sometimes even without surgical intervention The cat stops going to the litter box. Why this happens is a complex question that has several answers. For example, if the owner decides to switch from one litter to another, this may cause a change in the place for his pet to relieve himself. If the cat is not happy with the new litter, he will pee anywhere but in the designated place.

Sometimes the reason for changing the place to relieve oneself is serious illness cat When faced with problems with defecation or urination, the cat may think that its troubles are connected with the litter box, abandoning it and starting to shit around the house. In this case, a person should show the cat to a doctor, and this is especially true if the animal practically does not go to the toilet and constantly makes terrible sounds when defecating.

One more common reason- elementary antipathy to the tray. If a cat doesn't like the litter box, he will never go in it, no matter how the owner behaves.

If a cat stops going to the toilet in the designated place, the worst thing a person can do is use physical violence. Cats do not perceive scolding and beatings, so they may start going to the wrong place out of spite.

A few more reasons why cats don’t like the litter box

One of the common reasons why a cat doesn't like the litter box is its incorrect location. In cases where this object is too close to food bowls, the animal develops a stoic rejection of the place for these purposes.

Many cats stop visiting the litter box if the owner suddenly changes its location. Cats navigate by smell, and having gotten used to going to the same place, they refuse to make such important changes in their lives.

However, the most common reason for changes in a cat's behavior is the desire to mark the territory. Typically, this habit appears in mature animals, and you can get rid of it only with the help of patience and affection towards your pet. If a person has an adult cat, he will have to put up with puddles throughout the house for some time. Thus, the cat will mark the new habitat.

It is quite difficult to stop an animal from crapping in inappropriate places. The first thing to do is to purchase a special spray, which you should use to mark the place where you should go to the toilet. Typically, such a spray contains pheromones that attract the animal. It is also worth trying to place the tray where the cat began to shit the most, re-accustoming him to the tray.

By relieving themselves in inappropriate places, many cats try to express their dissatisfaction. For example, if an animal has antipathy towards a family member, he may shit on his things, expressing such in an original way your attitude.

If the pet starts to shit in in the wrong place, there is no need to despair, because the situation can still be corrected. The owner should act carefully and quickly, without ignoring the new habit, otherwise the cat will continue to do this everywhere, not paying attention to the cries.

Any owner will be worried if his pet has not gone to the toilet for several days. There can be many reasons for this. First of all, it all depends on the age of the cat, its diet and lifestyle, as well as its state of health.

Norms of urination in cats and cats

In kittens, it is normal to urinate a couple of times a week.

Many owners who have recently adopted a kitten are often worried that the animal cannot pee. In this case, there is no concern if the animal is no more 5–6 weeks. At this time, small kittens wean themselves from their mother, who bathed them, and become accustomed to the tray. Due to the small volumes of milk and water they drink daily, as well as their small build, urine is not produced quickly.

So, up to 1.5 months, a kitten can pee 1-2 times a week, and there is no reason for concern.

By two to three months, the animal’s physique becomes stronger, the genitourinary system develops, and trips to the toilet are reduced. increases to 1–2 times a day with normal nutrition.

Owners of adult cats that are more than 1 year old are especially concerned about unstable and infrequent trips to the toilet.

As a general rule, adult cats should pee 2-3 times a day.

As a general rule, animals should pee on average 2-3 times a day.

Of course, they may go to the toilet more or less depending on how much fluid they drink and the lifestyle they lead.

If a cat does not pee for one day, then there is no reason to worry, it is better to wait. Owners need to be wary if urination has not occurred for more than two days.

The cat cannot go to the toilet for a small reason: reasons

Has your cat not peed for more than two days? This is a cause for concern.

If your pet has not gone to pee for more than two days, or urination is reduced to once every few days, then it is better to be wary and help the animal as quickly as possible. Rare or complete absence of urination may indicate. If you do not help the animal in time, it will suffer.


  • Urolithiasis . In this case, everything is the same as in humans - the disease develops and proceeds similarly, so it is better to diagnose it immediately and solve the problems quickly. The main reason is poor nutrition and obesity. The disease is formed due to the entry into the body of an animal various infections. Inflammatory processes have a negative impact on the health and well-being of cats, and it does not matter whether the animal has been castrated or sterilized.

    Urolithiasis is clearly visible on ultrasound.

  • – one more thing unpleasant disease, which can occur in cats. It, like in people, can occur due to hypothermia. The disease often occurs in animals that walk outside. To avoid the development of the disease, your pet needs to be walked for several hours, fed well, and monitored for clean water supply.

    A cat with cystitis has difficulty going to the toilet.

  • . May occur in cats various diseases kidneys, for example, nephritis, nephrosclerosis and others. There are also neglected cases– formation of kidney stones. Such ailments are caused by hypothermia, poor and poor nutrition, and infections. As for feline kidney diseases, they can develop against the background of other acute diseases, so it is better to immediately entrust the examination of your pet to an experienced veterinarian.
  • Colds and viral diseases .
  • Atony bladder , that is, disruption of the functions of the bladder due to its injury, rupture.
  • Anuriacomplete absence urine, leading to.
  • Injuries spinal cord .
  • Tumors rarely.

First aid

If your cat cannot pee for more than 3 days, surgery may be required!

If your kitten urinates infrequently, there may be birth injuries, birth defects in the development of urine excretory system. In this case, it is better to contact a veterinarian, since it is possible that surgery will have to be performed. One more important reason is the tray. As a rule, kittens and cats love cleanliness, so owners need to change the litter on time and thoroughly wash the cat litter with detergents.

Cats do not pee for several days due to stress, for example, after moving, when getting used to new owners. Rare urination is observed in obese pets.

Reasons for concern

The cat peed many times during the day, which can be seen from the litter box. In the morning it was clean and the filling was fresh. Frequent urination The cat has a reason to sound the alarm.

As for adult animals whose urination is impaired for the first time, first you need to pay attention to appearance and the cat's well-being. There are reasons for concern if the animal:

  1. There is no desire to go to the toilet in small ways for more than two days.
  2. Too often (more than 5 times a day), while producing a scanty amount of urine.
  3. The urine contains mucus, blood, small pebbles, and crystals.
  4. On palpation, a hard bladder can be felt, and the lower abdomen may appear swollen.
  5. No appetite.
  6. There is no mood, there is apathy, nervousness.
  7. The urge to go to the toilet in a small way is accompanied by strong meowing.
  8. The cat sits in the litter box for a long time and cannot pee.

The steps to take in this case are obvious - you need to show your pet to a veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe everything necessary tests, ultrasound .

In most cases, special medications and antibiotics and antispasmodics are prescribed, which help quickly eliminate inflammation and the development of pathology.

IN severe cases a special crankcase is introduced, which promotes the outflow of urine. The animal walks with him for several days, the cat is given prescribed antibiotics. If the case is advanced, then perhaps surgical intervention.

Possible treatment of urolithiasis in cats

Most often, cats suffer from urolithiasis. Feature of the body.

Problems with urination can occur in both male and female cats. As practice shows, Males often suffer from these diseases. among animals due to the peculiar structure of the urinary system.

In cats urinary canal narrower than in cats, which, when exposed to various factors, negatively affects the functioning of the bladder and kidneys.

Which cats are at risk?

Most often cats and cats over 10 years old are affected!

All animals are susceptible to diseases, regardless of whether they are sterilized. If the pet is over 10 years old, then it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, take a closer look at his behavior, periodically undergo a veterinary examination. If the animal eats irregularly and incorrectly, spends a lot of time on the street, the age decreases, and the disease may appear much earlier.

After successful treatment of the disease, owners must strictly monitor the animal’s diet to prevent a relapse, which is possible in 60% of cases.

How to avoid problems with hiking in small ways

Taurine: 0.15% in popular cat food. Watch what your pet eats.

  • If your pet hasn't peed for two days, or walks sparingly and frequently, and there is blood and mucus in the urine, then contact your veterinarian immediately to help the animal.
  • Support pet's weight is normal , do not let him overeat, as obese animals suffer from most diseases.
  • Make sure your pet didn't get hypothermic . Do not let him outside for a long time in cold and frosty weather. Don't let him sleep on the cold floor often.
  • Follow purity of water which you give him.
  • The diet of a cat should be as healthy and varied as possible. . , give boiled meat, chicken, liver, cereals, soups. As for dairy products and fish, it is not recommended to completely abandon them, as they contain useful substances. Reduce their intake to 1 time per week.
  • Follow cleanliness of the tray .

Acute urinary retention in a cat on video


To your pet was always healthy and brought you joy, watch his mood, feed him properly and never put off a visit to the veterinarian if there are good reasons for this.

If you pee a cat in the wrong place, you should find out the reason for such unpleasant behavior of the animal. Perhaps the cat does not like or does not like the size of the tray, since it should be one and a half times longer than the pet. It should turn freely in it. Next reason there may be an unpleasant pungent odor chemicals, which many owners use to clean the tray. It should be remembered in this case that a cat’s sense of smell is 14-15 times stronger than a human’s.

Often the cat litter does not meet the animal's requirements. It should not be wet and have strong smell. Some of the chemicals the litter is made from can cause paw irritation. In this case, try changing the contents of the tray to more natural products, such as sand or paper.

Remember that under no circumstances should you scold a cat, splash water on it, or even hit it. All you will achieve in this situation is to increase the animal’s anxiety and the number of atrocities in the form of puddles. Place your cat in a small room for a week, maybe the bathroom. Place a tray, a bowl of water in it and leave the animals’ favorite toys. Leave food bowls in the same place and take your pet out several times a day to eat. After a week, gradually introduce her to other rooms until she adapts to the changes.

There is one effective way which will help correct the current situation. Place her food bowl in the place where the cat makes puddles. In this way, you will let the animal know that this place is not suitable for the toilet, but for eating. Since cats are clean animals, they do not shit in the place where they eat.

Sometimes cat lovers are forced to doubt that cats are the cleanest animals. This happens at the moment when the pet begins to go to the toilet anywhere, it seems to him that it doesn’t matter at all that for these purposes he uses not a tray, but, say, the owner’s bed. And no matter what actions the owner takes, he stubbornly stands his ground and does not at all strive to change his addiction. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to stop a kitten from shitting in the wrong place. Let's look at the reasons that prompted the animal to take such actions.

Reasons that prompt your pet to take such actions

To effectively solve the problem of how to stop a cat from shitting anywhere, you first need to understand the reasons that prompted him to take such actions. To resolve this conflict, you will need to conduct a small investigation, understand why he is doing this, and determine the nature of his actions:

  • lack of attention can lead to this state of affairs. If the owner spends all his time outside the house, the cat begins to get nervous and go to the toilet not in the litter box, but anywhere. Often at these moments he likes to do his dark business in the bed of his beloved owner. This is not due to the desire to annoy the “harmful” owner more, but to the fact that the bed retains the warmth and smell of a loved one;
  • some emotional pets express their strong negative or even positive feelings in this way;
  • a kitten that has just been weaned from its mother may well exhibit a similar reaction. He is in a state of stress from new smells, an unfamiliar home, the absence of a mother cat, a strange owner, and extraneous sounds;
  • It happens that the kitten is not satisfied with the tray or its filler. Maybe he's in public place, and the pet wants privacy;
  • Another reason for a small kitten is that he simply does not know how to go to the necessary places, does not know what a litter box is and how to use it;
  • sometimes the reason why a cat began to do something that is not what is required of him lies in a health problem.

After observing your pet's behavior, it is easy to determine the reason why he started going to the toilet in the wrong place, and what needs to be done as a result to prevent such actions from becoming a bad habit.

Basics of raising an adult animal

The biggest problem with the question of how to stop a cat from shitting all over the house arises when the animal is taken from the street. This happens because the cat had litter everywhere outside and didn't have to do anything special to satisfy her needs. natural needs. In this case, the main task arises - monitoring the behavior of the animal. As soon as it becomes restless and begins to look for a suitable corner, it is necessary to urgently take it to the tray.

When a cat does everything possible to evade this rule, it is necessary not rudely, but persistently to return him to the required place. When the pet has finally gone where it’s supposed to go, you urgently need to praise it, pet it, or even give it a treat. It needs to be ingrained in him correct behavior, awareness of what is required of him.

There is no need to shout at a kitten picked up from the street; it still will not understand why they are shouting at it and what is required of it.

Experts advise that if a pet went to the toilet in a place that is not entirely suitable for this, then you need to soak a napkin with urine and take it to its litter tray, this is necessary so that the smell of feces appears in it.

When it comes to the question of how to stop a cat from shitting anywhere, not all means are good. There are certain actions that you should never do:

  • no need to apply physical means. Punishment cannot achieve the desired result; obedience cannot be achieved through violence. Thus, the cat will become embittered and begin to go to the toilet in unsuitable places, and this could be a bed, a sofa, or a closet;
  • there is no need to poke the kitten’s muzzle into its own “mines”;
  • if the cat begins to perform an inappropriate action, then you need to take him and take him to his place so that he can complete his important task there;
  • There is no need to yell at your pet, it won’t achieve anything anyway.

Basic tips to help stop your cat from shitting in the wrong place

To understand how to stop a cat from peeing anywhere, you need to take some steps:

  • mandatory rule: washing your cat’s favorite places with detergent, and the worse its aroma, the more likely it is that it will not attract the kitten. Be sure to thoroughly wash your cat's puddles every time, as important factor is considered to fight off the smell of urine. If, for example, there is a bed, then the cat will increasingly do its “dirty” business in this place;
  • to wean the cat off this addiction You can prepare some kind of repellers: pets don’t like the smell of citrus fruits, especially lemon peels. If you place them in places where there is an authorized toilet, then you can wean the tailed bandit from going to the toilet in the wrong place; the bed can be sprayed with citrus flavoring;
  • some cat breeders offer radical method solutions to the problem: they claim that if the pet is left alone with the toilet for several days, while taking it out of the room only for meals, no more than 3 times a day, then, as a rule, the problem disappears by itself within a week;
  • The next method is based on the cleanliness of cats. They will not make a toilet in the place where they eat or sleep. Therefore, some owners, in places where cats crap the most, stick pieces of cat food on paper. And others rub a damp towel, then rub the same towel on things located next to the wrong toilet. This needs to be done so that your own scent calms the cat; there is a high probability that he will not shit next to his scent. To remove persistent odor, you need to thoroughly rinse the places your pet loves;
  • In the question of how to stop a cat from peeing in the wrong places, you need to pay attention to the litter box. Often the reason for the troubles that arise throughout the house lies in problems with the tray. If the cat suddenly starts making puddles, then the reason may be that the tray has become too small for the pet. Excessive cleanliness of pets is also to blame, because they will not go to the toilet if it is dirty and smells unpleasant. This is why you need to wash your cat's container as often as possible. Some owners purchase two trays for their pets, since cats sometimes prefer to relieve themselves in different containers.

Basic tips to help your cat avoid toilet problems

You can try to avoid problems associated with your cat visiting the toilet. When he began to go about his business throughout the house, then most likely he was poorly adapted both to the territory of the house and to his owner. If you make his life more comfortable, he will not have the desire to make puddles all over the house. Cats get used to certain odors very well and do not tolerate the appearance of new aromas, especially those that are harsh.

If the kitten experiences changes in its home or environment, then it is necessary to help it get through this difficult period. To avoid the appearance, you can put several bowls with goodies. Food placed in several places will help your pet calm down. You can sometimes allow him to lie down on the bed, this will add comfort and warmth to your pet, he will understand that he is cared for. The cat's bed should be placed close to heat, for example, to a radiator. You can make a cat bed yourself from a box, or you can buy it at a pet store.

To give your pet peace of mind, you can rub it with the smell of the wall at the level of a cat's height. To do this, you need to wipe your pet’s face with a towel, especially the tonsil area, then use the same towel to treat vertical surfaces. It has been noticed that even when the cat began to go out of place, he will not shit where his facial glands smell.

When a cat makes puddles all over the house, you don’t need to physically punish him, you need to understand why he’s doing this, what motivates him to such actions. You need to find an approach to each pet, show patience, and then the cat will reciprocate, understand what is required of it and will not go to the toilet in the owner’s bed.

Before scolding a cat, you should definitely understand the reasons for his action. It’s not just that the pet started shitting in the wrong place. The representatives of the cat family themselves are very clean and defecate only in strictly designated places.

The main reasons why a cat or kitten shits in an unintended place:

There can be many reasons why a cat does not want to pee in the litter box:

  • This is a small kitten who is not yet accustomed to the rules of behavior. Owners should be patient before their pet begins to behave properly;
  • This is a reaction to cruel treatment by negligent owners, against whom the animal takes revenge in this way. The most important mistake is to punish your pet (beat, yell). He won’t understand your words, but irreparable damage to the cat’s psyche will be successfully done;
  • Miscalculations with the location of the cat litter and its care;
  • A cat can urinate anywhere if it is worried severe stress due to annoying children, annoying noise and other negative factors;
  • Diseases of various nature.

Most often, domestic cats that live in apartments have the habit of pooping in “wrong places.” Street animals quickly get used to fulfilling their natural needs in the courtyard of a private house.

If the cat consistently went to his litter box, and then suddenly his behavior changed, it is useless to scold and punish him. Until the owner finds the cause and eliminates it, the “dirty tricks” will continue, despite the fear of punishment.

This is completely normal, natural behavior for a cat. Hasn't this happened before? Perhaps your boy has simply matured...And is declaring his new status. And at the same time, it attracts potential brides. He doesn’t know how and where to look for them. And instinct says: “scare away your rivals and attract your friends!” So he tries, poor thing, and leaves marks. But for some reason the owners are unhappy...

An adult cat may also suddenly begin to mark. This is usually associated with some changes in the life of the family that make the cat doubt his position, status and thus try to “put things in order,” and at the same time make sure that everything is still under his control.

An adult cat may begin to mark the territory if the apartment has been renovated, because there are foreign smells everywhere, which means that the situation needs to be corrected urgently.

Cats are also confused by changes in family composition - the appearance of a child, the arrival of relatives. The situation becomes especially difficult if, due to a change in marital status, the cat begins to feel a lack of attention to his person. Here not only marks are used, but also outright rudeness - fragrant “piles” on the master’s bed, described favorite shoes, etc.

Such demonstrative behavior is usually accompanied by other manifestations. The cat may become aggressive and refuse to be handled. There are such “smart guys” who are capable of breaking the owner’s favorite vase or knocking down indoor flowers, and not out of mischief and not at all by accident. This is a planned and carefully executed plan of revenge against the traitorous owner, who dared to bring his wife into the house and now spends time with her, ignoring his previously beloved and only cat.

What should you do if your cat starts peeing anywhere, ignoring the toilet? Moreover, she was accustomed to the litter box and went there regularly “yesterday,” and then suddenly she changed her habits and began to shit in the wrong place.

Running around with a rag throughout the apartment, wiping the floors, or constantly washing clothes and hiding clothes in closets is, frankly speaking, not a very bright prospect. And it makes no sense to scold an animal either - it will then deliberately misbehave, to spite the owner.

Therefore, in order to resolve the issue, you must first understand its causes. And there can be many of them. Let's talk about the most common of them.

Health problems

Various diseases genitourinary system And gastrointestinal tract may well be the reason that the cat began to pee anywhere. Many breeds have a genetic predisposition to urolithiasis, especially if you feed your pet cheap dry food.

It is quite easy to determine that urination is causing pain to your cat. She becomes fussy, nervous, hesitates for a long time to approach the tray, and meows pitifully. Having jumped into the toilet, he urinates not at full strength, squatting on hind legs and pressing against the walls of the box. Or, on the contrary, he tries to do everything in an unnatural standing position.

The latter option is typical for exacerbations of cystitis.

In addition to the above reasons, problems with urination may be associated with the following factors:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • digestive system dysfunction;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • allergic reactions to certain foods;
  • neurological disorders;
  • progressive rheumatoid arthritis etc.

In any case, when there are suspicions of any health abnormalities, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian and make the appropriate diagnosis. As a rule, blood, urine and stool tests are taken, as well as an ultrasound scan. abdominal cavity to make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

Territory designation

At the age of 6-8 months, cats reach sexual maturity, and the reproductive instinct makes itself felt characteristic features: loud meowing and guttural screams, changes in behavior (excessive affection or aggressiveness), as well as marking of territory. Urine is used by animals as a way to attract a mate and let him know that they are willing to mate.

Dirty furniture, curtains, clothes, master's slippers and other items home life indicates that sexual hunting has begun.

By means of secreted pheromones, females notify males that they are ready to reproduce, and males scare away other cats, letting them know that entry into someone else's territory is prohibited.

It is useless to go against nature, so no educational measures or persuasion will help to reason with the cat so that he does not pee anywhere. In such a situation, three options are possible:

  • Realize natural instinct and mate animals. It makes sense when there is an opportunity to place kittens in the future good hands or sell them if the parents are purebred. It is worth considering that frequent mating undermines the health of cats, and cats only temporarily stop marking the apartment.
  • Castration/sterilization. A surgical solution to the problem is a fairly common method of contraception. The operation involves the removal of the gonads and, as a result, the animal’s sexual activity is suppressed or completely stopped. Conducted under general anesthesia V veterinary clinic. After surgical intervention You will no longer need to try to wean a cat from peeing in the wrong place - they lose interest in the opposite sex, become obedient, affectionate and do not mark in the house.
  • Taking hormonal drugs. There are many pros and cons for this method, so the decision to use oral contraceptives is made individually by the cat owner. Sterilization surgery may be contraindicated due to the animal’s advanced age, various injuries and health problems.


They are grouped into two main categories, sometimes intertwined with each other:

  • Physiological.
  • Psychological.

The latter include various stressful situations, an attempt to take a dominant position among family members or, conversely, extremely low self-esteem.

Physiology is: a) puppy age; b) health problems in an adult dog.

Surely it wouldn’t even occur to us to be offended by a baby who pees whenever he wants? Therefore, a newly born puppy will explore the world with you and learn good manners.

Let's say that your cat always went to the litter box and started peeing anywhere without visible reasons. Naturally, such antics will cause discontent, but should cause concern. Cats are naturally very clean and do not tend to dirty their homes. Puddles that appear in a home may indicate a number of alarming diseases, more often we're talking about O renal failure in a broad sense.

Urinary Incontinence – Your cat may not be making puddles on purpose! Typically, animals with urinary incontinence leave wet marks where they sleep or sit. If you notice that your cat has gotten into the habit of peeing on the sofa, first, visit the veterinarian and only then (if the pet is healthy) begin to correct the behavior.

Stress – if a cat starts going to the toilet in a flower pot or in another uncomfortable, unusual and illogical place, it is most likely due to stress. Perhaps the purr is jealous of the new pet, is bored, or is worried about the illness of a family member. Cats can be jealous of newborn babies and make puddles on the baby's things or in the playpen. Stress can and should be managed, since it weakens the cat’s immunity and can become a “catalyst” for another disease.

Urolithiasis (UCD) – older and genetically predisposed cats (especially those that eat cheap dry food) universally suffer from stones in the kidneys, bladder or ureters. The cat is experiencing painful urges to urinate, but cannot urinate. She sits down and literally squeezes out a few drops of urine, while grunting or screaming in pain.

Cystitis – inflammatory process, accompanied by symptoms similar to ICD. Many owners have noticed that a cat with cystitis urinates past the litter box while in it or tries to urinate in an unnatural position, for example, standing.

It is worth understanding that the reason inappropriate behavior can become anyone pathological process genitourinary system. Most often, pyeloniphritis and nephritis, glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys itself), and ureitis are diagnosed in domestic cats. Less common is atony (lack of peristalsis) - urine is poured out when the bladder is full.

A neutered cat started peeing all over the place - a very common problem that many pet breeders deal with. After castration, cats change their habits dramatically, and therefore begin to pee in other places. The only way out of the situation is to move the tray to where the cat goes most often.

However, sometimes even without surgical intervention the cat stops going to the litter box. Why this happens is a complex question that has several answers. For example, if the owner decides to switch from one litter to another, this may cause a change in the place for his pet to relieve himself. If the cat is not happy with the new litter, he will pee anywhere but in the designated place.

Sometimes the reason for changing the place to relieve oneself is a serious illness of the cat. When faced with problems with defecation or urination, the cat may think that its troubles are connected with the litter box, abandoning it and starting to shit around the house. In this case, a person should show the cat to a doctor, and this is especially true if the animal practically does not go to the toilet and constantly makes terrible sounds when defecating.

Another common reason is a simple antipathy towards the litter box. If a cat doesn't like the litter box, he will never go in it, no matter how the owner behaves.

If a cat stops going to the toilet in the designated place, the worst thing a person can do is use physical violence. Cats do not perceive scolding and beatings, so they may start going to the wrong place out of spite.

One of the common reasons why a cat doesn't like the litter box is its incorrect location. In cases where this object is too close to food bowls, the animal develops a stoic rejection of the place for these purposes.

Many cats stop visiting the litter box if the owner suddenly changes its location. Cats navigate by smell, and having gotten used to going to the same place, they refuse to make such important changes in their lives.

However, the most common reason for changes in a cat's behavior is the desire to mark the territory. Typically, this habit appears in mature animals, and you can get rid of it only with the help of patience and affection towards your pet. If a person has an adult cat, he will have to put up with puddles throughout the house for some time. Thus, the cat will mark the new habitat.

It is quite difficult to stop an animal from crapping in inappropriate places. The first thing to do is to purchase a special spray, which you should use to mark the place where you should go to the toilet. Typically, such a spray contains pheromones that attract the animal. It is also worth trying to place the tray where the cat began to shit the most, re-accustoming him to the tray.

By relieving themselves in inappropriate places, many cats try to express their dissatisfaction. For example, if an animal has antipathy towards a family member, he can shit on his things, expressing his attitude in such an original way.

If your pet starts shitting in the wrong place, you shouldn’t despair, because the situation can still be corrected. The owner should act carefully and quickly, without ignoring the new habit, otherwise the cat will continue to do this everywhere, not paying attention to the cries.

Let’s say that all of the above reasons and methods turned out to be not relevant for you, but it is still necessary to wean your dog from peeing in the apartment, what should you do in this case? Alternatively, the following methods can be used:

  • Walk more often - yes, it’s banal, but it works. Active games and stress contribute to the urge to urinate, and positive emotions reinforce correct behavior.
  • Use sprays– there are two types of product: to wean dogs from urinating in certain places and to motivate them to relieve themselves in a specific place. We spray the favorite place for puddles and corners with the first spray, and the permitted place with the second. Once we have accustomed the dog to a newspaper or a diaper, we move on, working according to the puppy algorithm.
  • Electroshock collar (ESC)– a method for owners whose nervous potential has depleted. The device is equipped with a control panel; your task is to catch your pet doing “nasty things” and press the button. Dogs are very sensitive to electric shocks and even a small shock is extremely unpleasant for the tailed dog. After the blow, the pet needs to be called and pitied, with the message: “You see, you wrote and it turned out to be so unpleasant.” Using EShO, you form negative emotions, associated with the action, while your authority does not suffer, because it is not you who are fighting, but this nasty collar. The main thing is... don't get carried away and don't overdo it.

How to avoid developing urolithiasis after castration?

It's pretty simple. First, it is necessary to limit the protein content in the animal’s diet. As a source complete protein Boiled chicken and low-fat offal are suitable. They should be given no more than three to four times a week.

Secondly, a castrated animal must be provided with unlimited access to clean drinking water at any time of the day. If the cat receives a sufficient volume of fluid, then water-salt metabolism in his body will not be disturbed, the risk of uroliths will be minimal. Finally, dry food can be given, but good quality and no more than four times a day.

Before proceeding to the conclusion of the problem, it is advisable to identify its possible causes and, of course, try to eliminate them first. So, if your four-legged friend began to crap at home, perhaps it was precisely at the time when your dog was a teenager that you paid very little attention to her upbringing.

The reason for this behavior may also be that your dog did not have the opportunity to go outside, and the desire to relieve itself was stronger than the owner’s prohibition. Make sure your dog is given good and regular walks. And finally, the most likely and final reason why an adult dog began to crap at home is the animal’s hidden grudge against its owner. In this case, you simply need to pay more attention to the animal and show love and warmth to your friend more often.

Thus, if you want to figure out why the dog began to shit at home, first of all, take a closer look at your pet: lack of attention and love, insufficient walking, fear of punishment, as well as possible internal diseases- all these are the reasons why a dog violates the bounds of decency and does not comply with the rules of cleanliness.

Watch a video about toilet training a puppy.

The established habits of adult animals are quite difficult to overcome. By at least, you will have to “give it your all.” All of the tips below imply a scrupulous attitude towards cleanliness in the home and regular wet cleaning (at least during educational procedures).

The first thing to do is visit a pet store. An almost fail-safe remedy is changing the tray and using sprays to correct behavior. It is important to purchase a spacious but closed tray in which the cat will feel safe. Privacy is also an important factor; many pets are simply embarrassed to pee in front of everyone.

Sprays will either help immediately or not help at all. Naturally, preference should be given to proven drugs. Reviews from experienced owners can be found on forums or among friends. The meaning of the application is to correct behavior through hints. Cats understand the language of smell well. Repellent sprays contain extracts from eucalyptus, green tea, citrus fruits, etc.

If you don’t have a special spray at hand, the surface can be treated with a warming ointment for joints or for radiculitis (even an inexpensive one), the well-known “Zvezdochka” and other drugs with a pungent and pungent odor are an excellent deterrent. However, be careful; some drugs can be dangerous if they come into contact with mucous membranes, including the nose.

The problem with “peeing out of spite” has deeper roots and takes longer to solve. If a cat ignores the litter box (and previously used it regularly), makes puddles on the bed or pillow, the owner’s clothes, or specifically climbs onto a shelf to “renew” your headdress - this is a clear sign of extreme stress.

How quickly will the problem be resolved? It all depends on the owner’s mood and the depth of the cat’s moral trauma. In mild cases, everything can be corrected through communication, and the cat should not be punished for gifts in the form of puddles. You need to accept your pet for who he is, grind your teeth to wash and wash, but truly love him!

Build a hole for your cat in a clothes closet or equip a house (can be made of cardboard) in which she can feel calm. By the way, access to highest points dwellings will instill confidence in the purr, but some animals experiencing prolonged stress will not dare to take such an honorable position. If you see that your favorites are wavering, start small - a chair, a windowsill or a shelf in a closet.

Perhaps the only invincible obstacle is the marks. Contrary to public opinion, both cats and cats mark their territory. The former leave marks in the corners, the latter prefer upholstered furniture or pee right under the door. Cats leave messages: “I live here, I’m a male and don’t you dare interfere, otherwise it will be bad.” The cats say: “I live here, I’m so young and healthy and we will have great kittens” - that’s why they make a puddle under the doors so that the gentleman understands what’s what from the threshold. All these actions are natural, pets are absolutely not ashamed of them and, in fact, do not understand your anger.

Further more, a cat experiencing empty heats suffers from hormonal imbalances and attracts gentlemen more actively, but this is fraught with pyometra ( purulent inflammation uterus). Males suffer much more severely and may develop inflammation or even testicular cancer. By the way, the aroma of cats’ marks becomes very noticeable, too bright to live peacefully with “it” in the same home.

If your pet does not have breeding value, for his own good, there is castration and sterilization. The procedure is performed at any age from minimal risks and/or side effects. In addition, by sterilizing your non-pedigreed ward, you will contribute to reducing the number of stray animals.

Suppose sterilization is impossible due to medical indications(heart disease, old age, trauma, immunodeficiency, hemophilia, etc.), what to do in this case? There are well-known oral contraceptives for cats, but they do more harm than good.

As shown veterinary practice, hormonal drugs lead to the development of oncology and mastopathy (tumors of the mammary glands) in both females and males. More humane and safe method– this is bio-sterilization. The procedure is based on a one-time injection of hormones that inhibit sexual processes in the cat’s body. Usually, the effect lasts 7–12 months, and after that the procedure is repeated.

Nonsense for many theoretical trainers is, in fact, a common problem for ordinary people. An adult dog peeing in the house is not uncommon. Theorists label the four-legged animal as “stupid,” while trainers look for the cause and eliminate it. The first thing to do to wean adult dog writing at home means identifying the cause of incorrect behavior:

  • Mental disorder– typical for dogs that have survived violence, hunger, long wandering through the streets, severe injuries. This is the most difficult case to correct; it requires strictly individual approach, affection, patience and complete disregard for material values ​​on the part of the owner. That is, either you set yourself the goal of stabilizing the dog’s psyche and make any sacrifices (no matter how much a carpet, bed, chair, laminate flooring costs) or you admit defeat in advance.
  • Physical illness– in other words, urinary incontinence. The pathology may be a consequence of a cold, infection in genitourinary tract, spinal cord entrapment, complications after operations. In this case, the dog requires treatment, during which time you can resort to using diapers.
  • Physiological features– a weak or small bladder is not only a human feature. In addition, it happens that the dog suffers from a hidden kidney ailment, which is why he wants to go to the toilet more often. In this case, “there’s nothing you can do”; you’ll have to adapt to the rhythm of your pet’s life. By the way, “emotional intoxication” refers specifically to the category of problems with weak bladder or urinary tract infection.
  • Bitches first heat– not understanding what is happening, but experiencing nagging pain in the peritoneum, trying to relieve the discomfort, the dog instinctively pees. Urination occurs frequently; sometimes the dog sits down, but does not pee because there is nothing left to urinate with. This behavior will not last long and you will have to endure literally 1 day.
  • Psychological trauma– after being kept in small cages, for example, in a shelter or quarantine site. The dog tolerates it on the street and basically relieves itself at home, because it considers this behavior to be correct. In this case, training begins with the puppy algorithm (in the diaper), after which the dog is gradually accustomed to walking and socialized.
  • Self-doubt– fear of the unknown, and in some dogs a feeling of embarrassment, can interfere normal behavior- relieving yourself on the street. There is an unshakable law - an animal does not eat when it feels danger. Teach your dog to eat outside, and then toilet problems will become solvable.
  • Instincts - puddles in the corners and lifting paws on the curtains indicate a desire to mark territory. Sexual instinct and the desire to protect the territory from invasion are much stronger than ethics and methods of education. If you suppress instincts, it will come to the point that the dog will make a puddle demonstratively, looking into your eyes. In such a situation, the only way out is castration (removal of the testicles in males, the uterus and ovaries in females). After the operation and rehabilitation period, the animal becomes calmer, its sexual instinct “evaporates”, and with it the desire to protect its home from competitors for mating.
  • “For malice” - it is more correct to formulate this reason as “out of a feeling of deprivation,” but this behavior looks like the dog is deliberately mischievous. Puddles appear in the absence of the owner or right before the eyes of the taken aback owner. Dogs pee on the bed, shoes and carpets suffer. A pet can jump on the sofa when you are sitting on it and defiantly make a puddle... and all for the same purpose - discontent, screaming and even punishment. Moral violence is an act of showing attention! If a dog does not receive the communication and affection it needs, it gets its way in other ways. This situation resembles a vicious circle: the pet behaves normally for some time, and then problems with puddles return, regardless of age and quality of upbringing. The problem is not the dog or its habits, the problem is you!

Diagnosis of hematuria

For staging correct diagnosis The treating veterinarian will need the following information about the sick pet:

  • Medical history;
  • Cat's diet;
  • Behavior (walks outside, climbs trees);
  • Monitoring urine output;
  • X-ray results of internal organs (primarily the bladder);
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Laboratory research analysis.

The last point is the most important in the list, since it allows you to accurately determine the pathology of the animal. For correct diagnosis Diseases of the excretory system require both chemical and physical analysis of urine.

The color and consistency of the discharge itself is examined: if the liquid is unevenly colored red, then most likely there is a problem in the functioning of the bladder or urethra. If the coloring is even, then it may be a malfunction of the kidneys.

Pets have some advantage over street pets. Problems with urination in the first ones become known to the owners almost immediately. On the contrary, cats that relieve themselves on the street will get sick until their illness develops so much that it makes itself felt.

Help from specialists and folk remedies

What if you still didn’t keep track or forgot to change the filler in the tray, and your pet shit. What to do if the cat has already shit in the wrong place? How to stop writing wherever you want? First of all, you should calm down. Under no circumstances should you shout, hit, or poke your nose at what has been “created.” Doing any of this will only frighten the cat, and it is unknown what the pet's behavior will be in the future.

  • Move the cat into a small room for a week. Move all her things there, except for the food bowls. Let her out of the room for meals, and after she eats, take her back and lock her up. Gradually release the cat into other rooms after a week.
  • To make your cat feel comfortable and protected in your apartment and not try to mark anything, you need to follow a few simple steps. Allow the cat to be on the sofa, chair, bed in which you sit or sleep. Make accessible spaces on cabinets, shelves and other furniture that is located significantly above floor level. In such places, cats feel more protected. All members of the cat family love boxes. Bring a cardboard box and place it under a table or chair. This place will become her favorite. Wipe the cat with a soft cloth. Then use the same cloth to wipe all surfaces in the house. So, the cat will not mark those things that have already been touched by its scent.
  • Soak a napkin in cat urine and place it in the tray. This will help the kitten navigate in the future.
  • If you catch the cat right there on the spot, drop water on it. Cats don't like any water procedures and even a drop of water will become stressful for her.
  • Praise your little kitten after each visit to the litter box. In some cases, you can even play with it while it is in the tray. Remember that it is easier to train immediately right place than to wean off later.
  • If the cat has chosen certain places for its toilet, then a win-win option would be to install bowls with drink and food in these places. Cats are clean creatures and will not spoil where they eat.
  • To stop your cat from shitting anywhere, you can cover the area that she has reserved for the toilet with double-sided tape. When she sits down, her fur will slightly stick to her, it won’t hurt her, but discomfort she is guaranteed. Now this place will become associated with discomfort for her, and the cat will not go there.
  • Wash soiled areas with strong-smelling products. You can also use mustard, butter or lemon peel, or anything else your pet doesn't like.
  • From modern means offered by pet stores, you can use “Antisex”, “Antigadin”. These products are intended to calm cats and cats during spring sprees, but they will also help in adjusting the pet’s behavior.
  • Temporarily place the tray in the place where the cat pooped. And then move it to a place convenient for both the owner and the cat.
  • It is very difficult to stop a cat from crapping in flowers. The process will take long time, because, according to cats, the earth is best place where you can go to the toilet. Cats enjoy the process of dripping in the soil; they like it when the soil touches their paws. First, you will need to remove all flowers out of reach of your pet. In large tubs, the ground is covered with something, because the flowerpots large sizes difficult to tolerate without harming the plant. For a while replace the filler in the tray on the sand. And then pour a little filler into the sand tray every day. In the future, it is recommended to replace the old filler with a new one, which will resemble sand in consistency.
  • In case stress state cat, the owner is recommended to pay more attention to the pet, pet it more often, and play. In some particularly severe cases, you will need to seek help from a veterinarian who will prescribe sedatives. And under no circumstances should you get angry and scold a cat if it shits in the wrong place. Yelling will only make an already difficult situation worse.
  • If there are no visible reasons for your pet to rebel, then you should take your cat to the veterinarian. The specialist will conduct an examination and take tests. And based on the data received, it will report on diseases that caused the refusal to go to the toilet in in the right place. Prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • As soon as you see that the cat has sat down and is about to do business, immediately grab it and carry it to the tray. It will require persistence and attention, but in the end you will achieve your goal. You can also put coins in a tin and shake them every time the cat starts to sit down. She'll be scared loud sound and will forget that she planned to shit where she shouldn’t.

Adult dogs – education and behavior correction

Trying to solve the problem, owners resort to extremes, get offended by the pet, consider it stupid... in most “dead-end problems”, it is the dog’s owner who is wrong - this is an axiom. The first thing to do is to stop getting angry, even if your pet has already peed on the carpet or bed - start with clean slate! Approach the issue from a physiological point of view and everything will work out - 100% guarantee.