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Features of cleansing the body according to the method of Marva Ohanyan. Cleansing the body using the unique method of Marva Ohanyan

It is read that modern people are beginning to search for solutions to health issues, but have little interest in prevention to eliminate the possibility of various diseases.

For a more effective healing process, the sages of antiquity proposed treating diseases at 3 levels: physical, energetic, spiritual.

The physical level involves complete cleansing of the body from toxins.

Energy level - cleansing either the astral or pranic body, and restoring normal energy flows. As a result of disruption of this process, diseases appear on the physical level.

The spiritual level of treating a disease involves deep study inner world person and awareness of those mistakes that could lead the body into a state of illness.

Studying time-tested yogic scriptures, we have also become convinced of the high effectiveness of these techniques: (cleansing techniques), etc., therefore we recommend mastering them with the help of competent people.

This article presents one of the modern techniques cleansing, known as the “Ohanyan Cleansing Method”.

In order to recover, any patient needs to cleanse the insides of dirt, pus, mucus, sand, stones, and salts. This is a long process - from six months to 1 year, but as a result of such treatment, patients always recover. I advise you and all members of your family to start cleansing your body and healing from the ailments that are tormenting you, and if you are healthy now, cleanse yourself and eat right so as not to get sick in five or ten years, because natural treatment guarantees a person complete health for life .

Marva Ohanyan believes that treatment should begin with cleansing gastrointestinal tract. At 7 o'clock in the evening you need to drink a laxative-salt (if you do not have a stomach ulcer or erosive gastritis) - 50 g of magnesium sulfate powder (Epsom salt), dissolving it in 3/4 glass warm water, and immediately wash it down with a decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice. After this, immediately lie down on your right side with a heating pad on the liver area for 1 hour without a pillow. While you are lying down, continue to drink the decoction. In total, before 9 pm you need to drink 5 - 6 glasses of decoction. Be sure to go to bed at 9 pm.

In the morning from 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock you need to rinse the large intestine. To do this, pour 2–3 liters of warm water (37–38°C) into Esmarch’s large rubber mug. In advance, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of coarse table salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in this water and rinse your intestines with this mixture. The cleansing enema should be done in the knee-elbow position (i.e., stand on the floor, kneel and lean on your elbows). The plastic tip must be removed, lubricate the rubber tube with Vaseline or vegetable oil and inserted into the rectum. Do the enema not just once, but 2-3 times in a row, i.e. wash out the intestines. Exactly such cleansing enemas should be repeated every morning for 7-10 days in a row.

Now - the most important thing! After the first cleansing enema, you should not eat anything, you just need to drink a decoction of herbs with honey and juice of lemon, viburnum, pomegranate, cherry, currant, dogwood - according to the season.

The decoction is prepared as follows: take mint, oregano, lemon balm, plantain, coltsfoot, tricolor violet, sage, yarrow, chamomile, knotweed, bearberry, bay leaf, rose hips, horsetail, 1 tablespoon of each herb, put in an enamel pan, pour three liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Then start drinking, adding 1-2 teaspoons of natural honey and 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or sour berries to each glass. The juice must be freshly squeezed. IN as a last resort, it can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink 1 glass every hour. Drink 10–12 glasses per day.

Such fasting should be carried out for 7 to 10 or 15 days, depending on the general condition of the patient and his internal desire to eat. During fasting, a whitish coating may form on the tongue; this should be cleaned with a toothbrush every day. There may be nausea and vomiting. There is no need to be afraid of this; on the contrary, you need to rinse your stomach if you feel nauseous. To do this, you need to drink 3-4 large glasses of warm boiled water, adding 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda to each glass. After this, press your finger on the root of the tongue and induce vomiting.

After this, continue fasting and drink the decoction. It is very good if a cough begins with sputum, purulent discharge from the nose. You need to continue fasting until this discharge ends, but on the eighth day of treatment you need to add freshly squeezed juices - fruit and vegetable - to the broth.

Very helpful Apple juice, mixtures of carrot, beet, apple (beets are red); pumpkin and apple; carrots, beets, cabbage, radishes, parsnips; cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers.

If you can prepare 5–6 glasses of freshly squeezed juices a day (you need to have an electric juicer), you can add 4–5 glasses of decoction with honey and sour juice, then this “fasting” can be extended to the 21st day, for complete cleansing body. If possible, it is also very useful to drink the juices of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and in the summer - all berry juices. Colon lavage (enemas) during fasting should be done daily. After fasting, you need to start eating very carefully - the first four days - only soft or pureed fresh fruits: apples, tangerines, oranges, tomatoes in summer, watermelons, melons, etc., and continue to drink broth, 2-3 glasses a day and drink juices, fruits and vegetables. Eat three times a day: at 11, 15, 19 hours. After 4 days, you can add fresh vegetable salads to the fruit from grated vegetables with the addition of tomatoes, onions, garlic and any greens: dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, fresh carrot tops, beets, sorrel, spinach. You can prepare a salad only from greens and onions. Dress the salad only with lemon or berry juice without oil and sour cream - another 10 days. Then you can gradually introduce baked vegetables into your diet: pumpkin, beets, onions with fresh herbs and vegetable oil. You can also add vegetable oil to salads - after 20–30 days from the start of their use. Only after two months can you introduce porridge into your daily diet: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley - boil them in water, after readiness add vegetable or butter, you can eat this porridge with raw pureed vegetable salad, it’s healthier and tastier. Soups and borscht, exclusively vegetable with the addition of oil and after readiness (a little sour cream can be used).

Three months after the start of treatment, you need to resume the cleansing program, i.e. start all over again: fasting - 7-10 days, drinking juices, fruits, salads, etc. This treatment must be repeated every three months, one or two years. Only in this case will there be a complete recovery. You cannot take any medications.

But still, dear friends, I would like to emphasize that our current life is not our first and not our last, in a global sense. The topic is very important to study. And in order not to have to cleanse yourself in future lives, you need to make efforts already in this life.

In this regard, there are unique places on the planet that store the energy of sages (practitioners); just staying in such a place can already heal, and not on the gross - physical level, but on the subtle - energetic and spiritual.

PS: You don’t have to be a Buddhist to get the effect of this Place.
Join if possible!


Cleansing the body - important condition to maintain health. Food, air, water, and medicines contain many toxic and harmful substances that accumulate in the human body over the years and have a detrimental effect on health. Lethargy, headaches, colds, malfunctions of the digestive system - these are not all the symptoms of slagging in the body.

Cleansing the body using the Marva Ohanyan method is a unique therapeutic diet based on herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices. The body is being effectively cleansed and everything is renewed physiological processes. This method can cure the most serious illnesses, which traditional medicine recognizes as incurable.

Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan was born in Yerevan in 1935. She was interested in medicine since childhood and after school immediately entered the medical University. While still a student, she became convinced of the ineffectiveness of modern treatment methods and decided to become a biochemist.

Her entire further biography is closely connected with scientific work and medicine. A female biologist, candidate of medical sciences, author of scientific works, teacher - this active, purposeful woman devoted many years to the study of natural methods of treatment. Her seminars are popular far beyond Russia. Currently lives in Krasnodar and still practices. She was able to help many people improve their health through healing fasting.

Cleansing method according to Marva Ohanyan is described in detail in the book “Golden Recipes of Naturopathy”, where she shared her knowledge about natural nutrition, therapeutic fasting and cleansing. Marva Vagarshakovna believes that the basis of all processes occurring in the body is metabolism. She is sure that every modern person should know the biochemistry of metabolism and be able to analyze what they eat. Food can be a blessing, or it can turn out to be a great evil.

The doctor is sure that the food that has passed heat treatment, non-living and incorrect, does not correspond to human biochemistry and contributes to the accumulation of waste and toxins in the intestines, which contributes to the development of many diseases. Slagging of the body at the intercellular level often leads to genetic changes and weakened immunity. A person should eat what nature created, especially during treatment. A whole range of her lectures are devoted to the topic of human biochemistry and food.

The essence of the technique

The Oganyan Marva Vagarshakovna method of cleansing the body involves carrying out effective cleansing in stages: preparation, fasting and recovery from fasting. To activate the cleansing process, it is necessary to comply with the norms of solar biological rhythms and the regularity of all procedures:

  • go to night sleep from 21.00 to 5.00;
  • regular use of laxatives (30−40 g of magnesium sulfate);
  • daily baths or showers;
  • the use of herbal infusions with the addition of honey, lemon and diluted freshly squeezed juices of lemon, orange, viburnum, cherry, pomegranate;
  • drinking vegetable and fruit juices;
  • cleaning the sinuses;
  • daily walks to fresh air.
  • acute form of ulcer;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • heart attack and hypertensive crisis.

Stages of cleansing

The cleansing course must be carried out according to a certain scheme, following all recommendations. The result of therapeutic fasting directly depends on this.

Preparatory procedures

At 19:00, drink a laxative solution of magnesium sulfate (50g), adding lemon juice and wash down with the prepared warm decoction. People who are overweight should increase the dose of magnesium to 65-70 g and repeat this evening procedure three evenings in a row.

Lie on your right side for about an hour, placing a warm heating pad in the liver area to expand bile ducts. This should not be done in case of cholelithiasis and hepatitis. Within an hour, it is recommended to drink three glasses of herbal infusion with honey and lemon. If there is a physiological urge, visit the toilet. Go to bed at 21.00, and before going to bed, be sure to take a walk in the fresh air.

Bowel release

The first day begins with an enema to cleanse the colon. Prepare 2 liters of heated water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of salt. The prepared liquid is injected into anus in a knee-elbow position for 2-3 approaches using, lubricating the tip with Vaseline or cream. From this moment on, you should not eat any food except herbal infusions and juices.

Enema is carried out daily during the first week of therapeutic fasting, from the second week - every other day. The course of cleansing must be continuous.

How to clear your sinuses

Mart Ohanyan also recommends cleansing the sinuses with cyclamen juice. To do this, you need to grate the plant tuber, squeeze out the juice and dilute it with water 1:10. Instill the solution up to three times a day, while in a horizontal position, one drop into each nostril. Then lie down for a while and you can drink an infusion of medicinal herbs. The solution can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days and then prepared fresh. Continue this procedure for two weeks.

During therapeutic fasting, the following processes occur in the body:

  • · the digestive organs rest and all the energy goes towards cleaning;
  • · enzymes are activated that remove toxins into the intestines;
  • · enemas cleanse the intestines and normalize its microflora.

The violent cleansing process can cause nausea, purulent and mucous discharge from the nasopharynx. But this normal reaction and shouldn't be scary.

Breaking out of fasting

You need to come out of therapeutic fasting with caution. Heavy food is contraindicated: it can cause irreparable harm to the body.

For the first 4 days, you should eat fruits and vegetables pureed until pureed, while still taking herbal decoctions. Then you can start eating, seasoned with lemon juice. And only after two weeks - baked vegetables with sour cream or vegetable oil. By the end of the second month are allowed vegetable soups, porridge with water, lean borscht.

Marva Ohanyan recommends permanently eliminating meat, fish, dairy products, confectionery and bakery products from the diet. Such food promotes the growth of fungi that are hazardous to health. homemade baking bread without yeast will help maintain healthy intestinal microflora and forget about dysbiosis. The doctor considers buckwheat, millet, sour cream, homemade butter, avocado, egg yolks, garlic, plant foods.

The cleansing process can last from 6 to 12 months. You need to have the right mindset and really want to help yourself. Several courses of seven-day fasting will relieve many diseases: diabetes, heart attack, infertility, Alzheimer's disease, allergies, multiple sclerosis. You should not take alcohol or medications during the entire cleansing period.

Medicinal herbs for decoctions

Everyone knows the healing effect of herbs, and when combined correctly, it is especially beneficial. In the Marva Ohanyan method (body cleansing), the list of herbs is as follows:

The selection of herbs sometimes varies slightly depending on the disease. A pinch of each of those listed is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and allowed to brew for an hour. The decoction is filtered and drunk warm with honey and lemon juice every hour (2 tablespoons of juice and 1 teaspoon of honey). If you are allergic to some herbs, lemon or honey, you can drink pure rosehip decoction. It turns out 10-12 glasses of broth, that is, about 3 liters. With such conditional fasting, the body receives adequate nutrition.

There are both positive and negative reviews about fasting using the Mavra Ohanyan method. On the Internet you can find websites of supporters of this healing technique, where people communicate and exchange their experiences and opinions.

On the pages of the official website of a naturopathic doctor there is a lot of useful and detailed information about the mechanism of curing diseases using natural methods. Unique medical knowledge available to anyone who wishes to study them thoroughly and apply them in practice.

29.08.2017 Viktoria Soldatova

Here I will tell my story, you can even call it a review, about 14 days with virtually no food. I will briefly describe why this was done, how the process went and what the results were. The method was developed by Marva Ohanyan; cleansing the body at home should help me get rid of allergies and bronchial asthma.

Hello, my dear readers, this article is not quite usual for my children's blog. But sometimes I write about myself personally and this is exactly the case. In July, our family went on vacation to the sea. The holiday was great, although not enough, we could only afford 7 days. I returned full of strength and plans for new articles, and suddenly terrible fatigue fell on me, the existing allergy flared up with such force that I did not let go of the sanitary napkins from my hands.

To collect my thoughts, I decided to visit several friendly blogs and read the articles they wrote. And then I clearly began to realize that my brain was not working as it should! My mind seemed to be in a fog, my movements were automatic, I went to the kitchen - I forgot why I was going, the time came for classes with my son - I remembered that I had not prepared the materials for it. I began to get angry with myself, although I understood that this was directly related to allergies. I was already ready to go to the pharmacy for pills when I came across information about cleansing the body.

Why I decided to use this method

At that moment, I was ready for anything, but I do not accept diets, as my mood begins to fluctuate, and this adversely affects relationships with loved ones. Having read about conditioned fasting, at first I wasn’t keen on the idea. But my health was deteriorating, there was no talk of work, and Yandex and Google began to lower my position. Waking up one morning, I decided to study the issue thoroughly. I found books by Marva Varshagovna Ohanyan and binge-read one of them, “Golden Recipes for Naturopathy.”

Everything written seemed logical and I gained confidence in the methodology. I will say more, I couldn’t wait to start in order to quickly improve the state in which I was.

Health problems

Five years ago I spent allergy tests(skin tests) that showed a reaction to:

  • Ticks;
  • spores (fungal);
  • house dust;
  • herbs;
  • Mosquito bite;
  • cockroaches;
  • cat epithelium;
  • dog epithelium;
  • synthetic fibers;
  • cotton;
  • aerosols;
  • tobacco;
  • mice.

Well, actually, why be surprised? Diagnosis bronchial asthma I was diagnosed in Russia, at the age of 20. Fortunately, in Krasnodar there is an excellent hydropathic clinic, where, after completing a course of 6 months, I “sealed” the symptoms for the next 20 years. But subsequently, having tried all sorts of ways to get pregnant, my husband and I decided to resort to in vitro (IVF). Taking hormonal medications and body stress during pregnancy took their toll. A year after giving birth, I was discovered to be allergic to everything listed above. Two years of vaccinations (desensitization) produced virtually no results, and after refusing them it was clear that time and money were wasted.

I would say that I have already learned to live in a state of “constant acute respiratory infections”, this is exactly how it manifested itself for me. But complications arise from time to time, and this again means doctors, medications, time, money - short relief and everything again in a circle. The last time I didn’t want to seek help and ended up with sinusitis. I was cured with medication, but the doctor referred me to a nutritionist, who prescribed a certain diet and cleansing with Aloe Vera capsules. I spent three weeks choosing foods, monitoring my eating hours... and my mood was at its worst, especially in the first week. Having not seen any improvement, I returned to my normal diet.

But while reading the book, I began to analyze and realized the difference between Marva Ohanyan’s method of cleansing the body and that prescribed by a local nutritionist. In the second case, protein foods were present: chicken, fish, turkey, beef. While Marva Vagarshakovna insists on expelling her. The mood for recovery accumulated, grew at the speed of sound, but everything turned out to be not at all simple, since living outside of Russia, the necessary components were not found in pharmacies. If you, like me, find yourself in a similar situation, read below the names of the herbs I used in English.

Marva Ohanyan body cleansing – everything you need

Excerpt from the book:

The practice of naturopathic doctors around the world has clearly shown that bronchial asthma is curable at any age, but it can be cured especially easily and quickly in children.
To do this, only one thing is required: cleansing the entire body of metabolic waste accumulated in it and completely clearing the bronchi and lungs of dead mucous membrane cells accumulated in them, or, more simply, pus.
No medicine can cleanse cells. This can only be done by the body itself with the help of its tissue enzymes.
In order for these enzymes to be involved in the work of cleaning tissues, it is necessary to create certain conditions, namely: to rid the patient’s body of the work of digestion, that is, to abstain from food and take herbal decoctions with honey and lemon juice and freshly squeezed juices of fruits and vegetables as food. .

And so my son and I set out in search of everything we needed. It took us no less than 8 hours! Yes, yes, from 10 am to 6 pm. My poor boy was exhausted, I was already reeling from fatigue. But we didn’t find anything except chamomile, bay leaf and oregano. So when I arrived home, I ordered everything through Amazon.

My list of herbs

  1. Motherwort - Motherwort.
  2. Sage – Sage.
  3. Plantain - Plantain.
  4. Yarrow – Yarrow.
  5. Chamomile – Chamomile Flowers.
  6. Mint – Menthe.
  7. Bay leaf – Laurel Herb.
  8. Oregano – Organic Oregano.

Of the products I purchased, I really liked the products from Starwest Botanicals (this is not an advertisement). I took all the sachets for 4 Ounces = 115 grams and believe me, they will be enough for a repeat course.

In addition, I had to order an Esmarch mug, which was not heard of in any pharmacy in the Dominican Republic. This will be called in English Non-Toxic Silicone Enema Bag Kit. Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) was not available in our pharmacies, but Castor oil It was found in almost all of them, so I ended up taking it.

In addition, you cannot do without a juicer. If you have a universal model, that's very good. I used two:

  • For citrus fruits - a super thing;
  • for other vegetables and fruits.

Take care of this in advance, as there will be a lot of squeezing and squeezing.

List of herbs from the author

I want to say that the author’s literature itself reminds me of certain notes collected together. The reading material can be downloaded from many sites absolutely free of charge. Talking about some diseases, Marva Ohanyan clearly describes cleansing the body from A to Z. For pregnant women and children, the proportions are more moderate. But when describing allergies and asthma, the author does not go into detail. Although there is a constant mention of the idea that our body is one and there is no need to treat diseases separately. Therefore, taking a set of herbs that were indicated in different sections of the book, I composed my own healing drink.


Herbs for healing tea: mint, lemon balm, oregano, plantain, coltsfoot, yarrow, chamomile, chicory, knotweed, bearberry, bay leaf. Place one tablespoon of each in an enamel pan and pour three liters of boiling water. Close and wrap for 30 minutes. Then start drinking 1 glass every hour, adding honey - 2 teaspoons and juice of 1/4 lemon. Honey and lemon perfectly cleanse cellular fluid and nourish cells. Along with the broth, you should drink citrus juices from two to four glasses a day.

And while already on conditional fasting, I watched all the videos - lectures by a biochemist, where the author adds several herbs in the 3rd part. Maybe it will be easier for you to get them or you have a preference for them:

  • Agrimony;
  • horsetail;
  • sage;
  • nettle;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian root;
  • hop cones.

I also advise you to watch Marva Ohanyan’s video of cleansing the body. Here is part 1, subsequent ones begin automatically after the end of the previous one. I watched 4 and since my head began to work better, I realized that I had missed a couple of points. But I have time to catch up with them.

Personal review - the first cleansing of the body according to Marva Ohanyan

Since I could not get the necessary attributes, I had to wait a week for them to reach me from the USA. Having already read the book, I decided to switch to a raw food diet, naturally moving away from eating beef, chicken and fish. I haven't eaten pork for the last year. Subsequently, it turned out that such preparation is mandatory before fasting and is the first phase.

The evening before cleaning

In the evening, I prepared a decoction of herbs and poured it into a thermos, which I had purchased in advance. In 14 days I realized all his help and I advise you to get a similar one with a capacity of at least 3 liters. It keeps the drink warm long time. Having brewed herbs in the morning, you don’t have to worry about them until you go to bed. After all, the drink should be warm at every meal. How to brew them:

  1. We measure out the water and set it to boil.
  2. We take a Zip bag, I think everyone has them in their kitchen, and put 2 tbsp in it. l. every herb.
  3. Close and mix everything well.
  4. We take a 3-liter enamel pan (1.5 liters on the evening described), transfer the mixture from the bag into it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 l. water.
  5. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid, and wrap in a towel. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Strain through a couple of strainers into a thermos. Ready!

Be sure to add 2 tsp to the broth. honey and 1/4 lemon per 250 ml.

I also prepared a heating pad; it should be placed under the right side for 2 hours. In the first 30 minutes, it is worth placing a towel so as not to burn the skin. I’m writing this after the burn, it seemed like the temperature was tolerable, but in the morning it became clear that the corner of the heating pad had burned part of my stomach. Healing lasted 12 days.

As I wrote above, the choice fell on castor oil; this was my first time in my life when I had to use it. Either the oil here is different, or I was in very bad condition, but it seemed to me like an ordinary thick oily liquid without taste or smell. Three tablespoons were drunk in one gulp at 19:00.

She lay down on a heating pad without a pillow, turned on the TV so as not to be bored, and began to wait for a miracle. You need to go to bed at 21:00, within two hours after taking the laxative you should drink 5-6 glasses of herbal decoction. I did everything as recommended, but there was no urge to go to the toilet. Went to bed. The emptying occurred at 3 am, which disrupted my sleep and the next morning I was out of action.

1 day

The next morning I still had the brewed drink in a thermos, this is a real lifesaver for a person who is used to waking up with coffee. It was warm and after drinking it I was able to cheer up. I don’t even know what I expected, probably severe weakness. In addition, the nose is completely stuffed up, the frontal sinuses are too, I can directly feel it physically. The condition is not so great, but the child is on summer vacation, he needs to be fed, entertained, and exercised.

And it’s time for mom to do a couple of cleansing enemas in the morning. To do this, I measure out 2 liters of water, heat it to a temperature of 38 degrees, add 2 tsp. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. baking soda for each. I retire to the bathroom. You can measure the water temperature with a water thermometer; it is available in all pharmacies and houses where children live. You can take a kitchen thermometer, which many housewives also have. That's what I used.

Regular mercury will do, but only if you don’t keep it near boiling water. I think everyone understands the danger.

Having read many entries on forums and in diaries of people who have undergone cleansing, I can say that I have not experienced such horrors during colon lavage. Everything is as usual. Now every hour you need to drink 250 ml of a freshly brewed healing drink, adding honey and lemon. In addition, 2-4 glasses of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, oranges or lemons. In other words, any unsweetened citrus fruit. Today I was only able to take 2 glasses of orange. I love it very much, but since I always have citric acid in my mouth, I couldn’t pour more into myself.

The mood to continue (see recovery) is strong, I don’t see any weakness, it’s even surprising. At 21:00 the child is put to bed and I follow him.

2-4 days

These days I did one cleansing enema in the morning. I drank 1-2 glasses of orange-grapefruit juice and the prescribed 3 liters of herbs, although so far it is difficult to obtain such an amount of liquid. So much energy that I can fly to the moon! Where does it come from? The book describes the processes of cleansing the sinuses. This is just for me, but, as with everything else, you won’t find cyclamen root here during the day with fire. There were no raw red beets in supermarkets either; they are sold boiled...

After a preliminary 1-2 week general cleansing (drinking herbal decoctions and washing the intestines daily without eating), it is necessary to cleanse the sinuses by instilling cyclamen tuber juice in adults, and red beet juice in children. Red beet juice is obtained by rubbing it through a grater and squeezing. Place freshly squeezed juice (1-2 drops) into the child’s nose 2-3 times a day and blow the nose well, rinsing hot water.

Cyclamen juice is prepared as follows: peel the tuber white (buy from herbalists), wash, grate, squeeze out the pulp, pour into a clean bottle, dilute with distilled water (1:5). Keep in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, then cook new solution. Drip daily in the morning on an empty stomach, preferably after an enema, lying on your back without a pillow, one drop into each nostril. You need to endure the inevitable unpleasant sensations for 2-3 minutes, then get up, drink 2-3 glasses of hot herbal infusion with honey and lemon, then bend down to the floor for 1-2 minutes and then rinse and blow your nose.

Purulent discharge may appear either immediately or on the 3rd or 4th day, but it will definitely appear and then you need to bury it daily for 1-2, even 3 months. All this time, pus continues to be released. May be disrupted at times nasal breathing(“stuffy nose”) In this case, it is necessary to continue instillation. Further release of mucus will give you the opportunity to breathe freely.

I go to bed on time, but my sitting at the computer until night takes its toll. I wake up around 3 am and toss and turn until 6. I hope to get into a rhythm.

5-6 day

It's a bit complicated. The body started the cleansing process, and I realized the mistake of a one-time enema. Fatigue, mild headache, the desire to lie down and do nothing. What about the child, husband, house, cats (I have 3 of them)? To prevent intoxication from occurring, it is mandatory to wash the intestines twice.

I suspected something was wrong with the honey I bought. My powerful energy can come from the sugar mixed into it; I see sediment at the bottom of the jar. I went to the store and chose mango honey. Now is the season for this fruit, I hope the manufacturer will not let you down. There are no beekeepers here, especially since you won’t find them in the capital.

I didn’t drink juices, I don’t feel hungry at all. There is a terrible white coating on the tongue, I read that this is normal.

I found information on how to clear the sinuses, watched a bunch of videos, read a dozen articles. I do everything as this man says in the video, but the water does not come out through the second nostril. This is not surprising, although I began to breathe through my nose, the initial state was depressing. Let's wait. I wash it in the morning and evening.

7-10 day

Anyone who knows me will not be surprised when I say that I have found something to do. I didn’t mention this at the beginning of the report, the fact is that almost immediately I began to have an obsessive desire to clean. Apparently, the cleaning of the internal has transferred to the need to have perfect cleanliness around me. Well, it ended with repairs...

Oh-ho-ho, Marva Ohanyan advises to carry out health improvement in settlements, in the fresh air, in a calm environment. But it turned out that the only reason I went out onto the city streets was to buy materials, and inside the apartment there was the smell of paint and I was licking every shelf with rags and basins until it shined.

The workers arrive at 9:00, I set the alarm for 6 in the morning and have time to do all the procedures and feed the baby before they arrive. I’m not hungry, I’m happy to cook for my son. The husband manages on his own, doesn’t even look askance. She probably understands that a woman doing everything without food is dangerous.

Again I prepare 2 glasses of citrus fruit, paint and dust are absolutely contraindicated for me, maybe vitamin C will somehow smooth out the blow to the immune system.

The coating on the tongue interferes and causes a feeling of uncleanness; it cannot be cleaned off with a brush as desired. This is where a tongue cleaner comes to the rescue. It happens different models and stamps, with and without bristles. Mine is like in the photo below. In my review, I heartily advise: find it in pharmacies or other stores, then you will see that you are cleaning off real mucus.

The great news is that saline nasal rinses worked! A week after the start, water began to flow out through the second nostril. But no purulent discharge I do not see. I continue to walk around with sanitary napkins, “water” leaks out like with a normal allergy, but I breathe freely. Which makes me understand that cleaning is underway.

The mango honey turned out to be of poor quality. It was diluted with sugar cane syrup, which soon became noticeable from the bubbles collecting at the top of the jar. I found another Bio brand, the jar contains honeycombs, which reduces the amount of product I need. But there is nothing to do, the main thing is that it is natural, thick and falls into mounds, as it should be.

11-14 day

My nose feels great! I'm breathing! There was one moment though. I changed the sea salt to a different brand and used a regular solution to rinse my nose, but the mucous membrane was swollen. It was released after 7 hours.

Now I can smell the smells and they have started to make me think about food. The new honey is definitely natural, it does not provide as much energy as the first one. I feel slightly weak. I started counting the days until I quit the process. This is a sign of recovery.

I continued intestinal lavage twice a day all these days. I repeat, everything went smoothly, there were no horrors. But! I missed something. The author of the technique advises at the conference, but not in the book, to replace soda on the 4th day with the juice of 1/2 lemon to prepare an enema. She gives explanations in the third part of the video (it is above). I only did it at the end.


The second stage of my path to recovery or hygienic procedure has ended, as Marva Ohanyan calls cleansing the body. Now comes the most important, no less difficult – exit. But I will write about this in the next article.

Would I ever dare to do something like this again? Now I can’t answer this question. I lived this couple of weeks relatively easily. But all the procedures take a lot of time, which is difficult for a working person to do. Besides, I couldn’t work, I occupied myself with repairs, weakness got in the way and I simply didn’t have the desire. But for the sake of health, I am ready to conduct such courses a couple of times a year. This is exactly what the author of the technique advises to do. Everything will depend on how I cope with the exit, and most importantly, how long the achieved result will last.

My body, skin and spiritual state have changed in better side. You can't argue with that. Now I weigh 55 kg, my weight in my youth was 56. I seem to have lost a little, but there are no circles under my eyes, my shoes don’t pinch anywhere, that is, the swelling has gone away. Clothes from ten years ago fit like they were just bought. Now it's time to go to the supermarket and buy fruits and vegetables for the next two weeks. After all, the number of days you starve, the more you come out of hunger.

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IN modern society Finding a healthy person is difficult, almost impossible. Everyone has up to a dozen diseases that are chronic or in the acute phase. Poor ecology, food of dubious quality, lack of a culture of active life lead to the gradual destruction of the human body. Slags accumulate inside, toxins poison the organs, causing additional symptoms. Only thanks to the regular and main “garbage bin” – the intestines – is it possible to prolong life and restore health to a person. An effective technique was developed by Marva Ohanyan.

It became known about it in 1987. At first, the woman was spoken of as a sorceress who could save a hopeless patient in a month. Then the rumors began to become more realistic.

Full name Oganyan Marva Vagarshakovna. It has medical education Specialization: general practitioner, biochemist, candidate of biological sciences. Author of many books on the topic of “natural medicine”.

Marva, working in the laboratory, studied the effects of medicinal herbs on the human body. After the experiments, I was able to develop a system aimed at cleansing the body using exclusively natural resources. Carrying out manipulations allows you to effectively cleanse the internal organs and greatly contribute to weight loss and the elimination of excess fat.

After the procedure, metabolic processes in the body are normalized, general state, the body's natural barrier is strengthened.

The method of cleansing the body according to Marva Ohanyan is therapeutic fasting. During certain periods, a complete refusal of food occurs, during other periods, minimal doses are added to the diet. To obtain results, it is recommended to consume exclusively squeezed juices and infusions of medicinal herbs during the therapy period. The patient will also have to undergo enemas and eat vegetarian dishes.

How long will it last home treatment, is determined for each person individually. If he is a beginner, no food for 7 days is enough. For experienced patients, a course is used, where the number of days is from 21 to 42. In this case, natural ingredients created by nature are used in therapy, and the body’s reserve is involved in the process.

The technique is effective if the recommendations are followed exactly. The patient’s well-being and the expected result depend on how clearly the established rules are followed.

The red line through the methodology is strict adherence to the daily routine. This is necessary in order to be able to balance the biorhythms occurring in the surrounding nature and the biorhythms coming from the human body. Night rest is important. You need to go to bed no later than 9 pm, the duration of sleep should not exceed 9 hours. Good sleep will provide rest to the physical body. The brain processes a lot of information at this time.

Full-fledged healing sleep possible after a walk in the fresh air, and it should take place in any weather and last at least an hour. In the evening, it is undesirable to watch TV, computer, or tablet. More on preparatory stage The diet is gradually changing. You will need to give up animal products and eat vegetarian food.

7 days before the start of the active phase, the patient is on a diet consisting of plant foods to prevent fermentation in the intestinal canals. It is prohibited to take medications.

The duration of the treatment period is from 1 to 2 years. During this time, the patient undergoes several courses; during the breaks, meals consist of a vegetarian menu. Cleaning should not be done without consulting a doctor and examination.

Stages of the procedure

The method of cleansing the body of debris, mucus, dirt, and toxins according to Marva Ohanyan consists of three stages with short breaks:

  • Stage 1 – preparing the body for the main therapy.
  • Stage 2 – reducing the amount of food consumed, switching to a vegetarian diet menu, introducing herbal medicines into the diet.
  • Stage 3 – exit from the program.

When the amount of food consumed decreases, the body reduces the production of white blood cells and devotes its available energy to repairing damaged internal areas, while eliminating existing pathogens. After completing the course, returning good nutrition functioning immune system improves, leukocytes are actively produced in the blood to fight infectious infections.

Let us consider each period of time dividing the course separately and in more detail.

First stage

At stage 1, the body prepares for the upcoming period of lack of food. First of all, you need to cleanse the liver, since accumulated waste and toxins will interfere with the cleansing process, reducing the functionality of the internal systems.

Liver release is carried out at home by performing the following steps:

  • Magnesia dissolves in water. The quantity of each ingredient is 50.
  • An infusion consisting of senna, honey and lemon juice is first prepared. Drink after magnesia.
  • You need to lie down in bed and put a heating pad where the organ to be cleansed is located.
  • Lie down for two hours. Over a period of time, up to two liters of prepared senna infusion is taken.

This process is called tubage, it should be carried out in the evening from 7 to 8. When the procedure is completed, they go to bed. It is strictly prohibited to carry out tubing for gastritis and ulcers!

Get up at five o'clock. The morning begins with an enema performed using an Esmarch mug. To do this, the container is filled with warm water in an amount of 2 to 3 liters. Add baking soda and salt one teaspoon at a time. The solution is introduced gradually over several approaches. You should not eat after bowel movement. The menu should contain only teas, herbal infusions with the addition of honey, lemon, and viburnum. It is also recommended to add berries black currant or a grenade.

Evening liver cleansing and morning enemas are done daily for 7-10 days.

Second stage

The second stage uses herbal medicine as the main part of the technique developed by Marwa. The diet contains infusions with herbs, complex preparations consisting of herbal infusions. Ingredients for decoctions are purchased at the pharmacy.

Preparation of medicines:

  • The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and poured with boiling water. Infusion occurs for 60 minutes.
  • Next, the resulting infusion is filtered. Take gradually: drink a glass every hour. Drink up to three liters per day.
  • Add lemon juice to each glass, diluting with honey.

Take the infusion hot. At the same time, the patient feels slight nausea– this begins the cleaning process. The appearance of additional signs of the beginning of the process is also noted:

  • Vomiting;
  • Cough accompanied by expectoration of mucus;
  • Constant flow of purulent discharge from the nose.

Consumed as a nutrient liquid fresh juices. You can drink no more than 0.5 liters per day. To prepare juices, only certain vegetables and fruits are taken that have the most beneficial properties in cleansing the body: citrus fruits, apples, pumpkin, beets, carrots, wild berries.

Herbs are used as ingredients for the preparation of cleansing infusions: lemon balm, mint, coltsfoot, sage, linden, etc. Decoctions are prepared only from certain components that give a person greater results, eliminating the presence of allergic reactions.

Third stage

At the third stage, you need to properly exit fasting. A sharp transition from a lack of food to its abundance will negatively affect the patient’s well-being, so a gradual return to food consumption is used.

  • Colon lavage is stopped.
  • Already from the first day of the end of the main stage, include fruits without skin in the menu.
  • Vegetables are boiled and pureed.
  • After 7 days, dairy products are added to the diet. You shouldn't get carried away, it may have a laxative effect.
  • Meat dishes are allowed after 30 days.
  • Completely eliminate fried and fatty foods from your diet.

The break between Ohanyan courses is 3 months. Then the three-stage cleansing is repeated again.

The benefits of cleansing according to Ohanyan

The comprehensive body cleansing program includes intermediate nutrition, which allows you to maintain the results obtained. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body, and at the same time, diseases that have accumulated over the years of contamination are cured. These are the following ailments:

  • Salt deposits;
  • Pathologies of blood vessels and associated circulatory disorders;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Pathologies of the cardiac system;
  • Skin diseases.

You should not perceive the course as a panacea for all ailments, but the technique helps the body maintain its condition and, if possible, fight them.

Who should not use the technique?

Before you begin cleansing the body according to the Ohanyan system, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and not provoke negative results:

  • Vitamin deficiency was diagnosed.
  • Allergies to foods listed in the cleansing program: herbs, vegetables, fruits.
  • Anorexia disease.
  • You cannot cleanse your body during pregnancy.
  • Prohibited for children and elderly people.
  • The presence of gallstones and liver pathologies.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Problems with the pancreas.
  • High blood clotting.
  • During the recovery period after a heart attack.
  • Tuberculosis.

Patients about the technique

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet about Marva Ohanyan’s method. The personal experience of adherents speaks of a positive result from using the method at home. Following the recommendations and consulting with a doctor will definitely help rid the body of excess, prolong health and youth.

Anna, 50 years old. Frequent attacks of fatigue, rheumatic pains, colds are constantly accompanied. After three weeks following the doctor’s method, my health improved.

Katerina, 30 years old. At my age I developed chronic cystitis. After completing the course I was able to get rid of the disease.


A well-known naturopath and born in Yerevan in 1935, since childhood she dreamed of becoming a doctor. Having graduated from Yerevan State Medical University in 1965, she realized that her path was to try to find the cause of diseases, and not try to deal with the consequences.

This decision led her to the Research Institute of Human and Animal Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, where she defended her dissertation on the topic “Biochemistry of hypothalamic hormones” and became a candidate of biological sciences.

Already at that time, Marva Vagarshakovna became interested in the issues of classical naturopathy. Since 1980, he has been conducting lecture courses on proper nutrition according to the laws of biochemistry in Russia and abroad.


What ails us, how are we treated?

What are we sick with? Very different diseases, and, of course, every age has its own diseases. Sore throat and sclerosis, measles and myocardial infarction... What would seem to be common between them? Scientists have counted over 2,700 types of diseases of the human body, and each of them is treated in a specific way that corresponds to it, of which there are more and more.

There are brand new imported pills that patients try to get at any cost, there is acupuncture, biofield treatment, mysterious homeopathic remedies. If nothing helps and the disease is advanced - last resort– surgery. Removing... what? And many parts of our body: pharyngeal tonsils, appendix, part of the stomach, gall bladder, part of the lung, kidney, lens of the eye, mammary gland, legs, etc. Finally, they came to a heart transplant and declared it the highest achievement of medicine!

But if you look at all this a little differently, he believes, then one simple truth will become clear: there are no different diseases, but there is one disease - a metabolic disorder, and there is one way to cure any disease: to correct this disturbed metabolism, to bring a person into the mainstream of nature – into the ecological system of the planet and the Cosmos. This is exactly how the ancient science of healing treated diseases: Indian Ayurveda, and in the West - natural medicine - naturopathy. Hippocrates stated: “Medicine is the art of imitating the healing effects of nature.”

Modern naturopathic doctors: Shelton, Paul Bragg, Walker, Nikolaev cured patients with results far superior to all other methods of treatment. And why? Let's think this way: isn't it better not to develop medicine so rapidly (all the same, the incidence of illness is growing, not decreasing with the development of medicine), but to develop measures that prevent and prevent diseases, the same sore throat, bronchitis, appendicitis, and thus, maybe Perhaps, we will get rid of pyelonephritis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, mastopathy, cancer, heart attack, gallstones, even epilepsy, which appear so often because we do not treat, but heal with medicines diseases in adolescent children and pregnant women.



So, let’s not wait for illness and turn our house into a pharmacy, but will immediately begin cleansing the body of many years of deposits of mucus, pus and fecal stones, which Marva Vagarshakovna cited in her book.

At 7 pm we take a laxative - magnesium sulfate (if there is no ulcer or gastritis) or castor oil (if there is even mild gastritis). Dissolve magnesium sulfate (50 g) in a glass of warm water, drink, wash down with a decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice (per glass of decoction - 1-2 teaspoons of honey and the juice of 1/4 lemon).

Adults drink 3 tablespoons of castor oil, and children drink 1 tablespoon or 2 dessert spoons. Drink a decoction of herbs and lie on your right side with a heating pad on the liver area for one hour without a pillow. Before 9 pm, drink 5-6 glasses of herbal decoction with honey and lemon juice. A laxative (salt or oil) cleanses the liver, intestines and all body tissues of toxic intracellular fluid, removing all of it through the intestines.

The loss of fluid, says Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan, which occurs with frequent bowel movements, must be compensated by drinking a decoction of herbs, which is a cocktail that cleanses and nourishes the cells. At 21:00 you need to go to bed, because the biorhythms of our body must be brought into line with natural ones, namely solar biorhythms. This is a basic hygienic rule - sleep in the dark and stay awake in the light. Sleeping from 21 to 24 hours most fully saturates our aura with cosmic energy, which is given to us freely, although its price for us is enormous... Disruption of the circadian rhythm of sleep is one of the main causes of all human diseases.

In the morning it is necessary to do 2 or 3 times the intestinal lavage (cleansing enema). Add 2 teaspoons to 2 liters of warm water table salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This washing should be repeated every morning for 3-7 days (preferably 7 days). After the first enema, do not eat food, but only drink a decoction of herbs with honey and lemon juice for 3-7 days and freshly squeezed juices of grapefruit, orange, lemon with 1 teaspoon of honey per glass of juice.


Herbs for healing tea: mint, lemon balm, oregano, plantain, coltsfoot, yarrow, chamomile, chicory, knotweed, bearberry, bay leaf, chamomile, horsetail, sage, nettle. Place one tablespoon of each herb in an enamel pan and pour three liters of boiling water. Close and wrap for 30 minutes. Then start drinking 1 glass every hour, adding honey - 2 teaspoons and juice of 1/4 lemon.

If you live in the city and you are not sure of the purity of the herbs, for example, in the market, you can purchase 3 herbal collections at the pharmacy - for the lungs/bronchial tubes, liver and kidneys. Mix them together and brew 2 tbsp. for 1 liter of boiling water.

Honey and lemon perfectly cleanse cellular fluid and nourish cells. Along with the broth, you should drink citrus juices from two to four glasses a day.

Drink a laxative at the very beginning of treatment and then every other week. Along with the decoction, you can drink 1–2 glasses of grapefruit juice a day. After drinking the broth, you need to switch to drinking freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices or eating pureed fruits and vegetables (if you don’t have a juicer).

According to Marva Ohanyan, such cleansing of the body must be practiced for 7 days, ideally 14, in difficult cases 28 or even 42 days.

Then gradually introduce fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Eat no more than 100–150 g of food at a time, only 3 times a day - at 11, 15 and 19 o'clock, eat only raw plant foods (fruits, pureed vegetables). In between, drink decoction or juices with the addition of 1-2-3 raw egg yolks per day.

This should be continued for another 4–6 weeks and only then gradually introduce cooked foods into the diet: porridge in water with the addition of butter after cooking, vegetarian soups and borscht with the addition of a large amount of raw herbs: sorrel, nettle, parsley, dill, onion, cilantro, wild garlic.

Such nutrition, especially in the summer-autumn season, is an inexhaustible source of vital important products and biological energy, restoring health and rejuvenating the body.

If you have a chronic illness, for complete cure it takes a year, during which such fasting courses must be carried out once every three months.


You should not consume products of animal origin: all types of meat, including poultry, fish, and cottage cheese.

You should not eat yeast bread, says M. Ohanyan, because... the action of thermophilic yeast completely disrupts the intestinal microflora and promotes putrefactive processes in the body.

It is necessary, as far as possible, to rid yourself of taking medications.



Why does it occur? Obviously, because the environment in the small and large intestines was unfavorable for normal intestinal microflora, i.e. coli, our protector, which synthesizes vital essential vitamins(B12, C) and amino acids from cellulose, i.e. plant cell membranes. But in order for her to do this, she must have enough of this food. Where is it if we eat mainly boiled food, a significant part of which is dairy and meat products - proteins of animal origin.
It’s amazing what wilds, what dark jungles of civilization these animal proteins, or simply the meat of killed animals, birds and fish, have led us to, i.e. corpse material rotting in our intestines. A person is not able to digest it due to his physiological structure. Again, the laws of nature are grossly violated, i.e. human gastric juice does not have enough acid and enzymes to break down meat proteins.
The meat passes undigested into the intestines and there, in an alkaline environment, cannot be broken down into amino acids, but can only rot, and so on until the entire small and large intestines have passed through - and this is 5-6 hours. During this time, of course, a lot of other food will be sent after: bread, potatoes, milk, butter, cereals, fruits - and everything (or almost everything) boiled and fried, i.e. devoid of biological energy, dead.
This entire food mixture creates a mass in the intestines that is subject to rotting and at the same time fermentation, because it contains sugar (sweets, fruits), starch (bread, cereals, potatoes), and proteins. In such an environment, E. coli cannot exist, much less multiply and prepare the vitamins and proteins the body needs. It can only somehow vegetate and die, smothered by putrefactive and fermentative microflora. By the way, putrefaction, which is subject to in the intestines protein products(meat, milk), and is the only cause of any appendicitis - from catarrhal to purulent with peritonitis.
But what about dysbacteriosis? According to the opinion, wash the intestines as thoroughly as possible (enemas with herbal decoctions 3 times in a row for 7-10 days), do not take any food, so as not to contaminate the intestines for some time. Even children tolerate 3-4 days of fasting well with drinking herbal decoctions with honey and juice of lemon, pomegranate, viburnum, etc. Then, continuing to rinse the intestines (every other day or two days), drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices in certain combinations. It is best to do this using the book “Raw Vegetable Juices” by N. Walker.
You need to eat like this: the first week - only fruits, then 4-8 weeks - drinking a decoction of medicinal herbs, juices, food - fresh juicy fruits at 11 and 15 o'clock, and at 19 - vegetables grated through a plastic grater: carrots, beets, bell pepper (preferably red), garlic, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, finely chopped greens, especially sorrel, dill, regan, cilantro. Vegetables can be combined to taste.
You can add 1-2 raw egg yolks to salads and juices, add sprouted ground wheat grains to salads, wheat bran, cereals, walnuts. Only in this way can true nutrition be created for the body’s tissues and normal environment in the intestines. In this environment, your own, and not colonized, E. coli will develop very successfully; it will be viable and will not require repeated reseeding. The child’s body will receive all the vitamins and amino acids it needs to synthesize its own human protein from natural plant products, and not from pig, cow or chicken meat, which is foreign to humans. And on top of that, it disrupts his immune system, like any foreign protein - microbe, vaccine, etc.
Colon lavages do not flush out E. coli. They only remove rotting masses, suppurating mucous membranes of the walls of the large intestine and create conditions for the successful growth and nutrition of normal microflora. In addition, they help cleanse the respiratory organs - bronchi, paranasal sinuses, i.e. simultaneously with dysbacteriosis, you cure a child or an adult’s sore throat, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis; pain in the heart area (coronary artery disease, angina pectoris) - protect yourself from a future heart attack. By curing metabolic disorders, you get rid of diabetes, the threat of cancer or psoriasis, etc.


Let's first find out the functions of a healthy liver. The liver is the largest parenchymal internal organ, this is literally the biochemical laboratory of the body, the “production center” that creates our tissues, supplying building materials for their growth and renewal.
It is in the liver that individual human proteins specific to the body are synthesized from the raw materials that our food supplies us with. And, of course, for the correct course of this biochemical process - protein synthesis - it is by no means indifferent from what initial products our tissues and organs will be created. Let us note this circumstance and return to it later.
Now let’s look at another function of the liver that is no less important for our lives: detoxification, that is, the neutralization of poisons found in the internal environment of the body. And we don’t die from toxins formed in the intestines only because we have a vigilant guardian of our life and health - the liver, which neutralizes them, converts them into paired compounds with glucuronic acid, which are excreted through the kidneys.
After all, blood from the small and large intestines of a person does not enter directly into the systemic circulation, but is pre-filtered by the liver, entering it through the portal vein of the liver - the collector of all the blood vessels that carry blood from the intestines.
This is one of the reasons for exhaustion, anemia, headaches, insomnia, fatigue and other signs of intoxication of the body. After all, toxins that enter the liver parenchyma do not always have time to be neutralized, and some of these are very dangerous products enters the general circulation and spreads throughout the body, being excreted by all possible ways and causing diseases of the skin, bronchi, lungs, blood vessels, heart, etc.
And what happens when, in addition to endogenous poisons, the liver is also affected by exogenous (external) poisons - alcohol, nicotine, drugs, industrial poisons, products household chemicals, automobile and industrial emissions?
Naturally, the liver gets sick: hepatitis is inflammation of the liver tissue, its enlargement, pain, and sometimes high temperature. Untreated or treated with drugs (antibiotics, hormones), hepatitis can develop into cirrhosis, that is, the growth of connective tissue in the liver stroma (framework) in place of dead liver cells.
The liver becomes dense, painful, and in advanced cases is compressed portal vein, the blood flow in it becomes difficult, and the liquid part of the blood sweats into the abdominal cavity - dropsy or ascites occurs. Most often, as we know, cirrhosis is caused by excessive (and even moderate, but systematic) alcohol consumption, but it can occur as a result of exposure to any other toxins, both exogenous and endogenous, which we have already discussed.
Well, as for other liver diseases - who knows? cholelithiasis, inflammation of the gallbladder, attacks with severe pain in the right hypochondrium and with a high temperature, call an ambulance, no-spa, analgin, and as a way to get rid of all this - removal of the gallbladder. What is gallstone disease? Nothing more than simple blockage of the liver ducts and gallbladder with waste (purulent clots saturated with cholesterol, bile and lime - calcium salts). You can remove a gallbladder clogged with stones, but will this cleanse the liver with the same mixed diet and sedentary lifestyle?
And yet, what is the main cause of all liver diseases? The main reason is meat food, that is, eating foreign animal protein. We have already found out what poisons are produced in the process of digestion and assimilation of animal proteins.
What to do if the liver is sick? Cleanse it. How? The first stage is washing of all liver tissue, biliary tract and gallbladder large quantities herbal infusions that cleanse not only the liver, but also the kidneys, lungs, and intestines.
To do this, you need to drink up to three liters of herbal infusion per day (mint, plantain, mullein, tricolor violet, chamomile, knotweed, horsetail, motherwort, sage) with honey (1-2 teaspoons per 1 glass of infusion plus the juice of 1/4 lemon ).
But at the same time you need to stop eating solid food. In this way, it is possible to turn on two healing processes at once - cleansing all tissues of the body and nourishing these same tissues at the cellular level (herbs, honey, lemon - in a dissolved state), turning off digestion. Digestive enzymes are not released, since there is nothing to break down, and all the body’s energy is now directed to cleansing the tissues.
Only in the absence of digestion does the activation of tissue proteolytic enzymes begin, breaking down diseased, defective tissues. Once broken down, they are eliminated from the body in all possible ways - through the intestines (daily intestinal lavage is necessary), through the kidneys (drinking plenty of fluids), through the skin (daily bathing with hot water), through the lungs and nasal passages (there is intense release of pus from the sinuses and bronchi – cough, expectoration).
The cleansing lasts 21 or 28 days. Then it is necessary to remove the contents of the gallbladder and gallstones. Over the previous 3-4 weeks, they dissolve, losing their mineral composition, and turn into purulent clots that exit the gallbladder completely painlessly, taking the form of the bile ducts at the exit.
There may be many or few of them, of different sizes, but usually the matter is not limited to just cleaning. It is necessary to expel stones 4–5 times (taking olive oil with lemon juice according to Semenova) with an interval of 4–5 weeks.


The thyroid gland can be called the conductor of the entire endocrine system. Just like other endocrine glands (epiphysis, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pancreas, paired adrenal glands and gonads), the thyroid gland secretes the products of its activity directly into the bloodstream.

The endocrine glands play a huge role in metabolism, that is, in ensuring the life and health of the body. It is thanks to the products they secrete into the blood - hormones - that the body ensures the processes of food absorption, its energy transformation, growth and development of the body, accumulation of muscle mass, hematopoiesis, nervous and mental activity and immunity.

It is known that with insufficient functioning of one or more endocrine glands, severe physical and mental defects occur, leading to disability (pituitary dwarfism - dwarfism, cretinism, infertility, Addison's disease).

The thyroid gland plays the role of conductor in this ensemble of endocrine glands. It regulates basic metabolism - the oxidation of food, heat generation, that is, the conversion of food we take into energy or the accumulation of this energy in the form of fat deposits.

Insufficient work in childhood means insufficient growth and mental development. In an adult, this is lethargy, drowsiness, excessive accumulation of fat and fluid in the body, low temperature body, mucous swelling.

Its increased work is an excessive release of the hormone thyroxine, as a result of which the patient is excited, the heartbeat is rapid, appetite and body temperature are increased (up to 37.2–37.4°), but as a result of increased and useless energy expenditure, body weight is reduced. The external expression of the disease in an advanced stage is Graves'ism (bulging eyes).

Why do these arise? painful conditions, why does this leading endocrine thyroid gland, truly the shield of our body, get sick more often than others (except for diabetes)?

Marva Ohanyan cured acute thyroiditis in a 46-year-old woman for four months without a single pill or injection, that is, without drugs, only by correcting the impaired metabolism. The disease began after the removal of a tooth in the lower jaw. The endocrinologist prescribed loading doses of antibiotics and corticosteroids (adrenocortical hormones). The patient refused to take medications and consulted a naturopathic doctor.

On the first day, she was prescribed an intestinal lavage, drinking decoctions of medicinal herbs (mint, lemon balm, plantain, yarrow, chamomile, knotweed, bearberry, sage) with honey and lemon juice. The patient spent seven days on such a “subthreshold diet”, excluding all other foods (with twice daily colon lavage). For the next twenty days, she took the same decoction and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.

Beautiful healing effect Juices of citrus fruits, watermelon, tomatoes, apple, carrot-beet with the addition of cabbage, pumpkin with apple and juices of leafy vegetables: spinach, sorrel, beet tops, celery, parsnip, coriander, parsley.

Solid food was excluded, that is, the universal principle of treating all diseases was implemented. After all, it is known that in the absence of digestion and the release of digestive enzymes, tissue proteolytic enzymes are activated in the body, destroying diseased, defective cells and tissues with pinpoint accuracy. The products of their breakdown are removed from the body by drinking plenty of blood - blood through the kidneys and washing the intestines through the lymphatic vessels, the final capillaries of which carry the products of tissue metabolism into the large intestine.

After 30–40 days (depending on the patient’s condition and the stage of recovery), juicy fruits, dried fruits, pureed vegetable salads, leafy vegetables, nuts, vegetable and butter, bran, raw egg yolks are introduced into the diet for 4–6 weeks.

After repeated seven-day juice feeding, the diet is expanded to include vegetarian soups, vegetable stews and porridges cooked in water with the addition of oil and vegetables. Four months later the woman was completely healthy. Three months later, she underwent iridology, which revealed no traces of thyroid disease in her - this turned out to be possible only due to the fact that natural therapy cleanses the tissues and cells of the body from pathological structural information accumulated throughout life. Diffuse infections are cured in the same way. toxic goiter, nodular goiter and other pathologies of the thyroid gland.


In spring and summer, dangers for allergy sufferers increase: be it pollen flowering trees and herbs or tasty foods like strawberries, strawberries, red and orange fruits and vegetables. Yes, and the previous ones food allergens There seems to be enough: nuts, spices, seasonings, vinegar, horseradish, radishes, radishes, mushrooms, eggs, milk and dairy products, poultry and wild poultry, smoked meats, melons, pineapples, honey.

And, of course, I can’t help but remember the familiar to all of us, the notorious ragweed - a malicious weed, and even crippling people, and especially children. How many asthmatic children started with ambrosial hay fever and ended up with bronchial asthma!

The immune system is to blame because it doesn’t work as it should, and for some reason wonderful strawberries, cherries, and tomatoes become enemies for it, not to mention spring herbs and poplar fluff.

But it is not always possible to identify an allergenic product, although tests have now been developed to identify more than a hundred (100!) suspicious substances. Such an analysis (the patient is given a whole list of foods to which his immune system is sensitive and which he must avoid under the threat of a possible severe attack) costs more than $100, but health is more expensive, and, probably, the gamble is worth the candle. Let's understand all this and look at this disease from the point of view of biochemistry and metabolism. In this case, everything is explained very simply, and the situation from incomprehensible, dramatic and threatening will become completely transparent and, most importantly, manageable. And the threat of food and any other allergies, especially those transmitted hereditarily, will disappear (hereditary allergies do not exist).

The real cause of allergies, according to Dr. Ohanyan, is fish, meat, mushrooms, milk, eggs - these are protein products, a foreign protein for the human body, which is the true allergen. Not a single non-protein product, which includes honey, citrus fruits, all fruits and berries, and especially horseradish, radishes, radishes, tomatoes, can and never will be allergens! Of course, this also includes pollen from any flowering plants, including the ragweed that scared us all.

How so? – you say – it’s all theory! But I eat borscht with meat, cutlets and shish kebab - and everything is fine, but as soon as strawberries appear, I can’t eat, hives appear, or even suffocation, and during the ragweed flowering season, salvation is only in flight - to Moscow, to the north.. Yes, that’s how it is! But wait! There are factors causing allergies, that is, those that cause it are the factors that resolve allergic reactions, that is, they are only the reason for its manifestation. Strawberries, honey, citrus fruits, tomatoes, watermelons, and ragweed pollen become such a resolving factor. And why? Because they cleanse our cells of the toxins packed in them, alkalizing the internal environment of the body, causing their lysis, that is, dissolution and release into the intercellular fluid, lymph and blood.

Interstitial fluid, lymph and blood are flooded with waste products of tissue protein metabolism and the proteins themselves of animal origin from food. The body cannot but respond to such contamination of the internal environment of tissues with a violent excessive immune reaction: the formation of a huge number of antibodies - tissue (i.e. cells) and humoral (soluble blood proteins). The antigen + antibody reaction, which takes place in order to destroy the antigen (cellular waste) is an allergic reaction, i.e. this is our disease. What to do - a reaction that seems to be protective: the body fights foreign products that pollute its cells, dissolves them, removes them from the cell and destroys them, but there is a disease, sometimes severe life-threatening(anaphylactic shock). And the way out is very simple - do not pollute our internal environment, do not put the body in a “martial position”, do not cause a war of cells for destruction (antigen + antibody), but live peacefully, taking advantage of all the gifts that nature gives us - fruits, vegetables, honey , clean air of forests, fields and mountains with spring and autumn pollen flying in it. Nature will never become man's enemy!


Bronchial asthma (unlike cardiac asthma, which is accompanied by the same severe attacks of suffocation with a sharp decrease in the performance of the left heart) is an extremely severe and burdensome disease.

The causes of asthma are varied. Often they are allergens found in the environment (household dust, animal hair, medications, pollen), which, with the appropriate predisposition, contribute to the occurrence of asthmatic attacks. So-called internal allergens (bacteria and their metabolic products in areas of inflammation) can also cause asthma.

This may include climatic factors, mental stress, disorders hormonal regulation or the presence of an as yet unexplained tendency to such allergic reactions. The body reacts to the allergen with spasms of the muscles of the small bronchioles, resulting in swelling of the bronchial mucosa and the release of rather sticky mucus.

Already appearing known symptoms: suffocation, difficulty in exhaling (due to narrowing of the bronchioles), accompanied by whistling sounds, cough with the release of clear mucus. During severe asthma attacks, the patient tends to adopt a sitting position that allows the accessory respiratory muscles of the trunk to make breathing somewhat easier.

In later stages of the disease, the swelling of the lungs that occurs during an attack can become chronic and turn into emphysema, further complicating the breathing process. Why is bronchial asthma considered incurable and how can it be cured?

How is it customary to treat such patients? Find specific allergen and carry out desensitization with weakened preparations of the same allergen. Usually this does not help or only helps for a short time - 1-2-5 years. Then asthma resumes in a worse form or turns into another disease - eczema, psoriasis, migraine, stomach ulcer.

There is another method, which is almost always used simultaneously with the first: the use of bronchodilators (anti-spasm drugs) - aminophylline, theophedrine, various inhalers. This method relieves spasm of the bronchial muscles, that is, an asthma attack is stopped or prevented (they are also prescribed in the period between attacks).

The result of this treatment is as follows: the bronchial muscles are maintained in an artificially relaxed state. Such a patient, and especially a child, is unable to cough up or secrete purulent sputum, which continues to accumulate in the lower parts of the lungs, in the small capillary bronchi.

There is no spasm, no attacks, there is visible well-being - remission of the disease. But obstructive bronchitis develops, the capillary bronchi are firmly clogged with pus, overgrown with mycelium, the tidal volume of the lungs is reduced, and often by the age of 25–35 a tragedy occurs: the young man dies. Another portion of aminophylline or an inhaler no longer helps.

There is also a third way to treat asthma: suppressing the body’s hyperimmune reactions with hormonal and non-hormonal immunosuppressants, that is, the use of hormones in tablets or inhalers, as well as drugs that suppress the proliferation of “unnecessary” antibodies - Suprastin, Claritin, Zyrtec and a long series of others or similar ones.

The effect also turns out to be temporary, since to finally suppress the reproduction by the immune system of cells that are “unnecessary,” in our opinion, but for some reason synthesized by the body, means killing a person. In view of all these circumstances, bronchial asthma is today declared incurable throughout the world. The only hope is for new, more effective drugs that will give longer remissions.

The practice of naturopathic doctors, including Marva Ohanyan, is that bronchial asthma is curable at any age, but it is especially easy and quick to cure in children. To do this, only one thing is required: cleansing the entire body of metabolic waste accumulated in it and completely clearing the bronchi and lungs of dead mucous membrane cells accumulated in them, or, more simply, pus. No medicine can cleanse cells. This can only be done by the body itself with the help of its tissue enzymes.


People don't get the flu because they are infected with a virus. The true cause of influenza is waste and toxins that clog our cells, tissues and organs in abundance. First of all: this is pus in the respiratory organs (after all, they are the first to be affected by the flu, then complications come - the heart, kidneys, brain, etc.).

A flu patient dies not from the virus, but from his own poisons, which are released in huge quantities from the cells into the bloodstream. Why are they thrown away? This is already the work of the influenza virus. It turns out that the virus cleanses the cells of our body, but as a result we get sick, because... poisons are carried by the blood to all organs, which can lead to fatal damage to the heart, kidneys or brain.

General cleansing of the body must be combined with cleansing the paranasal sinuses from purulent deposits. To do this, you need to lie on your back in the morning after a cleansing enema and drip one drop of diluted cyclamen plant tuber juice into each nostril. This is an extremely important, albeit unpleasant procedure.

Cleansing the forehead and maxillary sinuses with the help of this drug there is a 100% guarantee against influenza and in general - respiratory infection. After instillation, you need to lie on your back for 3-4 minutes, get up and drink 2-3 glasses of hot herbal decoction with honey and lemon juice, then bend down to the floor for 1-2 minutes, get up and wash your face and nose with hot water. You can do inhalation with eucalyptus leaves, mint oil, fir oil, and star balm. Instillation with cyclamen should be done 2-3 times a day, every day, for 7-14 days, more can be done.

Cyclamen juice is prepared as follows: peel the cyclamen tuber white (buy from herbalists), wash, grate, squeeze the juice from the pulp, pour into a clean bottle, dilute with distilled water (1:5). Keep in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, then prepare a new solution. As a result, a huge amount of mucus and pus is released from the paranasal sinuses, which would be there (and keep in mind that these sinuses are located in the human head) an excellent breeding ground for that same influenza virus, from which we cannot find protection. And the best defense turns out to be that we do not give the virus the opportunity to feed on the pus in our body.


Let's see what psoriasis is and how to treat it? Is psoriasis skin disease? Of course not! This is a disease of the whole body. It only appears on the skin, and its cause is hidden in dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, as well as the lungs. Almost always, when examining a person suffering from psoriasis, some kind of purulent focus is discovered in the body - in pharyngeal tonsils(angina), in the bronchi - bronchitis or pneumonia in the past, in women - cysts in the ovaries, in the intestinal area - chronic appendicitis and so on. Therefore, in order to cure this disease (and not heal it), you must first remove purulent foci from the body, wherever they are.


The kidneys are a paired organ for excreting the final products of tissue metabolism: water, nitrogenous compounds and some salts - these are waste products of a global chemical process that occurs in our tissues and is called metabolism.

How do you know that your kidneys are sick if there are no obvious, catastrophic symptoms - red urine, high fever, lower back pain, even no protein in the urine? You need to know that with any sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, acute respiratory infection, sinusitis, and especially bronchial asthma, the kidneys become ill. But, being a very patient and “silent” organ, the kidneys do not let us know about their poor condition, but continue to do their job of purifying the blood serum in order to prevent us from being poisoned by our own nitrogen.

They refuse immediately and just as silently. This can occur at the age of 15, and at 45, and at 60, but it is most likely to save the kidneys and cure them completely in childhood and adolescence when the growth of the organism is not yet complete and there is full opportunity creating new tissues - glomeruli and tubules - instead of damaged ones.

But in order for this to happen, drug therapy is in no way suitable, since it suppresses the immune system, the regenerative abilities of body tissues and leads to the processes already described. Now in official medicine the following version has been created: let children with diseased kidneys be treated with medications and hormones (since without hormones it is impossible to stop the pathological process), and with age “this will all pass” and the child will “outgrow” the disease.

But, unfortunately, this does not happen, but the following happens: during puberty, new endocrine glands begin to function fully - the ovaries and testes. They release into the blood a large number of previously unsupplied sex hormones. The body's metabolism includes new, powerful components that improve tissue trophism and thereby compensate for the disease, but do not cure it, since the cause - the presence of purulent foci in the body - has not been removed.

These foci of dormant infection come to life after 25–30 years (or earlier), when tissue growth ends and some “tissue depression” sets in as a result of the accumulation of stress of various origins: nutritional, environmental, psychological, etc. Here comes the moment when the kidneys “suddenly failed,” and then the work begins for the surgeons, that is, connecting an artificial kidney or transplanting a kidney with the subsequent administration of drugs that suppress the immune system so that the transplanted kidney is not rejected.

Parents, please pay attention to your children when they are sick, complain of headaches, fatigue. This may already be the beginning of kidney inflammation. If your urine test is completely normal, please note! And therefore, for any disease, cleanse children's body drinking herbal infusions, fresh juices, and intestinal lavages. Do not lower the child’s temperature with antipyretic drugs, but only with intestinal lavage and drinking. This always guarantees recovery with the least possible losses. Take care of your children's kidneys from childhood, and don't ruin them!


Sinusitis (colloquially sinusitis) is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The nasal passages are the beginning of the airways, i.e. human respiratory organs. From here, the air first enters the four paranasal sinuses (two of them are located in the frontal bone - the frontal sinuses and two in the zygomatic bones - the maxillary sinuses or sinuses), and then only passes through the nasopharynx into the trachea, bronchi and lungs, supplying our blood with oxygen . All airways, as is known, are lined with mucous membrane, just like the digestive tracts of the body.

Why does this happen and what are the consequences? The frontal bone (two chambers) and two zygomatic bones are air-bearing; they have a cellular structure, also lined with mucous membrane. Their true purpose is to warm and filter the inhaled air, after which it is sent to the bronchi.

What prevents the paranasal sinuses from functioning fully? But what gets in the way is that the mucous membrane lining the cells spongy bones(two frontal and two zygomatic) dies and rots, starting from the very early childhood and throughout life. As a result, pus, lingering in the paranasal sinuses, after some time begins to release purulent toxins into the blood and directly into the brain (the frontal sinuses are separated from the brain tissue by a bone plate riddled with blood vessels), which are nothing more than cadaveric poisons, extremely dangerous for the body and causing the formation of malignant tumors.

In an adult, up to two glasses of pus accumulate in all four sinuses of the nose. Fantastic? But you will see this for yourself by starting active cleansing of the sinuses. “However, not everyone suffers from sinusitis! - you say. “My x-ray showed that everything was clean, there was no pus.” I hear such statements very often, and yet the applicant has bronchial asthma. How can it be? The fact is that pus is detected on an x-ray only in a liquefied state, when it becomes impossible to breathe through the nose. If the pus is densely packed in the cells of the air-bearing bones, it has the density of bone and is not detected on the image. And the nose seems to breathe freely, but in fact it is not breathing, but swallowing air through the nose and nasopharynx, bypassing the paranasal sinuses.


Stomach ulcer, i.e. damage, destruction of an area of ​​the mucous and submucosal layer of the stomach, and more often duodenum- a common disease. Men suffer more often than women, but if we take into account the fact that recently it has become almost universal erosive gastritis(more often in women), then the number of men and women suffering from this pathology is compared.

The mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus is the surface, the organ that first comes into contact with food gruel that enters the stomach after swallowing food. Therefore, the quality of food must correspond to the physiological structure and capabilities of the stomach. Food gruel must, firstly, be well chewed and mixed with saliva. To do this, you need to keep your teeth in good condition, treat caries, and brush them regularly with toothpaste. But this only means ensuring a more or less correct mechanical composition of food. However, it is absolutely clear that the most important factor in the occurrence of ulceration of the gastric mucosa is the chemical composition of the food eaten.

Let's remember: when does an ulcer occur? When the acidity of gastric juice increases. That is why it most often occurs in the duodenum, the secretion (secreted mucus) of which has an alkaline reaction, and even a slight change in the pH environment towards the acidic side causes the appearance of a non-healing wound in the intestinal wall. For many years, doctors who tried to treat stomach ulcers created theories about the origin of this disease and, based on them, methods for its treatment. This is how the neuro-reflex theory of the origin of ulcers was created, then viral, bacterial and a number of others. But peptic ulcer cannot be cured by any method created on the basis of these theories. Why? Because they do not take into account the chemical composition of the mucosal tissue and the food taken and their correspondence to each other.

So, we took our usual protein-starchy food (sandwiches, scrambled eggs with bacon and bread or meat with side dishes (porridge, pasta), meat pies, etc., ate a sweet dessert, washed down with sweet tea, coffee, etc. All this entered the stomach mainly in pieces, and not as a homogeneous (homogeneous) gruel mixed with saliva, which already complicates digestion, as it requires additional amounts of gastric juice.In the cavity of the stomach there are proteins (meat, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk) are broken down to amino acids. Starches (bread, porridge, pasta) do not break down in an acidic environment (the reaction of gastric juice is strongly acidic - pH = 3.0). For its breakdown, thermally processed starch (baking, cooking) requires an alkaline environment and the enzyme amylase, which is secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum.

In the stomach, all the starchy components of food, lingering during the digestion of proteins, are saturated with acidic gastric juice and become difficult to access for amylase, which is active only in an alkaline environment. However, starch in the intestines is broken down into sugar and glucose, which create ideal conditions for the fermentation of the rest of the food pulp. As a result of this process, tartaric and acetic acids are formed in the duodenum. The environment of the duodenal cavity becomes highly acidic, which causes ulceration of the delicate mucous membrane, which is “native” in an alkaline environment. Fatty acids, which are formed during the breakdown of dietary fat under the influence of pancreatic juice lipase, also contribute to acidification of the intestinal environment.

Treatment of an ulcer, just like treatment of any disease, is treatment of the whole organism. This means that first of all, the patient must get rid of excess tissue acidity and cleanse the bronchi of pus. It is possible to normalize the tissue reaction only with the help of appropriate food, which, as a result of assimilation by the tissues, alkalizes them, since it itself has an alkaline reaction. And this is raw plant food, i.e. the same one that ulcer sufferers are forbidden to eat. But so that it does not irritate the ulcer and does not cause excess gas formation in the intestines due to digestion coarse fiber, it should be consumed in the form of freshly squeezed juices during the first two months.

However, you need to start treatment not even with juices, but with a decoction of herbs that cause healing of the mucous membrane. Peppermint copes best with this, in my experience. Drink mint tea necessarily with honey for 20–30 days in the absence of any other food in the diet, it perfectly cleanses the body (and not just the stomach and intestines) of residual metabolic products and especially nitrogenous compounds that destroy not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts, but also articular cartilage and membranes of the brain.


According to Marva Ohanyan, these two diseases are related. They are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries, that is, the female sex glands. Any imbalance in the functioning of these organs, and it can be very different - an increase or decrease in the amount of estrogen produced, a violation of their ratio, a violation of the secretory work of the ovaries - leads to the formation of tumors in the mammary glands or in the wall of the uterus, or the growth of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus - endometriosis .

Hormonal disturbances with tumors of the mammary gland or uterus certainly occur. But they are only a reason, not the cause of these diseases. And the reason is (as already noted in articles on diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, spine) chronic purulent diseases respiratory organs: bronchi, lungs and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis). Moreover, it does not matter at all whether they manifested themselves or not during life. The situation is as follows: many women come to me with breast tumors of varying quality and at different stages. I tell everyone the same thing: you have chronic obstructive bronchitis and chronic sinusitis and sinusitis. It is not the tumor that needs to be treated (this will only make it worse - metastases will occur or the immune system will be destroyed), but these chronic inflammatory processes.

M. Ohanyan says:“Very illustrative was the case of Vika K. (32 years old, did not give birth), who was treated in the hospital of the district hospital of the village of Novokorsunskaya. She complained of compactions in both mammary glands, but did not notice bronchitis. When listening to the lungs, it was discovered that the lower third was breathing very weak (bronchial obstruction), higher – hard breathing.

After two months of intensive cleansing of the entire body - fasting on herbal infusions with honey and fruit juices, a rich fruit, berry and raw vegetable diet (this was in the summer) and running in the morning - she regained normal breathing. All this time, a large amount of sputum was being released from the lungs, which surprised her very much. The tumors in the breast have decreased significantly. Subject to periodic cleansing and proper nutrition Later she completely cured mastopathy."


What is acute leukemia? A disease that comes unexpectedly, like a bolt from the blue, often among full health. This disease most often affects children and adolescents. The prognosis is always unfavorable, i.e. patients very often die before they can recover, sometimes within 2–4 weeks. The disease begins with a high fever, which persists despite antipyretics and antibiotics.

At first, the diagnosis is unclear, the disease is confused with acute respiratory infections, flu, or a cold. But the deterioration of the patient’s condition and the lack of effect from treatment make us wary. A blood test shows a huge number of leukocytes - 10, or even 100 times more than normal. Now there is no longer any doubt: acute leukemia. It almost sounds like a sentence. What does a very worried local doctor do? Urgently hospitalizes the patient in the leukemia department. The diagnosis is clear, treatment begins. Which? How does modern medicine fight this disease, colloquially called “blood cancer?” Just like with cancer, it fights. Is it possible to fight nature? The human body is a part of nature, a link in the ecological system of the planet, and we have long known that the fight against nature ends tragically, no matter where it is waged: outside or inside a person.

Medicinal medicine, having immediately and roughly intervened in this process by introducing antipyretics and antibiotics and without receiving any results, begins the second stage of the attack on the body, using tanks and heavy artillery, i.e. new generation medications designed to destroy unnecessary, harmful cells in the body. These drugs are called cytostatics, i.e. stopping the proliferation of cells in the body. Yes, sure, we're talking about about excessive proliferation of leukocytes in acute leukemia or cells of any other tissue in tumors of the lungs, uterus, mammary glands, intestines, etc. So, the war is in full swing. Cells multiply, we strangle them, destroy them, destroy them. They continue to multiply, changing, changing the place of growth (metastases), we continue to destroy them more and more effective drugs, suppressing cell growth, or irradiation with no less destructive X-rays (X-rays), laser, etc. That’s right, harmful cells, forming a tumor, compress the bronchi, lead to suffocation, cause intestinal obstruction, anemia, “eat” the patient, destroying him. How can you not fight them? You can’t fight, because fighting nature is always unsuccessful, this axiom must be learned.

So, according to Marva Ohanyan, acute leukemia is a malignant (because it is very advanced) purulent process in the body. It does not begin suddenly, as is described in all medical manuals, but it has its own very long (albeit secret) prehistory, which begins from the day the child is born (or rather, before the day of birth, i.e. in the prenatal period). How? The child was born, he got a cold, he caught a cold, got sick with a cold a banal disease, which medicine calls acute respiratory disease (ARI), i.e. disease of the respiratory system: bronchi and lungs. How do we treat? Warm drinks, antipyretic medications, antibiotics did not help. It will definitely help. The temperature will drop to normal, the cough will stop, and then you will continue to sniffle - no big deal. Is the disease cured? It is believed that yes. Not really. It is simply driven inside, as people say, or compensated, as medicine says. But this does not mean ridding the body of the disease, i.e. diseased structures. What are these structures? Very simply, these are dead cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (as well as the intestines) that turn into pus, i.e. rotting corpses of cells killed by antibiotics. Why did the disease occur? From a cold? No. From poisons that poisoned the cells of the bronchial mucosa and paranasal sinuses and made them sensitive to colds. The fact that there are these poisons in the body is indicated by an increase in body temperature.

Poisons released in tissues during the breakdown of diseased and dead cells. Where did they come from in a newborn or 1-2 month old child? From the mother's body during pregnancy and from breast milk during feeding.

Of course, nature has created a powerful protection for new life - the maternal placenta, which not only nourishes the fetus with the mother’s blood, but also filters and purifies this blood. However, in our age of chemical civilization, the placental immune barrier is as unstable and incomplete as all other tissue barriers. The enormous energy of growth inherent in the tissues of the embryo still wins (not always, however - where from spontaneous miscarriages, stillborn children?), and the child is born into the world as a fully formed person. However... he is not always born healthy (85% of newborns are already sick) and, in any case, is always susceptible to colds, infections, etc. We treat all this with medications, i.e. we accumulate and accumulate dead, damaged cells in the child’s body.


In the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, rheumatic diseases were considered the most common. Now their share in the total morbidity has decreased due to the catastrophic spread of bronchial asthma, cancer, and hypertension. But the nature and causes of these diseases are the same, just different time they manifest themselves differently, depending on the ecological state of people’s habitat. Rheumatism, bronchial asthma, and oncological processes are associated with excessive synthesis tissue cells, but in the first two cases this is excessive formation of antibodies, affecting the entire body (rheumatism) or only the respiratory system (asthma), and in neoplasms it is a localized tumor, that is, excess tissue of a wide variety of organs.


What is cancer? A terrible, fatal disease, it comes from nowhere, develops gradually, is often found in an advanced state, affects the prime age, most often healthy people. Some had no complaints, were not sick, and were involved in sports or work that required ideal health - pilots, for example. This happens malignant disease and at 16–25 years old, in young people - most often in the form of a blood disease (leukemia).

Why is this happening? Elementary logic tells us that in order to develop a tumor, to create it, the body needs a strong, powerful immune system. After all, cancer cells are cells with increased growth energy, which is much more aggressive than the healthy cells surrounding them.

The cause of undifferentiated aggressive, i.e. malignant growth of certain cells in the body is the presence of foreign products in the tissues, which are extremely toxic and life-threatening. It is the presence of these toxic products in the tissues that necessitates the creation of an “army” capable of destroying them. That is why cancer cells of any location are so malignant, since their function is to destroy dangerous products incompatible with life. But “targeted” strikes are impossible, as in any war, and along with the “warehouses” of products to be destroyed, the civilian population also perishes, i.e. healthy cells body.

But what causes such a formal “militarization” of cells, their uncontrollable aggression? The reason must be very serious. And this reason is purulent accumulations in any tissues of the body. And there is no shortage of them in either adults or children. They are present in the four paranasal sinuses (frontitis, sinusitis), in the gums (periodontosis), meninges (arachnoiditis), pharyngeal tonsils (tonsillitis), in the lumen of the bronchi and peribronchial lymph nodes (bronchitis, bronchoadenitis), submandibular salivary glands (mumps), in the pulmonary alveoli (pneumonia), in the chest cavity (pleurisy), in the large intestine (appendicitis, proctitis, paraproctitis), in abdominal cavity(peritonitis), in the gallbladder (cholecystitis), subcutaneous tissue(phlegmon, boils, erysipelas).

What follows from what has been said? Bo‑first, it is easy to prevent a tumor, to prevent the body from reprogramming cell growth to malignant, i.e. do not leave purulent deposits in the body, but remove them from all of the above organs. Secondly, when a tumor forms, there is no need to fight it, especially by irradiating and killing it with chemotherapy, since the result is always the same - healthy cells die simultaneously with the tumor or faster than it (especially during chemotherapy). The immune system loses its functionality and ability to recover, i.e. cancer successfully turns into immunodeficiency. If you don’t need to fight the tumor, then apparently you need to fight the cause that caused it, i.e. again, do what you did for the purpose of prevention - cleanse, eliminate purulent foci and prevent new tissue contamination. And from here follows the third, very important conclusion: since the immune system that forms the tumor is quite strong, it is quite simple to recover at the very beginning of the disease - when carrying out a set of cleansing procedures, all tissue cleansing processes, the program of which we set for the body, are successful and active. Having gotten rid of purulent deposits, the body itself removes the tumor and its metastases that have become unnecessary. Recovery occurs in 4–6 months.

Even after surgical removal of a tumor, the cleansing process is quite intense, unless chemotherapy or radiation therapy was used, which impairs the ability of the immune system to cleanse and restore tissue. The fatal mistake of doctors and patients is the use of chemotherapy in initial stages- "until it's not too late". Alas, after it it becomes too late to cure the disease.

The paradox is that pus accumulates in various tissues of anyone, but a cancerous tumor occurs only in the absence of tissue cleansing and the presence of a strong immune system. Healthy man does not consider it necessary to cleanse himself, especially since he does not have the flu and colds. And he doesn’t get sick because he has a good, strong immune system. The body compensates for the disease, does not get sick, and therefore does not cleanse itself.

As you can see, this system is universal for all diseases; you need to PROPERLY cleanse your body and, importantly, minimize clogging in the future. Marva Ohanyan is not the only promoter of natural cleansing of the body; you can get healthier using other systems, but her technique deserves close attention, if only because it successfully defeats diseases that are incurable from the point of view of traditional medicine, such as asthma, allergies, psoriasis, etc.

Address: Russia, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar city district, Krasnodar, Central microdistrict, Frunze street, 23 kV, office. 8
Phone: +7 918 033‑33-11
Website: almedeko.ru