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Stevia - what is it? Stevia: beneficial properties, cultivation, care. Natural sweetener Stevia: benefits and harms, reviews from doctors

Since about the 17th century, Spanish aborigines have been actively interested in the medicinal plant and studied its properties by adding the herb to drinks and taking it internally. various pathologies.
Scientists have proven medicinal properties stevia much later, after the identification of the main healing substance - stevioside. This glycoside contains no calories but is very sweet. In addition, the plant contains many trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. Wide Application stevia is explained by its rich composition and lack harmful influence on the human body.
Most sugar substitutes are not recommended long time, since they have a negative effect on the human body and cause serious illnesses, for example, cancer. Scientific research has proven that stevia is suitable for regular consumption without significant consequences for human health.

Ministry of Health Russian Federation decided to include this plant in the list of the most valuable medicines and use it if necessary in medicinal purposes.

Stevia grows well indoor flower at home and in the garden in the ground, planted from seedlings.

Uses of Stevia

Stevia is used to treat patients with obesity, diabetes, pathologies of the stomach and intestines, as well as to prevent the formation and growth of oncological diseases. Stevia herb - effective remedy for weight loss, which makes it very popular among women.

General strengthening effect

The healing effect of the plant lies in its ability to prevent premature aging body cells, have an antiseptic and antifungal effect, optimize the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nerves.
Stevia essential oil contains more than fifty active substances, due to which it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
Allergic diathesis is treated in young children by adding the plant to food.

Weight loss

The plant has a sickly sweet taste, which is why it is called honey grass. At the same time, stevia does not contain calories. This feature allows the grass to be used as a sweetener for people watching their figure. Stevia leaves are also used for weight loss because it normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on work digestive tract, in particular the intestines, stimulating its motor function.


Regular consumption of stevia in food reduces blood glucose levels, which is very important in treatment diabetes mellitus. This also improves elasticity vascular wall, especially in places increased risk- kidneys, eyes, myocardium, brain, lower extremities.


Stevia nourishes the pancreas and restores damaged functions of the organ. For pathologies of the biliary tract and liver, the use of the stevia plant leads to the restoration of impaired functions and speedy recovery sick. For those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, intestines, biliary tract and other gastrointestinal pathologies, we recommend paying attention to the article: Wormwood, like stevia, has the ability to significantly improve the functions of the digestive organs.

Wounds and injuries

To stop the wound from festering, it is washed with a stevia solution. This helps relieve pain and promote rapid healing without scarring. A similar solution is used to treat burns and trophic ulcers.
Stevia contains tannins that convert proteins of the skin and mucous membranes into strong, insoluble compounds that prevent bacteria from existing on them. Due to this, the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.
Stevia preparations are used to treat the bites of mosquitoes, bees and mosquitoes. This prevents the development of general intoxication of the body and the appearance local signs- edema and hyperemia.

Traditional medicine recipes based on stevia

  1. What is fresh stevia herb used for? Fresh leaves are washed, slightly crushed by hand and applied to damaged skin. This method of use medicinal plant helps cope with burns, injuries, ulcers, boils. Open wounds, especially those that have become festered, are washed with a decoction or infusion of stevia.
  2. Stevia decoction is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of fresh leaves, tie them in a double gauze napkin, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for thirty minutes. The resulting broth is poured into a bottle. The napkin with stevia is re-filled with boiling water, left for half an hour, and poured into the same bottle.
    The leaves are taken out of the napkin and added to tea or other drinks instead of sugar. The broth is placed in the refrigerator and stored for no more than a week.
  3. Stevia tea is taken orally and rubbed with it. dark spots on the face and rub into the scalp. Take a tablespoon of dry leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.
    This tea is used to treat obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. After rubbing with tea, the face becomes lighter and the skin becomes more elastic. This product helps get rid of dandruff and gives your hair extra volume and shine.
  4. Stevia extract is obtained from dried leaves. They are poured with alcohol, infused in a dark, cool place, filtered and used instead of sugar in cooking. confectionery or tea.
  5. Stevia infusion is prepared in a thermos. Add twenty grams of dry stevia powder, pour boiling water over it and leave for a day. The infusion is poured into a jar, and the used raw materials are poured again with boiling water, but in a smaller volume. Leave for eight hours, and then combine both infusions into one.
  6. Stevia syrup is obtained from the infusion prepared according to the previous recipe, which is evaporated over low heat to the consistency of syrup. Drop the syrup onto a plate; if the drop holds its shape and does not spread, then the syrup is ready. To sweeten tea, you should take only five drops of syrup, because it is a hundred times sweeter than sugar. The syrup has an unlimited shelf life.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Nature gives people so many useful medicinal plants, which in many cases could not be used at all medications, which, in addition to being beneficial, also cause harm. It is a pity that many have never learned to accept these gifts. People who know about the benefits medicinal herbs, are happy to use them not only to strengthen the immune system and supply the body with vitamins, but also for prevention and treatment various kinds ailments.

One of these miraculous gifts of nature is stevia, the benefits and harms of which have been known to people since ancient times. For many hundreds of years, this plant has been used by healers and healers to treat many pathologies. Nothing has changed in modern world. People still continue to use this plant to cure diseases.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Stevia is perennial plant Aster family. This is a highly branched bush with simple paired leaves and small white flowers. Reaches a height of sixty or more centimeters. The root system of honey grass (another name for the plant) is well developed.

It is recommended to harvest the plant immediately after it blooms. Stevia leaves and stems are mainly used for medicinal purposes. This is not to say that the plant is too whimsical and requires constant care. But in order to get all the expected benefits from it, you need to know how to grow honey grass and how to care for it.

A few tips regarding growing, harvesting and storing stevia:

  1. The place where you plan to plant the plant should be sunny and protected from the wind.
  2. It is not recommended to plant stevia on heavy clay soil; in such conditions it will not take root. The soil should be light sandy.
  3. It is advisable to sow seeds in soil prepared in advance (dug up, cleared of weeds) in March-April.
  4. It is recommended to plant seedlings in open ground after frost.
  5. Raw materials must be harvested during the flowering period.
  6. The stem with leaves is cut off and then dried outdoors under the sun or in special dryers.
  7. It is necessary to separate the leaves from the stem after drying.

Do not grind the plant too much before drying. The fact is that such raw materials will dry out for a very long time, and during this time they will lose most of their beneficial properties.


The plant has a rich chemical composition. It contains a large number of:

  • stevioside;
  • rebaudioside;
  • dulcoside;
  • vitamins of groups A, B1, B2, C, PP;
  • beta-carotene;
  • flavonoids: quercetin, rutin, quercitron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • silicon;
  • copper;
  • Selena;
  • chromium;
  • linolenic, arachidonic acid.

The benefits of stevia

The main medicinal substances of the plant are stevioside and rebaudioside. These substances are not capable of causing the slightest harm to the human body, they do not contain calories, but they are several times more “sweet” than regular sugar. It is for this reason that stevia has been recognized as an ideal and, importantly, harmless sugar substitute. For example, the drug “Stevioside” is very popular and effective.

This herb can have antiseptic, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-cold, hypoglycemic and immunomodulatory effects. The substances that make up stevia give the plant truly healing properties. Honey grass promotes:

  • treatment of obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • preventing the formation and subsequent development of oncology;
  • slowing down the aging process of body cells;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system;
  • normalization carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduction blood pressure;
  • eliminating irritation;
  • slowing down the process of wrinkles;
  • removal of toxins and wastes.
  • burns;
  • furunculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • liver ailments;
  • gastritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • arthritis;
  • colds.

Folk recipes

Herbal tea

This remedy will help people not only in getting rid of extra pounds, but also in treating gastritis, liver and pancreas diseases. One spoon of powder from stevia leaves is poured into one liter of boiled water, after which it is infused for half an hour. Use this remedy several times a day instead of tea.

Decoction for burns, boils and ulcers

Take two spoons of fresh leaves of the plant, wrap them in gauze, pour boiled water and place on the stove. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. Ready decoction pour into a jar. Fill the gauze with leaves again with boiled water and leave to infuse for 40 minutes, then pour the product into the same jar. Use this decoction to wash wounds. Take the leaves out of the gauze and put them in your tea instead of sugar.

Hypertonic tea

Take a spoonful of crushed leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiled water. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for thirty minutes. Drink this tea several times a day for hypertension.

Decoction for insomnia

To prepare the product you will need honey herb leaves and hazelnut flowers. Combine the ingredients and add boiled water, then simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Take the medicine several times a day, a third of a glass, to get rid of insomnia.

Infusion to reduce fever

You will need dried stevia, sage and mint leaves. Mix all the ingredients and pour a glass of boiled water. Infuse the product for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the infusion in small sips.

Infusion for inflammatory diseases of the throat

Mix stevia leaves with raspberry leaves, elderberry flowers and thyme. Pour boiled water over the raw material and let it brew. Drink the infusion warm, in small sips.

Infusion to normalize heart rhythm

Take a spoonful of honey herb powder and a couple of tablespoons of lemon balm, add boiled water and leave to steep for an hour. Take one spoon of the product at least five times a day.


Stevia is an absolutely harmless plant, and therefore medicines based on it they are not capable of causing harm. But in any case, before taking honey herb medications, you should consult your doctor.

If after consuming stevia you experience muscle pain, dizziness, or numbness in your limbs, then such symptoms are evidence of individual intolerance to the components of the product. Therefore, it will be better to stop taking such medications.


What is stevia?

What is the herb stevia, the benefits and harms of stevia for the human body, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Stevia is a genus of perennial plants in the family Asteraceae, or Asteraceae, which includes about 260 species of herbs and shrubs native to South and Central America, as far north as Mexico.

It grows wild in semi-arid areas from plains to mountainous regions. Stevia produces seeds, but only a small percentage of them germinate.

When cultivating, the vegetative propagation method is much more effective.

In 1931, French chemists M. Bridel and R. Lavieille isolated glycosides from stevia, which give this herb a sweet taste. The extracts, called steviosides and rebaudiosides, turned out to be 250-300 times sweeter than sucrose. The sensation of sweetness comes more slowly for stevia regular sugar, but lasts longer. However, especially when high concentration, it may have a bitter aftertaste or a licorice residue. Stevia does not significantly affect the amount of glucose in the blood and for this reason is indicated for those suffering from diabetes and other carbohydrate diets.


Now that people are concerned about eating healthy, many are wondering how to reduce the amount of sugar they consume daily. How can you replace sugar in tea or coffee, lemonade or fruit drink? What about baking? What about other dishes? It’s good if this interest has a purely theoretical significance, but it happens that a person comes to his senses already when he was diagnosed with “type 2 diabetes,” that is, diabetes that developed from overuse carbohydrates. Such diabetes can be corrected not only with medications, but also with diet. Usually in such cases, sugar is replaced with sweeteners, but as it turns out, they have side effects and are not very healthy. So what to do?

People began to look for natural sugar substitutes. After all, the diet did not always contain exactly the kind of sugar that we are now used to. And he wasn’t everywhere. And not very long ago, by historical standards, scientists and others became interested in stevia honey, a plant from the Asteraceae family, which is tens of times sweeter than sugar.

Stevia honey, also known as honey herb, or in Latin Stevia rebaudiana, belongs to the Aster family, or Asteraceae.

This family is extremely diverse. Asteraceae are common on all continents of the Earth and in all natural zones. For example, we can name asters, sunflowers, dandelions, gerberas, calendula, chamomile, chrysanthemums, dahlias and many others.

Stevia is part of the tribe Eupatoriaceae, or Poskonnikovye, where there are more than 2000 species. It should be noted that most of them live in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of Northern and South America. In Central America, they grow as far north as Mexico.

Stevia is no exception; it mainly grows in warm regions. It is now cultivated in eastern Asia, including China, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia, South America (Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and Israel.

This herb originally grew in South America (northeast Paraguay, border with Brazil). It has a moderately humid subtropical climate. And since ancient times, the Guarani Indians in the territory of modern Brazil and Paraguay have used stevia, calling it “sweet grass,” as a sweetener for mate and various drinks, to treat heartburn and other diseases.

Europeans named the plant in honor of the Spanish botanist Pedro Jacobs Stevus (1500–1556), who first studied representatives of this genus of plants. And this particular stevia was described in detail in 1899 by the Swiss botanist M. S. Bertoni, who conducted research in Paraguay.

What is stevia, the benefits and harms of stevia, are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer questions that interest this category of people.

What are the benefits of the herb stevia?

Why are scientists now ordinary people interested in stevia? It combines high sweetness and low calorie content, which is very important nowadays. That is why dishes with it can be used for patients with diabetes mellitus to control body weight. Stevia also improves metabolism and is used to restore metabolism. Its leaves are 300 times sweeter than sugar and contain more than 50 substances beneficial to the human body: mineral salts(calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper), vitamins P, A, E, C, beta-carotene, amino acids, essential oils, pectins, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids.

In 1931, French scientists isolated stevia as pure form glycosides stevioside and rebaudioside, giving it a sweet taste. By the way, in addition to sweetness, it has a grassy aftertaste, which not everyone likes. The leaves contain 5–10% stevioside, which is 250–300 times sweeter than sucrose, and 2–4% rebaudioside, which is 400–500 times sweeter than sucrose. Stevioside does not increase blood glucose levels and promotes insulin production.

In the middle of the last century, the Japanese became interested in stevia, studied it in detail and began to cultivate it, adding it instead of sugar to marinades, ice cream, fruit juices, desserts and even in chewing gum. And this continues today, sometimes they write that half of the food products produced in Japan have replaced sugar with stevia.

By the way, stevia-based sweeteners and sugar substitutes are allowed in the Russian Federation. In our country, the Research Institute of Food Hygiene of Ukraine studied this herb in the 1980s. Own varieties were bred: “Bereginya” and “Slavutich”. Stevia loves warm climates; in Russia it can be grown as an annual plant, and in the southern part Krasnodar region even as a perennial.

In the USA, EU countries and Indonesia, this herb is allowed as food additives(dietary supplement).

Nowadays, stevia is grown on an industrial scale in countries South East Asia, South America, in Israel.

Research is still ongoing, but it is already believed that:

– Stevia leaves can be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals,

– it normalizes blood pressure,

medications based on it, they cleanse the body of toxins,

– this herb can improve immunity,

– it can reduce sugar levels due to the fact that a person will not eat regular sugars,

– for the same reason, it helps control and lose weight.

Due to this, the use of stevia will be useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol. She will help (not alone, but in complex treatment!) during treatment viral infections, allergic dermatitis, acute and chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and other ulcers. Accordingly, it helps improve immunity and is used to relieve exacerbations of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Stevia helps fight excess weight due to the fact that it is very sweet and dulls the feeling of hunger. There are practically no calories in it and its sweet components are not absorbed by the body. If you use this herb in tablets, you can calculate the “dose”: 1 tablet is equal to a teaspoon of sugar.

Stevia lowers blood sugar levels in diabetes, whereas with normal sugar levels it does not change. It also has the ability to stimulate insulin secretion processes in the body. That is why in some countries medicines containing stevia and stevia tea are included in the mandatory treatment program for diabetes.

Steviosides have the property of lowering blood pressure, so the herb will be useful for hypertensive patients. But hypotensive patients should be careful with it.

Since stevia has antimicrobial effect, then it can be used during epidemics of acute viral respiratory diseases, for example, drinking tea with stevia every day. And your immune system will be fine too.

With regular use of this herb, there is an improvement in the functions of the pancreas and liver function. Also, tea with stevia is useful for flatulence, heartburn and increased acidity gastric juice.

Stevia extract acts as an anti-inflammatory for gastritis, colitis, enteritis. The pectins included in its composition serve as a nutrient medium for intestinal microflora, therefore they effectively cope with dysbacteriosis.

Stevia is effective as a vitamin-mineral complex for the syndrome chronic fatigue, exhaustion of the body, loss of strength. Can be chewed fresh leaves or drink tea with stevia.

Stevia is also used in cosmetology, as it helps clear the skin of rashes, and masks made from stevia have a tightening effect, moisturize the skin, improve complexion and prevent skin inflammation and the formation of wrinkles.

An aqueous solution from the leaves or powder of this herb inhibits the growth of bacteria, so it can be used instead of balms for rinsing the mouth. Accordingly, this will also help with various diseases teeth and gums, and how to prevent caries.

It should be kept in mind that the sensation of sweetness when using stevia does not occur immediately. And if you exceed the amount of sweetener, the dish will acquire a characteristic bitter taste.

Some people believe that the taste of this plant is similar to the taste of licorice.


We have already figured out why this herb is useful. But can it do any harm?

Studies have shown that if stevia is consumed rationally, it will not cause harm to the body. However, there are a number side effects, which have been repeatedly observed in people with individual intolerance to plant components. It is necessary to carefully monitor your body’s reaction when using honey herb and adhere to some rules, namely:

Some people experience allergic reactions when consuming stevia, in which case it should be excluded from the diet;

Since honey grass can lower blood sugar, it is advisable to use it for diabetes, but uncontrolled use of stevia can cause harm;

Honey herb is prescribed with caution to hypotensive patients: this plant has the ability to lower blood pressure;

Stevia can be harmful to the body if a person has digestive problems, hormonal disorders, mental disorders or blood diseases.

To avoid harm to your body when using products containing stevia, be sure to consult your doctor. Especially if you have some chronic diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions.

In addition, it should be remembered that treatment with medicinal herbs requires compliance with:

Stevia calories:

The calorie content of stevia is 18 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is for the grass itself. In addition, the grass contains 0 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat and 0.1 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of stevia tablets is 272 kcal per 100 grams of product. 1 tablet = 1 tsp. Sahara.

Weight of 1 tablet is 0.25 grams, calorie content is 0.7 kcal.

Growing stevia at home:

This is a heat-loving subshrub, so in our climate it can be grown either as a house perennial plant or in open ground like an annual.

The following varieties of stevia are known: Detskoselskaya, Mechta, Ramonskaya Slastena, Slavyanka, Sofia, Stavropolskaya Slastena, Uslada, Marfa.

The soil needs to be light, sandy. You can take 2 parts sand and 1 part humus, and for better germination add 1% vermicompost. Or you can buy land for seedlings so that there is turf, humus and sand. Or you can take 50% peat compost with the addition of a quarter of regular garden soil and coarse sand.

The soil is poured into seedling containers in a layer of no more than 10–12 cm and watered thoroughly. warm water.

Before planting, seeds must be placed in warm water for 30 minutes and then dry. They cannot be planted deep into the ground; there will be no sprouts. You just need to scatter it on the ground and lightly press it down. The soil should cover them by a maximum of 5 mm. After this, you need to spray the seeds with warm water, cover the ground with glass or transparent film and put it in a warm place. In such conditions (humid and warm), the seeds will germinate in a week. If you put them in a fairly cool place (with a temperature of +4 to +7 degrees), they will sprout in 2–3 weeks.

When most of the seeds have sprouted, you can remove the glass. Then the container with the seedlings is transferred to a warm and bright room without drafts. Periodically, the seedlings should be sprayed with warm water.

Seedlings should be replanted when the first pair of leaves appears. They take the same soil, put it in pots for seedlings, and replant each shoot along with a small lump of soil. Seedlings require regular watering, and it is advisable to feed them once a week mineral fertilizers. If you plan to grow stevia at home, you can immediately plant it in a permanent pot. It should be shallow, but wide, since the root system of stevia grows in breadth. The pot must be at least 2 liters in volume, and be sure to provide 2 cm of drainage, preferably from broken shards. First, you need to fill the pot halfway, plant a cutting or seedling, and then add soil as the bush grows.

At home, stevia will grow well on south and southwest windows.

If stevia grows in a pot, then you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out and at the same time that there is no waterlogging, otherwise the roots will rot and the plant will die. Stevia loves to be sprayed.

When the plant reaches 20 cm in height, it is necessary to trim the central stem at a height of about 5 cm from the top, and always in the middle of the internode. Then the bush will become lush and there will be many leaves. And the cut top can be used as a cutting and rooted.

If stevia grows at home, it will be a perennial plant, and then every 5-6 months each shoot is shortened by half or a third (small branches). There should be at least 3 pairs of leaves left. New shoots will immediately begin to grow from dormant buds. It is recommended to treat the wounds after pruning with pork fat or garden varnish - this way the plant will survive the injury painlessly.

At home in winter, it is better to highlight stevia - then the leaves will be as sweet as in summer.

The leaves that are collected first are those with curled edges. The leaves ripen already at 3 months - they become brittle. They must be picked off without keeping them on the bush for more than 4–5 months. Dry the leaves or use fresh, storing them in the refrigerator.

Drying quickly produces leaves best quality. If the plants are heavily crushed or dried for a long time, the quality of the raw material deteriorates due to oxidation: up to a third of steviol glycosides are lost in three days.


Dried leaves can be ground in a coffee grinder or mortar to produce a green powder that is about 10 times sweeter than sugar. 1.5–2 tbsp. l. replace 1 cup regular sugar. This powder can be added to all dishes and drinks where sugar is traditionally used.


Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a third of a teaspoon of stevia leaves and leave for 1 minute. Add a slice of lemon or a mint leaf and drink like tea.

Alcohol extract:

Pour alcohol or vodka over whole leaves or green powder until the leaves are completely covered. Leave to infuse for a day. Then strain the liquid.

Aqueous extract:

Grind 40 g of fresh or dried leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for a day. Strain the prepared solution, then evaporate over medium heat until thickened. Keep refrigerated. Take diluted (a quarter teaspoon in half a glass of water at room temperature) an hour before meals.


Fill the dried green leaves and shoots with water completely and boil for 40 minutes. Strain and continue to evaporate the liquid over low heat (or in a boiling water bath). The syrup is ready if a drop of syrup on a glass or porcelain saucer does not spread. This syrup is added to various drinks and desserts.

An interesting video about stevia from the program “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva:

Before making any complex dishes or baked goods, try a stevia leaf or brew it in tea. Stevia is an herb and has a grassy taste that not everyone likes. Some people think that the taste of stevia is similar to the taste of licorice (licorice). To beat it, some people add cinnamon or some other spices to taste (lemon zest, mint, etc.) to baked goods. It's all individual.

Its taste is not noticeable in marinades and vegetable dishes.

It is better to use stevia powder for baked goods rather than crushed leaves. The fact is that some powders do not have the grassy taste of stevia, which is important for the taste of baked goods. And in cookies, pancakes and other desserts - whichever you like best (powder or crushed leaves). Everything is learned in practice.

If a recipe says crushed stevia, it means collected, dried and crushed stevia. The recipe requires more of it than store-bought stevia powder from a bag. This should be kept in mind if substitutions are made within a recipe.

If you take stevia powder bought in a store, then a small bag usually contains 2 g. Such a bag is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water and left for 15–20 minutes. The infusion turns light brown. If the infusion is left open for several hours, it turns dark green.

Tea with stevia, in addition to having a great taste and restorative properties, also helps to normalize the functions of the immune system, blood circulation, blood glucose levels and maintain blood pressure within normal limits. Teas also promote scarring of stomach and intestinal ulcers, eliminate gastritis and caries, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and spleen.

Ratio of sugar to stevia:

1 g of purchased stevia powder is equal in sweetness to 10 g of sugar. There are 25 g of sugar in a tablespoon, 200 g in a glass.

1 teaspoon of sugar is replaced by ¼ teaspoon of ground dried stevia, or commercial powder on the tip of a knife (about 0.7 g), or 2-6 drops of liquid aqueous stevia extract.

1 tablespoon of sugar is replaced by ¾ teaspoon of ground dried stevia, or purchased powder (2.5 g), or 10 drops of liquid aqueous stevia extract.

1 glass of sugar is replaced with 1–2 tablespoons of ground dried stevia, or purchased powder at the rate of 20 g, or 1–2 teaspoons of liquid aqueous stevia extract.

The amount of stevia in recipes can be reduced or increased, because everyone likes different sweetness.

Based on the book by Yu. Konstantinov “Stevia. Natural sugar replacement. Against diabetes, obesity and a hundred ailments.”


Dear readers, today I want to talk in detail about the healthy sweetener- stevia. Of all natural sweeteners It is the herb stevia that holds the palm. What's so special about it?

The history of the spread of stevia dates back to ancient times, when there was no trace of sugar. Be the first to use this sweet grass South American Indians began long before Columbus discovered America. It was they who discovered that any drink becomes sweet if you put a few leaves of this herb in a cup.

The Indians kept this secret for a long time, but nevertheless, information about sweet grass penetrated beyond the borders of South America and today sweet grass can be bought at any pharmacy. The scientific name of the herb is stevia rebaudiana or simply stevia, the benefits and harms of which we will consider in this article.

The Indians called stevia the honey herb, and indeed, its leaves are 10 to 15 times sweeter than regular sugar. When the world learned that stevia is a sugar substitute, it gradually began to be grown in many countries in Southeast Asia, then in Europe, including our country. Today we, dear readers, will talk about the benefits of stevia and its use for health.

Stevia herb. The secret of her sweetness

Fresh stevia leaves, as well as powder from dry leaves, have a very sweet taste. What is the secret of such sweetness? The fact is that this plant accumulates a complex glycoside called stevioside, which contains sucrose, glucose, steviol and other compounds.

Pure stevioside is obtained industrially; as a result of the extraction of this substance, we have the sweetener stevia, which is 200 or even 300 times sweeter than sugar. This is just a godsend for people for whom sugar is contraindicated for one reason or another.

Stevia. Benefits and harms

Diabetes mellitus, caries, obesity, hypertension, vascular problems - these are only some of the problems that excess sugar consumption creates for us. Read more about the effects of sugar on our body in the article.

But we cannot exist without sweets, since its lack sharply reduces resistance to stress, which leads to diseases nervous system. Artificial sugar substitutes are not so harmless and today there are enough proven arguments against them long-term use. You can read about this in the article.

Stevia is the best substitute sugar for both diabetics and healthy people who adhere to proper nutrition. This is the most sweet product, which can only be found. The benefit of stevia is that, unlike sugar, it contains a minimum of calories and does not increase blood glucose levels.

In addition to stevioside, vitamins, mineral salts, tannins, essential oils, amino acids, and antioxidants were found in the leaves. Therefore, the benefits of stevia are not limited to sweetness; this herb has many other advantages that allow many people to use it to improve their health.

Medicinal properties of stevia

Let's consider the medicinal properties of stevia and in what medical purposes can it be used?

  • It is low in calories and does not increase blood glucose levels;
  • The benefits of stevia are its hypoglycemic effect;
  • Stevia strengthens immune system human, due to the presence of antioxidants, helps slow down the aging process of the body;
  • Has an antitumor effect;
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of stevia allow it to be used to treat the stomach and duodenum;
  • Used for dysbiosis, as it helps normalize intestinal flora;
  • Strengthens blood vessels;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the removal of metabolic products from the body;
  • Improves blood fluidity;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder;
  • Good for the pancreas;
  • Used when inflammatory diseases oral cavity;
  • Speeds up metabolic processes in the body, improves metabolism, therefore recommended for weight loss;
  • Due to the presence of vitamins and minerals, it is used for the prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiencies;
  • Protects tooth enamel from destruction;
  • Reduces cravings for nicotine and alcohol;
  • Has a mild expectorant effect;
  • When applied externally, it improves the condition of the skin, is used for oily seborrhea, for dermatitis, for eczema;
  • When used simultaneously, it reduces the risk of bleeding from exposure acetylsalicylic acid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

As you can see, the list of beneficial properties of this herb is quite large; it can be recommended for those suffering from obesity, pancreatitis, and atherosclerosis. Stevia is useful for type 2 diabetes, for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases

To summarize: the herb stevia is ideal for diabetics, people suffering from metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, obesity and those who monitor their health. Stevia is also ideal for preventing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, healthy gums and teeth, and improving sleep. In my opinion, the list is impressive.

I invite you to watch a video about the benefits of stevia. What do doctors say about this?

Stevia and honey. Which is better and healthier?

Let's compare stevia and honey. Which is healthier? Is stevia really outperforming our most important natural sweetener, honey? In fact, stevia beats even honey for several reasons. Honey is a very strong allergen for many. Honey has a fairly high calorie content. And many people simply don't like the taste of honey.

Stevia. Photo

And one more reason why you need to pay attention to stevia - it can grow perfectly in a flower pot in the kitchen. Many people, when simply brewing tea, tear off a leaf and put it in the tea. And the tea will be sweet.

See what stevia looks like in photos, you might want to grow this herb to have a healthy sugar substitute on hand.

Advice from me: if you are in Crimea, be sure to buy stevia; I have never seen anything better than Crimean stevia.

Stevia herb. Health Applications

The benefits of stevia manifest themselves no matter in what form you use it. Stevia is sold in tablets, easy to use and liquid extract stevia. As a sugar substitute, it is convenient to use an industrial preparation called “stevioside”. This biological additive to food in the form of a soluble powder, which is an extract of stevia leaves. For a cup of tea or coffee, 1/4 coffee spoon is enough to give the drink a sweet taste. The drug must be accompanied by instructions, and in order not to harm your health, it is best to follow its instructions.

In pharmacies you can buy ready-made stevia herbal tea in filter bags; this form is also very convenient to use. But if you grow this plant on your plot or windowsill, its leaves will always be at hand to prepare an infusion or healing decoction. You should not overuse stevia; just add one leaf to your drink several times a day to improve the taste and health benefits.

Stevia contains aromatic substances similar in characteristics to cinnamon; it can be brewed independently and taken to improve well-being, or it can be added to coffee or tea. The taste of the grass does not spoil the taste of these drinks, but even gives them a piquant note.

Stevia infusion

How to prepare stevia infusion? Healing infusion The easiest way to prepare it is in a thermos; to prepare it you need a glass of boiling water and 2 - 3 stevia leaves. It is convenient to prepare the infusion in the evening, and in the morning, strain and drink three times a day before meals. This infusion is useful for improving metabolism, relieving stomach pain, and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Stevia decoction

The decoction turns out even sweeter, for preparing it in a glass hot water add a spoonful of stevia leaves and bring to a boil. You need to boil the contents for just a couple of minutes and pour it hot into a thermos, leave it to infuse overnight, and strain in the morning. This decoction perfectly replaces sugar; it is added to drinks, baked goods, and porridges. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Stevia extract

The beneficial properties of stevia are most evident in extracts. Stevia extract can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. It is prepared in two ways, it can be a water extract or an alcohol extract.

  • To prepare an alcoholic extract, whole leaves or powder are poured with vodka and left in a dark place for a day. The leaves should only be covered. Then it is filtered and the resulting extract is slowly heated for 30 minutes, without bringing to a boil. It is best to do this in a water bath. When heated, some of the alcohol evaporates and its concentration decreases. This extract is suitable for preparing various dishes. A glass of sugar replaces only 1/4 teaspoon of alcohol extract.
  • Aqueous extract It turns out not so concentrated, since the sweet glycosides in the water are not completely extracted. The aqueous extract is prepared similarly to the alcoholic one.

Stevia extracts can be evaporated by heating for a longer period, then a syrup of a rather thick consistency is obtained; it is added to dishes instead of sugar, receiving undoubted benefits for your health along with the sweet taste.

Stevia powder

For long-term storage, a powder is prepared from dried stevia leaves. Leaves are dried in the usual way, then they are thoroughly ground to obtain a powder, which is well stored in a glass container. 1.5 tablespoons of this powder replace a glass of regular sugar.

Stevia in cooking

What is stevia in cooking, how to use it? There is one more very important property stevia - it does not lose its properties when heated, as happens with honey, so it can and should be used in cooking at home. In all dishes where you add regular sugar, add decoctions, infusions, stevia extracts, you can add powder to baked goods.

Growing stevia at home from seeds

Stevia is a southern plant, and in warm regions with mild winter climates it is grown as a perennial that grows well in light, sandy, non-acidic soils. Stevia reaches 60 centimeters in height; it is a branched bush with small white flowers. The highest concentration of sweet glycosides in the leaves of the plant is achieved during flowering. Stevia is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings. From one square meter you can harvest stevia leaves, which can replace 7 kilograms of sugar.

In central Russia and the north-west of the country, stevia does not overwinter, and since in the first year the plant develops poorly and does not produce an abundant harvest of leaves, it is better to grow it at home on a windowsill or on a glazed loggia from seeds. Growing it is not particularly difficult, but it makes it possible all year round use it.

I offer a very useful video on how to grow stevia at home on a windowsill, as well as its benefits and contraindications.

Harm of stevia and contraindications

As you can see, the benefits of stevia leave no doubt, but are there any contraindications to its use? After extensive research, stevia is accepted throughout the world as a harmless sweetener with no side effects. It can cause harm only in case of individual intolerance.

There are also certain restrictions that must be taken into account when consuming this weed.

  • Stevia belongs to the Asteraceae family, and if a person is allergic to the pollen of dandelions, chamomile, yarrow, or calendula, then there is a high probability that flowering stevia can cause allergies.
  • Abuse stevia like anyone else medicinal herb, it is impossible, its excessive use in in rare cases may lead to intestinal upset.
  • Sweet stevia leaves are contraindicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as children under 12 years of age.

IN large doses Stevia preparations can lower blood pressure, so people suffering from hypotension are advised to use stevia under blood pressure control. Patients with diabetes who take stevia preparations need to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels to prevent a sharp drop.

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The perennial plant stevia, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, has gained some popularity among its adherents. healthy eating who use it as usual. Stevia leaves contain more than one hundred beneficial phytochemicals. But despite this, there is a lot of controversy about its effects on the human body. To understand whether a plant is beneficial or harmful, in this article we turn to scientific research, which last years Quite a lot has been done.

Where does stevia grow

Chemical composition of stevia

Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D, E, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium.

Acids: humic, coffee, formic.

Stevia leaves contain 17 amino acids, essential oils, apigenin, campesterol, steviol, flavonoids and glycosides. The latter give this plant a sweet taste. Interestingly, stevia is 30 times sweeter than refined sugar, which is why it is nicknamed the “honey grass.” Contrary to this, it is not contraindicated for diabetics, since the glucosoids included in its composition do not affect the level of insulin in human blood.

Just one leaf of stevia can sweeten an entire pumpkin filled with bitter Yerba mate tea.

Approximately 1/4 tsp. crushed leaves of the plant equals approximately 1 tsp. Sahara.

Stevia calories: leaves - 18 kcal, tablets - 272 kcal, syrup - 128 kcal per 100 g.

Stevia glycemic index - 0.

Health Benefits and Health Benefits of Stevia

  • has an antimicrobial effect,
  • eliminates inflammation in the oral cavity,
  • protects tooth enamel,
  • lowers blood sugar levels,
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • removes toxins and radionuclides,
  • improves digestion,
  • prevents heartburn,
  • eliminates kidney problems,
  • helps with arthritis,
  • eliminates allergic diathesis in children,
  • prevention of cancer,
  • reduces cravings for fatty foods,
  • eliminates skin rashes,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • helps restore strength.

Does not increase blood sugar levels

A natural sweetener, famous for its almost zero calorie content, is of great interest to many scientists.

When answering the question of whether stevia is beneficial or harmful, you should refer to scientific research data. One of the reasons why some people avoid consuming the leaves of this plant as a sweetener is the possible allergic reaction body. However, this herb has been scientifically proven to be hypoallergenic. In addition, unlike synthetic sweeteners, stevia does not increase blood sugar levels, so there is no increase in the risk of diabetes from consuming stevia.

Research on stevia and its effects on the body

The journal Planta Medica published the results of a study in 2005 that confirmed the ability of stevia to lower blood sugar levels. This effect is achieved due to the presence of a sweet component in the plant - stevioside. This substance helps normalize blood sugar levels with regular use of a natural sweetener. In 2010, the European Food Safety Authority Journal published the results of another study examining the connection between stevia consumption and diabetes. Italian scientists have proven that consuming this plant leads to a decrease in insulin resistance. As a result, the product is safe for both healthy people and patients diagnosed with diabetes.

One more positive property This plant is able to normalize blood pressure. A separate study by doctors from Taipei University in 2003 examined the connection between stevia consumption and blood pressure. Experts conducted tests in which people of different ages took part, suffering from hypertension or periodically high blood pressure on initial stages development of this disease. As a result, it was found that regular consumption of this plant extract led to a decrease in blood pressure in all participants without exception. Positive effect was recorded in many participants 2 years after starting to take the extract.

Scientists from the University of Texas also conducted a number of studies to study the beneficial properties of stevia and the effects of this plant extract on the body. Doctors have found that due to the presence of a substance called “kaempferol” in the leaves, the use of this plant is an effective preventative against certain forms of cancer, in particular pancreatic cancer.

There is an opinion that taking stevia can cause infertility. However, this has not been scientifically proven. On the contrary, in countries where it grows and is regularly consumed, the birth rate is high.

Some people mistakenly believe that this plant is toxic. However, there is no scientific evidence for this either. Organic stevia-based products are not toxic, unlike synthetic sweeteners. Negative Impact of this plant on the body is possible only in case of significant excess permissible norm consumption. Individual intolerance to the components that make up the leaves is also possible. However, the percentage of people with individual intolerance to this plant is extremely small.

Contraindications and harm of stevia

  • individual intolerance,
  • pregnancy,
  • hypotension.

Stevia has no clear contraindications, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children. But during pregnancy and breastfeeding you should be more careful, since during these periods of life a woman’s body is very sensitive to all foods.

People suffering from hypotension should first consult with a specialist, since this plant helps lower blood pressure.

Stevia - sweetener

The main use of the plant is to replace regular refined sugar. Stevia leaves are added to tea or brewed without adding other ingredients. In addition, specialized stores and pharmacies sell various forms of this sweetener.

In what form is it sold?

In dried crushed form, tablets, syrup and white powder.

I would like to immediately note that White powder and the tablets are not the herb stevia, but its extract. Very often, such products contain artificial sweeteners, flavors, etc. Accordingly, they are of little use. In addition, the white powder is too concentrated, since it is actually pure refined stevioside. Add it to dishes and drinks very carefully and in small quantities.

The syrup is obtained by boiling the infusion of leaves to a thick viscous state. It is also quite concentrated.

We bring to your attention a table that will help you understand how much stevia you should add instead of regular sugar.

How to use stevia instead of sugar

Due to harmful additions to the tablets and white powder, bad rumors may arise about this plant. To avoid negative consequences, we recommend purchasing it from in kind- dark green powder of crushed leaves, or prepare your own tincture.

Stevia tincture at home

1 tbsp. crushed leaves + 1 glass of water. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 5 minutes. After this, immediately pour the broth into a thermos. Leave to brew for 9-10 hours, then strain and pour into a sterilized container.

Pour 0.5 cups of boiling water over the remaining leaves again and let them brew for 6 hours in a thermos. Combine the first infusion with the fresh one. The infusion must be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life: 7 days.

As from anyone plant product, the benefits of stevia for the human body will only be in its natural form, and in moderate volume. If you switched to proper nutrition, but it’s still difficult for you to give up sweets, then you can safely replace refined sugar with this herb.

Do you use natural sweeteners in your diet? :)

Stevia for diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension