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The herb stevia is a natural sweetener. We actively use stevia! Drinking tea, for example, is not at all disgusting

Surely many of our readers are familiar with stevia. What is this? Some will say that this is a high-quality vegetable sweetener, and they will be partly right. Actually it's medicinal herb. Today we will try to tell you more about this plant. For what diseases and how to take it, does it have contraindications?

Stevia: what is it?

A perennial plant, more precisely, small bush with erect stems, from sixty to eighty centimeters high, from the Asteraceae family, which includes about two hundred and sixty species . Stevia, benefits and harm which was known to healers one and a half thousand years ago South America, V modern world became known only recently.

Thanks to the efforts of Professor Vavilov, the territory of the former Soviet Union Stevia was imported. No one in our country yet knew what kind of plant this was. For a long time, products based on it were part of rations for cosmonauts and senior officials in the USSR. Stevia has also been studied in other countries. The benefits of this plant have found more and more evidence every year. Scientists from all over the world have talked about this.

Stevia is a herb whose stems die off every year, and their place is taken by new shoots on which small leaves are located. One bush can have from six hundred to twelve thousand sweet leaves. Based on numerous studies, modern scientists have identified unique properties, which this plant possesses.


In the northeast of Paraguay and the neighboring part of Brazil, on a tributary of the Parana River, stevia is widespread. Even children here know that this sweet plant has medicinal properties. Over time, the whole world learned about this herb. IN natural conditions It grows in high mountains, so stevia has adapted to fairly sharp temperature changes. Now it's being grown in almost all countries of Southeast Asia.

For industrial purposes today it is grown in Krasnodar region and in Crimea stevia. The benefits and harms of this plant have been well studied, which makes it possible to use it in the food industry and cosmetology, but this herb is most in demand in medicine.


The most big amount The leaves of the plant contain beneficial substances. They include:

  • cellulose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycosides;
  • plant lipids;
  • vitamins C, A, P, E and microelements;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils.

Glycosides - steviiodes - give the plant its sweetness. They are several hundred times sweeter than sugar. But besides this, they are phytosteroids that are involved in the synthesis of hormones in our body.

Natural sweetener

The taste of stevia is most pronounced when consuming young leaves. The sweetest leaves are those grown in natural climatic conditions and with sufficient sunlight. The plant has a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma. The taste has shades of sweetness, accompanied by a bitter aftertaste.

Despite the increased sweetness that stevia has, it cannot cause harm to the body, but the benefits of its use are obvious. More than twenty amino acids and vitamins contained in its leaves allow you to combine excellent taste with healing properties. The plant has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects on the human body, thanks to which it is successfully used traditional healers for colds and viral infections.

The taste qualities of the plant allowed us to call it the best natural sweetener in the world. Not every plant is distinguished by such rapid solubility, a complete absence of side effects, a huge number of medicinal properties and, at the same time, a pleasant taste. What else is attractive about stevia?

  1. This plant does not cause insulin release and helps normalize blood sugar levels.
  2. Stevia, the harm of which has not been identified even with long-term use, is resistant to high temperatures, which allows it to be used in baked goods and hot drinks.

Healing properties

Honey herb (stevia) has the following beneficial properties:

  • thins and removes mucus;
  • increases gastric secretion;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • prevents rheumatism;
  • relieves swelling;
  • reduces “bad” cholesterol levels and blood sugar;
  • strengthens blood vessels and normalizes arterial pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis;
  • helps in the treatment of bronchitis.

Stevia has become a salvation for people suffering from diabetes and tired of constant restrictions on sweets. Today, many manufacturers add it to special products for such patients - cookies, yoghurts, chocolate. Natural sweetness does not harm diabetics; their body accepts this sweetener.

As you can see, a truly unique plant is stevia. Its benefits for the human body have been confirmed by numerous studies by Russian and foreign scientists.

Release forms

Many people are interested in the sweetener stevia. Its price depends on the release form and volume. Today, stevia-based preparations are produced in different forms, but first we should talk about the indicators that are inherent in all types of these products: carbohydrates, fats and calories are absent. Equal to zero glycemic index.


The composition includes: stevia extract, which has a sweet, pleasant taste and no foreign flavors; erythrol is a natural filler obtained from starch and used for ease of dosage: 1 sachet corresponds to the level of sweetness two teaspoons of sugar. Packages come in 25, 50 and 100 bags.

Price - from 100 rubles.


Price for 20 grams - 525 rubles.


1 tablet corresponds to 1 teaspoon of sugar. Available in packs of 100, 150 and 200 pieces.

Price - from 140 rubles.

Liquid extract

It has the taste of strawberry, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, mint, etc. Four to five drops are enough to add sweetness to a glass of drink. Stevia extract is packaged in thirty-gram plastic or glass bottles.

Price - from 295 rubles.

Are there any contraindications to the use of stevia?

Scientists at this moment not identified harmful properties this plant. However, individual restrictions still exist. First of all, this is intolerance to stevia, which can be expressed as allergic reactions. In this case, its use must be stopped.

At the very beginning of use, there may be other negative reactions of the body: digestive disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness. As a rule, they pass very quickly.

We should not forget that stevia significantly reduces blood sugar, so this indicator must be monitored while taking this sweetener.

People with hypotension (low blood pressure) should take stevia with caution to avoid low blood pressure. When purchasing stevia in powder or tablet form, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain methanol and ethanol, which are sometimes used to reduce the sweetness of the drug. Their toxicity can harm your body.

Stevia: reviews

This amazing natural sweetener has no strict contraindications. For many of our compatriots, stevia became a discovery. What kind of plant this is, many did not know before. Judging by the reviews, acquaintance with it most often occurs after the doctor records an increase in blood sugar levels. People who started using this sweetener note that after a month of regular use, the rise in blood sugar levels slows down, and with more long-term use- decreases.

Patients with high blood pressure also leave reviews. They note that with regular use of stevia, blood pressure normalizes and there are no sudden increases.

Women who are watching their figure have not ignored this herb. Having given up sugar and switched to stevia, many people boast about their weight loss achievements. Reviews about this plant are mostly positive, although some did not like its pronounced bitter taste.

Let's figure out what stevia is, how great are its health benefits, is there any harm from it, and how does its use relate to in a healthy way life.

Before we begin to find out the truth, I suggest we remember that earlier in the “sweet” series of articles we talked in detail about the benefits and harms of sugar itself.

Stevia is a tropical plant with wide range application, which is popularly called “honey grass”. One gram of stevia leaves is equivalent to 30 g of sugar, i.e. Stevia leaf is 30 times sweeter than sugar.

The pleasant sweetish taste is due to a complex molecule - stevioside, which is natural source glucose, sophorose and sucrose. It is this complex structure and a number of other related substances that are responsible for the amazing sweetness of the plant.

Distribution history

This plant appeared in the everyday life of various nationalities relatively recently, despite the fact that, for example, the Guarani Indians have been using it for several centuries. They used stevia both as a sweetener and as a remedy from many ailments. The Spanish conquistadors drew attention to this in the 18th century.

On the territory of the former Union, the plant appeared only in 1934. It was brought from Latin America by the famous scientist and researcher N.I. Vavilov, who visited those parts with an expedition.

Before this, in 1931, an extract was isolated from the leaves of the plant, which was a crystalline substance, white in color. It turned out to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. The French chemists who made this discovery named it stevioside.

And in 1941, special attention was paid to stevia in the British Isles. This was caused by the blockade of England by German submarines. As a result of these events, there was a shortage of products, including a number of sweeteners. Research conducted by scientists has shown that this plant can serve as an excellent alternative to any sweetener.

A little later, the Japanese also took a closer look at stevia, and today they are considered the main consumer of “honey grass,” as it is also called. In 1954, they began to thoroughly study the properties of the plant, and by 1988, 41% of the Japanese sweetener market was occupied by stevia extract.

Since 1986, the plant began to be cultivated in Ukraine. Uzbekistan became the next to adopt planting material and agricultural technology on the territory of the former Union. In 1991 the materials were transferred to Russia.

Stevia is now grown and used in many countries around the world. These are Korea and Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan. In South America you can find it in Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay. The plant is also cultivated in Israel. But the largest supplier of “honey grass” extract on the world market is, perhaps, China.

Medicinal properties of the herb stevia.

o Stevia is called the “honey grass” for its sickly sweet taste.

o Stevia helps cope with obesity, stomach and organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus.

o Stevia helps prevent the formation and growth of cancer.

o Stevia can slow down the aging of living organism cells, strengthen the immune system, this honey grass has antiseptic and antifungal properties, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system.

o When consumed as food, stevia is a low-calorie sugar substitute.

o Diseases of the liver and gall bladder are cured much faster when consuming stevia.

o The herb Stevia is used as an active stimulant in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and patients with metabolic disorders.

o Many sugar substitutes should not be consumed for a long time - they can cause serious illnesses humans, and even cancer. Long-term Scientific research The properties of stevia have established that this plant is suitable for consumption for a long time, even throughout life, without any consequences on human health.

o The medicinal properties of stevia help to use it even for arthritis and osteochondrosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, nephritis, and thyroid diseases.

o If you use stevia extract simultaneously with anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroids, then the gastric mucosa does not suffer from the effects of these drugs.

o When stevia is consumed regularly in the blood of a patient with diabetes, the amount of glucose in the blood is significantly reduced, the elasticity of the vascular wall is improved, and the growth of cancerous tumors is prevented.

o Stevosides found in the plant treat oral diseases - periodontal disease, gingivitis, strengthen the gums and protect teeth from the development of caries.

o Essential oil is made from stevia, and it contains more than 53 active substances. Stevia essential oil has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect.

o A wound that is washed with a stevia solution will stop festering and will heal very quickly, without leaving scars. Stevia solution is also used to treat burns and trophic ulcers.

o The tannins in stevia convert the proteins of the mucous membranes and skin into insoluble, strong compounds, and bacteria can no longer exist on them. That’s why stevia’s anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties are so pronounced.

o For bites from mosquitoes, mosquitoes, bees and other blood-sucking insects, stevia preparations will help avoid intoxication and local tissue swelling.

o For burns, stevia reduces pain and promotes rapid skin regeneration without scarring.

o Adding stevia to food small child, allergic diathesis can be cured.

o Stevia, nourishing the pancreas, restores the function of even a damaged organ.

o Herbal tea from stevia leaves normalizes the intestinal microflora after long-term use of antibiotics, improves the enzymatic activity of the digestive organs.

o Many women suffer from thrush and vaginal dysbiosis, especially if they had to be treated with antibiotics. The harmful candida is right there. Stevia and chamomile will help you get rid of this scourge.

o In addition, the plant is widely known as a good tonic. Herbal tea prepared on its basis quickly and effectively restores strength after nervous and physical exhaustion.

Contraindications to the use of stevia

Relatively recently, steviosides were accused of allegedly causing mutations, that is, cancer. They even presented the results of some experiments, which were subsequently subjected to sharp criticism.

In 2006, based on irrefutable data, the World Health Organization concluded that steviosides and rebaudiosides are non-carcinogenic and noted positive effect in the treatment of hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

Currently, there are several contraindications for use natural sweetener stevia:

o Contraindications to the use of stevia are individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to the plant. The leaves of the plant have hypotensive effect Therefore, stevia is contraindicated for use by people with low blood pressure.

o Stevia in large quantities is harmful to people with diabetes and fat metabolism disorders.

o Stevia may be harmful (due to its content essential oils, tannins, etc.) for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders and severe diseases of the respiratory system.

o Stevia is contraindicated in serious illnesses digestive system, serious circulatory disorders, hormonal imbalances, mental disorders and in the postoperative period.

Sweetener based on stevia (stevioside)

Stevioside– the only natural plant sweetener. It contains virtually no calories, but is many times sweeter regular sugar.

There are also free-flowing white powders like sugar and fructose on sale. Its only difference from other “sweet without sugar” is that it is more difficult process dissolution in water. So tea with the addition of stevioside will have to be stirred considerably.

Liquid stevioside is added to homemade cakes, jam, desserts, jellies, drinks.

Typically, the manufacturer writes on the packaging the ratio of their product “to a spoonful of sugar” and, depending on this, you have to determine how much stevioside to use in your dishes.

With the high sweetness factor of stevia, the calorie content of stevioside is negligible.

Uses of stevia leaves

Stevia leaves used in the form of extracts, decoctions or herbal tea. They combine well with other herbs, so very often the collections are a mixture of several useful plants.

Fresh stevia leaves can be used to sweeten any drinks: tea, compote, herbal infusions.

If dried leaves Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder to obtain green stevia powder, which is about 10 times sweeter than sugar. 2 tablespoons of dry leaf powder replace 1 cup of regular sugar.

Recipes for using stevia

o Stevia tea in bags. Brew a bag of crushed leaves (2 grams) with one liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Tea has a specific, pleasant sweet taste and smell. The color of the infusion is initially light brown, but after several hours it changes to dark green.

o Stevia tea. Pour one tablespoon of dry stevia leaf into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. This tea treats obesity and diabetes of both types 1 and 2, hypertension. If you lubricate age spots on your face with this tea, they will become noticeably lighter, and the skin will gain elasticity and firmness. Cooled tea can be rubbed into the scalp for hair growth and shine, and against dandruff.

o Stevia decoction, option 1. Brew one teaspoon of leaf with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. Add the decoction to all dishes where sugar is used; it can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

o Stevia decoction, option 2. Tie two tablespoons of stevia leaves into a double-layer gauze napkin, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Pour into a bottle. Pour half a glass of boiling water over the napkin with stevia again, let stand for 30 minutes, pour the infusion into the bottle. Leaves from the napkin can be put into tea or drinks instead of sugar, and the broth can be placed in the refrigerator - it does not last long.

o Stevia infusion. 20 gr. pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 12 hours, pour the resulting infusion into a sterilized jar, pour the leaves again into 0.5 cups of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for 8 hours, then strain. Combine both infusions.

o Stevia syrup. Evaporate the stevia infusion (prepared according to the previous recipe) over low heat until a syrup forms, until a drop applied to a dry plate holds a rounded shape. The syrup is 100 times sweeter than sugar; add 4-5 drops of syrup to a glass of tea. Especially tasty Herb tea with the addition of stevia syrup. The syrup can be stored at home for several years.

o Stevia extract. Take 20 grams of dry stevia leaf, pour a glass of alcohol and leave for a day in a warm place. Strain. Can be used to sweeten tea or confectionery.

o For injuries, burns, ulcers, boils. Apply fresh, washed stevia leaves to the damaged skin, slightly crushing them with your hands. To wash damaged skin, you can use a decoction or infusion of the herb stevia.

o Infusion of stevia and chamomile, in the fight against thrush and vaginal dysbiosis. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of stevia into 1 cup of boiling water. Cool to 36 °C, filter and use completely for one procedure. You should douche in the morning for 10 days. At this time, you need to reduce the consumption of sugar and meat products to a minimum. It is very good to drink stevia tea at the same time.

o The same infusion, diluted 2 times, is good to use for enemas in the treatment of dysbiosis and intestinal inflammation.

application in cosmetology

o For using stevia in for cosmetic purposes you can use powder from stevia leaves, tincture from them, aqueous extract or herbal tea.

o Stevia slows down the aging process in the body.

o Prevents the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation.

o Effectively fights dermatitis and eczema.

o Stevia-based masks get rid of acne, make the skin soft, silky and elastic.

o Stevia prevents the appearance of age-related wrinkles.

o Nourishes the skin at the cellular level.

o Improves hair condition, used to combat dandruff and seborrhea. Accelerates hair growth.

o Strengthens nails.

o Is an effective assistant in the fight for the health of teeth and gums.

o Protects teeth from caries and gums from periodontal disease.

o Tincture of stevia leaves heals quickly and painlessly postoperative scars. Treats burns, cuts, abrasions, animal and insect bites.

Stevia where to buy?

Currently, stevia can be found in any city. In large supermarkets and hypermarkets, the sweetener stevia is in the section for people with diabetes, in the sugar section, tea with stevia in the herbal tea section. And also in the pharmacy.

o When introducing stevia and its extracts into your diet, carefully monitor your body’s reaction to these products. Individual intolerance may occur, expressed in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and an allergic reaction.

o Consuming stevia with fresh milk can also cause diarrhea.

o You should not abuse stevia, using it in most dishes, especially for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. In such cases, it is better to combine this plant with protein products.

o It is useful to mix stevia with the usual black or green tea. It is better to make tea leaves in a one to one ratio. Such teas will help resist many diseases and will not cause harm if you drink them once or twice a day. The herbaceous taste of stevia, if this bothers you, can be dampened with lemon or mint.

Stevia can be grown as an indoor flower

Besides unique feature Stevia herb - you can grow it yourself at home. But since this grass is southern, it will need a number necessary conditions: maintaining air humidity, maintaining temperature regime. There are video tutorials on growing stevia on the Internet. But you can grow it yourself through trial and error, or you can buy finished products you decide.

The given data on the properties of stevia confirm the multiple predominance positive qualities over negative ones. What is stevia, if not just a sweetener, but also a valuable dietary supplement that regulates metabolism.

When introducing a medicinal plant into your diet, even the most useful and, at first glance, harmless, expert advice will not hurt.

And yet... Whatever valuable product There was no stevia in the diet; moderation was needed in everything.

Be healthy!

The flora is rich and diverse. The simplest and most accessible plants often hide greatest number useful substances that are constantly required by humans. Now society prefers to be treated chemicals and do not waste time studying and collecting medicinal plants. But did you know that many of the expensive medicines purchased are based on natural raw materials?

Most often, traditional medicine uses chamomile, sage, oak bark, lemon balm, mint, calendula. And here's another one useful plant which is widely used alternative medicine, not everyone heard.

We are talking about a natural sweetener - stevia (or honey grass), which is not only rich in stevioside, but also helps prevent a number of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

People who control their weight and those with diabetes should be familiar with stevia, because this low-calorie and naturally sweet herb can improve the taste of tea, coffee, desserts or baked goods. And the composition of stevia deservedly allows it to be called one of the most valuable medicinal plants.

This easy-to-grow plant originates from Central and South America, where stevia was used by indigenous people for food purposes and for making decoctions. The benefits and harms of stevia were discovered to Europeans only at the beginning of the last century.

Stevia is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family and has more than 500 varieties. In the wild, the plant can reach half a meter in height, but cultivated varieties of stevia grow much taller. Stevia has small leaves, and the herb blooms with small white flowers.

Stevia grows best in fresh air, loves sun and abundant watering. Grow her on personal plot It won’t be difficult, and stevia seeds can be bought at any specialty store.

For industrial purposes, stevia is grown in Crimea and the Krasnodar region. It is in demand in the food industry and cosmetology, but most often stevia is used for medical purposes. The high content of natural steviosides, which are several hundred times sweeter than regular sugar, allows you to go on a diet without giving up sweets. And even improve your health, because stevia has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, improves digestion and appetite, helps with hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Stevia wraps and masks based on it tighten pores, cleanse and disinfect the skin, and accelerate wound healing.

IN traditional medicine Stevia is sold in the form of tablets, sugar-like powder, liquid syrup (stevia extract), and dried leaves. But fresh stevia leaves grown at home are most valued. Their natural sweetness allows you to improve the taste of salads, desserts, drinks and even baked goods or jam, because steviol glycosides retain all their benefits and are not destroyed even at temperatures up to 180°.

Composition and benefits of stevia

Stevia belongs to the class of the lowest-calorie products, because 100 g of this herb contains only 18 calories! According to this indicator, it left behind even fresh cabbage with its 23-28 kcal.

By including stevia in your diet, you can not only diversify it, but also speed up the breakdown of fats. So those losing weight should definitely take note of this plant.

The benefits of stevia are associated with its unique composition. It contains a lot of vitamins (riboflavin, C, B6, K, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid) and minerals (fluorine, selenium, calcium, chromium, manganese, aluminum, phosphorus, cobalt), polysaccharides, glycosides, fiber, tannins, vegetable fats, arachidonic acid, flavonoids, essential oils ( camphor oil, limonene), pectin, amino acids and beneficial bitters.

What are the benefits of stevia:

Stevia becomes a real salvation for people with diabetes and who cannot imagine life without sweets. Many manufacturers add it to diabetic products - chocolate, cookies, yoghurts. The natural sweetness of stevia does not harm diabetics; their bodies respond well to this sweetener.

This medicinal plant has almost no prohibitions on consumption. Concerning
fresh plant, then the only contraindication can be individual intolerance to stevia. If an allergy occurs, its consumption should be stopped. At the beginning of use, other negative reactions are possible in the form of indigestion, bloating, stomach or intestinal disorders, dizziness, muscle pain. This is why you should consult your doctor before adding stevia to your diet.

You should not abuse stevia and add it to all dishes without exception, because reactions to excess sweet food, albeit with such a natural sweetener, can also be the most unpredictable.

Do not forget that stevia leads to a decrease in sugar, so while taking it you need to constantly check its amount in the blood.

People with hypotension should also consume stevia carefully to avoid further decrease in blood pressure.

If you purchase stevia at the pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder, then make sure that they do not contain methanol and ethanol, which are usually used to reduce the sweetness of the resulting stevia extract. Their toxic effects can harm the body.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo of leaves of the herb medicinal plant Stevia honey

Stevia - medicinal properties, drug, dietary supplement

Stevia honey- a remedy for reducing blood sugar, diabetes, obesity, lowering blood pressure, supporting immunity, dental caries; and a bactericidal and detoxifying agent.

Latin name: Stevia rebaudiana.

English name: Sweetleaf, Sweet leaf, Sugarleaf, or simply Stevia.

Family: Asteraceae - Asteraceae.

Common names: honey grass.

Stevia parts used: leaves.

Botanical description: stevia honey is perennial, reaching a height of 60-80 cm. It is a very highly branched bush. The leaves are simple and arranged in pairs. The flowers are white, small. The root system is fibrous, well developed.

Habitat: Stevia honey grows wild in the South and Central America, as far north as Mexico. Currently, stevia is cultivated in Japan, China, Korea, USA, Brazil and Ukraine.

Active ingredients: a complex molecule called stevioside, which is a glycoside composed of glucose, sophorose and steviol.

Useful, medicinal properties and applications

Stevia honey herb leaves included in Stevia sweetener powder , slimming tea "Smart Mil" , fluoride-free toothpaste Sunshine Bright And Fluoride-free toothpaste Sunshine Bright with xylitol and baking soda , produced by international standard GMP quality for medicines.

Natural sweetener from the leaves of the herb Stevia honey in powder

The whole world is talking about stevia and its rare beneficial properties. Japanese centenarians use it as a sugar substitute. Since 1997, the Pentagon began to supplement the diet of its army with it. In the former Soviet Union, it was grown specifically for the table of members of the Politburo, so information about this extraordinary plant remained classified for many years. Finally, the IX World Symposium on Diabetes and Longevity, held in China in 1990, confirmed: stevia is one of the most valuable plants that helps increase the level of human bioenergetic capabilities, allowing you to lead an active lifestyle until old age, for which she was awarded a gold prize.

Sugar is not the best useful substance for our health. Dysbacteriosis, diabetes, obesity, allergies, diseased skin - these are the most vivid examples excessive hobby sugar.

Stevia is a low-calorie sugar substitute, especially important for improving the diet for intestinal diseases, diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism disorders and cardiovascular diseases(atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, obesity, etc.), as well as for their active prevention!

Stevia honey has a cardiotonic effect. Normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. Helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibits growth and reproduction pathogenic bacteria And pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to sweet glycosides, stevia contains many other substances beneficial to the human body: antioxidant flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), minerals(potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium), vitamins C, A, E, B vitamins.

The sweet secretion of stevia honey lies in a complex molecule called stevioside, which is a glycoside consisting of glucose, sophorose and steviol. It is this complex molecule and a number of other related substances that are responsible for stevia's extraordinary sweetness. The herb stevia in its natural form is approximately 10-15 times sweeter than regular sugar. Stevia extracts in the form of steviosides can range in sweetness from 100 to 300 times that of sugar.

And, best of all, according to most experts, honey stevia does not affect blood sugar metabolism. Some studies even report that stevia reduces plasma glucose levels in normal adults.

Artificial sugar substitutes

A person always associates sweet taste with a delicacy, with something pleasant. Sweets are necessary for humans. They harmonize the body, filling it with energy. What sweets do we prefer? Today our diet is dominated by simple carbohydrates, mostly sugar. Over the last century, its consumption has increased several dozen times. At the beginning of the 20th century, a person managed 3 - 6g. sugar per day, today his daily diet includes up to 60 -120g. Sahara. The consequences are very disappointing - overload of the body's enzyme system, disruption of cell nutrition, distortion of all types of metabolism. This has led to an increase in such “diseases of the century” as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diseases endocrine system, decreased immunity.

Realizing that overconsumption sugar leads to disastrous results, scientists have invented its artificial analogues, which have become strongly recommended and used in the “sweet” industry. What properties do sugar substitutes that are popular today all over the world (including in Ukraine) have?

The American magazine Catalist published research data showing that the use of widely used sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, acesulfame, etc. is associated with health risks. TO side effects include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, rashes, depression, weakened memory and vision, and nervous disorders.

Nature itself helped find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, giving humanity such a universal plant - stevia.

Everyone knows that a person consumes food to satisfy his energy needs. But not everyone thinks about the fact that when overeating, eating incompatible foods, meat, fatty foods the body expends more energy to process it than it receives. Is it possible to feel energetic, cheerful, cheerful, consuming the minimum required amount of food and at the same time receiving all the substances necessary for the functioning of the body?

Stevia in this sense is irreplaceable. This is a living source of energy. At regular use stevia and others plant products, the body is so saturated with energy that the sense of appetite decreases and the need to overeat disappears. Human nutrition becomes more selective.

Scientific research shows that stevia is not only effective prophylactic drug, but also a powerful therapeutic agent with a pronounced homeopathic effect.

Hypoglycemic effect of stevia

The ability of stevia to stimulate insulin secretion has been revealed. In Brazil, stevia tea and stevia capsules are officially approved for the treatment of patients with diabetes.

Hypotensive effect of stevia

Steviosides can lower systemic blood pressure. The diuretic effect of steviosides has been proven. Long-term use stevia causes a cardiotonic effect, providing positive influence on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

The use of stevia for obesity

Honey stevia is a calorie-free product and has a complex of biologically active substances that normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the body (obesity treatment). Products with stevia honey are included in the diet of many weight loss diets. Without changing familiar image life, enjoying food containing stevia, people with overweight bodies gradually and safely lose weight.

Antimicrobial properties of stevia

Stevia honey slows down the growth and reproduction of many microbes, and the vitamins and minerals contained in stevia leaves are necessary for normal functioning immune system. For prevention colds and flu, it is recommended to take tea with stevia.

The effect of stevia on the skin

Stevia honey infusion is wonderful cosmetic product for skin care, inhibits the growth of bacteria, causing inflammation and acne formation. Masks made from stevia infusion make the skin soft, elastic, eliminate irritation, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

The effect of stevia on the digestive organs

Stevia has a beneficial effect on the functions of the pancreas and liver. Tea with stevia is useful for increased gas formation, for heartburn, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.

Detoxifying properties of stevia

Stevia has antioxidant properties (vitamin C, carotene, minerals, Zn, Se). The mild diuretic effect of the plant promotes the removal of metabolic products, toxins and salts heavy metals from the body.

Stevia has anti-caries properties

Stevia steviosides inhibit the development of many pathogens, therefore, stevia is recommended for diseases of the oral cavity: it protects teeth from caries, and gums from periodontal disease, which is common cause tooth loss, including diabetes. Toothpastes and chewing gums with stevioside are produced abroad.

General tonic properties of stevia

Slimming tea with leaves of the herb stevia honey

The history of the appearance of stevia in Europe

As noted above, Antonio Bertoni was the first to discover stevia in 1887. Around 1901. a man named C. Gosling, who was the British consul in Asuncion, was able to write: “the medicinal plant stevia, which has been known to the Indians (Guarani) for a hundred years or more, and whose secret, as usual, was so strictly kept by them, grows in the highlands of Amambay and near the source of the Mandi River... Its leaves are small, and its flower is even smaller, and the Indians call it Kaa'-ehe, which means sweet grass, because of its sweetness, with just a few leaves being enough to sweeten a large cup of tea, which also gives a pleasant aroma.”

Two French chemists named Brided and Lavelle began to unravel the mystery of stevia honey in 1931, with research work with Stevia Rebaudiana leaf extract. Their research resulted in a pure white crystalline substance, which they named "stevioside", obtained in 6% yield. They found that the substance was 300 times sweeter than sugar and had no apparent toxic effects in a variety of experimental animals.

In 1941 Due to the shortage of sugar and other sweeteners in Great Britain due to the German submarine blockade, a substitute sweetener was sought that could be grown in the British Isles. The director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, commissioned R. Melville to investigate stevia as one possible possibility. Melville's report shows that he believed Stevia Rebaudiana might be just the substitute they were looking for.

The work of Bridel and Lavelle was continued in 1952. by a team of researchers at the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, an affiliate of the US Public Health Service in Betasta, Maryland. Both increased stevioside yield to 7% based on an improved extraction procedure and revealed the key features of the large and complex stevioside molecule. Their study also confirmed that stevioside is the sweetest natural product, of all those found, that it is non-nitrogenous and contains almost no glucose.

In 1954 The Japanese began to seriously study honey stevia and grow it in greenhouses in Japan. And in 1971 Chinese scientist Dr. Tei-Fu-Chen visited Paraguay, where he became so interested in stevia honey that he applied for residence permits in both Paraguay and Brazil. A non-chemical extraction method recorded in the herbal manuscripts of the Chinese Emperors became the method for extracting the stevia product, it removed both the unwanted color and bitter taste from the stevia leaves. Shortly after Chen began his research on stevia, a Japanese food industry began to use it in a wide variety. Interestingly, one of the main uses of stevia in Japan is in salty foods, where stevioside is needed to suppress the pungency of sodium chloride. This combination is common in the Japanese diet in foods such as pickled vegetables, dried seafood, soy sauce and miso products. Stevia is also used in drinks, including the Japanese version of Diet Cook. Stevia has also been used in candies and chewing gum, baked goods and cereals, yoghurt and ice cream, ciders and teas, and toothpastes and mouthwashes. Of course, a significant part of Japanese stevia honey is consumed directly as a table sweetener.

Today, stevia honey is grown and used throughout the world for its incredible sweetening properties. It has been studied for its potential beneficial effects in diabetics.

Numerous studies have shown that stevia honey is safe product for human use, and is now widely used as a substitute for both sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Contraindications for the use of stevia not detected.

It is difficult to imagine a plant with leaves that are sweeter than sugar itself. Don't be surprised, it's true. It is noteworthy that flower growers manage to grow it at home. At one time, stevia (or honey herb) was known only to the Indians of Paraguay. The herb is often popularly called stevia honey.

Let's find out why stevia is so famous, what its benefits are and how to use the leaves correctly. You may want to grow grass at home or on your property. After all, this rare case, when sweets will be beneficial.

Stevia leaves are used as a natural sweetener. What is the reason for the amazing sweetness of the leaves?

It's all about stevioside - a complex substance containing steviol, sucrose, glucose and other compounds. If we compare the sweetness of sugar and stevia, the second is three hundred times greater. At the same time, stevioside, due to its low calorie content, does not harm people with extra pounds, cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetics.

Stevia is rich in vitamins. Its mineral part is represented by chromium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, zinc, potassium, and calcium. It should be noted a large number of essential oils, nicotinic acid, amino acids and pectins.

Stevia honey can grow in the countryside

Useful properties, the herbs we are considering are numerous. Let's highlight the most significant for us:

  1. Glycosides normalize metabolism and remove toxins.
  2. The herb effectively cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, brings blood pressure to normal, and reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood.
  3. The plant has a diuretic effect, rids the body of excess liquid and swelling.
  4. The herb has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.
  5. Stevia honey helps cope with dizziness, fatigue, apathy and drowsiness. Increases immunity.
  6. Using stevia instead of sugar reduces caloric intake, which, in turn, promotes weight loss.

Honey grass is not difficult to obtain. In pharmacies it can be purchased in the form of tea bags, crushed dry raw materials, syrup, extract or tablets. Or you can grow it yourself from seeds.

How to use stevia

Most often, powdered stevia is used instead of sugar: added to tea, compotes and confectionery.

Stevia extract is sold in pharmacies in the form white powder, in which almost 95% is stevioside. A quarter teaspoon of powder is equivalent to a cup of sugar.

Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar

You can prepare almost the same extract yourself: crushed leaves (20 g) + alcohol (1 tbsp.). The product matures within 24 hours, after which it is filtered. If desired, the product can be brought to the consistency of syrup.

Stevia is recognized in folk medicine. The plant is recommended for diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, some pathologies affecting the liver and pancreas.

Stevia for healthy skin and hair

2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are wrapped in gauze, poured with a glass of water and boiled for half an hour. The decoction is collected in a jar. The gauze bag with the herb is again filled with 1/2 cup of boiling water. Infusion time is half an hour. The decoction is mixed with the infusion. Storage location: refrigerator.

Rub the sweet liquid onto your face. The procedure makes the skin more elastic, eliminates age spots. Rubbing the product into the scalp will help get rid of dandruff.

Stevia for weight loss

Sweet grass will help you quickly bring your weight back to normal. Women usually drink sweet tea to lose weight.

Dry leaves (1 tsp) + boiling water (1 tbsp). Infusion lasts about ten minutes. Multiplicity daily consumption- twice.

If you don’t like the peculiar taste of grass, you can add a slice of lemon to the product. Orange will also help in this regard.

If you can’t stand the taste at all, you can use a pharmaceutical powder product. In principle, pills will help. Powders are usually packaged in gram sachets.

The sachet is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Drink three sachets a day. As for the tablets, they are taken a couple of times twice daily. The tablets are washed down warm water or pre-dissolve them. Maximum dose– 6 pieces per day.

Stevia tablets

When buying a sweetener based on stevia honey, be sure to pay attention to the composition. If in addition to the herbal extract (it is labeled as food supplement E960) tablets contain fructose or regular sugar, it is better to avoid such a purchase. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. When purchasing dry raw materials, pay attention to its color. When dried, stevia does not have a brown tint and remains green.

Possible harm

Stevia has no contraindications. But allergic reactions can occur, so you need to start little by little. Basic Rules safe use stevia:

  • Start taking it with small portions and watch the body’s reaction.
  • If allergic reactions occur (rash, redness, itching), you should stop taking stevia.
  • Stevia mixed with milk can cause diarrhea.
  • This herb reduces sugar, but too much can be harmful.
  • People with low blood pressure do not need to get carried away with stevia - it lowers blood pressure.
  • You should consult your doctor before taking stevia if you have digestive, mental, or hormonal disorders or blood diseases.

Video about stevia

A couple of stevia leaves or a little homemade syrup - and drinks and dishes will become sweet. With all this, there is no need to count calories and worry about the health risks of sugar! Stevia will make your life sweet in the truest sense of the word!