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The sweet herb stevia is a natural and healthy sweetener. Stevia as a sweetener. Properties, application, contraindications, reviews

Stevia or honey herb is used as a sweetener in low calorie diets, in drinks and nutrition for athletes. In the material you will find out whether this herb really has so much beneficial properties as they write, what are the contraindications for stevia and the extract from this plant, pros, cons, as well as reviews.

Man's passion for sugar has led to global addiction. Most of us cannot imagine our day without sugar. It is added to almost all types of bread, even to the simplest loaves, check the composition just for fun.

The problem is that earlier, just a couple of hundred years ago, people had not yet learned how to produce sugar on an industrial scale and the body received a small amount of sucrose and fructose from fruits and honey. But with progress came an abundance of sugar, which resulted in diseases that had never been heard of before, because it is one of the most harmful ingredients in food.

Today the trends are exactly the opposite. We are trying to eat more healthily and naturally, and for this many people give up sugar altogether, especially adherents of the Paleo diet. Honey grass and its extract are the result of many years of searching for a natural and safe substance to replace harmful sugar.

What is stevia. Application and properties

Stevia perennial which includes more than a hundred different types herbs and shrubs. This herb grows in South America. It got its name from the name of Professor Stevus, who first began to study it in the sixteenth century.

The peculiarity of the stevia herb is that it synthesizes sweet glycosides, and in particular stevioside, a substance due to which stevia leaves and stems have a sweet taste. So for many centuries, Indian tribes South America used stevia leaves to add a sweet taste to their favorite tea, mate. There is evidence that these tribes also used stevia as a medicine, for the treatment of heartburn, for example.

Stevia is 20 times sweeter than regular sugar, however, it does not increase insulin levels in the blood, which is why the extract of this herb has become so popular. Stevioside is safe for diabetics, but at least, many studies have shown this.

Important! The grass itself is sweet and not harmful, it may even contain some useful material, but if we talk about stevioside, about stevia extract, then opinions are very divided. To obtain an extract, for example, at Coca-Cola, honey grass undergoes over 40 processing steps, during which acetone, ethanol, methanol, acetonitrile and isopropanol are used. Some of these substances are known carcinogens.

It turns out that you need to choose stevia extract very carefully, otherwise you will not get any benefits.

  • Application

Stevia is mainly used as a sweetener, from honey grass syrups and crystallized extracts are made; stevia leaves are dried and ground into a fine green powder, which is also used as a sugar substitute. You can also find tea made from stevia leaves in pharmacies.

Video: Stevia - sweetener number 1

Indian tribes added fresh leaves of the honey herb to their drinks, so even now, this is perhaps the best and most natural way to use stevia.

Stevioside is a very popular additive in Japan. This country is the largest consumer of honey grass. Stevia extracts are added to most different dishes and canned food. Also, stevioside is approved in a number of countries as a food additive and is popular in South Korea, China and Taiwan.

In the homeland of the sweet herb, it is known as a cure for diabetes, despite the fact that studies have only shown the safety of using stevia for diabetes, but not a cure.

Stevia benefits:

  • Sweetness
  • Naturalness
  • Doesn't increase blood pressure
  • Useful for diabetics
  • Has zero calories
  • Less toxic than synthetic sweeteners
  • Doesn't call side effects
  • Has almost no contraindications
  • Affordable price


  • Herbal flavor
  • You can't make caramel like you can with sugar.

In mid-2004, WHO experts temporarily approved stevia as a food additive with a permissible daily intake of glucosides of up to 2 mg/kg.

Contraindications and harm

Scientists who have conducted research on stevioside caution that the substance can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. As with sugar and salt, it is important to keep it in moderation and not add more than one spoon of stevia per day to your food.

Many people experience allergic reactions after eating stevia and stevioside. Stevioside is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, since the issue of the effect of honey herb and its derivatives on fetal development has so far been very little studied.

When choosing a stevia-based sweetener, it is important to pay attention to the content. Very often there are much more additional ingredients and flavorings than the product itself.

Everything you need to know about stevia. Question answer

  • Is stevia safe?

Overall this is natural product which was used for food by South American tribes for many centuries. Stevia extract and stevioside have been tested more than once and so far we can say with confidence that no evidence of toxicity or carcinogenicity has been found when taken daily. permissible norm. However, you should always check the composition of stevia sugar substitutes for any ingredients that are not very healthy. Choose the most natural product possible, without flavors or dyes.

  • How much stevia can you consume per day?

When asked how much stevia you can consume per day, any nutritionist will answer that you should not lean too much on honey herb. If you decide to go on a diet, then you should try to eliminate sugar altogether, and use stevia only sometimes, when you really want something sweet, but you don’t have honey or a few dried dates on hand.

The maximum dose of stevioside per day is 2 grams, which corresponds to approximately 40 grams of sugar (1 level tablespoon).

  • Is it possible to replace sugar with stevioside?

Of course you can, it’s just important to maintain proportions. Thus, fresh and dried honey herb is 10-15 times sweeter than regular sugar, and pure stevioside is considered 200 times sweeter, this must be taken into account.

  • Calorie content

There are no calories with stevioside at all. There may be little in fresh grass, since all plants contain nutrients. But considering that, due to its sweetness, stevia is used in very small quantities, the number of calories approaches zero.

  • Can stevia be used in cooking and baking?

Necessarily. Only, as we already know, you can’t make caramel from stevia, but otherwise, it’s good substitute sugar, which can be added to any dish. Athletes protein shakes they like to sweeten with a small amount of stevioside. Honey grass will be an excellent flavoring additive in smoothie recipes for weight loss .

  • Does Stevia contain vitamins and minerals?

Fresh honey grass contains many nutrients, however, listing and studying them is not so important and here’s why. To sweeten a cup of tea you only need 1 leaf of stevia. In such an amount of product, the presence of vitamins and minerals is simply negligible, and in stevia extract and stevioside no vitamins remain after processing. It's just a good sugar substitute, and we look for vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruits.

  • How to make stevia syrup?

Making syrup couldn't be easier. To do this, pour a bunch of stevia leaves or a cup of dry leaves into two glasses. cold water and leave in a dark, cool place for 48 hours. After this, filter, add another 1 glass of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. This syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Video: How to grow stevia

  • Where to buy stevia?

Fortunately, stevia product is available and sold in many online stores, but there is one problem. I have not yet found a single extract or honey herb powder that does not contain flavorings and other dubious additives like silicon dioxide. Therefore, my personal opinion and recommendation is to buy dry stevia leaves, or powder from stevia leaves, and for the most courageous, of course, you can start growing honey herb yourself.

Today, stevia is the best existing sugar substitute; it is non-toxic when taken in accordance with daily norm, does not cause side effects, is useful for patients with diabetes and those wishing to lose weight.

Over the years, people have successfully used medicinal plants V folk medicine. Stevia is one of these plants. This unique grass, the main component of which is “stevisoid” - a special substance with a sweet taste. This plant is much sweeter than sugar (about 10 times).

Despite all her medicinal properties, stevia remains a natural product with virtually no disadvantages. Learn more about the medicinal properties of the herb stevia and we'll talk in this article.

Stevia is known to people under several names. Some people know it as sweet bifoil, while others call it honey grass. In any case, this is the same plant, which is a low-growing perennial subshrub with white flowers. The leaves of this plant are very popular because of their unique properties– they are several times sweeter than regular sugar and have a pleasant aroma. If we consider the age category, the most delicious are stevia leaves up to 6 months old.

Pi comparison with others medicinal plants(, and others), then stevia is not so common. But thanks to its medicinal properties, this is incredibly sweet grass can compete with many medicinal plants.

The medicinal value of this plant is ensured by the presence of special substances that play a role building material in the human body during the production of hormones. It's about about stevisoids, which were discovered back in early 1931 thanks to scientific work French chemists. They managed to extract a special extract from stevia leaves. Even then, the taste qualities of the discovered extract were known.

A large number of benefits of honey grass were discovered not only by French, but also by Japanese scientists. In Japan, this plant began to be grown in 1954 in greenhouse conditions. Contemporary Japanese food industry directly depends on stevizoid, as it has managed to take up almost half of the sweeteners in the Japanese market. This extract is successfully used for desserts, soy sauces, marinades, chewing gum, sweetening juices, as well as for dried seafood. In Japan, stevia is even used to make toothpaste.

Beneficial features

Eating plant shoots for food allows you to control the level of cholesterol in the patient’s blood, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and also stabilize blood pressure. Stevia can also cleanse the body of accumulated harmful toxins, promoting natural cleansing. digestive tract. When consuming honey herb as food, the patient loses a strong appetite for fatty and sweet food, A overweight begin to gradually go away without causing any harm to the human body.

There is an increase in the performance of the patient’s immune system due to the use of this plant. There is also an increase in the body's resistance to the effects of various diseases infectious nature. The beneficial components contained in stevia prevent the development of microorganisms in oral cavity patient. This feature is why this plant is used in the production of toothpaste.

For many years, the herb stevia has been used to treat and prevent diseases of the urinary and digestive organs. Final products exchanges that accumulate in the body throughout its life are released under the influence of the plant. The same applies to salt deposits. At the same time, normalization of the patient’s gallbladder, liver and pancreas is observed.

Many people are confident that regular intake of honey grass leaves can restore a person’s strength, charge him with energy for the whole day and lift his spirits. Moreover, when daily use plant extract relieves fatigue and increases the tonic properties of muscles. This has made stevia a popular plant among athletes or people who prefer active image life.

State skin When using stevia, it also improves noticeably. His useful components contribute fast healing wounds, burns, fungus or seborrhea.

It's no secret that this plant is successfully used in cosmetology. Cosmetical tools, which contain stevia extract, improve the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. The secret of longevity lies in this plant.

Indications for use

Due to its beneficial properties, the herb stevia is successfully used in folk medicine. She showed excellent results in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • and others.

To treat all these diseases, they are used medicinal tinctures and decoctions, the main component of which is stevia or its extract.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

The peculiarity of stevia is that almost all people can take it, since it does not have any contraindications. There is one exception - individual intolerance to the plant, but this happens extremely rarely. As for medicines or food, honey herb is compatible with all.

Of course, when trying to lose extra pounds, you need to limit yourself in the use of stevia. Best suited for this purpose protein products that will saturate your body. But you can combine the plant with some low-fat foods.

Dosage forms

Stevia is used medicinally as various decoctions or tinctures. It is advisable to prepare the product every day, since after just a day all the beneficial substances it contains may simply disappear. As a result, you will be treated with ordinary water of a brownish tint. This plant is actively used to combat various ailments, as well as as a preventive measure.

Stevia infusion can strengthen cardiovascular system, normalize violations endocrine system, and also strengthen immune system patient. People also use tea made with stevia. With its help, you can effectively combat the symptoms of hypertension, diabetes, as well as obesity of various stages.

Decoctions are also prepared from honey herb to treat various ailments. The main difference between a decoction and a tincture is that it is prepared in a more concentrated form. Therefore, for its preparation, the proportions of water and herbs can vary significantly. The amount of herb used depends on the recipe and the disease you are trying to fight.

Instructions for use

The beneficial properties of stevia have led to the fact that this plant is used in folk medicine for treatment and prevention. various diseases. It can be used in different forms(infusion, decoction or tea). Let's look at the most common recipes:

In addition to the main purpose of the stevia herb (treatment of diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.), it can be grown as indoor plant. Thus, honey grass will decorate any room in your home.

Children can take stevia-based products to treat cough or obesity. For this purpose, a special decoction is prepared from the leaves of this plant, where 500 grams boiled water add 2-3 tablespoons of herbs. You need to take the prepared product several times a day, preferably 2-3 times. Many doctors recommend taking stevia and tinctures from it as an addition to traditional therapy.

As mentioned earlier, stevia is a safe plants even for pregnant women. Decoctions and infusions prepared on its basis can be taken without any fear for the health of the mother and her unborn child. These drugs have exclusively natural origin, so they are completely safe.

But, as with any other medical device, before using honey herb, you should definitely consult a specialist.

That's it now more people think about healthy eating, including reducing sugar consumption. Doctors are providing more and more facts about the dangers of sucrose, and stevia is called one of its best substitutes. Find out more about the properties of the plant, in what form it is added to food, and at what price this product can be purchased.

What is stevia

This plant is native to South America. Since ancient times, the Indians who inhabited the territories of Paraguay and Brazil called it “sweet grass” and added it not only to teas, but also used it in medical purposes– for example, to treat heartburn. Today, the genus stevia (lat. Stevia) includes more than 200 species of plants - shrubs and herbs. Their leaves and aqueous extracts obtained from them are widely used as sweeteners. The stevia honey species is especially widely cultivated for industry. This plant is a valuable raw material in the production of food for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Stevia - properties

What makes this plant special is unique substances– stevioside and rebaudiosides. Their presence in chemical composition is responsible for the main quality of stevia - the ability to be very sweet. According to research, thanks to these substances, honey grass tastes 200-400 times sweeter than sucrose, and its calorie content is almost zero. Because of these valuable properties Stevia is not only widely used for dietary nutrition, but also used in the treatment of obesity, diabetes and hypertension. In many countries - Japan, China, etc. - this plant is included as a sweetener in the diet of all residents.

Stevia - benefits

What benefits can a person get by adding this herb to food? What can be said about stevia - its benefits in Everyday life, and in medicinal purposes huge. Introducing it into your diet instead of sugar will be more expensive, but healthier, because this sweet herb:

  • promotes digestion;
  • prevents heartburn;
  • does not raise blood sugar levels;
  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • increases the strength of muscles that pump blood from the heart while contracting;
  • reduces the level uric acid, high concentration which causes arthritis and kidney problems.

Harm of stevia

Like almost every useful plant, this grass has some conditions correct application. Such instructions must be followed in order to benefit from it, and not harm yourself. Even after studying on your own a product such as stevia - what it is, and for what reasons it would be worth buying it, you need to additionally consult with a doctor before introducing it into your diet.

This recommendation is based on some consumer reviews that said eating this plant caused nausea, dizziness, pain and muscle numbness. Your doctor will be able to assess whether stevia will harm you by analyzing your chronic diseases. He will also take into account the possibility of combining its use with taking medications, because it is not recommended to use this sweetener in parallel with taking medications that lower blood sugar, medications against hypertension and normalizing lithium levels in the body.

Read also: for the body, how to use the herb and where to buy it.

Stevia - calories

To the delight of many sweet tooths, this plant can easily solve the problem. extra pounds, which invariably appear if you eat food containing glucose. If you use fresh stevia leaves as a sweetener, the calorie content will be minimal: per 100 g - only 18 kcal. In cases where stevioside extract isolated from the plant in liquid, powder or tablet form is added to food or drinks, the number of calories is completely close to zero.

Stevia sweetener

With more people learning about stevioside—that it provides a sweet taste without the extra calories—many people are choosing this product as a healthier alternative to glucose. As a sugar substitute, stevia is preferable to artificial sweeteners such as saccharin or cyclamate. Products made from this plant can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or on specialized store shelves, and the variety of forms in which this sweetener can be industrially produced allows everyone to choose their own optimal product.

Stevia tablets

Usage of this product preferable for many consumers, because it is very convenient to calculate the dosage when adding sweetener to food. According to rough estimates, one stevia tablet replaces a teaspoon of sugar. Sweet pills dissolve quickly in drinks, and if necessary, they can be easily made into powder by passing them through a coffee grinder.

According to reviews, stevia tablets do not have the slight bitter taste that is often inherent in unprocessed herbs. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the sweet balls contain rebaudioside isolated from the plant - a glycoside that does not have a specific aftertaste. Customers also like the compact packaging, which is always convenient to take with you when needed.

Stevia syrup

This remedy is obtained by boiling an infusion of herbs to a thick, viscous state. Stevia syrup has a very concentrated composition - for example, when adding it to drinks, you need to measure only 4-5 drops per glass of liquid to enjoy the pleasant sweet taste. You can buy this sweetener or make it yourself at home in the kitchen.

Herbal tea Stevia

Consumers respond well to the experience of using honey herb in this form of release. In this form, by brewing it like a tea bag, without any additional manipulations, in a few minutes you get a delicious sweet drink. How stevia tea is positioned as a weight loss drink, and also its regular use improves intestinal motility.

Stevia powder

You need to know that this form of sweetener release has the highest concentration, because it is actually pure refined stevioside. You need to use stevia powder carefully so as not to give food or drinks a cloyingly sweet taste. The smallest dosage - on the tip of a knife - will fully replace a teaspoon of sugar.

Stevia price

Choosing which type of sweetener to purchase depends on your personal preferences in use. Please note that the price of stevia also depends on the form of release. So, the cost of this herb, packaged as tea, will be about 180 rubles for 25 bags. Approximately the same price must be paid for 50 ml of syrup. Tablets are sold at a higher price - on average 270 rubles per pack of 200 pieces. Almost the same cost for 50 g of stevioside powder - 300 rubles. The price will also be affected by the method of purchase: whether you decide to buy a sweetener in a pharmacy, supermarket, or buy it in an online store.

Stevia for breastfeeding

While a woman is breastfeeding, there are many restrictions on her diet so that substances that are not beneficial for her are not passed on to the baby through milk. child's body. For this reason, the question arises: should you use stevia when breastfeeding, will it harm the baby? There is no precise research data on whether honey grass is safe or toxic during this period. Most doctors are inclined to believe that it is better for nursing mothers to avoid adding this sweetener to food in order to avoid allergic reactions to the plant.

Stevia for diabetes

For people suffering from this disease, this herb is a real gift from heaven. If we compare sweeteners for diabetics, this sweetener has the huge advantage that it is of plant rather than artificial origin. Stevia at diabetes mellitus helps patients diversify their diet with a variety of sweet dishes and drinks. At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood even decreases, and the blood vessels in the areas become more elastic increased risk– in the brain, eyes, legs. For people with diabetes, honey herb is the optimal solution in terms of price and desired effect.

Stevia for weight loss

Because plant-based sweeteners have very low or no calories, they are often included in weight loss programs. Stevia for weight loss is also worth consuming because it normalizes digestion and has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process. People watching their figure are willing to pay a much higher price for this sweetener than for sugar, because in return they get the chance not to give up their favorite sweet desserts.

Stevia during pregnancy

The question of the harmlessness of using sweeteners from this plant often arises among women carrying a child. The honey herb stevia will help prevent excess weight gain, but will it be harmful or toxic to the baby’s health? There is no confirmed medical data on this matter. Pregnant women should also take into account that this plant can cause allergies. As for the reviews, many women, according to various reasons Those who gave up sugar used stevia during pregnancy for the reason that it was a natural product, and no complications were observed.

Stevia - contraindications

Having discovered such a wonderful sweetener, you still shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Stevia is very effective as a sweetener. However, there are nuances:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of individual intolerance and the occurrence of an allergic reaction in individuals prone to allergies to Asteraceae plants.
  2. Among the features of taking stevia are contraindications for people who have low blood pressure, because this herb will further reduce this indicator.
  3. If you abuse the sweetener, you may develop hypoglycemia, a disease associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Video: natural sugar substitute

Stevia is a natural and healthiest sugar substitute that is 25 times sweeter than it. This sweetener is recognized as the most popular and in demand today. The obvious advantage of such a product is its complete naturalness and naturalness.

This plant has become the undoubted market leader in Japan, where stevia has been used for more than half a century. Our country is also beginning to pay attention to it, which is good news, because there is a possibility that it is thanks to this sugar substitute average duration The life of the Japanese is 79 years.

It should be noted that stevia is quite low in calories and has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. That is why it is recommended for use by those who suffer from diabetes. In addition, this sweet herb can improve normal work gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract and effectively relieve inflammation. Stevia prevents development pathogenic microorganisms and helps the body cope with the manifestations of dysbiosis.

Composition of grass

The plant is unusually rich in various minerals, for example, it includes:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • copper.

The herb stevia can increase bioenergetic abilities and does not cause side effects on the body. It does not lose its qualities when heated and is absolutely safe.

This sugar substitute perfectly normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and qualitatively strengthens the walls blood vessels, improves performance thyroid gland and removes toxins, in a sense, grass can compete with a product such as.

If you regularly replace granulated sugar with stevia, the growth and development of tumors is blocked, the body becomes toned, and the aging process is inhibited. A sweetener based on this herb reliably protects teeth from caries, the development of periodontal disease, reduces the manifestations of an allergic reaction and has an effect on weight loss.

From all of the above, we can conclude that stevia is perfect for those who:

  1. suffers from diabetes;
  2. has metabolic disorders;
  3. suffers from atherosclerosis;
  4. is overweight;
  5. monitors his health.

The herb stevia can be an ideal preventative against diabetes, diseases of teeth, gums, heart disease, and will also help improve the quality of night sleep.

Numerous studies have proven that, in some respects, the use of stevia is more effective than the use of natural bee honey as a sweetener.

Firstly, unlike honey, a fairly strong allergen, stevia is not capable of causing irritation of the mucous membranes, and it is also important that it is also less caloric, on the other hand, so this product still remains real gold.

Secondly, stevia can be not only food additive, but also a beautiful ornamental plant growing in a room on the windowsill. Some people prefer to prepare tea based on this herb by brewing a couple of fresh leaves.

Modern pharmacology offers enough big choice Stevia-based products, such as syrups. If you add such a product to regular tea, you will get a wonderful sweet drink without calories. Sweetener prices fluctuate quite widely depending on the form of release and the manufacturer. The average price range is 100-200 rubles per package of 100-150 tablets.

In addition, there are absolutely no contraindications to the use of this substitute and food with its use, which, of course, does not eliminate the need to read the instructions. The taste of the plant and its extract is not entirely similar to regular sugar, but such an unusual taste can quickly become familiar.

Where is stevia sold?

It's not that hard to find this sugar substitute in supermarkets or pharmacy chain cities. It is sold in special departments healthy food and products for people with diabetes.

In addition, stevia can be widely represented in the product range of those network companies that offer ready-made medicinal herbal mixtures.

How to use the plant and preparations based on it?

Stevia can be purchased in the form of filter bags, then all methods for preparing the product will be indicated on the packaging. If the plant is presented in the form of a herb, then you can prepare infusions based on it at home, and then add them to drinks or culinary dishes.

To do this, you need to take 20 grams of stevia and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After this, bring the mixture to a boil and continue cooking for another 5 minutes over low heat. You can leave the broth for 10 minutes and then pour it into a thermos, previously doused with hot water.

It is recommended to keep the tincture in such conditions for 10 hours, and then strain. The remaining leaves can be poured with boiling water again, but reduce the amount to 100 grams and leave for 6 hours. After this, both tinctures are combined and shaken. Keep finished product You can store it in the refrigerator or other cool place, but no more than 3-5 days.

Today average rate Sugar consumption in our country is 90 g per day, with a norm of 50 g per adult. This causes the development of many diseases, the consequences of which are difficult to combat. That is why new sources of sweets are being actively sought. Artificial sweeteners have been invented, which have a number of disadvantages. An alternative has become the honey herb stevia - a natural sugar substitute that gradually displaces it from the diet. more of people.

What is stevia

This is a perennial herbaceous shrub with straight stems 60-100 cm high. The leaves are valuable, of which there can be about 1 thousand on one bush. More than 250 varieties of this crop are known, which grow in South and North America.

The leaves are most sweet right before they bloom. Sucrose has 15 times less sweetness. The fact is that stevia contains substances that are contained only in it. They provide a unique sweetness. These are diterpene glycosides.

There are several techniques to extract valuable substances from leaves. The result is a low-calorie stevizoid powder that is 300 times sweeter than sugar. Unlike sucrose, stevia's sweet taste develops more slowly but lasts longer. It is not a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Useful properties of stevia

When to take the product:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • to combat high weight and obesity;
  • at elevated level blood sugar or cholesterol;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, decreased enzyme production);
  • at skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema, allergic reactions);
  • for pathologies of gums and teeth;
  • in case of disease of the thyroid gland, kidneys;
  • to activate the immune system.

It is useful to take the herb stevia as a sugar substitute not only if you have certain health problems, but also as a preventive measure. Stevizoid helps preserve normal level glucose in the blood, produces a slight antibacterial effect.

Contraindications and harm

If the substance is taken in large doses, it can be toxic to the body. Before taking stevia, you should consult a doctor.

When not to use the product:

  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.
  • If you have problems with blood pressure. The product is capable of lowering it, and strong jumps are not safe and can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • If you do not follow the dosage, then overuse stevia can cause hypoglycemia (with reduced level glucose).
  • Use with caution in pregnant women and young children.

Cost and forms of stevia release

You can purchase the product in every pharmacy or order online on specialized websites. Today, many manufacturers offer the product in different forms and in packages of different sizes, with or without additives.

Stevia can be purchased in tablets, powders, liquid form or dry leaves. Filter bags of 1g are also sold. A pack of this tea of ​​20 bags costs on average 50-70 rubles. The price may vary for each manufacturer. In tablet form, the product can be bought for 160-200 rubles, 150 tablets per package.

How to use stevia as a sweetener

The daily safe dose for an adult is 4 ml per 1 kg of body. If you brew dry leaves, then for 1 kg body goes no more than 0.5 g. If you take stevia in tablets, then 1 piece dissolved in a glass of water or other drink (tea, juice, compote) is enough for a day.

Stevia is acid and stress resistant high temperatures. Therefore, it can be combined with sour drinks or fruits. Its properties are preserved when baked, so it can be used in cooking.

To speed up the sweetening process of the drink, you need to heat it. The stevia herb releases its sweetness slowly into the cold liquid. Do not violate the dosage. People with diabetes should not take stevia along with blood sugar-lowering medications.

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Doctors' opinion about stevia

In 2004, stevia was approved as a dietary supplement. But there is a lot of debate among medical experts about whether it is worth replacing regular sweets with glucosides.

Any nutritionist will tell you that there is no need to focus on stevia during a diet. You cannot consume more than the prescribed norm. If you want to lose weight, it is better to avoid sugar altogether. If you want something sweet, you can eat honey and dates in moderation Tatyana Borisovna, nutritionist

Today, stevia can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online. But I haven’t yet come across an extract without flavorings or any other additives. Therefore, as a doctor, I would recommend buying dry leaves of this plant. This is a clean and safe product." Nikolay Babenko, therapist

If weight is normalized in obese people, blood pressure decreases. In this regard, the use of stevia can help. But it cannot be perceived as a means for losing weight. It only works in combination with diet and physical activity. Quitting sugar is good for your health. But its substitutes are not a panacea for diseases." Nadezhda Romanova, gastroenterologist

If it is very difficult to give up sweets, you can replace sugar natural remedy– stevia. Eating this plant will not add extra calories. But we should remember that everything is good in moderation. An overdose can have undesirable consequences for the body. That's why useful product remains as long as it is used correctly.

Useful properties of stevia - video