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Stevia sweetener - beneficial properties and uses. Stevia - what is it, beneficial properties. Uses of Stevia

The amazing stevia has been used as healing agent from various diseases and simply as a sweetener in South America back in the 17th century, when no one knew about regular sugar. Its unique healing properties became known much later, when scientists were able to study its composition. The plant is used as food modern world not so long ago, for example in Japan - the last 50 years. Sweet grass in the diet is one of the reasons for the high life expectancy of the Japanese.

Amazing stevia has long been used as a healing remedy for various diseases.

Stevia belongs to the Asteraceae family and is perennial plant. Flower white, small. The herb is a distant relative of dandelion and chamomile. But, unlike them, it is very thermophilic and dies at temperatures below +10ºС.

This plant is now very popular, as it is a natural substitute for regular white sugar, exceeding its sweetness by about 30 times. Makes it a leader among sugar substitutes low calorie content and the ability to lower blood glucose levels. The Stevia rebaudiana variety is endowed with healing properties. It is used as a natural sweetener.

The plant has been used as food in the modern world not so long ago, for example, in Japan - for the last 50 years

Stevia means “honey” in the Mayan language. From ancient legend it is known that this is the name of a young girl who fearlessly sacrificed herself to save the people of her tribe. The gods generously gifted the girl for her devotion to her fellow tribesmen with an amazing emerald grass with small white flowers, which bestows enormous strength and eternal youth.

This honey weed was brought to Europe quite recently, in the 20th century. And in the 17th century, the Spanish conquistadors, while in America, learned that the natives used it in the preparation of healing drinks. These drinks were used for various diseases, to relieve fatigue. Thanks to its sweet taste, this plant complements the composition of Paraguayan matte tea.

The scientist Antonio Bertoni from South America. After a detailed study of its properties, the plant gained worldwide fame. This grass first came to the USSR in the 1970s. It was supposed to supplement the diet of astronauts, intelligence workers, and submarine crews.

It is not known exactly whether these plans were realized, but after study, the positive effect of the sweet plant on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism was scientifically proven.

This honey weed was brought to Europe quite recently, in the 20th century.

In 1990, stevia was named the most important plant for the fight against diabetes. Its medicinal properties have a wide spectrum of action. Now this plant is grown not only in America and Brazil, but also in China, Japan, Korea and Crimea. And not only in the ground in summer, but also in winter as a houseplant.

Gallery: stevia herb (25 photos)

Stevia: benefits and harm (video)

Medicinal qualities of sweet grass

The ability to replace regular sugar is not the only advantage of this plant.

Stevia does not increase blood glucose, but, on the contrary, helps reduce this indicator. Therefore, it is recommended for people with diabetes. The herb is absolutely safe for diabetes, unlike other sweeteners that contain carcinogenic substances.

This sugar substitute has a beneficial effect on performance blood pressure, bringing them back to normal. Helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol and prevents clogging of blood vessels. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and helps eliminate toxins. Eating herbs tones the body, stopping the aging process. Has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, slows down the appearance of wrinkles. The plant has a positive effect on health oral cavity, protecting teeth from caries and gums from periodontal disease.

This sugar substitute has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, bringing them back to normal.

The grass has wide range actions. This is due to the amazing richness of its composition. It contains the following microelements:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • silicon;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

The use of the plant has a beneficial effect on the functions of the stomach and pancreas. When taking medications that have Negative influence on the gastric mucosa, this herb reduces possible adverse reactions. This sugar substitute is rich in antioxidants, which helps cleanse the body of toxins. It has a calming effect on the skin and relieves inflammation. Its use is very effective for losing weight, normalizing the metabolic process and increasing immunity. This amazing product is perfect for those people who:

  • look after their health;
  • patients with atherosclerosis;
  • are overweight;
  • have metabolic disorders;
  • suffer from diabetes;
  • need sweeteners.

The use of stevia instead of sugar reduces the manifestations of allergies in the human body, for example, unlike honey, which is a strong allergen. Compared to honey, this product is also lower in calories, which is very important for people with a tendency to gain weight.

Contraindications for use

Stevia leaf extract is called stevioside. This is what makes honey grass sweeter than sugar. The substances that make up stevioside are not broken down by the body due to the lack of necessary enzymes. They pass through the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed. Some glycosides that enter the intestines are processed by bacteria, as a result of which steviosides are transformed into steviols. In their structure, the latter are similar to steroid hormones. Scientists have concluded that this substance can affect hormonal background and inhibit sexual activity. Based on this assumption, studies were carried out, after which it turned out that such an effect is almost impossible to achieve. To do this, you need to consume the grass in unrealistically large quantities.

Contraindications for the use of stevia include pregnancy and breastfeeding, to avoid possible unwanted reactions, as well as personal intolerance, to avoid causing allergies. This herb should not be consumed if you have diathesis or gastroenteritis; it is not advisable for people with low blood pressure, as this can cause an even greater decrease in pressure. Do not combine it with milk - it may cause stomach upset.

Be sure to keep an eye on the expiration dates on the packaging, and ready-made decoctions and store infusions in a cool place for no more than 5 days. Contraindications to the use of the plant are minor, but it is still worth paying attention to these data so as not to harm your health.

Consuming honey herb in moderation will not harm your health. The active substances of the plant will strengthen the immune system, increase protective functions body. But its use should be cyclical: periodically it is worth replacing with other organic sweeteners - honey or maple syrup.

Use of stevia for food purposes

Use sweet grass It can be used in cooking wherever regular sugar is used. You can even bake sweets in the oven bakery products- weed carries heat treatment about +200ºС. Due to its low calorie content - 18 kcal per 100 g (for comparison: white sugar - 387 kcal per 100 g) - it can be used as food for people suffering from extra pounds.

The herb is often used in making drinks. Its leaves when infused cool water give off even more sweetness than when cooked hot. If a cool drink is allowed to steep, it will become even sweeter. The herb goes well with drinks and fruits that have a sour taste: oranges, lemons, apples. Can be used with frozen foods - it will not lose its medicinal properties. Can also be used in distillery production.

You can use sweet grass in cooking wherever regular sugar is used.

Stevia herb can be purchased at a specialty store, pharmacy or supermarket. It comes in the form of dried leaves, ground as a powder, in the form of tablets or liquids (syrups, tinctures). The method for preparing drinks or culinary dishes is usually indicated on the packaging. If the herb was purchased in the form of dried leaves, then you can make an infusion from it yourself. To do this, pour 20 g of the plant into 1 cup of boiling water. This mixture needs to be boiled and boiled for 5 minutes. Leave the decoction for about 10 hours. Filter and you can use it. The infusion is stored for 3 to 5 days in a cool place.

Sugar substitute (video)

Growing and care

You can grow honey weed outdoors or at home. This plant is from the tropics, so with the onset of cold weather it must be brought to a warm place, otherwise it will die. Important conditions are warmth and a large number of Sveta. In low light or low temperatures, weed growth slows down greatly and the accumulation of sweetness is reduced. In the house it is better to place it on a south or south-west window.

Stevia propagates in two ways: seeds and cuttings. You need a pot with a volume of at least 2 liters. It is necessary to provide drainage 2 cm thick. Optimal soil: about 50% peat soil, 25% ordinary garden soil and 25% coarse sand. First, the pot is filled halfway with soil, then the cuttings or seedlings are planted. As the plants grow, soil is added on top.

When the honey grass grows to 20 cm, it is necessary to prune in the middle of the internode. Pruning stimulates active growth twigs and leaves, the plant will look like a bush. The cut top can be rooted. After pruning, you need to make a greenhouse for the plant by placing a plastic cap or bag on top of the pot and remove it from a sunny place. If pruning is not done, the plant will stretch upward and leaf growth will slow down.

Cultivation from seeds begins by sowing in plastic pots in mid-April. After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings can be transplanted into a separate pot. The pots are not taken outside immediately after transplantation, but first for 2 hours a day for hardening. Then you can take it out for good or even bury it on personal plot. You can grow honey grass in open soil until about the beginning of September; it should be brought into the house when the temperature drops to +10ºС.

You can grow honey grass outdoors or at home.

Maintenance is easy. Regular watering and spraying is required. The soil should not be allowed to dry out or become waterlogged, otherwise the plant will die.

It is very difficult to overestimate the merits of this plant. The herb increases the body's bioenergetic abilities. It is absolutely harmless and does not lose its medicinal qualities when heated. Contains a lot of different microelements, amino acids, flavonoids, essential oils, antioxidants. This herb has so many advantages that including stevia in your diet, replacing it with it regular sugar- this is the right decision and the right path to health, beauty and long youth.

The plant is 15-20 times sweeter than sugar, shocking everyone with its low calorie content - 100 g of the product contains only 18 kcal. Such characteristics are not inherent in all types of plants. To replace sugar and for preventive purposes Stevia honey is used. Other subspecies growing in natural conditions, are not so valuable because they contain natural sweet substances in too small quantities.

Features of the plant

Stevia is a lover of heat and dry climates, so it grows in subtropical latitudes. The plant's homeland is considered to be the Southern and Central America(Brazil, Paraguay). It grows in semi-arid conditions, both in mountainous areas and on plains. Stevia seeds have very poor germination, so it is propagated vegetatively.

Due to its excellent taste, as well as high antioxidant abilities, stevia is actively cultivated eastern countries- Japan, China, Indonesia, Thailand. Breeding and selection of new sweet species are carried out in Ukraine, Israel, and the USA.

Growing stevia at home as a houseplant is also popular. After wintering, the grass is planted in open ground. Over the summer, the small bush grows beautifully, allowing you to harvest an impressive harvest of sweet leaves.

Botanical description

Stevia is a herbaceous perennial bush formed as a result of active branching of the main stems. Its height can reach 120 cm. Under unfavorable climatic conditions, stevia does not branch and grows like grass with a thick stem about 60 cm long.

  • Root system. Long and even cord-like roots form a fibrous rooting system for stevia, penetrating up to 40 cm deep into the soil.
  • Stems. Side stems extend from the main stem. The shape is cylindrical. Active branching forms a voluminous trapezoidal bush.
  • Leaves . 2-3 cm long, have an obovate shape and a slightly crenate edge. Dense in structure, the leaves do not have stipules and sit on a shortened petiole. Cross-opposite placement.
  • Flowers. Stevia flowers are white, small, collected 5-7 pieces in small baskets.
  • Fruits. During the fruiting period, small boxes appear on the bushes, from which spindle-shaped seeds 1-2 mm long fall out.

When growing a plant indoors, to form a bush it is necessary to regularly trim the tops of the stems.

Procurement of raw materials

Stevia leaves are used as a medicinal raw material and a natural sweetener. They are harvested before flowering, when buds appear on the shoots of the plant. It is at this time that the concentration of sweet substances in the leaves becomes maximum.

To harvest the leaves, the stems of the plant are cut, retreating 10 cm from the ground. After cutting, the lower leaves are torn off, and the stems are laid out on a cotton cloth in a thin layer or hung, tied into small panicles.

Stevia should be dried in the shade with good ventilation. In hot weather, the stems dry completely within 10 hours, which ensures high quality vegetable raw materials. To maintain the maximum concentration of steviol glycosides, it is recommended to harvest the plant using dryers.

Quality dried leaves and their sweetness depends on the time of drying. At high humidity and low temperature conditions this leads to the loss of 1/3 of the total amount of steviol glycosides in 3 days.

After complete drying, the leaves are removed from the stems and packaged in paper or plastic bags. Low humidity and good ventilation allow you to store raw materials for 2 years.

At the time of its discovery, stevia became not only the leader in the content of sweet substances, but also the plant with the greatest antioxidant effect. Complex chemical composition will help preserve youth, neutralize the influence of negative exogenous factors, and also restore the functioning of damaged cells. The plant contains biologically diverse active substances.

The chemical composition of the plant allows it to be used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes, as a remedy with versatile pharmacological properties:

  • it is a source of vitamins and microelements;
  • blood pressure stabilizer;
  • immunomodulatory agent;
  • plant with antitoxic properties;
  • hypoglycemic agent;
  • plant with antimicrobial effect.

The high concentration of glycosides allows the plant to be used as a sweetener and processed industrially to produce sweeteners. Small dosages of stevia give foods a sweet taste; rich infusions and decoctions have a bitter taste due to the increased concentration of steviol glycosides.

The benefits of stevia for different body systems

The beneficial properties of stevia are actively used in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.


Stevia can regulate blood pressure. Small doses contribute to its reduction. High doses on the contrary, they stimulate an increase in pressure. The mild, gradual action of the plant is completely safe for hypo- and hypertensive patients. Stevia has also been proven to normalize heart rate and the strength of heart contractions. The positive effect on blood vessels allows you to eliminate congestion, spasm, and normalize the tone of the venous walls. The herb reduces blood concentrations bad cholesterol, helps eliminate formed plaques on the walls of the arteries. The plant can be regularly consumed internally for treatment and prevention:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins.

In case of fluctuations in blood pressure and sudden jumps, dose selection should be very careful. It is worth focusing on the patient’s well-being.


The most common use of stevia leaves is to normalize blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus. The effect is due to inhibition of glucose absorption. With the use of stevia, diabetics note an improvement in their well-being, as well as a decrease in the need for external insulin. With constant use of the plant, the dosage of the hormone is gradually reduced.

The herb can restore the functioning of pancreatic cells. In some cases of type 2 diabetes, complete recovery occurs after using stevia.

The plant improves the production of thyroid hormones and normalizes the level of sex hormones. Macro- and microelements necessary for hormonal synthesis, normal operation endocrine system contained in the leaves of the plant.


The vitamins and macroelements contained in stevia activate the body's defenses. This is useful in cases of decreased immunity due to past diseases, during the cold season. Stevia is known to eliminate the reactive response immune system to the entry of allergens into the body. This effect is necessary for allergic reactions such as urticaria and dermatitis, as well as for the treatment and prevention of the following autoimmune skin diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • idiopathic dermatitis;
  • seborrhea.

The antitumor effect of stevia is based on the plant’s ability to neutralize and eliminate free radicals. The same mechanism underlies the grass’s slowing down of the aging process. The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of stevia help in the treatment of wounds, including weeping, purulent, trophic ulcers, and fungal skin lesions.


Stevia has a beneficial effect on everything digestive organs. The plant normalizes the secretion of digestive juices and acidity in the stomach, improving the absorption of food. The enveloping properties are useful for gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Stevia consumption is recommended for weight loss. In the fight against obesity, not only the ability of the plant to replace sugar, reducing the calorie content of food consumed, but also to prevent the occurrence of insulin surges - the causes of sudden and severe attacks hunger.


Stevia restores the functioning of nerve fibers and normalizes the conduction of impulses through them. The plant helps fight migraine attacks. Stevia is also known to have a sedative effect. The use of drugs helps cope with the following conditions:

  • eliminates anxiety attacks;
  • fights insomnia;
  • promotes concentration;
  • neutralizes nervous tension;
  • helps fight chronic fatigue;
  • treats depression and blues;
  • activates the internal potential of the body;
  • has adaptogenic properties;
  • increases endurance.

Daily moderate consumption of stevia is recommended for athletes, as well as for improving psychological and physical activity, as an anti-stress and light tonic.

Non-medical use of raw materials

Stevia is recommended as a safe sweetener for diabetes. Tablets are used whose active ingredient is stevioside - an extract from the plant. Natural sugar substitute stevia from trademark"Arnebia" is packaged in convenient automatic dispensers, similar to packaging from the Milford company, but contains higher quality and safe alternative analogous to aspartame.

The sweetener stevia is actively used to create a line of dietary foods from the Leovit brand. This sweetener is used in cereals and desserts. For diabetics, they even produce stevia-based chocolate and vanilla extract for homemade confectionery dishes.

Stevia infusions are also used in for cosmetic purposes- to eliminate age spots, lighten the skin and rejuvenate it. The plant’s ability to normalize the condition of the scalp and eliminate dandruff, including seborrheic origin, is known. The use of dietary supplements with stevia has a positive effect on appearance skin.

Home Recipes

Dry stevia extract is produced industrially, contains sweet substances from the plant, and is called “Stevioside”. At the same time, the manufacturer does not pursue the goal of preserving the entire chemical composition of the herb in the extract. It is for this reason that for the comprehensive improvement of the body, for the purpose of losing weight, preventing and treating diseases, the use of stevia in the form of dried or fresh leaves is recommended.

Dosage forms prepared according to special recipes can be used externally and used in cooking to improve the taste of dishes, tea, and coffee. Stevia syrup is prepared separately and used instead of sugar. A popular herbal tea recipe is drunk as a stand-alone drink or added to other drinks.


  1. 20 g of crushed leaves are poured into a thermos.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave to infuse for 24 hours.
  4. Strain, pour half a glass of boiling water over the cake.
  5. Strain to the first infusion after eight hours.


  1. Prepare an infusion of the plant according to the previous recipe.
  2. Place it in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  3. Evaporate over low heat to the consistency of syrup.
  4. Check readiness by dropping the product onto a saucer - the drop should not spread.


  1. Two tablespoons of leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. The water is drained, the leaves are poured with half a glass of boiling water.
  4. Infuse the mixture for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered into the first decoction.


  1. 20 g of leaves are poured with a glass of alcohol or vodka.
  2. Heat over low heat or in a water bath for 30 minutes, avoiding boiling.
  3. After a short cooling, the mixture is filtered.

Herbal tea

  1. One level tablespoon of whole or crushed stevia leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. After 20 minutes of infusion, the tea can be consumed.

If stevia is taken for prevention, it is enough to replace the sugar consumed daily with it. To treat diseases and obtain a tonic effect, it is recommended to drink herbal tea from the leaves.

In pharmacies you can buy a ready-made extract from the plant - a white free-flowing powder in jars or bags. Baked goods, compotes, and porridges are prepared with it. To brew tea, it is better to purchase stevia leaf powder or filter bags with crushed raw materials.

Among dietary supplements, the sugar substitute “Stevia Plus” in tablets is popular. In addition to stevioside, this preparation contains chicory, as well as licorice extract and vitamin C. This composition allows the use of a sweetener as an additional source of inulin, flavonoids, and amino acids.

The practice of using fresh stevia is also known. Crushed leaves are applied to wounds, burns, trophic ulcers. This is a way to relieve pain, burning, and speed up healing. For internal use Brew two or three leaves of stevia per glass of boiling water. According to reviews, in fresh It is better to use Crimean stevia.

Security Information

The herb honey stevia is considered the safest and low-allergenic natural sweetener, which allows it to be used even for children. Age limit- three years. Before this age, the chemical composition of stevia leaves can have an unpredictable effect on the child’s body.

Stevia preparations are not recommended for pregnant women, although it has been proven that small dosages of the plant do not have teratogenic or embryotoxic effects. But due to the difficulties of dosing and different taste preferences, it is better to minimize the use of stevia leaves when carrying a child. During breastfeeding It is better to avoid stevia due to its unproven safety for infants.

The plant has no side effects. Direct contraindications include only individual intolerance, which occurs extremely rarely.

Comparing the medicinal properties and contraindications of stevia, we can come to the conclusion that this plant is a way to improve the functioning of the entire body, ensure beauty and youth for many years. Reviews of stevia herb extract confirm the excellent taste and ability of the plant to completely eliminate sugar from the human diet.

Since about the 17th century, Spanish aborigines have been actively interested in the medicinal plant and studied its properties by adding the herb to drinks and taking it internally. various pathologies.
Scientists proved the medicinal properties of stevia much later, after identifying the main healing substance– stevioside. This glycoside contains no calories but is very sweet. In addition, the plant contains many trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. Wide Application stevia is explained by its rich composition and lack harmful influence on the human body.
Most sugar substitutes are not recommended long time, since they have a negative effect on the human body and cause serious illnesses, for example, cancer. Scientific research have proven that stevia is suitable for regular consumption without significant consequences for human health.

Ministry of Health Russian Federation decided to include this plant in the list of the most valuable medicines and use if necessary for medicinal purposes.

Stevia grows well both as an indoor flower at home and in the garden in the ground, planted from seedlings.

Uses of Stevia

Stevia is used to treat patients with obesity, diabetes, pathologies of the stomach and intestines, as well as to prevent the formation and growth of cancer. Stevia herb - effective remedy for weight loss, which makes it very popular among women.

General strengthening effect

The healing effect of the plant lies in its ability to prevent premature aging body cells, have an antiseptic and antifungal effect, optimize the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nerves.
Essential oil Stevia contains more than fifty active substances, due to which it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
Allergic diathesis Treated for young children by adding the plant to their food.

Weight loss

The plant has a sickly sweet taste, which is why it is called honey grass. At the same time, stevia does not contain calories. This feature allows the grass to be used as a sweetener for people watching their figure. Stevia leaves are also used for weight loss because it normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, in particular the intestines, stimulating its motor function.


Regular consumption of stevia reduces blood glucose levels, which is very important in the treatment of diabetes. This also improves elasticity vascular wall, especially in places increased risk- kidneys, eyes, myocardium, brain, lower extremities.


Stevia nourishes the pancreas and restores damaged functions of the organ. For pathologies of the biliary tract and liver, the use of the stevia plant leads to the restoration of impaired functions and speedy recovery sick. For those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, intestines, biliary tract and other gastrointestinal pathologies, we recommend paying attention to the article: Wormwood, like stevia, has the ability to significantly improve the functions of the digestive organs.

Wounds and injuries

To stop the wound from festering, it is washed with a stevia solution. This helps relieve pain and promote rapid healing without scarring. Burns and trophic ulcers are treated with a similar solution.
Stevia contains tannins that convert proteins of the skin and mucous membranes into strong, insoluble compounds that prevent bacteria from existing on them. Due to this, the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.
Stevia preparations are used to treat the bites of mosquitoes, bees and mosquitoes. This prevents the development of general intoxication of the body and the appearance local signs- edema and hyperemia.

Traditional medicine recipes based on stevia

  1. What is fresh stevia herb used for? Fresh leaves wash, knead a little with your hands and apply to the damaged skin. This method of use medicinal plant helps cope with burns, injuries, ulcers, boils. Open wounds, especially those that have become festered, are washed with a decoction or infusion of stevia.
  2. Stevia decoction is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of fresh leaves, tie them in a double gauze napkin, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for thirty minutes. The resulting broth is poured into a bottle. The napkin with stevia is re-filled with boiling water, left for half an hour, and poured into the same bottle.
    The leaves are taken out of the napkin and added to tea or other drinks instead of sugar. The broth is placed in the refrigerator and stored for no more than a week.
  3. Stevia tea is taken orally and rubbed with it. dark spots on the face and rub into the scalp. Take a tablespoon of dry leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.
    This tea is used to treat obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. After rubbing with tea, the face becomes lighter and the skin becomes more elastic. This product helps get rid of dandruff and gives your hair extra volume and shine.
  4. Stevia extract is obtained from dried leaves. They are poured with alcohol, infused in a dark, cool place, filtered and used instead of sugar in the preparation of confectionery or tea.
  5. Stevia infusion is prepared in a thermos. Add twenty grams of dry stevia powder, pour boiling water over it and leave for a day. The infusion is poured into a jar, and the used raw materials are poured again with boiling water, but in a smaller volume. Leave for eight hours, and then combine both infusions into one.
  6. Stevia syrup is obtained from the infusion prepared according to the previous recipe, which is evaporated over low heat to the consistency of syrup. Drop the syrup onto a plate; if the drop holds its shape and does not spread, then the syrup is ready. To sweeten tea, you should take only five drops of syrup, because it is a hundred times sweeter than sugar. The syrup has an unlimited shelf life.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Surely many of our readers are familiar with stevia. What is this? Some will say that this is a high-quality vegetable sweetener, and they will be partly right. Actually it's medicinal herb. Today we will try to tell you more about this plant. For what diseases and how to take it, does it have contraindications?

Stevia: what is it?

A perennial plant, more precisely, small bush with erect stems, from sixty to eighty centimeters high, from the Asteraceae family, which includes about two hundred and sixty species . Stevia, benefits and harm which was known to the healers of South America one and a half thousand years ago, has become known in the modern world quite recently.

Thanks to the efforts of Professor Vavilov, the territory of the former Soviet Union Stevia was imported. No one in our country yet knew what kind of plant this was. For a long time, products based on it were part of rations for cosmonauts and senior officials in the USSR. Stevia has also been studied in other countries. The benefits of this plant have found more and more evidence every year. Scientists from all over the world have talked about this.

Stevia is a herb whose stems die off every year, and their place is taken by new shoots on which small leaves are located. One bush can have from six hundred to twelve thousand sweet leaves. Based on numerous studies, modern scientists have identified unique properties, which this plant possesses.


In the northeast of Paraguay and the neighboring part of Brazil, on a tributary of the Parana River, stevia is widespread. Even children here know that this sweet plant has medicinal properties. Over time, the whole world learned about this herb. IN natural conditions It grows in high mountains, so stevia has adapted to fairly sharp temperature changes. Now it's being grown in almost all countries of Southeast Asia.

For industrial purposes today it is grown in Krasnodar region and in Crimea stevia. The benefits and harms of this plant well studied, which allows its use in Food Industry, cosmetology, but this herb is most in demand in medicine.


The most big amount The leaves of the plant contain beneficial substances. They include:

  • cellulose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycosides;
  • plant lipids;
  • vitamins C, A, P, E and microelements;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils.

Glycosides - steviiodes - give the plant its sweetness. They are several hundred times sweeter than sugar. But besides this, they are phytosteroids that are involved in the synthesis of hormones in our body.

Natural sweetener

The taste of stevia is most pronounced when consuming young leaves. The sweetest leaves are those grown in natural climatic conditions and with sufficient sunlight. The plant has a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma. The taste has shades of sweetness, accompanied by a bitter aftertaste.

Despite the increased sweetness that stevia has, it cannot cause harm to the body, but the benefits of its use are obvious. More than twenty amino acids and vitamins contained in its leaves allow you to combine excellent taste with healing properties. The plant has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects on the human body, thanks to which it is successfully used traditional healers for colds and viral infections.

The taste of the plant allows it to be called the best natural sweetener in the world. Not every plant is characterized by such rapid solubility, complete absence side effects, a huge number medicinal properties and at the same time pleasant taste. What else is attractive about stevia?

  1. This plant does not cause insulin release and helps normalize blood sugar levels.
  2. Stevia, the harm of which has not been identified even with long-term use, is resistant to high temperatures, which allows it to be used in baked goods and hot drinks.

Healing properties

Honey herb (stevia) has the following beneficial properties:

  • thins and removes mucus;
  • increases gastric secretion;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • prevents rheumatism;
  • relieves swelling;
  • reduces “bad” cholesterol levels and blood sugar;
  • strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis;
  • helps in the treatment of bronchitis.

Stevia has become a salvation for people suffering from diabetes and tired of constant restrictions on sweets. Today, many manufacturers add it to special products for such patients - cookies, yoghurts, chocolate. Natural sweetness does not harm diabetics; their body accepts this sweetener.

As you can see, a truly unique plant is stevia. Its benefits for the human body have been confirmed by numerous studies by Russian and foreign scientists.

Release forms

Many people are interested in the sweetener stevia. Its price depends on the release form and volume. Today, stevia-based preparations are available in different forms, but first we should talk about the indicators that are inherent in all types of these products: there are no carbohydrates, fats and calories. Equal to zero glycemic index.


The composition includes: stevia extract, which has a sweet, pleasant taste and no foreign flavors; erythrol is a natural filler obtained from starch and used for ease of dosage: 1 sachet corresponds to the level of sweetness two teaspoons of sugar. Packages come in 25, 50 and 100 bags.

Price - from 100 rubles.


Price for 20 grams - 525 rubles.


1 tablet corresponds to 1 teaspoon of sugar. Available in packs of 100, 150 and 200 pieces.

Price - from 140 rubles.

Liquid extract

It has the taste of strawberry, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, mint, etc. Four to five drops are enough to add sweetness to a glass of drink. Stevia extract is packaged in thirty-gram plastic or glass bottles.

Price - from 295 rubles.

Are there any contraindications to the use of stevia?

Scientists have not yet identified any harmful properties of this plant. However, individual restrictions still exist. First of all, this is intolerance to stevia, which can be expressed as allergic reactions. In this case, its use must be stopped.

At the very beginning of use, there may be other negative reactions of the body: digestive disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness. As a rule, they pass very quickly.

We should not forget that stevia significantly reduces blood sugar, so this indicator must be monitored while taking this sweetener.

People with hypotension (low blood pressure) should take stevia with caution to avoid low blood pressure. When purchasing stevia in powder or tablet form, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain methanol and ethanol, which are sometimes used to reduce the sweetness of the drug. Their toxicity can harm your body.

Stevia: reviews

This amazing natural sweetener has no strict contraindications. For many of our compatriots, stevia became a discovery. What kind of plant this is, many did not know before. Judging by the reviews, acquaintance with it most often occurs after the doctor records an increase in blood sugar levels. People who started using this sweetener note that after a month of regular use, the rise in blood sugar levels slows down, and with more long-term use- decreases.

Patients with high blood pressure also leave reviews. They note that with regular use of stevia, blood pressure normalizes and there are no sudden increases.

Women who are watching their figure have not ignored this herb. Having given up sugar and switched to stevia, many people boast about their weight loss achievements. Reviews about this plant are mostly positive, although some did not like its pronounced bitter taste.

Stevia is a plant that is increasingly being used as a natural substitute sugar, the herb extract is about 25 times sweeter than refined sugar. The sweetener is named the most popular and in demand all over the world; the undoubted advantage of the product is safety and zero calorie content.

Stevia extract is recommended for use by patients with disorders carbohydrate metabolism, with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity varying degrees gravity. Additionally, the herb stevia helps improve the functioning of the gallbladder and organs. digestive system, liver, eliminate inflammatory processes.

Stevia helps get rid of pathogenic microflora, helps eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. The plant contains minerals, vitamins, pectins and amino acids. The plant increases bioenergetic abilities human body without providing negative impact. The grass doesn't lose beneficial features when frozen and heated.

Medicinal properties of stevia

The plant normalizes blood sugar and blood pressure, lowers low-density cholesterol, and perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is possible to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, remove toxins and toxic substances, the herb will in many ways compete with well-known synthetic sugar substitutes.

With regular use of the plant, the development of neoplasms stops, the body quickly comes into tone, and the pathological processes and aging. Medicinal plant protects teeth from caries, prevents the occurrence of periodontal disease, minimizes the symptoms of allergic reactions, and promotes weight loss.

The use of the herb is recommended for diabetes mellitus, vascular atherosclerosis, disorders metabolic processes, overweight body, for people who simply monitor their health and figure. Stevia herb is an excellent preventative against diseases of the pancreas and heart muscle.

The use of stevia becomes more effective than the use of natural honey. Moreover, bee product is:

  1. powerful allergen;
  2. irritant to mucous membranes;
  3. high-calorie product.

You can buy stevia in the form of filter bags; the preparation method is described in detail on the label of the sugar substitute. The plant is also sold in the form of dried herb, in which case infusions are prepared based on the plant, then added to culinary dishes or drinks.

You need to take 20 grams of stevia, pour a glass of boiled water. Place the liquid over medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for 5 minutes. Then the product is infused for another 10 minutes, filtered, poured into a thermos, previously scalded with boiling water.

The stevia herb tincture is kept in a thermos for 10 hours, shaken, and consumed within 3-5 days. Leftover grass:

  • you can add boiling water again;
  • reduce its quantity to one hundred grams;
  • leave for no more than 6 hours.

The finished product is stored in a cool place.

Some patients prefer to grow a bush of the plant on their windowsill or in a flower bed. Fresh herb leaves are used as needed, it is very convenient.

Calorie content of the plant in in kind is only 18 kilocalories for every hundred grams, it contains no protein or fat, the amount of carbohydrates is 0.1 gram.

Sugar to Stevia Ratio

One gram of pharmaceutical stevia powder has the same taste as the sweetness of 10 g of refined sugar, 25 g of sugar in a tablespoon, and 200 g in a standard glass.

A teaspoon of sugar can be equivalent to a quarter teaspoon of crushed dry herb; if it is stevia powder, then this amount is equal to the amount of product on the tip of a knife (this is about 0.7 g), or it is 2-6 drops of aqueous herb extract.

A tablespoon of sugar is replaced by a third small spoon of dried herb, 10 drops of liquid water extract, 2.5 g of stevia powder.

A glass of sugar contains the sweetness of 1-2 teaspoons of ground grass, 20 g of stevia powder, 1-2 small spoons of water extract.

The dosage of the sugar substitute can be reduced or increased depending on the taste preferences of the diabetic. This is always indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Contraindications for use

Diabetics should use stevia only after consultation with an endocrinologist, since with reduced blood pressure the sweetener lowers it even more. It should also be borne in mind that active substances can greatly reduce glycemic levels, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Any metabolic disorders and of cardio-vascular system become a significant reason to exercise caution when consuming stevia-based sugar substitutes. It can cause a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) or slow heart rate heart rate(bradycardia).

It is forbidden to use the herb stevia if you have an individual intolerance to the substance; no beneficial properties of the plant can justify the danger adverse reactions for treatment.

Grass is also prohibited in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. children under 3 years of age.

The herb can be harmful if there are digestive problems identified hormonal disorders, blood diseases and all kinds of mental disorders.

Growing stevia at home

Warm-loving grass also grows in our climate, but always in sandy, light soil. You can easily grow a stevia bush at home; for this you take one part of humus, two parts of sand, and vermicompost. You can purchase ready-made soil that contains sand, turf and humus.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water for about half an hour, then lightly air dry. Seeds germinate well and quickly if the soil is covered with glass or transparent film, put in a warm place. The sprouts should be sprayed with water from time to time.

The seedlings are transplanted after the appearance of the first pair of leaves, regularly watered and fed mineral fertilizers. If you plan to grow stevia at home, it is immediately planted in a permanent pot. The container should be shallow, but wide, as the root system grows in width.

A two-liter pot is enough for a bush of grass; at the bottom you need to make 2 centimeters of drainage; for this purpose, broken shards are used. At first:

  • the pot is filled halfway with soil;
  • plant seedlings or cuttings;
  • Add soil as needed.

At home, stevia herb grows well on southwest and south windows. If the plant grows in a pot, ensure normal humidity; if it is over-watered, the root system will rot and the bush will disappear.

If each shoot is shortened from time to time, stevia will be a perennial plant. At least three leaves should remain; new shoots will grow from dormant buds. Provided that the grass grows on the sunny side, even in winter its leaves will always be sweet.

The first to be harvested are the leaves whose tips curl up. After 3 months, the leaves become too fragile and brittle. They are collected without leaving them on the bush, used fresh or stored in the refrigerator.

Raw materials best quality is obtained with the fastest possible drying, when the leaves are crushed and do not dry for a long time, the quality of the raw materials rapidly deteriorates, oxidative processes occur in them, and about a third of stevioside is lost.

How to use the herb

Dry leaves are used as a sweetener; they can be crushed using a coffee grinder or mortar. The resulting green powder is about ten times sweeter than white sugar; two tablespoons is enough to replace a glass of sugar. The powder can be added to any dishes that are not prohibited for diabetics, drinks, where sugar is traditionally poured.

There is a recipe delicious tea from stevia, take a glass of boiling water, add a small spoon of dried stevia to it, leave for a couple of minutes. You can add a slice of lemon, lime, mint or lemon balm.

A diabetic can prepare alcohol or aqueous extract herbs. For an alcoholic extract, take whole leaves or ready-made powder and pour medical alcohol, high-quality vodka without additives so that the raw material is completely covered with liquid. After which the product is infused for 24 hours, filtered and used as directed.

It is not much more difficult to prepare an aqueous extract:

  1. take 40 g of plant leaves;
  2. a glass of boiling water;
  3. insist for a day.

The resulting product is filtered through several layers of gauze and placed on water bath and boil until thickened. Store the product in a cool place, take a quarter teaspoon before meals. IN pure form The tincture cannot be used; it must be diluted beforehand. warm water room temperature. So simple and accessible remedy When used systematically, it perfectly reduces sugar and prevents it from rising in the future.

Nutritionists advise if you have diabetes, try making syrup from dried stevia leaves and shoots. An arbitrary amount of raw material is poured hot water, boil for 40 minutes, filter, continue to simmer over low heat. The readiness of the syrup is checked in this way: if you drop a little of the product onto a glass or porcelain saucer, it should not spread.

The product is added instead of sugar to desserts and drinks.

Before adding the herb to complex dishes or baked goods, it is better to try brewing a stevia leaf in tea. Since the herb is very specific, not every patient will like it, and the dish will be hopelessly spoiled.

Sometimes, in order to overcome a specific taste, mint, lemon or cinnamon are added to food; it all depends on the individual preferences of the diabetic. As reviews show, after some time you can get used to the taste of the plant; the patient practically does not notice it.

Tablets and other plant-based preparations sold at pharmacies also have a bitter taste, which you will need to put up with or switch to other sugar substitutes. However, stevia is the most popular and sought-after sweetener that does not cause unwanted reactions in the body.