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Causes of capillaries bursting in the eye. How to avoid damage. Is it possible to lose vision due to burst capillaries?

How can you help if a blood vessel in your eye bursts? What to do at home? Most often, a burst vessel in the eye does not cause any discomfort and does not affect visual abilities. However, it attracts attention, which, from an aesthetic point of view, is not very pleasant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhage, since it is not an independent disease. But you can alleviate the general condition and speed up the resorption of the hematoma. The choice of the appropriate method for this directly depends on the cause of the capillary damage.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do if the cause is external factors? With careful monitoring of the condition of the eyes, already in the first days it becomes clear whether a visit to a doctor is necessary or not. If the vessel bursts and painful sensations and there are no other health complaints, then most likely this phenomenon was not provoked by the disease, but by third-party causes.

These include:

  • lack of sleep;
  • fatigue and excess physical activity;
  • stress;
  • long stay at the TV screen or at the computer.

It is clear that eliminating these factors will not completely solve the problem, but will help get rid of it faster and prevent reappearance.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting enough sleep and minimizing physical and visual stress (the same measures apply to cases of hematoma appearing the next morning after drinking alcohol).

And if you can’t avoid working in front of a monitor, then you definitely need to take rest breaks.

When there is complete confidence that the hemorrhage is caused by the above reasons, the following can be used at home: folk remedies:

  1. Cool boiled water or tea (black and green) for washing the eye where the capillary has burst will relieve fatigue, reduce inflammation and, accordingly, redness. You can simply apply cotton pads soaked in black tea or used tea bags to your eyes for 2-3 minutes (up to three times a day).
  2. Apply compresses with cold and hot water. It is recommended to apply a gauze or cotton swab to the eye, moistened alternately in one container or another. Contrasting temperatures have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the eyes a fresh, rested look. But we must remember that contact of the visual organs with cold for too long is dangerous, so its duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the reason why the vessel burst is not completely clear, you should not self-medicate.

A vessel in the eye regularly bursts: what to do?

A visit to an ophthalmologist should not be neglected if the hematoma does not go away after two weeks, if its appearance is accompanied by symptoms of some disease, perhaps not an eye disease (hypertension, vitamin deficiency, etc.). The doctor will conduct necessary research, will find out the cause and prescribe treatment depending on it.

If it is not possible to immediately apply for medical care, you can independently measure your temperature and pressure, evaluate your symptoms and, depending on the results obtained, use one of the following recommendations:

  • If a capillary in the eye bursts due to high blood pressure, this means that a chronic disease is poorly controlled or taken. ineffective means for his treatment. As emergency measure a stabilizing agent can be used. But you will still have to see a doctor, because next time the vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain, causing more serious consequences.

  • If the capillary is damaged, and a person experiences itching and burning in the eye, a painful reaction to bright light, lacrimation and discomfort appears, then most likely we're talking about about conjunctivitis. The fact that a vessel in the eye has burst usually indicates infectious nature disease and indicates its severe course, so a visit to an ophthalmologist is also mandatory. It is advisable to do this in as soon as possible without waiting for complications and infection of the second eye. And to relieve symptoms, you can use antiseptics and eye drops.
  • Sometimes a capillary bursts due to the effects of an allergy. If you suspect this reason accept antihistamines and remedies that relieve itching and irritation.

All this should be done with caution and only if there is obvious signs one or another accompanying illness.

In such cases, you should never resort to traditional methods of treatment, since some recipes can provoke the spread of infection and the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes.

It is prohibited to use and vasoconstrictors.

What to do if hemorrhage is accompanied by dry mucosa?

The vessel sometimes bursts due to excessive dryness of the eyes. In such situations, in addition to getting rid of the cause of the hemorrhage, it is necessary to take measures to moisturize the mucous membrane.

Preparations that are suitable for this are available in the form of drops.

  1. "Visine." It is prescribed in cases where a burst capillary forms a small hematoma. Relieves general redness.
  2. "Hyphenlease." Can be used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist even in cases of conjunctivitis and microtrauma. Drops eliminate dryness and irritation in gases, which often happens when a vessel is damaged.
  3. "Taufon". Accelerates recovery processes, helps in those cases. When a capillary bursts due to overwork of the visual organs.
  4. "Emoxipin". Suitable for long-term use.

The listed means are among the safest, so they can be used even when the vessel is damaged in the child’s eye and in for preventive purposes. They, of course, will not remove the hematoma, but they will relieve redness, burning and discomfort.

But you need to remember that if you have an ophthalmological disease or neoplasm, you can use any drug only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

Even in the absence of chronic diseases, a burst capillary in the eye indicates that you need to pay attention to your health, find out possible reasons the appearance of a hematoma and take care of prevention.

Since it is impossible to get rid of the consequences of hemorrhage in the eyes as soon as possible, it is better to take measures in advance so that the capillary does not burst again:

  • Review your diet. The daily menu must include dishes enriched with vitamins C, A and P, and containing rutin. These components strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. They are present in sufficient quantities in foods such as bell peppers, broccoli, salad greens, citrus fruits and berries (especially blueberries). They are useful in almost any form (fresh, frozen, boiled, etc.). But from drinking coffee and alcoholic drinks It's better to refuse.
  • If it is not possible to enrich the diet with sufficient amounts essential microelements, you can use special vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. The necessary components contain such products as “Optiv”, “Vial”, etc.
  • Establish a daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest; Spend less time watching TV and computer, minimize eye strain and take more breaks while working.
  • Avoid drying out the mucous membrane. To do this, it is recommended to rinse your eyes with cool water. clean water. And if it is not possible to do this regularly, you can use moisturizing drops. In cold and windy weather, it is better to protect your eyes, for example, with sunglasses.

Only through vision is a person able to contemplate beauty and communicate with the world around him. However, over time, your eyes may begin to fail. Vision problems can be very diverse, so it is worth excluding serious pathologies. To do this, you should consult a doctor.

Some believe that if the capillaries in the eye burst, then this is only a temporary phenomenon. However, such symptoms may indicate quite serious problems with health, which can only be accurately determined experienced specialist. Therefore, you should not ignore this problem.

What is the function of capillaries in the eyes?

The capillary is the thinnest blood vessel in the human body. It communicates with veins and arteries. There are millions of capillaries in everyone's body, which are also found in the eyes. Depending on the work of these vessels, a person’s vision remains clear or he or she develops certain problems.

If the capillaries are in poor condition and do not cope with their tasks, then this leads to the fact that the body begins to starve, since it is not saturated at the proper level with the oxygen necessary useful substances and components.

Why do blood vessels in the eyes burst?

Such minor hemorrhages have probably happened to every person at least once. However, when the eye is red, the capillaries have burst, and no additional unpleasant symptoms are observed, the person prefers to wait a while until the unpleasant redness goes away on its own. Although the eye looks scary at such a moment, such a problem does not cause serious physical discomfort. Should you panic if the capillaries in your eye burst? What to do in such a situation?

If this is the first time this happens, then don’t worry too much. The redness will actually go away on its own within a few days. However, when the vessels begin to burst with enviable frequency, similar phenomenon may indicate more serious problems. In this case, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist and clarify the reasons for what is happening.

Typically, the doctor first conducts a standard examination and listens carefully to the patient. He also needs to examine the fundus and become thoroughly familiar with medical card sick. A specialist needs to know for sure whether the capillaries under the eyes have burst or just inside visual organs, which preceded the appearance unpleasant symptoms and any other information that will help determine the cause of the redness. Sometimes such symptoms are accompanied by fever, dizziness, the appearance of “spots”, etc.

Capillaries burst in the eye: internal causes

If we talk about such factors, then quite often this happens with the development of arterial or intracranial hypertension. As a rule, when frequent redness Doctors suspect this pathology first of all. During a hypertensive crisis occurs sudden jump pressure that the fragile blood vessels of the eye cannot withstand. That's why they burst first. If we talk about additional symptoms, such seizures are often accompanied by nosebleeds.

If a person with hypertension has severely burst capillaries in the eye, this is a clear signal that they need to check their blood pressure and more closely monitor their health. If blood pressure rises very strongly and sharply, this can lead to more serious consequences. Capillaries can burst not only in the eyes, but also in the brain.

If a person has burst capillaries in the eye and this is not the first time this has happened, then it is also worth checking for the presence of diabetes mellitus. With such a disease, pathological conditions associated with the functioning of blood vessels often develop, which become thinner and are characterized by increased fragility. Sometimes doctors diagnose diabetic retinopathy, which is characterized by problems with the vascular system of the visual organs. If you leave this problem without attention, the patient’s vision will only worsen over time. There is a risk of complete blindness.

It is also worth excluding ophthalmic type pathologies. If a benign or malignant formation appears in the eye, this may well provoke numerous ruptures of blood vessels. It can also lead to similar symptoms inflammatory disease. If the patient has additionally burst capillaries around the eyes, this may be a sign of conjunctivitis, glaucoma, keratitis and other pathologies that require prompt treatment.

Similar symptoms can also appear against the background of hematological diseases. Redness of the eyes sometimes indicates leukemia, lymphoma, hemophilia, etc. Also, these ailments are accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of hematomas with slight pressure on the skin.

When speaking about why the capillaries in the eye burst, one should not exclude the possibility of developing vitamin deficiency or immunodeficiency. Often due to the fact that to the human body missing one or the other useful components(for example, vitamins) this can lead to blood vessels losing their elasticity.

Other reasons

Not only serious pathologies can lead to such symptoms. Often a person is faced with the fact that the capillaries in his eye have burst due to:

  • Fatigue, lack of sleep, eyestrain. This can happen if you work at a computer for a long time, watch TV or use tablets, smartphones and other gadgets. Reading books at night is also very harmful, as it leads to severe strain on the visual organs.
  • Excessive physical activity. People who are actively involved in sports often experience burst capillaries in the eye. If you give preference to strength training, this may well lead to redness. In women, blood vessels can burst due to strong efforts during childbirth.
  • High temperature. Fever often accompanies colds. Against this background, deformation of blood vessels often occurs.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Taking large doses of alcoholic beverages. This often leads to the fact that the vessels begin to rapidly narrow and expand. If a person suffers from chronic alcoholism, then there will be redness not only in the eyes, but also on skin underneath them. This is due to the appearance of swelling.

External effects on the eyes

Such factors also often cause redness of the organs of vision. Vessels may burst due to strong gusty winds, bright sun or increased atmospheric pressure. It is also worth making sure that the air in the room is not too dry. If a man for a long time is in front of a fire or in a smoky room, he may also notice the appearance of redness.

People sensitive to change temperature conditions, you should refrain from visiting saunas and baths.

A foreign object can also cause the capillaries in the eye to burst. What to do in such a situation? Under no circumstances should you try to remove it yourself. Otherwise, the cornea of ​​the eye may be damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

How long does it take for broken blood vessels to last?

First of all, it all depends on why exactly the capillaries began to rupture. The small vessels themselves recover quite quickly. However, if we are talking about a more serious pathology, then this process may take much longer.

If this happened against the background of a stressful situation or severe fatigue, then it is enough for a person to take a sedative and have a good rest. In this case, the organs of vision will no longer resemble the eyes of a vampire within a few hours. The same applies to situations when a person has been in front of a computer or TV for too long.

In case of mechanical injury, it will take longer. It all depends on the extent of the damage. Usually the vessels are completely restored within a couple of weeks.

Treatment of burst blood vessels

First of all, it is necessary to determine why exactly the capillaries began to burst in the eyes. If we are talking about overwork or long work at the computer, then in this case it is enough to wait a little and give the visual organs a rest. After some time their condition is restored without any additional funds. However, you need to be sure that the causes of redness are not caused by anything serious.

If a person has burst capillaries in the eye, only a doctor can best determine how to treat the damaged vessels. However, in some situations a person urgently needs to get rid of a problem. In this case, the following drops will help:

  • "Hyphenlease." This product is also commonly called “artificial tears.” These drops will help if the organs of vision are too tired and are not hydrated. naturally.
  • "Visine." Quickly relieves fatigue and redness.
  • "Taufon". These drops have a vasoconstrictor effect. However, it is better not to use them without a doctor's prescription. This is explained by the fact that if you narrow the blood vessels, this may not always have a positive effect.

Also positive influence will provide cold and compresses that can be prepared from natural herbal mixtures.

However, you need to understand that self-medication can only relieve symptoms. If a person suffers from a more serious illness, he will need complex therapy, which will be aimed at solving the problems that caused such symptoms.

If the redness does not go away

First of all, don't panic. If none therapeutic measures do not give visible result, then perhaps the anti-redness remedy was chosen incorrectly. In this case, it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but the pathology itself that causes them. The use of drops in such situations either gives a very short-term effect or does not have any positive effect at all.

Also, rupture of blood vessels could be caused by injury or bruise. In this case, the healing process takes quite a long time, even if the person uses drops and traditional medicine.

If vascular rupture occurs periodically, then it is worth visiting a specialist and accurately determining the causes of the symptoms.

Is there a risk of losing vision?

Because of the vessels themselves, it is almost impossible to lose the ability to see. However, often redness of this kind becomes a signal that a person is suffering from a particular disease. In this case, visual disability can be quite easily acquired. If you don't start necessary treatment, then there is a risk of going blind if the patient is diagnosed with one of the diseases in an advanced stage:

  • Hernia of the eye.
  • Severe allergies.
  • Cataract.
  • Glaucoma or conjunctivitis.

Capillaries burst in a child's eye

In such a situation, you should not panic. There are several conditions when such redness in babies is the absolute norm. If a child has burst capillaries in the eye due to lack of sleep or fatigue, prolonged crying, reactions to irritants (for example, a lot of dust has accumulated in the children's room), coughing or spending a long time in front of the computer or TV, then you need to give the child a little rest.

However, there are situations where such symptoms may cause concern. Therefore, you should be more attentive to the baby. If the capillaries around a child's eyes burst, this may be caused by:

  • Infectious diseases (for example, influenza or acute respiratory infections).
  • Mechanical damage and contact foreign body in the eye (children are often careless when playing).
  • Pathologies of the visual organs.
  • Severe physical stress (even though children look energetic, they also need good rest).
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals (usually an exacerbation begins in the spring).


It is worth noting that the organs of vision are highly sensitive, so you need to take care of your eyes. First of all, you need to adhere correct mode day. This means that a person should get a good night's sleep and allow himself to sit for a very long time at night in front of the computer or TV. Sleep is very important not only for the eyes, but also for the entire body as a whole.

It is important to monitor your diet. The diet must be balanced. Worth giving up junk food and try to consume only products of natural origin. It is recommended to eat as many vitamins as possible. It is especially worthwhile to press on blueberries, carrots and black currants. These products are rich in components that are essential for good vision.

It is not recommended to drink a lot of alcohol and smoke. You should also avoid strenuous physical activity and stressful situations. A man must lead active image life, but you shouldn’t spend all your time in the gym. It is best to give preference to walks or light jogging in the fresh air.

Nervous stress can lead not only to eye problems, but also negatively affect a person’s overall health. If you cannot avoid such situations (for example, work is associated with stress), then you need to choose natural light sedatives.

It is also worth undergoing examination and consulting with doctors at least once a year. They will be able to timely identify this or that pathology on early stage.

A burst vessel in the eye is a fairly common occurrence. Let's consider the reasons why capillaries burst and rupture, what to do in such a situation, what treatment to use with drops and when more complex therapy is needed.

The retina consists of vascular elements, which are capillary-venous network. Due to this structure, it receives the nutrition and oxygen necessary for normal functioning. For various reasons, sometimes there is a rupture of a vessel in the eye. A broken capillary is bloody stain elongated or irregular in shape.

Photo 1. Symptoms of a burst vessel in the eye

Why is this happening? Factors leading to such symptoms vary. Often it is simply too dry air in the room, in more in rare cases the reasons are more serious and caused by various diseases. In children, the vessel can burst due to tears during crying, in an adult - due to excessive physical strain. When a vessel bursts, a person does not feel pain, so minor lesions are usually not noticed and treatment is not carried out. With a single detection, this does not threaten complications, but it is better to treat the disease in order to get rid of the symptoms as quickly as possible. Typically, drops are used for therapy.


Why a vessel ruptures in the eye and what the consequences are, besides cosmetic discomfort, we will consider below. Ocular hemorrhage occurred in every adult at least once. It is known that there are no symptoms of pain, so if a vessel bursts in the eye once and the pathology does not recur later, then there is no need to worry too much. Most likely it's a one-time thing external influence and the red spot will disappear on its own without a trace in a few days.

It's another matter if vascular lesions occur regularly and occupy an abundant area. In such a situation, you need to visit an ophthalmologist to determine the causes and develop a treatment method for the disease.

External reasons

We list one-time factors that can affect the integrity of the ocular vessels:

  • Weather conditions: stay on strong wind, under the strong sun or in conditions of high atmospheric pressure.
  • Excessively dry air, presence of smoke or large quantity dust in the room where a person lives.
  • Long stay in conditions elevated temperature, for example, in a sauna, steam bath or at a hot resort. This factor worsens at low ambient humidity.
  • Eye injury when a vessel bursts due to trapped debris or as a result of mechanical impact.

External factors have higher value in children.

Internal reasons

Action internal factors is systemic in nature; when they are identified, a person most often needs in qualified treatment not only with the help of drops to act directly on the ruptured vessel, but by other means, sometimes quite serious, to affect the initiating disease.

  • Hypertension and These are quite common causes of burst eye capillaries, which the doctor thinks about first. With these diseases, red spots on the eyes tend to occur periodically. When, during a hypertensive crisis, a patient’s blood pressure rises sharply above normal, then the load on vascular system the eye sharply enlarges, which is why one of the weakened blood vessels can burst. Such lesions can be accompanied by nosebleeds. Similar pathological condition Only at first glance does it seem harmless, since after the eye arteries, the arteries of the brain can also rupture, which is fraught with hemorrhagic stroke and its serious consequences. Therefore, if detected high pressure the patient must develop the habit of constant monitoring and undergo the necessary treatment.
  • Diabetes- another reason why it develops rapidly vascular pathology eye. Due to metabolic disorders, the body's arteries become thinner and become brittle. The eye vessels, being the smallest and most fragile, become the first target of this process. The vessel can burst at the moment of insignificant load, for example, during a squat or bend, or simply on its own. What to do in such conditions? See an endocrinologist to adjust the level of hormones that are not provided by normal metabolism in the body.
  • Ophthalmic diseases Also common reason burst capillaries. The range of diseases is quite wide and includes both infectious eye lesions (conjunctivitis) and the development malignant tumors and immunodeficiency conditions, for example, blepharitis.
  • Diseases hematological nature, leading to high probability bleeding throughout the body. Among the symptoms of this type of deviation can be identified increased sensitivity of the skin, when after minor mechanical impact traces of a hematoma remain on it.
  • Conditions of immunodeficiency and vitamin deficiency, When vascular walls lose their elasticity.

For staging accurate diagnosis The ophthalmologist must not only examine the patient’s eyes using special devices, but also look at his card for earlier eye lesions, and also find out what happened to the patient some time before the vessel in the eye burst. This means that the patient should prepare for the examination and remember all the nuances that can affect the diagnosis and the development of what to do and how to treat in a particular case.

Photo 2. Capillary rupture

Other reasons affecting the blood vessels of the eyes are:

  1. A state of fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, increased load on the visual system, which is more typical for busy adults
  2. Physical overload associated with heavy lifting. Professional athletes in strength sports are at risk here. In addition, in women, rupture of the vessel can accompany childbirth.
  3. Increased body temperature, which accompanies a huge number of diseases and pathological conditions.
  4. Severe allergies
  5. Alcohol abuse, when the vessel first intensively expands and then sharply narrows, which creates conditions for it to burst.
  6. In children, capillary ruptures occur against the background of strong anguished crying.


The main symptom that a blood vessel has burst in the eye is the presence of a red bloody spot against the background of white. When several capillaries are damaged at once, the damage is significant in volume. Sometimes a vessel from the back of the eye ruptures, in this case visible signs there is no evidence that it burst. Among the symptoms, only the presence of slight severity is distinguished, which is usually not even noticed.


How to treat and what to do if an eye capillary bursts? In a single occurrence, the cause in most cases is located in external environment. Some kind of special treatment however, they are not prescribed; the symptoms of the red spot go away on their own within 3-5 days. During this period, it is better to reduce the load on the visual organs.

If after of this period signs of the disease do not go away, but on the contrary are aggravated by dryness, irritation, swelling, additional hemorrhages, then you must definitely consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe medications used in the form of drops in the eyes.

Typically treatment is carried out:

  • Visin, these drops relieve swelling and redness well.
  • Taufon, which activates regeneration processes.
  • Emoxipine, which has a resolving effect on areas where blood vessels have burst. In addition, it strengthens the vascular wall.
  • Ascorutin, which eliminates the lack of essential vitamin complexes.
  • Hyphenate - drops that have a softening and lubricating effect, thereby avoiding dryness and irritation.

Specified drops it is forbidden Only a doctor can prescribe for himself or select a specific set of medications based on the results of examination and diagnosis.

Periodically recurring hemorrhages indicate the existence of strong internal reasons, causing pathology. The fact that a vessel has burst in the eye will only be a reflection of the existing pathological process. To ensure that symptoms are eliminated, you should find out the root cause why capillaries regularly burst. This requires additional diagnostics organs and systems, often not related to vision. An ophthalmologist or therapist will refer you for related examinations.

What to do when a vessel rupture is detected

  1. If you engage in physical activity, avoid it and rest well. If it comes to amateur sports, then training should be canceled during treatment and recovery.
  2. Job. associated with vision should be limited. It is important to periodically (every 30 minutes) take breaks and warm up your eyes.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol
  4. When outside, protect yourself from the wind and the sun hitting your face. Large ones are good for this. sunglasses, blocking ultraviolet light. The indoor air should be humidified.

What not to do in case of hemorrhage when a vessel bursts

  1. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are prohibited.
  2. Application to closed eyes cotton pads soaked in tea leaves. With the help of such folk techniques, the situation only gets worse.
  3. The eyes should be at rest, especially in children who constantly try to comb and rub them.
  4. Conduct self-diagnosis and prescribe drops or other medications.


Kit preventive measures will help minimize the effect of internal causes and eliminate external factors:

  • Natural saturation with vitamins due to the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits and bell peppers are especially beneficial for the blood vessels of the eyes.
  • It is important to refuse bad habits, as well as minimize coffee drinks and overly strong tea.
  • The work and rest schedule must always be maintained.
  • Lifting weights and playing sports should not harm your health
  • When working at the monitor for a long time, do not neglect breaks for visual gymnastics.
  • For dry eyes, it is important to regularly instill the prescribed drops to avoid excessive drying.
  • Wear safety glasses in sunny and windy weather

In addition, to prevent the blood vessels in the eye from bursting, it is necessary in a timely manner treat existing ones ophthalmological diseases, apply the prescribed drops, monitor your overall health, avoiding an increase in internal causes leading to hemorrhages.


The eye is one of the most complex and important organs of perception, with the help of which a person has the opportunity to look at the world. The eye is a well-established mechanism, and disruption of any of its parts can lead to deterioration of vision.

Main reasons

If the capillaries in the eyes burst, this can lead to hemorrhage under the surface of the conjunctiva, which looks like a red clear, located on the visible surface of the eye. The vessels of the eyes are very small, they have very thin walls, the integrity of which is often damaged for the following reasons:

  • external factors;
  • very dry air;
  • overheating of the eyes when going to the sauna;
  • foreign body or dust getting into the eyes.

If something gets into the eye or the mucous membrane is too dry, then the person automatically begins to rub the eye. As a result, inflamed blood vessels and destruction of some of the capillaries occur.

Lack of sleep and fatigue

Why do blood vessels burst before our eyes? Using a computer at home or at work, watching television, reading books and viewing documentation for a long time can lead to severe eye strain. A burst vessel is the most harmless thing, since constant overstrain can lead to serious ophthalmological diseases.

Head and eye injuries

If this is the reason, you should immediately visit a doctor, since a bruise on the surface of the eye can be just one of many complications. It is extremely bad if the hemorrhage occurs inside vitreous, not in pure form. At the same time, you should not hope that it will go away on its own, as this may threaten retinal detachment.

Strong physical activity:

  • labor during labor;
  • strength sports;
  • lifting heavy weights.

During a sharp “jerk,” the vessels are filled with blood, increasing the likelihood of their rupture.

Diseases of various types

  • diabetes mellitus and other functional disorders endocrine system, in which the walls of blood vessels can become thin and fragile;
  • infectious diseases with fever;
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis and keratitis), accompanied by hemorrhages and severe lacrimation, a feeling of discomfort in the eyes;
  • often the reason is high blood pressure and hypertension - this leads to a sharp overflow of blood vessels. The walls of the vessels cannot withstand the pressure and burst;
  • presence of a tumor in the eye. The formations begin to put pressure and deform all elements of the eyeball, the vessels stretch, increasing the risk of hemorrhage;
  • vitamin deficiency, and to be more specific, a lack of vitamins A, C and the trace element rutin. They are responsible for the elasticity of the vessel wall;
  • weather sensitivity. People whose condition worsens due to changes in atmospheric pressure are susceptible to capillary hemorrhages in the eyes during transfers. A vessel in the eye can burst in any person who dives, quickly descends or climbs a mountain;
  • alcohol, especially in large doses, in the morning it can manifest itself not only with pain in the head, but also with hemorrhage in the eyes. This occurs due to a sharp expansion and subsequent narrowing of blood vessels;
  • reception long time medications with blood thinning effect.


If the cause of the hemorrhage is lack of sleep and overexertion, then it will be enough just to get a good night's sleep, and after a few days the stain will go away on its own. In the future, it is very important not to overuse reading and the computer, giving your eyes rest. If the room has air conditioning, it dries out the air, thereby irritating the surface of the eyes. To get rid of this effect, it is enough to use a humidifier or a simple bowl of water, which should be placed in the same room.

There are also a number folk ways able to reduce bruising and redness in the eyes:

  • tea. Dip two cotton pads into not very strong tea without sugar, squeeze them out a little and place them on your eyelids for 5-10 minutes. Instead of tea, you can use brewed chamomile. Repeat up to several times a day;
  • contrasting lotions. Take two containers, pour cold into one, and into the other hot water. Dip a piece of bandage into both containers one at a time and apply to your eyes. a short time.

Be careful with cold water, since her contact is allowed only for a short time. Continue alternating application for 5-10 minutes, then lie down with your eyelids closed. This method can only be used for hemorrhages caused by fatigue or external factors. If capillaries burst frequently or as a result of illness, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary not only to eliminate traces of the bloody stain, but also to identify the cause of its occurrence.


In order to strengthen the walls of capillaries and reduce the likelihood of their ruptures, you can use the following measures:

  • eating orange and dark green vegetables, apricots, blueberries, bell pepper, citrus fruits. These products contain vitamins A and C, trace elements rutin and carotene, the lack of which leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels. During a cold, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid;
  • take breaks when working with eye strain. It is recommended to pause for 5-10 minutes every hour, close your eyelids, and look out the window;
  • performing heavy physical exercises properly, avoiding heavy loads. Lifting very heavy objects should be avoided altogether; if this cannot be done, then the load should be distributed evenly;
  • Minimize your intake of nicotine and alcohol. Drinking strong drinks and smoking can harm not only the entire body, but also negatively affect appearance;
  • undergoing a medical examination every year, including a trip to an ophthalmologist. This will allow you to determine in time initial stage this enemy. Diagnosing the disease at an early stage is the possibility of a complete recovery in the future. Also, the treatment period will take less funds and time to restore health.

A burst vessel is not yet a cause for panic; in most cases, it is only the result of your irritation. In the event that hemorrhages in the eyes become a common occurrence, they do not go away for a long time or are accompanied by other symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor without delay.