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High effectiveness of Terzhinan suppositories in the fight against female diseases. Terzhinan candles instructions for use

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  • Terzhinan and the menstrual cycle
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  • Terzhinan candles ( tradename Tergynan) – medicinal combination remedy with antibacterial, hormonal and antifungal effect.

    Composition and release form

    The composition of the drug includes:

    • nystatin;
    • prednisolone;
    • neomycin sulfate;
    • ternidazole;
    • clove oil;
    • geranium oil

    Release form:

    • (candles). The drug is not available in the form of ointment or cream.

    The package contains 6 or 10 vaginal tablets.

    pharmachologic effect

    The combination drug is intended for local application in gynecology. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiprotozoal effects. Provides normal function vaginal mucosa and maintains normal pH.

    Indications for use

    Terzhinan is prescribed in the following situations:

    • Treatment of vaginitis caused by flora sensitive to the drug (including trichomoniasis, thrush, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis).
    • Prevention of vaginitis before gynecological manipulations (installation intrauterine device, surgery pathologies of the cervix, childbirth, abortion).

    Mode of application

    For vaginitis, suppositories are used at night. It is most convenient to do this in supine position. Before use, wash your hands with soap or wear sterile surgical gloves. then remove the tablet from the package and immediately insert it into the vagina. After this, you cannot get out of bed for another 15 minutes.

    The drug Terzhinan for thrush is prescribed in case of severe severe symptoms diseases. The course of treatment is 10-20 days (prescribed by a doctor). It is possible to use Terzhinan and fluconazole drugs simultaneously for thrush.

    Effective in treatment even during menstruation. It is impossible to stop the course prematurely, as there is a risk of the infection becoming chronic.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    According to the instructions, the use of Terzhinan gynecological suppositories is unacceptable during the first three months of pregnancy, as there is a possibility of the drug reaching the fetus. You can use suppositories in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, there will be no risk to the baby. It is highly undesirable to use Terzhinan during lactation, because it can pass into milk.

    special instructions

    Like many drugs containing nystatin, Terzhinan is capable of destroying the latex of the most popular contraceptives - condoms. Therefore, leading sex life, you should take this into account and, if necessary, take care of other methods of contraception. It is best to abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment until full recovery vaginal mucosa.

    Some representatives of the fair sex may experience white and Terzhinan. There is nothing wrong with this if they are not accompanied by other negative phenomena. Such discharge indicates the release of the remains of the suppository from the vagina. The discharge may last 1-2 hours. During treatment with Terzhinan, you need to use thin panty liners, since mucus after the suppositories leaves yellow spots on underwear.

    Pink discharge, bloody issues or bleeding after Terzhinan may indicate incorrect insertion of the suppository, and, as a result, injury to existing erosion or vaginal mucosa.

    It is also worth remembering that those women who are planning to conceive should be examined in a timely manner and, if infections are detected, treated before pregnancy occurs. After using Terzhinan desired pregnancy will come faster, it kills fungi and bacteria that provoke inflammation of the genital organs.

    Application of Terzhinan for children

    For girls, the drug can be prescribed only if it is administered by the attending physician.

    Contraindications for use

    Suppositories have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Side effects

    During the first time after starting treatment with Terzhinan, the following reactions may occur:

    • burning;
    • tingling;
    • pain in the vagina, swelling;
    • irritation of the mucous membrane.

    Drug interactions

    No interactions with other drugs have been identified.


    The instructions for Terzhinan do not prohibit its use with alcoholic beverages. However, as we know, alcohol can trigger unexpected adverse reactions when taking medications, especially if the drug is taken for the first time.

    Terzhinan and the menstrual cycle

    According to the instructions, menstruation is not a contraindication for use. But the tablet will take longer to dissolve, and in case heavy menstruation it may come out of the vagina with blood. If there are no direct indications for treatment with Terzhinan during menstruation, you should take a break until the end of your period.


    Terzhinan suppositories have a local effect. It is not typical for them to penetrate circulatory system, which reduces the risk of overdose to a minimum. If it does occur, it is expressed in increased side effects drug.


    What can replace Terzhinan? The drug has no exact analogue in composition.

    Analogues of similar action include:

    • Klion-D-100;
    • Clomegel;
    • Metrogyl Plus;
    • Metromicon-Neo;
    • Neo-Penotran.

    More cheap means, similar in action to Terzhinan:

    • Polygynax (cheap analogue) - 200-220 rubles,
    • Hexicon (candles), cheap analogue - 200-250 rubles.

    Storage conditions, dispensing from pharmacies and expiration date

    Terzhinan is available in pharmacies by prescription and is included in list B. The drug should be stored at temperature conditions no higher than 25°C, in a place inaccessible to children. Shelf life – 3 years. Do not use under any circumstances after this period.


    The drug is not cheap, prices are in the range of 400 rubles, and sometimes higher, depending on the number of suppositories in the package and the pharmacy.

    Pregnancy is always a joyful event, but some moments can overshadow expectant mother. And these include not only irritability, fatigue, various ailments and mood swings, but also visits to the doctor. Most common cause Such visits become common thrush, which often occurs during pregnancy. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida - natural inhabitants vaginal microflora, the reproduction of which is inhibited by normal operation immune system. But while waiting for a baby, immunity drops sharply, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy, and it is this factor that provides a kind of start for reproduction pathogenic microflora. They can help in this case vaginal suppositories Terzhinan during pregnancy.

    During pregnancy, diseases of the vaginal microflora, caused by various microorganisms, bacteria, Candida fungi, Trichomonas, vaginitis, various types, therefore, to normalize it and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, gynecologists prescribe Terzhinan suppositories.

    Composition of the drug and the main effect of the components

    Terzhinan vaginal suppositories contain:

    1. Nystatin – a time-tested effective substance that is excellent in treating many fungal infections, especially candidiasis.
    2. Ternidazole – is the main component of the drug and exhibits the greatest activity against Trichomonas, while also having an antibacterial effect.
    3. Prednisolone– the substance belongs to the group of corticosteroids and its main effect is the relief of various inflammatory processes.
    4. Neomycin – neomycin sulfate is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group, necessary to eliminate purulent complications for diseases and disorders of the vaginal microflora.

    Considering the effect of all components of the drug, Terzhinan is different high efficiency in the fight against many types of microorganisms. Thanks to their active effect on pathogens and suppression of their reproduction function, suppositories also help to reduce inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

    Indications for use

    Terzhinan is prescribed to a woman not only during pregnancy, but also during the normal state of the body, if necessary.

    The main indications are:

    • bacterial vaginitis;
    • fungal vaginitis, including those caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
    • mixed type vaginitis;
    • trichomoniasis;
    • disturbance of the vaginal microflora.

    The drug is often prescribed to prevent the occurrence of various diseases, for example:

    • before performing any gynecological operations or procedures;
    • before an abortion;
    • before the start of natural childbirth;
    • before (and after) installation of intrauterine devices, in particular, spirals;
    • before hysterography;
    • before diathermocoagulation of the cervix and after this procedure.

    In some cases, Terzhinan may be prescribed as a preventative measure for diseases during pregnancy in the first or last trimester.

    The cost of the drug depends mainly on the number of vaginal tablets in the package. Most often in pharmacy chains you can find cardboard boxes containing 6 or 10 candles, costing from 370 to 550 rubles, respectively.

    Can Terzhinan be used during pregnancy?

    The drug has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects, which helps normalize the functioning of the vaginal microflora. Can Terzhinan be taken during pregnancy? For women during pregnancy, it is prescribed in cases where there are symptoms of the disease, as well as for their prevention.

    Some women are afraid to use such vaginal suppositories because they contain an antibiotic. But according to many doctors, the drug has an exclusively local effect, without being absorbed into the bloodstream, so it has no effect on the fetus and its development. Terzhinan can be used at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, because thanks local action its particles do not penetrate into the milk.

    Terzhinan is often used during pregnancy and with preventive purpose, including on early stages, for example, in cases where a woman has previously had various diseases vaginal mucosa to prevent their exacerbation. If there are diseases on later During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to a woman to avoid infection of the child passing through the mother’s birth canal.

    Some women are afraid of increased discharge after using Terzhinan during pregnancy and the appearance of copious white discharge with a foamy structure, but this phenomenon indicates active action administered medication and cleansing the mucous membranes of pathogenic microflora.

    Dosage and method of administration

    According to the instructions, Terzhinan during pregnancy is inserted into the vagina once a day, one tablet. It is best to use the drug before bed, while lying down, so that the effect of the medicine lasts as long as possible. If you use suppositories during the day, then after administering the drug you must remain in a lying position for at least 4 hours.

    To prevent the tablet from falling out of the vagina, you should not use a hygienic tampon, as it will cover some of the mucous membranes from treatment medicinal substances and the treatment will not be effective.

    The course of use of the medicine is from 7 to 10 days, but if the vaginal mucosa is affected by any type of fungal infection, treatment can be extended by the doctor to 20 days.

    Contraindications and side effects

    At the beginning of drug therapy, many women note a burning sensation and itching in the treated area, but there is no need to stop treatment because of this, since this condition is normal reaction the pregnant woman's body to the process of suppressing existing pathogens in the vagina. Such unpleasant symptoms with normal treatment, they disappear on their own after 2-3 days. But if after 3 days this does not happen and the burning sensation persists, you should consult a doctor.

    The therapeutic effect of Terzhinan tablets occurs exclusively locally, so it does not have any effect on the expectant mother’s body as a whole, or on the development of the fetus.

    Perhaps the only contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of individual intolerance to any of its components, which is rare. The symptom in this case is an unbearable burning sensation and severe itching in the vagina, occurring almost immediately after insertion of the tablet.

    To avoid reinfection infection and subsequent relapses, sexual contact should be excluded during therapy, and the partner must also undergo a course of treatment.

    Experts' opinion about the drug and some important points about its use

    Most gynecologists claim that Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy are not only an effective medicine in the fight against thrush, vaginitis and various infectious diseases of the female genital organs, but also completely safe for both the mother and the fetus.

    In the instructions for the drug you can see a note that its use during pregnancy is possible only with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. For example, in the second and third trimester, suppositories are often used when there are compelling reasons for this, for example, the threat of infection of the fetus when the cervix begins to dilate or during the birth process.

    There is also some myth that Terzhinan candles can influence hormonal background women, abruptly changing it, which during pregnancy can cause a lot of complications, including its termination. But this applies to other drugs in the Terzhinan line, such as injection solutions and oral tablets, which are never prescribed to pregnant women.

    Some women complain of inconvenience and discomfort when inserting suppositories, as well as lack of effectiveness. But, if you use the product strictly according to the instructions, that is, first lower the vaginal tablet before inserting it into the vagina for 20-30 seconds. warm water, then no inconvenience is felt. In addition, pre-soaking the candle promotes its faster dissolution and maximum effective effect.

    It is important to remember that you should not prescribe the drug yourself, even if there are indications for its use. Only a specialist can do this. Self-medicating while expecting a baby is dangerous.

    Useful video: treatment of thrush during pregnancy


    Today, infectious diseases, as well as diseases caused by deterioration of the body's microflora, appear very often. In view of this, every year, pharmaceutical company developers research and release new drug products to the market. The greatest emphasis in development is placed not only on efficiency, but also on the absence side effects. Considerable emphasis is placed on fewer contraindications.

    Unfortunately, not every drug has all the necessary functions in order to provide quality assistance when certain problems arise. As a rule, the following properties must be combined:

    - antibacterial;

    - antifungal;

    - bactericidal.

    Fortunately "Terzhinan" candlesnewest drug, eliminating fungal diseases, combines all of the above functions.

    The drug is a combination of antibacterial, bactericidal and antibacterial agents aimed at the rapid elimination and prevention of fungal diseases.

    Plays a key role in the treatment of the disease Ternidazole- the main component of the drug " Terzhinan" It has a trichomonacid effect. In addition, it has a detrimental effect on an aerobic microorganisms. Its functions also include:

    • Aminoglycoside antibiotic action
    • Destruction of pyogenic bacteria
    • Extermination of Candida fungi
    • Anti-inflammatory effect

    Candles "Terzhinan" are one of the best medicines today. However, they can only be taken after consultation with your doctor.


    Terzhinan candles provide effective assistance in the following cases:

    • Bacterial vaginitis (caused by pyogenic flora)
    • Trichomonas vaginitis
    • Candidiasis
    • Mixed infections (Trichomonas, aerobic microorganisms, yeast-like)

    The drug "Terzhinan" can be used both for treatment and prevention:

    • Diathermocoagulation of the cervix
    • When installing contraceptive IUDs(so that fungi do not accumulate in a foreign body)
    • Before the abortion
    • Treatment in the gynecological department
    • During research

    All of the above cases involve interaction with foreign objects– artificial materials, medical instruments, gloves, etc. They, in turn, can serve as a carrier for infection. To prevent penetration harmful microorganisms, take a drug that can protect female microflora.

    Efficacy of the drug

    To better understand whether it is worth using Terzhinan or resorting to another drug, you need to read the reviews of people who have already tried this drug. As a rule, they are all positive.

    Many patients claim that Terzhinan relieved them of thrush quickly and without consequences. After the first administration, the desired effect was noticeable. However, many at this moment make a grave mistake - they stop treatment, citing an improvement in their well-being. It is worth remembering that the course of taking the drug must be completed to the end, without delays or interruptions.

    There are also those who speak negatively about the drug “Terzhinan”. Such cases are rare, and they arise due to non-compliance with recommendations. It is worth remembering that the treatment of thrush, like other infectious diseases, occurs in combination with a diet and refusal bad habits. It is also worth remembering that treatment should be carried out not only by the woman, but also by her partner. Otherwise, you should not expect the desired effect from the drug.

    The possibility of side effects cannot be ruled out. This phenomenon extremely rare, but in its case it is necessary to immediately stop taking the drug.

    Terzhinan is often prescribed during pregnancy. It is worth considering that during pregnancy it poses a great danger not only to the woman, but also to the fetus. If the first symptoms of candidiasis occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Unfortunately, not all women can boast positive effect the drug "Terzhinan" for treatment during pregnancy.

    From all of the above, it follows that “Terzhinan” may be ideal for treating thrush for some patients, or turn out to be a completely useless drug for others. This does not indicate any deficiencies medicine. This phenomenon suggests that each person’s body is unique, and due to its characteristics, it is impossible to choose a universal drug that can relieve everyone of the fungal disease in the same way.

    Instructions for the drug

    Terzhinan suppositories are administered in the same way as other drugs of this form. Before going to bed, you need to moisten one suppository and then insert it into the vagina. Wetting occurs within 30 seconds. When inserting, you must be in horizontal position. If the suppository is administered at another time of the day, then after it you need to lie down for 15-17 minutes so that the drug spreads evenly over the area and does not leak out.

    The course of treatment does not exceed 10 days, but in some cases it may be longer. For example, doctors prescribe the drug for a period of 20 days. During menstruation there is no need to cancel the procedure. Daily dosage agreed with the attending physician.

    Composition and properties of the drug

    "Terzhinan" tablets are vaginal preparation. That is, reception occurs only through insertion into the vagina. Don't pay attention to appearance medicine, as it is often confused with oral tablets.

    One tablet (candle) contains:

    • Ternidazole
    • Neomycin sulfate
    • Prednisolone

    In addition to the main components that play a key role in the treatment of infectious fungal diseases, the preparation "Terzhinan" contains Excipients:

    • Lactose
    • Fragrance
    • Sodium lauryl sulfate
    • Talyk
    • Povidone
    • Magnesium stearate
    • Corn starch
    • Silicon dioxide (anhydrous)

    One package of “Terzhinan” contains from 6 to 10 tablet suppositories. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Storage is possible only at room temperature.

    pharmachologic effect

    Terzhinan quickly and effectively eliminates fungal diseases. The components of the drug are aimed at performing a specific function:

    • Neomycin sulfate eliminates pyogenic bacteria, the nature of its actions resembles an antibiotic.
    • Ternidazole has a trichomonacid effect, directing its action to aerobic microorganisms
    • Nystatin has a kind of “finishing off” effect, finally eliminating candida
    • Prednisolone relieves inflammation

    Taken together, the components of the drug “Terzhinan” are aimed not only at eliminating harmful microorganisms, but also ensuring the safety of the vaginal mucosa.


    "Terzhinan" is prescribed by the attending physician to eliminate candidiasis during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is also widely used in the treatment of patients adolescence(in this case, the medication is taken under the supervision of a qualified specialist).

    Please note that a common cause of infection is intimacy with an infected person. If this is a married couple or people in a long-term relationship, then treatment is necessary for both partners. Otherwise, the result will not be favorable.

    Terzhinan suppositories are available without a prescription, but you should consult your doctor about taking them. The dosage and course of treatment should also not be prescribed independently.

    The price of "Terzhinan" ranges from 200 to 500 rubles, which makes the drug not only effective, but also a budget option. The drug must be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool place out of reach of sunlight.

    In gynecology, there are diseases caused by several types of pathogens, against which narrowly targeted antibiotics are powerless. In these cases, as well as for prevention infectious inflammation Terzhinan vaginal suppositories are prescribed. They can be used during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, they active ingredients do not enter the systemic circulation, so contraindications are minimal. We’ll tell you more about Terzhinan suppositories and give instructions for use for various diseases.

    Terzhinan are flat French vaginal tablets yellow color, with an embossed "T" on each side. Have oval shape. One tablet contains several active ingredients:

    • ternidazole;
    • prednisolone;
    • nystatin;
    • neomycin.

    The composition also contains excipients - lactose, starch, magnesium stearate, etc. The effect of each active ingredient can be found in the table.

    The active ingredients of Terzhinan vaginal suppositories enter the blood in small quantities, so there is no data on the effect of the drug on the body and methods of removing decomposition products.

    Indications for use

    Terzhinan suppositories are widely used against various bacterial vaginitis, especially mixed forms, but the drug’s capabilities are not limited to this.

    In modern gynecology, the described vaginal tablets are prescribed in the following cases:

    • before childbirth and surgical abortion;
    • X-ray of the uterus with contrast;
    • before inserting intrauterine devices;
    • with trichomoniasis;
    • with vaginitis;
    • with candidiasis (thrush);
    • with vaginal dysbiosis;
    • for chronic colpitis;
    • to prevent complications after taking antibiotics.

    Terzhinan can also be prescribed for ureaplasmosis. The main goal of therapy in this case is to correct the functioning of the immune system, but it does not always give the desired result. Terzhinan, due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, helps fight the symptoms of ureaplasmosis, without disturbing the balance of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Despite the fact that prednisolone included in the suppositories reduces the intensity allergic reactions, They may be. In this case, you need to discontinue the drug. The use of the product by girls under 18 years of age is also prohibited. In the first trimester of pregnancy, suppositories are prescribed with great caution in case of severe infectious processes in the vagina and the inability to choose another drug.

    As for side effects, there are several:

    • itching and burning in the vagina;
    • atrophy on the mucous membranes;
    • delayed wound healing.

    In most cases, the symptoms go away on their own after discontinuation of the drug and do not require special treatment. drug treatment. However, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about any problems that arise and only then stop therapy.

    Dosage and treatment regimen

    According to the instructions for use, the suppositories are inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible. Before administration, it is good to immerse the suppository in water for half a minute, this will make the administration process more comfortable and allow the active ingredients to dissolve faster. As a standard, one suppository is administered per day, best time- just before bedtime.

    The course duration is on average 10 days. However, when using Terzhinan suppositories to normalize the vaginal microflora or prevent infectious inflammation, the duration of use can be reduced to a week. If vaginal tablets are prescribed to combat thrush, the course is increased to 20 days, then a scraping of the mucous membrane is taken for examination. If necessary, the course is repeated.

    For pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, the dosage and treatment regimen are determined by the doctor. This is due to the ability of the active substances to penetrate the placenta and influence the development of the fetus.

    Features of the drug

    The composition of Terzhinan vaginal tablets is such that its active ingredients can enhance each other. This helps fight pathogens that have become resistant to substances and are not destroyed by other antibacterial drugs.

    Also during treatment gynecological diseases A number of features should be taken into account:

    1. Nystatin, which is part of the product, destroys latex, so it can damage some barrier contraceptives.
    2. If a woman has arterial hypertension, osteoporosis or heart failure, the course of treatment with Terzhinan should be monitored by specialized doctors. This is due to the ability of prednisolone to penetrate into the blood, albeit in small quantities.
    3. It is necessary to exclude alcohol in any form during therapy with these suppositories.

    Vaginal tablets should be prescribed with caution to women with tuberculosis, diabetes, epilepsy, glaucoma, peptic ulcer, as well as those who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction.

    Features of treatment during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation

    Terzhinan can be used in the second and third trimesters under the supervision of a physician. Prescribing these tablets in the first trimester is undesirable.

    As for lactation, one condition must be observed here - therapy for vaginal itching should begin with more gentle means, and only in the absence of the desired effect can Terzhinan be prescribed. In this case, the woman should be observed by a specialist and strictly follow the treatment regimen prescribed by him.

    The manufacturer allows the use of Terzhinan vaginal suppositories during menstruation. Any special instructions in this case no.

    Prices, terms of sale and storage features

    The cost of Terzhinan depends on the region and pharmacy chain. On average, the price for one package of the drug in Russia will be 200-400 rubles, in Ukraine – 80-150 UAH.

    Terzhinan is dispensed with a doctor's prescription, but not all pharmacies comply with this condition and may allow free sale. There are no analogues to the drug. Shelf life is no more than three years at a temperature of 25 0 C.

    Diseases of the female genital area worry every second woman reproductive age. The cause of their appearance is often pathogenic bacteria, which, after penetrating the vaginal mucosa, begin to actively multiply, thereby provoking the appearance of gynecological diseases of infectious origin.

    One of the most common diseases is thrush, which is a fungal disease, and its symptoms are familiar to almost every woman. For the treatment of thrush and other bacterial diseases, affecting organs pelvis of women, doctors in complex treatment often prescribe Terzhinan suppositories, which are well tolerated and provide a high therapeutic result after use.

    To treat bacterial diseases of the female genital area, analogues of Terzhinan are used, which are also available in the form of vaginal suppositories and have a similar mechanism of action and composition.

    Abstract Terzhinan reports that this remedy, despite its composition, which contains an antibiotic, it can be prescribed during pregnancy. Terzhinan is not contraindicated during pregnancy, but only a doctor can prescribe it. Therefore, before using Terzhinan analogue suppositories, you need to study the instructions and consult a doctor. When buying generics or analogues of Terzhinan, suppositories or tablets, you should always consult a doctor, even in cases where such drugs have an identical composition.

    Brief description of Terzhinan

    Medicine is often used in the treatment of gynecological diseases combined action Terzhinan, which has the ability to inhibit the growth and destroy anaerobic bacteria. Terzhinan found its application in the treatment bacterial vaginosis, fungal diseases, vaginal trichomoniasis.

    Available in the form of vaginal suppositories. The composition contains three active ingredients: neomycin sulfate, prednisolone and nystatin. The composition contains auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the main substances. The package contains 10 candles.

    Neomycin in the drug has an antibacterial effect and is active against many pathogens. Nystatin, refers to antifungal agents, suppress and destroy the growth of fungi of the genus Candida. Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid that has anti-inflammatory, antiexudative and antiallergic effects. The complex of three components made it possible to create a powerful drug for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    The pharmaceutical industry offers a number of drugs that can replace Terzhinan suppositories. Terzhinan analogues include those drugs that have an identical composition or the same mechanism of action. Structural analogues of candles contain the same components as in Terzhinan. Such products are produced in different pharmaceutical companies, have different prices. Among Russian analogues, clotrimazole drugs are popular, but such drugs have more narrow spectrum actions. When buying analogues of Terzhinan suppositories, you should always study the composition and consult a doctor.

    Terzhinan tablets for vaginal administration, as well as its Russian and foreign analogues, have fairly good tolerability, but their use by persons under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited. You should also avoid using them if you are hypersensitive to the composition.

    Vaginal tablets are often used in the treatment of vaginitis of various natures. The drug is also effective for vaginal trichomoniasis and various urogenital infections.

    Cheap analogues of Terzhinan suppositories can be bought at any pharmacy, but before saving, you need to read the instructions and consult a doctor. There are medications on the market that have both separate and similar components; such drugs can replace Terzhinan. Reviews about the drug Terzhinan are quite good, but many still choose cheap analogues.


    Polygynax - vaginal tablets for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Has antibacterial and antifungal effect, is active in the treatment of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The use of Polygynax suppositories allows you to treat diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Polizhenax is a structural analogue of Terzhinan, since it has an identical composition.

    The drug is available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. The package with the drug contains 3 or 12 vaginal suppositories. The active components of the drug are nystatin, polymyxin, neomycin sulfate. The instructions for use indicate that the medicine has a detrimental effect on a large number of bacteria. The effect of use can be noticed after 2 days of use. Treatment with Polygynax vaginal tablets can take from 3 to 10 days.


    One of the most safe drugs Pimafucin is considered to be used for the treatment of thrush. The drug, unlike its analogues, has virtually no contraindications and can be used for pregnant and nursing mothers. Available in several forms: ointment, vaginal suppositories, vaginal cream, pills. The medicine has antifungal and antibacterial effects. The basis of the drug is natamycin, which destroys and suppresses pathogenic bacteria.

    Indications for use:

    1. Candidiasis.
    2. Bacterial vaginitis.
    3. Vulvovaginitis;
    4. Colpitis.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug are age under 18 years, hypersensitivity to the composition. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for use, but it should still be treated only after prior consultation with a doctor.

    Meratin combi

    Meratin combi – medicinal product from the group of antibiotics, which is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Active component The drug is ornidazole, neomecin, nystatin and prednisolone. Meratin combi can replace Terzhinan.

    Indications for Meratin combi are sexually transmitted infections:

    1. Giardiasis.
    2. Fungal vaginitis.
    3. Bacterial vaginosis.

    Meratin combi is used for mixed infections of the pelvic organs. It is well tolerated, but is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and lactation.


    A cheap analogue of Terzhinan, which is prescribed for complex treatment gynecological diseases, fungal or bacterial origin. Produced by various pharmaceutical companies, it has good healing effect. High therapeutic effect helps in the treatment of diseases of fungal origin. Clotrimazole suppositories are prescribed in the treatment of trichomoniasis and vaginal candidiasis.

    Clotrimazole suppositories - cheap analogue with good tolerance. It does not apply to structural analogues Terzhinan, although the price of Clotrimazole is the lowest in comparison with other drugs. Clotrimazole, a medicine manufactured in Russia, is produced by various pharmaceutical companies.


    Elzhina – combined antibacterial drug based on ornidazole neomycin sulfate, prednisolone. Available in the form of vaginal tablets, it has a pronounced antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal effect. Elzhina is well tolerated and has minimal contraindications.

    The medicine Elzhina is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

    1. Bacterial vaginitis.
    2. Vaginal candidiasis.

    Women under 18 years of age and those who have increased sensitivity to the composition, suffers from severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.


    Efficient and affordable drug from the group of antibiotics wide range actions. Available in different forms, but in gynecology vaginal suppositories are most often used. The mechanism of action allows you to suppress and destroy bacterial and fungal flora, relieve symptoms of inflammation, and accelerate the recovery period.

    Neomycin suppositories are prescribed for:

    1. Vaginal candidiasis.
    2. Bacterial vaginosis.
    3. Inflammation of the appendages.

    Vaginal suppositories Neomycin Russian analogue Terzhinan, which has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before using the drug.