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Coronary artery bypass surgery: life before and after. Physical activity after surgery

IN modern medicine The concept of heart bypass is often encountered, what it is and why it is performed - we will try to understand it in this article. This operation has become widespread, with its help a lot of problems are solved, people get rid of dangerous diseases and get a second chance in life. Heart bypass surgery still raises many questions, which we will now deal with.

What is bypass surgery?

Shunting occurred from English word shunt. Its translation means branch. This concept accurately conveys the essence of the operation. Many diseases can lead to conditions in which it cannot perform its functions.

In this case, you need to create new way for blood flow, bypassing the affected artery. For this purpose, fragments of vessels are taken from other parts of the body, most often the lower limbs are selected. This is generalized information, but this will be enough for you and me to continue studying the problem.

Indications for surgery

All indications for heart bypass surgery fit into a small list, which consists of only two points:

  1. Atherosclerosis, the essence of which is the coating of the inner walls of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques. IN in good condition inside the arteries are smooth and even, but in case of disease they become clogged with accumulations of cholesterol. Without proper treatment, this situation can cause necrosis and death of tissues and even entire organs.
  2. Ischemic or is a type of atherosclerosis. The disease affects coronary arteries, which connect to the heart muscle. In this situation, the lumen of the vessels becomes very narrow, the arteries lose their capacity, and less oxygen enters the heart than is necessary for its normal operation. The disease is accompanied by chest pain, angina pectoris and angina pectoris.

The diseases are very dangerous and can lead to disability or death. Therefore, heart bypass surgery cannot be postponed if a specialist has determined the need for it.


Cardiac bypass surgery cannot be performed in all cases. There are a number of serious contraindications:

  • diffuse damage to the coronary arteries;
  • scarring, which leads to a sharp decrease in EF in the left ventricle by up to 30%;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • the presence of severe concomitant ailments, among which the first place is chronic diseases pulmonary system, renal failure and malignant formations.

In addition to contraindications, there are a number of operational risk factors, which are assessed individually in each case. For example, advanced age cannot be attributed to absolute contraindication, but this factor cannot be ignored either. In any case, an examination is carried out before the operation, and based on its data, conclusions are drawn about the risks. Experts either give approval for surgical intervention, or do not allow the patient to undergo surgery.

Preparing for surgery

Heart bypass, like any other operation, requires preparation. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Taking medications that can thin the blood is prohibited for two weeks before the date of surgery.
  2. Your doctor should be aware of all the medications you are taking. They may also have to be canceled in advance. Not only medications are important, but also dietary supplements and traditional medicine.
  3. Hospitalization is required to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.
  4. An anesthesiologist must conduct an examination before the operation. He studies the physical parameters of the body, finds out about the presence of allergies, and during the conversation finds out necessary information and draws up a plan for his work.
  5. The night before, you may be given a sedative to help you relax, relieve anxiety, and allow you to get a good night's sleep.

There are a number of rules for the patient that must be followed in the evening before surgery:

  • the latest meal is at 6 pm;
  • after midnight you can’t drink;
  • Prescribed medications should be taken after dinner, but not later;
  • you need to take a shower in the evening.

On average, a heart bypass operation lasts no more than 4 hours, often three hours is enough.

How much does cardiac bypass surgery cost?

It is difficult to talk about how much cardiac bypass surgery costs, since a large number of factors influence the final amount.

In one of the city hospitals, we found the cost to be between 130 and 400 thousand rubles. In another clinic, the cost starts from 150 thousand and reaches half a million. The cost of such an operation abroad starts from 800 thousand, reaches one and a half million, and this is not the limit. You know approximately how much heart bypass surgery costs, and we continue to further study the features of such surgical intervention.

How is the bypass procedure performed?

Heart bypass surgery is performed on the exposed heart muscle. This requires cutting into the sternum, which is a massive bone and heals after surgery long time. The operation can be performed on a stopped heart or a beating heart. The first option requires the use of a heart-lung machine. The second option is more acceptable and common.

Surgery on a beating heart is not possible if it is necessary to replace valves and remove an aneurysm. These are two main contraindications. Surgery without cardiac arrest has several advantages:

  • the immune system and blood circulation do not aggravate the patient’s condition with complications;
  • the operation lasts less time;
  • rehabilitation is faster.

WITH general questions We figured it out, now we’ll find out how bypass surgery of the heart vessels is done. The essence of the operation is to create a new path for blood to pass to the heart. The surgical plan is as follows:

  1. The skin and bone behind which the heart muscle is located are cut on the chest.
  2. A vessel (artery) is prepared that will act as a shunt.
  3. If it is necessary to stop the heart, a cardioplegic arrest is performed, after which the machine is activated, which will provide blood circulation. In another case, stabilizing devices are fixed on the surgical field.
  4. The previously prepared vessel is connected to the aorta on one side. The other side is fixed on the coronary artery below the place where blood does not pass.
  5. The heart is started and the machine is turned off if it has stopped.
  6. The sternum is fixed with metal sutures, and the skin is sutured.

At this point the operation is considered completed. A simplified plan has been described above, which will be sufficient for the average reader.

Possible complications

Despite the complexity and seriousness of the operation, complications after cardiac bypass surgery rarely occur. If they do occur, it is usually swelling or inflammatory processes. Wound bleeding occurs very rarely. Inflammation is manifested by weakness, fever, chest pain, and heart failure. Complications of this kind may be a manifestation of an acute reaction immune system for tissue transplantation, even if it is your own.

There are very rare complications, but they can still occur, albeit in isolated cases. These include the following conditions:

  • stroke;
  • blood clot formation;
  • poor bone healing;
  • keloid scars;
  • decreased kidney function, even to the point of failure;
  • postperfusion syndrome;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart of a chronic nature.

The likelihood of complications directly depends on the preoperative condition, quality examination and preparation of the patient. Therefore, such increased attention is paid to these processes. The consequences of shunts may be minimal, you just need to follow your doctor’s recommendations and take your health seriously.

Rehabilitation after cardiac bypass surgery

After heart bypass surgery at home, special conditions for the rehabilitation period must be observed. You will have to change your diet and lifestyle. Only proper recovery will help your body quickly return to its previous state and eliminate the likelihood of complications. In the first time after surgery, it may be necessary to prevent congestion in the lungs. To do this, you will need to inflate the balloon up to 20 times a day. At deep breath the lungs will expand and be well ventilated.


Required special diet after cardiac bypass surgery. Its essence is to eliminate the possibility of the formation of cholesterol plaques that “clog” blood vessels.

  • exclusion of products with animal fats from the diet;
  • you can follow diet No. 12 or 15;
  • immediately after the operation you can only drink and eat liquid food;
  • food is gradually introduced in the form of purees;
  • Hard and solid food should not be included in the diet; nutrition should be exclusively dietary.

After heart bypass surgery, hemoglobin levels often decrease. To increase it you need to eat beef, liver and buckwheat porridge.


Life after cardiac bypass surgery should be significantly changed. The changes concern the following points:

  • physical activity and heavy lifting are contraindicated;
  • , since nicotine destroys shunts and significantly reduces their service life;
  • using a corset that is worn on the chest will allow the bone to heal properly and eliminate the possibility of seams coming apart.

Rehabilitation usually takes up to three months; for some, two months are enough to restore the functioning of the heart muscle and immune system, normalize blood composition and even heal the sternum. After three months, it is already allowed to conduct active image life. At this time, a stress test is carried out, which will clearly show the body’s abilities.

Now let's look at disability - an important issue for many. Do they give you disability after heart disease? To receive a group, in any case, you need to pass a commission. A person is examined and studied necessary documents and draw conclusions regarding permanent disability. Heart surgery is a reason to refer the patient to a medical commission. To do this, the attending physician writes out a package note.

According to statistics, no more than 8% of people after heart bypass surgery manage to receive a disability group. In most cases, temporary disability is established, which lasts no more than a year. After this time, you will have to re-confirm your disability.


A large amount of research has been conducted regarding cardiac bypass surgery, patient well-being, improved quality of life and increased life expectancy, among other things. Based on the results of these data, you can make a forecast about how long they live after surgery, what positive changes occur in the body, and draw a conclusion for yourself about the need for it.

  1. Life expectancy increases in all cases. Call exact numbers no one will take it on, since so many factors must be taken into account here. But in any case, a person can live much longer.
  2. The likelihood of developing a myocardial infarction is reduced significantly.
  3. Quality of life increases compared to drug therapeutic treatment.

No matter how difficult the operation to bypass the heart vessels may be, no matter how much it costs, the result justifies all the efforts and expenses. If there are indications for such treatment, then you need to decide on surgical intervention.

This is a special type of operation that is aimed at creating a bypass for blood vessels to bypass the blocked area and restore normal blood flow to organs and tissues.

Timely shunting helps prevent cerebral infarction, which can be triggered by the death of neurons due to insufficient amounts entering the bloodstream. nutrients.

Shunting allows you to solve two main problems - combat overweight or restore blood circulation bypassing the area where the vessels were damaged for one reason or another.

This type The operations are performed under general anesthesia.

To restore the obstructed blood flow, a certain section of another vessel is selected for the new “vessel”-shunt - usually the thoracic arteries or thigh veins are used for such purposes.

Removing part of the vessel for the shunt does not in any way affect the blood circulation in the area where the material was taken.

Then a special incision is made on the vessel that will conduct blood instead of the damaged one; a shunt will be inserted here and sutured to the vessel. After the procedure, the patient must undergo several examinations to ensure that the shunt is fully functioning.

There are three main types of bypass surgery: restoration of blood flow to the heart, brain and stomach. Next, let's look at these types in a little more detail.

  1. Bypass surgery of the blood vessels of the heart
    Heart bypass is otherwise called coronary bypass. What is coronary artery bypass surgery? This operation restores blood flow to the heart, bypassing the narrowing of the coronary artery. Coronary arteries contribute to the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle: if performance of this type vessels is disrupted, the process of oxygen supply is disrupted. In coronary artery bypass surgery, the thoracic artery is most often chosen for the bypass. The number of shunts inserted depends on the number of vessels in which the narrowing has occurred.
  2. Gastric bypass
    The goal of gastric bypass is completely different from heart bypass - helping with weight correction. The stomach is divided into two parts, one of which is connected to small intestine. Thus, part of the organ is not used in the digestion process, so a person has the opportunity to get rid of extra pounds.
  3. Bypass surgery of the cerebral arteries
    This type of bypass serves to stabilize blood circulation in the brain. Just like a heart bypass, blood flow is redirected to bypass an artery that can no longer supply the required amount of blood to the brain.

What is bypass surgery of the heart and blood vessels: cardiac coronary artery bypass surgery after a heart attack and contraindications

What is cardiac and vascular bypass surgery?
With the help surgical intervention it is possible to create a new bloodstream, allowing blood circulation to be restored to the heart muscle in full.

With shunting you can:

  • significantly reduce the number of angina attacks or get rid of it altogether;
  • reduce the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases and, as a result, increase life expectancy;
  • prevent myocardial infarction.

What is cardiac bypass surgery after a heart attack? This is the restoration of blood flow in the area where blood vessels are damaged as a result of suffered a heart attack. The cause of a heart attack is the blockage of an artery due to the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque.

The myocardium does not receive enough oxygen, so a dead spot appears on the heart muscle. If this process is diagnosed in time, the dead area will turn into a scar, serving as a connecting channel for new blood flow through the shunt, but there are quite frequent cases when necrosis of the heart muscle is not detected in time, and the person dies.

In modern medicine, there are three main groups of indications for bypass surgery of the heart and blood vessels:

  • The first group is ischemic myocardium or angina pectoris, not responding to drug treatment. As a rule, this group includes patients who suffer from acute ischemia as a result of stenting or angioplasty, which did not help get rid of the disease; patients with pulmonary edema as a result of ischemia; patients with severe positive result stress test on the eve of planned surgery.
  • Group 2: presence of angina or refractory ischemia, in which bypass surgery will preserve the functioning of the left ventricle of the heart, as well as significantly reduce the risk of myocardial ischemia. This includes patients with stenosis of the arteries and coronary vessels of the heart (from 50% stenosis), as well as lesions of the coronary vessels with possible development ischemia.
  • The third group is the need for bypass surgery as an auxiliary operation before the main heart surgery. Usually, bypass surgery is required before surgery on the heart valves, due to complicated myocardial ischemia, in cases of coronary artery anomalies (with a significant risk of sudden death).

Despite the significant role of bypass surgery in restoring human blood flow, there are certain indications for this operation.

Bypass surgery cannot be performed if:

  • all the patient’s coronary arteries are affected (diffuse damage);
  • the left ventricle is affected due to scarring;
  • congestive heart failure was detected;
  • chronic nonspecific lung diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • oncological diseases.

Sometimes a young or old patient is considered a contraindication. However, if other than age there are no contraindications to bypass surgery, then surgical intervention will still be performed to save life.

Coronary artery bypass grafting: surgery and how long they live after CABG on the heart

Coronary artery bypass surgery can be of several types.

  • The first type is heart bypass with the creation of artificial circulation and cardioplegia.
  • The second type is CABG on a heart that continues to work without artificial blood flow.
  • The third type of CABG heart surgery is work with a beating heart and artificial blood flow.

CABG surgery can be performed with or without cardiopulmonary bypass. There is no need to worry, without maintaining blood circulation the heart will not stop artificially. The organ is fixed in such a way that work on the compressed coronary arteries is carried out without interference, since maximum precision and caution are required.

Coronary artery bypass surgery without maintaining artificial blood flow has its advantages:

  • blood cells will not be damaged;
  • the operation will take less time;
  • rehabilitation is faster;
  • there are no complications that could arise due to artificial blood flow.

CABG heart surgery allows you to live full life for many years after surgery.

Life expectancy will depend on two main factors:

  • from the material from which the shunt was taken. A number of studies show that a shunt from a thigh vein is not blocked in 65% of cases within 10 years after surgery, and a shunt from a forearm artery is not blocked in 90% of cases;
  • from the responsibility of the patient himself: how carefully the recommendations for recovery after surgery are followed, whether the diet has changed, whether bad habits have been abandoned, etc.

Heart bypass surgery: how long does the operation last, preparation, main stages and possible complications

Before CABG surgery, special preparatory procedures must be performed.

First of all, before the operation, the last meal is taken in the evening: the food should be light, accompanied by non-carbonated drinking water. In areas where incisions and shunt removal will be made, the hair should be carefully shaved. Before surgery, the intestines are cleansed. Necessary medications are taken immediately after dinner.

On the eve of the operation (usually the day before), the operating surgeon explains the details of bypass surgery and examines the patient.

A breathing exercise specialist talks about special exercises which will have to be performed after surgery to speed up rehabilitation, so you need to learn them in advance. You are required to hand over your personal belongings to the nurse for temporary storage.

Stages of implementation

At the first stage of the CABG operation, the anesthesiologist introduces special drug into the patient's vein to make him fall asleep. A tube is inserted into the trachea to monitor respiratory processes during the operation. A tube inserted into the stomach prevents possible reflux of stomach contents into the lungs.

The next step is to open the patient's chest to provide the necessary access to the surgical site.

At the third stage, the patient's heart is stopped by connecting artificial blood circulation.

While connecting artificial blood flow, a second surgeon removes the shunt from another vessel (or vein) of the patient.

The shunt is inserted in such a way that blood flow, bypassing the damaged area, allows the full supply of nutrients to the heart.

After the heart is restored, surgeons check the functionality of the shunt. Then the cavity chest sewn up. The patient is taken to the intensive care unit.

How long does heart bypass surgery take? As a rule, the process takes from 3 to 6 hours, but other durations of the operation are possible. The duration depends on the number of shunts, individual characteristics patient, surgeon experience, etc.

You can ask the surgeon about the expected duration of the operation, but the exact duration this process They will only inform you after the end.

As a rule, possible complications appear after the patient is discharged home.

These cases are quite rare, but you should immediately contact your doctor if you notice the following signs:

  • the postoperative scar has turned red and there is discharge coming out of it (the color of the discharge is not important, since in principle there should not be any discharge);
  • high temperature;
  • chills;
  • severe fatigue and shortness of breath without visible reasons;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • sudden change in heart rate.

The main thing is not to panic if you notice one or more symptoms in yourself. It is possible that behind these symptoms there is ordinary fatigue or viral disease. Reveal accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can.

Coronary artery bypass grafting: life, treatment and diet after coronary artery bypass grafting

Immediately after the completion of coronary artery bypass surgery, the patient is taken to the intensive care unit. For some time after surgery, anesthesia continues to act, so the patient’s limbs are fixed so that uncontrolled movement does not cause harm to the person.

Breathing is supported using a special device: as a rule, this device is turned off on the first day after surgery, since the patient can breathe on his own. Also connected to the body special catheters and electrodes.

A completely common reaction to surgery is an increase in body temperature, which can persist for a week.

Profuse sweating in this case should not frighten the patient.

To speed up recovery if coronary artery bypass surgery has been performed, you need to learn how to perform special breathing exercises, which will allow you to restore lung function after surgery.

It is also necessary to stimulate coughing in order to stimulate the release of secretions into the lungs, and, accordingly, to restore them faster.

The first time after surgery you will have to wear a chest corset. You can sleep on your side and turn over only after your doctor's permission.

After surgery, pain may occur, but not severe.. This pain is caused by the site where the incision was made to insert the shunt as the site heals. When selecting comfortable position you can get rid of the pain.

In case of severe pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Full recovery after coronary artery bypass surgery occurs only several months later, so unpleasant sensations can persist for quite a long time.

Sutures from the wound are removed on the 8th or 9th day after surgery. The patient is discharged after 14-16 days in the hospital.

There is no need to worry: the doctor knows exactly when it is time to discharge the patient to recover at home.

Life after

The motto of every person who has undergone coronary artery bypass surgery should be the phrase: “Moderation in everything.”

To recover from bypass surgery, you will need to take medications. The medications should only be those recommended by the doctor.

If you need to take medications to combat other diseases, be sure to inform your doctor about this: it is quite possible that some of the prescribed medications cannot be combined with medications the patient is already taking.

If you smoked before surgery, you will have to forget about this habit forever.: Smoking significantly increases the risk of repeat bypass surgery. To combat this addiction, stop smoking even before surgery: instead of smoking breaks, drink water or apply a nicotine patch (but after surgery you can no longer apply it).

Quite often, patients who have undergone bypass surgery feel that recovery is too slow. If this feeling does not go away, you should consult a doctor. However, as a rule, this does not carry with it serious reasons for excitement.

Special cardio-rheumatological sanatoriums provide assistance in recovery after bypass surgery. The course of treatment in such institutions varies from four to eight weeks. It's best to pass sanatorium treatment with a frequency of trips once a year.

Diet. After coronary artery bypass grafting, the patient’s entire lifestyle will need to be adjusted, including nutrition. In your diet you will need to reduce the amount of salts, sugar and fats you consume.

If you abuse dangerous products, the risk of repeating the situation increases, but with shunts - the blood flow in them can be hampered by the cholesterol formed on the walls. You need to control your weight.

Tanya1307lena1803 10/22/2017 5:24:05 PM

Hello, my name is Elena, we have the same problem. My beloved mother is 58 years old, two months ago she had coronary bypass surgery, complications began, her heart enlarged, the blood was not pumped correctly and her lungs were clogged with blood. What should we do? I’m very afraid for her, but our doctors just shrug their shoulders.

Heart diseases, especially myocardial infarction caused by coronary heart disease, occupy a a large share deaths all over the world. For successful treatment and to prevent blockage of blood vessels by cholesteric plaques, the method of coronary artery bypass grafting is used.

Recovery from heart bypass surgery involves a number of significant lifestyle changes. The main key to successful rehabilitation is dietary nutrition and competent occupation physical therapy.

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    The first days of rehabilitation after bypass surgery

    From the moment coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is performed on the heart, the patient is under the supervision of doctors in intensive care or in intensive care. For some time he will still be affected by some anesthetics, so he is connected to a ventilator.

    To ensure safety during rest, so as not to accidentally pull out catheters or drains, the patient is fixed in a certain position. For the first few days after surgery, doctors monitor the state of cardiac activity using ECG readings.

    In landline rehabilitation period The patient undergoes the following procedures:

    • blood test;
    • X-ray examination;

    On the first day, the patient begins to breathe on his own, the breathing tube is removed, and the gastric tube and drains are left in place.

    In the first days after surgery, it is important to keep the patient warm. He is wrapped in blankets to prevent stagnation of blood circulation in the lower extremities.

    In the first days, the patient is given complete rest and no physical activity. On this period The doctor prescribes him strong painkillers and antibiotics. For several days the patient may feel slightly elevated temperature bodies. This normal reaction the body to recover after surgery. Possibly heavy sweating.

    The patient requires a lot of care in the first days. The load level is individual.

    Physical activity gradually increases: at first the patient only lies and sits, then he is allowed to walk around the ward. Only at the time of discharge the person is allowed to take long walks along the corridor.

    Recommendations for lifestyle changes during the rehabilitation period

    In a hospital, the patient is under the supervision of doctors, and they require strict adherence to certain instructions and rules. At home, there is a list of rules after discharge from the hospital:

    1. 1. After surgery and discharge, doctors recommend specialized recovery in a sanatorium for patients after CABG. If the first days after hospitalization are spent at home, then the patient is required to pay double attention to his condition.
    2. 2. The patient is prescribed a diet recommended for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The diet consists of limiting daily calories and is aimed at reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
    3. 3. During the recovery period important role drugs prescribed by the doctor are used. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the timely use of each tablet.
    4. 4. Complete refusal from bad habits.
    5. 5. You need to monitor your health daily. It is important to count your pulse and measure your blood pressure. Doctors also recommend keeping a journal of your readings and taking them with you when you visit your cardiologist.
    6. 6. After surgery until the wounds have completely healed chest area the patient must visit the clinic to examine the stitches and change the bandage. After CABG surgery, swelling may occur in the lower extremities due to poor circulation. Therefore, it is recommended to wear elastic stockings for up to 6-8 weeks.
    7. 7. In the first days of home recovery, it is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature. In summer and winter, it is advised to avoid long walks outside; you should also avoid visiting swimming pools and baths.

    Cardiac stenting - how long do patients live after surgery?

    Risk of complications in the postoperative period

    During rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery at home, there is a risk of the following complications:

    • heart rhythm disturbance;
    • bleeding;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • stroke;
    • thrombosis;
    • wound infection;
    • renal failure;
    • chronic pain in the surgical area.

    The risk of complications depends on the complexity concomitant diseases and the severity of the patient's condition before surgery. The risk increases with in case of emergency coronary artery bypass surgery without sufficient examination and preparation of the patient. Therefore, after the operation, the patient must be monitored quarterly by a cardiologist. A.

    General rules of diet after CABG

    Performing coronary artery bypass grafting becomes necessary to prevent myocardial infarction, possible due to cholesterol plaque in the vessels. After surgery and removal of the blood clot in the vessel, the process of narrowing the blood vessels by cholesterol plaques may continue.

    Aimed at combating this drug treatment does not always bring results, so the patient is prescribed a strict diet. Diet is a vital part of rehabilitation. With proper nutrition, the risk of repeated operations is sharply reduced.

    Doctors identify several nutritional factors development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease:

    • high calorie intake, which increases the rate of obesity;
    • deficiency in the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary to normalize cholesterol metabolism and reduce its deposition in blood vessels;
    • high fat content in the diet, in particular saturation of fatty acids;
    • excessive consumption of foods rich in cholesterol;
    • high content of table salt in food, which reduces activity fat metabolism(reduce to 5 mg/day);
    • low fiber content in food;
    • excessive consumption of animal proteins, which impair vascular permeability, blood clotting and fat metabolism;
    • low content of magnesium, potassium, zinc, iodine and vitamins A, C, B6, PP, which leads to a slowdown in the breakdown of cholesterol;
    • incorrectly designed diet.

    General principle dietary nutrition after CABG consists of reducing the calorie content of the daily diet to 2400-2600 kcal. Recommended:

    • proteins - 70-90 grams;
    • fat - 80 grams;
    • carbohydrates - 300-350 grams.

    Protein intake is calculated based on a person's body weight: 1.0-1.2 grams per kilogram of weight. Moreover, proteins should come from seafood, dairy products, fish and low-fat varieties meat.

    “White” varieties of fish that contain fatty acids that improve cholesterol metabolism are useful for consumption. These include:

    • cod;
    • flounder;
    • tuna;
    • sardine;
    • salmon;
    • herring.

    It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day. Dishes should not be hot or cold. Minimum salt and small portions. It is recommended to keep the fluid volume at 1200-1500 milliliters per day.

    Authorized Products

    • soups in vegetable broth with well-cooked cereals;
    • main courses from lean varieties of red meat and poultry;
    • seafood (seaweed, squid, mussels, shrimp);
    • dairy products (ryazhenka, low-fat kefir) and low fat cheeses;
    • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
    • whole grains;
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • fresh berry juices;
    • almonds, walnuts.

    Chicken eggs can be consumed no more than 3-4 pieces per week.

    Prohibited Products

    It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

    • fatty varieties meat;
    • sausages;
    • bacon, lard;
    • pates;
    • offal (heart, brains, liver);
    • broths with meat, fish and mushrooms;
    • fried foods;
    • mayonnaise, sauce;
    • high fat dairy products;
    • fish caviar and fatty fish;
    • white bread, confectionery, sweet products;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • sugar, honey, sweets;
    • salted, smoked products;
    • caffeine (chocolate, coffee) and strong tea;
    • alcohol.

    Physical activity

    After the operation, during the rehabilitation period one cannot completely exclude physical activity and switches to a gentle regimen. This approach will not be correct. Because, along with dietary nutrition, it plays an important role gradual increase physical activity.

    Planning of future loads is usually the responsibility of a physical therapy doctor and a cardiologist. Implementation and adherence to this plan is the responsibility of the patient himself. He will have to independently analyze his current condition and well-being.

    They can do physical therapy on their own, without consulting a doctor. physical exercise only patients with myocardial ischemia, which occurs without pain, and patients who do not feel attacks of angina.

    Rehabilitation after heart bypass surgery in a sanatorium, where a specialist will select an individual training regimen, is very important. All physical exercises are carried out under the supervision of doctors and optimal program, which allows for short time expand physical abilities patient.

    The following are the recovery exercises:

    • cardio exercises;
    • measured walking;
    • cycling;
    • walking up the stairs.

    When engaging in physical therapy after a sanatorium course of treatment, the patient must independently monitor his pulse and blood pressure. Based on performance indicators cardiovascular system increase the intensity of the load.

    Physical therapy after bypass surgery is also important because it prolongs the duration of the surgical intervention. Physical activity help the patient cope with negative emotions, increase self-esteem, believe in capacity and avoid stressful situations.

    Strength sports and training are strictly contraindicated. These include:

    • football;
    • basketball;
    • boxing;
    • exercises with barbells and others.

    A few months after rehabilitation, the patient should ideally become more physically active. The level of physical activity should include:

    • moving up the stairs;
    • swimming;
    • skiing, etc.


    After the operation and hospital stay under the supervision of doctors, the patient must undergo a sanatorium rehabilitation course in specialized institutions. Under the supervision of specialists and in a more comfortable emotional environment, it will be easier for him to integrate into new image life.

    After rehabilitation in a sanatorium, it is necessary to follow the established rules for lifestyle, physical activity and dietary nutrition. Only when integrated approach and personal responsibility, you can successfully recover from complex surgery on the heart and blood vessels.

If a short-term rehabilitation program is drawn up after most medical institutions, That long-term plan Patients often develop their own recovery.

People who have undergone surgery receive short-term individual program rehabilitation and long term plan health correction to increase life expectancy after CABG and prevent health complications.

Lifestyle after CABG on the heart

After discharge, you will have to work on yourself, rebuild your hobbies and passions, which will prolong your life. Physical activity increases daily in accordance with the recommendations of the cardiac surgeon. After the incisions have healed, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the use of scar-reducing products that have a cosmetic effect on the scars. This is important if a traditional surgical incision was performed rather than a minimally invasive puncture.

CASH - sex

After CABG, sex is no less enjoyable than before, you just have to wait for the attending physician’s permission to return to intimate relationships. On average, this takes six to eight weeks. Patients are embarrassed to ask a doctor about sexual activity. You can't do this. The opinion of a cardiologist is important, which the doctor can voice after carefully studying the patient’s medical history and monitoring his condition after surgical intervention. You should avoid poses that create additional stress on the heart muscle. You need to choose positions with less pressure on the chest area.

Smoking after CABG

When returning to your normal life after CABG surgery, you should leave bad habits in the past. These include drinking alcohol, overeating, and smoking. Inhalation of nicotine vapor damages arterial walls, contributes to coronary heart disease, and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. It is important to understand that bypass surgery does not eliminate the disease, it improves nutrition of the heart muscle, as surgeons create a bypass for blood flow instead of arteries blocked by plaque. By stopping smoking after CABG, the patient slows down the progression of the disease. At the Assuta clinic there is support for smoking patients; experienced psychotherapists help eradicate the habit from life.

Taking medications

It should be remembered that life after coronary artery bypass surgery can be long if you carefully follow the recommendations of doctors. Timely reception medicines- one of the basic rules. Pharmacology is designed to help patients lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminate risk factors that contribute to the development of heart attack. The dosage of the drug is determined individually for the patient by the attending physician. Self-correction graphics are not allowed. The first aid kit of a patient who has undergone CABG should include medications to lower cholesterol levels, blood thinners with antithrombotic effects, and control medications. blood pressure and pain-relieving formulas.

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Nutrition after CABG

Without restructuring your diet, you shouldn’t count on positive dynamics. It is important to include foods low in cholesterol and trans fats in your diet. This will reduce the rate of deposition of lumen-clogging plaque on the inner walls of the vessels. In order not to provoke a repeat CABG and not to harm yourself by eating prohibited foods, you should contact a nutritionist at the Assuta Clinic after the operation. The doctor will help you develop a competent nutrition schedule. Balanced diet high in monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, fruits, whole grains will protect the heart from high pressure, the body from the risk of developing diabetes. The right diet promotes weight loss and keeps the body in shape. It is important to understand that changing your diet should not bring stress. Food should be enjoyable, in which case the benefits from it will be noticeable. This will help you develop the motivation to stick to a similar diet for the rest of your life.

The cardiac rehabilitation program is developed by professionals in the field of cardiology. Healthy image Life after surgery consists of changing diet, eradicating bad habits, and achieving psychological well-being. Studies have shown that patients who complete bypass surgery with cardiac rehabilitation live longer than people who do not undergo post-surgery recovery.

Exercises after CABG

Physical activity begins in small doses while the patient is in the clinical setting. Afterwards they gradually increase under the supervision of a doctor. The first six weeks are not allowed intensive growth physical activity, lifting heavy objects is strictly prohibited. It takes time for the wound on the chest to heal and grow together bone tissue. Competent exercises - therapeutic exercises, reducing the load on the myocardium, and walking. Exercise after CABG helps improve blood circulation and reduce blood cholesterol. The principles of gentle exercise and regularity of exercise are important.

Gymnastics are performed after CABG every day, the loads gradually increase. They are reduced if there is discomfort, chest pain, discomfort in the heart area, or shortness of breath. In the case when movements do not cause discomfort, the load gradually increases, which contributes to the rapid adaptation of the heart muscle and lungs to new circulatory conditions. It is important to train half an hour before meals, or an hour and a half after meals. In the evening before going to bed, it is better to avoid any overexertion. The pace of the exercises should not be higher than average. The pulse should be monitored carefully.

Measured walking is of great importance. Natural exercise allows you to increase efficiency and endurance of the body, strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation and respiration. Walking is allowed in any weather, except for severe frosts and cold, rain and wind. The best time for activity the period is considered to be from 11.00 to 13.00, from 17.00 to 19.00. You should choose comfortable shoes and clothing made from natural materials that promote improved air exchange. It’s good if you can eliminate talking while walking. This will help you concentrate.

Loads after CABG include going up and down stairs. These exercises should be used 3-4 times a day, not exceeding 60 steps per minute. It is worth gradually increasing their number. It is necessary to ensure that the training does not bring discomfort. Achievements are indicated in a self-monitoring diary, which is shown to the doctor at each visit to make possible adjustments.

Attention to diabetes and daily routine

People with a history of diabetes are at risk of developing complications. It is important to treat the disease before and after bypass surgery to reduce the likelihood of an undesirable scenario. You should adhere to a sleep, rest and exercise routine. It is necessary that daily sleep was over eight hours. At this time, the body recovers, accumulates strength and energy. You should not be exposed to stress, upsetting factors should be avoided.

Primary depression after CABG is a natural phenomenon. Many patients are in a sad mood and do not want to recover, eat, or exercise. It seems to them that life is over, all attempts to prolong it are in vain. This is not true. Study the question of how many years people live after coronary artery bypass surgery, and you will be surprised. By following doctors' recommendations, patients can extend their lives by several decades. In particular severe cases manages to move away mortal danger for several years, giving a person the opportunity to enjoy life and watch their children and grandchildren grow up. Deciding whether to have surgery is difficult. But the situation often requires an immediate response.

Trusting professional doctors Assuta clinic, you will make the right decision. The highly qualified cardiac surgeons of the Israeli center are known throughout the world. Advanced Technologies surgery and rehabilitation practices deserve recognition in the medical community of Europe and Asia. In Israel you will receive best treatment for affordable money. If you decide to transform, call us. The operator will answer your questions professionally and competently.

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Bypass surgery is a vascular operation that was first performed in the late 60s by two Cleveland heart surgeons, Favoloro and Efler.

What is bypass surgery?

Shunting (eng. shunt - branch) is an operation that consists of doctors creating an additional path for blood flow bypassing a section of a vessel or organ using a system of shunts (grafts). Bypass surgery is done to restore normal blood flow in the vessels (heart, brain) or restore normal functioning of an organ (stomach).

What types of bypass surgery are there?

Bypass surgery of the blood vessels of the heart– insertion of the graft bypassing the affected area of ​​the vessel. Vascular grafts (shunts) are taken from the patients themselves from the internal mammary artery, the great saphenous vein in the leg, or the radial artery in the arm.

Gastric bypass is a completely different operation: the organ cavity is divided into two parts, one of which is connected to the small intestine, which is responsible for the absorption of nutrients. Thanks to this operation, part of the stomach becomes unused during the digestion process, so the body becomes full faster and the person quickly loses extra pounds.

During gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon does not remove anything; only the shape of the gastrointestinal tract changes. The purpose of gastric bypass is to correct excess weight.

Bypass surgery of the cerebral arteries is a surgical operation aimed at restoring blood flow in the vessels of the brain. The operation of cerebral vascular bypass is similar to heart bypass surgery for coronary artery disease. A vessel that is not involved in the blood supply to the brain is connected to an artery located on its surface.

The result of the operation is to redirect blood flow around the blocked or narrowed artery. The main goal of bypass surgery is to restore or preserve blood supply to the brain. Prolonged ischemia leads to the death of brain cells (neurons), which is called cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke).

For what diseases is bypass surgery performed?

The presence of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels (atherosclerosis). In a healthy person, the walls of blood vessels and arteries are smooth surface without any barriers or restrictions. In a person suffering from atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels occurs due to cholesterol plaques. If the disease is neglected, it can lead to the death of tissues and organs.

Coronary heart disease. The traditional case of bypass surgery is coronary (coronary) heart disease, in which the coronary arteries supplying the heart are affected by cholesterol deposits in the vessel. Main symptom This disease is a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle. In such a situation, complaints often arise of pain behind the sternum or in the left half of the chest, the so-called angina pectoris or angina pectoris.

Having excess weight. A shunt inserted into the stomach divides it into large and small. The small intestine connects to the small intestine, causing the volume of food eaten and the absorption of nutrients to be significantly reduced.

Impaired blood flow in the vessels of the brain. Insufficient blood supply to the brain (ischemia) can be either limited or global. Ischemia impairs the brain’s ability to function normally and, in an advanced state, can lead to tumors or cerebral infarction. Treatment of cerebral ischemia is carried out by a neurologist in a hospital with the help of medications (vasodilators, drugs against the formation of blood clots and blood thinners, nootropic drugs to improve brain function) or through surgery (to late stages illnesses).

Results of coronary bypass surgery

The creation of a new section of the vessel during bypass surgery qualitatively changes the patient’s condition. Due to the normalization of blood flow to the myocardium, his life after heart bypass surgery changes for the better:

  1. Angina attacks disappear;
  2. The risk of heart attack is reduced;
  3. Physical condition improves;
  4. Working ability is restored;
  5. The safe amount of physical activity increases;
  6. Reduced risk sudden death and life expectancy increases;
  7. The need for medications is reduced only to a preventive minimum.

In a word, after CABG the sick person has access to ordinary life healthy people. Reviews from patients at cardio clinics confirm that bypass surgery returns them to a full life.

According to statistics, in 50–70% of patients after surgery, almost all disorders disappear, in 10–30% of cases the patient’s condition significantly improves. New blockage of blood vessels does not occur in 85% of those operated on.

Of course, any patient who decides to undergo this operation is primarily concerned with the question of how long they will live after heart bypass surgery. It's pretty difficult question, and not a single doctor will take it upon himself to guarantee any specific period. The prognosis depends on many factors: general condition the patient’s health, his lifestyle, age, bad habits, etc. One thing is certain: a shunt usually lasts about 10 years, and may last longer in younger patients. Then a repeat operation is performed.

Life after

A person who walked along the edge of danger and remained to live understands how long he will have to live on this earth after the operation depends on him. How do patients live after surgery, what can one hope for? How, how long will bypass surgery take to live?

There cannot be a definite answer, due to various physical condition body, timeliness of surgical intervention, individual characteristics of a person, professionalism of surgeons, implementation of recommendations during the recovery period.

Basically, the answer to the question: “How long do they live?” There is. You can live 10, 15 or more years. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the shunts, visit the clinic, consult a cardiologist, get examined on time, follow a diet, and lead a calm lifestyle.

Important criteria will be a person’s character traits - positivity, cheerfulness, efficiency, desire to live.

Sanatorium treatment

After surgery, restoration of health is indicated in specialized sanatoriums under the supervision of trained medical personnel. Here the patient will receive a course of procedures aimed at restoring health.


A positive result after surgery depends on many reasons, including compliance special diet. Heart bypass surgery is a serious intervention in the vital functions of the body, and therefore has certain obligations that the patient must fulfill, these are:

  • doctor's recommendations;
  • withstand the regime recovery period in intensive care;
  • complete cessation of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol;
  • refusal of the usual diet.

As for dieting, there is no need to be upset. The patient departs from his usual homemade food and proceeds to the complete exclusion of foods containing fats - fried foods, fish, butter, margarine, ghee and vegetable oils.

After surgery it is recommended to include more fruits, fresh vegetables. Every day you should take a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice(fresh). Walnuts and almonds will decorate the diet with their presence. Any fresh berries, blackberries are especially beneficial for the heart, supplying the body with antioxidants. These elements lower dietary cholesterol levels.

You should not eat fatty dairy products, except skim milk and low-fat cheeses. It is recommended not more than 200 grams of kefir per day, but low-fat. After the operation, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and sweet soda are excluded. Filtered water and mineral water will be used for a long time. Tea and coffee without sugar or sucrose are possible in small quantities.

Take care of your heart, take more care of it, respect the culture proper nutrition, do not abuse alcoholic drinks which will lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Complete cessation of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy the walls of blood vessels. Implanted shunts “live” no more than 6-7 years and require special care and attention.

Cost of the operation

Such a modern and effective way restoration of blood flow supplying the heart muscle, like coronary artery bypass surgery, the cost is quite high. It is determined by the complexity of the operation and the number of shunts, the patient’s condition and the quality of rehabilitation that he expects after the operation. The level of the clinic in which the operation will be performed also affects how much bypass surgery costs: in private specialized clinic this will obviously cost more than in a regular cardiology hospital. You will need a lot of money for coronary artery bypass surgery - the cost in Moscow ranges from 150,000-500,000 rubles. When asking about heart bypass surgery, how much it costs in clinics in Israel and Germany, you will hear much higher figures - 800,000-1,500,000 rubles.

Consultation with a cardiologist (highest category) 1000,00
Consultation with a cardiologist (associate professor, candidate of medical sciences) 1500,00
Consultation with a cardiologist (MD) 2000,00
Consultation with a surgeon (highest category) 1000,00
Consultation with a surgeon (associate professor, candidate of medical sciences) 1500,00
Consultation with a surgeon (MD) 2000,00
Anastomosis on coronary vessels(coronary bypass surgery without the use of a heart-lung machine - with the cost of consumables) 236400,00
Anastomosis to coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine - with the cost of consumables) 196655,00
Anastomosis to the coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine for low ejection fraction or left ventricular aneurysm - with the cost of consumables) 242700,00
Anastomosis to the coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine with replacement of 1 heart valve - with the cost of consumables) 307800,00
Anastomosis to the coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine with prosthetic replacement of 2 heart valves - with the cost of consumables) 373900,00
Anastomosis to coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery without the use of a heart-lung machine and a myocardial stabilization system - with the cost of consumables) 80120,00
Anastomosis to coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery without the use of a heart-lung machine and a myocardial stabilization system - without the cost of consumables) 45000,00
Anastomosis to coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine - without the cost of consumables) 60000,00
Anastomosis to coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery without the use of a heart-lung machine - without the cost of consumables) 75000,00
Anastomosis to the coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine for low ejection fraction or left ventricular aneurysm - without the cost of consumables) 90000,00
Anastomosis to the coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine with replacement of 1 heart valve - without the cost of consumables) 105000,00
Anastomosis to the coronary vessels (coronary bypass surgery using a heart-lung machine with prosthetic replacement of 2 heart valves - without the cost of consumables) 120000,00
Coronary angiography (without cost of consumables) 9500,00
Balloon intra-aortic counterpulsation (without the cost of consumables) 4000,00
Balloon intra-aortic counterpulsation (with the cost of consumables) 42560,00