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Anise oil: application, properties. Anise essential oil. Properties and Application

The beneficial properties of anise oil were described by the ancient Egyptians back in the 15th century BC. Despite labor-intensive production and quite high cost, it has gained great popularity in modern cosmetology and medicine.

To obtain 1 ml of essential oil, you need to process about 50 grams of anise seeds. To prepare essential oil, two types of plants are used - common anise (sweet) and star anise, popularly called star anise. Properties and uses of anise oil for various states and diseases we will consider.

The properties of anise essential oil are very diverse:

  • antitussive;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antipyretic;
  • carminative;
  • analgesic;
  • antiseptic;
  • antioxidant;
  • sedative;
  • lactogenic;
  • diuretic;
  • insecticidal.
Let's take a closer look at them.

Antitussive and expectorant action

Anise oil regulates the work of secretory cells of the tracheobronchial tree, increasing the production of sputum and improving its discharge during coughing.

With a prolonged dry cough, anise enhances the enveloping properties of sputum, protecting inner surface bronchi from mechanical irritation.

Anti-inflammatory property

The properties of which slow down inflammatory processes and tissue necrosis (tanning effect) in combination with conservative anti-inflammatory therapy gives good clinical results.

Antispasmodic, analgesic and antipyretic effect

By weakening the influence of vegetative nervous system on muscular system Anise oil is an excellent antispasmodic, and due to the fact that most pain is spasmodic in nature, it is also an analgesic.

Some studies show that anise oil can lower body temperature.

Carminative property

By improving intestinal motility and normalizing the functioning of sphincters, essential anise oil reduces flatulence. It also improves production of hydrochloric acid, included in gastric juice, and therefore very effective when atrophic gastritis and other conditions accompanied by decreased acid-forming function gastrointestinal tract.


Anise oil is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of bacterial and fungal diseases of the genitourinary, digestive and respiratory system. It inhibits growth and reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, while maintaining normal microflora.


Most of the beneficial properties of anise oil are due to the content of flavonoids in it - the most powerful antioxidants, which slow down recycling and disposal useful substances. Thanks to this property, they optimize metabolic processes and the aging process slows down.

Sedative effect

Anise essential oil is excellent sedative. It is included in some medicines, which are also approved for use in pediatric practice for the treatment of childhood hyperexcitability.

Diuretic property

It improves kidney function and helps prevent urolithiasis. By increasing the filtering capacity of the kidneys, anise oil regulates arterial pressure and outputs excess waste from the bloodstream.

Impact on the female body

Books can be written about the properties and use of essential anise oil on a woman’s body. It stimulates the production of estrogen, normalizes menstrual cycle, removes premenstrual syndrome, relieves menstrual pain, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases genitals.

The use of anise oil during lactation stimulates the production of milk and colostrum, without depleting the mother's body. Essential oil star anise will allow the skin for a long time stay young and elastic.

Insecticidal property

Most household insects cannot tolerate the smell of anise.

The use of essential anise oil in folk medicine

  1. Expectorant mixture: pour 5 grams of coltsfoot leaves and violet roots into one glass of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes, strain and add 2 drops of star anise essential oil. Take 1 dessert spoon of the mixture 2 times a day after meals.
  2. In case of poisoning or dysfunction of the digestive system, drop 1 drop of oil on a piece of bread and eat before meals with a glass of warm water.
  3. To improve lactation in a nursing woman or achieve a diuretic effect, add 1 drop of star anise oil to tea in the morning and evening for 5-7 days.

Use in cosmetology

As mentioned above, anise essential oil will help maintain skin tone and smoothness. Using it during aroma massage gives best result. The best combination of oils is a mixture of anise oil, and sea salts are recommended to relieve psycho-emotional stress and fatigue.

Pour water into the bath at a comfortable temperature, add 10 grams of dry leaves and flowers of lavender or sage and 10 drops of anise essential oil, light unscented candles, turn on calm music and relax.

Take such baths in the evening every other day, no earlier than 1.5 hours after dinner. Your sleep will become healthy and calm, in the morning of the work week you will feel as if yesterday it was Sunday and you were well rested.

Treatment with essential oils has implications ancient history. How to use anise oil for healing we'll talk below. The properties of this plant have been well studied and have been used in healing for many centuries.

Anise belongs to the Apiaceae family.

Common anise is also called aniseed anise. This plant has Latin name Pimpinella anisum.

This herbaceous plant used as a spice in the cuisines of different nations. It belongs to the Umbrella family. Traditionally, the Mediterranean is considered its homeland.

Currently, its seeds are valued in Europe, Mexico, Egypt and Asia Minor.

For this purpose, anise is cultivated in the named areas, as well as in Russia. It is mainly sown in the Kursk, Belgorod and Voronezh regions. It is also grown in the Krasnodar region.

Anise fruit, or Fructus Anisi vulgaris, is used in medical purposes. Harvesting is carried out at the moment the first umbrellas are acquired with a brownish tint, when all other umbrellas remain green.

Umbrellas are cut and hung to dry under a canopy. After finishing this stage threshing is underway. When the fruits have already been separated, they must still be freed from unnecessary impurities. For this, winnowing fans are traditionally used.

Traditional uses of anise

Anise is used against cockroaches.

Anise oil has been used by people for a long time. Essential oil is prepared from the plant, which is in demand in cosmetology and cooking.

The dense part of this oil can be used as a substitute for cocoa butter.

It is often added to confectionery, they cook with it gourmet dishes from, fish.

In combination with other spices, it is added to sauces and soups. Anise combines especially well with cloves, cardamom, and fennel.

The main use in medicine is associated with the expectorant and stimulant properties of this plant. An anise-based aqueous solution is used as a stimulant for the digestive glands.

Expectorants and antiseptic properties allow the use of products prepared from anise for those caused by for various reasons. Usually for these purposes they take anise oil or syrup, less often water solution from seeds.

Seeds may also be included various fees, in particular chest, laxative, diaphoretic, gastric.

Features of anise oil

Anise oil is used to treat colds.

Using the water distillation method, essential oil is made from anise seeds.

The process begins with long soaking for 24 hours. Soak whole seeds. If they are crushed, anise oil will lose a number of important properties.

In particular, upon contact with air, it will become tarred. Anise oil obtained in this way is used for the following purposes:

  • For the treatment of colds. It promotes expectoration and has a softening effect on the respiratory system. Besides, this remedy helps fight, significantly improves general health. Anise oil is effective for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, with bronchospasms. You can drink 1 – 5 drops at a time.
  • For inhalation for loss of voice, asthma, bronchial diseases.
  • To restore peristalsis if convulsive contractions of the intestines and colic are observed.
  • To normalize the condition of dyspepsia.
  • As a preventative against scurvy.
  • To eliminate the consequences nervous disorders in the form of vomiting.
  • To combat constipation.
  • To relieve kidney inflammation, urinary tract. This is an effective diuretic, which is often used in the treatment of oliguria (decreased urine output).
  • To increase libido in both men and women. In the case of men, it helps to get rid of impotence. The inhabitants of Ancient Rome used it as an aphrodisiac. The presence of estrogen in its composition has a beneficial effect on reproductive function human body.
  • Recovery women's health. Anise oil helps regulate the cycle, eliminate painful sensations during menstruation. Since ancient times, it has been used as a pain reliever during childbirth.
  • In case of shortage breast milk You can use this oil to initiate natural feeding.
  • To improve appetite.
  • To combat migraines.
  • To get rid of dizziness.
  • For improvement emotional state, fighting depression. This excellent remedy with overwork and increased anxiety.


Anise oil – completely natural product. However, not all of its properties are equally beneficial to all people. For example, it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Children are given it only after 12 years.

The oil should only be used externally. Before using anise oil, each person should conduct skin test. After all, individual intolerance is possible.

The standard test consists of applying inner side hands in the wrist or elbow area a small amount of anise oil, pre-mixed with. Wait 12 hours, only if redness or rash does not appear, you can use this oil actively.

Features of use for medicinal purposes

Anise oil will help treat laryngitis.

Anise oil has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  1. Stimulation of the secretory function of the stomach and pancreas.
  2. Accelerating recovery after.
  3. Stimulation of gastrointestinal motility.
  4. Improved appetite.
  5. Reduction of intestinal .
  6. Decrease pain syndrome at intestinal cramps, restoration of peristalsis after convulsive contractions of the intestine.
  7. Normalization of the functioning of the digestive system after nervous disorders.
  8. Treatment of laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat, influenza, tracheitis, and other respiratory diseases.
  9. Removing mucus when coughing.
  10. Improving heart function, restoring normal blood circulation.
  11. Diuretic effect necessary for treatment.
  12. Pain relief during menstruation, colic.
  13. Diaphoretic effect when temperature rises.
  14. Increased lactation.
  15. Prevention of scurvy.
  16. A soothing remedy for children, relieving tearfulness, capriciousness, and imparting an optimistic outlook.
  17. Increasing skin elasticity through normalizing water and electrolyte balance.

How to use

Oil is added to lotions.

If the oil is prescribed internally, it should be minimal.

Typically, anise oil is mixed with honey before consumption. A spoonful of honey only needs a drop of this essential oil.

If this remedy is used too often, it can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, they resort to it only in extreme cases.

The main use of this product is external. But here, too, general recommendations must be followed:

  • Massage. For 10 ml vegetable oil take 6 drops of anise.
  • Taking a bath. For a bath – 6 drops.
  • Aroma maker. 4 drops.
  • In the inhaler - 3 drops.
  • As an additive to cold compress– 6 drops.
  • For applications – 6 drops.

Anise oil is added to creams and lotions. For 10 ml of cream you need only 6 drops. This component will certainly enhance the effect of the cosmetic product. Regardless of the direction of use, the minimum dosage must always be observed and never exceeded. After all, this is a very active remedy.

Aromatherapy with anise oil

The aroma of anise will help you fall asleep.

The aroma of this essential oil is traditionally used as a means of giving a person optimism.

Inhaling its aroma a person calms down and forgets about irritating factors. Anger, envy, and anxiety recede. A person acquires positive outlook to life, calms down, removes stress.

Such a smell in the house will eliminate conflicts, give household members a friendly attitude towards each other, and develop mutual understanding.

In addition to a positive attitude, the aroma of anise can give a person clarity of thought and help him adapt to new conditions. This remedy is indispensable for all those suffering from insomnia. After inhaling the aroma of anise, a person will sleep carefree and wake up refreshed.

If the room has an area of ​​more than 20 square meters, then add cold water and 5 drops of anise oil. If an aroma medallion or pendant is used, then 1 – 2 drops of oil are dripped into it. However, the use of such a suspension should be limited in time - no more than an hour.

- You won’t eat a bergamot fruit or try to chew a fir needle, will you? They, of course, can be smeared over the body or rubbed, but this is not so pleasant and convenient - but in the form of essential oils, all those beneficial features that are contained in these plants.

Another group of oils - for example - is obtained from products that are of interest in themselves and are used in different areas of life. Such oils are a kind of pleasant addition to the main product. This is the essential oil of anise, which we would like to talk about today - this is a pleasant bonus to the already well-proven spice and medicine, to anise.

Anise is an annual herbaceous plant that grows, including in our middle zone. Dried seeds are used as a spice. Historically, anise has been used to improve digestion, strengthen women's health, fight depression, and it is also one of the important components of various cough and cold syrups.

Common sense and logic suggest that the properties of anise are also inherent in its essential oil, but it is still necessary to dwell in more detail on the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of anise essential oil.

Anise essential oil is obtained by sublimation of the dried parts or crushed seeds of the plant. The oil retains the sweet, spicy aroma characteristic of anise seeds; it is colorless or yellowish, rather concentrated. To obtain a full liter of this liquid, about 50 kg of seeds are required. But anise oil can be stored for a long time - in sealed packaging for at least 5 years.

When talking about the properties of an essential oil, it is customary to mention what other oils it is combined with. So, the following oils are combined with anise oil:

  • amyris;
  • rosewood;
  • noble laurel

One thing to note right away important point— you need to buy essential oil of anise, not star anise, since the former has more pronounced beneficial properties and activity. Also make sure that you are not given synthetic substitutes, such as anethole. Some particularly cunning comrades are trying to sell fennel under the guise of anise, which, although useful, has a different area of ​​application (we have already written about it, you can look at this article to be fully armed). The advice here is simple and universal: read the product label carefully!

By the way, on the Internet they offer one of quite original ways determine whether the anise oil you bought is fresh. It is based on the fact that after the oil has been exposed to light or heat for a long time, it will not be able to crystallize when the temperature drops. Although after you have bought the oil and done some manipulations with it, this information will not help you much. If only you could try freezing butter in a store or pharmacy!

Store this oil in tightly closed dark glass bottles in places where there is no threat of direct sunlight, at room temperature.

Benefits of anise oil

This oil is characterized by a strong tonic and restorative effect. Ideal for calming depression and increased excitability(and is suitable for both children and adults), to relieve tension and ensure strong and healthy sleep. Another wonderful property This product improves performance, both physical and mental. Thus, anise oil can help you become calm but energetic and effective person- usually this is the set of qualities that interests modern people. Although, if you don’t work on yourself, no amount of anise oil will help—you shouldn’t forget about that either.

The expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of anise oil allow it to be used to treat such diseases, although familiar to us, but terribly nasty -cough, cold etc. It will also help with bronchitis; even with loss of voice, it is recommended to use this product.

In the sexual sphere, the benefits of anise oil are also undeniable - it is recommended to take it for impotence and frigidity. Indirectly it improves sex life By normalizing the blood supply to the brain, the wife will no longer have a headache. Other benefits specifically for female body are to reduce menstrual pain and increase lactation during feeding.

In addition, anise oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and helps remove lead ions from the body.

Well, if all of the above does not impress you, then we should talk about the role of this oil in cosmetology - it helps make the skin more elastic and restores her youth and also strengthens hair follicles, reducing hair loss.

A little about dosages...

Considering that anise oil is active, it is used in minimal dosages. For example, one drop is enough for an aroma pendant and you should not exceed the limit of 3 drops. A little more (but no more than 2 drops) can be used for hot inhalations, but do not overdo it - a five-minute procedure will be quite enough. Another popular way to use essential oils, baths, involves a concentration of 3-8 drops and a duration of 10-20 minutes - and it is better to start with a smaller limit, increasing the amount of oil gradually.

If you want to improve your cosmetic products, you can add 5-6 drops of oil to 10-15 g of this product - this easy way increase the effectiveness of creams, shampoos and lotions.

Recipes with anise oil

Ingestion for poisoning, problems with digestive system: 1 drop of oil no more than 3 times a day, dropping it on a piece of refined sugar, bread or honey, while washing it down with warm liquid. In general, this is a fairly universal recipe - not only will your appetite increase, but also your lactation (of course, if you are a nursing woman and not a big hairy man), you will feel diuretic effect and benefits for the kidneys, improved sleep. By the way, for digestive tract Baths with anise oil, which can be mixed with fennel or mint essential oils (in a one-to-one ratio), will also be useful.

Inhalation for colds using anise oil should be done 1-2 times a day as follows: a saucepan with boiling water in it, simply add a drop of essential oils of anise and eucalyptus. After this, all that remains is to cover yourself with something from above and breathe in the steam for about ten minutes.

Massage using a mixture of equal quantities of anise, sandalwood and or anise, and sage will relieve tension and combat problems in the sexual sphere.

The antispasmodic effect of anise oil allows it to be used to relieve menstrual pain, rheumatism - a mixture of it and in equal proportions should be applied to the affected area.

Except medical use Anise oil, it is also used for household needs: it kills various harmful insects (bird mites, lice, fleas - those “our little brothers” that can live nearby unnoticed and harm us). You can also protect yourself from mosquito bites using this oil.

Anise oil contraindications

As we mentioned earlier, this is one of the active oils, so you need to carefully monitor the dosage and first check for individual intolerance. Ideally, use under supervision or after consultation with a physician. High concentrations may lead to cerebral disorders. For increased blood clotting - no more than a drop of oil per day!

If you have allergic diseases or skin inflammation, it is better to forget about this remedy - it can cause dermatitis. Also, do not use it during pregnancy or in children under 3 years of age.

You should not use it for a long time and regularly - there is a risk of irritation of the gastric mucosa. In general, when increased acidity, ulcer, ulcerative colitis You should use this oil very carefully and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Obtained by distillation of anise seeds. The anise plant is an annual species, it can be found in the Northern, South America, Europe, Russia. Anise has small white flowers when flowering. What are the benefits of anise oil? Where are anise esters used?

Useful composition of anise oil

To prepare a kilogram of anise oil, mature seeds (50 kg) are taken, they are carefully crushed, then distilled. When the temperature drops, anise oil begins to harden quickly and has a dense consistency. Before using the product, it needs to be warmed up a little.

What does anise oil contain? The main component of the product is anethole (90%). Additional are methyl chavicol, organic substances, camphene, a-pinene, anisketone.

It is important to consider that anise oil is potent drug, it is prohibited to use during pregnancy, as well as while breastfeeding. The product is contraindicated if you have sensitive skin, as redness and irritation may occur.

Applications of anise oil

  • We treat colds I. Using the product you can improve your condition respiratory organs. Anise oil has a softening, expectorant, antipyretic effect. It has been proven that anise oil has a warming effect and improves well-being during colds.
  • Restoring work digestive organs . Anise oil improves intestinal motility, helps get rid of colic and flatulence. This the best remedy from nausea and vomiting.
  • We relieve inflammation from the urinary tract, renal tissue . Anise oil is one of the best diuretics. Quite often it is prescribed as additional remedy for the treatment of decreased urination (oliguria).
  • We increase sexual activity. It has been proven that using anise oil can prevent the development of female frigidity and male impotence.

In Ancient Rome, anise oil was the best oil; it was necessarily included in the diet. Today it has been proven that essential oil contains a large number of estrogen, it improves the condition of the reproductive system.

Anise oil is especially useful for women's health. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle, relieves painful periods, and makes childbirth easier because it has an analgesic effect. It is recommended to use it for nursing mothers, it increases lactation.

Anise oil helps improve appetite and also relieves symptoms of hangover syndrome. Pay attention to the remedy if you have been bothered by migraines or constant dizziness for a long time.

Anise oil has been proven to have a positive effect on emotional sphere person:

  • Improves the condition of chronic fatigue.
  • Helps to recover from mental fatigue.
  • Relieves negative feelings: anger, envy.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Relieves depression.

If a child inhales anise oil, he will get rid of hyperexcitability and constant tearfulness.

Using anise oil for cosmetic purposes

Taking care of mature skin

Anise oil perfectly tones the skin, normalizes water balance. After using the product, the skin becomes healthy and youthful. With the help of the remedy you can cure skin diseases, get rid of lice.

Strengthening hair

Anise oil is recommended to be added to rinses and shampoos. This way you can get rid of the problem of hair loss and split ends. Regular use of oil makes hair thick, smooth and beautiful, so be sure to pay attention to this product.

Use for massage or aromatic bath

To prepare a massage product, you need to take 10 ml of base oil and add 3 drops of anise oil to it. IN aromatic bath no more than 5 drops can drop.

It is worth considering that the beneficial properties of anise oil increase in the bath when, after exposure high temperature pores on the skin expand.

Healthy recipes with anise oil

Massage cream with anise oil . To tighten the skin after childbirth and get rid of stretch marks, you need to use the following recipe: take basic oil (almond, apricot kernels, jojoba), drop 3 drops of rosemary and anise oil into it. First you need to take a warm bath, then massage the mixture into problem areas of the skin.

Aromatic bath for invigoration . You need to take half a glass of cream or milk, add 4 drops of rosemary, anise or lemon oil. Then pour everything into the bath. Take no more than 15 minutes.

Bath with anise oil to get rid of cellulite. You need to take 100 grams sea ​​salt, add anise oil (4 drops), one drop of vetiver, two drops each of essential mint and grapefruit oils. Take a bath for no more than half an hour. You can perform a massage underwater, this will only increase the effectiveness.

Wellness bath. You need to add 2 drops of the following essential oils to the bath: tangerine, cumin, clove, ferula, amyris, and rosewood. The bath takes no more than 20 minutes. Remember the measure! You should only use proven oils that you do not have allergic reaction. Not everyone tolerates anise oil well.

So, do you want to improve your skin condition and become a little healthier? Pay attention to anise oil - this healing agent which strengthens immune system, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, stops inflammation. Anise oil is especially valued in cosmetology. The product is used for facial care, it helps stop the aging process. Anise oil is also unique means for hair. Dreams of long, beautiful and well-groomed hair will come true with regular use of anise oil. Despite the benefits of essential oil, it must be treated with extreme caution because it can cause serious allergies.

Anise oil has long been famous for its beneficial properties.

It is obtained from the fruits and green parts of the common anise using steam distillation.

The plant grows in warm climates and can sometimes be found in some regions of Russia.

Anise oil is in demand in medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetology, and also as a repellent.

Characteristics of Anise Oil

Anise ester is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor and sweetish taste.

The substance is insoluble in water and highly soluble in ethanol.

The composition of anise ester includes the following substances:

  • atenol – its share is about 85%;
  • methyl chavicol;
  • lemonene;
  • dipentene;
  • anisealdehyde;
  • curcumen;
  • myristic and anisic acid;
  • hydroquinone.

The finished product is made from the dry seeds of the plant.

To obtain 1 kg of oil, it is necessary to process about 50 kg of raw materials.

In a completely sealed package, it can be stored for quite a long time – 5 years.

In the cold it crystallizes, so before using the oil you need to warm it in your hands.

The effect of anise oil on the body

Anise oil has a number of properties that have a positive effect on the body: antiseptic, immunostimulating, antispasmodic, antioxidant.

The ether is used for inhalation, rubbing and internally.

Anise oil in cosmetology and everyday life

Anise oil is good for mature skin.

It helps restore water balance, remove wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and beautiful. It can be added to shower gels, soaps, scrubs.

It is effective to use aroma oils in baths and saunas, when the skin is well steamed and the pores are open.

The dosage must be observed to avoid the opposite effect.

When adding anise to a cream or other cosmetic product, take 3 drops of ether per 10 grams of base. When taking a bath, the total amount should not exceed 8 drops.

Thanks to positive influence anise oil for the production of collagen, regularly rubbing it into the skin can get rid of “ orange peel"and postpartum stretch marks.

You can also apply compresses.

An anti-cellulite bath is very effective. Bath salt must be mixed with a few drops of anise, mint, vetiver and grapefruit ether. Add the resulting mixture to water and take a bath for no more than half an hour.

Anise is also good for hair.

It helps strengthen the roots, eliminate dandruff, improve the hair structure, making it more beautiful and shiny.

For achievement positive effect, the oil can be added to shampoo and also added to masks.

The following are the most popular mask compositions:

  1. For growth. Add a tablespoon of red pepper tincture, 5 tablespoons of water and anise oil to the hair balm. Keep the mixture on your hair for 20-25 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. From falling out. Mix a bag of blue clay with water and drop in a little anise oil. Rub the mask into the scalp and distribute it over the strands, do not rinse for 30 minutes.
  3. For dandruff. 3 tablespoons burdock oil mix with 3 drops of anise. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and hair, wrap your head with a towel and do not rinse for 40 minutes.

Dosages for use

Basic dosages:

  • For massage: 5 drops per 1 tbsp carrier oil
  • For baths: 5-7 drops per bath
  • In the aroma lamp: 3-4 drops.
  • In a nebulizer: 2-3 drops.
  • For internal use: 1 drop per 1 teaspoon of honey 2 times a day.
  • For applications: 5-6 drops.
  • For enrichment cosmetics: 6-7 drops per 10 ml of base.

Anise oil for mosquitoes

In everyday life, anise is often used to protect against mosquitoes.

It is enough to moisten a cotton wool in ether and place it on the windowsill.

Insects don't like this specific smell, and will not fly into the window.

You can add a few drops to an aroma lamp or fire.

When going to the countryside or nature, it will be very effective to apply a little oil to open areas bodies.

The magical properties of anise oil and its effect on the psyche

Traditional healers often use this oil in the fight against wide range diseases.

But besides this, anise is able to protect a person from the evil eye, curse, damage and help him spiritually cleanse himself.

In order to wash away negativity or bad thoughts, a person needs to plunge into a bath to which fruits or anise ether, as well as bay leaves, have been added.

It is believed that anise can open the gift of clairvoyance in a person, strengthen his intuition and help establish a connection with the universe.

The aroma of anise has a beneficial effect on the psyche, it can lift your spirits and set you up for positivity.

Regular aromatherapy using this ester gives very good results:

  • normalizes;
  • relieves depression;
  • relieves chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • eliminates irritability, excessive excitability and anxiety.

Making your own anise oil

You cannot make real anise essential oil at home.

But from dry seeds you can make oil extract, which also has healing properties anise

To do this you need to prepare:

  • dry anise seeds;
  • vegetable oil for the base;
  • mortar;
  • gauze;
  • glass container.

The seeds must be crushed in a mortar until the oil comes out. The mortar you choose is not wooden, so some of it will be absorbed into the bottom.

The container is tightly closed and put away in a warm place, preferably under direct Sun rays, this approach will speed up the process of oil release.

The duration of infusion depends on the temperature, on average it is 3-5 days, provided there is constant sun.

The period can be increased in cloudy weather.

Then the mixture is filtered, and the finished extract is stored in a cool, dark place.

Contraindications for use

Like all esters, anise oil has a number of contraindications:

  1. It is not recommended for use by pregnant women due to the lack of data on the effect on the child. It is not used to treat children under 3 years of age. This ester should also not be used by people with sensitive skin and allergies to components.
  2. Before first use, you need to conduct a special test by treating a small area of ​​skin with the drug. If it does not arise adverse reactions, you can continue to use it. The drug should be used strictly in the indicated dosages.
  3. When taken orally, it should be noted that a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract may occur in the form of irritation of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is better to use the drops together with honey or dripping onto a sugar cube.
  4. Take drops orally with caution in case of increased acidity and gastritis. In any case, the break between courses of treatment with anise should not be less than 3 weeks.

Anise oil is very active substance, and to obtain the desired effect in treatment, improving the condition of skin or hair, combating stress, you need to use it strictly in the indicated dosages and not exceed them.

Exceeding the dosage may cause negative effect, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

You also need to use quality oil, especially when taken orally.

Where to buy real anise oil?

Stores today offer a wide selection of esters from various manufacturers, varying in quality and price.

Remember that if a product is of poor quality, its use may not only be ineffective, but also hazardous to health.