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What are the uses of anise oil?

Anise essential oil is obtained by distilling the seeds of anise. This annual plant grows in the countries of Northern and South America, in India, in several African countries and in southern Europe. Recently, common anise has been cultivated in some regions of Russia, but it is not found in the wild in this area. Common anise grows up to 60 cm in height, blooms with small white flowers and produces gray-brown seeds.


Anise essential oil is considered quite valuable product, since to obtain 1 kg of such oil it is necessary to process more than 50 kg of ripened seeds. In the first stage of oil production, anise seeds are crushed and then distilled. Has anise oil interesting property– when the temperature drops, it hardens and its structure becomes dense (before using, anise oil should be warmed in your hands for a couple of minutes).

Anise oil has a multicomponent composition, about 80-90% of the total substance is anethole. This oil also contains methyl chavicol, which is a useful organic substance of the phenolic series (about 10%). The oil also contains the following substances in small quantities: a-pinene, a-phellandrene, acetaldehyde, dipentene, anisketone and camphene.

Anise oil in the treatment of respiratory organs

In the treatment of diseases respiratory organs Anise oil is used for inhalation. Add two or three drops of essential oil to the steaming water and breathe in the steam until the water cools. When inhaling steam, saturated with the aroma and elements of essential oil, the bronchi expand, and sputum is discharged more easily. Typically, a special nebulizer is used for inhalation, which allows you to get greater effect from the procedure and promotes deeper penetration of microscopic droplets of anise oil into the respiratory tract. When using anise essential oil, a cough goes away faster, so this is often natural oil used in the treatment of tracheitis, obstructive and chronic bronchitis. Due to its pronounced antispasmodic properties, this oil alleviates the condition of patients and simplifies the process of coughing.

Anise oil for lice

The therapeutic and prophylactic spectrum of action of anise oil is quite wide. In addition to the softening and expectorant effect, it also produces an antipyretic effect.

In addition, anise oil helps normalize the digestive tract, helps with colic, constipation, and activates intestinal motility. This oil also normalizes the process of gas formation and relieves the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach. Anise oil can relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting that occur during nervous soil. When using this oil, appetite increases.

Anise oil is also famous for its anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract and kidney tissue. This oil is often used as a diuretic; it can also be prescribed to increase urine output in the treatment of oliguria.

The use of anise oil for problems of a sexual nature brings good results; it is effective both for frigidity in women and for impotence in men. To restore sexual desire, this oil was used by the inhabitants of Ancient Rome. Indeed this natural product is an excellent aphrodisiac and if you add anise oil to food, you can significantly increase libido. Recent studies of the composition of anise oil have shown that it contains the hormone estrogen, which is essential for normalization reproductive function person.

Women can use this oil to reduce pain during menstruation and restore regularity. menstrual cycle and even for pain relief labor activity. It is believed that anise oil has lactogenic properties and helps to improve breast-feeding with insufficient milk production.

Anise oil not only helps to get rid of prolonged migraines and frequent headaches, but can also relieve hangovers.

Anise essential oil has a beneficial effect on emotional condition person, increasing general tone body and restoring strength during mental fatigue. The use of this oil can reduce the manifestations of the syndrome chronic fatigue, restore an optimistic mood, eliminate irritability, anger and envy. Anise oil makes it easier to cope with stressful situations and overcome depression faster.

However, it should be remembered that anise essential oil should be used only in minimal dosages (1-5 drops).

For internal use You can use gelatin-coated anise oil capsules. Anise oil capsules are mainly prescribed for colds and upper respiratory diseases. respiratory tract.


You should know that anise oil is one of the most active essential oils. If used incorrectly, it can cause dermatitis and slow heart rate and blood circulation.

Anise oil is a product obtained by distillation of dried anise stems or seeds. You can recognize it by its light yellow hue and specific anise aroma. Feature is that ether has poor solubility in water, but good solubility in alcohol. At t +10℃ it can change shape, turning into a solid crystalline substance. In this case, before using it, you need to hold it in your palm for several minutes. It is recommended to store anise oil in a dark place, at a temperature no higher than +20℃. Average term Storage under good sealing conditions – 5 years.

Anise oil has multicomponent compound. Basics active substance- anethole, - supplemented by propionic, butyric and anisic acids, α-pinene, limonene, dipcamphene, γ-bisabolene, γ-hymahalene, methylchavicol, hydroquinone, α-phellandrene, β-farnesene, camphene, curcumene.

Medicinal properties

Anise oil received wide application in getting rid of various ailments thanks to the following beneficial properties:


During pregnancy, allergies and childhood It is better to refrain from using anise oil and preparations based on it for up to three years. This recommendation should also be followed by people suffering from peptic ulcer or gastritis with increased acidity. It is important to be careful with the dosage of the drug. IN high concentration it can slow down heart rate and blood circulation. And in children, exceeding the dose in an attempt to get rid of lice as quickly as possible can cause itching and skin rashes.

Directions for use and dosage

Anise oil, the use of which is advisable for various ailments, has several uses depending on the problems.

Cough relief

To treat cough effectively, use medications inhalation. Warm inhalation is done by adding one drop of ether to the inhaler. Breathe in pairs for 5 minutes. You can do aromatherapy by dropping a couple of drops of oil onto a napkin or into an aroma lamp. The procedure time is 15 minutes. These methods have many positive feedback and time-tested.

For skin

The beneficial effect of anise oil on the skin is to moisturize, soften and relieve irritation. Add 3 drops of oil to any cream, use the product for daily care. You can also make a rejuvenating mask. To prepare it you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. sour cream with the same amount carrot juice, add the yolk and 2 drops of oil. Apply 2 times a week.

Hair care

The ether has a beneficial effect on hair. It strengthens them, gives elasticity and prevents hair loss. Just add a few drops regularly in shampoo, mask or rinse to see the first results in a month. You can also take baths with 5 drops of oil per tablespoon of milk. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Aromatherapy is effective for dandruff. Apply 3 drops of oil to the comb and comb your hair as usual. You should not wash your hair after the procedure.

To strengthen hair, anise oil is used in tandem with burdock. They need to be mixed, heated and applied to the roots.

Lice removal

For achievement best result To combat lice, rub anise oil and alcohol into the scalp in a ratio of 1:2.

Get rid of nervous overstrain A drop of anise oil added to a humidifier, aroma lamp or bowl of water will help. This method is also effective for insomnia and mild depression.

Elimination of gastrointestinal disorders

In case of flatulence, vomiting or colitis, you must adhere to the following dosage regimen: one drop or 1 capsule with a teaspoon of honey 3 times a day. Continue the course until elimination unpleasant symptoms, but no more than 21 days.

Treatment of reproductive system problems

To enhance libido or relieve painful menstruation, take 3 drops of anise oil on a piece of sugar orally 2 times a day. The same method is used to treat frigidity and reproductive problems in women.

  1. Anise oil is often counterfeited, so you should buy it in large pharmacy chains having the appropriate certificates.
  2. It is necessary to distinguish between common anise oil and star anise oil. The first one is used in medicinal purposes, and the second in cooking.
  3. The course of aromatherapy using the product should not exceed 3 weeks. Then you need to take a break.
  4. The oil is available in liquid and capsule form. When treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genital area, it is more convenient to use capsules.

Anise oil is a type of essential oil. It is obtained by distillation of seeds annual plant common anise, which can be found in India, North and South America, African countries and southern European countries. Anise grows in wild and cultivated forms. On the territory of our country, this plant is presented only in cultivated form. This plant has small white flowers with gray-brown seeds. An adult anise plant grows up to 60 cm.


To get 1 kg of anise oil, you need to have 50 kg of seeds. The process of obtaining essential oil begins with the mature seeds being well pressed and distilled. Finished product becomes a rather dense liquid, which under the influence of low temperature can harden. To make it easier to use anise oil, you should first melt it (just hold it in your hands). You can buy anise oil suitable for immediate use in pharmacies or supermarkets.

Anise oil contains:

  • Anethole is the main active ingredient, which occupies almost 90% of the total mass of this essential oil;
  • Methylchavicol is an organic component of the phenolic series (its concentration in this essential oil is 10%);
  • Additional elements include acetaldehyde, α-phellandrene, anisketone, α-pinene, camphene and dipentene.

Anise oil belongs to the group of potent natural preparations, which are not allowed to be used by all categories of the population. It is strictly forbidden to use this product for pregnant women, people with hypertension and delicate skin to prevent irritation.

You can determine how your body reacts to anise oil as follows. It is enough to buy anise oil, dilute it with a small amount sunflower oil and apply to skin.

Beneficial features

Anise oil is also recommended for consumption. This is explained by the fact that it not only increases appetite, but also improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, relieving constipation, constant colic in a stomach, increased gas formation and feelings of excessive heaviness.

People with sensitive nervous system Anise essential oil is prescribed to be taken when the first feeling of nausea or gag reflexes occurs.

For patients with problems with normal diuresis, anise oil is prescribed as a remedy that relaxes the kidney tissue and eliminates its various inflammatory processes.

Healing properties of this product were noticed back in Ancient Rome, when our ancestors effectively fought with the help of anise oil against frigidity in women and impotence in men. It was enough just to add a few drops of it to your daily diet, and the result exceeded all expectations. Modern science has also proven that its consumption contributes to better continuation of human offspring.

Anise oil can be consumed by all women (without exception) who suffer from menstrual irregularities or severe pain in the lower abdomen. It is not prohibited to use it in cases where it is necessary to increase the amount breast milk or speed up the process of rapid childbearing.

Anise oil can relieve hangovers, headaches and dizziness, increase mental abilities, improve mood, calm, and muffle feelings of anger and aggression. This essential oil is also not contraindicated for children, because it can perfectly calm them down and quickly calm them down.

Mode of application

To prepare a cream or medicinal mixture, you need to take 35 ml of cream and mix 3-5 drops of anise oil into it. You can buy anise oil at any pharmacy. Inhalations with the addition of this oil will help cure a cough (for similar procedure you only need 1 drop of anise oil). For achievement maximum effect, inhalation should be carried out within 7 minutes. You can also perform cold inhalations (a few drops of oil are dripped onto a napkin or added to a pendant that is hung around the neck). You should breathe such fumes for at least 15 minutes.

An aromatic lamp filled with hot water and add a few drops of oil, then light the candle.

Anise oil also gets rid of lice in a matter of days. To do this, rub the oil into the head, distribute it through the hair, comb out insects and wash the hair well.

Side effects

The only one side effect anise oil is sensitivity to some components of this product.

Anise oil is a herbal medicine that has an expectorant, bronchodilator, antimicrobial, and mild analgesic effect. It is used in pulmonology if there is a history of colds, as well as in neurological practice and in gastroenterology.

pharmachologic effect anise oil

Instructions for use classify anise oil as a medicine that has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Besides this herbal remedy has a laxative effect and antispasmodic effect.

It can enhance the process of phagocytosis, it affects the improvement of tissue respiration, in addition, it activates the motor function of the ciliated epithelium, and improves the discharge of bronchial secretions.

The oil has a bactericidal effect on some types of microorganisms, that is, it leads to the death of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it has deodorizing properties due to the presence of esters.

It is obtained from the crushed fruits of this representative of the flora. Use it if available intestinal colic, it can affect the relief of rheumatic and menstrual pain, and also removes muscle spasms.

Indications for use of anise oil

Preparations containing this oil are recommended for use in the following conditions:

Some inflammatory diseases history of respiratory tract, which is accompanied by a symptom such as cough, while sputum separation is difficult;
Drugs are also used for disorders of gastric secretion, as well as for spasms of this hollow organ;
The drugs are also effective in the presence of flatulence;
They are also used for sexual impotence;
At painful menstruation;
The drugs are also effective for sleep disorders;
IN home cosmetology It is used to care for thin, aging and dry skin.

Often medications based on anise oil included in the composition combination treatment respiratory tract diseases, of course, it is first recommended to consult with a pulmonologist or primary care physician.

Contraindications to the use of anise oil

Among the contraindications for use similar drugs we can only note the presence hypersensitivity directly to the oil in question.

Application and dosage of anise oil

Doses will depend on the dosage form of the drug used. Immediately before using it, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

For example, to treat a cough, it is recommended to medicinal inhalations. To do this, use a special inhaler or a small container with warm water It is recommended to add a drop of this component. After which you can breathe over the steam for five or seven minutes. This applies to hot inhalations.

Cold inhalations can also be performed. To do this, you will need two drops of it, which are recommended to be placed on a regular napkin, or in a special aroma stick. After which the procedure should last no more than fifteen minutes.

This oil can also be used to care for skin, for this you can prepare such a cream. You will need approximately 50 milliliters of a creamy base, into which you should pour three drops of oil, after which the components are mixed and the finished substance is applied to the skin. To improve sleep, it is recommended to use an aroma lamp, where you should add at least three drops.

Side effects anise oil

In some cases, especially in patients with a high allergenic background, they may develop allergic reactions, if they are of a pronounced nature, then it is recommended to refrain from using preparations based on this oil.

special instructions

It is worth noting that Anise oil, as an additional component, is often included in combination medications that have mucolytic and expectorant effects.

Preparations containing anise oil

Carmolis is a gel for local use, it is available in tubes, and is also produced in the form of drops and lotion.
- There are also ammonia-anise drops, they are presented in alcohol solution, which is placed in bottles.
- Breast elixir.
- Dry cough syrup for adults and children, it is produced in powder for preparation medicinal solution.
- Dr. Theiss Bronchosept is available in drops for oral administration; a special dropper cap is included in the kit.
- Bronchosan, he is presented in dosage form in the form of drops intended for internal use, produced in bottles.
- Dr. Theiss Anise oil is medicine Available in capsules.


Before you start using the medications described above, which contain Anise oil, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist. It is worth remembering that sometimes allergic reactions can occur, and you should temporarily stop using such drugs and consult a doctor.

The anise plant is famous for its healing properties which it has both on physical health, and on the emotional plane. It found application back in Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece, and that’s where it originates. Anise ester is also popular as a feminine, health-promoting and antidepressant that has a quick effect on the nervous system.

The aroma of anise can be described as sweet and warm having spicy base and top notes of freshness. In him great content anethole up to 90%, methyl chavicol contains 10%. The presence of depentene, camphene, anisketone, acetaldehyde, a-pinene, and a-phellandrene in anise oil has been established.

Anise ether is obtained from seeds by distillation, after having previously been crushed. In order to end up with 1 kg of oil, you need 50 kg of anise seeds.

Beneficial features:

  1. It treats colds well, as it stimulates expectoration and has an antipyretic effect.
  2. Beneficial, healing digestive tract. Eliminates gas formation, colic, flatulence, dispersion. Eliminates vomiting, fights nausea caused by a nervous attack.
  3. Has a diuretic effect and relieves inflammation urinary tract, renal tissue. Anise oil is used to treat the genitourinary system.
  4. It affects potency and has long been considered an aphrodisiac. Can increase lactation while feeding a baby, improve performance reproductive organs, fights impotence and frigidity. Capable of removing pain syndrome during menstruation and regulate the cycle.
  5. Able to fight excess weight.

Aromatherapy properties

The benefits of anise are due to the following actual effects:

  1. It emits an aroma that awakens positive personality traits and gives emotions of inspiration and joy.
  2. It promotes the manifestation of spontaneity of the individual, helps create a cozy, comfortable, kind, warm atmosphere.
  3. You can use this aroma when anger, resentment, problems, worries, irritation haunt you and constrain your psyche.
  4. Due to its active antidepressant properties, anise essential oil helps maintain a positive attitude, stimulates mental activity and helps increase adaptability.
  5. Problems with sleep can be solved with the help of anise; it can relieve interfering excitability and eliminate anxiety, giving carefree detachment from worries.

The dosage for the aroma lamp is 5 drops for every 15 square meters of the room.

The activity of anise ester is high, so in no case should you use it in large dosages. Recommended dosages must be followed to avoid negative consequences.

Medicinal properties

  1. Gallstone disease, flatulence and constipation can be eliminated by taking a tablespoon of honey mixed with 1 drop of anise oil. Use internally.
  2. Nasal congestion disappears after inhalation with anise. Treatment of a runny nose is carried out as follows: add a drop of lemon oil, eucalyptus and anise. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the ether vapors for 10 minutes.
  3. Stress and treatment of postpartum depression carried out using regular aromatherapy. Two drops of oil per 15 square meters of room is the dosage for an aroma lamp in this case.
  4. Good to use and effective restorative bath. Oils are added to the filled bath: vanilla, chamomile, dill, tangerine and anise, 1 drop each. Take a bath for 15 minutes and then rub a mixture of oils and honey onto the dry skin of the chest. Two tablespoons of honey, two drops of pine and two drops of anise oil, one oregano and one eucalyptus, after rubbing rib cage wrapped in a towel, under which you can put cellophane if desired. You need to stay with this compress for 8-10 hours or do it overnight.
Oral anise oil should be consumed only after meals.

Application in cosmetology

The properties of anise are very active, effective and valuable for cosmetology. They can be used to strengthen and treat skin and hair in the following ways:

It is not recommended to apply anise oil to skin that has damage or inflammation.


Due to the specific properties of each essential oil, it doesn’t hurt to know which combinations are beneficial to health and which can be harmful:

Anise goes well with:

  • cloves;
  • cardamom;
  • cedar;
  • laurel;
  • coriander;
  • tangerine;
  • dill;
  • cumin;
  • fennel;
  • Amyris;
  • pink tree;
  • lemon;
  • sage;
  • verbena;
  • sandalwood

It is recommended not to combine with other essential oils that have not been listed, especially since they have been tested and beneficial There are enough variations to apply.


Before you start using an essential oil, you need to conduct a sensitivity test to this product. Usually apply a small amount to the area inner surface elbow. In cases in which it is better to refrain from using oil:

  • allergic reactions;
  • state of increased concentration;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • continuous use for 21 days;
  • hypotension.


To be confident in the quality and properties of the oil used, you want to be able to prepare it yourself. It is quite difficult to carry out the procedure for obtaining oil from seeds at home, but it is possible. You only need to do two manipulations: soaking the seeds in water for 24 hours and using water distillation to obtain the finished product.

In addition to oil, it is possible to prepare tinctures, mixtures, decoctions, and lotions. They are much easier to make, they have no fewer properties, and they can replace many recipes that use an oil product.


Anise is used in cooking for:

  • baking baked goods;
  • baking confectionery products;
  • alcohol production;
  • preparation of marinades;

In addition to cooking, anise is used for the following purposes:

  • perfume production;
  • disinfection of indoor air;
  • repelling insects such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas, bedbugs, lice.


Using any essential oils, especially something as active as anise seeds, dosages must be observed so as not to harm physical and emotional health. It is better to use the minimum dosage for each type of application:

  • 4-5 drops per 15 square meters will be enough for aromatherapy indoors;
  • the bath is recommended for use with a maximum amount of 8 drops and a duration of stay in the bath of no more than 20 minutes;
  • inhalation does not require more than two drops and takes up to 10 minutes;
  • maximum concentration during massage is 7 drops per 10 grams of the main product or oil;
  • to modernize cosmetics for daily care, the maximum possible dosage is 5 drops per 15 g of cosmetic product;
  • internal use of oil can be one drop to three times per day.

Important: mixtures can only be made in glass or ceramic dishes or containers. Emulsifiers for anise are milk, cream, salt, honey.

How to choose an essential oil

To check the quality, you will need a sheet of paper. The drop should be placed on the sheet and wait a few minutes. If the quality of the oil is high, then there will be no trace left on the sheet of paper where there was a drop of oil, but if the quality is not very good, then a greasy trace of the drop will remain.

It is advisable to purchase essential oil in specialized aromatherapy stores and from trusted manufacturers, and not in pharmacies or supermarkets. Using a low-quality product will not only not contribute to achieving the desired goals, but can also greatly harm your health due to the harmful components it contains.


Considering the number of different manufacturers and stores, marketing and various promotions, prices for essential oils also vary. However, it is worth remembering that high-quality anise oil will not be cheap in any case. Average price 4-5 USD for 15 ml. Below 3 USD it cannot be worth it under any circumstances.