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What benefits and harms does celery bring to humans? Calorie content and doctors' opinion. Healthy eating or how to eat celery

The benefits and harms of celery were known several thousand years before our era. Once upon a time, celery was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, and only in the 17th century it began to be eaten as a regular vegetable.

Currently, three cultivated types of celery are grown: root, petiole (salad) and leaf.

The greatest benefit comes from celery root and stalks.

But its seeds are also used as a seasoning in cooking, as well as in folk medicine. Celery seed oil is used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery.

The unique composition of this healing vegetable allows you to compare medicinal properties celery with the properties of ginseng.

Celery: composition and calorie content

The benefits and harms of celery root and stems are based on its richest composition. There is:

Greens contain:

  • vitamins PP, A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E
  • ascorbic acid.

The root contains:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, K
  • vitamin C.

As for micro- and macroelements, both the green part and the root contain calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

What beneficial properties does celery have?

Celery - amazing plant, which has many useful properties. Thanks to unique composition, it affects the body wide range actions.

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has a mild diuretic and laxative effect;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes toxins well;
  • essential oils in its composition have a regenerating effect on cells;
  • has antiseptic and antioxidant properties;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • has a beneficial effect on joints, heart and blood vessels;
  • has a calming effect;
  • has low calorie content.

The healing properties of celery: what diseases is the vegetable useful for?

  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, Bladder;
  • joint diseases: arthritis, rheumatism, gout;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • migraine;
  • obesity;
  • infectious diseases urinary tract;
  • constipation;
  • asthma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dropsy;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases nervous system;
  • cold.

It is often used as a spice that stimulates the appetite, and served as a side dish, celery improves the absorption of food.

Celery greens are used in the treatment and restoration of a weakened nervous system. Preparations based on the plant have an analgesic and wound-healing effect. They are also useful for various types allergies - diathesis, urticaria and others.

Celery is an excellent natural sleeping pill that is not addictive. It is included in many medicines to improve sleep. Eating celery has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, flushing them and preventing the formation of stones and eliminating swelling.

Since ancient times, the plant has been known as a strong aphrodisiac.

What are the benefits of celery for women?

The beneficial properties of celery for women are very extensive. Firstly, celery serves as a good preventive measure oncological diseases. It removes toxins, waste, and decay products from the body, cleansing the body.

This naturally affects the state of everything that makes up feminine beauty– hair, nails, skin.

Secondly, thanks to its calming properties, it helps a woman gain peace of mind and calm the nervous system.

Therefore, for neuroses, asthenia, sleep disturbances and other problems of a “nervous” nature characteristic of the female sex, it is simply irreplaceable.

The urinary system is another weakness the fair half of humanity. And here celery will show itself with the best side. It has a disinfecting effect on the kidneys and bladder and regulates water-salt metabolism.

Medicinal properties celery root often used to treat kidneys and improve urinary tract activity in women.

Few people know that celery can be a great help in the fight against protruding blood vessels on the legs, which often appear when walking in heels. The benefit of celery juice is that this drink improves blood composition and strengthens blood vessels, preventing the occurrence of such problems.

For smoking women celery is literally a savior. It helps eliminate toxins and also neutralizes carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke. Therefore, ladies who just can’t give up this habit by eating celery have a chance to preserve youth and natural beauty.

You can’t ignore the qualities of celery that help restore libido. This, in turn, improves sex life women, and therefore her health.

Celery and wasp waist: how to lose weight with celery?

Celery - a real find for those who suffer from excess weight.

The beneficial properties of celery for weight loss lie, first of all, in the fact that this vegetable has a “negative” calorie content, that is, when it is eaten, the body receives fewer calories than it spends on absorption.

Therefore, celery is indispensable in weight loss diets.

Such diets have long proven their high effectiveness. For example, a lot good reviews about a seven-day diet, the main dish of which is celery soup. It allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of unnecessary pounds.

This diet is used even for severe obesity and before weight correction operations.

How to make celery soup?

Prepare this healthy soup very simple. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of celery;
  • 6 medium onions;
  • 0.5 kg cabbage;
  • 3 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 pods of sweet bell pepper.

All vegetables must be washed, finely chopped, filled with water and boiled. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper. The soup is ready!

The great advantage of the celery diet is that you can eat such soup at any time of the day without restrictions. After some time, the excess fat will disappear as if by magic. magic wand. By the way, the soup is not only healthy, but also surprisingly tasty.

Celery and male power

Even the ancient Greeks knew about what invaluable benefits This plant brings men's health.

The beneficial properties of celery for men are as follows: celery can enhance sexual desire, and both stems, leaves and roots increase male power.

In addition, when consumed, the body rejuvenates, the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases, the immune system is strengthened and potency increases.

The plant is also known as a good prophylactic against prostatitis. And its diuretic properties help cope with infections genitourinary system.

Experts in the field of sexology believe that celery is especially useful for men after 40 years of age, as it helps to qualitatively change the fading intimate life. The plant is rich in phytohormones, which, when released through sweat, act as pheromones, causing mutual sexual attraction in women.

These properties are successfully used in perfumery to create men's cosmetics with an attractive aroma for women.

When the stems and roots of the plant are eaten, the male body begins to secrete androsterone, provoking the man to perform sexual exploits. But celery juice is especially useful for men.

In terms of its impact it can be compared with everything famous Viagra, therefore, healers and herbalists recommend it to all representatives of the stronger sex without exception.

What part of celery is the healthiest?

The beneficial properties of petiole and stem celery are reflected in various branches of medicine. However, it is believed that best results in the treatment and prevention of various diseases and health problems the root brings.

It is used in many medications to enhance potency, as well as for the treatment of kidneys, liver, and other diseases.

In what form is celery most beneficial?

The plant can be prepared in different ways: stewed, boiled, fried, etc. With celery you can prepare wonderful vitamin-rich salads, soups, stews, purees and other dishes. They will all be tasty and healthy.

However, it is best to eat celery raw, as it retains maximum needed by the body elements.

The beneficial properties of celery root are that this plant is effectively used to prevent and treat certain diseases, for example, diseases of the stomach, intestines, urolithiasis.

And in case of sexual impotence, use celery juice, the benefits and harms of which also depend on the chemical composition.

In diluted form, it is also used as a general tonic and useful remedy:

  1. Stem celery juice is diluted with water (1 part juice to 10 parts water).
  2. Drink celery drink for 7 days, 1/4 cup ( important condition: juice should be drunk before meals).
  3. Then take a 2-day break and repeat the course if necessary.

Celery juice with the addition of natural honey is also useful. Very good results it has been shown in the treatment of polyarthritis deformans.

The juice is mixed with honey and drunk three times a day, about half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts one month, after another month the course is repeated if necessary.

When salts are deposited, you can also take advantage of the beneficial properties of celery root:

  1. Wash and dry, and then grind 1 kg of celery with roots and leaves and 3 whole lemons through a meat grinder.
  2. Infuse the lemon-celery mixture for seven days.
  3. Squeeze out the resulting infusion, then add 300 g of natural honey.
  4. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Keep refrigerated.

Celery seeds also have beneficial properties.

For example, when treating symptoms associated with hormonal changes female body During menopause, seed treatment is carried out for 4 years:

To do this, pour ½ teaspoon of seeds with boiling water, leave for a while, then strain and take 4 times a day before meals.

For kidney problems, use the seeds of the plant with honey:

  • 1 tsp. seeds in a glass of water, add a small amount of boiled peas and honey.
  • This drink should be drunk three times daily, 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

All types of celery are beneficial: root, leaf, and petiole. The main thing is not to heat treat it, otherwise it will be lost. most of medicinal properties of celery.

Harm of celery

Celery has many advantages, but does this wonderful plant have equally significant disadvantages? Celery has no particular disadvantages. And much less can be said about the contraindications of celery than about the beneficial properties.

You should not use recipes with celery after the sixth or 6th month of pregnancy and when breastfeeding. Another harmful property of celery is that it has a negative effect on people prone to epileptic seizures.

Patients with acute diseases should eat the fresh plant and dishes made from it with caution. digestive systems s, as well as those who have been diagnosed with kidney stones.

Celery is a magnificent gift that nature has given us. It includes a huge amount useful elements. The plant treats and prevents many diseases, improves vision, increases sexuality, fills the body with vitamins and gives harmony.

Well, why not a panacea for all diseases? Its only drawback is its peculiar taste, which not everyone likes. But compared to the benefits for health and beauty, this drawback seems completely insignificant.

Source: http://opolze.net/svoistva/ovoshhi/selderej.html

What is celery and what it is like, beneficial properties of the plant and contraindications

In the article we discuss celery - beneficial features and contraindications to the use of the plant. You will learn chemical composition vegetable. We will list the types of celery and analyze them distinctive features. We will tell you what celery tastes like and what medicinal properties the plant has.

Appearance of celery

Celery - herbaceous plant family Umbrella (lat. Apiaceae). Latin name - Apium. This plant is cultivated as a vegetable crop.

Celery grows up to 1 meter in height. In the first year, the root system and leaves develop. In the second year the plant blooms.

Celery is a moisture-loving and frost-resistant plant. It is cultivated even in the northern regions of the country.

Celery received wide application in cooking. The roots, stems and leaves of the plant are eaten. They are added to salads, main dishes, sauces, and drinks. Celery root and seeds are used dried as a seasoning.

Useful properties of celery

Thanks to its rich composition, the vegetable has restorative effect for the whole body. Let’s take a closer look at the beneficial properties of the plant and list what celery helps with.

Celery is used medicinally as a diuretic. The plant is called diuretic celery. The vegetable is useful for kidney diseases, gall bladder and osteoporosis. It normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body.

Celery is useful for the liver and gastrointestinal tract. The plant normalizes digestion, stimulates the production gastric juice and improves appetite.

It is used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Celery has a calming effect.

The vegetable has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Celery normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin levels in the blood and has an anti-edematous effect.

Read more about the beneficial properties of the plant in the article: the benefits and harms of celery.

What's in celery?

The usefulness of celery lies in its composition. Let's take a closer look at what is contained in celery:

  • salt;
  • Sahara;
  • essential oil;
  • raw protein;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • furanocoumarins;
  • oxalic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • purines;
  • pectins;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • organic acids.

We told you what celery is rich in, now let's figure out how celery is good for the body.

What are the benefits of celery for the body?

Celery has a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Let's look at the beneficial properties of celery leaves and contraindications to their use.

The leaves and stems of the plant contain anticancer substances that prevent the development of cancer. They are especially useful for smokers, as they destroy carcinogens tobacco smoke. This is what stem celery looks like in the photo:

Appearance of stalk celery

The leaf part of the plant contains a large amount of carotene and vitamin E, which are beneficial for vision, skin, hair and nails. Celery juice is used as a vitamin supplement.

The plant is useful for men; it contains androsterone, a hormone that increases potency. Celery leaves are used to prevent prostatitis.

Benefits of celery root for women

Representatives of the fair sex who watch their figure often count the calories they eat. Celery is ideal for dietary nutrition. The plant contains only 16 kcal per 100 g. Let's look at what other benefits celery root has for women.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of celery root are contained in its composition. The root vegetable contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The plant normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates sudden changes mood during PMS and pain syndrome during critical days.

Celery root contains apiol, which enhances menstrual flow. Therefore, it should not be used during heavy periods. For the same reason, the plant is not recommended for use in the third trimester of pregnancy, so as not to provoke premature birth.

You will learn more about the benefits of celery in the following video:

What kind of celery is there?

The genus Celery includes 17 plant species. Only aromatic celery or cultivated celery (lat. Apium graveolens) is cultivated as a vegetable crop. This species has its own subspecies. Let's look at what celery is like.

Varieties of fragrant celery:

  • leafy - a species with a developed rosette of small leaves on long stems;
  • root - a variety of plant with a large fleshy root, weighing up to 1.5 kg, practically without stems;
  • petiolate - this species is distinguished by thickened petioles up to 30 cm long and an underdeveloped root system.

The part of the plant and its variety determines what celery tastes like. For example, boiled celery root tastes like potatoes, and fresh leaves and the petioles have a spicy, bittersweet taste.

Petiole celery is the most popular type of plant. Look what stalked celery looks like in the photo:

Appearance of petiole celery

The petiole type is white and green. The shade depends on the method of growth. White color The plant receives it if the petioles are covered with soil. The taste of the green stem is sharper and tart, while the white stem is softer and more delicate.

Medicinal properties of celery

Celery medicinal properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • eliminates joint pain;
  • prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • eliminates inflammation and pain in pyelonephritis, cystitis, ulcers and gastritis.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from celery. Let's look at the recipes for these medicinal products, which can be prepared at home.

To prepare celery infusion use fresh roots or plant seeds. Infuse the drink in a glass or enamel container. We do not recommend using metal utensils, as celery loses its beneficial properties when interacting with it.


  1. Fresh celery roots - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Cut the celery root into pieces, pour them into a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for 4 hours with the lid tightly closed.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons of infusion 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Result: Infusion eliminates pain and inflammation in rheumatism and gout.

When preparing a decoction of celery, you should adhere to the rule - you cannot bring the drink to a boil. At temperatures above 90 degrees, beneficial substances are destroyed.


  1. Celery roots - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Grind the celery roots, cover them with water, place on water bath and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Remove from heat, cover with a towel and leave for 8 hours.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Result: The decoction is used for gastritis and stomach ulcers. The product relieves inflammation and quickly relieves pain.


Celery is used with caution for kidney stones, as it provokes their movement. At increased acidity gastric juice, the vegetable can only be used as a seasoning, since the fresh plant enhances it.

Contraindications to consuming celery:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • varicose veins;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • exacerbation of stomach or intestinal ulcers.

What to remember

  1. Celery is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.
  2. The plant has a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  3. Despite the extensive list useful actions, the vegetable has a number of contraindications. Familiarize yourself with them before consuming the plant.

Source: http://anukapohudei.ru/pripravy/selderej

Celery: benefits and harms of leaves, stems and roots of this plant

Hello, friends!
Celery is a plant whose “tops” look like leeks, and whose “roots” look like turnips. All of it is eaten, even the seeds. Few people are familiar with this vegetable... And in vain, because scientists are delighted with it! However, not everyone can include the plant in their diet. What benefits does celery have, and does it harm our body?

What kind of celery ends up on our table?

Botanists know the whole Celery family. Among them, fragrant celery stands out most favorably - this is what we buy and grow. It can be eaten in any form: fresh
I eat it boiled, baked, frozen, dried, and even in the form of infusions (for treatment).

Celery, its beneficial properties and contraindications are of particular interest to those who want to lose weight and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Of course: the plant is nutritious, but low in calories.

  • Celery root. Peeled and chopped, it is added to soups or salads. Fans can simply grate it, salt it, sprinkle it with oil - and get a light snack. Like any other product, celery root has benefits and harms, but the number of its benefits is immeasurably greater. Among them is the duration of storage, due to which the root crop can increasingly be seen in the beds.
  • Chereshkovy. That is, stems. They are also added to soups and salads.
  • Sheet. The leaves of the plant are a little reminiscent of parsley, so many housewives use them, like more familiar greens. These leaves have also proven themselves well in home canning.

The composition of this modest-looking plant

The valuable properties of celery stalks, its roots and leaves would not be so clearly expressed if it were not so rich in composition. Scientists assure: the plant is simply saturated with minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium), vitamins (A, B, E, K), and essential oils.

Moreover, any part of this garden crops contains:

  • phytosterols (normalize the amount of cholesterol),
  • amino acids (useful for men, involved in building muscles),
  • flavonoids (antioxidants),
  • organic acids,
  • coumarin,
  • phthalides (normalize blood pressure).

It is interesting that the “turnip” is the leader in terms of its saturation with these substances (therefore, celery root has more beneficial properties than contraindications), but vitamin A is most abundant in the leaves.

NB! Calorie content: 16 kcal per 100 g of root and 13 kcal for the same amount of greens. That's why women are so interested in this root vegetable!

What are the benefits of the vegetable?

Doctors like the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, healing, metabolism-normalizing, and immunity-enhancing properties of this culture. They can recommend it to people prone to stress, tired at work, and with seasonal colds (which is why the root vegetable has become a leader in winter salads).

In addition, it is worth getting acquainted with the plant after a bone fracture, if it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, or with joints “infected” with salts.

Scientists also say: regular use“tops and roots” helps in the prevention of cancer and osteoporosis.

Who needs celery more - men or women?

For women

Leaves are important. The vitamin A contained in them normalizes the functioning of the sex glands, so it is worth eating greens for “wants” who cannot get pregnant for a long time.

Normalization menstrual cycle, hormonal levels, getting rid of amenorrhea - these are the “achievements” attributed to this fruit.

Finally, one cannot help but rejoice at the properties of celery for women, such as improving skin condition and dietary benefits (which is why celery has become the “hero” of more than one diet).

For men

It will be interesting to know that this vegetable is a natural aphrodisiac that has a beneficial effect on potency. For the production of the “male gene” of testosterone, the “turnip” is most suitable. If you are interested in increasing male strength, lean on celery stalks - these are their beneficial properties. Moreover, than formerly a man gets acquainted with this plant, the later prostatitis will “come” to it.

5 Reasons to Juice Celery

This is a concentrate, so a glass of juice has more benefits than a salad or soup with root vegetables. Properties of celery juice, thanks to which this drink can be classified as a medicine:

  1. Diuretic. Urologists like the juice because it helps treat cystitis, kidney disease, sand... But not large stones!
  2. Decreased appetite on a diet, when people losing weight begin to feel “withdrawal” for donuts.
  3. Harmonization of the nervous system in a depressed person (stimulates the central nervous system).
  4. Removing toxins, improving the appearance of skin affected by cellulite. This property will also be useful for smokers.
  5. Antiseptic, analgesic effect. You can not only drink the juice, but also apply it to the wound as a compress.

Can juice be harmful to health? No matter how great the benefit of celery, there will be harm for losing weight or improving your health if you drink it in liters.

The medical norm is no more than 100 ml per day!

To whom is celery prohibited?

In addition to the properties of the plant, one should not discount the conditions in which it grew. If an unscrupulous farmer “pumped” a celery stalk with nitrates, then the benefits and harms of such food are equalized.

We use vegetables with caution..

  • The esters contained in the plant are beneficial... But they can cause intestinal gas and colitis.
  • After a salad with turnips, a person’s blood pressure may jump. This dish would be ideal for a hypotensive patient, but certainly not suitable for a hypertensive patient.
  • With large stones, celery can be dangerous: a strong outflow of urine will move the stone from its place and clog the ureter, and this will cause pain and inflammation. Doctors do not recommend diuretic products to such patients.
  • Petiole celery will cause harm, rather than benefit, if you choose it in a store in the “discount” basket. Rotten vegetables can cause nausea and vomiting.


So you have become acquainted with this controversial plant. Celery is definitely worth having on your table at least once. Well, as for the harm, everything is simple: stick to the measure (even if you really, really want to lose weight), and you will get only the best that these “tops and roots” can give.


Thank you for your attention! Sincerely, Vera Balatskaya.

Source: http://PitanieLife.ru/produkty/selderej.html

Celery - benefits, harm and methods of preparation

Celery has long been used for medicinal purposes. Its roots and leaves are rich in amino acids, provitamin A, vitamins B, K, E, C and nicotinic acid. The benefits of celery essential oil, which are rich in the leaves and roots of the plant, are great.

Types of celery

There are petiole, leaf and root celery. In leaf and petiole celery, nature places the emphasis on juicy and fleshy leaves and stems, while root celery has a large root crop, reaching 10 cm in diameter.

Leaf celery strengthens the heart muscle, saves from rheumatism and gout. Salt is obtained from celery root, which is a source of organic sodium, so you do not need to add salt to dishes with this plant.

Celery in cooking

Greens are successfully combined in salads and vegetable dishes with sour apples and carrots. The benefits of celery are preserved in stewed, boiled and baked form, and soups are prepared from it. They are effective in the fight against excess weight.

Nutritionists use celery for weight loss. The main composition of the diet includes Bell pepper, cabbage, onions and tomato juice. A stalk of celery can be added to any salad.

Greens are used to treat and restore the nervous system weakened by overwork, nervous stress and disorders.

Composition of celery

Benefits of celery

The beneficial properties of celery are important for older people, because it normalizes metabolism and water-salt balance in the body. It is used as a natural mild diuretic, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, bladder in case of urolithiasis and liver.

Celery preparations have wound-healing, analgesic and antiallergic properties - they help against diathesis and urticaria.

Celery juice cleanses the blood and heals many skin diseases. The juice is combined with carrot, beet, tomato and other vegetable juices. The beneficial properties of celery in such mixtures will help with vitamin deficiency or lack of iron, calcium and mineral salts. The juice will improve metabolism and add strength in case of high fatigue.

For allergies 1 tbsp. chopped celery roots pour 1.5 liters. boiling water, wrap and leave for 4 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

To help a person with frostbite, you need to make a decoction of celery: 200 g of dried celery per 1 liter of water, let cool and apply to the affected area, then lubricate with goose fat, which must be rubbed in every evening.

How to store and prepare celery

The leaves are dried in a dark place on fresh air, rhizomes collected before frost are stored in wooden boxes sprinkled with sand in a cool place or in a dry place in the refrigerator.

For the winter, the grass can be salted. To do this, washed, finely chopped leaves need to be covered with salt and placed tightly in jars. You can roll it up when juice appears on the surface.

You can even dry the roots: cut the rhizomes into strips, the thinner the slices, the faster they dry, and leave them in the sun to dry for several days.

Harm of celery

The calorie content of celery is “negative”, that is, when consuming the plant, the body requires more calories to absorb than it receives. There are contraindications associated with this. Don't get carried away by those people who have acute diseases gastrointestinal tract.

The calorie content of celery per 100 grams is 13 Kcal.

Celery and pesticides

Celery is an amazing plant whose popularity is difficult to overestimate. Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates and the famous Italian Giacomo Casanova highly valued celery and attributed this vegetable magical properties, and believed that it brings happiness.

Much later, celery began to be used as food. It was then that it turned out that the main magic of the plant lies in its specific taste, which can add aroma, decorate and reveal the taste of any dish, as well as in the healing properties that celery has.

Celery in cooking

Since time immemorial, this close “relative” of parsley has been valued for its spicy aroma, thanks to which the vegetable is widely used in cooking. By the way, in the Mediterranean diet, celery is considered almost the main product included in any dish. Celery is added to snacks, crumbled into salads, served as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. And from this greenery they also get healing juice. Interestingly, literally all parts of celery are used for food, from the juicy foliage to the root of the plant.

Varieties of celery

There are 3 types of this leafy vegetable found in nature:

  • petiolate;
  • sheet;
  • root.

Petiole celery is valuable for its juicy stem, white or light green in color. This is the juiciest part of the plant, which has delicate taste and spicy aroma. Such petioles are used to prepare salads, as well as to obtain valuable juice.

Leaf celery is famous for its foliage. For their characteristic aroma and variety of useful substances, such greens are loved by fans of healthy eating, who are ready to add aromatic foliage to literally any food. The advantage of this greenery is the fact that it grows until late autumn. In addition, leaf celery is also an excellent decoration for any dish.

Root celery differs from its “brothers” by its fleshy root, round or oblong in shape. Gourmets consume it raw, boiled, stewed and baked over a fire. In any form, this product can give incredible taste pleasure.

But more importantly, both the foliage, the petiole, and the root of celery are famous for their healing properties, thanks to which celery is compared to the “root of life” - ginseng. Let's take a closer look at the amazing composition of this plant and its effect on health.

Chemical composition of celery

Celery contains 94% water. 100 g of this aromatic green contains 2.1 g of carbohydrates, 0.9 g of proteins and 0.5 g of fat.

At the same time, speaking about the composition of celery, this plant is called the “pantry of health.” Judge for yourself, this green vegetable contains:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, D, PP, as well as B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, choline and folic acid);
  • rare vitamins: K and U;
  • micro- and macroelements: potassium and magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, sodium and iron;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • nonessential amino acids (glycine, arginine, tyrosine, aspartic acid);
  • essential amino acids (lysine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine);
  • unsaturated fatty acid(Omega-3 and Omega-6);
  • saturated acids (stearic, arachidic, palmic);
  • alimentary fiber;
  • organic acids;
  • carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin);
  • ash.

With such an amazing composition, the calorie content of celery is incredibly low - only 13 calories per 100 g of product, which makes this aromatic green ideal product dietary nutrition.

Useful properties of celery

1. The vegetable in question perfectly cleanses the body, removing all toxic and poisonous substances from it. Moreover, this green vegetable rids the body of carcinogens and radionuclides, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

2. These greens contain special substances such as phthalides and polyacetylenes. These valuable components prevent the formation cancer cells and thereby prevent the development of malignant tumors.

3. Celery is extremely beneficial for those suffering from diabetes mellitus, and all thanks to the ability to lower blood sugar levels. In this plan this product must be included in the diet of a diabetic. Moreover, given the low glycemic index of the product, it is best to chop the vegetable stem into a salad or take the juice of the plant.

4. Cleansing blood vessels- Another valuable property celery. Cleansing the veins and arteries from the adhesion of cholesterol plaques, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels and maintaining their elasticity, allows people to avoid cardiovascular diseases. And these are such serious pathologies as coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

5. By cleansing the body and filling it with antioxidants that eliminate free radicals, a person consuming celery not only improves the condition internal organs, but also cleanses the skin from dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, acne, furunculosis and other lesions of the epidermis. Moreover, to combat such diseases, you can drink celery juice or lubricate the affected areas of the skin with it.

Benefits of celery for women

This wonderful vegetable is extremely useful for women who want to get pregnant. This product increases fertility and helps the body cope with fertility problems. Moreover, the variety of vitamins and mineral compounds in celery helps correct formation fetus at all stages of gestation.

Considering the high iron content in this vegetable, it is especially useful to consume it during menstruation and immediately after it. Celery prevents anemia, relieves a woman from dizziness, eliminates apathy and improves her mood.

Systematic intake of celery provides the fair sex with an easy menopause without severe symptoms of this condition. This happens due to the presence of phytohormones in the greens that support the work hormonal system women.

Keeping in mind the low calorie content of celery, this product is ideal for people who want to lose weight and gain a toned figure. Moreover, juice, greens or celery root can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Finally, celery juice is also a valuable natural cosmetic. By lubricating the skin of the face and décolleté with freshly squeezed juice literally 2-3 times a week, you can achieve simply amazing results. Your skin will be smoothed, wrinkles will be eliminated, the elasticity and natural velvety of the skin will return, as well as a radiant complexion.

Benefits of celery for men

Men also need to consume these valuable greens. First of all, this concerns sexual function, because this vegetable improves blood flow to the genitals, increasing potency and preventing the development of prostatitis. In addition, all parts of this vegetable have aphrodisiac properties.

The greens in question are especially useful for men who have reduced production. male hormone. Celery gets things going endocrine system, activating the production of testosterone, which means it improves the ability of the stronger sex to conceive healthy offspring.

We also add that thanks to the vitamin A present in celery, the quality of sperm improves in men, and sperm motility increases, which also helps solve the problem of conceiving a child.

Benefits of celery for children

Starting from the second year of life, celery can be introduced into the baby’s diet. This could be a small amount of juice added to a drink or pureed greens mixed into porridge. In any case, such a vegetable will strengthen the child’s immunity, and will also contribute to his rapid growth and mental development.

It is especially useful to give your child celery in the fall and spring, because this product strengthens the body's defenses, preventing colds and viral diseases.

Celery improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the stomach, preventing problems with stool, increases hemoglobin, and also improves mood and perfectly calms the baby’s nervous system. In this regard, eating salads and drinking celery juice is important for children who have started attending school. Let’s not forget to mention that this healthy vegetable contains vitamin D, which protects the baby from rickets.

It must be said that the root, petiole and foliage of celery have different effects on the body, and therefore, when talking about the benefits of this green vegetable, one must take into account the specific part of the plant.

Benefits of celery root

The root of this plant is rich in essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For this reason, people experiencing sleep problems and chronic fatigue should add this part of celery to their diet.

Fans alternative medicine a tincture is prepared based on the root, which is suitable for prevention and treatment rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers and gastritis with low acidity.

The root of the plant contains carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin, which support the work optic nerve, thereby preventing vision deterioration and preventing the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

The juice obtained from celery root is ideal for hair and scalp care. It copes well with seborrhea, treats dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, preventing hair loss and improves the condition of the strands.

In addition, due to its high water content, celery root has diuretic properties, which means it eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body.

Finally, this vegetable is a powerful preventative against ARVI and influenza, and therefore it is especially useful to consume it during epidemics of viral diseases.

Benefits of celery leaves and stalks

The greens of this plant are simply necessary for athletes, because the beneficial substances present in it increase endurance and promote rapid recovery body after strength training.

Celery leaves are good for relieving constipation and improving digestion. But, more importantly, when consumed, this product envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting them from harmful effects gastric juice and the formation of ulcerative lesions.

This vegetable is famous for its regenerating properties. By grinding the leaves into a pulp, it can be applied to deep cuts, abrasions and burns to speed up the healing of the skin.

Celery is a storehouse of vitamins, which means it benefits literally everyone, from babies to the elderly. For some, it helps strengthen the immune system, for others, to restore strength after illness.

Scientists have also proven that if you regularly consume celery leaves and stalks, you can live to an old age, avoiding senile dementia. This beneficial product not only prevents atherosclerosis, which leads to dementia, but also increases blood flow to the brain, stimulating mental activity.

Benefits of celery juice

Celery juice is best used for cleansing, especially in cases of poisoning and slagging in the body. In addition, this drink tones the body, improves mood and keeps the body energetic from morning until evening.

It is impossible not to note the diuretic properties of this juice. It is recommended to drink it for people who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, who have prerequisites for the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder. This juice will also help get rid of puffiness.

In addition, freshly squeezed juice of this vegetable is an excellent antiseptic. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, the juice can disinfect any damage to the skin. And some people put a couple of drops of celery juice in their eyes. This allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane no worse than the drug “Artificial tear”.

To obtain celery juice, simply chop its leaves and pass it through a juicer. Alternatively, you can grind the vegetable greens in a blender and then squeeze out the juice using gauze.

Traditional medicine recipes with celery

Arthrosis and rheumatism

Grind 100 g of celery root, add ¼ red pepper to it and pour 300 ml of vodka into the mixture. Cover the vessel with a lid, leave the product for 7 days, then strain and you can rub this tincture on painful joints 2 times a day. The course of therapy is 10–14 days.

Wounds and burns

To deal with skin damage such as wounds, deep cuts and burns, grate the celery root, wrap the resulting pulp in gauze and apply to a cut or festering wound for 2-3 hours. Treatment should be carried out 2 times a day for a week.


In case of such serious illness for gout, take 1 tsp. celery seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Infuse the product for 2 hours and then start taking medicinal composition 100 ml 2 times a day before meals. The preventive course is 2 weeks, and 2 such courses can be carried out per year.

Liver and kidney diseases

To prevent liver and kidney pathologies, chop a celery stalk and pass it through a juicer to get 100 ml of juice. IN ready juice add 1 tsp. honey and 2 g mummy. Take this mixture 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. The course of prophylaxis will be 1 month.


To normalize your diabetes condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease, eat 30 g of celery root, 100 g of the stem and 20 g of the foliage of this vegetable every day.

There is another treatment option. To do this, combine 100 ml of green vegetable juice with 50 ml of oat broth and 50 ml of Jerusalem artichoke juice. You need to take this mixture 100 ml twice a day an hour before meals.

Contraindications and side effects of celery

There are a number of diseases and conditions for which this product should not be taken. These include:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • enterocolitis;
  • malaria;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hypotension;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

In addition, it should be remembered that abuse of celery and its juice can result in stomach problems, such as stomach colic, nausea and vomiting. Be healthy!

It’s not for nothing that they say that we are made up of what we eat. Nutrition based on natural products and compliance with certain dietary standards can not only improve our quality of life, but also cure many diseases. One of the most beneficial foods for our health, which nutritionists like to recommend for consumption, is celery.

A lot of advice has been written on how to eat celery. This plant is found in many diets and is recommended for consumption by leading nutritionists around the world. The entire celery is edible, from roots to stems. Since ancient times, it has been noted that it prolongs youth and increases libido. The plant is used in diets that help Celery cleanse the body well, it removes waste and toxins, increases mental activity and general tone body. At daily use Eating celery strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of various infectious diseases. People who know how to eat celery get sick less and feel great during the changing seasons - after all, it is at this time that it is easiest to get sick.

Eating celery is beneficial for people with high blood pressure blood pressure. The substances it contains strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, calm the nervous system and help to cope with stress more easily. One of the common reasons feeling unwell is insomnia. A person who does not sleep well feels tired and constantly irritated. His entire nervous system is in constant voltage. Celery also helps improve sleep. The roots of this plant are especially useful for strengthening the nervous system. Celery improves digestion and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, helps fight putrefactive processes in the intestines and prevents excessive gas production.

How to eat celery correctly?

It is best to eat celery raw, as in this case it retains all its medicinal properties. For variety, you can also eat soup to which celery is added, but in this case there will be fewer useful elements in it. Freshly squeezed is very useful and should be taken at no time. large quantities or add to other juices.

Nutritionists tell us how to eat celery: it can be eaten boiled, decoctions are made from its dried roots and leaves, and celery juice is drunk when dieting. The plant is added to meat dishes, fresh celery used in salads, it can be used as a side dish.

How to eat celery in diets that promote weight loss? Diets based on help to lose weight well overweight. How to eat celery can be seen using the example of one of the common salad recipes using celery. It includes grated turnips, carrots and celery, all dressed vegetable oil. Eating this salad daily will help you lose weight.

Sometimes even the most ordinary things can confuse a person. For example, everyone can answer the question of how to properly cut a pineapple or remove the pit from an avocado. But if you try to find out from a person how to eat celery correctly, he will think a lot about it. Surely it is not easy for you to answer this question. Therefore, if you are a fan of this plant and it is often present in your refrigerator, then it’s probably time to figure out how to properly use celery so that it does not lose its tasty and healthy qualities.

Composition and benefits of celery

Many vegetables not only have a pleasant taste, but also contain a lot of vitamins. However, celery, which is both a herb and a root vegetable, stands out among them. In connection with this, we can mention enough interesting fact: in our country during the tsarist era, celery for a short time had the status of an ornamental plant, and only years later it became known about its medicinal and nutritional properties. Today a person is well aware of celery and can tell what value its roots, stems, leaves and seeds are.

Of course they have different properties and chemical composition, however, in general the differences are small, so it is wrong to constantly eat only one part of the plant. There are many reasons why people include celery in their diet: one is to add flavor to the dish. new taste, others - to maintain health, others - to stay beautiful longer. Celery can be prepared in a variety of ways: fry, stew, bake, can and dry. But the body receives the most useful substances from it if it is consumed fresh.

Any part of this plant is a source of glutamic acid, which is part of the protein of living organisms and at the same time acts as a powerful neurotransmitter. Surely many of you have heard its name, but celery contains natural glutamate, which determines the pleasant taste of dishes.

Celery root is not as rich in protein as its leaves: proportion of its content is 2% versus 3-4%. The root of the plant also contains more natural sugars, leafy greens are rich in carbohydrates. Both stems and rhizomes equally contain vitamins C, PP, groups B, K, E, carotene and pectins. Mineral salts iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium phosphorus, essential oils, flavonoids and organic acids are the substances that are present in every part of celery, and in large quantities.

Considering how many beneficial substances are present in celery and what properties it has, this helped him get wide use in different areas: cooking, medicine and dietetics. However, since a person pursues his goals, this requires the use different ways eating it. Or it’s better to stop using it altogether. First of all, you need to be careful with roots and leaves, which can harm a person under certain conditions:

Eating celery

Having learned about the benefits of celery, many begin to use it in the same way as other greens, which is a mistake. If you want to get from him maximum benefit then you should know that certain part will not be appropriate in all dishes.

If none of the described conditions occur in you, then this means that you can include celery in your diet. But in order not only to saturate your body, but also to bring it maximum benefit, you need to know how to use it correctly:

Why eat celery?

It is best to consume celery based on the taste properties of its specific part or the benefits it can bring to the body.


Surely many of us have heard about such a plant as celery. Some can even confirm that it is the plant is very useful, however, only a few know how to properly use its stems.

In fact it is very important question, since it depends on how this plant is prepared whether the body will receive all the beneficial substances. Celery represents unique plant, since almost every part of it is valuable for health. Therefore, having become acquainted with its composition, many may want to immediately start using it.

However, you should not rush with this, since the plant there are certain contraindications. It is a completely different matter if you have already tried this plant more than once and have not noticed a deterioration in your health. Then you need to include it in your menu as often as possible. After all, it has many beneficial properties that you will appreciate when you start using it regularly. However, don't expect that if you eat the roots and leaves, say, 1-2 times a week, you will be able to lose weight or become healthier. The effect of consuming this plant appears only if it is eaten every day if possible.