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Anise: medicinal properties, use and contraindications. Common anise medicinal properties

Anise is one of the representatives of annual plants belonging to the Umbelliferae family. Since its close relatives are fennel, dill and caraway, it exhibits many similar properties.

During its development, anise forms a straight stem that can reach 70 cm in height. The plant has a furrowed, rounded shape and forms many branches in the upper part.

The leaves located at the bottom have jagged, notched, long-petiolate shape. Sometimes their leaves are rounded-heart-shaped, two of them are located on short petioles, and another one is located on a longer one. The middle leaves grow on short petioles and have an inverted wedge shape. The leaves, located in the upper part, consist of lance-shaped-linear lobes. They are usually one-piece or tripartite.

At the flowering stage, anise forms small, dim flowers that grow at the ends of the branches, forming a complex umbrella, reaching a diameter of 6 cm. The umbrella itself contains 5-15 simple rays. They may have a single-leaf, thread-like cover, or in some cases it may be completely absent. As the petals grow, they become white and reach 1.5 mm in length. They have ciliated edges, with the tip turned inward. Anise is a cross-pollinated plant; flowering continues from June to July.

At the stage of technical maturity, it forms a fruit from two seeds, resembling an egg. Its usual color can vary from brown to green-gray. The length of the fruit is 3-4 mm, and the diameter is 1-2 mm. Stages The fruit reaches maturity in August. Subsequently, it opens, and two semi-fruits appear from it, from which an aromatic, spicy smell emanates. Has a sweetish taste.

The formation of the root system occurs throughout the development of the plant; the root itself has a tap-like, spindle-shaped shape and can reach 50-60 cm in depth. In common parlance, anise is known as sweet cumin, bread seed, and pigeon anise.

Propagation and cultivation

Anise is one of those rare spices that began to be cultivated many centuries ago. However, until now scientists have not been able to find out where exactly the homeland of this plant is located. Among the hypotheses, such places are the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Even in ancient times, man became acquainted with healing properties common anise. This information appears in the works of the ancient Greek doctors Theophrastus, Hippocrates, and Dioscorides. It is also mentioned by the ancient Egyptians.

IN Ancient Rome Anise seeds have been used as medicine. They were used as decoration for bedrooms, which with their presence contributed to the creation of an atmosphere healthy sleep. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the words of Pliny, according to which anise has a rejuvenating effect and keeps breath fresh. Often the seeds of this plant were used to make special cakes that improved the digestion process.

Herbariums from the Middle Ages contain information about the beneficial properties of this plant, which help cope with many diseases. However, at that time, anise, like most other spices, was a rare plant, and therefore was very expensive. You can understand how valuable this crop was considered by the fact that it was left on a par with such spices as coriander, cumin and fennel.

Growing anise was a labor-intensive task because it required not only highly fertile soil, but also regular watering and a warm microclimate. This crop could bloom only in warm, clear weather. Usually from the moment the seeds are sown had to wait about 115 days to get the first fruits. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 3-4 degrees Celsius. Seeds germinate in 16 days.

Today, anise has become widespread in different places our planet, so it can be found not only on the territory former USSR, but also in India, European countries, as well as in North Africa, Asia and America.

Preparation, collection and drying of anise

A photo of this culture does not show complete information about its features. The most valuable in medicinal purposes considered to be the fruit of anise. To prepare them, it is important to choose favorable moment- usually this is done early in the morning or in the evening, provided that the day is dry and clear. Necessary constantly monitor the condition of umbrellas and at the moment of ripening they begin to be cut off. A sign that the seeds are ripe is that they acquire a hard shell and a brownish color. After collection, the umbrellas must be dried, for which they are placed in a well-ventilated area. After this they are threshed.

The planting material that has passed the preliminary selection must be dried again and then additionally sifted on a sieve, which will help clear it of debris. The seed drying process can be carried out in natural and artificial conditions. In the first case, they are placed in the open air, and in the second, a dryer is used, in which it is necessary to expose temperature regime 50-60 degrees Celsius. The seeds remain viable for three years, provided that they are kept in a tightly closed container in a ventilated, dry area.

High-quality specimens can be identified by their fragrant aroma and light brown color. If the seeds are dark in color, then most likely a lot of time has passed since they were collected or they were collected at the wrong time.

Useful properties and composition

Properly dried anise fruits contain up to 6% essential oil, 16-28% fatty oil, and up to 19% protein substances. They also contain sugar and fatty acid- coffee, chlorogenic.

The essential oil is very rich in anethole, the share of which can be 90%, the rest of the composition is methyl chavicol. In addition, it also contains other substances: aldehyde, ketone, alcohol, pinene etc. The technology for making essential oil is to steam distill the seeds.

Among positive properties drugs that can be made from the seeds of the plant, it is worth highlighting the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, expectorant, stimulating, antispasmodic effect. Also, anise preparations have a carminative and laxative effect. Eating fruits improves the motor and secretory functions of digestion, also has a positive effect on the function of the glandular apparatus of the bronchi, and can reduce spasms during stomach and intestinal colic. An additional positive effect is associated with improved motor function of the uterus and increased secretion of the mammary glands. This plant is useful for frigidity and impotence.


In the works of ancient writers one can often find recommendations for chewing the fruits of the anise plant. This has a healing effect on oral cavity, What makes teeth stronger and more attractive, and also maintains a pleasant smell in the mouth. Also, the fruits of the plant are good for paralysis and falling sickness. When boiled, they are effective for melancholy and bad dreams. Anise seeds can be used to cook healing tea, combining it with cumin and fennel. Positive effect from its use lies in strengthening the nervous system.

  • An effective remedy for treating burns is an ointment made from a mixture of ground anise seeds and egg white;
  • help eliminate headache, neuralgia, and also support fresh breath you can if you chew anise seeds often. It is also useful to consume the seeds of the plant for men who have impaired potency;
  • Many cough candies and inhalation mixtures contain anise essential oil, among other essential components. The presence of a solution of oil in alcohol allows you to effectively destroy lice, ticks and fleas;
  • anise oil can help people suffering from bronchitis, as it has an expectorant effect. It also stimulates the function digestive tract and mammary glands. Taking oil involves following the following scheme: in one spoon warm water dilute two or three drops of oil and consume 4 times a day.

Also oil has been used in cosmetology: Regular application to the skin makes it elastic and youthful, has a positive effect on general tone. It is also useful to wash the eyes with the plant, which allows you to get rid of many vision ailments. A tincture of anise with saffron and wine can help cope with eye inflammation.


Anise seed decoction can alleviate a person's condition at various diseases.


To prepare it, take one teaspoon of fruit, brew it with one glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. The cold infusion is filtered , take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before every meal.

This remedy is useful for the following diseases:

  • diseases of the uterus, discomfort associated with menstruation, and also as a means of increasing milk production in nursing mothers;
  • as a diuretic, antipyretic and antispasmodic;
  • with many colds: cough, whooping cough, bronchopneumonia, etc.;
  • as a drug that can remove toxic substances from the body.


For many domestic gardeners, anise seems to be an exotic plant, the properties of which only a few are aware of. Therefore, for many it still remains an unknown garden crop. In fact, this plant is very useful, since the healing properties of anise were known in ancient times. Many ancient works contain references to this plant, which can help with various diseases and ailments.

And this is not to mention the fact that anise is a fairly common spice. However, regardless of the benefits that this plant can bring, it should only be taken after consultation with a specialist. Because even useful plant may be harmful if taken incorrectly.

Anise plant

Anise is a herbaceous annual plant and belongs to the seleraceae family. IN summer time, at the end of June and beginning of July you can observe the flowering of anise. Already in August, the fruits of the plant ripen. Anise, or star anise as it is also called, has a very pleasant aroma. According to most people, it is used exclusively as a spice to add flavor to some

However, this plant, or more precisely, its fruits - seeds, are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and some other fields. Next, let's look at what properties this plant is so attractive to, what its benefits are and how exactly it is used in everyday life.

Basic medicinal properties:

  • antipyretic;
  • expectorant;
  • laxative;
  • antimicrobial;
  • painkiller.

Fruit composition

Anise fruits contain incredibly beneficial essential and fixed oils. They can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Since they contain such important components for health as anethole, methyl chavicol, anise ketone and organic acid.

In medicine, anise is used to treat many diseases. For example, cough, vascular disorders.

In cosmetology, plant oil is added to many creams, masks, and lotions. Its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties give excellent results in the fight against many skin defects, enrich it, and preserve youth.

The use of star anise seeds in cooking is unlimited. Aromatic oil gives dishes an exquisite aroma, excellent taste and a touch of piquancy.

Interesting to know! Animals and even fish adore the aroma of anise. Treats with the scent of this plant are used to train pets, and fishermen add a drop of oil to their fish bait.

Anise in medicine

In the field of medicine, star anise seed oil is used for the following diseases:

  • neuralgic disorders, chronic fatigue, nervous tension;
  • migraines and various origins;
  • digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting;
  • colds of the upper respiratory organs;
  • pain during menstruation in women, as well as during menopause;
  • diseases of the urolithiasis.

Let's look at some of the most popular recipes for the treatment of certain diseases.

Cough recipe

In order to get rid of it, you should use the following recipe. Half a glass of plant seeds should be poured into 200 g boiled water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After the medicine has cooled, strain it and mix with 5 tbsp. l. honey and bring to a boil again. If you are treating a cough in an adult, you usually add a teaspoon of cognac to the mixture. You need to take 1 tsp. every hour and severe attacks cough.

Recipe for insomnia and chronic fatigue

To prepare you need milk and star anise seeds. A teaspoon of seeds should be crushed in a mortar or passed through a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder into a glass of warm milk and leave for 1-2 hours. Then strain and take warm before bed. This product is also great for children.

Treatment of gastritis

Place a tablespoon of seeds in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After the product has infused for 2-3 hours, you can take the medicine. Up to 5 doses per day are recommended for pain and exacerbations.

For urolithiasis

Add a teaspoon of plant fruits to 200 g of boiling water. Leave the medicine for 2-3 hours, then strain. Take 3 times a day, 50 g before meals.

For children, this is used to prepare decoctions that relieve colic and digestive disorders.

Crush a teaspoon of fruit and pour a glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil and leave on low heat for 15 minutes. Leave the product in the refrigerator for several days. Give infants a few drops of the decoction, and children over one year old, a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Important! When using prescriptions, it is strongly recommended to consult a physician. This will help avoid unwanted manifestations in the form of allergies and other body reactions.

Anise in cosmetology

Star anise has incredibly beneficial properties for giving the skin freshness, beauty and health. The oils of the plant's fruits are used as an essential additive in the preparation of many face and body creams.

Anise affects the skin as follows:

  • tones;
  • will relieve swelling;
  • removes inflammation;
  • normalizes water-fat balance;
  • rejuvenates.

Also often beneficial features Star anise is also used for hair. Thanks to masks and rinses with the addition of anise oil, hair becomes shiny, elastic, acquires strength and a healthy appearance.

Let's look at the most popular recipes for women.

Rejuvenating mask

For preparation you will need honey, sour cream and anise essential oil. Sour cream of any fat content will do. Mix 2 tbsp in a container. l. sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 3 drops of oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to skin for 10-15 minutes.

Moisturizing mask

Mix cereals, fresh grated cucumber in equal quantities. Then add 3 drops of anise oil. Apply to the skin of the face and neck immediately after preparation for 10-15 minutes.

Hair rinse

This recipe is used. Pour a tablespoon of star anise seeds into a liter of boiling water. Also add 2 tbsp here. l. nettle herbs. Bring to a boil and turn off. After a few hours, use the product as a rinse after washing your hair.

Use in cooking

There are no limits to the use of aromatic spices in cooking. It has been used since ancient times. Our ancestors were attracted by the aroma of the plant. When added to a dish, the spice complements and improves its taste. Star anise also goes well with other spices, such as Bay leaf, cardamom, fennel, allspice.

In what dishes is anise used?

  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • salads;
  • sauces and dressings;
  • casseroles, omelettes;
  • desserts and many other types of dishes.

The fruits of this plant are widely used in preservation. Vodka is also prepared from it, which has a spicy smell and interesting taste.

Even in Rus' they used a recipe sauerkraut with the addition of aromatic star anise. No restaurant can do without this spicy spice.

Important! For any purpose, you need to choose high-quality and fresh anise. Its color should be bright and its aroma pleasant.


Like many other plants, star anise has some contraindications. It is believed that it should not be taken during pregnancy. Medical representatives believe that the oils of the plant’s fruits can negatively affect the fetus and cause uterine bleeding.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to consume anise when peptic ulcer. Its oils can irritate damaged mucous membranes.
  2. Star anise can also cause an allergic reaction. Patients with asthma and other lung diseases should use the spice with caution.

Anise treatment should not be used long time. The course should be no more than 5-7 days. Use the gifts of nature correctly, be healthy and happy.

Many spices used in cooking are also known for their medicinal properties.

One of them is anise, useful features which allow it to be widely used in folk medicine.

Main beneficial properties

A lot of the beneficial properties of anise can be explained by the rich composition of the seeds.

They contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, fiber, proteins and healthy fats.

Anise is filming painful sensations, inflammation and high temperature, has a diaphoretic and antiseptic effect.

Other properties include laxatives, diuretics, and sedatives.

Preparations based on anise are used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, digestive organs, kidneys, and urinary system.

They have effects on eliminating headaches, sexual and nervous disorders.

For women, anise is useful because it normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves pain and helps fight frigidity.

Improves potency in men. Good effect on nervous system, struggling with insomnia, sleep disorders, constant awakenings.

The spice enhances the effect of the consumed antibacterial agents. The combination of egg white and anise oil effectively treats burns.

Traditional medicine recipes

To restore appetite

Take a teaspoon of crushed anise, pour a glass of boiling water, let cool and brew.

Drink half a glass half an hour before meals.

For colds

Take 100 g of anise seeds, pour half a liter of 90% alcohol. Use the tincture three times a day, 5-10 drops.

There is another recipe:

  • pour a glass of cool water into a small container,
  • add half a glass of anise seeds,
  • let it boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

Strain, add a quarter glass of honey (the beneficial properties of sweet clover are described), a large spoonful of cognac, let it boil, brew and cool.

Take a tablespoon every half hour.

To combat impotence and its prevention

Every day, eat 3 g of anise seeds or take 3-5 drops of anise ether.


Take four teaspoons of anise seed and pour a glass of boiling water. Cook for 7 minutes, strain.

Drink two tablespoons three times a day before meals. The decoction helps no worse than those taken during pregnancy.

For insomnia

Add a teaspoon of crushed anise seeds to a glass of heated milk and let it brew.

Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Serve warm. Children need to halve the dose.


Pour a teaspoon of dry seeds into a glass of hot boiling water.

Then leave for 30 minutes.

Strain and drink three times a day before meals, a quarter glass.

The infusion will help quickly get rid of dry cough attacks.

For dizziness

Place a couple of drops of anise essential oil on a piece of sugar.

Eat it if you feel dizzy.

Stones in the kidneys

Pour two teaspoons of seeds with boiling water in the amount of one glass, let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain.

Consume three times daily, similar to the herb bear ears(written in the article) in the amount of two tablespoons half an hour before meals.

Application in cosmetology and cooking

Relatively recently, anise began to be used in cosmetology.

Experts were interested in the plant’s ability to relax muscles.

Modern manufacturers produce anti-wrinkle creams (read about the effectiveness of apricot oil) based on anise extract.

Their efficiency is high.

IN home care For skin and hair, you can use anise essential oil, which is added in a few drops to creams, lotions, and masks.

Both the fruits and greens of the plant are used in cooking.

It is added to vegetable salads and dried kelp (read how to prepare), meat dishes, and side dishes.

In Mediterranean cuisine you can find fish dishes, seasoned with anise. Dry umbrellas are used for preservation.

Ground anise fruits are used as a spicy seasoning. Anise is added to baked goods (healthy baked goods made from amaranth flour are written about) and confectionery products.

It adds piquancy to sweet dishes: soups with milk and dried fruits (), puddings.

The seasoning improves the taste characteristics of vegetable dishes. It goes well with all types of cabbage, including sea cabbage (), carrots, zucchini, and beets.

It is added to pickled fruits and sweet compotes. Sometimes anise adds a unique taste alcoholic drinks(): vodka, liqueurs, live beer.

Contraindications and possible harm

Anise and preparations based on it are contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to plants from the Apiaceae family, stomach ulcers and duodenum(about therapeutic diet read with recipes), atony of the large intestine.

They are prohibited for pregnant women and those who suffer chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract such as hernia (treatment folk remedies described in the article).

In some cases, anise can cause allergies. There is a potential danger for children under two years of age.

Anise oil cannot but be indicated for internal use more than seven days.

You need to start using anise with small doses.

If dizziness, nausea, etc. unpleasant symptoms will be absent, then the next day you can increase the dose.

Caution is needed with decoctions. Consume them in amounts up to 100 grams per day. Overdose can cause allergies.

How to choose

When choosing fruits, pay attention to the smell and color. Fresh product bright and fragrant. If the seeds have a barely audible aroma and dark brown color, they are either old or were stored in improper conditions.

Anise effectively treats intestinal spasms, insomnia, coughs, bronchitis and colds; watch the video about treatment methods.

Anise – herbaceous annual plant with a specific sweetish odor. Common anise and star anise are grown, differing in their seeds (fruits).

Common anise has ovoid seeds of gray-brown or gray-yellow color, with a rough surface.

Star anise has seeds that look like six- or eight-pointed stars of a dark brown color and its second common name is star anise.

Anise seeds contain essential and fatty oils, sugars, proteins, anisic acid, anisealdehyde, and minerals.

In terms of the effect that anise fruits have on the human body, common and star anise are similar. It has been noted that the seeds have an analgesic, disinfectant, antispasmodic, and expectorant effect.

Anise oil has a diuretic, carminative, sedative, relaxing, antiseptic, and analgesic effect.

Application of anise ordinary and star anise

The fruits of star anise and common anise are used for cooking medicinal tincture and decoction.

An infusion of anise seeds is an effective and already classic cough remedy. To prepare it, pour boiling water (250 ml) into one teaspoon of crushed seeds. The same drink helps with flatulence, inflammation of the nasopharynx, gums, bad breath, increased nervousness, inflammation genitourinary systems s, painful menstruation, poor lactation, gastrointestinal diseases. Take anise infusion after meals, 100-150 ml several times a day.

Anise tincture with alcohol is no less effective: the seeds are poured with 70-degree alcohol, left for seven days and then, after straining, drunk 10-15 drops about 10 times a day.

A decoction of anise seeds is prepared as follows: boil two tablespoons of seeds in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Take anise decoction according to the above indications three times a day, 100 ml.

Hoarseness is well relieved by a drink made from 100 g of anise fruit, boiled in 200 ml of water. Add 0.25 cups of linden honey to the cooled broth, bring to a boil, pour in a tablespoon of cognac. You should drink this decoction until the hoarseness goes away and the sore throat goes away, one tablespoon every half hour.

Crushed anise fruits can also be used externally; they help well with burns: the seeds mixed with protein are applied to the areas affected by burns several times a day.

Anise oil is also used externally and internally. For improvement fat metabolism, increasing elasticity and firmness of the skin, oil is added to ready-made cosmetic creams– 2-3 drops per 35-50 ml of base.

Massage with anise oil is good for toning and has a beneficial effect on the skin: it is added to cream or massage oil - 2-3 drops per 15 ml of base. For young children, massage with anise oil helps relieve increased excitability. To do this, mix 15 ml of glycerin with 6 drops of anise oil and gently rub the child’s shoulders, back, arms, and legs.

IN stressful situations An aroma lamp filled with anise oil helps at the rate of 2-3 drops per 15 square meters. premises.

For a cold, to treat a cough, you can do hot inhalations with anise oil: add one drop to a container of boiling water or into an inhaler and inhale for 5-7 minutes.

To stimulate lactation, a woman will be helped by a few drops of oil taken on a piece of refined sugar and washed down warm milk with honey.

Baths with anise, vanilla, chamomile, mandarin and dill oils have a general healing effect.

Swelling of the legs is well relieved with compresses: anise oil (5 ml) mixed with any vegetable oil(15 ml), soak gauze and apply to swollen areas.


Anise oil and seeds should not be used during pregnancy. high blood pressure, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity.

Massage with oil is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

Many spices used in cooking are also known for their medicinal properties.

One of them is anise, the beneficial properties of which allow it to be widely used in folk medicine.

Main beneficial properties

A lot of the beneficial properties of anise can be explained by the rich composition of the seeds.

They contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, fiber, proteins and healthy fats.

Anise relieves pain, inflammation and fever, has a diaphoretic and antiseptic effect.

Other properties include laxatives, diuretics, and sedatives.

Preparations based on anise are used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, digestive organs, kidneys, and urinary system.

They have effects on eliminating headaches, sexual and nervous disorders.

For women, anise is useful because it normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves pain and helps fight frigidity.

Improves potency in men. It has a good effect on the nervous system, fighting insomnia, sleep disorders, and constant awakenings.

What do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of wintergreen? Read an interesting and useful article by following the link.

The health benefits and harms of red rowan are written on this page.

Anise and preparations based on it

  • improve appetite;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulate kidney activity and genitourinary functions;
  • work as an expectorant;
  • fight bad breath.

Essential oil

  • nervous tension and exhaustion, stress, depression, apathy and so on;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • problems with the stomach: problems with stool, vomiting, gases;
  • rheumatism, arthritis;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • tachycardia;
  • diseases in the upper respiratory tract, runny nose and cough, asthma;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system: edema, cystitis, kidney stones and cystitis.

Anise oil is used to combat burns, hoarseness, scurvy, and gum inflammation.

Tinctures and teas are prepared from anise seeds.

Tea can be used to combat colds and to improve lactation in nursing mothers.

This number of beneficial properties explains unique composition anise

Ascorbic acid fights viruses and bacteria, strengthening the immune system.

Niacin has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, while normalizing cholesterol levels.

The main mineral in anise is potassium. It has a good effect on the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels.

The seeds help contract the uterine muscles, which helps eliminate pain during menstruation and enhance labor.

Anise is a powerful aphrodisiac. To eliminate frigidity and increase potency, you can drink anise tea.

It contains the hormone estrogen, which increases reproductive function body.

Are you sure that you know the instructions for using bear’s ear herb well? Test yourself by reading the article after clicking on the link.

How it helps tar soap for hair against dandruff is written here.

On the page: find out the sequence of performing asanas in Hatha yoga.

Anise tincture treats candidiasis in the mouth, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis (symptoms and acute treatment in children).

The spice enhances the effect of the antibacterial agents used. The combination of egg white and anise oil effectively treats burns.

Traditional medicine recipes

Take a teaspoon of crushed anise, pour a glass of boiling water, let cool and brew.

Drink half a glass half an hour before meals.

For colds

Take 100 g of anise seeds, pour half a liter of 90% alcohol. Use the tincture three times a day, 5-10 drops.

There is another recipe:

  • pour a glass of cool water into a small container,
  • add half a glass of anise seeds,
  • let it boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

Strain, add a quarter glass of honey (the beneficial properties of sweet clover are described here), a large spoonful of cognac, let it boil, brew and cool.

Take a tablespoon every half hour.

To combat impotence and its prevention

Every day, eat 3 g of anise seeds or take 3-5 drops of anise ether.


Take four teaspoons of anise seed and pour a glass of boiling water. Cook for 7 minutes, strain.

Drink two tablespoons three times a day before meals. The decoction helps no worse than lingonberry leaves against edema taken during pregnancy.

For insomnia

Add a teaspoon of crushed anise seeds to a glass of heated milk and let it brew.

Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Serve warm. Children need to halve the dose.


Pour a teaspoon of dry seeds into a glass of hot boiling water.

Then leave for 30 minutes.

Strain and drink three times a day before meals, a quarter glass.

The infusion will help quickly get rid of dry cough attacks.

For dizziness

Place a couple of drops of anise essential oil on a piece of sugar.

Eat it if you feel dizzy.

Stones in the kidneys

Pour two teaspoons of seeds with boiling water in the amount of one glass, let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain.

Use three times a day, similar to the herb bear ears (written in this article) in the amount of two tablespoons half an hour before meals.

Application in cosmetology and cooking

Relatively recently, anise began to be used in cosmetology.

Experts were interested in the plant’s ability to relax muscles.

Modern manufacturers produce anti-wrinkle creams (read about the effectiveness of apricot oil here), based on anise extract.

Their efficiency is high.

In home skin and hair care, you can use anise essential oil, which is added in a few drops to creams, lotions, and masks.

Both the fruits and greens of the plant are used in cooking.

It is added to vegetable salads and dried kelp (read how to prepare it here), meat dishes, and side dishes.

In Mediterranean cuisine you can find fish dishes seasoned with anise. Dry umbrellas are used for preservation.

Ground anise fruits are used as a spicy seasoning. Anise is added to baked goods (healthy baked goods made from amaranth flour are written on this page) and confectionery products.

It adds piquancy to sweet dishes: soups with milk and dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey and lemon), puddings.

The seasoning improves the taste characteristics of vegetable dishes. It goes well with all types of cabbage, including sea cabbage (benefits and harms), carrots, zucchini, and beets.

It is added to pickled fruits and sweet compotes. Sometimes, with the help of anise, a unique taste is given to alcoholic drinks (how to quickly cleanse the body after poisoning): vodka, liqueurs, live beer.

Contraindications and possible harm

Anise and preparations based on it are contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to plants from the Apiaceae family, stomach and duodenal ulcers (read about a therapeutic diet with recipes here), and atony of the large intestine.

They are prohibited for pregnant women and those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as hernia (treatment with folk remedies is described in this article).

In some cases, anise can cause allergies. There is a potential danger for children under two years of age.

Anise oil should not be used internally for more than seven days.

You need to start using anise with small doses.

If dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms are absent, then the dose can be increased the next day.

Caution is needed with decoctions. Consume them in amounts up to 100 grams per day. Overdose can cause allergies.

How to choose

When choosing fruits, pay attention to the smell and color. The fresh product is bright and aromatic. If the seeds have a faint aroma and are dark brown in color, they are either old or were not stored in proper conditions.

Anise effectively treats intestinal spasms, insomnia, coughs, bronchitis and colds; watch the video about treatment methods.

In the article we discuss the medicinal properties of anise and contraindications for consuming the spice. We will talk about options for using anise seeds in folk medicine. By following our tips, you will learn how to brew anise tea, prepare decoctions, water infusions and alcohol tinctures spice based.

Medicinal properties of anise seeds

Common anise is a herbaceous annual plant that is widely used in folk medicine. Infusions, decoctions and tinctures are prepared from the seeds and herbs of the plant.

Anise seeds are used in folk medicine

The benefits and harms of anise lie in its composition. The plant contains essential oils, protein substances, organic acids, camphene, fatty oils, dipentene, sugars. More than 80% of anise consists of anethole, an aromatic ester that gives the plant a sweetish-spicy aroma.

Anise is widely used in folk medicine. The seeds of the plant, less often the stems, are used as medicinal raw materials.

The use of anise herb is possible in cooking. Fresh leaves added to salads and side dishes. Eating with anise herb improves digestion, eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines, and prevents constipation and flatulence. The beneficial properties of the anise herb explain its use in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anise has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. These beneficial properties of anise are indispensable for inflammatory diseases internal organs.

Anise seeds normalize the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Plant-based products reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

The beneficial properties of anise allow it to be used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Anise is a natural antidepressant. Plant-based products eliminate depression, stress, and lift your mood.

Anise enhances the effect of antibiotics. Therefore, products based on it should be used carefully during the period of use. antibacterial drugs and only after consulting a doctor.

The medicinal properties of anise seeds help in treatment bronchopulmonary diseases. Plant-based products have expectorant and antipyretic effects.

You learned about anise and its medicinal properties. Next, we will talk about anise seeds and their use in home recipes.

The use of anise in folk medicine

Anise seeds are used in folk medicine. The medicinal properties of anise seeds are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems, painful menstruation in women and impotence in men.

Tea, decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made with anise

Medicines are prepared from anise, each of which has its own purpose and method of use. Since anise is a potent plant, preparations based on it should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage.

The course of taking anise preparations is 7 days. If it is necessary to repeat the dose, take a break for 2 weeks.

You learned about anise and what the plant is used for. Now let's look at the recipes medicines spice based.

Anise seed tea

Anise tea has general strengthening effect. It is useful to drink during periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases.


  1. Anise seeds - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the anise seeds and let sit for 10 minutes.

How to use: Drink 1 glass of tea 2-3 times a day.

Result: Tea strengthens the immune system, normalizes digestion and calms the nervous system.

Anise decoction

Anise decoction is beneficial for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. The product is used to disinfect the mouth and gargle for colds.


  1. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Fill the seeds with water, place on water bath and bring to a boil. Cook the product for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon up to 4 times daily.

Result: Anise decoction effectively relieves pain and relieves inflammation.

Anise infusion

Anise is useful for coughs. An infusion of the plant is used to treat laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. The product stimulates the production of sputum and removes it from the body.


  1. Anise seeds - 2 teaspoons.
  2. Licorice root - 10 gr.
  3. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind licorice root, combine with anise seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let sit for an hour.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours. Use a gargle 3-4 times a day.

Result: The infusion relieves sore throat and has an expectorant effect.

Anise tincture with vodka

Anise tincture is useful for disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems. The product is used not only internally, but also used externally to treat skin diseases.


  1. Anise seeds - 40 gr.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of vodka over the seeds and leave the product for a week.

How to use: Take 20-25 drops 3 times a day, regardless of meals.

Result: Anise tincture normalizes heartbeat and eliminates nervous excitement. When taken regularly, the product increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs and restores potency.

You learned about anise - the properties and use of the plant in folk medicine. Let us tell you how anise is useful for loss of voice.

Anise for loss of voice

Anise is used to treat hoarseness. A decoction of the plant softens the ligaments and restores the voice in 2-3 days.


  1. Anise seeds - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.
  3. Linden honey - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Pour anise seeds hot water, bring to a boil in a water bath and cook covered for 15 minutes.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon every half hour.

Result: The product eliminates hoarseness and normalizes the closure of ligaments.


The beneficial properties and contraindications of anise lie in its chemical composition. Uncontrolled consumption of anise leads to indigestion, nausea and general weakness body. Exceeding the dosage for oral administration leads to a burn of the gastric mucosa.

Anise - contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

You have learned the beneficial properties and contraindications of anise. Now we’ll tell you where you can buy medicinal spice.

For more information about anise, watch the video:

Where can I buy

Anise seeds can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket in the spice section. They are sold whole and ground. Price 100 gr. Anise seeds range from 80 to 100 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

What to remember

  1. The beneficial properties and contraindications of anise seeds lie in its composition, which consists of 80-90% anethole. Plant-based products have a number of contraindications, which should be familiarized with before use.
  2. Anise seeds and herbs are used as medicinal raw materials.
  3. Anise has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant and antipyretic effects.
  4. The beneficial properties of anise herb are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anise seeds have been famous for their healing properties since ancient times. Since the time of Avicenna: he recommended treatment with fresh and dried leaves and seeds. And Hippocrates used the plant to heal nasal ulcers and preserve good vision. In addition, in the old days they believed that if you sleep on a pillow filled with anise seeds, then a person will never be tormented by nightmares.

Anise seeds: medicinal properties and contraindications Useful properties of herbs and anise fruits

All the beneficial properties of this plant are explained by its rich chemical composition. Its fruits contain from 3 to 6% essential oil, vegetable fats, protein, carbohydrates, sugars, furfural, acids (fatty, chlorogenic, caffeic).

Due to this, anise has an antiseptic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant, and laxative effect. Very popular in homeopathy.

Contraindications and side effects

It should be remembered that anise can cause allergies. Therefore, people with a tendency to allergic reactions it should be used with caution. First a very small dose. Then, if there are no manifestations, you can gradually increase it.

You should also avoid using anise during pregnancy.

You should not use decoctions and infusions of anise when chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, as well as other conditions accompanied by high acidity.

Should not be used for a long time large doses, because Possible paradoxical arousal and narcotic effect.

Herb Anise: medicinal use Anise for throat and laryngitis

For the treatment of throat diseases, the following infusion is recommended. Take one teaspoon of anise fruit (crushed), brew a glass of boiling water, put on low heat for 15 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. Take 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 2-3 tablespoons. The infusion relieves dry throat and eliminates hoarseness.

Anise for cough

Essential oil is included in the formulation of lollipops and cough syrups, including for children, and is used for inhalation. It is also included in pharmaceutical anti-asthmatic medicines and some other medications.

Coughs that arise from colds, bronchitis, whooping cough and tracheitis are treated as follows. One teaspoon of dry anise is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, then filtered and taken before meals, 3 times a day, 1/4 cup.

What are the benefits of anise for weight loss?

Anise – effective remedy for weight loss. The effect is achieved by reducing appetite. For the purpose of losing weight, it is recommended to use a decoction of seeds: 2 teaspoons of seeds, pour 1 glass of boiling water, 30 minutes. insist in a water bath, cool for 10 minutes, then filter and add 1 table. lie Sahara. There are 2 tables inside. lie 3-4 times a day before meals.

Other medicinal properties anise plants and additional effects on the human body

Nervous system

  • For headaches and neuralgia, it is recommended to chew anise seeds. They can also be brewed with the addition of fennel and cumin. This tea relieves nervous tension.
  • It has a general stimulating effect on the human body and increases performance.

The cardiovascular system

  • Eliminates symptoms of tachycardia, normalizes blood pressure.

Respiratory system

The benefits of anise are undeniable for inflammatory diseases:

  • diaphoretic, antipyretic, expectorant effect - decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of ground seeds into one glass of water, boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain. 0.25 cups orally 3-4 times a day before meals. Also useful for bronchial asthma.

Digestive system

  • anise infusion is used to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to use it after a hearty meal in case of feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • effective against flatulence, constipation;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

Reproductive system

  • eating common anise seeds enhances potency;
  • When menstruation is delayed in girls, during painful menstruation, and also to increase libido, it is recommended to take a decoction: 4 teaspoons of seeds/200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. There are 2 tables inside. lie 3 times a day;
  • infusion: 1 teaspoon of fruit / 1 tablespoon. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink 0.25 cups 3 times a day before meals. Useful for diseases of the uterus,
  • unlike star anise, it can be used to stimulate lactation in breastfeeding women (also anise oil). What is the difference between anise and star anise, read on a separate page.
  • with sexual impotence, frigidity.

Urinary system

  • for oliguria (decreased amount of urine), as a diuretic - a decoction: pour 2 teaspoons of anise fruit into one glass of boiling water, then leave in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool and strain, then add 1 tbsp. lie Sahara. 2 tables each. lie orally 3-4 times a day before meals;
  • at inflammatory processes urinary tract And renal colic– infusion (how to prepare it - see above in the section on the reproductive system);


  • essential oil of anise is excellent in caring for dry, sagging skin;
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of anise flakes into 0.5 liters. boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 0.5 cups orally before meals;
  • for inflammation of the eyes, a tincture of anise with saffron and wine helps;
  • for burns: ointment made from egg whites and ground anise seeds

And of course, anise is used in cooking, adding beneficial properties to food. Detailed description Look for spices bedrenets anise on our website.

Vladimir Manannikov

Anise belongs to that rare class of spices that goes equally well with the most different dishes and at the same time have excellent healing properties.

It can be added to baked goods, desserts, meat and Lenten menu, to alcoholic and non-alcoholic liqueurs and tinctures, salads, and can be used exclusively for the preparation of medicines that can heal from various ailments.

Anise is widespread in our country and in its neighboring countries; it is also widely cultivated in Asia, Cyprus, Egypt, Western Europe. The price of the spice is more than affordable, and there is no shortage.

The most valuable part of the plant is the seeds - they accumulate enormous energy And natural strength, therefore, they are used for medicinal purposes.

For maximum benefit

Despite wide use anise, it is not recommended to purchase it in packaged bags - you will not be able to check and evaluate the aroma and freshness of the product, and the activity life of anise seeds is up to three years.

Therefore, if you buy such a stale spice, you may not get the expected therapeutic effect.

For all spices, including anise, you should go to specialized shops, where sellers (and they are often shop owners) are well versed in the assortment and are always ready to help the client with the choice.

Fresh anise has an incredibly appetizing aroma; it cannot be confused with anything; it is not for nothing that anise is in the top ten plants used in aromatherapy.

Traditional medicine knows a lot of recipes for using anise for medicinal purposes, using both dry raw materials and essential oils from the seeds.

Anise seed contains a large group of vitamins and minerals (B, C, sodium, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, etc.), which makes it suitable for use as a general tonic.

The seeds also contain a lot of fatty and essential oils, containing special anisic acid, aldehyde, ketol, sugars, anethole and other bioactive components.

As a main or auxiliary active substance anise is part of the popular pharmaceuticals– Doctor Theis capsules, Chest collection, Strepsils, ammonia-anise drops (which are dripped onto a piece of sugar), various cough syrups, including for children.

Anise - beneficial properties

Thanks to its pleasant aroma and unobtrusive taste, treatment with anise is a pleasure. You can simply add it to your daily tea pot, which will benefit the whole family, because anise is an excellent immune stimulant.

1. Anise tincture and tea strengthen the immune system, invigorate, help overcome fatigue after a hard day working day or after long stay in bad weather.

2. Anise improves appetite, increases the secretory functions of the stomach, and promotes complete digestion.

3. Aroma oils and anise preparations have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. They relieve insomnia, disperse blues, depression, apathy and other melancholic states.

4. Anise seeds and oil are recognized diuretics. They eliminate swelling, remove excess liquid from tissues, heal the kidneys.

5. Anise has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to use it for the treatment of any ENT diseases– pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.

6. In Asia and the East, anise is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. He raises sexual desire, relieves frigidity and increases male strength.

7. In gynecology, traditional medicine uses anise to normalize menstrual cycle, withdrawals pain syndrome during critical days.

8. Anise seeds are one of the few that can normalize the work of such complex and important organs, How pancreas and liver.

9. Anise-based products are widely used in dentistry. They treat inflammation of the gums, nasopharynx, neutralize bad smell from mouth.

10. Tea and anise infusion have a pronounced expectorant property, so anise is the No. 1 remedy for bronchopulmonary diseases caused by colds or viruses.

11. Anise copes with dizziness, headaches, migraines.

12. Helps with bloating, diarrhea, constipation.

13. Calms the heart rate during attacks of tachycardia.

14.Treats cystitis, removes sand from the kidneys.

15. Used for asthma and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

16. Relieves conditions during exacerbation of arthritis and rheumatism.

17. Since ancient times it has been used as a means of increasing production breast milk in nursing women.

Anise - contraindications

Anise is universal and accessible to everyone.
The list of its contraindications is small:

  • peptic ulcer in the acute stage,
  • pregnancy period,
  • gastritis with high acidity,
  • individual intolerance, which, however, is extremely rare.

The seeds of this plant should always be in home medicine cabinet and on the shelf with spices, because anise is a great healer and can enrich the taste of any dish.