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Relieving breathing with a runny nose in children. How to ease nasal breathing with a runny nose? Treatment with medications

Many parents sooner or later face various diseases in children. The point is that in childhood The immune system is just being formed, so the body cannot withstand maximum stress. In addition to colds, children are susceptible to adenoids that block nasal breathing. In its advanced state, this disease brings a lot of discomfort and health problems. It is very important to identify all the symptoms in a timely manner and help the child recover from the disease, since complications can be costly for the baby. For example, you may have trouble sleeping, mental state or behavior.

Let us remember that adenoids are a barrier to infectious diseases that enter the body through inhaled air. When the child is nothing more, the adenoids are small in size. But if they enter the body harmful microbes or infection, then hypertrophy occurs lymphoid tissue pharynx, it increases in size. All these factors negatively affect the baby’s immune system. Overgrown tissue is often the source of all troubles, since they quickly multiply in the inflamed area pathogenic bacteria, negatively affecting protective function body. As a result, the child stops breathing through his nose completely. Parents should know how to make breathing easier for a child with adenoids?

On early stages adenoids may be barely noticeable, so adults need to become familiar with the symptoms in order to promptly eliminate the disease. Before you see a doctor, you should carefully study the symptoms and signs of adenoids:

  1. The main symptom of the disease is difficulty breathing through the nose. You may notice that the baby constantly walks with open mouth, snores at night and has trouble sleeping. These factors can eventually lead to apnea.
  2. Frequent runny nose, cough and fever. As a rule, colds with adenoids are very difficult to treat; the baby may suffer from infections for weeks. In this regard, mucus, pus and irritation appear in the nasopharynx.
  3. It is very painful for the baby when swallowing. This pronounced symptom is also called hyperemia of the palate.
  4. Irritability, lethargy, dizziness, headaches. Due to lack of oxygen, sleep, memory, hearing and speech deteriorate. Adenoiditis leads to deformation of the facial bones and bite.

If the illness for a long time not treated, then the adenoids may develop into chronic form. This means that the child may change rib cage. Before treating your baby, you should consult a doctor. In the hospital the patient will be checked, examined and diagnosed accurate diagnosis. Diagnostics will make it possible to create an effective treatment plan.

However, there are several generally accepted ways to make nasal breathing easier:

  1. Cleansing the sinuses and rinsing the nasopharynx.
  2. Massage.
  3. Special gymnastics.
  4. Medicines.

Of course, if the baby has third-degree adenoids, then the above methods are unlikely to help get rid of the problem. These treatment options are effective in the early stages of the disease. In this regard, parents should promptly identify the symptoms of adenoids and consult a doctor so that he can prescribe highly effective treatment. Then the baby will have a chance to get rid of the overgrown lymphoid tissue with the help of conservative therapy. Otherwise, everything may end with the removal of the adenoids.

It is also important to know the degrees of adenoids:

  1. By taking a picture of the nasopharynx, the doctor can see that the nasal passage is closed by 1/3. This means that the child has the first degree of illness. Despite the fact that at this stage of the disease there are no pronounced symptoms, the baby still feels discomfort during sleep. for example, you can hear your child wheezing or snoring at night. Surgery is not performed for the first degree of adenoids; the doctor solves the problem with the help of medication. For example, in medical practice A drug such as Protargol has proven itself to be excellent. It contains silver ions, which eliminate symptoms and make breathing easier.
  2. When the second degree of adenoids occurs, then most of The nasal passages are blocked, so the baby breathes through his mouth even during the day. Also at night, the child notices snoring, snoring and apnea. Moreover, processes such as deformation of the face and jaw begin, and changes occur in the voice, speech and hearing. To relieve inflammation and irritation, the doctor recommends taking Avamis. However, the medicine should only be given to children over six years of age. If the child is less than four years old, then take Nasonex.
  3. The third degree of adenoids completely closes the lumen, and the child breathes only through the mouth. This factor causes oxygen starvation, reduces intellectual abilities and leads to anemia. In other words, the baby appears pathological changes. More often drug therapy is ineffective, so the doctor performs surgical intervention to remove excess lymphoid tissue.

However, at the initial stage of the disease, the doctor still advises treating adenoids with gentle methods that are recognized throughout the world.

  • Nasal rinsing

Additional ways?

Adenoids must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided. The fact is that when the tissue increases, the baby develops hyperventilation. This means that the body produces too much mucus, which accumulates in the sinuses. Nasal breathing is impaired. This is why experts recommend rinsing your nose and throat to get rid of accumulated mucus.

Most often, the nose is washed using ordinary saline solution or medicinal decoctions. The product can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Now developed a large number of medicines that differ in both price and quality.

For example, there is a recipe for rinsing. First of all, you need to buy mint, chamomile and eucalyptus leaves, and then this mixture pour boiling water over it. All actions are carried out in a single container. Leave the decoction in this form for one hour. After this, the mixture is filtered, cooled and used according to the instructions. It is worth noting that the doctor prescribes the dose based on the data obtained about the baby’s health. In the same way, it is possible to prepare an infusion of horsetail. If the procedure is performed correctly, the child will immediately relieve swelling and irritation.


Conservative therapy involves taking medications. The list of medications is prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination of the child’s body. Modern technologies allowed specialists to develop many different drugs against adenoids. Now on the shelves of pharmacies you can find vasoconstrictors that quickly and effectively relieve inflammatory processes, facilitate breathing and normalize metabolism. For example, the following drugs have proven themselves to be excellent in practice:

  1. Protargol.
  2. Avamis.
  3. Otrivin.
  4. Polydexa.
  5. Nasonex.

Doctors believe that these drugs not only produce vasoconstrictor effect, but also have anti-inflammatory effects. Parents should remember that each product comes with instructions for use. Medications have their own dosage, composition, conditions of use and frequency of administration. Therefore, it is better to study the instructions before starting to take the medicine. Also, do not forget about the doctor’s recommendations.

  • Breathing exercises for adenoids for children

According to the international community of doctors, breathing exercises can not only improve blood flow, but also make breathing through the nose easier. Every year in medicine the number of approaches to therapeutic exercises increases. Such specialists as Strelnikov and Buteyko showed themselves most clearly. To this day, their technique breathing exercises is highly valued in medicine and is being successfully implemented.

The following actions can improve your child’s well-being:

  1. To perform this procedure, you need to temporarily close one nostril with your finger and breathe deeply with the other. Then you should close the other nostril.
  2. The baby should be asked to breathe deeply through his nose, while at the same time his head should turn to the left, right and to the sides.
  3. Bends forward with your arms extended forward also helps a lot. During the bending process, you need to inhale the air strongly.
  4. Breathe so that your tummy inflates and then deflates as well.

In order for a child to get accustomed to performing therapeutic exercises, at first it is necessary to perform all the actions together with the baby. You can even turn gymnastics into some kind of game, so the child will better learn the movements and will always be in good mood. After gymnastics, it is necessary to calm the child by smooth breathing through the nose.

  • Massage to ease breathing

Very often, doctors recommend doing a nasal massage for adenoids. If you approach the matter correctly, this treatment method can have a positive effect on nasal breathing. During the procedure, blood flow in the nasal sinuses improves and swelling of the nasopharynx is eliminated.

There are even some tips for nasal massage:

  1. The wings of the nose should be massaged smoothly and without effort, creating light circular movements. In this case, you should not use force or put pressure on your nose.
  2. For one or two minutes, you need to massage the middle of the upper lip, where the small dimple is located, with progressive movements.
  3. The nose can be massaged with light pinching.
  4. The outer corner of the eye has a biological active points, they must be massaged for three minutes.
  5. You can complete the massage by massaging several points near the child’s eyebrows.

Doctors recommend performing these actions about four times a day. However, massage is prohibited in following cases: increased body temperature, purulent mucous discharge, poor health of the child, irritability and moodiness. After eliminating these signs, you can resume massage sessions.

The famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky advises everyone to carry out preventive measures to avoid the harmful effects of adenoids. In particular, he recommends humidifying and ventilating the room, walking in the fresh air, playing sports (swimming pool, running, cycling, hockey), tempering the body, irrigating the nose and throat with infusions and solutions, taking immunomodulatory drugs, and treating in a timely manner. colds and be checked regularly by doctors.

A runny nose in a child is familiar to all parents without exception; it is a common problem and is provoked by many factors. Difficulty breathing disrupts night sleep, affects general health, and in the absence of proper treatment can become a constant companion for life. Determining the cause is within the competence of the doctor, so visiting a pediatrician will greatly speed up the process of getting rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Since nasal congestion, which is observed with rhinitis, and copious mucus secretion are often non-infectious in nature, it will be useful for parents to know how to ease breathing with a runny nose and cope with unpleasant symptoms various types rhinitis

Effective treatment largely depends on how correct the tactics are chosen and how the basic principles are followed integrated approach. How younger child, the more attention should be paid to the basic recommendations.

Humidity and temperature

Often all parents' efforts are aimed at combating increased department mucus or snot. It should be understood that mucus is a protective substance that moistens the nasal passages and destroys pathogenic agents. Problems begin when the initial characteristics of the mucus are lost, it thickens and dries, forming hard crusts. Such conditions are created if the room has low humidity and warm air.

  1. Regular wet cleaning of the premises. This measure will not only rid the room of dust and harmful agents contained in it, but will also increase humidity levels.
  2. Ventilation. Parents often neglect this advice for fear of worsening the course of the disease. 15 minutes with the window open is enough to ensure fresh air. During this time, the child can be transferred to another room or covered with a blanket. Since difficulty breathing causes especially a lot of trouble at night, airing should become a mandatory procedure before going to bed.
  3. Walks in the open air. Prerequisite get well soon. To avoid hypothermia, you need to dress your child according to weather conditions, and you can use salt heating pads for babies. They will protect you from the cold and help maintain optimal body temperature.
  4. It is convenient to use modern control devices at home. Air humidifiers and radiators with temperature control will allow you to control the parameters in the child’s room. High-quality devices have the function of maintaining humidity at 75% and keeping temperature readings within 20 degrees.

Cleansing the nasal cavity

Mucus that accumulates excessively in the nasal cavity requires timely removal. This will help avoid the formation of dry crusts, and snot will cause less snot. discomfort.

The most in a simple way Removing snot is by blowing your nose. For adults this is an absolutely natural and simple process, but a child needs to be taught to do it correctly.

When teaching a small family member to blow his nose, you need to avoid exhaling with excessive force. This can lead to nosebleeds due to damage to small blood vessels. You can only pinch one nostril, since increased pressure when the nasal passages are closed can cause ear infections or lead to sinusitis.

This method is relevant for children who are old enough to master the process self-removal mucus. For infants, a different method is suitable. There are special aspirators on sale that allow you to safely and quickly remove excess accumulated mucus and facilitate nasal breathing.

Diet and drinking regimen

Next important basic principle should be the preparation and adherence to a drinking and proper nutrition regimen.

The formation of mucus necessary for hydration in respiratory tract requires a certain level of fluid in the body. Thickening and formation of crusts in the nose may be associated with its deficiency. In addition, for colds accompanied by a runny nose, drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to remove toxins and reduce their concentration in the blood. Elevated temperature also requires a large volume of water, as it leads to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.

You need to give your child food often, in small portions. This is especially true for a newborn, since he cannot yet communicate his thirst and suffers the most from a lack of water.

Suitable drinks include juices, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, herbal teas and compotes. Infants who have not yet been introduced to complementary foods are given only clean drinking water.

Signs that your baby is not getting enough fluids include frequent licking of his lips.

Proper nutrition during illness and feeling unwell important at any age. The child’s body especially needs additional support, but it is important not to overload digestive system excessive protein nutrition. Proteins require a lot of energy and take away the strength needed to fight the disease.

In infants, feeding habits during a runny nose are associated with the fact that difficulty in nasal breathing deprives them of the ability to simultaneously breastfeed or drink from a bottle. Trying to breathe while feeding can cause short-term apnea, and the discomfort will lead to refusal to eat, which will lead to weight loss.

To make the feeding process easier for babies, it is recommended to replace the usual method of eating with feeding from a spoon. The diet of older children should be enriched fresh fruit and vegetables.

So, directing all your efforts to fight the runny nose, you need to:

  1. Ensure that you drink plenty of fluids, which will help prevent excessive formation of thick mucus and improve your child's overall well-being.
  2. Create a nutritious diet that will provide nutrients in an accessible form and will help strengthen the immune system.

As part of the recommendation for dietary changes and drinking regime, it is also important that introducing new products into your usual diet is extremely undesirable. Possible allergic reactions will reduce all efforts to zero and bring more harm than good.


The methods listed above can bring significant relief from rhinitis. In some cases, such measures are sufficient to restore breathing and get rid of a runny nose. In more difficult cases may be required additional measures. What means to choose and how to make it easier for a child to breathe when severe runny nose will tell you pediatrician pediatrician. You should not self-medicate.

Traditional preparations

The simplest and safest traditional method of fighting a runny nose is regular saline solution. It is sold in most pharmacies, and if necessary, it can be easily prepared at home from a liter of water and a teaspoon of salt. Exceeding the concentration is unacceptable - this will lead to increased dryness and can cause a burn to the child’s delicate mucous membranes.

Ready-made or self-prepared composition can be used in two ways:

  • Burial. Using a regular pipette, 1 to 5 drops are dripped into each nostril of the child, depending on age. Children tolerate the procedure quite well; the solution is almost not felt. You can repeat the instillation after 10–15 minutes, removing excess mucus by blowing your nose or using an aspirator.
  • Washing. More intensive and high-quality cleaning requires introducing liquids into the nasal passages in large volumes, allowing excess mucus to be washed away. This method has proven itself well due to its accessibility and effectiveness. Special washing devices make the task much easier. Older children can carry out the procedure independently under adult supervision.

Instillation and rinsing with saline solution - effective method overcome rhinitis at home using traditional methods. However, you can use drugs instead, for example, Aqua Maris.

Some sources mention hydrogen peroxide for rinsing the nose. Considering the aggressiveness of the solution and possible burns to the mucous membrane, it is not recommended independent use peroxide as a rinsing agent.

Children over 1 year old can use nasal drops or sprays to help relieve nasal congestion. The most popular drugs are NoSol, Pinosol, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, Nazol, Polydexa, Otrivin and others.

Folk remedies

The experience of our ancestors, accumulated over the years, allows us to use natural and effective means. The use of this group of methods and the presented means is unacceptable in children infancy, and also without prior consultation with a doctor.

Most Common Methods traditional medicine To combat nasal congestion in a child:

  • Kalanchoe and aloe. The plants contain natural antiseptics, and their juice is rich in minerals. Instilling diluted juice can make breathing easier, but it is important to take into account the possible allergenicity of natural components.
  • Essential oils. The possibility of using sea buckthorn, pine, and eucalyptus oils should be discussed with your doctor in advance. You can breathe oil vapors if you do not have allergies or individual intolerances. The effectiveness of these products does not give reason to consider them harmless.
  • Onion. Mixing onion juice with honey vegetable oil, water is the basis of many folk recipes. The product is effective, but the importance of selecting the concentration should be taken into account. For children younger age Such methods cannot be used, and for older children it is better to add onions to their food or involve them in peeling useful product. Essential oils that will be released and enter with the air into nasal cavity, will serve as a fairly effective method of facilitating breathing during rhinitis.

All the products in this group are really effective in combating the runny nose, but given the high risk of allergic reactions, as well as the difficulty of selecting an individual dosage, they should be used wisely.


Application of natural physical factors, created at home or using modern physiotherapy devices, will help expand the range of measures to combat the runny nose.

  • Massage. Impact on points located at the wings of the nose, as well as on the superciliary arches, can relieve nasal congestion. This method is widely used in practice, and its advantage is the possibility of using massage even in infants. The strength of the impact and the exact location of the points will be determined by the pediatrician.
  • Thermal procedures. You can ensure your baby gets a good rest at night if you apply a warm compress before bed. The heated cloth is applied to the bridge of the nose for 3–5 minutes.
  • Inhalations. The simplest way to restore nasal breathing can be steam inhalation. For children of all ages, you can use aroma lamps, which will ensure a gradual release of beneficial essential oils. Nebulizers have proven themselves well, the use of which greatly facilitates the procedure in young patients.

The methods presented are absolutely safe and do not require any special skills.

Do not forget that all of the above measures work best together. The main principle of treatment and relief of a runny nose should be safety, therefore the use of medications and folk remedies must be previously agreed with a doctor.

The appearance of a runny nose in a child is accompanied by changes in behavior - loss of appetite, fatigue, tearfulness and sleep disturbance. The reason for this behavior lies in the violation drainage function nose and lack of oxygen entering the body.

How to help a child with a runny nose at night, ease breathing and normalize the baby’s physiological state?

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane can provoke various reasons and conditions. In most cases catalysts for a runny nose are waste products of pathological microflora, which are activated by hypothermia or.

Less commonly, a runny nose is caused by allergens (pollen, dust, animal dander, etc.). To determine the etiology of rhinitis, you need to seek help from a pediatrician, who will tell you how to make breathing easier for a child with a runny nose.

During night sleep, it is necessary to place the child on a pillow, with his head raised at 30-40 degrees.

A runny nose in an infant does not always indicate the onset of respiratory development. viral disease. Up to 3 one month old In babies, the nasal mucosa is not fully formed, which causes the appearance of .

This phenomenon is not a pathology and does not require medical attention (provided there is no cold symptoms). After completion of the mucosal formation process runny nose goes away on its own.

Regardless of the child’s age, there is a whole range of symptoms, including:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • abundant production of muconasal mucus of various types (from transparent and watery to viscous, yellow);
  • difficulty breathing and swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • cough at night (due to mucus running down the nasopharynx).

Important! Delayed treatment runny nose in infants can lead to sad consequences. Due to their age, infants cannot breathe through their mouths, which can lead to oxygen starvation and stopping breathing.

How to relieve a child’s condition with a runny nose

Clearing the nasal passages

To eliminate stagnation of mucanasal secretions and cleanse the nasal passages, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline solution.

For infants cotton or gauze flagella soaked in a solution should be used to prevent mucus from entering the middle ear and developing. Remove mucus using a nasal aspirator.

Saline solution can be replaced with pharmacological products based on sea water – “”, “”.

To cleanse the nasal passages in children from birth, you can use Aqualor drops

Ensuring plenty of fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids allows thin muconasal mucus and prevent dry crusts. Especially useful are herbal infusions, fortified rosehip decoction, warm tea or plain water. Recipes for preparing herbal infusions should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Creating favorable conditions

To ensure that nasal mucus does not dry out and parents do not have obstacles to removing it, it is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature in the room and humidity level.

You can use a special climate control device - or hang wet towels in the room. Also, do not neglect daily wet cleaning.

Heat compresses

To ensure a good night's sleep for a child, pediatricians recommend using. Before going to bed, a cloth soaked in warm water, placed on the bridge of the nose. Heat exposure time – 3 – 4 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times.

As an alternative, you can use heating with or salt.

Important! Warming up can be carried out at natural body temperature.


You can quickly relieve nasal congestion using influence on certain points. Massage is an absolutely safe and painless procedure, therefore it can also be performed on infants. Your doctor will help you become familiar with the technique and points of influence.

Inhalation procedures

Inhalation with essential oils of medicinal herbs will help alleviate the baby’s condition. Esters of thuja and tea tree are quite effective in treating rhinitis.

Due to the natural composition and the absence of synthetic compounds, inhalation procedures with essential oils have no contraindications.

To make breathing easier during sleep, it is more rational to use cold inhalations. To do this, pour into the aroma lamp tank 2 tbsp. warm water and add 1-2 drops of essential oil.

Important! Inhalations can be carried out if the child has no allergic reactions. During the procedure, it is important to monitor the child’s condition. If lacrimation or red rashes appear on the face and limbs, inhalation should be stopped.

Main massage points for a runny nose

Drug therapy

To facilitate nasal breathing, the pediatrician may prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring nasal breathing, reducing swelling and reducing mucus production.

Decongestants in the treatment of runny nose in children are as drugs emergency action . These medications are taken in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, no more than a few days, because provoke addiction.

It is more rational to use nasal medications to restore the drainage function of the child’s nose before bedtime.

If the runny nose is of allergic origin, antihistamines are included in the therapeutic course.


At the first signs of nasal congestion, you should seek qualified medical help. Strict adherence to the pediatrician’s recommendations will significantly alleviate the baby’s condition and speed up the recovery process.

Among all the diseases on the planet, the runny nose is considered the most common. And there is not a single person who has never sniffled in his life. What then can we say about small children, because a runny nose is their indispensable companion throughout childhood.

Rhinitis itself is harmless, but its complications can cause serious trouble for the body: sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. A bacterial infection may develop, which may cause the condition to drag on. More details about the treatment of a runny nose in infants will be discussed in the article.

Causes of appearance in newborns

The presence of a runny nose in newborns is not always accompanied by the development of a respiratory disease. At the age of up to 2 months, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is not yet able to fully function, which leads to copious discharge mucus.

This mucus is a physiological runny nose in a child. Of course The main causes of its occurrence include a common cold, or acute viral infection.

The development of infection in children under 12 months can provoke severe swelling of the mucous membrane, which negatively affects the breathing process.

In large metropolitan areas, or even in tiny towns, where industry flourishes and cars abound, the air is polluted with various chemical irritants that cause may appear allergic reaction in a child in the form of swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, sneezing or runny nose.

Be that as it may, no one canceled a visit to the pediatrician at the first symptoms of the disease, especially if the baby got sick for the first time.

If you have a high temperature, you should immediately call a doctor at home. If the temperature is normal, then visit the hospital.

If watery eyes and coughing occur, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. The same applies to those cases when the baby becomes whiny, lethargic, or refuses his mother’s breast.

How can this be dangerous for an infant?

Despite the harmless appearance, ordinary rhinitis turns into serious problems for the baby’s health. A clogged nose with mucus impairs the sense of smell, appetite and sleep, which leads to a sharp change in mood - the baby becomes irritable, capricious, whiny and restless. But when treating a child's runny nose, intensive methods are not always needed.

Why is a clogged nose considered more dangerous for children under 1-2 years of age? At this age they still do not know how to blow their nose, and parental attempts to clean the nasal cavity with conventional means are not very effective. The dimensions of the nasal passages and the nasal cavity itself are small, but very vulnerable.

With a severe runny nose, the nasal mucosa swells in infants, especially in the first day. This period is difficult for the baby and for his parents, because they cannot feed their child properly or comfort him in any way.

About the treatment of such dangerous disease In children, you will learn about chronic adenoiditis by reading the following material: .

Symptoms and signs of rhinitis

The clinical picture of a runny nose in infants looks like this:

  • disturbance of the rhythm of life (nutrition, wakefulness);
  • the baby involuntarily tries to reach his nose and rub it;
  • bouts of sneezing, red eyes or itching in the nose. This happens when a runny nose is of an allergic nature;
  • heat;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • watery discharge from the nose, and profusely.

The baby may also suffer from bad sleep which causes difficulty breathing. Often develops along with rhinitis, which indicates the flow of mucus through back wall throat.

Should you go to the doctor if it occurs?

A runny nose is not always associated with a cold, since it sometimes plays the role of a symptom of another disease.

Every parent should know that the nature of the occurrence of a runny nose is different. Exists infectious rhinitis, as an allergic reaction, or infectious rhinitis, which is a bacterial or viral runny nose.

Young children who constantly put small toys in their mouth or nose may become sniffly as a result of a foreign body getting into the nose.

According to statistics, in more than 95 percent of cases, rhinitis is viral in nature.

The nasal mucosa of a child is most sensitive to the effects of viruses during the cold season, therefore Many parents are in no hurry to go to the doctor at the first symptoms.

What to do if it doesn't work

What to do if a newborn has a runny nose that does not go away, how to treat it infant? Gently clean your baby's nasal passages from accumulated mucus. This must be done using an aspirator. This is very handy tool, you just need to get used to it.

If there is little mucus, then make do with a cotton swab made by yourself. Roll this flagellum in the baby's nose, cleaning it - all the mucus will appear on the surface of the flagellum.

You should not push it too deeply so as not to damage the mucous membrane. A small amount of mucus occurs in infants after birth.

Is it possible to walk with him?

Regardless of the cause of rhinitis, whether it is an allergy or a cold, doctors allow walks.

But there is one condition - the baby must feel good.

If plant pollen acts as an allergen in allergic rhinitis, then it is advisable to limit walks. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, and hang dust-collecting mosquito nets on the windows.

If you have allergies due to pet hair or dust, daily walks can help relieve general state baby and speed up recovery.

The presence of cold rhinitis is the most serious form, in which it is not recommended to walk with weakness, chills or fever, as this may worsen the condition.

In other cases, staying outside is possible, but in limited quantities (walking is allowed in calm and warm weather).

Is it dangerous to swim?

Is it possible to wash a baby with a runny nose? A baby can only be bathed under certain conditions. Otherwise complications may arise.

A baby can be bathed if:

  • infusions of medicinal herbs will be added to the baths;
  • after water procedures, the baby’s body is immediately wrapped in a warm towel or blanket;
  • the water should be several degrees warmer than usual;
  • the baby does not suffer from high fever.

Many doctors insist on the need for bathing, because a sick baby sweats profusely, and along with sweat, toxins, medications and microbes leave the body.

To clean clogged pores, you need to regularly water procedures. This will allow the body to breathe freely.

How to cure quickly

People say that You can get rid of snot in a week, even if you don’t do anything about it. But the right approach and timely treatment eliminate a runny nose in 3-4 days.

Otherwise, complications may arise, and a harmless disease will take on a chronic form. If rhinitis is not very severe, then it can be cured on your own, just do not need to be instilled breast milk in the baby's nose.

Despite its rich composition (breast milk contains many immunoglobulins), milk is an excellent habitat for bacteria and viruses. Better feed your baby in the usual way so that he receives useful components from sucking the breast.

It is necessary to ensure freedom of breathing for the baby and cleanliness of the nose. This way he won't be distracted.

There is only one way out for children under 3 years of age - aspiration. Cotton swabs are an effective method for cleaning the nose, but they can harbor bacteria and can damage the nasal lining if used incorrectly.

Pediatricians advise giving Otrivin Baby to infants over two years of age. This complex was developed specifically for caring for the noses of infants.

How to help ease your breathing

To make your baby's breathing easier, you need to do the following:

Then you can start drug treatment or folk remedies. But before this, you need to consult a doctor, since self-medication can harm an organism that has not yet fully formed.

What Doctor Komarovsky says: video

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky notes that a runny nose itself cannot be treated. It is necessary to treat the disease that provoked its development. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine the nature of its occurrence - is it an allergic, bacterial or viral runny nose. The nature is important because each of these types is treated differently.

In an infant, rhinitis may occur as a result of exposure to dry air in the apartment– Protective mucus is produced in the lungs.

It is enough to install an air humidifier in the room, but this will help if the child does not catch a cold. All actions must be agreed with the doctor.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the following video how to understand that a newborn baby has a runny nose and how to treat it in an infant:

How long does the disease last?

With timely help, a stuffy nose can bother a child for 7-10 days. All stages of rhinitis cannot go away in 2-3 days, even if parents regularly put drops in the baby’s nose.

For effective fight With the virus, a sufficient amount of antibodies are produced in the body 5-6 days after infection.

With a runny nose, a child's weight can rapidly decrease. This is due to the inability of the mother to suckle normally. So the baby has a choice - either breathe or suck, and skipping at least one meal leads to grams disappearing.

If rhinitis drags on for 8 days or more, then the baby’s ENT organs may be damaged. Treatment is necessary, because its absence is fraught with complications such as tonsillitis and otitis media.

What symptoms may be accompanied by, what advice Dr. Komarovsky gives during treatment, you will find out on our website!

It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. The situation with rhinitis is similar, because it is impossible to complete the treatment of an infant without stopping at preventive measures.

You should regularly consult a doctor if you suspect any pathology. oral cavity and throats.

It is necessary to systematically harden the baby to increase the resistance of his body to unpleasant meteorological factors.

We need measures to strengthen the immune system. This is the only way to protect your child from colds and viral diseases.

Even timely and correct treatment Rhinitis in an infant does not always guarantee a positive effect. Rare may occur infectious diseases , sudden weakening of the immune system or missed deadlines when calling a doctor.

No one is safe from a hospital bed, especially infant, whose body has not yet had time to sufficiently form and strengthen.

A combination of factors such as prudence, attentiveness, responsibility and adequate parenting behavior can minimize the chances of developing complications from the common cold. Keep a diary in which you need to note each case of rhinitis. This will allow you to monitor how many times a year the baby gets sick, and what methods and means are effective in treatment.

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There is no need to treat a runny nose, it is natural reaction body, helping the nasopharynx cope with a virus or bacteria. But you need to help your baby so that the runny nose “doesn’t bother you too much.”
1. Maintaining moisture in the nose, when it is necessary to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, is considered the main task! Desirable at home cool air(at temperatures above 22 degrees, mucus dries out quickly) and high humidity. Use a humidifier. Or get an aquarium. Or just place cups of water. In addition, it is good to breathe rich, humid air in the bathroom. Go there every half hour, breathe for 5-10 minutes, let the snot liquefy and pour out, then wash the child. You can add a drop to the water lemon oil with lavender.
2. It would be good to provide complex treatment, because a runny nose usually goes along with other catarrhal symptoms.
3. Therapeutic baths. Herbs: calendula, birch leaf, yarrow, sage. In equal parts. 50 gr. Herbs for a large bath, 25 for a baby bath. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Water temperature is at least 36-37 degrees. Bath for at least 20 minutes. At least 5 days.

Directly nose
1. The simplest remedy is saline solution. Even if you take half a pipette into each nostril every hour, it is impossible to overdose. You can make a semblance of saline solution yourself: for one liter boiled water add one teaspoon of salt, or to be more precise, 9 grams. Salt can be replaced with sea salt, but only without additives, preferably food grade. Attention! use saline solution only! for “dripping” into the nose, and not for rinsing the nasopharynx. Under no circumstances should you rinse your child’s nose with a small bulb or enema. In children, fluid passes from the nose into the nose very easily. eustachian tube connecting the nose and ear. This may cause inflammatory process in the middle ear (otitis). But if the saline solution is DRIPPED, nothing like this will happen.
2. Just like physical. solution, you can instill an infusion of herbs. Calendula, yarrow. 1 tsp. collection or mixture in 1 cup of boiling water and 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool. Place half a pipette into each nostril several times a day.
3. Liquefy snot using the methods described above and remove excess only from the outside. Use a bulb to suction any excess from your nose only before going to bed if it is interfering with your breathing. Attention! If a child has a runny nose, do not suck out mucus from the nose. On the contrary, when we have a runny nose, we need to make our nose even wetter! Nozzles are a protection for the poor, small, overworked and irritated nasal mucosa. In addition, intense suction leads to even stronger swelling, which, as you understand, leads to a vicious circle.
4. Moisturizing the mucous membrane. If the runny nose is runny, then there is no need to lubricate the inside of the nose, the mucous membrane is already moisturized. If it doesn’t leak, then lubricate the mucous membrane well so that it doesn’t dry out. For example, peach oil or Vitaon. It is to lubricate it with turunda, and not to bury it, in addition to all the above measures.
5. Constant use of vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin) for a common runny nose is unacceptable. Just before bed, when severe congestion nose


TRY Aqualor

Erika Burmaka

Steam your legs in hot water with dry mustard. The spout will open.

little man

drop the juice of the colanchoe, the child will get rid of it and the nose will be cleared of mucus, then you can drop drops like Nazivin, but keep in mind that they cannot be dropped for more than 3 days!
I don’t recommend washing the now fashionable ones! You can wash the infection from the nasopharynx into the ears and then tiot and the ears will have to be treated!

Runny nose in a child

To cure a runny nose in a child, you need to choose the right drug, taking into account the age and state of health of the child. Depending on how severe the illness that caused the child’s runny nose is, its treatment may take from a week to 10 days. What are the features of treating a runny nose in a child?

Read also: Colds in children: causes, symptoms, treatment

Causes of a runny nose in a child

They can be viral and bacterial infections. For example, the flu or a cold. A runny nose can also be caused by tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and is treated together with the underlying disease in hospitals or specialized centers.

It is very important to consider age characteristics treatment of runny nose in children. Runny nose in newborns, young and older children school age are treated differently. Therefore, parents should be aware of the characteristics of each age period.

First aid for a runny nose

Always, when a child has a runny nose, you need to drink before consuming chemicals, use other methods that are more natural.

To make it more comfortable for your child to sleep, you need to raise the head of his sofa or bed. Therefore, the pillow should be higher, so that the head rises to a height of 45 degrees. The only condition: the child must lie comfortably. Then the mucus from the nose will go away much easier and the child will not suffer from breathing difficulties.

If a newborn has a runny nose and the nose is clogged with mucus, it can be eliminated using a bulb or an ordinary syringe (without a needle, of course). This is done especially if the child cannot get rid of mucus in the nose on his own. The edge of a syringe or the tip of a bulb is inserted into the baby’s nose, but very carefully so as not to injure the nasal mucosa. The mucus must be sucked out gradually - first from one nostril, then from the other. Emptying the nose from mucus should be done as often as necessary.

How not to injure the nasal mucosa?

To prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out along with the mucus, you need to moisturize it with mucus. To do this, you need to rinse the child's nose with saline solution. If you don't take care of your baby's nose, the mucus can dry out and the nasal passages can get injured. In addition to saline solution, you can also use saline solution, which is instilled in turn into each nostril. At this time, the child should lie with his head thrown back.

When saline or saline solution first enters your child's nose, he or she may cough, gag, or sneeze. But, if you perform the instillation procedure several times, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx will significantly decrease, and there will be no more unpleasant sensations. Rinsing the child's nasal passages can be repeated every half hour or hour - as the nose becomes clogged. The main thing is not to let the mucus in your nose dry out. By burying your nose, you will thereby help to liquefy the mucus and release it from the nasal passages.

What can be used to treat a runny nose instead of saline or saline solution?

These may be oily liquids. For example, vitamin A in solution or vitamin E - they are sold in any pharmacy. Or oil-based drops Ectericide. These liquids prevent mucus from drying out in the nose, and also moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, make it possible to relieve irritation, and regenerate tissue.

How to make your child's nasal breathing easier?

Medicines called decongestants help make your child's breathing easier. When they are instilled inside, they enable the child to breathe normally and treat rhinitis (acute runny nose) well. These medicines are used for children different ages– newborns, infants or children of high school age.

These medications do not always help and sometimes cause unwanted reactions in children. This occurs when the medicine is taken inappropriately, too often or in larger doses than needed.

True, if the child is not treated with these drugs, he may develop sinusitis - nasal congestion with accumulation of pus, as well as severe headaches and elevated temperature. Therefore, it is necessary not only to treat a child’s runny nose, but also to remove tumors from the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, and also remove harmful microbes from there using bactericidal agents.

What are the medications to treat runny nose in children?

These can be local or topical and systemic medications from the group of decongestants. They are used mainly to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and constrict blood vessels. Because of this, breathing through the nose becomes more free, and it is easier for the child to fight other cold symptoms, such as cough and fever.

Thanks to these two groups of drugs, the risk of developing sinusitis is reduced, since they are released maxillary sinuses nose

Specificity of medications for the common cold in children

Parents need to understand that the same medicine can be produced under different names, if the manufacturers are different companies. But on the instructions for the medicine for the common cold, you can see the substance that is included in the composition of your particular medicine. This is what you need to pay attention to when purchasing. And if you don’t understand these subtleties. Then you need to ask your doctor what alternative names for the drops he prescribed may be on the label.

One of the most reliable remedies for runny nose in children is Derinat. It is characterized as a product with excellent tolerability and good effect reducing cold symptoms.

This drug activates the child’s immunity and gives him the opportunity to quickly cope with colds and their manifestations.

What risks does a child face if he or she takes medicine for a runny nose incorrectly?

If parents used drugs for their child without permission, without a doctor’s prescription, exceeded the dose, or gave the drug too often, the child may have complications. Among side effects, or complications from taking medications for the common cold may include: anxiety, increased excitability nervous system, allergic rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal mucosa, inhibition of brain function, even falling into a coma.

If a child’s runny nose, despite all the treatment measures taken, does not go away, but only gets worse, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. He'll tell you. Are there any complications of a cold or other illness in the child? This may be sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, which must be treated with antibiotics. These antibiotics should again be prescribed by a doctor, and not bought for the child without permission.

A child’s runny nose can go away quickly and easily, or it can drag on and not go away. All this depends on how promptly you went to the doctor and how correctly you followed the course of treatment prescribed to them.

How to ease nasal breathing when a pregnant woman has a runny nose?


Nadya Trifonova

There is one way for pregnant women, but you need to be careful: crush a clove of garlic, squeeze it through gauze or a cloth, dilute it with boiled water, you can taste the concentration, use a pipette in each nostril, it helps!

Melannia *****

Nothing worked out for me... just wait it will go away on its own... it’s the hormones acting up


I just almost got rid of a bad runny nose. I couldn’t breathe either. I was saved only by washing with water and salt. You have too little Aquamaris. Buy a syringe of at least 0.5 l and rinse your nose normally, and not with advertised useless products.


Are you sure it's a runny nose? reminds me of sinusitis. You can't heat it! better see a doctor. Maybe something anti-allergenic will help. Such drugs relieve swelling. but don't self-medicate


I used drops that are suitable for babies, but it’s better to see a doctor, everything depends on the period, in other periods you can’t do anything at all, then I sniffed garlic and chopped onions




I think it’s better to see a doctor, because there can be many reasons; it could also be a domestic allergy associated with a sharp decrease in the level of immunity and, as a result, sensitization...

Yutilda Valdemarovna

beet juice diluted with water. That's what I did. And also drops of novocaine with diphenhydramine at the pharmacy where they prepare it. And pinosol, it’s herbal. Read on the Internet

Half a heart

A friend told me that she was saved homeopathic drops. I don’t remember the exact name, but the child was prescribed Euphorbium compositum from the Hel company - they helped well. Find instructions on the Internet, maybe these are the ones.

Katerina D

Grandma was a doctor. I still have good advice from her. Naphthyzine for children. the swelling subsides so quickly there, it makes your nose click...

Beauty Vera Yavnykh

try pinosol, it’s oily and with menthol, I think it should help, just add a little of it, 1-2 drops at a time

Alina Pavlova (Slinko)

I warmed my nose with eggs (it helped me), and eophorbium compositium dripped into my nose


oh, Victoria, just don’t overdo it with baby drops. I also used baby Glazolin with my second one. This is how it affected my son. I was born with some kind of irritation on my back. In any case, they later told me that it was because of these drops.


naphazoline, they say that it is not harmful.

Fur coat Natalya

since I work in a pharmacy, and I myself am pregnant, and recently got sick, I’m telling you for sure, buy derinat, it improves immunity, it’s also used for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, etc., it pierces the nose (children can use it from scratch ), and drip alternately over time with pinosol, or sanorin! Good luck!

Dvoytsova Irina

do not use vasoconstrictor drops such as Naphthyzin, Galazolin - they affect the vessels of the umbilical cord, narrowing them. such swelling is a sign of toxicosis. This has happened to me for the last 2 months. everything went away with the birth of my daughter. when it was completely unbearable, I used Nazol - no more than 3 times a day. I only used it at night, and not every night. a decoction of beans helped against edema, including internal edema (for gestosis) (brew the whole bush and drink it throughout the day - 2 days was enough)

Yulia Semenova

use a star and rinse with saline solution!


ja v na4ale beremennosti mu4alas tak 2 mesjaca,a sei4as uwe skoro rowat kupila svoi kapli i nos diwet kogda zakapaju i dawe no4ju,i na4e towe spat ne mogu,a s kapljami nedelju i vse prohodit.otrivin nazivatsja, no ne vsem on help.

ღღღλap❍chKa v tap❍chKaXღღღ

Breathe over the potatoes. That's the only way I was saved

How to ease nasal breathing with a runny nose?


Daria Ivleva

I won’t say that this is a panacea, but it makes breathing easier
for a while. It’s not necessary to warm your nose, but to breathe hot
air. Pour 1 liter of water into an enamel container, bring to a boil,
Turn the heat to low so that steam comes out. Pour in 3-4 drops of iodine
and throw in 1 validol tablet. Breathe until it dissolves
tablet. Menthol in validol softens the respiratory tract.
It makes it easier when you have a runny nose, it’s better to do it at night, but I
I did it several times a day, though without going outside

Carved Inside

sniff ammonia


Breathe ass

Alena Ivanova

First, take an antihistamine - Suprastin, Tavegil, then rinse your nose with Humer, drip vasoconstrictor drops, for example Vibrocil. It is advisable to consult a normal ENT doctor.


rinse your nose with a solution of 0.5 cups of water + 0.5 tsp of soda, then drop drops, the simplest ones


It also happened almost the same not long ago, everything they advised and tried honey and onions and garlic and pepper from books, even a glass of vodka and a hot water bottle, didn’t help. and so he warmed himself up and took a steam bath with a birch broom. useless.
I took and put on any type of sports cap.
and drank clean water, not boiled, preferably spring water and not warm, but not ice-cold.
two glasses at once.
and went to lie down and it helped, but not right away, as after a few minutes one side became better and I fell asleep...
I was also in pain and couldn’t sleep.
It's like we're fighting each other :) although who knows, it could get worse.

Igor Zabashta

Rinse with salt water (plug one nostril and pull out water with the other and vice versa)

Tatiana Nasonova

Have you tried decongestants and snot-reducing agents, such as Koldakt or Flucold? They help very well, even when it’s pouring from the nose in a continuous stream.

Among childhood diseases, one of the most common is a runny nose. A runny nose or rhinitis occurs very often in children of different ages, and the sooner parents take measures to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease, the easier it will go for the child. In this article we will tell you how to quickly and effectively eliminate the causes of a runny nose and cure it. folk remedies for one day.


  1. At the very beginning of the disease, hang crushed garlic over the baby’s crib, which will repel germs. Prepare a sterile solution from sea ​​salt and place two or three drops into each child's nostril using a pipette. This will clear the nasal passage of mucus.
  2. Rinsing should be done regularly - this will keep the nose clean and help eliminate the disease. If the child’s nasal cavity swells, making it difficult to breathe, instill vasoconstrictor drops in him no more than twice a day - for example, Nazivin or Derinat.
  3. Use a special bulb to suck out mucus from your child's nose if he or she does not yet know how to blow his nose. Only after cleaning your nose, place the drops inside.
  4. The child should be in a damp room - regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. Give him more warm drinks to rehydrate his body. It is useful to use Protargol drops, which relieve the nasal passages of purulent mucus.
  5. Elevate your baby's pillow at night to raise the level of his head. This will make breathing easier. Take inhalations from the “star” balm before going to bed.
  6. To rinse your nose, in addition to saline solution, use infusions of chamomile, calendula, plantain, sage, oregano, as well as sea buckthorn, peach and eucalyptus oils, which can be added to herbal infusions. Infuse the herbs in a glass of boiling water for two hours, then cool and rinse the child’s nose through a pipette.
  7. Take two fresh aloe leaves, rinse them in warm water and squeeze out the juice. Dilute aloe juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and instill 3-4 drops of juice into each nostril several times a day. Aloe allows you to quickly and effectively fight a runny nose.
  8. A recognized treatment for children are foot and hand baths. Do them before bed, then put woolen socks on your child and put him to bed. Prepare for foot bath infusion of birch leaves and pine needles. Pour two liters of boiling water over a tablespoon of each herb and boil for five minutes. Infuse the herbs for an hour, pour into a bowl and dilute to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The child should sit next to the basin, placing his feet in it, so that the water reaches his knees. Take a bath for 20 minutes, after which the child should be put to bed.

What to do if a child has nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion is a common occurrence that can annoy not only adults, but also children. It is very important to understand the reasons for this condition in order to carry out therapeutic effect to relieve nasal congestion in a child. Nasopharyngeal congestion is caused by inflammation of the blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Typically, this inflammatory process is a consequence of a cold, flu or allergies. When blockage of the nasal passages occurs in infants, there may be a threat to their lives, older children and adults this process brings many inconveniences associated with difficulty breathing through the nose.

Effective treatments

Parents should know how to behave correctly when their child has nasal congestion so as not to harm him. To do this, you must follow these rules:

It is very important when using such warming agents, which contain menthol and mint, to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

  1. Carrying out inhalations. Inhaling the vapors of some essential oils - eucalyptus, mint, pine needles - can relieve swelling of the nasopharynx, improving the baby's breathing. This procedure is appropriate if the child does not have a tendency to allergic manifestations.
  2. Acupressure. This method The treatment is effective for both adults and children. When implementing it, it is best to use essential oils, the inhalation of which affects blood vessels and nasal mucosa anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect.

Other ways to eliminate this phenomenon

Warming up the sinuses has a beneficial effect on the nasopharynx when it is congested. To do this, you can visit special physiotherapy rooms in medical institutions where such a procedure is carried out, or you can, without leaving your home, warm your nasal sinuses using a bag of warm salt or a heated chicken egg. They say that to alleviate a child's condition during sleep, when he is bothered by a runny nose or nasal congestion, you can raise the pillow so that the head is more vertical than horizontal.

Most doctors, in the case where, apart from nasal congestion without a runny nose, the child no longer experiences any symptoms, are inclined to believe that the cause of this condition in the baby was the accumulation of mucus in the posterior regions nasal passages. The only effective method of treating such a process is frequent instillation of saline solution into the nose - every half hour while the child is awake; he should not be disturbed during sleep. Also, if the air in the room is dry, you need to increase the humidity in it. If your nasopharynx is blocked, you need to spend more time in fresh air, so recovery will come faster, in addition, nasal breathing on the street is significantly