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Hypotension: treatment at home. Prohibited products - gallery. Other pharmacological drugs

Low blood pressure is a very unpleasant phenomenon.

A significant decrease in performance, fatigue, problems with memory and coordination, as well as general malaise - similar condition requires intervention.

The problem is that the pressure must be raised very carefully and gently so that it does not exceed normal parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to be responsible about which medications and tablets to choose to increase blood pressure.

It is also necessary to take into account that many drugs used to treat various diseases, under certain conditions, can help raise the level of blood pressure. Such drugs also need to be taken with caution.

  • 1 Means that increase blood pressure. List and characteristics
    • 1.1 On plant based
    • 1.2 Medicines
    • 1.3 Quick cures
    • 1.4 Extended release medications
  • 2 Rules for taking hypertensive drugs
  • 3 Videos on the topic

Means that increase blood pressure. List and characteristics

There is enough extensive list substances whose intake increases blood pressure.

Both natural remedies and certain medications have this effect on the human body, and for some of them, increased blood pressure is a side effect. Often undesirable and very dangerous for the patient.

Most often, various tonics and natural remedies have a similar effect. After all, increasing performance, maintaining muscle tone, and activating a person’s attention are impossible without a sufficient supply of the corresponding cells and organs with nutrients and, which is very important, oxygen.

And the easiest way to do this is to accelerate blood flow, because what more blood will flow to the organ, the more necessary substances he will get.

Natural products and preparations produced exclusively from natural raw materials by mechanical processing include:

  • lemongrass;
  • pantocrine;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • radiola;
  • ginseng;
  • immortelle.

Echinacea can also increase blood pressure, especially when long-term use, prickly tartar and the well-known “daily stimulants” modern man- tea and coffee.

Overdose herbal preparations can lead not only to hypertension, but also to a severe allergic reaction.

Medicines that can increase blood pressure can be divided into 2 large groups. The first includes medications for which an increase is a side effect.

Secondly, there are medications that are specially produced for use at dangerously low blood pressure. Both groups of blood pressure-raising drugs should be considered in more detail.

Plant based

This large group includes products that are commonly called herbal remedies. Their distinctive feature- exclusively natural ingredients in the composition, as well as unchanged chemically form of matter.

To the most effective means plant-based include:

It is prohibited to use any product for longer than 30 days without a break.

Tools such as various tinctures and powders of ginseng, helichrysum, echinacea and rosea radiola can also raise blood pressure.

However, their effect in this regard is quite mild and weak, so an increase in blood pressure occurs either after a very long constant use of these drugs, or due to a significant overdose.


The list of medications that increase blood pressure is quite wide. Let's look at the most common medicines which increase blood pressure.

The first, perhaps the most popular of these means are all famous tablets, used for headaches and colds. It's about about ordinary Citramon.

Citramon tablets

Indeed, in addition to the blood-thinning and temperature-reducing paracetamol, this medicine contains approximately 10% caffeine. It is the content of this combination of substances that makes Citramon so versatile for headaches - because, on the one hand, it relieves pain and relieves inflammation thanks to the action of the analgesic paracetamol. On the other hand, caffeine stimulates cardiac activity, dilates blood vessels, and also improves blood flow.

As a result, blood supply to the brain improves, which helps eliminate one of the possible reasons painful sensations. But still how specialized product Citramon is not suitable for low blood pressure. But people prone to hypertension should take it with caution.

Constant use of analgesics is harmful and should not be practiced.

All medications used to increase blood pressure are divided into fast-acting and long-acting.

Quick cures

One of the rather gentle and actively used in many cases means is sodium caffeine benzoate.

It is used as a means of normalizing the activity of the nervous system, heart and respiratory organs when they are depressed due to infectious diseases, poisoning with various toxic substances, as well as vascular spasms.

Basics active substance- alkaloid caffeine. It is fast-acting and has a fairly short-lasting effect. On average, it is eliminated from the body within 2.5-3 hours.

Contraindications for use of this medicine is elderly age, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, organic heart diseases, especially myocardial infarction, as well as tachycardia. It is administered intramuscularly, 1-2 ml of a ten percent solution. For children over 12, the dose is reduced by 3-4 times.

The injection form of Heptomil also has a fast action.

With a significant decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, shock, collapse and myocardial infarction is practiced intravenous administration two ampoules of this drug - drip, or, in the case of critical vital signs, in a stream.

The active ingredient is heptaminol hydrochloride. It affects the heart muscle, increasing the strength of its contractions, tones the peripheral circulatory system, promotes the return of blood from the veins to the arteries.

At the same time, the drug does not cause significant vasoconstriction and has virtually no contraindications for use except for the development of hypovolemic shock.

Solution for injection Cordiamin

Cordiamine in ampoules is used to quickly normalize blood pressure during in a state of shock, collapse, poisoning with CNS depressants, asphyxia. The active ingredient of the drug is Nikatimed.

Its action is based on the ability to excite the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain, and thereby stimulate blood flow and breathing. The drug does not act directly on the heart muscle, as well as on human smooth muscles. In this regard, after taking the drug, no vasoconstriction is observed.

Ephedrine is outdated and rarely used in this moment a drug that is a sympathomimetic alkaloid.

It acts on adrenergic receptors and stimulates the production of norepinephrine.

As a result, blood vessels constrict, the frequency and strength of heart contractions increase, and the central nervous system is excited. All this leads to a significant and rapid increase in pressure.

The effect of the drug on intramuscular injection begins within 10 minutes and lasts up to one hour. Oral administration the product slows down its action, which in this case begins after 20-40 minutes and lasts up to five hours.

Finally, the most fast-acting and radical means of raising blood pressure is the use of adrenaline, or rather its synthetic analogue Epinephrine. Intramuscular jet administration of the drug is mainly practiced.

After administration of 0.2 mg, a significant increase in heart rate occurs, blood vessels constrict, and the amount of glucose in the blood increases significantly. The effect of the drug begins almost instantly. And it also lasts for a very short time - up to two minutes when administered intravenously.

Self-administration of medications, especially in the form of injections, is prohibited!

Extended-release medications

These drugs are used quite rarely and have a mild but relatively long-lasting effect on the patient’s body. Most often they come in the form of tablets or drops and are taken orally.

To the most effective drugs extended action include:

All drugs for lowering blood pressure cannot be combined with antihypertensive drugs and alcohol.

Rules for taking hypertensive drugs

All drugs, including plant origin, should be taken only after consultation with a doctor and should be discontinued until a new consultation if you feel unwell.

Chemical medications should be taken exactly as prescribed by a specialist, without exceeding the dosage or missing the dosage time.

Potent invasive drugs can only be used in exceptional cases, and only medical workers. Self-administration of such drugs is prohibited and deadly.

Video on the topic

10 tips on how to quickly increase blood pressure:

In general, a slight decrease in blood pressure can be corrected by taking natural remedies. But hypotension caused by serious illnesses, poisoning or injuries is a deadly phenomenon, so in such cases the help of a doctor and potent medications are necessary.

The information on the website is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment.


And we also have

One of the most popular means today for increasing blood pressure, stimulating the nervous system, improving performance and attention is caffeine.

As a rule, caffeine is prescribed as part of combination tablets - citramon, pyramein, caffeine, askofen.

In nature, this substance is found in coffee, as well as in cola nuts, which are native to tropical Africa. So the well-known and beloved Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola also contain caffeine. Optimal dose caffeine - 0.1 g. This is the amount contained, for example, in one cup of strong coffee. If this dose is exceeded, the effect is most often the opposite: you may feel anxiety, palpitations, and increased urination.

Citramon taken when various pains(head, dental, menstrual, joint). It is effective in cases where headache caused by impaired outflow venous blood from the vessels of the brain due to their decreased tone. In addition to caffeine, citramon also contains acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin and lemon acid. Thanks to acetylsalicylic acid, it has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. Phenacetin is also an antipyretic and analgesic substance.

With all the advantages of this popular medicine, I would like to remind you that it should not be used by people suffering from peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, especially in the acute stage, as well as for those who have ever had gastrointestinal bleeding. This is due to the irritating effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Citramon is not used in cases of severe impairment of the liver and kidneys, as well as in cases of hemorrhagic diathesis. People suffering from gout should also use this medicine with caution. At bronchial asthma Taking acetylsalicylic acid can provoke an attack of suffocation.

Ortho-taurine taken when vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased fatigue, especially if bad feeling combined with premenstrual syndrome among women.

The drug is unique in its composition: the amino acid taurine, minerals in chelated form (magnesium, zinc, manganese), as well as B vitamins and folic acid.

This medicine eliminates calcium overload, removes excess fluid, calms nervous system, eliminates endothelial dysfunction, normalizes blood pressure and relaxes blood vessels. The effect of the drug on the heart is enhanced by magnesium, manganese and vitamin B.

Regulton taken for hypotension, accompanied by a state of anxiety, fear, as well as mental overload, insomnia, and dizziness.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity to the drug, thyrotoxicosis, first trimester of pregnancy, complicated glaucoma.

Saparal used as a tonic for asthenic and depressive conditions, neurasthenia, hypotension, as well as for the prevention and treatment of mental and physical fatigue.

Contraindications: epilepsy, increased excitability. It is not recommended to take the drug in the evening.

For memory impairment and decreased concentration, for vascular diseases, after injuries, for mood changes associated with impaired brain activity, medications are used nootropic series.

Currently, this group includes more than 30 drugs, including nootropil, aminalon, phenibut, picamilon, vinpocetine, cavinton, nicotinate, xanthinol nicotinate.

Mechanisms of action and chemical structure These drugs are somewhat different, but they all have certain properties: they restore the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain, activate metabolic processes and energy in cells, and relieve spasm of cerebral blood vessels.

When there is insufficient blood supply to brain cells, which is observed with low blood pressure, nootropic drugs reduce the cells’ need for oxygen, thereby increasing the brain’s resistance to its lack. These drugs activate the synthesis of proteins and other substances necessary for the functioning of cells.

Nootropil (piracetam) stimulates energy processes in brain cells, improves cerebral blood supply. By normalizing blood circulation, dizziness and attention problems are eliminated, and intellectual and emotional processes are stabilized.

The effectiveness of the drug has been tested in asthenic conditions, when the predominance of inhibitory processes leads to lethargy, low mobility, and not only physical, but also intellectual inhibition.

This medicine is prescribed for depression and even for myocardial infarction (due to its ability to increase the resistance of cells to lack of oxygen).

Encephabol (pyriditol) in my own way therapeutic effect similar to nootropil, although it has a different chemical structure. Activates metabolic processes in the nervous system, promotes better penetration of glucose into brain cells, which is the main supplier of energy for the brain.

The drug reduces the formation of lactic acid, which is a metabolic product nerve cells, increases the resistance of brain cells to reduced content oxygen.

This medicine is prescribed for migraines, disorders cerebral circulation, depression, which is accompanied by lethargy, as well as asthenia.

Contraindications: epilepsy, motor and mental agitation.

Cinnarizine used to improve cerebral circulation. It normalizes not only blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, but also in the heart muscle, as well as in other organs and tissues. If blood viscosity is increased, the drug normalizes it without affecting blood pressure and heart rate.

Used for cerebral circulation disorders, which are accompanied by headaches and tinnitus. Effective for circulatory disorders of the blood vessels of the legs, intermittent claudication, obliterating endarteritis, thrombosis.

It can also be used to prevent seasickness.

It should be remembered that in the first days of taking this medicine, drowsiness may appear, and the reaction rate will be reduced. This should be taken into account by drivers and people whose work involves high concentration attention.

Herbal preparations that are used for low blood pressure include tanakan. This medicine acts at the cellular level, normalizing metabolic processes. It is used for circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain (consequences of injuries, stroke, in old age).

The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, inhibits the processes of peroxidation, which lead to the formation of substances that destroy cell membranes, free radicals, and prevents the occurrence of edema. Blood properties improve, blood flow normalizes, especially in the vessels of the brain.

This medicine is effective for asthenia, depression, as well as dizziness, ringing in the ears, memory and attention disorders, and sleep disturbances.

The drug is prescribed in long courses, at least 1 month.

To facilitate the functioning of the brain under conditions of low pressure, drugs containing amino acids are used. These substances are construction material for the body to produce specific proteins, enzymes, hormones and other biological active substances. Amino acids are part of proteins. Some of them (glycine, glutamic acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid etc.) are neurotransmitters, i.e. substances that transmit impulses from one nerve cell to another. The body produces endorphins and enkephalins from amino acids, which are known as the brain’s “happy hormones.”

Glycine- an amino acid that is one of the neurotransmitters. As medicinal substance it is used to improve metabolic processes in brain tissue. These lead to a decrease in depression, increased irritability, normalization of sleep.

Cerebrolysin - complex drug, which contains amino acids and proteins necessary for brain function. It is used for vegetative dystonia hypotonic type, in other diseases accompanied by a disorder of the nervous system (after injuries, hemorrhages and inflammatory processes brain). The drug is prescribed by injection.

Contraindications: pregnancy, severe renal dysfunction.

Citrulline- an amino acid that helps normalize metabolism and activates the body's defenses.

This medicine is used for symptoms of fatigue, lethargy, decreased performance, asthenia, as well as during the recovery process after injuries, operations, severe infections, and in athletes with increased physical activity.

The drug is prescribed in a course that should not exceed 12 days.


Higher education:


Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky (SSMU, media)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:

"Emergency Cardiology"

1990 - Ryazan Medical Institute named after Academician I.P. Pavlova

Hypotension is a condition of the body accompanied by a significant decrease in blood pressure. His indicators drop below 95/65 mmHg. However, the condition requires drug therapy only in cases where it significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life, negatively affecting his health. primary goal drug treatment hypotension - improving heart performance and vascular tone, as well as increasing the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.

Drug therapy of pathology

When hypotension is severe, doctors face certain challenges. Therapy is designed to:

  • improve central and peripheral hemodynamics;
  • normalize systolic and diastolic blood pressure;
  • increase tone blood vessels;
  • stabilize the activities of all levels of the regulatory system vascular tone.

The basis of therapy for hypotension is healthy image life in combination with the use of tonic drugs. For auxiliary treatment use caffeine-containing products (Acepar, Citramon, Pentalgin-N). How to deal with hypotension more radically? For achievement maximum effect apply:

  1. Psychotonics;
  2. Analeptics;
  3. Adrenergic agonists (usually for emergency use);
  4. Activity stimulants spinal cord;
  5. M-anticholinergics;
  6. Nootropics;
  7. Plastic action agents, energizers;
  8. Vitamins.

A special type of pathology is drug-induced hypotension. Cardiovascular disorders usually require taking specific medications that lower blood pressure. Errors in their use contribute to the development of drug-induced hypotension. To drugs that can cause pathological condition, include:

  • Nitroglycerine;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • means of central influence;
  • sartans;
  • beta blockers;
  • diuretics;
  • calcium channel blockers.

Medicines should be taken strictly as prescribed by your doctor. If uncharacteristic symptoms appear after taking medications, you must call an ambulance.


Stimulates the central and peripheral parts of the adrenergic system. They are used for asthenia, while a moderate increase in blood pressure practically does not cause an increase in heart rate. Sydnofen, Mesocarb, Mexidol, Sydnocarb are usually prescribed. These drugs act gradually, without producing pronounced responses from the central nervous system. May occur:

  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability.

When side effects The dosage of drugs is reduced, and sometimes they are completely canceled. Sidnofen has pronounced antidepressant properties, and Mexidol treats asthenia, having a beneficial effect on cerebral blood flow.


excite posterior section brain, mainly its vascular center. Analeptics for hypotension:

  • reduce fatigue;
  • stabilize mood;
  • contribute to increased performance;
  • have a beneficial effect on short-term memory.

But this group of drugs also has certain disadvantages, they are:

  • cause painful high mood(euphoria);
  • distract attention;
  • require a fairly long break after completing a significant amount of work.

Analeptic medications for hypotension (Cordiamin, Centedrin) are used situationally or in short courses.

Adrenergic agonists

By stimulating peripheral alpha-adrenergic receptors, they cause constriction of blood vessels and a decrease in blood flow. Drugs are indispensable for providing urgent assistance in pre-fainting conditions against the background of a sharp decrease in blood pressure (Mezaton, Fethanol). Certain adrenergic agonists are included in the regimens basic therapy hypotension (Gutron, Regulton).

Gutron has a prolonged effect without affecting the central nervous system. When taken simultaneously with an increase in blood pressure, cerebral blood flow improves and the ability to tolerate physical activity increases. Sometimes taking the drug causes arrhythmias and dose-dependent pain in the heart area. Overdose is accompanied by:

  • chilliness;
  • the appearance of “frosty” pimples in the back of the head;
  • urinary disorders;
  • rare heartbeat.

Atropine is used to relieve symptoms of overdose. Long-term use of adrenergic agonists requires examination of the kidneys. Regulton effectively relieves the symptoms of hypotension. But at the same time, a certain increase in heart rate is observed, and tolerance to physical activity does not change. For intense tachycardia, Regulton is not prescribed.

Spinal cord stimulants

Securinin stimulates the activity of the spinal cord well. It is less active than Strychnine, but has significantly fewer side effects. In some cases, the drug is contraindicated, these are:

  • tendency to have seizures;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy.

The product is used to improve performance and to combat manifestations of asthenia.


They are used for hypotension combined with one of the types of VSD - vagotonia. M-anticholinergics (Bellaspon, Belloid) block the interaction of cholinergic receptors with acetylcholine (a mediator of the parasympathetic nervous system). Drug overdose is characterized by:

  • jumping pulse;
  • dilated pupils;
  • blurred vision at close range;
  • dryness and redness of the skin;
  • hyperthermia;
  • Difficulty swallowing caused by dry mouth.

Manifestations of acute psychosis are possible.


They are not able to constrict blood vessels, but provide maximum effectiveness of vasoactive agents. They activate metabolic processes occurring in the central nervous system and improve regional blood circulation. Nootropics (Piracetam, Pantogam) have a beneficial effect on certain brain functions:

  • facilitate thought processes;
  • improve memory;
  • I stimulate the adaptive abilities of the brain.

The drugs do not activate the body’s psychomotor function and are not addictive. Excellent stimulation of metabolic processes in children and adults. They are used alone and in combination with vasoactive agents. Nootropics are often prescribed for hypotension due to asthenia or mild depression, accompanied by lethargy and memory loss. When taking medications, blood pressure may normalize without improving general condition health. It is recommended to use other medications in combination with them.

Plastic influence agents, energizers

Used to prevent various kinds overvoltage and to maintain performance. They restore cell structure and activate biochemical processes. For these purposes the following is used:

  • Potassium orotate – has antidystrophic properties, stimulates biosynthesis nucleic acids, improves tissue regeneration;
  • L-carnitine – actively participates in processes that ensure muscle activity;
  • Lipocerebrin - used for nervous and physical overload, decreased performance;
  • Lecithin-cerebro - prescribed for emotional stress and significant physical exertion;
  • Riboxin – activates metabolic processes, helps enrich tissues with oxygen;
  • Asparkam - recommended for significant physical activity in order to maintain the myocardium;
  • Glutamic acid – used to maintain the body after physical and mental stress;
  • Methionine – regulates liver function, eliminates the effects of intense physical activity.

Plastic agents mainly affect the production of nucleic acids and proteins. Energizers increase muscle potential and activate the synthesis of energy resources necessary for the body.


In case of hypotension, it improves performance well. Vitamins have a targeted effect on the body:

  • improve the activity of the central nervous system, stimulate tissue nutrition and metabolic processes (A, C, B 1, 2, 3, 6, 15);
  • support the ability of tissues, if necessary, to produce energy-rich molecules (C, B 1, 2, 5, 6, 15);
  • stimulate the production of proteins and regenerative processes, activate plastic metabolism (folic acid, B 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 15);
  • enhance the production of central nervous system mediators and myelin, the “protector” of the sheath of nerve trunks (B 1, 2, 3, 6, 12).

The most effective are complexes with optimal dosages of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and minerals (Vitamount complete, Polivit for adults). For hypotension it is important:

  • vitamins E, C, B 6;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

Vitamins are needed by the body in relatively small quantities.

"Bridge" between drug therapy and prevention - nutritional supplements. For hypotension, the drugs Tonus (pollen), Apilak ( royal jelly bees) and Cigapan (reindeer antlers). In addition, adaptogens of plant origin (ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass) are widely used in the treatment of hypotension.

Drug treatment of hypotension is indicated when there is a significant deterioration in the patient’s health. A specialist should select treatment regimens and dosages of drugs based on the symptoms and characteristics of his body. However, therapy should begin with a review of lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Taking into account the individual condition of the patient who complains of low blood pressure, it is necessary to objectively evaluate many factors, first of all, the tone of the arteries and hemodynamics (blood movement through the vessels) - central and peripheral. Based on the principle accepted in medicine adequate therapy, with reduced vascular tone, it is recommended to use tablets from low pressure, which will improve hemodynamics, especially blood supply to the brain (drugs of the alpha-adrenergic agonist group).

In addition, for low blood pressure, doctors may prescribe medications to increase total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR), as well as tonics or neurometabolic stimulants.

Here are some names of low blood pressure tablets that are used in complex treatment of this pathology: Gutron, Ecdisten, Rantarin, Heptamil.


IN last decade V complex therapy For arterial hypertension, a drug from the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists Gutron (synonym - Midodrine) is used. The active ingredient of this drug is midodrine. Indications for the use of low blood pressure tablets Gutron include: primary neurogenic idiopathic hypotension; secondary orthostatic hypotension, including diabetes and Parkinson's disease; as well as relieving symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, nausea, headache, blurred vision, numbness and tingling.

The pharmacodynamics of Gutron tablets for low blood pressure is based on the fact that when it enters the body, midodrine is broken down with the release of a more active metabolite, desglymidodrine. Desglymidodrine exerts its vasoconstrictor effects through selective stimulation of postsynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptors in the autonomic nervous system. As a result cardiac output, vascular tone and blood pressure increase, which significantly reduces the symptoms of hypertension caused by decreased blood flow to the brain.

The pharmacokinetics of Gutron tablets for low blood pressure have been well researched, and the manufacturer of this medicine claims that it is well absorbed after oral administration and after 10 minutes is found in blood plasma, partially binding to proteins. Absolute bioavailability is 93%, and its components do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The final stage of metabolism occurs in the liver, and within 24 hours the metabolites are completely excreted by the kidneys.

Gutron's release form is tablets containing 0.0025 g (2.5 mg) of midodrine, in a package of 20 or 50 pieces.

The dosage of Gutron is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the indications and severity of the disease. For long-term treatment usual dose is 0.5 tablets (1.25 mg) 2 times a day - before meals, with a glass of water.

Contraindications to the use of Gutron low blood pressure tablets are arterial hypertension, pheochromocytoma (hormonal active tumor chromaffin cells of the sympathetic-adrenal system of the adrenal gland), arteriosclerosis and obliterating endarteritis, acute inflammation kidney (nephritis) and severe renal failure, angle-closure glaucoma, benign prostate enlargement (prostatic hyperplasia), hyperfunction thyroid gland, hypersensitivity to midodrine. The use of these tablets for low blood pressure during pregnancy is not intended.

Possible side effects of low blood pressure tablets Gutron are as follows: sweating, pilomotor reaction (“goose bumps”), paresthesia (tingling sensation, goosebumps crawling on the skin), itchy skin, chills, facial flushing, decreased heart rate (bradycardia), headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, heartburn, dry mouth, nausea, dyspepsia, urination problems, flatulence.

Interactions of low blood pressure tablets with other drugs: with simultaneous use of Gutron with cardiac glycosides, reflex bradycardia is possible. Simultaneous use with atropine and cortisone leads to a significant increase in blood pressure, and taking it with reserpine completely neutralizes the effect of midodrine.

Storage conditions for low blood pressure tablets Gutron - in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +25°C. The expiration date of the drug is indicated on the packaging.


Main pharmacological substance The drug Ecdisten are biologically active phytoecdysteroids obtained from the medicinal plant Leuzea safflower, growing in Altai and Siberia under the popular name " maral root" In medicine, the rhizomes and roots of this plant are widely used as a general tonic and adaptogenic medicine. Indications for the use of low blood pressure tablets Ecdisten - as part of complex therapy for asthenia, hypotension, physical and mental fatigue, neurasthenia, neuroses, decreased potency, as well as during the recovery period after illnesses.

Method of administration and dosage of Ecdisten: tablets are taken whole before meals - 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maximum single dose for adults is 0.025 g (25 mg), the maximum daily dose should not exceed 0.1 g. The duration of the course of treatment is 15-20 days, if necessary, a second course is carried out after a two-week break.

Among the side effects of low blood pressure tablets Ecdisten is insomnia. Contraindications include nervous excitement, insomnia, hypertension, epilepsy, hyperkinesis (involuntary muscle contraction).

The release form of this drug is tablets of 0.005 g (5 mg). Storage conditions for low blood pressure tablets Ecdisten are in a dry, dark place.


The drug Rantarin (Rantarinum) is an extract of unossified antlers (antlers) of male reindeer. It has a tonic effect on the human central nervous system.

Among the indications for the use of low blood pressure tablets Rantarin are low blood pressure ( arterial hypotension), decreased performance, increased fatigue, weakness, as well as previous serious illnesses.

This drug You should take one tablet 2-3 times a day - 30 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is 20-30 days. Repeat course Rantarine can be taken after a week.

Possible side effect drug - nausea. Contraindications to the use of low blood pressure tablets Rantarine include arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac aneurysm, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboendocarditis, aortic atherosclerosis, nephritis and others renal pathologies, and acute stage any infectious diseases.

Release form - film-coated tablets of 0.25 g (pack of 50 pieces).

Storage conditions for low blood pressure tablets Rantarin - in a place protected from light. Shelf life - 2 years from the date of release of the drug.


The drug Geptamil is a neuroprotective drug that improves cellular metabolism.

Pharmacodynamics of tablets for low blood pressure Heptamil: the active substance of the drug 2-amine-6-methyl-6-heptanol hydrochloride (heptaminol hydrochloride) is a synthetic metabolite close to the natural metabolites of nerve cells, myocardial cells and striated muscles. Once in the body, heptaminol hydrochloride affects the centers of the hypothalamus and stimulates the physiological functions of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. As a result of this stimulation, the strength of heart contractions increases and cardiac output increases, which activate peripheral system blood circulation and promote the return of venous blood to the arterial system. Due to this, the condition of the vegetative-vascular system improves.

As a rule, this drug (in the form of an injection solution in ampoules) is used to relieve sharp fall blood pressure in shock and myocardial infarction.

Heptamil in the form of tablets (50 mg each) and drops is recommended for acute and prolonged asthenic conditions, low blood pressure, acute and chronic heart failure.

For low blood pressure and asthenia in adults, it is recommended to take one tablet (0.15 g) or 30 drops three times a day (the dosage of the drug for children depends on age - 10-40 drops per day).

Storage conditions for the drug are in a dry place, protected from light.

Using citramon to increase blood pressure

This drug is in any medicine cabinet, because it is considered one of best medicines, relieving headache attacks. But how does citramone affect the human body: does it lower or increase blood pressure? There is an opinion that the drug helps lower blood pressure, but this is erroneous, since the drug contains three main components:

  • paracetamol, which has antipyretic properties and blocks pain symptoms;
  • aspirin, which inhibits cyclooxygenase (inflammatory process);
  • caffeine, which is an enhancer in this combination pharmacological properties two previous drugs. From its pharmacodynamics it follows that citramon, on the contrary, helps to increase blood pressure.


The drug Symptol cannot be classified as a tablet for low blood pressure, since its release form is a 10% solution in bottles and ampoules. But this medicine cannot be passed over in silence, especially since the method of its use is to place 20-30 drops of the solution on a piece of sugar and take it three times a day before meals.

Symptol promotes narrowing of peripheral blood vessels, which leads to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and circulating blood volume. Thus, this drug normalizes low blood pressure and improves the blood supply to the heart muscle.

Indications for its use are constitutional asthenia and low blood pressure associated with decreased vascular tone, including in the elderly, during pregnancy and childbirth, during operations and in infectious diseases.

Symptol has the following contraindications: hypertonic disease, atherosclerosis and a tendency to vascular spasms. The drug is prescribed with caution for pathologies of the heart muscle and problems with the thyroid gland.

Among the tablets for low blood pressure, there are drugs that doctors prescribe to patients quite rarely - for severe asthenia, a significant decrease in performance, depressed state and other psychovegetative disorders. These are psychotropic drugs (antidepressants and tranquilizers), as well as nootropic drugs (neurometabolic stimulants).

People with low blood pressure need to take it systematically - three times a year - vitamin complexes, containing vitamins C, E, B, B5, B6, as well as phosphorus and calcium. The duration of one course of vitamin therapy should be 30-40 days (preferably in autumn and early spring). Expectant mothers should pay special attention to taking vitamins, since doctors categorically do not recommend the use of pills for low blood pressure during pregnancy.

It should be emphasized once again that all of these medications should be prescribed by a doctor, since self-medication rarely relieves a person of the disease, but can lead to undesirable and sometimes irreversible consequences.

By the way, in order not to worry about which pills to take for low blood pressure, try brewing strong tea or preparing a cup of good (natural) coffee. Can you get it out of a jar? pickled cucumberSalt(NaCl), as you know, is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, but with low blood pressure the sodium it contains is very helpful.

Speaks of relative weakness (low tone) of blood vessels. It is customary to speak of hypotension when blood pressure is 90/60 mm. rt. Art. or even less. This condition is considered much less dangerous than hypertension. In many cases it is noted asymptomatic, i.e. the person does not complain of feeling unwell. In young people, athletes and people with an asthenic physique, hypotension is regarded as a variant of the physiological norm.

Symptoms of hypotension

For many people, low blood pressure is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Signs of low blood pressure:

  • general weakness;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • increased fatigue (both physical and mental);
  • during the daytime;
  • darkening of the eyes.

Many hypotensive people need time to “wind up” in the morning after waking up. If the pressure drops below 90/60, a short-term loss of consciousness is possible.

Important:hypotension is dangerous because this state blood may flow poorly to the heart muscle and brain. As a result, the oxygen supply to tissues deteriorates.

Normal blood pressure levels vary depending on age, gender, body type and some others. individual factors. Some average figures are considered to be 120/80. To confirm the presence of hypotension, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure using a tonometer for 2-3 weeks at least twice a day. If low levels are observed for several days in a row, and are accompanied by a deterioration in health, it is recommended to start taking medications or resort to proven folk remedies.

It's important to pass full examination to identify true reasons development of hypotension.

Possible causes of low blood pressure

The cause of hypotension may be the following pathologies:

  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • (in particular – with lung damage);
  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • diseases of the pancreas (including);
  • thyroid disorders;
  • liver damage;
  • anemia.

When identifying serious problems need to be given Special attention therapy of the underlying disease. Symptomatic therapy may turn out to be ineffective.

Note:Before each medication for hypotension, you must use a blood pressure monitor. There have been cases where women who had suffered from low blood pressure for many years developed with the onset, accompanied by sudden changes blood pressure indicators. The patients, feeling a deterioration in their condition, took medications for hypotension, but the pressure was actually already elevated.

What to take for low blood pressure

A cup of strong coffee helps to raise blood pressure and cheer up. However, its frequent consumption can cause a completely opposite reaction in the body, c. including due to the pronounced diuretic properties of caffeine. Experts say that for people who consume 4 or more cups of coffee daily, this drink practically does not change their blood pressure. It is simply contraindicated for many hypotensive patients.

Tea can also increase blood pressure, and green tea is more effective than the black tea most of us are used to. To increase blood pressure, you need to drink freshly brewed loose leaf tea, not surrogate tea bags.


There is an opinion that you can increase your blood pressure by taking 50 ml of good cognac or red wine. This method is really effective, but doctors strongly recommend that patients suffering from hypotension give up alcohol.

Alcohol tinctures of medicinal plants

IN pharmacy chains you can purchase inexpensive herbal medicines, which are alcohol extracts, without a prescription medicinal plants. They must be taken strictly following the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Important:data dosage forms contraindicated in patients with liver pathologies and persons suffering from alcohol addiction. Against the background of such problems, it is recommended to take extracts in tablets.

Plants whose tinctures are most effective for low blood pressure:

  • Eleutherococcus (usually take 10 drops in the morning);
  • Ginseng;
  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • Schisandra (a course of treatment for a week is indicated);
  • Rhodiola rosea (duration of use - no more than 4 weeks).

Other pharmacological drugs

Medicines to increase blood pressure that can be used as prescribed by a doctor:

  • Camphor;
  • Strophanthin;
  • Dobutamine;
  • Midodrine;
  • Norepinephrine;
  • Fludrocortisone;
  • Mezaton.

Fludrocortisone belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of mineralocorticosteroids. This drug is effective for almost all forms of hypotension. Taking it can cause edema due to the retention of sodium salts in the body and hypokalemia. Excess therapeutic dose causes hypertension.

Midodrine stimulates vascular walls, due to which blood pressure increases. This pharmacological drug is especially effective if hypotension has developed against the background of nervous regulation disorders.

Citramon is a very well-known and inexpensive drug, one of active ingredients which is caffeine. It stimulates blood flow by dilating blood vessels. Taking pills helps cope with headaches and drowsiness.

Traditional medicine recipes for hypotension

Effective and safe remedies for hypotension are decoctions based on medicinal plants:

If the cause of hypotension is adrenal insufficiency, tea from the leaves will help