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Pneumonia during pregnancy. How to speed up treatment of pneumonia during pregnancy? Risk of developing pneumonia and symptoms

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid heavy physical and strong emotional overload.

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected state. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the likelihood of getting pneumonia is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • Infectious pneumonia (pneumonia) is extremely dangerous for a person at any age. During pregnancy, such a disease can threaten not only the woman, but also the normal development of the fetus. At the end of gestation and before childbirth, the risk to the unborn child is minimal, but the danger to the woman’s health is high. Pneumonia during pregnancy is especially dangerous for the embryo, which is just being formed during this period.

    Pneumonia can be caused by ARVI or influenza viruses, fungi (for example, candida) or bacteria (staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas). Decreased activity immune system increases the likelihood of damage to the upper respiratory tract, bronchial mucosa and lung tissue.

    Consequences for a woman

    Pneumonia during pregnancy, detected during examination and diagnosis, is usually cured without consequences with the help of antimicrobial therapy. Self-medication or detection of the disease in late stages of development can lead to complications of the respiratory system:

    1. Edema, abscess or gangrene of the lungs.
    2. Pulmonary and heart failure.
    3. Bronchial obstruction.
    4. Accumulation of exudate and pleural empyema (discharge of pus).

    At improper treatment pneumonia can occur in pregnant women unpleasant consequences with extrapulmonary localization:

    1. Sepsis and meningitis.
    2. Infectious-toxic shock.
    3. DIC syndrome.
    4. Endo- and myocarditis.
    5. Psychoses.

    Pneumonia that occurs in late pregnancy, but is not treated, often worsens in postpartum period and takes an unfavorable course.

    Complications for the fetus

    During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the consequences for the fetus are especially dangerous. At this moment, differentiation of fetal tissues occurs, so not only the disease itself is dangerous for it, but also the intake antibiotic drugs. There is a high probability of miscarriage and frozen pregnancy. In the later stages, the organs and tissues of the fetus are already fully formed, but pneumonia in pregnant women can lead to premature birth or weight loss in the newborn.

    Breastfeeding must be avoided after the baby is born to prevent the baby from becoming infected and getting antibiotics into his blood. Natural feeding allowed only when the woman’s condition is normalized.


    The activity of the immune system is reduced during pregnancy. Therefore, pneumonia has mild symptoms and can be confused with a common cold. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate at home. Symptoms of pneumonia in pregnant women are very similar to ARVI:

    1. Runny nose and cough.
    2. Slightly elevated (low-grade) temperature.
    3. Pain in the chest (unilateral and bilateral).
    4. First, a cough occurs, which after a few days turns into a wet one.
    5. Pallor skin and cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.

    In addition to the above manifestations, the pathogen causes intoxication of the body, symptoms of which include: myalgia, headache and weakness, fever, chills.

    If untreated, acute pain in the chest increases and often coincides with expectoration and deep breath, and the temperature value can rise to 39-39.5. In this case, shortness of breath and tachycardia are noticeable. The nature of the cough can be different: dry, barking, wet with sputum, which can be purulent or rusty (with a bloody tinge).

    Symptoms of pneumonia during pregnancy depend on the degree of damage lung tissue and types of pathogen.

    If the cause is cocci (spherical bacteria), then the signs of the lesion are distinguished by the severity of their manifestation, the symptoms are pronounced. When the lungs are affected by mycoplasma, mild symptoms are observed. Viral pneumonia characterized by the appearance of muscle and joint pain.


    During a therapeutic examination, the disease is difficult to identify, since pregnant women are not recommended to have an x-ray, but to perform an accurate analysis, doctors take risks. During radiography, the abdomen is covered with a special apron (metal screen). You should definitely notify the radiologist about your pregnancy. If foci of inflammation are detected in the image, then treatment with antibiotics is prescribed, having previously diagnosed the pathogen as a result of examining sputum using microscopy and bacterial culture. When listening chest wheezing is detected. At the time of examination, the percussion (tapping) method is used, and dullness of the pulmonary sound is detected. When making a diagnosis, a blood test (general and biochemical) and the content of gases in it must be performed.


    When selecting antimicrobial drugs important point is to minimize their impact on the fetus. Pregnancy and pneumonia are not mutually exclusive; with such an illness, as a rule, abortion is not carried out. At mild form the woman is prescribed a home regimen; in other cases, hospitalization is required. If the pregnancy period does not exceed 22 weeks, then the patient is placed in a classic hospital; in other cases, an obstetrician is required.

    In addition to antibiotic drugs, the patient is prescribed: expectorants and desensitizers, as well as drugs for detoxification, diuretics, vitamin complexes and immunostimulants. Even before sputum analysis, the pregnant woman begins to be treated with antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins, penicillins or lincosamides, then, when the pathogen is identified, the drug is replaced with a more specialized one. Therapy, as a rule, lasts for half a month - a month; if the symptoms do not go away for a long time, then the course of the disease is protracted.

    Treatment at home can only be carried out in the absence of chronic diseases; the patient should be monitored at home daily. If the disease progresses in an extremely severe form, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit and intensive care. The observation is carried out by a therapist, pulmonologist and obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the progress of pregnancy. Premature birth is not required in case of pneumonia. The birth of the child is performed through the natural birth canal. The woman is given pain medication and oxygen therapy.

    Risk factors

    Pneumonia in pregnant women often occurs after acute respiratory viral infection, as a complication of improper treatment and lifestyle. There are also risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing pneumonia:

    1. Immunodeficiencies, in particular as a result of HIV.
    2. Diabetes.
    3. Lung and heart diseases, heart failure.
    4. Taking hormonal drugs.
    5. Injuries to the sternum, as well as operations in this area of ​​the body and abdominal cavity.
    6. Artificial ventilation of the respiratory system.
    7. Unconscious states (prolonged horizontal position).
    8. Various pathologies.
    9. Bad habits.

    Pneumonia often occurs as a complication after ARVI as a result of bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis or pharyngitis.


    To prevent pneumonia, a pregnant woman should adhere to the right image life. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits and juices. You cannot stay at home all the time; you should go outside to ventilate your lungs. Contraindicated for the expectant mother bad habits. Pregnant women are usually recommended breathing exercises not only to increase ventilation of the lungs and, accordingly, other tissues and organs, but also to calm nervous system, as well as general relaxation.

    Here are some examples of simple exercises:

    1. A woman, standing on her toes, inhales air and holds her breath for a few seconds, then releases the air, moving to her heels.
    2. The air is inhaled in three small portions by stretching out the arms, spreading them to the sides and raising them up. The air is exhaled through the mouth.
    3. While standing, you need to place your fingertips on your shoulders, then inhale and hold your breath, at the moment of which the elbows are connected and spread apart several times. Next, you should exhale air through your mouth.

    Pneumonia in pregnant women is dangerous due to the severity of its consequences if not prescribed in time. correct treatment. Regardless of the severity of symptoms, you should consult a doctor so as not to confuse acute respiratory infections with more severe respiratory infections.


    Pneumonia during pregnancy often develops during hypothermia or as a consequence of acute respiratory viral infection. On occurrence colds many try not to pay attention or get treatment traditional methods. Expectant mothers should take a more responsible approach to any ailments and symptoms of colds. You should consult your doctor for early stages development of the disease. Pneumonia and pregnancy pose a threat to both the health of the woman and the baby.

    Signs and causes of the disease

    The clinical picture (symptoms of the disease) is the same for all patients. The disease initially resembles a cold. Characteristic symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chest pain, weakness, fatigue, and sweating. With the development of pneumonia, the temperature increases to 39-40 ° C, pain intensifies thoracic region, cough is dry, barking or with sputum. Depending on the causative agent of pneumonia, symptoms may vary slightly. Bacterial pneumonia has a distinct pronounced signs. In atypical cases, the disease begins smoothly and the symptoms are mild. Pneumonia caused by a virus is characterized by body aches, expressed by pain in the muscles and joints.

    When the immune system is weakened, the upper Airways, lung tissue, lung mucosa. Complications arise after colds, such as laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis. Acute pneumonia may then develop.

    She is secondary infectious disease lungs, and it can be provoked by staphylococci, Candida fungi, and respiratory viruses. The main factor in the development of pneumonia is pneumococcus, which is part of the opportunistic human microflora.

    IN medical terminology pneumonia is divided into four groups:

    • community-acquired;
    • in-hospital;
    • atypical;
    • against the background of immunodeficiency states.

    In obstetric practice, pneumonia in pregnant women belongs mainly to the first group.

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    Features and types of disease

    The course of diseases in pregnant women can be complicated physiological changes during the period of bearing a child. The shape of the chest changes, the location of the diaphragm, raised by the enlarged uterus, changes. The respiratory surface of the lungs decreases, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and as a result, the supply of oxygen to the pulmonary system worsens. The oxygen supply to the fetus depends on the level of oxygenation of the mother's blood. Often respiratory failure occurs when respiratory diseases, leads to fetal hypoxia.

    Complications associated with pneumonia during pregnancy in the first trimester (12 weeks) are the most dangerous. During this period, microorganisms can have harmful effects on the fetus, cause changes in its development or provoke infection of the placenta with the development of placental insufficiency, as well as intrauterine infection of the fetus.

    Sometimes termination of pregnancy is recommended after a course of antibacterial and detoxification therapy.

    Pneumonia in pregnant women is more often observed in the second and third trimesters, when all organ systems of the fetus are already formed. Treatment of the disease does not pose a threat to pregnancy, but can cause premature birth. When pneumonia develops shortly before the expected due date, doctors try to delay the action labor activity and reduce the risk of fetal infection. The presence of the disease during childbirth makes it impossible breast-feeding child, which negatively affects his development.

    Indications for hospitalization of pregnant women:

    • severe course of the disease;
    • complication of the pregnancy itself;
    • concomitant somatic diseases.

    In the first half of pregnancy (up to 22 weeks), the patient is hospitalized in the department of therapy (or pulmonology). In the second half of the term they are treated in obstetric department under the supervision of a therapist.

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    Diagnosis of the disease

    When prescribing treatment, attention should be paid to chronic illness lungs, frequent colds, the presence of foci of infection in the nasopharynx, anemia.

    Laboratory blood tests are performed (leukocyte count, ROE, creatine, urea), microbiological examination sputum (Gram stain), collected in the morning after coughing into a sterile container. If the clinical picture of the disease is unclear, fluoroscopy of the chest organs in two projections is prescribed, which makes it possible to identify focal infiltration of the lung tissue. This research method is used in as a last resort, and the fruit must be covered with a special lead screen. TO instrumental examination This includes the fiberoptic bronchoscopy method, which is used to diagnose tuberculosis, the development of intrauterine pathology and infection. Additionally appointed CT scan and ultrasound of the lungs to clarify the localization and structure of pulmonary lesions.

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    Treatment of the disease

    Antibacterial treatment is prescribed after the doctor has determined clinical diagnosis. The antibiotic is selected depending on the minimum negative impact for the fruit. The volume, type of administration and group of the drug depend on the characteristics of the infection and accompanying pathologies. At bacterial pneumonia with typical clinical picture penicillin antibiotics (such as amoxicillin) are recommended. For pneumonia caused by atypical microorganisms, modern safe drugs, namely macrolides (azithromycin). In case of complicated course of the disease with additional factors protected aminopenicillins or 3rd generation cephalosporins are used. If the indicators are necessary, the attending physician may prescribe expectorants and mucolytic drugs, detoxification therapy, and antihistamines.

    After receiving all the data, the appointments are clarified and adjusted. When pneumonia is treated for more than a month with persisting symptoms, it is considered a protracted course of the disease.

    There is a probability . Complications include pulmonary edema, cardiopulmonary failure, sepsis, infectious-toxic shock, exudative pleurisy. Prevention is carried out with the appointment antibacterial therapy, taking into account the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics. Along with treatment of the underlying disease, treatment of pregnancy complications and prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency with Actovegin and Riboxin are carried out. The fetoplacental complex is functional system mother-placenta-fetus.

    Evaluation of treatment effectiveness is based on results laboratory research clinical analysis blood, radiography, tests to determine the level of hormones of the fetoplacental complex in the blood.

    - it's infectious pulmonary pathology, predominantly of bacterial origin. This is a very common disease, causing mortality in 9% of cases. Pneumonia during pregnancy poses a serious threat to the life and health of both the fetus and the mother. The situation is complicated by the limited choice of therapeutic agents.

    The danger of pneumonia during pregnancy

    Pneumonia on early stages– this is not an indication for abortion. By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, the chances of recovery are significantly increased. However, there are frequent cases in which pneumonia is confused with a common cold, and in the meantime the disease progresses, causing infection of the placenta and negatively affecting the development of the baby and the health of the mother. Pregnant women are often diagnosed with microplasma pneumonia caused by activities pathogens. Possible risks to the health of mother and fetus:

    • Placental insufficiency may develop.
    • There is a risk premature birth or miscarriage.
    • Chronic fetal hypoxia.
    • Gangrene of the lung in the mother.
    • Myocarditis.
    • Obstructive syndrome.
    • Pneumonia can lead to.
    • Blood clotting disorders.
    • Malformations of the fetus cannot be excluded.
    • A woman may develop blood poisoning.

    All of these are very dangerous, despite the fact that they are not so common. Therefore, it is necessary to inform your doctor in time about pathological changes in good health. It is very important to prevent the development of pneumonia in the early stages.

    Pneumonia in pregnant women can occur in different ways. The following are classic symptoms of pneumonia that require close attention:

    • Constant cough.
    • Fever and chills.
    • Fever.
    • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
    • Weakness.
    • Chest pain.
    • Pain in muscles and joints.

    Blurry symptoms are the main problem of diagnosis during pregnancy, therefore, in order to exclude pneumonia and prevent the development of deviations in the child and health problems in the mother, you should be attentive to the signals of your body and seek help medical assistance even with signs of a common cold, accompanied by cough, runny nose, etc.

    Methods for diagnosing the disease

    To detect pneumonia in pregnant women, standard diagnostic techniques are used:

    • Anamnesis collection.
    • Analysis of urine.
    • Blood analysis.
    • Oximetry.
    • Listening to the chest with a stethoscope.
    • Coagulogram.
    • X-ray examination of the thoracic region.
    • Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is performed to exclude tuberculosis.
    • CT scan.
    • Ultrasound examination of the fetus.

    Important differential diagnosis. The presence of the following pathologies should be excluded:

    • Oncological process.
    • Pulmonary embolism.
    • Lupus pneumonitis.
    • Tuberculosis.

    Methods of therapy during pregnancy

    Only a doctor should prescribe treatment for pneumonia for pregnant women.

    Pneumonia during pregnancy in the first trimester can provoke spontaneous miscarriage or fetal fading due to oxygen starvation and exposure to toxic substances. In addition, in the first three months the formation of vital important organs in a child, which makes antibacterial therapy and detoxification treatment of pneumonia unacceptable.

    Therefore, the doctor must carefully examine the pregnant woman and select the most gentle therapeutic course so as not to cause additional harm to both the woman herself and her unborn child. At severe degrees pneumonia, abortion is recommended.

    The second and third trimester are not so dangerous, since antibiotics are allowed. But pneumonia can cause premature labor. Greatest danger pneumonia occurs directly during childbirth, since there is a high probability that placental or respiratory failure will occur.

    Approved medications

    If a pregnant woman has pneumonia, it is very important that the woman is under medical supervision around the clock. Treatment of pneumonia is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Drugs are selected according to the duration of pregnancy, the woman’s health condition, and the type of pneumonia pathogen. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed antibacterial agents from a series of penicillins. In the presence of complications, it is advisable to use drugs from a number of macrolides or cephalosporins. These are like this medicines, like or . In addition to antibiotics, other medications are prescribed during pregnancy.

    • To facilitate the passage of sputum and its rapid removal the use of drugs such as ACC, Ambrobene, etc. is indicated.
    • Vitamin complexes to maintain the body's resources.
    • dilates the bronchi, relieves shortness of breath.
    • To prevent allergies, antibiotics are prescribed antihistamines latest generation, for example, Zyrtek, Erius, etc.
    • Immunostimulating drugs.
    • Human immunoglobulin prevents intrauterine infection.
    • Suppositories with interferon for rectal administration.
    • Drugs such as Actovegin or Riboxin prevent the development of placental insufficiency.
    • At normal temperature Inhalation using a nebulizer is recommended.
    • And physiotherapy for pregnant women - these are effective healing techniques, with the help of which you can restore health if you combine them with drug therapy.
    A drugPhotoPrice
    from 104 rub.
    from 132 rub.
    from 275 rub.
    from 195 rub.
    from 581 rub.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    The treatment of pneumonia in pregnant women must be approached comprehensively and the safest and most gentle methods must be chosen in order to minimize harm to the health of the unborn child and the woman herself. Application folk remedies advisable only on recommendation experienced specialist. Unconventional treatment pneumonia does not replace full-fledged drug therapy, and it is usually carried out only as an auxiliary therapeutic method. The most famous and effective folk recipes:

    • Grind the horseradish root, pour the mixture with alcohol, and leave for three or four hours. Use the resulting composition for inhalation.
    • Drink hot milk with butter dissolved in it.
    • Boil the crushed elecampane in a water bath for 2–3 hours. Drink three tablespoons several times a day.
    • Prepare a decoction of eryngium, eryngium and birch buds, mix it with natural liquid honey, consume a teaspoon twice a day.
    • Eat more garlic.
    • Make compresses from mashed potatoes on the chest area.
    • Grind the raisins in a blender or using a meat grinder, then prepare a decoction from it, which should be taken three times a day before meals.


    Pneumonia during pregnancy is a serious threat to health, so attention should be paid to preventive measures:

    • Maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently.
    • Avoid places large cluster people, especially in the cold season.
    • Treat colds in a timely manner.
    • Eat a balanced diet so that the body is provided with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.
    • Strengthen your immune system by taking daily walks.
    • Dress for the weather.
    • Don't neglect regular checkups at the gynecologist, inform the doctor about the slightest ailments.
    • Avoid contact with sick people.
    • Don't get too cold.
    • Do not smoke or drink alcohol under any circumstances.
    • Fulfill special gymnastics for pregnant.
    • Carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room daily.

    During pregnancy, it is very dangerous to self-medicate and take medications for pneumonia without examination by a doctor, since there is a risk to the health of not only the woman, but also her unborn child. If the therapeutic tactics are incorrectly selected, the risk of complications increases several times; pneumonia may drag on, which can lead to additional problems with health.

    Pneumonia can be of secondary origin, forming as a complication of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, and develops with the activation of opportunistic flora, always present in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract
    . Primary pneumonia, caused by a special type of microbe (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae,), viruses or fungi, is also possible.

    Against the background of colds and flu, the upper respiratory tract is usually affected, then the infection “descends” through the bronchi to the lung tissue, forming inflammation. Influenza viruses themselves can penetrate into the lung tissue and lead to inflammation. This is the most dangerous and difficult to treat form of the disease. In weakened women with the presence serious problems with immunity, fungal pneumonia is possible, which has an atypical course and specific methods therapy.

    The rarest type of pneumonia will be atypical, caused by microorganisms such as chlamydia, legionella, etc. They can lead to long-term and sluggish inflammation, which significantly impairs general state, leads to tissue damage and has an extremely negative impact on the child.

    Against the background of colds and flu, the body weakens, decreases immune defense, intoxication, which is the background for the development of pneumonia. By creating favorable conditions, microbes, not restrained by the immune system, actively and quickly multiply in the area of ​​the lung tissue, forming lung lesions from small and focal to extensive and life-threatening.

    Factors contributing to pneumonia

    In order to understand which factors, including colds, can contribute to pneumonia, you need to remember a little about the work of the lung tissue and the entire respiratory system. For full functionality, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are always moisturized; they secrete a small amount of mucus, which allows them to work actively. On the surface of the mucous membranes there are also special protective factors that destroy pathogenic objects (viruses and microbes that enter in small quantities). Due to mucus, dust particles, foreign small particles and killed germs and viruses are removed by breathing and coughing.

    High concentrations of immune factors on the mucous membranes, their moisture and full breathing without obstructing the flow of air help maintain the health of the respiratory tract. Dry and dusty air disrupts normal work mucous membranes, and decreased immunity during pregnancy predisposes to the development of infection.


    Staying in stuffy and closed rooms with high concentrations germs and viruses, especially if there are sick people nearby, creates the preconditions for colds. Lack of oxygen in the air and poor nutrition with oxygen deficiency further undermine the immune system; this can be a factor in the protracted course of ARVI.

    Errors in the treatment of ARVI and their role in the development of pneumonia

    Against the background of a cold, thick and sticky sputum, cough processes are triggered reflexively, they are aimed at eliminating germs and mucus. It is important not to suppress the cough, but to stimulate the liquefaction of sputum, which then needs to be actively coughed up.

    Taking antitussive drugs when there is an abundance of sputum in the bronchi creates conditions for pneumonia - this is a kind of “swamp” of sputum in which microbes actively multiply and which is not coughed up.

    When treating ARVI, cool and moist air is important, and many women sit at home, in tightly closed apartments with dry and hot air, which only worsens the condition of the mucous membranes. Sputum thickens in such conditions, especially against the background high temperature, with fluid loss due to sweating. If a woman drinks little, fearing edema during pregnancy, this also contributes to dehydration and thickening of sputum. Inactivity also leads to a deterioration in the drainage function of the bronchi to remove sputum, and all these conditions lead to the fact that microbes actively spread into the area of ​​​​the lung tissue.

    Taking antipyretics against a background of fever that does not exceed 38C can also suppress the synthesis of natural immune protective factors - interferons, which help fight infection.

    Manifestations of pneumonia during pregnancy

    Typically, pneumonia occurs against the background of existing symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection or flu that are subsiding. Against the background of some improvement in the condition, fever reappears, with pronounced temperature figures up to 39-40 C and sharp chills, heavy sweating, malaise. It occurs or, more often, moist with copious discharge of sputum and a feeling of difficulty breathing. Typical and general manifestations ailments -, and, severe pallor, semi-delirious state. This may result in pain in the chest area, which becomes stronger when trying to clear the throat and when breathing deeply. Arises severe weakness with drowsiness, no appetite, patients only drink water. Against the background of such symptoms, the usual medications do not help, the temperature hardly goes down, and the doctor, when listening to the lungs, hears wheezing, typical of pneumonia, and by tapping identifies areas of compaction of the lungs - inflammatory foci. The severity depends on the extent of damage to the lung tissue - these can be small areas up to a couple of cm in size, as well as segments or lobes of the lung, the entire lung - one or both. The more extensive the lesion, the more serious the prognosis and the higher the risks.

    What is special about pneumonia in late pregnancy?

    In pregnant women from the second half of the term, the course of the pathology is usually severe, which is associated with the growth of the uterus and a decrease in the useful respiratory volume of the lungs due to their compression from below by the uterine fundus. Because of this, expectant mothers even normally have a raised dome of the diaphragm, limited chest excursions and difficulty breathing, shortness of breath is possible with physical activity. And against the background of pneumonia, the condition can worsen literally before our eyes, since the lung tissue is less ventilated and does not actively resist microbial aggression. During the period of inflammation, the load on respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, as well as kidneys due to the increased release of toxins and metabolic products.

    But a mild and atypical course of pneumonia is also possible, with no high fever, severe intoxication, changes in the blood test are not very pronounced, but there is a cough, constant and obsessive, leading to difficulty breathing. This creates difficulties in the timely recognition of pneumonia.

    It is impossible to diagnose pneumonia without a doctor’s examination, detailed listening to the lungs and tests; in addition, an X-ray of the lungs is also necessary, which is performed after the 10th week of pregnancy with protection of the pelvic area and all precautions. Without it, diagnosis is difficult.

    Why is pneumonia dangerous during pregnancy?

    Pneumonia is the most dangerous during gestation due to its complications and unfavorable outcomes, especially when it develops against the background of influenza. So, it is possible to form lobar pneumonia(total damage to lung tissue) with fatal, formation of lung gangrene and abscesses ( purulent cavities), the transition of inflammation to the pleural area and obstructive syndrome, significantly impairing lung ventilation, acute respiratory failure, which leads to hypoxia of the mother’s body and severe suffering in the womb.

    In addition, complications from other organs are also dangerous - shock, development and, formation and damage to the heart with development.

    Diagnostic methods: the need for x-rays

    Pneumonia can be suspected in expectant mother according to typical complaints and the presence of certain external symptomshigh fever, preceding ARVI, strong moist cough . To preliminary determine damage to the lung tissue, auscultation of the lungs (listening) and percussion (tapping the lungs) are used. They help identify foci inflammatory in nature in the lungs by typical changes in breathing sounds and wheezing, as well as changes in sound when tapping.

    The diagnosis can only be confirmed by:

    • and , defining acute inflammatory reaction organism with leukocytosis, shift to the left and the appearance special forms neutrophils (young).
    • Microscopic examination of sputum obtained from coughing to identify pathogenic microbes in it.
    • Sputum culture to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics
    • Study of blood gas composition and acid-base balance indicators, which will show the severity of damage to the lung tissue.

    The diagnosis is finally confirmed by chest x-ray; it can be performed from the second trimester of pregnancy with all precautions taken. Although x-rays may not negatively affect the fetus, in this situation the risk is justified by the danger to the mother’s life.

    Often, X-rays are taken at any time, but if this period is up to 10-12 weeks, then termination of pregnancy is proposed due to the negative impact of pneumonia itself, X-rays and those medications used in treatment. The risk of developing problems with defects in the fetus in such a situation is too great. IN late dates During radiography, protective screens and modern digital devices X-rays that reduce radiation exposure to the fetus.

    Treatment methods for pneumonia during pregnancy

    It is important to understand that during pregnancy it is impossible to cure pneumonia at home and using improvised methods, therefore immediate hospitalization in a hospital is indicated- an isolated ward in an infectious diseases hospital in the first half of pregnancy or an observational ward in a maternity hospital - from the second trimester. A pulmonologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist are involved in the treatment; if necessary, consultations with other specialists are carried out.

    At in serious condition, the presence of respiratory or cardiac failure, the presence of shock or infectious toxicosis, the woman is treated in intensive care and intensive care, and as her condition improves, she is transferred to a ward on strict bed rest with its gradual expansion.

    While the mother is undergoing treatment, the condition of the fetus is assessed daily; if it worsens and the term is already long, a decision is made about emergency delivery, but surgery or childbirth may worsen the woman’s condition.

    The basis of treatment for pneumonia is the prescription of drugs that suppress the activity of microbial infection. But if it is pneumonia of viral origin (influenza), use the drugs Relenza and Tamiflu, which are specific to the influenza virus. Antibiotics are not indicated in this situation. If the infection is of a fungal nature, it is indicated antifungal drugs, and antibiotics are prohibited, they can only worsen the situation.

    When treating community-acquired (microbial) pneumonia, antibiotics are selected starting from the most likely cause, with the effect of drugs on the microbe wide range, and then therapy is adjusted based on the culture results. When selecting antibiotics, they rely on the following data:

    1. The effect of the drug on the fetus should be minimal
    2. On the severity of the condition, the volume of damage to the lung tissue and the dynamics of the condition
    3. Presence of existing concomitant pathologies (diabetes, gestosis, chronic diseases)

    All drugs for the treatment of pneumonia are used only after the diagnosis has been established and confirmed by all methods; antibiotics are prescribed intravenously or into the muscle, or in tablets, depending on the clinical situation and severity. It is important to strictly maintain the intervals between doses in order to avoid negative influence on the fetus, after two days the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the therapy, and if its effectiveness is insufficient, changes the drugs to more powerful ones. In case of severe cases, up to two antibiotics are used in combination with all other methods.

    Additionally also applicable:

    • Oxygen therapy
    • Detoxification techniques – intravenous drip administration glucose solutions, Ringer's, hemodez
    • treatment and vitamins
    • and expectorants, if necessary - by inhalation
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones for severe pathology.

    Against the backdrop of everyone medicinal effects a special regime and full care for a woman are needed, correct therapeutic nutrition And drinking regime so that toxins and metabolic products are actively removed.

    Childbirth and the postpartum period with pneumonia

    In women who experience pneumonia in late pregnancy, labor is carried out at the onset of labor naturally, in this case, the woman needs full epidural pain relief and oxygen therapy. It is important that during childbirth full monitoring of the condition of the fetus is carried out, since it suffers from hypoxia against the background of pneumonia. After childbirth, treatment continues, and while taking medications, breastfeeding is temporarily prohibited so as not to infect the child.