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Post-traumatic complications in dogs. Injuries of the spine and spinal cord in dogs and cats: choice of treatment method

One of the frequent complaints of dog owners with neurological problems- both refuse hind legs. In this case the dog:

  • Starts to move abnormally.
  • The hind legs seem to stop obeying and become weak.
  • Paresis or complete paralysis of the pelvic limbs develops.

More often this problem occurs in dogs of small and medium breeds that have a genetic predisposition to lesions intervertebral discs. These dogs include mainly dachshunds, in addition to all brachycephalic breeds - Pekingese, French bulldog, Brabançon and others. Typically, these dogs' hind legs begin to work abnormally between the ages of 3 and 8 years.

The first symptom of neurological disorders in the thoracolumbar region spinal column, which lead to the dog beginning to lose its hind legs, is pain. Later, weakness appears, the inability to move the limbs, and last of all, pain sensitivity disappears.

These symptoms usually come on suddenly while walking or playing with other dogs, or without visible external reasons in a state of relative rest. Sudden movements can trigger the appearance of such symptoms, but are not their main cause. Many dachshund owners believe that the significant length of the spinal column plays a role in the development of the disease, but this is not true. Sometimes manifestations of the disease occur all at once, but it also happens that in the morning the dog feels only pain, and by the evening paralysis of the limbs develops with loss of pain sensitivity.

There can be many reasons why dogs' back legs fail. And, of course, those owners who suddenly encountered this problem are lost and don’t know what to do. Just yesterday their pet was briskly jumping on the sofas and playing tag with the neighbor's dogs, but today it lies indifferently, unable to get up.

Cases of damage directly to the extremities include injuries (fractures, sprains and ruptures of tendons, damage to peripheral nerves), as well as arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the extremities, tumors.

If the above diagnoses are excluded, then we're talking about, most likely about spinal pathology, that is, a violation of the innervation of the limbs due to any pathological influences on the spinal cord. Paresis and paralysis of the hind limbs develop in case of damage spinal cord at the level of the thoracic and (or) lumbar spine.

  • Injuries

Refusal hind legs in a dog can occur as a result of trauma - with fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments and tendons, with damage to peripheral nerves, as well as due to diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis of the joints of the limbs, tumors, discopathy and hernia intervertebral disc. In addition to these diseases, spinal pathology is possible, in which the innervation of the limbs is disrupted due to the effect on the spinal cord unfavorable factors. Paresis and paralysis are frequent companions of spinal cord lesions in the lumbar and thoracic regions.

A common reason why the back legs of dogs fail is of a traumatic nature: car injuries, falls, blows, severe bites during fights. In some cases, such consequences can be caused by an unsuccessful sharp turn, jumping and slipping on an ice crust.

At the site of direct injury to the spine, the integrity of the spinal column (its structure) is disrupted, swelling occurs, which leads to compression of the spinal cord and radicular nerves. Accordingly, the supply of blood with oxygen stops, and when prolonged compression nerve cells die, which makes it impossible for nerve impulses to pass through peripheral nerves. Strong traumatic injury leads to disruption of the integrity of the spinal tissue, and rupture of the spinal cord occurs.

  • Degenerative diseases of the spine

Refusal of the normal functioning of the hind limbs in dogs can be caused by degenerative diseases spine, which are characterized by disruption of important metabolic processes in his tissues. Thus, this leads to pathological changes in the structure of the spinal column.

  • Spondylosis

A dog’s hind legs may fail due to spondylosis – “local aging” of some vertebral segments. This disease progresses very slowly, and at most early stage practically not detected. First of all, the outer fibers of the fibrous ring are affected (the consistency of the nucleus pulposus is preserved), and then calcification of the anterior longitudinal ligament begins. Osteophytes develop, which visually resemble beak-like growths.

  • Tumors in the spine

Tumor-like processes that gradually develop in the immediate vicinity (or itself) of the spinal cord lead to pathological changes and fractures of the spinal column. With a sharp exacerbation of the process, swelling and compression of the roots and spinal cord occurs, and the following symptoms can be observed in the dog: weakening or failure of the hind limbs, arched back, gait disturbance, when the body position changes, the dog squeals, concomitant disorders occur (impaired urination and defecation) , in some cases, refusal of food.

  • Spondyloarthrosis

The consequence of static loads in osteochondrosis of the spine can be spondyloarthrosis (deforming arthrosis of the joints of the spine). Uneven loads on the spinal column can also lead to protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc through the pathologically altered fibrous ring. This phenomenon is called a vertebral hernia. Protruding towards the spinal cord, the hernia causes compression of the radicular nerves and (or) the spinal cord.

  • Discopathy

At the core neurological lesions Diseases of the intervertebral discs (discopathies) most often occur in the pelvic limbs. In this case, the changed substance of the disc penetrates into spinal canal and pinches the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots, which manifests itself as a neurological deficit. Often a large dog's hind legs fail, and this problem has its own characteristics. Similar lesions are observed in older animals of large and giant breeds: German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Great Danes and others. As a rule, this group of dogs develops clinical symptoms progresses slowly over several months or even years. In this case, we can assume lesions of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine or at the level of the lumbosacral junction, as well as lumbosacral stenosis.

Discopathy is very common in dogs - French bulldogs. This is due to the anatomical structure of the animal, when, during artificial selection, the spine became elongated, and now undergoes stronger loads than the spine of “normal” dogs. The distance between the vertebrae has become significantly greater than normal. This is due to genetics and is inherited. Disc prolapse can occur not only during active movements and jumping, but even at rest, when the dog is sleeping or lying quietly.

  • Dysplasia

Very often, owners of dogs of heavy breeds (St. Bernard, shepherd dogs, Labrador retrievers, Great Danes, etc.) encounter diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common condition in puppies is hip dysplasia. This disease is hereditary in nature and appears most often between the ages of 4 and 10 months during intensive growth. First there is a problem when getting up, especially after sleep. The dog limps, then straightens up and walks normally. Further without treatment, symptoms may intensify, up to complete refusal dogs from walking. If you notice such signs, you need to take your dog to the vet and get an x-ray.

  • Osteocondritis of the spine

Osteochondrosis of the spine is considered the most severe form of damage; this disease is based on degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs (discopathy), often involving the surrounding vertebral bodies, as well as changes in the ligamentous apparatus and intervertebral joints.

The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis can be:

  • Genetically determined developmental defects causing vertebral instability.
  • Rheumatoid lesions.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Impaired microcirculation leading to disruption of disk nutrition.
  • Autoimmune processes.

Spinal pathology is also possible, which arises from the effects of adverse factors on the spinal cord. Frequent companions of spinal cord lesions in the thoracic and lumbar region are paresis and paralysis. Most often, dogs' paws suffer from falls (especially in small breeds), car injuries, blows and severe bites during fights.

Even an unsuccessful jump, a sharp turn, or a dog slipping on an icy crust can lead to paw failure. At this moment, at the site of spinal injury, the integrity of the structure of the spinal column is disrupted, swelling occurs, which compresses the radicular nerves and the spinal cord.

Of course, the answer will be to contact a veterinarian, preferably specializing in neurology. If you notice a painful reaction in your dog when changing body position, a tense gait, a reluctance to walk, especially on stairs, do not wait until its hind legs give out - immediately show the animal to a doctor, then the treatment will be more effective. If the problem with your hind legs has already happened, you shouldn’t wait any longer.

If the animal has suffered a spinal injury, try to get it to the doctor as quickly as possible and in an immobilized state (secure the animal on a board using bandages or straps). Do not use painkillers until you see a doctor. Pain limits the animal's activity, which helps avoid further displacement of the vertebrae during a fracture.

It is possible to notice the onset of the disease and urgently contact a specialist, but most inexperienced owners do not attach importance to such important symptoms How:

  • Anxiety.
  • The dog hides and squeals when someone touches its back.
  • The dog is passive when other dogs are frolicking.

However, in most cases, the alarm begins to sound when the dog’s hind legs partially begin to fail, or paralysis develops. And here it is necessary to differentiate such a disease as radiculitis. An incorrectly prescribed treatment (for example, massage instead of maximum immobilization of the animal) will waste valuable time and aggravate the situation.

The sooner help is provided to the dog, the better the prognosis for its recovery. In any case, there is no need to despair, because there are cases where completely immobilized dogs were put on their paws and returned to active life. Depending on the diagnosis, it is prescribed drug treatment in the form of injections. A more radical case in the case of spinal diseases is surgery, after which treatment also continues.

In parallel, the dog is prescribed a massage; during the recovery period, swimming is recommended, and exercises with the dog after it returns to physical activity. All dog owners should remember that it will not be possible to help a paralyzed dog at home. It is necessary to see a doctor and undergo all prescribed examinations to diagnose accurate diagnosis and start timely treatment.

First, the doctor will conduct an examination and evaluate general state, will provide emergency assistance and put primary diagnosis. If we are talking about spinal pathology, the doctor:

  • Check the preservation of sensitivity (tactile and pain) of the limbs.
  • Checks the integrity of the reflexes.
  • Check availability pain syndrome in the spine area.
  • Order an x-ray examination.
  • Myelography may be performed, that is, X-ray will be done after introducing a special X-ray contrast agent into the spinal canal. This is done to identify the slightest abnormalities that are not noticeable on a regular image, as well as to determine the exact localization of the process. If necessary, he will prescribe blood and urine tests to identify concomitant pathologies (pyelonephritis, kidney, liver, heart failure, etc.).

The conducted studies will help the doctor assess the extent of the lesion, give a prognosis of the disease and make a decision on treatment. Perhaps the doctor will give you a choice between surgery and therapeutic method treatment may insist on one of them.

Fractures in dogs occur due to various reasons, be it a bad game, a fall or a car injury - this is always extremely unpleasant condition, which requires an immediate decision to help the dog. U large dogs Fractures usually occur after car injuries, fights and other serious unpleasant events. This causes the presence of trauma without skeletal abnormalities initially. In small or dwarf breeds For dogs, everything is different, such dogs can get broken bones literally “out of nowhere,” not to mention traumatic effects such as falling from one’s hands or from a sofa. In addition to the miniature size and fragility of the bones, this problem may be due to changes in anatomical structure bones initially and receiving injury is coming as a contributing factor to fracture. An example of this would be a fracture of the lower third of the radius.

Pathological bone fractures also occur in dogs, for example in bone cancer, when the integrity of the bone is disrupted as a result of destruction bone tissue tumor.

Also, bone fractures can be caused by septic processes, for example, with a fracture lower jaw in small dogs with poor oral care. In such dogs, periodontal disease can develop, the surrounding bone tissue of the diseased tooth becomes inflamed, and its density is impaired. An unsuccessful bite attempt may result in a fracture.

In any case, no matter what causes a fracture in a dog, it is always painful and requires qualified assistance!

Clinical signs of a fracture in dogs

Clinically, a fracture in a dog, regardless of location, is always caused by pain, swelling, the development of a hematoma, and impaired support on the affected paw. In some cases, a fracture in dogs may be accompanied by soft tissue injury, as well as bleeding. This type of fracture is called an open fracture. Often, an open type of fracture occurs after car injuries or fights with other animals.

A fracture without breaking the integrity of the skin is called closed. This is the most common fracture in small dogs because external influence environment will not be significant here.

The topography of fractures may vary depending on the location of the fracture Clinical signs may change. We will analyze the clinical signs of each fracture according to their location.

Hip fracture in a dog

Fracture femur in dogs it is accompanied by severe pain, the dog will not be able to lean on its paw. In almost all cases, there will be swelling or the development of a hematoma in the thigh muscles. With open hip fractures, severe bleeding may occur, which requires immediate assistance to the dog. Most of the clinical signs are especially noticeable externally in fractures of the femoral diaphysis, that is, the middle. In case of fractures of the femoral head or neck, external swelling or hematoma may not be observed. With this type of hip fracture, dogs will experience only pain and loss of support on the affected leg.

Shoulder fracture in a dog

If the shoulder is fractured, the dog will experience a loss of support, such as a “dangling limb” on the injured paw, pain and swelling. At a fracture humerus with violation skin Heavy bleeding may occur, which immediately requires seeking help from a clinic. At closed fractures hematoma formation may occur in the shoulder.

Fracture of the leg in a dog

A fracture of the leg in a dog occurs with displacement and disruption of the integrity of the tibia and fibula due to strong mobility and lack of large quantity muscles covering bones. With such a fracture, support on the sore paw is impossible; often the paw can dangle and take an unnatural position. In addition to swelling and pain, hematomas often develop with such fractures due to the close proximity of the vessels. Often, tibia fractures in dogs can be open and accompanied by bleeding.

Forearm fracture in a dog

Forearm fractures in dogs often involve fractures of both bones of the forearm (radius and ulna) and are often displaced. The dog will also not use the affected paw, and there will usually be swelling on the wrist or fingers. Often a broken paw looks shorter than a healthy one. In case of injury with a violation of the skin, bleeding and gaping of debris can also be observed.

Spinal fracture in a dog

A spinal fracture in a dog is characterized, in addition to pain, by neurological disorders. If a spinal fracture occurs in cervical spine the result is total loss ability to move. If the spine is fractured in the lower part of the thoracic or lumbar region means loss of the ability to move on the hind legs. Can often be observed uncontrolled urination or defecation.

Jaw fracture in a dog

A jaw fracture in dogs, in addition to pain, is accompanied by curvature. The dog has difficulty or cannot close it at all, especially if both branches are broken. There may be some leakage of saliva. With open fractures, saliva and blood will be released.

Fractured ribs in a dog

If the ribs are fractured, the dog will experience rapid, shallow breathing. This type of breathing may be caused by pain or the presence of a secondary injury after a rib fracture, such as pneumothorax. If we are talking about an open fracture of the ribs, this inevitably entails the development of pneumothorax. This condition threatens the dog's life.

Sacral fracture in a dog

With a fracture of the sacrum, in addition to pain, urinary and fecal incontinence may occur. Such dogs may not lose the ability to walk, but walk with difficulty in the first time after the injury. With a fracture of the sacrum in dogs, there is often a loss of sensitivity in the tail; the dog cannot move it or lift it.

Pelvic fracture in a dog

With a pelvic fracture, clinical signs may vary, depending on the location of the fracture. In addition to pain, dogs with a pelvic fracture may experience gait disturbance due to pelvic instability or acetabulum fracture. With severe instability of the pelvic bones, dogs lose the ability to move.

First aid for fractures in dogs

First aid for a fracture in a dog will consist of immobilizing the fracture site or the entire animal to reduce pain and transport it to a veterinary clinic. In case of open fractures, it is necessary to stop the bleeding: apply a tight bandage. Before this, the wound can be washed antiseptic solution.

For any fracture of tubular bones, for example the front or hind paw, you can try to apply a splint from scrap materials.

In case of a fracture of the spine, ribs, pelvis, or sacrum, the animal is moved to a flat, hard surface. There is no need to try to fix the fracture site or the dog.

If the lower jaw is fractured, you can try to tie it to upper jaw bandage or just put on a muzzle.

After an injury, the dog experiences pain and extreme stress, so if the animal is aggressive, do not try to fix the fracture or wash it open wound. A dog in shock may bite you! All you need to do is put a muzzle or a fixing bandage on the muzzle and quickly take the dog to a veterinary clinic for assistance.

Diagnosis of fractures in dogs in a veterinary clinic

X-ray diagnostics in veterinary clinic involves conducting research in two planes. After an x-ray, the issue of choosing a technique for performing osteosynthesis, that is, a method of fixing a broken bone, is decided. Almost always, after an accident or other incident, dogs are admitted with secondary injuries, which sometimes require even more attention than the fracture itself. Upon admission to the veterinary clinic, the injured animal is given pain-relieving medications (analgesics), manipulations to stop bleeding and other procedures that help stabilize all body systems and reduce the risk of death. If a dog shows aggression, sedatives are used during procedures or research.

For particularly severe patients who require longer-term stabilization with manipulations (drips, etc.), we have an inpatient department in our clinic.

Before performing surgical procedures, lab tests(biochemical and clinical tests blood) and perform a cardiac echo and ECG.

If injury is suspected abdominal cavity or the presence of cavitary bleeding, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed, and only after this problem has been resolved, the fracture is treated.

Treatment of fractures in dogs

Treatment for fractures in dogs depends on the type of fracture, its complexity, and the dog's weight.
If we are talking about open fractures, where the risk of infection is very high, then external fixation devices are used. This can be a bilateral external fixation device in dogs weighing up to 20 kg or a rod device, Elizarov apparatus in dogs weighing more than 20 kg. These designs are common in dogs for fractures of the forearm or tibia, less common for fractures of the shoulder or femur.

Closed fractures in small dogs compared using external fixation, since the damage to the soft tissue is insignificant.

Closed fractures of the humerus or femur are compared using different types of support plates (DCP, LCP) or special pins, without taking into account the weight of the animal. For a distal humerus or femur fracture, a growth plate fracture, or an intra-articular intercondylar fracture, a technique involving placement of Kirschner wires and a lag screw may be used for alignment and stability. For stabilization in the event of a spinal fracture, in addition to support plates, more complex and reliable structures are used to ensure stability of the spine, namely transpedicular fixators. In case of a fracture of the jaw bones, special support plates are used; in case of infection, extrafocal osteosynthesis is performed.

Clinical cases of treatment of fractures in dogs at Pride

A dog of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed, 4 months old, named Combat, was admitted to GVOTS Pride. The puppy played unsuccessfully with other dogs and was injured. On examination, swelling was detected knee joint, soreness, the puppy could not lean on the sore paw.

After X-ray examination a diagnosis was made: tuberosity avulsion tibia with a significant shift.

After preoperative examination ( biochemical analysis blood and cardiac echo) an operation was performed. The fracture was fixed using a Kirschner wire and cerclage. Supportability of the affected limb is restored fairly quickly; subsequent removal of the fastener is usually not required.

Veterinarian, orthopedic surgeon: Maslova E.S.
Anesthesiologist: Litvinovskaya K.V.

Representatives of small breeds of dogs are predisposed to injuries to the bones of the forearm due to the thinness of the bone tissue or other anatomical features. Any fractures are very painful for our pets, but they are treated quickly and often without consequences if your pet is in the hands of a competent specialist.

Using the example of some patients, we will tell you how forearm fractures are diagnosed and treated in miniature breeds dogs.

Thread (Prague rat) and Businka (toy terrier) joined Pride in different time, but with the same complaints: pain and swelling in the forearm.

Diagnostics: examination by an orthopedic surgeon, x-ray examination.

Treatment: osteosynthesis with placement of an LCP plate. Thanks to this technique, the dog can use the injured paw immediately after surgery, as well as the use of of this type The plate ensures reliable fixation of the fracture and rapid healing.

Preparation for surgery: biochemical blood test and ultrasound of the heart. Very important studies before putting an animal under anesthesia. They show us the functioning of the pet's major organs and help reduce anesthetic risks.

After the operation, the animals wake up in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor and anesthesiologist.

Removal of stitches after 10-12 days. During this time, the owner independently treats the stitches with an antiseptic solution and wound-healing ointment.

Little Charlie fell down a step and was injured - an intercondylar intra-articular fracture of the humerus. This is a fairly serious injury for a five-month-old puppy, since pathological process All structures of the joint are involved, including the growth zones of the humerus. The main task of the surgeon was not only to compare the complex fracture, but also to ensure normal height bones in the future. Charlie was under constant medical monitoring inpatient department. Doctor Maslova E.S. osteosynthesis of an intercondylar intra-articular fracture of the humerus was successfully performed and the puppy is now undergoing postoperative rehabilitation.

Veterinary surgeon specialist in traumatology, orthopedics and neurology Maslova E.S.
Veterinary anesthesiologist Litvinovskaya K.V.

A pug dog unsuccessfully jumped for a ball and fell into a ditch! The owners immediately brought the dog to the clinic in the intensive care unit and intensive care. The dog had tetraparesis (inability to move on its paws) and severe pain in the neck. After all therapeutic measures After stabilizing the general condition and seeing a neurologist, the dog was computed tomography(CT) of the cervical spine and a fracture of the body 2 was diagnosed cervical vertebra(C2). To diagnose the severity of spinal cord injury in the fracture zone, Magnetic resonance imaging was also performed under the same anesthesia with CT.

After the diagnosis was made, surgery was performed to stabilize the spinal fracture using fiducial wires and bone cement. Now the patient feels stable well, begins to move, and has no pain in the neck. In any case, such patients need time to recover, but we hope that not much of it will be required. We wish get well soon baby and patience to the owners!

Maslova Ekaterina Sergeevna - veterinarian, surgeon. Specialist in orthopedics, neurology and neurosurgery.

Tikhonova Maria Yurievna - veterinarian, anesthesiologist.

Paresis and paralysis

Paresis is a weakening of voluntary movements, and paralysis is a complete loss of motor function of an organ. Both of these conditions can be of peripheral or central origin.

Peripheral paralysis and paresis arise as a result of damage to the nerves directly innervating this organ. The muscles stop receiving signals, and the function of the organ disappears.

  • Symptoms.
    Peripheral paralysis is accompanied by atony of the organ, the muscles become sluggish, flabby, and undergo atrophy; Tendon reflexes disappear. For a long time peripheral paralysis Secondary contractures may develop.

    A common example of peripheral paralysis in dogs is radial nerve palsy in the forelimb due to trauma. brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is located under the shoulder blade in the area shoulder joint, the nerves that innervate the forelimb (radial and ulnar nerves) depart from it. As a result strong blow These nerves may become detached from the brachial plexus, causing the dog to become paralyzed in the forelimb.

    The front paw with paralysis looks very characteristic: it is slightly bent in all joints, and when moving, the dog constantly touches the ground with the back of its toes, as a result of which the skin in this place is injured and a non-healing ulcer is formed. Atrophy of all muscles of the limb develops very quickly.

Paralysis and paresis of central origin arise as a result of damage to structures located in the spinal cord. They are accompanied by increased muscle tone and increased tendon reflexes. In this case, muscle atrophy is usually absent.

The prognosis for paralysis depends on the nature of the nerve damage. Concussions, sprains and bruises of nerve trunks usually progress favorably and, with proper treatment, result in recovery. In this case, paralysis is cured within 1-2 months.

With prolonged compression, crushing, tearing, and especially rupture of the nerve, recovery may take several months or not occur at all.

  • Treatment.
    In the first hours and days after a nerve trunk injury, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and decongestants are prescribed medications(phenylbutazone, prednisolone, aspirin, analgin, etc.). In the future, vitamin therapy (vitamins B1, B6, B12), physiotherapy (thermal, pulse currents, ultrasound, laser, magnetic therapy), as well as therapeutic exercises and massage to prevent muscle atrophy.

    IN in rare cases attempts are being made surgical treatment: suturing nerve trunks, releasing nerves from adhesions and scars, spinal surgery.

Spinal injuries

Most common reasons spinal injuries are a car accident and a fall from high altitude(it is enough for a puppy to fall off the sofa). Trauma can lead to damage to the spine, it ligamentous apparatus, intervertebral discs or spinal cord. It should be noted that during the first few hours after injury painful sensations are reduced, therefore, when assessing the severity of the condition, the results of X-ray examination play a decisive role.

  • Symptoms.
    With a spinal injury, the symptoms vary - from very mild, barely noticeable, to severe. They are divided into five categories.
    1. Soreness and muscle tension at the site of injury, no movement disorders.
    2. Mild signs of paresis, mild ataxia, but the dog can still run.
    3. Paresis. The dog practically cannot stand or walk, but sensitivity is completely preserved.
    4. Paralysis of limbs. Skin sensitivity may be reduced, but the response to deep pain in paralyzed limbs remains.
    5. Paralysis. There is no skin sensitivity or reaction to deep pain.
  • Treatment.
    The more time has passed from the moment of defeat to contacting veterinarian and the more intense the primary spinal cord lesions (the five symptom categories listed above), the worse the prognosis.
  • First aid.
    First of all, it is necessary to provide rest to the damaged spine. To do this, dogs that have retained motor activity are placed in a cage, and dogs with paralysis are fixed in a lateral position on a wooden board using belts.

    Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Ice packs can be applied to the injured area.

    In veterinary institutions, a dog with a spinal injury is administered corticosteroids (dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, etc.) and, if necessary, surgery, the purpose of which is to stabilize the spine and reduce pressure on the spinal cord.

    During the recovery period, massage, passive movements of the limbs, and physical therapy are prescribed.

    Functions need to be monitored Bladder and intestines, for this purpose, if necessary, place urinary catheter and an enema.

Spinal diseases

(prolapsed intervertebral disc)

Discopathy is a collective name pathological changes and damage to the intervertebral discs, as a result of which the disc falls out into the lumen of the spinal canal (disc prolapse).

The prolapsed disc compresses the spinal cord, causing all the symptoms of its damage (pain, paresis, paralysis, ataxia, etc.). This disease primarily affects dogs of chondrodystrophoid breeds (dachshund, Pekingese). Their discopathy usually occurs at the age of 4-6 years. Dogs of other breeds (shepherd, Doberman) can also suffer from this disease, but in them prolapse of intervertebral discs occurs only after 9-10 years.

  • Symptoms.
    As a rule, discopathy begins with the fact that the dog refuses to jump into a car or onto its bed, stops climbing stairs, and sometimes shows increased sensitivity if it is touched or lifted. Less commonly, sudden paralysis may occur.

    Most often, intervertebral disc prolapse occurs in the cervical and thoracolumbar spine. Prolapse in the cervical spine is accompanied by severe pain which can radiate into the forelimbs and cause lameness. Disc prolapse in the thoracolumbar region is accompanied by arching of the back and paralysis of the hind limbs (“seal” paws).

  • Treatment.
    The same as for spinal injuries.

Spondylopathy (deforming spondylosis)

Spondylopathy - chronic illness spine, in which styloid or bridge-shaped bone growths appear on the vertebrae. At the same time, ossification of the ligaments of the vertebral joints and degeneration of the intervertebral discs can occur. Spondylopathy is found in dogs of all breeds, but is more common in large dogs.

  • Symptoms.
    Spondylopathy is often discovered incidentally when x-ray examination and does not have a significant effect on body functions. But some animals may experience pain, a tense gait, and sometimes paresis of the hind limbs. Pain in nerve roots appear when bone growth puts pressure on the nerves protruding from the intervertebral foramen or when discopathy simultaneously develops. Fractures of the bone bridges between the vertebrae are also very painful.
  • Treatment.
    It is impossible to prevent or slow down this process in the spine, so treatment consists of prescribing painkillers. Heat applied to the spinal area also has an analgesic effect.


This term refers to a lack of coordination of movements. With ataxia, a disorder of joint harmonious work occurs muscle groups. The gait becomes unsteady and unsteady. Very often the dog falls when turning or when trying to get up and start moving. Weakness and wobbling of the back of the body are clearly noticeable. Otherwise the dog is doing well.

Ataxia can be of central or peripheral origin.

Central ataxia associated with various diseases brain (cerebellar hypoplasia).

Ataxia of peripheral origin occurs as a result of compression (squeezing) of the spinal cord in the cervical spine. In dogs large breeds, primarily among Great Danes, there is hereditary disease, associated with a narrowing of the spinal canal in the cervical spine, the leading symptom of which is ataxia.

  • Symptoms.
    Clinical manifestations begin with difficulty standing up and a cautious gait, which are often misdiagnosed as problems in young dogs. rapid growth. The disease develops gradually over months: distinct weakness of the hind limbs occurs, unsure gait, more noticeable during sharp turns. Ataxia can reach extreme(impossibility of walking). A predisposing factor for this disease is excessive growth of the dog due to too high-calorie feeding.
  • No treatment has been developed.

The diagnosis of a spinal fracture comes as a surprise to many dog ​​and cat owners and, unfortunately, disappointing. Even if it is possible to restore the general condition of the animal, some functions, especially motor ones, are lost forever.

This is due to the fact that fractures, or they in combination with dislocation of the vertebrae, often lead to irreversible damage to the spinal tissue.

Spinal fractures in cats and other animals are characterized by the following symptoms:

Paralysis of limbs, a pair or all at once;

Sedentary or lying forced position;

Lack of voluntary movement of one or all limbs;

Bending (deformation of the spinal column;

Severe pain in the spine;

Lack of control over the act of urination and defecation;

Lack of sensation in the limbs.

Cause of damage to the spinal column Most often it is a fall from a height or a car injury. At the DobroVet veterinary center it is necessary to operate on such animals, most often successfully, and many functions are completely restored.

Against the background of trauma, damage to the spinal column may occur, such as prolapse of a herniated intervertebral disc into the lumen of the spinal canal. Injury to the spinal cord from bone fragments and intra (extra) dural hematomas, which occur around the spinal cord, under it and around the membranes, also occur.

Temporary dysfunction nerve tissue occurs with spinal cord contusion, or as a result of hemorrhagic edema, but in the absence of bone tissue damage.

If the dog has broken its spine, then the pet must be transported very carefully, with limited movement, on a hard and even “substrate”, which can be thick cardboard or a board. It is necessary to take the dog or cat to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible for assistance. During transportation, it is necessary to prevent displacement of the vertebrae and injury to the spinal cord.

When examining such a patient at the DobroVet veterinary clinic, they first exclude accompanying pathologies, accumulation of blood and air in pleural cavity or the presence of internal bleeding. Neurological studies will help determine the exact location, severity of the injury and possible treatment.

X-ray examination allows you to quickly detect a problem area; quite often this happens in several places on the spine, especially in case of car injuries. It must be remembered that this method can detect some types of fractures and dislocations, but will not complete information for spontaneous and limited dislocations that cause neurological deficits. Myelography will give a complete and clear picture if a cat has broken its spine.

Treatment is carried out taking into account the diagnosis, using conservative or surgical methods.

Conservative treatment for spinal trauma is possible in the absence of vertebral displacement, with minimal instability at the fracture site, and in the absence of spinal cord compression.

Surgical intervention for fractures and injuries of the spinal column is indicated for any injury that is accompanied by a lack of sensitivity and voluntary movements in the paws. For unstable fractures or for stable ones, but those that are poorly susceptible conservative treatment. This is determined by neurological evaluation or by long-standing pain.

The key treatment in the first stage is the use of large doses corticosteroids, this will limit the spread of the pathological focus and relieve swelling in the spinal cord. When used late, the result is not always effective.

A spinal fracture in dogs involves surgical intervention, which is primarily aimed at decompressing the spinal cord, and the reduction of damaged vertebrae ensures the normal formation of the spinal canal. Simultaneous stabilization of the vertebrae will prevent repeated displacement and spinal cord injury.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor.

How likely is it for a dog to regain motor function?

It all depends on how complex the spinal fracture is, namely, damage to the spinal cord.

If the hind limbs do not move, what can be done?

It is possible to purchase a special device (stroller), to which a dog (cat) quickly gets used to and runs no worse than on four legs.

If the spinal injury is serious and surgery does not help, what is the prognosis?

In case of complex fractures with damage to the spinal cord, the animal is doomed to immobility with impaired urination and defecation functions and the development of bedsores. The prognosis is unfavorable, and the animal owner will have to care for the pet, constantly being nearby and performing supportive procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

Fracture in a dog- a common occurrence in veterinary practice, associated with partial or absolute violation of the integrity of bone tissue. This prevalence of bone damage is explained by the animal’s active lifestyle, excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system and the huge risk of injury. Depending on the etiological factors of occurrence, it is customary to distinguish between fractures of a traumatic and pathological nature. The former are the result of external mechanical influence on the bone, which leads to a violation of its integrity. Pathological fractures develop against the background of other diseases of the animal’s body, which lead to bone demineralization and loss of necessary strength.

Classification of fractures

There are several types of fractures, each of which has its own characteristics, which will determine the choice of treatment tactics for the disease:

  • a crack when the integrity of the bone is partially broken, but adjacent organs are not damaged;
  • closed fracture without displacement, when the integrity of the bone is completely broken, but the broken ends continue to be in their natural position;
  • closed fracture with displacement, which is characterized by separation of bone fragments with damage to nearby organs, vessels, and muscles;
  • impacted fracture, which occurs when the broken ends of a damaged bone penetrate each other;
  • open fracture in a dog, which occurs with damage to the muscle layer and skin by the sharp ends of the bone and their penetration outward.

How to recognize a fracture in an animal? Symptoms of fractures

Fractures in dogs, treatment which depends on their location, the presence of displacement of fragments, damage internal organs and the like, it is not difficult to suspect if you know the main symptoms characteristic of this type of bone tissue damage. The most common fractures of the limbs in dogs occur, which are manifested by severe swelling of the broken paw, a violation of its configuration and symmetry in relation to the healthy limb, the absence active movements, sharp pain when the owner tries to touch the sore paw or change its position, and debris can be visible through the skin.

Damage such as broken finger in a dog, occurs as a result of injuries received during play, a car injury, or when a small dog’s limb is stepped on by a larger animal. Such damage is accompanied by the pet’s inability to lean on its paw, walk and jump fully. Rarely occurs at the site of injury severe swelling, although the pain syndrome can be pronounced.

The most difficult type of bone loss in a dog is a spinal fracture. This injury occurs as a result of the animal falling from a height or other serious injury. Spinal fracture in a dog, treatment which is always surgical, is characterized by the development of intense pain, immobilization of the limbs, urinary and fecal incontinence, loss of sensation in the different parts animal body. Paralysis of the paws due to fractures of the spinal column is associated with damage to the spinal cord tissue and rupture of nerve fibers. Such animals can often remain disabled, and the chances of their full recovery depend on the correctness and speed of transporting the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Pelvic fractures in dogs are usually the result of a motor vehicle injury. This is one of the most unpleasant injuries, which is manifested by pain at the site of injury, impaired support on the hind legs, and involvement of internal pelvic organs, the appearance of blood in stool and urine, etc. Cracked pelvis in a dog, treatment which is based on the same principles as a fracture, rarely manifests itself as pronounced clinical picture and in most cases requires high-quality x-ray diagnostics.

First aid for fractures in dogs

Unfortunately, the dog owner can do little to help his pet with a fracture. If the bones are damaged by closed type, then measures should be taken to immobilize the animal. If a paw is broken, it is necessary to fix the limb, and if the integrity of the pelvic bones or spine is damaged, the pet’s mobility must be limited and left in the accepted position. In case of an open bone fracture and bleeding from the wound, the injury site must be treated, the bleeding stopped and sterile bandage to prevent the development of an infectious process.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to restore the animal's normal bone configuration on your own or attempt to treat a fracture yourself. This can cause complications from damaged parts of the body, internal bleeding or irreversible damage, which can often be fatal. The only one the right way, how to identify a fracture in a dog and it remains to be fully cured by qualified veterinary care. Therefore, if you suspect damage to the integrity of the bones in an animal, you should immediately transport it to a veterinary clinic.