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Anxiety throughout the body. Pharmaceutical care: symptomatic treatment of anxiety conditions


Feeling higher level anxiety , by far the most common in major cities. This borderline mental state is accompanied by a sensation or clearly expressed sensations

anxiety when a person clearly feels this state, or it can manifest itself in the form of an unclearly defined state, when a psychiatrist, psychotherapist (psychotherapist) has to find out this fact through special examination techniques.

Anxiety is the affect of anticipation of some unpleasant event, the experience of tension and fear, apprehension.

A state of prolonged anxiety is pathological condition, characterized by a feeling of danger and accompanied by somatic symptoms, which is associated with autonomic hyperactivity nervous system.

Differential diagnosis

Increased anxiety should be differentiated from fear, which arises in response to a specific threat and is a biologically justified reaction of the higher nervous system.

Anxiety is one of the most common psychopathological conditions in medical practice.

Anxiety in this case is an exaggerated reaction that does not correspond to the degree of threat. Additionally, anxiety develops when the source of danger is unclear or unknown. Most often, anxiety occurs in response to some conditioned stimulus, the connection of which with the danger itself is repressed from consciousness or forgotten by the patient.

It is necessary to note the wide range of manifestations of anxiety - from mild neurotic disorders (borderline level of mental disorders) and generalized anxiety disorder, to pronounced psychotic states of endogenous origin. Anxious states relate to the sphere of human experiences, difficult-to-bear emotions and are expressed in a feeling of painfulness. It is not uncommon that when a person finds the object of his anxiety or “invents” this object, he develops fear, which, unlike anxiety, appears in response to a specific reason. Fear should be classified as a pathological state only if it is experienced in connection with objects and situations that do not usually cause it.

Symptoms of increased anxiety

  • Trembling, twitching, body shaking, back pain, headache, dizziness, hot flashes, dilated pupils, fainting.
  • Muscle tension, lack of air, rapid breathing, increased fatigue, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (often called autonomic-vascular dystonia, VSD, redness, pallor.
  • Tachycardia, rapid heartbeat, sweating, cold hands, diarrhea, dry mouth, increased urination, numbness, tingling, goosebumps, difficulty swallowing.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, gastritis, peptic ulcer, dyskinesia, heartburn, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome.

Psychological symptoms of increased anxiety

  • Feeling of danger, decreased concentration.
  • Hypervigilance, sleep disturbance, decreased libido, “lump in throat.”
  • Feeling of nausea (“dizzy with fear”), heaviness in the stomach.

Anxiety is a psychological concept that expresses affective state, which is characterized by feelings of uncertainty and general anxiety. It is often compared and sometimes used as a synonym for the concept of neurotic fear. In a state of anxiety, there are no physiological or somatic manifestations, such as, for example, choking, sweating, increased heart rate, numbness, etc. A state of increased level of anxiety in most cases is taken as light form neurosis, in which it is anxiety that predominates in the patient’s life. As a rule, this form of neurosis is treated with psychotherapeutic methods, without the use of drugs. Typically, treatment of such psychological conditions does not exceed ten sessions of psychotherapy.

In young children, anxiety appears in following cases: fear of the dark, animals, loneliness, strangers, etc. In older children, anxiety is associated with a feeling of fear of punishment, fear of failure, illness or contact with loved ones. Such conditions are usually defined as anxious personality disorders and respond well to psychotherapeutic correction.

In addition to borderline mental disorders, anxiety can also accompany deeper mental disorders associated with endogenous pathologies of the brain and manifest itself in the form of anxiety-paranoid syndrome.

Anxiety-paranoid syndrome

– A combination of anxiety affect, accompanied by agitation and confusion, with delusions of relationships or persecution, verbal illusions and hallucinations. It most often manifests itself in schizophrenia and organic psychoses.

Diagnosis of increased anxiety

When diagnosing anxiety states as a borderline mental state, pay attention to such basic criteria as:

  • Excessive anxiety and worry in connection with various events or activities, observed for more than 4 months.
  • Impossibility or difficulty in trying to cope with anxiety on your own, through the efforts of your own will.
  • Anxiety is accompanied by at least three of the following symptoms (in children, only one symptom is sufficient):
  • Restlessness, fussiness, or impatience.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Disorder of concentration or memory.
  • Irritability.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling asleep, waking up at night, early awakenings, disturbances in sleep duration, sleep that does not bring a feeling of freshness).

A psychotherapist needs to accurately establish the subject of an increased level of anxiety or concern, since there are certain criteria that are important in determining the type of anxiety.

The presence of an increased level of anxiety causes significant violations in social, labor or other areas of activity, which reduces the quality of human life.

Increased anxiety is not directly related to the presence of exposure to a psychoactive substance (drugs, medications, alcohol) and is not associated with other organic disorders, severe developmental disorders and endogenous mental illnesses.

Group of disorders with increased anxiety

A group of mental disorders in which anxiety is caused exclusively or predominantly by certain situations or objects are not currently dangerous. Treatment for high levels of anxiety is always successful. The patient's concerns may center on individual symptoms such as palpitations, a feeling of lightheadedness, pain in the stomach or abdominal area, headaches, and is often combined with secondary fears of death, loss of self-control or madness. Anxiety is not relieved by the knowledge that other people do not consider the situation as dangerous or threatening. The mere idea of ​​being in a phobic situation usually triggers anticipatory anxiety in advance.

Anxiety often coexists with depression. Moreover, anxiety almost invariably increases during a transient depressive episode. Some depressions are accompanied by phobic anxiety, and

Low mood often accompanies some phobias, especially agoraphobia.

Increased level of anxiety

Having elevated levels of anxiety, when escalating, often causes panic states, which are often referred to by people as panic attacks. The main symptom of panic attacks is repeated attacks of severe anxiety (panic) that are not limited to a specific situation or circumstance and are therefore not predictable. In panic attacks, the dominant symptoms vary greatly among different people, just like with others, but common ones are unexpected palpitations, chest pain, sensations of suffocation, dizziness and a feeling of unreality (depersonalization or derealization). Secondary fears of death, loss of self-control, or madness are also almost inevitable. Panic attacks usually last only minutes, although at times they can last longer. The frequency and course of panic attacks have many variations in manifestation. Most often, people, when an attack manifests itself panic attack, experience a sharply increasing fear, turning into a panic state. At this moment they begin to increase autonomic symptoms, which lead to a further increase in anxiety. As a rule, most people try to leave their place of stay as quickly as possible, to change their surroundings. In the future, to prevent manifestations panic attack, people try to avoid places or situations that were present at the time of the panic attack. A panic attack leads to a feeling of constant fear of having a subsequent panic attack.

To establish pathological anxiety (paroxysmal anxiety, panic attacks), the following conditions are necessary, under which severe attacks of vegetative anxiety manifest themselves and which have occurred over the course of a month:

  • under circumstances not related to an objective threat;
  • panic attacks should not be limited to known or predictable situations;
  • Between panic attacks the state should be relatively free of anxiety symptoms, but anticipatory anxiety is common.

Treatment of increased anxiety

Treatment of increased anxiety is determined primarily by true reasons formation of a complex of manifested symptoms. The reasons for the formation of these symptoms must be determined during differential diagnosis.

As a rule, when forming a treatment plan, it is necessary to start with quick removal leading symptoms, which are most difficult for the patient to tolerate.

During the treatment of increased anxiety, the doctor, throughout the entire period of therapy, must carefully monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, take corrective measures, which may consist of both making adjustments to neurometabolic therapy and the psychotherapeutic plan.


An important point in the treatment of anxiety is that only the doctor directly manages the entire treatment process; any amateur activities by psychologists are not allowed. Strictly prohibited self-treatment increased level of anxiety by psychologists or other people without higher medical education. Violation of this rule always leads to very serious complications and the emergence of obstacles to the full treatment of disorders with manifestations of an increased level of anxiety.

Any condition that causes anxiety is treatable.

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Anxiety syndrome is a mental disorder that is associated with stress of varying duration and intensity, and is manifested by an unreasonable feeling of anxiety. It should be noted that in the presence of objective reasons, a feeling of anxiety may also be characteristic healthy person. However, when feelings of fear and anxiety appear unreasonably, without visible reasons, this may be a signal of the presence of a disease, which is called anxiety neurosis or fear neurosis.

Causes of the disease

Both psychological and physiological factors can take part in the development of anxiety neurosis. Heredity also plays a role, so the search for the cause of anxiety disorders in children should begin with the parents.

Psychological factors:

  • emotional stress (for example, anxiety neurosis can develop due to the threat of change and worries about this);
  • deep-seated emotional drives of various natures (aggressive, sexual and others), which under the influence of certain circumstances can be activated.

Physiological factors:

  • malfunction endocrine system and the resulting hormonal shift - for example, organic changes in the adrenal cortex or certain brain structures where hormones are produced that are responsible for the occurrence of fear, anxiety and regulate our mood;
  • severe disease.

Speaking about the causes of this condition, it is worth noting that all these factors predispose to anxiety syndrome, and its immediate development occurs with additional mental stress.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the development of anxiety disorders after drinking alcohol. In this case, the onset of anxiety is usually noted in the morning. In this case, the main disease is alcoholism, and the observed feelings of anxiety are only one of the symptoms that appear with a hangover.

Symptoms of anxiety neurosis

Clinical manifestations of anxiety neurosis can be varied and include:

  • mental;
  • vegetative and somatic disorders.

Mental manifestations

The main thing here is an unreasonable, unexpected and inexplicable feeling of anxiety, which can manifest itself in the form of an attack. At this time, a person unreasonably begins to feel an uncertain impending catastrophe. There may be severe weakness and general trembling. Such an attack can appear suddenly and pass just as suddenly. Its duration is usually about 20 minutes.

There may also be some sense of unreality of what is happening around. Sometimes the attack is so strong that the patient ceases to correctly navigate the space around him.

Anxious neurosis is characterized by manifestations of hypochondria (excessive anxiety about one’s own health), frequent shifts mood, sleep disorders and fatigue.

At first, the patient feels only an occasional feeling of anxiety for no reason. As the disease progresses, it develops into a constant feeling of anxiety.

Autonomic and somatic disorders

The symptoms here may vary. Dizziness and headaches are observed, which are not characterized by clear localization. Pain can also be felt in the area of ​​the heart, and it is sometimes accompanied by rapid heartbeat. The patient may feel short of breath and often experience shortness of breath. With anxiety neurosis, the digestive system is also involved in the general malaise; this can manifest itself as stool upset and nausea.


For a doctor to make a correct diagnosis, a simple conversation with the patient is often enough. In this case, the conclusions of other specialists can serve as confirmation when complaints (for example, headaches or other disorders) do not reveal any specific organic pathology.

It is also important for the doctor to determine that this neurosis is not a manifestation of psychosis. An assessment will help here. this state the sick themselves. With neurosis, patients are usually able to correctly relate their problems to reality. In psychosis, this assessment is impaired, and the patient is not aware of the fact of his illness.

How to get rid of feelings of fear and anxiety: treatment of anxiety neurosis

In order to get rid of feelings of anxiety, you should consult a specialist in a timely manner. This problem is dealt with by psychotherapists or psychiatrists. Therapeutic measures will be largely determined by the degree and severity of the disorder. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following types of treatment:

  • psychotherapy sessions;
  • drug treatment.

As a rule, treatment of anxiety neurosis begins with psychotherapy sessions. First of all, the doctor strives to ensure that the patient understands the causes of his somatic and autonomic disorders. Also, psychotherapeutic sessions are designed to teach you how to relax and properly relieve stress. In addition to psychotherapy, some physical therapy and relaxation massage may be recommended.

Drug treatment Not all patients diagnosed with anxiety-phobic neurosis are required. Medicines are used when it is necessary to quickly obtain an effect for a period until the result is achieved through other methods of treatment. In this case, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants and tranquilizers.


To prevent the development of anxiety states, it is important to adhere to the simplest rules:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • allocate sufficient time for sleep and rest;
  • find time for moderate physical activity;
  • eat well;
  • devote time to your hobby or favorite activity that brings emotional pleasure;
  • maintain relationships with pleasant people;
  • be able to deal with stress independently and relieve tension with the help of auto-training.

Pharmaceutical care: symptomatic treatment of anxiety conditions

I. A. Zupanets, N. V. Bezdetko, National Pharmaceutical University

Pace modern life, the rapid development of information technology, and often unfavorable social situations have a strong impact on the human nervous system, his mental health. Teachers, doctors, service workers, etc. work under conditions of increased nervous tension. Stress, neurosis - these diagnoses are becoming more common. According to WHO, at least 10–35% of people in different countries of the world are exposed to stress. Stress inevitably leads to a decrease in performance, work activity, deterioration in the quality of life, and social maladjustment. One of characteristic manifestations The impact of stress on a person is causeless worry, excitement, and anxiety. Patients with symptoms of increased emotional excitability and anxiety require especially attentive and sensitive treatment from a pharmacy worker. The pharmacist’s recommendations for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety conditions can significantly improve the well-being of such patients and improve the quality of life.

Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety

Anxiety, excitement, an anxious state is an obsessive feeling of expectation of something unpleasant, an uncertain threat, or impending danger. Unlike the emotion of fear, anxiety does not have a specific source; it is “fear of something unknown.” Psychologists distinguish between anxiety as a state and anxiety as a personality trait. Anxiety as a condition is inherent in all of us. A certain level of anxiety is necessary to mobilize a person’s emotional, intellectual and volitional resources. This optimum of anxiety is different for everyone and depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

A long-lasting anxious state is accompanied by depressed mood, loss of interest in a favorite activity, and aggressiveness towards others. Frequent accompaniments of anxiety are headaches, palpitations, loss of appetite, and sleep disorders, which significantly affect the quality of life. Without appropriate medication and/or non-drug correction An anxious state can be the first harbinger of neurosis, so you should use all available possibilities for its treatment.

The most common causes of anxiety

Most often, these disorders are based on industrial or everyday problems that cause anxiety or are accompanied by uncertainty: the state of health of relatives and friends; troubles at work or in the family, waiting for a solution to vital problems, waiting important events(exams, change in marital status, change of place of work, etc.).

In some cases, a state of increased anxiety is a manifestation of one of the somatic diseases. The most common of these diseases are:

  • increased activity thyroid gland(thyrotoxicosis);
  • angina pectoris (poor circulation in the coronary vessels);
  • decreased blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia);
  • excess hormones produced by the adrenal glands;
  • withdrawal syndrome - abstinence from nicotine, alcohol, sleeping pills, narcotic drugs;
  • side effects of medications.

Increased anxiety can be a symptom of a serious mental illness - schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis.

The most common causes of anxiety in children

In children, the cause of anxiety is almost always internal conflict, disagreement with oneself. At the same time, increased anxiety can manifest itself as restless, irritable behavior, rudeness towards others, or vice versa - complete apathy, indifference, refusal of any aspirations. It is important that anxiety does not become personality trait child. Such people are constantly unsure of themselves and their decisions, always expecting trouble, emotionally unstable, suspicious, distrustful, capricious and irritable. And this is already a harbinger of developing neurosis. The development of pathological anxiety in children is promoted by:

  • emotional coldness on the part of loved ones;
  • excessive demands from adults that do not correspond to the child’s capabilities and aspirations;
  • conflicting demands on the child coming from different people (for example, the mother prohibits what the grandmother allows).

Although practice shows that it is often quite possible to do without medication for anxiety in children, most parents trust medications.

Medicines, the use of which may most often be accompanied by increased anxiety and emotional excitability

  • Sympathomimetics (including drugs for the treatment bronchial asthma, vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, complex drugs for relieving cold symptoms)
  • Thyroid hormone medications
  • General tonics (tincture of ginseng, lemongrass, etc.) - in case of overdose
  • Medicines containing caffeine long-term use or taking large doses

“Threatening” symptoms with increased anxiety

If increased anxiety occurs against the background of any difficult life situation, it is very important not to miss serious illness which may be accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. Signs of such a disease may be:

  • chest pain that radiates to the arm, neck, jaw (especially to the left half of the body);
  • uneven or rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath, rapid or difficult breathing;
  • high blood pressure;
  • anxiety is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, weight loss;
  • anxiety is accompanied by a feeling of heat, sweating, dry mouth;
  • anxiety occurs on an empty stomach or after physical activity(often observed in diabetes mellitus);
  • anxiety appears while taking any medication or stopping it;
  • anxiety is accompanied by panic and fear.

Directions for treating patients with symptoms of increased anxiety

Constant anxiety and associated negative emotions can significantly affect health. Treatment of anxiety symptoms combines effects on the physical, mental and emotional state. First of all, the patient should analyze the current situation and find the source of anxiety. Extremely useful training simple methods relaxation (relaxation), one of the simplest is deep, calm breathing. A balanced, regular diet is important and good sleep 7–8 hours a day.

When a child shows anxiety, it is necessary to increase his self-esteem, praise him as often as possible, do not skimp on showing love, and give him complete freedom for initiative.

In most cases, these measures in combination with the use of over-the-counter sedatives are sufficient.

In more difficult cases you need to see a doctor.

Medicines used for increased anxiety and conditions for their rational use

Herbal preparations are widely used for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety. Many people with anxiety conditions and increased emotional excitability prefer to use them for their treatment. In the case of mild symptoms, this may be quite justified. There is an opinion that a complex of active plant substances formed in a living cell has a greater affinity with the human body than an isolated chemically pure active substance, is more easily assimilated and produces less side effects.
The difficulty of using herbal medicines lies in the fact that each plant contains a number of biologically active substances with versatile activity. In this regard, it is sufficient important It has right choice and the use of both individual medicinal plants and special medicinal fees, containing in some cases up to 15–20 medicinal plants. Particularly important is strict consideration of possible side effects, which can occur with herbal preparations as often as with the use of synthetic substances.

Valerian officinalis

Preparations based on it (infusions, tinctures, extracts, as well as mixtures in combination with other complex means) reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, as a result of which they are widely used as sedatives. It has been proven that valerian preparations reduce reflex excitability in central departments nervous system and enhance inhibitory processes in neurons of the cortical and subcortical structures of the brain.

The calming effect of valerian is especially pronounced during nervous excitement.

Valerian preparations are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Motherwort preparations - infusions, tinctures and extracts - are used for increased excitability, neurasthenia and neuroses in both adults, children and adolescents. It has been established that motherwort preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system, slow down the heart rate, increase the strength of heart contractions and lower blood pressure. It is believed that the sedative effect of motherwort tincture is 2-3 times stronger than valerian tincture.

Providing a sedative effect, motherwort preparations in all dosage forms do not disrupt the process of assimilation and reproduction of information, do not change the adequacy of behavior, do not cause a decrease in muscle tone (myorelaxation) and impaired coordination of movements.


It acts as a sedative, its effect is stronger than the effects of bromides and does not cause an unpleasant, heavy feeling after waking up. Passionflower perfectly relieves nervous excitement associated with the withdrawal of alcohol and drugs.

Passionflower preparations are contraindicated for angina pectoris and severe atherosclerosis.


It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieves increased arousal, anxiety, and the effects of stress, and helps restore strength during sleep.

Indicated for disorders of vascular tone (vegetative-vascular dystonia), neurotic insomnia, menopausal neuroses. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Peppermint contains menthol, which has a pronounced ability to dilate blood vessels in the heart and brain ( reflex action), and also have a calming effect on neuroses, insomnia, and increased excitability. Along with its soothing properties, peppermint also has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. Lemon balm also has a similar effect.

Mint is an essential component for the production of drugs such as validol and Zelenin drops.

The drugs are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Hawthorn preparations reduce the excitability of the central nervous system (without having a general inhibitory effect), have a tonic effect on the heart muscle, increase blood circulation in the vessels of the heart and brain, reduce tachycardia and arrhythmia, relieve discomfort in the heart area, improve sleep and general state sick. Indicated for vegetative neuroses with signs of circulatory disorders, tachycardia, high blood pressure, vascular atherosclerosis, insomnia, increased thyroid function, and menopausal disorders.

Tincture from hawthorn flowers is more effective than preparations from hawthorn fruits.

Common hop

The value of this herbaceous perennial plant is not limited to its use as a raw material for the brewing industry. Neurotropic effect Preparations made from hop cones are associated with the presence of lupulin, which has a calming effect on the central nervous system. In pediatrics, it can be used 3-15 drops 3 times a day (before meals with a small amount of liquid) depending on age and symptoms.

Hop oil (along with other components) is included in the preparations “Valocordin”, “Corvaldin”, “Valosedan”.


The main effect of bromine salts (bromides) is associated with increased inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. The effect of bromides depends largely on the type of nervous system and its functional state: in people with a strong type of higher nervous activity, larger doses are needed to obtain the same effect than in people with a weak type. The effect of bromides is most clearly manifested in cases of severe emotional lability and neuroses.

Bromine salts are eliminated from the body over a long period of time - a 50% decrease in bromine content in the blood occurs within 12 days, and traces of bromine are detected in the blood after a month or more.

Due to their slow elimination from the body, bromides accumulate and can cause chronic poisoning - bromism. The phenomena of bromism are manifested by general lethargy, apathy, and memory impairment. Due to the irritant effect of bromine on mucous membranes, one of the early manifestations Bromism may cause symptoms reminiscent of a cold: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough, as well as diarrhea, skin rashes.

Bromine salts (sodium bromide and potassium bromide) are part of many complex sedatives (adonis-bromine, valocormid).

Homeopathic remedies

IN last years Homeopathy is receiving increasing attention. Of the over-the-counter homeopathic remedies for increased anxiety, stress, insomnia, increased irritability, snoverin, naughty, etc. are most often used. They can be used in pediatrics (snoverin - both before 6 years and after; naughty - after 5 years). The drugs do not cause daytime sleepiness, impaired coordination of movements, or addiction.

When using homeopathic remedies, remember that they are compatible with other medicines. However, the use of herbal remedies (especially mint), smoking, and drinking alcohol weakens their therapeutic effect.


Tranquilizers or anxiolytics (diazepam, nitrazepam, tazepam, etc.) have a more pronounced effect on the central nervous system than herbal preparations and bromides. They reduce internal tension, eliminate feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and fear. By reducing emotional stress, they promote sleep.

Due to the fact that these drugs can become addictive and develop mental dependence, they are prescribed by a doctor and dispensed strictly according to prescriptions written out on Form No. 3.

Comparative characteristics medicines used to treat symptoms of anxiety

Combination drugs
Tradename Compound Possibility of assignment Characteristics and side effects
pregnant women children
Adonis-bromine Spring adonis herb extract, potassium bromide Contraindicated After 12 years At long-term use possible slowdown heart rate. Rarely, it may irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause nausea.
Antistress Hawthorn fruit extract, peony tincture, motherwort tincture, peppermint tincture, oregano tincture, glutamic acid, citric acid + After 3 years Mild hypnotic and sedative
Bromcamphor Camphor bromide + After 3 years with dose recalculation Calming effect on the central nervous system, improvement of cardiac activity. Rarely may irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause nausea
Valocormid Valerian tincture, lily of the valley tincture, belladonna tincture, sodium bromide, menthol - - Calming and antispasmodic effect. When used, dizziness, drowsiness, and slow heart rate may occur.
Valosedan Valerian extract, hop tincture, hawthorn tincture, rhubarb tincture, sodium barbital - - Dizziness and drowsiness may occur during use.
Valocordin Bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester, phenobarbital, peppermint oil, hop oil - -
Dormiplant Melissa extract, valerian extract + +
Corvalol Bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester, sodium phenobarbital, peppermint oil - - When used, dizziness, drowsiness, and slow heart rate may occur.
Nervogran Peppermint extract, lemon balm extract, valerian extract, chamomile, yarrow herb - After 3 years Calming, antispasmodic and mild analgesic effect.
Novopassit Guaifenesin, hawthorn extract, hop extract, St. John's wort extract, lemon balm extract, valerian extract, black elderberry extract - After 12 years Calming and antispasmodic effect. When used, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, and muscle weakness are possible. Contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases
Persen Valerian extract, peppermint extract, lemon balm extract + After 6 years Calming, mild hypnotic effect
Sanason Valerian extract, hop extract + After 6 years Calming, mild hypnotic effect
Phytosed Hawthorn fruits, motherwort herb, hop cones, oat fruits, lemon balm herb, coriander fruits, sweet clover herb - After 12 years Calming, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic effect

Pharmaceutical care when using sedatives

  • The use of alcohol-containing tinctures in some cases (children early age, pregnant women, people weaning from alcohol addiction etc.) is inappropriate - alcohol can cause changes in the severity of the effect active ingredients, and the patient’s reaction to it.
  • All sedatives enhance the effect of hypnotics and can themselves have a hypnotic effect when taken in large doses.
  • Taking sedatives before bedtime helps you fall asleep if you have insomnia.
  • Sedatives may enhance the effect of analgesics, especially in individuals with increased emotional excitability.
  • Sedatives exhibit the best effect with long-term systematic use (2–3 weeks or more).
  • Tinctures of medicinal plants should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Adonis bromine begins to act within 2–4 hours.
  • While taking Adonis Bromine, you should reduce your salt intake.
  • While taking Adonis Bromine, you should follow a diet that rich in potassium- jacket potatoes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.
  • Adonis-bromine and bromocamphor, along with a sedative effect, improve cardiac activity, therefore they are especially indicated for persons with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Bromcamphor should be taken after meals - it can cause stomach pain if taken on an empty stomach.
  • Bromine salts are slowly eliminated from the body and can accumulate and cause bromism.
  • At the first manifestations of “bromism”, the medication should be stopped immediately! The antidote is sodium chloride.
  • Valerian preparations enhance the effect of sleeping pills.
  • Valerian preparations have a choleretic effect and stimulate the secretion of glands of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • When treating young children, infusions of valerian root are often used.
  • Children are prescribed liquid valerian preparations - as many drops per dose as the child is old.
  • Valerian extract tablets are more convenient to use, but the tincture has a more pronounced effect.
  • Motherwort extract is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • When taking novopassit, you should refrain from activities that require concentration (driving a car, etc.).


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What is fear and how to overcome it?

Overcoming feelings of fear. What are the types of fears? Why does fear grow? Specific steps to overcome fear and anxiety.

Good time to you! In this article I want to consider the topic, how to conquer your fears.

Looking back, each of us can notice that fear accompanies our entire lives, starting from childhood. Take a closer look and you will see that in childhood you experienced fear in the same way as now, only then for some reason it did not stress you, you did not pay attention, it came along with some situation and also disappeared imperceptibly.

But then something in life starts to go wrong, fear becomes almost constant, acute and wraps around like a vine.

Until some time, I did not pay much attention to the feeling of fear, but then I had to face the truth and admit that I was cowardly and anxious, although sometimes I did certain things.

Any assumption, any unpleasant situation could make me angry for a long time.Even things that didn’t make much sense began to worry. My mind grabbed at any, even groundless, opportunity to worry.

At one time I had so many disorders, starting with and ending with obsessions and even PA (), that it began to seem to me that I was just naturally so restless, and this was with me forever.

I began to figure it out and slowly solve this problem, because whatever one may say, I don’t want to live in a nightmare. Now I have some experience and knowledge of how to overcome fear, and I am sure that this will be useful to you.

Don’t just think that I coped with all my fears, but I got rid of many, and I simply learned to live with some and overcome them. In addition, it is, in principle, impossible for a normal person to get rid of all fears; we will always worry in some way, if not for ourselves, then for our loved ones - and this is normal, if it does not reach the point of absurdity and extremes.

So, let's first figure out what the feeling of fear actually is?When you know well what you are dealing with, it is always easier to cope.

What is fear?

Here, to begin with, it is important to understand that there are different types of fear.

In some cases thisnatural an emotion that helps us and all living beings survive in the event of anrealthreats. After all, fear literally mobilizes our body, physically makes us stronger and more attentive in order to effectively attack or escape from the object of threat.

Therefore, this emotion in psychology is called: “Flight or fight.”

Fear is a basic emotion that all people haveinstalled by default; a signaling function that ensures our safety.

But in other cases, fear manifests itself in unhealthy ways ( neurotic) form.

The topic is very broad, so I decided to divide the article into two parts. In this article, we will analyze what fears exist, why they grow, and I will give the first recommendations that will help you learn to deal with this feeling more calmly and soberly and approach situations correctly so that fear does not throw you into a stupor.

The very feeling of fear, all this chill (heat) throughout the body, a clouding “haze” in the head, internal cringing, overwhelming numbness, fading breath, pounding heartbeat, etc., which we experience when we are scared, no matter how creepy everything may seem, but is not more thanbio chemical reaction body to some stimulus (situation, event), that is, it internal phenomenonbased on the release of adrenaline into the blood. Fear in its structure is to a greater extentadrenalin, plus more stress hormones.

Adrenaline is a mobilizing hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, it affects the body's metabolism, in particular, it increases blood glucose, accelerates cardiac activity and blood pressure, all in order to mobilize the body. I wrote more about this in the article “”.(I recommend, this will give you an understanding of the connection between the body and the psyche).

So, when we experience fear, we experience "adrenaline feeling", and so that right now you begin to treat the feeling of fear a little softer, you can tell yourself: “the adrenaline has started.”

What are the types of fears?

In psychology, there are two types of fear: natural (natural) fear and neurotic.

Natural fear always manifests itself whenreal dangers, when there is a threatright now. If you see that a car is about to run into you or someone is attacking you, then the instinct of self-preservation will instantly work and turn on vegetative system, which will trigger biochemical reactions in the body, and we will experience fear.

By the way, in life we ​​very often experience natural fear (anxiety), evennot noticingthis, it is so intangible.

Examples of such fear:

  • you have a reasonable fear of inattention while driving (although there are exceptions), and therefore drive carefully;
  • some are more, some are less afraid of heights, and therefore, in the appropriate environment, behave carefully so as not to fall;
  • you are afraid of getting sick in winter, and therefore dress warmly;
  • you are reasonably afraid of becoming infected with something, and therefore wash your hands periodically;
  • You are logically afraid to pee yourself in the middle of the street, so when you feel like it, you start looking for a secluded place, and you don’t run down the street naked, just becausehealthySocial fear helps protect you from a “bad” reputation that can harm your career.

Natural fear simply plays the role of common sense here. And it is important to understand thatfear and anxiety are normal body functions , but the fact is that for many of you, anxiety has become irrational and excessive (not useful), but more on that below.

In addition, a healthy feeling of fear (anxiety)Alwaysaccompanies us in new conditions. It's fearbefore the new one, fear of losing current comfortable conditions associated with uncertainty, instability and novelty.

We can experience such fear when moving to a new place of residence, changing activities (jobs), getting married, before important negotiations, dating, taking an exam, or even going on a long journey.

Fear is like a scoutin an unfamiliar situation, scans everything around and tries to draw our attention to a possible threat, sometimes even where there is none at all. Thus, the instinct of self-preservation Just is reinsured, after all, the main thing for nature is survival, and for it it is better to be on the safe side in something than to overlook something.

Instinct doesn’t care how we live and feel: good or bad; The main thing for him is safety and survival, in fact, this is where the roots of neurotic fear mainly grow, when a person begins to worry not because of real reasons, but for no reason or for trifles.

Neurotic (constant) fear and anxiety.

First, let's look at how fear differs from anxiety.

If fear always associated with realsituation and circumstances, thenanxiety always based onassumptions negative outcomeof one situation or another, that is, these are always anxious thoughts of worries about one’s own or someone else’s future.

If we take a vivid example with an attack of PA, then a person experiences horror for his future, his thoughts are directed to the future, heassumesthat something could happen to him, he could die, lose control, etc.

Such fear usually arises against a background of stress when we beginattach excessive importance to everything that comes to mind, , we become fixated and catastrophize the situation.

For example:

  • normal fear for one’s health can develop into an anxious obsession with one’s condition and symptoms;
  • reasonable self-care or housekeeping can turn into mania for germs;
  • concern for the safety of loved ones can develop into paranoia;
  • the fear of harming oneself and others can lead to chronic anxiety and PA, and this, in turn, can result in the fear of going crazy or a constant fear of death, etc.

This is neurotic fear when it forms constant (chronic), increased anxiety , some even leading to panic. And it is precisely because of this kind of anxiety that the vast majority of our problems arise, when we regularly begin to feel strong anxiety for all sorts of and, most often, unfounded reasons, and become very sensitive to what is happening.

In addition, the anxiety state can be aggravated by incorrect or not entirely precise understanding some interpretations, such as: “thought is material”, etc.

And almost all people experience social fears. And if some of them have common sense, then many are completely vain and are of a neurotic nature. Such fears interfere with our lives, taking all our energy and distracting us with imaginary, sometimes unreasonable and absurd experiences, they interfere with our development, and because of them we miss a lot of opportunities.

For example, fear of disgrace, disappointment, loss of competence and authority.

Behind these fears lies not only the essence of possible consequences, but also other feelings that people do not want and are afraid to experience, for example, feelings of shame, depression and guilt - very unpleasant feelings. And that is the only reason why many do not dare to act.

I was extremely susceptible to such fears for a very long time, but everything gradually began to change when I began to change my attitude and inner view for life.

After all, if you think carefully, no matter what happens - even if they insult us, ridicule us, try to offend us in some way - all this, most often, does not pose a global threat to us and, by and large, does not matter, because life will go on anyway And,the main thing is that we will have every chance for happiness and success, everything will depend only on us.

I think it makes no difference who is there and what they think of you, it’s important,how do you feel about this? . If someone else’s opinion is most important to you, then you are too dependent on people, you don’t have - you have everything: dad-assessment, mom-assessment, friends-assessment, but notitself-evaluation, and because of this a lot of unnecessary anxieties flowing into a neurotic form, I understood this very well.

Only when we startrely on yourself , and not just count on someone, and we begin to decide for ourselves what influence others will have on us, only then do we become truly free.

I really like this quote I once read:

"No one can hurt you without your consent"

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

IN mostcases related to society, you are afraid of people only because of the likelihood of experiencing some unpleasant feelings, but there is no point in being afraid of either these feelings or people’s opinions, because everything feelings are temporary and natural by nature, and the thoughts of others will remain only their thoughts. Can their thoughts cause harm? Moreover, their opinion is only their opinion out of a billion others, just as many people have so many opinions.

And if you consider that those around you are, to a greater extent, concerned about what they think of them, then they don’t care as much about you as you might think. And is it really possible to equate your happiness with someone else’s thoughts?

Therefore, first of all, it is very important to learn how to manage by the emotions themselves so as not to be afraid to experience them, learn be with them for a while, after all, there is nothing bad in this, no one always feels good, besides, any emotions, even the most acute and unpleasant ones, will pass one way or another and, I assure you, you can fully learn calmly be patient. Only important here the right approach, about which we'll talk below.

And slowly change your inner attitude towards yourself and the world around you, which is what I wrote in the article "".

Why does fear intensify and grow?

There are three areas worth highlighting here:

  1. The desire to get rid of fear completely;
  2. Avoidance behavior;
  3. Inability to deal with the feeling of fear, attempts to constantly avoid, get rid of and suppress fear in various ways, which leads to such a mental phenomenon as “ fear of fear”, when a person begins to be terribly afraid of the very feeling of fear (anxiety), beginning to mistakenly believe that these feelings are abnormal, and he should not experience them at all.

The desire to get rid of feelings of fear and anxiety

This instinctive, avoidant behavior stems from the natural desire of all living beings not to experience unpleasant experiences.

An animal, having once experienced fear in some situation, continues to instinctively run away from it, as, for example, the case with a dog.

There was construction going on, and suddenly the hose near the cylinder broke, and not far away there was a house where doghouse. The broken hose, with its whistle, frightened the dog who was nearby, and it subsequently began to get scared and run away not only from something similar to a hose, but even from a simple whistle.

This case demonstrates well not only how instinctive behavior towards certain things (events and phenomena) is formed, but also how fear is transformed, flowing from one phenomenon to another, something similar to it.

The same thing happens to a person experiencing fear and panic when he begins to avoid first one place, then another, third, etc., until he completely locks himself at home.

At the same time, a person is most often well aware that there is something wrong here, that the fear is far-fetched and it is only in his head, nevertheless, he continues to experience it physically, which means he continues to try to avoid it.

Now let's talk about avoidance behavior

If a person is afraid to fly on an airplane, afraid to go down the subway, afraid to communicate, afraid of the manifestation of any feelings, including fear, or even afraid of his own thoughts, which I myself used to be afraid of, he will try to avoid it, thereby committing one of gross mistakes.

By avoiding situations, people, places or certain phenomena, youhelp yourselffight fear, but at the same time,limit yourself , and many form some other rituals.

  • The fear of infection forces a person to wash their hands extra often.
  • Fear pushes people to avoid communication and crowded places.
  • Fear of certain thoughts can form a “ritual action” in order to protect yourself and avoid something.

The feeling of fear prompts you to run,you give in and run, for a while you feel better, because the threat has passed, you calm down, but in an unconscious psychejust secure it this reaction(like that dog who is afraid of the whistle). It’s as if you are telling your subconscious: “You see, I’m running away, which means there is a danger, and it’s not far-fetched, but real,” and the unconscious psyche reinforces this reaction,developing a reflex.

Situations in life are very different. Some fears and corresponding avoidances seem more justified and logical, others - absurd; but in the end, constant fear does not allow you to live fully, rejoice and achieve your goals.

And thus, you can avoid everything, and from this fear grows in life in general.

  • A young man, due to fear of failure, fear of experiencing a feeling of insecurity (shame), will not go to meet a girl with whom he could very likely be happy.
  • Many people will not start their own business or go to an interview because they may be frightened by new prospects and difficulties, and many will be frightened by the very possibility of experiencing internal discomfort during communication, etc., that is, fear of internal sensations.

And on top of that, many people make another mistake when they begin to resist the fear that has arisen, try to suppress the anxiety that has arisen with emotional effort, forcefully calm themselves down, or force them to believe the opposite.

For this purpose, many people drink sedatives, take alcohol, continue to smoke, or unconsciously eat emotions, since food promotes the production of serotonin and melatonin, which makes the experience easier. This, by the way, is one of the main reasons why many people gain weight. I myself used to often overeat, drink, and even more often light up the experience; for a while, of course, it helped.

I'll say right away emotions must be allowed to be, if an emotion has come, be it fear or something else, you don’t have to immediately resist and try to do something with this feeling, so you just strengthen it tension, just watch how this emotion manifests itself in your body, learn to worry and be patient.

All these actions on your part aimed at avoiding and suppressing feelings only make the situation worse.

How to overcome fear and anxiety?

Fear, as you already understood, not only plays a useful, protective role, but also encourages you to avoid even potential danger, wherever possible. Maybe.

It is not always justified and protects us from danger. Often it simply makes you suffer and prevents you from moving towards success and happiness, which means it is important for us to learn don't blindly believe and give in every impulse of instinct, anddeliberately interfere.

Unlike an animal that is unable to change the situation on its own (the dog will continue to be afraid of the useless “whistle”), a person has a mind that allowsconsciouslygo another way.

Are you ready to take a different path and conquer fear? Then:

1. When some fear arises,you don't need to believe him right away, many of our feelings simply lie to us. I became very convinced of this by observing how and where things come from.

Fear sits inside us and is only looking for hooks to catch on, it does not need special conditions, instinct is ready to sound the alarm for anything. As soon as we weaken internally, experience stress and a bad state, it’s right there and begins to come out.

Therefore, when you feel anxious, remember, this does not mean that there is danger.

2. The very desire to get rid of it contributes to the growth and intensification of fear.

But to completely get rid of fear, as many people dream of it, in principleimpossible. It's the same as wanting to get rid of skin. The skin is the same ashealthyfear, fulfills protective function, - getting rid of fear is like trying to tear off your skin.

Exactly your goal is to get ridand not feeling fear at all makes this feeling even stronger and sharper. All you are thinking is: “How to get rid of it, how to get rid of it, and what am I feeling now, I’m scared, horrified, what to do when this is over, run, run...”, thereby mentally looping on this, the autonomic system turns on, and you yourself do not allow yourself to relax.

Our task is to bring fears and anxiety, which are justified in certain situations, to a normal (healthy) level, and not to get rid of them completely.

Fear has always been and will always be. Realize andaccept this fact. First, stop being at enmity with him, becausehe is not your enemy, he just is, and there is nothing wrong with him. It is very important to start changing your attitude towards him from within and don't overemphasize that you are experiencing it.

This emotion is just now excessively acute works inside you because youafraid to experience it. As a child, you were not afraid of this, you did not attach importance to the feeling of fear and did not want to get rid of it, well, it was and was, it passed and passed.

Always remember that this is only internal, chemical reaction in the body (adrenaline plays). Yes - unpleasant, yes - painful, yes - scary and sometimes very, but tolerable and safe,don't resistmanifestation of this reaction, let it make some noise and go out on its own.

When fear starts to weigh in,suspend attention And watcheverything that happens inside you, realize thatin real you are not in danger (the fear is only in your mind), and continue to observe any sensations in your body. Take a closer look at your breathing and hold your attention on it, smoothly align it.

Start to catch the thoughts that excite you, they are the ones that aggravate your fear and lead you to panic, but not drive them away by force of will,just try not to get drawn into the mental whirlpool: “what if, what if, why,” andwithout judging what is happening (bad, good),just watch everything , gradually you will begin to feel better.

Here you observe how your psyche and body as a whole react to some external stimulus (situation, person, phenomenon), you act as an outside observer behind what is happening inside and around you. And thus, gradually, through observation, you influence this reaction from the inside, and it further becomes weaker and weaker. You train your psyche be less and less susceptible to this feeling.

And all this can be achieved thanks to “awareness”, fear is very afraid of awareness, read this in the article “”.

Not everything will always work out, especially at first, but over time it will get easier and better.

Take this point into account and don’t throw yourself into despair if something doesn’t turn out the way you wanted, not all at once, friends, it simply requires regular practice and time.

3. Extremely important point:fear cannot be overcome by theory , avoidant behavior - even more so.

In order for it to begin to fade, you need to consciously go towards it.

The difference between brave people who solve their problems and cowards is not that the former do not experience fear, but that they step over fear,fear and act .

Life is too short to be idle and if you want more from life, you need tointernally change: acquire new ones good habits, learn to calmly experience emotions, control thinking and decide on some actions, take risks.

After all "opportunity" is always more important than risk , and the risk always will be, the main thing is that the “opportunity” is reasonable and promising.

to you now very wrongit seems that you first need to get rid of fear, gain confidence, and then act, although, in fact, in reality this is exactly how it isotherwise.

When you jump into the water for the first time, you need to jump, there is no point in constantly thinking about whether you are ready for it or not until you jump, find out and learn.

Step by step, drop by drop, sharp leaps, most won’t succeed, try to win in a hurrystrongfear is ineffective, most likely it will crush you, you need preparation.

Start with less significantfears and move leisurely.

  • If you are afraid of communication, if you feel uncomfortable among people, start going out to people and communicating, tell someone something good just like that.
  • If you are afraid of rejection when meeting the opposite sex - first, just “stay nearby,” then start asking simple questions, like: “How to find such and such a place?” and so on.
  • If you are afraid to travel, start traveling, not far at first.

And at such moments, focus your attention and consider what happens inside you, when you enter a situation, you will begin to know yourself through the reflection of what is happening, you act and consciously observe everything.

You will instinctively want to run, but easy road there is no: you either do what you are afraid of and then the fear recedes; or you give in to spontaneous instinct and live as before. Fear always arises when we leave our comfort zone, when we begin to act and change something in life. His appearance shows promise, and he teaches us to overcome our weaknesses and become stronger. Therefore, do not be afraid of fear, be afraid of inaction!

4. And the last thing here: practice more mental and emotional rest, it is very important to restore the nervous system, and for most of you it is extremely weakened, without this you simply will not be able to function normally.

I also strongly recommend doing sports, at least a little simple exercises: squats, push-ups, press - this really helps to overcome fear and anxiety, as it improves not only the physics of the body, but also the mental state.

Homework for you.

  1. Observe your fear, how it manifests itself in the body and where. This may include discomfort in the stomach, heaviness in the head or “haze,” shortness of breath, numbness in the limbs, trembling, chest pain, etc.
  2. Take a closer look at what thoughts come to you at this moment and how they affect you.
  3. Then analyze whether this fear is natural or neurotic.
  4. Write in the comments about your observations, conclusions and ask if you have any questions.

In the next article "" we will talk about individual, important points, this will help you act better and overcome this condition.

Good luck in conquering fear!

Best regards, Andrey Russkikh.

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    Tell me, during PA it’s hard to breathe, shortness of breath and, as a result, the fear of suffocating and dying. This is possible, I’m very afraid of such attacks and I’m afraid that my heart won’t withstand such stress.

    • Inna, read articles about PA on the website

      • How can you write, sit and watch fear, a person in severe panic cannot control himself, in order to understand this, antidepressants are needed, under them the brain receives artificial serotonin and then after acute condition attack, we can talk about something from your article

        • You can observe fear during pa... you can learn everything!.. Andrey writes about this in detail and about methods, you just need to read carefully and really want to)

  1. Hello) but I have a question: if I go to a psychotherapist, how can I find out whether he can help me or not? I just know such cases, people have been going for years, but there’s no point (((

    • Good afternoon Karina. And there’s no way to find out, until you contact us you won’t know. Well, in general, you should look at reviews about the psychotherapist you are going to contact (if any)

  2. Thanks for the articles Andrey! I read your book about mindfulness and how to overcome OCD, I understood a lot, realized, lived through a huge number of fears, passing them through myself, I have been using the practice of mindfulness for 2 months, instincts still sometimes win, but awareness is a really powerful thing and during this time I really what it means to live. I have had OCD for over 10 years and I have several questions. I lived through fears that were very strong for myself, I trusted the innocence and as a result, on an unconscious level, I received the life experience that this fear is irrational and I stopped being afraid of it. I began to feel an incredible surge of strength and confidence and independence from thoughts. After some time, out of the blue, another fear arises from the depths of memory and I live it again, consciously accept it and it also goes away and I am no longer afraid of it on a subconscious level! So I already have experience. But fears continue to surface, and very serious ones at that. Now the question is: am I doing the right thing by living through every fear? After all, the experience of previous fears has already been formed on an unconscious level, but it does not work with new fears and you have to live them all over again? And another question: do I understand correctly that when fear appears, having consciously accepted it, I agree that it can stay in me and manifest itself, but I did not agree with what this fear is trying to convey to me? And another question: you write that there shouldn’t be internal dialogue, it needs to be stopped, that’s what I do, although it’s hard, it’s much easier now than before. And if I conduct a rational dialogue: I tell myself that I lived through very strong fears and they passed, which means this one will pass, is this acceptable? And the last question: how long after you began to practice mindfulness, receiving an unconscious experience of the safety and absurdity of your fears, did your thinking change from anxious to calmer, not looking for constant threats and worries?
    I will be very glad if you can answer!

    • Hello Oleg. It is not necessary to experience every manifestation of fear, in the sense that you can calmly ignore and look closely at each of its reactions and do something without paying attention (without attaching importance), the main thing here is not to fight if something has arisen in the sensations , but calmly let it pass through yourself.
      Acknowledging any feelings in yourself is very good. it’s important, it helps to accept them, and to ignore or not to ignore depends on the situation... because sometimes fear is quite justified (healthy fear warns about something real), you just need to learn to calmly see how justified (rational) the fear is or is it just your own speculation .
      Regarding the diet. dialogue., look at yourself, sometimes it’s important just not to analyze anything, and sometimes you can Support yourself by saying something useful, for example,” the thought comes “I won’t succeed or I’m somehow different” - you can answer these harmful thoughts by others - “I will succeed, even if it’s not something else,” or “I am who I am, this is my right and I deserve the best.”
      Your last question is good because you yourself noticed how important it is to accustom the mind to lightness and calmness, because in a calm and clear state the psyche itself helps us deal with emotions and thoughts, and they do not cause problems. And in terms of time - it’s different for everyone, I had to spend a lot of time because I didn’t know many of the nuances, and you, if you carefully read my book, are already much more prepared.

  3. How can you observe the fear that rolls in instantly from the outside?

    • hello.. look at what leads to fear (what thoughts or images). and what to do in this case, read in other articles on the blog - “Awareness” or in the article “how to deal with panic attacks” wrote

  4. Andrey,ya tak blagodarna,za vashu statyu🌷.Ne davno ya bila v Adueto pravda,ya dumala chto dlya menya,net smisla zhit...dalshe tak kak moat doch bila v glubokom dipressii.No,k sozhaleniyu nasha emigraziya..dala o svete znat.

  5. Vasha statya pomogla mne Zambia posmotret na zhini drugimi glazami

  6. Thanks Andrey!
    I don't regret signing up. A lot about me. Tired of the dependence of others. I understand everything, I can’t do anything. That's how my parents raised me. They praised little, humiliated and beat a lot. It's scary to remember

    • please.. Yes, this is enough, but you need to understand that parents could not behave differently, many behave this way not because they want to make the child unhappy, but because they themselves are unhappy, do not know how to love and live the way society taught them.

  7. Thank you very much, Andrey. I really like your articles, I will continue to study them

    • Please)

  8. Andrey, your articles help me a lot. My fears are that I’m going to die, something is going to happen to me right now, I’m starting to feel pain in my chest, cold sweat all over my body, this makes it even worse. I’m learning to accept this fear, convincing myself that nothing serious is happening. I’m probably already used to living with chest pain. Lately, I’ve been afraid that nothing hurts or bothers me. How is it that nothing hurts? I start to think about it and anxiety, fear, and panic appear again. I want to learn how to cope with fears, I’m scared, I have very bad thoughts (about suicide). I think about this a lot and it becomes even more scary, because thoughts, as they say, are material...

    • Natalia, thoughts without emotions and actions are worth little. and they don’t just become material, otherwise all people on earth would live happily ever after, thinking about big money, etc.

  9. Hello Andrei.
    I have a terrible fear of loneliness, meaninglessness, and OCD, a very strong + crazy passion for fire. Sometimes I don't leave the apartment at all.
    What to do? Don't know...
    What city are you located in? Thank you.

    • Hello.. I'm from Belarus... what should I do - work with my fears. as I wrote in this and other articles, read and apply at least a little and you will see there

  10. Good afternoon, please tell me how to deal with fears associated with medical interventions: I’m afraid general anesthesia, fear not waking up, fear of a doctor’s mistake, feeling of helplessness and lack of ability to influence the situation!
    Thank you in advance

    • Hello Natalya.. think, is there really a 100% guarantee? This is what prevents you from gaining och. The most important thing in life is Trust. This does not mean blind trust, but reasonable trust. Explore information about general anesthesia, based on scientific facts and evidence, and then you will probably see that you are in vain overly worried and do not trust... And anyone can make a mistake, no one is immune from this, and this can only be accepted, and not try to control everything, even what basically impossible

  11. Please help me. I went to a neurologist with PA, they prescribed tranquilizers, but they didn’t help me. Then I turned to a psychologist, everything seemed to be fine at first. But then it started again. I take everything very close to my heart. And I start to go through all this in my head. Until PA happens. I became afraid to be alone at home. While my husband is at work. It’s easier for me when visiting or at work, there’s no time to even think about it. But at home, everything is new. Now I have a fear of heights and that I can jump from the 7th floor, although I don’t want to. I'm tired of living like this since February. At home with my husband there is constant stress, swearing. He specially clots my blood. But I have a little daughter. Help me please.

    • Hello.. read articles about panic attacks, what they are and how to act, as well as articles about VSD and obsessive thoughts. You intensify your fear with some anxious THOUGHTS, this is what we need to work with first

  12. What to do if, by getting rid of fears, you bypassed the fear of killing yourself? I entered this state of meaninglessness... the effect was plus on plus...

  13. Hello Andrey, every time I start observing my negative thoughts, they immediately disappear. Is this a normal reaction? Or am I just suppressing them this way? For some reason, it’s not possible to observe thoughts at all; as soon as I turn my attention towards the thoughts, they simply disappear and my attention instantly switches to other thoughts or objects. Thank you so much for your site and book!!!
    I'm trying to incorporate your experience into my daily practice, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.

    • Hello Natasha.. if you’ve read my book, it’s a bit of a strange question.. there’s more about it there.. read the chapter “Working with Thinking.”. and then you’re doing everything right! Thank you for your feedback!

  14. Andrey, hello. I tried your method, but it immediately became much worse. All my life I have been using avoidant behavior in communicating with people, now when communicating I try to let go of control over the PA. I have a strong fear of losing face. That someone will see my nervousness or loss of control over myself. In life I learned to communicate in such a way that people think that I am very calm person and they are surprised to learn that I am an anxious person. And now it turns out that I am breaking my behavior system and this causes severe anxiety, I accept it. I try to accept the fear, but doubts creep in that I am doing something wrong.
    Before that, I used the method of willpower, that is, agorophobia was acceptable, I gradually forced myself to leave the house, further and further. Now I walk calmly, but very distant places still cause fear. If the PA came up with force, I suppressed it, I convinced myself that it was just my imagination and I tried to distract myself. But with your method I am constantly shaking, I use it on the street, for example, and it turns out that I plunge into my state, and do not come out of it. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong, maybe the warrior’s path suits me better? That is, if the situation forces me to take certain actions; I walk with my eyes closed, nervous, but then I realize that there seems to be nothing wrong and I relax. And I can only practice mindfulness at home, when no one is watching me. It seems to me that if I let go of control in a public place, I will be hit by a strong PA

    • Hello Maria.. you know.. only fools don’t doubt anything, take doubts calmly, and experience in the future will show everything.. At first, of course, anxiety usually worsens, but this is such a turning point, then it will become easier and easier! I recommend practicing mindfulness more often; it helps you learn to deal with emotions and thoughts.

      As for training at home with awareness during PA, this is good for a start, but then you will need to decide and take at least a small step in a real situation, this is where it is important to let go of logical control and see that nothing bad is happening, everything depends on you, and awareness is the highest vigilance! How else can you find out that you can handle everything yourself?? nothing other than being in a real situation.

  15. Tell me, are neurosis and pain dangerous to life and health?

    • Hello. .. Ira.. don’t be lazy for yourself... read the articles about panic attacks, VSD and neurosis on the site and you will understand everything.

  16. Andrey, I really like the way you write, it’s easy and accessible! Your articles help me a lot, I realized a lot of what was written myself, because I was interested in psychology, but for some reason it still didn’t help me, there was some kind of distrust in my own knowledge, and reading you I understand that I was always on the right path , but due to lack of self-confidence, she created obstacles for herself on the path to creating a harmonious personality. It’s great that now there is a way to help people with panic attacks and neuroses, and more than once I myself extinguished my anxiety simply by reading your articles, and after that I began to work on myself with renewed vigor. Of course, there is still a lot, a lot of work, but now I don’t treat my fear and anxiety as something terrible, but even perceive it as a kind of plus, as an impetus for action and work on myself, I hope you will continue to help people, because that you are doing great)))

  17. Andrey, good day! Please tell me what to do in such a situation. I tried to commit suicide, cut veins on both arms and left large scars on my wrists. I’m very afraid that my friends or someone else will find out about my suicide attempt (friends know), so I hide them in every possible way (I avoid the situation): shirts, long-sleeve T-shirts, bracelets, I want to get tattoos, etc. On the one hand, I avoid the situation, but on the other hand, I don’t really want to plunge into the situation and tell everyone, because... This is going to be bravado. Thanks in advance!

    • Good time, what was, was, this is the past that cannot be changed, start living in the present, paying less attention to the past, and depending less on the opinions of people, even loved ones. It’s pointless to spend your whole life hiding something that someone other than you already knows. Believe me, the main thing is not what you were before and what you did there, what’s more important is who you can become!

  18. Thank you for the article! Tell me in this situation: during driving lessons I do everything without mistakes, like an exam: I panic, everything immediately “flies out of my head” and my legs start to shake, I can’t even do anything with them. Help, what’s the reason?

  19. I read your book about fear, a very useful book, everything is very accessible. But if I may, I would like to ask a question about how to deal with the fear of causing harm, especially to children, mostly our own. It all started not so long ago, 2.5 months ago, after watching film, where a wife stabbed her husband with a knife, I abruptly transferred everything to myself, I was very scared, my daughter was nearby. After this, the fear of causing harm appeared. I work with a psychologist, I try to identify all the moments of avoidant behavior and do the opposite, I’m learning to accept these thoughts and live them. them... Please advise what else can be done specifically with this fear?

    • Hello.. Based on your question, I understand that you are looking for knowledge that will instantly lead to a solution to the problem, but there are no magic words or magic pills, there are only CORRECT ACTIONS, that is, you need not just to know, but to regularly and HONESTLY APPLY knowledge. So, you write “to live through thoughts,” where in the book did you find this? You need to live HONESTLY your emotions (feelings) that some thought evokes in you.
      Regarding your specific problem:
      1 To understand that the wife stabbed her husband with a knife for a reason because suddenly, out of nowhere, she felt like it or her body itself went and did something, a whole series of events in her life led her to this , you only see final result, and not all this previous history. People never do anything for no reason, there are reasons for everything, so trying to imitate the actions of others is completely absurd. (you are not that person and you were not in that woman’s shoes, you don’t know all the reasons that brought her to this state).
      2. Identify and remove all defensive (avoidant) actions that only perpetuate the problem. Such actions may include in your case - hiding knives, avoiding being near your daughter, as well as constantly “thinking” about the problem in order to control everything with logic, but in the book I wrote that logic only creates the illusion of control, without actually changing anything , you were and continue to be afraid of losing control and logic is no help here!!! (it only harms) If you think that by trying to convince yourself, like I’m good, I was raised decent and I won’t do this, you will solve the problem, then you are deeply mistaken. Therefore, stop trying to think and persuade yourself all the time. THE RIGHT ACTIONS ARE NECESSARY, and I wrote about them in detail in the book. (so use them if you want results, but just reading is pointless)

  20. Thank you for your answer Andrey, I read the book Intrusive Thoughts, Fears and VSD. Can you advise me what else to read on my topic?

    • Robert Leahy “Freedom from Anxiety”, but if you don’t do ENOUGH of what is recommended, then there will be no point, knowledge is useless without its application. And you will again look for new and new ways to solve the problem in the race for a quick and easy result, and each time you will be disappointed, because magic words and pills do not exist!

  21. Andrey, thank you very much for your response... I really didn’t read it carefully, now I’m trying to experience the emotions that come with these thoughts and not trying to predict events. The most difficult thing for me is to stop scanning myself for symptoms. Can you advise me?

  22. My anxiety lies in the fact that I think I won’t be able to protect my wife if someone offends her... although I can stand up for her! And I constantly scroll through different situations! I’m pushing myself... and these thoughts are constantly spinning in my head!

  23. Hello Andrey, I really need your help. I don't know what's wrong with me. It all started with the fact that I fell ill with tonsillitis, the doctor prescribed me antibiotics and other medicine for the throat, on the 3rd day of taking antibiotics I had an attack of suffocation at night in the form of a spasm of the throat, this is not asthma. Such fear, heart palpitations, weak legs, my body is not mine at all. I immediately went to the doctors, but they couldn’t tell me anything, for some reason the gastrologist decided that it was reflux, I took a general blood test and tests for immunoglobulin. For some types of allergies, to the thyroid gland, I did a throat culture. In general, all the tests were good, but only the tank culture showed that there were 4+ streptococci. I went with these tests to the ENT specialist, she prescribed me an antibiotic, which was determined by culture, I started drinking it and immediately on the same day my nocturnal attacks of suffocation with a huge amount of mucus and discomfort in the throat stopped. But during the day there are micro spasms that are not clear from what. A month and a half has already passed, and a day ago I again had an attack of suffocation at night. I was very scared, and in general I didn’t tell you the main thing, that when I get sick and no one can diagnose accurate diagnosis, I am experiencing panic and terrible fear about death, about an insidious incurable disease., as well as these negative thoughts enslave my consciousness. help me please

    • Hello.. panic due to UNCERTAINTY.. fear of the unknown is one of the most powerful. As for choking, I can’t give any advice, but I can assume that since the examinations didn’t reveal anything serious and the doctors didn’t tell you directly, then choking is probably due to a lump in the throat, this is a symptom of stress and fear.. Basically, you need just relax the muscles of the throat and neck when there is a feeling of suffocation... and see if this helps. You generally need more calm now, learn relaxation skills and have more mental rest.
      As for obsessive thoughts, read the articles on the website “Intrusive Thoughts: How to Get Rid of It” and “Causes obsessive fears“They will help you sort it out and understand what to do with your thoughts.

      • Hello .. I can’t say anything .. everything is vague in the question .. “certain thoughts”, you need to let fear pass through yourself and not try to avoid everything - this is the main thing

    • I read your articles, I started to apply it a little, to observe my thoughts and feelings from the outside, sometimes it comes out, sometimes it doesn’t, but in the last week these feelings have intensified, before I tried to muffle them... but now I have released them, I feel that they are no longer I’m jamming... but again you somehow answered me about slowing down, and when I supposedly have thoughts that there’s not enough time to say I have enough time... it helps to calm down, but in general it’s always and always like this for 10 years chilling: before I had a lot of things to do, and I did each one with pleasure, + I had rest, it didn’t bother me that I had other things to do, and I did each one consciously, so to speak, now the situation is different, I say there’s enough time, I’m still not lets go, this is out of the ordinary, I do one thing, then I have to manage another 2.3, even when there are few of them, there is still panic, anxiety, it’s so unpleasant when every time you take on something, and it immediately starts, this state is very annoying, so how to convince yourself doesn’t work, the phrase doesn’t really work, it just calms down a little... It all started, it seems to me, from society: time flies, time flies, there are only 24 hours in a day, we don’t have time to do anything, we need to hurry, life flies by like 1 second, you don’t have time to look back, and in fact this is the unconscious deep psyche? What to do with it? I can’t rest normally, I can do something quickly in my head and then rest, but this is not always good for me... since the day can be packed... (I don’t strive for multitasking, on the contrary, I unload myself, but there are special days load). I can’t adequately remember what I’m doing, where I am, when I slow down, panic and anxiety again, because the following happens: I’m slowing down now (there’s enough time), but the thought is, damn, I’m slowing down, I won’t make it in time, time is passing... and again panic, anxiety, this is terrible, I never thought that I would drive myself into such a time frame.

    • Andrey, thank you very much for your articles!

      I would like to write to Ksyusha, who wrote on 05/04/2018 00:28 about asthma attacks. It happens to me like it does to you when I sleep on my back. I stop breathing in my sleep, or so it seems to me that I stop breathing. In general, I wake up in a terrible panic because there is no air and screaming and gasping for air. I'm choking on one word. I noticed that this happens when I fall asleep on my back. But this doesn’t happen on the side. Maybe you have something similar and you might somehow find what I shared useful?

      Reply Reply
  24. Hello.
    Against the backdrop of constant stress, I developed neurosis and anxiety. Only if I can still cope with the anxiety about this, then what scares me most is the sleep disorder. At first it was like tremors in the chest that prevented me from falling asleep. Then I overcame it, but began to wake up every hour and a half. Then, with an effort, I managed to calm down, get distracted, and everything seemed to start to get better, like damn, the fear of suffocation came from somewhere, and now when I fall asleep I stop breathing... I just give up, I’m very tired. Such an insidious disease, then one thing or another, it seems like you overcome it, something new appears... please help me, what should I do! I'm desperate.

    • Hello. Such a global question cannot be answered with one comment.. read the articles on the site, they have a lot on this topic. about anxiety, VSD, neurosis.. as well as about practices.. and apply knowledge

  25. Good day, Andrey. Thank you very much for your site, the most important thing is that I read and understand that everything is to the point, very competent and to the point. I suffered from pain, it all started at university, it was aggravated by my hyper-responsibility, I didn’t even finish university when I got pregnant and everything got worse, as they say, thanks to hormones, everything you describe is very true, I especially like the one about mindfulness, but here’s mine The trouble is that my now pregnant neurosis does not give me any peace at all, I have developed a fear of death, associated specifically with pregnancy, with the pain of childbirth, with the fear that if I don’t pull myself together, there will be schizophrenia or psychosis. Now it has become difficult to fight and give up, because before pregnancy I managed without pills, it was sports - this is the number one medicine, meeting with friends, pleasant communication, watching movies, thoughts about traveling, and now it’s just horror. Tell me, have you had to consult expectant mothers in this condition, is it fixable, because I think that the condition before pregnancy was very bad and if I came across your site at that time, it would have been an additional pill to my “medicines” ", and now there are no films, no meetings, nothing makes me happy, sadness, melancholy, tears, pain, depression, I’m afraid to admit the thought of what’s inside new life, and as soon as I think about it, I immediately fear death, horror in general

    • Hello Dasha. Yes, what is most important to you now is the support of loved ones and positive communication, and consultations on these issues would be very helpful. in place. If you want, let's try, I'm sure I can help.

  26. Thank you very much for the article, I will try, I wrote out the most important thing from it for myself: “Anxiety is the assumption of a negative outcome of the situation (its development) so, for example, today I was walking with a friend and met two acquaintances on the street and immediately started making assumptions about the development of the situation 1 they will see that I feel bad (wobbly, etc.) 2 will start teasing me and this will make me even worse (wobbly, anxiety, etc.) and I will be embarrassed and the next time they see me, this will most likely happen again since they will already know that I can’t answer anything (since my anxiety is shaking and etc.) I’m shocked that I wrote so much about the assumption of the development of one situation :) In general, out of all this, only the point from the teasing came true, although I suppressed the anxiety and tried to answer with mutual jokes) I've already read that you don't need to turn it off.
    Briefly about yourself:
    I have suffered from anxiety for 5 years
    I take Velaxin (antidepressant)
    I have been taking it for 5 years, there was a remission after 2 years of taking it. I was happy, I quit drinking and within 3-6 months everything returned to how it was: depression, anxiety, shakes, I can’t work, etc.
    Now I’m taking the pills again at the previous dosage, so far there is no remission for 2-3 years again I’m suffering very much.

    • try less to hide your anxiety.. this takes all your energy.. And learn to depend less on the opinions of others! let them think what they want... and remember more often to yourself what is really important... that is, about your most important goals in life!

      Reply Reply
      • Hello.. read the articles on the blog and APPLY the knowledge.. everything works


In psychiatry, there are several types of anxiety disorders, which are characterized by: a certain set symptoms, but all these symptoms have one general characteristics- a feeling of inexplicable, irrational horror, fear.

Generalized anxiety

A mental disorder characterized by generalized persistent anxiety, in which the occurrence of fear is not tied to specific things or situations, is called generalized anxiety personality disorder.

People suffering from this type of disorder are susceptible to symptoms that are characterized by persistence (observed for more than 6 months) and generalization (unpleasant sensations appear in Everyday life and are expressed by an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, bad premonitions). Physical symptoms include weakness, shortness of breath, trembling.

The patient may experience dizziness and convulsions.

Social phobia

One specific type of anxiety personality disorder is avoidant disorder, or social phobia. Usually the disease begins in adolescence and is characterized by difficulties in communication and relationships with people. A person with social anxiety puts themselves below others. By default, he considers himself worse than others, which means that others will always have a reason to offend him. Symptoms of this type of anxiety include withdrawal, decreased emotional background, passive aggression.

Panic attacks

Panic disorder is characterized by attacks of sudden, severe panic. Having experienced the first attack of anxiety, a person begins to avoid the places and circumstances in which it occurred. For example, if a panic attack occurs on a bus, the patient stops using public transport. The feeling of anxiety in this case is paroxysmal in nature, forcing a person to wait for an unpleasant event. Along with fear, during a panic attack there is a huge release of adrenaline into the blood, there is a lack of air, tremors of the limbs, dizziness, derealization, depersonalization.

Constant feeling of anxiety: why and how it manifests itself

Many people believe that anxiety and fear are the same thing, but this is far from true. In fact, it is impossible to say with certainty what exactly is distinctive features, but many experts agree that real fear arises when a real threat or danger arises. For example, a man is walking down the street, a huge dog runs towards him, and is ready to attack at that very moment. A rational and justified fear arises, since life is truly at risk.

But here's a different situation. The man is walking and sees a dog walking with its owner on a leash and wearing a muzzle. Objectively, it is under control and can no longer harm, but the first incident left an indelible imprint on the subconscious, and it was already somehow restless. This is an anxiety state and, unlike fear, occurs before the onset of real danger or in her absence.

Feeling a constant feeling of anxiety, a person is confused and is in constant fear of negative events that, as it seems to him, must certainly happen. This sensation may be localized in the chest or spread evenly throughout the body, and may feel like a “lump in the throat” or constant chills. Even though people with anxiety have fear sudden death, it should be remembered that these manifestations of physical illness do not pose a direct threat to human life.

Why does it appear?

A common cause of development constant feeling Anxiety is adaptation to new conditions. Symptoms arise as consequences of significant events in life, such as a change of place of residence, a break in a relationship. Here anxiety manifests itself in doubts and fear of the future. Also typical are increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, suspiciousness and moodiness.


This disease is quite complex for psychotherapy. The persistence of symptoms makes it even more difficult. A person with an anxiety disorder holds the real cause of fear very deeply within himself, which makes diagnosis problematic. Used by specialists various methods anxiety assessments, such as texts, surveys, scales. However, there is no universal method that allows us to make this diagnosis with 100% certainty.

How to prevent a causeless attack in advance

To avoid developing an anxiety attack on your own, you should try to distract yourself at the initial stage. Important factors is the environment or the presence of objects associated in the patient’s mind with safety. For example, a pill in your pocket that will help relieve increasing symptoms. For some it will be especially important when there is a person nearby who can provide moral support. However, for a long-lasting effect of treatment, it is worth seeking help from a psychotherapist.

Anxiety and methods of dealing with it

Treatment is a complex consisting of the use of medications and psychological therapy. The recovery process is complex and requires effort and time. The primary task is to identify the anxiety state and realize the need for therapy.

Drug treatment

Used for treatment medications prescribed by the treating psychotherapist.

The main groups of medications used to relieve symptoms of anxiety disorders are:

  • tranquilizers (, Clonazepam);
  • selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake (Oxezepam, Prozac, Ciplamil, Fluoxetine);
  • tricyclic antidepressants (Rimipramine);
  • Neuroleptics (Aminazine, Tizercin).

The advantages of these groups of drugs are a small list of side effects, which allows you to avoid withdrawal syndrome and use them for long-term and maintenance therapy. A relative disadvantage is the waiting time for the onset of clinical action of the drug, which lasts on average up to a month.

Psychotherapeutic techniques

An important approach in the treatment of this type of disorder is psychotherapy.

For this purpose they use different kinds relaxation activities such as:

  • measured breathing;
  • muscle relaxation of the body;
  • focusing attention on things that are pleasant for a person.

The main aspect of therapy is switching thinking from images to words, which helps suppress disturbing thoughts. Communication with loved ones and a friendly and understanding attitude from others also helps to improve the condition.

How to overcome it yourself

During the recovery process, it is important for the patient to navigate independently and understand what needs to be done in stressful situation. To calm the rising tide of anxiety and prevent anxiety, you need to concentrate on something else. This is not easy, since attacks do not allow you to drive away obsessive thoughts.

It is necessary to eliminate irritants and find a quiet place. If anxiety arose during a conversation, you should stop it. There is, however, behavioral therapy, which is no less in an effective way. A situation is created in which a person directly encounters the stimulus and changes the pattern of reaction and behavior.

With the onset of stress, breathing becomes shallow and rapid, which leads to pulmonary hyperventilation syndrome. There is a feeling of lack of air and the inability to take a breath. Deep, measured breathing helps stabilize emotional state, helps return the autonomic nervous system to normal, eliminates tachycardia, thereby promoting relaxation of the whole body.


Psychotherapy centers offer various types of physiotherapy. These may be methods of influencing the central nervous system with currents of low or high frequencies, causing the effect of inhibition of reactions and enhancing the effect of drugs.

A common procedure is to administer medications directly into the brain using current, in order to enhance the effect and uniformly affect the structures of the entire brain. Physiotherapy may also include yoga, breathing and applied relaxation techniques during the recovery process. The auto-training method is considered effective.

How to overcome the chronic form

To overcome chronic symptoms To get rid of anxiety on your own and for a long time, you need to adjust your activity and rest patterns, monitor your sleep and nutrition patterns. This is the most important point in complex therapy. Exist special types diets indicated for this type of disease.

They involve eating foods that increase serotonin levels. It has been proven that a lack of certain substances, such as vitamins B, C, D, magnesium, calcium and omeg-3 fatty acids can lead to panic states. To compensate for the lack of elements, you need to eat meat, fatty fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. First of all, you should limit your coffee intake, as it stimulates the nervous system. It is also necessary to completely give up smoking and alcohol.

Features of disorders in children

Main incidence rate anxiety disorders personality is observed among middle-aged women and men. Adolescents and children are also susceptible to this type of disorder. The prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease in children are ambiguous. This may be psychological trauma received in the family or school, genetic predisposition or organic lesions nerve tissue. There may be fear of the dark or monsters, death, and separation from the mother may also be a traumatic factor.

When diagnosing, it is important to assess both the mental and physical state of the child, since children, along with fear, always have somatic symptoms. The child may not always be aware of what is happening to him, and rarely talks about what he is experiencing. IN drug therapy the characteristics of the child’s health are taken into account and medications are selected latest generation that have a minimum number of side effects.

Treatment should not only involve relief of symptoms, but also bring long-term remission and improve the patient’s quality of life. This requires a set of measures, such as medication treatment and psychotherapy, as well as working with one’s own consciousness and perception of the world.