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Bleeding after medical abortion. When do periods begin after medical termination of pregnancy?

A woman can be prompted to make a decision on artificial termination of pregnancy by a wide variety of circumstances: from a banal unpreparedness to become a mother specifically during this period of life to medical indications, non-compliance with which poses a threat to the fetus and the woman herself.

If termination of pregnancy is inevitable, the most gentle method, recommended by experts more often than others, is medical abortion. The modern pharmacological industry offers a fairly large assortment of drugs that can provoke spontaneous miscarriage in a woman.

Along with this, even a relatively gentle medical abortion is associated with some risks, primarily those that reduce the likelihood of a successful pregnancy in the future. That is why many conscientious women who do not renounce motherhood are interested in what the likelihood of pregnancy is after a pharmacological abortion and when they can count on successful reconception. You are invited to read more about this information below.

Mechanism medical abortion extremely simple:

  • a woman consults a specialist;
  • the patient is recommended the most suitable remedy for her case;
  • a woman takes prescribed pills, under the influence of which her body rejects the fertilized egg, i.e. a miscarriage occurs.

Under the influence of these drugs, the patient’s normal hormonal levels inevitably suffer, resulting in sustainable development pregnancy becomes almost impossible. It is also important to understand the fact that the prescription of drugs for pharmacological abortion should be carried out exclusively by a qualified doctor, because in some situations reception similar drugs categorically not recommended and even dangerous. The main contraindications include the following:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the liver and heart;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

In addition, drugs for medical abortion show their effectiveness only if they are used before the 7-8th week of pregnancy.

In general, termination of pregnancy with the help of special pharmacological means causes much less harm to a woman’s body than surgical intervention pursuing similar goals. Along with this, experts still do not recommend rushing to conceive again.

In general, doctors agree that at least six months should pass between medical termination of pregnancy and new fertilization, but sometimes experts reduce the recommended period to 3 months.

Pregnancy in more early periods may pose a danger to the fetus and mother. Ectopic pregnancies and various kinds pathologies of fetal development.

In general, recommendations for patients who have undergone a pharmacological abortion are similar to the advice that experts give to women after surgical termination of pregnancy: regularly see a doctor, healthy image life and avoid stress.

When can a repeat pregnancy occur?

It is important to understand that the previously mentioned 6-month break is the period after which the woman’s body recovers, and the chances of successful fertilization increase. However, conception can occur earlier than the marked date.

The female body regards abortion not only as a great stress and a powerful blow to vital forces, but also as the beginning of a new cycle. Consequently, if the uterus manages to produce the required endometrial layer, and the timing of ovulation remains normal, a recent termination of pregnancy will not interfere with re-fertilization.

Along with this, each person’s body is individual, so the reaction of a particular woman to an abortion may differ from the development of events characteristic of most other patients. Some people manage to get pregnant immediately after the cycle resumes, while others experience problems with conception that last for several years or more. In accordance with average statistical data, about 10% of patients have to face problems with conception after artificial termination of pregnancy, especially if the abortion was the first and at a young age.

In general, the gynecologist will give instructions on further pregnancy planning. That is why a woman’s task comes down to finding a good, “her” specialist, whose recommendations can be trusted.

In addition to medical advice, you need to be able to listen to your own body. To increase the likelihood of maintaining normal reproductive function, a woman who has had an abortion needs to follow a series of important recommendations, details of which are given in the following table.

Table. Advice for women who have had an abortion

Several days have passed since the abortionAfter the specified time, the woman must consult a doctor to check the condition of the uterus. If necessary, the doctor prescribes medications that reduce the likelihood of inflammation and scarring.
Several years have passed since the abortionIf a woman decides to become a mother several years after an artificial termination of pregnancy, she must consult a doctor before the planned conception. If such a need is identified, the specialist will prescribe treatment to facilitate the process of conception.

If within 6 months of attempts to become pregnant no results have been obtained positive results, you need to see your doctor again. In general, experts recommend that women who have undergone an artificial termination of pregnancy regularly attend consultations and take necessary tests and undergo treatment if recommended by a doctor.

The likelihood of successful conception and healthy development of pregnancy may decrease under the influence of various factors, among which the most common and significant are the following:

  • long-term use oral contraceptives, especially budget and low-quality ones;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • uncharacteristic discharge and bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • diseases and other pathologies of the uterus resulting from an abortion;
  • painful and uncomfortable sensations in the back and abdomen of an unknown nature;
  • constant stress and nervous experiences;
  • lack of normal rest.

At the same time, nervous experiences are one of the main obstacles to normal conception and a healthy pregnancy. After an abortion, many women are in a negative psycho-emotional mood, experiencing feelings of guilt and remorse. The conditions for re-conception, however, are not the most favorable.

If a woman is determined to become a mother, she, first of all, needs to try to stop blaming herself and get rid of thoughts about wanting to get pregnant as soon as possible. The main task during this period is to remain in good location spirit and follow medical recommendations.

What to do if a repeat pregnancy occurs earlier than the recommended period?

It is important to understand that even a relatively safe pharmacological termination of pregnancy is stressful for the body, and after similar procedure it needs some time to recover. It is for this reason, as noted earlier, that at least six months must pass between the abortion and repeated attempts to become pregnant.

The exact date will be determined by your doctor, based on the results of relevant examinations and observations.

Usually, repeat pregnancy after an interruption, which occurred earlier than the period recommended by experts, is associated with great risks - the body’s reserves simply do not have time to recover to carry the fetus for 9 months, which is fraught with the development of various pathologies and related problems.

If the pregnancy occurred before the mentioned six-month break, the woman needs to approach the upcoming period with full responsibility:

  • register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner;
  • inform the doctor about a recent medical abortion - the specialist will select and prescribe the optimal restorative therapy;
  • adhere to medical advice.

Following the above recommendations, future mom will significantly increase your chances of successful conception and trouble-free childbearing for all 9 months. If certain life circumstances have pushed you to make a decision to undergo a pharmacological abortion, do not despair: by adhering to your doctor’s advice, you will definitely give birth healthy baby. You just need to wait a little and be patient.

Be healthy!

Video - After medical termination of pregnancy, when can you get pregnant?

Medical abortion leads to failure hormonal levels, the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus. It is extremely important for women to ensure that there are no complications after such a procedure.

What could be the consequences of a medical abortion?

Abortion is a procedure designed to terminate unwanted pregnancy. Today the so-called pharmabort is being carried out - non-surgical method, applicable only up to 6 weeks of gestation. Despite taking a seemingly harmless pill to perform a medical abortion, the consequences and complications of the procedure can be extremely serious.

Reviews from patients, as well as the consequences after a medical abortion, are far from ambiguous. The advantages of the procedure are as follows:

Although many doctors say that it is better to perform a medical abortion, there are still consequences for such a procedure. Which? These are severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and profuse bleeding.

How is an interrupt carried out?

Such an abortion does not involve anesthesia, the use surgical instruments. You just need to take one of the medications: Mifegin, Mifeprexin, Mifepristone. The drug is taken to achieve the following goals:

  • blocking endometrial growth;
  • rejection ovum;
  • strengthening the contractility of the uterus;
  • active influence on the fetus.

Medical abortion is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. On the first visit, Mifepristone is taken, on the 2nd visit, two days later, Misoprostol is taken. After taking the pill, the woman should remain in the medical institution to avoid complications. In addition, after 2 weeks you need to appear for a medical examination to check the completeness of the abortion, take a blood test to determine the level human chorionic gonadotropin in blood.

It happens that Misoprostol leads to painful sensations lower abdomen. This is fine. And although the effectiveness of such an abortion is 95%, some women have to additionally undergo a more unpleasant operation to scrape the uterine cavity if it is not completely cleansed on its own.

  • smoke;
  • engage in intense sports;
  • take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 2 weeks.

Before deciding to have an abortion, women need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and think about the consequences. Much depends on following the doctor’s recommendations and the correctness of the procedure.

Contraindications to pharmaboration and complications

Medical abortion is prohibited in the following cases:

According to reviews, many women do not experience any consequences of medical abortion. Although it happens that the fetus is not completely removed, and the following symptoms appear:

  • heavy bleeding in the peritoneum;
  • pain and cramps;
  • addition of infection;
  • development of sepsis, which can lead to death;
  • heart failure after taking Mifepristone.

Doctors do not make any guarantees regarding the effectiveness of expulsion of the fetus after such an abortion. There can be risks with any intervention. The duration of pregnancy plays a big role, especially female body, existing serious diseases and infectious processes.

Abortion is permissible up to 7 weeks, and in 95% of cases it is possible to terminate the pregnancy completely.

However, 2% of women undergo repeated scraping or vacuum suction. And 5% of women after pharmaabortion turn to a surgeon for an operation to remove the entire fetus.

If the pregnancy period exceeds 12 weeks, then one tablet can no longer be used. When terminating a pregnancy at this stage of gestation, 8% of women face a surgical abortion after a medical abortion due to incomplete cleansing of the uterus from fetal tissue. Despite positive reviews However, in some cases, medical abortion can be dangerous if the rules are not followed.

Early complications after medical abortion

A gentle, at first glance, and low-traumatic method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy can lead to complications due to the persistence of pregnancy hormones in the body even after the birth of the fetus. It is these hormones that can cause the following consequences of medical abortion:

In the future, the woman will no longer have to worry about a new pregnancy, but about eradicating the infectious disease. inflammatory process from the body.

Late consequences of medical abortion

So, drug relief from pregnancy can lead to the following problems in the future:

  • heavy bleeding similar to menstruation;
  • increase in temperature;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • severe and prolonged abdominal pain, colic;
  • development of inflammation in the genital organs;
  • spontaneous bleeding due to fetal expulsion;
  • hematoma, accumulation;
  • allergies, nausea and vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure due to incomplete termination of pregnancy;
  • development of mastopathy;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • development of a hormone-dependent cyst.

Today, this method of termination of pregnancy is popular among women, but may still occur. severe consequences medical abortion.

Against the backdrop of complications recovery period may drag on for months if the pregnancy was not completely terminated. When unpleasant symptoms You need to urgently contact a gynecologist. If there are no side effects, then you still need to see a doctor after 2 weeks, when your periods should have returned to normal. This time will be considered the first day of the cycle.

With the arrival of the first menstruation, severe painful bleeding may begin, which indicates the presence of fetal particles in the uterine cavity.

Required re-cleaning, after which normal periods will come no earlier than in 1 month. If this does not happen, there will be a delay and you will have to see a doctor. The fact is that after pharma-abortion, a new pregnancy may occur after 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, doctors cannot call this method of eliminating pregnancy completely safe. The preservation of reproductive functions is guaranteed, but the appearance serious illnesses in a woman’s body is not excluded. However, the consequences of medical abortion can seriously undermine women Health, which is what you need to think about if in the future new pregnancy still planned.

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At all times, women have and will continue to have abortions. Each of them has and will have their own reasons for this, and therefore there is no point in lecturing that this is bad, dangerous, shameful or immoral. However, an abortion can cause a number of diseases, including female infertility. But today we'll talk That's not what it's about at all.

How should a woman behave after a medical abortion? Can she drink alcohol? And will this entail any consequences? Or is it really possible to drink without fear? What is the opinion of doctors on this matter? Every woman who has recently resorted or is planning to resort to this type of abortion, such as medical termination of pregnancy, should know about this issue.

What is medical abortion?

This type of abortion is the newest way termination of pregnancy, in which there is no need for surgical intervention and medical anesthesia.

The procedure is carried out on early stages pregnancy. Recently, medical abortion has become the most popular among women and recommended by qualified specialists.

With this type of abortion, the patient is offered a special substance that has the property of stopping the action of the hormone progesterone. It is this hormone in a woman’s body that determines the appearance and course of pregnancy. Without him, this simply cannot exist. It begins to be produced in the body immediately after pregnancy. Therefore, the effect of medication abortion pills is aimed at neutralizing progesterone, preventing it from being produced anymore.

What happens is this: The embryonic membranes peel off from the walls of the uterus. It is also necessary to induce increased uterine contractions so that the embryo can leave its location. These are the so-called prostaglandins. Thus, a woman is provoked to have a miscarriage; the fertilized egg comes out after a while.

The effectiveness of medical abortion is approximately 92-98%. It all depends on individual characteristics body, as well as from a specific case with all the features of the formation and course of pregnancy.

The procedure is carried out from the first day of missed menstruation until reaching 6 weeks of pregnancy. After this period, the effectiveness of medical abortion sharply decreases, and therefore it is not recommended to do it after 6 weeks. In addition, it can cause a number of serious complications.

As already stated, this type abortion is performed without surgical intervention. The patient just needs to take a special medicine. Everything happens under the control and supervision of a doctor.

The main advantage of a medical abortion is that during its implementation, the woman’s uterus is not subjected to any mechanical damage, which happens during a surgical termination of pregnancy. Consequently, this reduces the risk of complications and various consequences. But in fairness, it is worth noting that these can also occur with medical termination of pregnancy.

The procedure has a number of contraindications, which include renal or liver failure, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids, severe anemia, inflammation gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the reproductive system, impaired hemostasis, arterial hypertension(with great caution and under the supervision of a doctor) and some other diseases.

Now the picture regarding this type of abortion has become clearer and understandable, and therefore we can start talking about whether it is allowed to drink alcohol after a medical abortion.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after an abortion: the physical aspect

Still, abortion, no matter how gentle it may be, is an unnatural intervention in a woman’s body. Moreover, this is a serious stress for him, which can sometimes be very difficult to bear. A long recovery period is required, the body needs to get stronger and return to its former shape. And therefore we can absolutely safely talk about drinking alcoholic drinks a woman after a medical abortion is not allowed. Even drinking beer is prohibited. And there are a number of reasons for this.

As already mentioned, in this case the procedure is carried out with the help of medications, that is, it chemical substances. They cause a certain reaction in the body. And alcohol will certainly interfere with their progress. It can either weaken these processes or change them somehow. Even the most experienced doctor does not predict how the relationship between alcohol (ethyl alcohol) and medications taken will develop. But we can definitely say that nothing positive should be expected from this. Unauthorized experiments and non-compliance with the rules - all this will certainly affect your health. Any complications may arise, or the recovery process itself may take longer. for a long time, will not take place as quickly and efficiently.

Another risk is associated with bleeding from the female reproductive system. About what we're talking about? The thing is that after a medical abortion and the release of the fertilized egg, the woman begins to bleed continuously. It can last for several weeks, during which it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. This is justified by the fact that alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, and this leads to more intense bleeding. A woman can lose a lot of blood just because she violated the regime.

In general, after an abortion, the body is greatly weakened. And this is not surprising, because he was stressed. Against this background, the immune system is extremely weakened, health is not at its best. better condition. And alcohol can only make it all worse. Ethanol- clearly not what a person with a weakened immune system needs.

Another danger of alcohol after an abortion: psychological

But few people think about this pitfall. Abortion is stress not only physical, but also psychological. Of course, every woman experiences this differently, but for most, termination of pregnancy is a negative and mentally depressing event. Because of this, a woman becomes apathetic and develops blues.

And sometimes it even comes to deep depression, from which it is not so easy to get out. For reasons of psychological discomfort and against the background of personal experiences, a woman may start drinking. This way it will seem to her that she is eliminating her sadness, forgetting herself, and solving problems. But, as we know, this is not so. Problems are not solved, but grow even bigger and bigger. So close to alcohol addiction, to which women are exposed much stronger and faster than males. This leads to the conclusion that alcohol after an abortion poses a threat not only to physical health, but also for the psychological.

It is recommended to do the following. First, you need to accept the very fact that an abortion was performed. You can try to cope with a negative event on your own. By the way, many people actually succeed in this. For example, thanks to distraction, increased intellectual work, communication with loved ones, helping the infirm, animals, etc.

You can calm yourself with natural sedatives which will not cause any harm. When choosing a specific drug, you should additionally consult with your doctor.

If you can’t cope with post-abortion depression on your own, then there’s nothing to worry about! There is no need to consider this something shameful or a failure. On the contrary, as soon as possible you need to contact a psychologist who will help you find a way out of the situation, explain and prove with the help of arguments that life does not end there. It continues. And it should continue in joyful colors.

What else should you not do after a medical abortion?

Since we are talking about bans after the medication interruption pregnancy, then you need to talk about all of them so that it is easier for women to navigate this difficult period.

It is not difficult to guess that at this time any sexual contact is prohibited. And even though mechanical damage did not happen, but not everything is in order in a woman’s vagina after an abortion. It should take approximately 3-4 weeks (everything is different in each individual case) for the vaginal mucosa to recover, return to normal and regain its former characteristics. In addition, during sexual intercourse there is a risk of infection, including in the uterine cavity. That’s why it’s worth holding off on sex. At least with vaginal.

Any physical exercise, lifting weights, physical labor and any activity that requires even the slightest effort. During this time, you need to limit yourself to mental work only, and definitely cancel the gym.

You can't take a bath. After a medical abortion, women should only wash in the shower. The water should be warm, but not hot, so as not to provoke increased bleeding. You can't wash and cool water. It is strictly forbidden to go to the pool! This can lead to infection. But you need to wash more often. Maintaining personal hygiene will reduce the risk of germs entering.

Doctors advise to refrain from smoking tobacco. Or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke daily. There is no need to weaken an already weakened body. He needs to recover.

Some medications are also prohibited: Ketanov, Ketarol, Aspirin, Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and others. Full list You should check with your doctor about prohibited medications.

You can't use tampons. There will be bleeding, but for personal hygiene you can only use pads. And they need to be changed every 3 hours even with minimal external contamination. This is necessary to minimize the risk of bacteria entering the vagina.

Instead of an afterword

Summarizing all that has been said, we can say that the answer to the question of whether you can drink after an abortion will be negative. No woman has ever found health by drinking. And there are no indulgences even in the form of alcohol! You can't drink beer, let alone more strong alcohol from where high content contains ethyl alcohol.

You need to understand that the initial and most “acute” period of gaining strength after medical termination of pregnancy lasts about a month. And all prohibitions apply precisely at this time. But full recovery occurs no earlier than six months later, or even more. And it would be good if a woman took responsibility for her health all this time, monitored its condition, and protected it from unnecessary threats and risks. Only through such behavior can one fully restore the strength so necessary to conduct full life. And for those who still want to get pregnant and carry a child in the future, this will be a good basis and prognosis for a favorable resolution of the situation.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

Bleeding after medical abortion for a duration whole month is considered normal, but heavy bleeding is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Risk of bleeding after medical abortion

The World Health Organization considers it the safest, and it is this method that is recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists all over the world if the issue of the need to terminate the pregnancy has already been decided and all that remains is to choose a method. However, the definition of “safest” does not mean complete absence harm to health - so serious hormonal intervention cannot pass without a trace and often leaves behind formidable complications. For example, it is often found abnormal bleeding after a medical abortion, which can be life-threatening.

In order to understand why such problems may occur after taking pills. dangerous consequences, you need to imagine the mechanism of action of the drug with which pharmacotherapy is carried out. Mifepristone, which the woman takes at her doctor's appointment, is given to her in a dose of 600 mg. This dosage of the drug allows you to achieve the following effect - the uterus stops responding to the hormone progesterone, and it is the high content of this hormone during pregnancy that ensures the maintenance of fetal life, rich blood supply to the uterine lining (endometrium) and prevents its rejection. It is easy to imagine that eventually the vessels of the uterus, which carry blood to the fetus, collapse and the death of the fetus occurs. At the same time, the ability of the uterus to contract increases, and the fertilized egg is gradually brought out along with the sloughing endometrial layer. Bleeding after an abortion usually begins within 24 hours.

After 2 days, the woman visits the doctor again, who clarifies whether a miscarriage occurred or not, and whether the uterus has contracted sufficiently. If the uterus has not yet returned to its previous size, prostaglandins are prescribed - hormonal substances that stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus and allow the abortion to be completed. Discharge after a medical abortion may intensify and become more painful while taking prostaglandins - this is normal reaction. A woman may notice the moment of miscarriage - a light pink, dense formation about 2 cm in size appears from the genital tract. After this, the intensity of the discharge usually decreases.

How long does bleeding last after medical termination of pregnancy?

The duration of discharge may vary depending on different people and on average is 9-12 days. It should be noted that bleeding after a medical abortion, usually in the form of spotting, sometimes continues until the next menstruation.

Heavy bleeding after medical abortion

Need to know that not every bleeding is normal- excessively abundant, when a woman requires more than two night pads within an hour, can be pathological and lead to serious blood loss. If such bleeding continues for more than 2 hours, as well as if weakness, pallor, rapid heartbeat, or dizziness appear against this background, take horizontal position, place an ice pack on your lower abdomen and call an ambulance immediately. Under no circumstances hide the fact of an abortion from the doctor; it is in your interests to give as much as possible detailed information about the state of your body.

The next day a clot also came out. Maybe I wasn't cleaned well? Please explain what this is?...

That everything is fine, the egg is completely out. But the next day after the ultrasound, bleeding started again...

For more than 25 years, it has been possible to non-surgically terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The use of special medications makes it possible to perform an abortion even in the most early stages pregnancy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of medical abortion?

What is medical abortion: a brief description of the procedure

(or abortion without surgery) is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy without surgery, but with the help of special drugs.

The idea of ​​terminating pregnancy with the help of drugs was nurtured by doctors and scientists for a long time, but it was only in the 70s of the last century that it appeared real opportunity do this effectively and relatively safely for the woman. At this time, France developed medicinal substance Mifepristone, which is an antiprogestin. In the early 80s, large-scale studies of mifepristone as an abortion drug began in Geneva, and already in the late 80s in France they began to use the method of medical termination of unwanted pregnancies using mifepristone, prostaglandins and other drugs.

As social and medical research conducted in European countries, women prefer medical abortion according to various reasons. On the one hand, there is fear of surgery. And secondly, it is easier to hide a medical abortion from loved ones if a woman does not want her relatives or friends to know about this procedure.

What are the main advantages of medical abortion over surgical abortion?

In addition to the lack of need for surgical intervention and the ability to hide the abortion from your loved ones, medical abortion has many advantages, including:

  • Medical abortion can be performed in the earliest stages of pregnancy: from the first day of missed menstruation until 6-7 weeks. At this time, the fertilized egg is still quite poorly attached to the uterus, and pronounced hormonal changes not yet observed. After a set period, the effectiveness of medical abortion decreases markedly. Termination of pregnancy at a very early stage can reduce to a minimum hormonal stress for the body.
  • With a medical abortion, the risk of infection, development adhesive processes, injuries to the uterine cavity, the development of endometritis and other gynecological complications that occur during surgical abortion.
  • Medical abortion is a painless procedure (especially for women who have given birth). U nulliparous women Minor pain may occur that does not require anesthesia.
  • Eliminates the risk of infection with severe viral diseases(for example, hepatitis or).
  • The risk of developing secondary infertility is eliminated.
  • Medical abortion is very similar to heavy menstruation, and the woman psychologically perceives it as a natural process.
  • To have a medical abortion, a woman does not need to go to an inpatient department.
  • Medical abortion is also suitable for women at a young age who are forced to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

How does medical abortion occur - description of the procedure

Medical abortion is a procedure that must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor after all necessary examinations. A medical abortion takes place in several stages, including:

  1. Preliminary inspection. After pregnancy is detected, the woman goes to a gynecologist for a preliminary examination. The doctor examines the patient and performs an ultrasound to determine the gestational age and establish the fact that the fetus is developing in the uterus. Then the patient must confirm her desire to terminate the pregnancy and sign the appropriate documents.
  2. Analyzes. After establishing the pregnancy period, a woman should undergo blood tests (for blood type, Rh factor), Wasserman reaction and a smear for flora. If the tests are normal and there are no contraindications, then the doctor gives the woman the drug to drink (usually 3 tablets of 200 mg each). You should not eat food 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking mifepristone.
  3. Second visit to the doctor 36-48 hours after taking the drug. The next stage of medical abortion is the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterus. To do this, women are given prostaglandins and clearly instructed about all possible sensations that may occur when the fetus is expelled from the uterus. Typically, the woman is asked to remain in the clinic for 24 hours to monitor her condition. Sometimes a woman is allowed to go home provided that she strictly adheres to all recommendations, and if severe pain- be sure to contact your doctor or take the permitted ones.
  4. First control ultrasound. 3 days after taking the drug, the woman should appear for the first control ultrasound. If remnants of the fertilized egg are found in the uterus, the doctor decides how to proceed.
  5. Second control ultrasound and examination. The second time, the woman should appear for a second examination 7-14 days after taking the drug (the doctor will inform you exactly about the timing). If necessary, the doctor will refer you for various analyzes, in particular, the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Medical abortion: pregnancy periods at which it is permissible to terminate the pregnancy

Medical abortion can be performed up to 42-49 days from the first day last menstrual period. The effectiveness of medical abortion increases when it is performed in the early stages. After the allotted 42-49 days, the effectiveness of medical termination of pregnancy is noticeably reduced, due to which there may be a need for other methods of termination of pregnancy (vacuum aspiration, surgical abortion).

After taking mifepristone, a woman should take prostaglandins 36-48 hours later. Then, after 3 days, you need to come for a follow-up examination. Another examination is carried out 7-14 days after taking mifepristone.

Consequences of medical abortion

What happens during a medical abortion? After taking 600 mg of mifepristone, a process is launched aimed at the death of the fetus. Mifepristone binds to progesterone receptors, thereby blocking the action of the hormone, which stimulates endometrial growth. In this case, the woman restores the sensitivity of the myometrium to the hormone oxytocin. The myometrium begins to contract intensively, which leads to termination of pregnancy.

36-48 hours after taking mifepristone, a woman takes prostaglandins, under the influence of which the uterus begins to contract vigorously, which leads to the expulsion of the fetus from its cavity.

Complications of medical abortion

Medical abortion is considered the most safe method termination of pregnancy, and at the same time it is not without its drawbacks. In particular, when taking medications (especially large doses prostaglandins) are possible adverse reactions, among which the following most often occur:

  • Painful sensations. During a medical abortion, various painful sensations are possible that require pain relief. In this case, everything will depend on the characteristics of the woman’s body, her emotional state and threshold pain sensitivity. The doctor will first tell the woman about possible pain and recommend antispasmodics and analgesics. It is strictly not recommended to take medications on your own.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Pregnancy itself, which causes toxicosis, can lead to such symptoms. However, prostaglandins prescribed by your doctor can also cause nausea and vomiting. As a rule, such side effects occur extremely rarely. They go away on their own, but in some cases the use of antiemetic drugs is also acceptable.
  • Heat. In some cases, prostaglandins prescribed to a woman to increase the contractile activity of the uterus promote the body. As a rule, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees and lasts for several hours. If heat lasts more than 4 hours, then this, as a rule, is not associated with taking medications, but rather is a consequence of an infectious-inflammatory process. You should tell your doctor about these symptoms. Special treatment may be required.
  • Diarrhea- occurs relatively often, but carries short-term nature and in reception antidiarrheal drugs does not need.
  • Heavy bleeding. As with, medical abortion is accompanied by heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding perhaps in cases where a woman has problems with blood clotting.
  • Hematometra. This is an accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity, which can occur after a medical abortion. This condition develops due to spasm of the cervix, and hematometra can be eliminated using medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications for medical abortion

There are some circumstances in which medical abortion is contraindicated:

  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases female genital organs;
  • impressive size;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • extragenital pathologies of severe forms;

After a medical abortion

Immediately after a medical abortion, a woman should start using contraceptives, since a subsequent pregnancy may occur before her period appears.

It is worth keeping in mind that in very in rare cases After a medical abortion, the pregnancy is not interrupted. And if a woman then decides not to terminate the pregnancy, then she must understand that the fetus may have some congenital pathologies while taking medications for medical abortion. In particular, there are known cases of teratogenic effects of prostaglandins on the fetus. According to statistics, for every 1,000 births after an unsuccessful medical abortion, there are 10 congenital defects.
