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Symptoms and treatment of urethritis. Causes, symptoms and treatment of female urethritis

Urethritis is a common disease among the fair sex. Often the disease has mild symptoms and rarely occurs in isolation - it may be accompanied by cystitis and inflammation of the kidneys. Symptoms and treatment of urethritis in women have their own specific features, so self-diagnosis aggravates its course and leads to a chronic form.


Urethritis is an inflammation of the walls urethra, called the urethra, the causative agent of which is external factor. Female organ urination has a width of 10–15 mm when stretched and is very short length– about 3–5 cm. This anatomical structure channel facilitates easy penetration of pathogens into the bladder. A slight swelling of the urethral mucosa does not interfere with the outflow, so it is quite difficult to immediately identify any signs of the disease. Urethritis causes unwanted sensations and is also dangerous for some complications for other organs. Often it occurs in parallel with cystitis. It is dangerous to let the disease progress, as this risks spreading the infection further – to the kidneys and other organs. genitourinary system.

Causes of urethritis in women

The disease is divided into 2 general groups: infectious and non-infectious. It is harmful bacteria that play a key role as causative agents of the inflammatory process. Much less often, urethritis appears due to mechanical impact on nerve endings urethra. TO non-infectious causes also include:

Infectious urethritis is divided into specific and nonspecific, and the symptoms are absolutely the same, regardless of which bacterium caused the disease. Nonspecific urethritis occurs due to Escherichia coli, streptococci and staphylococci. Harmful bacteria, which are transmitted during sexual contact, are characteristic of specific infectious urethritis. It comes in the following types: chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma, trichomonas, candidiasis, herpetic and viral (caused by genital warts).

You can become infected with infectious urethritis not only during unprotected sexual intercourse with a sick partner, but also through blood or lymph.

The following factors can contribute to the occurrence of inflammation of the urine outflow duct:

  • weakening protective functions the body due to poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, or a long-term illness;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • constant stress, unstable emotional state;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy;
  • genital injuries.

Symptoms of urethritis

Inflammation of the canal walls has its own incubation period, the duration of which varies from 5 minutes to 1–2 months. In this case, the course of the disease can pass without obvious symptoms, easily acquiring a chronic form, which is dangerous for other ailments.

Both types of urethritis have common properties:

  • pain and burning sensation when urinating;
  • painful discharge from the urethra, sometimes of purulent origin;
  • blood clots in the urine;
  • pain in the pubic area;
  • feeling of “cohesion” of the canal in the morning.

It is not necessary that these symptoms appear immediately - most often one will be more clearly expressed and noticeably prevail over the others. Absent for urethritis common features, inherent to others acute processes inflammation - increased body temperature, weakness, malaise. It is difficult to recognize chronic urethritis because it does not manifest itself pronounced signs, but only when pathology is detected.

Specific infectious urethritis is characterized by its own symptoms, depending on the causative bacteria.

With the gonorrheal type of disease, immediately after several weeks of infestation, sharp pain during the outflow of urine. This symptom is especially pronounced with a long delay in emission. Already when such discomfort appears, it is important to consult a doctor, because if it is ignored, the disease becomes chronic nature and is already asymptomatic.

Inflammation of the urethra caused by Trichomonas occurs without any special manifestations. 2-3 weeks after infection, a woman may feel irritation in the urethra and labia. Signs of this type of disease disappear when it becomes chronic.

With candidal disease, symptoms are felt 10–20 days after the bacteria enters the body. Pain and heaviness immediately appear during urination. In addition, a woman may notice white-pink discharge from the urethra, quite viscous. Each of these symptoms is moderate in severity.

Mycoplasma is expressed weakly - with minor discomfort. When detecting mycoplasma, some doctors do not always prescribe treatment, since the presence of this bacterium is permissible in the body.

When infected with chlamydia, urethritis may take several weeks to appear. It is characterized by slight itching during the outflow of urine, sometimes by purulent discharge from the canal.

The cause of urethritis can also be urogenital tuberculosis. As you know, this disease affects any organ, not just the lungs. This type of tuberculosis is characterized by elevated temperature, increased sweating, malaise.

Obviously, urethritis caused by infection is not clearly expressed and only a urologist can identify it.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Visually, a doctor can determine urethritis by some external signs:

  • redness at the entrance to the urethra;
  • pain during palpation;
  • discharge from the urethra.

For further diagnosis, prescribed general analysis blood and urine, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, test for identifying an infectious pathogen. The most precise method The disease is detected by taking a scraping directly from the canal, as well as urethroscopy. It may also be prescribed by a doctor ultrasound diagnostics all organs of the genitourinary system in order to fully assess their condition. The specialist usually provides the patient with a photo where foci of inflammation are clearly visible.


In the case when the course of the disease is unnoticed, some exacerbations may occur - cystitis, vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. In advanced or chronic forms of inflammation, infertility may occur in women.


Usually, home therapy is prescribed for urethritis. The disease cannot be classified as severe, so hospitalization is not required. The most important thing in treatment is to undergo a timely examination, the result of which will be to identify the causes of the occurrence, as well as the type of causative microorganism. The next stage is the right medications chosen by a specialist to relieve inflammation.

During therapy, a woman needs to give up sexual activity, reduce her physical activity, eat right, exclude salted, smoked and pickled foods, and alcohol from the diet. Try to avoid hypothermia, drafts and increase the usual rate of fluid intake - up to 2 liters per day. The patient’s diet should contain more vegetables and fruits, cereals, fermented milk products. If the cause of urethritis is a sexually transmitted infection, then treatment of the partner is also mandatory.

The doctor usually prescribes medications that have an anti-inflammatory effect - antibiotics in the form of injections, tablets, or vaginal suppositories. It can also be useful for urethritis local treatment in the form of baths. The course of taking the drugs is from 5 to 10 days, this is determined by the doctor individually depending on the severity of the disease. Antibiotics from the category of fluoroquinols, macrolides, penicillins from a number of semisynthetic substances, and less often - a group of cephalosporins are prescribed. Doctors consider azithromycin, fluconazole, doxycycline and other drugs that have general composition. The dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on the type of inflammation, the patient’s age and weight. You cannot stop taking medications on your own or take them for longer. The treatment regimen must include medications to restore and maintain the body’s immune properties, as well as vitamins and bacterial preparations.

For chronic urethritis, a long and comprehensive course is prescribed not only with antibiotics, depending on the type of infection, but also with irrigation of the urethra using antiseptic drugs, vitamin therapy.

Traditional medicine helps quite well in combination with the usual treatment regimen. Natural remedies can relieve inflammation well. The most popular recipes are:

  1. Decoction of leaves and berries black currant, which has a diuretic effect. To prepare it you need to take 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped dried or fresh leaves currants, pour boiling water over them and leave for about half an hour. Then strain and consume 150 ml 3 times a day before meals. A similar method of preparing a decoction from currant berries.
  2. Infusion of parsley leaves. 1 tablespoon of finely chopped plant is poured cold water in a volume of 500 ml and infused overnight. You should take 3 tbsp. l. prepared product every 2 hours.
  3. A decoction of fennel or dill, St. John's wort, immortelle and chamomile. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. all herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water. After the decoction has been infused for 15 minutes, it is decanted. Drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Freshly prepared juices from cranberries and lingonberries.
  5. Tea from linden color and cornflower.

Those patients who use exclusively traditional methods fight inflammation, leave reviews on special forums about this or that method of homeopathy treatment.

Prevention of urethritis

To avoid inflammation of the urethra, a woman needs to be more careful when choosing a sexual partner, regularly wash herself with disinfectants, and take care of her personal hygiene. It is important to always dress appropriately for the weather conditions and avoid hypothermia. And don't forget about proper nutrition, excluding salted and smoked foods, alcohol.

Despite the fact that urethritis is not a serious type of disease, however, it can seriously undermine women Health, bring tangible discomfort to life. It is much easier to prevent the development of its acute form than to fight the advanced form. When the first obvious symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist in order to start treatment on time.

Before we talk about the broad classification of urethritis, it is necessary to talk about what this disease is.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the urethra, the so-called urethra, which is how the disease got its name.

Some types of it can be caused by exposure to viruses, while other types of urethritis can be caused by a banal failure to comply with hygiene rules. They provoke the development of urethritis diseases.

However, depending on the reasons for acquiring the disease, the specifics of its course, as well as many other factors, it is possible to make a classification that will be most effective in selecting treatment. Let's talk about the classifications of urethritis.

Infectious specific and nonspecific type

Many men do not take care of their health for many years. Promiscuity, lack of hygiene, hard work, stressful situations, all this negatively affects the body and leads to various infections.

Specific infectious urethritis is precisely determined in those cases when it is infections that provoke inflammation of the urethra. Most often, infections are acquired through sexual intercourse. This is inflammatory urethritis.

But often, a weakened body, lack of immunity, and other reasons can also contribute to the development of this type of disease. The most common infections with specific urethritis are herpes, ureaplasmosis, trichomonas, gonococcus.

Chlamydia and mycoplasma are slightly less common. Very often, specific urethritis is also called gonococcal. Treatment of such a disease should begin first of all with getting rid of the infection.

To the wider group specific urethritis can also be referred to .

This disease is noteworthy in that it can actually be triggered by viruses that are not gonococci.

It is somewhat less common than the categories described above, however, the occurrence of such a disease can lead to even a banal ARVI. Therefore, male representatives need to carefully monitor their health and not even catch a common cold.

Another common form of such a disease of the genitourinary system is. The cause of this disease is the affected opportunistic microflora.

REFERENCE! To give examples, most often infection and urethritis are nearby, being provoked by staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungal diseases, and E. coli.

Non-infectious urethritis

If you understand what the causes of infectious urethritis are, it is quite easy to understand that in this case you need to be especially careful. Due to the fact that such a disease is more difficult to get, therefore, it is more difficult to treat. Therefore, carefully study the reasons why it may appear, and also get acquainted with the main types. This is non-purulent urethritis

Non-infectious urethritis can be caused by an accident. It is classified as traumatic urethritis. With mechanical impact on the male genitourinary system, a defect can occur, which, one way or another, will affect the urethra. Traumatic urethritis is a consequence of a blow or other physical impact. Treatment of traumatic urethritis in men is absolutely necessary.

Another type of non-infectious urethritis is. Inherent in those who are prone to allergic reactions to various food, chemical, and drug allergens.

Sometimes it can be diagnosed in patients suffering from stomach disorders due to impaired metabolism or diabetes.

Urethritis, which is caused by gonorrhea, has a name and its incubation period is about two weeks.

Manifests cutting pains, a burning sensation that is present when urinating, as well as purulent discharge from the urethra. It can become chronic if not treated promptly. Chronic gonorrheal urethritis can occur without symptoms for years, then turning into infertility.

In this video about infectious and non-infectious types of diseases and their treatment:

Chronic and viral type

Such inflammation of the urethra is provoked by the presence of fungal diseases, which you can catch in such places.

Therefore, if you value your health and you think that you have a weakened immune system, then avoid visiting such places. He recommends treating candidal urethritis with ointments, as they act on the fungus locally, which is most effective. You also need to improve your immunity by using appropriate medications and vitamins.

Another one genitourinary infection, which is the basis for the development of urethritis, is Trichomonas. most often encountered when visiting a urologist. It also occurs due to sexual contact with a carrier. It may not manifest itself for a long time, since the incubation period of this infection is quite long.

Complications from infection with Trichomonas can be caused by alcohol consumption, heavy exercise, as well as systematic overstimulation without discharge. May go to chronic stage. Characterized by bloody discharge in semen, purulent discharge during urination, painful sensations and itching.


All of the above types of urethritis can often occur in representatives of the stronger sex. Somewhere the reason for this is a banal lack of compliance with hygiene rules, somewhere it is a consequence of infection as a result of the negligence of a sexual partner, and somewhere it is the result of an incorrect lifestyle.

Sometimes urethritis does not manifest itself at all long time, and then is detected in the acute or chronic stage. Therefore, be careful about your men's health, regularly visit a urologist, get tested, and remember that your health is only in your hands.

Useful video

What causes this or that type of urethritis, and what can be used in a particular case:

Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra (urethra). The cause of the disease is viruses and bacteria that penetrate the walls of the urethra.

General information about urethritis

Urethritis is equally common in both men and women. This is one of the most common urological diseases. In most cases, urethritis is caused by poor personal hygiene and sexual intercourse without a condom. Also, the inflammatory process can spread to the urethra from other internal organs.

Symptoms of urethritis (burning, pain, purulent discharge) are more pronounced in men, since their urethra is longer and narrower than in women. In women, the disease is often asymptomatic, especially in early stages development.

To prevent urethritis, you should protect yourself during sexual intercourse and observe the rules of personal hygiene. These two rules minimize the likelihood of developing the disease.

The inflammatory process during urethritis can spread to the bladder, vagina, prostate gland, scrotum, and cause other inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

Types of urethritis

Classification due to inflammation.

Infectious urethritis. The cause is microorganisms. Subspecies:

  • Gonorrheal.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.
  • Chlamydial.
  • Mycotic.
  • Gardnerellosis.
  • Ureaplasma.
  • Mixed.
  • Allergic urethritis. The cause of development is individual intolerance to certain substances and an allergic reaction.
  • Traumatic urethritis. Develops after trauma to the urethra, entry into it foreign bodies, carrying out medical procedures (ureteroscopy, cystoscopy, catheterization, etc.).
  • Congestive urethritis. The reason for the development is venous stasis in the pelvic organs.

Classification by level of distribution:

  • Anterior urethritis. The inflammatory process does not extend beyond the hanging part of the urethra.
  • Posterior urethritis. The inflammatory process is concentrated in the back of the urethra.
  • Total urethritis. The inflammatory process spreads throughout the entire urethra.

Classification by inflammatory activity:

  • Weakly active.
  • Moderately active.
  • Highly active.

Classification according to the onset of the disease:

  • Primary urethritis. The inflammatory process develops in the urethra.
  • Secondary urethritis. The infection enters the urethra from the internal organs, in which inflammatory processes develop.

Classification according to the course of the disease:

  • Fresh urethritis. Develops against the background of the general normal condition body.
  • Chronic urethritis. It appears if fresh urethritis was not cured within the required time frame (about 2 months) and progressed to running form. Development chronic form diseases are promoted by alcohol, smoking, hypothermia, reduced immunity, sexual activity. Chronic urethritis can be in the acute stage, when the symptoms are pronounced, and without exacerbation, when Clinical signs subside.

Subtypes of fresh urethritis:

  • Acute urethritis. The disease manifests itself suddenly with sharp cuts and pain when urinating. Other typical symptoms are burning in the urethra and false urges, over time, swelling of the urethra develops.
  • Subacute urethritis. Pain and swelling gradually subside. There may be little or no discharge from the urethra. The urine is clear and contains minor purulent inclusions.
  • Torpid urethritis. Typical symptoms appear weakly or may not appear at all.

Danger to the body

Fresh urethritis, which was cured on time, does not pose a danger to the body. Chronic urethritis is much more dangerous for both men and women. The neglected inflammatory process spreads to others internal organs, are developing accompanying illnesses. Chronic urethritis significantly increases the risk oncological diseases. In women who suffer from urethritis, reproductive function may be impaired, and complications of intrauterine development are observed in children.

For men, chronic urethritis is primarily dangerous due to the risk of prostatitis and inflammation of the testicles. Reproductive function may also be broken.

Self-treatment of urethritis

Exists a large number of effective recipes traditional medicine to combat urethritis. But for complete treatment, it is best to consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Then, with the permission of the doctor, you can combine medication and traditional methods.

Since a course of antibiotics is not always prescribed for the treatment of urethritis, independent selection of medications is undesirable. An incorrectly chosen treatment regimen can cause the disease to subside for a while and become chronic.

  • Urethritis is treated with antibiotics. Only if the disease infectious nature. That is why you cannot prescribe treatment for yourself, since only a doctor can recognize the specific form of urethritis.
  • Urethritis is transmitted only through sexual contact. Most often, the disease develops due to infection, but it enters the urethra not only through sexual intercourse. However, it is necessary to protect yourself during sexual intercourse; this significantly reduces the risk of viruses and bacteria entering the urethra.
  • Urethritis causes infertility. The development of infertility is possible only with complicated advanced urethritis, when the patient has not received proper treatment for a long time. At timely treatment the risk of infertility is minimal.

≫ More information

Inflammation of the urethra occurs equally often in men and women. But in men, symptoms of urethritis appear faster, while in women they may be completely absent. The inflammatory process rarely “comes” alone; it is usually complicated infectious pathologies genitourinary organs.

general information

Pathology means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra and its glands. The nature of the inflammatory process is most often infectious, less often traumatic (installation of a catheter). The disease does not threaten human life, but is manifested by symptoms that bring discomfort. Inflammation of the urethra is a dangerous process for health, especially for women.

How can you get urethritis? The most main reason infection - sexual contact. But hypothermia is also dangerous, urolithiasis, radiation factors. The first signs of illness do not always make themselves felt early; this is the insidiousness of pathology. The person is unaware of the presence of the disease and continues to infect his partner.

Possible consequences: inflammation of the urethra can reach Bladder, prostate gland, pelvic organs. In women, inflammation of the bladder and disruption of microflora are dangerous for the development of infertility.

Classification of the disease

The disease develops due to the introduction of various microorganisms into the urethra.

The disease is quite diverse and is divided into several types. Inflammation of the external opening urinary canal occurs under the influence of several reasons. Based on them, a certain classification of urethritis has emerged. The manifestation of symptoms and the choice of necessary treatment depend on the correct determination of the type of pathology.

Causes of urethritis

Urethritis is:

  • Infectious. There are several types of this group. Each species included in the category infectious urethritis, caused by its pathogen. Exist mixed species, which provoke several types of infections at once. Types of urethritis are divided into:
    • Specific urethritis. Its occurrence will be caused by sexually transmitted infections: trichomonas, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and others. Fungi of the genus Candida (thrush) will cause the candida type. Urological problems during menopause cause the atrophic type of disease. Each separate form The disease has unique characteristics and requires individual therapy.
    • Non-specific. This form is caused by nonspecific pathogens: coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus. IN healthy body the presence of such a pathogen will not harm a person. But after infectious disease with weakened immunity, such flora causes complications (streptococcal type).

According to the course of the disease and severity

According to clinical picture course, the disease is divided into:

  • Fresh:
    • acute (during this period it is necessary to begin treatment, the transition of the disease to the second stage is dangerous);
    • subacute;
    • torpid urethritis.
  • Chronic (the inflammatory process persists for more than 2 months). According to the severity of chronic urethritis, it occurs:
    • with exacerbation;
    • without exacerbation.

Other common classifications

The above types of disease can be supplemented with two more types of pathology:

  • Primary form. This independent disease, the urethra itself became inflamed.
  • Secondary form. This is a complication that resulted from past illness. It is dangerous because the infection enters the urethra, as a rule, from the vagina, prostate gland or bladder.

Considering the above information, processes, causing inflammation urethra, can be divided:

  • Venereal. In turn, venereal urethritis through sexual transmission includes gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal.
  • Non-venereal.

Characteristic symptoms

In most cases, body temperature rises during illness.

It is not easy to identify urethritis by symptoms. All ordinary inflammatory signs, like increased temperature with urethritis, deterioration in health, may be absent. One person suffers inflammation in the urethra easily, while another suffers the same disease more severely. The inflammatory process in the urethra may not manifest itself immediately after infection. Incubation period, from infection to the appearance of symptoms can last from a couple of hours to several months.

Symptoms of infectious forms

The main signs that appear with inflammation of the urethra are as follows:

  • It hurts and burns during urination.
  • Nonspecific discharge from the urogenital canal with unpleasant smell(the amount and appearance of discharge depends on the type of infection).
  • Repeated urge to urinate.
  • The bladder does not empty completely.
  • Urine with urethritis changes physical qualities: transparency and color (there may be blood in the urine).
  • The shape and color of the urethra changes.
  • Men experience pain during an erection.
  • In urine test results high level leukocytes.

Symptoms of non-infectious forms

With all types of urethritis, urine has a specific unpleasant odor.

Signs nonspecific inflammation urethra are similar. True, at the first stage there is no discharge. Then green purulent discharge appears. They are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The reasons why the canal becomes inflamed affect the manifestation of symptoms. In some people they may be absent or the manifestation is so minor that they do not pay attention to it.


For any form of inflammatory process in the urethra, the initial diagnosis can be made based on the patient’s description of the clinical picture. The most important thing is diagnosis. This allows you to determine urethritis and then take necessary measures to eliminate the cause. Without carrying out laboratory research it is impossible to determine a specific type and select necessary treatment. A person’s complaints of a burning sensation or pain when going to the toilet indicate inflammatory process, but the doctor differentiates the first symptoms from other diseases. In addition to clinical examination information, the standard diagnosis of urethritis also includes laboratory data. To do this you need to go through the following methods:

  • Urethral smear analysis. Microscopic analysis reveals Trichomonas and fungi.
  • Analysis of a small portion of the first urine (urine with blood). Pay attention to leukocytes; in a healthy body there should be no more than 5 of them in the field of view.
  • PCR. Analysis such as polymer chain reaction, is used if bacteria have not been identified before.
  • For rate physical condition urinary tract Cytoscopy is performed. Through special device, which is inserted into the urethra, its walls and the degree of scarring are clearly visible.
  • An ultrasound is performed to get a complete picture appearance organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Bacteriological analysis of urine allows you to determine the pathogen and its reaction to drugs.

Many people have a question: which doctor treats inflammation, who to contact? Because the we're talking about about inflammation of the urinary canal, which accompanies unpleasant symptoms, not related to sexually transmitted infections, you need to make an appointment with a urologist.

Characteristic treatment

General treatments

Antibacterial therapy is carried out to eliminate the infection.

We’ll help you figure out how to treat urethritis correctly. The course of treatment is individual in each individual case. As long as the treatment is chosen correctly, the inflammation will go away quickly. It is impossible to immediately answer the question of how long urethritis is treated. After all, in each body the reaction of bacteria and infections to the same drug is completely different. The main method of treatment is pharmacotherapy, which consists of prescribing antibacterial therapy. It is antibiotics that eliminate the infection determined by culture. Antiseptic treatment is carried out in parallel with antibacterial treatment.

Features of treatment of gonorrheal, bacterial type

Therapy with antibiotics of the cephalosporin group acts quickly and gives excellent results for the gonorrheal type of disease. The selection of bacterial agents depends on the pathogen and the presence of complications. They can use "Erythromycin", "Tetracycline", "Oletetrin". To ensure long lasting therapeutic action(when an ulcer is observed in the canal itself) use Bicilin, but take it for a short course. Additionally drip administration use treatment with a solution of collargol, silver nitrate. The partner is encouraged to undergo similar treatment.

In case of complicated inflammatory process (purulent urethritis, desquamative urethritis), effective treatment provide several drugs at once. As a rule, these are Gentamicin and Azithromycin. IN for preventive purposes recommend taking antifungal agents(“Nystatin”, “Levorin”) and vitamin preparations in order to improve immune defense.

Features of therapy of mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella type

Treatment of the disease requires an integrated drug approach.

Pathologies caused by ureaplasma are combined into one group: ureaplasma urethritis, gardella, mycoplasma. Every disease is sexually transmitted. cure similar forms It's hard enough. To do this, use a potent medicine. Urethral diseases are treated using lincosamines, fluoroquinolones and tetracycline antibiotics. In the tetracycline group best result shows “Doxycycline”, and in the group of macrolides “Clarithromycin”. Even if the urethritis has passed and the symptoms do not bother you, you need to retake the tests 3 times. Only after this can we talk about complete recovery.

Despite the fact that the most common cause of urethritis is an infection that is transmitted from one sexual partner to another during unprotected sexual intercourse, in certain cases the disease can also occur in people who maintain sexual hygiene, as well as complete absence sexual activity. In this case, we are talking about traumatic urethritis - inflammation of the urethra that occurs as a result of mechanical damage urethral canal.

In the vast majority of cases, the occurrence of mechanical urethritis is associated with a certain type of medical procedures. Typically this is diagnostic methods, implying mechanical penetration into the urethra for the purpose of taking biological material for research. Despite the fact that doctors carry out mechanical penetration as carefully as possible, traumatic situations cannot always be avoided. In some cases, it is after this kind of event that traumatic urethritis occurs - inflammation of the urethra resulting from damage to the mucous membrane.

IN medical practice cases have been recorded when mechanical urethritis turns out to be a consequence of another non-infectious type of inflammation - allergic inflammation urethra. This is due to the fact that when allergic reactions swelling of the mucous and submucosal layers of the genitourinary system is possible. Sometimes this swelling is so severe that it blocks the urethral outlet, resulting in the need for bougienage. And it is precisely the result of such events that can become traumatic injury urethra.

When approaching the issue of treating this kind of inflammation in men and women, the doctor must take into account that any injury to the mucous membrane is a decrease in its protective forces, therefore, with insufficient effective therapy It is impossible to exclude the addition of any sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, expecting that a mechanical or traumatic type of inflammation will go away on its own, without taking any measures, is dangerous, first of all, for the patient himself, especially if he is actively sex life. You should also not treat any type of this disease independently, especially until its nature and degree of neglect is known.

Gardnerella urethritis
In men who had unprotected sex with women infected with bacterial vaginitis, gardnerella can often be detected during microbiological analysis....