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Hormonal nasal drops consequences. Other drugs with steroids. How do hormonal drops work?

Hormonal drops in the nose - these are medications that quickly eliminate swelling and nasal congestion. The effect such drops have is temporary. The effect of medications in this group is very similar to vasoconstrictors; in humans, the nasal breathing and mucus secretion is significantly reduced. Such drugs are prescribed for vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and polyposis. At chronic runny nose and sinusitis, glucocorticosteroids are used only as part of complex treatment.

Operating principle

The treatment of some types of runny nose includes hormonal drugs, which are analogues of adrenal hormones. Most often prescribed are Beconase, Nasobek and Nasonex, although there are others effective drugs this drug group.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is simple. After contact with the hormonal agent on the nasal mucosa, it stops inflammatory process, runny nose decreases, swelling and hyperemia of soft tissues disappear. After using drops with hormones, it becomes easier for a person to breathe for a while and his condition improves.

In this case, glucocorticosteroids work only locally and do not have any effect on the body as a whole. After using drops and sprays with hormones, the general hormonal background remains unchanged.

Before prescribing similar medicines from different types runny nose, the doctor determines the exact cause similar condition. Long-term persistence of disease symptoms ultimately leads to chronic pathology, which is difficult to treat.

Hormonal nasal drops do not have an effect on the cause of the disease; they only temporarily eliminate the obvious symptoms.

The effect of these hormonal nasal drops is based on reducing the symptoms of inflammation and allergies. After treating the nasal passages with Nasobek, the secretion of mucus is reduced, swelling is reduced, and local immunity is significantly increased.

A noticeable result from this treatment is visible already on the fourth day from the start of using the drug. The maximum therapeutic effect will appear only after a week. Nasobek is prescribed for allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, as well as for hay fever.

Nasobek is indicated for use 2 times a day, two doses in each nasal passage. If this is necessary, the doctor may slightly change the treatment regimen and prescribe one spray four times a day.

Before starting to treat the nose, shake the bottle thoroughly. After the procedure, the nozzle is removed and washed with running water.

Hormonal drugs should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, then similar treatment may be recommended to a woman, but only under the supervision of a doctor. The drug should not be used when breastfeeding. If the medicine is prescribed to a nursing mother, then feeding is stopped during such therapy.

Generally medicine well tolerated by patients. Only in in rare cases side effects may occur. Most often, there is pain in the nasopharynx, dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane, the cough may intensify and a cough may occur. It could also be nose bleed and damage eardrum. Sometimes patients complain of headache and severe drowsiness.

If hormonal drugs are used for a long time and in large doses for the treatment of children, there is a high risk of developing candidiasis. In addition, such children may begin to lag behind in development.

Nasobek should not be prescribed for acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis and a tendency to nosebleeds. Contraindications also include individual intolerance to certain components, diathesis and the age of children under 6 years.

This hormonal drug has no effect on memory or reaction speed. While undergoing treatment, you can continue to work with complex mechanisms and drive a car.

If the therapeutic effect of treatment with Nasobek is not observed within two weeks, treatment is stopped.

Another hormonal remedy for the treatment of runny nose is a drug called Nasonex. This medicine has a pronounced antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect. If the medicine is used according to the doctor's recommendations, it very rarely causes side effects.

Nasonex is available in the form of a spray, the dosage is determined by the number of sprays. The main indications for the use of this steroid are:

  • Prevention of exacerbations allergic rhinitis. In this case, the medication should be started to be used a couple of weeks before the plants are expected to flower.
  • Treatment of chronic allergies.
  • Complex treatment of chronic rhinitis.

The result is observed within 12 hours after the first spray of the spray into the nose and lasts for several hours. You need to apply the spray several times a day to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Side effects occur rarely and mainly when long-term treatment steroids. The patient may be bothered by nosebleeds, butt and burning sensation in the nasopharynx, as well as constant sore throat and frequent sneezing.

This drug should not be used to treat children under 2 years of age, with tuberculosis and acute phase any infectious pathologies. Contraindications include recovery period after injuries of the nasopharynx and operations on it.

If Nasonex was used for treatment during pregnancy, then after the birth of the child, the function of his adrenal glands should be checked.

Find hormonal drops in pharmacies severe congestion nose is very difficult. Mostly similar drugs are available in the form of sprays. Doctors often prescribe Aldecin to patients. This drug reduces inflammation, eliminates allergies and helps increase local immunity. Aldecine is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • In the treatment of bronchial asthma.
  • To enhance the effect of xanthines.
  • With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.
  • With polyposis.

Before using the spray, shake the bottle thoroughly and then spray the composition so that the nozzle does not touch the nasal mucosa. The maximum permissible dose for adults is 16 doses per day. For children, this dosage is reduced exactly by half.

Side effects are observed in people with particular sensitivity to individual components of the drug and when the dosage is exceeded. The most commonly observed adverse events are skin rashes, nasal bleeding, headache and increased heart rate. In very rare cases, blood glucose levels rise and signs of osteoporosis appear.

Aldecin should not be prescribed to children under 6 years of age, with tuberculosis, diathesis, during an asthma attack or with a tendency to nosebleeds. The drug cannot be prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy, for more than later the medicine is prescribed with great caution. If a woman abused Aldecin during pregnancy, the newborn may have impaired adrenal function.

The hormonal drug should be used with caution in patients with glaucoma, hypertension and liver failure. Special control requires taking Aldecin simultaneously with antibacterial drugs.

After treating the nasal cavity with Aldecin spray, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth to remove any remaining medication.

Some doctors prefer Flixonase among all glucocorticosteroids for the treatment of runny nose. This drug is also available in spray form. This medicine reduces the degree of inflammation and swelling, and also stops all acute symptoms allergies. The effect of treatment is observed after just 4 hours. This spray is recommended for use by allergy sufferers to reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

The drug Flixonase has absolutely no effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system. A day later, after the first use of the drug, the patient may have the following undesirable reactions:

  • Constant tickling in the nasopharynx.
  • Itching and burning in the nasal cavity.
  • Manifestations of conjunctivitis.

In the first days of treatment with a hormonal drug, all symptoms of the disease may intensify somewhat. The patient's nose may become more clogged and the amount of nasal discharge may increase.

Flixonase is used to treat the nose. In order to achieve maximum effect from treatment, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The hormonal spray should be used only once a day, injecting two doses into each nasal passage. Treatment is carried out in the morning, shortly after waking up.

If allergy symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend using the medication twice a day. But such a treatment regimen can only be used short course. The result of such therapy can be assessed after 3 days.

For children younger age Prescribe only 1 dose of medication, just once a day.

After using the can, the nozzle is washed under the tap to prevent it from clogging. You can rinse the applicator a little warm water. It should be remembered that hot water may cause deformation of the plastic product.

In rare cases, after treatment with Flixonase, the patient experiences the following side effects:

  • The nasopharynx becomes irritated and a feeling of dryness appears in it.
  • There is a burning sensation and severe itching in the nasal passages.
  • Nasal congestion increases.
  • An unpleasant taste appears in the mouth.

Sometimes lacrimation and swelling of the face occur; in this case, treatment is stopped immediately, since the symptoms indicate an allergy to the drug.

This medication has few contraindications - individual intolerance to individual components and childhood up to 4 years. During pregnancy, medicine can be prescribed, but only after weighing all the risks for the woman and the fetus. Prescribe with caution hormonal agent in the acute phase of infectious pathologies, as well as shortly after surgery on the nasopharynx.

When treating Flixonase, you need to constantly monitor the functioning of the adrenal glands.

It is very difficult to find hormonal nasal drops in a pharmacy, since steroid drugs for the treatment of the runny nose are mainly produced in the form of a spray. All glucocorticosteroids have a lot of contraindications and side effects, so self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Nasal drops are the most popular remedy for the treatment of runny nose (rhinitis) in children and adults. Sometimes doctors prescribe medications with steroids - these medications have their own strict indications and contraindications.

How do hormonal drops work?

Under local hormonal drugs for the nose means products based on glucocorticosteroids - synthetic analogues of adrenal hormones. Steroid hormones are included in sprays and drops, nasal aerosols and have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

These substances are fundamentally different from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in their mechanism of action.

NSAIDs act primarily on a special enzyme - cyclooxygenase, which precedes the production of mediators of pain, heat, inflammation (prostaglandins). Hormonal substances work differently - they reduce the production of histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes by influencing phospholipase A, and also inhibit late and early allergic reactions.

As a result, medications have the following effects:

Who are hormone drops indicated for?

These medications are prescribed by a specialist; you cannot use them yourself! All drops and sprays containing steroids can only be used in limited courses and with strict consideration contraindications.

Drops are often prescribed for drug-induced rhinitis- they help get rid of dependence on vasoconstrictors.

The list of indications for the use of pharmaceuticals is large.

They quickly relieve nasal congestion with:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • chronic bacterial rhinitis outside the acute phase.

Nasal polyposis is treated with medications.

Of course, radical correction of the condition of the mucosa has to be done surgically, but reducing swelling and inhibiting the growth of formations will contribute to a significant improvement in well-being. Drugs are also prescribed for chronic sinusitis, including with sinusitis. They are used as monotherapy against allergic rhinitis, in other cases they are part of complex treatment.


The medicine contains mometasone in the form of monohydrate. Excipients - cellulose, sodium citrate, benzalkonium chloride and others.

Nasonex is produced in the form of a spray, it has a number of features:

  • after intranasal injection, the total availability is no more than 0.1%, therefore active substance almost undetectable in blood plasma; only the most highly sensitive methods can show its presence;
  • upon administration, a small amount enters the gastrointestinal tract (not always), while the drug binds and is excreted by the liver.

Side effects when used without abuse are minimal. With long-term treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis, nosebleeds and the appearance of blood clots are sometimes observed. A number of patients experience symptoms of pharyngitis, burning in the nose, and nasal irritation.

Small children may experience headaches and sneezing. The drug does not cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa even after a year of use.

There are a number of analogues of the drug based on the active substance:

The cost of Nasonex is quite high - 900 rubles (120 doses). It is allowed for children from 2 years of age, it is strictly contraindicated for fungal infections, bacterial infections, with systemic ARVI.

Avamis and Flixonase

The composition of the drug is represented by the glucocorticosteroid fluticasone fuorate. This component is very effective in relieving swelling and inflammation due to allergies, medications and vasomotor rhinitis.

The medicine makes breathing easier for sinusitis, sinusitis, helps reduce swelling, thereby facilitating the availability of antibiotics and local antiseptics.

Avamys is administered 2 injections to adults, 1 injection to children (in each nostril) once a day.

Side effects of this medicinal component are rare. Basically, they relate to local reactions:

  • nosebleeds;
  • the appearance of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membrane.

Typically, such phenomena are observed only when used for a course of more than 6 weeks, so courses of therapy for 3-4 weeks are preferable. Allergic reactions are rarely observed - urticaria, Quincke's edema, rash, anaphylaxis. The medicine can be used in children from 2 years of age. Contraindications include hypersensitivity and severe liver dysfunction.

Flixonase is another medicine in the group with the active substance fluticasone, but in the form of propionate. Its price is higher (800 rubles) than that of Avamis, which costs 680 rubles.

The product is approved for use in children over 4 years of age; an additional contraindication is injury to the nasal mucosa.

Other drugs with steroids

There are a number of nasal drops with steroid hormones, which can be used to replace the means described above, if the doctor has approved such a replacement. The fact is that they contain different active substances: some are more suitable for allergies, others for relieving exacerbation of vasomotor rhinitis, etc. There are even a number of injectable medications (for example, Diprospan) that are injected into the nasal mucosa when polyps grow.

Here famous medicines which can be recommended by a specialist:

  1. Nazarel(410 rubles). Contains fluticasone propionate and is a cheap analogue of Flixonase. Use the medicine with caution if there is concomitant herpes - a relapse is possible.
  2. Nasobek(200 rubles). Contains another active substance (beclomethasone), contraindicated under 6 years of age, during pregnancy, hemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding.

Medicines based on corticosteroids cannot be used immediately after operations on the nasal mucosa, for tuberculosis, after suffered a heart attack. The above remedies are used 1-2 times a day as prescribed by a doctor.

Combination medications

The most popular drug with complex action based on the corticosteroid - Polydex.

It is prescribed to adults and children as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medicine. The composition is complex:

  • neomycin (antibiotic);
  • dexamethasone (hormone);
  • polymyxin (antibiotic);
  • phenylephrine (vasoconstrictor).

The medicine acts only at the local level, and with severe inflammation the nasal mucosa accelerates its absorption. The antibiotic complex destroys almost all known microbes that cause bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis.

Also among the indications is nasopharyngitis, and among the contraindications are age under 2.5 years, kidney disease, pregnancy, angle-closure glaucoma. Hormone included of this medicine helps relieve inflammation, so the effect will be noticeable much faster.


As is known, (rhinitis) is represented by a complex of symptoms caused by allergic inflammation nasal mucosa, and sometimes the sinuses. These include nasal congestion, nasal discharge, itching, and sneezing. Previously, they used to combat these symptoms, but now nasal sprays with an antiallergic effect are becoming more and more popular.

Types of nasal sprays

Nasal sprays against allergies (nasal comes from the Latin word nasis - nose) can be divided into several groups:

  • Hormonal sprays for allergies.
  • Antihistamines (non-hormonal allergy sprays).
  • Cromoglycates (cromoglycic acid preparations, non-hormonal).
  • Barrier (non-hormonal).
  • Combined.

Many sites provide lists of allergy sprays, where they suggest using vasoconstrictor allergy sprays. Vasoconstrictor sprays containing xylometazoline and similar substances actually alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but they cannot be used for a long time; they are usually recommended to be taken for no more than a week, so they are not suitable as anti-allergic sprays.

Hormone-containing allergy sprays

There is a common prejudice against hormone-containing drugs, and sprays in particular. However, this is one of the most effective drugs against allergic rhinitis to date. Their effect is manifested mainly on the mucous membrane, and in usual doses they have virtually no effect on the body as a whole. Nasal sprays such as:

  • Flixonase;
  • Avamis;
  • Nasonex;
  • Desrinitis.

In the photo: nasal allergy spray medicine.

Spray group Name Manufacturer Release form Price, rub.)
Hormonal sprays Flixonase Glaxo Smith Kline

Pharmaceuticals (India), Glaxo Wellcome (Spain)

Spray 50 mcg/dose 470-473 Adults and children from 4 years old
Avamis Glaxo Operations UK Limited (UK) Spray 27.5 mcg/dose 520-1010 Adults and children from 6 years old
Nasonex Spray 50 mcg/dose 430-950 Adults and children from 2 years old
Tafen nasal LEK d.d. (Slovenia) Spray 50 mcg/dose 330-390 Adults and children over 6 years old
Nasobek Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. (Czech Republic), Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries (Israel) Spray 50 mcg/dose 170-201 Adults and children from 6 years old
Nazarel 50 mcg/dose 330-500 Adults and children over 4 years old
Sinoflurin SAVA Medica Limited (India) 50 mcg/dose 450-500
Momat Reno Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited (India) 51.72 mcg/dose 228-407 Adults and children over 2 years old
Momezal Allergo POLPHARMA PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS, S.A. (Poland) 50/mcg dose 210-255 Adults and children over 2 years old

They help control both permanent and seasonal rhinitis of allergic origin. In addition, hormone sprays are effective if there is allergic conjunctivitis or vasomotor rhinitis. They are used in severe or moderate cases, for a long time or only during the flowering of plants that are sources of allergenic pollen (then treatment begins 2 weeks before the expected unfavorable season).

Most a common complication hormonal sprays cause nosebleeds, very rarely – perforation (formation of a hole) in the nasal septum. To avoid this, it is recommended to direct the spray stream towards the wing of the nose, that is, outwards, and not inwards (towards the nasal septum). Candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat also sometimes develops.

Hormonal sprays for allergies

  • Flycosonase (contains fluticasone). A drug that has been used for many years and has proven itself. The main disadvantage is the price.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, for the prevention and treatment of allergic rhinitis, the recommended dose is 2 injections into each nasal passage 1 time per day, better in the morning(total dose 200 mcg/day). Once symptom control is achieved, the dose can be reduced to 1 spray in each nostril once a day.

There are more cheap analogue- I'm ready.

  • Avamys (contains fluticasone furoate). The manufacturer considers it a new generation allergy spray due to the unusual injection device and modified formula active substance, the effect should come faster and stronger.

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, it is necessary to adhere to a regular regimen of use. The onset of action can be observed within 8 hours after the first administration. It may take several days to achieve maximum effect.

Adults and adolescents (12 years of age and older): The recommended initial dose is 2 sprays (27.5 mcg of fluticasone furoate in 1 spray) into each nostril 1 time per day (110 mcg/day). Once adequate symptom control is achieved, reducing the dose to 1 spray in each nostril once daily (55 mcg/day) may be effective for maintenance treatment.

  • Nasonex (contains mometasone). High quality spray. Considered the safest for children. There are also analogues: momat rhino, desrinitis, nosephrine ( Russian analogue). You must understand that all safety studies were conducted on the original drug.

Before using Nasonex ® nasal spray for the first time, it is necessary to “calibrate” it by pressing the dispensing device 6-7 times. After “calibration”, a stereotypical feed is established medicinal substance, in which each press of the button releases approximately 100 mg of a suspension of mometasone furoate containing mometasone furoate monohydrate in an amount equivalent to 50 μg of chemically pure mometasone furoate. If the allergy nasal spray has not been used for 14 days or longer, recalibration is necessary before using it again. Before each use, shake the spray bottle vigorously.

Adults (incl. old age) and adolescents from 12 years of age, usually recommended preventive and therapeutic dose The drug is 2 inhalations (50 mcg each) into each nostril, once (total daily dose 200 mcg). After achieving what you want therapeutic effect for maintenance therapy, it is advisable to reduce the dose to 1 inhalation in each nostril once a day (total daily dose 100 mcg).

  • Tafen nasal (contains budesonide). Budesonide is a fairly weak hormone, but one of the safest and most studied. Therefore, the spray is more suitable for long-term use. Adults and children over 6 years of age: Initially, 2 doses of 50 mcg of budesonide in each nasal passage 2 times a day. The usual maintenance dose is 1 dose in each nasal passage 2 times a day or 2 doses in each nasal passage 1 time per day, in the morning. The maintenance dose should be the lowest effective dose, eliminating the symptoms of rhinitis.
  • Nasobek (contains beclomethasone). Inexpensive anti-allergy spray. Before using Nasobek, the nasal passages must be free. Adults and children over 6 years of age: 1 dose (50 mcg) in each nasal passage 2–4 times a day (200–400 mcg). The dose is then reduced depending on the patient's response. The maximum daily dose is 400 mcg.

Antihistamine allergy sprays (H1 blockers)

Weaker than hormonal, especially with concomitant eye symptoms. And in general, weaker than hormonal ones. They have a significant advantage over antihistamine tablets - they act on the mucous membrane, and not on the entire body (although modern antihistamine tablets well tolerated). The advantage over hormonal sprays is that they act relatively quickly, the effect begins within a few minutes. Also often used in combination therapy, along with hormonal allergy sprays.

The main side effects are local irritation of the mucous membrane, burning of the mucous membrane.

  • Tizin Alergy (contains levocabastine). A fast-acting allergy spray, the effect occurs within a few minutes after use. The manufacturer claims that it also affects eye symptoms– itching in the eyes, redness of the eyes, lacrimation. Relatively inexpensive. Not to be confused with just Tizin .

Administer intranasally to adults and children over 6 years of age, 2 doses (100 mcg) in each nasal passage 2 times a day. Use of the drug should be continued until symptoms resolve. With more severe symptoms the drug can be used 3-4 times a day. Before first use, remove the protective cap and press the spray nozzle several times until a cloud of “fog” appears. The bottle is ready for further use. Inhale the drug through the nose.

  • Allergodil (contains azelastine). It appeared quite a long time ago, but did not gain popularity either among patients or specialists. Quite expensive. Many patients complain of an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth after use.

For allergic rhinitis and rhinoconjunctivitis adults and children 6 years and older administer 1 dose (140 mcg/0.14 ml) into each nasal passage 2 times a day in the morning and evening. If necessary - 2 doses (280
mcg/0.28 ml) in each nasal passage 2 times a day in the morning and evening. Allergodil ® is used until symptoms stop and is suitable for long-term use, but not more than 6 months of continuous treatment.

Allergy sprays with cromoglycate (cromoglicic acid)

Cromoglycates stabilize mast cell membranes. It would take quite a long time to explain this phrase, so let’s dwell on the properties of these sprays. These drugs appeared a long time ago and are gradually losing their position. However, they have an excellent safety profile. The action is quite weak, the effect does not occur immediately, but they have a cumulative effect. I require multiple doses - 3-4 doses per day. In general, good for mild forms. Relatively inexpensive, even taking into account large quantity“zilch” a day.

  • Cromohexal.For adults and children over 5 years of age, it is recommended to administer 1 dose (one pump) (2.8 mg of cromoglycic acid) into each nasal passage 4 times a day (total - 11.2 mg of cromoglycic acid). If necessary, you can use 1 dose up to a maximum of 6 times (maximum 16.8 mg) per day in each nasal passage.

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the frequency of use of the drug can be reduced and Cromohexal can be used only when in contact with allergens (house dust, fungal spores, pollen). The course of treatment is 4 weeks. Cancellation should be made gradually over 1 week.

Before using the drug for the first time, remove the protective cap and press the sprayer 3-4 times to achieve uniform dosing of the drug. Before using the drug, you should clean the nasal passages, carefully insert the spray nozzle into the nasal passage and, while inhaling through the nose, press the spray nozzle all the way. After using the drug, the spray nozzle should be wiped with a dry, clean cloth and closed with a protective cap.

  • Cromoghlin. Spray - adults and children over 6 years old - 1 dose (2.8 mg) in each nasal passage 4-6 times a day.

Allergy barrier sprays

Are not included in any official recommendations, being, in fact, aids, limited use. They are safe due to the fact that they contain practically no active medicinal components. Usually contain vegetable oils as additional components.

Nasal sprays local action, the contents of which settle on the walls of the nasal cavity in gel-like form and thereby protect it from the action various types allergens.

The cost is comparable to medications, but they are used only as a supplement to them.

  • Nazaval. The active component of the drug is micronized cellulose. Also contains natural peppermint extract.

In adults and children (under adult supervision): 1 spray into each nostril every 6–8 hours. As a rule, the recommended dosage is sufficient to prevent symptoms of rhinitis. It is recommended to repeat injections of the preparations after each blowing of the nose to resume the formation of a protective film.

  • Nazaval plus. Same as Nazaval, only with wild garlic extract.
  • Prevalin. Mixture vegetable oils and glycerin. Softens the mucous membrane and creates a barrier to contact with the allergen. It can also be used without special restrictions.

1-2 injections into each nasal passage, 2-3 times a day (one dose provides protection for 4-6 hours). Children 6-12 years old should use Prevalnn Kids and only under adult supervision. Before each use, you must clean your nose.

Combination allergy sprays

The main use is the initial stage of treatment, when symptoms are most severe, in order to subsequently switch to a spray with one component. They usually contain two components: a hormone and an antihistamine.

  • Momat rhino advance. Not to be confused with Momat Reno . Contains hormone and antihistamine. As the manufacturer suggests, it is used on initial stage treatment, and then, after two weeks, switch to Momat Rino, i.e. for a purely hormonal nasal spray for allergies. The scheme itself is good, but it hits the pocket pretty hard. Inhalation of the suspension contained in the bottle is carried out using a special dispensing nozzle on the bottle.

1 dose of spray (azelastine hydrochloride - 140 mcg / mometasone furoate - 50 mcg) in each nostril 2 times a day in the morning and evening. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks.

  • Vibrocil. Contains antihistamine and vasoconstrictor components, which greatly limits its use, since, as we wrote above, vasoconstrictors cannot be used for a long time. Can be recommended as " ambulance“, for example, if you come to visit, and there is a cat... Or in the initial period of flowering, when the symptoms are most pronounced.

Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1-2 sprays into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. When using the spray, the sprayer should be held vertically, with the tip facing up. Keeping your head straight, insert the tip into the nasal passage, squeeze the sprayer once with a short sharp movement, and remove the tip from the nose and unclench it. During spraying, it is recommended to inhale slightly through the nose.

Spray group Name Manufacturer Release form Price, rub.) Indications for use by age
Combined Momat Rhino Advance Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (India) Spray 140 + 50 mcg/dose 500-620 For adults
Vibrocil Novartis (Switzerland) Spray 10 ml 280-300 Adults and children from 6 years old
Polydexa SOPHARTEX (France) Spray 15 ml 250-610 Adults and children over 15 years old
Rinofluimucil Zambon S.P.A. (Italy) Spray 0.1 g+0.5 g/dose 200-300 Adults and children from 6 years old
Sanorin-Analergin IVAX-CR (Czech Republic) Spray 2.5 mg + 50 mg/dose 250-270 Adults and children over 16 IVAX-CR (Czech Republic)

Nasal saline sprays for nasal rinsing

Can also be used as additional remedy for allergic rhinitis, used to wash the mucous membrane and reduce swelling, contain various saline solutions, incl. solutions sea ​​salt. May contain various additives, Aloe vera, panthenol. These sprays are especially actively used in children. It is useful to rinse your nose after extensive contact with an allergen, for example, after walking with hay fever (pollen allergy) or being in a dusty room. Recommended to use isotonic solutions, since they are the most gentle on the mucous membrane. Hypertensive It is better to use solutions only as prescribed by a doctor

  • Aqua Maris

Aqua Maris baby, a product for washing and irrigating the nasal cavity for children;

Aqua Maris is a normal product for washing and irrigating the nasal cavity for adults.

Intranasally. IN medicinal purposes wash each nasal passage 4–6 times a day, daily. For the purpose of prevention - 2–4 times a day; for hygienic purposes - 1–2 times a day (more often if necessary). The duration of use of the product is not limited.

  • Aqualor. Aqualor baby.Means for irrigation and rinsing of the nasal cavity for children and adults

Aerosol. In a pressurized metal container with an anatomical nose piece and a plastic cap, 125 ml. A four-layer bag with contents is placed inside the cylinder, equipped with a special one-way valve, which maintains the sterility of the contents throughout the entire period of use by preventing reverse flow of the contents and preventing ambient air from entering the bag. 1 cylinder in a cardboard box.

Aqualor ® soft mini Means for irrigation and rinsing of the nasal cavity for children and adults

Aerosol. In a pressurized metal bottle with an anatomical nose piece and a plastic cap, 50 ml. A four-layer bag with contents is placed inside the cylinder, equipped with a special one-way valve, which maintains the sterility of the contents throughout the entire period of use by preventing reverse flow of the contents and preventing ambient air from entering the bag. 1 cylinder in a cardboard box.

Aqualor ® soft Means for irrigation and rinsing of the nasal cavity for children and adults

Aerosol. In a pressurized metal container with an anatomical nose piece and a plastic cap, 125 ml. A four-layer bag with contents is placed inside the cylinder, equipped with a special one-way valve, which maintains the sterility of the contents throughout the entire period of use by preventing reverse flow of the contents and preventing ambient air from entering the bag.

  • Quix Aloe. Instructions for use of the nasal spray include single or multiple injections into the nasal cavity. To do this, you need to remove the cap from the bottle and press the cuff, achieving the first spray. Before use, it is advisable to blow your nose, removing excess mucus from the nose if possible. The tip of the bottle must be carefully placed into the nostril and sprayed. Then the tip must be washed with water, wiped dry and closed with a cap.

Kwix is ​​approved for use by adults and children starting from 6 months of age: children under 6 years of age can rinse their nose with the drug using a single injection 1-2 times a day; older children and adults are allowed to make 2-4 injections at once, using the drug 3-4 times a day.

Other Quix variants contain hypertensive solution.

  • Otrivin Sea spray. See Aqualor software
  • Dolphin. The drug Dolphin is intended for rinsing the nose; it consists of a mixture, when dissolved, a solution is formed, similar in composition to physiological fluids. Therapeutic effect due to the complex mineral salts and components plant origin. Sodium chloride and iodine have antiseptic effect. Iodine and other trace elements stimulate the secretion of protective mucus. Magnesium ions have a regenerating effect.
    Selenium and zinc ions contribute to the development of local immunity of the nasal mucosa. Rose hip extract contains vitamin complex, has an antiseptic effect. Licorice extract contains compounds that have a protective, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Elfasept Sea. Thoroughly rinses all parts of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Actively cleanses them of bacteria, viruses, allergens, crusts, mucus, and dust particles. Helps reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and restore nasal breathing. Moisturizes and relieves irritation. Stimulates protective function ciliated epithelium. Helps maintain normal physiological state mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx. The use of Elfasept ® SEA series spray is natural way cleansing and moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Spray Elfasept ® SEA cleanses the nasal mucosa and provides hydration for irritation and dryness associated with a runny nose and allergy symptoms.

Allergy nasal sprays for children

Of the hormonal allergy sprays, the safest are considered to be:

Nasonex (allowed from 2 years);

Momat Rino, Desrinit - sprays containing the same active ingredient are also allowed from two years of age;

Tafen Nazal (allowed from 6 years of age) - also considered quite safe;

Tizin Allergy is allowed from 6 years of age, from antihistamines;

Cromohexal spray is approved from 5 years of age, although it is the safest spray for allergies. Of course, for the right choice it is better to consult a doctor.

The pediatric dose is usually half the adult dose; children over 12 years of age are usually recommended adult dose. Use must be under adult supervision.

Nasal spray for allergies during pregnancy

One way or another, all allergy medications during pregnancy have their limitations. Therefore, if an allergy appears during pregnancy, it is better to consult a specialist so that he can prescribe medications taking into account the risks for the pregnant woman and the fetus. If you have hay fever (an allergy to pollen) and you are planning a pregnancy, it is better to see your doctor in advance so that he can give you recommendations for the flowering period.

Saline sprays for allergies in pregnant women are used without restrictions.

Moisturizing nasal spray for allergies

Spray group Name Manufacturer Release form Price, rub.) Indications for use by age
Moisturizing sprays Humer AURENA Laboratories AB (Sweden) Spray 150 ml 380-495 From infancy
Salin SAGMEL Inc. (USA) Spray 30 or 44 ml 100-123 From infancy
Aquamaster Evalar (Russia) Spray 30 or 50 ml 201-220 From infancy
Quickx Aloe Berlin-Chemie (Germany) Spray 30 ml 300-330 Adults and children from 3 months

Antibacterial sprays for allergies


Nasal spray for allergies with sea water

Spray group Name Manufacturer Release form Price, rub.) Indications for use by age
Sea water sprays Aquamaris Jadran Galenski Laboratorij (Croatia) Spray 30 ml 100-250
Aqualor is normal Aqualor LLC (Russia) Spray 100 ml 350-375 Adults and children from the first months of life
Morenasal Synthesis (Russia) Spray 20 or 50 ml 180-220 Adults and children from the first day of life
Otrivin Sea spray Novartis Consumer Health Spray 10 ml 158-470 Adults and children over 12 years old
Elphasept Sea ESSENSA (Serbia) Spray 50 ml 120-132 Adults and children from 6 years old

Antibiotic nasal spray

Vasoconstrictor sprays for allergies

Spray group Name Manufacturer Release form Price, rub.) Indications for use by age
Vasoconstrictor sprays Otrivin Novartis Consumer Health (Switzerland) Spray 150-470 Adults and children over 12 years old
Sanorin Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. (Czech Republic) Spray 165-320 Adults and children from 3 years old
Nazivin Merck Selbctmedikation (Germany) Spray 11.25 mcg/dose 150-190 Adults and children from 6 years old
Snoop Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH (Germany) Spray 0.5 mg/1 mg 83-160 Adults and children over 6 years old
Aquazolin Aqua Farmak (Ukraine) Spray 1 mg 100-120 Adults and children over 12 years old
Sanorin Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. (Czech Republic) Spray 1 mg 140-160 Adults and children over 2 years old
Naphthyzin Slavic Pharmacy (Russia) Spray 1 mg 3-190 For adults
Lazolvan Rino Spray 82 mcg 282-320 Adults and children over 6 years old
Knoxprey Sperko Ukraine (Ukraine) Spray 0.5 mg 100-150 Adults and children over 12 years old
Nazol Istituto De Angeli Srl (Italy) Spray 0.025 mg 150-180 Adults and children over 6 years old

Allergy prevention sprays

Spray group Name Manufacturer Release form Price, rub.) Indications for use by age
Preventive Physiometer Laboratoires Goemar (France) Spray 115, 135, 210 ml 350-370 From 2 weeks
Derinat Spray Federal Law Immunnolex (Russia) Spray 10 ml 350-378 From the first day of life
IRS-19 Pharmstandard (Russia) Spray 10 ml 400-510 From the first day of life
Miramistin INFAMED (Russia) Spray 100, 150, 200, 500 ml 140-800 From the first day of life

List of sprays for nasal allergies

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Name Manufacturer Form Price Indications by age Group
Avamis Glaxo Operations (UK) Spray 27.5 µg/dose 30 doses, 120 doses From 532 to 1005 rub. Adults and children from 6 years old Glucocorticosteroids
Allergodil Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (USA) Spray 137mcg/dose 30ml (200 doses) From 405 to 692 rub. Adults and children over 6 Antihistamines (non-hormonal)
Vibrocil Novartis (Switzerland) spray, 10 ml From 282 to 294 rub. Adults and children from 6 years old Combined
Cromohexal Salutas Pharma (Germany) Spray 2.8 mg/dose 15 ml (85 doses) From 103 to 152 rub. Adults and children over 1 year old Cromoglycates
Xymelin Nycomed (Switzerland) Spray 140 mcg/dose 10 ml From 154 to 180 rub. Adults and children over 6 Anticholinergic
Nazaval Nasaleze Limited, (UK) Spray 500 mg (200 doses) From 370 to 373 rub. Adults and children of any age Barrier (non-hormonal)
Nazivin Merck Selbstmedikation GmbH (Germany) Spray 11.25 mcg/dose 10 ml From 140 to 186 rub. Adults and children from 6 years old Vasoconstrictors
Nasonex Schering-Plough Labo (Belgium) Spray 50 mcg/dose 60 doses, 120 doses From 450 to 935 rub. Adults and children from 2 years old Corticosteroids
Nasobek Teva Czech Industries (Czech Republic), Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (Israel) Spray 50 mcg/dose, 200 doses From 173 to 197 rub. Adults and children from 6 years old Corticosteroids
Otrivin Novartis Consumer Health (Switzerland) Spray 10 ml From 156 to 468 rub. Adults and children over 12 years old Vasoconstrictors
Polydexa Sofartex (France) Spray 15 ml From 257 to 608 rub. Adults and teenagers from 15 years old Combined
Prevalin Incjufarm Europe Limited (Germany) Spray 20 ml From 264 to 512 rub. Adults and children over 12 years old Barrier
Sanorin Teva Czech Industries (Czech Republic) Spray 10 ml From 160 to 319 rub. Adults and children from 3 years old Vasoconstrictors
Tizin Alerji Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Belgium) Spray 50 mcg/dose 10 ml (100 doses) From 160 to 625 rub. Adults and children from 6 years old Antihistamines

Modern pharmacies offer a variety of treatments, from nasal drops to ointments and sprays. At the same time, doctors often prescribe drugs containing hormones, and these drugs also end up on pharmacy counters.

For polyps

Most often, doctors prescribe Nasonex and Tafen drops to patients for the treatment of nasal polyps.

Nasonex is a glucocorticosteroid local application, which doctors prescribe for the treatment of nasal polyps in children and adults. It is recommended to use it for children when they reach the age of two years. If a polyp appears in the nose of a child over 12 years old, it is recommended to inject drops into the nose twice during the day. Volume daily dose means for a child should not be more than 200 mcg.

Before you start taking Nasonex, you should consult your doctor.

Tafen has not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-allergic effects. It is produced both in the form of sprays and in the form of powders. Sprays are recommended for the treatment of nasal polyps.

The drug can be used for treatment by both adults and children, starting from the age of 6 years.


The use of hormonal drops for the treatment of adenoids in children should be under strict medical supervision to avoid side effects. The most effective use of Dexamethasone drops.

The basis of the drug is sodium phosphate dexamethasone, the concentration of which is 4 mg per milliliter of solution. The drug is produced in ampoules made of darkened glass, with a volume of 2 milliliters, they are packaged in cardboard boxes. As excipients propyl and methyl derivatives of paraben, sodium salts, and potassium hydroxide are used.

Features of treatment for children

Hormonal nasal drops are widely used to treat allergic rhinitis, as well as other forms of runny nose in children. Parents should understand that such treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician, in order to avoid undesirable consequences in the form of side symptoms.

It is best to use nasal drops at the first symptoms of the disease, this will ensure best effect. They should be given to children only after they reach the age of two years and not earlier. The frequency of use of drops and their dosage is determined directly by the attending physician.

Popular hormonal nasal drops

There are many types of hormonal drops used to treat a runny nose or other diseases in the nose. Among the most popular are these varieties.


Nasonex hormonal nasal drops include the corticosteroid Mometasone, which is combined with other auxiliary components.

The instructions for use of the drug directly indicate its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. These effects are noticeable at any stage of the disease process. These drops are not absorbed into the blood stream; it is impossible to determine it in plasma blood. Its interaction with other components has been little studied.


The hormonal agent in question contains fluticasone furoate as its main element. The minimum dose of use is 28 mcg. The preparation contains dextrose, cellulose, polysorbate and other substances as additional elements. Percentage components are calculated in such a way as to ensure the durability of the product and maximum therapeutic effect.

The product is available in ampoules dark color or orange. Medicinal dose application of the product corresponds to one injection.


As a rule, one use of the product is enough to completely eliminate the symptoms that cause difficulty in nasal breathing. In addition, it is provided for for a long time prevention of relapse of the disease.

The drug is made from the adrenal cortex, its use affects protein and carbohydrate metabolism. The drug is potent and quite complex, which is why there are contraindications for its use:

  • increased sensitivity of the patient's body to individual components of the drug;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • secretion of sputum interspersed with pus;
  • weakening defensive reactions body.

Such drops must be used very carefully when it comes to treating people suffering from diabetes mellitus. If the medicine is given to children, then in case of high sensitivity child's body to the components of the drug, the development of edema and other complications is possible. Due to such factors, the use of the product should only be under the supervision of a physician.

Other well-known hormonal drops for the common cold

Among other well-known hormonal drops for the treatment of a runny nose are the following:

  1. Tizin. Tetrazoline is used as the main active ingredient. This drug is mainly indicated for use in children over two years of age. The period of action of the drug can reach eight hours. Very often, tizin restores breathing in cases where other means cannot help.
  2. Farial. The main active component of the product is Indanazoline. The drug can be produced in the form of a spray. It is not recommended for use by children under seven years of age, as well as persons with closed form glaucoma.

Nasal hormonal medications for children and adults should be taken only on the recommendation of the attending physician and under his supervision. Despite the effectiveness of medications, they have side effects and should not be treated independently with their help.


Nasal drops are considered the most common remedy used to treat rhinitis. Today many pharmaceutical companies engaged in the production of this dosage form. To choose the best option, you should contact a qualified otolaryngologist.

Nasal drops

Today there are quite a few categories of nasal drops. They are used in different situations and differ in the list of indications. Quite often, rhinitis goes away on its own, but sometimes it cannot be avoided without treatment. Such situations include the following:

  • in children and pregnant women;
  • chronic pathologies of the ENT organs and bronchi;
  • sinusitis;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • penchant for chronic course inflammatory pathologies ENT organs;

The choice of a specific drug is carried out depending on the symptoms, characteristics of the course, and the severity of the pathology. Contraindications to the use of such drugs are also important.

Some drugs are prohibited for use in children early age and pregnant women. Also, contraindications often include glaucoma, diabetes, and lactation.


This is the most famous category medicines from a runny nose. Their principle of action is based on the narrowing of the nasal vessels. Due to this, a decrease in swelling is achieved, which leads to easier breathing and a decrease in mucus synthesis.

Such drops improve the patient’s well-being, but do not allow them to cope with viruses and bacteria. To achieve good results, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Adults are prohibited from using vasoconstrictor drugs for more than 1 week. For children, such drugs are prescribed for a maximum of 3-5 days.
  2. The product can be used no more than 4 times a day. Usually 1-2 drops are prescribed. It is best to use the medicine before bed or if there is severe nasal congestion.
  3. Children can use products that are appropriate for their age.

By following these rules, it will be possible to reduce the risk of addiction to such drugs. It is important to consider that they can provoke tachycardia and increased blood pressure. Therefore, patients with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels need to strictly adhere to the dosage. TO adverse reactions include dry nose.

Such funds, depending on active component are divided into several categories:

  1. Preparations containing naphazoline include sanorin,. They eliminate quickly severe swelling, however, they only last 4-7 hours.
  2. Drops containing oxymetazoline - Nazivin - help reduce the symptoms of a runny nose in children. Their effect lasts for 10-12 hours.
  3. Products containing xylometazoline include galazolin. The drug has high efficiency and lasts up to 8 hours. However, addiction develops quite quickly.
  4. Phenylephrine drops include: Such drugs have a gentle effect on the mucous membranes. However, their effect lasts only for a few hours.

Such drugs have a symptomatic effect. Therefore, they must be combined with other substances for.

The photo shows popular vasoconstrictor drops


Such drugs are prescribed for the allergic nature of the disease. This type Rhinitis is characterized by the appearance of nasal congestion, paroxysmal sneezing, a feeling of itching, and the release of a large amount of clear secretion.

By using local use antihistamines it is possible to reduce the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. This helps eliminate swelling, cope with itching and nasal congestion. Some types of allergies require the use of such products for several weeks.

Thanks to timely initiation of use, the need for the use of systemic antibiotics can be avoided. The most known drug From this category is bioparox.

The active substance of the drug is fusafungin. It successfully copes with most bacteria and fungi.

Another popular remedy is isofra. This medicine contains framycetin - this antibiotic belongs to the category of aminoglycosides.

Oil-based drops

Isotonic solutions of sea water

Special solutions containing sea ​​water are highly effective in the treatment of various types of rhinitis. They are used to clear mucus from the nasal passages. Thanks to the use of salt water, it is possible to dry the nasal passages and provide a slight disinfectant effect.

To the most effective means This category includes salin, physiomer, . These drugs can be used to pre-treat the nasal openings before using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Such substances can be used quite often. They have no contraindications. However, it is important to consider that there are dosage forms for children and adults. They differ depending on the salt concentration.

Moisturizing solutions

To cope with a runny nose and avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to choose a drug depending on the nature of the pathology. The correctness of the procedure is also important:

  1. Before using the drops, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages and clear them of mucus.
  2. Use drops at room temperature.
  3. During the administration of the drug, the head should be tilted back.
  4. The medicine must be administered into both nostrils.
  5. It is important to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
  6. Between introduction different means You must maintain an interval of at least half an hour.

If after using nasal drops for 3 days there is no noticeable improvement, you should consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist will select the optimal alternative. Only complex therapy will help achieve good results.

How to avoid dependence on nasal drops: