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Elkar solution for oral administration - official* instructions for use. The drug 'Elkar' - instructions for use, description and reviews

Children are very sensitive to various external factors. Under their influence, the functioning of the immune system may decrease, digestion may be disrupted, or general health. There are medications that can combat such problems - for example, Elkar.

Characteristics of the medicine

Elkar is considered a multifunctional drug with wide area use, produced in drop format.

As active substance acts as a synthetic analogue of L-carnitine. This amino acid is responsible for human metabolism and improves brain activity.

The medicine helps you recover after protracted illness or surgery. It is also prescribed for general loss of strength. The drug makes it easier to endure physical and mental stress.

Thanks to its effects, the digestion process improves. In pharmaceuticals, Elkar is classified as a dietary supplement.

Drops may have different dosage– 100 ml, 50 ml or 25 ml.

The concentration of the active substance also varies. For children, a drug with 20% of the active substance is provided. The bottle is made of tinted glass, equipped with a convenient dropper. In larger packages you can find measuring cups.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition also includes the following components:

  • purified water;
  • lemon acid;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate.


Elkar is used both within complex therapy, and as an independent means. The use of the drug is carried out under the guidance of a pediatrician. For children under three years of age, drops are prescribed for the following reasons:

  • delayed growth of the child's body weight;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • jaundice of newborns;
  • previous birth trauma or early birth;
  • pathologies of motor and psychological functions;
  • disturbances of the sucking reflex.

In later life medicine prescribed during the treatment of any disease or in recovery period. Indications for use:

  • complex treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • carnitine deficiency;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • postoperative period.

The following video describes the mechanism of action of the drug Elkar in neurological diseases:

How to determine carnitine deficiency

With carnitine deficiency, energy metabolism in the depths of cells is disrupted. The metabolic process of lipids and proteins undergoes changes. Fatigue increases, the child loses enthusiasm and interest in outdoor games. Absent-mindedness in behavior appears, the perception of familiar things changes, but aggressiveness and irritability increase.

Carnitine deficiency manifests itself not only in external signs. Internal organ dysfunction also occurs. In the absence of proper treatment, there is a lag in physical and mental development. Pathologies of the liver and heart occur. The development of the muscular system slows down.

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In the instructions for the drug, only individual intolerance to the components of the drug is presented as contraindications. The pediatrician will select a medicine with a similar effect.

This may lead to worsening of symptoms of the disease. The drug should not be used if the child has serious sleep disorders.

How effective is it?

Carnitine does essential functions in organism. With its deficiency, appetite and performance decrease, excessive nervousness appears, and vital functions deteriorate. important organs. Replacement therapy helps get rid of existing problems.

The effectiveness of Elkar in improving the functioning of the intestines and stomach is due to the ability of the components to stimulate metabolism.

Levocarnitine activates immune system child, allowing the body to independently fight the problems that arise.

The period of use of Elkar is 14 days. The effect is cumulative.

But significant improvements in your condition can be noticed after just a week of taking it.


How many drops of Elcar should a child be given? The daily dose of the drug depends on the nature of the disease and the age of the child. For children, a 20% solution is used.

If the child is under three years old, the drug dosage regimen is determined by the doctor individually.

Children aged 3 to 6 years should take no more than 5 drops at a time. A single dose for children aged 6 to 12 years is 11-16 drops.

The maximum number of techniques in each of the listed cases is three.

A child's growth retardation is a reason to increase the age-appropriate dosage. At one time you can take from 26 to 39 drops of the drug.

The number of receptions reaches three times. The full course of treatment is 30 days. It is recommended to coordinate the use of the drug with your pediatrician.

How to use correctly

The drops are taken orally. They dissolve in a small amount of liquid and are taken 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to dilute with juice, compote or sweetened water.

The full course of treatment is two weeks. If necessary, treatment is repeated after a short break. The duration of the break is at least two weeks. It has been proven that the greatest effectiveness of the drug is observed 4-6 hours after the last dose of the drug.

You will find everything about prescribing complex therapy for enuresis in children.

Possibility of combination with other medications

Elkar interacts well with most medical supplies. But there are medications that enhance its effect on the body - these are anabolic steroids.

In combination with glucocorticosteroids, drops lead to a significant increase in the amount of carnitine in tissues.

Taking Elkar and Citral together reduces intracranial pressure. If there is a decrease in appetite, pediatricians prescribe drops along with vitamin D. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system they may additionally prescribe Encephabol or another nootropic drug.

Side effects and overdose

Proper use of the drug minimizes the possibility of side effects and overdose.

It is important to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

The most common side effects:

  • muscle weakness;
  • allergic reaction in the form skin rashes and swelling;
  • painful sensations in upper sections belly;
  • diarrhea and vomiting.

Under three years of age adverse reactions occur more often. This is due to the vulnerable state of the body. In some cases, intolerance to the main components of the drug may occur.

Price within the Russian Federation

How much does Elkar for children cost in drops? IN Russian pharmacies- from 250 to 320 rubles. The price of Elkar drops for children depends on the packaging format and location of the pharmacy. A doctor's prescription is not required for purchase.

The medicine is in a suitable condition for three years from the date of release. The storage location should be chosen out of reach of children. Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

The drug improves metabolism in tissues, which leads to restoration of their structure and improvement of functions. Positively affects the functioning of all organs. Prescribed for children with weakened physical development, injuries, and mental retardation. It has virtually no contraindications and is allowed from a very early age.

Dosage form

The medicine is available in the form of drops for oral administration. The solution is transparent, has no color, has specific smell, packaged in a brown glass bottle with a built-in dropper and measuring boat included.

Pharmacological group

A drug that improves tissue metabolism.


1 ml of drops contains 300 mg of the active ingredient - levocarnitine (carnifit) - an amino acid that is produced by the body of everyone healthy person in a certain quantity. The auxiliary components are citric acid, purified water, and methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug is due to its constituent components. Levocarnitine takes an active part in the following processes:

  • normalizes protein and fat metabolism;
  • takes part in synthesis;
  • participates in the process of food digestion;
  • corrects body weight indicators;
  • inhibits the synthesis of acids that produce acetone;
  • triggers the work of cells that produce gastric juice;
  • promotes the breakdown of fat in muscles;
  • increases endurance and performance.

Levocarnitine is similar in structure and effect to B vitamins. Its main task is to transport fatty acids into cells and energy production. This substance also stimulates the formation in the liver of an amino acid responsible for reducing cholesterol levels in blood vessels.

Indications for use

Elkar drops are prescribed to children from the first days of life; the main indications for therapy with the drug are the following conditions:

  • the birth of a weakened child, with sluggish reflexes, low appetite, lack of a sucking reflex;
  • suffered severe birth injuries, which caused disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • asphyxia during childbirth;
  • long-term oxygen starvation brain tissue;
  • metabolic disorder in a child;
  • prematurity;
  • frequent viral infections, weakened immunity;
  • heavy allergic reactions(for example, weeping eczema, complicated neurodermatitis);
  • decreased concentration and memory impairment in school-age children;
  • preparation for surgical intervention– this is due to the ability of levocarnitine to influence the production of red blood cells and prevent the formation blood clots in the lumen of large vessels.


Before starting therapy, you should carefully read the instructions. The drops have no significant contraindications, the only exception being individual intolerance.

The medicine should be prescribed with caution to children with increased nervous excitability, epilepsy and increased intracranial pressure.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug dosage regimen is individual for each individual patient and is selected by the doctor in accordance with age, diagnosis and characteristics of the body. Drops are taken orally half an hour before meals. It is recommended to dilute the dose with a small amount of water, juice or compote. According to the instructions for children of different ages drops are prescribed in the following doses:

  • from birth to 1 month – 4-10 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • from 1 month to 1 year – 10 drops 3 times a day;
  • from 1 year to 6 years – 12-15 drops 3 times a day.

The solution may contain different amounts of the active substance (200 ml or 300 mg in 1 ml); accordingly, the concentration of the drug will be different. The duration of the course of treatment can be from 3 to 5 days, in some cases the therapy is extended to several months. Typically significant improvements general condition noticeable already in the second week of use.

Side effects

Usually the medicine is well tolerated by patients; in children with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drops, adverse reactions may develop:

  • from the nervous system - increased psycho-emotional excitability, insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity, dizziness;
  • from the outside digestive system– stomach pain, regurgitation, nausea, bloating, stool disorders;
  • from the musculoskeletal system – muscle weakness;
  • allergic reactions - type skin rashes, development of angioedema or anaphylaxis.


With proper dosing of the drug, there is no risk of overdose. If a child accidentally drinks a large number of medicine, you should induce it as soon as possible by pressing on the root of the tongue. After this, it is recommended to administer enterosorbents and provide medical care in a hospital setting.

Drug interactions

Elkar drops can be prescribed simultaneously with enzymes if the patient suffers from irritable bowel syndrome.

The drug is often combined with probiotics or vitamin complexes.

When this drug interacts with glucocorticosteroids, there is an increase in therapeutic effect drug, which may require a reduction in its dose.

special instructions

Drops are prescribed to children under 3 years of age only if there are strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor. In the first days from the start of therapy, a reaction of increased arousal may be observed - infant infancy cries, sleeps poorly, refuses breast milk or mixtures. After a few days, these symptoms disappear on their own.

In some cases, when identifying severe lesions CNS children are prescribed intravenous administration of the drug, using for these purposes an analogue of Elkar drops - Carnitene in the form of a solution for injection use.


Elkar has a number of analogues, which are similar in composition to this drug, these include:

  • Carnitene - available in the form of a solution for oral use;
  • Levocarnil - available in the form of tablets for oral administration;
  • Levocarnil oral solution;
  • Arnebia - available in the form of capsules for oral administration and effervescent tablets for preparation of solution and oral administration.

Conditions of release and storage

Drops are approved for over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years from the date of manufacture. After opening the bottle, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 months; if the solution has not been used during this period, it should be disposed of and a new bottle should be opened if necessary.

Drug price

The cost of Elkar is on average 432 rubles (from 263 to 681 rubles).

In modern pediatrics, children are often prescribed the drug Elkar, the scope of which is quite wide. Dr. Komarovsky calls Elkar for children “living drops” that raise vitality the baby and help him recover from illness.

How does Elkar help children, and in what cases is its use appropriate for a child?

Composition of the drug and its effect

The drug Elkar belongs to the group of metabolic and vitamin-like drugs. The main component in its composition is levocarnitine, which is a natural substance similar in properties to B vitamins. Normally, this substance is found in the human body and is involved in the breakdown of fats, proteins and proteins that come with food. As a result of fission, a large amount of energy is released for normal functioning muscles, brain and other organs.

Levocarnitine stimulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism, normalizes metabolism and improves the functioning of digestive enzymes. Thanks to this substance, body weight is normalized: babies with more weight quickly lose overweight, and thin people gain the necessary kilograms. Children having normal weight, adapt better and faster to mental and physical activity, tolerate stress more calmly.

With the help of the active substance, the saturation of brain tissue with oxygen increases, as a result of which concentration and memory ability improve. The energy generated helps children quickly cope with serious illnesses and recover from them.

The production of its own levocarnitine may be disrupted due to a lack of enzymes, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C. Because of this, the child begins to lack energy and has to borrow it from the outside, i.e. resort to the help of the drug Elkar.

Indications for use

Instructions for use indicate the following readings what Elkar helps with:

  • Having a low birth weight baby;
  • Weak sucking reflex in newborns;
  • Receipt of birth injuries by a child at birth;
  • Hypotrophy, muscle weakness, sluggishness of movements;
  • Presence of asphyxia in the newborn;
  • Weak, frequent colds;
  • Weight loss, weak appetite;
  • Anorexia syndrome;
  • Recovery period after serious illness;
  • Hypoxia and brain injuries;
  • The preparatory period before surgery and the period after surgery;
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines, in which food absorption is reduced;
  • Poor concentration, decreased memory and ability to memorize, mental and mental retardation physical development;
  • Dermatological pathologies (as part of complex therapy).

If a child has a decrease in appetite, is underweight, lethargic, has begun to lag behind in physical or mental development, has undergone or is preparing for surgery, has had serious illness– his attending physician may well prescribe Elkar

The attending physician may prescribe Elkar if the child is underweight, has a decrease in appetite, the baby has begun to lag behind his peers in mental or physical development, and is preparing to undergo surgery, suffered a serious illness.

Note! If the doctor prescribed the medicine only for the reason that the child is not gaining weight, but the baby is quite cheerful and cheerful, you should consult with another doctor about the advisability of using the drug.

For newborns

In newborns, Elkar is used only under the strict supervision of a doctor. The effectiveness of the drug was noticed when it was prescribed to premature or weakened newborns with asphyxia, birth injuries, perinatal lesion CNS.

The positive effect of Elkar in this case is due to the restorative effect of the active substance of the drug on the tissues of the nervous system and brain - levocarnitine increases tissue supply nutrients and oxygen.

Application for infants:

  • Stimulates feeding reflexes - the baby actively sucks the breast or bottle with formula;
  • Improves appetite in underweight children - children begin to gain weight faster;
  • Increases muscle tone with adynamia, decreased motor activity, malnutrition, hypotonicity.

All this allows children under one year of age to quickly adapt to new conditions and catch up with their peers in development and growth.

For younger children

The medicine is used in children over 2 years of age to correct developmental disorders, problems with the nervous system and muscle tone.

Preschoolers often do not receive good nutrition due to decreased appetite. This problem is solved by Elkar, which not only increases appetite, but also stimulates digestion processes, normalizes weight and promotes general strengthening immunity.

Important! When prescribing the drug, the state of the child’s nervous system should be taken into account, because Elkar stimulates her activity. Mobile and hypersensitive children should be prescribed the medicine with caution.

The properties of levocarnitine make it possible to use Elkar in surgical practice during the period before and after surgery. The drug helps replenish blood loss and helps reduce blood viscosity, preventing the formation of blood clots.

Elkar is prescribed to children as part of complex therapy when problems are detected in the child in the process of absorption into the intestines, with dermatological problems, with pathologies of the pancreas and liver.

A pediatrician can prescribe medication after a child has suffered a serious illness - Elkar in this case stimulates the process of rehabilitation after illness, promotes healing and overall strengthening of the body.

Directions for use and dosage

Elkar is available in the form of drops (for oral administration) and injection solution (for injections). Some mothers are looking for Elkar syrup for their babies, but in such dosage form the drug is not available.

Drops have a dosage of 20% (200 mg/ml) and 30% (300 mg/ml), and injections - 100 mg/ml. Giving the child the drug in the form of drops is more convenient, so they are most often prescribed by a doctor. Injections are used when the baby is in a difficult situation and it is necessary fast recovery energy.

Important! Children under three years of age are prescribed 20% drops, and older children are prescribed Elkar 30 percent.

Since the list of indications for the use of the drug is very extensive, the dosage regimen and dosage of Elkar in different cases may vary. Therefore, only a doctor should decide how to take Elkar after establishing a diagnosis and determining the course of therapy.

Children are prescribed as an additive to sweet dishes (jelly, compote, juices). For children under 3 years of age, the dose is determined by the attending physician. From 3 to 6 years – in a single dose of 0.1 g (5 drops) 2-3 times a day

Standard dosage:

  • Infants and newborns - 4-10 drops (the pediatrician decides how many drops to take in each specific case). First, 1 ml of solution is diluted in 40 ml of five percent glucose.
  • Children 3-6 years old – 5 drops twice or thrice a day.
  • Children 6-12 years old – 11-16 drops twice or thrice a day.

Typically, the course of taking the drug is about a month, but the doctor may reconsider the duration and amount of dosage.

It is recommended for children to take Elkar in the first half of the day, because Elkar stimulates nervous excitability and if you give it before bedtime, the baby will be overexcited and will not be able to fall asleep. The drug is given before meals (about half an hour), because When eating, the absorption of the active substance slows down significantly.

Elkar has a specific taste, so to make children more willing to take it, you can mix the drops with yogurt, compote, or juice. For infants, drops can be added to expressed milk or formula.

additional information

The average price for the drug varies from 390 rubles. (20% solution) up to 450 rub. (30% solution).

Analogs of the amino acid levocarnitine are the drug Carnitene and Levocarnitine. Carnitene is available in the form of chewable tablets; the action of the tablets is similar to Elkar, but the range of applications is much narrower. Levocarnitine is absolutely similar to Elkar, it has a different name because it is produced by a different manufacturer.

Other analogues of Elkar:

  • Adenocor;
  • Dibikor;
  • Gepadif;
  • Metamax;
  • Vazonat;
  • Idrinol.

Since the active substance Elkar levocarnitine is normally present in the human body, there are practically no side effects from taking the drug.

Rarely found negative reviews parents that the drug causes abdominal pain, nausea, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Sometimes there are such unwanted effects from taking the drug, as the appearance unpleasant odor from the child’s mouth, as well as from urine, skin, and hair.

Before prescribing Elkar, the pediatrician must collect an anamnesis of the child’s development, take into account his condition, the excitability of the nervous system, general development and determine how much additional carnitine is really needed for his body

The presence of such phenomena usually indicates an overdose of the drug: it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug, and, if necessary, take adsorbent agents (for example, Polysorb).

In children prone to allergies, it is possible allergic manifestations in the form of a rash. This indicates the child’s individual intolerance to the components of the drug, i.e. his appointment should be cancelled.

Parents also note in some cases that their children have difficulty falling asleep, increased nervous excitement. This suggests that the drug is contraindicated in children with excessively increased psycho-emotional excitability.

Elkar is a drug that improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues, intended to correct metabolic processes.

The main effect is metabolic, anabolic, antihypoxic and antithyroid, as well as activation fat metabolism, stimulation of regeneration, increased appetite.

L-carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins. Participates in metabolic processes as a carrier of long-chain fatty acids (including palmitic acid) through cell membranes from the cytoplasm into mitochondria, where these acids undergo the process of β-oxidation with the formation of ATP and acetyl-CoA.

Causes slight depression of the central nervous system, increases the secretion and enzymatic activity of digestive juices (gastric and intestinal), improves food absorption.

Reduces overweight body and reduces fat content in skeletal muscles. Increases resistance to physical exercise, inhibits the formation of ketoacids and anaerobic glycolysis, reduces the degree of lactic acidosis, promotes economical consumption of glycogen and increases its reserves in the liver and muscles.

Elkar has anabolic and lipolytic effects. Normalizes increased basal metabolism in hyperthyroidism, being a peripheral (indirect) antagonist of the action of thyroid hormones, and not a direct inhibitor of thyroid function.

Has a neurotrophic effect, inhibits apoptosis, limits the affected area and restores structure nerve tissue. Improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues.

Indications for use

What does Elkar help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy:

  • violations of secretory function, pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • anorexia;
  • psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, scleroderma, alopecia, lupus erythematosus;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • neurological disorders due to vascular, toxic, traumatic and other brain lesions;
  • myopathy, mitochondria and other diseases associated with carnitine deficiency.

The drug is recommended for use by people during the recovery period after heavy exercise or sports injuries, during post-operative rehabilitation, for the prevention of post-training syndrome, in order to improve physical performance.

For children, Elkar is used in following cases(children under 3 years of age under medical supervision):

  • nursing premature babies and newborns who have had birth trauma or asphyxia;
  • children with a sluggish sucking reflex and low body weight gain, decreased muscle tone, and insufficient
  • development of motor and mental functions, as well as for the purpose of preventing these disorders in children at risk;
  • for stunted growth and underweight in children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

Instructions for use of Elkar, dosage

The solution is taken orally, 30 minutes before meals, further diluted with liquid.

Standard dosages, according to the instructions for use of Elkar, depending on the diagnosis:

  • For prolonged physical and psycho-emotional stress: from 0.75 g (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml) 3 times a day to 2.25 g (1.5 measuring spoon or 7.5 ml) 2-3 times a day day.
  • At anorexia nervosa, as well as during the rehabilitation period after past diseases And surgical interventions and injuries: 1.5 g (1 scoop or 5 ml) 2 times a day. The course is from 1 to 2 months.
  • In complex therapy chronic gastritis And chronic pancreatitis with reduced secretory function: 0.375 g (1/4 measuring spoon or 1.25 ml) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is for 1–1.5 months.
  • For treatment skin diseases: 0.75 g each (1/2 scoop or 2.5 ml). The course of treatment is for 2–4 weeks.
  • For hyperthyroidism mild degree: 0.25 g (13 drops) 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after a 1-2 month break or prescribed for 3 months without a break.
  • For vascular, toxic and traumatic lesions brain: 0.75 g (1/2 scoop or 2.5 ml) per day. The course of treatment is for 3–5 days. If necessary, a repeat course is prescribed after 12–14 days.
  • For diseases accompanied by a lack of carnitine (primary and secondary carnitine deficiency): up to 50–100 mg/kg (2–5 drops/kg) with a dosage frequency of 2–3 times a day. The course of treatment is for 3–4 months.

Adults in sports medicine and during intense training are prescribed 2.5 g 1-3 times a day ( daily dose 2.5-7.5 g). In case of use with therapeutic purpose- 70-100 mg/kg per day (5-7.5 g/day). Reception courses: 3-4 weeks in the pre-competition period, during the training process - up to 6-8 weeks.

Elkar for children, instructions

For children, Elkar solution can be added to food. Dosage depends on age:

  • For children under 3 years of age, the dose is determined only by a pediatrician and depends on the indications, nature and severity of the pathological process.
  • Ages from 3 to 6 years – 5 drops (100 mg) \ 2-3 times a day.
  • Age 6-12 years – 11-16 drops (200-300 mg) \ 2-3 times a day, course of treatment for at least 1 month.

In most cases, the dosage and regimen are determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Additional Information

If pain in the epigastric region occurs during treatment with the drug, the dosage should be reduced.

With the simultaneous use of Elkar and analogues with glucocorticosteroids, the latter promote the accumulation of carnitine in all tissues, with the exception of the liver. Anabolic agents enhance the effect of the drug.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Elkar:

  • From the digestive system: gastralgia, dyspepsia.
  • Other: allergic reactions, myasthenia gravis (in patients with uremia) are possible.

With a long course of treatment, allergic reactions may occur - urticaria, skin rash, angioedema, dermatitis.


Elkar is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


An overdose is accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms: pain, a feeling of early satiety, heaviness or fullness of the stomach, localized in the epigastric region, bloating, nausea.

People with uremia may have symptoms of myasthenic disorders.

Treatment involves gastric lavage and taking adsorbents (activated carbon).

Elkar analogues, price in pharmacies

If necessary, Elkar can be replaced with an analogue according to active substance- these are drugs:

  1. Levocarnitine,
  2. Nephrocarnit,
  3. Carnitene.

Similar drugs:

  • ATF-Long,
  • Dibikor,
  • Inotin,
  • Metamax,
  • Neurolipon.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Elkar, the price and reviews do not apply to drugs with similar effects. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Elcar solution 300 mg/ml 25 ml – from 312 to 371 rubles, cost of solution 300 mg/ml 50 ml – from 362 to 400 rubles, IV and IM solution 100 mg/ml 5 ml 10 PC. – from 370 rubles, according to 592 pharmacies.

Store in a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 3 years. After opening the bottle, the drug should be stored in the refrigerator for 2 months.

19 reviews


by date

How do you evaluate the effectiveness of Elkar?

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    tomarik I take a course of one month and again feel invigorated.

    I have already adopted Elkar as a drug that perfectly helps to overcome chronic fatigue. There are very difficult periods in life when, well, there is simply no strength left for anything. For such cases, I already know that Elkar will help.

    Inga Elkar helped us.

    Gorkina Mila Great helper when losing weight.

    I bought Elkar to improve my weight loss results. With his help, it was possible not only to lose extra pounds, but also to model the figure that I dreamed of. When I started taking it, I had the strength to exercise, my muscles stopped hurting after workouts, and I began to lose weight easier.

    It really helps.

    When the child entered first grade, I grabbed my head. Literally after the first quarter, I did not recognize my child. He was in a lethargic state, he didn’t want to do anything, he couldn’t force him to do his homework. He came and fell. It seemed to me that he had no strength. I turned to a neurologist for advice. The doctor said... When the child entered first grade, I grabbed my head. Literally after the first quarter, I did not recognize my child. He was in a lethargic state, he didn’t want to do anything, he couldn’t force him to do his homework. He came and fell. It seemed to me that he had no strength. I turned to a neurologist for advice. The doctor said that Elkar can be given to the child for a month. After the course of treatment, the child’s behavior changed. Even the teacher at school began to praise me for my performance. Elkar helped us a lot.

    Igorevna My son was born very small with a poor appetite.

    What I haven’t tried: pumping, and silicone pads on the chest, and the mixture was added out of desperation. Nothing helped. He cried, but refused to eat. After weighing at 1 month, the pediatrician prescribed Elkar. By two months he had gained 1300 grams. This was our victory. The drug helped a lot.

    danileva Elkar is a great help.

    I started taking Elkar for the first time this year due to seasonal difficulties at work - that’s what our manager calls the pre-holiday inspection period. When all the bumps fall on you like from a cornucopia, you’re ready for anything. I just finished the course and I can say that I am calm as a boa constrictor. Moreover, full of strength... I started taking Elkar for the first time this year due to seasonal difficulties at work - that’s what our manager calls the pre-holiday inspection period. When all the bumps fall on you like from a cornucopia, you’re ready for anything. I just finished the course and I can say that I am calm as a boa constrictor. Moreover, I am full of strength to finish all the work before New Year’s Eve. We even have time to properly prepare the house for the holiday. So I conclude that Elkar is a great help.

    litsa Class!

    When the pediatrician prescribed Elkar to boost immunity, at first I didn’t really believe that it could help. Then I read the reviews, it turns out that it actually has a positive effect on children's health. The child took two courses of it; if the first two quarters of school he practically didn’t take sick leave, then in the second half of the year he didn’t miss it... When the pediatrician prescribed Elkar to boost immunity, at first I didn’t really believe that it could help. Then I read the reviews, it turns out that it actually has a positive effect on children’s health. The child took two courses of it; if the first two quarters of school he practically did not take sick leave, then in the second half of the year he did not miss a single lesson.

    Anonymous user

    The user left his review anonymously


    Last year it was prescribed for a child immediately after birth because he was born premature. I read different reviews, but personally our experience of taking this drug is purely positive. It was clear from my son’s behavior that his condition was changing. I began to eat with gusto, tried to spin, and began to gain weight. I gave it strictly as prescribed by the doctor, there were no problems.

    Eve I gave it to my daughter.

    I was born weighing 2800 grams; in the first month I gained quite a bit of weight; my pediatrician referred me to a neurologist. She prescribed Elkar. I gave it for two months, during which time my daughter gained well and did sudden jump in development. I am very grateful to our neurologist for the competently prescribed therapy.


    I like sports. True, power loads often take a toll on the body. Therefore, I take Elkar for training, I don’t take any other drugs on principle, I think I need to train on my own. But I think Elkar is possible, from time to time it helps me cope with increased loads, both at work and when training in the gym.

    Kate Helped my child adapt well to school.

    The doctor recommended taking Elkar to the child when he started first grade. Great mental stress and change of environment had a bad effect on the child. He became lethargic, our studies were not going well. I had to seek help from a doctor. He advised Elkar. Took it for a month. At first I was worried that it would take a very long time, and that it wouldn’t happen... The doctor recommended taking Elkar to the child when he started first grade. Great mental stress and change of environment had a bad effect on the child. He became lethargic, our studies were not going well. I had to seek help from a doctor. He advised Elkar. Took it for a month. At first I was worried that it would take a long time and that I wouldn’t get used to the drug, but the treatment went well. The child came to life straight away, became mobile again, appeared a good appetite, school performance has improved. I was pleasantly pleased with the result. The main thing is that we have no side effects after treatment.

    Zhanna Good remedy to return vigor.

    Twice a year I take Elkar reception courses. Everyone thinks that office work is easy, just sit and do nothing. In fact, sitting at a computer for twelve hours is also not an easy job. The body loses strength very quickly. It is in such cases that I start taking Elkar. Fast... Twice a year I take Elkar reception courses. Everyone thinks that office work is easy, just sit and do nothing. In fact, sitting at a computer for twelve hours is also not an easy job. The body loses strength very quickly. It is in such cases that I start taking Elkar. Quickly helps you get back into shape and restore strength.