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The cat coughs, stretching its neck and sticking out its tongue. The cat coughs, as if choking and wheezing: causes and treatment. Causes of cough in cats

Diseases of pets can baffle their owners. For example, not everyone knows what to do if a cat starts coughing. However, the owner can help his pet even before visiting the veterinarian.


Cat cough - causes, treatment

It's not just people who suffer from coughs. This problem may well arise in our pets, namely cats. Coughing and wheezing in cats is quite common, so it is worth understanding the causes and treatment options for coughing in cats.

What causes cats to cough, and how to deal with it?

Cough in cats can occur for the following reasons:

  • the pet may simply get sick with rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other respiratory viral infections;
  • in the cat's nasopharynx there may be foreign body or tumor;
  • the animal may be coughing due to heart failure or pulmonary hypertension;
  • inflammation of the esophagus can lead to coughing;
  • A cat may cough due to worms.

Its symptoms can tell you about the nature of cough in cats. Night cough usually indicates tracheitis, frequent attacks cough - for asthma, viral infections or laryngeal injuries. Very often to put correct diagnosis, you need to take an x-ray and conduct other diagnostics, which can only be done by a veterinarian. Therefore, you should not delay visiting the doctor if the pet’s health is of interest to the owner.

To understand how to treat a cat’s cough, you need to know correct diagnosis. Before this, it is necessary to limit the animal’s physical activity and moderate its activity. This is especially true in cases of shortness of breath. From medical supplies The veterinarian may well prescribe a course of antibiotics, as well as expectorants. Also, a sick cat should be given more warm liquid and its consumption should be constantly monitored.

It must be remembered that a good owner is always responsible for his pets. Therefore, one cannot ignore the animal’s illness. It is necessary to ensure proper diagnosis and ensure correct treatment to your pet.


Tell me people how to treat a cat's cough at home? just don't send it to the vet ((


Galina Bogomolova

so go, you need to give some injections
And by the way, the thought also flashed that I had damaged a foreign body or throat.


Poor cat, he's finished


hard. Prepare your money

Elena Anglesi

What if it's lung cancer? I had this happen to my dog! Is it possible to advise without a veterinarian? Only his diagnosis...


Maybe something foreign got in, or maybe something else.
I once had a cat, he was severely beaten, coughing attacks were constant and simply terrible. The lungs were knocked out.


If it was a cold, then I gave the cat half a tablet of tetracycline (mixed with food until it dissolved) in the morning and evening for three days in a row. It helped.


really? It doesn't sound like he's coughing, but like he's choking. In the fall, during molting, fur accumulates in the stomach. Give some hard grass to clear your stomach. And if it doesn’t help, then without a veterinarian there is only one recipe: a warm place and plenty of fatty food.

Roman Nenashev

Yes, better go to the clinic, who will cure your cat on Tyrnet.


excuse me, but where should we send you if you don’t want to go to the vet?? Never self-medicate, you can kill an animal this way!


When my cat also started coughing, I ran to the vet. They took an x-ray and it turned out that she had severe bronchitis, already on the verge of pneumonia. And for quite some time now. It’s just that until she started coughing, it never occurred to any of us that she was sick. I actually thought that something was stuck in her throat and that’s why I went to the doctor. As a result, the cat was injected for 2 weeks, then another photo was taken, it turned out that they had not yet completed the treatment, and I had to treat for another 2 weeks.


He has worms - he still needs to go to the vet - they will weigh him and give him medicine

Khalimat Mirzoeva

Sveta, give tetracycline, if the tablets are small then 1 tablet three times a day, if the tablets are large then 2 times a day. If it doesn't work, then something is stuck.


Svetlana, listen to the cat, if there is wheezing, measure T is normal 38 C,
If he eats and drinks, then it’s good.
from tablets: Noroclav, see the dosage in the instructions, mandatory, vitamins Gamavit, Injected under the skin in the withers and immune support on the 1st 2nd 4th 6th 8th day 0.2 each

Daria Ivanova

Treat with lobelin)

How to treat cough with wheezing

Wheezing and coughing accompanied by various diseases, can manifest themselves so strongly that a person cannot sleep, work or study normally. However, even if the symptoms are not too pronounced or, for example, occur only in the evenings, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of cough with wheezing should be mandatory. After all, ignoring the signs or delaying the start of therapy can lead to very serious complications.

Wheezing and cough: how to treat it?

Methods of dealing with unpleasant symptoms directly depend on the cause that causes them. Before treating wheezing and coughing, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis. To do this, the doctor conducts necessary examinations. They are:

  • In examining the patient, listening to his complaints.
  • Conducting sputum and blood tests.
  • If necessary, perform radiography, bronchoscopy, spirometry.

Only after the doctor has taken a complete medical history will he be able to determine how to treat a cough with wheezing.

When dealing with symptoms, various methods are most often used:

  • Medication.
  • Physiotherapeutic.

Also symptomatic treatment unpleasant phenomena occurring in the lungs and bronchi is successfully carried out using various folk remedies.

Among medications most often prescribed:

  • Mucolytics.
  • Expectorants.
  • Bronchodilators.

They help relieve spasms, thin mucus, and also promote its removal from the respiratory system.

The physiotherapeutic method of treatment involves performing:

  • Massage.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Inhalations.
  • Warming up.

Such procedures stimulate improved blood circulation in the respiratory organs and activate the discharge of mucus.

The best folk remedies for treating wheezing and cough are:

  • Drinking herbal decoctions (sage, thyme, linden flowers).
  • Rubbing the chest with animal fat.
  • Application of various compresses.

There are rules, the implementation of which helps to eradicate unpleasant symptoms of any origin. Necessary:

If you follow these recommendations to help relieve coughing and wheezing, the treatment will pass much faster and more efficient. However, it is worth remembering that it is limited only general rules it is forbidden. Successful treatment and getting rid of unpleasant symptoms is possible only by visiting a doctor and strictly following all his prescriptions.


How to treat coughing and wheezing in a cat


Natalia Kosinskaya

There is no way without a veterinarian, because coughing and wheezing can cause both the heart and lungs, and a cardiogram and an x-ray are needed. So self-medication in this case can be very harmful to the cat.


A veterinarian.

Nastya Samokhvalova

You need to see a veterinarian as soon as possible, this could result in bronchitis

old horseradish

the poor guy leaves


you take it in your hand hind legs and the tail, and then it hits the corner of the house

Leonid Belobrov

let him drink the milk, and before that put some expectorant in it ACC agent(A Tse Tse). helps me


How to treat cough and wheezing in a cat?
and how to save your hands from a toothy mouth
ask aiblit and he will answer you
give him a hundred grams of valerian

Coughing in cats is not as rare as one might imagine based on generally accepted stereotypes. A pet coughs the most various reasons, and attacks can vary greatly - from a jerky and dry cough to a quiet and strangled one, as if a cat was choking. It must be remembered that coughing does not occur on its own, but is always a sign of some process in the cat’s body.

Mechanism of occurrence

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body aimed at removing foreign elements from the lungs or stomach that irritate the insides of the animal. On the other hand, coughing is a sign of a number of respiratory, cardiovascular or intestinal diseases. The main purpose of cough is to remove respiratory system mucus, pus and other pathogenic formations.


Veterinarians distinguish several types of cough in cats based on the following signs:

  • duration;
  • strength;
  • timbre;
  • discharge when coughing;
  • time of day when the cat starts coughing.

The cough can be acute, lasting several days or weeks, or chronic, lasting for a number of months or years. The attacks can progress as follows: mild form, manifesting itself in the form of small coughs and in the form of a hysterical cough. The volume of cough varies from clear and loud to quiet and muffled. There is no discharge with a dry cough; with a wet cough, it is mixed with saliva, pus, and blood. In addition, in some cases, cough occurs at certain times of the day or season of the year.


The cat begins to cough after swallowing various objects, such as lumps own wool. In this case, the cat's coughing sounds as if she was choking, which is quite natural. Sometimes a foreign body comes out with stool, sometimes it is necessary surgery After removing it, the cat often simply mows it down. Keep in mind that the pet owner himself should not try to get out of the respiratory organs subject, this can only aggravate the situation. It's better to take the cat to veterinary clinic, if the situation does not allow, then you should call a veterinarian at home.

Coughing is a symptom of bronchial asthma. In addition to a strong cough, a cat with this disease suffers from shortness of breath; over time, the cough becomes more and more difficult for the animal. Asthma occurs either as a manifestation allergic reaction, or due to genetic disorders. Coughing indicates an allergic reaction to pollen and plant spores, although usually in this case the cat still sneezes. Mechanical damage to the trachea can also cause coughing. Coughing is one of the signs of viral rhinotracheitis. The disease is accompanied by frequent and severe cough, as well as sneezing, discharge from the eyes and nose, diarrhea, fever, profuse salivation. A dry cough is characteristic of pneumonia, accompanied by high temperature and decreased appetite.

In some cases, cough occurs as a sign cardiovascular diseases, in which the size of the heart increases and it begins to compress the trachea. This causes the pet to cough. If the disease is not diagnosed and treated, it will only get worse over time.

In case of malfunctions of cardio-vascular system the cough is muffled, strangled, the owner of the animal gets the impression that the cat seems to be choking. If such symptoms continue for several days in a row, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the causes of cough should include x-rays of the respiratory system, clinical analysis blood, in some cases it is recommended to conduct a test for the presence viral infection, as well as bronchial biopsy.

Treating cough separately is not practical; it is necessary to combat the cause that led to this ailment. However, certain steps can be taken to alleviate your pet's condition. If a cat coughs violently and hysterically, it is recommended to use antitussive drugs that act directly on a specific area in the animal’s brain that is responsible for coughing. Another means of combating cough are expectorants, which promote the formation of mucus, along with which infectious pathogens are eliminated from the body.


Preventing cough as a separate ailment is hardly advisable, but you can alleviate the cat’s condition. Try to make it easy to breathe in the room: ventilate the rooms regularly, use humidifiers, do not use cheap products household chemicals, do not smoke. Also, make sure that your cat does not expose itself to unnecessary stress. physical activity, since active body movements can make your pet cough with a vengeance.

The material in this article contains only information that may be useful for general information with a similar problem and making further decisions on treating your beloved pet, but it is worth remembering that only a veterinarian can give advice in a specific case.

Cough in cats: symptoms, causes and treatment with folk remedies

Coughing in cats is very similar to humans - sharp exhalation when inhaling with compression pectoral muscles. At the same time, cats suck in their stomachs and extend their heads.

Cough may occur due to defensive reaction in the case when in Airways a foreign body enters, but if the cough is prolonged, then it is possible that the cough is just a symptom of some disease. If your pet is diagnosed with bronchitis, then traditional treatment You can also use folk remedies.

Warm milk with herbs is good folk recipe, which will help your pet recover faster.

Add a tablespoon of sage to a glass of milk. Place the mixture on the fire, stirring little by little. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and strain. Give in small portions before bedtime. Reheat before serving!

Why does a cat cough as if it was choking or choking and how to treat it

This cough occurs when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. May be caused by: pepper, fluff or any mechanical damage respiratory tract. What to do? Protect your cat from getting foreign substances into her lungs and she will soon recover.

Why does a cat cough at night, after eating or drinking, in the morning?

Most likely, the cat has a respiratory illness, which should be examined by a doctor immediately. Only a veterinarian, after establishing the type of cough, can determine accurate diagnosis. Sometimes the appearance of a cough cannot give a complete picture of the disease, so the cat will have to be tested.

Why does a cat cough and stretch its neck?

Typically, neck craning is one of the symptoms of coughing.

Why does a cat cough and breathe heavily, how to treat it

Is your pet's heavy breathing accompanied by a cough? This is one of the main signs of bronchitis in a cat, so immediately take your pet to a veterinarian, who will indicate the correct treatment.

Cough in cats with heart failure, asthma, calcivirus, what to give her

They give antihistamines, support with vitamins, and the doctor, in turn, prescribes antibiotics. Such diseases cannot be treated independently - they can lead to fatalities. Contact your veterinarian if you notice symptoms similar to calcivirus or heart failure or asthma.

A cat coughs until he vomits, what to treat

At respiratory diseases"cough until vomiting" common occurrence, as it can be strong and long-lasting. They treat the disease itself, not the symptom! Therefore, contact a veterinarian who will indicate how to treat this or that disease.

1 comment

    The cat has a cough, treatment is not helping. What should I do?

If your cat is coughing, it is important to understand what happened to him. The symptom may indicate the most different problems– from getting a foreign body into the mouth to an asthma attack. A veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis, but the owner should pay attention to accompanying symptoms. This will help to quickly identify the disease and prescribe the correct treatment to the animal.

What you need to pay attention to

A cat's cough, the causes and treatment of which can be different, worries all owners who are faced with unfamiliar and frightening symptoms. Of course, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian. But if this is not possible, you can try to understand what the problem is. Sometimes a cat's cough is completely harmless and goes away on its own. In other cases, specialist help will be required.

You can understand why a cat coughs and how to treat it in each specific case by assessing general state animal, specifying the presence or absence of other characteristic features. It is also necessary to record the number and duration of attacks, and understand what time of day they occur.

Some owners are scared by the sound a cat makes. Due to the specific structure of the throat, palate and tongue, the animal makes expectoration movements, opening its mouth wide and intensely sticking out its tongue. The process is accompanied by heavy, hoarse breathing, as if the cat is suffocating. Usually it is not possible to clear your throat right away; sometimes the process ends with vomiting or copious amounts of saliva.

The causes of cough in a cat can be varied. Most often they become:

  • foreign body in the mouth, nose or throat;
  • a ball of hair that the animal could not swallow;
  • eating food too greedily;
  • cold.

Coughing immediately after eating should not cause panic in the owner. Probably a piece of food has stuck to the roof of your mouth and is irritating your throat. A choking pet makes wheezing sounds and sticks out its tongue, trying to get rid of the problem. Convulsive coughing ends with vomiting, after which the pet eats the vomited food and calms down. This behavior is typical for representatives of some breeds, as well as for cats that swallow food too greedily.

Some cats cough frequently, while others make almost no such noise. If this is a one-time phenomenon, after coughing the cat calms down and behaves as usual. But sometimes the cat cannot get rid of the problem on its own; the cough gets worse and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, you should be vigilant, carefully observe the animal and try to help it.

What to do when a cat chokes

When your pet coughs and wheezes, constantly rubs its mouth with its paw, opens its mouth wide and sticks out its tongue, you should be wary. The cause may be a foreign body. An insect, small parts of toys, scattered beads, toilet filler, strings, and plastic bags can get into your pet's mouth. Often, a kitten may cough after accidentally swallowing Christmas tree tinsel, threads from a ball and other objects that it uses for games. Sometimes the situation is more serious. The cat swallows a spicy fish or chicken bone, which gets stuck in the throat and makes it difficult to breathe. If the problem is not addressed urgently, the animal may suffocate or die from bleeding after soft tissue damage.

A careful examination will help you find out the real reason. You need to take the pet in your arms and open its mouth. If a foreign object cannot be found in the mouth, you need to urgently take the animal to the clinic. In this case, the veterinarian will tell you what to do if the cat is coughing. The doctor will examine the throat, determine exactly where the foreign body is located, and try to push it through, freeing the throat. If this is not possible, the pet will undergo surgery. You can’t put off a trip to the clinic: if a sharp object gets into the esophagus, the clock counts.

A hairball stuck in the throat does not require removal. The cat manages to either spit it out or swallow it. Frequent brushing of your pet will help prevent further licking of lost hairs. It is recommended to regularly give your cat a special paste with fish or meaty taste, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacy. The drug promotes the rapid and painless dissolution of hairballs trapped in the stomach.

Possible causes of cough and their treatment

Coughing in cats can also indicate more serious problems. Let's look at them in more detail.


The most common cause is respiratory diseases. If hypothermia or infection with bacteria or fungi occurs, the animal may develop bronchial pneumonia. The disease is typical for weakened animals; a hereditary predisposition is possible.

The main symptom of developing pneumonia is dry barking cough at the cat. The animal breathes with difficulty, an attack can occur at any time of the day, and it ends just as suddenly. The cat coughs as if it was choking, but there are no signs of vomiting. After a few days, sputum forms, when listening to chest wheezing is felt. The cat tries to cough it up, spitting out small portions of saliva. Characteristic symptoms complement elevated temperature, weakness, apathy, refusal to eat. A clear, colorless or yellowish liquid flows from the nose and bakes into crusts. Breathing becomes rapid and intermittent, in advanced cases possible fever.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made in a clinical setting. Pneumonia in cats can occur due to other infectious disease, for example, canine distemper. In this case, treatment begins not with eliminating the symptoms, but with searching for the root cause. A set of tests will help you understand why your pet is coughing, as well as ultrasonography lungs. The veterinarian will determine how to treat pneumonia. Typically, the pet is prescribed antibiotics, expectorants and mucolytic drugs. They will quickly relieve coughing attacks, but the full therapeutic course will last at least a month.

Viral disease

Is your pet coughing as if he was choking? It is possible that he has a serious viral disease- rhinotracheitis. The cause is the feline herpes virus, which is easily transmitted from one pet to another. The disease occurs in acute form. Visible after a few days characteristic symptoms: sneezing, persistent cough with expectoration of sputum, swelling of the mucous membranes, purulent discharge from the eyes and nose. Due to damage to the tissues of the throat, the cat cannot swallow normally, so it often refuses food and even water.

Treatment of rhinotracheitis is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is impossible to completely rid the body of the virus; the doctor’s task is to stabilize the pet’s condition, remove swelling, cough and other unpleasant symptoms. The cat is prescribed antibiotics, immunomodulators, antiviral and antipyretic drugs. The course is long and cannot be interrupted.


Asthma attacks

Sometimes a cat may cough, sticking out its tongue and breathing heavily. The cause may be an asthma attack. This disease manifests itself in early childhood and quickly turns into chronic form. The cause is a narrowing of the bronchi, making breathing difficult. Gradually, the walls of the bronchi thicken, the diaphragm stretches, possible inflammatory processes accompanied by tissue swelling and copious discharge mucus. The animal behaves restlessly, breathes hoarsely, tries to cough up phlegm, sits with its head bowed and with an outstretched neck. The cat may faint, its lips turn blue and its eyes roll back. Such manifestations are very frightening for owners and require urgent action.

Carefully following your veterinarian's instructions will help prevent coughing attacks. If the animal has chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, fungal pneumonia), it is necessary to give him immunomodulatory drugs in a timely manner, antifungal drugs And vitamin complexes. It is recommended to take a blood test 1-2 times a year to confirm the absence of hidden ailments.

Warn helminthic infestation Taking preventive medications against worms will help. They are given every 3 months, choosing products with the softest and most gentle composition. Kittens, pregnant and elderly cats, as well as animals with free access to the street are at particular risk.

If coughing attacks occur while eating, you should review your pet's menu. It is better to replace hard granules with canned food. Soaking ready-made dry food in water also helps. Cats eating natural food, cannot be given river fish with bones that a cat could choke on. Tubular chicken bones. If your cat likes to chew, it is better to give her ready-made toys made from beef veins, which can be bought at a pet store.

It is necessary to remove from the house easily breakable toys, Christmas tree tinsel and other items that the animal can swallow. It is recommended to remove poisonous houseplants. An accidentally bitten leaf can cause swelling of the mucous membrane and an attack of suffocation.

Only a veterinarian can understand why a cat is coughing and what to do. If attacks occur repeatedly and are accompanied by others alarming symptoms, there is no need to postpone your visit to the clinic. They will do everything there necessary tests and will appoint adequate treatment which will help keep your pet healthy.

Our smaller brothers are in many ways similar to people, so they can catch a cold and get sick. It is not always possible to consult a veterinarian immediately after detecting symptoms, so many people wonder how to treat a cat’s cough and wheezing at home.

Every owner of a furry creature has observed this symptom at least once in his life, but each new disease during which the animal coughs and wheezes can be treated differently, depending on the reasons why the attack occurred.

State Description

A cough with wheezing is a situation when you should worry about the health of your pet. The attack is often accompanied by the release of sputum and mucus, the sound when the pet coughs and wheezes is low and muffled, and the duration can be different each time. No wheezing is heard during coughing, since this symptom accompanies the cat almost the entire remaining time.

Wheezing in the sternum area can be easily heard, because it is the respiratory tract that is affected by a disease that causes coughing and wheezing.

Wheezing can be heard when your cat is panting, eating or drinking. They do not stop during sleep, but more often turn into snoring or snoring. Loud snoring in a dream speaks of strong problem in the respiratory tract. Snoring is often accompanied by discharge from the nose, eyes, and swelling. These are all serious symptoms.

Why does my cat snore and cough?

Cough is a companion to many diseases, but the presence of snoring makes diagnosis easier. Often Pedigree cats with flattened faces snore for no reason. The structure of their nasopharynx does not allow deep breaths, and snoring is constant symptom, which does not interfere with life in any way. If your cat is coughing and wheezing, it is likely we're talking about O:

  • Respiratory disease;
  • A foreign object stuck in the larynx;
  • Throat injury;
  • Laryngeal paralysis.

It is quite simple to distinguish the reasons why a cat coughs and wheezes, since they differ in external manifestation.

Respiratory diseases

All respiratory diseases are accompanied not only by the fact that the animal is coughing and wheezing. Cats begin to sneeze, their eyes water, and nasal discharge appears. The first few days the cough is dry, piercing, but after a few days a cough forms in the larynx. a large number of mucus that comes out with a cough. Moist coughgood symptom, which indicates the body’s fight against a virus or infection. However, this is reflected in the cat's behavior when she coughs and wheezes, and there is often excessive drowsiness, lethargy and lack of appetite.

Wheezing is not always present during respiratory illnesses. They can be found in neglected form diseases, for example, bronchial asthma.

During the exacerbation season, it becomes difficult for the cat to breathe, so coughing and wheezing are observed periodically. Also during this period, you can experience a sore throat. The disease is chronic and should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. But for ordinary respiratory diseases, you can rely on the choice of the seller at the veterinary pharmacy.

Foreign body in the larynx

Cats do not swallow foreign objects very often, but this possibility should not be ruled out. The cat may cough and wheeze, as if he was choking. The cough reflex tries to push out a stuck object. Wheezing occurs due to the fact that air cannot pass freely through the respiratory tract. Wheezing is especially audible when exhaling. During sleep, the animal does not snore, but excessively loud snoring and even whistling can be heard.

It is necessary to remove the foreign object from the larynx as quickly as possible, after which the symptom will disappear. Sometimes foreign object can become a bezoar from the beast's own fur.


Throat injuries that cause coughing and wheezing are of two types:

  • Internal;
  • External.

Internal injuries occur due to poor nutrition. Often it is the presence of bones in the diet, but in some cases the cause is the lack free access to water, which is why the cat cannot chew food properly.

Cats get external throat injuries in fights among themselves, as well as due to poor treatment by people. The injury does not have to be in the area of ​​the sternum and throat, the animal begins to cough and wheeze frequently due to poor condition internal organs after a bad fall. For example, a short cough can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of injuries can be diagnosed independently during an external examination, but for a complete picture, an ultrasound or x-ray will be required to assess the general condition of the animal.

In the case of internal microtraumas of the larynx, you can simply change the diet to a more gentle one. And after a fight, you may have to apply a tight bandage and take cough suppressants.

Laryngeal paralysis is not self-diagnosed. At this time, the cat seems to wheeze and sneeze, but these processes are implicit and drawn out. This requires a comprehensive analysis and observation by a veterinarian for several days. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after determining why the cat is coughing and wheezing.