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Products that give bad cholesterol. What foods lower blood cholesterol?

The materials are published for informational purposes only and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult a hematologist at your medical institution!

High cholesterol is one of the main problems modern people. The reason for this sedentary lifestyle life and poor nutrition due to sedentary work and lack of free time. At high cholesterol formation is observed on the walls of blood vessels cholesterol plaques which contribute to poor circulation. In order to lower cholesterol levels, there is a special diet.

Diet features

The easiest way to prevent high cholesterol or lower cholesterol levels is to follow an appropriate diet. Proper nutrition in case of high cholesterol, it involves excluding from the daily diet unhealthy foods that contribute to clogging of the body.

Special diet for high cholesterol allows you to significantly improve the patient’s well-being, and therefore the results will be noticeable not only in the tests, but also in a general increase in the tone of the body.

Foods that raise cholesterol

First of all, you should consider foods that increase blood cholesterol. To get rid of this problem once and for all, you need to know what foods you should not eat. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Egg yolk is a product containing the maximum amount of cholesterol. Therefore, egg consumption should be reduced.
  • Liver. Since cholesterol is synthesized in this organ, even after heat treatment its content remains high. Cholesterol can be obtained from both pork and chicken liver.

Advice. You should also avoid eating liver pates.

  • Butter. Many people cannot imagine their life without this product. It is added to cereals and spread on bread, but the oil is included in foods high in cholesterol. Therefore, if possible, it should be replaced with a vegetable one.
  • Margarine. Despite the fact that this product is made from vegetable fats, it helps to increase cholesterol, although it does not contain it.
  • Fast food. Contents in products fast food cholesterol is nothing new. This food is different high level saturated fats. Accordingly, during their processing, the liver produces cholesterol.
  • Talking about which foods contain bad cholesterol? large quantities, one cannot help but recall sausages, frankfurters, smoked meats and various canned meat. They also need to be excluded from the diet.
  • Cream. This product It is very fatty, which is why it contains a lot of cholesterol. The same can be said about cheese.

It will also be useful for you to learn about what is on our website.

Below is a complete table of cholesterol in foods.

  • Carrot. Eating one or two carrots daily will be enough to reduce blood cholesterol by more than 10%.
  • White cabbage. Beneficial in any way. You can eat it raw, stewed, or pickled - the antioxidants are preserved regardless of the specific preparation of the dish.
  • Garlic. One of the main products that help remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  • Legumes. They contain special dietary fiber that removes all toxins and cholesterol from the body. Regular consumption of peas and beans helps cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  • Tomatoes. This popular products to lower cholesterol. For example, half a kilogram of tomatoes reduces cholesterol by 10%. Tomatoes are also beneficial to the functioning of the heart.

Advice! A diet for high cholesterol in women often includes vegetable salads. However, it is better not to use sunflower oil as a dressing, and replace it with olive oil. It is also advisable not to use sour cream or mayonnaise as a dressing - these are products with a high percentage of fat content.

Cereals for lowering cholesterol

Another group of foods that help lower cholesterol are whole grains. These include millet, oats, millet, rye, and barley. The thing is that such products contain soluble fiber in large quantities.

Important! In addition to cleansing cholesterol accumulations, regular consumption of cereals helps improve digestion, enriching the body with B vitamins.

Do nuts lower cholesterol?

Those who are interested in what foods remove cholesterol from the body should pay attention to nuts. Particularly useful are walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Advice! Due to the high calorie content of these products, it is advisable not to consume more than 30 grams of nuts per day.

Foods containing good cholesterol

Despite the fact that cholesterol has a bad image, it does not always bring only harm. There is so-called “good” cholesterol, which helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels.

Below is a list of foods that contain the “good” type of cholesterol:

  • Vegetable oils. It is best to use flaxseed, olive, and soybean oil.

Advice! It is better not to fry in oil, but to use it as an additive to ready-made dishes.

For most people, the word “cholesterol” evokes a strong negative attitude. However, this important element for good health. Cells build their membranes from it, it promotes the production of hormones necessary for life, allows calcium to be absorbed, participating in the production of vitamin D and some other processes. But an excess of cholesterol in the body of an adult leads to illness and even death. Therefore, for the health of your body, it is necessary to reduce its amount. This means you need to eat foods that reduce...

Cholesterol in the blood is divided into 2 types: an atherogenic substance, which causes the development of atherosclerosis, and an antiatherogenic substance, which acts on the contrary. , it is he who spoils our blood vessels, forming plaques. HDL, or “good” cholesterol, reduces plaque deposits in blood vessels. In connection with that important role, which HDL plays, it must be preserved for the full functioning of the body.

What do we eat

It is impossible to overestimate the role of nutrition in prevention. Right choice diet leads to a decrease in the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and its rapid elimination from your body.

The calculation must be carried out, remembering that you can consume no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day.

  • Vegetables and fruits. Choose broccoli, apples, citrus fruits, carrots and beets. The first two contain beneficial fibers, which help neutralize and lower cholesterol and remove excess cholesterol from the body. In addition, apples contain antioxidants that prevent the formation of blood clots, which is useful for people with heart and vascular diseases.
  • Sea fish. The beneficial substances contained in it prevent the appearance of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Dairy products. Eat cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt more often, and also drink kefir.
  • Legumes. Contains healthy coarse fiber, vitamins A and B, iron, calcium, folic acid. If eaten frequently, they help reduce “bad” cholesterol by about 10 percent.
  • Oyster mushrooms. By consuming just 10 grams per day, you will help your body reduce the size of cholesterol deposits in your blood vessels.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. It is worth paying special attention to walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios. They include special fatty acid, which help normalize cholesterol levels. However, you need to eat them within reasonable limits. Prunes will also be useful due to the presence of amino acids in them.
  • Oatmeal. Do you want to reduce your blood cholesterol by 4 percent? Have oatmeal for breakfast, it removes excess from the body, enveloping bad cholesterol in the intestines and taking it with you.
  • Fresh herring. By consuming only 100 grams of herring per day, you will reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques present in the vessels, thereby increasing the lumen of the blood vessels, and therefore reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Sea kale. It contains iodine necessary for our body. Due to which the dissolution of blood clots in the vessels occurs.

Doctors advise replacing animal fats (such as, for example, butter) to vegetable oils (for example, olive, avocado, corn or peanut oil). This will help you quickly and effectively get rid of 18 percent of bad cholesterol in men and women.

Not only useful vegetable oils, but also seeds. With just 50 grams of flaxseed per day, you can say goodbye to 14 percent of your LDL.

Not only useful oatmeal, but also oat bran. They prevent the absorption of “bad” cholesterol in the intestines due to the fiber they contain. Plus, add 3\three cloves of garlic to your daily menu and you won’t notice how another 12 percent of bad cholesterol will go away.

Folk remedies for high cholesterol

You can also use medicinal plants and herbs.

Liquorice root

Licorice helps reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol. Pour 500 milliliters of water, add 2 liters of licorice root, simmer over low heat for about ten minutes. Don't forget to strain the broth. You need to drink one and a half hours after meals, one glass a day, divided into three times.

Helps for a short time convert cholesterol into folic acids and remove them from the body. Take 20 grams of medicinal herb, add a glass warm water and hold over hot steam for 20 minutes, cool. Take two tablespoons before meals.


Buy the flowers of the plant at the pharmacy. Take two tablespoons and pour 200 milliliters hot water. Leave to infuse for twenty minutes. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.


Take one tablespoon of dried wild blackberry leaves, pour 00 milliliters of boiling water over them, and leave to steep for 40 minutes in a warm place. Drink a third of a glass half an hour before meals three times a day.


Take 50 grams of garlic, grate, pour a glass of oil and squeeze one lemon into it. Then put the product in the refrigerator for a week. Eat one teaspoon three times a day. Use within two months.

Linden flowers

You need to grind linden flowers into flour, for example, using a coffee grinder. Eat one teaspoon three times a day with water. The course of treatment for high cholesterol consists of: you drink for a month, a break for two weeks, and you drink for another month.

Take a glass of boiling water, add two tablespoons of herbs and leave covered for an hour. Drink ¼ glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Flax seed

Reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol. Just add it to porridge, season salads with it.


The recipe is very simple. Cut a piece of pumpkin, grate it, and take two to three spoons half an hour before meals.

What to exclude

There are foods that increase blood cholesterol, so you need to carefully monitor what you eat and avoid them. Basically it's fatty unhealthy food(fast food cafe dishes, sausages), fatty dairy products (cream and others). Also foods that take a long time to digest (liver, caviar, seafood, yolk). It is better if you do not buy these products at all, avoiding the temptation to eat “just a small piece.”

If you want to quickly and effectively reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, then there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to know foods that lower blood cholesterol and eat them. The list is quite long, so you won't get tired of the monotony. But you can help your body stay healthy, take care of the condition of your blood vessels and heart, and avoid dangerous conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

Dietary ration is prescribed when pathological changes in the human body. What foods lower cholesterol? Cholesterol-reducing products consist of plant food, nuts, cereals, cereals and others. Therefore, it is not difficult to eat properly with such a disorder. It is important that the diet is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, who will take into account the characteristics of the patient.

Vegetables that lower blood cholesterol

Products that lower blood cholesterol consist of certain microelements. Vegetables reduce its concentration due to fiber, vitamins and polyphenols. These substances help absorb nutrients unsaturated fats and at the same time they can reduce bad cholesterol. If its level is high, doctors recommend consuming the following vegetables every day:

Not all vegetables that reduce and dissolve the concentration of harmful fats are noted in the table. Also, to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, eat potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, beets, turnips and other vegetables. A daily diet and consumption of vegetables not only reduces its concentration, but can also improve general state person.

Fruits and berries

Cholesterol-lowering fruits are sold at the market or in the store. To reduce its level in the blood, it is recommended to include fruits high in pectin (fruits that turn into jelly when cooked) into your daily diet. There is a lot of it in apples, plums, pears and other fruits. Fruits with skin and pulp (persimmon) are considered healthy. Avocado is also among the fruits that you can eat. Its composition is rich in phytosterols (a substance that removes unhealthy fats from the human body). As a result, avocado is an indispensable product for cholesterol. Do not forget about the importance of taking citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, grapefruit), which also have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels.

Berries help normalize cholesterol, helping to reduce its levels. These include red, blue and purple fruits. You should eat blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, kiwi, red grapes and others. It is recommended to consume bananas for cholesterol. They cleanse the blood, promote the removal of toxins and normalize water metabolism.

Bean products

If you have high cholesterol, you need to eat legumes, which reduce cholesterol levels thanks to the soluble fiber that their composition is rich in. As a result, legumes tend to drive away harmful and toxic elements from the human body. In addition, these products contain a large amount of protein, which means that they can replace red meats and foods with them, which are harmful to the heart and blood vessels.

Cereals and cereals

Cereals and cereals contain valuable dietary fiber.

Foods for high cholesterol should include whole grains and cereals. Such products are rich in dietary fiber. Among the cereal crops, oats are distinguished. Daily consumption This cereal is recommended for people who need to lower cholesterol. You can also eat bran, which is added when preparing dishes. Among the cereals that have therapeutic effect, buckwheat and dark rice varieties stand out.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds should be consumed by people who have high cholesterol levels in their blood. This is explained by the fact that the composition of these products is rich in monounsaturated fats, which maintain the amount of good fats in the body. unsaturated fats and are effective in reducing bad ones. Special benefit noted after administration walnuts, pistachio, hazelnut, hazelnuts, flax and pumpkin seeds. But it is worth remembering that nuts are high in calories and people with excessive body weight are not recommended to eat more than 30 g of these products per day.

Honey helps remove cholesterol from the body.

Bee products - folk remedies, cleansing blood vessels and removing bad cholesterol from the body. Honey contains minerals, vitamins and amino acids that have a positive effect on the digestive system. By adding cinnamon to beekeeping products, a product is created that removes toxins, substances that poison the body, and quickly reduces the level of bad cholesterol in blood.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are cholesterol-free products that contain a lot of unsaturated fats. Its concentration is well reduced by replacing unsaturated animal fats with vegetable fats, among which are:

Table of vegetable oils that help lower cholesterol
OilBenefits and indications for use
CornCounts healthy oil for people of retirement age and expectant mothers. Unsaturated fatty acids that are present in this oil help increase the body's defenses against disease infectious nature and remove excess cholesterol. Doctors recommend taking corn oil for therapeutic and preventive purposes for atherosclerosis, vascular sclerosis in the heart and brain, hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
SunflowerThe benefits for the human body come from unrefined vegetable oil, which should not be further thermally processed.
SoyFirst of all, this oil has a beneficial effect due to the record content of vitamin E in its composition. In addition, the composition of soybean oil includes microelements that reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and help with diseases of the cardiovascular system and other pathological processes.
OliveLike other vegetable oils, it contains healthy fatty acids that lower bad cholesterol.

Diet plays a big role in maintaining normal cholesterol levels. If young and healthy body copes with any food, then in adulthood, when the metabolic processes, you should think about choosing a diet.

Including healthy foods that lower cholesterol in your diet and excluding harmful ones is very important for preventing atherosclerosis and its consequences.

To improve your diet if you have high cholesterol, you need to know what foods contain cholesterol, especially large quantities, in order to cross them off the diet list, and which products to reduce it, on the contrary, will become an indispensable menu item in your diet.

Blood cholesterol level

Cholesterol does not only play a negative role in the body. On the contrary, it is vital for cells of all tissues and organs, as the most important structural substance of cell membranes, as a source of energy, as well as for the synthesis of hormones, fat-soluble vitamins, bile acids.

The concentration of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the content of its individual types, is of decisive importance. There are “good” and “bad” cholesterol, and determining the concentration of each type is important.

For an adult, the normal content of total blood cholesterol is 5.2-6.1 mmol/l, “bad” (LDL) - 2.6-4.1 mmol/l and “good” - not lower than 1.3 mmol/l .

Average cholesterol levels may vary depending on the condition and characteristics of the body. For example, in persons with increased risk cardiovascular diseases“bad” should not exceed 2-2.5 mmol/l, and during pregnancy the content of total cholesterol increases to 12 mmol/l, and this is the norm.

Elevated symptoms

When the content of “bad” or atherogenic cholesterol in the body is increased, there is a danger of developing vascular atherosclerosis. In itself, a high blood count has no symptoms; it is detected when the blood vessels narrow and the blood circulation of the organs is disrupted.

Main symptoms:

May be more prevalent for different people different symptoms, depending on the predominant damage to one or another organ. Besides, a common symptom hypercholesterolemia is its deposition in the skin - the appearance of yellowish xanthelasma deposits in the eyelid area.

Cholesterol-lowering foods

Modern science has proven that food supplies us with only 20% of cholesterol, the rest is formed in the body. However, no one canceled the anti-cholesterol diet, but for a different reason.

Various products contain special substances, affecting cholesterol content: some promote the synthesis of “good” cholesterol, others inhibit the formation of atherogenic cholesterol and promote its utilization and excretion from the body. Such substances are: phytosterols, polyphenols, resveratrol, polyunsaturated fatty acids and plant fiber.


These are substances that are “relatives” of cholesterol and are part of plant cell membranes. They perform the same functions as “good” cholesterol in the body, in addition, they promote the removal of atherogenic cholesterol and reduce its absorption from the intestines into the blood.

You will be interested in:

The largest role among them is played by campesterol, beta-sitosterol, and sigmasterol. They are highly soluble in water and biological fluids, have small molecules that penetrate membranes and the vascular wall, easily bind to harmful fatty fractions and remove them from the body.

Phytosterols are extremely useful substances, the consumption of which should be at least 300 mg per day.

Phytosterols are products that lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels. At elevated levels, the daily norm increases to 450-600 mg. Foods such as beans, peas, soybeans, nuts, seeds, corn, wheat, tomatoes, figs, citrus fruits, olive and sea buckthorn oils are rich in phytosterols.


Polyphenols are plant pigments that, when entering the human body, act as antioxidants. They neutralize the accumulation of harmful products formed as a result of metabolism (radicals), including excess bad cholesterol. These products are the most effective in reducing this indicator.

Foods rich in polyphenols: red grapes and red wine, all red berries, pomegranate seeds, legumes, cocoa, black rice. Regarding the use of red wine, so that it does not cause harm to health, it is applied individual approach, depending on age and health status.

WITH for preventive purposes healthy people 1 glass of red wine (100-150 ml) per day is recommended, but if you have illnesses, wine is not recommended.

Also, you should not abuse cocoa products: chocolate, drinks due to their high content of carbohydrates, the excess of which is transformed into fats in the body.


This substance was isolated from plants and studied relatively recently. Resveratrol belongs to the class of phytoalexins (from the Greek phyto - plant, alexo - protect). These substances are produced by many plants to protect against damage by fungi and bacteria.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant and also promotes the oxidation and removal of harmful fatty fractions from the body, including atherogenic cholesterol.

Foods rich in resveratrol: dark grapes(peels and seeds), berry peels, cocoa beans, red vegetables and fruits, peanuts, Japanese knotweed, and red wine. It was noted that in the south of France, despite the rather severe fatty foods, due to the custom of drinking it with red wine, the incidence of atherosclerosis is low. Such products for reducing the substance under discussion are very pleasant, and some of them are also useful.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Fatty acids are essentially carboxylic acids found in fats and oils. They are what determine the properties of fats. Acids are divided into 2 groups:

Unsaturated fatty acids can be mono- and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated acids are found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, in which several points are not filled with hydrogen, are of the greatest value for lowering blood cholesterol: omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, which include oleic, linolenic, eicosapentanoic acids.

Another name for them is essential fatty acids, which form so-called “light” fats and oils. They are found in large quantities in fish and seafood, legumes, pumpkin, flaxseed, soybean, sunflower and corn oil, seeds, nuts, wheat, and leafy green vegetables.

Plant fiber

Cellulose or fiber is an organic substance plant origin, which in digestive tract is not digested and is excreted unchanged. Previously, it was unfairly classified as ballast substances. Then it was proven that this is not just ballast, but very useful, and even vital. necessary for the body substance.

Fiber forms the basis of the dense parts of plants - the peel, stroma (framework). Once in the digestive system, it adds water, swells, increasing its volume, thereby preventing overeating. In addition, toxins and harmful cholesterol are adsorbed on its surface and removed along with it.

Fiber fibers irritate intestinal receptors, enhance intestinal peristalsis and accelerate the elimination of toxic waste from undigested food, its excess, including fats.

Cellulose-rich foods help effective reduction cholesterol level. These are: fresh and stewed vegetables, fresh fruits and dried fruits, various porridges (oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, millet), beets, cabbage, mushrooms, food bran, greens. You should be careful about cholesterol-lowering products, and first consult a nutritionist for recommendations.

Nutrition for high cholesterol

The basic rule of the diet for high cholesterol is to reduce the amount of food per meal and increase the number of meals. This is necessary to ensure that the body does not receive excess amounts of nutrients, in particular fats. Food eaten at one time should not be stored in fat reserves, but should be completely utilized.

In order to ensure daily requirement in nutrients, the number of meals increases.

Food should be taken at least 4-5 times a day in quantities not exceeding 300 g, where at least half of the volume should be plant products.

Particular attention should be paid to drinking enough fluid. It could be mineral water, juices, green tea, coffee, herbal infusions and infusions. The liquid promotes better metabolism and cholesterol utilization. The daily volume of fluid should be 2 liters or more.

When creating a diet, you should include more healthy foods to reduce the substance in question (from those listed above), and limit as much as possible those foods that contain solid fats with saturated fatty acids. They contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol. You should also not abuse carbohydrate foods (sweets, confectionery). Excess carbohydrates in the body are transformed into fats and increase the formation of bad cholesterol.

Prohibited Products

You should know which foods and how much contain cholesterol, which ones you can include in your diet, and which you should avoid.

Table of cholesterol content in food:

Cholesterol content, mg Product containing cholesterol – 100 g Cholesterol content, mg
Meat and meat products Milk and dairy products
Brain 800 – 2300 Raw goat milk 30
Kidneys 300 – 800 Cream 30% 110
Pork 110 Cream 10% 34
Pork, loin 380 Sour cream 30% 90 – 100
Pork knuckle 360 Sour cream 10% 33
Pork liver 130 Cow's milk 6% 23
Fatty beef 90 Milk 1% 3,2
Beef lean 65 Full fat kefir 10
Lean veal 99 Regular yogurt 8
Beef liver 270 – 400 Low fat yogurt 1
Venison 65 Kefir 1% 3,2
Fat cottage cheese 40
horsemeat 78 Low-fat cottage cheese 1
Lean lamb 98 Serum 2
Rabbit meat 90 Cheeses
Skinless chicken dark meat 89 "Gouda" - 45% 114
Skinless chicken white meat 79 Cream cheese 60% 105
Chicken liver 492 Chester cheese – 50% 100
Broilers 1st category 40 – 60 Edam cheese – 45% 60
Chick 40 – 60 Emmental cheese – 45% 94
Turkey 40 – 60 Cheese “Tilsit” –45% 60
Duck without skin 60 Camembert cheese – 60% 95
Duck with skin 90 Camembert cheese – 45% 62
Goose 86 Cheese "Kostromskoy" 57
Liver pate 150 Cheese “Romadur” – 20% 20
Raw smoked sausage 112 Processed cheese – 60% 80
Sausages 100 Processed cheese "Russian" 66
Sausages in jars 100 Processed cheese – 45% 55
Salami 85 Homemade cheese – 4% 11
Cervelat 85 Oils and fats
Boiled sausage Up to 40 Melted butter 280
Fish and seafood Creamy fresh butter 240
Pacific mackerel 360 Butter "Krestyanskoye" 180
Cuttlefish 275 Beef fat 110
Carp 270 Pork or lamb fat 100
Oysters 170 Rendered goose fat 100
Acne 160 – 190 Vegetable oils 0
Mussels 64 Margarines based on vegetable fats 0
Shrimps 144 Egg
Sardines in oil 120 – 140 Quail egg 600
Pollock 110 Whole chicken egg 570
Herring 97
Crabs 87
Trout 56
Cancer 45
Pike 50
Cod 30

The lowest cholesterol content (less than 10 mg) is in low-fat dairy products and vegetable oils.

Based on the data in the above table, foods high in cholesterol should be excluded from the diet, and those with lower cholesterol should be limited. Refusal of such products will help reduce the level of the indicator and you will quickly get better.

Coffee and cholesterol

Finally resolved controversial issue about whether coffee is harmful for high cholesterol. It contains the oily substance cafestol, which is involved in the absorption of the “bad” indicator. In the process of making an instant drink, cafestol is lost, so you can safely drink instant coffee without fear of increasing cholesterol.

But what about lovers of true, natural, freshly brewed coffee, which cannot replace any instant drink? Today this issue has been resolved. Modern coffee makers are equipped with paper filters that absorb and retain cafestol. But lovers of coffee brewed in Turkish will still have to strain it through a paper filter in the name of health.

Cholesterol in eggs

Eggs, especially quail eggs, are one of the most complete nutrients products. They are rich in protein, fats, vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. The only drawback limiting the use of this valuable product– high cholesterol content.

As for quail eggs, they contain large amounts of lecithin, which prevents the accumulation of atherogenic cholesterol.

Cholesterol and alcohol

There is a misconception that strong alcoholic drinks “warm up” the blood, improve blood circulation and slow down the development of atherosclerosis. But it is only partly wrong, in cases where alcohol consumption is excessive.

Alcohol, when entering the body, is an antagonist of its “relative” in origin - cholesterol, reducing its level.

This reduction is achieved in a completely healthy adult at a certain daily norm alcohol consumption: wine – up to 150 ml, beer – up to 250 ml, strong drinks– up to 80 ml.

Exceeding these standards leads to reverse effect: the level of “bad” cholesterol increases due to dysfunction of organs - liver, kidneys, increases arterial pressure, neuroendocrine regulatory processes are disrupted. Often develops and alcohol addiction with all its consequences.

How many people can adhere to such a norm at the modern pace of life? Therefore, most doctors are inclined to believe that alcohol should not be consumed as a product to reduce the indicator, especially for people with cardiovascular pathology.

Everyone knows that cholesterol contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels, which are dangerous because as a result of their cracking they are created. favorable conditions for thrombus formation. That is, in the place where a lot of cholesterol has settled, a plaque forms, which gradually narrows the lumen of the vessel, and when cracked, it contributes to the formation of a blood clot in this place. Once formed, a blood clot can burst, which leads to such vascular disasters as:

  • myocardial infarction
  • stroke
  • pulmonary embolism
  • sudden coronary death.

Expert research indicates that in countries where the average population increased level cholesterol, there is a higher incidence of various cardiovascular diseases. However, not everything is so clear and it is impossible to categorically “blame” elevated cholesterol levels alone.

In an effort to reduce its level in the blood, one should not forget that it forms cell membranes, vessel walls, and “patches” defects in the vascular wall, and 90% of it accumulates in tissues. And if its level is low, any vascular defect can lead to the same hemorrhagic stroke or the same heart attack (see).

For normal life body, for the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, it is necessary fat cells low density (bad cholesterol), the deficiency of which causes weakness, swelling, muscle pain (myalgia), muscular dystrophy. Low cholesterol increases the risk of anemia, disease nervous system, liver, and even suicide and early mortality.

Thus, the time when everyone reduced cholesterol is over. After the scandalous revelations of the English medical journal companies producing cholesterol-lowering statins and the researchers supporting them, even cardiologists are wary of the dramatic drop in cholesterol in the blood and body (see).

Therefore, dietary measures to lower cholesterol should be prescribed by a doctor according to strict indications. Overdoing it in this area is just as bad as not controlling it.

It is necessary to monitor cholesterol levels, especially for people with overweight, with heart disease, hypertension, men and women over 40 years of age. Support normal level lipids can be achieved through diet and active image life. And if the level is already increased, how to reduce cholesterol without medications? What foods lower blood cholesterol?

Ways to lower blood cholesterol without drugs

The use of cholesterol-lowering foods in the daily diet is certainly the main one among all possible options combating high lipid levels. Now we will talk about other, equally important ways to reduce cholesterol without drugs.

Not many people know that low level good, “healthy” cholesterol also plays a decisive role in the development of atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, since this type of cholesterol fights the formation of the notorious plaques. Therefore, reducing its level in combination with increased “bad” cholesterol is the most dangerous combination, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and CVD.

You can raise your “good” cholesterol and lower your “bad” cholesterol through physical activity.

Renowned cardiologists around the world claim that physical exercise reduce the accumulation of cholesterol blocks in the arteries:

  • Physical exercise can cleanse the blood of excess fat from foods. If lipids do not manage to stay in the vessels for a long time, they have no chance of settling on their walls. Moreover, it is running that contributes rapid decline in the arteries of the level of fat obtained from food. According to experts, runners are 70% faster and better able to get rid of fat in their blood vessels than people who simply engage in physical exercise.
  • Even if you just hold the body, muscle mass in good shape with the help of physical labor fresh air at the dacha, with the help of gymnastics, Bodyflex, dancing and just long walks in the park area - this gives a positive mood, a feeling of joy, happiness, and increases both emotional and muscle tone. What has only positive action on the condition of blood vessels.
  • For older people or those already suffering from various vascular and heart diseases, a daily 40-minute moderate walk reduces the risk of death from stroke or heart attack by 50%. However, in elderly people, when walking, the pulse should not increase from normal by more than 15 beats per minute (see also). Everything should be done in moderation and excessive loads can worsen the condition and reduce production good cholesterol.

If body fat in a woman or man, they are concentrated in the waist area and the body resembles an apple, not a pear - this is a risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, hypertension and atherosclerosis. The maximum permissible waist circumference for a man is 94 cm, for a woman 84 cm, the ratio of the hip circumference to the waist is also important, for a woman it should be no more than 0.8, for a man 0.95. Exceeding these numbers is a reason to start fighting excess weight.

Alcohol in moderation, good green tea, juice therapy and smoking cessation

  • We won't talk much about

This obvious reason deterioration in quality and life expectancy in both women and men. Everyone knows that this bad habit affects the entire body; there is no organ that is not affected harmful effects smoking - this includes the brain, kidneys, liver and bladder, blood vessels and gonads. In addition to increasing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, smoking actively helps to grow cancer cells in organism. Besides modern cigarettes contain a minimum of tobacco and a maximum of other harmful substances and carcinogens (see).

You need to know this! IN tobacco smoke there is a sufficient amount of tobacco tar, which consists of substances causing cancer in humans and animals. It is enough to smear a rabbit's ear with this tar several times, and after some time a cancerous tumor will grow in the animal.

  • Alcohol

The situation with alcohol is a little different; it is natural that excessive consumption destroys the entire body, the pancreas, the liver, and cardiovascular system. As for the periodic use of 50 gr. strong high-quality alcohol or a glass of dry red wine - to increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol - this is a controversial opinion. There are supporters of this method of lowering cholesterol (the main condition is no more than 50 grams of strong and 200 grams of weak alcoholic drink), as well as his opponents.

For example, the Heart Association in the USA does not recommend that anyone use wine and strong alcohol as a drink - a product that lowers blood cholesterol. This method of combating cholesterol is strictly excluded for people with hypertension. diabetes mellitus or other diseases for which alcohol consumption is not permitted.

  • Green tea

By eliminating coffee and replacing it with high-quality weak green tea, you can reduce cholesterol levels by 15% (but not bagged, see). Flavonoids contained in green tea help strengthen capillaries, and daily moderate consumption of high-quality tea also reduces the amount of harmful lipids and increases the level of good cholesterol in the blood.

  • Juice therapy

This is one of the methods to reduce cholesterol without drugs. Nutritionists accidentally discovered amazing property juice therapy to reduce cholesterol. Having developed a course, they discovered the ability of such treatment to reduce the amount of fat in the blood. In 5 days of drinking vegetable and fruit juices, you can reduce cholesterol without drugs; naturally, the juice should be freshly squeezed (see):

  • Day 1: celery juice 70 gr. + carrot juice 130 g.
  • Day 2: beet juice 70 gr. + carrot juice – 100 g. + cucumber juice 70gr. Beetroot juice should not be consumed immediately after pressing; it should be left in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that harmful substances evaporate from it.
  • Day 3: Apple juice 70 gr. + celery juice 70 gr. + carrot juice 130 gr.
  • Day 4: cabbage juice 50 gr. + carrot juice 130 gr.
  • Day 5: orange juice 130 gr.

Some folk remedies in the fight against cholesterol

There are countless different folk recipes, cleansing the walls of the arteries, which have a positive effect on the general state of human health, but not all methods traditional medicine suitable for everyone, since many people may have increased individual sensitivity, possible allergic reactions for one or another medicinal herbs or products. Therefore, moderation and caution should be observed during any treatment, even with traditional, proven methods:

  • You will need: dill seeds 0.5 cup, valerian root 1 tbsp. spoon, 1 glass of honey. The chopped root, dill and honey should be mixed thoroughly. Then add 1 liter of boiling water to the mixture and let it sit for 24 hours. Keep the resulting infusion in the refrigerator and consume 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • You will need: 2 cups olive oil, 10 garlic cloves. This is a fairly simple way to create garlic oil, which can be used for any dish, as a seasoning for salads and other foods. Simply peel the garlic, squeeze it through a garlic press, and steep it in olive oil for a week—a great, drug-free cholesterol-lowering garlic oil on your table.
  • You will need: 350 g garlic, 200 gr. alcohol It's enough to do garlic tincture, it is better to grind this amount of garlic in a meat grinder and pour a glass of alcohol or vodka, let it brew in a dark place for 10 days. This fragrant product should be consumed gradually, starting with 2 drops, increasing to 15-20 drops over the course of a week, 3 times a day before meals, preferably diluting the tincture with milk. Then also stop taking from 20 drops to 2 over the next week. This method should not be repeated often, once every 3 years is enough.

What foods lower blood cholesterol?

  • Avocado

Among fruits, this is the richest fruit in the presence of phytosterols; 100 grams of this product contains 76 mg. beta-sitosterol. That is, if you eat 7 tablespoons or half an avocado per day for 21 days, it reduces the level of triglycerides, total cholesterol by 8% and increases the amount of healthy HDL cholesterol by 15%.

The following plant foods are also rich in phytosterols - plant sterols that control and lower blood cholesterol. Eating these products, for example, 60 grams of almonds daily increases good cholesterol by 6% and reduces bad cholesterol by 7%.

  • Olive oil

One tablespoon contains 22 mg of phytosterols, which has a positive effect on the ratio of cholesterol in the blood. You can also use olive oil as a replacement for saturated fat, which reduces bad cholesterol by 18%. Unrefined olive oil has the ability to reduce inflammation and relax the endothelium on the walls of the arteries (see), and if possible, it is better to use it.

  • Wild salmon and sardines - fish oil

These are record holders for Omega 3 content - very healthy fatty acids, in addition to sardines and wild salmon, unlike other sea ​​fish, contain the least amount of mercury. There is a lot of astaxanthin in red salmon - sockeye salmon, this the most powerful antioxidant, but unfortunately sockeye salmon is practically impossible to breed on fish farms. The American Heart Association strongly recommends regular consumption of fish oil- a natural statin, since the omega-3 it contains regulates the production of lipids.

It should be borne in mind that the use of any fried fish nullifies it all beneficial features, since all useful substances are destroyed. This means it is better to use it boiled or baked, about cooking in microwave oven We won’t talk at all, everyone knows about the dangers of any food exposed to microwaves.

  • Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, chokeberry, pomegranate, red grapes

They contain polyphenols, which also stimulate the production of good cholesterol in blood HDL. When consuming 150 grams of any of these berries in the form of puree, juice - nectar for 2 months good cholesterol may increase by 5%. The champion among these berries is cranberry juice, a month after daily use A small amount of juice per day increases the level of good cholesterol by 10%, it also contains a lot of antioxidants, which also help cleanse the body and prevent the development of malignant neoplasms. The use of juices can be combined: blueberry + grape, pomegranate + cranberry.

All fruits purple, blue, and red contain polyphenols that stimulate the production of healthy cholesterol.

  • Oatmeal and whole grains

This healthy way to lower cholesterol levels. If you overcome an old habit, for example, having sandwiches for breakfast, and gradually switch to morning cereals, as well as eating foods containing whole grains (rye, wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet), the abundance of fiber will have a positive effect not only on cholesterol levels, but also on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole.

  • Flax seeds

It can also be called a strong natural statin, since flax seed contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help normalize cholesterol levels.

  • Polycasanol

The source of this substance is sugar cane. It is produced as a dietary supplement in capsules, it prevents the formation of blood clots, lowering LDL levels, regulating blood pressure, and also promotes weight loss in obesity.

  • Beans and soy products

They reduce cholesterol in the blood due to the abundance of soluble fiber in them; in addition, in terms of protein content, these products can replace red meat, which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels. You can eat fermented soy products - Tempeh, miso, tofu.

  • Garlic

This is the most powerful natural statin, garlic slows down the production of low-density lipoproteins, but to feel the effect, it must be consumed enough long time at least a month or even 3 months. The disadvantage of this product is that not everyone can consume hot spices (garlic is contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal diseases).

  • Red fermented rice

In Asian cuisine, red fermented rice extract was previously used as a flavoring and coloring agent. Then it turned out that monacolin K ( by-product fermentation) reduces triglyceride levels, but the sale of this natural statin is now prohibited in some countries.

  • White cabbage

For Russians, this is the most affordable and simple product that is always available in the house. Among other vegetables that can reduce cholesterol and remove it from the body, it is the leader. Moreover, its use is useful in any form - pickled, stewed, or fresh - it should be in the diet of a person seeking to reduce cholesterol, at least 100 grams daily.

  • Commiphora muculus and goldenseal (curcumin)

Commiphora mukul is an Arabian myrtle or guggul, the plant contains a sufficient amount of healing resin that lowers cholesterol. Commiphora is sold in capsules or tablets. Curcumin (Goldenseal) is also effective in lowering cholesterol.

  • Greens in any form

Artichoke, spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, onion - leafy vegetables, greens, are quite rich in lutein, dietary fiber, carotenoids that reduce low-density cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

  • Replace regular White bread, rolls and cookies on - oat cookies, bran bread, coarsely ground, whole grain crackers.
  • Grapeseed and rice bran oils also improve correct ratio bad and good cholesterol.
  • Sea buckthorn, apricots, dried apricots, prunes, carrots, onions and garlic are also very affordable cholesterol-lowering foods for every Russian.
  • Red grapes, red wine, peanuts - contain resveratrol, which also helps improve good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol.

Menu with cholesterol-lowering foods


  • Oatmeal, or boiled brown rice, or any cereal porridge with olive oil, egg white omelet
  • Barley coffee, with milk, green tea, maybe with honey.
  • Whole grain bread with bran, oatmeal cookies

Lunch: Apple, any fruit, berries, whole grain crackers


  • Vegetarian vegetable soup - carrots, peas, potatoes, onions, green beans, corn
  • Baked or boiled fish with any vegetable salad
  • Carrot, pomegranate, cranberry juice - any freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice
  • Whole grain wheat bread

Afternoon snack: 2 fruits, or carrot salad with olive oil


  • Mashed potatoes with lean boiled beef
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Green tea, optional with honey or milk
  • Lenten cookies like "Maria"

Before bedtime: Kefir or yogurt.