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The child has diarrhea with foam. Treatment of foamy stools. Light chair with foam

Every adult faces digestive problems. Diarrhea may be temporary and go away quickly from taking therapeutic measures or, conversely, threaten life. Medical diagnosis will help identify the causes of disorders.

Diarrhea with foam is especially dangerous in an adult or child. The symptom indicates serious problems in the body.

The occurrence of foamy diarrhea in an adult is often associated with an infection that has entered the body, or with dysbacteriosis. Often, liquid, foamy stool is accompanied by fever, general malaise, weakness and abdominal pain. If such manifestations occur, you should immediately contact medical assistance and call an ambulance. Foamy stool in an adult can cause rapid dehydration, which is dangerous to health. The body loses a large number of fluids, disturbed water-salt balance. Diarrhea requires immediate long-term treatment to prevent the development of serious complications.

The main causes of diarrhea:

  • Impact of infection;
  • disturbed intestinal microflora;
  • helminthic infestation (helminthiasis);
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • gluten intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • stressful state.

Infections are the main factor in the development of diarrhea. An inflammatory process in the intestines or stomach is indicated by high temperature and bad feeling. Appropriate tests and tests will help identify the causative agent of the disease. diagnostic studies. The infection is usually accompanied by pain around the navel, nausea, and vomiting. To eliminate it, you need to consult a doctor.

Celiac disease is a disease that can cause foam in the stool. You can get rid of the disease with the help special diet, which prevents gluten from entering the body. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and for foamy diarrhea to go away, it is necessary to completely eliminate cereal products from the diet.

Loose stools in an adult or child may occur due to milk intolerance. Often this pathology develops against the background of other present disorders in digestive system. Lactase deficiency also affects the formation of foam in stool. Foamy stools can occur in a newborn due to poor absorption of sugar in milk. Lactose intolerance often occurs with pancreatic diseases.

Another cause of foamy diarrhea is dysbiosis. When the balance of microflora is disturbed gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders occur. Bowel movements become liquid and frequent. It is quite difficult to establish defecation of solid feces. Treatment of dysbiosis requires long-term use probiotics and strict adherence diets.


You need to start fighting diarrhea immediately.

It is important to know! Foaming diarrhea can cause dangerous complications. Digestive disorders are especially dangerous in children.

The main therapeutic measure for diarrhea is to replenish fluid in the human body. Drinking plenty of fluids will prevent dehydration and intoxication. You can use clean drinking water, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoction, Regidron solution. You need to drink liquid in small portions several times a day.

Proper treatment includes the use of activated carbon. The absorbent will eliminate harmful toxins and substances from the body that have bad influence on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent an allergic reaction, it is also necessary to use antihistamines. Drugs in this group also have an anti-inflammatory effect in case of illness.

If a child poops foam, then doctors prescribe the use of Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, and drugs containing lactose. Medicines from the probiotic group are prescribed together with vitamin complexes. Your doctor may prescribe a powerful antibiotic if necessary.

Remember! Therapy should be aimed at eliminating not only the diarrhea itself, but also the causes of its occurrence.

Traditional treatment

  1. Bird cherry decoctions help cope well with the disease. It is necessary to brew the inflorescences in a teapot or thermos and drink the drink in small portions throughout the day.
  2. Another the right way relieve inflammation - drink chamomile infusion. Chamomile is a natural and harmless antiseptic that actively fights pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. You can get rid of the disease with the help of a plant such as linden. A decoction of linden inflorescences is prepared for about 10 minutes, then infused and filtered. The product must be used several times a day.
  4. If there is a stench from the butt due to diarrhea, it is necessary to take an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent such as oak bark. A decoction of it is prepared in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Then the drink is infused and filtered. Take ¼ cup 3 times a day. Decoction of oak bark and others medicinal plants You can drink it for about a week.


An important therapeutic and preventive measure for stool disorders is proper nutrition. When various abnormalities are observed in the stool, it is necessary to exclude fried and spicy foods, smoked foods, sausages and marinades from the menu. Exclude from the menu dairy products, foods that are difficult for the stomach, spices, Exotic fruits, fat meat.

The diet should not contain foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to eat baked goods - fresh white buns, loaves. You cannot eat pastries, cakes, cookies, gingerbreads. Any types of sweets, candies and chocolate are excluded.

Under no circumstances should you drink milk or sweet lemonades. You should not eat pasta and different kinds broths.

If you have diarrhea, you can eat bananas, which have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. The diet should include well-boiled rice porridge, crackers, Rye bread. The diet should restore the functioning of the digestive system. For diarrhea, the menu mainly includes various types of semi-liquid porridges, boiled vegetable purees, lean fish and meat, meatballs and steamed cutlets. Soups can be eaten pureed, non-spicy and low-fat.

The best liquids to drink are berry fruit drinks, rosehip, linden, and chamomile decoctions. You can drink fruit teas in small quantities. Mineral water can be drunk as long as it is not carbonated.

Know! Eating lean foods helps to quickly eliminate foamy stools.

After the stool reaches the required consistency, you need to follow the dietary regimen for another couple of weeks. Proper nutrition promotes rapid recovery and prevents the development of complications.

It is believed that the act of defecation, or stool, is a natural daily form of cleansing the body of processed foods. Normally, an adult can have stool up to three times, but at least once a day. With the right rational nutrition, the absence of chronic intestinal and other diseases, in the absence of pregnancy in the woman and if there have been no recent surgical operations, the chair should not cause any difficulties or discomfort. Therefore, if deviations and abnormalities appear in the stool, you should pay attention to this Special attention.

What should a normal stool look like?

Normal stool, subject to full compliance healthy image life and nutrition has the following characteristics:

  • has practically no
  • homogeneous in structure,
  • comes out in one or two steps, without straining,
  • has the shape of a sausage,
  • color ranges from light brown to dark brown,
  • the act of defecation occurs every day at the same time.

What does foamy stool look like?

Frequent foamy stools in an adult are the main sign of fermentative dyspepsia. In addition to its liquid consistency, such stools have a characteristic sour smell. In this case, the patient notices rumbling in his stomach in the absence of pain or slight mild pain. Can be discomfort in the intestinal area. The color of the stool is pale, practically without pigmentation. The feces themselves have a lot of gas bubbles, starchy grains, a lot of fiber, and there are also iodophilic microbes and organic acids.

Foamy stools - reasons

If you deviate from the norm, the stool may look different. Feces may take on a different color - white, yellow, black, green. The stool may be mixed with blood or mucus, or both. The stool may be thin and foamy. In all such cases, we can assume the presence of pathology in the digestive system.

Foamy stools are usually liquid. The cause of such stool is functional dyspepsia. - term meaning violation digestive process functional in nature. Such disorders usually occur in the absence of a sufficient amount of digestive enzymes, as well as when poor nutrition. In some cases, functional dyspepsia occurs due to a bacterial infection.

Most often, fermentative dyspepsia is caused by poor nutrition over a long period of time. Usually this is the abuse of carbohydrate foods - sugar, honey, fruits, legumes, cabbage, flour products, as well as fermented drinks (kvass, for example). As a result, favorable conditions for the emergence of fermentative flora.

What are the dangers of fermentative dyspepsia?

Any diarrhea leads to dehydration, and prolonged diarrhea may well end in the appearance intestinal disease. Foamy diarrhea sometimes leads to exhaustion of the body, which negatively affects general health person.

Treatment of foamy fatigue in adults

Basic treatment - this is an adjustment proper nutrition. At the beginning of treatment, it is best to refuse food altogether or “sit” on a mono-diet without consuming fatty foods or dairy products. You should also not eat a lot of fiber. Activated carbon or Polyphepan will help cope with toxins. Next, you need to adhere to a diet, which should be based on a balanced set of foods containing carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and fiber.

Foamy diarrhea in an adult occurs as a result of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The bowel movements become yellow color and liquid consistency with the presence of foam. Common cause condition is the patient’s poor diet, missing products. Diarrhea will go away after the toxic element is eliminated from the body. In case of gastrointestinal pathology, you should seek help from a doctor, conduct an examination and determine the cause of diarrhea, and carry out treatment.

Foamy diarrhea in an adult patient is divided into a number of causes. The form determines chronic and acute diarrhea. Acute lasts up to 14 days, caused by ingestion of:

  • viruses;
  • infections;
  • fungal formations;
  • toxic substances;
  • long-term use of antibiotics.

Factors chronic diarrhea define the following diseases:

  • stress;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • vascular, endocrine causes.

Signs of fluid foamy stool:

  • rumbling, abdominal discomfort;
  • pale yellow stool;
  • going to the toilet 10-12 times a day.

The patient's stool contains bubble gas, microbes and starch components appear.


If you have foamy diarrhea, you should follow a diet. IN medical practice Cases have been recorded where, with nutritional correction, the patient recovered.

Proper nutrition for diarrhea:

All foods that cause intestinal irritation should be excluded from the diet. You should not eat various seasonings, spices, black pepper and salt.

It is important to maintain a water-alkaline balance during diarrhea. You should replenish your body with fluids to avoid dehydration. You can drink 2-2.5 liters of non-carbonated mineral water per day. Use herbal decoctions carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction. You can use weak black tea.

Subject to simple rules The digestive system will instantly recover. After the symptoms of diarrhea disappear, you should refrain from eating heavy foods for 2-3 days.

Allergic reactions

Foamy diarrhea in an adult has causes that are associated with food allergies. Gluten intolerance - celiac disease - causes the disorder. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa occurs as a result of ingestion of foods containing gluten. As a result of poor nutrition, a person's skin becomes red and rashes appear.

The allergen should be excluded, otherwise treatment of diarrhea will become useless. You will need to consult an allergist. The doctor will help you choose antihistamines.


Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by a violation of the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. A reaction is possible as a result of long-term treatment of the disease with medications. Antibiotics have a negative effect on intestinal microflora, eliminating negative and positive microorganisms.

It will be necessary to restore the digestive organs through the use of probiotics and prebiotics. They restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, promoting natural digestion. The ratio of beneficial to pathogenic bacteria should be 99:1. If negative microorganisms become more than 1%, dysbiosis will occur again.

Lactose intolerance

Foamy, loose stools in adults sometimes occur due to lactase deficiency. The body is unable to digest milk sugar. The disease is typical for infants, but cases of pathology have been identified in adults, when pancreatic dysfunction is determined.

Diarrhea when infected with an infection is accompanied by weakness, abdominal pain, fever, and the patient begins to vomit. This occurs as a result of a virus entering the body. You should urgently apply for medical care, donate stool, conduct diagnostics. To eliminate the infection, treatment with medications as prescribed by a doctor will be required.

Ulcer of the stomach, intestines, duodenum, colitis provoke diarrhea with the presence of foam white. At the first signs, you should consult a doctor so that the disease does not develop into chronic form. Characteristic sign diseases - strong pain in a stomach.

Treatment of foamy diarrhea

At home, when a disorder appears, it is important to take measures:

  1. Drink more purified water without gas. Preferably 1.5-2 liters per day.
  2. Make a decoction of oak or chamomile bark. Use the drug "Regidron" in accordance with the instructions. The powder will help restore fluid balance in the body, protect the body from excessive loss of water, and remove toxic elements.
  3. Eat foods that strengthen your intestines. Decoction of rice or bird cherry.
  4. Apply “Activated carbon” 1 tablet per 10 kg of patient’s body weight. It promotes the rapid removal of toxic substances from the stomach.
  5. Stop taking it for a few days fermented milk products, fatty, fried, sweet foods.

Treatment of foamy diarrhea involves the use of folk remedies:

  1. Iodine solution. Dissolve 5 drops of iodine in 200 ml of water. Drink once a day. Helps get rid of toxins.
  2. Dill seed. Boil 1 tsp in 300 ml boiling water. dill seeds for 60 seconds. Remove the broth from the stove and leave for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 times. Eliminates rumbling, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.
  3. Potato starch. Boil 100 ml of water, add 1 tsp. starch, mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Cool the mixture and drink in one gulp. Has a fixing property.

If home remedies do not help, treat medications as prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

Drugs are prescribed that suppress intestinal motility: Loperamide, Imodium.

Smecta powder is popular among users for diarrhea. It envelops, adsorbs, and activates the gastrointestinal mucosa against irritation. Adults should take 3 sachets over 24 hours. The powder can be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Important condition- The dosage is determined by the doctor.

Consultation with a doctor is required in the following situations:

  • diarrhea does not stop for 3 days;
  • frequency of bowel movements 10-12 times per day;
  • slime, bloody issues in feces;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • temperature 38-39C;
  • dark color of stool;
  • the stool foams.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting and high temperature, urgently call an ambulance. By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, you can avoid negative consequences diarrhea.

Possible complications and prevention

If diarrhea is not treated, the symptoms intensify, creating conditions for fermentative microflora. Possible disturbances - dehydration, sudden weight loss of the patient, if felt constant thirst. The situation is fraught with death.

There may be an inflammatory process in the intestines, it is necessary urgent elimination disorder and restoration of the body.

It is better to prevent foamy diarrhea than to treat it. Recommendations to be followed:

  • wash your hands before every meal;
  • rinse food before consumption;
  • keep an eye on proper storage, production of fish, meat, seafood;
  • do not eat sushi with raw fish;
  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • exclude fast food and fatty foods from the diet;
  • check the quality of products before use.

Diarrhea requires examination of the body and determination of the cause. You cannot self-medicate so as not to cause dehydration. You will need to follow a diet, take plenty of fluids, and follow the doctor’s recommendations for treating the disease. In case of dysbiosis, the microflora in the intestines should be restored with the help of probiotics. At rotavirus infection will be required antiviral drugs. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is eliminated by drugs aimed at relieving inflammation of the mucous membrane. Preventive measures provide for the use fresh products in small doses, washing hands and food before eating.

Stool examination may provide comprehensive information about the cause of diarrhea (diarrhea). Foamy diarrhea, the consequences of which we will now consider, is characteristic of fermentative dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a collective term. It denotes digestive disorders of a functional nature, which usually occur when there is an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes or due to poor nutrition.

Signs of developing foamy diarrhea

It is functional dyspepsia that most often causes the disease. The exact reason for this is not clear. In some cases, functional dyspepsia is explained bacterial infection.

The main symptom of foamy diarrhea is frequent foamy stools with a characteristic sour smell.

There is rumbling in the abdomen, but there may be no pain.

In the case of foamy diarrhea, discomfort may occur in the intestinal area.

The stool is lightly colored, has many gas bubbles, as well as a large amount of fiber, starch grains, organic acids and iodophilic microbes.

Possible complications of foamy diarrhea

Typically, foamy diarrhea is a consequence of poor nutrition over a long period. The disease generates overuse carbohydrates (fruits, sugar and honey, grapes, beans and peas, cabbage, flour products), fermented drinks (for example, kvass). Thus, all conditions for fermentation flora are created.

Foamy diarrhea in some severe cases can lead to exhaustion and dehydration. A prolonged course of the disease and repeated cases can lead to the development of serious consequences in the form of various inflammatory bowel diseases.

Features of the treatment of foamy diarrhea

In the treatment of such a digestive system disorder, it is very important to regulate your diet. In the first days of illness, it is preferable to temporarily fast, follow a diet, and not eat fatty, dairy, or fiber-rich foods. Activated charcoal will help the intestines deal with toxins. For dysbacteriosis, treatment for foamy diarrhea involves the use of drugs that contain microflora involved in the digestive process.

Methods for preventing foamy diarrhea include: correct mode nutrition. Poor quality food and quick snacks only aggravate the situation. Avoiding certain drinks and foods can help prevent foamy diarrhea.

Loose stool with foam

Defecation is a natural process of self-cleansing of the body from unnecessary food products. In a healthy adult, bowel movements usually occur at least once and no more than three times during the day. The process of bowel movements can cause discomfort and pain only in case of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases digestive organs, recent surgical operations, pregnancy and childbirth, abdominal pain. If these circumstances do not exist, then the chair should not create difficulties, have liquid consistency or be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Deviations from the norm during bowel movements, in particular diarrhea, should not be overlooked. If diarrhea, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting does not go away on its own or after using remedies unpleasant symptoms during the day, this is a direct indication of the development of diseases or other pathological processes. To establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy you must contact a medical facility.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is the loosening of stool caused by various diseases. The situation is especially dangerous when liquid stool contains foam, since this is a signal of acute diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Loose stools with foam must be treated without delay.

Symptoms and signs of diarrhea with foam

Foamy stool with foamy diarrhea indicates the occurrence of fermentative dyspepsia and a violation of acidity in the digestive system. These processes are accompanied by symptoms such as frequent diarrhea with foam; a sharp sour smell of stool that has a pale yellow tint; skin rashes; feces contain a lot of gas, mucus and small bubbles; abdominal pain is rare and not severe; general weakness body, less often – an increase in body temperature.

Often the body responds to diarrhea severe stress. If it persists for three or more days, you should seek help from a qualified professional.

Causes of foamy diarrhea, why does foamy diarrhea occur?

There are several common causes of foamy diarrhea.

1 Infection can cause severe and frequent diarrhea. The development of infection is accompanied by weakness, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Absence timely treatment infection leads to dangerous complications. Manifestations of such disturbances in the functioning of the body require mandatory analysis feces

2 Dysbacteriosis, or imbalance of intestinal microflora, is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and diarrhea. Diarrhea occurs as a consequence of long-term treatment with antibiotics, which deactivate not only harmful, but also symbiotic microorganisms, malnutrition, diseases of the digestive system, acute and chronic. To eliminate the painful symptoms of dysbiosis, it is necessary to take pro- and prebiotic drugs that promote rapid recovery intestinal microflora.

3 Allergic reactions. Loose stools with foamy inclusions are caused by an allergy to food or its components. To normalize bowel movements, you should consult with an allergist for an individual selection of antihistamines.

5 Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract as causes of foamy diarrhea. Any inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms, the most common of which is loose stools. Such ailments are characterized by sharp pain in a stomach. If painful manifestations are ignored, the disease enters the chronic stage and has serious consequences, which become more difficult to cure over time.

6 Lactase enzyme deficiency can cause frequent loose stools. This enzymatic disorder means non-digestion milk sugar, the accumulation of which causes deviations in the functioning of the organs of the digestive system.

7 Celiac disease and diarrhea symptoms. An inflammatory process in the intestines that occurs as a result of eating cereals containing the protein gluten. In this case, a gluten-free diet helps get rid of yellow, foamy stool.

8 Poor nutrition, abuse of indigestible foods, fatty foods, eating stale food. Tasting exotic dishes containing hot seasonings and various spices that are unusual for the body also leads to stool disturbances. Uncomfortable symptoms associated with diarrhea are bloating, nausea, and subsequent vomiting.

What other causes of foamy diarrhea could there be?

provoke similar phenomenon The following diseases and conditions may occur:

1 dysbacteriosis is a disease associated with an imbalance of intestinal microflora. It occurs mainly as a result of long-term use of certain medicines. The appearance of foam in stool indicates a rapid rate of development of the disease. Treatment includes taking probiotics and following a diet;

2 infectious diseases. In this case, the patient has stool disorder with foam impurities, elevated temperature body, nausea, vomiting and painful sensations in a stomach. This condition is extremely dangerous for humans, as it can lead to irreversible consequences. If you suspect the presence infectious disease you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe drug therapy;

3 inflammatory diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, ulcers, ulcerative colitis or enterocolitis. A characteristic symptom These ailments include loose stools mixed with white foam. If the problem is not treated in time, the disease will become chronic;

5 allergic reaction for any food product. Diarrhea with admixtures of foam in the stool in childhood often indicates the presence of an allergy. This happens if a child eats a product that irritates the digestive organs. Treatment of this disease It is best to entrust it to a specialist; he is able to identify the allergen and prescribe a set of therapeutic measures;

6 lactase deficiency. This pathology can be noticed immediately after the birth of the baby. He may initially have foamy diarrhea, and subsequently other symptoms. This disease is associated with the inability of the child's body to digest milk sugar due to the absence or insufficient production special enzyme- lactase. Occasionally, this disease occurs in adulthood, as a result of disruption of the pancreas;

7 improper nutrition. Sometimes a child has foamy diarrhea, but at the same time he feels stable, a good appetite, no nausea or bloating. Most likely the problem here is malnutrition. When changing your diet diarrhea will go away by her own. Unbalanced nutrition of the mother during the period breastfeeding can cause foamy stools in a newborn;

8 Celiac disease is a disease associated with intolerance to gluten, a protein found in cereals. In this case, excluding grains from the diet can normalize the patient’s stool. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns, it is recommended to feed them with fermented milk mixture. If this does not help, you should seek medical help.

Treatment of diarrhea with foam, what to do if diarrhea with foam appears?

In order to begin treatment for diarrhea with foamy inclusions, first of all, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence. It is very important to entrust the solution to this issue to professionals and in no case engage in self-help. Any actions to eliminate the symptoms of the disease must be discussed with your doctor. If the cause of foamy diarrhea is poor diet, taking an adsorbent is allowed ( Activated carbon and its analogues, Filtrum-Sti, etc.). This will help collect and remove from the intestines naturally substances that cause irritation, pain and loose stools. These drugs, in addition to harmful substances, absorb a lot of liquid, so for support water balance While taking them, you should drink as much clean boiled water as possible.

Diarrhea that appears as an allergic reaction requires taking both adsorbents and antihistamines, neutralizing the effect of the allergen and improving the patient’s well-being. Failure in the balance of intestinal microflora and the diarrhea caused by it are eliminated using drugs that include: beneficial bacteria, supporting the existence and reproduction of surviving intestinal bacteria. The course of treatment for diarrhea with foam is quite long and is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

How to eat properly for diarrhea, diet for treating diarrhea?

For recovery, taking medications prescribed by a doctor is not enough; you also need to follow a special diet. In some cases, to stop loose stools, in order to get rid of diarrhea and its symptoms, it is enough to exclude one product from the diet. To get rid of diarrhea, you need to stop drinking fatty foods, semi-finished products, canned and fermented milk products, fresh fruits, which can cause dyspepsia.

The optimal diet for the patient is boiled unsalted rice. You can only eat rye bread; bananas are acceptable fruits. During the diet for the treatment of foamy diarrhea, special attention must be paid to maintaining sufficient level fluids in the body to prevent dehydration. Enough for this drink plenty of fluids. You can drink non-carbonated alkaline mineral water, and in the absence of allergies - herbal teas. Priority measures are aimed at restoring intestinal functions impaired by the disease and eliminating pain in a stomach. The diet should not include foods that irritate the stomach and intestinal walls.

Compliance with these simple requirements is the key to rapid normalization of stool and recovery wellness. It is necessary to return to the patient’s usual diet gradually and carefully. New food products are introduced one at a time, during which observations of the body's behavior are carried out.

Traditional methods of treating diarrhea with foam, how to treat diarrhea at home?

If loose stools with foam are not a manifestation of the disease, the use of traditional methods fight against diarrhea, which are aimed at strengthening bowel movements. Most available method Treatment of diarrhea at home is taking decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants, among which the most popular are chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort and yarrow, as well as eating blueberries and bird cherry. Nuts (for example, walnuts or hazelnuts) also have excellent binding properties.

Like any liquid bowel movements, foamy diarrhea that does not go away for several days causes rapid dehydration and depletes the human body. An irresponsible approach to bloating or diarrhea leads to the development of severe inflammatory processes in the intestines. When the first painful symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for examination and prescribing treatment that is suitable for your case.