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Rice mushroom. Indian sea rice: beneficial properties of sea mushroom. How to grow rice mushroom in a jar, how to take an infusion of Indian rice. Rice kvass recipes

We all want to be healthy and look good, but we often don’t have enough time for anything. Is this a familiar picture? In this case, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. Today we will talk about growing Indian rice mushroom (other name: sea rice) at home and its beneficial properties.

Risov this type kombucha called because of the external similarity of its surface to grains of rice. It is not known for certain, but it is believed that the monks of Tibet were the first to use the Indian mushroom. They specially grew it in containers to obtain an invigorating, life-giving drink.

Essentially Indian rice mushroom is a colony of various bacteria (zooglea). Other common varieties of zooglea are the famous tea and milk mushrooms. This is a slimy film on the surface of the water.

Of its fellow mushrooms, it is the rice mushroom that is considered the most useful. Its infusion is often used for diseases of the immune and cardiovascular systems, high blood pressure, insomnia, various diseases nervous system, they say that it helps with tuberculosis, problems with gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity(stomatitis, periodontal disease), removes excess salts from the body and even helps improve potency in men. All these statements are stated in folk medicine, you can believe them or not, but what is certain is that Indian rice mushroom relieves fatigue and overwork very well!

The women found another important application rice mushroom - its infusion can be used as an effective cosmetic product(like cosmetic milk). Superficial fat and dirt will easily come off, and the skin will be saturated with beneficial minerals and vitamins, it will become more elastic and toned.

To grow rice mushroom, you will need a well-washed glass jar with clean water and a little sugar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water, sugar should be completely dissolved, its whole grains should not fall on the rice mushroom). Add 4 tablespoons of sea rice to 1 liter of mixture. Many gourmets additionally add prunes, dried apricots and raisins to the water mixture to give it the necessary aroma and taste.

Cover the jar with Indian rice mushroom with gauze and put it in a shaded place. Heating and direct contact sun rays should be completely excluded. The optimal temperature is room temperature. After a couple of days, the drink is strained through cheesecloth, the old dried fruits are thrown away, the sea rice itself is thoroughly washed with clean water, after which it is seasoned with a new one.

Take the drink 10-20 minutes before meals three times a day. First positive changes You and the people around you will notice after just 4 weeks of regular use.

Indian rice mushroom also has contraindications. It is not recommended for use by people with high acidity and ulcers. duodenum or stomach, as well as patients diabetes mellitus. Therefore, if possible, try to consult a doctor before starting to use rice mushroom.

Despite its name, Indian sea rice is not a type of cereal beloved in Asian countries. This is a drinking mushroom that simply resembles overcooked rice in appearance. It has been known since ancient times, but is less common than similar mushrooms. But beneficial features Indian sea rice are more extensive.


Before you start propagating the mushroom and preparing drinks from it, you need to understand whether Indian sea rice is beneficial for you? Yes, it has a lot of positive properties that affect the body. These include the following:

  • Anti-inflammatory soothing effect.
  • Strengthening immune system.
  • Improving the condition of skin and hair, which is especially important for women.
  • Removal bad cholesterol from blood.
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Lowers blood pressure, useful for hypertension.
  • Promotion general tone body.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Relieving fatigue, combating headaches and stress.
  • Prevents salt deposition.
  • Prevention of the development of cancer.
  • Diuretic action.

For men and women of any age, the issue of strengthening the heart and blood vessels is relevant. Reducing blood pressure, improving the general condition of the body: drinks made from sea rice can improve health and prolong youth.


Negative manifestations can occur without any contraindications. They are associated with the body’s addiction to rice kefir, but they can also appear due to abuse of the drink.

When using, note:

  • Discomfort in the respiratory tract.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Diarrhea.

Discomfort in the respiratory system occurs in patients with asthma. But it goes away quickly enough, no additional harm internal organs does not bring a drink, the systems are functioning normally. And indigestion and diarrhea are associated with the necessary restructuring of the body: after a few days from the start of intake, digestion returns to normal. The intestines will begin to work better, natural peristalsis will be restored.

If unpleasant symptoms do not go away for a long time, this becomes a reason to consult a doctor. Your disease may be progressing gastrointestinal system that you don't pay attention to. The medicinal properties of kvass from Indian sea rice in this situation may turn out to be negative due to the presence of contraindications.

Dietary properties

Due to its low calorie content and health benefits, a drink made from Indian sea rice is considered a dietary drink. It improves digestion and helps the body return to its natural metabolic rate. When creating a menu for weight loss, pay attention to this kvass: thanks to its consumption, fats are broken down faster. Nutritionists recommend taking it for those who not only want to lose a few extra pounds, but are obese.

Such a drink will not be superfluous for therapeutic diets. Suitable for therapeutic menus for patients with cardiovascular diseases. In case of hypertension, it lowers arterial pressure, generally improves the functioning of the “motor” and blood vessels, accelerates the removal of bad cholesterol from the blood. But you shouldn’t drink too much of it: for health purposes, the daily maximum is 300 ml. For children - 100 ml, for children under 3 years old - 50 ml.

Calorie content

Calorie content is 40-100 kcal per 100 grams. Determining it exactly is problematic. But drinks made from Indian sea rice are classified as dietary. The fat content is minimal, the calorie content is low, and can be consumed even during active weight loss.


The mass of beneficial properties of a fungal drink will not be important for everyone. There are contraindications that prevent you from drinking it at all. It is not recommended, even under the close supervision of a specialist, in the following cases:

  • Diabetes.
  • Gastritis.
  • Diseases of the duodenum.

For weak stomach disorders Use is allowed, but with caution. It is better to first check whether you can take drinks made from Indian sea rice from your doctor who is monitoring your health.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

There are no contraindications to the use of a drink made from Indian sea rice during pregnancy or lactation. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can safely include it in their diet, but in moderation. The effect of the drink on the fetus and baby has not been studied; you should focus on the reaction of your own body, which itself will “tell you” whether to drink or not drink. And, of course, consult with your doctor who is monitoring you during this period.

It is allowed to give kvass even to small children who are not yet three years old. But in minimal quantities, exclusively to strengthen health and the immune system, prevent viral and colds.

The nutritional value

Despite the fact that Indian sea rice has been known for a long time, there is still no accurate data on its energy value. It is known that fats are present to a minimum, as are carbohydrates. Protein is also contained in small quantities. The ready-made drink from the Indian fungus is considered dietary and thirst-quenching, but does not cause a feeling of fullness. He cannot become a full-fledged participant in the diet.

The unique composition of the finished drink provides positive influence on the body. Quantity useful substances will vary depending on additives and the “freshness” of the fungus. The most useful will be the kvass that was obtained during the first procedure.

How to use

The drink is consumed primarily for human health. They add it to their personal menu because of its beneficial properties that improve general state body and strengthening the work internal systems. The drink is prepared as follows:

  1. Add 1 liter of lightly sweetened water to 4 tablespoons of mushroom crystals.
  2. Add some raisins or other dried fruits to your taste.
  3. Leave the drink to infuse in a sunny place for two days.
  4. Drain the liquid through cheesecloth.
  5. Immediately wash the fungus and prepare a new portion for kvass.

The resulting kvass must be consumed within 5-6 days. Later, its composition elements useful for the human body will begin to disappear, and there will be no positive effect. The most effective and rich essential microelements and vitamins, there will be a drink prepared in the very first days.

Kvass is drunk 250 ml per day for general strengthening body. Take half an hour before meals, successfully replacing them regular tea. The average course of treatment is 3-4 months. During colds, gargle with the drink three times a day to relieve inflammation. You can also put it in your nose when you have a runny nose.

In cosmetology

Sea rice has also found its place in cosmetology. You can wash your face with the drink obtained from it: it perfectly cleanses the skin without tightening it. Tones, refreshes, gives a healthy glow. When washing, most harmful bacteria removed from the skin. The infusion can also be added to the bath instead of salt.


In order for sea rice mushroom to be stored longer, it is necessary to approach this issue correctly. There is an opinion that it cannot be stored for longer than five days. WITH the right conditions this opinion becomes erroneous. The mushroom will live much longer if you keep it in a glass jar covered with gauze. And fill with clean filtered water without dangerous impurities.

Rules for caring for sea rice:

  • Keep the rice in a glass jar covered with sterile gauze. It will multiply more slowly in plastic and other containers.
  • Fill with filtered water only, do not passed the procedure boiling.
  • After removing the starter, be sure to rinse the mushroom crystals with water. Do not leave any dried fruits that were added during the process.
  • Keep the prepared drink in the refrigerator.

By following these simple rules, you will regularly receive a drink made from Indian mushroom. And the rice itself will not die in as soon as possible, but will multiply.

How to choose

You can buy Indian sea rice in pharmacies or from people who breed it. You can find one spoon for low price, and then propagate it yourself in a jar. But, buying not at a pharmacy, but from ordinary people, be sure to look at the appearance of the fungus. It should be white, similar to large crystals of overcooked rice. If they try to sell you a dubious gray substance, refuse. There are known cases where such sales were carried out by scammers.

What goes with it?

The sourish drink obtained during the fermentation of Indian sea rice even vaguely resembles kvass in taste. It perfectly quenches thirst, just one small glass is enough. It is prepared using not only fungus, but also dried fruits. It is with dried berries and it is usually combined with fruits.

It is not added to dishes during cooking. It is used as a separate drink, and not as an addition to certain foods. It is a biological health supplement that can replace tea. True, you are unlikely to want to drink it with cookies or sweets because of the specific leaven taste.


Indian sea rice has not yet been fully studied. But him positive properties known, as well as possible Negative consequences reception. This is a living fungal organism, on the basis of which a leavened drink is prepared. It can be taken at almost any age; there are no restrictions even during pregnancy and lactation in women.

Many of us love kvass. This is a delicious, refreshing drink. But it is mainly made from yeast, and store-bought is not always natural. At home, you can prepare another drink that will not be inferior to kvass in taste, but will significantly surpass it in terms of benefits. We are talking about sea rice, which is also called Indian sea rice.

Appearance and description

Sea rice is actually not a cereal crop at all, as many might think. They are not even closely related to each other.

This fungus first appeared in our country after the visit of traders from India. Externally, in its shape and granules, the fungus resembles heavily digested rice. Apparently, this is how the culture got its name.

It is officially considered the most useful representative of drinking mushrooms. These translucent ice grains were brought to Russia back in the 19th century. Since he arrived from India, he received the appropriate name. Before us is one of the most ancient cultures, which man learned about much earlier than milk and kombucha. In addition, rice surpasses them in terms of benefits.

At the initial stage of their development, grains grow approximately 5-6 millimeters in diameter, but as they grow and before division they can grow up to 5 centimeters.


Before you begin a detailed study of this fungus and the drink obtained from it, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations and nuances of handling Indian rice.

  • The drink has diuretic effect which you will begin to feel after the first uses rice kvass. But gradually the body adapts, the desire to run to the toilet so often disappears.
  • In the first two weeks, you may also experience such an unpleasant thing as diarrhea. But this is quite normal and expected, since the digestive system also gets used to the new drink. There is no need to be afraid of this and stop drinking the drink.
  • It would be a good idea for an adult to drink 300 ml of the drink per day, about half an hour before meals. Also drink it throughout the day as desired. The children's dose is half as much.
  • There are no restrictions on the duration of consumption of rice infusion. Just listen to your body. He doesn't want to drink, don't force him.
  • If rice is given proper care, it can grow quickly and provide even better medicinal properties. We will talk about care separately today.
  • Be sure to follow all the recommendations for preparing and caring for rice, which we will tell you about in detail.
  • Be sure to share the fungus with your friends and acquaintances. Its benefits are incredible, and the taste pleasantly pleases even capricious children.

Sea rice has its own characteristics among other mushrooms of the genus Zooglea


Many people write that Indian sea rice is completely unsuitable for long-term storage, that it will spoil in just five days. Actually this is not true. You just need to follow certain rules care And here they are.

Arm yourself with the following things:

  • Filtered, not boiled water;
  • Glass jar;
  • Gauze to cover the neck of the jar.

As for additional products, it all depends on your individual preferences. As a rule, dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits, and so on are added to rice.

And the leaving process looks like this:

  • Take clean, but not boiled water (you will need a good filter), as well as gauze from the pharmacy. With its help you will protect the fungus from midges and dust;
  • The rice will live in a glass jar. Plastic is not suitable here, since in such a container the culture does not grow well and multiplies very slowly;
  • Also equip yourself with a measuring cup that will allow you to measure the amount of infusion needed for consumption;
  • After each preparation of kvass, be sure to remove any remaining dried fruits and rinse the rice crystals thoroughly. Without this, it will quickly disappear and become unsuitable for further use;
  • Rice must be stored in glass and in the refrigerator. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Indian rice really has unusual composition and corresponding nutritional value. The following components can be distinguished in culture:

  • Tannins;
  • Yeast-like fungi;
  • Enzymes;
  • Glucosides;
  • Fatty substances;
  • Organic acids and so on.

As for caloric content, it has not yet been possible to accurately determine it. However, this dietary product, which means there are approximately 40-100 kcal per 100 grams. There is practically no fat here.

Chemical composition

The amount of vitamins and minerals that make up Indian rice largely determines such high benefits of the product:

  • Vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B12, B6);
  • Vitamin PP;

Beneficial features

Now we have gradually reached the beneficial properties that this product is so rich in. To be more precise, the drink obtained from sea rice is valued. And here's why.

  • Soothes, relieves inflammation, strengthens;
  • Fights bacteria, has anti-ulcer properties;
  • Tones and strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes heart function, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Removes cholesterol from the blood;
  • Promotes recovery after heart attack and stroke;
  • Helps cope with ulcers, hemorrhoids, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • Recommended for the prevention of stroke and heart attack;
  • Useful for obesity;
  • Externally restores and treats skin, sore joints, throat;
  • Normalizes the condition of facial skin and hair.

Harm and contraindications

Despite its harmlessness and abundance of beneficial properties, the sea rice drink has certain contraindications:

  • It should not be used if you have diabetes (when a person is dependent on insulin);
  • Not recommended for gastritis, problems with the duodenum;
  • When used, it may cause unpleasant feeling V respiratory organs(occurs mainly in asthmatics). Over time, the sensations disappear, the organs work normally;
  • Occasionally, a drink causes a process of reconfiguration of the digestive system and the entire body. As a result, diarrhea, frustration. But there is no need to be afraid of this. The sensation is unpleasant, but it indicates recovery normal operation organs.

So use the drink wisely, don't drink too much if your body doesn't accept it, and don't be afraid to sit on the toilet a couple of times. If the intestines go astray after starting to drink rice kvass, this only means that it is returning to in a healthy way functioning.


In medicine

IN medicinal purposes, as we have already noted, a drink made from sea rice is used. To experience the true benefits of this, let’s say, kvass, you first need to make it correctly.

How to cook

You definitely won’t have any problems making rice kvass. This requires a minimum of effort and ingredients.

  • Take a glass jar and put 4 tbsp in it. fungus.
  • Add a few grains of raisins, fill with sweetened water at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. sugar per 1 liter of water.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and place it in a place well lit by the sun. The best option is a window sill.
  • The drink actively develops at a temperature of 21-25 degrees. You need to insist on it for two days.
  • Pour the water through several layers of brand into bottles.
  • Be sure to rinse the rice immediately under running water. cold water.
  • It is advisable to prepare a new portion of kvass immediately after this. Add other dried fruits at your discretion.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink for 4-5 days until it loses its properties.

Use for medical purposes

Depending on what health problems you are facing, there are appropriate recommendations for drinking the drink.

  • For general strengthening of the body It is recommended to drink 250 ml of kvass per day, replacing tea with it. Take half an hour before meals. Course - 90-120 days.
  • For the purpose of preventing heart and blood vessels When preparing the drink, replace raisins with dried apricots. Drink 250 ml three times a day before meals. Course - 30-60 days.
  • Haemorrhoids. When faced with such a problem, make an enema from rice kvass. Mix 100-125 ml of water with 2 tbsp. drink The procedure is carried out before bedtime. The first seven days - an enema every day, the second seven days - an enema every second day. After this, take a break for a week and a half. If necessary, repeat the course again.
  • Colds and viral diseases. Problems such as stomatitis, flu, colds, and sore throats are treated with a warmed drink, which is gargled 3 times a day. If you have a runny nose, drop kvass with a pipette.
  • Problems with the back, joints, sprains, bruises can be cured by internal use and rubbing the drink onto the affected areas. Use rice drink compresses and then wrap tightly in a woolen scarf.
  • Diabetes. The drink also brings great benefits to those who suffer from diabetes (non-insulin dependent form). You just need to prepare kvass without dried fruits and sugar.
  • Obesity. This problem can leave you if you combine proper nutrition with drinking 100-250 ml of sea rice drink 3 times a day. There are no restrictions on the course of admission. The drink normalizes the functioning of digestion and stomach, fat will begin to be broken down more actively.

Sea rice drink is used to prevent and treat many ailments.

Rules of use

It should be understood that compliance with the norms for the use of a particular product is an opportunity to obtain maximum benefit and minimum harm. Yes, many foods are incredibly healthy for adults and children, and they delight our stomachs. But if you eat or drink too much of them, it will definitely not do any good.

As for the drink made from sea rice, it also has its own nuances for consumption.

  • You need to drink the drink 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day. But one serving should not exceed 150 ml. A person will be able to feel changes inside the body in literally 20 days. If you want, drink more, but between meals, not during.
  • If you drink it for medicinal purposes, then the daily norm is at least 300 ml.
  • Adults are recommended to drink 100-150 ml three times a day. It all depends on desire and well-being.
  • Children over 3 years old - no more than 100 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Again, optional.
  • Children under 3 years old - no more than 50 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Consider the child’s desire and well-being; do not force him to drink if he does not want to.
  • Be sure to listen to your body. He will make it clear whether the drink he drank during the day was enough or not. Even if you haven’t drunk the recommended amount during the day, and your body doesn’t want to take it, don’t drink it. Don't go against your wishes.
  • The duration of the course of taking the drink is an individual thing. A person himself can feel and understand when he gets tired of drinking rice kvass. But, as practice shows, the most capricious people stop drinking it after 3 months, and connoisseurs of the taste and benefits of the drink do not stop drinking it for many decades.
  • The first drink made from fresh rice, which you infused for 2 days according to the recipe, has weak beneficial properties. It is more suitable for prevention. To grow truly healthy rice, be patient and turn small grains of rice into huge crystals. This will indicate that there are a lot of benefits from it.
  • The prepared drink is suitable for consumption for the first 4-5 days. But it is recommended to drink it in the first 48 hours, when the concentration of benefits is maximum.
  • Don't leave rinsed rice long time without work, so to speak. After 5 days of storage in the refrigerator, it may deteriorate and lose its properties. It is possible to restore them, but to do this you will have to make several servings of the drink again until its medicinal abilities return to it.

When losing weight

If you are looking natural remedy, with which you can get rid of excess weight, then you found it. This is sea rice.

The presence of a special enzyme in the infusion allows you to effectively break down fats. The name of this enzyme is lipase. It is a natural component for human body, which appears from birth and is secreted by glands throughout life.

However, the work of these glands is disrupted under the influence of various factors, ranging from heredity to poor nutrition. As a result, lipase is not produced, fats are not broken down and are deposited under the skin. This is how a person gains weight.

But if you start taking an infusion of rice, you will turn the situation inside the body in the opposite direction. Lipase will begin to enter the body. Moreover, the amount of enzyme will be such that it will be able to break down incoming fat, as well as fight accumulated deposits.

By regularly consuming rice kvass, your metabolism will return to normal and your body will begin to function more efficiently. Next comes weight loss, normalization of blood pressure, improved well-being, and increased performance.

In cosmetology

The rice infusion also performed excellently as a cosmetic product. This is an excellent way to take care of your skin.

It's no secret that under the influence environment our skin deteriorates, breaks down water balance. Using the infusion, you can tone, refresh your face, delicately cleanse pores, remove dead cells, eliminate dangerous bacteria, which accumulate on the skin.

This is the best lotion you can find these days. It consists exclusively of natural components familiar to our body.

Now deodorants, rinses, and masks are created based on the rice drink. Also, be sure to try adding the infusion while taking a bath, replacing salt with it. you will feel positive effect almost immediately.


There are absolutely no difficulties in growing sea rice. But first, you will need to find the source material, that is, these crystals, from which, over time, large fungal crystals filled with benefits will grow. It is sold, it can be found among friends, acquaintances, and in herbal pharmacies.


  • Place the fungus in a colander and rinse it under cold water;
  • It is better to use a three-liter glass jar as a container, even if there is only a small amount of fungus. Be sure to sterilize the jar;
  • Now prepare the solution. For it, dilute 4 tbsp. sugar for every liter of water. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the sugar;
  • Place the rice in a jar with sweetened water, add any dried fruits;
  • Covering the jar with gauze will protect the fungus from insects and dust;
  • Insist on the windowsill, but to sunlight combined with the shadow. Do not place near heating radiators in order to speed up the fermentation process;
  • After a few days the drink will be ready. Pour it into bottles;
  • Rinse the rice, add the ingredients again according to the recipe for preparing the infusion. Experiment with different dried fruits;
  • The more similar stages of cooking rice it goes through, the larger the crystals will become. Over time they begin to divide. From a small handful of grains of rice you can grow an unlimited amount of material for making a drink. But only on condition proper care, which we have already told you about.

It won't be long before your friends and acquaintances will be asking for some Indian sea rice. Do not refuse them under any circumstances, be sure to share this useful product. With its help, you can cure many diseases, protect yourself from various diseases in the future, overcome the problem of excess weight, normalize the condition of your skin, and so on.

Sea rice is an incredible fungus that many people ignore for some reason. But it makes an excellent drink, not inferior in taste to the world-famous kvass. But in terms of benefits, these two drinks are not even close to each other.

Its name is Indian sea rice (zooglea, Tibetan mushroom) received for its similarity to a cereal crop - ordinary rice. It was first delivered to Russia from India and has since become a reality. modern man.

Back in the distant 30s of the last century, scientists proved the presence of incredible useful components for the human body, contained in Indian sea rice. During its life, in a moderately sweet environment, the most important organic acids (phosphoric, pyruvic), vitamins and enzymes are formed.

Beneficial properties of Indian sea rice

Sea rice infusion has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, improves metabolism, improves immunity and heals the entire body. It is recommended for use by all people with excess body weight, slow metabolic processes and diseases of the digestive system.

Effect on the human body:

  • lowers blood pressure
  • stimulates the immune system
  • kills germs
  • activates metabolic processes
  • has a mild diuretic effect

In addition, a drink made from Indian rice has an antibacterial effect on colonies pathogenic microorganisms . It helps cope with infection during flu, sore throat and sinusitis, and benefits the intestines.

A its ability to strengthen the immune system allows you to suffer from respiratory viral infections less and less often.

Sea rice helps improve performance, helps with nervous disorders, insomnia and increased fatigue. Drinking an infusion of sea rice is useful for hypertension, heart disease and chronic pulmonary pathologies.

A healthy drink made from Indian rice is known throughout the world for its antioxidant properties. Its use removes harmful compounds, toxins from the body and protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Sea rice has a beneficial effect on joints, strengthens drug therapy for rheumatism, atherosclerosis and arthritis. If you are suffering from boils, then regular use Indian rice will cleanse the blood and purulent rashes will stop appearing on the skin.

If you have allergic reactions, rare diseases, then before using sea rice infusion, consult a specialist, although this drink has virtually no contraindications and is not capable of causing harm to health.

IN summer period The infusion of Indian rice perfectly quenches thirst; even children will like its pleasant sour taste. This remedy is indicated for pregnant women suffering from edema. It will help normalize urine output and excess liquid from fabrics.

The use of sea rice in cosmetology

The skin of a modern person is exposed to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, hard water, and low-quality cosmetics, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and general aging.

From using soap hormonal disorders and some chronic diseases the ph of the skin is disturbed, the protective lipid film is injured, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. All this leads to inflammation and acne.

Sea rice infusion thanks to antibacterial properties effectively cleanses the skin of dead epidermal cells, accumulation of sebum and dirt in the pores, normalizes skin function sebaceous glands .

Colonies pathogens, attacking inflamed, injured skin, die under the influence of Indian rice, and the skin noticeably improves.

The infusion of rice returns a pleasant shade to the face. Provides skin reliable protection from negative impacts from outside. It is absolutely natural and does not contain any artificial additives.

It can be used by people as a lotion without restriction. Wipe your face and neck with it every morning and evening and within a few days you will notice how you will feel refreshed, acquire a healthy glow and natural look your tired skin.

You can add it to your bath water so that he provides his useful action for the whole body. At least once a week, soak gauze in the sea rice infusion and apply it to your face and neck. After 10 minutes, rinse the skin and dry it with massage movements using a towel. Such gadgets are effective prevention premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Universal cure for diseases

Many people have various contraindications To medications. But sea rice is absolutely harmless for both adults and children. It has been scientifically proven that it has no analogues in the world in terms of its unique natural composition. According to clinical scientific research, a drink made from this product has a positive effect on human health and helps fight illnesses and feeling unwell.

It can be taken by absolutely everyone, of course, while observing certain rules for preparing this healthy drink.

Cooking rules

Indian sea rice creates a drink in which unique biochemical reactions are observed and fermentation processes are active. Therefore, when preparing it, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene and not allow the drink to infuse for a long time, so that it does not acquire an excessively sour taste and does not spoil.

To prepare the rice infusion you will need:

  1. clean glass jar;
  2. filtered but not boiled water;
  3. sea ​​rice;
  4. gauze and rubber band for the neck of the jar;
  5. non-metallic sieve;
  6. dried fruits;
  7. sugar.

Indian sea rice must be washed regularly, at least once every two days, with settled, cool water, throwing it on a sieve so that its granules do not accidentally flow down the drain. The sieve should not be metal in order to active ingredients drinks did not enter into foreign reactions with the metal.

After you rinse the rice, let it drain a little. The jar in which it is located must be regularly cleaned of mucus and sour infusion. Do not use this detergents, since their leftovers can harm and kill the rice.

After rinsing, place the rice grains in the bottom of a clean glass jar and fill them with cool water in which the sugar has previously been dissolved. For about one liter of liquid you need to put 4 tablespoons of rice and two tablespoons of sugar. If the sugar granules do not dissolve completely and fall on the sea rice, it may become sick and die.

Then add washed dried fruits to the water - raisins, dried apricots, prunes. Cover the top with dry gauze and wrap a rubber band around the neck of the jar. This is necessary so that dust and midges, which are attracted, do not penetrate inside acidic environment rice, especially in the hot season.

Place the jar of rice to steep away from electrical appliances and strong odors. In a day or two, the drink will be ready. Drain it into a container, remove the dried fruits, rinse the rice and season again according to all the rules.

Sea rice drink has a mild diuretic effect. At the beginning of using it you will feel it, but then your body adapts and frequent urge will disappear by urination. In addition, the first two weeks digestive system should get used to the drink and you may experience mild diarrhea.

It is recommended for an adult to drink at least 300 ml per day. infusion of sea rice, preferably half an hour before meals. But during the day you can drink the drink as needed, when thirst arises. For children, it is recommended to reduce the dose of infusion by half.

The duration of taking the finished drink is selected strictly individually. There are no clear restrictions on this issue. It is recommended to listen to your body: you should not forcefully drink sea rice, no matter how healthy it may seem to you.

Sea rice has no restrictions on the duration of administration. There is nothing wrong with using it for several years in a row, quite the opposite. In the first weeks, it is recommended to limit the intake of the infusion until the body gets used to it. But after a week, you can safely take the drink in full.

Growing principles

If you follow the instructions, growing it from scratch and caring for a living rice mushroom will not be difficult. With high-quality, attentive care, it will grow quickly, delighting you with its healing properties. Do not use plastic dishes to prepare it, as rice does not grow and reproduce well in it.

Do not forget to change the water on time and follow all the recommendations described above. If you end up with a lot of extra rice, offer it to friends and acquaintances. Don't forget to tell us how this healthy drink helps you with Everyday life maintain health and excellent health. How more people will be healthy and happy, the better your life will become.

Cautions for eating rice

Due to the sugar content in the finished sea rice drink, it should not be used by people suffering from diabetes. If minor digestive upset occurs, reduce the drink to a few tablespoons per day until the diarrhea stops. During development skin rash and other signs allergic reaction stop taking sea rice and consult a doctor.

Never drink a clearly sour infusion that has been left for more than three days, especially in the hot season, otherwise poisoning may occur. Do not leave rice in direct sunlight or near the stove, as it produces heat during cooking and may cause the rice to sour.

Sea rice in the fight against extra pounds

For those who want to lose weight, sea rice is a real find. It contains lipase, which breaks down fats and prevents their accumulation. In addition, the drink helps dull hunger and makes it easier to tolerate diets and physical exercise. Indian rice normalizes metabolic processes, removes excess fluid from tissues , and along with it, toxins that poison and pollute the body. By the way, .

Over time, the production of lipase decreases and the fats entering the body are not fully broken down, being deposited on the waist, hips and buttocks. But The biggest danger of excess weight is the stress on joints and cardiovascular system . The risk of heart attack and stroke with obesity is several times higher than in people with obesity. normal weight bodies. That is why a drink made from sea rice is recommended for all people with a tendency to be overweight, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Water is the first thing you need to pay attention to. Chlorinated water from the tap, of course, will not work; it must be clean. The drink will be of better quality if it is prepared using artesian or spring water. You can take mineral water in cylinders or bottles, leave it for some time, and then boil and cool to room temperature.

To normal glass jar With water, add some dried fruits that you can find at home: raisins, dried apricots. They are necessary to ensure that the “living” rice is constantly fed. Then add a couple of spoons of Indian rice and a few spoons of sugar, first in water. The top of the jar should be covered with gauze to prevent debris and insects from getting in.

You need to choose a warmer storage location, but it is important to avoid direct sunlight. A closet is perfect, where it is dry, warm, and there is no dampness. The main thing is that this cabinet does not hang next to the stove, microwave or heating devices.

After a few days, the sea rice begins to divide. The rate of division depends on care. The water should be changed regularly, every 2-3 days. If Indian rice is left without water, it will simply spoil immediately. With conscientious care, the mushroom can live for more than a year, as it is constantly renewed. If taken care of poorly, the infusion will begin to become cloudy and turn into mucus, in which case it is better to start new rice.

Already on the second day, the infusion should be poured through cheesecloth, carefully so as not to lose grains of rice. “Caught” sea rice must be rinsed well with cool water, which, like for sourdough, must be clean. The washed rice is poured again with boiled water into a jar with fresh dried fruits. The resulting drink can already be drunk, although it medicinal properties not too strong yet. It will taste different from subsequent ones, since the first infusion is not particularly pleasant. When growing mushrooms, you should consider seasonal features, for example, in summer it infuses faster.

Storage and method of use

The finished infusion is stored in the refrigerator for several days. It should be taken as a medicine, twenty minutes before meals, three times a day. If you take it in advance, it will be better absorbed and improve digestion.

Restrictions on use

Even such a healing and harmless drink has its own. It is not recommended to take this infusion for people with gastritis, increased acidity stomach, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus taking insulin. Individual intolerance to sea rice is possible.