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What to do if your ear hurts. How to relieve unbearable ear pain: the most effective drugs and folk recipes

Ear pain, like toothache, can be unbearable.

Its first symptoms can signal the development of various diseases, so they should not be ignored.

This article will discuss in detail what needs to be done if an adult’s ear hurts, and what pathologies can trigger acute ear pain.

An adult's ear hurts: non-medical reasons

Ear pain may not always be caused by a disease. Sometimes healthy people it can occur for the following reasons:

1. Due to walking in windy weather. A strong wind will negatively affect the ear, causing a bruise in it. This condition It usually goes away on its own within a few days. It doesn't require additional treatment.

2. Due to water getting into the ear.

3. In case of untimely cleaning of the ear from wax.

4. Ear injury due to injury or fall. At the same time, it is important to know that if, in addition to pain after a bruise, blood flows from the ear, then in this case the victim should be shown to a doctor as quickly as possible.

5. Pain caused by sharp jumps blood pressure. Because of this, a person may experience an unpleasant tapping in the ears.

6. Painful sensations in the ears can also be caused by air travel, when the atmospheric pressure. In this case, it is recommended to yawn, swallow and eat something often.

7. Availability foreign body inside the auricle. As a rule, this happens more often in young children who accidentally push small parts of toys into their ears.

In adults, it may be an insect that flew into the auricle and was unable to get out of there. In this case, the person will feel an unpleasant rustling and pounding in the ears. Decreased hearing is also possible.

It is important to know that you cannot try to pull anything out of your ears on your own, as this can only aggravate the situation (damage eardrum etc.) In this case, you need to urgently contact an ENT doctor.

An adult's ear hurts: possible diseases

Ear pain can be caused by the following diseases:

1. Otitis. It is one of the most common diseases that provoke sharp pain in the ear. The cause of otitis is acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, which were not treated in time and caused complications in the ears.

Otitis may be different forms. Its course and symptoms depend on this.

2. Otitis externa develops due to infection in the outer area of ​​the auricle. He calls severe inflammation accompanied by purulent discharge. Also, otitis externa can occur with a weakened immune system, which cannot cope with various microtraumas of the ear.

Otitis externa, in turn, is divided into two forms:

Acute external otitis. It occurs due to the formation of a boil in the ear. During its course, a person may have purulent discharge, and also painful sensations, radiating to the eyes and jaw;

Acute diffuse otitis occurs in the form of an inflammatory process in the ears. It is much more complicated than usual acute otitis media. It is usually accompanied by high fever, fever and purulent discharge.

3. Otitis media affects the tissues of the tympanic septum, as well as the entire area in the middle ear. This disease is divided into the following subgroups:

Spicy otitis media(occurs due to infections respiratory tract that were not eliminated with medications);

Chronic otitis media (develops as a complication of acute otitis media). This disease requires a long course of drug treatment. It is accompanied by high fever, ear pain and purulent discharge;

Acute purulent otitis media is considered the most dangerous, since with this disease profuse purulent discharge can enter the skull and provoke meningitis, as well as chronic disorder hearing;

Spicy catarrhal otitis media affects the human auditory tube. It is caused by dangerous staphylococcal bacteria that enter the ears through the nasal passages.

4. Internal otitis develops as a complication from untreated chronic inflammation in the middle ear. It causes dizziness, ear pain and hearing loss. Just like otitis media, internal is divided into several subtypes:

Limited otitis – affects the bone labyrinth area;

Diffuse internal otitis– affects all parts of the bone labyrinth, causing a person to experience purulent discharge. If left untreated, this disease can lead to complete deafness;

Purulent otitis media is accompanied by high fever and purulent discharge.

5. Mastoiditis- This is a disease in which a small temporal region becomes inflamed. It is accompanied by an accumulation of pus and pain in the ears. It usually results from untreated otitis media.

There are several types of mastoiditis:

Typical mastoiditis is accompanied by redness of the skin at the site of inflammation;

Atypical mastoiditis is poorly characterized severe symptoms, however, it also promotes bone destruction.

An adult's ear hurts: treatment

Treatment for ear pain is selected depending on the disease detected and the patient’s condition. Also, when selecting medications, the attending physician must carefully take into account the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases and individual susceptibility medicines.

For otitis media, the drug Otinum has proven itself to be effective; it can significantly reduce inflammation within a few minutes. pain syndrome. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it has antimicrobial and antifungal effect, having a direct effect on the root cause of the disease.

Classic treatment ear pain involves prescribing the following groups of drugs and procedures:

1. Taking antibiotics in the form ear drops or injections.

2. Prescribing painkillers and anesthetics in the form of tablets.

3. Application alcohol compresses to the sore ear.

4. Warming up the ear cavity (this procedure cannot be done when high temperature).

5. Ear rinsing antiseptic solutions. This procedure You cannot do it yourself, so as not to damage the eardrum. It should be done by an ENT doctor.

6. Investment in outdoor ear canal various tampons with medicinal ointments.

If the effect is insufficient drug therapy the patient is given surgical treatment. Such operations can be of two types:

Maringotomy (piercing the eardrum to extract pus from there);

Antrotomy (extraction of pus from the inflamed area in the ear).

The above operations are performed under anesthesia, so you should not be afraid of them.

Rehabilitation after them is also simple, so after two weeks a person can return to old life.

If you experience severe ear pain, you need to know the following first aid rules:

Examine the ear cavity;

Add two drops boric alcohol in the ear;

Heat some salt and put it in gauze bandage;

Apply it to the sore ear;

If the pain is severe, take a painkiller;

Call the doctor.

Many people have difficulty with the process of ear drops. It's actually very simple. You need to follow this procedure:

Lay your head on the side;

Pull your ear up slightly to level the ear cavity;

Drop potassium into sore ear;

Lie on your side for about three minutes;

Place a small piece of cotton wool into it.

The method of preparing an ear compress involves performing the following actions:

Take sterile gauze;

Place a small plastic bag on top;

WITH reverse side apply cotton wool;

Place medicine (ointment, gel or other substance) on top of the cotton wool;

Apply a compress to your ear and wrap it with a warm scarf or towel;

Hold for the required time.

Sometimes, to treat ear pain, the patient is prescribed nasal drops. They need to be buried in this order:

Lie on your back;

Turn your head slightly to the right;

Place two drops inside each nostril;

Pinch your nostril;

Wait three minutes until the medicine completely penetrates the nasal cavity.

An adult's ear hurts: traditional methods of treatment

Most effective recipes traditional medicine for the treatment of ear pain are:

1. Instill almond oil into the sore ear (2 drops each).

2. Rinse the ears with chamomile infusion (1 teaspoon of chamomile per glass of boiling water).

3. Place crushed garlic wrapped in gauze into the ear cavity. This remedy helps with purulent otitis.

4. Instillation of lemon balm infusion into the ears (pour 1 teaspoon of lemon balm with a glass of boiling water).

One of the most discomfort, which almost every person has experienced at least once in their life, is ear pain.

Pain in the ear can be different: shooting, sharp, radiating to the head or jaw, aching, it not only instantly makes you forget about everything in the world, but can also be a symptom of many diseases with serious consequences.

The most common cause of ear pain is otitis, which is an inflammatory process in the ear, occurring, depending on the circumstances, in limited, diffuse or average shape. The limited form of otitis is a consequence of inflammation sebaceous glands(furunculosis) resulting from mechanical damage(picking the ear with a hairpin or stick).

This disease is caused in most cases by weakened immunity and occurs against the background diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiency, gout, etc. Accession staphylococcal infection causes inflammation.

Ear pain can also be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • Various inflammatory diseases (inflammation of the sinuses, tonsils, jaw).
  • Hypothermia, frostbite and burns. Sometimes ear pain can be accompanied by itching.
  • Periochondritis, which is infectious process in the tissues that cover the ear cartilage.
  • Acute disease of the outer ear. If you experience pain in your ear after swimming, it means that something has gotten into your ear canal. dirty water. Movement of the jaws leads to increased pain.
  • Furunculosis, which is a progressive inflammation in the hair follicles of the ear canal. When moving the jaws, the pain intensifies. When you press on the hard process located in the front part of the auricle, a feeling of weakness occurs.
  • A foreign object entering the ear canal can cause a serious inflammatory process. This reason is most common among young children.
  • Sulfur plug. Too much large number Accumulated wax in the ears can cause severe ear pain, which is accompanied by ear discharge and hearing loss.
  • Mastoiditis. Severe pain in the ear may be caused by inflammation in the mastoid cavity located behind the ear temporal bone. In this case, the pain is pulsating in nature and is accompanied by weakness, deterioration general condition person, increased body temperature, decreased hearing, thick discharge, the appearance of edema in the mastoid bone.
  • Blocking the air flow passing through the Eustachian tube. This disorder causes a feeling of pressure in the ears. In some cases, pressure in the ears may be associated with inflammatory processes in the sinuses, as well as rhinitis and sinusitis of allergic origin.
  • Dental caries. The pain in this case is pulsating and radiates to the ear.
  • Ear injuries.

What to do if your ear hurts

You should not self-medicate for ear pain until the cause of its occurrence has been determined. This can lead to complications, fraught with deterioration and even hearing loss.

The most common cause of ear pain is inflammation in the ear canal. Most often it can be otitis media.

For external otitis, treatment begins with removal of the boil. To do this, the surface of the ear is treated with an antiseptic, and the boil itself is cauterized with iodine. This form of the disease also involves the local use of Sofradex for ear instillation. In order not to aggravate the inflammation, during this period it is necessary to limit exposure to the street in cold weather.

Treatment of otitis depends on its form and severity of symptoms. The earlier therapy is started, the higher the effectiveness of the methods used. You can cope with the disease as quickly as possible with the help of medications.

Paracetamol is prescribed as painkillers, as well as ear drops Otipax.

To improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear and relieve swelling in the ear canal, nasal drops are prescribed (Santorin, Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Tizin). In some cases, antiallergic drugs are used for the same purpose.

Since the cause of inflammation of the middle ear with a purulent course is an infection, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. After a short surgery To remove the pus, which is performed by the doctor, quickly healing and antibacterial drugs are instilled into the ear. It should be noted that you should not drip onto the eardrum.

Most effective drug, for both children and adults, Amoxicillin is considered. In some cases, it can be replaced with Augmentin or Cefuroxime. The course of antibiotic therapy for otitis should not be less than 8-10 days. Interrupted treatment can provoke a relapse of the disease and the occurrence of hearing loss.

How to treat ear pain at home

  • If ear pain is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature and suppuration, then the first thing to do is to keep the sore ear warm, while avoiding drafts and hypothermia.
  • Second necessary rule for ear pain, drink plenty of warm drinks and introduce honey and lemons into the patient’s diet, which help weaken the disease by increasing immunity. Honey diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio is used as drops in the affected ear.
  • Alcohol tincture of propolis in the form of ear drops will help get rid of ear pain.
  • Warming vodka and camphor compresses are used as an anesthetic.
  • An effective remedy in the fight against the disease is rinsing the ears with a warm infusion of chamomile.
  • At severe forms otitis media, a compress placed in the ear based on fresh juice aloe.
  • Drops of essential oils (almond or clove) will help cope with shooting pain in the ears.
  • You can get rid of ear pain using crushed Kalanchoe leaves, wrapped in gauze and inserted into ear canal.
  • Beautiful medicinal properties for ear pain it has onions and garlic. These products are crushed and, wrapped in gauze, placed inside the sore ear. Mixture grated onion And butter when heated, it is also used for ear compresses.

The disease can strike at the most inopportune moment, when there is an important meeting tomorrow or on a day off and the clinic is not open. This especially leads to confusion when a child is suffering. But such pranks of the body as ear pain in adults also often happen to adults. An adult’s ear hurts; what to do at home in such cases is discussed in this article.

Factors that cause discomfort in the ear area are varied:

  1. Inflammatory processes in various departments the ear itself. The hearing aid has complex structure and consists of internal, middle and external sections, in each of which the appearance of the disease is possible.
  2. Inflammation in the eustachian tube, anastomosis between middle part ear and nasopharynx.
  3. Projection painful sensations from other affected areas of the body. This is possible with toothache, inflammation lymph nodes neck, if affected facial nerve herpetic infection, various diseases in the oral cavity, myocardial infarction.
  4. Foreign objects in the ear canal, such as crawling insects.

Pain in the ear in diseases of this area is the leading symptom, accompanied by changes in hearing, imbalance, discharge from the ear canal, and sensations of fluid vibration in the ear. By the varying severity of unpleasant sensations, you can determine which part of the ear hurts in an adult, and what to do at home with such symptoms. Thus, intense pain that intensifies when swallowing indicates diseases of the middle ear. Pain combined with an unsteady (wobbly) gait occurs with lesions inner ear. If there is discharge, redness of the shell, or pain, this indicates a disease of the outer ear. When projecting discomfort from the teeth, the pain can be throbbing, one-sided, aggravated by taking provoking foods, for example, sour food or cold drinks.

An adult's ear hurts, what to do at home?

Painful sensations in the ear area can be very unpleasant, and therefore often require medical treatment. quick help, and then after removing acute symptoms you can safely begin treatment.

When hitting outer section insects, the victim feels pain, movement, noise in the ear, and may experience reflex vomiting. The most important thing in this case is not to try to remove strangers from the passage, because this can cause injury and infection. The best thing is to kill the insect, which can be done by instilling a few drops ethyl alcohol or vegetable oil, heated to body temperature. Then it is better to take the victim to a specialist for competent and safe removal. foreign object.

In case of ear pain for other reasons, the first step would be to use painkillers orally and vasoconstrictors into the nasal cavity, which is necessary to improve the patency of the eustachian tube and free the ear cavity from fluid, this measure leads to a decrease in pressure on the eardrum.

In case it is not possible immediate appeal see a doctor, you can resort to the help of folk advice:

  1. Drops in the ears. For this procedure, you can use camphor oil or boric acid 1 drop in each passage, which is then closed with a cotton swab. You can also use propolis tincture to put it in the ear canals. Such procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day and always at night.
  2. To wash and remove infection in the ear canal, you can use hydrogen peroxide. To do this, a few drops of liquid are injected into the ear canal, while the patient's head lies on its side so that the canal is positioned vertically. After 10-15 minutes, you need to turn your head with the affected ear down, which will help empty the passage. Additionally, you can dry the auricle with a napkin; the use of cotton swabs to clean the ear canal is prohibited.
  3. Warm vegetable oil moisten a cotton swab and place it in the sore ear, then cover with a warm scarf.
  4. Warm infusion bay leaf (crushed leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water), the swab is also moistened and inserted into the canal, insulated with a scarf.
  5. Honey drops(1:1 with water) is injected into the ear canal 2-3 times a day. When treating ear pain, you need to remember that the affected areas should be kept warm and not exposed to drafts or hypothermia. The body can be supported by ingesting warm drinks based on honey, lemon or rosehip.
  6. Tincture mumiyo, prepared on the basis of 1 tablet of mumiyo and 15 ml of vodka, is instilled into the ear in a volume of 2-3 drops.
  7. Heated garlic oil instill 3 drops into the affected ear. To prepare the product, you need to combine finely chopped garlic with vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) and, after mixing, place in a closed container. glass jar for 10 days. Then strain the product and pour it into another container. You can add a few drops essential oil eucalyptus. The oil is stored tightly closed in the refrigerator for 3 months; the product must be heated before use.
  8. Compresses with various components have a fast healing effect, but are contraindicated in the presence of purulent discharge and high temperature:
  • Soak a napkin in ethyl alcohol and vegetable oil (1:1), apply it to the sore ear, cover it with a film and tie it with a warm scarf.
  • Rye flour and water are kneaded into a thick dough, honey is added, the resulting mass is applied to the affected area and wrapped warmly overnight.
  • The top crust of a bread loaf is heated over steam on both sides and applied to the ear for one hour.
  • Moisten a napkin with the infusion of kombucha, apply it to the affected area, wrap it warmly, for 8 hours.
  • Warm a small onion in the oven until softened, then place the hot onion on an oil-soaked napkin and apply it to the sore area for no more than a minute. After this, the bulb is removed and the ear is wrapped warmly throughout the night.

When an adult’s ear hurts, what to do at home is described above, but do not forget that this symptom may be a sign of a serious illness. Best treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist; delaying a visit to whom can lead to serious complications.

Ear pain not only causes discomfort, it can significantly affect general health person. It can be triggered by many factors, ranging from sharp changes temperature, damage to sulfur plugs, ending with serious viral diseases.

Why does my ear hurt?

There can be many reasons that cause ear pain. However, they mainly arise due to colds that have not received proper treatment. Below we will describe in detail the seven main causes of ear pain.

– disease inflammatory in nature. The disease can be provoked by pathogenic infections, which begin to become active during the course of viral and bacterial catarrh of the nose. The patient begins to cough, often sneezes, and blows his nose, as a result of which microorganisms penetrate through the auditory tube into the ear.

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, otitis media can be:

  • external;
  • average;

  • labyrinthitis (acute).

In most cases, children suffer from otitis media. Almost every child under the age of 3 is diagnosed with at least one case of middle ear disease. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form; otitis media can also be purulent and catarrhal. With otitis, the ear pain is extremely severe, sharp, which is difficult to eliminate even with the help of painkillers. The body temperature rises to maximum limits, and pus flows from the ear canal.

Sinusitisinflammatory disease which develops in the mucous membrane paranasal sinuses nose Both viruses and bacteria can cause sinusitis. Develops as a result of complications of acute runny nose, influenza and other infectious diseases. Sometimes sinusitis occurs due to injuries in the facial area. Discomfort in the sinuses is complemented by a dull ear pain.

Mastoiditis- inflammation involving the mastoid processes of the temporal bone. The disease occurs as a result of acute otitis media, that is, it is a complication of it. With mastoiditis, the pain in the ear is throbbing, and in some cases pus leaks out. The auricle is protruding, the area behind the ear is swollen and red. Mastoiditis is dangerous because, due to the anatomical proximity of the membranes of the brain, meningitis can develop.

Otomycosis– a disease characterized by the occurrence of a fungal infection on the walls of the outer and middle ear. On initial stage It manifests itself in the fact that a slight tingling sensation is felt in the ear canal, and the skin itches. After some time, the ear pain intensifies significantly, noise and discharge of dark gray, dirty black or yellowish shades appear.

Tonsillitis– infection of the tonsils, which occurs due to bacterial and viral inflammation. Along with the throat, the ear, which is closely connected with the nasopharynx, also suffers. It is through this that the virus enters the ear canal.

Cariesdental disease associated with the destruction of enamel and bone dentin. Painful sensations in inflamed tooth caused by acute caries, often radiates into the auricle. In this case, you should contact your dentist.

Lymphadenitis– inflammation of the lymph nodes. Ear pain occurs due to a lesion maxillary lymph node. Most discomfort is felt when swallowing saliva and chewing food. In addition to painful sensations, the patient experiences hearing impairment, tinnitus, and ringing. Lymphadenitis requires inpatient treatment.

Other causes of ear pain:

  • Hitting hearing aid foreign object that may penetrate too deeply. It is not recommended to remove it yourself, as the eardrum is at risk;
  • Rupture of the eardrum. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of injuries and infectious diseases;
  • The presence of wax plug, which not only impairs hearing, is often accompanied by pain in the ear canal;
  • Pinched nerves. This process is accompanied by persistent, throbbing pain in the ear. They get worse if you turn your head too sharply or just smile.

First aid for ear pain

If the cause of ear pain is common colds, then ordinary nasal drops can help get rid of the discomfort. By dropping them into your nose, you will feel relief in your ear. Also, if the body temperature is not elevated, you can prepare a warm compress of table salt. When applying a compress to the sore ear, relief is immediately felt. To prepare a compress, heat the salt and wrap it in a towel. However, this procedure is only relevant at the initial stage of the disease.

Boric alcohol quickly relieves ear pain. Soak a small piece of cotton wool in it and carefully insert it into the sore ear. Here you need to be extremely careful; if you have an individual tolerance to boric alcohol, you cannot use the corresponding method.

To make it easier sharp pain caused by earwax, place a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear. This helps the wax move safely away from the walls of the ear canal, then clean it out with a clean Q-tip.

It is not allowed to heat the ear if there is purulent discharge in it and there is a throbbing pain in the head.

If the cause of discomfort is damaged teeth, you should immediately consult a dentist. Cure caries on our own It won’t work, especially if it’s so strong that the nerve is exposed. In this case, you can only short time relieve pain with painkillers and rinses. To dull the discomfort, dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water, add 2-3 drops of iodine, stir. Rinse the affected tooth with this product every hour until the pain begins to subside.

In addition, warming the jaw is contraindicated, as it provokes the formation of edema. To avoid the spread of infection, do not touch the inflamed area with your hands, do not rub the gums and teeth. Even if the pain subsides and does not bother you for some time, you still need to see a dentist. Next time, the pain may spread not only to the ear, but also to other organs - the stomach, kidneys, heart.

When the cause of inflammation is a pinched nerve, the ear pain is accompanied by sudden attacks. Aching sensations appear when brushing your teeth, eating, or even a strong gust of wind. In this case, only the doctor who prescribes the appointment will help you get rid of the pain. antispasmodics. You can also achieve a positive effect by taking tricyclic antidepressants. However, they should be treated with extreme caution, since such medications have many contraindications. For first aid, you can use homemade sedatives - valerian, motherwort, lemon balm. In order not to aggravate the inflammation, you need to give up strong tea and coffee, as well as hot and spicy foods.


To make a diagnosis, the patient should contact an otolaryngologist, who will determine the level and severity of damage to the hearing organ. Diagnosis of ear pain includes otoscopy and radiography, blood tests and analysis of pus discharged from the ear.

Based on the results of otoscopy, you can visually assess the condition of the ear canal and eardrum. X-ray diagnostics shows the presence or absence of changes in deep structures invisible to the eye. General clinical analysis helps determine whether the blood formula characteristic of inflammatory processes.

Analysis of pus discharged from the ear allows us to determine the presence and type of pathogenic flora and determine its sensitivity to a number of antibiotics. Based on the results obtained, the doctor can prescribe to the patient suitable treatment.

What should you not do if you have ear pain?

Ear pain can be aching, throbbing, sharp, sharp, shooting, and in some cases there is a feeling of stuffiness. Headaches, discomfort in occipital region, the patient complains of general weakness, appetite decreases. There is swelling of the ear and redness. There is discharge from the ear, which is accompanied by unpleasant smell.

Depending on such features, in some cases various therapeutic actions and supportive therapy. If the body temperature rises or there is discharge from the ear canal, warming the ear is not allowed. Such actions provoke purulent inflammation. If your ear pain is associated with the presence of a foreign object, you should not try to remove it yourself, as you may damage the eardrum.

Do not self-medicate with antibiotics. Long-term use drugs can lead to complications requiring hospital treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Treating ear pain at home

Treating ear pain at home cannot be considered a complete alternative to outpatient therapy. Traditional recipes are good as a first aid remedy to relieve discomfort or as an auxiliary therapy. If the approach to treatment is incorrect, traditional methods cause severe complications.

It would be better if your doctor gives permission for therapy at home. The specialist will make an appointment medications, and depending on the cause of occurrence and other individual characteristics, will recommend several methods home therapy. These can be compresses, warming, medicinal drops, ointments, tinctures and infusions.

Pharmacy drugs

For ear pain the most popular are:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Analgin;
  • Levomycytin;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Nurofen.

To treat children's ear pain due to a cold or otitis, Paracetamol for Children or Ibuprofen is prescribed. Paracetamol for children is made in the form of syrup, tablets and suppositories. The permissible dosage is 0.5 grams. Paracetamol has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

Reception scheme Children's Paracetamol:

  • if the baby is less than 4 months old, the dosage is 0.3 grams in tablets;
  • 0.5 – 3 years – 750 mg;
  • from 3 to 6 years – 1 gram;
  • for children over 6 years old – 1.5-2 g.

Taken 4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours between them.

The pharmaceutical drug Ibuprofen belongs to the group of non-steroidal medications; in moderate doses it has a good analgesic effect. Can be taken from 3 months of age. Maximum dose– 1 gram per day.

Among ointments for external use, the most effective is the star, which is sold in every pharmacy. When properly applied around the ear, it quickly relieves aching pain. Use Vishnevsky ointment, which is used to make a compress. Soak a cosmetic swab in the ointment and place it in the ear for several hours. To enhance the effect, apply a swab soaked in alcohol with glycerin in a one-to-one ratio to the ear canal. Positive effect can be achieved by transferring heat to the affected areas.

To eliminate pain, the following pharmaceutical products are often used: ear candles:

  • Cefekon D;
  • Reamid;
  • Diaz;
  • Phytomedicine.

If ear pain is caused by a cold, taking Erespal and Protargol will help eliminate it.

Folk recipes

Recommended after consultation with an otolaryngologist. Unconventional treatment helps with complex therapy. If the case is advanced, folk recipes alone will not do. This can only lead to temporary healing and subsequently becomes the basis for development chronic form ear disease.

Traditional recipes for eliminating ear pain:

  • If the earache shoots and stings, and the cause is a cold, vegetable, refined oil will help. Warm the oil slightly, put it in a pipette and inject 2-3 drops into the sore ear. Then tie a warm scarf around your head or put on a hat;
  • An onion compress will help reduce pain. Finely chop a medium onion and place it in a gauze or fabric bag. Apply the compress to the sore spot and secure it with something warm;
  • You can prepare a tincture of golden mustache. To do this, chop 4 tablespoons of the plant and pour 2/3 cup of vodka. Let it brew in the dark and cool room throughout the week. After the time has passed, soak cotton wool in the tincture and insert it into the sore ear;
  • Warm infusion of chamomile, which is used to rinse the ear, helps with inflammation. Pour 4 tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water. Strain and rinse your ear 4-5 times a day;
  • A tincture of lemon balm reduces sharp pain, but it can be prepared within a week. You need to infuse lemon balm herb in vodka in a ratio of one to ten. Then strain and leave to infuse in a dark room for 7 days. The pain subsides almost immediately after administering a few drops;
  • You can get rid of suppuration, microbes and ear pain with the help. Finely chop 2 large cloves of garlic and pour 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Boil, let it brew for 8 hours and strain through several layers of medical gauze. Inject 3-4 drops every 2 hours;
  • Mix 1 tbsp. 10 percent propolis with 2 tbsp. olive oil, shake well. Soak a cosmetic cotton swab in the mixture and place it in your ear for a couple of hours. Carry out this procedure twice a day;
  • Inject a few drops of almond essential oil into the sore ear, and close the ear canal with a small cotton swab;
  • Peel, grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Warm it up and drip it. Just like almond oil, it helps reduce ear pain;
  • Helps get rid of pain lemon juice. To do this, you need to eat one small and unpeeled slice of lemon every day. If it is too sour, you can sprinkle it with sugar or honey;
  • You can prepare juniper tincture in advance. Pour 100 grams of cut fruits of the plant with vodka. Let it brew in a dark room for 3-4 weeks, shaking occasionally. You can administer the tincture 3 drops at a time, after warming it up.

Traditional medicine should only be an addition to the main course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Unskilled self-medication of ear pain leads to hearing loss, burns, cosmetic defect and the emergence serious complications.


Preventive actions are to prevent thick mucus from blocking the eustachian tubes. After swimming in open water, you need to dry your ears thoroughly. This will help prevent water from getting inside along with external bacteria.

Regularly clean your ears from dirt and wax, and maintain good personal hygiene. The main thing here is not to overdo it, since a minimum amount of wax should always be present, since it protects the ear canal from penetration pathogenic bacteria.

Promptly treat diseases that can lead to ear pain. This applies to inflammation of the nasopharynx, oral cavity and teeth. Often, untreated sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils, and adenoids are the causes of inflammation. Avoid ear injuries, especially if the work is directly related to production. Protect your ears from loud noises.

When an adult has an earache, the discomfort can be compared to toothache. It is important to promptly identify the causes and understand what to do. It is more advisable to use it at home pharmaceutical drugs directional action and hand-made preparation tools. By the way, the latter are no less effective. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s consider important nuances in order.

Why does an adult's ear hurt?

You need to start by studying the reasons. This list includes:

  • change in pressure indicators– with a sharp increase/decrease in blood pressure, ear pain appears. This is usually observed when climbing mountains, flying, swimming in water sources, etc.;
  • inflammation– otitis media varying degrees severity, which develops against the background of a decline in immunity or immediately after a cold;
  • foreign object– we are not talking about small toy parts. An insect can get into the ear when an adult is relaxing in nature or working in the garden;
  • mechanical damage– occurs during a fall, impact, collision, or even an uncomfortable sleeping position;
  • sulfur pollution– plugs appear due to a violation of the self-cleaning of the ear, which provokes blockage and the development of pathogenic microflora.

When provoking factors are identified, an adult’s ear hurts for a long time with attenuation. What to do - choose a treatment method suitable for implementation at home and act.

First aid for ear pain in adults

When the ear hurts inside, it is very important to think in a timely manner and understand what to do in this situation. You can relieve unbearable discomfort in an adult in the following ways:

No. 1. Apply hot salt

Measure out about 750 g. coarse salt. Pour the mixture into a dry frying pan and heat it up. Make a fabric bag and place the salt in it. Lie down and place a compress on the sore area. Soon you will feel relief.

No. 2. Use boric alcohol

If the first option doesn't suit you, take a closer look at this one. Dip a piece of gauze into boric alcohol and squeeze lightly. Place the compress on the area of ​​skin next to your ear. Don't rub. Wrap the top with cellophane and warm cloth. Expect relief.

No. 3. Insert a tampon into your ear

Twist the cotton wool into a rope, wet it camphor oil and squeeze out the excess. Insert this swab into your ear and wait 25-30 minutes. The condition will improve. If not, then repeat the steps after a couple of hours.


It is strictly forbidden to warm up your ears at high body temperatures! First aid can be provided using one of the above methods only if an adult’s ear hurts, but the readings do not rise above 38 degrees. Now let's study what to do next at home.

Pharmacy remedies for ear pain in adults

Above we talked about the reasons why the ear hurts. But how to treat it? Antibiotics are often prescribed to attack the root of the problem and provide immediate relief.

No. 1. Drops

Used without an ENT prescription. Relieves inflammation, heals, disinfects. Of the most effective drops, we highlight the following:

  • "Candibiotic";
  • "Otipax";
  • "Sofradex";
  • "Tsipromed";
  • "Anauran";
  • "Otofa";
  • "Polydex";
  • "Otinum" etc.

This is not the entire list; you can find analogues at the pharmacy. Application is not difficult. The bottle must first be warmed in your hands, then take the required amount and pipette 4 drops into each ear. To prevent the product from leaking, insert a cotton swab.

No. 2. Boric alcohol

We learned above that boric alcohol can be used to provide first aid. Now let's talk about the second, longer use. Warm the bottle with the contents in warm water or your hands. Inject 3 drops into each ear. Repeat the steps three times a day before going to bed. Treatment should not last more than 5 days. Next, you should consult a doctor.

No. 3. Hydrogen peroxide

If an adult’s ear hurts, peroxide can relieve the discomfort. What to do at home: purchase a 3% solution, dilute it with water 1 to 3. Make sure that the composition is at least room temperature. Measure out 6 drops, insert into your ear and lie on your side. After 10 minutes, pour out the solution and do the same with the second ear. Course – 5 days, 2 times a day.

Folk remedies for ear pain in adults

There are many effective variations from the field of traditional healing aimed at eliminating pain. The remedies do not act as quickly as pharmaceutical ones, keep this in mind.

No. 1. Radish/horseradish juice

1. Juice must be used with extreme caution. It is not only bitter, but also burning. To avoid burning the mucous membranes, dilute it.

2. So, combine 1 part juice with 3 parts vegetable oil. Lightly steam the mixture, but not until it gets hot.

3. Arm yourself with a pipette. Inject 2-3 drops into each ear canal. To prevent the product from leaking, insert a cotton swab.

No. 2. Vegetable oil

1. When an adult’s ear hurts, you need to know what to do. Take advantage sunflower oil at home. Bring it to a comfortable temperature using a steam bath.

2. Place 2 drops into each ear. A healthy ear can also become infected. Therefore, treatment is carried out comprehensively. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

No. 3. Onion juice

1. Peel the onion and squeeze out the juice. There is no need to dilute it. Place 2 drops into your ears three times a day until the problem disappears completely.

2. The vegetable is famous for its powerful antiseptic effects. Thanks to phytoncides, relief comes the next day. The juice kills all pathogenic bacteria.

No. 4. Aloe juice

1. You are very lucky if you have aloe growing at home. Its gel is often used to treat otitis media. Make a thin block of cotton wool. Soak in juice. Place earplugs.

2. Active composition significantly reduces the activity of pathogens, while soothing the skin ears. Thanks to this, tissue regeneration increases.

No. 5. Cologne

1. One more effective means is cologne. Just soak pieces of cotton wool in it and place them in your ears.

2. To achieve maximum results wrap your head with a bandage or put on a hat. Carry out the procedure until recovery.

No. 6. Calendula

1. If an adult’s ear hurts from otitis media, consider what to do. Often used to treat illness at home alcohol tincture on calendula.

2. Buy it at the pharmacy. Roll a piece of bandage into a bar and soak in the mixture. Place the blanks in both ears.

3. Press the plug with your finger. If necessary, repeat the procedure the next day.

No. 7. Beet

1. A remedy based on beets is a great remedy for ear pain. Wash and peel the root vegetable, chop into slices.

2. Boil the workpiece in water with honey. Wrap it in gauze and apply it to your ear. Do the same with the other side.

3. Use the product until symptoms disappear completely. If this does not happen, go to a specialist.

No. 8. Garlic

1. Peel and mash 5 garlic cloves. Mix a small amount into the mixture sesame oil. As a result, you should get a thick composition.

2. Leave the workpiece for a while. Squeeze out the oil using gauze. Place 2 drops in each ear. Repeat the procedure morning, afternoon and evening until the problem disappears.

No. 9. Ginger

1. The presented method is very similar to the previous one. Combine 20 g in a suitable cup. fresh grated ginger and 5 ml. sesame oil.

2. After half an hour, squeeze out the pulp. Place 2 drops in each ear. Repeat the procedure three times a day until complete recovery.

No. 10. Honey

1. Buy propolis tincture at the pharmacy. Mix it in equal quantities with liquid honey. Ready product Place 2 drops in your ears.

2. Carry out this procedure only once a day, shortly before going to bed. Use the product until you recover.

No. 11. Calamus root

1. If an adult’s ear hurts and at the same time hearing deteriorates, we’ll tell you what to do. To do this at home, grind 1 tbsp. l. calamus roots Pour 230 ml of prepared raw materials. boiling water

2. Boil the component over low heat for half an hour. After cooling, take 20 ml of the product orally. three times a day a third of an hour before meals. Course – 2 weeks.

No. 12. Herbal collection

1. Advantage herbal tincture the fact that it eliminates pain in the ears in the shortest possible period of time.

2. Take dry collection in equal quantities peppermint, lavender and angelica.

3. Grind the raw materials and pour 240 ml. boiling water Leave for 2 hours. Strain and soak cotton sponges in the infusion. Place in sore ears.

4. Repeat the procedure every time before going to bed. Achieve a full recovery.

No. 13. Propolis

1. To use the remedy, make sure that you really have inflammation of the middle ear.

3. Soak cotton wool in the composition and place it in your ears before going to bed. Carry out manipulations for 2 weeks.

If an adult’s ear hurts, it is important to understand in time what to do. For minor inflammation folk remedies great help at home. If nothing helps, and the disease is accompanied by pus, consult a doctor immediately. Self-medication will only make the situation worse.