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How to speed up fat burning in the body? How to burn fat

Digestive enzymes are divided into three main groups:
amylases - enzymes that break down carbohydrates;
proteases - enzymes that break down proteins;
lipases are enzymes that break down fats.

Food processing begins in the oral cavity. Under the action of the salivary enzyme ptyalin (amylase), starch is converted first into dextrin and then into the disaccharide maltose. A second salivary enzyme, maltase, breaks down maltose into two glucose molecules. Partial breakdown of starch, starting in the oral cavity, continues in the stomach. However, as food mixes with gastric juice, the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice stops the action of ptyalin and salivary maltase. Digestion of carbohydrates is completed in the intestine, where highly active enzymes of pancreatic secretion (invertase, maltase, lactase) break down disaccharides into monosaccharides.

Digestion of food proteins is a stepwise process that is completed in three stages:
1) in the stomach;
2) in the small intestine;
3) in the cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

In the first two stages, long polypeptide chains of the protein are broken down into short oligopeptides. Oligopeptides are absorbed into the cells of the intestinal mucosa, where they are broken down into amino acids. Protease enzymes act on long polypeptides, and peptidases act on oligopeptides. In the stomach, proteins are affected by pepsin, produced by the gastric mucosa in an inactive form called pepsinogen.

IN acidic environment inactive pepsinogen is activated, turning into pepsin. In the small intestine, in a neutral environment, partially digested proteins are affected by pancreatic proteases - trypsin and chymotrypsin. Oligopeptides in the intestinal mucosa are affected by a number of cellular peptidases, which break them down into amino acids.

Digestion of food fats begins in the stomach. Under the action of gastric juice lipase, fats are partially broken down into glycerol and fatty acid. In the duodenum, fat mixes with pancreatic juice and bile. Bile salts emulsify fats, which facilitates the action of the pancreatic juice enzyme lipase, which breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids.

The products of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - amino acids, fatty acids, monosaccharides - are absorbed through the epithelium of the small intestine into the blood. Everything that has not had time to be digested or absorbed goes into colon, where it undergoes deep decomposition under the influence of microbial enzymes with the formation of a number of toxic substances that poison the body. Putrefactive microorganisms of the large intestine are destroyed by lactic acid bacteria in lactic acid products. Therefore, in order for the body to be less poisoned by the toxic waste of microorganisms, you need to consume kefir, yogurt and other lactic acid products daily.

In the large intestine, feces are formed, which accumulate in sigmoid colon. During the act of defecation, they are released from the body through the rectum.

Digestion products absorbed in the intestines and entering the blood nutrients subsequently participate in many chemical reactions. These reactions are called metabolism, or metabolism.

The liver produces glucose and exchanges amino acids. The liver also plays a neutralizing role in relation to toxic substances that are absorbed from the intestines into the blood.

Digestion is a chain of essential processes occurring in our body, thanks to which organs and tissues receive the necessary nutrients.

Please note that valuable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins cannot enter the body in any other way. Food enters the oral cavity, passes through the esophagus, enters the stomach, and from there is sent to the small intestine, then to the large intestine. This is a schematic description of how digestion works. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Food undergoes certain processing in one or another part of the gastrointestinal tract. Each stage is a separate process.

It must be said that enzymes play a huge role in digestion, which accompany the bolus of food at all stages. Enzymes are presented in several types: enzymes responsible for processing fats; enzymes responsible for processing proteins and, accordingly, carbohydrates. What are these substances? Enzymes are protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions. Their presence/absence determines the speed and quality of metabolic processes. Many people have to take medications containing enzymes to normalize their metabolism, since their digestive system cannot cope with the incoming food.

Enzymes for carbohydrates

The carbohydrate-oriented digestive process begins in the oral cavity. Food is crushed with the help of teeth, while at the same time being exposed to saliva. Saliva contains a secret in the form of the enzyme ptyalin, which converts starch into dextrin, and then into the disaccharide maltose. Maltose is broken down by the enzyme maltase, breaking it into 2 glucose molecules. So, the first stage of enzymatic processing of the food bolus has been completed. The breakdown of starchy compounds, which begins in the mouth, continues in the gastric space. Food, having entered the stomach, experiences the effect of hydrochloric acid, which blocks salivary enzymes. The final stage of carbohydrate breakdown takes place inside the intestine with the participation of highly active enzyme substances. These substances (maltase, lactase, invertase), which process monosaccharides and disaccharides, are contained in the secretory fluid of the pancreas.

Enzymes for proteins

Protein breakdown occurs in 3 stages. The first stage is carried out in the stomach, the second - in the small intestine, and the third - in the cavity of the large intestine (this is done by the cells of the mucous membrane). In the stomach and small intestine, under the action of protease enzymes, polypeptide protein chains break down into shorter oligopeptide chains, which then enter the cellular formations of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. With the help of peptidases, oligopeptides are broken down into their final protein elements - amino acids.

The gastric mucosa produces the inactive enzyme pepsinogen. It turns into a catalyst only under the influence of an acidic environment, becoming pepsin. It is pepsin that disrupts the integrity of proteins. In the intestine, protein foods are affected by pancreatic enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin), digesting long protein chains in a neutral environment. Oligopeptides undergo cleavage to amino acids with the participation of certain peptidase elements.

Enzymes for fats

Fats, like other food elements, are digested in the gastrointestinal tract in several stages. This process begins in the stomach, where lipases break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. The components of fats are sent to duodenum, where they are mixed with bile and pancreatic juice. Bile salts emulsify fats to speed up their processing by the pancreatic juice enzyme lipase.

The path of broken down proteins, fats, carbohydrates

As has already been found out, under the action of enzymes, proteins, fats and carbohydrates break down into individual components. Fatty acids, amino acids, and monosaccharides enter the blood through the epithelium of the small intestine, and “waste” is sent to the cavity of the large intestine. Here, everything that cannot be digested becomes the object of attention of microorganisms. They process these substances with their own enzymes, forming wastes and toxins. Dangerous for the body is the release of decomposition products into the blood. Putrefactive intestinal microflora can be suppressed by fermented milk bacteria contained in fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kumis. This is why daily use is recommended. However, you should not overdo it with fermented milk products.

All undigested elements make up feces, which accumulate in the sigmoid segment of the intestine. And they leave the large intestine through the rectum.

Useful microelements formed during the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood. Their purpose is to participate in a large number of chemical reactions that determine the course of metabolism (metabolism). The liver performs an important function: it converts amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, and lactic acid into glucose, thus providing the body with energy. The liver is also a kind of filter that cleanses the blood of toxins and poisons.

This is how digestive processes occur in our body with the participation essential substances- enzymes. Without them, food digestion is impossible, and, therefore, normal functioning of the digestive system is impossible.

Malt enzymes and their substrates

Enzymes that break down starch

The hydrolytic breakdown of starch (amylolysis) during mashing is catalyzed by malt amyloses. In addition to them, malt contains several enzymes from the groups of amyloglucosidases and transferases, which attack some starch breakdown products; however, in terms of quantitative ratio, they are only of secondary importance during mashing.

When mashing, the natural substrate is the starch contained in the malt. Just like any natural starch, it is not a single chemical substance, but a mixture containing, depending on the origin, from 20 to 25% amylose and 75-80% amylopectin.

The amylose molecule forms long, unbranched, coiled-coil chains consisting of α-glucose molecules mutually linked by glucosidic bonds at the α-1,4 position. The number of glucose molecules varies and ranges from 60 to 600. Amylose is soluble in water and is stained with iodine solution in Blue colour. According to Meyer, amylose is completely hydrolyzed to maltose by the action of malt β-amylase.

The amylopectin molecule consists of short branched chains. In addition to bonds at the α-1,4 position, α-1,6 bonds are also found at branched sites. There are about 3000 glucose units in a molecule. Barley amylopectin contains them, according to McLeod, from 24 to 26, while malt amylopectin contains only 17-18. Amylopectin is insoluble in water without heating; when heated, it forms a paste.

Malt contains two amylases that break down starch into maltose and dextrins. One of them catalyzes a reaction in which the blue color quickly disappears with an iodine solution, but relatively little maltose is formed; this amylase is called dextrinating or α-amylase (α-1,4-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase, EC 3.2.1 L.). Under the action of the second amylase, the blue color with iodine solution disappears only when a large number of maltose; it is a saccharifying amylase or β-amylase (β-1,4-glucan maltohydrolase, EC*.

Dextrinating α-amylase. It is a typical component of malt.

α-Amylase is activated during malting, but Kneen discovered it in barley only in 1944. It catalyzes the cleavage of α-1,4 glucosidic bonds. The molecules of both components of starch, i.e. amylose and amylopectin, are unevenly torn inside; only terminal bonds, do not hydrolyze. Liquefaction and dextrinization occurs, manifested in a rapid decrease in the viscosity of the solution (mash liquefaction). Liquefaction of starch paste is one of the functions of malt α-amylase. The idea that another liquefying enzyme (amylophosphatase) is involved is not currently considered substantiated. It is characteristic that α-amylase causes an extremely rapid decrease in the viscosity of the starch paste, the reducing ability of which increases very slowly. The blue iodine reaction of starch paste (i.e., amylopectin solution) under the influence of α-amylase quickly changes through the red, brown and achroic points, namely at low reducing power.

In natural environments, i.e. in malt extracts and mashes, aα-amylase has a temperature optimum of 70°C; inactivated at 80°C. The optimal pH zone is between 5 and 6 with a clear maximum on the pH curve. It is stable in the pH range from S to 9. aα-amylase is very sensitive to increased acidity (it is acid labile); inactivated by oxidation to pH 3 at 0°C or to pH 4.2-4.3 at 20°C.

Saccharifying β-amylase. It is contained in barley and its volume increases greatly during malting (sprouting). β-Amylase has a high ability to catalyze the breakdown of starch to maltose. It does not liquefy insoluble native starch or even starch paste.

From unbranched amylase chains, β-amylase cleaves secondary α-1,4 glucosidic bonds, namely from the non-reducing (non-aldehyde) ends of the chains. Maltose gradually splits off one molecule at a time from individual chains. Amylopectin cleavage also occurs, but the enzyme attacks the branched amylopectin molecule simultaneously in several spatial chains, namely at the branching sites where α-1,6 bonds are located, before which cleavage stops.

The viscosity of the starch paste under the influence of α-amylase decreases slowly, while the reducing ability increases evenly. The iodine color changes from blue very slowly to violet, and then to red, but does not reach the achroic point at all.

The temperature optimum for β-amylase in malt extracts and mashes is at 60-65°C; it is inactivated at 75°C. The optimal pH zone is 4.5-5, according to other data - 4.65 at 40-50°C with a soft maximum on the pH curve.

General action of α- and β-amylase. Amylase (diastase), found in regular malts and in specialty diastatic malts, is a natural mixture of α- and β-amylase, in which β-amylase predominates quantitatively over α-amylase.

With the simultaneous action of both amylases, the hydrolysis of starch is much deeper than with the independent action of one of these enzymes, and 75-80% of maltose is obtained.

β-amylase begins the saccharification of amylose and the terminal groups of amylopectin from the end of the chains, while α-amylase attacks the substrate molecules inside the chains.

Lower and higher dextrins are formed along with maltose under the action of α-amylase on amylose and amylopectin. Higher dextrins are also formed by the action of β-amylase on amylopectin. Dextrins are a type of erythrogranulose and α-amylase breaks them down to α-1,6 bonds, so that new sites for the action of β-amylase are formed. Thus, α-amylase increases the activity of β-amylase. In addition, α-amylase attacks hexose-type dextrins formed by the action of β-amylase on amylose.

Normal straight chain dextrins are saccharified by both amylases. In this case, β-amylase produces maltose and a little maltotriose, and α-amylase produces maltose, glucose and maltotriose, which is further broken down to maltose and glucose. Branched-chain dextrins break at the branching points. In this case, lower dextrins and sometimes oligosaccharides, mainly trisaccharides and isomaltose, are formed. There are about 25-30% of such branched residual products that enzymes do not further hydrolyze and they are called final dextrins.

The difference in the temperature optimum of α- and β-amylase is used in practice to regulate the interaction of both enzymes by selecting the correct temperature to support the activity of one enzyme to the detriment of the other.

Malt amyloglucosidases, for example α- and β-glucosidase, β-h-fructosidase, are hydrolyzing enzymes that react in exactly the same way as amylases, which, however, do not hydrolyze starch, but only some of the breakdown products.

Transglucosidases are rather non-hydrolyzing enzymes, but the mechanism of the reactions they catalyze is similar to that of hydrolases. Malt contains transglucosidases, phosphorylating or phosphorylases, and non-phosphorylating ones, for example cyclodextrinase, amylomaltase, etc. All these enzymes catalyze the transfer of sugar radicals. Their technological significance is secondary.

Enzymes that break down proteins

Protein breakdown (proteolysis) is catalyzed during mashing by enzymes from the group of peptidases or proteases (peptide hydrolases, EK 34), which hydrolyze peptide bonds = CO = NH =. They are divided into endopeptidases or proteinases (peptide hydrolase peptide, EK 3.44) and exopeptidases or peptidases (hydrolase dipeptide, EK 3.4.3).

In mash, the substrates are the remains of the protein substance of barley, i.e. leukosin, edestin, hordein and glutelin, partially changed during malting (for example, coagulated during drying) and the products of their breakdown, i.e. albumoses, peptones and polypeptides.

Some protein substances form open chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds with free terminal amine groups = NH2 and carboxyl groups = COOH. In addition to them, the protein molecule may contain amino groups of diaminocarboxylic acids and carboxyl groups of dicarboxylic acids. While some proteins have peptide chains locked into rings, they do not have terminal amine and carboxyl groups.

Barley and malt contain one enzyme from the group of endopeptidases (proteinases) and at least two exopeptidases (peptidases). Their hydrolyzing effect is mutually complementary.

Endopeptidase (proteinase). Like a true proteinase, barley and malt endopeptidase hydrolyzes the internal peptide bonds of proteins. In this case, protein macromolecules are split into smaller particles, i.e., polypeptides with lower molecular weight. Just like other proteinases, barley and malt proteinase act more actively on altered proteins, for example denatured ones, than on native proteins.

In terms of their properties, barley and malt proteinases are papain-type enzymes, which are very common in plants. Their optimum temperature is between 50-60°C, the optimum pH ranges from 4.6 to 4.9 depending on the substrate. Proteinase is relatively stable at high temperatures and thus differs from peptidases. It is most stable in the isoelectric region, i.e. at pH from 4.4 to 4.6. According to Kolbach, enzyme activity in an aqueous environment decreases after just 1 hour at 30°C; at 70°C after 1 hour it is completely destroyed.

Hydrolysis catalyzed by malt proteinase occurs gradually. Several intermediate products have been isolated between proteins and polypeptides, of which the most important are peptones, also called proteases, albumoses, etc. These top products cleavages of a colloidal nature, which have the typical properties of proteins. They are precipitated in an acidic environment by tannin, but during the biuret reaction (i.e., reaction with copper sulfate in alkaline solution squirrel) are stained in pink color instead of purple. Peptones do not coagulate when boiled. The solutions have an active surface, they are viscous and easily form foam when shaken.

The final stage of protein breakdown catalyzed by malt proteinase is polypeptides. They are only partly high-molecular substances with colloidal properties. Normally, polypeptides form molecular solutions that diffuse easily. As a rule, they do not react like proteins and are not precipitated by tannin. Polypeptides are substrates of peptidases, which complement the action of proteinase.

Exopeptidases (peptidases). The peptidase complex is represented in malt by two enzymes, but the presence of others is also possible.

Peptidases catalyze the cleavage of terminal amino acid residues from peptides, first producing dipeptides and finally amino acids. Peptidases are characterized by substrate specificity. Among them there are dipeptidases, which hydrolyze only dipeptides, and polypeptidases, which hydrolyze higher peptides containing at least three amino acids per molecule. The group of peptidases distinguishes between aminopolypeptidases, whose activity is determined by the presence of a free amino group, and carboxypeptidases, which require the presence of a free carboxyl group.

All malt peptidases have an optimal pH in the slightly alkaline region between pH 7 and 8 and an optimal temperature of about 40°C. At pH 6, at which proteolysis occurs in germinating barley, the activity of peptidases is pronounced, while at pH 4.5-5.0 (optimum proteinases) peptidases are inactivated. In aqueous solutions, the activity of peptidases decreases already at 50°C; at 60°C, peptidases are quickly inactivated.

Enzymes that break down phosphoric acid esters

When mashing, great importance is attached to enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters.

The removal of phosphoric acid is technically very important due to its direct effect on the acidity and buffering system of brewing intermediates and beer.

The natural substrate of malt phosphoesterases are esters of phosphoric acid, of which phytin predominates in malt. It is a mixture of crystalline and magnesium salts of phytic acid, which is a hexaphosphoric ester of inositol. In phosphatides, phosphorus is bound as an ester to glycerol, while nucleotides contain a ribose phosphorus ester bound to a pyrimidine or purine base.

The most important malt phosphoesterase is phytase (mesoinositol hexaphosphate phosphohydrolase, EK She is very active. Phytase gradually removes phosphoric acid from phytin. This produces various phosphorus esters of inositol, which ultimately yield inositol and inorganic phosphate. In addition to phytase, sugar phosphorylase, nucleotide pyrophosphatase, glycerophosphatase and pyrophosphatase have also been described.

The optimal pH of malt phosphatases is in a relatively narrow range - from 5 to 5.5. They are sensitive to high temperatures in different ways. The optimal temperature range of 40-50°C is very close to the temperature range of peptidases (proteases).

Enzymes that break down food

The body receives the building material for muscles and the energy necessary for life activity exclusively from food. Obtaining energy from food is the pinnacle of the evolutionary mechanism of energy consumption. During the process of digestion, food turns into constituent elements that can be used by the body.

During high physical activity, the need for nutrients can be so great that even a healthy gastrointestinal tract will not be able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of plastic and energy material. In this regard, a contradiction arises between the body’s need for nutrients and the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to satisfy this need.

Let's try to consider ways to solve this problem.

In order to understand how best to increase the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take a brief excursion into physiology.

In the chemical transformations of food, the secretion of the digestive glands plays the most important role. It is strictly coordinated. Food, moving through the gastrointestinal tract, is alternately exposed to various digestive glands.

The concept of “digestion” is inextricably linked with the concept of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are a highly specialized part of enzymes, the main task of which is to break down complex nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract into simpler ones that are directly absorbed by the body.

Let's look at the main components of food:

Carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) do not require digestion. They are safely absorbed in the oral cavity, duodenum and small intestine.

Complex carbohydrates - starch and glycogen require digestion (breakdown) into simple sugars.

Partial breakdown of complex carbohydrates begins already in the oral cavity, because saliva contains amylase, an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. Salivary amylase L-amylase carries out only the first phases of the breakdown of starch or glycogen with the formation of dextrins and maltose. In the stomach, the action of salivary L-amylase ceases due to the acidic reaction of the stomach contents (pH 1.5-2.5). However, in the deeper layers of the food bolus, where gastric juice does not immediately penetrate, the action of salivary amylase continues for some time and the breakdown of polysaccharides occurs with the formation of dextrins and maltose.

When food enters the duodenum, the most important phase of starch (glycogen) conversion occurs there, the pH rises to a neutral environment and L-amylase is maximally activated. Starch and glycogen are completely broken down to maltose. In the intestines, maltose very quickly breaks down into 2 glucose molecules, which are quickly absorbed.


Sucrose (simple sugar) trapped in small intestine, under the action of the enzyme sucrose, quickly turns into glucose and fructose.

Lactose, milk sugar, which is found only in milk, under the action of the enzyme lactose.

Ultimately, all carbohydrates in food are broken down into their constituent monosaccharides (mainly glucose, fructose and galactose), which are absorbed by the intestinal wall and then enter the blood. Over 90% of absorbed monosaccharides (mainly glucose) enter the circulatory system through the capillaries of the intestinal villi and are delivered primarily to the liver through the bloodstream. In the liver, most of the glucose is converted into glycogen, which is stored in liver cells.

So, now we know that the main enzymes that break down carbohydrates are amylase, sucrose and lactose. Moreover, more than 90% of the specific gravity is occupied by amylase. Since most of the carbohydrates we consume are complex, amylase is accordingly the main digestive enzyme that breaks down (complex) carbohydrates.

Squirrels. Food proteins are not absorbed by the body; they will not be broken down during the digestion of food to the stage of free amino acids. A living organism has the ability to use protein introduced with food only after its complete hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract to amino acids, from which specific proteins characteristic of this species are then built in the cells of the body.

The process of protein digestion is multi-stage. Enzymes that break down proteins are called “protiolytic”. Approximately 95-97% of food proteins (those that have been broken down) are absorbed into the blood in the form of free amino acids.

The enzyme apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract breaks down the peptide bonds of protein molecules in stages, strictly selectively. When one amino acid is detached from a protein molecule, an amino acid and a peptide are obtained. Then another amino acid is cleaved from the peptide, then another and another. And so on until the entire molecule is broken down into amino acids.

The main proteolytic enzyme of the stomach is pepsin. Pepsin breaks down large protein molecules into peptides and amino acids. Pepsin is active only in an acidic environment, so for its normal activity it is necessary to maintain a certain level of acidity of the gastric juice. In some diseases of the stomach (gastritis, etc.), the acidity of gastric juice is significantly reduced.

Gastric juice also contains renin. It is a proteolytic enzyme that causes milk to curdle. Milk in the human stomach must first be converted into kefir, and only then undergo further digestion. In the absence of renin (it is believed that it is present in gastric juice only until 10-13 years of age), the milk will not be curdled, penetrates into the large intestine and there undergoes the processes of putrefaction (lactalbumin) and fermentation (galactose). The consolation is the fact that in 70% of adults, pepsin takes over the function of renin. 30% of adults still cannot tolerate milk. It causes intestinal bloating (fermentation of galactose) and loose stools. For such people it is preferable dairy products, in which the milk is already curdled.

In the duodenum, peptides and proteins are subject to stronger “aggression” by proteolytic enzymes. The source of these enzymes is the exocrine apparatus of the pancreas.

So, the duodenum contains proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, collagenase, peptidase, and elastase. And unlike the proteolytic enzymes of the stomach, pancreatic enzymes break most of the peptide bonds and convert the bulk of the peptides into amino acids.

In the small intestine, the breakdown of still existing peptides into amino acids is completely completed. The main amount of amino acids is absorbed by passive transport. Absorption by passive transport means that the more amino acids are in the small intestine, the more of them will be absorbed into the blood.

The small intestine contains a large collection of different digestive enzymes that come together under common name peptidases. The digestion of proteins is mainly completed here.

Traces of digestive processes can also be found in the large intestine, where, under the influence of microflora, a partial breakdown of difficult-to-digest molecules occurs. However, this mechanism is rudimentary in nature and does not have a serious significance in the overall process of digestion.

Concluding the story about protein hydrolysis, it should be mentioned that all the main processes of digestion occur on the surface of the intestinal mucosa (parietal digestion according to A. M. Ugolev).

Fats (lipids). Saliva does not contain enzymes that break down fats. In the oral cavity, fats do not undergo any changes. The human stomach contains some amount of lipase. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fats. In the human stomach, however, lipase has little activity due to the very acidic gastric environment. Only at infants Lipase breaks down fats in breast milk.

The breakdown of fats in an adult occurs mainly in the upper parts of the small intestine. Lipase cannot act on fats unless they are emulsified. Emulsification of fats occurs in the duodenum, as soon as the contents of the stomach enter there. The main emulsifying effect on fats is exerted by bile salts, which enter the duodenum from the gallbladder. Bile acids are synthesized in the liver from cholesterol. Bile acids not only emulsify fats, but also activate duodenal and intestinal lipase. This lipase is produced mainly by the exocrine apparatus of the pancreas. Moreover, the pancreas produces several types of lipases that break down the neutral world into glycerol and free fatty acids.

Some fats in the form of a thin emulsion can be absorbed unchanged in the small intestine, but the bulk of the fat is absorbed only after pancreatic lipase breaks it down into fatty acids and glycerol. Short chain fatty acids are easily absorbed. Long-chain fatty acids are poorly absorbed. To be absorbed, they have to combine with bile acids, phospholipids and cholesterol, forming so-called micelles - fat globules.

If it is necessary to assimilate larger than usual quantities of food and eliminate the contradiction between the body’s need for food items and the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to provide this need, external administration of pharmacological preparations containing digestive enzymes is most often used.

The chemical essence of fat digestion. Enzymes that break down fats. Composition of bile.

Chemical feed treatment occurs with the help of enzymes in digestive juices produced by glands digestive tract: salivary, gastric, intestinal, pancreatic. There are three groups of digestive enzymes: proteolytic - breaking down proteins into amino acids, glucosidic (amylolytic) - hydrolyzing carbohydrates into glucose, and lipolytic - breaking down fats into glycerol and fatty acids.

Fat hydrolysis occurs mainly through cavity digestion with the participation of lipases and phospholipases. Lipase hydrolyzes fat into fatty acids and monoglyceride (usually 2-monoglyceride).

Fats are not digested in the oral cavity => no conditions. In the stomach of adults, gastric lipase has very low activity => there are no conditions for fat emulsification, because it is inactive in an acidic environment. In young animals during the milk period => digestion occurs, because milk fat is in an emulsified state and the pH of gastric juice = 5. => fat digestion occurs in the upper parts of the small intestine. Lipase cannot act on fats unless they are emulsified. Emulsification of fats occurs in the duodenum. The main emulsifying effect on fats is exerted by bile salts, which enter the duodenum from the gallbladder. Bile acids not only emulsify fats, but also activate duodenal and intestinal lipase.

Some fats in the form of a thin emulsion can be absorbed unchanged in the small intestine, but the bulk of the fat is absorbed only after pancreatic lipase breaks it down into fatty acids and glycerol. To be absorbed, they have to combine with bile acids, phospholipids and cholesterol, forming so-called micelles - fat globules.

There are no enzymes in the colon that exhibit a hydrolytic effect on lipids. Lipid substances that do not undergo changes in the small intestine undergo putrefactive decomposition under the influence of microflora enzymes. Colon mucus contains some phosphatides. Some of them are resorbed.

Unabsorbed cholesterol is reduced to fecal coprostrerine.

Enzymes that break down lipids are called lipases.

a) lingual lipase (secreted salivary glands, at the root of the tongue);

b) gastric lipase (secreted in the stomach and has the ability to work in the acidic environment of the stomach);

c) pancreatic lipase (enters the intestinal lumen as part of the pancreatic secretion, breaks down dietary triglycerides, which make up about 90% of dietary fats).

Depending on the type of lipids, different lipases are involved in their hydrolysis. Triglycerides are broken down by lipases and triglyceride lipase, cholesterol and other sterols by cholesterolase, and phospholipids by phospholipase.

Composition of bile. Bile is produced by liver cells. There are two types of bile: hepatic and bladder. Liver bile is liquid, transparent, light yellow in color; the bladder is thicker and darker in color. Bile consists of 98% water and 2% dry residue, which includes organic substances: bile salts - cholic, lithocholic and deoxycholic, bile pigments - bilirubin and biliverdin, cholesterol, fatty acids, lecithin, mucin, urea, uric acid, vitamins A, B, C; a small amount of enzymes: amylase, phosphatase, protease, catalase, oxidase, as well as amino acids and glucocorticoids; inorganic substances: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Fe++, C1-, HCO3-, SO4-, P04-. In the gallbladder, the concentration of all these substances is 5-6 times higher than in the liver bile

February 22nd, 2017

As you know, to look your best, you first need to say goodbye to extra pounds. A huge number of all kinds of diets offer us ways to combat excess weight, requiring remarkable willpower and threatening to empty your credit card and wallet.

Is there a panacea that will give you harmony without harsh sacrifices? Unfortunately, the famous saying - “beauty requires sacrifice” - has not yet been canceled, and without sufficient physical activity You won't be able to lose weight safely and effectively.

However, science does not stand still, and scientists are discovering more and more new methods of combating overweight. One of these ways to lose weight is eating foods that burn fat.


Dairy products, other than milk, increase the amount of the hormone calcitriol in the body, which forces cells to burn fat. Low-fat dairy products - yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, according to experts, will help you lose excess weight and reduce the amount of newly digestible fat. Whey - contains high-quality milk protein that accelerates fat metabolism. Whey promotes the consumption of subcutaneous fat in order to compensate for the body's energy costs.


Ginger is one of the so-called “hot” foods. It provides excellent secretion and blood supply to the stomach, thereby speeding up the metabolism in the body. Thanks to the high content essential oils, ginger increases metabolism, which promotes the rapid burning of fat cells. In addition, ginger improves the condition of the skin, making it young and beautiful.


White cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli are constant helpers in the fight against excess weight. White cabbage works like a brush in the body, thereby cleansing it of toxins. Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The main one is indole-3-carbinol, which normalizes the metabolism of estrogens - female sex hormones. Cauliflower is in second place after broccoli in terms of vitamin content. Cabbage is a low-calorie product, so it can be eaten with almost no restrictions.


Cucumbers are an effective means for losing weight, however, like most other foods plant origin are seasonal and maximum benefit They are brought precisely during their natural ripening period. They are recommended to be eaten at that stage of ripeness, when the fruits are still small, hard, crunchy, and the seeds have not fully developed. If possible, the skin of cucumbers is not peeled, since it is in it that most of the vitamins and minerals are concentrated. Cucumbers have a diuretic effect on the human body, which, combined with its low calorie content, makes it an indispensable food product for people struggling with excess weight.


This spice has been used in the fight against excess weight relatively recently, but has already established itself as an excellent fat-burning agent. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, thereby promoting fat accumulation. You can add cinnamon to tea, coffee, kefir, and if you drink a drink made from a mixture of ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, steamed with boiling water with 1 teaspoon of honey, the fat will simply melt.


The grapefruit diet is not a myth. Researchers at the Scripps Clinic found that those who ate half a grapefruit for 12 weeks lost an average of 3 pounds. Unique Chemical properties This citrus fruit, literally stuffed with vitamin C, reduces insulin levels, which promotes weight loss. This amazing fruit is the most active “killer” of fats in the body. Due to the high content of the flavonoid naringin, it has a powerful choleretic effect, thereby promoting the breakdown of fats that enter our body with food. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that grapefruit must be eaten without clearing the internal bitter membranes, because they contain the substance that burns fat.

Green tea

The most powerful fat killer is green tea. Research shows that green tea extract speeds up metabolism and may help with weight loss. This tea improves mood and may have anti-carcinogenic properties and may also help prevent heart disease. This is a very fashionable drink among the stars. It contains a large amount of natural caffeine, which accelerates the body's metabolism by 15-20%. Green tea easily washes away not only subcutaneous fat, but also the most dangerous so-called visceral fat - internal fat. Drinking 3 cups of green tea a day will make even the fattest person lose weight.


New research suggests that water speeds up weight loss. German researchers found that by drinking about 500 grams of water per day, study participants increased the rate of calorie burning by 30%. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant, flushing salt and toxins from the body. Drinking enough water will also help you avoid the mistake of mistaking thirst for hunger.


Raspberries - contain fruit enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats. Half a glass of raspberries, eaten half an hour before meals, will help the stomach cope with a rich feast. This berry speeds up metabolism. In addition, 100 grams of raspberries contain only 44 kcal.


Mustard stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Who said that fat-burning products are necessarily something sadly dietary and tasteless? One orange “weighs” only 70-90 calories. And most importantly: after this fruit, the feeling of fullness lasts for about 4 hours.


Only 40% of the fat contained in almonds is digested. The remaining 60% leaves the body without having time to go through the stages of breakdown and absorption. That is, almonds fill you up without leaving behind unnecessary calories.


The enzymes contained in horseradish root help burn fat. Flavor fish and meat dishes with horseradish.


Legumes - source vegetable protein, so necessary for our body. Protein itself is metabolic, which gives it the ability to easily burn fat cells. In other words, to digest protein foods, the body spends a lot of energy, which it takes from its own fat reserves. Nutritionists recommend beans as a side dish or added to a salad.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk contains fats that make your metabolism go faster.

A pineapple


Papaya - contains enzymes that act on lipids and break down proteins. However, there is no point in going on a papaya diet because the enzymes lose their activity 2-3 hours after entering the body. To get the desired effect, papaya should be consumed immediately before, during or immediately after meals.

Red wine

Red wine - contains the active ingredient resveratrol, which stimulates the production of a protein that blocks receptors in fat cells. Resveratrol promotes the breakdown of fats and slows down the formation of new fat deposits. This wonderful ingredient is found in grape skins and white wine, but in these products it quickly oxidizes and becomes less effective. Red wine is a unique source of an effective fat burner, however, like any alcohol, it should be consumed in limited quantities. Half a glass of red wine a day will provide you beneficial effect on the body.

Apples and pears

Overweight women who ate 3 small apples or pears a day lost more weight by low calorie diet compared to those who did not add fruit to their diet. This conclusion was reached by researchers from state university Rio de Janeiro. Those who ate vegetables consumed fewer calories overall. So next time you're craving something sweet, grab this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. You will feel full longer and eat less.


Excellent source of soluble fiber (7 g per 2-cup serving). Gives a feeling of fullness and energy necessary for exercise.

The breakdown of fats is a complex, multi-stage process that occurs in the human body every day. It is impossible to exclude it from general life activity and cannot be replaced by anything, which defines fat breakdown as one of the components of maintaining the optimal functioning of all organs and systems. In addition to such a broad significance, this process plays a major role in the issue of excess weight control.

The process of breaking down fats

The process of fat breakdown involves the fats themselves and fat-like substances. The process itself consists of several main stages, during which lipids entering the body are completely absorbed and processed products are excreted.

Average daily requirement fat for the human body is about 70 grams per day, however, with the development Food Industry, the emergence of artificial additives and the simplification of some work functions in modern society was the reason that the average fat consumption per day per person can reach 180 grams. And this is a direct path to obesity if you don’t know how to reduce this volume, normalize the processes of fat breakdown and speed them up.

Stages of fat breakdown

Digestion of fats in the stomach

When chewing fatty foods, an enzyme is released into the oral cavity that promotes the breakdown of fats - lipase. It is she who plays the main role in the absorption of this component in the stomach. This process takes place within one to two hours and digests only a small part of the lipids received from food, but is still an important part preparatory stage splitting. At the same stage, the release of a special peptide hormone cholecystokinin into the blood begins, the task of which is to activate the functions of fat breakdown of the pancreas and gall bladder.

Digestion of fats in the intestines

This is the main stage of fat breakdown. When this component enters the small intestine, the gallbladder and pancreas have already received a signal to active action and began isolating special digestive enzymes. This process promotes the emulsification of lipids, that is, their conversion into a more digestible form by the body before the nutritional components begin to be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the small intestine begins to secrete peptide hormone secretin, which promotes the release of bicarbonate (without it, emulsification of fats is impossible) into pancreatic juice, which is important for the entire process of fat breakdown.

Absorption of fats in the intestine

Emulsified lipids, simple and complex, including oxidized fatty acids and ketone bodies, begin to be actively absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood, delivering the necessary components to the body's cells. The products of breakdown and processing of fats are eliminated naturally.

The importance of fat breakdown processes

Fats are very important for the body, so their breakdown processes are one of the foundations for maintaining human life. There are several main functions that lipids perform in the human body.

  • Energy. Fats are one of the most important sources of energy, including reserve energy. One gram of this substance is enough to generate up to 9 kcal for energy metabolism, and this is approximately twice as much as when breaking down carbohydrates. The body's fat reserves contain a large amount of nutrients and non-oxidized fatty acids, which subsequently serve as a rich energy and recovery resource. With optimal fat content in subcutaneous fat, a person can long time stay in unfavorable conditions without eating food, and at the same time maintain physical activity and even performance. Of course, in case of an excess of adipose tissue, the body experiences lipid metabolism disorders, which can cause a number of diseases.
  • Thermal insulation. Subcutaneous fat layer - characteristic for warm-blooded creatures and, of course, for humans. Lipids help maintain optimal temperature in the body, protect internal organs from the effects of temperature changes in the atmosphere, and also normalize the human condition in case of excessive loss of moisture, since one of the products of the breakdown of fats is water.
  • Structural. Complex lipids (phospholipids, glycolipids, etc.) play an important role in the construction of the cell, in particular its protective layer, its strength, impermeability and ability to withstand aggressive factors.
  • Regulatory. Some fats participate directly in the life of the cell, as well as in the biochemical metabolism of the entire body, normalizing the processes of exchange of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and also regulating the release of hormones.
  • Protective. Physical protection from mechanical damage. The subcutaneous fat layer protects internal organs from hypothermia, damage and prolapse relative to other organs. Therefore, thinness, which is fashionable today, can be considered one of the risk factors for the functionality and integrity of internal organs.
  • Increased buoyancy. Fat is lighter muscle tissue, therefore, its increase helps to reduce the specific weight of the body, which increases swimming ability.

How to normalize and control the breakdown of fats in the body

Normalization of fat breakdown and control over it entirely depends on the vigilance of the person himself and his attention to his health. Importance healthy eating in this matter is practically undeniable, as is the need for optimal water consumption, but that’s not all.

Due to a decrease in the average time of activity per day per person in the world, the percentage of people with lipid metabolism disorders has sharply increased, which has led to an increase in the number of people suffering from obesity and diseases associated with this disorder. Moreover, these disorders are not just the accumulation of deposits in the subcutaneous fat due to a sedentary lifestyle, but a failure in hormonal level, that is, a violation of functionality endocrine system. This often complicates the process of diagnosing and selecting a weight loss program and reinforces the importance of optimal motor activity during the day. It’s all very simple - walk more and sit in front of the monitor less, at least on weekends attend any sports section or work out at home, do basic exercises for 10-20 minutes in the morning. If you want to achieve active fat burning, then you need to do alternating cardio and strength exercises.

Control of fat breakdown, maintenance this process normally, it also needs to be carried out with the help of specialist doctors: endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist.

Methods for accelerating fat breakdown

  • Much water. On average, per 1 kilogram of human weight, you need to drink about 30 grams of water per day. Based on this indicator, the quantity can be increased slightly (if there are no problems with urinary system, kidneys). At the same time, you should drink water cool, just below room temperature, then metabolic processes will accelerate, spending more energy on water processing.
  • Chew and chew again. The importance of this process is underestimated by many, but digestion begins in the mouth - the more thoroughly you chew fatty foods, the faster it will be digested in the stomach and intestines.
  • The right products! Fresh vegetables and fruits must be consumed with fatty foods. If it’s a cake, then with berries. If pork cutlet, then with salad.
  • Physical training and sauna. An increase in body temperature helps accelerate fat burning processes.

Last time GYM's“filled to capacity” with people who are interested in losing excess weight as quickly as possible. Experienced trainers give advice on adjusting your diet, and also advise doing more cardio exercises, which contribute to fat burning.

At first, this whole process is so fascinating that amateur athletes begin to engage in sports with special zeal. Of course, because there are mainly beautiful, smart instructors there who encourage you to play sports even more. One look at their figure - and that’s it, you strive to achieve the same results. But unfortunately, often these dreams cannot come true without a “chemical” approach.

Where and why is fat deposited?

If you ask any person where fat is located, the answer will be unequivocal - under the skin. Fat is an unsightly “hanging” on the skin that should always be hidden with clothing from others (according to at least, smart people do this). There is also visceral fat, that is, fat that envelops the internal organs. The last option is the most dangerous for human health, since various diseases may appear against this background.

If we talk about fat that enters our body with food, then it is not worth removing it from your diet. After all, he is just like complex carbohydrates or proteins, supports the vital functions of the body. But you need to be able to choose the “right” fats and carbohydrates for yourself. After all, it's fried fatty food- This junk food. Fast carbohydrates - sweets, bakery products, pasta, etc. t - also none positive effect they don't bring it. So why use them?

Nowadays, obesity in people is already a common phenomenon. America (USA) especially suffers from it, but our country does not “graze those behind.” Every year you see more and more obese people on the street, especially teenagers. All because there are too many establishments fast food. You came, snacked on a bun or a hamburger, washed it down with a Coca-Cola - and you were good to go.

Only fats from such food are literally immediately deposited under the skin. Dr. Atkins, who came up with a diet with the same name, announced that fast carbohydrates are to blame for fat deposits, since they instantly raise insulin levels in the body. And this provokes the “storage” of subcutaneous fat. And, accordingly, the more carbohydrates consumed, the greater the weight on the scale.

Why exactly we'll talk about triglycerides? Yes, because fat is triglycerides, as well as specific fatty acids. This is not just one element, but a whole class of elements that are bound by glycerol (its particle). In turn, this class of elements consists of fatty acids. If we delve further, there is still a lot that can be said in “chemical” language, but many simply will not understand what we are talking about we're talking about. Therefore, we will explain the most important things.

Fatty acids in large quantities found in our food, as well as in subcutaneous fat. There are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. With food, only triglycerides enter the body. In order to digest them, so-called bile acids are released (they are secreted by the gallbladder). The digestion enzyme is called lipase. Lipase processes triglycerides into small particles, which are converted back into triglycerides after absorption into the small intestine. Then they enter the circulatory system with cholesterol and lipoproteins.

Some elements from fatty acids can immediately enter the bloodstream, being absorbed into the muscles during physical activity. Also, active tissues (for example, the heart) can store some fatty acids in order to quickly use them when needed. Before entering fat cells, processed triglyceride particles first “enter” the liver, and then transform there again into triglycerides. Triglycerides are converted back into fatty acids by the enzyme lipoprotein lipase.

If insulin is in high doses in the body, then fat accumulates in fat cells, and in large quantities. Lipoprotein lipase stores fat, preventing it from being used as energy for muscle mass or heart muscles.

If every person ate right and monitored the amount of calories they consumed, and also ate less fast carbohydrates, then there would be no problems with obesity and other diseases that appear due to excess weight. It’s quite easy to “put off” fat, but how to remove it? How to make your body fit and strong? Only by training? Hardly.

Many people are interested in how to get rid of the hated subcutaneous fat. In order to lose fat mass, fat cells need to be exposed to certain hormones. These hormones are:
  • a growth hormone;
  • glucagon;
  • adrenalin;
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone.
Triglyceride is broken down thanks to several enzymes that are activated by the above-mentioned hormones. The mechanism of subcutaneous fat breakdown is a rather complex process, so only scientists can talk about it in detail. But let's try to figure it out a little.

Fat cells are lipocytes. Fat is stored in them. Once the fat is released, it is broken down into elements such as fatty acids and glycerol.

A muscle cell has its own mitochondria - fatty acids go there after breakdown. They are then oxidized and released with energy. Each fat cell has receptors. They respond to the introduction of various hormones. Where do hormones come from? Hormones are produced by the pituitary gland and endocrine glands.

So, fat is burned under the influence of external and internal factors, when hormones with a lipolytic effect enter the blood and begin their “work”. Passing through the circulatory system, hormones influence the receptors of fat cells, resulting in the release of fatty acids and glycerol from them. Finally, fatty acids enter the muscles - mitochondria - where they are burned.

Fat can be burned in two cases: when long fasting, or when a person spends a lot of time in the gym.

In the first case, during many hours of fasting, a hormone is released that stimulates the breakdown of fat in the body. It releases a chemical that acts on nerve endings. When a person is full, then the signal about fat burning disappears.

Prostaglandin hormone

Prostaglandin produces an enzyme in the fat cell that responds to various signals in the body. It can slow down the fat burning process as it breaks down cyclic adenosine monophosphate. If cyclic AMP begins to break down, fat is burned very slowly.

Therefore, if you get into this whole theory headlong, one thing becomes clear: in the process of accumulating and burning fat in the body, hormones, enzymes and all sorts of medical supplies. But you shouldn’t think that you can achieve the results you want to achieve with just pills.

This article provides only part of the information about the accumulation/breakdown of fat in the body. The terms are quite difficult to understand. But the fat burning system is also quite a complex thing. One thing can be said: you need to watch what you eat, exercise, and then everything will be fine.

Video about burning fat and gaining muscle mass:

Need to burn fat? Then urgently read this article and take notes!

Because it is CRITICAL to understand your body and what and why you do/eat/drink. Without knowledge of the basics, you will not see either health or beauty. By understanding what you eat, and most importantly - why and what consequences it brings - you will learn to control your diet and not suffer from the lack of “junk” food.

You will never lose weight and maintain the result if you do not understand the mechanism of fat breakdown.
You can’t eat anything, eat according to someone else’s example and hope that the fat will magically be burned: you don’t get behind the wheel without knowing the rules, do you?

Well, we have already used the term “weight loss” many times, found out what is contained in our bodies and realized that it is worth getting rid of excess weight for the sake of a healthy and long life.

How fat deposits are broken down

The process consists of several stages:

  • Stage No. 1: Fat is released from fat cells
  • Stage No. 2: Fat is transported to muscles
  • Stage No. 3:Some features of the process of burning fat in the body

So, let us repeat that our sides and tummies are energy reserves stored in the body as fat. The body usually creates such reserves from excess nutrition.

If you are driving sedentary lifestyle life, combining it with large meals, you get an insignificant energy expenditure with a large intake, i.e. consume more than you need and you can spend.

Everything that was eaten by you, but was not spent, our miser - the body will process into fat and put aside in reserve.

Nature is wise and caring, and once upon a time this mechanism for storing fat served people for the benefit, but now, when we no longer need to hunt for food and long hunger strikes do not happen to us (only if solely by our will), it brings some inconvenience.

Swelling during weight loss

There are fat cells, which contain fat and water, and when losing weight, it is this that is released first. Therefore, in the first stages of losing weight, the result is clearly visible. Fats are a reserve source of energy, so the body is not very willing to use them.

Many have noticed that as soon as they embark on the path of losing weight, the body becomes very soft, watery; if there was any relief, it disappears. People immediately get upset, they say, they were so elastic, but now they’re like a water mattress. But I hasten to tell you, this is just the same we should be happy! Because softening of adipose tissue and indicates your weight loss!

How is the fat layer reduced? Subcutaneous fat is a structure made up of fat cells. We already know that fat does not disappear locally and, accordingly, fat cells do not release accumulated fat in only one place. Roughly speaking, each cell “loses weight” a little!

Think of adipose tissue as a dense system of cells. If you “take” a piece of each, what will happen? The system collapses and becomes loose, because space appears between the cells. So rejoice, you are losing weight!

Adipose tissue

Exit from soft state: wait until the tissues become denser and decrease in volume, i.e. continue to lose weight. Or quit and start eating more in order to thicken your tissues.

By the way, you can’t stay in a calorie deficit all your life. If your volumes suit you, but “you are watery”, you need to switch to maintenance (spend as many calories as you get)!

How to start losing weight correctly?

When losing weight, we do not get rid of fat cells, but the fat that is in them. The more fat in these cells, the larger size and they have mass. Fat cells can become very stretched. Scientists have now proven that the number of fat cells can change, but this change is insignificant.

So, the first thing you need to do when it comes to losing weight is release fat from cells . To do this, it is necessary for the body to have energy shortage. The body then releases special enzymes and hormones into the blood, which are transported through the bloodstream to the fat cells and release fat from the fat cell.

Creating an energy deficit is not difficult - it is necessary to engage in any type of physical activity and improve nutrition .

So, fat is released and transported along with the blood to the muscle . When it reaches this muscle, it needs to be burned in the mitochondria, the “power plants” of a person. And so that fat can burn, it needs enzymes and oxygen. If there is not enough oxygen or enzymes in the body, fat will not be able to be converted into energy and will be deposited in the body again.

This process is natural weight loss . Those. With the help of physical activity and a certain calorie intake, we create a surplus (lack) of energy and to replenish its reserves the body decides to use its own resources.

Yes, breaking down fat is not everything!

A very important point for understanding losing weight is the process of fat breakdown. does not provide losing weight. Therefore, by the way, it is worth questioning cosmetic procedures, which promise to provide you with fat breakdown and destruction of fat cells.

Once the fat is broken down, it still won’t go anywhere. . It will simply go from the cell into the bloodstream and hang around there until something is done to it. Otherwise, it comes back, filling the fat cells again, or gets stuck cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, which can lead to irreparable health problems.

Therefore, even fat released from cells must be “burned.” You can do this by using it. That is, for weight loss NECESSARY so that the body receives physical activity, which would be accompanied by a large consumption of oxygen, and at the same time have all the necessary enzymes for burning fat (they are contained in food).

Let's not forget about water. The considered mechanism works only if there is large quantity water in fat cells because fat breakdown occurs in the water-containing interior.

Let's repeat the above for better absorption: fat in our body is stored not as a solid mass, but posted as chemical substance triglyceride in fat cells which are called lipocytes.

In order to release fat from its tenacious hands, the cell must first carry out lipolysis - break down triglyceride into fatty acids and glycerol. And only in this form accumulated fat releases cells and blood vessels is sent to its destination in order to perform the required function - to supply the body with energy, to build cell membrane etc.

Moreover, in those very problem areas that you really want to lose weight locally, fat will come off more difficult and take longer . After all, despite the fact that hormones hover throughout the body at the same speed and in the same quantities, they cannot immediately “open” all cells - some of them have reduced activity cell receptors(the same “doors” that open the cage). In addition, lipolysis is also affected by blood supply (capillarization), which provides large capacity blood flow in muscles and promotes the transfer of energy substances.

Those. alas and ah - you CANNOT burn fat LOCALLY. The ENTIRE body is involved in the process of fat loss, and we lose fat in “first come first served” (we remind you: first visceral - then subcutaneous - and only then body fat by gender).

You cannot tell your body (alas) which fat reserves to use. Don’t believe me? Let's prove it!

  • ⛔If you pump up your abs, the fat will not go away from your belly!
  • ⛔If you pump up your adductors, the fat between your legs won’t go anywhere!
  • ⛔If you pump your arms, the fat will not evaporate from them!

Even thanks to lipolysis, fat will first be removed from those areas of the body where it is accumulated in small quantities and where it is, in principle, inconvenient to be. And last but not least - with problem areas, where it is found in large reserves (in men - the abdominal area, in women - the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks) and plays an important function for the body, for example, it is necessary for reproductive system.

To cope with problem areas, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive struggle of effects aimed at both reducing fat and increasing muscle elasticity and skin tone.

The best option for losing weight: a calorie deficit and visiting the gym coupled with active everyday life. Why gym:

If for some reason strength training is contraindicated for you, then you can do cardio or any other physical activity! Skiing, skating, swimming, basketball and dancing, walking - all this burns calories, which means it burns fat.

But Without nutrition control, you won’t get rid of a single gram with any training. , if the nutrition is really fundamentally wrong.


There are two main sources of energy in the body - and fat. Glycogen is a more powerful source and easier to convert into energy than fat. That is why the body tries to burn it first, and only then does it get to fat.

The energy we consume (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) is used as fuel in the following way. Usually at rest or during prolonged low-intensity action average person burns approximately 60% fat, 35% carbohydrates And 5% proteins. As soon as a person starts practicing physical activity , the metabolic process in the body changes, fat metabolism slows down and carbohydrate metabolism increases. We took the fat/carbohydrate scheme as a basis, because protein is usually practically not a source of energy, with rare exceptions, for example, during hunger.

The table below shows the training regimen and its effects for a 30-year-old man weighing 90 kg. Duration of one workout is 30 minutes, type of workout - treadmill running, three varying degrees intensity.

This is where the nuance lies: it is important not to confuse percentage of fat burned And total amount of fat burned. Look at three fat consumption options with three at different levels intensity, and tell me in which case more fat is burned:

  • High-impact exercises(around 70-90% of your maximum heart rate): 33% of the energy you use comes from fat, 66% from glucose. You burn about 600 kilocalories per hour (of which 200 kilocalories are fat). Of course, you don’t work out that much, but still.
  • Medium load exercises(about 50-60% of maximum heart rate): The percentage of fat and glucose used is “50 x 50”. You burn about 350 kilocalories per hour (of which 175 kilocalories are fat).
  • At rest, sitting, during long, low-intensity exercise(resting heart rate): 66% of the energy you use comes from fat, 33% from glucose. You burn about 90 kilocalories per hour (of which 60 kilocalories are fat).

CONCLUSION: Most of us can do high-impact exercise for no more than an hour, but can still do several hours of low-impact exercise. Low-impact exercise over a long period of time only burns more fat if you do it for a long time, rather than for half an hour. However, low-impact exercises often have less significant overall health benefits and do not train the cardiovascular system. If you can devote two hours to aerobic exercise, the best option is to take advantage of both types of exercise - 1 hour of high-impact exercise and 1 hour of low-impact exercise.



1. Our body is not able to burn fat only in a certain place.

2. Excess fat can only be burned as energy. It is impossible to remove it with the help of massage! (learn materiel)

3. Men and women do not need a separate training and nutrition program. Our bodies burn fat the same way!

4. The stomach, sides and riding breeches are the ideal place to store fat, so they will be the last to lose weight.

It must also be taken into account that every person has genetic features. Therefore, for some, fat is best removed from the thighs, and for others, from the abdomen. This can happen even with absolutely the same training process and nutrition system - this is individual.

5., but this has nothing to do with being overweight.