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Feline infectious enteritis. Causes of enteritis in cats. Elimination of symptoms is the main stage of treatment

Enteritis in cats - This inflammatory process, acute or chronic, mucous membrane small intestine. Chronic enteritis can lead to inflammation of the large intestine over time.

Etiology and symptoms

The development of the disease is caused by excessive feeding of adult cats, poor quality food, or a change in diet. Allergic reactions can also cause this disease. Enteritis in kittens occurs most often during transition from mother's milk for self-catering. Most often, enteritis in cats occurs due to acute infections, heavy metal poisoning, tumors of the intestinal walls, as well as with some other pathologies gastrointestinal tract. The cause of the disease in cats can also be the accumulation of hair and plant debris in the intestines, as well as stones of organic origin.

Enteritis in cats mild form is asymptomatic - appetite remains, but thirst increases. As the disease progresses, the temperature rises and the cat becomes restless. The most obvious symptom of enteritis is vomiting and diarrhea interspersed with blood, mucus and undigested food particles. The bowel movements have foul odor. At severe forms diseases, in addition to the above symptoms are added a rapid pulse, abdominal pain on palpation, as well as rumbling in the intestines. The fur becomes brittle and dull, the cat quickly gets tired, and its body is exhausted.

The chronic form of enteritis leads to decreased appetite, exhaustion of the animal's body due to dehydration, dry skin and increased hair loss. For severe forms chronic enteritis Ulcers and cracks appear in the corners of the mouth. Are saved and elevated temperature bodies and foul diarrhea, sometimes with blood. The causes of this form of the disease are previous intestinal infections, surgical interventions, or acute allergic reactions.

If treatment is not started on time, the body is poisoned by the products of inflammatory processes, which can lead to degeneration or even atrophy of the mucous membranes various departments intestines. Enteritis is often accompanied by dysbiosis and the death of healthy intestinal microflora.

Treatment with traditional and folk remedies

First of all, you need to keep the animal on a fasting diet for 12 to 24 hours and call a veterinarian. Drug treatment The veterinarian begins by cleansing the gastrointestinal tract Vaseline oil(1-3 tablespoons inside). Further speech is assigned depending on the results of the research.

In addition, rice or barley decoctions with the addition of tannin or ichthyol are used, as well as egg white(3-4 times a day). The animal is rehydrated and given glucose injections three to six times a day.

Recently, the treatment of enteritis has become increasingly popular. folk remedies. For treatment, infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort and the rhizomes of Potentilla erecta are used. St. John's wort infusion normalizes intestinal function, improves appetite, and has an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. A decoction of the rhizomes of Potentilla erecta has anti-inflammatory and astringent action, improves the functioning of the digestive glands.

Coronavirus enteritis in cats

Coronavirus is a very common causative agent of diseases, often fatal, in animals. In cats, this virus causes two diseases: corona viral enteritis cats and infectious peritonitis. Feline enteritis coronavirus affects the mucous membranes of the small intestine and causes vomiting and diarrhea, which lasts for 2-4 days, after which it goes away. Kittens aged one to two months are especially susceptible to this strain of coronavirus. Although the disease is very common and harmless, animals remain carriers of the virus for a long time and infect other cats that share their litter box.

The infectious peritonitis virus spontaneously infects the intestines of young cats and kittens. Unlike the coronavirus enteritis described above, infectious peritonitis almost inevitably leads to the death of the animal. The virus destroys white blood cells, which allows the disease to spread to intestinal tissue. The most common symptom of the disease is progressive bloating and abruptly changing body temperature, this is - wet form disease, or dropsy. Less commonly observed is another form of the disease – dry. For dry form external manifestations There is no disease, there is only fever, loss of weight and appetite, and general lethargy. It is impossible to save animals from infectious peritonitis - there is neither a preventive vaccine nor effective treatment against it.

Causes of disease in cats infectious peritonitis The following main factors are:

  • Keeping a large number of animals together, so nurseries are at particular risk;
  • Animals under four months of age;
  • Poor nutrition and care;
  • Stress;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • A large number of contacts with other animals, especially kittens.

Parvovirus enteritis

Parvovirus enteritis– an acute viral disease that is characterized by leukopenia, hemorrhagic enteritis, myocarditis and dehydration of the animal’s body. The disease is transmitted from sick animals through direct contact or through contaminated environmental objects.

The course of the disease varies from hyperacute, often leading to the death of animals, especially young ones, to subclinical, characteristic of adult animals and often asymptomatic.

  1. Ultra-acute form Characteristic of kittens and young animals, it develops rapidly, affecting the intestines. Causes diarrhea, often mixed with blood and mucus, and fever. Most often, kittens die during the first day of the disease.
  2. Acute form characterized by depression of intestinal function, high fever, photophobia, and dehydration of the animal’s body, since cats often feel thirsty, but do not drink, which is associated with painful sensations in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract.

The mortality rate for this form of parvovirus enteritis reaches 90%.

  1. Subacute form parvovirus enteritis occurs with slight depression of intestinal function and fever. Mortality with this form of the disease is unlikely, recovery occurs quickly, and no complications are observed.
  2. Subclinical form The disease is typical for adult vaccinated animals; it is asymptomatic or with mild manifestations of fever, which often go unnoticed.

Intrauterine infection of kittens from a sick mother is often observed. In the first third of pregnancy, pregnancy fading and fetal resorption are observed. For more later leads to the death of kittens.

Vaccination against enteritis in dogs and cats is the most effective means prevention of parvovirus enteritis. Healthy animals aged 8 to 12 weeks are subject to vaccination, revaccination is carried out at intervals of 21-28 days. Adult animals are vaccinated annually.

Adult cats and kittens are not less people susceptible various diseases. Enteritis in cats is one of the most common diseases. On early stages it can easily be confused with a common stomach disorder, but this pathology is very insidious and can cause severe consequences for the health and life of your furry pet.

Enteritis in cats

What is enteritis? This is a viral or bacteriological disease that leads to an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and disrupts its basic functions (motor, secretory, excretory). There are acute and chronic types, the protracted phase provokes inflammation of the colon.

Causes of illness in cats and kittens

The reasons for the development of enteritis lie not only in poor nutrition causing stomach imbalance, there are other risk factors that dramatically increase the chances of acquiring the disease.

The causes of enteritis in cats and kittens are:

  • keeping a large number of individuals in one territory (in nurseries);
  • contacts pet with street animals;
  • inadequate care;
  • stressful situations;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Enteritis in kittens is often congenital, when infection occurs in the womb of a mother suffering from this pathology. A mother can also infect her baby while breastfeeding.

Symptoms of enteritis

First sign insidious disease– stomach upset, manifested by diarrhea. Diarrhea usually does not cause any suspicion among animal owners. But there are other symptoms of enteritis in cats that should alert the owner:

  • feces may contain undigested food debris, stool admixtures of mucus and blood are observed;
    general weakness and depression;
  • dull and unkempt coat;
  • sunken eyes;
  • soreness abdominal wall upon palpation;
  • painful colic, which may be indicated by a restless state;
  • bloating and increased gas;
  • elevated temperature;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bad breath;
  • bouts of vomiting.

If the listed signs of illness are detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian for diagnosis and prescription. topical treatment. Remember, timely treatment can save your pet's life.

Diagnosis of pathology

The first diagnostic measure for diagnosing and treating enteritis is collecting and analyzing anamnesis. The veterinarian will ask the owner when the pet got sick, whether there are vaccinations, what type of stool it has, and how long ago the cat was treated for helminths. It is important to pay attention to even the smallest details and describe the symptoms of enteritis to the veterinarian in detail.

In a large group of animals, it is easiest to identify the disease, for example, in a nursery. When diarrhea in cats appears at different time intervals, limited to one or two weeks, therefore, there is a factor of infection. Incubation period lasts for different periods of time due to differences in the immune system.

If diarrhea was observed in the entire livestock at the same time, then most likely the animals received feed poisoning, and there is no danger of illness.

After recovery symptomatic picture, veterinarian prescribes bacteriological and virological cultures and blood tests. However, it is not always possible to carry out laboratory examination. In such cases, enteritis in a cat or kitten is treated based on symptoms, therapy is based on medical history.

It is important to pay attention to your pet, because now the support and care of a human friend is very important to him. Source: Flickr (Regina)

Types of enteritis

The disease manifests itself in acute or chronic form In addition, there are several types of disease, different in nature.

Coronavirus enteritis

With this type of enteritis, the Coronavirus virus affects the surface layers of the lining of the small intestine. When infected with coronavirus, an animal behaves restlessly, is indifferent to food, and does not respond to the owner’s attention.

On palpation, the abdomen is tight, swollen and acutely painful. The coronavirus type is indicated by frequent vomiting and constant diarrhea. The color of the stool varies from bright red to burgundy, the consistency is liquid or viscous. No increase in temperature is observed. Treatment of coronavirus enteritis in cats has the most positive prognosis.

Rotavirus enteritis

Rotavirus type pathological process characterized by sudden and rapid development. A kitten or adult begins to meow loudly and for a long time, arches unnaturally, does not allow its belly to be touched, and refuses food. At rotavirus infection body temperature rises, the condition is accompanied frequent vomiting, liquid feces with mucus impurities.

Symptoms of enteritis in a cat require immediate treatment, otherwise general state getting worse quickly. The animal weakens, severe dehydration occurs, and fever develops. Lack of timely veterinary care can lead to the death of a cat.

Parvovirus enteritis

Parvovirus enteritis in kittens and adult cats is the most dangerous form diseases. People call it feline distemper; 90% of pets die from this disease. The symptoms of distemper are extensive - a sharp and significant increase in body temperature is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, swelling, coughing and nervous twitching, the cat refuses to eat or drink.

Treatment of enteritis

For each type and form of the disease, it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-medication, in best case scenario it won't bring desired results, at worst, it will significantly worsen the condition. Only a veterinarian can prescribe adequate treatment after the diagnostic measures and analysis of the clinical picture.
Treatment of enteritis in cats is carried out comprehensively. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, after a few days you will notice a significant improvement in your well-being. What medications can a specialist prescribe:

  • antibacterial drugs targeted action, as well as antispasmodic drugs;
  • antipyretics and antiemetics;
  • drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Therapeutic measures begin with cleansing the small intestine. For this, veterinarians recommend using Glauber's salt; in some cases, castor oil is used. To neutralize the contents of the intestines, 1% solutions should be used citric acid or baking soda, they are administered orally.

For severe diarrhea, it is advisable to take astringent medications. A decoction is best oak bark, two to three tablespoons per day will be enough. If natural remedy turns out to be powerless, then use antibacterial drugs wide range actions, antibiotics prevent reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Only a veterinarian can select the drug. In case of bleeding, hemostatic agents like Vikasol are used.

Therapy at home

An important component general therapy is the treatment of enteritis in cats at home, it comes down to following a special regimen.

After a trip to the veterinarian and the course of treatment prescribed by him, the pet is put on a special fasting diet. On the first day they don’t give food at all, partly drinking water replace medicinal solutions Oralita, Regidron and similar drugs. Use of such medicines prevents dehydration of the body.

On the second day of the fasting diet, they are fed a decoction of oatmeal on meat broth, the high fiber content in it allows you to coat and cleanse the intestinal walls, which helps normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. After another couple of days, the pet can be given minced meat.

If your pet refuses solid food, you should not force it. Need to replace meat dishes light meat broth, which will help maintain the body’s strength during recovery.

In addition, the owner must provide the cat with a warm and clean sleeping place, regularly brush its fur, and provide access fresh air, but without drafts. It is important to pay attention to your pet, because now the support and care of a human friend is very important to him.

Prevention of enteritis

Enteritis is serious illness, which can harm the health of domestic animals. But the disease is easy to overcome if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

Video on the topic

  1. Treatment.
  2. What role does it play? therapeutic diet in the treatment of enteritis in cats.
  3. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

If your pet periodically experiences loose stool and vomiting, it is worth observing him as carefully as possible and if the episodes are repeated several times, be sure to go to the veterinarian. Enteritis can affect cats at any age; not only young but also adult animals are susceptible to it. Let's take a closer look at its causes, as well as ways to help pets.

Inflammation of the mucous lining of the small intestine causes malabsorption of nutrients. In fact, the inflammatory process disrupts the motor, secretory and excretory functions of the intestine, that is, in fact, the work of this part of the gastrointestinal tract is completely disrupted.

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. There are several types of enteritis in cats, depending on:

  • depth of damage to the walls of the small intestine;
  • provoking factors;
  • prevailing environment (pH).

Also, the disease can be primary or secondary. Primary enteritis in cats develops due to the effect of any fatcore on the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. Secondary arises as concomitant pathology on the background general infection that affected the body.

What symptoms indicate the disease?

Enteritis in cats is usually accompanied by:

  • Severe diarrhea - up to 10 times a day. The stool may contain undigested food fragments, mucus, and even streaks of blood.
  • Vomit.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Colicky pain, which can be recognized by the cat’s behavior: it often changes its body position and may suddenly meow sharply.
  • General weakness.
  • Smell from the mouth.
  • Rumbling in the stomach.

When vomiting and diarrhea intensify, dehydration occurs - the coat becomes dull, the shine in the eyes disappears, and the animal becomes noticeably weaker.

A veterinarian can diagnose enteritis in a cat. So if you notice alarming symptoms, do not delay your visit to the clinic. Dehydration greatly depletes the body, so it is not best to stop the disease in the initial stages.

What causes the disease?

Enteritis in cats can be bacterial or viral. Bacterial develops when the intestinal mucosa is damaged due to active reproduction pathogenic bacteria. What can cause this damage?

  • Poor quality food. The animal's diet should not contain long bones, sweet, fatty, salty or smoked foods. The same goes for stale water and moldy or expired food. However, even if you rely on an industrial diet, it is quite possible that it contains substances that can cause an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. Artificial colors, flavors, flavor enhancers, bone flour, present in industrial treats, not only provoke inflammation, but also cause the development of allergies and skin diseases. The constant intake of these substances into the body leads to decreased immunity and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Toxic substances. They can enter the body with food or accidentally. Household chemicals, medications, and some plants can cause poisoning in cats. As a rule, cats cope well with minor poisoning on their own thanks to their natural defense mechanism. But the entry into the body of a large amount of poison and substances with strong toxic effect will require immediate assistance from the owner.
  • Helminthiasis. Due to the presence of helminths in the body, the intestinal mucosa is damaged and becomes a gateway for infection.

Viral enteritis is divided into three types: parvovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus. All of them are transmitted when an animal comes into contact with a pathogen. This can be direct contact between a healthy and an infected animal, through a common tray, bowl; the disease can even be “brought” from the street on shoes, for example, if a piece of excrement remains on the sole.


The treatment regimen for enteritis in cats covers a whole range of drugs. The animal must be prescribed a therapeutic diet, which lasts at least 4-6 weeks. Small intestinal cleansers and oral hydration solutions are added to the diet - they replenish the loss of fluid that invariably accompanies diarrhea and vomiting. The remaining drugs - antibacterial, antiemetic, antipyretic, antibiotics and immunomodulators - are prescribed based on additional symptoms.

What role does a therapeutic diet play in the treatment of enteritis in cats?

A veterinary diet, regardless of the cause that caused inflammation of the small intestine, has a positive effect on the health of the animal. It promotes cleansing of possible toxins, restores the body's defenses, and covers the need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Forza10 veterinary diets are based on farm-raised meat or fish caught on the high seas. Such products High Quality ensure healthy digestion and completely cover the protein needs of predators.

Carbohydrates and fiber are provided by grains and vegetables grown according to environmentally friendly standards without the use of pesticides. Fruits and berries supplement the food with vitamins, antioxidants and microelements.

A unique component of food that helps treat enteritis in cats is extracts medicinal plants in granules. Plantain, turmeric, valerian, oregano and other plants are a real natural storehouse of medicines. They have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant effects. Plant extracts help restore the intestinal mucosa, thereby maintaining the effect drug therapy for enteritis in cats. Proof of the effectiveness of herbs is research from the SANYpet center.

Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

Simple measures will help you protect your pet from many diseases:

Take care of healthy eating cats - this is what will provide energy to your pet and support its immunity.

According to medical terminology called enteritis inflammatory disease small intestine, affecting the inner layer of its mucous membrane and accompanied by a violation of the secretory and motor functions of the intestine. If the inflammatory process spreads to the stomach, gastroenteritis develops.

This pathology also occurs in animals - cats and dogs. Cats most often suffer from enteritis before the age of 3 months, when the animal's defense system is not yet sufficiently developed. In adult cats, a provoking factor may be a decrease in immunity. This disease is often mistaken for a short-term intestinal disorder, however, feline enteritis is dangerous and can be fraught with serious consequences, even death.

According to the nature of the manifestations, enteritis is divided into:

  • catarrhal (inflammatory) - characterized by swelling of the intestinal mucosa;
  • hemorrhagic - with pinpoint hemorrhages in the mucosal tissue;
  • fibrinous - with the formation of a curdled protein coating on the intestinal walls;
  • necrotic - accompanied by destruction (disintegration) of mucosal tissue;
  • ulcerative - with formation on inner surface intestinal erosions and ulcers.

Depending on the cause that caused the development of the disease, enteritis is divided into non-contagious and contagious (infectious). The former most often become a consequence of dysbacteriosis, a sudden transfer of the cat to the new kind feed, injuries to the gastrointestinal mucosa when an animal eats tubular bones or enters the body toxic substances. The causes of contagious enteritis can be:

  • salmonella;
  • coli;
  • microscopic fungi (candida, mold, fusarium);
  • intestinal helminths;
  • non-cellular infectious agents - RNA-containing viruses.

Viruses that cause enteritis are quite resistant to action external environment, and can remain in the cat’s body in “sleep mode” for a long time (up to a year), without manifesting itself in any way. In most cases, infection occurs when secretions of sick animals get into food or water; the infection can also be transmitted through direct contact healthy cat with the patient.

You should know: Feline enteritis caused by the Rotavirus, Parvovirus and Coronavirus viruses is not dangerous to humans or dogs. But the canine pathogen of rotavirus, parvovirus or coronavirus enteritis can be transmitted to cats.


The first symptom of enteritis or gastroenteritis that a cat owner usually notices is diarrhea. In feces - residues undigested food, mucus, sometimes mixed with blood.

TO clinical signs Intestinal inflammation also includes:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • bloating with gases;
  • painful colic, due to which the cat avoids contact;
  • paleness of the oral mucous membranes, indicating anemia;
  • elevated temperature (this symptom does not always appear);
  • depressed state, loss of interest in games;
  • loss of desire to keep itself clean (the cat stops licking itself, its fur has an unkempt appearance).

Infectious enteritis is characterized by the development of uncontrollable vomiting, the feces are liquid and reddish in color. When infected with coronovirus, there is a very pronounced pain syndrome: The cat literally won’t let you touch its belly. Parvovirus enteritis (feline distemper) is considered the most dangerous and often leads to death. Typical for him sharp increase fever, swelling of the mucous membranes and nervous tic. Rotavirus enteritis is characterized by rapid dehydration, fever, and blood-streaked stool.

Attention! Main symptoms different types enteritis are very similar. The cause of the disease, in particular the type of virus, can only be determined through laboratory testing. Therefore, you should never try to relieve signs of stomach upset in a cat on your own - such actions can only aggravate the disease and complicate its treatment.


When making a diagnosis, it is very important to carefully collect anamnesis. The cat owner must answer the doctor’s questions in detail:

  • when an animal gets sick, how does it manifest itself;
  • when the cat was vaccinated and how long ago it was treated for helminths;
  • what type and consistency of stool.

Next, the veterinarian conducts an external examination of the animal, assessing the general condition and degree of dehydration. To determine the potential causative agent of the disease, blood, feces, rinsing or a swab from the rectal mucosa are taken for analysis. The swab is tested for the presence of DNA from the virus or antibodies produced by the body against it. A blood test allows you to evaluate the level of white blood cells and red blood cells, as well as identify protein deficiency. If necessary (to determine the quality of intestinal motility), the cat may be prescribed an abdominal ultrasound.


The course of treatment for enteritis and enterocolitis in cats is selected strictly individually; the complex of therapeutic measures depends both on the type and cause of the disease, and on which organ systems are affected and to what extent.

First of all, veterinary experts recommend cleaning the cat’s intestines. Glauber's salt or Castor oil (the right drug the doctor chooses, focusing on what kind of catarrh has developed - “sour” or “alkaline”). If you get enteritis little kitty, you need to act without wasting time: this pathology in kittens it often develops at lightning speed and can lead to death in just a few days.

In case of severe pain, cats are prescribed analgesics. If there is blood in the vomit or feces, hemostatic agents are used. To eliminate diarrhea, the cat is given astringents (for example, oak bark decoction) two to three times a day. If the diarrhea and vomiting do not stop and the cat continues to heat, the doctor prescribes antipyretics, antispasmodics and antiemetics, and to prevent the development pathogenic microflora antibiotics. For viral enteritis or enterocolitis, antibiotic therapy is used from the first day of illness. All medications are selected only by a doctor; treatment can be carried out at home.

Important! Due to the constant loss of fluid through vomiting and diarrhea, enteritis often leads to dehydration. Therefore, it is important that the sick cat’s body receives at least 50 ml of fluid per 1 kg of weight per day. If the animal refuses water, it can be injected in small portions behind the cheek using a pipette or syringe without a needle. Recovery water-salt balance The doctor may also prescribe the cat intravenous drips of saline solution based on sodium chloride and glucose.

Of no small importance for the recovery of your pet is proper care and feeding. The place where the cat is must be warm, kept clean and regularly ventilated. The animal is put on a strict diet for at least a week:

  • The first day is only drinking. Instead of water, you can give solutions of Oralite or Rehydron.
  • The second and third days - a decoction of oatmeal in meat broth. It envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, promoting healing of the mucous membrane.
  • Fourth and fifth days - liquid oatmeal in meat broth. In addition to its high nutritional qualities, it well restores the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • From the sixth day, you can gradually introduce minced meat into your cat’s diet, simmered in a small amount of water or broth.

Life prognosis

Treatment of enteritis in cats, started in a timely manner, is effective in most cases. In animals with a non-contagious form of enteritis or gastroenteritis, or in the case of a disease caused by the FECV strain of coronavirus, improvement occurs within 2-3 days, but the course of treatment medicines must be endured completely.

However, if an animal is affected by a mutated coronavirus enteritis virus (FIPV strain), then rapid death, the life expectancy of a cat in this case can be only a few months. Veterinary assistance for such animals is symptomatic in nature, and is mostly aimed at alleviating the general condition.


Measures to protect cats from the development of enteritis are quite simple:

  • Timely preventive deworming and vaccination against viral and bacterial infections.
  • Regular treatment of the animal against ticks and fleas.
  • The use of high-quality feed, and when natural feeding- only fresh products.
  • Periodically disinfect the cat's litter box with chlorine-containing products. One litter box should be designed for no more than two cats.

When transporting your pet, you should try to exclude its contact with other animals, and if the cat is to be mated, you should make sure that the potential partner is healthy. If you purchased new cat, it is necessary to temporarily isolate her from relatives already living in the house; the recommended period of such quarantine is a month.

Veterinarian about coronavirus gastroenteritis in cats: video

Enteritis in cats is caused by three strains of the virus: coronovirus, parvovirus, and rotavirus. External symptoms diseases, regardless of the species of the pathogen, are quite recognizable and characteristic. However, some pets get sick secretly, which causes a lot of problems for owners and veterinarians. The manifestation of alarming signs should not be left to chance. At feeling unwell The cat should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

The causative agent of enteritis is serious danger for cats for two reasons. Firstly, it calmly tolerates poor environmental conditions and is capable of instantly infecting healthy individuals. Secondly, the main place of residence of the pathogen is the intestine - the main point in providing the animal with nutrients. With the onset of the disease this area the gastrointestinal tract ceases to function normally.

Without treatment, as the situation worsens, the inflammatory process moves deeper into the tissue.

There are several types of enteritis in cats:

  • Catarrhal – common. It is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane, swelling, and redness.
  • Fibrinous - the first type of the disease gradually flows into it. Whitish plaques appear caused by the formation of a large amount of effusion.
  • Hemorrhagic is the next stage of inflammation. It is caused by the appearance of wounds on the surface of the intestine; numerous hemorrhages form along the movement of food.
  • Ulcerative – the penultimate stage, meaning deep damage fabrics. IN in rare cases complete destruction is observed, with the release of contents into abdominal cavity. What leads to the development of peritonitis.
  • Necrotic - the last type, means tissue decay and gradual death.

Secondary situations are more widespread. These include cases of complex infection of a cat. When the immune system is forced to defend itself on all fronts at once, the cat’s weakest organ becomes inflamed. TO systemic diseases include feline distemper, salmonellosis, pneumonia and many others. When treating such enteritis, it is extremely important to establish the cause poor condition. Without this, the money and time spent will be wasted.

Causes and symptoms of enteritis in cats

There are four groups possible reasons development of pathology. In the case of cats, improper maintenance, in particular feeding, is at the forefront. The stomach of small pets does not tolerate well sudden change diet, reacts poorly to low-quality feed. Adding fuel to the fire is the desire of the owners to feed the cat tasty, but not healthy food. It is very dangerous to give an animal food that is missing, rotten, or containing foreign impurities. If there is the slightest doubt about the quality, it is better to throw away the packaging than to watch the cat suffer later.

The quality of water should also be taken into account. The ideal option involves providing filtered water. Avoid drinking liquids that are chemically poisoned or contain a large number of salts heavy metals. Myself appearance feed can cause the development of enteritis. Some owners are guilty of giving fish bones, the sharp edges of which can easily injure the delicate mucous membrane.

Invasion becomes the reason for the development of enteritis. Helminths themselves are carriers of infection, and coupled with constant damage to the intestinal epithelium they cause great damage. The activity of worms is accompanied by the release of toxic waste. Often these substances cause the development allergic reaction, deterioration. Helminth infections as a cause of enteritis are often observed in small kittens. For them helminthic infestation could result in death.

Another group of reasons are external factors. To damage inner shells intestines leads to the cat ingesting chemical reagents. House plants become a source of poisoning. Many plants are poisonous. And finally, when the optimal balance of microflora is disturbed, dysbacteriosis develops. Without assistance, the disease can lead to enteritis.

Now let's look at the main symptoms of the disease. Let's divide the signs into three categories depending on the type of pathogen. Coronavirus enteritis in cats is accompanied by:

  • Refusal to eat, apathy.
  • Bloating, diarrhea.
  • Feces are yellow-red in color.
  • Increased vomiting.

Enteritis develops especially quickly in kittens. Kids experience severe pain, avoid touching the stomach. The stomach wall is painful and tight. The temperature remains within normal limits. Rotovirus infection manifests itself in even stronger spasms. Body temperature jumps, excrement contains blood and mucus. Parvovirus is the most dangerous type. It manifests itself in various ways: high fever, nervous twitching, weakness. Without therapy, most cats die.

Treatment and prevention of enteritis

Before prescribing a treatment regimen, a comprehensive examination of the cat is carried out to determine accurate diagnosis. Exclude possible bacterial and infectious diseases having the disease as a symptom. They take blood, stool, and urine tests and thoroughly examine them. And only then treatment is prescribed.

An effective first step starvation diet– remarkably helps with early detection of pathology. The cat is allowed to drink as much as possible or is helped to recover water balance using the drug rehydron.

Then a light diet of broth, minced meat, and porridge is slowly introduced. Use dietary products, which gently envelop the damaged intestines. What medications can be used after consulting a veterinarian? The first step is to cleanse the intestines. Gastric lavage will help here with Glauber's salt, potassium permanganate, soda. A decoction of oak bark helps stop diarrhea. To replenish fluid loss, droppers are prescribed; they are done under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

If it is not possible to stop enteritis with light means, they resort to heavy artillery. Antibiotics, antispasmodics, painkillers, and antipyretics are used. The specific names will be clarified by the attending physician; you should not self-medicate. For prevention purposes dangerous illness It is enough to follow a number of simple rules.

A sick cat is isolated from other pets. In principle, viral enteritis in a cat is not transmitted to other animals and is safe for humans. But in the event of a drop in immunity in those in contact, poor living conditions, or contamination, the pathogen can cause unpleasant symptoms. The cat's owner will not get sick with coronavirus or parvovirus, but will begin a chain of infection for other cats.