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Chickenpox in children: what you need to know. Symptoms and treatment methods for chickenpox in children

Varicella (chickenpox), called acute infectious disease viral etiology, caused by the third type of human herpetic virus - varicella zoster. The disease occurs with febrile and moderate intoxication syndromes, as well as the presence of jerky rashes of a macular-vesicular nature on the skin and mucous membranes. The specific rash for chickenpox is the most important diagnostic sign of the disease. There is no chickenpox without a rash.

According to the ICD 10 classification, chickenpox is assigned code B01. If the disease proceeds without complications, the main code is B01. is supplemented with the number 9, if the disease is complicated by meningitis - 0, encephalitis -1, pneumonia -2. Other complications are classified by code B01.8.

Chickenpox is an anthroponotic disease, meaning the virus is transmitted from person to person. Transmission of the virus is carried out primarily by airborne droplets. It should be noted that chickenpox is included in the group of typical childhood droplet infections. Chickenpox in children most often occurs between the ages of three and six years. There are also peaks in incidence from one to two years and from seven to fourteen years.

By the age of fourteen, most patients are immune to chickenpox. In children, in most cases, chickenpox is mild and without complications, however, a severe course of the disease is also possible (most often, a complicated course is observed in weakened children or patients with immunodeficiency conditions). In adults, the disease is much more severe than in children.

Babies who are on natural feeding and those born from a mother who is immune to chickenpox, as a rule, do not get sick until three months of life. This is due to the fact that they are transmitted passive maternal immunity (antibodies enter their body along with mother's milk).

The most severe course with a high risk of mortality (more than 30%) is observed in newborns. Congenital chickenpox occurs in approximately 5 patients out of 1000. As a rule, it develops if the mother gets chickenpox at 13-20 weeks of pregnancy. When the mother is infected in late dates pregnancy (especially in the last five days), leads to the development of chickenpox newborns. The later the mother was infected, the more severe the disease in the child and the higher the risk of death.

After chickenpox, a strong immunity is formed. However, in patients who had chickenpox in a mild or erased form, cases of recurrence of the disease are possible.

Vaccination against chickenpox is not included in the list of mandatory ones, however, it can be carried out according to epidemiological indications for children (the chickenpox vaccine can be administered to children from the age of one year) or for adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood.

It should be noted that the virus persists in the human body for life, so in adults this virus can cause the development of herpes zoster.

How is chickenpox transmitted in children?

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Considering the low resistance of the pathogen during external environment(the virus is quickly destroyed under the influence ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, however, tolerates well low temperature), the contact and household mechanism of infection (through towels, dishes, etc.) is practically not implemented.

It is possible to transmit the virus from mother to child transplacentally or during childbirth (if the mother is infected shortly before birth), with the development of congenital chickenpox or chickenpox of the newborn.

It should be noted that the virus is highly contagious and has the ability to spread over long distances. While talking, coughing, etc., patients secrete environment a huge amount of the virus, which can spread through the air to several floors, penetrating into other rooms and apartments.

Chickenpox is characterized by pronounced focality. That is, if one child gets sick in a kindergarten, school, entrance, etc., soon all the children who were not sick before will get chickenpox. Adults with herpes zoster may also pose an epidemiological risk. The fact is that these diseases are caused by the same virus, but chickenpox is the body's primary reaction to contact with varicella zoster.

In people who have chickenpox, the virus remains in the body for life (varicella zoster is highly susceptible to nerve tissue, therefore, its lifelong persistence in the nerve ganglia is observed) and in the presence of favorable factors (severe hypothermia, repeated contact with a patient with chickenpox, a sharp decrease in immunity, etc.), a recurrence of the infection in the form of shingles is possible.

Primarily, shingles instead of chickenpox may occur in children with immunodeficiency conditions.

Incubation period Chickenpox in children ranges from eleven to twenty-one days. However, most often, the disease develops fourteen days after contact with the patient.

A patient with chickenpox becomes contagious one to two days before the end of the incubation period and continues to shed the virus throughout the entire period of eruption and for five days after the last vesicles appear (the blisters raised above the skin with chickenpox are not pimples, as many patients believe, a vesicles).

It is the liquid in the vesicles that contains greatest number virus, so their damage when combing leads to the appearance of more more rashes. Also, when scratching large elements of the rash, scars may remain.

The crusts that remain after the vesicles dry do not contain the virus. It should be noted that spot treatment of vesicles with chickenpox in children with fucorcin or a one-percent solution of brilliant green (in addition to brilliant green, one- or two-percent solutions of potassium permanganate can also be used) is carried out not only for the purpose of faster drying of the vesicles, but also to control the number of new additions. This allows you to determine when the last elements of the rash appeared and start counting five last days infectiousness of the patient. That is why a colorless remedy for chickenpox is not used.

How does chickenpox start in children?

The first signs of chickenpox in a child are nonspecific and correspond to one or two days of the prodromal period of the disease. With chickenpox, children experience a slight increase in temperature, mild symptoms of intoxication, weakness, and lethargy. In isolated cases, small-spotted exanthema may occur, which will precede the appearance of a rash with chickenpox.

In most patients, the prodromal period occurs in a smoothed form or is completely absent.

How does chickenpox manifest and symptoms of chickenpox in children in the early stages

Chickenpox in a child can be recognized during the period of rashes. This stage lasts up to five days. However, severe forms diseases can be accompanied by fresh additions for up to ten days.

The beginning of the period of rashes is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, increased intoxication symptoms, the child becomes capricious, irritable, and complains of itching.

Photo initial stage chickenpox in children:

Chickenpox rash

The rash associated with chickenpox is specific, macular-vesicular. The first elements are noted on the skin of the trunk, face, scalp, mucous membrane oral cavity. With chickenpox, unlike smallpox, there are significantly fewer rash elements on the face than on the skin of the body. Also, after the vesicles dry out and the crusts fall off, as a rule, no specific pockmarks (scars) remain. Scars after chickenpox can remain only in severe cases of the disease with massive rash, as well as when the child constantly scratches the skin and “tears” the vesicles.

A rash with chickenpox on the palms and soles is not typical (unlike the Coxsackie virus, in which the presence of rashes on the palms and soles is indicative), with the exception of severe forms of the disease.

The most indicative sign of chickenpox is the pronounced polymorphism of the rash. The patient's skin exhibits spots, papules, vesicles and crusts. The transformation of the vesicle into a crust takes one to two days. At the same time, the vesicle ceases to be tense, its walls become “sluggish” and begin to collapse in the center. The crusts that form at the site of the vesicles dry out and fall off within four to seven days.

You cannot rip off the scabs; this increases the risk that scars will remain in their place. It is also possible for a bacterial infection to enter the wound.

At mild flow, mucous membranes may not be affected. In moderate to severe cases, there is a rash on the oral mucosa, conjunctiva, and genitals. After opening the rashes on the mucous membranes, quickly healing aphthae remain.

The rash is characterized by severe itching; in some cases, children may complain of burning and pain (mainly in the presence of rashes on the mucous membranes).

Change in chickenpox rash

Each wave of rashes is accompanied by fever.

In classic chickenpox, the vesicular elements of the rash are small, tense, non-merging (single fusions of small vesicles are possible) and filled with transparent contents. The formation of massive bullae (extensive, flaccid blisters) or suppuration of the rash is observed with an atypical course (bullous, hemorrhagic, pustular, etc. forms).

How many days does chickenpox last in children?

The incubation period is from 11 to 21 days.

The infectious period is the last 2 days of the incubation period + five days from the end of sprinkling.

There is no quick cure for chickenpox. The disease has a clear stage pattern. The total duration is individual:

  • prodromal period – from one to two days;
  • rashes up to five days (in severe cases - up to 10 days);
  • the period of reverse development (complete falling off of crusts) is from one to two weeks.

Sick for the entire infectious period. Disinfection is not required; ordinary wet cleaning and regular ventilation of the room are sufficient.

Is it possible to wash a child with chickenpox?

It is not recommended to wash the child if there are fresh vesicles. After finishing the sprinkling, you can bathe the baby in warm water. Afterwards, you need to blot your skin with a towel. Rubbing the skin is prohibited, as mechanical tearing of the crusts occurs.

After bathing, the crusts should be treated with Calamine lotion (for chickenpox, it effectively relieves itching, cools the skin, and also has a disinfecting effect), zinc ointment, tsindolom.

After the crusts have completely fallen off, the skin can be treated with D-panthenol, bepanthen, etc. These ointments are not used for chickenpox in children, but to speed up regeneration skin. Therefore, they are not used in the presence of vesicles.

Is it possible to walk if you have chickenpox?

Walking is allowed after the end of the infectious period. Until the end of this period of time, the child must be isolated. Firstly, the child is contagious, and secondly, contact with an additional infection, hypothermia, etc., increases the risk of complications. In addition, vesicular rashes are very itchy, and children constantly scratch them. And on the street, the risk of infection when scratching the skin with dirty hands is much higher.

Is it possible to get chickenpox a second time?

When the varicella-zoster virus is reactivated or re-exposed to it, adults usually develop herpes zoster.

However, if chickenpox was suffered in the erased or mild form, cases of recurrent disease are possible.

Chickenpox vaccination for children

Chickenpox vaccination for children is not mandatory (according to national calendar preventive vaccinations). In the vast majority of cases, chickenpox in children is mild, so it makes no sense to vaccinate the child. The exception is patients with:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • acute leukemia;
  • severe chronic pathologies;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Complications after chickenpox in children

As a rule, chickenpox occurs easily and without complications, however, in some cases, an atypical course (hemorrhagic, pustular, visceral, etc. forms) and the development of complications such as:

  • suppuration of vesicles;
  • inflammation of rashes on the conjunctiva, with the development of keratitis or conjunctivitis (in severe cases possible blindness);
  • the addition of lymphadenitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, sepsis, meningitis, seizures, nephritis, hepatitis, paralysis or paresis.

How to treat chickenpox in children?

Hospitalization in a hospital (in the Meltzer box of the infectious diseases department) is indicated only for severe cases with a high risk of complications, as well as for chickenpox in patients from high-risk groups (immunodeficiency conditions, leukemia, etc.). Other patients can be treated at home.

Children who attend kindergarten or school - places with large crowds of people - get sick more often.

The disease is caused by one of the herpes viruses (herpesvirus type 3). Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease. The virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets(when talking, staying in one small room). With a current of air, chickenpox can spread over long distances (up to 20 m). Infection can also occur from a patient with herpes zoster (caused by the same type of herpes virus). The virus is not stable in the external environment, so final disinfection after the patient is not carried out.

A person with chickenpox becomes contagious two days before the rash appears, and remains contagious for the first 5-7 days after the rash appears.

The incubation period for chickenpox is 7-21 days. The virus enters the human body through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and pharynx. The virus is then carried throughout the body by lymph and blood, penetrating the skin and mucous membranes, where it multiplies. The targets for the virus are cells of the spinous layer of the skin and the epithelium of the mucous membranes. After a primary infection, the virus resides for life in the neurons of the spinal ganglia, facial and facial ganglia. trigeminal nerves. Like all herpes viruses, the varicella-zoster virus has the ability to suppress the immune system, which leads to a disruption of the humoral and cellular immune response and a disruption of the factors of innate resistance to infections.

Immunity for chickenpox is non-sterile i.e. causes immunity to new infection and does not ensure removal of the virus from the body. The virus resides for life in the spinal ganglia, the nuclei of the cranial nerves, which are associated with the areas of the skin most affected by the primary infection. Reactivation of the virus occurs in conditions of weakened immunity in the form of herpes zoster.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

The disease manifests itself primarily as a febrile state, sharp increase body temperature up to 39-40 degrees, headache. Most a clear sign chickenpox - rash and itching.

A rash in the form of small, fluid-filled blisters can cover a significant part of the body and mucous membranes. The bubbles burst rather quickly and turn into small ulcers, which must be treated with an aqueous solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate, acyclovir and other ointments as prescribed by the doctor. As the rash heals, it becomes covered with a crust, which gradually disappears, thereby demonstrating recovery. Usually the rash heals without a trace, but if you scratch it, scars may remain on the skin after healing.

In children, chickenpox occurs in a simpler form than in adults, who may suffer from complications in the future.

It is extremely rare that chicken pox can occur without rashes and blisters - in this case, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis additional consultation specialist

Chickenpox treatment

Chickenpox usually goes away on its own within a week or 10 days. In this case, the temperature can normalize within two to three days, although, in some cases, it persists throughout the entire period of the illness.

Treatment of chickenpox is symptomatic (i.e., the manifestations of the disease are treated: high fever, skin rash), since medicine at this stage knows neither ways to prevent nor cure this disease. The goal of treatment is to prevent the blisters from becoming suppurated. For this, brilliant green is perfect, you can use Castellani liquid, water solution fucorcin or potassium permanganate, etc. Alcohol solutions Children endure it very painfully.

It is necessary to bathe a child with chickenpox to prevent secondary skin infections. In this case, you should not use a washcloth and it is better not to use soap, adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bath. Maximize your baby's skin comfortable conditions: Do not wear thick or tight clothing, use only cotton underwear.

If your child is bothered by severe itching, tell the doctor about it: he will prescribe antiallergic medications.

If the temperature rises above 38 o C, chills, the child must be given antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen).

A person with chickenpox is isolated at home for nine days from the onset of the disease. In preschool institutions, a quarantine period of 21 days is established.

Complications of chickenpox

Complications of chickenpox are rare and are most often associated with inaccurate treatment of rashes and their suppuration, which subsequently leads to the formation of scars.

It is extremely rare for weakened children to experience severe forms of chickenpox with damage to the brain and internal organs. Similar forms diseases are treated in hospitals using special therapeutic methods.

Chickenpox vaccine and vaccination

The vaccine sufficiently protects against chickenpox and its complications. It is recommended for children 12 months of age and older, as well as for adolescents and adults who have not previously had chickenpox or been vaccinated. The vaccine protects against the disease for 10 years or more. IN in rare cases People who receive the chickenpox vaccine may get chickenpox, but the illness will be mild.

Currently, in the USA, Japan and some other countries, vaccination against chickenpox is mandatory for admitting a child to a preschool. But in Russia children have not yet been vaccinated against chickenpox widespread, and this remains the choice of the parents.

It is worth noting that some people with weakened immune systems (due to illness or taking medications that affect the immune system) should not get vaccinated, as they may develop complications. Therefore, before receiving the chickenpox vaccine, a patient with a weakened immune system should consult a doctor.

Chickenpox is a viral disease. Many people have had chickenpox at an early age. In children, the course of the disease is much milder than in adults.

What to do if you suspect chickenpox? Which characteristic symptoms and what are the signs of a contagious disease? Let's figure it out.


The causative agent is the third type of herpes virus. Even after symptoms disappear, the virus remains in the body. Recurrences of chickenpox have not been noted; after recovery, a person develops immunity. If the mother has had chickenpox, then caring for the baby is completely safe.

Mostly, children aged from six months to ten years are affected. Cases of chickenpox in preschool children are registered more often due to being in children's team.

Some people do not know that it is better to pass on in childhood with spots from the green stuff than to get sick at 20–30 years old. Chickenpox in adults often occurs with complications, and health noticeably worsens. When scratching, unsightly marks remain at the sites of rashes, which do not resolve well due to age.

Routes of transmission and infection

The herpes virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, most often through airborne droplets. Sneezing, coughing, playing together, talking make it easier for the infectious agent to penetrate.

IN kindergarten, school, when 20–30 children or schoolchildren are in the same room for a long time, infection occurs as actively as possible. Often half the group or class gets sick.

Note! Doctors believe that the herpes virus does not survive for long outside the human body. It is almost impossible to become infected through shared utensils, towels, or toys. But still, be sure to provide the young patient with separate dishes and a towel.

Signs and first symptoms

How does chickenpox start in children? Disease in childhood has several characteristic features. The symptoms are specific; even parents who have minimal knowledge about the health and development of the child can recognize the disease.


Blisters appear on various parts of the body a few days after infection. Rashes cover the face, torso, genitals, sometimes formations are noted on the oral mucosa, in the corners of the eyes. Bubbles are noticeable even on the scalp. The characteristic symptoms of chickenpox never occur on the palms and soles.

The characteristic first signs of chickenpox are rapid morphological changes in formations:

  • first stage. The red spots do not rise above the skin, have a size of 5–6 mm, the number ranges from two to three dozen to a hundred or more pieces;
  • second stage. After 5–6 hours, the spot transforms into a vial filled with clear liquid. The formation contains a culture of the virus. When suppuration occurs, the deep layers of the dermis are affected, leaving unsightly scars (pits) after scarring;
  • third stage. Gradually the bubble swells, the shell bursts, serous fluid comes out. A crust appears at the site of formation.


Itching is the most unpleasant symptom of chickenpox. During the period of formation, opening, and growth of blisters, the body itches, children suffer from unbearable itching. It’s difficult to explain to a one-year-old baby why he shouldn’t comb or pick off dried crusts.

A vicious circle appears:

  • the patient is actively itching;
  • serous fluid pours out;
  • the virus spreads to new areas;
  • further infection occurs;
  • Sometimes there are 100 or more itchy blisters on the body.

Advice! Gels and ointments will help alleviate the baby’s condition, herbal infusions, distraction with interesting (calm) games, fairy tales.

Other symptoms of the disease

In addition to itching and ulcers on the body, the following symptoms appear:

  • elevated temperature with chickenpox in children;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • bad feeling;
  • decreased appetite;
  • moodiness, irritability due to severe itching.

The disease is diagnosed in the lungs and severe form. How weaker immunity, the higher the risk of complications. In the presence of background diseases Chickenpox in children is quite severe, with high fever and profuse rashes.

Incubation period

Why do so many children from the same group become infected with chickenpox? The reason is hidden current illness at first. After entering the body, the virus enters the bloodstream, lymphatic system, is released into the environment. The child infects others, but there are no signs of the disease yet.

The first symptoms are noticeable after a week, not earlier. Sometimes the incubation period takes up to three weeks.

Stages of the disease

After the process is activated, characteristic symptoms appear. Sometimes the disease occurs with mild symptoms: the temperature is normal, there are few rashes.

The development of the disease follows the standard pattern:

  • incubation period. Penetration of the virus into the body. After two to three days, the pathogen is actively released into the environment;
  • First step. The temperature rises, often up to 38 degrees. Feeling worse, feeling weak;
  • period of active rashes. Bubbles appear in “waves”: while some formations dry out, red spots appear in neighboring areas, which degenerate into bubbles during the day. The process is accompanied by unbearable itching. The rash period lasts 4–5 days. Many children have blisters covering most of their body;
  • appearance of crusts. After a while, the small bubbles burst and the serous contents pour out. Problem areas become covered with crusts. The temperature gradually decreases to normal levels;
  • The final stage. Dried crusts gradually disappear, headaches disappear, and health returns to normal.

Treatment rules

How to treat chickenpox in children? It is impossible to get rid of the virus, and it is also impossible to speed up recovery. Parents should alleviate the condition of their son or daughter as much as possible and minimize discomfort.

Take note:

  • It is important to relieve the itching, otherwise the child will definitely scratch the scabs. If the surface has not yet completely dried, a deep scar will form at the site of the bubble;
  • gradually (not in one year) many of the depressions resolve, but some of the holes remain for life;
  • Unfortunately, young children rarely understand the consequences of rash actions. Some people have noticeable cosmetic defects on the face spoil the appearance.

How to proceed:

  • If your child develops symptoms of chickenpox, call your pediatrician. The doctor will examine the young patient and make a diagnosis;
  • at weak expressed form Additional tests are often required to confirm the diagnosis;
  • It is forbidden to take a sick child to school or preschool: you cannot infect other children. Notify class teacher or teacher, for what reason the son or daughter is absent.

The doctor will prescribe medications with antipruritic and softening effects. It is important to follow the rules established by your pediatrician.

Advice! Treat rashes with green paint. Some parents apply a strong solution of potassium permanganate to the bubbles, but brilliant green works more effectively and does not dry out delicate skin.

How to relieve itching

  • Acyclovir.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Gel Viferon.
  • Syntomycin emulsion.
  • Calamine lotion.
  • Fenistil-gel.
  • Psilo-balm concentration 1%.

Before purchasing, consider how old the child is: Some formulations are allowed to be used from a certain age.

Treatment of scars from scratched crusts

If there are too many unsightly marks, acne pits are located in visible places, use a special cream. Carry out the treatment immediately after the wounds have healed, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the effect.

Effective compositions:

  • Contractubex.
  • Dermatix.
  • Aldara.

How to teach a child at home? Learn effective methods.

A page is written about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in a child.

How to lower your temperature

If the readings deviate from the norm, which happens in most children, be sure to give a proven antipyretic drug.


  • Efferalgan.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.

Advice! Choose medications according to age. Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from using Aspirin to relieve fever. Do not use vinegar or vodka for wet wipes: it may burn the epidermis.

Is it possible to bathe a child

There have been heated discussions on this issue for many years. Most pediatricians now believe that Water procedures are permitted subject to certain conditions:

  • the rashes no longer appear (most often, on the sixth day after the formation of the first spots);
  • bathing is carried out for a short period of time; bathing is prohibited for older children;
  • warm water, preferably with the addition of potassium permanganate crystals (the color of the water is light pink);
  • added a decoction of chamomile, calendula, string or oak bark. Medicinal herbs have wound-healing, antimicrobial, mild anti-inflammatory effects.

Important! Avoid soap and washcloths to avoid accidentally scratching dried scabs.

Remember the important rules:

  • call for it in time medical assistance, follow the pediatrician’s recommendations;
  • refuse to purchase untested (inappropriate for age) gels and ointments;
  • create houses favorable conditions. Don’t scream or get nervous because of your baby’s whims: unbearable itching gives him a lot of anxiety;
  • immediately lubricate new spots with green paint;
  • tell your son or daughter (taking into account their age) what will happen if you tear off the scabs. If you have traces of chickenpox, show them: clear example works better;
  • at very severe itching give sedatives (calming) drugs, herbal decoctions (lemon balm, motherwort), antihistamines (Diazolin);
  • choose comfortable clothes with sleeves (according to the season) so that the baby is less likely to see and scratch the bubbles. The ideal option is soft knitwear, without large quantity seams that do not irritate the skin;
  • allergenic foods, sweets, fatty food. Recommended drinking plenty of fluids. Put it on the menu low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese;
  • at feeling unwell, especially in the first days of illness, is mandatory bed rest;
  • distract the young patient from discomfort fairy tales, drawing, interesting activities. Postpone outdoor games until complete recovery.

Possible complications

Most children tolerate the disease well. A weakened body often cannot cope with the viral load, and negative manifestations develop.

In severe cases, complications are possible:

  • meningitis;
  • chickenpox pneumonia;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • acute laryngitis.

Chickenpox encephalitis – inflammatory process meninges. If the baby has vomiting, weakness, sharp jumps temperature, contact your pediatrician immediately. Defeat peripheral nerves often causes paralysis. Timely inspection correct treatment will prevent problems with the meninges.

Vaccination and prevention

Chickenpox is one of the most common childhood diseases. It is difficult to prevent infection if the child is not vaccinated. Vaccination against chickenpox and shingles is recommended for children after 1 year of age, if they have not previously been exposed to a viral infection.

There are two stages of vaccination:

  • the first is the period from 12 to 14 months;
  • the second – after 3–5 years.

Among nonspecific preventive measures is strengthening the immune system. Sufficient immune defense will ease the course of the disease. The weaker the body, the more profuse rash, more severe symptoms.

  • hardening;
  • walks in the open air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • for kids early age- breast-feeding;
  • careful body hygiene.

At the right approach There are rarely complications with the treatment of chickenpox in children. Don't worry that your child will have to walk with green dots: Having been ill once, the baby will receive lifelong immunity.

Video. School of Dr. Komarovsky about chickenpox in children:

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person who managed not to get chickenpox. It is considered a childhood infection, since it mainly affects children aged 10 years. How does chickenpox progress in children? Incubation period, treatment, symptoms and other important information- in our article today.

Chicken pox: causes and symptoms

The causative agent of the disease is a virus of the Herpes family. A person becomes contagious not when a rash appears, but two days before the first symptoms begin to appear - a nodular vesicular rash and fever. The patient ceases to be a source of infection a couple of days after the scabs from the rash come off.

Symptoms of the disease are a temperature of 38 degrees, weakness, fever, after which the first rash begins to appear. It is not only localized on the hands, face, but also on the scalp. At first, the rash has a rounded, flat shape, then it begins to rise above the skin level. After a couple of hours, bubbles appear in place of the tubercles, which dry out, turn into yellow crusts, and after a week completely disappear.

How long does the fever last for chicken pox?

How long it lasts depends on what form of chickenpox the person has. There are such forms as:

  • Mild - with it the temperature does not rise above 37.5 degrees, and it lasts only 1-3 days. Also, often with this form of chickenpox the temperature may not rise.
  • Moderate - with this form of the disease, the temperature ranges from 38 to 39 degrees and may bother you for 3-4 days.
  • The severe form of chickenpox is characterized by a longer period of the disease - up to seven days, and it can rise up to 40 degrees.

In many ways, what the course of the disease will be depends on the age of the child and his condition. immune system.

First actions

What to do if your child gets chickenpox? As soon as you notice a rash on the body, accompanied by high fever and other symptoms of the disease, the first thing to do is call a pediatrician. Only a doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis and appoint adequate treatment. Often additional tests are required to confirm the diagnosis.

As soon as parents become aware that their child is infected with chickenpox, they must immediately exclude the child from contact with other people, that is, visiting kindergarten and other child care institutions is excluded.

In order to cure a disease, you do not always need to go to the hospital; most often, treatment at home is sufficient. Usually the doctor suggests hospitalization if intoxication threatens the child’s life, as well as if the disease is severe. All Taken measures should be aimed at preventing the development of complications.


What to do if you have chickenpox? This will depend on the period of the disease. They are as follows:

  • Incubation period.
  • Prodromal period.
  • The height of chickenpox.
  • Recovery period.

What is the incubation period characterized by? It lasts 11-21 days. At this time, a person is already considered infectious, since the virus is in his body and is actively beginning to multiply. There may not yet be any symptoms of the disease, which is why chickenpox is insidious, since during the incubation period the disease occurs latently.

The prodromal period is the stage of the disease at which symptoms such as fever up to 38 degrees, weakness and malaise appear. The period lasts 1-2 days - before a rash begins to appear on the body.

What to do with chickenpox if it is in full swing? This is the period of appearance of active rashes, lasting 4-5 days. The blisters do not appear simultaneously until the rash begins to crust over the hands, and new rashes appear on the face or torso. At this stage of the disease, the patient suffers from severe itching.

The recovery period is characterized by the appearance of crusts. The bubbles burst, their contents come out and they begin to dry out, becoming crusty. From the moment they appear on the body, the child’s condition improves. Gradually, the crusts disappear, the condition returns to normal, and the patient no longer suffers from headaches.

Treatment of chickenpox during the incubation period and other stages of the disease

What to do if you have chickenpox? The main goal in its treatment is to relieve symptoms as much as possible. The incubation period does not require treatment, as it is hidden. As soon as the first symptoms of smallpox appear, the patient is immediately shown bed rest.

The rash appears as a result of severe intoxication of the body as a reaction to infection. Children under five years of age tolerate smallpox quite easily, but how older child, the more likely the risk of complications. The main thing is to avoid scratching the rash, as scars may appear in its place. There is also a high probability of wound infection pathogenic bacteria. To prevent the rash from itching and causing discomfort, you need to take antihistamines. Also, do not allow overheating, as more people The more he sweats, the more itchy he becomes.

Also, all blisters that appear, regardless of their location, must be lubricated with brilliant green or other antiseptic in order to control the appearance of a new rash.

To bring down the temperature (not lower than 38 degrees), you can use suppositories based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Also at high temperatures, the drug "Efferalgan" is effective. It is very important to use medications to reduce fever in accordance with the patient's age. It is prohibited to use vinegar or vodka to treat the rash. This is due to the fact that poisoning of the body or burn of the epidermis is possible.

If bubbles with transparent contents appear in your mouth, you need to rinse it with chamomile infusion. It also happens that bubbles appear on the conjunctiva of the eye. You should not be wary of complications for your vision, since chickenpox does not harm it. However, treatment should still be carried out. So, the eyelids should be washed with chamomile decoction. It would also be useful to use a saline solution that is dripped into the eyes.

Antibiotics are used in the treatment of chickenpox only in cases where there is a complication in the form of a bacterial infection.

Antiviral for chickenpox

Reception antiviral drugs causes a lot of controversy, as some doctors believe that this is a mandatory measure to speed up the healing process, while others are confident that the body should cope with chickenpox on its own. Considering that the disease is caused by a virus, taking antiviral drugs for chickenpox is advisable, since it will be easier for the patient to tolerate the disease. Due to the effects of medications, the herpes virus will be significantly weakened and, accordingly, its manifestations on the skin will not be so bright and intense.

Chickenpox tablets

For chickenpox, the set of medications is as follows:

  • Antihistamines - “Suprastin”, “Claritin”, “Tavegil”.
  • Antiviral - Alpizarin, Acyclovir-acri, Zovirax.
  • Antipyretics - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin.

Many medications from the above list are available in tablets. In what form it is better to take the medicine depends individually on the patient. If the child is very small and cannot swallow the pill on his own, you should find more for him. suitable form release of the drug - syrup or suppositories. Chickenpox tablets are more suitable for schoolchildren. Manufacturers indicate the dosage for taking the medicine for adults and children, so medications should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions.

What to smear, except brilliant green

Brilliant green solution has been used for chickenpox since Soviet times. It is used to control the number of bubbles that appear. The advantage of brilliant green is that it is clearly visible, but many people refuse to use it because, being an antiseptic, it dries out the skin and, in addition, leaves marks on both bedding and clothing.

What to apply to chickenpox in children, other than brilliant green? In addition to this medication, you can also use:

  1. Five percentage solution potassium permanganate. The drug dries the rash well and disinfects it.
  2. Fukortsin. This medicine It also dries out the blisters; its advantage is that after drying, ointment can be applied to it. The only drawback of fucorcin is that its color is not very different from the rash, so it is quite difficult to control rashes using it.
  3. Other than green stuff for children? You can use a 0.5-3 percent solution of methylene blue. Medical drug of blue color washes well and serves well effective means with chickenpox.
  4. Salicylic alcohol. It is used to treat various diseases skin and skin lesions, therefore it can be used for chickenpox.
  5. Ointment based on cindol. This drug is available in the form of a suspension and contains zinc oxide, which acts as a drying and anti-inflammatory agent. Having added the specified amount of water to the suspension, you should leave it in a dark place for a while, and after draining the top liquid, you should lubricate the skin with the thickened sediment.

Effective ointment for chickenpox

Such as there is good ointment with chickenpox? In case of illness, ointments can be used depending on the desired effect - elimination of itching, rapid healing of wounds, or inhibition of the herpes virus. Among the most effective drugs secrete zinc cream, due to which the blisters quickly open and heal, as well as “Gistan” or “Fenistil” gel, which have a calming and cooling effect, making itching easier to bear.

Hygiene rules for chickenpox

Many parents are interested in the question: how long should you not wash if you have chickenpox? There is an opinion that if you are sick, it is strictly forbidden to swim, but this is a misconception, since on these days it is mandatory to follow all the rules of hygiene. The baby can be washed gently with warm water using regular soap without flavors or fragrances. You can add a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate to the water. Contribute fast healing When bathing the wound, decoctions of oak bark, chamomile or calendula will be used. You cannot bathe a patient for a long time; you should limit yourself to regular washing.

You cannot use hard sponges to avoid tearing off the scabs and preventing the wound from becoming infected. After graduation water procedures, you should wet the baby’s body with a towel and put clean underwear on him.

Change bed sheets should be done as often as possible, it should be soft so as not to cause discomfort.

What not to do if you are sick

Chickenpox is far from a harmless disease, as was previously thought. Therefore, you should take into account all the prohibitions during treatment of the disease in order to prevent complications after chickenpox. What should you not do if you have chickenpox?

  1. You should not let your child go outside until the incubation period is over to avoid infecting other people with chickenpox.
  2. Do not give any antipyretic or other medicine during treatment of the disease, since it must be prescribed by a pediatrician. It would seem enough to medical drug brought down the temperature, but an incorrectly selected antipyretic can lead to an increase in the number of rashes, a longer healing process, or blood poisoning. Doctors insist that aspirin should not be given to a child when treating chickenpox. This is due to the fact that this medicine causes damage to the brain and liver - Reye's syndrome. The risk of the disease is especially high in children during the course of chickenpox, when the immune system is weakened.
  3. Do not wash your child with hard sponges and brushes, since if the blisters are injured, they may become infected. bacterial infection, as a result of which pockmarks (scars) may appear. For the same reason, you should not scratch the rash, so you need to make sure that the child does not itch.
  4. Since a child with chickenpox experiences intoxication, weakness and fever, you should not introduce fatty and fried foods into his diet. You should also avoid all spicy, very sweet, salty and spicy foods, as such foods can cause problems with work. gastrointestinal tract, as a result the itching may increase. Also, such food has an extremely negative effect on the liver, and during chickenpox it is already subject to serious stress.

Quarantine in kindergarten

The peculiarity of chickenpox is that it is highly contagious. You can become infected with the disease through simple contact with a sick person and if you share the same things with him. Because, considering high degree contact between children in kindergarten, institutions are closed for quarantine in order to prevent complications after chickenpox. As soon as a child with chickenpox is discovered in a kindergarten, a pediatrician is immediately called, who must confirm the diagnosis and report the case to the district clinic. Quarantine for chickenpox in kindergarten is introduced through the order of the head physician of the clinic.

It is administered on the 21st day from the moment the doctor identified the last child with chickenpox. It is during this time that the incubation period of the disease must completely pass, during which its main symptoms may be absent. If more cases of chickenpox are detected among children attending kindergarten, the quarantine will be extended again.

What to do for chickenpox in adults

The herpes virus that causes smallpox can cause illness in both children and adults who have not previously had chickenpox. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to tolerate a viral disease.

The incubation period of the disease in adults is 23 days, during which time no symptoms of chickenpox develop.

Symptoms of chickenpox in an adult may include:

  • Malaise.
  • Lethargy.
  • A sore throat.
  • Heat, fever.
  • The appearance of pink spots on the skin.

What to do for chickenpox in adults? As soon as the first symptoms of smallpox appear, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe antiviral, antihistamine and antipyretic medications. Among the antiviral drugs, the most effective are Valacyclovir, Viferon and Acyclovir. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen will relieve the temperature. Can be used to treat wounds in the mouth sea ​​buckthorn oil or "Chlorophyllipt". There will also be no unnecessary rinsing herbal infusions, such as chamomile and string. The use of antihistamines is mandatory due to itching of the wounds, so that it does not bother you, you can use Diazolin in strict accordance with the instructions.

As in children, the course of the disease depends on the form of chickenpox. Often the period of active rashes takes 2-3 days; it happens that the temperature lasts 9 days.

Chickenpox in children is a contagious infectious disease. Most often, the disease occurs in children from 1 to 5 years of age.

Chickenpox in newborns and children under one year of age is practically impossible, since babies are breastfeeding protects passive immunity. The disease occurs much less frequently in adolescents aged 14–16 years.

In order to seek help in a timely manner and avoid complications, parents need to know what chickenpox looks like in children.

What is childhood chickenpox?

Varicella, also known as chickenpox, is a highly contagious infectious disease. You can recognize chickenpox in a child thanks to a typical blistering rash against the background of general intoxication. The incubation period of the disease is 1–3 weeks.

The development of chickenpox is provoked by the herpes virus type 3, which is capable of reproduction only in the human body. In the external environment, the pathogen quickly dies under the influence of drying, ultraviolet radiation, and heating.

95% of children suffer from chickenpox, except for breastfed infants who receive protective antibodies from mother's milk. Chickenpox is most often found in one year old child or for a child 2–5 years old. The disease in early childhood is milder than in adults. Older children get sick much less often, but chickenpox in adolescents 12–15 years old is very severe.

After a child suffers from a disease, his body develops a strong immunity; however, chicken pox can occur a second time in weakened children. At re-infection, most often, the virus manifests itself in the form of shingles.

Causes of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is extremely contagious and is transmitted from a sick baby to a healthy one through the known airborne route. Close contact with the source of infection is not necessary; the virus can spread in the air within a radius of up to 20 m.

The virus enters the child's body through Airways. Then, along with the blood and lymph flow, it migrates to the skin and mucous membranes, where it begins to multiply intensively, causing typical reactions (rash, fever).

A patient with herpes zoster also poses a danger to the baby, since the disease is caused by the same pathogen.

There is a risk of transmission of the virus transplacentally, i.e. from mother to fetus.

Sick children are contagious 2 days before the onset of the rash and 5 to 7 days after the last pimple appears.

Types of chickenpox

Chickenpox can occur in two forms:

  1. Typical:
  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.
  1. Atypical:
  • rudimentary;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • gangrenous;
  • generalized.

The disease can be complicated or uncomplicated.

Chickenpox symptoms

From the moment of infection until the first symptoms appear, it can take from 12 to 21 days. The first signs of chickenpox are symptoms of general intoxication:

  • sore throat, runny nose;
  • drowsiness, weakness, general malaise;
  • headache;
  • sudden increase in temperature, chills;
  • loss of appetite.

Prodromal symptoms of chickenpox in a child aged 2–5 years are weakly expressed or completely absent. U infants Chickenpox begins with a rash.

The first signs of chickenpox in adolescents are similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Clinical picture of typical chickenpox

The hallmark of chickenpox in children is a rash that appears in the form of small red dots. After a few hours, the dots turn into bumps and then into blisters. The chickenpox rash appears gradually on any part of the body except the palms and feet. Lastly, rashes appear on the head and face.

Bubbles can be localized in the mouth and on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. After the rash stops, the disease subsides. Elements of the rash become covered with crusts, which fall off after 3–4 days, leaving no traces. The entire period of the rash is accompanied by severe itching.

In total, the elements of the rash on different stages ripeness lasts on the skin for up to 2 – 3 weeks.

Other manifestations and symptoms depend on the form of chickenpox:

  1. In mild forms, chickenpox occurs without fever, and rashes appear within 2 to 3 days. Most often, such symptoms are characteristic of chickenpox in children under one year of age.
  2. At moderate severity illness, the period of rash lasts 2–5 days and is accompanied by fever. The temperature in children with chickenpox rises to 39 - 40 C. The elements of the rash itch. There is sleep disturbance and moodiness.
  3. In severe cases of the disease, fever appears in waves and accompanies each new rash. The temperature rises to 40 C. The rash period lasts 7 – 10 days. Children experience headaches, coughing, and delirium. In severe cases of chickenpox, there may be diarrhea and vomiting. These symptoms are more typical for chickenpox in adolescents.

Features of the course of atypical chickenpox

  1. The rudimentary form of chickenpox is characterized by an asymptomatic course. Children may show signs of acute respiratory infections, but there is no fever or rash.
  2. In the gangrenous form of the disease, the elements of the rash merge, become infected and rot, leading to necrosis and melting of the skin.
  3. The hemorrhagic form is characterized by vascular damage.
  4. The generalized form affects everything internal organs, leading to their dysfunction and multiple organ failure.

Complications of chickenpox

In most cases, the disease does not entail consequences. In less than 5% of children, complications arise due to secondary infection.

The disease may be complicated by:

  • abscesses, phlegmons;
  • sepsis;
  • pneumonia;
  • keratitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • nephritis;
  • arthritis;
  • hepatitis.

How to recognize chickenpox?

Despite the specific clinical picture of the disease, a specialist will be able to accurately identify chickenpox and differentiate it from other diseases. An infectious disease doctor diagnoses the disease.

Diagnosis is based on clinical picture. Laboratory diagnostics has an auxiliary value. Children are given:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • virological and serological research.

Treatment of chickenpox

Treatment typical shape chickenpox is carried out at home. Hospitalization is indicated for children with severe and atypical gangrenous form of the disease.

There is no specific therapy for the disease. Therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating symptoms - itching, headache, fever.

What should parents do if their child has chickenpox?

  1. For any clinical form of the disease, the baby is prescribed bed rest for the period of fever.
  2. There is no special diet for chickenpox, but children's diet must be balanced and enriched with vitamins.
  3. Parents need to make sure that the baby does not scratch the blisters, as this is fraught with the formation of scars and the addition of a secondary infection.

How to help a child with chickenpox

  1. Make sure your baby doesn't sweat, otherwise the itching will get worse. Protect your child from overheating.
  2. Give the patient more fluids.

Drugs for the treatment of chickenpox

  1. To prevent or reduce rashes, children may be prescribed Acyclovir or Interferon. These drugs are in age dosage used in the form of nasal drops or suppositories for the treatment of chickenpox in infants, and as injections in adolescents.
  2. Antipyretics Nurofen, Paracetamol - to reduce temperature.
  3. Antihistamines Suprastin, Fenistil - to reduce itching.

Local remedies for chickenpox

To reduce itching and prevent skin inflammation, elements of the rash can be treated with the following medications:

  1. Delaxin ointment, cream or powder.
  2. Ointment Psilo-balm, Gerpevir, Glycerol.
  3. A solution of brilliant green, fucorcin or potassium permanganate.
  4. Castellani solution.
  5. Calamine lotion or cream.

Preparations for treating rashes in the mouth:

  • Chlorophyllipt, Hexoral.
  • Kalgel.
  • Dental paste Solcoseryl.
  • Older children can rinse their mouths with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

Prevention of chickenpox

The main measure to prevent the disease is to prevent the spread of the virus in children's groups. Sick babies are isolated for 9 days from the moment the rash appears. Quarantine is introduced in kindergartens for 21 days.

To specific preventive measures includes vaccination. For chickenpox, the Okavax or Varilrix vaccine is used. Children from 9 months of age are vaccinated. Vaccination is also effective in emergency prevention chickenpox in the first 3 days after contact with the patient. Lasting immunity is formed for 10 years. Vaccinated children can still develop chickenpox, but it will be much milder. Vaccination is optional and the decision about whether to vaccinate against chickenpox rests with the parents.


Can infant get chickenpox?

If the baby is breastfed, the occurrence of the disease is almost impossible, since the body is protected by the mother's antibodies. When artificial feeding An infant aged 3 months or older can get chickenpox, but close contact with the patient is not necessary. The virus can enter the baby’s body when visiting a children’s clinic or while traveling on public transport.

How long does the temperature last with chickenpox?

The temperature during the disease lasts the entire period of the rash. That is, the fever is present until the last element of the rash appears, from 2–3 to 7–10 days. Temperature after chickenpox is uncharacteristic. Fever after illness appears as a result secondary infection or complications.

How many days do children get chickenpox?

Since the start clinical manifestations It may take from 1 to 3 weeks for them to completely disappear. The duration of the disease depends on its form.

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox?

The opinions of domestic and foreign experts on this issue differ. Russian pediatricians believe that it is impossible to bathe a baby with chickenpox. Foreign doctors say that swimming with chickenpox is possible and even necessary.

If you cleanse your baby's skin regularly, the risk of infectious complications from the rash is unlikely. After bathing, you should not rub the skin, you just need to blot the moisture so as not to injure the bubbles.

How to quickly cure chickenpox in a child?

It is impossible to speed up the healing process. There is no specific treatment for the disease. Drug therapy aimed at activating the immune system and relieving symptoms of the disease.

Doctor pays attention

  1. If your baby has rashes in his mouth, do not feed him hard, salty, peppery, or hot foods. It is better to give preference to pureed foods and soft fruits that do not injure the oral mucosa.
  2. There is no need to use antibiotics for chickenpox. The doctor can prescribe them only for complications bacterial etiology. In the case of a typical course of the disease antibacterial drugs ineffective.

Chickenpox in children is a common disease and does not require specific treatment. But this does not mean that if symptoms appear, you can ignore a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to differentiate chickenpox from other diseases accompanied by rashes and prescribe adequate treatment. Special attention should be given attention to the disease adolescence, since its course in most cases is severe and complicated.

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