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When will your period start after a caesarean section? Menstruation after cesarean section

Period length is an important indicator of well-being women's health in general and reproductive system in particular. Find out from this article how long your period should last in order not to miss the onset of a serious illness.

Critical days- a not entirely pleasant, but physiological state of a woman, the timeliness of which indicates that the reproductive system and the entire body as a whole functions smoothly like a clock.

But if your periods come more or less due date or occur with certain delays, then such a signal should not be neglected - this a symptom of an obvious “problem”, which needs to be eliminated.

How many days should menstruation last normally?

Every woman's body has its own individual characteristics, therefore, the duration of menstruation is also individual for each of us. To this influenced by a number of factors:

The duration of menstruation varies from woman to woman

Menstruation is considered normal when lasts from 3 to 5 days. If your periods are taking longer, this may indicate bleeding caused by various diseases, hormonal imbalance , inflammatory processes.

Scanty menstruation which lasts less than 3 days should also be a cause for concern. Experts talk about the presence of such a disease as oligomenorrhea, if discharge during critical days last from several hours to two days. This dangerous disease can lead to infertility, if it is not diagnosed in time.

A delay in menstruation of more than a week is a reason to consult a doctor.

In any case, if menstrual flow don't go according to normal deadlines necessary contact a gynecologist, which will determine the cause of the malfunction in the body.

How long does a girl's first period last?

The beginning of the first menstruation important event for every girl, which most expect with a certain fear and even shame. There is no need to be ashamed of a natural phenomenon, because it is new stage life, which speaks of the beginning of a girl’s development as a woman.

Mom must prepare her daughter for her first menstruation

Typically begins at age from 11 to 14 years, but modern gynecology knows cases when critical days began and in more early age , and much older.

The duration of the first menstruation is also individual - as a rule, the amount of discharge is scanty, which is observed within 3-4 days. But this does not mean that the first menstruation cannot last longer - ongoing discharge is considered normal. no more than 5 days.

Video: All about the first period

How long does your period last after termination of pregnancy?

Abortion causes enormous damage not only the moral state of the woman, but also the physical: in particular, it can negatively affect the reproductive system and the ability to have children in the future.

Therefore, the onset of menstruation is extremely important after termination of pregnancy, because their appearance indicates that the body has recovered and female organs are operating normally.

Termination of pregnancy

How soon your period comes after an abortion is affected by type of termination of pregnancy that was performed:

  • medical abortion - considered less traumatic than other types of interruption and menstruation should begin within 28-38 days
  • vacuum abortion - also refers to a type of abortion that is more gentle on women’s health; menstruation resumes in a month
  • surgical abortion - the most dangerous and traumatic appearance abortion, because during its implementation there may be various complications. Typically, menstruation begins in 30-40 days after this type of abortion

Menstruation after termination of pregnancy should not be unusually heavy

Regardless of how the abortion was performed discharge appearing earlier than a month later, may be bleeding that occurs as a complication after the procedure.

Complications will also be indicated by increased temperature, pain in the lower abdomen and general deterioration of condition.

Not to be confused with menstruation scanty discharge that appeared immediately after the abortion procedure. They are a consequence of intervention and, as a rule, lasts no more than 5 days. If such discharge continues for more than a week, then you need to consult a doctor.

Menstruation after abortion

Advent one month after termination of pregnancy menstruation does not differ in abundance and duration from the menstruation that the woman had previously. If the intensity and duration menstrual flow changes, then you need to consult a specialist, because this may be a sign of hormonal changes after abortion.

How long does your period last after a caesarean section?

Regardless of the type of delivery - natural or by caesarean section - menstruation occurs when the dominant hormone in a woman’s body becomes not prolactin, which produces milk, but estrogen. Thus, the main role in the resumption of menstruation is played by whether a woman breastfeeds her baby or formula-feeds her baby.


If breastfeeding doesn’t work out, then your period won’t keep you waiting - within 2-3 months will come first postpartum menstruation. Even if you are breastfeeding, you should not think that menstruation will not occur until you stop breastfeeding. As soon as the number of feedings or their volume will be reduced, which means the level of prolactin will drop, and critical days may begin, the duration of which can normally be from 3 to 7 days.

Many women consider menstruation and discharge after cesarean section. In fact, such discharge is not menstruation - it is so-called lochia. After childbirth, regardless of whether it was natural or by caesarean section, the uterus begins to cleanse, as a result of which throughout 4-7 weeks woman watching spottinglochia- changing color and intensity over time.

Menstruation after cesarean section

How long does your period last after childbirth?

After childbirth menstrual cycle does not resume immediately. This requires several months, during which the organs of the reproductive system are restored, and the uterus goes away. involution process. In addition, when breastfeeding, menstruation may not occur for quite a long period while prolactin levels are high.

Menstruation may resume during breastfeeding

May be short-lived and irregular (again, do not confuse them with lochia). When the cycle is restored, menstruation will begin from 3 to 7 days, and the painful sensations that were observed before childbirth may disappear. This is explained by the fact that the uterus takes on a more physiological shape.

How long does your period last after a miscarriage?

What is characteristic of a miscarriage is that during and after it bleeding starts, which is explained by rejection ovum, and then the endometrium. Duration of bleeding after curettage should not exceed 5-7 days and not be distinguished by significant abundance.

Menstruation may be slightly delayed after a miscarriage

In 28-30 days After a miscarriage, as a rule, the first menstruation occurs. Do not be alarmed if the duration of your critical days and the abundance of discharge differ slightly from your usual menstruation - it still happened in your body. serious hormonal imbalance, and the reproductive system has not yet been fully restored.

In any case, the duration of menstruation should not exceed a week.

How long does your period last after a frozen pregnancy?

After cleaning a frozen pregnancy, several days will be observed spotting, which are not menstrual periods. This is physiological bleeding caused by an unpleasant operation. Menstruation must come in 28-32 days after the procedure.

After cleaning a frozen pregnancy, your period may last longer than usual

Since a frozen pregnancy is accompanied hormonal imbalance, and after the procedure the woman begins taking a range of medications, among which hormonal drugs and antibiotics, then menstruation may occur with a slight delay. If the delay lasts more than a week you need to visit an antenatal clinic.

How long does your period last after the IUD?

Intrauterine device- enough effective method contraception, but it can negatively affect the nature and duration of menstruation. As a rule, after installation of the IUD, menstruation begins according to the cycle or with a slight delay.

Intrauterine device

Abundance of discharge during critical days can be significantly higher than it was before installing the spiral. Also, many women complain that if earlier the duration of menstruation was 3-4 days, then after installation intrauterine contraception discharge continues much longer - up to 5-7 days. These unpleasant consequences often go away after a couple of months and the cycle resumes.

The first period after insertion of the IUD can be quite painful.

After the spiral is removed from the uterine cavity There may also be changes in the pattern of menstrual discharge. If, after installing the IUD, menstruation is accompanied severe pain , continues for more than a week or the volume of discharge is too significant, then you must definitely discuss this issue with your doctor.

Duration of menstruation- an important indicator that indicates whether everything in a woman’s body is happening physiologically. At the slightest malfunction in its work, the reproductive system will definitely let you know by changing the number of “red” days and this signal cannot be ignored, because your health is at stake.

Video: How long do periods last?

Recovery of a woman’s body after childbirth occurs on average within 5-6 weeks. Then the functioning of the reproductive system returns to normal, and the production of sex hormones gradually improves. The determining factor in the onset of the first menstruation is the nature postpartum feeding baby. If a caesarean section was performed, menstruation normally comes after it at the same time as during normal childbirth - at the end of lactation. However, it is not recommended for a woman to plan her next pregnancy in the coming months.


Factors on which restoration of menstrual function depends

Regardless of how the birth was carried out - natural or by caesarean section, after it there should be certain period recovery reproductive function body. Within a few weeks the uterus returns to its normal size. normal sizes, the wound heals at the site of the placenta, returns to normal rate hormonal background. The beginning of the functioning of the ovaries leads to the resumption of processes menstrual cycle, the appearance of the first menstruation.

How long it will take for your period to appear after a cesarean section depends on several factors.

Woman's age. If she is over 30 years old, then tissue regeneration is slower than in a young woman in labor. Therefore, the functioning of the reproductive system will improve later.

The course of pregnancy and childbirth. If everything went smoothly, the uterus and ovaries will recover faster. But complications weaken the body and lead to structural damage reproductive organs. Therefore, menstruation may be late, their regularity and duration are disrupted.

No complications in the postpartum period. Within 6-8 weeks, when healing of the damaged inner surface uterus, the woman has specific secretions(lochia). At first they are abundant and contain mainly blood, then gradually turn into ordinary mucous membranes. vaginal discharge. They have nothing to do with menstruation, since they appear during the period when the ovaries are not yet working. By the nature of lochia one can judge how successfully the body returns to its normal condition. If such discharge is too scarce and short-lived, this indicates that the tone of the uterus is weak, blood stagnates in it, which is fraught with the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Extremely abundant bloody lochia indicates damage to the vessels in the wall of the uterus or a divergence of the internal suture.

Duration and mode of breastfeeding. This factor plays a decisive role. The point is that production breast milk occurs under the influence of the hormone prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland. The level of this substance increases steadily after pregnancy, reaching a maximum during postpartum lactation. At the same time, this hormone suppresses the production of estrogen, the ovarian hormones that cause egg maturation and conception. There is a chance that a woman will become pregnant while breastfeeding, but it is quite small. Typically, menstruation appears after this process is completed, when the level of prolactin in the blood decreases.

The following pattern is observed:

  • If after a caesarean section a woman does not breastfeed her newborn at all, then her period begins immediately after recovery period and lochia, that is, after about 6-8 weeks;
  • in a woman who breastfeeds for a long time (and breast milk is the baby’s main food), menstruation after a cesarean section usually comes with the end of lactation (possibly after 1 year or even more);
  • if she is breastfeeding, but gradually introduces complementary foods, giving milk only as an additional product, then her period may begin immediately after changing her diet;
  • in the case when the baby is fed mixed from birth (there is not enough breast milk, he is supplemented with milk formulas), menstruation appears, as a rule, 3-4 months after birth.

Lifestyle. The appearance of menstruation, especially after cesarean section, is also influenced by the nature of the physical and nervous stress that a woman has to endure every day. If she is forced to take on all the housework, as well as caring for older children, she gets little rest, does not get enough sleep, and it takes more time to recuperate.

Nature of nutrition. Irregular food intake and lack of vitamins in it also lead to a delay in the first menstruation and cause cycle disorders.

Video: Does breastfeeding guarantee protection against pregnancy?

Measures to promote the normal course of the recovery period

In particular, after childbirth and surgery you should refrain from swimming in hot water, sitting in the bathroom and other procedures during which the body overheats. This can lead to dangerous bleeding.

It is necessary to carefully monitor body hygiene and the condition of the seam to prevent inflammation. During the year after cesarean section, you should regularly visit a gynecologist (once every 1.5-2 months).

It is not recommended to have sex for 3-4 months. Even if your period has not yet arrived, a woman can become pregnant if she ovulates. In this case, there will be no next periods, and she will not even realize that she is pregnant. The danger is that the embryo will not be able to develop normally in the uterus, a miscarriage will occur, and severe bleeding will occur.

Warning: Safe development next pregnancy and childbirth after a cesarean section is possible no earlier than 2 years later. Therefore, it is recommended to use protection during sex. Moreover, if a woman is breastfeeding, she should not use contraceptives containing estrogens, otherwise she may lose milk. Special creams, suppositories, tampons (spermicides) or condoms are suitable.

What are menstruation usually like after a cesarean section?

It is believed that a woman’s cycle is normal if her periods begin at approximately equal intervals (a deviation of 2-3 days is possible). Duration normal cycle is more than 21 or less than 35 days (although there are exceptions that are not pathology). The total blood loss for all days is normally 40-80 ml, it lasts 3-6 days.

The first periods after a cesarean section are usually more intense than before the birth and last longer. They can be like this for 2-4 cycles. Their unusual nature is explained by hormonal instability and increased vulnerability of the inner surface of the uterus after surgery. Most often, the first cycles after cesarean section are anovulatory.

Often, the nature of menstruation after childbirth by cesarean section may change in better side– the cycle becomes more regular (hormonal levels improve), weaken painful sensations(the shape of the uterus changes, folds and bends that promote stagnation are eliminated menstrual blood).

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. The regularity of the cycle was not restored even six months after giving birth.
  2. Menstruation comes too rarely (every 40-60 days), lasts 1-2 days (oligomenorrhea is observed). This condition indicates the occurrence of a bent uterus. The first signal of pathology is the early cessation of lochia. As a result of stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity, inflammation of the endometrium can occur (endometritis occurs).
  3. Less than 21 days pass between periods (after 4 months) (14-20). There can be many reasons: hormonal disorders(resulting from diseases endocrine organs, taking certain medications), decreased uterine contractility after scar formation, the formation of myomatous nodes and others. At the same time, they are sometimes mistaken for menstruation pathological discharge blood between them.
  4. The duration of menstruation is less than 3 days or more than 7. Scanty discharge blood indicates weak contraction of the uterus, too long - the occurrence of bleeding.
  5. The consistency and smell of menstrual discharge has changed, lumps and clots have appeared in it. There are pains when urinating, and itching in the genitals. An infectious infection may have occurred.
  6. Menstruation after a cesarean section became painful, accompanied by an increase in temperature. Most likely, these are signs of endometritis.

Most alarming symptom is the disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea) after a cesarean section (in a woman who is sure that she is not pregnant).

Causes of amenorrhea

The reason for the absence of menstruation after breastfeeding (including after cesarean section) is often hyperprolactinemia. 5-6 months have already passed since the woman stopped breastfeeding, and the level of prolactin in the blood (responsible for the formation of milk) does not decrease, suppressing the production of other pituitary hormones. Shortage FSH hormones and LH inhibits the functioning of the ovaries and the production of estrogen. The growth of follicles and all subsequent processes become impossible.

An increased level of prolactin in the blood may be a consequence of diseases of the pituitary gland (inflammation, prolactinoma - benign tumor), disorders of the thyroid gland and other pathologies.

Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea becomes a consequence of a disease such as postpartum Sheehan syndrome, in which pituitary cells begin to die. Pathology occurs if during a cesarean section there were complications such as profuse bleeding, blood poisoning, inflammation of the peritoneum. Severe course of the second half of pregnancy (late toxicosis, renal failure) can also lead to amenorrhea.

Video: Why menstruation does not return after childbirth

In this article:

Many women are interested in this completely legitimate question: when do periods begin after a caesarean section? To be able to answer this question, first of all, it is worth understanding a few main points.

Firstly, it all depends on individual characteristics everyone female body: for some, periods come a little earlier, for others a little later, but in general everything is within the normal range.

Secondly, performing a caesarean section does not in any way affect the appearance of menstruation. They begin to appear just as if labor was going on. naturally.

Thirdly, the appearance of menstruation also depends on how exactly the mother feeds her baby. If it's exceptional breast-feeding, then the onset of the menstrual cycle should not be expected before the feeding period ends, which is approximately a year and a half. If the mother does not breastfeed at all, then menstruation usually occurs 2 or 3 months after the operation. At mixed diet they can come in 3-4 months.

In some cases, heavy periods occur after a cesarean section. This is usually due to changes in the female body to hormonal level and its features. However, there is no need to panic right away, since periods may be heavy only the first two times. However, if this trend continues to occur, then you should consult a doctor.

Menstruation or lochia?

After the birth of a child, the female body begins to recover. Nature provides time for this from 6 to 8 weeks. During this period, specific bleeding begins to occur after a cesarean section. However, these are not yet menstruation, with which they can easily be confused. Over time, the composition and quantity, as well as the color of the discharge changes.

Discharge rates

For about the first week, lochia will be released abundantly in red clots and can look very much like real menstruation. The volume can be up to 500 ml. It is worth noting that the discharge may increase when walking, breastfeeding, or palpating the abdomen, since it is at this moment that the uterus is able to contract better, getting rid of everything unnecessary.

Then, within 4-5 weeks, the lochia begins to acquire a brown tint, and their number decreases. In the end they are quite scanty and smearing. After 6-8 weeks, the uterine mucosa has completely recovered, and the discharge is completely light.

It is worth remembering that the intensity and nature of the discharge depends on the ability of the uterus to contract. After the operation this process may proceed more slowly because some muscle tissue damaged. Therefore, in order to stimulate the uterus to better reduction apply medical supplies: oxytocin or others similar.

In this case, the woman must fulfill certain conditions:

  • Go to the toilet regularly, as a full bladder makes the uterus contract worse.
  • Feed the child only upon his request.

But it happens that the discharge begins to acquire an unpleasant and pungent odor. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the gynecologist. In most cases, this indicates that inflammatory processes have begun in the uterine cavity. Moreover, it is worth noting that the risk of endometritis after a cesarean section is higher than during natural childbirth.

Also, in some cases, itching may occur in intimate place, and the discharge may become cheesy. This already indicates the presence of thrush, which can occur due to taking antibiotics, which are usually prescribed after surgery.

It is also worth paying attention if the lochia suddenly stops. This may indicate a bend in the uterus, and if they are not removed, the development of endometritis cannot be avoided.

By and large, after surgery, the main thing is to maintain personal hygiene, and then the risk of various pathologies can be minimized.

Useful video about periods after childbirth

Recently, more and more often women give birth not by the usual natural way, but by caesarean section. What this is connected with is not known exactly. Contaminated external environment, poor quality food, lifestyle and many other factors. Naturally, a normal birth has a more positive effect on the condition of the mother and the newborn, because everything happens naturally. But there are times when it is simply impossible to do without such an operation, so the child is born in a not entirely natural way.

Of course, every woman who has gone through such abdominal surgery, all painful symptoms are known and possible complications not by hearsay. Heavy menstruation after cesarean section is considered one of these troubles. During this major operation, tissue is cut and blood vessels. A woman loses 3 times more blood as a result of a caesarean section than after standard births. The healing process is quite long and slightly painful.

Healing is accompanied by lochia - discharge that should not be confused with menstruation, because lochia is the same red color. There are clots in them, and this is quite normal. The normal healing process should not be alarming. Some time passes and the discharge becomes thicker, it darkens and decreases in quantity, after which it becomes lighter and stops altogether. The disappearance indicates a prolonged scar on the uterus, that is, the beginning of a normal rhythm for the body. It takes 6 to 8 weeks to cleanse the body after the baby is born.

Each woman's period may start differently. Their onset is influenced by various factors.


The time of onset of menstruation for each woman is purely individual. This is influenced following reasons:

  • Woman's age. Young women in labor usually get their periods earlier than those over 30.
  • The course of pregnancy for 9 months. If no complications were observed, then there should be no problems with uterine contractions.
  • The mother's lifestyle, her diet, and physical exercise. Compliance with measures in everything contributes to the rapid renewal of the body after a caesarean section.
  • Lactation has great influence at the beginning of menstruation. This happens due to the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk. Under the influence of prolactin, the ovaries become sluggish. Frequent breastfeeding leads to the fact that a woman’s periods do not begin immediately. If the baby is on artificial feeding, menstruation may begin in 1-2 months.

If you believe statistics and the opinion of experts, we can say that menstruation occurs after cesarean section with normal lactation approximately 16-20 weeks after surgery.

Possible complications

Not everyone has a caesarean section without complications. Sometimes they can appear in the form of inflammation of the uterus or endomyometritis. In order to exclude similar phenomena, the woman in labor is prescribed a course of antibiotics immediately after a cesarean section. During surgery internal organs come into contact with air, the sterility of which is not certain even in the operating room. Therefore in for preventive purposes and treatment is prescribed.

After giving birth to a child by caesarean section, a woman should be even more careful about her health. It is important to avoid hypothermia, which in most cases leads to inflammatory processes. Special attention should be given and intimate hygiene.

The bladder should never be too full and put pressure on the uterus.

You should avoid douching and using tampons during menstruation, and sex life start no earlier than 2 months later.

It is important to remember that after a caesarean section there is, one might say, open wound, to which bacteria can easily attach. Any inflammatory disease represents increased danger for a woman after surgery.

Hearing bad smell discharge, you should consult a doctor immediately. This phenomenon may be evidence of the onset of a serious endometritis disease. The use of aromatic pads interferes with the diagnosis of this disease. early stage, even when an unpleasant-smelling discharge appears. That's why doctors oppose them.

It is important to know the symptoms after a cesarean section, the presence of which should be the reason for a visit to the doctor:

  1. A bad sign is not only heavy periods after surgery, but also their sudden cessation. This may be evidence of bending of the uterus, preventing secretions from coming to the surface, which can lead to the appearance of endometritis.
  2. A small amount of menstrual blood during menstruation indicates that the uterus contracts poorly, stagnant processes appear in it, which, in turn, leads to inflammation.
  3. An irregular menstrual cycle observed over six months may also indicate a serious problem. Menstruation should be painless and occur with a normally established cycle.
  4. Heavy periods with blood loss - serious reason seek medical help.
  5. The normal course of menstruation after a cesarean section should not be accompanied by strong ointments before and after them. This phenomenon is considered a deviation from the norm and requires consultation with doctors.
  6. Curd discharge accompanied by itching may be a sign of thrush. This often happens after treatment with antibiotics.
  7. A short interval between periods of three months is acceptable. They can occur even after 20 days. But if after 3 months no changes occur, you should find out the reason with the help of a doctor.


The condition of the female body after a caesarean section should always be under control. At the slightest deviation from the norm, it is important to consult your gynecologist. This will help identify a possible disease at its very beginning and avoid further problems.

The child is born and the mother begins the process of restoring all rhythms, first of all, regular menstruation. At the same time, the ability to conceive returns. Remembering this is especially important for those women who had to undergo a cesarean section, since after the operation full recovery the uterus is possible no earlier than three years later.

When does menstruation begin after a caesarean section?

The arrival of the first menstruation during surgical delivery is difficult to predict - each organism is individual and healing times vary. However, you need to remember about the need for protection even before regular menstruation is restored. After the operation, the uterus contracts more slowly, as the fresh suture interferes with this. After natural birth there is no such problem. According to statistics, this process lasts approximately 7 weeks. The size of the uterus shrinks faster if a woman is breastfeeding.

After childbirth, until the first menstruation, a woman continues to experience lochia - the release and removal from the uterus of postpartum materials, mucus, coagulated blood, and remnants of fetal membranes. This process takes up to 40 days and only after its completion is it possible for a new egg to mature and the menstruation mechanism to start. This discharge differs in color, intensity and consistency from the blood that is released during a regular cycle.

The timing of the first menstruation after childbirth is affected by:

  • the presence and intensity of lactation, feeding the child;
  • characteristics of a particular woman’s pregnancy;
  • age and psychological state mothers;
  • presence of chronic or acute diseases;
  • food, rest and healthy sleep women.

The restoration of a regular cycle occurs faster in those women whose child is bottle-fed. During breastfeeding The body produces the hormone prolactin, which suppresses the activity of the ovaries, and the method of delivery has almost no effect on this process. When your period begins after a cesarean section, it is time to return to contraception.

If regular cycle has not recovered even after several months, but there is milk in the breast and feeding continues, there is no reason to worry. With a mixed feeding regimen, you should expect your period to arrive within four months. On artificial feeding You should worry if the process has not recovered after three months.

The nature of the first menstruation after cesarean section

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When your first period comes after a cesarean section, your periods can be very heavy. At this time, it is especially important to avoid any stress, not to be nervous, to devote time to sleep and rest, and to eat normally. Lifting heavy objects is especially dangerous, as it can lead to increased bleeding. Heavy periods after cesarean section should stop after 1-2 cycles.

It is advisable to visit a gynecologist in the first 3-4 months after the baby is born. Signs of deterioration:

  • temperature;
  • soreness;
  • heavy and prolonged bleeding;
  • absence of regular periods 3–4 months after childbirth;
  • the appearance of blood in the middle of the cycle.

A woman needs to be examined if her discharge is unusually scanty after surgery. The resulting scar on the uterus can interfere with the contraction process and prevent complete cleansing its cavities are filled with blood. In the pelvic area, stagnant processes develop that can cause inflammation. Very heavy discharge may indicate uterine bleeding.

How long does the first period last?

Menstruation after a cesarean section, most often, for the first time can occur without the ripening of the egg, since the functions of the body have not yet been fully restored (more details in the article:). In this case, bleeding can be intense and lasts up to a week. Then all processes are normalized, the duration and intensity of menstruation return to the state it was before pregnancy. The activity of the ovaries is completely restored and the next pregnancy is possible.

A woman needs treatment if she has chronic disorders, infection or inflammation is detected. During pregnancy, and then after childbirth, the body re-experiences the hormonal adjustment of all systems, including menstruation:

  • stabilization of deadlines;
  • reduction of pain;
  • reducing the duration and severity of bleeding;
  • reducing the effect of PMS.

When does the cycle return?

The restoration of a stable menstrual cycle after childbirth occurs 2 months (but not longer than six months) after the onset of menstruation. If there is no breastfeeding, but menstruation does not begin, the woman needs to consult a specialist. The second warning sign is abnormal amount and duration of bleeding. At the beginning, the discharge may be abundant, but later its intensity decreases.

After a cesarean section, normalization of the cycle occurs more slowly, as the scar on the uterus interferes with this. Normal healing of the suture has a positive effect on other manifestations of the reproductive function of the body. For quick recovery it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and handle with care own body. When you have heavy periods after a cesarean section, it is important not to miss dangerous uterine bleeding.

When breastfeeding

At natural feeding hormonal balance the woman who has given birth is displaced, ensuring milk production mammary glands. The hormone responsible for this process inhibits the restoration of the menstrual cycle. When a woman has undergone surgery, the period for the return of menstruation will depend not on this fact, but on the presence and intensity of natural feeding.

The more often and intensively breastfeeding, the better the body produces the hormone prolactin and the further the onset of menstruation is delayed. You cannot rely on the fact that this excludes the possibility of pregnancy. Regardless of the presence of milk in the breast, within a year the reproductive capacity of the body will be restored. When this happens can be determined by the start of feeding the baby with other foods. As soon as the intensity of breastfeeding decreases, ovarian function resumes.

With artificial feeding

Many women who give birth through surgery have problems producing breast milk. This may be affected by difficulties in recovering the body after surgery, nervous excitement, or the need to temporarily separate her from her child during the mother’s treatment in the hospital. If milk is not produced, the ability to conceive is restored faster.

When artificially feeding a baby, the ability to fertilize can return to the mother after the first menstruation, and a regular cycle (from 3 to 7 days) will be restored within two months after birth. It is important to remember that conception during this period is not only possible, but also extremely dangerous for a woman, since the suture on her uterus has not yet completely healed.

Possible complications after cesarean section

Women who have a caesarean section often experience further complications. Among the most common are endomyometritis or inflammation of the uterus; adhesions may begin. It is necessary to take prescribed pills in a timely manner hygiene procedures and devastate bladder so as not to create additional pressure on the uterus.

In the maternity hospital, after the operation, everyone who has had a cesarean section is prescribed a course of antibiotics for several days, which should prevent the development of inflammation. During the period of healing of the suture on the uterus, hypothermia, lack of personal hygiene are dangerous, and douching is also contraindicated.

Doctors do not recommend using tampons and sanitary pads with aromas, since the appearance of odor is one of the signs of inflammation. The neglected process leads to the formation of enlarged scars and adhesions, due to which the ability to bear a pregnancy may be lost.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

After a cesarean section, a woman should closely monitor her health and consult a doctor if there are any alarming signs. The most dangerous thing is the occurrence of bleeding. It may be caused by a violation of the integrity of the seam and will require urgent surgery. The gynecologist needs to be told how long the illness lasts, when your period will come and how long it lasts.