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Proper nutrition for the week. What to eat for breakfast to always be in shape Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist, NUTRILITE brand expert

In an attempt to normalize weight, people often go on diets, limiting the number of calories they consume or denying themselves certain foods. More often than not, the results of such attempts are either disappointing or short-lived. How to do everything right and get rid of unnecessary things forever? What to eat to lose weight? And what to do if, on the contrary, there is not enough weight?

— Yulia, tell us what actions will help you most effectively prepare for summer in the remaining time? And what maximum results Can this be achieved in a couple of months without harm to health?

— The most effective thing is consistency and lack of haste. Any excessive actions - a sharp reduction in calories, mono-diets, hunger strikes - will lead to a short-term result, which will be almost impossible to maintain. Just try to get used to the idea that those who “hurry” slowly succeed. In 2-3 months, it is quite possible to achieve visible results by simply reviewing your diet and slightly increasing physical activity. Start by creating a difference between energy intake and energy expenditure of approximately 500 kcal. Moreover, remove 250 kcal from the diet, and add 250 kcal to the “sports menu”. This measure will save high quality life without feeling hungry and without breaking down for quite a long time. The longer the exposure, the brighter the result.

— In spring, the acute question is not only excess weight, but also vitamin deficiency. Should I take extra vitamins? vitamin complexes or increase the consumption of some foods while seasonal fruits and vegetables have not yet arrived?

- Vitamin deficiency is serious illness, which is practically never found in developed countries. It is more appropriate to talk about hypovitaminosis or a chronic imbalance in the intake of certain vitamins and minerals. In general, vitamin status does not depend as much on seasonal vegetables and fruits as is commonly believed. B vitamins, for example (which, by the way, are directly involved in the regulation of body weight) are much more more found in cereals, rye and bran bread, beans, meat products. Fat-soluble vitamins(A, D, E, K) - c vegetable oils and fat from animal products (butter, sour cream, etc.). Iodine, selenium - contained in seaweed and nuts. If your diet is poor and monotonous, then hypovitaminosis is not a seasonal, but generally a permanent condition. And you need to change it by introducing unusual foods into your diet. If this is not convenient or you don’t want to, then you really should use multivitamin complexes.

— What are the main misconceptions that prevent those who want to lose weight from achieving results? Debunk some common myths.

- First. The main misconception is the discrepancy between the desired and the actual. Setting unrealistic goals, such as: “10 kg in a week!!!” doomed to failure in 99% of cases (we’ll leave 1% for the first week if you’re overweight, okay).

In my opinion, it is generally inappropriate to set goals in kilograms and, God forbid, set any specific deadlines. Each case has its own nuances. This is perfectly illustrated by the example of the participants in the first and second seasons of the reality show “Weighted People.” Look at them. And then think: if these people, who devoted all their time to diet and exercise, had difficulty losing weight, why should this pass you by?

Second. Refusal of bread, cereals, potatoes and transition to leafy vegetables. This measure will lead to an unnoticed increase in the consumption of protein and hidden fat, as the body will require the missing energy. He will take his toll one way or another, and you will remain the same as you were. Sometimes even thicker. The project participants unanimously told me that they don’t eat bread and potatoes at all! At the same time, looking at them, it was impossible to say that this was an effective measure for weight loss.

Third. Refusal of meat, or, on the contrary, transition exclusively to protein products. Both have their own negative impact on a number of metabolic processes and health, therefore cannot be considered a “panacea”.

— Is it possible to speed up metabolism? Or are these natural gifts and you can’t go against nature? If possible, how to do it?

— The main factors that have a serious impact on the metabolic rate include:

  • age (as it increases, metabolic processes slow down, especially after 40 years);
  • gender (women, by definition, have a metabolism 7-15% lower than men);
  • hunger strike (chronic energy deficiency leads to a sharp decrease in metabolic rate);
  • genetic characteristics (the presence of the so-called “thrifty genotype” is a significant factor limiting the ability of a number of people to have normal speed metabolic processes);
  • thyroid disease (hypothyroidism);
  • chronic deficiency of a number of vitamins and minerals.

Is it possible to influence these factors? Quite. Knowing a number of nuances. For example, a decrease in metabolic rate with age is associated with a decrease in the content of metabolically active muscle mass in the body due to decreased production of the hormone somatotropin. Regular strength training allows you to keep the level of this hormone high even after 40 years.

Women gain weight more easily than men due to their characteristics hormonal levels, which “encourages” the development of adipose tissue and does not sufficiently stimulate the development of muscle tissue. Selection of an adequate diet, flexible management of it energy value throughout the cycle (for women of the reproductive period) plus a little “male” physical activity - and there are much fewer problems.

The “thrifty genotype” is a little more complicated. The body literally tries to turn everything into fat. However, here you can find ways: stimulating metabolism with energy boosters: capsaicin, gingerol (red pepper, ginger), caffeine (green tea, coffee). Sufficient quantity dietary fiber in the diet will also help boost the rate of metabolic processes. And, of course, physical education.

With diseases of the thyroid gland, sometimes simply a correct diagnosis and prescribed treatment are enough.

- Still, what to eat to lose weight? Is it true that there are foods that help burn calories or have “negative calories”?

— Products with “negative calorie content” have, in addition to positive qualities (stimulation of activity gastrointestinal tract, adsorption of excess edible fat) there are also negative ones - they contain too few calories. The fewer calories you give yourself, the faster the moment will come when your body will literally “force” you to go to the refrigerator and eat everything in order to cover the energy deficit. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you do not need to attribute to one or another product magical properties. The main thing is a well-built balance between income nutrients. Moreover, it is individual for each person. Depends on gender, age, weight, level of physical activity. And general recommendations, like average temperature in the hospital - it’s nothing.

— Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories... It seems very difficult to calculate every time. Is there a way to simplify your diet?

— On initial stages- No. Until you develop normal eating habits And if you don’t learn to determine the quantity of food and dishes “by eye,” a culinary scale and calorie counter are your constant companions. Otherwise, you will either constantly overeat and not get results (even an extra apple throughout the year plus your diet will give 3 kg of weight gain), or undereat, which will even faster lead to a breakdown and gain even more weight. By the way, why don’t you ask the question: is it possible to become a prima dancer at the Bolshoi Theater without standing at the ballet barre? Any achievement will require your time and effort.

— Participants in the show “Weighted People” train a lot during the competition and limit themselves in nutrition. In order to maintain the results, they will have to constantly maintain a high pace of training and diet after the project? Simply put, how to maintain the achieved weight?

— Maintaining the achieved weight is always difficult. Those who can re-educate themselves and understand that being slim and healthy is everyday serious work will achieve success. The rest will come back. That's life.

“It was probably easier for “weighed people” to lose weight in the early stages - because they had something to lose. How to get rid of a couple or three extra pounds, which, despite proper nutrition and training absolutely doesn’t want to go away?

- Just stop doing what you're doing. Like in the movie "Groundhog Day" - everything that is wrong is good. Change the composition of your diet, try alternating days with normal and higher calories, change your usual loads, but not upward: instead of running, pull weights or vice versa. The body’s habituation is the main reason for the ineffectiveness of the measures taken.

— How to eat and what to do for excessively thin people who want to gain weight?

— If thinness is not associated with serious illnesses, then the principle is simple: eat more, move less, or, on the contrary, add strength training. The main difficulty is that it is very difficult for severe asthenics to “push” a sufficient amount of food into themselves; they are simply not adapted to this.

If you want to learn more about proper nutrition and physical activity, watch the show “” on Saturdays at 19:00 on STS!

Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist, Nutrilite brand expert

Exactly breakfast is responsible for what you will eat during the day.

Start with sweet bun and coffee with sugar - and in just a couple of hours you may be overtaken by a strong desire to eat... something else sweet. The fact is that during the first meal, the blood sugar level rose too high, and in response, the level of insulin, the hormone responsible for its “reduction,” increased. A drop in glucose levels automatically entails a feeling of hunger and a search for food that will increase it as quickly as possible. And this is just something sweet. And such “roller coasters” will be waiting for you all the time.

What if you choose bacon and eggs for breakfast? The feeling of fullness will indeed last quite long. But there's one catch. The head will not work as fast as we would like. The brain feeds on glucose. And fat for him is only a backup source of nutrition. The incoming protein, instead of beginning to participate in the construction of new cells, will begin to break down... into glucose. Plus, long-lasting satiety will “lull” your vigilance. You'll likely skip a snack and even forget about lunch. And here the “accumulation of hungry potential” comes into the arena. The feeling of hunger will be sudden, but very strong. There is a risk of starting to eat everything, and not in the right quantities.

We throw a couple of fruits into the juicer, and after 30 minutes we realize: it would be nice to eat something. The main mistake is switching to foods that have low energy value but increase insulin levels. In this case, the “hungry potential” accumulates quickly and brutally.

My proper breakfast looks like this:

1. Change your diet as often as possible

The larger the range of selected products, the more “interesting” the metabolism works. The body quickly gets used to the routine and spends a minimum of energy on digesting and assimilating the usual food.

2. Add to your usual diet... oil

Use a small amount (3-5 g) of unrefined vegetable oil as a supplement (you do not need to eat it on an empty stomach). It is extremely important to taste oils different varieties: cedar, grape seed, pumpkin, sesame, etc. This improves metabolism, immunity, the condition of the liver, blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on appearance.

3. Let’s say a firm “no” to sweets in the morning!

Try not to eat sweets in the morning, confectionery and drinks with sugar. Excessive amounts of insulin (this is what is released after such a breakfast) stimulates the storage of excess into fat and triggers the “choose sweets” mechanism. next appointment food." It is better to use foods rich in calcium and fat in the morning: such as cheese, cottage cheese. Calcium deficiency is often associated with increased appetite during the day.

4. Morning calories should be “working”

Getting the right calories from foods rich in slow carbohydrates(for example, porridge from different types cereals, grains and rye breads).

5. Stock up on B vitamins in the morning

They are regulators of fat and carbohydrate metabolism and will help the body go in the right direction throughout the day. There are many such vitamins in cereals, eggs, nuts, and green vegetables.

6. For good mood need amino acids

Do you want to be positive in the morning? Then choose foods rich in tryptophan for breakfast. This amino acid promotes the production of serotonin. However, it cannot enter the brain on its own. She needs a conductor - glucose. Combine cheese with fruit or light fruit jams.

Favorite breakfasts of Yulia Bastrigina:

1. Multigrain porridge + wheat bran on water + fresh apples, dried apricots, prunes, ground Brazil nut and cinnamon, flax seeds, pumpkin seed oil+ poached egg. Green tea with lemon and ginger.

2. Grain or rye bread/grain crispbread + lightly salted salmon or sockeye salmon + cucumber, lettuce + butter. Tea with rosehip.

3. Bananas, apples, berries + hard cheese or cottage cheese 2-5% fat.

Olga Malysheva, nutrition and detox specialist, creator of the author’s blog and project 365 detox

It is not necessary to strictly follow all the tips on proper nutrition 365 days a year. There should be a general general line, but always leave room for experimentation. Sometimes I can eat something that is not quite right, but very desirable. And I never blame myself for deviating from the rules - I just drink green juice the next morning and go back to those healthy habits which work for me. Here are a few of my rules:

1. Water, water and more water

First thing in the morning, you need to drink a large mug of water, adding the juice of half a lime or 1/3 lemon. This water perfectly cleanses, alkalizes the body and stimulates digestion.

2. Be sure to drink green juice in the morning!

I advise you to try different variations of green juice, where the base is always vegetables and herbs, and an apple or pear is added for sweetness. If you don’t have time to make juice, a great option would be a smoothie made from fresh spinach, banana, pear or other fruits with the addition of drinking water or almond milk.

My favorite vegetable juice recipe:

5 stalks of celery

1 beet

2 carrots

Bunch of parsley

2 large apples

A piece of ginger

We put all the ingredients into the juicer and enjoy the vitamin boost.

3. Mindfulness instead of coffee

The invigorating effect of coffee is often followed by irritability and anxiety, and its regular use may negatively affect the functioning of the adrenal glands and contribute to exhaustion nerve cells. You can replace coffee with drinks that contain natural cocoa, chicory, Japanese matcha tea and freshly squeezed vegetable juices. Try switching to them or at least “mixing” them with your coffee consumption.

4. Fruit before meals, but not after

For fruits to be beneficial, eat them only when empty stomach- 20-30 minutes before eating another meal or 3-4 hours after. Fruits on an empty stomach are easily digestible and give an excellent boost of energy. But fruits mixed with other foods will cause heaviness and promote fermentation processes. The exception is avocado, which can be safely added to salads and cereals.

Diet by genotype – integrated approach to weight control

The effectiveness of the diet depends on the person's genotype. Scientists from Stanford University came to this conclusion after conducting clinical trials 1. People who ate a diet that was optimized for their genotype lost, on average, 2.5 times more weight than those who did not take their genotype into account when choosing their diet. NUTRILITE specialists, based on research from Stanford University, have developed a revolutionary comprehensive Personal Weight Control Program - bodykey from NUTRILITE.

On September 5, Krasnoyarsk was visited by a leading Russian nutritionist, candidate medical sciences Yulia Bastrigina with a presentation of a comprehensive weight control program bodykey. She spoke about the program, which takes into account the characteristics of a person’s genotype, his lifestyle and nutritional preferences. As a result, the diet is 2.5 times more effective than others followed by participants in the scientific study.

Obesity is getting serious social problem developed countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized obesity as an epidemic of the 21st century. More than 60% of Russians are overweight. Every second woman in Russia has tried one diet or another, 89% of women dream of losing weight.

“Euromonitor research shows that the number of overweight and obese people is increasing. This trend is particularly noticeable in Germany (increasing from 49% in 2009 to 55% of people who are overweight in 2013) and in Russia (increasing from 51% in 2009 to 62% in 2013).” - comments Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist. - Most often, a diet is chosen based on recommendations from friends, or simply on the Internet. But each person is unique, each has his own set of genes. We are used to individually selecting anything: clothes, furniture, cars, pets, but not diet. Moreover, only a few people come to a doctor for advice and examination before changing their diet.”

Data from a Stanford study are based on the fact that 4 genes were found in the human body that are involved in the process of accumulating extra pounds. These genes encode proteins with amazing functions: a protein that transports fat molecules; protein that determines the growth of “fat stores”, protein that determines the consumption of fat reserves; a protein that determines the consumption of fat reserves in response to physical activity.

Scientists from the Nutrilite 2 Health Institute, together with nutritionists and specialists in the field of physical education and sports, began to study this issue and found that there is a strong relationship between DNA and how the body responds to nutrition and exercise.

“Physical activity certainly has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. But we must not forget that too intense a work regime is not suitable for everyone. Important individual approach to every person. To achieve results, it is necessary to combine strength and cardio training of a certain intensity. In this case, a genetic test helps determine the ratio of these loads,” commented Lyubov Kachaeva, personal trainer, specialist in physical culture and sports.

Using research data, Amway has developed a personal weight control program bodykey from NUTRILITE TM. This is an innovative weight and health management program, which is based on the selection of diet and type of physical activity, in accordance with personal genetic characteristics.

The key difference and advantage of the program is individuality. Each participant undergoes genetic testing, which allows us to identify metabolic characteristics. Based on this test and lifestyle information, the participant receives his personal nutrition plan and physical exercise. The second advantage of the program is complexity. In addition to recommendations on nutrition and physical activity in accordance with the genotype, its participants are provided with special dietary products, as well as support and motivation from both leading experts in the field of nutrition and sports, and from a community of like-minded people using an online platform that has already been launched - bodykey.ru. Bodykey personal program from NUTRILITE TM makes it possible to abandon strict diets with side effects (feeling unwell and weight gain, inevitable when stopping such a diet) and ineffective grueling workouts. Recommendations selected in accordance with the individual genotype maintain a high quality of life and health, allowing you to control body weight, because the genetic code does not change over time.


Bastrigina Yulia Olegovna

nutritionist, bodykey program consultant

Graduate of Moscow Medical Academy them. THEM. Sechenov, specializing in “Medical and Preventive Care” and “General Medicine”.

Completed clinical residency and full-time graduate school at the clinic therapeutic nutrition Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Topic of the dissertation: “Study of the nutritional structure of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and development of methods for its correction.”

She took part in a large-scale multi-year project “Study of nutrition and health of the population of the Russian Federation”, carried out under a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of North Carolina (USA).

From 2001 to 2010, she was a nutritionist and key lecturer at the Fitness Academy at Planet Fitness.

She took an active part in ideological developments for training fitness personnel and improving their qualifications, developing and implementing new programs and services to optimize the nutrition and training process of non-professional athletes to achieve best performance physical fitness and health.

Since 2000, he has been a consultant on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle for a number of popular Russian publications. During the year 2008-2009, she headed the editorial office of the portal dedicated to a healthy lifestyle “Medsputnik.ru” of a large media holding WebMediaGroup

Since 2001, he has been actively participating in television and radio programs as a nutrition consultant.

In 2010, she became a co-host in the popular culinary program “Eat and Lose Weight” on TNT with Lera Kudryavtseva and Alexey Semenov.

From 2010 to the present, Yulia Olegovna has been acting as a consultant on healthy nutrition and lifestyle at Amway. In 2013, Yulia took an active part in the launch in Russia of a revolutionary weight control program based on a genotype diet - bodykey from NUTRILITE TM, acting as a consultant for the program.

Anastasia Smirnova

There is a stable understanding in society: sweet, fatty, salty - all this harms the figure and contributes to excess weight gain. But perhaps there are still exceptions to the rules - those generally accepted “harmful” products for the figure that, in fact, are not so scary? What are these products and how often can they be consumed when losing weight?

Indeed, in the process of losing weight we limit fatty foods, since they are the most caloric. Sweet - because excess sugar in the diet increases fat formation. And, of course, salty ones: they cause fluid retention and nullify attempts to lose weight.

However, these recommendations are not entirely clear, especially when it comes to fats. Often, to solve the problem of excess weight, people completely exclude fats from their diet. This approach is wrong, because without fat human body cannot exist. You just need to know when to stop and understand their qualitative composition. Thus, fish and seafood contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are very good in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, and to absorb these acids it is not necessary to buy expensive red fish; mackerel and even herring are extremely rich in them.

Vegetable oil and lard are the most high-calorie foods, but a tablespoon olive oil to a salad a day - an excellent source of monounsaturated oleic acid, which has the most powerful positive influence on the blood lipid ratio, condition digestive system and playing important role in the prevention of cancer.

By the way, I also consider 5-10 g of lard per day an acceptable indulgence, since it contains the essential arachidonic acid, which is part of cell membranes and is part of the enzyme of the heart muscle.

And, of course, you should not completely abandon milk fat. Most useful fermented milk products medium fat content.

Many products, on the contrary, contain a huge amount of “hidden” fats and contribute to rapid weight gain: these are sausages (including the so-called “doctor’s”), sausages, all semi-finished products, canned food, mayonnaise, fast food. These products are from the diet of a person losing weight, and simply leading healthy image life must be completely excluded.

As for sweets, products with high " glycemic index", which include sugar, honey, pastries, cakes, pastries, candies, chocolate, sweet drinks, are fat formation accelerators, so it is better for an overweight person to avoid them. However, removing favorite foods from your diet is always very difficult; this inevitably leads to depressed mood and breakdowns. If a person is unable to give up his favorite sweets, it is possible to leave them in small quantities, and only for breakfast. But let it be marshmallows, marshmallows or honey, and you need to eat them slowly, dissolving them in your mouth in order to feel their taste, because the weight of the bouquet of sensations is perceived precisely by the receptor zone in the oral cavity.

If a person is accustomed to a large number salty foods in the diet, you can advise replacing them regular salt seafood with low sodium content, use salt-free spices in cooking, season salads with lemon juice and add more greens to them.

- Many people want to eat without gaining weight: is this possible? What methods are there?

It's certainly possible. In my opinion, the more correct expression is: “To lose weight, you need to eat.” In the process of losing weight fundamental principle- regular meals. It involves eating 4-5 times a day with intervals between meals of 2.5-4 hours. Ideally, these are three main meals, necessarily including breakfast!, and 2 snacks.

Lack of snacks inevitably leads to overeating at main meals.

In addition, due to irregular nutrition, the body goes into “energy saving” mode, that is, it does not consume energy, but stores it, increasing fat formation.

ABOUT possible contraindications consult a specialist

Powders, cocktails and tablets that are advertised on the Internet for weight loss... Many people fall for the tempting “before” and “after” photos, buy and take these drugs. What effect do they actually have? Are any of them really useful? And how to recognize them?

Unfortunately, there are no miracles in the process of weight loss. Behind each real story success is the work of a person to change his habits, eating behavior, daily routine and physical activity. “Fat burners” from advertising are not capable of losing weight without any effort from the person losing weight, and many of them can even be harmful to health. After an examination, a nutritionist can prescribe dietary supplements that correct nutrition, replenishing the lack of micronutrients, but they do not reduce weight, but only help reduce it as safely as possible. Currently, only three are officially registered in Russia medicines used to treat obesity: orlistat, sibutramine and liraglutide. However, their use without medical prescription and supervision is unacceptable.

Many people, in pursuit of weight loss, lose 10-15 kilograms at once. How does this affect the body? And how many kilograms can you lose maximum weight per month without harming your body?

Of course, a weight loss program for each person should be developed individually, taking into account his age, gender, initial weight and health status.

But on average, a safe rate of weight loss is a loss of 2-4 kg per month.

Losing weight too quickly is fraught with both cosmetic problems: sagging skin and hair loss, and health problems: prolapse of the kidneys and disorders cardiovascular system, which does not have time to adapt to new body volumes.

In addition, it is very important to be sure that weight loss is due to fat tissue and not due to loss of muscle mass or fluid. This is possible if the weight loss program is implemented under the control of bioimpedance analysis of body composition. The study should be carried out at the beginning of the program to assess body composition and the intensity of metabolic processes, then once every 2-4 weeks during the process of losing body weight and once every 2-3 months during the period of maintaining results.

- Is vegetarianism really good for your health and weight?

I am categorically against strict vegetarianism, whose proponents insist on complete refusal from products of animal origin, because a balanced diet is unthinkable without animal protein.

Only animal protein contains everything essential amino acids, which are not produced in our body and must come from food. In addition, all strict vegetarians are deficient in iron, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Ovo- and lacto-vegetarians are able to avoid protein deficiency by eating eggs and dairy products, but they are deficient in iron, which is absorbed primarily from red meat. It is partially possible to compensate for iron deficiency with the help of fish and poultry, so non-strict vegetarians are in the most advantageous position. The only undoubted advantages of a vegetarian diet are a sharp reduction in the consumption of saturated fats and the enrichment of the diet with fiber.

Vegetarianism and ideal weight cannot be equated.

On the contrary, such a diet often leads to an excess of carbohydrates in the diet against the background of a decrease in protein intake and, in some cases, can lead to weight gain.

Consult a specialist about possible contraindications

- Not eating after 6 - truth or myth?

In fact, evening overeating is a big obstacle to ideal weight. After 18.00 it is unacceptable to consume foods containing mainly carbohydrates, including fruits. A dinner containing protein and vegetables is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime. However, people who have a habit of eating at night, developed over the years, can leave a light snack in evening time in the form of vegetables or egg whites.

Where should you start losing weight? Many people make unforgivable mistakes in this matter. Give professional advice. What could be the reason that the body does not want to “give up” kilograms?

The key to success in the weight loss process is the right motivation. As a rule, people who strive to lose weight to improve their health and achieve the figure of their dreams for life achieve their goals. Those who want to lose weight for an important event usually do not get long-term sustainable results.

Before starting a weight loss program, it is necessary to conduct a minimum examination, including general and biochemical analysis blood, blood glucose, bioimpedance study of body composition, obtain information about the state of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Sometimes unsuccessful attempts to lose weight are associated with hormonal disorders. An endocrinologist will help identify and correct diseases of the endocrine system.

There are general recommendations for everyone who wants to lose weight: regular nutrition, adequate drinking regime(35 mg per kg body weight clean water per day), eliminating sweets, minimizing animal fats in the diet, consuming adequate amounts of fiber and protein, adequate sleep (at least 5.5 hours a day, ideally 7-8 hours), planning the day in advance (everything that should be eaten tomorrow, should be thought out or even prepared today).

Frequent mistakes of those losing weight are the use of short-term diets, which inevitably lead to subsequent weight gain, the use of diuretics and laxatives, leading to weight loss due to dehydration, insufficient consumption of protein foods, in which weight loss occurs mainly due to muscle mass, and overindulgence power loads, which does not allow achieving the desired result.

Avoiding these mistakes, correctly building an individual weight loss program, taking into account your health status, habits and food preferences, work habits and daily routine, and achieving long-term results is possible with the support of a nutritionist.

But even if all the doctor’s recommendations are correctly followed, a person losing weight may face a test in the form of a so-called “weight plateau,” a period of no weight loss, which usually occurs when a loss of 10% of the initial body weight. The reason for this is that our body is very plastic and tends to store rather than give away energy, so it quickly adapts to a new eating style. In this case, the doctor reconsiders the diet, perhaps prescribing fasting days and advises changing your physical activity regime, which allows you to overcome temporary difficulties and successfully continue the path to the figure of your dreams.

Very often, all family members are overweight. Is it possible for a person who has hereditary predisposition to fullness?

Indeed, many people have a hereditary tendency to be overweight. However, we inherit only a predisposition, and whether it is realized depends only on ourselves.

Therefore, having relatives with excess body weight is not a reason to give up and is not an obstacle to being slim.

And thanks to the opportunities modern medicine we can obtain information about our genes that are responsible for the tendency to gain weight in response to a certain type of diet. It's about about the DNA test. It is performed once, since the set of genes does not change during life. Knowing your genetic characteristics, you can formulate an individual diet. The genetic diet is much softer and more gentle compared to all the others, since it may turn out that foods that are prohibited for everyone losing weight do not cause weight gain for you and will be permissible. A DNA test will help you understand whether fasting days are effective for you or whether they will only harm you, what kind of physical activity and in what volume is right for you. This will allow you to adjust your diet and physical activity so that a person easily and quickly loses extra pounds and was able to maintain a normal weight throughout his life.

Consult a specialist about possible contraindications

- Some have the opposite problem - they cannot gain weight. What could this be connected with?

- How to gain weight correctly? After all, eating everything in a row is, of course, not an option.

To gain weight, you need to monitor both the sufficient amount of food and its quality composition. The diet should be balanced in terms of basic macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), and also contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, with this diet, absorption nutrients will be the most complete.

The diet of a person seeking to increase body weight should include a maximum of healthy high-calorie foods and a minimum of sweets, processed foods, canned food, sausages, mayonnaise, chips, etc. products that have nothing to do with health. You need to consume enough complex carbohydrates(pasta from durum wheat, potatoes, cereals, grain bread, fruits and dried fruits), unsaturated fats, contained in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, fish and seafood. Special attention You should pay attention to adequate consumption of protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese), which are responsible for increasing muscle mass. In some cases, it is possible to connect specialized medical nutrition products.

Recently, prices for quality, organic products The food, to put it mildly, is not encouraging. Fresh vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, meat, seafood are quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Can proper nutrition be on a budget? How to replace useful ones, but expensive products? A famous nutritionist, an expert of the NUTRILITE™ brand, will talk about this Yulia Bastrigina.

Useful does not mean expensive

Often the “usefulness” of a number of products is dictated by fashion and their rather aggressive promotion on the market. But finding a replacement for one or another newfangled product is not difficult, especially if you study it food composition. Let's take quinoa, for example, and compare it with its analogues. So, dried lentils cost half as much, but will provide the body with 24 g of protein (quinoa - 14 g), fat - 1.5 (versus 6 for the opponent), carbohydrates - 42 (versus 57). Buckwheat and pearl barley They are slightly inferior in protein (1.5 and 4 units, respectively), but do not contain so many carbohydrates. Moreover, the price of such cereals is 6–7 times lower than quinoa.

Meals by season

Prices for seasonal products are always lower. Therefore, buy in winter sauerkraut, soaked apples, root vegetables: carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, potatoes, pumpkin.

Spring seasonal vegetables domestic production there are practically none as such. Almost all of the autumn reserves are lost by this time. valuable properties. So in the spring, look for options for fruits and vegetables from warm countries (Morocco, China, Israel, etc.), where the harvest is harvested several times a year. Saving here is a little more difficult than with domestic products, but it is also quite possible. Oranges, tangerines, pomelo, bananas - excellent helpers for health.

In the summer, of course, you should follow the ripening dates. So, do not buy watermelons in June - this is not their time. Manufacturers pump melons full of chemicals to add color and promote early ripening. But for onions, dill, radishes, parsley, lettuce, early varieties of cucumbers, cherries, June is the time. In mid-summer, in July, new potatoes, carrots, green peas, tomatoes, an assortment of berries (cherries, currants, gooseberries) are added to the previous list; in August - watermelons, melons, plums, apples, pears.

Autumn is the time of the remnants of the summer assortment of fruits, as well as all types of cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, greens, pumpkins, and young root vegetables.

And for a snack...

The recently popular candy bars designed for quick snacking carry too much energy. 100 g can contain from 250 to 430 kcal! At the same time, it is impossible to get a feeling of satiety from such a small volume. The same banana, weighing 100 g, will fill you better, and its calorie content will be three times less, and its carbohydrate content will be half as much. As for the price of the snack, it will also differ not in favor of the bar (the average price per kilogram of bananas is 60 rubles).

Products for everything

Currently, there is a fairly wide selection in the assortment of grocery stores. functional products. However, if you do not know the needs of your own body, choosing the best one is very difficult.

For example, you want to lose weight and cleanse yourself of toxins. You begin to focus on coarse fiber products (which is really appropriate here), but you miss one point: a couple of months of such nutrition (especially if you also gave up meat) - and a decrease in the amount of iron in the body, weakness, hair loss, nails, green face, shortness of breath under loads and general loss of performance is guaranteed.

Sweet and inexpensive!

If you no, no, and even think about how inexpensive and healthy dessert If you want to pamper yourself, you can safely choose marmalades made from natural juices, marshmallows and sugared berries. Such sweets will not cause significant harm to either your weight or your wallet.

The most useful and budget option

The healthiest and most inexpensive food is the one whose “path” you know. Cook your own from simple products: it can be cereals, pastas, fresh meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits.

You should definitely limit what is prepared “for you”. It is in such products that there is a maximum of substances that are not at all useful for the body with a very low content of necessary and valuable ones.

In no case limit yourself to a narrow list, even a very healthy products. Pressing the same exchange “keys” will sooner or later lead to poor health due to non-compliance with proper nutrition.

Now you know that for proper and healthy nutrition it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products. Cook, experiment, add to familiar dishes new ingredients, making food tasty, healthy and varied. Thus, very soon life will sparkle with new colors, and you will stop thinking about both the budget and diet!