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Cracks in the corners of the lips, what is missing. Incorrect bite, bad habits and more. How to cure dry lips

The condition of the lips says a lot about a person’s health, and peeling, cracking and dryness can indicate that there are quite serious problems in the body.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are a very unpleasant phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience: they spoil a person’s appearance, interfere with proper food intake and cause pain.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

Typically, cracks in the corners of the lips are a symptom of a lack of important elements in the body, for example, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, etc. In such cases, a person feels weak, looks pale and tired, gets tired quickly, his skin dries and peels, and his hair falls out.

It is worth considering the main causes of cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Cause Description


Deficiency of vitamins, and in particular vitamin B2, is a common cause of seizures, which are also called angular cheilitis. Vitamin deficiency can occur when the absorption of the vitamin is impaired (if the patient has intestinal or stomach diseases) or when it is insufficiently supplied to the body. A lack of vitamins is very often accompanied by the appearance of cracks.

Symptoms: first, the corners of the mouth turn red and then crack, swelling of the lips occurs, inflammation of the tongue, burning in the eyes and conjunctivitis may begin.


If a person has permanent injury corners of the mouth, the sore is often accompanied by the presence of bacteria in the body. In children, the same germs can cause cracked lips due to unwashed hands, sand getting into the mouth, etc.

Symptoms: erosion in the corner of the lips becomes crusty, constantly bleeds, and does not heal. As a rule, this applies not only to the corners of the mouth, but also to the lips, chin, etc.


Zaeda can be caused by only two types of infections: fungi and streptococci. They provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the upper layers of the skin. Both microbes are part of the pathogenic sphere that exists on the skin of all people, so in order for them to become active and form cracks, certain conditions are necessary.

Symptoms: redness of the corners of the mouth, cracking, slow healing.


Another cause of cracks is the filtering herpes simplex virus. Most often, children as young as two or three years old can become infected with it. Reasons for relapse – sharp deterioration immunity associated with stress, disorders, overwork, hypothermia, etc.

Symptoms: in addition to cracks - blisters on the lips, tingling, soreness, crust formation on the ulcer.

Fungal infections

Another common cause of cracks is candidiasis of the corners of the lips, otherwise known as yeast star. Pathogenic fungi multiply due to recent colds, various diseases such as diabetes, blood diseases, stomach diseases, intestinal diseases, etc., taking medications with hormones, drugs that suppress the immune system, antibacterial drugs etc.

Symptoms: a whitish coating on the ulcer, which can be removed quite easily.


The most common allergic reaction to personal care products or cosmetics, extreme heat or severe frost can cause chapped lips.

Symptoms: peeling of the skin around cracks, which appears immediately after exposure to adverse weather or contact with an allergen.

Impact environment

Severe cold or wind can cause angulitis.

Symptoms: cracks appear immediately after exposure to bad weather conditions.

Bad habits

Seizures appear due to the presence of bad habits in a person, such as smoking, frequent licking of lips, presence of any objects in the mouth, constant use alcoholic drinks. The first three habits described affect the skin in the corners of the mouth through many factors.

Frequently holding the tip of a writing utensil in the mouth leads to infection with pathogenic microbes. Drinking alcohol weakens human body, promotes more development existing diseases.

Symptoms: cracks in the corners of the lips, which disappear after eliminating the described habits.

Diseases of the lips (cheilitis in the photo)

Symptoms: dry facial skin, reddened corners of the lips, cracks, swelling and dryness of the lips, small scales on them.

  • A crack with relapses appears as a consequence of general diseases, pathologies of blood vessels and the nervous system. Such traumas can also accompany mental and emotional disorders.

Symptoms: bloody crust on the ulcer, the ulcer itself is soft but painful.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Eating may indicate diseases of the stomach or intestines caused by excess secretion of toxins. coli in organism. Cracks are precisely an allergy to the stick.

Bite features

Cracked corners of a person's mouth may indicate an incorrect bite.

If one jaw protrudes more than the other, the lips become irritated.


Patients with tuberculosis often suffer from tuberculosis seizures when in serious condition.

Symptoms: sharp pain of erosion, undermined edges of cracks, poor general condition of the patient.


A common crack may appear to be a chancre, which is a sign of primary syphilis. If left untreated, the type will become secondary.

Symptoms: a gray-whitish coating on the crack, pain only when opening the mouth and talking, with a hard base, if it is stretched, it becomes rounded.


The main symptom of jamming is the development of an inflammatory process in the corners of the mouth:

  • redness;
  • small wounds;
  • blood crust;
  • raid.

The fissure can be very painful if you open your mouth; there is often itching, burning, a feeling of tightness and dryness, especially during meals.


Mandatory stages of diagnosis are visual examination and testing.

An examination for suspected angulitis includes the following steps:

  • visual inspection;
  • taking a smear to determine the type of pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment.

As additional measures the following methods may be prescribed complex diagnostics:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • consultation with a specialist doctor: dentist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist, etc.

Treatment methods

It is necessary to treat angulitis only under observation experienced specialist. You should definitely go to the clinic and pass everything necessary tests. Only a doctor can prescribe medications that will really help, after first finding out the cause of the cracks.


Select an ointment after diagnosis by a doctor.

For quick disposal for cracks, you can purchase a special ointment sold at any pharmacy.

Among the most popular options are the following:

  • nystatin and levarin ointments– quickly relieve pain and have a powerful wound-healing effect, good in the presence of a fungal infection in the body;
  • mercury and erythromycin ointments– antibiotics with bactericidal properties;
  • Fluconazole, Lamisil– eliminate candidiasis, can also be used for prevention;
  • Vishnevsky ointment– an anti-inflammatory agent that quickly heals wounds and regenerates tissue.

Immunity restoration

For angulitis, drugs that stimulate the immune system are very important:

  • Imudon- a medicine to get rid of inflammatory processes on the lips and oral cavity;
  • Lycopid– an immunostimulating drug, prescribed for immunodeficiency, relapses of common diseases, etc.;
  • Arbidolantiviral medicine, produced in capsules;
  • thymus preparations, actively stimulate the immune system, are prescribed only by a doctor.

Vitamin replenishment

Oil solutions vitamin A and E

The body for treatment at home Replenishment of vitamins A and E is required, which must be consumed orally in the form of a solution.

Locally, ointments and creams with natural herbal compositions that have a calming effect are used for the same purposes.

For general replenishment of the body's deficiency essential vitamins Experts recommend eating foods with increased content useful substances, visit more often fresh air and use prescribed vitamin complexes.

Features of treatment for adults

Nutrition during treatment should be as balanced as possible, with a high content of vitamins, the deficiency of which often causes cracks in the corners of the lips.

For better absorption such products must also be consumed rich in vitamins C or E food, for example, as much as possible fresh vegetables or olive oil.

How to cure cracks in the corners of the lips in children

It is important to determine what exactly is deficient in the child’s body.

After this, special children's vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Correction of nutrition is required, adding dairy products, eggs, beef, liver, fish, cereals and brewer's yeast to the menu.

Important! If cracks appear constantly, it is necessary to conduct an additional in-depth examination.

Traditional methods

When a seizure appears, many decide not to use pharmaceutical drugs, preferring traditional medicine. Its adherents recommend products that can be used to smear cracks in the corners of the lips:

  • cucumber juice;
  • compress of crushed plantain leaves;
  • application to erosion of a clove of garlic cut in half;
  • washing with soda solution;
  • rinsing with strong tea leaves;
  • propolis ointment. One hundred grams butter mixed with ten grams of propolis, heated in a water bath, and then used as an ointment for seizures.


Don't forget chapsticks in cold weather!

Prevention measures consist of maintaining normal water balance in the body, which will help avoid drying out the skin of the lips and the formation of cracks.

It is necessary to drink enough liquid, and in cold weather use greasy lipstick. During periods of vitamin deficiency, it is mandatory to take multivitamin complexes.

Only a competent and clear approach to the problem can help to establish their origin and quickly get rid of them. There is no need to stop halfway when eliminating cracks in the corners of your lips. It is better for a specialist to conduct a basic examination that will prevent relapses.

Excessive dryness and cracks around the mouth are an unpleasant symptom. To quickly get rid of this condition, you need to know the causes of dryness if dryness occurs in the corners of the lips. Sometimes it is not enough to simply use chapstick. And in addition to dryness, the skin in the corners of the lips may dry out, crack, and redness may appear.

Influence of stimuli

The causes and treatment of dryness are closely interrelated, since depending on the reason for dry lips, the appropriate therapeutic effect will be prescribed. Why is this happening? If lips come into contact with various irritants, skin may appear. various reactions, like allergies. Increased sensitivity can be caused either by a single contact with an allergen or by prolonged contact with it. The main irritants include:

  1. Exposure to too high or low temperatures, sun rays, wind. Dry corners of the lips are often observed in the spring, and dry skin is more common in men; in women, such phenomena are observed less frequently, this is due to the fact that they often use cosmetics that protect against exposure negative factors from outside.
  2. Why else might there be dry corners of the mouth? When skin comes into contact with dental instruments or substances used to fill teeth.
  3. Components that make up lipsticks and other care products can be potential allergens, causing redness of the corner of the mouth and dryness of the epidermis.
  4. Toothpaste that contains a high fluoride content is very drying.
  5. When eating too hot, salty or spicy foods, citrus fruits, you may experience Negative influence on the skin, resulting in dryness.
  6. Smokers often experience unilateral cheilitis, in the area where the cigarette is clamped.

In this case, dryness can be treated by eliminating the allergen from a person’s life. Additionally, you can lubricate the skin with fenistil or sinaflan. But usually, after the allergens are eliminated, the unpleasant symptoms go away on their own, after a certain time.

Licking skin

Licking your lips too often can also cause cheilitis. Additionally, symptoms such as redness, dryness, and the appearance of crusts on the surface of the epidermis occur; after their removal, red spots appear.

It is necessary to get rid of a bad habit. According to many experts, constant licking of the mouth is a consequence of stress or neurosis, so it is recommended to visit a psychiatrist or neurologist; you may need to take sedatives or sedatives.

Infectious processes

Why does dryness still appear above the lips or in the corners of the mouth? Other provocateurs of cheilitis include pathogens. Often this disease develops in those people who suffer from weakness immune system. With the development of fungal or bacterial cheilitis, the main symptoms are dryness, peeling and redness of the skin around the mouth. In the first stages of the development of the disease, irritation of the epidermis is observed, after which scales form, the lips begin to peel, after which active peeling is observed, erosions appear in place of the crusts, and they often bleed.

Often, when the skin becomes very dry, painful cracks appear on the surface of the lips and in the corners of the mouth; they cause a lot of inconvenience to a person - it is impossible to fully eat or talk.

Sometimes increased dryness of the corners may appear at one of the stages of treatment for vesicular dermatitis. In this situation, such a symptom appears after the blisters and ulcers have healed. Also, this condition may indicate the development pathological conditions in internal organs(for example, in the organs of the digestive system).

Vitamin deficiency

Why else can dryness appear in the corners of the lips? With an acute deficiency of vitamin substances, unpleasant signs also appear in the body. Lack of B vitamins, retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid most often occurs in the following conditions:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • toxicosis in the first or last trimester;
  • lack of a complete diet (for example, when constantly on dietary nutrition with a protein-free diet).

If there is a lack of vitamins, a course of taking multivitamin complexes is usually prescribed to replenish them in the body. It is also recommended to include in the diet a large number of fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, lactic acid products.

Other reasons

More often bad habits observed in children. Unpleasant symptoms appear when biting nails, while constantly holding foreign objects (pens, toys) in the mouth.

When the body is dehydrated, the skin around the mouth also becomes dry, its elasticity decreases, and the oral mucosa becomes dry. Such symptoms are often observed with increased physical activity, with constant physical training, if this is not observed drinking regime. This condition is also observed when high temperature, regardless of age category.

When metabolism is disrupted, dryness also appears. This condition is observed during the development diabetes mellitus, If thyroid produces hormonal substances in excess, with the development of systemic lupus erythematosus.

How to cure dry lips

In order to get rid of constant dryness, you should first analyze your drinking regime. Sometimes drinking about two liters of water a day is enough to eliminate the symptom. It is also recommended to eliminate potential allergens from the patient’s life, change toothpaste, try to be under as little as possible sun rays or at strong wind, eliminate smoking and other bad habits.

It is also recommended to apply moisturizing and nourishing balms, lipsticks or creams that contain natural ingredients(cocoa butter, lanolin, petroleum jelly, paraffin). To maximize the effect, it is recommended to treat the skin 15 minutes before going outside. Such products are sold in pharmacy chains and in supermarkets.

You can use recipes traditional medicine. It is recommended to make fruit masks - chop apples, bananas and mix with a small amount of any vegetable oil. You can lubricate the skin with sour cream. If the cause of unpleasant symptoms is a bacterial infection, doctors prescribe antibiotics, antifungals, and corticosteroids. In the presence of allergic reactions are used antihistamines. All dosages and duration of therapy are prescribed only by the doctor after examination and smear.

If you lick too often, you need to control your actions. If you cannot get rid of such a habit on your own, this may indicate the development of neurosis. In this case, sedatives will help medicines, sedatives, antidepressants.

Cracks in the corners of the lips are popularly called “jams.” IN medical terminology There are several definitions for this phenomenon, depending on the reasons for its occurrence. Whatever they are, “stuck” is a signal of problems in the body, and it cannot be ignored. The causes and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips require careful analysis and a competent approach.

In fact, inflammation and cracks in the corners of the mouth never appear for any one reason. Immune mechanisms well protect the epidermis of the lips, which is constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical, temperature and microbiological influences. For the development of a seizure, there must be a coincidence of two or three provoking factors discussed below.


One of the main conditions for the occurrence of cracks is the weakening of the general or local immunity. That is why “jam” often develops against the background of deficiency conditions - lack of vitamins, iron and zinc.

From vitamins highest value for healthy lip skin there are four – A, C, E and B2:

VitaminImportance for lip skin
AIn the cells of the mucous membrane of the lips, it provides a barrier function, restores epithelial tissue, stimulates collagen synthesis, increases the activity of leukocytes that resist infections.
EImproves cellular nutrition, protects cell walls from damage, increases skin elasticity, slows down the aging process of epidermal cells, and participates in regeneration processes.
WITHBeing an antioxidant, it participates in immune mechanisms, accelerates regeneration processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens small vessels in tissues, improves iron absorption.
AT 2Activates cellular respiration, participates in immune processes, works directly in epidermal cells, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Any factors causing deficiency these vitamins - frequent colds, wrong lifestyle, poor nutrition, unbalanced diets, hormonal disorders, long-term use medications - can indirectly lead to the occurrence of “seizure”.


Often, cracks in the corners of the mouth appear after visiting the dentist. This is due to prolonged overstretching of tissues and mechanical stress on them. Subsequently, microorganisms enter the resulting wounds, and a “jam” develops.

In a similar way, cracks appear in young children who learn about the world by putting all the objects available to them into their mouths. In this case, an additional provoking factor is increased salivation during teething. In a humid environment, the development of pathogenic flora is more active, and the healing process is delayed.


This reason is often directly related to one or two previous ones.

The source of infection can be anything:

  • dishes, towels and other household items;
  • poor hand hygiene;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • lipstick;
  • old toothbrush;
  • kisses;
  • associated oral health problems - caries, pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Even normal microflora skin, which usually does not manifest itself aggressively, with decreased immunity and injuries to the corners of the lips can trigger pathological process. However, most often “jams” of a streptococcal nature are observed. Microcracks can also be infected by fungi of the genus Candida, the same ones that cause the well-known thrush.

Streptococcal impetigo is scientifically called “slit-shaped streptococcal impetigo.” Fungal - “candidiasis angulitis”. They differ in character from each other:

Symptoms and course of slit-like streptococcal impetigoSymptoms and course of candidiasis angulitis
Against the background of dry lips, redness with small blisters - conflicts - appears in the corners. After some time, they open, releasing purulent watery contents. In their place, erosions remain and become covered with crusts. The scabs often crack and bleed. The corners of the lips take on the appearance of one large ulcerBright red shiny erosions with a pale edging appear in the corners of the lips. It develops on it white coating. The skin under the plaque becomes covered with many small cracks. There are no bubbles or crusts.

At adequate therapy both types of “seizures” pass in 5-7 days. In unfavorable conditions, the course of diseases can become chronic nature. Candidiasis angulitis has a particular tendency to relapse.

The action of microbes and fungi is a prerequisite for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips. All other reasons are concomitant.

Lip diseases

A “seed” of a herpetic nature can occur relatively rarely. For its occurrence, the presence of a virus in the blood is required. Herpetic inflammation can be localized on any part of the lips, including the corner. Its distinctive property is the ability to grow in any direction. Cracks in herpes appear after the blisters open and crusts form.

A disease of the lips such as cheilitis – inflammation of the red border – can also provoke a lip disorder. One of the most rare causes the appearance of cracks is a manifestation of Fordyce's disease - blockage and hypertrophy sebaceous glands. Because on the lips sebaceous glands located mainly in the corners, the pathological process sometimes leads to the development of “jamming”.

Bad habits

Some bad habits also play a certain role in the occurrence of cracks:

  • Habit of biting and licking lips. The microflora that lives in the mouth easily penetrates wounds and microcracks with saliva, causing an inflammatory process.
  • Smoking. Few people wash their hands before putting a cigarette in their mouth, so pathogens entering the epidermis of the lips is inevitable. In addition, nicotine has a bad effect on the absorption of vitamin B2. Both of these circumstances make smoking a risk factor for cracks in the corners of the lips.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets. It has been noticed that people with a sweet tooth and diabetics more often suffer from “jam”. Increased level Blood sugar leads to metabolic disorders and decreased immunity.

Drinking alcohol can also trigger the development of cracks in the corners of the mouth. Ethanol causes general dehydration of the body. Dried epidermal cells lose their elasticity, and wounds and cracks easily appear on the lips.

Allergic, weather

Sometimes the corners of the lips may crack due to allergic inflammations skin. They often occur as a response to the consumption of certain products or the use of cosmetics. IN similar cases The corners of the lips begin to itch and turn red. Cracks appear on them if the affected areas are constantly scratched and touched with your hands.

The list of conditions under which “jams” develop is completed by some climatic factors. These include dry and hot air and scorching sun. They actively dry out the skin. Loss of moisture from the epidermis of the lips leads to cracking.

Diagnosis of the disease

To find out why cracks appear in the corners of the lips, you need to visit general practitioner. Only qualified specialist will determine the exact cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

Typically, diagnosis begins with a smear taken from the affected area. After sowing and microbiological research the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct drug.

In addition to the smear, the following tests may be required to clarify the diagnosis and identify concomitant diseases:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood sugar test;
  • herpes virus test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • HIV and syphilis testing.

The latter are needed in order to carry out differentiated diagnostics. Often with secondary syphilis, hard papules with cracks and erosions form in the corners of the lips, reminiscent of a banal “meat”.

For constantly recurring cracking of the corners of the mouth, the therapist can refer you for consultation to a dermatologist, dentist, ENT doctor and endocrinologist.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips in adults and children

The treatment plan for cracks in the corners of the mouth in adults and children is no different and looks like this:

Treatment stageDrugs and procedures
Local treatment with antisepticsFuracilin solution, Miramistin, water solution Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. Used in the form of irrigation or applications.
Local treatment with antibiotics or antifungal ointmentsFor a fungal infection - nystatin or levorin ointment, Clotrimazole.
At bacterial infection– tetracycline or erythromycin ointment, “Baneocin”.
Local treatment with wound-healing drugsCreams “Bepanten”, “Pantoderm”, “Dexpanthenol”.
Immunity restorationFor children under 3 years old - Viferon candles.
For children over 3 years old - drugs “Immunal”, “Anaferon”, “Viferon”, “Arbidol”, suppositories “Imunofan”.
For children over 12 years of age and adults - the drugs “Imunofan”, “Amiksin”, “Galavit”, “Viferon”.
Elimination of vitamin deficiencyFor children under 2 years old - Baby Plex or Smart Omega Baby.
For children over 2 years old – preparations “Sana-Sol”, “Vitrum Kids”.
For children over 12 years old and adults – “Centrum from A to Zinc”.

Therapy must be carried out in parallel concomitant diseases. Also, during the period of treatment, it is necessary to exclude from the diet spicy, sour, salty, sweet food and alcohol. It is also important to monitor the temperature of the food - it should not be too hot or cold.

A combination of medicinal antiseptics and folk wound healing agents gives an excellent effect:

  • Aloe leaf infusion. Keep cut old aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 4 hours, chop, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a dark place for 24 hours. After this, make applications with a cotton swab moistened with the infusion.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Pour the cake obtained after squeezing the juice from sea buckthorn berries vegetable oil(0.5 l per 3 cups of cake). Leave for several days in a dark, warm place, then strain and treat the affected areas. You can also use pharmaceutical sea buckthorn oil.
  • Decoction of chamomile and string. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry raw material of each herb into 1 cup of boiling water and bring to a boil. Cool under the lid, strain and apply with a cotton swab.
  • Green tea. Brew strong green tea, cool, strain and apply compresses to the affected area.

For use folk remedies It's important to have a sensible approach. Do not try to lubricate cracks and ulcers with earwax, cigarette ash or cut onions. Such exotic recipes as running a knife or hair over a sore area are also best left aside. Honey, often recommended for the treatment of this disease, will not help either.

It is important to understand that cracks in the corners of the lips - complex problem, requiring an appropriate decision. If you simply treat the wounds, ignoring the cause of the phenomenon, the disease will return again and again.

Cracks in the corners of the lips are a very common phenomenon observed in people. different ages. Moreover, lips dry and crack regardless of weather conditions, time of year or gender.

In the vast majority of cases, few people pay attention to such a minor problem, and only when these cracks become very painful and deep do they cause us concern. Why do lips and corners of lips crack, and how to prevent this problem?

Why do cracks occur?

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are often called nicks because they give the impression of being dirty when eating. When they appear suddenly, they cause us some discomfort. Ignoring such cracks is the height of frivolity, because... their appearance may signal to us the presence serious problems with health.

Why do the corners of my lips crack? There may be several reasons why the corners of the lips crack, but the main one is vitamin deficiency. Most often, the appearance of cracks is caused by a lack of B vitamins in the body.

In addition, the lips and corners of the mouth crack in the following cases:

  • with systematic non-compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene - improper brushing of teeth, the presence of constant foci of infection in the mouth;
  • when available individual characteristics bite;
  • as a reaction to any allergen (product or cosmetic);
  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • if there are problems in the functioning of the digestive organs.

If your lips often crack and you cannot identify the causes of this phenomenon on your own, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

What to do with cracks?

Most often, cracks in the corners of the mouth do not require any special treatment, you can quite successfully get rid of them at home. In this case, you can use it as medications, and traditional medicine.

The most popular means and methods of traditional medicine include:

  • natural oils for lubrication - avocado, sea buckthorn, rosehip and olive;
  • plantain and aloe juice;
  • infusions of chamomile, green tea, sage and calendula in the form of compresses;
  • natural honey

For those who are skeptical about traditional medicine, there are several medications in the pharmacy that can quite successfully cope with the problem of cracks in the corners of the mouth. These drugs include: ointments “Levomikol”, “Iruksol”, “ Melithuracil».

Before using any drug, you should at least consult a pharmacist, and it is best to use medications strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

What to do if cracks appear frequently?

If your lips dry out and crack frequently and the reason for this is an incorrect bite, in this case you should consult an orthodontist for help. Currently, it is possible to correct the bite completely painlessly and in a short period of time and avoid the occurrence of cracks.

Lips can peel and crack if there are quite serious health problems, for example, the presence of serious infections in the body, precancerous condition, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the formation of cracks, dry mouth, general deterioration of the condition, dark circles under the eyes. If you experience any of the above signs and symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

It is important for anyone who often has dry, flaky and cracked corners of their lips to know that they should never use someone else’s dishes, personal hygiene products, towels or cosmetics.

How to prevent peeling and cracking?

In order to prevent cracking and peeling of the skin of the lips, it is necessary to take care of it regularly: apply hygienic lipstick before going outside, and also use it at home during the heating season when the air humidity in apartments is very low due to central heating.

If possible, get such a necessary device as an air humidifier, the use of which will have a positive effect not only on the condition of your lips, but also general condition skin.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth are signs of a skin disorder that is scientifically known as angular stomatitis (also known as cheilosis or cheilitis). Despite the fact that cracks in the corners of the mouth are not at all dangerous to health, they greatly interfere with Everyday life. If you have chapped corners of your lips, it will be painful to talk, eat, smile, and even at rest you may feel pain. Aesthetically, this problem is also very unpleasant.

Why do the corners of my lips crack?

As a rule, this symptom can rarely mean some really serious illnesses, is not actually life threatening. But to clarify this, you need to turn your attention to solving this problem. What to do if the corners of your lips crack? What are the reasons for this process?

External factors:

  • Cold, windy weather.
  • Arid climate.
  • Arid climate.
  • Dry indoor air.
  • Excessive sun exposure.

Internal factors:

  • The presence of a bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Colds.
  • If you have difficulty breathing through your nose (mouth breathing).
  • Vitamin deficiency is also one of the most common causes of skin disorder - cheilitis.
  • A weakened immune system results in a slower healing process for the body.
  • Allergic reaction to low-quality lipstick or balm.
  • Various skin dermatitis.
  • Allergic reactions to toothpaste.

Other factors:

  • The reason that causes ulcerations at the corners of the mouth is the use of dentures. The main cause of cracks is the accumulation of saliva at the corners of the mouth. Due to the accumulation of saliva in this area of ​​the mouth, bacteria and fungi can become concentrated. And hence lead to skin infection. Older people are very prone to cracks in the corners of their mouth. Why them? Because dentures are most often used.
  • Angular cheilitis can be caused by improperly fitting dentures and braces.
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth can be caused by increased salivation during sleep and constant licking of lips. People who have dry and irritated lips have the habit of constantly moisturizing their lips by licking them. However, this is an unhealthy habit because saliva is full of bacteria. Constant licking will only create a moist environment, which is favorable for the development of infection.

Prevention and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips

  • If there is a problem with cracks, it is best to exclude from your diet foods that contain acid (oranges, tomatoes) or consume them very carefully.
  • It is important to ensure that there is no mechanical irritation. Common cause This is wearing braces and removable dentures.
  • In winter, protect the affected lip area with regular smears of Vaseline or lip balm. This will prevent contact with saliva and soften the skin at the corners of the mouth.
  • A common mistake made by those suffering from dry corners of the mouth is trying to moisturize the affected skin. In fact, you should drink through a straw to avoid wetting the corners of your mouth. Continue to do this until complete recovery.
  • All these reasons individually and collectively cause this discomfort. Immediately when you discover that you have chapped corners of your lips, try to take immediate action.
  • In any pharmacy you can find many medications that should help you solve this problem. It is important to buy a drug that will truly heal, soothe sore skin and relieve discomfort.