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How to treat gases in the intestines. How to get rid of gases in the intestines. What foods can lead to the formation of gases in the intestines and the development of flatulence?

Gas formation in the intestines is a normal process of the organ. But due to the influence of certain factors, activity is disrupted, leading to excessive formation of gases. Their content is considered to be within 0.9 liters. An excess is usually called flatulence, which accompanies a large number of gastrointestinal diseases.

Bloating may occur after eating certain foods. For example, beans, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin and onions - they break down into carbohydrates, releasing gas.

All reasons are divided into groups:

1. Nutritional, related to dietary habits.

2. Digestive, appearing due to impaired function of enzyme secretion. This is caused by the presence chronic pancreatitis and enteritis, which is a reason to consult a doctor.

3. Dysbiotic, when the ratio of the number of bacteria belonging to normal microflora and opportunistic, called dysbiosis.

4. Mechanical reasons. Oncology in the intestines, worms or constipation can interfere with this process.

5. Dynamic, when intestinal innervation is impaired with decreased peristalsis. Because of this, food stagnates and fermentation begins.

6. Circulatory - with an incorrect process of absorption of gases when they are neutralized by the liver.

7. High altitude - occasionally during a decrease in pressure in the intestines, called the effect of opening champagne.

8. And such a group of reasons as dysphagia, which appears due to a malfunction of the central nervous system. This occurs after a stroke, when a person cannot swallow food normally, swallowing a lot of air that enters the stomach and intestines.

Some of the reasons listed require immediate appeal to specialists to diagnose a possible serious illness and promptly respond adequately to it.


Bloating is accompanied by unpleasant smell. The reason for this is the presence of compounds such as indole, skatole and hydrogen sulfide, which appear under the influence of microflora.

Constant gas with pain in the right side indicates an exacerbation of pancreatitis. In addition to this sign, there are local symptoms, indicating impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. The presence of abdominal pain due to stretching of the walls.

2. Due to an excess of gases, unpleasant bloating occurs.

3. The appearance of rumbling due to mixing with liquid food.

4. Belching - gas in the stomach comes out through the oral cavity.

5. Loose stools or, conversely, constipation.

6. Flatulence is often accompanied by nausea due to digestive problems associated with the formation of toxins and undigested products in the intestines.

7. The release of gas from the rectum with an unpleasant odor, causing discomfort to the person (flatulation).

General symptoms constant gas formation are:

  • Rapid pulse.
  • There may be a burning sensation in the heart area.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Mood worsens until depressive state and weakness appears throughout the body.

Diagnostic methods

Increased gas formation is diagnosed by clinical symptoms using the following methods:

1. Examination of feces in the laboratory for enzymatic insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, called coprogram.

2. To confirm the violation of the ratios intestinal microflora, you need to do a stool culture for dysbacteriosis.

3. To see the presence of mechanical obstacles that prevent the movement of food and gases in the organ will be done by X-ray of the intestines.

4. To examine the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract with the ability to take a piece of tissue, FEGDS should be done.

5. Colonoscopy can examine the cavity of the large intestine.

If we talk about treatment after diagnosis, the main thing is to eliminate the cause that led to this condition. Medicines are prescribed according to this. If gas formation is caused by an infection in the intestines, the doctor will recommend taking antibiotics that help wide range actions.

For flatulence caused by dysbacteriosis, bacteriophages, lacto- and bifidobacteria are prescribed. Diagnosed enzymatic deficiency is eliminated with enzyme-containing agents. If a malignant tumor is detected in the intestine, then surgery will most likely be necessary.

In any case, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, especially if eliminating harmful foods from the diet did not have the desired effect and the problem remains.

Drug form of therapy

1. Defoamers based on simethicone can cure gas formation. These include Baby Calm, Espumisan (taken after meals), Dysphagyl, Dimethicone and others.

2. Drugs that absorb both gas bubbles and all toxins from the intestines are called enterosorbents - these are Phosphalugel (drink after meals), Polysorb, Carbulose, simple Activated carbon.

3. Cerucal tablets with Motilium can strengthen intestinal motility.

4. Natural medicinal products are dill decoction and Plantex tea, drink them after meals.

5. Enzyme preparations that improve digestion processes: Creon, Pancreatin, Unienzyme.

6. Enterosgel, produced in Russia, is considered a new adsorbent agent. The basis of the treatment is a substance that absorbs all harmful microelements like a sponge. Its peculiarity lies in its absolute harmlessness and the ability to be taken, if necessary, with other medications.

  • About Motilium - available in tablets, suspension and absorbable lozenges. In the latter option, there is no need to use water, since the drug dissolves in the mouth instantly.
  • Phosphalugel is a homogeneous gel with an orange flavor with a white or milky tint. For treatment, it should be taken with water – washed down, not diluted. Used from 6 years of age.
  • Unienzyme is an enzymatic agent that improves digestion processes. Taking it after 20 minutes relieves unpleasant symptoms.

It is necessary to reconsider the daily diet, because flatulence may be associated precisely with the consumption of any foods that cause it. But if you follow a diet and the problem does not go away, you need to seek help from a specialist, as this indicates the development of the disease, which will require more serious treatment.

You can cure increased formation of gases in the intestines without the use of tablets, simply by following simple rules:

  • Drink enough water.
  • Eating should be slow and thoroughly chewed.
  • Do not consume carbonated drinks, chewing gum or baked goods.

About unconventional means

How to get rid of gas using traditional methods? If a person refuses to take pills for personal reasons, other methods can be used.

1. An infusion of flaxseed or chamomile herbs (flowers) provides excellent treatment.

2. If there is a simultaneous problem with the liver, in order to get rid of gas formation on your own, make buttercup tincture or, in other words, Night Blindness. The drink also reduces the amount of gases and normalizes liver function.

3. Helps get rid of flatulence peppermint with ginger, at the same time restoring intestinal function.

4. Dill, coriander and cumin are excellent treatments. ethnoscience is rich in a variety of methods for eliminating this ailment, including grandmother’s secrets:

  • Between meals, you should drink sage infusion.
  • To get rid of excessive gases, it is recommended to make tea that includes chamomile, immortelle, dill seed and peppermint.
  • Treatment can be done with infused crushed calamus root.

5. Recipe for making black salt - take black bread (crumb) and fill it with salt, then knead the dough by adding water. Then it needs to be baked until black. Grate the cooled flatbread and use the resulting salt instead of store-bought salt.

6. Nuts can also reduce gas formation - mix walnuts and pine nuts with lemon and then chop. Add purified clay with honey. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

The importance of a balanced diet

First you need to find out the cause of flatulence, eliminating serious illnesses. By removing everything from the diet harmful products, you can improve your bowel function without taking pills. Greatest harm for the intestines in terms of gas formation are carbohydrates, alimentary fiber and starch. There are a lot of carbohydrates in the following foods:

  • Lots of vegetables as well confectionery and dietary dishes.
  • A variety of fruits, sweet juices and soft drinks.
  • Milk can cause flatulence if you are intolerant to it.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, including water, herbal teas and juices (freshly squeezed). You need to add foods from... sour milk, porridge (buckwheat, millet and others) in loose form, as well as boiled vegetables (carrots and beets).

You should not overeat and talk while eating - this will also cause excessive gas formation. Eliminate fatty foods, coffee with chocolate and exotic fruits. If the cause of flatulence is poor digestion, you will need to consume only rice porridge on water, mint tea without sugar and mineral water no gases.

Strong physical exercise has a positive effect on the intestines. At the same time, the whole body will say “thank you” to you, as your mood will rise, your body will take on excellent shape and your life will sparkle with new colors.

People of all ages, both men and women, are sometimes bothered by gas in their intestines. For an adult, the norm is to contain less than 1 liter of gas at a time. The cause of gas formation in the intestines may be a malfunction digestive system, or even the beginning of the development of certain diseases. Increased gas formation in the intestines torments a person with pain, noise, a nasty smell of hydrogen sulfide, and the patient often swells.

Accumulation of gases in the stomach is usually the result of an unbalanced diet.

Where do gases come from in the intestines?

Excessive pressure that gases create in the digestive system can cause uncontrolled gas release. Characteristic manifestations excess gas causes intestinal bloating () and pain. Excessive gas formation can lead to nausea or vomiting. Concomitants of overgassing are diarrhea, constipation or numerous belchings. Often there is rumbling and gurgling in the stomach and intestines. The patient has a feeling as if feces are collecting in the stomach, he is very bloated, and his thoughts are occupied by the desire to release foul-smelling gases. Causal factors states are considered:

  • Composition of products. Large amounts of food themselves produce gases as they are digested and excreted from the body. Irritants include potatoes, grapes, peas, beans, and carbonated water. There are foods whose consumption is fraught with fermentation in the body. These include beer with kvass, bakery products. People with lactose intolerance will experience pain from bloating in the stomach when eating dairy foods.
  • Insufficient secretion of enzymes necessary for normal digestion. The food is not completely broken down, as a result of which an excess of gas bubbles is produced, causing a person to swell a lot. This means that they are tormented by diseases - pancreatitis or enteritis.

Signs of illness

Manifestations can be general (malaise) and local (associated with the digestive system). General symptoms:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • decreased cardiac stability;
  • disorder, depression;
  • discomfort in the heart - a constantly swollen intestine presses on the nerves that go to the heart.

Local symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • excessive release of gas (sometimes involuntary and noisy) from the rectum;
  • pain - the intestines swell, causing painful spasms;
  • feeling like your stomach is bloated - characteristic feature excess gas;
  • belching - occurs when gas is released from the stomach back through the esophagus, and there is a strong smell;
  • noise - fluids in the intestines mix with gases and gurgle, gas travels through the intestines;
  • constipation or diarrhea, incontinence are frequent companions of gas pollution;
  • other disorders - when there is gas contamination, abundant release begins.

Gases during pregnancy

Hormonal and physiological changes during gestation affect digestion, which often provokes bloating.

Why does this problem occur during pregnancy? When a new life is born, a constant change occurs in the body, and first of all it concerns hormones. Normally expectant mother the blood contains a high amount of progesterone, which is needed to reduce the tone in the uterus and prevent miscarriage. The bad news is that an increase in hormone levels affects not only the uterus, but also the intestinal walls. The tone decreases, incontinence develops, feces leave the body more slowly than usual, stagnation of gases and a putrid odor are formed.

During pregnancy, additional pain comes from the uterus, which enlarges and puts more pressure on the intestines, which are already swollen. Gas pollution increases constant chronic diseases and painful microflora disorder. A pregnant woman should monitor her diet and lifestyle. Low mobility during pregnancy and eating certain foods (beans, bread, large amounts of apple juice) can lead to unpleasant consequences.

How to get rid of the problem?

When treating gas pollution, a person must first treat the “hot” causes that cause the symptom. If there are difficulties in moving food through the intestines, Cerucal will be effective. Constipation is treated with laxatives, cancer is treated surgically. When a lack of healthy microflora is diagnosed, probiotics that contain the necessary bacteria are recommended. Common and safe means for the treatment of gases is “Espumizan”. The drug is allowed to be used by elderly people, mothers with infant.

The drug will help cope with gas formation

If you urgently need to deal with the issue of gas formation in the intestines, there are several groups of drugs with different effects. The first group is purification, sorbents (“Enterosgel”, “Phosphalugel”). The following means to get rid of gas in the intestines are drugs that contain enzymes necessary for digestion (Pancreatin, Mezim). The third group of drugs activates the defoaming process. Excess gases are a walking foam block that needs to be removed. These drugs will help improve mechanical work intestines and increase the ability of the intestines to absorb, can reduce gurgling and unpleasant symptom odor (“Simethicone”, “Dimethicone”).

In the digestive tract, during chewing food, they produce special enzymes, helping to digest what you eat. Metabolic disorders caused by hormonal imbalances or pancreatic diseases, regular overeating leads to stagnation of products in the large intestine. The body does not have time to produce acid to break down dinner or breakfast, and it begins to rot. As a result, gases are released, the person suffers from bloating, heaviness and belching.

Step 1: Diet

You should start by studying your own menu. Over the course of several days or a week, write down all the foods you eat in a notebook, and monitor which ones provoke increased gas formation. When the sources of the problem are identified, all that remains is to adjust the diet, and your health will improve.

Exists special list Foods to avoid during flatulence:

  • cabbage;
  • beans;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • ice cream;
  • gooseberry;
  • asparagus;
  • peas.

Dishes made from such components contain a lot coarse fiber, which is not completely eliminated from the intestines and provokes rotting. Drinks are contraindicated fermentative in the digestive organs:

  • beer;
  • kvass;
  • energy;
  • sweet soda;
  • mineral water.

Must be present in the diet dairy products: yoghurts without sugar and flavor enhancers, kefir and fermented baked milk. They promote the proliferation of the right bacteria, which restore the microflora. Porridges, especially buckwheat and wheat, cleanse digestive organs from stale food. Beets and carrots have proven themselves well. Vegetables are best consumed boiled, seasoned vegetable oil and dill.

Table manners
If flatulence - common occurrence, you should follow some recommendations while eating:

  1. Never eat on the go. Be sure to set aside time for a normal lunch or breakfast. The habit of stuffing yourself with a hamburger on the way to work ends. overweight, metabolic disorders, and increased gas formation.
  2. You need to chew food at least 30, or better yet, 40 times. Even if it's liquid kefir or yogurt. By working with the jaws, a person sends signals to the brain, which causes the stomach to produce enzymes. No chewing - no of hydrochloric acid. Food is digested more slowly and gets stuck in the intestines.
  3. You cannot talk and chew at the same time. A lot of excess air enters the stomach, which comes out with belching or gas.
  4. You should refrain from overeating. An overcrowded digestive tract does not do its job well. Fermentation begins, putrefactive bacteria multiply, and the intestines fill with gases.
  5. Wash down your food sweet water, be it juice, soda or tea, is harmful. The liquid, diluting the gastric juice, reduces the concentration of enzymes, which slows down the digestion of eaten foods. Sugar starts fermentation processes.

Step 2: Physical activity

Many adults remain bad habits shaped in childhood. For example, in kindergarten, after a hearty lunch, the child is necessarily put to bed and forced to take a nap. Bad idea. During sleep, even a short one, the stomach works more slowly. Although overloading the body physical exercise Not advisable after a heavy meal. The best option– a slow walk to start the digestive processes.

You should exercise regularly in a fitness center or at home, paying attention to your abdominal muscles. Abdominal exercises are beneficial for the functioning of the digestive organs, in particular the intestines. They help to “push” leftover food to the exit and get rid of the source of gases.

Fulfill special exercises It's better to lie on your back. Lay a rug or thin blanket on the floor to prevent any bumps. Choose loose clothing that will not pinch your intestines.

  1. The limbs can lie in any position. As you inhale, you need to protrude your stomach as much as possible, and as you exhale, pull it in with force, trying to tense all the abdominal muscles. Such manipulations trigger gastric motility and stimulate the movement of feces outward. Minimum 10 repetitions.
  2. Pull your bent legs towards your stomach and, clasping your knees with your hands, press your hips to your abs. Repeat several times a day. Lie in this position for about 2 minutes.
  3. Place your heels on the floor, bending lower limbs in the knees. Place your palms on your stomach. When exhaling, lightly press with your hands on the abdominal muscles, as if squeezing the air out of the intestines. Freeze for 7 seconds, while stroking your abs with your palms. Right hand moves clockwise, left in the opposite direction. As you inhale, relax your arms and slightly inflate your stomach.
  4. The “Cyclist” exercise is useful. You can clasp your palms behind the back of your head, or press your straight arms to your sides. Raise your bent legs above you and spin invisible pedals.

Important: People suffering from excess weight should not only actively load the body, but also follow a diet. How less fat in the subcutaneous layers, the easier it is for the digestive organs to work.

In between meals, it is useful to drink a variety of teas made from natural herbs. You can use one or more recipes:

  1. Pharmaceutical chamomile plus oregano. The components are in equal parts and can be ground in a coffee grinder. Brew a spoonful of the mixture in a glass of boiling water at night and drink it in the morning. Immediately prepare a new portion, which is consumed before bed.
  2. Caraway fruits and peppermint, plus valerian and fennel roots. In equal proportions. Mix and pour into a glass container. Brew 30 g of herbs in a glass hot water, and leave for at least half an hour. Drink twice a day, in small sips.
  3. If increased gas formation is accompanied by constipation, it is recommended to try toadflax. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw materials. Cover, you can wrap it in a towel. Infuse for 2 hours, 50 ml four times a day, plus 60 ml before bedtime.
  4. Speeds up metabolism, relieves chronic constipation and flatulence night blindness. For 500 ml of boiling water, 40 g of herbs. Drink 150 ml of strained infusion three times a day, preferably before meals.
  5. A pinch of brewed green tea with a tablespoon pharmaceutical chamomile and thyme on the tip of the knife. Fill hot water(not boiling water), leave covered. Drink when medicinal tea will become warm.
  6. You can try a mixture of chamomile with bay leaf and peppermint. A pinch of each ingredient per cup of boiling water. Add honey to improve the taste, or a little ginger, which removes gas and strengthens the immune system.
  7. Dill water is useful. The product is sold in free access in pharmacies. It's quite easy to make it yourself. You will need 50 g of dried herbs; you can buy a packet of seasoning in the store. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours in a thermos or glass jar with a tightly sealed lid. Take the infusion, strained through cheesecloth, 3-4 times a day, an hour before meals, 150 ml.
  8. It's worth trying a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon juice and powdered ginger. For 5 g of dry ingredient, add a tablespoon of liquid, season with a pinch of salt. Eat 10–15 minutes before the main meal, without drinking water. Course duration is from 8 to 10 days.

Step 4: Traditional medicine

In order not to waste time preparing decoctions, you can stock up on activated carbon or Smecta. The sorbent is taken only in in case of emergency if flatulence is accompanied by nausea and indigestion.

Tablet for 10–12 kg body weight. Do not chew, drink plenty of water. In some cases, activated carbon leads to constipation, so it is dangerous to abuse the drug. Intestinal function may be impaired, and then more serious diseases than increased gas formation will have to be treated.

It is recommended to take Smecta three times a day, but it is better to limit yourself to one sachet per day. Espumisan is considered relatively harmless and can even be given to children. Sub Simplex also copes with increased gas formation.

It is important to understand that such drugs are only emergency methods solving the problem. Do not use suspensions or tablets long time without consulting a doctor. Otherwise, a person risks becoming the owner of the “syndrome lazy bowel“when the digestive organs refuse to work without drug support.

Stress should be avoided. Anxiety encourages overeating and negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Reset negative emotions can be done in several ways:

  • in gym;
  • relaxing in the company of friends;
  • by purchasing an anti-stress coloring book;
  • meditating or doing yoga.

No cigarettes
A bad habit of office workers is to smoke and drink coffee at the same time. Nicotine will enter the stomach, slowing down its work, plus oxygen mixes with the liquid, and gas bubbles fill the intestines, accumulating and causing bloating.

Treatment without consequences
People taking antibiotics should definitely restore the microflora with the help of prebiotics: Duphalac, lactulose syrup or Hilaka Forte. An alternative is probiotics, like Linesk or Bifiform.

Increased gas formation is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating more serious disorders in the digestive tract, thyroid or pancreas.

You cannot self-medicate, buy drugs or use folk recipes until the cause of flatulence is identified. In some cases, gas formation is caused by slow metabolism, worms or bile stagnation. Sometimes flatulence indicates the presence malignant tumors in the intestines. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a gastroenterologist who will find the cause and suggest ways to combat the problem.

Video: how to help yourself with bloating in 5 minutes

Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines is called flatulence. This condition is accompanied by belching, colic and heartburn. The cause of flatulence may be increased gas formation or a disruption in the elimination process. This syndrome widely spread. As a rule, it indicates the presence internal diseases Gastrointestinal tract. The question of how to get rid of flatulence is relevant at all times. This problem worsens the human condition and creates awkward situations. Read on and find out how to protect yourself from this.

What is intestinal flatulence?

Flatulence is a common phenomenon in which a large amount of gases accumulates in the organs of the digestive tract. As a rule, this syndrome is part of intestinal disease. Sometimes it can occur due to the abuse of heavy foods, when the digestive system cannot cope with its functions. In both cases, the intestines are filled with foul-smelling gases, which, exiting through anus, create serious discomfort.

Causes of bloating and gas

The first step is to think about what foods cause gas and bloating. Try to remember and analyze everything you ate over the past 24 hours. Most likely, the cause of bloating is due to the intestinal reaction to one specific food or an unsuccessful food combination. The second common cause of flatulence is the accumulation of gases entering the body through the mouth. This happens when a person swallows air along with food. The third factor that causes severe bloating is the accumulation of gases entering the intestines from the blood.

In adults

Adults suffer from flatulence due to various reasons. Female representatives often complain of increased gas formation during menstruation. Regular hormonal changes cause disruptions in the functions of the digestive tract, so it begins to swell. In addition, excessive gas formation in the intestines is often observed in pregnant women. The process of fetal ripening is accompanied by changes in the location of organs abdominal cavity, which leads to a constant accumulation of gases in the intestinal tract.

The causes of gas formation in men are due to other factors. Representatives of the stronger sex suffer from flatulence with constant physical activity. The reason for this is intensive inhalation of air. In addition, gas emission in men occurs with anxiety and excitement. A state of stress disrupts the breathing rhythm, which causes excess gases to accumulate in the intestines. The third common factor is not proper nutrition. Symptoms such as farting and constipation often occur when eating foods that contain carbohydrates in the form of fructose.

In children

The child may pass gases with an unpleasant odor due to helminthic diseases. Children under 5 years of age are especially at risk of becoming infected with helminths, which produce gases during their life. Activated carbon, carminatives and other medications for flatulence and gases do not help in such cases. To get rid of the problem, you will have to take anthelmintic tablets.

In newborns

Many mothers ask why gases form in the intestines of babies. As a rule, the reasons for this lie in incorrect use breast milk. When feeding, the baby swallows a large amount of air, which accumulates inside and exits through the anus. To avoid deterioration of the condition, every mother should know the products causing flatulence in newborns, and abstain from them. The composition of breast milk depends on the woman’s diet, so you need to choose suitable recipes and drink regularly green tea and brew herbs.

Treatment of flatulence

Medicine of the 21st century knows how to quickly get rid of flatulence. Several dozen drugs have been developed to solve such problems. Medicine for bloating and heaviness in the abdomen is prescribed by the doctor, based on the diagnostic results. It is possible to cure flatulence at home, but to do this you need to know exactly what caused it and take into account the age of the patient.

Medicines for gas and bloating

Modern pharmaceuticals offer three categories medicines, using which it is possible to get rid of bloating and eliminate the symptoms of flatulence:

  1. Drugs aimed at normalizing peristalsis and accelerating the process of removing gases from the intestines. These include infusions of dill, caraway, fennel, as well as prokinetics.
  2. Adsorbents are drugs that absorb excess gases in the stomach and intestinal tract. The most common adsorbent is well known to each of us - activated carbon.
  3. Defoamers. Drugs in this category release accumulated smelly gas from mucous blisters. Due to this, the foam is deposited. The total volume of intestinal contents decreases, natural absorption of gases is restored.

Abdominal bloating in children must be treated with extreme caution so as not to harm the young body. Depending on the nature of flatulence will be appropriate the following drugs:

  • Smecta;
  • Plantex;
  • Espumisan;
  • Drotaverine;

Adults can use more effective medications for flatulence and gas:

  • Mezim;
  • Linux;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Hilak Forte;

Folk remedies

Getting rid of flatulence means eliminating the causes of gas formation in the intestines. Use for this pharmaceutical drugs not at all necessary. Effective medicine for bloating can be prepared in minutes. Write down a few simple ones for yourself. traditional methods to know what to do if gases do not pass:

  1. Infusion of clover/mint/yarrow. A teaspoon of dry crushed herb is infused in a glass of hot water. Taken in portions of 20-25 grams, every 80-90 minutes. For children, the serving size should not exceed 10 grams.
  2. Dill water. Dill oil is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:12. Take a tablespoon, three times a day. The children's norm is three teaspoons at intervals of 5 hours.
  3. Chamomile inflorescences. Mix 30 grams of finely crushed chamomile seeds, 50 grams of flowers, 30 grams of herbs and 50 grams of ground dill seeds. Brew the mixture in a ratio of 15 grams per 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 2 times a day. To prepare a decoction for children, use 7-8 grams of the mixture per 200 ml of boiling water. The normal one-time volume for a child is 50 ml. Take up to three times a day.

Diet for flatulence

If a person experiences bloating and gases form in the intestines, the first thing you need to pay attention to is your diet. The patient must be fed correctly. Doctors say that nutrition for intestinal flatulence matters much more than treatment. Eliminate legumes, carbonated drinks, dairy products, fried and smoked foods and sweets from your diet. Minimize your fruit intake. Focus on cereals and vegetables. Cook porridge and soups. Food should be light so that the body receives the necessary useful material without straining the organs of the digestive system.

Video: what to do with gas in the intestines

The video below will be useful to everyone for whom the topic of treatment is relevant intestinal tract. Experts will tell you how to get rid of nighttime flatulence caused by natural reasons and will help cure bloating after surgery. This video can be used as a general guide to combating all forms of flatulence.

Gas in the intestines is normal physiological process in the body of any person. Advanced education gases (flatulence) is not a sign of any serious pathology in the body, but requires treatment because it causes severe discomfort and indicates the first disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs (esophagus, stomach, intestines).


Flatulence is a widespread phenomenon in which excess gases accumulate in the intestines.

It can feel absolutely healthy man when overeating, consuming foods rich in plant fiber. Excessive accumulations of gases in the intestines result from a violation of the relationship between the formation and removal of gases. They enter the intestines from air swallowed by a person into the stomach, gas released from the bloodstream and from the cecum.

Normally, a person produces gases up to 25 times a day. They have no smell. The unpleasant aroma is a consequence of compounds such as indole, skatole, and hydrogen sulfide. They are decay products during the interaction of intestinal microorganisms with undigested food debris that enters the colon from thin.

Gases in the intestine are multiple small bubbles covered with viscous mucus. Their content in large quantities complicates digestion, absorption of nutrients and reduces the activity of enzymes.


In medicine, there are several types of increased gas formation in the intestines, each of which has its own causes:

  • nutritional – physiological reasons associated with the ingestion of large amounts of air into the stomach along with food, as well as the consumption of foods excessively rich in fiber;
  • Digestive - increased accumulation of gases in the intestines occurs against the background of insufficient levels of enzymes. IN in rare cases the process may occur as a consequence of impaired bile circulation;
  • dyspiotic - flatulence occurs due to a violation normal ratio useful and pathogenic microflora in the intestine;
  • mechanical – with the formation of adhesions in the large intestine, malignant or benign neoplasms they make the intestinal lumen narrower, causing problems with normal gas exchange;
  • dynamic – for serious pathologies (peritonitis, intoxication of the body feces at acute obstruction, with anomalies in the development of the intestine), the formation and removal of gas from the intestine becomes difficult and slows down;
  • circulatory – flatulence manifests itself against the background malfunction circulatory system.

The causes of gas in the intestines are also more commonplace, including:

  • smoking - along with tobacco smoke the smoker, at the level of reflexes, draws in a large amount of air;
  • poor chewing of food;
  • drinking large amounts of highly carbonated drinks;
  • surgical interventions;
  • stressful situations;
  • taking strong antibiotics.


The most common symptoms of increased gas formation, which causes discomfort, include:

  • feeling of fullness in the intestines, bloating;
  • in rare cases, mild pain of a single or constant nature is possible, occurring in the area of ​​the stomach and esophagus, mainly after eating;
  • acute pain - strong congestion gases in the intestines, stretches its walls, a reflex spasm is formed and, as a result, pain;
  • rumbling in the stomach - occurs when a large amount of gas is mixed with the liquid part of the intestinal contents;
  • frequent belching - occurs due to dysphagia (swallowing disorder in which a person swallows a large volume of air) and the return of gas from the stomach. Belching is a natural physiological process. But if it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and painful sensations, this may indicate some disorders in the digestive system;
  • constipation or diarrhea - violations of the act of defecation are always accompanied by increased gas formation;
  • nausea – rare and not entirely characteristic symptom, which may indicate digestive disorders and, as a result, the content of a large amount of toxins and remaining particles of undigested food in the colon;
  • feeling of discomfort after eating: heaviness;
  • splenic flexure syndrome - flatulence occurs due to rare anatomical structure intestines. Left bend colon is located high under the diaphragm and represents an obstacle to the free passage of gases. The syndrome is dangerous due to its symptoms, which are often confused with the manifestation of heart failure, since this intestinal structure causes strong pressure and pain in the chest area.
  • flatulation - gases escaping through the rectum have a strong, unpleasant odor. Normally, such episodes occur 15 to 20 times a day.

Symptoms of gas in the intestines may occur constantly or periodically after eating certain foods. It is characteristic that discomfort and discomfort disappear after the passage of gas or defecation.

Signs of flatulence manifest themselves more often and more clearly in the afternoon, when all systems and organs are working at full capacity. Considering that the symptoms of flatulence are not specific, they depend on many factors and are very often combined with more serious intestinal pathologies further treatment depends on the characteristics of the person’s diet and a thorough examination.


If the patient complains of severe discomfort and frequent pain The gastroenterologist conducts a general examination to exclude possible existing pathologies or abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, esophagus and intestines, as well as to determine the causes of flatulence. The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • coprogram - taking stool for analysis, which allows you to detect a lack of enzymes responsible for the digestive process;
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis - to identify possible violations in the intestinal microflora.
  • X-ray of the intestines - to identify possible pathologies in the form of mechanical obstacles that interfere with the movement of food, feces and gases in the intestines.
  • Colonoscopy – is prescribed to examine the colon and identify pathologies of varying degrees.

Features of treatment

How to get rid of gases in the intestines if no diseases or abnormalities have been identified? In this case, the specialist may prescribe both special medications and dietary adjustments.

Drug therapy

From medicines the following types are prescribed:

  • Mezim Forte, Pancreatin, Festal are preparations containing digestive enzymes. With their deficiency in the body, food particles are not digested properly, but decompose, causing the formation of a large volume of gases in the intestines for their processing;
  • Cholenzym, vigetarin - prescribed to improve motor skills;
  • prebiotics: duphalac, hilak forte - preparations containing dietary fiber, which provide a breeding ground for the native intestinal microflora;
  • probiotics: linex, bifiform - products with a high content of live strains of microorganisms. They produce beneficial bacteria and populate the intestinal mucosa with them;
  • prokinetics: motilium, motilak, ganaton - are indicated to stimulate the passage of food bolus through the esophagus. They help reduce the activity of bacteria and their formation of gases;
  • smecta, polyphepan - absorbents prescribed to absorb excessive amounts of gases;
  • antispasmodics: no-spa, drotaverine - prescribed for removal severe pain with prolonged flatulence.


A balanced and proper diet helps get rid of gases in the intestines - this is part conservative therapy and the best way to prevent increased gas formation in the intestines. The menu should include products that not only provide a complete complex of vitamins and microelements, but also stimulate intestinal motility, reduce fermentation processes and restore its normal microflora.

Basic rules for eating during flatulence:

  • Frequent meals, but in small portions (200 g) up to 5-6 times a day. This allows the body to quickly break down foods and the intestines to absorb essential microelements and remove remaining dietary fiber, preventing their rotting and fermentation.
  • Excessively hot and cold foods are best excluded from the diet, as they increase secretion gastric juice and contribute to intestinal irritation.
  • You should not eat foods that are incompatible with each other: salty and sweet foods, foods enriched with coarse plant fiber and milk. This complex increases the load on the digestive tract and provokes increased fermentation.
  • All dishes are best consumed boiled, stewed, steamed or baked to ensure the most gentle effect on the digestive system.
  • The salt content in cooked dishes should be limited so as not to provoke irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.
  • It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid: 1.5-2 liters per day (at the rate of 25 ml per 1 kg of a person’s net weight drinking water without gas). This also prevents fermentation processes and ensures timely removal of feces from the body.

Prohibited products

Prohibited foods include foods that increase increased gas formation in the small or large intestine:

  • foods containing a lot of plant fiber: apples, beans, beans, peas, broccoli, radishes, nuts;
  • drinks and dishes containing large amounts of carbohydrates (lactose, fructose, sorbitol, raffinose). Breaking down into small particles in the body, they provoke rotting of food masses. These include: kvass, beer, highly carbonated flavored drinks, milk, ice cream, etc.;
  • products containing substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and intestines: essential oils, preservatives, food additives;
  • vegetables with a high starch content: potatoes, corn, wheat.

A balanced menu for flatulence should first of all consist of dishes that do not stimulate increased gas formation, but normalize stool and gas discharge:

  • wheat bread, crackers made from wheat flour;
  • steamed poultry;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • fresh herbs;
  • fermented milk products containing beneficial bifidobacteria;
  • natural green tea without flavorings;
  • porridge with water: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • scrambled eggs.

Folk remedies

Gases in the intestines - how to get rid of discomfort with the help of natural herbs and medicinal plants?

To relieve discomfort and pain

4 tbsp. l. red rowan berries (can be replaced with 1 tbsp dill seeds), 3 tbsp. l. Mix mint and the same amount of valerian. 1 tbsp. l. herbal collection pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for at least 60 minutes, tightly covering the container with the infusion with a lid.

The decoction is drunk on an empty stomach, 100 ml 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment for gases in the intestines is 14 days. To relieve discomfort and pain, the decoction can be taken simultaneously.

For severe bloating

1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile, pour 200 ml of just boiled water, close the lid, wrap in something warm and leave for 30 minutes. 100 ml ready-made decoction drink twice 30 minutes before meals. The decoction can be consumed when you feel severe bloating abdomen for prevention purposes at once or drink in a course of 20 days. Every day a new infusion is prepared.

To prevent flatulence

2 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. table salt, chop a pinch of dill (fresh or dried) and 5 blackcurrant leaves. Pour the resulting mixture into 1 liter of hot boiled water and leave to infuse for 24 hours in a warm place. The finished drink is drunk on an empty stomach every morning, 100 ml.