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How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home? How to cure a hangover at home? How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

Drinking alcohol leads to alcohol toxicosis - poisoning by ethanol breakdown products. How more people drinks, the higher the risk of acute poisoning. Each person’s body contains up to 0.01% alcohol - this is how nature intended. This ethanol content in the blood does not cause any harm to the body. Repeatedly exceeding the blood alcohol content by drinking alcohol leads to poisoning.

With a small amount of drinking, the intoxication process goes quite smoothly, and the person experiences only a few discomfort with a hangover. If you are heavily intoxicated, the symptoms of alcohol toxicosis can threaten life and health.

What is toxicosis and how long does it last?

In medicine, it is customary to diagnose alcohol toxicosis when the alcohol content in the blood is 0.1 ppm or higher. Although at such a concentration the process of intoxication the body will pass quickly, unnoticeably and painlessly. The manifestation of all symptoms and the duration of toxicosis directly depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood, on the amount and strength of the drink.

The severity and duration of symptoms is also influenced by the gender, weight, age of the patient, the presence of alcoholism and the stage of the disease. U healthy person If you drink a small amount of alcohol, the entire process of intoxication will take several hours. Severe alcohol poisoning can extend this process for several days. If the liver and others internal organs already damaged by alcohol abuse, the process may take even longer. Regular alcohol abuse not only leads to chronic alcoholism, but also to chronic intoxication - the endless work of the body in attempts to remove the poison from itself.

Severe alcohol poisoning has a number of common symptoms:

  1. Increased bilirubin in the blood, changes in liver parameters in tests.
  2. Increased body temperature to subfebrile levels due to inflammatory processes, occurring in the body.
  3. Severe poisoning may require special droppers and hospital treatment until the patient's condition stabilizes.

With the same amount of alcohol consumed, the severity of poisoning will vary based on many factors:

  • Weight and age of a person, general state health and organs.
  • Availability, quantity and quality of food/snacks.
  • Frequency of drinking alcohol.
  • Quantity and strength. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of alcohol you drink has an even greater impact than its strength.
  • Mixing alcohol, drinking various types and varieties of drinks and cocktails.

Manifestation of symptoms of toxicosis, stage of intoxication

The severity of symptoms of alcohol poisoning depends on the degree of intoxication. Even with the same amount of drinking, the degree of intoxication in people can be different. All people have an individual rate of absorption and processing of ethanol and other elements alcoholic drinks.

Range of blood alcohol concentration when determining the stage of intoxication:

  1. From 200 to 1000 mg of ethanol per liter of blood - mild toxicosis.
  2. From 1000 to 2500 mg - average.
  3. From 2500 mg and above - acute intoxication.

Depending on the stage of toxicosis, you can determine how long the patient needs to be treated. With mild intoxication, a person experiences euphoria, ease of getting to know each other and communicating, and shyness and fear fade into the background. At this stage, the damage to internal organs is minimal, and if you stop drinking, you won’t feel unwell in the morning. Maximum: slight discomfort is possible.

Intoxication medium degree severity is expressed in loss of coordination - the brain ceases to adequately control the body, the functioning of the central nervous system. It is easy to identify alcohol toxicosis at this stage at first glance. The stronger the intoxication, the more pronounced the disorders of speech, motor functions and coordination. If the patient does not drink beyond this stage, it is possible to break out of binge drinking at home. The threat to human health and life is not too great if there are no complications and chronic diseases besides alcoholism.

Severe intoxication is characterized by partial or complete loss of memory, lack of orientation in space, possibly involuntary urination. A person can fall asleep anywhere and does not feel heat, pain or cold. This condition is dangerous in itself. In addition, the patient can harm himself and others.

Main symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Treatment of alcohol toxicosis at home is possible in all cases, with the exception of severe intoxication and acute conditions at the patient. When the patient begins to realize that he has drunk too much, there is a desire to remove or at least weaken the unpleasant sensations in the body.

Toxicosis mild and moderate severity may manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, heartburn, and possible vomiting. The stomach constantly feels sick, the unpleasant sensations may not go away until an attack of vomiting, which can follow one another many times.
  • A headache that does not go away or constantly gets worse, as the concentration of acetaldehyde and other poisons in the body continues to increase, poisoning the body and causing discomfort and a hangover.
  • The ability to speak normally is lost. Speech becomes muffled and confused, and the patient may have to be asked the same thing several times.
  • Thirst and feeling of dry mouth. For moderate and severe alcohol poisoning The lack of water in the patient’s body can reach several liters. Therefore, it is necessary to drink, preferably liquids that help restore the water-alkaline balance or come to your senses. Good help, and others dairy products. From ordinary drinks, you can drink for toxicosis or even banal.
  • Impaired coordination, spatial orientation, and motor functions. If you are heavily intoxicated, you will not be able to completely get rid of these symptoms until your body processes the alcohol.

First aid for quick treatment of alcohol toxicosis

The main task of toxicosis is to help the body process and remove alcohol breakdown products. With toxicosis, almost all organs are affected, but primarily the liver, kidneys and brain.

  1. If you need to cleanse your stomach in case of severe poisoning, you can use regular soda. To relieve alcohol toxicosis, you will need to drink 3-4 glasses of water with 1 spoon of soda placed in it. After this, you can drink strong tea - it will calm your stomach and allow you to come to your senses a little more.
  2. You should drink as much fluid as possible. Mineral water, juices, and dairy products help well. Even weak brine and plain water will help a dehydrated body.
  3. If it is not possible to just lie down and sleep, you should take a cool or moderately contrast shower. Of course, if your condition allows. You can also rub it with a wet damp towel - this will make you feel better.
  4. It is advisable to help the gastrointestinal tract cleanse itself of excess with the help of adsorbents. Or regular will work fine. It is advisable to take adsorbents as soon as possible after drinking alcohol. Activated charcoal will be most effective within 2 hours after drinking alcohol.
  5. After the patient comes to his senses, do not put pressure on the victim. gastrointestinal tract. The first couple of meals should be limited to chicken or beef broth, which will help the burned stomach and intestines return to normal.

Alcohol damage to the liver, kidneys and brain

Liver damage

For chronic or excessive consumption Alcohol primarily affects the liver. The first symptoms of alcoholic liver toxicosis are pain in the right lower abdomen; with chronic toxicosis, changes in the organ occur on ultrasound, and significant changes in test results. All this may indicate serious liver damage.

What to do to prevent the disease from developing into hepatitis or cirrhosis and how to treat toxicosis? If your liver begins to hurt, you should consult a doctor to schedule tests. Ultrasound and tests along with symptoms are usually enough to quickly relieve toxicosis with medication. To help a damaged liver, hepaprotectors are prescribed. The exact names of the drugs are prescribed individually, depending on the current condition of the organs and the severity of the damage. IN extreme cases more apply serious methods up to renal biopsy - a diagnostic method that guarantees an accurate result.

Kidney damage

Kidney toxicosis refers to cell damage and organ dysfunction due to prolonged and severe exposure. toxic substances. The kidneys suffer greatly both from drinking strong alcohol and from low-alcohol drinks, including beer.

Drinks with high strength strongly poison the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, causing minor damage. Drinks such as beer are drunk in large quantities. The body, in addition to the process of processing alcohol, also has to process a huge amount of liquid, several times greater than normal rate consumption.

Treatment of kidney toxicosis consists of abstaining from alcohol, as well as taking medications prescribed by a doctor that restore the functions and full functionality of organs.

Brain damage

With one-time alcohol abuse, even a painful dose of alcohol rarely causes any negative consequences from the nervous system. The maximum that can happen with cigarette or alcohol toxicosis of the brain is loss of consciousness. At severe poisoning the patient may simply fall asleep and not react in any way to external stimuli, but this state should not be confused with the loss of creation. All symptoms can be treated at home and without doctors. In case of any complications, an ambulance is called.

Much worse - caused by. Severe brain toxicosis can cause hallucinations, delirium tremens, mental disorders and loss of vision. The patient will have to be brought out of this condition in a hospital, and the symptoms will be relieved with the help of droppers.

Most of us are well aware of such unpleasant symptoms as a feeling of complete powerlessness, dry mouth, unbearable headache and digestive problems. It is this set of symptoms that indicates the presence of a serious

Despite the liberal attitude of the majority of our compatriots towards the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, the question of how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home is quite common. However, from harmful influence Alcohol abuse primarily affects drinkers, many of whom are simply unable to give up the addiction.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication

There is a natural, acceptable proportion of alcohol per unit volume of blood. Its increase to a level of 0.4 ppm allows the body to function without the occurrence of serious consequences. However, exceeding this indicator leads to one degree or another of intoxication, which is inevitably followed by disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system and physiological problems.

In reality, intoxication, as defined by experts, can only be considered the stage of intoxication, which conceals certain threats to life. Expressed in numbers, a dangerous dose is approximately 3-4 ppm. However, you can guess the presence of poisoning without performing special tests. How to remove it at home Often, it is enough to pay attention to the signs characteristic of one or another degree of

Medical specialists There are four main degrees of alcohol intoxication: mild, moderate, severe and acute.

Mild alcohol intoxication

It is characterized by a slight excess of the permissible blood alcohol content, approximately 1.5 ppm. But even this is enough to create a state of euphoria, increased sweating, some dulling of the basic senses and frequent urges to urination.

Average degree of alcohol poisoning

Occurs when the blood alcohol level reaches 3 ppm. A person in a state of intoxication experiences significant problems with coordination of movements, feels double vision, and loses concentration. Critical behavior also suffers, coherence of speech is lost, and a drowsy state sets in. Sleep in this state always brings a hangover, which is expressed in nausea, a feeling of exhaustion, headaches and muscle pain. In such a situation, all a person’s thoughts are aimed at how to cure a hangover at home.

Severe degree of alcohol intoxication

Manifests characteristic symptoms in case of exceeding the threshold value of alcohol content in the blood at a level of more than 3 ppm. This condition conceals a certain danger not only to health, but also to life. The likelihood of difficulty breathing increases significantly. IN best case scenario the person simply loses consciousness. The most disastrous outcome is falling into a prolonged coma.

Acute alcohol intoxication

In the case of a short-term dose of 300-400 ml of pure alcohol, acute alcohol intoxication occurs, the symptoms of which are expressed in violation respiratory function, profuse salivation, convulsive and fainting states. Often, acute intoxication ends in serious health problems and even death of the victim.

How to relieve mild to moderate alcohol intoxication?

The main share of harmful components of alcohol causes dehydration. Accelerated removal toxic substances In case of mild to moderate alcohol poisoning, the absorption of copious amounts of water facilitates the removal of the body from the body.

Neutralization of toxic substances is also possible with the help of aspirin, the main effect of which is aimed at absorbing the toxic enzyme acetaldehyde. Moreover, taking aspirin has an analgesic effect.

So that you don’t have to rack your brains about how to remove alcohol intoxication at home, it is enough to take measures that will prevent alcohol poisoning from occurring. Prepare your body for stressed state will allow early intake of activated carbon, based on the calculation - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Shortly before drinking alcohol, you should eat plenty of fatty and nutritious foods. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

Regular intake makes it possible to feel like a human being again. contrast shower. Alternating warm and cold water not only invigorates the body, but also allows you to remove toxins along with drops of sweat. Clean skin better saturates the body with oxygen, allowing you to avoid an even more serious hangover.

Significantly increases the chances of quick withdrawal alcohol intoxication at home consumption of natural juices, abundance liquid food, reception ascorbic acid, multivitamin preparations.

What to do in the event of acute alcohol poisoning?

Most characteristic manifestation acute intoxication with alcohol is a blocking of the excitatory mechanisms of the central nervous system. With a sharp transition to similar condition you can easily end up in a coma.

How to relieve acute alcohol intoxication at home? In the event of acute poisoning, the victim requires urgent professional health care. The sooner a person is examined by a narcologist, the less negative consequences will bring with it the flow of the state.

However, there is a whole list available ways providing first aid until the ambulance arrives. First of all, care must be taken to ensure that the person does not choke on vomit. The victim should be placed on his side, provoking vomiting by irritating the throat. The main thing is that the drinker is in a conscious state before the doctors arrive.

Not every case of severe alcohol poisoning requires hospitalization of the victim. Often, doctors give recommendations on how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home and avoid harmful consequences. It is necessary to send the victim to the hospital if there is noticeable difficulty breathing or the patient has heart failure. In this case, along with the usual medical assistance a team of resuscitators will have to be involved.

intoxication after binge drinking?

A person on a binge regularly has to endure such extreme unpleasant consequences alcohol consumption such as: acute headache, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, etc. Some drinkers manage to save themselves from suffering with one aspirin tablet. However, in most cases, you have to resort to the help of familiar doctors to improve the condition with the help of a drip.

Prolonged binge drinking leads to serious depression of organs and systems. The nervous system also suffers. This requires the intervention of a professional, practicing narcologist. Only a real specialist will answer how to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication after binge drinking.

To combat intoxication when leaving a binge, the following methods are used:

  • infusion therapy - droppers based on glucose and salt solution;
  • use of specialized detoxifiers;
  • blood purification heavy metals taking unithiol;
  • taking antidotes in the form of vitamin complexes.

The above methods are used solely to stimulate the body to recover normal operation. However, none of them fully allows you to instantly get out of a hangover, because in case of serious poisoning, this requires a lot of time.

For general relief You can use well-known medications that have already proven themselves to have a lightning-fast effect. However, before you engage in amateur activities, you should once again consult a specialist. This is especially true for tablets, the quality of which raises some doubts.

How to force yourself to act?

When relieving alcohol intoxication at home, along with the above methods of cleansing the body, it is worth thinking about a long, healthy rest. If bad feeling gives a bad forecast for sleep, it may be worth considering taking special anti-hangover medications.

The main thing is to realize that alcohol intoxication is fraught with serious consequences, especially for people suffering from serious chronic diseases. Such people require much more time to restore body functions after generous intake alcohol.

Drawing conclusions

Prolonged alcoholism always leads to exacerbation of old diseases, the emergence of completely new, previously unknown negative manifestations and ultimately makes you look for the answer to the question of how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home.

Being in a state of heavy drinking affects immune system, impairs endurance, reduces the mobility of nervous processes, provokes problems in the functioning of organs digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Acute intoxication with heavy alcoholic drinks deserves special attention, which causes the development of neuroendocrine imbalance, a noticeable decrease in protective properties body. For people suffering chronic hypertension, acute poisoning, in fact, is death sentence as a result of myocardial infarction or the onset of stroke conditions.

Chronic intoxication leads to hypertension, causes kidney and liver diseases, and the development of diabetes mellitus. Ultimately, the drinker simply has to look for ways to cure a hangover at home, seek help from specialists, and spend their own time and money.

Without a doubt, alcohol is a poison, the consumption of which drinking man agrees of his own free will. To get rid of the need to find solutions on how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, and at the same time protect yourself from unnecessary problems, you just need to say to alcohol once and for all: “No!”

In case of alcohol poisoning and prolonged vomiting, it is important to find out in detail how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, what to drink in case of such unpleasant condition person. Since poisons ensure productive absorption into the systemic circulation, in the absence of resuscitation measures the patient can expect sudden death. You can remove harmful toxins using official and alternative methods, but first consult with a narcologist. First aid for alcohol poisoning should be carried out at home.

What is alcohol intoxication

Essentially it's poisoning ethyl alcohol, which in large doses found in vodka, cognac, wine and other alcoholic drinks. If your blood alcohol level is more than 3%, we're talking about about severe intoxication, which can cause serious problems with health. Restoring the body is not a matter of a single day, but you will have to survive a severe hangover, ensure the productive removal of toxins from chemical composition blood. It will not be possible to do this quickly, and it is also not recommended to engage in superficial self-medication.


You can ensure productive detoxification at home conservative methods, however, the first step is to recognize your condition. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication can be confused with manifestations food poisoning, however, they frighten with their intensity and unpredictability. After taking activated carbon at home, your general health does not return to normal; you additionally need to pay attention to the following signs of alcohol intoxication:

  • headache;
  • urinary retention;
  • stagnation of fluid in the body;
  • nausea, less often – prolonged bouts of vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • signs of toxicosis;
  • feeling of thirst and dehydration;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • bowel problems;
  • pathological enlargement of the liver;
  • psychical deviations;
  • tremor of the limbs.


It is possible to eliminate the pathology at home, but do not forget about the consequences of alcohol intoxication. To recover from alcohol intoxication, you need to completely quit bad habit, pass the conservative treatment, aimed at updating the structure and functions of the liver, cleansing the systemic blood flow. Coming out of binge drinking is a long process, the complications of which are detailed below:

  • damage to the nervous system of the body by toxins;
  • chronic heart disease relapse stage;
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • kidney pathologies acute stage;
  • diabetic coma for the sick diabetes mellitus;
  • decreased immunity;
  • death due to alcohol intoxication of the body.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication

Every person should know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, what to take for relief general well-being and ensuring the long-awaited period of remission. You can drink Aspirin for a headache or take a sorbent, but the effect of such drugs is rather mediocre. To get rid of it forever unpleasant symptoms, the approach to a health problem should be comprehensive. A cleansing drip for alcohol intoxication at home and calling an ambulance are not excluded. Later, if the patient stops vomiting, drug treatment symptomatic.

First aid

Doctors who need to be called to your home can stop a relapse. severe symptoms alcohol intoxication. Shown intramuscular injection vitamin B6, 20 ml of 40% glucose solution, 10 ml of 5% ascorbic acid solution, 1% nicotinamide solution in a volume of 1 ml. Additionally, taking multivitamin complexes, Panangin solution, sodium chloride is indicated to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning and accelerate the removal of ethanol from the systemic bloodstream. In the future, alternative methods help, but as a component symptomatic treatment.


Infusion therapy is produced on the basis of solutions of glucose and salts, which are indicated for intravenous drips for productive blood purification. It is possible to cure organs affected by toxins, but the first step is to reliably find out what the patient could have been poisoned with. Scheme intensive care It has next view: 5 ml glucose solution intravenously, additionally administer vitamins B1, B6 and 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution through a dropper. It is quite possible to alleviate the general condition after the first procedure, but ideally it is necessary to carry out three consecutive sessions.


At severe hangover You can drink brine, but such a healing liquid provides temporary relief and does not treat the affected liver and other internal organs. Answer to main question how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home is provided by the attending physician, who also prescribes medical supplies full course. It is not recommended to violate medical recommendations; moreover, it is fraught with serious complications. These are the effective tablets for oral administration in a given direction, which will help remove all symptoms of poisoning:

  • adsorbents for the productive removal of alcohol intoxication products: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Lignosorb, Entegnin, Karbolen, Enterodes, Enterosorb;
  • homeopathic remedies for poisoning at home: Proproten-100, Anti-E;
  • preparations for rehydration and detoxification: Regidron, Polysorb;
  • injectable drugs: glucose, sodium bicarbonate, repolarizing solution;
  • drugs for intoxication: Zorex, Biotredin, Metadoxil, Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies

It is possible to solve the problem of how to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication at home using alternative methods. For example, the patient is advised to drink strongly sweet tea or warm water with honey to the amount of 200 ml. It would not be superfluous to provoke artificial vomiting with further use of sorbents. It could be white coal, Sorbex, Activated carbon or Smecta solution from home first aid kit.

In addition, it is recommended to drink more fluid, and to do this, prepare diuretic decoctions of hawthorn, chamomile, and rose hips. Classic recipe: pour 2 tbsp. l. dried raw materials 400 ml of boiling water, leave under a tightly closed lid and strain. Take orally in equal portions throughout the day. Additionally include in daily ration natural antioxidants, plant fiber.

Video: how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home

When alcohol is consumed systematically in large doses, it accumulates and has toxic effect to all organs, which causes poisoning of the body. The degree of its severity and treatment depend on many factors, and, first of all, on how much alcohol was drunk, as well as on its quality. The first signs of alcohol intoxication appear if the alcohol content in the blood exceeds 0.3-0.4 ppm. Severe poisoning can be fatal.

Stages of alcohol poisoning and their characteristic symptoms

Alcohol intoxication is divided into 3 stages according to severity:

Initial - blood alcohol content is 0.5-1.5 ppm;

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Moderate - up to 3 ppm;

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The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Extremely heavy - more than 3 ppm.

Signs of moderate intoxication

When drinking alcohol, intoxication at the initial and middle stages in a person is manifested by the following symptoms:

The consequences that come with this, intoxication and its symptoms, are unpleasant, but fixable. If you take measures to cleanse yourself from alcohol and carry out treatment, then after a few hours or days the person returns to a normal state.

How long this will take depends on his health and stamina. It matters, first of all:

  • amount of alcohol consumed;
  • how long does a person drink alcohol?

For the same amount of alcohol consumed, symptoms will be more severe in a thin person than in a heavyset person. A woman gets drunk faster than a man from drinking alcohol. This is due to the peculiarity female body. lasts longer, alcohol is eliminated from the body more slowly, therefore, for the “fairer sex” the hangover lasts longer.

If after the stage, causing poisoning moderate severity, a person drinks more alcohol (for example, in order to alleviate his suffering according to the principle of “knocks out a wedge with a wedge”), then alcohol intoxication of the third stage occurs. Urgent treatment is required.

Signs of severe alcohol intoxication

In this case, intoxication is manifested by the following symptoms:

This condition is already dangerous, since there is a high probability total loss consciousness, falling into a coma. Here everything depends on how strong a person’s heart is and how urgently treatment is started. If a person is in a coma, he needs emergency resuscitation care.

How much alcohol do you need to drink for this to happen? severe poisoning body? For a person who drinks alcohol only on holidays, in small quantities, it is enough to drink 150 g of pure alcohol (1 half-liter bottle of vodka) for him to fall into a coma, when he will have to be urgently rescued in the hospital.

What is coma and what are its signs?

Usually occurs when an overdose of alcohol occurs. In case of overdose, intoxication leads to sharp fall blood pressure, fainting occurs. The only thing that can save him after this is emergency treatment. Coma occurs especially often in young people, teenagers who, having no experience of drinking alcohol, try to assert themselves in this way and drink a critical dose. Sometimes teenagers drink 1 glass of alcohol “for a dare.”

Coma is negative reaction brain for alcohol. Some people have an intolerance to alcohol, and intoxication can occur from a smaller amount of alcohol. It might end in death.

Signs comatose state the following:

  • At the first (superficial) stage, a person’s face turns blue, temperature and pressure drop, and cold sweat. Poisoning leads to increased heart rate and tense muscles. The person loses consciousness, but may still react to ammonia and moan;
  • At the second stage, breathing becomes rare and intermittent. The pulse is weak, there is no consciousness, movement of the limbs is impossible, the muscles relax. The pupils do not react to light. Involuntary urination occurs;
  • The third stage is a “deep” coma. The pulse is threadlike, the pressure is critically low, the pain reflex and reaction to light are completely absent. The face takes on a gray tint. There is no reaction to ammonia. If treatment arrives on time and the person can be saved, the consequences may be irreparable: renal failure, swelling, a stroke may occur.

Treatment for alcohol poisoning

What to do if there is an overdose of alcohol?

In the hospital, first of all, a person is brought to consciousness and given drugs that stimulate the heart and blood circulation. They cleanse the stomach and give diuretics. To cleanse the blood, a solution containing glucose, vitamins and sodium chloride is injected into the patient using a dropper.

At the same time, if intoxication is extreme, drugs are administered that enhance the production of enzymes that break down toxins to speed up detoxification. Hepatoprotectors (means to protect liver cells) are used, as well as psychotropic drugs that normalize mental and emotional condition person.

Consequences of chronic intoxication

Chronic alcohol intoxication, which occurs during alcoholism, leads to irreversible changes in the state of all body systems. The consequences are irreversible and depend on how long the “alcohol experience” is.

What to do to reduce the likelihood of poisoning

Avoid use in some situations large quantity alcohol is not possible. Therefore, in order to prevent health complications that are possible with alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to take measures in advance to protect the body. It is recommended to do the following before the feast:

  • Drink several tablets of activated carbon in advance;
  • Before drinking alcohol, drink 1-2 glasses of milk;
  • You need to eat a bowl of porridge to keep your stomach full. Drink on empty stomach very harmful, since alcohol is absorbed faster, poisoning lasts longer.

Taking vitamins (C and group B) will support the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

You should try not to mix alcoholic drinks (vodka with beer or champagne), since a mixture of weak and strong alcoholic drinks is more difficult to eliminate than each of them separately.

During the feast you need to drink a lot of plain or mineral water without gas to avoid dehydration. Sweet and carbonated drinks, no matter how much you drink, do not save you from thirst.