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Can reduxin make you sick? Ozone Reduxin (The drug is available strictly according to prescription)

Reduxin is a very popular pill for obesity, which, due to the regulation of appetite, helps obese people lose their overweight fat There are a lot of horror stories around Reduxin - they say that in Europe these pills are generally prohibited, that Reduxin affects the psyche and damages the heart. Well what can I say? I took Reduxin for a total of three months, at a dosage of 15 mg, and nothing happened to me - I didn’t lose my mind, I didn’t have a heart attack (and by the way, I have a constant arrhythmia), but I gained weight and began to feel more energetic and healthier.

And all the horror stories about the terrible side effects of Reduxin– I think this is all because many women take these pills incorrectly and continue to careless about their diet. So I want to give some tips on taking this drug, and talk about how I took it myself.

When I started drinking reduxin, my weight was 82 kg. This is a very large weight for me, so the usual weight at which I have been holding all my life is 69-70 kg. This is normal for my height. And then over the winter I got overfed, stopped doing exercises - in general, quite by accident, in complete shock, I realized the fact that I had crossed the 80 kg mark. Then I panicked and went to the pharmacy to buy reduxin. I knew about these diet pills for a long time, and always wanted to try them. Before taking it, I read the instructions very carefully. I took it out of it for myself following rules reception

  • Reduxin and alcohol are not compatible. At all. No way. Even with a glass of wine. It is from such a combination (an innocent can of beer and pills) that the heart suffers, and then people blame the sinister sibutramine for everything.
  • Yes, Reduxin fights off the feeling of hunger. But this does not mean that you can eat one chocolate bar in three days and that’s it. This is a direct path to gastritis. Personally, I literally crammed vegetable salads and Borodino bread into myself. You cannot stop eating or replace food with chocolate - this is simply suicide.
  • Reduxin can cause increased alertness and insomnia. But do not take sleeping pills at the same time - they are harmful. It’s better to take a walk before going to bed, eat a spoonful of honey - it helped me fall asleep.

These simple rules helped me avoid side effects from Reduxin and at the same time lose 12 kilos in three months of taking it. I quit the pills easily and never gained any weight. And all because during these three months I was able to form the right eating habits. By the way, I had them before... I already wrote - I became overfed completely unexpectedly for myself, began to eat a heavy dinner and this is the result, I had to take Reduxin!

So, if necessary, drink safely, just wisely, do not violate the rules of administration, read the instructions carefully. And all will be well.

Reduxin is combination drug for weight loss, in a complex effect it reduces appetite, increases the feeling of satiety and thermogenesis, and helps break down fat deposits.

The active ingredient of the drug - sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate - effectively helps to increase and reduce a person’s need for food, and also enhances “heat production”, which promotes the breakdown of fats and the use of incoming calories, rather than their deposition. Secondarily activating β3-adrenergic receptors, the active substance also affects severe brown fats. Weight loss is accompanied by an increase in concentration in blood HDL and a decrease in triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL and uric acid.

The second active component of Reduxin is microcrystalline cellulose - it is responsible for creating a feeling of fullness, full belly. In the stomach, cellulose swells, absorbing water and toxic substances(as an absorbent), filling the volume of the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to drink clean water while taking Reduxin.

The drug is presented in pharmacies in the form of capsules of two different colors- they differ in the level of content active ingredients. Blue-colored Reduxin contains 10 mg of sibutramine and 158.5 mg of microcrystalline cellulose, while blue-colored Reduxin contains 15 and 153.5 mg, respectively.

It is important that gradual weight loss gives a big positive boost to the body. After all, the stomach contains receptors that, when filled with food, give a signal to the brain about satiety. Thanks to the gradual reduction in calorie content and volume of food consumed, which is inevitable when taking Reduxin, the stomach gradually decreases in size, adapting to new portions. Gradually, the “normal” amount of necessary food is also reduced and the person develops a persistent habit of eating less throughout the entire period. And even after stopping the course of therapy, this effect naturally persists long time and can be saved by you to maintain the mass at the current level.

It is important to understand that Reduxin should be taken only if diet and non-drug measures to reduce body fat have no effect - the loss of body weight over 3 months was less than 5 kg.

Indications for use

Reduxin is prescribed exclusively for weight loss in the following cases:

  • Nutritional obesity with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or more;
  • Nutritional obesity with a BMI of 27 kg/m2 or more in combination with other risk factors caused by excess body weight - diabetes Type 2 / non-insulin dependent / or dyslipoproteinemia.

Instructions for use Reduxin, dosage

The drug is taken once a day in the morning (before or during breakfast), without chewing and with a sufficient amount of liquid.

At the beginning of the course of treatment, a dosage of 10 mg, Reduxin blue capsule, should be used. In case of side effects or feeling unwell the dosage should be reduced to 5 mg over 4 weeks. Then we switch to 10 mg again.

The total time of taking Reduxin should not exceed 3 months, in case of insufficient effectiveness of the therapy - that is, if it is not possible to reduce body weight by 5% of initial value. If during treatment, upon reaching a given body weight, the effect of gradual weight gain begins to be observed, the drug must be stopped.

The total duration of use of Reduxin should not exceed 1 year, since more long-term use the drug has not been studied.

It is important that Reduxin is taken under the supervision of a doctor who has practical experience obesity treatment. It is more effective to take the medication together with diet and physical exercise.

The effect of the drug in elderly patients does not differ from the effect in other age groups.

If you miss a dose of Reduxin, do not take a double dosage next time - this may lead to the development of side effects. Just continue taking the drug according to the previous regimen.

Contraindications and side effects

Main contraindications to treatment with Reduxin:

  • the presence of organic causes of obesity (for example, hormonal disorders);
  • serious violations eating behavior (anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa);
  • mental illness, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome;
  • simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors or their use within 2 weeks before prescribing Reduxin;
  • use of drugs acting on the central nervous system (for example, antidepressants, antipsychotics); drugs prescribed for sleep disorders containing tryptophan, as well as other centrally acting drugs for weight loss;
  • IHD, decompensated CHF, birth defects heart disease, occlusive peripheral artery disease;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmias, stroke, transient cerebrovascular accidents;
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension (BP above 145/90 mmHg);
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • severe liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • established drug, drug or alcohol dependence;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's and adolescence up to 18 years old;
  • individual sensitivity to the active substance or to other components of Reduxin.

For the following conditions, the drug should be prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor: hypertension, delay mental development and seizures (including a history), motor and verbal tics in anamnesis.

Side effects

Since Reduxin binds water in the stomach, some of the most common side effects are dry mouth, lack of appetite, constipation and sleep disturbances.

Additionally, disturbances such as dizziness, headache, nausea, anxiety, taste disturbance, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, sharp forms hemorrhoids and increased sweating.

Taking Reduxin can cause some other side effects:

  • Psychosis, a state with suicidal thinking and suicide - if such symptoms appear, stop taking the drug immediately;
  • Diarrhea and vomiting;
  • Baldness;
  • The appearance of short-term memory impairment and seizures;
  • Urinary problems;
  • Visual field impairment;
  • Impotence, problems with ejaculation and orgasm;
  • Emergence uterine bleeding and menstruation disorders;
  • Various allergic reactionsskin rashes, urticaria, itching, anaphylaxis, Quincke's edema.

Very rarely, a withdrawal reaction may occur; upon completion of a course of taking the drug, this is a headache or increased appetite. There is no evidence of withdrawal symptoms or mood disorders.

The most common side effects of Reduxin occur at the initial stage (in the first 4 weeks of treatment). Gradually their severity decreases; if this does not happen, the possibility of discontinuing or replacing the drug should be considered.


Symptoms of overdose manifest themselves in increased severity of side effects.

Treatment is symptomatic - it is necessary to take absorbents and monitor vital functions; if blood pressure and heart rate increase, beta-blockers should be prescribed.

Recommended to follow general events: unfasten the collar and open the window - ensure free breathing, observe blood pressure and pulse. The effectiveness of forced diuresis or hemodialysis has not been clinically established.

Analogues of Reduxin, list of drugs

Among the analogues of Reduxin we can highlight the following drugs, list:

  1. Lindax;
  2. Meridia;
  3. Slymia;
  4. Goldline;

It is important to understand that the instructions for use of Reduxin, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to the use of drugs similar composition or actions. All therapeutic prescriptions must be made by a doctor. When replacing Reduxin with an analogue, it is important to consult a specialist; you may need to change the course of therapy, dosages, etc. Do not self-medicate!

Reduxin is combination remedy, the effect of the drug is due to the elements it contains. Sibutramine is a prodrug that exerts its effect through metabolites that inhibit the incorporation of monoamines. Increased content in the synapses of transmitters increases the activity of adrenergic and serotonin receptors, this helps to increase the feeling of satiety and suppress the feeling of hunger, as well as activate thermal production.

The drug contains active substances: crystalline cellulose and sibutranin hydrochloride monohydrate. In the role additional substances located calcium stearate. The protective capsule is made of gelatin, titanium dioxide and the color additive azorubine.

Description and effect of the drug Reduxin 15 mg

Manufacturing form

The drug is manufactured in the form of capsules of 10 and 15 mg. Reduxin 15 mg is a blue drug, inside the shell there is a combined white and yellow composition in the form of a powder. Located in contour cellular packs, packed in cardboard packages. The pack contains 30 or 60 tablets.

Pharmacological effects

Reduxin is a combination drug used to treat obesity. Simultaneously with a decrease in body weight, the amount of HDL in the blood increases. This reduces the total amount of cholesterol, uric acid and the number of triglycerites.

Crystalline cellulose is an enterosorbent that demonstrates special detoxification effects and sorption qualities. This substance binds xenobiotics, microorganisms, toxins, allergens, removing them from the human body.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

When the drug is ingested, sibutramine is instantly absorbed from the stomach. Absorption occurs at least 77% general composition. Sibutramine is transformed, resulting in the appearance of 2 active metabolites. The highest concentration of the drug in the body occurs 80 minutes after use. The maximum amount of metabolites is after 5 hours.

If the drug Reduxin is taken with food, then the greatest the concentration of metabolites is reduced by 35%, and also increases the time to achieve them by 3 hours. The drug is largely excreted by the kidneys; the elimination time for sibutramine is about 1.2 hours, for metabolites - 15-17 hours.

Instructions for use Reduxin 15 mg

Indications for use

The instructions indicate that Reduxin is used to reduce human weight. Like other weight loss drugs, Reduxin is recommended for people suffering from normal obesity, and their body mass ratio is 31 kg/m2. or more. Also indicated for people diagnosed with obesity, BMI 28 kg/m2. and there are other risk factors that are associated with being overweight.

Contraindications for use

Before you start using the drug, you must definitely take into account side effects and contraindications. Reduxin should not be used in the following cases:

The instructions also have an annotation, under what conditions the drug should be used with extreme caution. This is a history of arrhythmia, chronic poor circulation, neurological diseases, diseases coronary arteries, arterial hypertension, choleitis, motor tics, mild disorders of the liver and kidneys.


While using Reduxin 15 mg capsules, you may experience the following side effects:

  • cardiovascular system: tachycardia, palpitations, vasodilation, high blood pressure;
  • body reaction, in general: rarely - dysmenorrhea, edema, rhinitis, flu-like inflammation, nephritis, desire to drink, minor bleeding, thrombocytopenia;
  • nervous system: thirst, sleep disturbance, dizziness, paresthesia, headache, lethargy, anxiety; rarely - nervousness, depression, excitability, spinal pain, convulsions;
  • dermatological formations: Henoch-Schönlein purpura, itchy skin, high sweating;
  • digestive system: loss of appetite, constipation, hemorrhoids, vomiting.

When you stop using the drug negative impact noted in in rare cases. High appetite and headaches are likely.

Appearance side effects This is usually observed during initial use of the capsules. Negative manifestations are most often not clearly expressed and pass over time.

Directions for use and dosage Reduxin 15 mg

The instructions for use of the drug stipulate that the doctor prescribes this drug in individually, taking into account the person’s condition and the body’s response to the composition of Reduxin. The capsules must be taken once daily. There is no need to chew the tablet; the main thing is to take it with plenty of liquid. You can use the drug before or during meals. The instructions indicate that Reduxin 10 mg is starting dose of the drug. If a person reacts poorly to the drug, it can be reduced by 5 mg.

If a person has lost weight by 5 percent or more within a month, the daily dose is increased to 15 mg. In people who do not respond well to the drug and their body weight has not decreased by more than 5 percent, treatment should be continued for more than 3 months. There is also no need to continue using the drug when the patient, after changing body weight, has again gained over 4 kg.

If the drug is well tolerated, you should not continue using the tablets for more than 2 years. The manufacturer provides instructions with the characteristics of the capsules and how to use them to lose weight.

Your doctor will be able to tell you in more detail how to use the drug to lose weight. Dosage and course duration should only be prescribed by a doctor with experience in treating obesity diseases. The drug must be combined with exercise and diet.


Complete information regarding sibutramine overdose does not exist today. During an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor. When taking a very large dose of the drug, side effects may be more pronounced. No data about special features overdose.

After reception large doses you need to take the medicine Activated carbon, cleanse your stomach. If an overdose causes an increase in blood pressure or severe tachycardia, it is best to use adrenergic blockers.

If Reduxin is combined with inhibitors of microsamal oxidation, then there is an increase in the amount of sibutromine metabolites in plasma with increase in heart rate and an increase in the QT interval, clinically insignificant.

Several drugs can increase the metabolism of sibutromine: phenoborbital, macrolyte antibiotics, phenetoin, dexomethasone, carbamazipine.

It should be borne in mind that when several drugs that increase the amount of serotanin in the blood are used simultaneously, a strong interaction may occur.

Sometimes the appearance of serotanin syndrome is possible with the simultaneous use of Reduxin and certain drugs for the treatment of migraine, serotann uptake inhibitors, strong analgesics, and antitussives.

Other features of the drug Reduxin:

  • Best before date. The drug can be stored for up to 3 years.
  • Storage conditions. The drug must be stored in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 24C.
  • Purchase terms. You can buy Reduxin only with a prescription; a sample of it can be viewed on specialized websites.

special instructions

Reduxin tablets can be used only if other methods aimed at reducing body weight are ineffective, that is, when within 4 months the body weight has decreased by less than 6 kilograms.

All weight loss products, including Reduxin, must be used in combination with other measures that aimed at weight loss. Moreover, constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary.

As the manufacturer's official website indicates, the therapy includes changes in diet and lifestyle, as well as high physical exercise. You need to understand the need to change habits in order to maintain the results obtained. People who do not follow these rules may later have a question: why don’t any weight loss products help?

The doctor is obliged to advise the person on how to lose weight with the help of Reduxin, and also talk about the importance of constantly measuring blood pressure and pulse. These indicators need to be monitored at the beginning of the course every 14 days. All the more careful monitoring of blood pressure must be in patients with hypertension. It is necessary to stop therapy if during monitoring the pressure increases twice in a row by more than 150/90 mm.

Great care must be taken during the simultaneous use of drugs that increase the OT interval. This drugs for arrhythmia, as well as histamine H1 receptor blockers, which stimulate gastric motility.

Today there is no accurate information about the connection between treatment with this drug and the appearance of primary hypertension in humans. But during treatment it is necessary to pay great attention on the appearance of chest pain, progressive dyspnea and swelling of the extremities.

It must be taken into account that while taking the drug, the patient’s ability to drive a car and operate other mechanical means may be limited.

If a person is prone to constipation, then you need to control your bowel movements. For constipation, it is necessary to complete therapy and use laxatives.

There is no need to start therapy based on the recommendations found in the review on the weight loss forum. Photos before and after using the drug should not be a clear guide to the course. You need to realize that only a specialist must prescribe this drug.

General questions about the drug Reduxin

Analogues of the drug

If necessary, you can purchase analogues of Reduxin. Eat similar drugs, but in terms of price they are cheaper or more expensive, it depends on the manufacturer. For example, an analogue of the domestic manufacturer Globul has a low cost. The cost will also depend on the number of capsules in the pack. The following drugs are considered analogues of Reduxin:

What are the differences between Reduxin and Reduxin Lait?

Reduxin Lait is a drug containing vitamin E, linoleic acid and other components. Active substances The drug promotes normal metabolism and activates the breakdown of fats. But Reduxin Lait is more appropriate to use with an active lifestyle and physical training. The price, in contrast to the use of Reduxin, is slightly less. Reduxin has a different operating principle. Therefore, in each case, the specialist individually prescribes what is most effective for the person.

What to choose, Reduxin or Gold Line?

Comparing these two products, it should be noted that the active component of the drug Gold Lain is also considered sibutramine. The drug is produced in capsules. A specialist must tell you which drug is better to choose.

What to choose, Orsoten or Reduxin?

Orsoten, by reducing the activation of lipases in the intestines and stomach, reduces the body's absorption of calories and thus promotes weight loss. Reduxin works differently, so the choice of medicine must be made only by a doctor, taking into account the individual’s individuality.

What to choose, Xennical or Reduxin?

Xennical also acts by reducing the activation of lipases. This drug is based on the substance orlistat. Since both drugs affect a person differently, the final remedy must be determined by the doctor.

What to choose, Reduxin or Lintax?

Lintax is also based on sibutramine. The principle of its operation is similar to Reduxin. But today the supply of this product is limited, so it can only be ordered by mail.

What to choose, Turboslim or Reduxin?

Turboslim is based on herbal extracts that stimulate the process of weight loss. This product is considered a dietary supplement and is used as prescribed by a specialist.

Reduxin and alcoholic drinks

It should be noted that when using tablets and alcoholic drinks negative action no ethanol per person was observed. But since treatment with this drug requires you to follow a diet, experts strongly advise you to completely limit yourself to alcohol.

What woman doesn’t dream of having a slim and toned figure without putting in any effort. That's all today more people instead of going to the gym and compliance, they prefer more the easy way losing weight - start taking special pills.

One of the most effective and effective means Reduxin is considered for weight loss. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive. This medication helps control appetite and stabilizes metabolic processes, thanks to which the kilograms begin to fall off quickly. But before starting therapy, you need to figure out how to take Reduxin so as not to harm your health.

Reduxin and Reduxin Light – products Russian production, developed specifically for the treatment of obesity and weight loss. The main active component of the drug is sibutramine - this compound blocks the feeling of hunger and allows you to get enough of it in minimal portions.

As a result of this impact, a person begins to eat not only less, but also less often. Losing excess weight in this case occurs quite quickly, since the intake of calories decreases several times.

The positive effect of Reduxin is also achieved due to the fact that the product normalizes metabolism and increases energy consumption.

As a result, the body's heat output increases and body fat begin to burn quickly.

If you decide to take the drug Reduxin, most doctors advise you to simultaneously change your diet and stop consuming “harmful” foods, since this will make the process of losing weight much faster. In addition, moderate physical activity will be very useful.

Important! Since the tablets contain a toxic compound, they are only available with a prescription.

Indications for use

Because in some pharmacy chains this product is available without a prescription, today everything more women resort to using it. But doctors warn that illiterate use of Reduxin can cause side effects and negatively affect health.

The drug is allowed to be taken only if there are absolute indications:

  1. Severe obesity, in which the body mass index exceeds 30 kg/m2
  2. Obesity with an index of 27 kg/m2 or more, if a person has elevated sugar levels.

If a woman dreams of getting rid of several kilograms, there is no point in taking such a remedy. A more suitable option in this case would be to adjust the diet.

Consequences of improper use

Before starting therapy, you must read the instructions for using Reduxin for weight loss. The dosage and duration of therapy is selected only by the attending physician.

An overdose may cause serious complications, which will then be extremely difficult to get rid of. Although Reduxin is modern means, many people who use it complain that side effects appear at the beginning of therapy, which only subside towards the end of the course.

The most common of them are:

  • constant headache;
  • the occurrence of insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constant dry mouth;
  • increased sweating;
  • stool disorder.

In most cases, complications develop within the first two weeks. If during this period the patient feels unsatisfactory, it is recommended to tell the doctor about this, who will tell you whether to discontinue the drug.

On a note! Unlike most other similar medications, after discontinuation of Reduxin, withdrawal syndrome does not appear (a person’s appetite does not increase).

Reduxin Light: composition and release form

Unlike regular Reduxin, this product is biologically active additive. The active ingredient of the drug is linoleic acid. As aids capsules contain tocopherol, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose and glycerin.

The product is produced exclusively in the form of capsules, which are packaged in plastic jars. Depending on the volume, the package may contain 30, 90 or 120 pills. Many patients are interested in which Reduxin is more effective for weight loss.

Doctors claim that regular Reduxin is more effective, but Reduxin Light has a softer and more delicate effect on the body.

If a woman is not obese, but just wants to slightly adjust her silhouette, preference should be given to the second drug. The risk of side effects and complications in this case will also be minimal.

According to the attached instructions, you need to drink 1-2 capsules before each meal. Maximum permissible daily dose– 6 capsules. With this regimen, you can lose weight with Reduxin in a month. The drug can be used for no more than 2 months.

Method of use and contraindications to therapy

How to drink Reduxin to lose weight, the doctor will tell you after an examination and identification of the general clinical picture. Before using capsules, you must ensure that there are no contraindications, otherwise such therapy should be abandoned.

The product should not be used for the following health problems:

  • obesity caused by;
  • mental disorders;
  • problems with functioning gastrointestinal tract;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia, heart failure;
  • severe liver or kidney failure;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Availability ;
  • bearing a child and lactation period;
  • age less than 18 years.

If the patient has no contraindications, the product can be used. More often, a single use of the drug per day is prescribed, and the amount of the drug is selected individually for each person. The standard dose is 10 mg per day. If intolerant, it can be reduced to 5 mg.

It is recommended to take the tablet in the morning with plenty of water. It is allowed to use both on an empty stomach and during meals. If, after 3 days after starting treatment, the patient loses less than 2 kg, the dosage is increased to 15 mg. per day. Treatment with the drug should not last more than 2 months, with the exception of special cases.

On a note! To lose weight, one dose will not be enough. The patient will need to reconsider his lifestyle, change his diet and start exercising.

Side effects

Since Reduxin is quite a powerful tool, its use is not always well tolerated by the body.

Many patients experience the following complications:

  • increased heart rate and dilation of peripheral blood vessels;
  • loss of appetite, severe nausea;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • on the part of the nervous system, a feeling of anxiety may arise, sharp changes moods, depression;
  • the appearance and pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin;
  • Some women experience disruptions to their menstrual cycle while taking Reduxin.

If such complications occur, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you what to do next.

Efficiency mark

Most patients taking this remedy for weight loss, we were satisfied with it. This is due to the fact that when integrated approach The drug really helps to reduce weight and correct the contours of the figure.

There are also negative reviews, but not many of them. Negative opinions are almost always associated with complications that arise during therapy, and not with a lack of effect.

Share your feedback in the comments below the article


Most doctors and nutritionists believe that Reduxin is one of the most effective, but at the same time safe drugs. But before you start taking it, in any case, you need to visit a specialist and draw up an individual application regimen.

Every girl, without exception, dreams of having a slim or toned body and makes attempts to combat overweight. Often, it is necessary to reduce body weight by medical indications, and then, in addition to diets, special medications may also be required, one of which is Reduxin. The contraindications and harms of this medicine are actively discussed by doctors and patients, and it, like any other medicine, should not be taken without consulting a specialist.


The drug "Reduxin" is medication for the treatment of obesity, the main active ingredient of which is sibutrabine hydrochloride.

While taking the drug, metabolism increases and energy consumption increases. The medicine suppresses the feeling of hunger and appetite, thanks to which any, even the most strict, diets can be tolerated with ease.

"Reduxin" is a popular and widespread weight loss drug on the domestic market and is available in the form of capsules, which contain white-yellow powder inside.

Worth knowing! The medicine is available with different dosages active ingredient, most often 10 and 15 mg.

In addition to suppressing hunger and significantly reducing appetite, the drug also affects adipose tissue, contributing to more fast weight loss. The medication acts on the central nervous system and the brain, so taking it, especially when exceeding recommended dosages, can cause various side effects.

Important! In some cases, the use of Reduxin for weight loss and treatment of obesity is strictly contraindicated; moreover, it is not compatible with many medications, especially antipsychotics and sedatives.

Before taking the drug, you should undergo a full medical examination and consult with a nutritionist and your doctor.

Release forms

The drug "Reduxin" is produced in various forms, differing in composition and action. In pharmacies you can find the following versions of the drug:

Composition and action

Main active ingredients of the drug "Reduxin" are:

  1. Sibutamine hydrochloride at a dosage of 10 or 15 mg;
  2. Microcrystalline cellulose – 158.5 mg.

In addition to the active ingredients, the capsules also contain:

  • gelatin;
  • calcium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • azarubine;
  • proprietary blue dye.

The operation of the central nervous system is based on the creation and transmission of electrical impulses between neurons through special processes of various lengths and branches - dendrites and axons. Such transfer is ensured special substances neurotransmitters that affect the speed of signal transmission. These substances accumulate in nerve cells and are released only when a signal passes through a specific part of the nervous system, preserving the path along which the signal passed so that the response from the cerebral cortex is received in the same place from which the request came.

Worth knowing! The signal path in the nervous system created by neurotransmitters is called a synapse.

Neurotransmitters include many hormones, including norepinephrine and serotonin, which can not only create a synapse from a nerve cell, but also undergo reuptake, that is, return back to the cell from which they were previously released.

Sibutramine is a reuptake inhibitor and prevents the absorption of neurotransmitters into the processes nerve cells, due to which the amount of norepinephrine and serotonin in the intercellular space and blood flow sharply increases.

Thus, sibutramine provides:

  • dulling of hunger;
  • acceleration of saturation;
  • stimulation of metabolism (acceleration of metabolism);
  • cardiac activity vascular system;
  • increase in thermal production;
  • decreased levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and uric acid in the blood serum;
  • destruction of brown adipose tissue.

Microcrystalline cellulose is an active enterosorbent with a detoxifying effect. This element of the Reduxin drug is capable of binding and removing toxic substances from the body, pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products:

  • xenobiotics;
  • allergens;
  • toxins of endogenous and exogenous nature;
  • excess metabolic products;
  • metabolites.


Considering that Reduxin is a potent prescription drug, it should be taken if available. special indications.

The drug is prescribed for weight loss in conditions such as:

  1. Nutritional obesity with a body mass index of 30 kg/m² and above.
  2. Alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 27 kg/m² and higher in the presence of risk factors caused by excessive body weight (lipid metabolism disorders, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc.).

Worth knowing! Body mass index is a special indicator developed by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet in 1869 and used in official dietetics and medicine. The formula used to calculate BMI is weight/twice height in meters.

Often the drug is used by patients with a lower BMI than indicated by the manufacturer in order to achieve the desired weight and figure, however, in any case, its use should be agreed with a specialist.

Important! Doctors prescribe Reduxin only when other weight loss methods have not provided the required result, and overweight body threatens the patient's health.


Considering the active effect of the drug "Reduxin" on the central nervous system, there are a number of contraindications for which taking the drug is strictly prohibited:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug.
  2. The presence of organic causes of excess weight (for example, hormonal disorders, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  3. Eating disorders – arising from the background nervous disorders anorexia or bulimia.
  4. Mental illness and disorders.
  5. Generalized tics (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome).
  6. Taking some medicines.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including chronic heart failure, congenital heart defects, ischemic disease, arrhythmia and tachycardia. Peripheral arterial diseases, cerebrovascular diseases.
  8. Arterial hypertension(pressure more than 145/90 mmHg).
  9. Thyrotoxicosis.
  10. Pheochromocytoma.
  11. Severe liver or kidney dysfunction.
  12. Angle-closure glaucoma;
  13. Benign hyperplasia prostate.
  14. Any addiction (medication, alcohol, drugs).
  15. Children's and elderly age(the drug is prohibited for use by persons under 18 and over 65 years of age).

In some situations, the drug "Reduxin" is used with extreme caution:

  • presence of arrhythmia in the anemnesis;
  • diseases of the coronary arteries, including previous ones;
  • neurological disorders and disorders (mental retardation, seizures, etc., including previous ones);
  • mild to moderate disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • history of verbal and motor tics;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • controlled arterial hypertension.

Important! Taking the drug "Reduxin" is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since there are no studies on the safety of its effects on the body of the mother and fetus during this period. Contraception should be used while taking the drug.

Side effects

According to the results of studies, including post-marketing studies, taking the drug "Reduxin" may be accompanied by some side effects. Undesirable manifestations associated with taking weight loss capsules are most pronounced at the initial stage of therapy and become weaker over time. In most cases, such effects are reversible and are not particularly severe.

Side effect the drug may manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. From the central nervous system:
    • dry mouth;
    • insomnia;
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • anxiety;
    • change taste sensations;
    • paresthesia;
    • convulsions;
    • short-term memory impairment.
  2. From the outside of cardio-vascular system:
    • tachycardia;
    • feeling of heartbeat;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • atrial fibrillation.
  3. From the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system:
    • loss of appetite;
    • constipation;
    • nausea;
    • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
    • diarrhea;
    • vomit;
    • urinary retention.
  4. From the outside skin:
    • increased sweating;
    • dysmenorrhea;
    • swelling;
    • purpura (bleeding into the skin);
    • alopecia (hair loss).
  5. From the outside immune system:
    • allergic reactions;
    • hives;
    • rashes;
    • anaphylactic shock.
  6. From the mental side:
    • suicidal feelings;
    • psychosis;
    • manic tendencies.
  7. From the outside visual organs:
    • blurred vision;
  8. From the outside reproductive system:
    • ejaculation disorder;
    • lack of orgasm;
    • impotence;
    • violations female cycle;
    • uterine bleeding.

In addition to the described side effects during therapy with Reduxin, the following are also possible:

  • flu-like syndrome;
  • painful sensations in the back and stomach;
  • paradoxical increase in appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • rhinitis;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • increased liver enzymes in the blood;
  • bleeding;
  • acute nephritis.

Benefits and harms

The drug "Reduxin" has a number of useful properties:

Worth knowing! Taking Reduxin capsules ensures slow and gradual weight loss of up to 1 kg per week, and therefore does not create stress for the body caused by sharp jumps body weight.

Taking the drug is accompanied by changes eating habits, patients begin to eat less and the need for food gradually decreases, so even after the end of Reduxin therapy, the weight loss results persist for a long time.

Among the advantages of the drug, one can also note its ease of use (one capsule per day) and lack of addiction.

Despite a large number of advantages of the drug "Reduxin" is made on the basis of a potent chemical substance and can cause certain harm to the body, especially with uncontrolled use, exceeding the dosage and treatment without consulting a doctor and prior medical examination.

According to the observations of doctors and patients, Reduxin therapy is accompanied by:

  1. Negative changes in the composition of the blood.
  2. Increased risk of strokes and heart attacks, especially in patients with a tendency to cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Big amount side effects.
  4. Deterioration general condition and well-being.
  5. Irritability and nervous disorders.

Worth knowing! During a two-year study on animals, it was found that in male rats on which the drug was used, the frequency of formation of benign tumors, and the offspring of rabbits were born with noticeable anomalies.

Sibutramine, on the basis of which the drug "Reduxin" was created, is potent psychotropic substance, which has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, like a narcotic. As a result, the use of the drug does not stimulate weight loss, but creates psychological condition, in which energy appears and appetite decreases.

Important! In 2010, the drug Reduxin was withdrawn from the American pharmaceutical market due to minimal effectiveness and a high risk of hazardous consequences for health in general and the cardiovascular system in particular.

Instructions for use

Reduxin capsules are intended for oral administration. They should be swallowed whole, without chewing or opening, with a significant amount of water.

Take 1 capsule per day, in the dosage prescribed by your doctor, starting with a minimum dose of 10 mg.

Worth knowing! If after a month of taking the drug the results of therapy are unsatisfactory and body weight has decreased by less than 5%, the dosage is increased to 15 mg.

The total duration of treatment for significant obesity should not exceed two years, since there is no data on the safety of taking the drug for a longer period of time.

If within three months the total body weight has not been reduced by 5% of the initial weight. treatment with Reduxin is canceled and another drug is selected.

Important! Therapy for obesity and weight loss with the use of the drug "Reduxin" must be carried out as directed and under supervision experienced doctor. Treatment is combined with dietary nutrition and physical activity.

The instructions for the drug indicate that it can be taken on an empty stomach or immediately before meals. According to reviews, the greatest effectiveness of Reduxin is observed when taking the capsule in the middle of the day, since only in this case the feeling of hunger is suppressed until the evening.

special instructions

The drug "Reduxin" is used in the composition complex therapy obesity along with special dietary nutrition and exercise recommended by a specialist.

Exist special instructions things to consider while taking the drug:

  1. During treatment you should measure arterial pressure and heart rate. In the first months of treatment every two weeks. Then monthly. If the blood pressure level exceeds 145/90, the drug should be discontinued.
  2. Taking the drug "Reduxin" is prohibited in combination with therapy with MAO inhibitors (ephedrine, ethylamphetamine, fenfluramine, etc.), as well as other medicines, affecting the central nervous system, including antipsychotics and antidepressants, medications for sleep disorders and any other weight loss drugs that have central action. You can start Reduxin therapy no earlier than two weeks after taking such medications.
  3. At simultaneous administration Antiarrhythmic drugs, stimulants of gastrointestinal motility, hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia "Reduxin" are used with extreme caution.
  4. During therapy, you should pay attention to the occurrence of such undesirable symptoms as dyspnea (breathing disorders), pain in chest, swelling of the legs, but the relationship between the occurrence of such manifestations and the use of Reduxin has not been proven.
  5. If you miss the next dose of the drug, you should not take it next appointment double dosage. Treatment continues according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
  6. Operating vehicles and machinery, as well as engaging in other activities that require concentration, should be done with extreme caution during Reduxin therapy.