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Beginning, development and termination of purulent appendicitis. Inflammation of the small intestine: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

What is the small intestine, what is its feature and how does it work, what role does it play in, what diseases of the small intestine occur? All these questions can be answered in this article.

The small intestine is one of the parts of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract. Its beginning is in, and the ileum is the end. The length of the small intestine can reach five meters. It consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The department is three-layer. It includes:

  1. The mucous membrane is the internal component formed from the cells of the ciliated tissue.
  2. The muscle layer is the middle layer consisting of smooth muscle tissue. Moreover, its inner part is formed by circular tissues, and its outer part by longitudinal fibers.
  3. The outer layer is formed from the serous membrane. It is loose connective tissue

Food moves through the small intestine by muscle contraction. To a greater extent it is represented by peristaltic waves. Movements can also be antiperistaltic or pendulum-like. The intestine is characterized by the presence of folds and bends. Their position is fixed by the serous membrane.

The most common intestinal diseases and their clinical manifestations

As a rule, problems with the intestines are indicated by the presence of unstable stools. This is manifested by constipation, diarrhea, or alternation of these two troubles. Patients express such complaints if pathological process The small intestine is involved and there are disorders of absorption mechanisms. In addition to diarrhea, some people experience other problems. Often after defecation they have heaviness in the stomach. Sometimes there is a false urge to defecate. The stool may be too light in color or have a greasy texture. They are difficult to wash off. The presence of blood in feces in the absence of hemorrhoids and cracks.

Diseases of the intestinal tract are almost always accompanied by general abnormalities.

Stool disorder may be accompanied by characteristic pain in the abdominal area. If in the intestines there is increased gas formation, then the pain is moderate. It is not long lasting. As a rule, the pain intensifies in the late afternoon. To decrease discomfort, worth taking. During inflammatory processes, as well as impaired blood supply, the walls of the small intestine contract spastically. The pain is intense. It is antispasmodic in nature. It is impossible to identify a clear localization, painful sensations spread throughout the abdomen.

Disorder - as one of the symptoms of small intestinal disease

Symptoms intestinal manifestations bloating, rumbling and movements in the abdomen are considered. They occur after eating foods prone to gas formation. These are, for example, legumes, cabbage, Rye bread, potatoes and more. At night, these symptoms intensify significantly.

Absorption and digestion of food does not occur properly. This leads to weight loss. The skin becomes dry, hair falls out, and wounds appear at the corners of the mouth. Bones are more susceptible to fractures. Vision is impaired, limbs swell. There are two main signs by which the pathological condition of the small intestine is determined:

  1. maldigestion – insufficiency of digestion;
  2. malabsorption – problems with absorption.

Intestinal digestive insufficiency occurs due to insufficient enzymes. However, they may be completely absent or produced in small quantities. Enzyme deficiency can be both congenital and acquired. In the latter case, diseases in the small intestine occur due to:

  • chronic inflammation;
  • extensive operations during which resection of large sections of the intestine was performed;
  • endocrine diseases. This includes increased thyroid function and diabetes;
  • reception antibiotic drugs and sulfalamides;
  • deficiency of proteins, microelements and vitamins that should be supplied with food;
  • consuming food contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals

Digestive insufficiency can be cavity, parietal, or intracellular.

What is intestinal dyspepsia (insufficiency of cavity digestion)

Dyspepsia is associated with a violation of the secretory functionality of the stomach and organs that are located nearby (liver, pancreas, gall bladder). A major role in the occurrence of abdominal insufficiency is played by disruption of intestinal motor functions and stagnation or accelerated passage of its contents. The disease appears after:

  • They influence the quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora;
  • regular unbalanced diet. Occurs from an excess of carbohydrates, fats and insufficient amounts of vitamins;
  • psychological and emotional shocks. They inhibit the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • chronic inflammatory processes

Intestinal dyspepsia is usually characterized by the presence of bloating, as well as rumbling and transfusion in the intestines and gases. There are problems with stool, manifested by diarrhea. In this case, the feces have a putrid or sour odor.

Treatment of dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is treated based on the underlying disease. If there was an unbalanced diet, then the patient is prescribed additional introduction protein, amino acids, minerals and trace elements. Unstable stool – diarrhea for 3-5 days requires a corrective diet. The following must be included in the diet:

  1. astringents – blueberries, rowan, tincture oak bark, rice water, etc.;
  2. products that reduce bloating and gas formation – Dill water, peppermint tincture, charcoal and other medications;
  3. enzymes that perform substitution. For example, pancreatin, creon, etc.

Parietal digestive insufficiency

These violations lead to pathological changes mucous tissues, as well as intestinal microvilli. The disease occurs as a result of chronic inflammatory processes, lipodystrophy, and enteropathy. Symptoms are similar to intestinal dyspepsia. Therefore, additional examinations are needed for a final diagnosis. The treatment is also similar.

Features of intracellular digestive insufficiency

The basis of this disease is carbohydrate intolerance. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. Clinically, the disorder is manifested by strong fermentation in the intestines, after the intake of carbons that have not undergone the splitting process. The patient suffers from regular diarrhea. Feces are copious, liquid and foamy.

Therapy involves eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. Additionally, medications are prescribed that can stimulate the formation of enzymes in the intestines. This includes folic acid, anabolic hormones, calcium, iron and vitamins. Malabsorption syndrome is directly related to:

  • morphological transformations of mucous tissues;
  • disorders of food digestion;
  • difficulty moving food masses;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • problems with intestinal motility

Intestinal absorption is impaired as a result of tumor changes, which are extensive, resections, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, pancreatitis, circulatory problems, inflammatory processes and irradiation of the abdominal cavity.

Poor nutrition is one of the causes of small intestinal diseases

All of the above processes certainly lead to pathological changes crypts and microvilli. This in turn leads to disruption of the blood supply to the intestinal walls. The mechanisms of intestinal absorption begin to work incorrectly. The body stops absorbing amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and mineral salts.

As a result, there is nutritional dystrophy. If a person suffers from malabsorption, then he develops disorders metabolic processes all kinds. He suffers from diarrhea. Outwardly, this is manifested by severe weight loss, which leads to exhaustion and cachexia. There is general weakness, the level of performance decreases. Mental disorders, anemia, swelling, atrophy often occur muscular system. The skin changes and nail plates. Hair falls out profusely. Problems with blood pressure and convulsions occur. Sexual function decreases.

Treatment of diseases

If the disease is acquired, then to cure it it is necessary first of all to eliminate the underlying disease. In addition, there are therapeutic measures. They include:

  1. taking enzymes. For example, pancreatin and others;
  2. taking medications intended for parenteral nutrition. These are amino acids, fat emulsions, concentrated glucose, protein hydrolysates;
  3. taking anabolic steroids. For example, retabolil or nerobol;
  4. in the presence of intestinal dysbiosis, antibiotics may be prescribed. They will destroy the intestinal flora. After this you will need to use biological drugs, which will restore the intestinal biocenosis. These drugs are Lactobacterin, Bifikol, Colibacterin and others;
  5. taking medications that help reduce hypoxia of the intestinal walls. They are most often represented by solutions and vitamin complexes;
  6. taking medications that thicken stool. These include calcium and bismuth;
  7. taking drugs that promote the adhesion of fatty acids - activated carbon

All of the diseases described above have a very negative impact on a person’s well-being and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to make a timely diagnosis and begin adequate treatment. By self-medicating, you can further aggravate the situation and trigger the disease even further. Diagnosis consists of examination and a series of tests.

Diagnosis of TC diseases

The patient will need to undergo ultrasound, capsule examination, endoscopy, irrigoscopy, fiberoscopy, and radiography. Regarding analyses, standard studies are carried out here. The patient donates blood and feces. in the first case, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is taken into account. Feces are examined to detect helminths and blood. in addition, it is checked thyroid and liver.

Physiology and techniques for cleansing the small and large intestines is the topic of this video:

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Digestion of food, absorption simple substances(vitamins, mineral elements) - all these processes occur at a masterly level, and any insignificant failure can lead to serious and tragic consequences. All types of small intestinal diseases have the same symptoms. The common denominator of an incorrectly balanced process is malabsorption syndrome. It is worth noting that this disorder is associated with a malfunction in excretory and motor functions small intestine.

Common symptoms for a person experiencing discomfort are: loose bowel movements, rumbling in the abdomen, bloating and colic. Diarrhea in this case is an integral attribute of the inflammatory process. The stool is accompanied by frequent visits (3-6 times) to the toilet. The stool may contain undigested food. In this case, inflammation of the small intestine needs to be treated quickly.

The epicenter of pain is located in the navel and right half of the abdomen. The nature of the spasms is quite viscous and aching. Closer to the night, the rumbling and bloating of the stomach slowly weaken. External signs quite noticeable. Symptoms begin to become radical. A person suddenly loses body weight. The effect of anemia, inflammation of the oral mucosa begins with a sharp deficiency of iron, vitamins (B12, B2, K, Ca) and vital folic acid. Women may experience disruptions in the normal functioning of the glands internal secretion And menstrual cycles. A large number of men may experience problems with potency, dry skin and systematic hair loss. Treatment of the inflammatory process is carried out by medical specialists. The balance of intestinal microflora can be restored with the prescribed remedies. Also should not be neglected folk ways healing.

Subtleties of chronic enteritis and its symptoms

The patient regularly experiences rumbling in the abdomen and pain in the umbilical area. To establish a clear diagnosis, a gastroenterologist is involved. The examination is designed to determine the extent of the inflammatory process and acceptable types of treatment. Folk recipes will help to effectively cope with this disease.

Lack of carbohydrate digestibility

Enzymes break down complex substances into simpler ones. Disaccharidases are congenital disease, which is accompanied by the absence of basic enzymatic elements that are involved in the hydrolysis of carbohydrates. Thus, lactase can never be broken down into galactose, sucrose into glucose. Therefore, normal absorption is almost impossible. Enzyme deficiency is quite common in humans. For example, digesting mushrooms, vegetables, milk and meat may be difficult. The diagnosis is established by a gastroenterologist who methodically conducts research in laboratory conditions. Effective treatments for this disease are following a special diet and partial fasting. By special diet The consumption of dairy products is limited, with the only exceptions being cheese products and feta cheese. Treatment must be systematic and high-quality.

Sugar intolerance can be treated by following a sugar-free diet. All types of sweets are excluded here. An excellent alternative are citrus fruits, honey and confectionery based on fructose.

Vascular diseases of the small intestine and basic symptoms

The large arteries that supply the small intestine arise from abdominal aorta. Atherosclerosis is a serious stumbling block for the normal functioning of the entire circulatory system. Abdominal toad is a serious disorder in the functioning of the vessels of the small intestine.

Symptoms include abdominal pain after eating, significant weight loss, rumbling and bloating. abdominal cavity. If the disease is ignored, blockage of the lumen of blood vessels may occur, which develops into intestinal infarction. Radical alternative - surgical implantation vessels. This treatment requires special preoperative preparation. Food is taken in doses, in small portions 6-7 times a day. Also medical supplies(isotard, mononit, creon, pancreoflat) relieve painful cramps. Treating the disease becomes quite comfortable and productive.

Allergic disorders of the small intestine

Allergy is a hypersensitive reaction of the body to the activity of antigens and foreign proteins. Enteropia is an allergic disease of the entire intestine. The lesion is accompanied by regular disorders and has the following symptoms. Cramping pain gradually flows into bloating and loose stool. Discomfort very often occurs after taking medications or heavy foods. To determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a large number of studies by a gastroenterologist. The main treatment is exclusion of the malignant antigen from the diet. Quite often, citrus fruits, eggs, fish, strawberries, milk, crayfish, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, red and black caviar are allergic sources.

Genetic predisposition and complex symptoms

Celiac disease is a disease that is associated with a genetic defect in the human body. In this case, a person experiences a lack of the enzyme peptidase. The substance takes an active part in the breakdown of protein in grain plants. Elements of incomplete breakdown are a serious source of toxins for healthy cells of the small intestine. In this case, the protective function of the mucous membrane is significantly reduced to a critical level. Thus, it is eliminated normal condition processes of digestion and absorption. Patients often complain of terrible pain in the bones, bleeding gums and mental disorders. When treating the disease, it is advisable to adhere to a diet that does not contain foods containing gluten protein (sausage, sausages, bread, sauces, chocolate, ice cream).

Whipple's disease

This is enough rare disease, which occurs due to the activity of carinobacteria. The inflammatory process is accompanied by blocking by fats lymphatic vessels small intestine and has complex symptoms. The patient may experience heat, diarrhea, significant weight loss, sharp pains in a stomach. For treatment, the patient is prescribed special antibiotics (tetracycline, rifampicin) and other antimicrobial drugs for several years. As a rule, many resort to traditional methods of treatment.

Small bowel tumors

This disease is rare. Cancer develops quite rarely. But if a complication occurs, the intestine narrows significantly and additional obstruction occurs. The patient experiences abdominal cramps and frequent vomiting. Such symptoms can develop into a more complex form of an acute nature. Subsequently, complete anemia occurs. In this case, the person should quickly consult a doctor. Treatment is accompanied surgical treatment, as well as tumor chemotherapy.

Methodology for effective treatment of the small intestine

  1. Compliance with a special diet, which may include the following products: wheat bread, low-fat soup, steamed meat, vegetable side dishes, loose porridges, steam omelettes, jelly, compotes, souffles, baked fruits, low-concentration juices, rosehip infusions, weak tea. Treatment is carried out gradually and in doses.
  2. The impact on dysbiosis occurs by eliminating microbes in the small intestine. For this purpose they are used strong antibiotics: tetracycline (025 mg/4 times a day), chloramphenicol (0.5 -1.0 mg/4 times a day), ampicillin (0.5 - 1.0 mg). Positive effect achieved by many other means. IN special cases the use of sulfasalazine or its base analogues is permitted. Painful symptoms should then disappear gradually.
  3. Application beneficial microbes is effective remedy to normalize the functioning of the small intestine. Therefore, special bio-cocktails and universal preparations (bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, lactobacterin) are gaining wide popularity. With these means you can achieve a quick recovery.
  4. Substitution treatment is based on the use of pancreatic enzymes. High quality drugs(Mezim Forte, Pancreatin, Creon) achieve normalization of the digestion and absorption process. The duration of taking the tablets is determined by the doctor and reaches several weeks. The patient takes doses of 1-3 parts during meals (3 times a day). Enzymes significantly reduce pain and normalize intestinal motility. Also complex vitamins in tandem with drugs improve the physiological state of a person. The disease must be treated systemically.
  5. Folk remedies can also eliminate the disease. For example, a decoction of rose hips, elecampane, chamomile and thyme will help the patient normalize intestinal activity in a short period of time.
  6. Stick to it proper diet nutrition. As Nikolai Amosov said: “All diseases arise from a person due to ignorant food intake.”

A variety of causes can cause inflammation of the small intestine: symptoms and treatment depend on the location of the pathology. Slim department The intestine consists of three parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Most often, the cause of inflammation in them is inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, consumption junk food: fried, fatty, with preservatives.

According to localization, more precisely, its thin section can be called duodenitis, ileitis and jeunitis. Since the pathological process predominantly covers all parts of the intestine at once, in medical practice it is determined by one general concept– enteritis.

Basically, the pathology begins with duodenitis, that is, the inflammatory focus occurs primarily in duodenum. This part of the intestine is closest to the stomach, and, in fact, that is why the disease affects it first.

When inflammation of the small intestine occurs, treatment not started in a timely manner leads to the pathological process quickly spreading to all parts, and enteritis is diagnosed in acute or chronic form. Standard symptoms of the disease, except inflammatory signs, are problems with the absorption of food, as well as with intestinal motility.


Acute inflammation of the small intestine is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea or diarrhea up to ten or more times a day;
  • systematic pain like contractions in the navel area;
  • nausea and vomiting with bile impurities;
  • white or yellow coating on the tongue;
  • bloating, swelling and rumbling of the abdomen;
  • body temperature rises.

Severe intestinal inflammation can lead to dehydration. In this case, the symptoms are expressed by dehydration, weight loss, cramps, dry mucous membranes and skin. General intoxication increases and appears severe weakness and squeezing headaches. Thrombotic pathologies are likely due to blood thickening. From the outside of cardio-vascular system severe inflammation of the small intestine is accompanied by rapid heartbeat or tachycardia and decreased blood pressure.

Chronic course

The inflammatory process in the small intestine, which is chronic, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • constant aching pain;
  • increased gas formation, bloating;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • diarrhea that appears after eating;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise.

Due to disturbances in absorption ability, hypovitaminosis may occur, which will result in early aging of the body, decreased protective functions, frequent colds. Noted strong weight loss, despite the enhanced diet.

Therapeutic measures

Taking into account the cause of intestinal inflammation, complex treatment is prescribed, which combines several methods of therapy. If necessary, if in the background chronic inflammation death of organ tissue has occurred; anastomosis is used to remove part of the intestine or a separate section of it. The procedure is considered the most effective option if the diameter of the connected ends of the intestine has a slight difference.

There are two options for anastomosis: connecting the two ends of the intestines or their lateral parts. After the procedure, the patient is certainly prescribed a rehabilitation course, including breathing exercises, physical and. I resort to anastomosis only in extreme cases when complications have already developed.

Elimination of pathogenic organisms is achieved by taking antibiotics. Pathogenetic therapy can be included in complex treatment. Additionally, sorbents and agents with anti-inflammatory effects are prescribed. To reduce the load on the intestines and organize functional rest, drugs that facilitate digestion are used: Mezim, Pancreatin. Soreness and spasms that are provoked by pathology of the small intestine, its inflammation are eliminated by taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

The problem of bloating is solved by prescribing defoamers, for example, Espumisan. It is worth noting that the cause of the development of chronic inflammation can most often be poor nutrition, therefore, adjusting the diet is useful not only for treatment, but also for preventing pathology.

Inflammation of the ileum or other parts of the intestine must be diagnosed by a specialist. After the examinations, the doctor will prescribe a course drug therapy and will provide dietary recommendations. Adjusting the diet involves introducing some prohibitions:

  • giving up alcohol;
  • exclusion of spicy, fried foods, canned food, black bread, pickles;
  • limiting vegetables and fruits containing coarse fiber;
  • ban on confectionery sweets.

Meals should be fractional - in small portions up to 6 times a day. In case of diarrhea, to eliminate the consequences of ileitis, it is advisable to drink more clean water without gas. In addition, it is useful to drink blueberry jelly and rosehip infusion.

Treatment of chronic inflammation usually takes a long time. The diet regimen must be followed throughout your life. Alcohol will have to be eliminated forever; even just a little alcohol will reduce all the results of treatment to zero.

Food during an inflammatory process in the intestines should not irritate the damaged intestinal mucosa, strict ban available for fermentation products.

The diet for enteritis consists of steamed, stewed, boiled, baked foods. Food should be crushed, warm and must be taken in small portions to prevent disruption of intestinal motility.

Healthy recipes

An effective remedy for eliminating signs of diarrhea is a decoction of oak bark. The prepared product is taken every 3 hours, 100 ml.

A fairly common approach to the treatment of colitis and enteritis is taking white clay. Need to mix carrot juice with a spoon of its powder, mix well and drink 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of such treatment should not last more than 3 weeks. If necessary, after 10 days you can take clay again.

It is often recommended to include in the diet for chronic enteritis. applesauce, made from two red apples, grated without sugar.


When intestinal inflammation occurs pathological symptoms, associated with digestive disorders, they largely depend on the form of the disease and its severity. The acute course is mainly complemented by inflammation of the stomach. Disturbances in the digestive function of the small intestine and deterioration of absorption in it are superimposed on disorders in the production of intestinal juice, gastritis, with all their manifestations.

The chronic form of enteritis often occurs against the background of protracted diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and pancreas. Primary signs caused by the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Chronic course usually associated with diseases digestive organs, inherited, and also develops as a consequence of autoimmune processes. Accordingly, therapeutic therapy is built taking into account these features.

Gastroenterologists classify intestinal inflammation as serious illnesses, dangerous not only to health, but in some cases to the life of the patient. Advanced inflammation threatens tissue death (necrosis) and internal bleeding in the intestines. This will require mandatory anastomosis. To avoid such complications, you should strictly adhere to nutritional recommendations, take medications prescribed by your doctor and combine them with folk remedies.

is a disease that is accompanied by a violation of its functions, as well as dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane. An alternative name for the pathological condition is enteritis. It should be noted that the disease provokes numerous negative symptoms and other manifestations, for example, leading to weight loss. That is why it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible in order to maintain 100% vital activity.

Reasons for the development of inflammation

Factors in the development of inflammation of the small intestine may be acute intestinal infection of bacterial or viral origin. TO similar diseases refers to cholera or typhus. Another provoking factor can be called poisoning with any toxic component, for example, arsenic, as well as certain toxic products. The latter includes death cap, inedible berries or fish parts.

Inflammation of the small intestine occurs when certain foods are consumed in excessive quantities. It's about about hot, spicy or fatty foods, as well as about drinking strong alcohol. It is important to consider the possible allergic reaction to any products or medicinal components. Symptoms of the disease may increase significantly if there is bad habits, namely with a tendency to consume rough or spicy food, alcohol.

It is also necessary to pay attention to factors that significantly contribute to the formation of the presented disease. It could be nicotine addiction, renal failure or atherosclerosis. In addition, it should be noted the active influence of the tendency to allergic reactions, autoimmune processes and other pathological conditions.

In some situations, inflammation of the small intestine and its symptoms are associated with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


The acute form of the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, as well as the formation of pain in the abdominal area. In some cases, an increase in temperature and headaches are identified. It should be noted that the symptoms are accompanied by a significant increase in the amount of feces excreted, namely up to 10 or even 15 times during the day. The stool is copious and watery. The general condition of the patient can be characterized as the addition of weakness and pallor, the formation of dry skin and white plaque in the field of language.

Patients also experience complaints of bloating in the abdomen and rumbling in the intestines. If diarrhea continues for a long period of time, dehydration occurs. In the most severe situations, inflammation of the small intestine provokes seizures and even intravascular coagulation, the treatment of which is strongly recommended as early as possible. It is necessary to pay attention to following features diseases:

  1. symptoms are likely hemorrhagic diathesis– an increased degree of bleeding and a tendency to form blood clots;
  2. chronic form the disease goes away accompanied by enteral and extraintestinal manifestations;
  3. As part of chronic inflammation, stool is liquid and includes the remains of undigested food. In the vast majority of cases, defecation is associated with significant weakness and even absolute exhaustion.

I would like to dwell in more detail on what are the enteral symptoms that indicate that treatment will be required in the very near future. We are talking about the occurrence of diarrhea and flatulence, as well as painful cramping sensations in the lower abdomen. It should be borne in mind that the symptoms are most pronounced at the stage of highest activity of the gastrointestinal tract, namely in the second part of the day.

In some cases, painful painful sensations, which are accompanied by seething and cramping in the abdominal area.

The urge to defecate is likely to join, which is accompanied by greenish discharge and watery, scanty stool. When the small intestine is inflamed, the tongue is coated with a specific white coating, with tooth marks visible along the edges. The abdomen is characterized as distended, and examination of the cecum area will respond with noise and splashing (the so-called Obraztsov symptom).

Extraintestinal symptoms of a chronic disease that are associated with the formation can also be identified. We are talking about destabilizing the absorption of nutritional components in the small intestine. A long-term lack of certain components in the body provokes numerous hypovitaminosis over time. The development of deficiency of mineral components is likely, the treatment of which is complicated.

Diagnosis of the site of inflammation in the small intestine

Diagnosis should begin with a thorough interview of the patient, namely by clarifying all the nuances of the condition and collecting a family history. This will be more than enough for a specialist to decide on primary diagnosis, then you need to carry out general examination, palpation and percussion of the abdominal walls. The most important step in making a diagnosis is laboratory methods, namely coprogram. Micro- and macroscopic examinations are also carried out to determine consistency, shade and other characteristics.

Next, the specialist may insist on conducting functional tests, jejunoperfusion (detection of disorders in the intestines not only at the cellular, but also at the molecular level), bacteriological examination of feces. In addition, it is mandatory to carry out biochemical analysis blood.

Talking about instrumental examinations, it is necessary to pay attention to endoscopy and x-ray examination. The first presents significant difficulties because only the terminal sections are accessible. However, when performing endoscopy, a biopsy sample and mucous membrane are taken for histological examination.

X-ray diagnostics are carried out with the introduction of a contrast component, which makes it possible to determine changes in the structure of the intestine.

In addition, it is the X-ray examination that makes it possible to identify segmental lesions and tumors, ulcers. It should be noted that there is a possibility of determining the general condition of the intestines. It is after such an examination that we can talk about what treatment should be. In some cases there is a need to carry out re-diagnosis, a differentiated examination deserves special attention.

Treatment methods

The recovery course directly depends on the characteristics of the condition, in particular, inflammation of the small intestine can be acute and chronic. Treatment of the acute form is carried out in a hospital setting. Patients are required to remain in bed and remember to dietary nutrition. We are talking about mechanically and chemically gentle food, limiting the ratio of components such as carbohydrates and fats. In addition, experts insist on drinking plenty of fluids(if there is such a need, hydration therapy is carried out), a symptomatic and restorative rehabilitation course.

Treatment severe dysbacteriosis consists of carrying out medication adjustments intestinal flora. In addition, the resulting diarrhea is relieved with the help of astringent components. As part of the destabilization of protein metabolism, special polypeptide solutions are introduced. Treatment of acute inflammation, in the vast majority of cases, takes no more than a week. Discharge from the hospital is possible only after relief of the most acute symptoms.

It also makes sense to treat exacerbations of a chronic disease in a hospital setting. It is important to pay attention to the following features:

  • patients are prescribed compliance bed rest And dietary ration(diet No. 4);
  • at the acute stage, food should be as much as possible rich in proteins, while it would be best to exclude or limit fats and carbohydrates;
  • It is strongly recommended to avoid eating rough, spicy, and sour foods. In general, you should not consume all those foods that can harm the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

You should avoid foods that contain a significant amount of fiber, such as milk.

The ratio of fats and carbohydrates must be gradually increased. During remission it is highly recommended balanced diet, which contains all the required components, vitamins and minerals in the optimal ratio. Correction of enzyme deficiencies digestive system carried out using enzyme components. This can be Pancreatin, Pancitrate or Festal, which helps not only eliminate negative symptoms, but also improves general state body.

Prevention and prognosis

Preventive measures against inflammation in the small intestine involve rational nutrition, compliance with all hygiene recommendations. In addition, we should not forget about careful processing of food products, avoiding the use of possible toxic components as food (for example, inedible mushrooms or berries). Please remember to use carefully medicines, and exclusively in accordance with the indications.

Measures to prevent enteritis are early identification and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders and endocrine disorders. Speaking about the forecast, it is important to consider that mild course And moderate severity With correct treatment, it ends in cure within a few days. An aggravated course that is difficult to treat can provoke the formation of complications that require treatment. emergency measures. These may include bleeding and more complex symptoms and conditions.

If proper therapeutic measures are absent, then a long course of chronic enteritis may be related to fatal from severe disturbances of homeostasis, as well as from exhaustion.

In addition, the untreated chronic form of enteritis is associated with the formation of complications critical to human life and the presence of infectious lesions.



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    1.Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No person can ensure complete safety for himself. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of developing a malignant tumor.

    2.How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically forbid yourself from smoking. Everyone is already tired of this truth. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from cancer. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life - best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half a day, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3.Does it affect excess weight on the development of cancer?
    Look at the scales more often! Overweight will affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity promotes the development of tumors of the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to preserve energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, WHO associates 26% of all cancer cases with obesity.

    4.Do exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Spend at least half an hour a week training. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the United States, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet or pay attention to physical exercise. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but at a vigorous pace. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 shows that even 30 minutes can reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women worldwide) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol has been blamed for causing tumors of the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, turns into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is a strong carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful for women, as it stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6.Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables not only contribute to a healthy diet, but they also help fight cancer. This is also why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Particularly useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: regular cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Red meat affects which organ cancer?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Research has confirmed that people who eat more than 500g of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

    8.Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18–36 are especially susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both tanning equipment and Sun rays. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream have half the incidence of melanoma than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    You need to choose a cream with a protection factor of SPF 15, apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also not expose it to the sun's rays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    Stress itself does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry changes the activity of immune cells responsible for turning on the “fight and flight” mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils constantly circulate in the blood, which are responsible for inflammatory processes. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  2. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 3 of 9

    Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?

  4. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  5. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?