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Detralex instructions for use. Detralex is a high-quality drug

Venous insufficiency is often detected in people with sufficient young. Poor circulation causes hemorrhoids, varicose veins veins, and subsequently thrombophlebitis.

For the treatment of these diseases is selected complex treatment, and his regimen often includes the drug Detralex.

This medicine has its own indications for use and in order to get a positive result of therapy, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of using the drug.

Instructions for use

Detralex belongs to a group of drugs with a venotonic effect. When prescribing it, it is important to correctly choose the general course of therapy, dosage and find out all contraindications to the use of the medication.

Composition and release form

The main active ingredients of the drug are two flavonoids, these are Diosmin and Hesperidin. These drugs have a positive effect on metabolic processes, microcirculation, improve the condition of the vein walls.

Additionally, Detralex contains a group of excipients that allow the medication to be more easily absorbed in the body. High-tech processing of all components of Detralex makes it possible to obtain microscopic medicinal particles, and this leads to a rapid therapeutic effect.

Detralex is available in the form of oval tablets, their color is orange-pink, yellowish at the break. The top of the tablets is covered with a thin film shell. The package may contain 15, 30 or 60 tablets placed in a blister.

Useful pharmacological properties of the drug

Detralex is a highly effective drug endowed with angioprotective and venotonic properties.

Conducted clinical trials allowed us to identify a group of positive changes after a course of treatment with Detralex, these include:

  • Strengthening venous walls.
  • Improvement of decreased venous tone.
  • Restoration of pathologically altered venous insufficiency connective tissue elements of blood vessels.
  • Acceleration of the outflow of the resulting edematous fluid by lymphatic vessels. This leads to a noticeable reduction in swelling lower limbs.
  • Current speed gain venous blood, which leads to a reduction in stagnation.
  • Relieving inflammation. Detralex inhibits the formation of prostaglandins responsible for the development of inflammatory changes.

Thanks to several mechanisms of action, Detralex acts comprehensively and in several directions at once. This mechanism of action allows positive side change all disorders that arise as a result of venous insufficiency.

The uniqueness of the effect on the venous system lies in the molecular structure of all components of the drug. Size of each medicinal substance in Detralex is only a few microns and this allows them to quickly absorb and begin their work.

The dose-dependent effectiveness of the drug has been proven; positive changes in its use are observed when taking a single dose of two tablets.

The bulk of the processed components of the drug are excreted during bowel movements, a small part is filtered by the kidneys.

Indications for use

The drug Detralex is prescribed in several cases.

Indications for use of the medicine are:

  • Symptomatic therapy and prevention of venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency can manifest itself as sensations such as heaviness in the legs, swelling, and pain. All these changes bother sick people especially at the end of the day. Over time, sensory disturbances develop, paresthesias and convulsions appear, advanced cases trophic disorders. Detralex allows you to get rid of these sensations and prevents their occurrence in people with a predisposition to venous insufficiency.
  • Treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.
  • Preoperative preparation of the patient for surgical intervention on the veins and the recovery period after operations.

The likelihood of developing this disease increases in people who work for long hours in a sitting or standing position. It has been found that it predisposes to the development venous disorder And sedentary lifestyle life, chronic constipation, pregnancy and complicated childbirth, overweight body, hereditary weakness of the venous wall.


The effectiveness of treatment with Detralex largely depends on the choice of the correct dose of the drug.

  • When treating hemorrhoids, the drug is prescribed depending on its form. In case of an acute disease, during the first 4 days of the disease, Detralex is taken three tablets in the morning and in the evening at dinner, that is, the daily dosage is 6 tablets. Over the next three days, the daily dose is four tablets, divided into two doses. At chronic course It is recommended to treat the disease for one week with two Detralex tablets, 2 times a day. Then the dosage is adjusted to two tablets once a day.
  • When treating circulatory failure in the venous system, Detralex is taken two pieces twice a day for one week. Then the dosage is adjusted to one tablet; they must be taken twice a day.

Take the tablets with meals; chewing them is not recommended. The general course of therapy with this drug can last up to two months or more and should always be determined by a doctor after examination.

Adverse reactions

The drug Detralex, like any other pharmaceuticals, when used, can cause a number of undesirable changes in the body.

The likelihood of developing adverse reactions, the most frequently identified of them include:

  • Changes from digestive system, they are expressed by nausea, discomfort in the stomach, less often vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Changes in the central nervous system manifest themselves in some patients as headache and periodic dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions. When taking Detralex, cases of skin rash, itching, and urticaria were recorded. In very rare cases, Quincke's edema develops.

Minor dyspeptic disorders often disappear after several days of treatment with Detralex. Therefore, if such sensations do not cause significant discomfort, then treatment should not be interrupted.

For severe headaches and allergic reactions It is necessary to inform the attending physician, in case of such changes it will be possible to select an analogue.

Cases of overdose when taking Detralex in medical literature not described. But if you accidentally or intentionally use several times higher doses of the drug, you must rinse your stomach and contact your doctor. medical institution for consultation with a therapist.


There are no special contraindications to the use of Detralex. The medicine is not prescribed only if an individual intolerance to one of its components is detected.

Detralex is not used in the treatment of children, women throughout pregnancy and nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that clinical trials have not been conducted on these groups of patients. If treatment is necessary during breastfeeding, then it is necessary to transfer the child to an artificial formula for the duration of therapy.

Detralex does not have any effect on the speed of human reactions, therefore, when using it, you do not need to limit yourself in driving vehicles or interrupt work related to handling complex instruments.

special instructions

It must be taken into account that for acutely developing hemorrhoids, Detralex is included only in complex therapy. That is, proctologists also use other medications to eliminate all disorders. The recovery time and rapid improvement in the patient’s well-being depend on the correctly selected treatment regimen.

The duration of the entire course of treatment should not exceed prescribed by a doctor deadlines. If the signs of acute hemorrhoids do not decrease within a few days, then all treatment should be reviewed and, if necessary, prescribed additional examinations to confirm the diagnosis or to identify other causes of deteriorating health.

Patients with venous circulation disorders need to understand that the maximum positive result of therapy depends not only on drug therapy correctly selected by doctors.

You definitely need to additionally reconsider your lifestyle - devote more time to moderate and constant physical activity, choose a balanced diet, get rid of unnecessary kilograms, and avoid being on your feet for many hours. Some patients are also recommended to wear properly selected compression garments.

Interactions with drugs

Positive or negative impact The mechanism of action of other drugs taken during a course of Detralex was not identified. But before prescribing medications, it is always necessary to ask your doctor about the pharmacological drugs you are taking at the time of going to the hospital.

Storage conditions and periods

Store purchased Detralex tablets only in a dry place, and the temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees. If all storage details are observed, the medicine is suitable for use for 4 years from the date of its manufacture. It is imperative to keep the medicine in places in the house where children cannot use it.

Price for Detralex

Before starting a course of using any medicine, most people are interested in its cost. This allows patients to understand whether they will be able to complete the course of therapy. The price of Detralex depends on the number of tablets in the package.

The price for a package of 30 tablets in Russian pharmacies varies from 500 to 700 rubles. For long-term treatment It is more profitable to buy Detralex with 60 tablets, its cost starts from 900 rubles. In Ukraine, a package of 60 tablets costs starting from 230 hryvnia.


If you are intolerant to the components of Detralex or if it is impossible to purchase it due to price, your doctor can select other medications with a similar effect.

The most commonly used analogues of Detralex include:

  • Venozol.
  • Venorus.
  • Ginkor fort.

Any venotonic should be selected by a doctor based on the examination; only this approach to treatment guarantees its rapid effectiveness.

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Detralex, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of the drug. Which ones are used? What is included in the composition, features and effect of the tablets. Check out the side effects, contraindications for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. How many days to take for varicose veins. All helpful information on the best RuNet portal about varicose veins veins

Detralex tablets

The herbal drug Detralex has rightfully earned the title of one of the best venotonics, based on bioflavonoids of natural origin. The medicine has a narrowly targeted effect and is used exclusively for the treatment of diseases caused by various forms blood flow disorders, for example, with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, with thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities and others.

The use of the drug as part of complex therapy allows you to normalize blood flow, prevent the formation of thrombotic masses, improve nutrition and oxygen supply to the soft tissues, which together gives a noticeable therapeutic effect.

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Detralex is a highly effective venotonic and angioprotective drug, the regular use of which for therapeutic purposes normalizes and improves blood flow, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and walls, and stimulates lymph outflow.

According to the instructions for use for varicose veins and in the presence of hemorrhoids in a chronic form or in the acute stage, regular use of the medication allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. The existing stagnation of hemolymph in the venous cavity is eliminated.
  2. The risk of developing congestive phenomena is significantly reduced, which is not uncommon, for example, during pregnancy, after surgical interventions, after cesarean.
  3. The speed of lymphatic fluid flow is restored and normalized.
  4. The tone of the vascular walls increases significantly.
  5. Pathologies of venous valves are strengthened and prevented.

The components are of natural origin, and therefore the medicine has a minimum number of contraindications and has a mild effect.

Manufacturer country

The medicine is an imported drug. Currently, the right to manufacture and sell products belongs to Les Laboratoires Servier, located in France. The packaging of the drug in the Russian Federation is carried out by SERDIX LLC.

A course of treatment

An acceptable dosage, dosage regimen and duration of treatment are developed individually in each clinical case and depend on many different aspects, including, for example, the type of disease and its characteristics. For example, when acute hemorrhoids It is recommended to take three pills on the first day, then the dosage of the drug is reduced to one pill per day.

The method of using the medicine and dosage for chronic hemorrhoids, varicose veins and other pathologies are somewhat different - in similar cases It is recommended to take one pill per day. The duration of treatment in some situations can be a year or more.

Due to the fact that the main active ingredient, diosmin, is of natural origin, it is permissible to use the drug without causing harm to health long time.

Release form

Detralex is available exclusively in the form of tablets intended for oral administration; currently there are no forms of medication intended for external use, for example, gel in tubes or ampoules. For ease of administration, the pills are coated with a pinkish film coating. Depending on the concentration active substance tablets are produced under the markings 500 and 1000.

Composition of the drug

The composition is enriched with components of predominantly plant origin. The main ingredients of one pill are 450 milligrams of diosmin and 50 milligrams of hesperedin. Additional substances, enhancing the effect of the main ones are: gelatin, talc, magnesium, purified water, as well as a number of others.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine is classified as a ventonizing and angioprotective agent. Regular use The product allows you to strengthen the walls of veins and blood vessels, increase their elasticity and tone, reduce permeability and fragility, and also eliminate stagnation.

In addition, the active components stimulate and normalize hemolymph microcirculation and prevent the formation of thrombotic masses in the cavities of veins and blood vessels. Typically, medication for veins is used to provide a therapeutic result against the background of chronic forms of venous and vascular insufficiency, as well as in the presence of hemorrhoids.

To achieve a more obvious therapeutic effect, compatibility with other means of identical action intended for external application is possible, including, for example, suppositories for hemorrhoids.

How to take Detralex 1000 mg and 500 mg – which is better?

The outline and duration of the course is developed in individually in accordance with physiological characteristics patient, the form and degree of the disease, as well as other important aspects. Depending on the concentration of the active component, the following administration options are possible:

  • Detralex 500. Against the background of acute forms of venous insufficiency, in the first seven days of the treatment course, it is recommended to take two pieces per day. Next, you need to reduce the dosage to one pill per day. For treatment acute form for hemorrhoids, it is recommended to take three pills during the first four days; subsequently, the dosage must also be reduced to one unit. You can take the tablets shortly before or after meals. The duration of treatment for chronic hemorrhoids is practically unlimited;
  • Detralex 1000 mg, the price of 60 tablets is about 600 rubles. Regardless of the degree and form of venous insufficiency, to eliminate this pathology you should take one 1000 tablet per day. The treatment regimen for acute hemorrhoids is applied in accordance with the above recommendations.

The only difference between the forms of the drug is the concentration of the active component. As a rule, Detralex 1000 is used primarily to provide therapeutic effect in acute forms of various diseases. How long to use for varicose veins, including thrombophlebitis, depends solely on the characteristics of the course of the pathology.

Currently, the drug can be purchased in any city in Russia and neighboring countries. As an example, we can cite: Chelyabinsk, Kyiv, Saratov, Tolyatti, Kazan, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Almaty, Kostroma and so on.

You can also buy the medicine in an online pharmacy or through the manufacturer’s official website. However, the cost may vary slightly depending on the region.

Indications for use: who is it prescribed for?

So what is this medicine and who should take it? As the official instructions say, the range of application of the medicinal product is quite narrow, mainly this medication used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Hemorrhoids in acute and chronic forms, as well as with anal fissures.
  2. Varicose veins of any form and severity, including those accompanied by the development of thrombophlebitis.

Thus, tablets for varicose veins are used as remedy narrowly targeted action, helping to eliminate the main causes and consequences of lymphatic failure. Can be used for prophylaxis after surgery, with thrombosis, with cervical osteochondrosis, also in these situations replacement is possible domestic drug.

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Contraindications and side effects

The substances in Detralex have vegetable origin, and therefore there are almost no contraindications to the use of the product. The exceptions are:

  1. Individual intolerance to certain components of the pills.
  2. When breastfeeding.
  3. Treatment is not recommended for children under eighteen years of age.

Concerning side effects, then the development of such is extremely rare and, as a rule, due to the patient taking the drug not in accordance with the recommended individual treatment regimen. Possible negative manifestations from the body, such as: nausea and vomiting, moderate headaches and dizziness, general weakness and malaise, skin rash and itching, slight increase in body temperature.

How to take during pregnancy and lactation - while breastfeeding

According to medical studies, taking medication to eliminate venous insufficiency during pregnancy does not have any effect negative action on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus directly.

However, as reviews from phlebologists say, pregnant women can use this medicine for veins only in accordance with medical prescriptions and under the supervision of the attending physician; the method of use and dosage for varicose veins or other diseases are developed according to an individual scheme.

As for the lactation period, when breastfeeding, nursing mothers are not recommended to take pills for leg veins, since penetration data active ingredients components of breast milk have not been fully studied.

Best before date

If all storage conditions recommended by the medication leaflet are observed, the shelf life from the date of manufacture is four years.

Alcohol compatibility

Patients are often interested in the following question: is this medication compatible with alcohol, is it possible to drink alcohol during conservative treatment? Just like when carrying out any other conservative therapy, during the intake period, drinking drinks containing alcohol is not recommended.

This is due to the fact that when consuming alcohol-containing substances, vasodilation occurs and, as a consequence, an influx of hemolymph, which is accompanied by the development of stagnation phenomena. Such consequences can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition and a decrease in the effectiveness of the pills taken.

Features and action of tablets

Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, in some clinical cases it needs to be replaced. In addition, during the admission process medicine It is recommended to pay attention to a number of the following aspects:

  • If taking pills for acute hemorrhoids is not accompanied by the onset of positive dynamics, you need to stop taking the medicine and replace it with another remedy;
  • For treatment severe and chronic forms of venous insufficiency required complex use means for external application. Taking pills in such cases is not enough to obtain positive results;
  • For a faster recovery and to reduce the likelihood of relapse of the disease, it is recommended to follow a strict diet, increase physical activity and reduce body weight, if necessary.

We should not forget that taking Detralex on your own, that is, without a doctor’s prescription, is allowed only in exceptional cases. In addition, the lack of positive dynamics in the admission process this tool is a direct indication for its replacement with another medication that has a similar effect.

With varicocellus

Varicocellus is a disease that affects exclusively men and is pathological change venous system spermatic cord. The use of Detralex against the background of the presence of this pathology is justified only if early stages development of the disease.

With more running forms pathology, taking pills is not effective due to the physiology of the disease. However, taking the tablets helps eliminate pain and somewhat alleviates the course of the disease, while the negative effect on potency is completely eliminated.

For prostatitis

Taking Detralex for prostatitis, characterized by the development of inflammatory processes affecting the prostate gland, is effective only in the early stages of development, that is, during the period when the patient is prescribed conservative therapy as the main type of treatment.

Regular use of tablets allows you to restore and normalize blood flow, remove toxins and waste from the affected gland, stop inflammatory processes, reduce severe swelling and painful sensations. However, achieving positive results in the treatment process is only possible if an integrated approach to the therapeutic process is applied.

Detralex ointment and suppositories for hemorrhoids: dosage regimen

The treatment regimen for hemorrhoids varies significantly depending on the form and degree of pathology. For example, for chronic hemorrhoids that are not accompanied by the development of any complications, it is recommended to take one or two tablets during the day. Wherein total duration The treatment course can be more than three months.

In the acute form of the disease, the dosage regimen is slightly different: during the day you need to take the drug twice, and you should drink three tablets. The medicine should be taken in this way for four days, then the number of pills should be reduced to two. The course of treatment for exacerbation of hemorrhoids is only seven days.

How to take pills to obtain a more pronounced therapeutic effect? Along with Detralex, it is recommended to use medications for external use, for example, suppositories, gels or ointments. A complex combination of medications will eliminate the symptoms of the disease and eliminate the main causes of its development.


Detralex: instructions for use 500 mg

How much does it cost in Moscow, in St. Petersburg

The price of the drug is considered one of the highest for such drugs.

  1. Moscow and St. Petersburg, tablets 500 mg, 60 pcs., 1457 rubles.
  2. Moscow and St. Petersburg, tablets 1000 mg, 60 pcs., 2557 rubles.
  3. Moscow and St. Petersburg, tablets 500 mg, 30 pcs., 759 rubles.
  4. Moscow and St. Petersburg, tablets 1000 mg, 60 pcs., 1600 rubles.

The price in Ukraine is considered higher than in other CIS countries. What can we say, the drug is considered foreign. This is why the price is so high. Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities do not differ much in price.

  • 500 mg No. 60 - 258 hryvnia.

Analogues of the drug

If you are intolerant of Detralex itself or if its effectiveness is low, it is permissible to use drugs that have similar composition or mechanism of action. There are many popular and effective medicines, among which there are cheaper analogues, the list of drugs is as follows:

  1. Phlebodia 600.
  2. Venarus.
  3. Troxevasin.
  4. Aescusan.
  5. Diosmin.
  6. Lyoton.
  7. Ascorutin.

Some drugs from the list above have sufficient high efficiency against the backdrop of relatively low cost. These include, for example, cheap, as well as others Russian analogues in tablets.

The main difference between the Detralex and Venarus analogues, which have similar components and actions, is cost. Like other Russian analogues, Venarus is much cheaper. Due to the fact that Detralex is a medicine imported from France, it has a correspondingly higher price. Additional differences between medications include, for example:

  1. Due to significant differences in the manufacturing process, Detralex has a more intense and rapid therapeutic effect directly to the lesion.
  2. To obtain expressed positive result It is recommended to take Venarus for at least three weeks. As for Detralex, visible healing effect appears within a few days from the moment you start taking it.

Thus, it is quite possible to conclude that Detralex is a slightly more effective and fast-acting drug in contrast to its Russian analogue.

Antistax: what is more effective?

Despite the fact that the medicine is a venotonic agent, they have pronounced differences. First of all, this is the composition. The main component is called diosmin.

Antistax contains quercetin, isoquercetin and resveratrol - substances that are products obtained by processing red grapes. Concerning pharmacological action, then Detralex has a therapeutic effect on the affected vessels and veins, promoting not only their strengthening, but also restoration, while Antistax helps improve blood flow and slightly increase the elasticity of the venous walls.

From this we can conclude that Antistax is exclusively a prophylactic agent, while Detralex is a medication used to treat existing diseases.

Venotonic Phlebaven has absolutely similar chemical composition, recommendations for use, contraindications for use and features of pharmacological action, and therefore it is quite problematic to draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of these drugs.

The only noticeable difference between the medications is the price. So, due to the location of the manufacturing company, the tablet analogue Flebaven has a lower cost.

There are certain differences between drugs with similar effects, which you should definitely pay attention to when choosing the most suitable drug. Both medications have a strong pronounced action, helping to eliminate congestion and prevent the formation of thrombotic masses in the venous cavity.

As for the differences, Detralex is one of the effective phleboprotectors, while this effect, obtained when using Antistax, is relatively low. However, against the background of the development of diseases accompanied by the development of inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take Antistax, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.


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The drug Diosmin is an absolute analogue, and therefore the effectiveness of administration and obtaining a therapeutic result in the process of taking these drugs is completely identical.

It should be noted that the medication Detralex should be taken only in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician. In addition, to increase the effectiveness of taking this remedy, it is also permissible to use medications for external use, including suppositories, ointments, and others. A complex approach will significantly reduce the risk possible complications and increase the effectiveness of therapy.

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Detralex is a modern medicinal product, consisting of components natural origin– flavonoids. In itself, it is considered a strong venotonic agent.

Among other things, the active components included in the medication are hesperidin and diosmin.

Thanks to their effects, congestion in blood vessels such as arteries, veins and capillaries can be quickly and effectively eliminated. With prolonged use, it is possible to restore tone and microcirculation of blood in smaller vascular structures.

Moreover, the capillaries become more resilient and elastic, and their fragility is significantly reduced. It is known that the use of the medicine helps to establish lymphatic drainage.

Despite a large number of positive properties with vein diseases, many people suffering are interested in how effective this drug is for this disease? This article will look at all its sides and answer the question of whether Detralex increases or decreases?

Detralex is a strong drug that belongs to the group of venotonic and angioprotective medications. The main healing components are hesperidin (a group of ioflavonoids) and diosmin (a bioflavonoid).

They are both known to be of plant origin. The powerful medicinal effect of these ingredients is aimed at completely eliminating congestion. of various etiologies, which can be traced in the vessels.

Detralex tablets

Constant use of this medicine significantly reduces the fragility of capillaries, and with the so-called systematic use, microcirculation in the the smallest vessels. Arteries, veins and capillaries become more flexible, and the outflow of lymph in the patient’s body also improves.

The pharmacological drug Detralex is presented in the form of yellow-pink tablets in a special film coating. About 75% of the active components of the drug are excreted by the body along with excrement. And the rest is released when the bladder is emptied.

As a rule, the process of complete elimination of the ingredients of the drug takes about 12 hours from the moment of administration. Metabolic processes associated with the absorption of the drug provoke the appearance of phenolic acid in the urine.

Detralex is an angioprotector that significantly improves the performance of the circulatory system.

It also has a strong antioxidant effect. As is known, the use of this tool is effective prevention appearance free radicals, which significantly violate the integrity of the walls of blood vessels.

The medicine is also distinguished by its unique anti-inflammatory effect, which is based on preventing the appearance of prostaglandins (fatty physiologically active components). The flavonoids contained in its composition prevent the occurrence of blood clots and minimize the risk of sudden strokes. So does Detralex increase blood pressure or, on the contrary, lower it?

When should you take the drug?

He is prescribed for symptomatic treatment venous-lymphatic insufficiency.

As a rule, Detralex helps get rid of the following manifestations of the disease:

  • unbearable pain;
  • persistent feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • cramps and morning fatigue of the limbs;
  • trophic disorders;
  • symptomatic treatment of exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Of course, the drug Detralex, like many others, has certain prohibitions on its use:

  1. hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug. This information may be present in the patient's medical history. When taking the drug in this case, certain negative reactions of the body are possible, in particular allergies;
  2. breastfeeding period. It is prohibited to use the medication during lactation. This is because there is a large amount of information regarding the likelihood of the main ingredients of the drug being introduced into mother's milk. So this can cause serious harm baby's health;
  3. pregnancy. During this time period, this product must be used with extreme caution. It is important to consult with a personal healthcare professional before use. Only he will give the correct answer to the question of whether it is safe to use this medication;
  4. age category less than eighteen years. No definitive information has been found regarding the use of Detralex in children.

How does the drug work?

Detralex is part of a group of angioprotectors that are known to help blood vessels perform their functions better.

It is often used to treat diseases that are accompanied by stagnation of blood in the veins. Detralex can also help with poor blood circulation in the capillaries.

Venous stagnation

The medicine has a strong antioxidant effect because it does not allow the formation of free radicals, which are considered one of the main causes of damage to the walls of blood vessels. Detralex improves the condition of veins and also reduces their stretching. The medication is able to eliminate congestion in them. It also helps with lymph drainage.

Detralex has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect because it can instantly stop the formation of certain substances in the body - prostaglandins. And they are known to provoke the appearance of foci of inflammation.

Among other things, Detralex normalizes blood flow in the capillaries and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Can Detralex be used for hypertension?

Many people are asking the pressing question: does a medication called Detralex lower or increase blood pressure?

The use of this medicine increases the tone and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, as well as capillaries. The drug is prescribed to patients as part of complex therapy for venous insufficiency and for disorders of the lymphatic system.

The active substances in its composition, which are exclusively of plant origin, help relieve pain in the limbs and minimize the feeling of heaviness in them. The medication is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is also often used as a medicine to prevent thrombosis.

Indications for the use of the drug for high blood pressure are inappropriate, since it does not have any effect on its level. The medicine does not lower or increase it.

It is worth noting that the result of taking the product is literally obvious. During use, the tone of blood flow in the veins increases and their distensibility decreases.

Indications for use

Detralex should be used for diseases such as:

  1. venous insufficiency chronic . As a rule, specialists prescribe taking the drug twice a day in the first seven days. It is advisable to take one tablet after meals in the morning, and the second after dinner. After this, you should gradually switch to a single dose of the medicine in the amount of two tablets per day after a direct meal (preferably after breakfast);
  2. hemorrhoids in an acute stage. For the first four days of treatment, you need to take the medication according to the following regimen: two capsules in the morning, afternoon and evening (a total of six tablets need to be taken). For the remaining time period, you need to take two tablets in the morning and in the evening (only four capsules per day);
  3. chronic form of hemorrhoids. The drug is used after morning or evening reception two tablets of food;
  4. venous-lymphatic insufficiency of the extremities. The drug should be consumed for 14 days, twice a day. It is advisable to do this during meals.

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Special Information

Experimental studies have shown that Detralex does not have a teratogenic effect.

Clinical studies have not revealed data indicating a negative effect of the drug components on the fetus. It is for this reason that it is not prohibited to use it in the third trimester of pregnancy.

In cases of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the use of Detralex cannot fully replace specialized treatment other pathological conditions anorectal area. The acute form of hemorrhoids should be eliminated with short course therapy under the close supervision of a treating specialist.

It is also worth noting that reproductive toxicity studies in animals have shown complete absence effects on fertility.

Despite the fact that the question: “So can Detralex increase blood pressure?” was given a negative answer, it should not be used for hypertension because this measure is completely meaningless. Moreover, otherwise it may cause irreparable harm vulnerable health.

The drug can influence the reaction rate when driving or operating other mechanisms. During treatment with this medication, work duties should be limited.

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Doctor's review of the drug Detralex:

Contrary to the belief that a medicine can lower or increase arterial pressure in humans, from this article we can conclude that this is an incorrect judgment. It has completely different indications for use, which are far from expected. Before use, it is important to carefully study the instructions supplied with it.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or try to lower your blood pressure with Detralex. This will not only not help, but will also cause serious harm to the patient. It is very important to use the drug only for its intended purpose. But to lower or increase the level blood pressure it is necessary to start taking specially developed medications, which are highly effective in this matter. They must also be prescribed by a personal physician.

Detralex is a drug that has angioprotective and venotonic effects. It fights venous congestion and reduces the distensibility of veins. In addition, taking the drug increases microcirculation in problem areas, reducing capillary permeability and fragility. This improves their resistance. Venous tone increases and the time of venous emptying decreases.

Composition and release form

Release form and storage conditions

The drug Detralex is available in the form of tablets coated with a pink-orange coating. oval shape. At the break, the tablet has a pale yellow color and a heterogeneous structure. There are 30 pieces in the package.

Storage: List B. Instructions for use indicate that Detralex is recommended to be stored in a place protected from light and children at a temperature not exceeding 25 - 30 0 C and normal humidity. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years. After its expiration, taking the drug is contraindicated.

Composition of Detralex

  • 1 Detralex tablet contains active substance purified micronized fraction of flavonoids, including diosmin in the amount of 450 mg and hesperidin - 50 mg.
  • The tablet also contains Excipients: Magnesium stearate, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, macrogol 6000, talc, sodium starch gricolate, yellow iron oxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, titanium dioxide, red iron oxide, glycerol, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

pharmachologic effect

Detralex has a dose-dependent nature, which is best observed when taking 2 tablets of the drug. It has high level metabolism. The active substance Diosmin is excreted by the intestines, and only 14% of the consumed dose is excreted by the kidneys. It is used both separately and in combination with other drugs.

The best effect from using Detralex is achieved when combined with balanced diet, healthy lifestyle and moderate physical activity. If hemorrhoids worsen, taking the medication can be combined with other methods of treating anal disorders.

The drug is not addictive and does not accumulate in body tissues. Does not affect the speed of reactions, cognitive processes and does not require refusal to drive a car or operate other mechanisms while taking it.

Indications for use of Detralex

  • symptomatic treatment of venous diseases, including pain, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, cramps, trophic disorders, “morning fatigue” of the legs;
  • symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids varying degrees gravity.

What Detralex helps with, what diseases:

  • haemorrhoids,
  • venous insufficiency, including in chronic form,
  • lymphedema, not classified in other categories,
  • phlebeurysm.


Among the contraindications to taking the drug Detralex only increased sensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the medicinal product.

Side effects

Typically, Detralex is well tolerated by all patients. But in rare cases, side effects may occur after taking the drug, such as:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • general malaise,
  • allergic reactions, including skin rashes, itching, hives,
  • dyspepsia,
  • colitis.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

The dosage regimen in each specific case is selected individually by the attending physician. This takes into account the nature and severity of the disease and individual characteristics patient, including sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Detralex for vein problems

Instructions for use of Detralex recommend taking the drug orally. The standard dosage is 2 tablets per day. Moreover, 1 tablet is taken in the middle of the day, and the second - at evening time with food. If hemorrhoids worsen, the daily dose of Detralex can be increased to 6 tablets for a period of up to 4 days. In the next 3 days, it is recommended to use 4 tablets per day. For chronic venous insufficiency, 1 tablet is prescribed twice a day with meals. After a week, the dosage regimen should be changed: it is recommended to start taking 2 tablets of the drug once with meals.

Detralex for children

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible, but not recommended, since the effect of the active substance on the fetus has not yet been fully studied, and targeted research on this issue has not been conducted. During lactation it is contraindicated to take Detralex, as it tends to be excreted breast milk.


No cases of Detralex overdose have been reported in medical practice. However, if you suspect it, it is recommended to consult a doctor and carry out symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

The duration of use of Detralex in each specific case is determined individually by a specialist. Wherein great importance has tolerability of the drug and severity of the disease. The average course of treatment with the drug is 3 months. If necessary, its duration can be reduced or increased. But when treating acute hemorrhoids, results should appear after short-term therapy. If this does not happen, then you should consult a doctor and prescribe another medicine.

Interaction with other drugs

Incompatibility with any Detralex drugs has not been registered. However, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking it at the same time as other medications.

Domestic and foreign analogues

Gepatrombin - an analogue of Detralex

Available in the form of an external ointment. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. It is used for venous diseases of various types and complexity, for convulsions, sports injuries, outdoor inflammatory processes. There is a contraindication and an allergic reaction may occur.

Detralex analogue - Daflon

Daflon is a product that has a wide spectrum of action. Prescribed primarily for venous diseases and hemorrhoids. It is produced, like Detralex, in tablet form. Among the contraindications, only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and does not cause significant side effects. You can use Daflon during pregnancy, but it is recommended to do this only after a visit to a doctor and under his supervision. It is better to suspend lactation while taking the drug due to insufficient data.

Detralex analogue - Venoruton

This is a drug wide range actions. It is prescribed when various diseases veins, pain syndrome and swelling, during post-traumatic recovery, hemorrhoids and in other cases. It has several forms of release: gel, capsules and tablets. There are contraindications and possible side effects. It has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, angioprotective effect.

This is not the entire list of drugs with similar effects to Detralex. Each of them has its own advantages, contraindications and can cause side effects. Therefore, only an experienced specialist can choose one or the other correctly.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Detralex in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about the drug Detralex, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Detralex: instructions for use


1 tablet contains micronized flavonoid fraction - 500 mg, incl. diosmin (90%) - 450 mg and hesperidin (10%) - 50 mg;
excipients: sodium carboxymethyl starch, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc, white wax, glycerol, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, sodium lauryl sulfate, yellow iron oxide (E172), titanium dioxide (E171).
30 or 60 pcs. packaged.

pharmachologic effect

Detralex has venotonic and angioprotective properties. At the venous level - reduces the distensibility of veins and venous stagnation. At the microcirculation level, it reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries and increases their resistance. In patients with signs of increased capillary fragility, capillary resistance measured by angiostereometry increased after drug therapy. Increases venous tone: using venous occlusion plethysmography (mercury strain gauge) a decrease in venous emptying time has been shown. Has a dose-dependent effect. A statistically significant dose-dependent effect was demonstrated for the following venous plethysmographic parameters: venous capacity, venous distensibility, venous emptying time.
The optimal dose-effect ratio is observed when taking 2 tablets. Therapeutic effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of functional and organic chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, as well as in proctology in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of venous-lymphatic insufficiency:
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • pain;
  • morning leg fatigue, cramps;
  • trophic disorders.
Symptomatic treatment of exacerbation of hemorrhoids.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

To date, there have been no reports of any side effects when using the drug in pregnant women.
It is not known whether diosmin is excreted in human breast milk, so it is not recommended to prescribe the drug during lactation.
IN experimental studies No teratogenic effects of Detralex were observed.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally.
Recommended dose - 2 tablets/day, 1 tablet. - in the middle of the day and 1 tab. - in the evening during meals.
During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids- 6 tablets/day for 4 days, then 4 tablets/day for the next 3 days.

Side effect

From the digestive system: in isolated cases - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
From the side of the central nervous system: in isolated cases - neurovegetative disorders (dizziness, headache, general malaise).
There were no serious side effects requiring discontinuation of the drug.

Features of application

For exacerbation of hemorrhoids, prescription this drug does not replace specific treatment other anal disorders. The duration of treatment should not exceed the recommended periods. If symptoms do not disappear after short therapy, a proctological examination should be performed and the therapy reviewed.
In the presence of venous circulation disorders maximum effect treatment is ensured by a combination with a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle, in which it is advisable to avoid long exposure to the sun, reduce body weight, exercise hiking and in some cases, wear special socks that improve blood circulation.
Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery
The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and perform work that requires high speed psychomotor reactions.