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Technique and clinic of general anesthesia. Post-operative care for your dog

Each owner would like his four-legged friend lived a long time happy life, without being sick with anything more serious than a runny nose. However, there are diseases in which the pet requires urgent medical attention, and sometimes surgical intervention. And if veterinary specialists bear full responsibility for surgery and anesthesia, then how will the recovery go? postoperative period, largely depends on the owner. How can you help your pet recover and regain strength as quickly as possible?

Narcosis and its consequences

The most difficult and dangerous thing for the body during surgery is, of course, anesthesia. It is the body’s reaction to the introduction of anesthesia that determines the severity of rehabilitation therapy on the first postoperative day. Add to this the loss of blood, a painful, sometimes extensive wound, and you will understand how difficult it is for an animal to recover after an intervention.

Most often, a pet’s recovery from sleep occurs in a veterinary clinic. It is not for nothing that this moment is considered the most crucial and dangerous - if something goes wrong, your beloved friend will need urgent help specialists, therefore, no matter how much you rush home, wait until your dog opens his eyes. After this, with a sigh of relief, listen or write down all the veterinarian’s recommendations regarding the postoperative period.

It should be remembered that when recovering from deep anesthesia, your pet may experience tremors and anxiety. During transportation home, try as much as possible to calm the animal and be sure to cover it with a warm blanket on the way - this will reduce chills and protect the fresh seam from drafts.

Home care

In addition to the help of your family, your sick pet needs to create special conditions for speedy rehabilitation. The first thing you should take care of is for him. It should be remembered that for a long time After surgery, jumping and other sudden movements are contraindicated for the dog, so it is better to make a mattress on the floor - any elevation, even a low one, may be beyond the strength of your patient.

Both the period of recovery from anesthesia and the first days after the operation are accompanied by decreased activity of the dog. It may well be that he doesn’t even want to go outside to relieve himself, so it’s best to cover the area with oilcloth, then even emptying yourself won’t take you by surprise. However, there is another danger. Some animals, emerging from narcotic sleep, become overly excited and active. Make sure that in the room where the dog is kept there are no objects that it could push or fall on itself.

Caring for seams

Care postoperative sutures- another important stage of postoperative therapy. Fortunately, such wounds on animals heal especially quickly, like on a dog. This is explained by better tissue regeneration in canines, as well as the absence of suspiciousness and anxiety inherent in a person in such a situation. However, animals, for obvious reasons, follow the recommendations of doctors much worse, and strive to bring dirt into the wound or remove the stitches with their teeth themselves.

To prevent this from happening, protect the incision site with a special post-operative blanket that securely fits the pet’s stomach and chest, tying it around the neck and back. The blanket needs to be changed daily, so it is advisable to have several of these capes and wash them when they get dirty. Particularly proactive patients who believe that they know better than you how to care for sutures can wear the so-called Elizabethan collar - one of the methods of barrier therapy. Thanks to this limiter, the dog will not be able to reach the problem area with its tongue.

Seam processing is also extremely important. It should be carried out 3-5 times a day (more frequent or rare treatment is at the discretion of your veterinarian). It is better to wipe the incision site with disinfectants that do not contain alcohol - chlorhexidine, a medium solution of potassium permanganate or liquid silver in a spray. After treatment, a sterile dressing is applied to the suture. gauze bandage, and already on top there is a blanket. If you did everything correctly, after about 10-12 days the wound will completely heal and the stitches will be removed from the body.

If your pet has a catheter in a vein, do not ignore it. Very often, such a tube causes severe swelling of the soft tissues. To prevent this from happening, carefully monitor your dog and if severe swelling, pull the catheter out of the vessel. Another trick that experienced veterinarians are certainly aware of is installing the catheter lower, just above the wrist. It is in this area that it is easily tolerated by the body.

Drug therapy

The first thing you should take care of after some time after arriving home is relief painful sensations that your pet is experiencing. In most cases, animals can withstand pain, but too much suffering can lead to shock and loss of consciousness, so if the dog shows anxiety, cries or screams, be sure to inject it with an analgesic that your doctor will prescribe.

Second mandatory remedy - antibacterial drugs. To prevent inflammation and the development of complications, your doctor will definitely prescribe you antibiotics. Remember that they need to be injected at strictly defined intervals, otherwise the entire effect of these medications will be negated.

In the first days after surgical intervention the dog may be prescribed IVs to support cardiac and liver functions body. If you are unable to administer the infusion yourself, arrange for a veterinarian to come to your home.


Despite the fact that during and immediately after the operation the dog loses a large number of strength, you should not immediately provide him with increased feeding. In the first five to seven hours after surgery, especially if the intervention was performed in the abdominal cavity, you should not eat or drink at all. And subsequently moderation - The best way recovery. After all, the body needs energy to regenerate, which is stupid to spend on processing large volumes of food. The postoperative diet should include fresh, quickly digestible food, which should be given frequently in small portions.

Often, after the intervention, the dog does not show any appetite at all - you should not force food into it; as soon as its condition improves, the desire to eat will fully manifest itself again.

Fresh water within reach is another important condition for recovery. If your pet does not drink liquids at all, you can gradually inject him with water from a syringe at regular intervals. A drip with saline solution, which retains fluid in the body, will also help prevent dehydration.

Possible complications

No matter how much we want everything to go well after surgery, sometimes there are complications that you need to be aware of. Why is the postoperative period dangerous, and what complications should owners be prepared for?

  • Low body temperature, pale or bluish mucous membranes and cold paw pads require urgent medical attention. As in the case of deep fainting and difficulty breathing, this is a matter of life and death, so no delay is possible.
  • If within 24 hours after the intervention the dog does not regain consciousness, or, having fallen asleep, does not wake up for 20 hours or more.
  • Cramps or epileptic seizure, as well as swelling and swelling of the neck and muzzle area. Such a reaction may indicate a reaction to a particular drug and requires urgent adjustment of prescriptions and administration of an antihistamine.
  • Stool mixed with fresh blood, as well as constant vomiting, including water, which the dog tries to drink. It should be warned that immediately after anesthesia, vomiting occurs once or twice, but if this happens more than 5-6 times, it’s time to sound the alarm.
  • Swelling and redness of the wound area, abundant purulent transudate with unpleasant smell or bleeding from the stitch.
  • Lying in one position for a long time, if motor function is impaired after surgery, can lead to bedsores. To prevent this trouble from happening, turn your dog over more often and do not let him lie on a wet bedding. Bedsores themselves can be successfully treated with wound-healing drugs and free access fresh air to the wound (this can be achieved by placing a pillow underneath and lifting the affected area of ​​the body).

Doctors themselves and experienced dog owners unanimously say that the most difficult are the first three days after surgery. It is during this period that the risk of complications is quite high, the wound hurts, and the tissues have not yet gotten rid of swelling. Having survived this difficult stage, your pet will be closer to a full recovery every day. And you will readily help him with this, taking care of his comfort and strictly following medical recommendations.

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Many pet owners know that cats and dogs should not be fed before anesthesia; veterinary clinic administrators and veterinarians warn about this in advance when making an appointment for surgery.

In adult animals without accompanying pathologies before a planned procedure is allowed starvation diet 8 ocloc'k. It is better for sick animals to withstand a full starvation diet at 12 o'clock. For small kittens and puppies, 6 hours of fasting is enough. Water is removed from access 4 hours before anesthesia.

However, not everyone knows about the need for a fasting diet. Some people simply forget that they cannot feed their pet today. And sometimes a hungry animal, not understanding why its owners decided to starve it to death, finds its own food (steals food).
Due to a violation of the fasting diet, a procedure requiring anesthesia may be postponed (the patient is admitted to the hospital at the appointed time, but they begin to work on it late in the evening of the same day) or even postponed to another date. Even if the owners of the animal really ask and say that their pet only ate one small piece.

The necessity of a fasting diet before anesthesia is not only due to the harmfulness of doctors.
This is not a formality, but is really important for the health and life of the patient because:

⚠ Vomiting often occurs during anesthesia.
This is because anesthetic drugs cause the diaphragm to relax. In addition, some anesthetic drugs themselves provoke vomiting reflex. Since the animal is in deep medicated sleep (and often on its back on the operating table) and cannot control its body, vomit can enter the trachea, bronchi, and, if inhaled, into the lungs, which can lead to the development of aspiration pneumonia - serious illness, which is long, expensive and difficult to treat, and, unfortunately, often ends in death!
And if during anesthesia the animal is protected from aspiration pneumonia by intubation, then the moment of waking up from anesthesia, when it is no longer possible to continue holding the tube in the trachea (this is unpleasant for the waking animal) is very dangerous - vomiting is still very likely, the patient still has poor control of his body, and despite outside control medical personnel- the risk of vomit being thrown into the respiratory tract is very high.

Unfortunately, aspiration pneumonia is not an abstract veterinary horror story for people, but one of the most popular complications of anesthesia, this happens often!
For example, when the owners themselves did not know that their animal had eaten before the operation, they told the doctor that the pet was hungry, and the doctor gave the well-fed animal anesthesia.
Sometimes a cat or dog that has been hungry for 8 hours may have contents in its stomach because various reasons In some animals, gastrointestinal motility may be reduced (which the owners and the doctor may not be aware of), as a result of which food may remain in the stomach longer. Unfortunately, veterinarians also have to deal with the deliberate silence of the patient’s owners about what their animal ate, because not everyone understands the importance of a starvation diet, and people do not want to undergo surgery.

⚠ A full stomach is larger in volume than an empty one and in many abdominal operations will make the surgeon’s access to other organs less convenient. In addition, a full stomach increases blood pressure abdominal cavity, pressure on the diaphragm (and, as a consequence, pressure on the organs of the chest cavity).

⚠ Anesthesia drugs slow down the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.
This means that the contents, due to anesthesia, can remain in the stomach and intestines of the animal much longer than it should, which in turn can lead to gastritis and enterocolitis. That is, a healthy animal without gastrointestinal diseases, which, for example, was brought in as planned for castration, may develop gastritis or enterocolitis due to the fact that it was given anesthesia while well-fed.

We hope that with an understanding of the reasons why a fasting diet is required before anesthesia, pet owners will be more careful about adhering to this rule. Not for the sake of formality, not to please the doctor and not so that the operation is not postponed to another day, but in order to reduce the risks of complications for your pet!

If before anesthesia you do not know for sure whether your animal has eaten or not, as well as if you have gastrointestinal diseases or a history of their symptoms (vomiting, decreased appetite, diarrhea, constipation)
- any doubts must be reported veterinarian, and, if possible, check whether the stomach is full using ultrasound.

If your dog is undergoing surgery or a procedure under general anesthesia, this article is for you. Whatever one may say, even for experienced dog breeders, any use of general anesthesia causes excitement, anxiety and fear. Moreover, more often than not, anesthesia and its consequences cause more concern than the operation itself.

Therefore, let's figure out what modern anesthesia is and how to minimize everything possible risks for your dog.

1. General anesthesia for dogs and when it is used
2. Types general anesthesia for dogs:
a) intramuscular
b) intravenous
c) inhalation
3. Mandatory examination of the dog before surgery
4. The truth about risks

General anesthesia for dogs and when to use it


Anesthesia (from other Greek νάρκωσις - numbness, numbness; synonyms: general anesthesia, general anesthesia) - an artificially induced reversible state of inhibition of the central nervous system, in which sleep occurs, loss of consciousness of memory (amnesia), relaxation of skeletal muscles, reduction or shutdown of some reflexes, and pain sensitivity disappears (general anesthesia occurs)

The main and main task of anesthesia is to slow down or completely eliminate the body’s reaction to the actions of the surgeon. First of all, we talk about pain. But, unlike humanitarian medicine, veterinary medicine has to use anesthesia to calm patients.

Moreover, general anesthesia is necessary for most procedures. diagnostic measures: X-ray, endoscopic diagnosis.

In short, the work of a veterinary anesthesiologist is very similar to the work of doctors in pediatric anesthesiology, where general anesthesia is often used for procedures not related to surgery.

Types of general anesthesia for dogs

In modern veterinary practice Three main types of anesthesia are used: intramuscular , intravenous , inhalation .

Intraosseous type of anesthesia is additional method and is rarely used.

The main task of anesthesiology:

General anesthesia for dogs, that is, anesthesia must be completely controlled.

Of the listed types of anesthesia, only inhalation And intravenous. The most controllable is inhalation anesthesia. That is, only these two types of general anesthesia can be considered relatively safe.

How do these main types of anesthesia work and how do they differ?

a) intramuscular

Intramuscular administration of drugs is characterized by slow absorption into the bloodstream. Approximately 15-20 minutes. That is, such anesthesia begins to act gradually. At the same time, negative and side effects also begin to appear slowly. Consequently, due to the extended time for complete absorption into the bloodstream and excretion from the animal’s body, it is difficult to stop negative impact such anesthesia.

Fortunately, a modern and competent veterinarian tries not to use intramuscular anesthesia. Or resorts to it extremely rarely.

b) intravenous

Intravenous anesthesia for dogs is the safest and most controlled type of anesthesia. It is used more often than others.

Medicinal sleep, relaxation and pain relief occur within a minute. In addition, the anesthesiologist always knows how much active substance found in the dog's body. That is, intravenous administration allows us to predict the strength and time of the drug’s effect. And, of course, it is more accurate to stop the negative impact, if necessary.

To administer intravenous anesthesia, an intravenous catheter is installed. In complex situations, you may need to install several.

The catheter will allow you to very carefully act on the dog’s veins and, in addition, will provide constant venous access for the administration of other necessary medications. As a rule, after surgery, the administration of various drugs and solutions is required for awakening and recovery. Therefore, a previously installed catheter will be very necessary here.

c) inhalation

Inhalation anesthesia for dogs can safely be called the most modern and safe method anesthesia for diagnostic procedures and operations.

Inhalation anesthesia can be endotracheal And mask. Medication-induced sleep occurs very smoothly, but quickly. Continues as long as the dog inhales the gas mixture. Awakening, in turn, also occurs quickly - almost a few seconds after stopping the supply of the gas mixture.

To apply endotracheal anesthesia requires mandatory preliminary intubation of the animal. That is, the anesthesiologist must install a breathing tube into the dog’s trachea, precisely selected in type and size. Through it, the gas mixture will enter the lungs.

There are various gas mixtures for inhalation anesthesia. The anesthesiologist selects them depending on the type of equipment used. But, due to the fact that intubation of a dog (insertion of a tube) requires sedation (calming), additional drugs are administered intravenously.

Please note that inhalational anesthetics have almost no pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, inhalation anesthesia for dogs is always accompanied by the administration of drugs intravenously. Thus, this type of anesthesia can be called combined. It is he who will give the dog the necessary level of muscle relaxation for the precise work of the surgeon, as well as the required degree of pain relief.

For each type of general anesthesia there are indications and contraindications. Professional and experienced veterinarian knows them well. Therefore, his task is to compare all contraindications with a specific animal in each specific case.

Mandatory examination of the dog before surgery

So. Let's say your dog needs surgery or a procedure under general anesthesia. Therefore, you should know that the quality of anesthesia depends not only on the doctor’s experience, skills and knowledge.

There is one event that is so important that without it, procedures under general anesthesia should not be carried out under any circumstances. Categorically!

This is a pre-operative examination by a veterinary anesthesiologist.

Before surgery, the dog must be examined twice:

1. The first one a few days before the procedure
2. Second on the day of surgery

Of course, if the intervention is urgent, then the examination is carried out urgently before the operation.

The anesthesiologist should pay special attention to:

1) Respiratory and cardiovascular systems
2) The age of the dog (!)
3) Her weight
4) Current and past diseases
5) Medicines that the dog takes

Moreover, the following must be carried out:

X-ray chest to determine the condition of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as hearts. It is required for dogs over 8 years old and cats over 10 years old.

Auscultation– listening to the heart, breathing, analysis of heart rate (pulse)

Blood analysis– biochemical, general clinical, blood gases and electrolytes. It will determine the condition of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and glucose levels

But that's not all.

At the discretion of the veterinarian, the following may be performed: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ECG, ECHO of the heart.

If your dog is scheduled for surgery and the doctor did not conduct an examination, examination, take blood tests and did not talk with you to find out more about the animal’s health, urgently look for another doctor and another clinic!

The question may arise: “Why such a detailed and thorough examination? Can’t we get by with a simple inspection?”

It's possible, but dangerous!

In a word - IT IS FORBIDDEN.

The examination is carried out in order to avoid potential danger to the dog, reduce risks, and improve treatment results. Moreover, the question of the dog’s operability and its ability to undergo the planned operation depends on the preoperative examination by the anesthesiologist. That is, a detailed examination shows whether it is possible to operate and what dose of anesthesia will be acceptable.

The truth about risks

There is such a thing as anesthetic risk. This indicator is extremely important for the anesthesiologist. It is necessary to determine the type of anesthesia, necessary equipment for carrying out anesthesia and monitoring it, as well as the need for additional medical personnel.

The degree of anesthetic risk consists of:

Condition of the dog on the day of examination
Her age
Difficulties and type of surgery

If abnormalities are detected in the dog during the preoperative examination, the veterinarian prescribes additional treatment. In addition, based on the examination, a postponement of the operation may be prescribed in order to improve the animal’s condition and thus reduce the anesthetic risk.

An anesthetic examination of a dog is the most important stage in preparation for surgery. This is the only way the doctor can provide effective anesthesia and fast recovery dogs.

Yes. There are always and will be risks with any type of general anesthesia. But, you may encounter a situation in which anesthesia is not just necessary, but vital. That is, anesthesia ensures the animal’s recovery from the very beginning of the injection, allowing you not to feel pain, relax and sleep.

Remember that in the hands of an experienced veterinary anesthetist, general anesthesia is reversible, controllable, and will provide far more benefits than unwanted effects.

Everything you need to succeed similar procedures– this is an accurate assessment of possible risks and thorough preparation for general anesthesia.

Be healthy!

Always yours, Balabaki Dogs.

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When a person gets a pet, he takes on a lot of responsibility. If your pet is sick, then you should not put off visiting the veterinarian. By visiting or calling a veterinarian to your home , you can hear that a dog or cat needs anesthesia - intravenous or intramuscular. It reduces pain sensitivity body to various effects on tissues and organs. Any of the proposed species does not pose any threat to life.

The reaction of any owner to the word “anesthesia” is always the same and is expressed in fear. This behavior is not without reason, as memories are deposited in the memory scary stories from Soviet times, when anesthesia could lead to kidney failure , heart failure or other disease. This should be considered an established stereotype that should be gotten rid of. Next, we will consider in more detail what anesthesia is like, as well as its consequences.

Types and stages of anesthesia

The following types of anesthesia are distinguished:

Parenteral - intravenous or intramuscular administration of drugs;

Inhalation - through the respiratory tract.

Anesthesia is also classified according to the number of drugs administered:

Mononarcosis – one substance is used;

Mixed - two or more drugs are used;

Combined - on different stages operations use different means.

Currently in most veterinary clinics non-inhalational anesthesia is used. Can be used during surgery various drugs, but the most widespread are the following:

Propofol (pofol, diprivan). Used for short operations and minor manipulations. Advantages of this drug: immediate hypnotic effect within half an hour and quick awakening. Within an hour the animal is in quite adequate condition.

Domitor (medetomidine, zoletil). An adequate and safe option for anesthesia. Advantages: deep dream, pronounced insensitivity.

Butorphanol. For long-lasting and strong pain relief.

During a long operation, in difficult situations a combination of drugs is used.

Stages of anesthesia:

First stage (superficial) - restful sleep. Used for minor superficial damage, dislocations and openings purulent wounds;

second stage (pronounced) - the pet is in a relaxed state, the reaction is weak;

The third stage (deep) - the functionality of the body is reduced. Long-term use is not recommended;

The fourth stage (overdose) - weakening heart rate. There is an urgent need to save lives;

Fifth stage (agonal) - anesthesia deepens greatly, breathing stops. Life can only be saved resuscitation .

Before the beginning operations vet obliged to carry out pet examination , take everything you need tests , perform x-ray and ultrasonography .

How harmful is anesthesia for an animal?

At the end of the last century, veterinarians used drugs considered “heavy” for general anesthesia. Over time, these drugs were equated to narcotic substances. After the mid-90s, “soft” ones began to be used in veterinary medicine for general anesthesia. medical supplies. They didn't provide negative influence on the kidneys, liver and internal organs.

To avoid the risk of death of a pet that will be taken out of anesthesia, you should not skimp on medications. When choosing a veterinarian, pay attention to his professionalism and the equipment in his office.

Consequences of anesthesia

The condition of the four-legged patient depends on the type of anesthesia and dose. If intravenous anesthesia was used, the animal may recover within 24 hours. But everyone has their own body and sensitivity to drugs is different. Dogs and cats are allowed to drink after surgery only after five to six hours. Eating is allowed only after ten hours.

After surgery, it is recommended to follow a diet and avoid fatty foods and poorly prepared foods. If the animal's condition is poor and weakened, the food should be chopped. Even after a day, the pet may feel unsatisfactory and experience nausea.

5.1. Choosing the type of anesthesia

The choice of type of anesthesia depends on age and general condition the sick animal, the scope of the surgical intervention, the technical capabilities of the clinic (availability of anesthesia equipment, medication provision, etc.), and the qualifications of the doctor.

The age of the animal is very important, because puppies and kittens have increased metabolic processes, a relatively large surface area skin, imperfect thermoregulation, easily vulnerable mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, increased oxygen consumption and respiratory tract resistance, which forces the respiratory system to work almost “to the limit.” The liver and urinary system are not functionally developed, so there is real danger drug overdose. In senile animals, on the contrary, metabolic processes are reduced, age-related functional and organic changes are noted in all organs and systems; as a rule, there is damage to the cardiovascular system, respiratory systems, hepatic-renal failure, which makes the threat of death of the animal real during anesthesia or in the immediate post-anesthesia period. It is necessary to take into account the general condition of the animal, functionality organs and systems. In case of violations metabolic processes, liver and kidney functions, if possible, preference should be given to local types of anesthesia. Minor operations on the limbs (especially if there is concomitant diseases) is best performed under conduction, intraosseous or intravenous regional anesthesia. Surgeries on the pelvic organs, lower parts abdominal cavity can be performed using spinal anesthesia. Under general anesthesia, it is necessary to operate on the organs of the chest, upper abdomen, severe bone damage(fractures of the pelvis, hip, shoulder).

Any anesthesia must be preceded by premedication.

5.2. Premedication

The main objectives of premedication are: sedative and potentiating effects, inhibition of unwanted reflex reactions, suppression of secretion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the stomach.

A sedative effect can be achieved by using 1-2 tablets of aminazine, Nembutal, Luminal on the eve of surgery. If the operation is performed as an emergency, the animal can be administered droperidol, aminazine, seduxen, relanium, trioxazine. The introduction of these drugs also achieves a potentiating effect. Atropine is used to inhibit unwanted reflex reactions and to reduce secretion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Premedication is performed 15-40 minutes before anesthesia.

5.3. Carrying out anesthesia

The actual administration of anesthesia consists of 4 periods, the features of which are described below.

5.3.1. Introduction to anesthesia— turning off consciousness and achieving the required depth of anesthesia to perform endotracheal intubation or begin surgery (if intravenous anesthesia is used). Induction of anesthesia can be performed with preserved spontaneous breathing, followed by intubation. This period of anesthesia is the most dangerous and responsible for the anesthesiologist, because it is at this time that they most often occur various complications: vomiting, regurgitation, laryngo- and bronchiolospasm, arrhythmia, etc. Most often, barbiturates are used to induce anesthesia: hexenal, sodium thiopental. After intravenous administration of these drugs, tracheal intubation is possible. It should be remembered that barbiturates have a depressant effect on respiration and cardiac activity and have a weak analgesic effect.

5.3.2. Maintaining anesthesia. The general principle of this period of anesthesia is to adequately protect the body from surgical trauma. During this period, analgesics, narcotic drugs, muscle relaxants, artificial ventilation lungs, vasoactive and cardiotropic drugs, solutions that allow the correction of disturbances in water-electrolyte and acid-base conditions, and maintain the volume of circulating blood at the required level. The choice of anesthetics and the arsenal of necessary medications depends on the specific situation, the general condition of the sick animal and the scope of the surgical intervention.

5.3.3. End of anesthesia. This period begins before the completion of the operation and is agreed upon by the anesthesiologist and surgeon. As a rule, the surgeon warns the anesthesiologist about the possible completion of the operation 15-20 minutes in advance. This allows the anesthesiologist to gradually eliminate certain components from anesthesia so that, with the final suture on the skin, all indicators of homeostasis (respiration, circulating blood volume, acid-base status, cardiovascular activity, blood pressure, etc.) are most fully restored. .). If anesthetics that are quickly released from the body (nitrous oxide, fluorothan) were used for anesthesia, its supply is stopped at the moment the last suture is applied; if the anesthetic is released slowly (ether), then within 10-20 minutes. until the end of the operation.

5.3.4. Post-anesthesia period begins from the moment the supply of anesthetic is stopped. At this time, it is necessary to remove saliva and mucus from oral cavity, pharynx, trachea, restore breathing (depth, frequency). Determine the degree of restoration of reflex activity (corneal, pupillary, laryngeal and cough reflexes), muscle tone and consciousness. After anesthesia, the animal must be warmed (covered warmly, if necessary, covered with heating pads), provided with the opportunity free breathing(pull out the sunken tongue, if necessary, insert or, conversely, remove the endotracheal tube), ensure observation of the animal until full recovery all vital functions.

5.4. Examples of general anesthesia

For dogs

Inhalation anesthesia. Premedication is given before the operation:

aminazine 1-2 ml of a 2.5% solution, diphenhydramine 0.5 ml, then 0.1 ml of atropine per 10 kg of body weight. With proper premedication, the dog becomes lethargic and drowsy within 10-15 minutes, negative reactions disappear, and dryness of the nose and mucous membranes of the oral cavity is noted. Breathing becomes smooth and deep

During this period, you can treat the surgical field (cut, shave, wash the skin). Aminazine can be replaced with morphine at a dose of 1-1.5 mg/kg (M. Zakievich recommends administering morphine at a dose of 1-10 mg/kg). After its administration, emptying of the stomach and intestines is observed (due to spasm of the sphincter muscles), which is of no small importance for further anesthesia. In very aggressive animals, intramuscular administration of sodium thiopental at a dose of 4-5 mg/kg over 30 minutes can be used for premedication. before the start of anesthesia. After fixing the dog on the table, sodium thiopental 2-10 ml of a 2.5-5% solution is administered intravenously until sleep occurs. Thiopental must be administered slowly and carefully until take a deep breath, then the rate of administration must be slowed down further until the animal exhibits convergent strabismus and the eyeballs are closed by 1/3-1/2 with the third eyelid. At this time, the animal can be intubated (if possible, pre-administer 0.5-0.8 mg/kg of listenone). The endotracheal tube is connected to the apparatus and inhalation of fluorotane 0.5-0.7 vol.% is started, then the dose of fluorotane is gradually increased to 2.5-3 vol.% and, as soon as the animal reaches the stage of anesthesia III1-III2, the concentration of fluorotane is reduced up to 1-1.5 vol.%. Anesthesia is maintained with fluorotane in a dose of 0.1-0.5 vol.% together with oxygen and nitrous oxide (in a ratio of 1: 2). If necessary, analgesia can be enhanced by fractional administration of fentanyl at 0.1-0.15 mg/kg every 20-30 minutes. Relaxants, if they are administered, in the vast majority of cases last 1.5-2 hours. Usually this time is enough to carry out complex operations.

Ftorotan can be replaced with ether; in this case, it is necessary to increase the volume of anesthetic supply (see Chapter 2) and take into account the fact that the ether takes longer to be removed from the body, and therefore, at the end of anesthesia, the supply of ether must be stopped earlier - 15-20 minutes before the end of the operation.

The period of awakening passes faster with fluorotane anesthesia. The endotracheal tube should be removed only after adequate spontaneous breathing has been restored and reflexes have appeared. For severe myasthenia gravis, proserin is administered. Very often, after waking up, trembling is noted as a result of hypothermia and the residual effect of drug blockade of the thermoregulatory center. After the operation, the animal must be covered and warmed with heating pads. You should pay attention to the color of the tongue, the cyanosis of which indicates a violation of pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange.

Non-inhalational anesthesia. Premedication is carried out according to the previous scheme. For short-term minor surgical intervention, intravenous administration of 2-5 ml of a 2.5-5% solution of sodium thiopental and analgin 0.5-1 ml of a 50% solution (per 10 kg of body weight) is sometimes sufficient, which allows for 15-20 minutes. perform minor surgical procedures (catheterization Bladder, opening of small abscesses, primary surgical treatment wounds, etc.). The same anesthesia can be used when conducting X-ray examinations, especially in excited, angry animals, with extensive skeletal damage, in cases where the animal moves and does not allow X-ray examination. Sodium thiopental or hexenal can also be used for mononarcosis in another variant: 1 g of one of these drugs is injected intrapleurally or intraperitoneally. Sleep occurs within 3-5 minutes; surgical stage of anesthesia - after 5-10 minutes. and lasts up to 1.5 hours. A long-term drip infusion of a 1% solution in 200 ml of a 5% glucose solution with an injection rate of 30-40 drops/min is possible. This method of anesthesia is quite simple and effective, but it is poorly controlled, and the doctor must have sufficient experience to maintain a stable level of anesthesia.

Mononarcosis with ketamine intramuscular injection at a dose of 8-10 mg/kg allows for small surgical operations within 25-30 minutes. Fractional intravenous administration of the drug at a dose of 2-4 mg per kg of body weight is possible. After mononarcosis with ketamine, a state of psychomotor agitation is noted, which is relieved by seduxen and diazepam. Marek Zakievich (1994) recommends the following version of mononarcosis: intramuscular administration of sodium thiopental at a dose of 15 mg/kg with preliminary premedication with aminazine at a dose of 3 mg/kg.

Combined anesthesia. In our clinic, we most often use this type of anesthesia, because... it allows you to perform operations of any complexity and duration, does not require expensive equipment, gives excellent results and, with sufficient qualifications of the anesthesiologist, allows you to avoid many complications. Introduction to anesthesia is smooth, quick, without excitement, allows you to fix the animal in a position convenient for the surgeon and treat the surgical field. The use of various medications that potentiate mutual effects makes it possible to reduce their doses to a minimum.

The approximate arsenal and doses of medications used in our clinic are given in Table 1 (see pp. 84-85).

For cats

Anesthesia in cats is a rather complex problem. These animals are not suitable usual ways, used for dogs. And some medications cause a reverse reaction (for example, morphine), reducing body temperature by 1.5-2C (ketamine, xylazine, rompun). Below are examples various types anesthesia for cats used in our clinic.

Inhalation anesthesia. Premedication is carried out according to general principles. Cats are administered atropine at a dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg per kg of body weight intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Aminazine at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, 0.15 mg/kg - intravenously.

The simplest technically is mask anesthesia. The safest is anesthesia with nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen (2-3: 1), which allows you to achieve level III anesthesia. For analgesia, the concentration of nitrous oxide does not exceed 40-60%. However, abdominal operations It is quite difficult to perform anesthesia with this type of anesthesia due to the lack of muscle relaxation. In addition, upon completion of anesthesia, nitrous oxide is intensively released into the alveoli, displacing oxygen, which can lead to diffuse hypoxemia. Therefore, after the end of anesthesia, it is necessary for 2-3 minutes. give pure oxygen. This is shown schematically in Fig. 17.

Even simpler technically is inhalation mask anesthesia with ether. This type of anesthesia allows you to achieve the surgical stage of anesthesia with muscle relaxation. However, this type of anesthesia is not sufficiently controlled; there is a real danger of an explosion of the ether-oxygen mixture. With this type of anesthesia, a cone-shaped plastic or rubber mask with holes for air intake is used (Fig. 18). A gauze swab (foam rubber, cotton wool) soaked in ether is placed at the bottom of the mask; the mask is placed on the animal’s head and held in this position until the required stage of anesthesia occurs. After this, the mask is removed and put on again when necessary.

Combinations and doses of drugs used in combined drug addiction for dogs and cats

Table 1

Drugs used

Route of administration

For dogs


0.1-0.2 ml




0.1-0.2 ml
2-3 ml




Na thiopental
Na hydroxybutyrate

i/m, i/v
i/m, i/v
fractional disinfection

0.5 ml
0.5 ml
5-1.0 ml
0.5-1 g




Na thiopental
Na hydroxybutyrate

i/v fractionally
fractional disinfection

0.5 g
0.5-1.0 ml
0.5-0.8 ml




vitamin C

0.5-1.0 ml
1.0-2.0 ml


aminophylline 2.4%




up to 2.0-3.0

up to 4.0
up to 2.0

up to 5.0
up to 2.0

The number of drugs used, their variability, dosage varies and depends on the following factors: a) the severity of the patient’s condition, b) his age; c) volume of surgical intervention; d) duration of anesthesia.

Continuation of the table. 1

Drugs used

Route of administration

For dogs

For cats

over 40 kg

Over 3 kg

Premedication for 30-40 minutes. (one of the combinations of these drugs is administered)











Induction of anesthesia (one of these drugs* is administered in combination with Na thiopental, or ketamine, or Na hydroxybutyrate)

Na thiopental
Na hydroxybutyrate

i/m, i/v
i/m, i/v
fractional disinfection





Maintenance of anesthesia (a combination of 2-3 drugs is used)

Na thiopental
Na hydroxybutyrate

i/v fractionally
fractional disinfection





Removal from medicated sleep(drugs are administered fractionally over 5-6 hours)

vitamin C



aminophylline 2.4%


s/c (0.5 ml in fractional doses over 5-6 hours)

up to 3.0

* Drugs are administered in case of normal indicators blood pressure.

**Analgin is used as needed.

With this type of anesthesia, the development of all the complications described above is possible, so its use is limited.

During intubation, it is possible to use a combination of nitrous oxide, oxygen and fluorothane (in this case, fluorothane is supplied in a volume of 0.5-1 vol%). There is a real risk of overdosing on fluorothane, so the vaporizer must be perfectly calibrated

Non-inhalational anesthesia. The principles of premedication remain the same. Atropine is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.05-0.1 mg/kg, aminazine - 2.5-5 mg/kg (Marek Zakievich, 1994, indicates that the amount of aminazine can be increased to 5-10 mg/kg, at intravenous administration the dose is 0.15 mg/kg). For mononarcosis they use the following drugs: sodium thiopental intraperitoneally at a dose of 20-22 mg/kg and even up to 60 mg/kg (Marek Zakievich, 1994); hexenal - at a dose of 25-40 mg/kg of 1% solution causes anesthesia within 30-40 minutes; ketamine when administered intramuscularly at a dose of 20-25 mg/kg (A.D.R. Hilbery, 1989) causes a state of anesthesia after 5 minutes, which lasts 30-40 minutes Marek Zakievich (1994) recommends administering ketamine at a dose of 30-35 mg/kg, while the duration of anesthesia increases to 40-60 minutes. After recovering from anesthesia, the animal remains in a state close to a hallucinatory state for 5-8 hours. From our own observations, we can recommend the use of ketamine in a dose of 20 to 35 mg/kg, depending on the severity of the animal’s condition, the expected volume of the operation, and also depending on which company produced the drug.

Xylazine (Rompun) when used intramuscularly at a dose of 4.5 mg/kg causes anesthesia within 40 minutes. The animal fully recovers after 2-3 hours.

It should be remembered that all of the above drugs cause a decrease in body temperature by 1.5-2C, so it is necessary to take all measures to prevent this undesirable phenomenon (warming the animal with heating pads; maintaining the room temperature within 21-25C, etc.). In addition, xylazine causes vomiting, and the anesthesiologist must ensure that complications do not arise during this time.

Combined anesthesia. After the premedication described above, various combinations of drugs are possible. Approximate combinations and doses of drugs used in our clinic are given in Table 1 (see pp. 84-85).

Cats with urolithiasis and acute urinary retention is recommended next view combined general anesthesia: atropine - 0.1 mg/kg; ketamine - 10-15 mg/kg and rompun - 0.5 mg/kg. It is administered intramuscularly in one syringe. If it is necessary to prolong anesthesia, it is possible to use mask inhalation of nitrous oxide with oxygen, or ether.

For animals that experience urinary retention for more than 2 days, which is accompanied by serious metabolic disorders, we recommend that all manipulations be performed under presacral or sacral anesthesia.