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The dangers of smoking are real facts and consequences. Psychological help to quit smoking

Consequences of smoking

A lot has been said about smoking and its harms, but, unfortunately, we live in one of the most smoking countries in the world. Neither illness, nor warnings from doctors, nor advertising can stop this tobacco madness that has gripped all levels of society.

Today no one is surprised by a girl with a cigarette, smoking teenagers a common sight on the streets. This destructive habit has taken two-thirds of our society into its clutches. The consequences of smoking do not frighten smokers, until they become a reality, for some reason no one is afraid of them.

The task of those who today understand the essence of these consequences, and the irreversibility of the processes that arise as a result of smoking, is to paint a real picture of the monster called tobacco. The reality that will appear before the eyes of those who see it should shock lovers of blue haze. The consequences of smoking do not frighten people because no one has advertised them until now, but believe me, friends, they are terrifying.

The consequences themselves are divided into two categories: the first is external, the second is internal. Women suffer the most from the external consequences of smoking, because, firstly, their body is more susceptible to poisons, and secondly, because they are the weaker half of our humanity. And poisons such as tobacco cause processes in the body that, as a result of smoking, are reflected in the appearance and can be especially painful for women.

External consequences include such phenomena as an earthy complexion, inelasticity of hair, which begins to break and fall out. As a result of smoking, a woman’s voice becomes more bassy; in a word, a woman turns not into a feminine, but into a more masculine being. And this is not the whole price that you need to pay for smoking tobacco.

The fact is that external signs are a reflection of internal, negative processes. Let's start with the fact that complexion changes, by the way, complexion changes not only in women, but also in men, but since men are not such delicate creatures, such consequences are not so striking.

As you know, complexion is a kind of showcase of a person. By the face, doctors determine the illness of patients, the presence of hemoglobin, and general state. The consequences of smoking from internal organs projected onto external organs.

From this kind of facts it follows that an unhealthy complexion indicates illness. This means that a smoker is a sick person. We can say that a smoker makes himself a sick person.

Internal diseases characteristic of smokers are very diverse. First of all, the lungs suffer from smoking, since a smoker constantly passes a huge amount of cigarette smoke through his lungs.

The consequences of smoking for the lungs are not difficult to predict; to do this, just look at the composition of the potion inhaled by a lover of blue smoke. It would be very good if cigarette manufacturers printed the detailed contents of this potion on the packs, then perhaps there would be significantly fewer people willing to smoke.

Of course, it is impossible to describe or list the composition of everything that is contained in cigarette smoke, because tobacco contains more than 400 different ingredients.

Tobacco itself, as they say, is a weak drug. But it is weak because it is generally considered weak; scientists assure that, according to some indicators, it is even more insidious than marijuana, because it is highly addictive, forming a terrible addiction that not everyone is able to overcome.

This drug, although it does not produce a strong intoxicating effect, but the consequences of smoking for the central nervous system, very scary. In terms of the strength of addiction formation, tobacco is equal to heroin, because marijuana forms only mental dependence, nicotine mental-physical.

Heroin creates almost irresistible craving, and nicotine is on the same level with it.

Tobacco smoke also contains substances such as methane, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen cyanide. It includes: acetone, ammonia, benzene, methyl alcohol, hydrogen sulfide, arsenic. If you think about it and analyze at least one of these components, then it becomes scary in your soul; any of the poisons listed are capable of killing a living being in large doses.

The consequences of smoking, after all this amount of poisons, day after day, year after year, is filtered through the lungs, is not difficult to predict. The outcome of such filtering is quite predictable, because according to the results of studies of the effect of nicotine on the lungs, it was revealed that 90 percent of all lung cancer cases relate to those who smoked. This is a kind of mockery of your body, at your own expense.

The serious consequences of smoking also include various kinds chronic bronchitis, permanent wet cough, bad smell from the oral cavity, emphysema, laryngeal cancer, and this is not the entire list of the consequences that we have to pay for the dubious pleasure given by smoking cigarettes. It should also not be forgotten that with the current pricing policy states, smoking is by no means a cheap activity, and therefore it significantly empties your wallets.

Consequences of smoking spice

Tobacco smoking, as a dangerous phenomenon, has given a powerful impetus to the development and spread of other types of already prohibited drugs that can be consumed through smoking, among these drugs we bring to your attention a nominee called spice. Spice as a drug, this substance is the brainchild of our morally dark era. If, for example, hemp and marijuana are drugs of plant origin, then smoking spice is the use synthetic drug, which consists of a mixture of different components that produce a strong intoxicating effect on a person.

The effects of these substances are several times stronger than those of plant origin. Spice is a mixture that is popular today among young people, from 18 to 27 years old.

If we talk about the dangers and consequences of using spice, then you are amazed at the ingenuity a person slips into in order to first turn himself into an active madman, and then degrade into the state of a passive vegetable. This mixture causes such great damage to the human psyche that there is no need to talk about such consequences as lung cancer.
Spice makes its first blow on the human psyche, producing a strong toxic effect in the brain. This gives the spice smoker a feeling of overwhelming euphoria. A madman intoxicated with a potion feels like a deity. Then, after several hours, the intoxicating effect of fasting comes; in these moments, brain cells begin to actively die, and the state that the stoned person feels is comparable to delirium tremens. He wants to commit suicide, the person is overcome by a feeling of acute depression, and interest in life is lost.

The consequences of smoking spice are terrifying; those who take it become addicted in a very short time; in fact, already after the first use, a craving is felt. The person who smokes this drug is like a madman who is not at all aware of the reality in which he is, and what’s worst is that even before the body wears out, the person taking the spice becomes a complete idiot. This means that outwardly, he still doesn’t look like a worn-out drug addict, but the brain may already be completely atrophied and close to complete death.

Smoking spice causes a person to be sent, first of all, not to a drug treatment clinic, but to a psychiatric hospital. The fact is that spice addicts are creatures with a degraded psyche, an unbalanced nervous system, completely depersonalized individuals of incomprehensible gender, because they themselves no longer know what their names are or what gender they belong to. Very few people manage to balance their personality in mental hospitals.

Almost all those who like to smoke spice end up in a madhouse; in men, potency almost completely disappears, and in women, the regularity of menstruation shifts. The deformation of the brain almost always becomes irreversible and the person becomes like a plant. Now, seeing all these consequences, think about whether it’s worth getting involved with such poison in order to take the path of absolute dullness.

Consequences of smoking cannabis

Cannabis is one of the most common classic drugs used by young people. This, of course, is not spice, but the harm and consequences from it are also dangerous. In addition to its narcotic properties, hemp is also used in medicine as a medicine. Medicinal properties hemp has been known and undeniable since ancient times, but, unfortunately, thrill-seekers use it for other purposes.

The consequences of smoking hemp manifest themselves as follows: first of all, hemp violates autonomic system human body. The heart rate becomes either faster or slower. Observed frequent changes in pressure, especially in the upward direction. When smoking cannabis, the mucous membrane is damaged, and such people always have a stuffy nose. A very terrible effect of this drug is the human brain, which suffers more than any other organ.

A drug addict who smokes cannabis thereby destroys the lung tissue of the brain, and after more or less prolonged use, irreversible processes occur.

It is very important to note that people addicted to cannabis gradually lose their privacy. They lose important life attachments, such as love, a sense of duty, family ties. Drug addicts and patients become active workers in the drug business, devoting all possible and impossible resources to its maintenance.

The consequences of smoking cannabis also lead to irreversible processes in a person’s personal life. Because it is almost impossible to rebuild a destroyed family.

Taking cannabis means supporting criminals and bandits of all stripes. By buying a drug, you provide these bandits with a rich life in which they have nothing, do not need, and can develop their crazy business. Drugs destroy the lives of not only those who take them, but also those who surround drug addicts.

From hemp, the drug uses the leaves and their color, they are dried and turned into a brown powder, this substance is called marijuana.

Consequences of smoking hashish

Hashish is a psychotropic substance made through a special synthesis from hemp. The peculiarities of this narcotic drug are that it is created as an extract, that is, a highly concentrated product. Among drug dealers, it ranks second to heroin. As we said, hashish is a product of hemp, and its actions are similar to those of marijuana, but since it is an extract, smoking hashish is many times stronger and the effect for the smoker is much more powerful. Physical addiction does not occur quickly, but psychological addiction occurs after a few steps.

Habituation is not yet an addiction, but its essence is that after several uses of the so-called weed, the buzz noticeably decreases. That is, the same dose no longer gives a similar result.

For this reason, the smoker of hashish must increase the dose in order to return the previous feeling, the brain retains information about the previous high, and the smoker wants to return it at any cost. It is not possible to constantly increase the dose of the drug taken, and over time, hashish becomes an ineffective potion for the one who smokes it. This situation pushes a novice drug addict onto the path of searching for stronger drugs, and from these stronger drugs, addiction and dependence appear more quickly.

The consequences of smoking hashish are both predictable and unpredictable at the same time. They are predictable for the reason that for someone who smokes hashish, it is not difficult to predict their fate, unless, of course, they quit in time. The fate of such a person can develop according to two scenarios:

The first is a scenario where a drug addict constantly smokes cannabis, and someone gets sick from this mental illness, after which he will spend the rest of his days in a psychiatric hospital; you can also catch lung cancer from smoking hashish and die from cancer. By the way, if we equate hashish to ordinary cigarettes, then the harm from smoking hashish is the same as from a cigarette, but many times greater.

The second scenario is a complete fall along the curve, that is, the smoker begins to miss the buzz, and he is looking for more hard drugs, which will return him to his former euphoria. And then the hashish-smoking, novice drug addict gradually switches to stronger types of drugs, and gets hooked on the needle. The scenario of detailed events is very clear.

Smoking during pregnancy, consequences

Modern research has shown that in last years The percentage of smokers among women has increased sharply. On average, according to statistics, about 30 percent of women in the United States smoke. 25 percent of women do not stop smoking even while they are pregnant and carrying a child. This statistic is very frightening for the reason that the effect of tobacco on the fetus if the mother smokes is extremely harmful in nature.

The consequences of smoking during pregnancy are a crime of a mother against her child. Developing child, which is in the mother’s womb, joins her life. This baby is connected by his life with her, her life is his life. If a young mother smokes, then she must remember that her child smokes with her, and the mother accustoms the child to tobacco from the womb. But this is not all the problems that can arise from using tobacco during pregnancy.

For women who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes per day, the risk of miscarriage increases to 30 percent. And an important fact is that after such a miscarriage, a woman’s infertility often develops. Also, if a mother smokes, the risk of stillbirth increases by 30 percent, and if twins are to be born, then the death of one of them increases to almost 50 percent. This is not a joke.

Smoking during pregnancy is fraught with danger for the fetus, also because it suffers severe oxygen starvation. Since the baby is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord, then oxygen comes to him this way, but if the mother smokes, then carbon dioxide Together with nicotine, it enters the bloodstream and is absorbed into the fetus’s body. As a result, the child does not receive enough oxygen and starvation begins. The result of such fasting can be various defects When will the baby be born?

The consequences of smoking during pregnancy, in particular from oxygen starvation the fetus may be: short fetal growth, low birth weight, muscle deformation, and there may also be serious damage to the child’s psyche. Such starvation can lead to the fact that a child is often born with Down syndrome and is mentally retarded. It is also not uncommon for children to be born with defects of internal organs. A baby may develop a heart defect while still in the womb.

When smoking during pregnancy, children are often born with such anomalies as cleft palate, cleft lip, strabismus and inguinal hernia.

An interesting fact is that a child born to a smoking mother has less resistance to tobacco. This means that if he later starts smoking, it will be more difficult for him to quit than for a child born from a non-smoking mother. Mom makes the child more prone to smoking.

Smoking during pregnancy will also be shown in future external behavior baby. As a rule, such children are fidgety and endowed with special hyper-reactivity; most often, they do poorly at school, and it is a big problem for them to concentrate on the subject. Often such children are cocky, hooligans and very difficult to communicate with. Teachers have problems with them, they often visit psychologists and have criminal tendencies.

Smoking after pregnancy, that is, for a mother who has given birth, also has its own far-reaching problems. If a nursing mother smokes, then nicotine, having the ability to penetrate the mother’s blood, enters the milk, and with it into the baby’s body, making it passive smoker. As is already known, the harm from passive smoking is much more dangerous than from active smoking. Carcinogens entering a child’s body make him more prone to cancer.
Smoking, nursing mother, has an impoverished breast milk, nicotine, acting on the mammary glands, significantly depletes the capacity of mother's milk, vitamins, fat content, and so on. Such children do not receive enough useful substances, which are included in mother's milk from nature. From such feeding, the child’s the immune system, which may result in various diseases: both childhood colds and pneumonia.

Smoking during pregnancy is a risk that is not justified in any way, and speaks of the extreme selfishness of mothers who dared to get pregnant and carry a child while puffing on a cigarette.

Each future mom, must remember that pregnancy is a special period during which it is important to forget about yourself, the fetus that develops in the abdominal cavity is waiting for care, because it is extremely helpless and is completely dependent on its mother. Smoking mothers, do not risk your children, and do not experiment on them with tobacco, because with your experiments you can overshadow the entire life of your unborn child. And for this mistake you will not be able to forgive yourself for the rest of your life. Every child born feels loved, so give hope to the future of your children.

Consequences of smoking on video

Today the Internet is full of all kinds of information, also on the topic of smoking. We often look for videos to watch and only watch what entertains us and don't want to watch anything that will enlighten our minds.

It is very useful to look through the materials that are posted on the Internet about smoking. The materials that are available there are not for the faint of heart.

A useful and also interesting story about the consequences of smoking is a video in which the lungs are compared smoking man, a light non-smoker, seeing such a contrast, of course, our mood may disappear, or our appetite may deteriorate, but the desire to smoke may also deteriorate. When you see the lungs of a smoker, completely covered with bruises, various ulcers, and they look like a piece of charred meat, then, of course, you will feel uneasy.

There are also many photos posted on the Internet about the consequences of smoking; everyone, smokers and non-smokers, should also be advised to look at them. For smokers, in order to discourage them from smoking, they must understand what crime they are doing to their body. And for those who do not smoke, these photos are useful as prevention, so that when they look at them, they will never want to get involved with smoking.

Consequences of quitting smoking

This is a very interesting topic, what could be the consequences for a smoker if he quit smoking?

Of course, consequences always come from the fact that a smoker quits smoking. These consequences can be divided into two categories, comfortable and uncomfortable, but fortunately they are all good, and before we get to them, let's talk about one psychological moment. It often happens that a smoker is afraid of consequences that actually do not exist.

Fear of the consequences of quitting smoking always accompanies those who quit smoking. They are tormented by nightmares, sometimes it seems to such people that if they quit smoking, they will feel very bad for the rest of their lives. A smoker may be accompanied by fears that he is parting with something very useful and good, in other words, an obsessive feeling of loss appears. This feeling of loss is the enemy that the smoker must defeat, because it only seems to him that he is losing something, but in fact, the feeling of loss deceives him, in fact, he loses the disease, but gains health.
But there are real consequences to quitting smoking. As we have already said, they are divided into comfortable consequences and uncomfortable ones.

Comfortable consequences include those consequences in which the person who quit smoking begins to feel better. After a smoker quits smoking, deep transformations begin in his body, these transformations are aimed at cleansing the body, the body makes attempts to cleanse itself of poisons.

Therefore, the consequences can be such phenomena as improved cardiac motility, blush on the skin of the face, shortness of breath disappears, and the former smoker begins to observe an extraordinary surge of strength. Such a person’s mood improves every day, he develops a feeling of completeness and optimism. Breathing becomes smooth and deep, a large amount of oxygen begins to enter the body without cigarette smoke, and therefore rehabilitation accelerates. All body processes that were slowed down due to nicotine come to life, and those who quit smoking begin to feel like a newborn.

The consequences of quitting smoking, especially comfortable ones, always inspire a person to believe in a new and beautiful future, that his life was not lived in vain, and now he can be a useful member of society, bringing happiness and joy to others. His family and friends also begin to feel such changes, and it seems that the sun now shines on such a family every day.

The smoker’s sense of smell perception becomes extremely acute; what was lost with smoking now returns; after a while, the person who quits smoking begins to feel the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke, and it becomes unpleasant for him to be in the presence of people who smoke. In the morning, the bad taste in the mouth disappears, and the smoker's morning cough, which especially bothers those who have been smoking for many years, disappears. The unpleasant smell of tobacco is no longer felt on your hair and clothes. And everything connected with tobacco will now seem vile and disgusting.

The uncomfortable consequences of quitting smoking include consequences that are associated with cleansing the body of many years of tobacco poisoning.

When someone quits smoking, due to the change in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, irritability appears in the larynx, as a result of which frequent colds are possible during this change.

In the first weeks of quitting smoking, symptoms such as irritability and insomnia may appear, but those who quit smoking do not need to be afraid of this, because the reward for this will be much greater than such inconveniences.

In the first weeks, vigorous mucus discharge may appear from the oral cavity, as well as from the larynx, which will also cause inconvenience, but the quitter should rejoice, because the body throws out all the excess that has accumulated during smoking.

And in the end, I would like to support all those who decided to put an end to such a vicious habit and disease that gradually killed you throughout the time you smoked.

Without being afraid of the consequences of quitting smoking, go forward and don’t look back, always remember that you haven’t lost anything good in cigarettes, but have acquired a new life filled with clean and good sensations.
By quitting smoking, you challenge the entire industry that produces tobacco products and profits from the misfortune of addicted smokers. Where you are alone today, there may be thousands of quitters tomorrow. And together with them you will form an army that can disarm the mighty tobacco monster that produces millions of cigarettes in order to make others unhappy.

Inhalation tobacco smoke- an undoubted risk and a test of your health for strength. To understand this, you don’t need a lot of research, of which thousands have accumulated over more than 100 years of history of the tobacco industry. It is sometimes very difficult to understand them, so we decided to describe almost everything in simple language Negative consequences smoking for health.

Smoking tobacco can have consequences. Tobacco smoke contains an incredible amount of chemical compounds, many of which are poisonous. More than 70 carcinogenic substances (that is, those that cause cancer) are known.

Moreover, several hundred substances are artificially added to a cigarette - many medical supplies which, when smoked, relieve spasms, reduce irritation, and dilate the bronchi. Of course, you can’t do without flavorings, preservatives, and moisturizers. It has long been known that cigarettes contain ammonia derivatives. But manufacturers do not add all this chemical artificially in order to kill someone. This is done for two reasons:

  1. Make the habituation process faster.
  2. Make the inhalation process more comfortable.

Perhaps for this reason, people continue to smoke and do not feel the harm from smoking tobacco to the body, considering this activity their pleasure or choice. This is carelessness and frivolity!

Nicotine is the main component of any product, be it electronic or traditional cigarettes, snus, nasvay, nicotine gum or patches. It belongs to the average stimulants. Reaching the brain in just a few seconds, nicotine excites the nervous system. For some time, a smoker may feel an influx of energy. But since nicotine becomes highly and quickly addictive, the effect of the drug becomes less and less. Later the person becomes lethargic, irritable and wants to smoke more. What can happen from smoking cigarettes? Nicotine is quickly and highly addictive, both physically and psychologically. People who smoke always experience physical withdrawal from nicotine, which impairs their cognitive functioning throughout their lives, that is, it impairs complex brain functions (for example, memory or mental abilities). Constant withdrawal syndrome in smokers creates anxiety, irritation and depression, and sleep problems in their lives.

When a person inhales tobacco smoke, he receives a huge amount of substances that destroy the entire respiratory system. Very quickly this destruction leads to various diseases. Of course, smokers are at higher risk of getting sick. infectious diseases, but the most a terrible consequence is increased risk get irreversible chronic diseases, such as:

  • emphysema, which is characterized pathological expansion air spaces of the distal bronchioles. Accompanied by destructive morphological changes in the alveolar walls;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a group of lung diseases;
  • lungs' cancer.

Children whose parents smoke are more likely to cough, wheeze and have asthma attacks compared to children whose parents do not smoke. In addition, they have more high probability get pneumonia and bronchitis.

Our lungs are the organ that takes the hit first. This is why cancer and other lung diseases are the most common diseases that can occur among people who smoke. Fortunately, after quitting smoking, the lungs are able to cleanse and recover. After a person quits smoking, temporary breathing discomfort may occur as the lungs and Airways are starting to heal. An increase in mucus immediately after stopping smoking is a positive sign that the respiratory system is recovering.

Smoking damages the entire cardiovascular system. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which restricts blood flow and consequently deprives every cell in the body of oxygen, nutrients and vitamins. Over time, continued narrowing along with damage to the blood vessels can cause peripheral artery disease. Smoking also increases blood pressure, weakens the walls of blood vessels and thickens the blood. All this increases the risk of stroke.

It is not uncommon for smokers to undergo cardiac bypass surgery or stenting (placement at the site of narrowing/destruction) due to heart disease. blood vessel special frame-extender).

Of course, smoking has a negative impact on cardiovascular system not only the smoker himself, but also the health of those around him - those who are exposed to passive smoking. Exposure to passive smoke non-smokers poses the same risks as those who smoke. Risks include stroke, heart attacks and other heart diseases.

If the smoker does not see the terrible changes that occur inside our body, then the obvious signs of smoking associated with skin changes can be seen. The effects of smoking on the skin occur due to toxic substances in tobacco smoke (including nicotine), which actually change the structure of your skin. Recent studies have shown that smoking dramatically increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer). Fingernails and toenails are not protected from the effects of smoking, which increases the likelihood of contracting fungal infections. It doesn’t matter how a person gets nicotine - by inhaling tobacco smoke or vapor from electronic cigarettes, using chewing tobacco (snus) or nasvay, but it has long been known that nicotine provokes hair loss, baldness and gray hair.

Smoking increases the risk of cancer oral cavity, throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Smokers also have a higher percentage of those who develop pancreatic cancer. Even people who “smoke lightly” are at risk of developing cancer of the throat and mouth. Smoking also greatly affects insulin, making it more likely to develop insulin resistance. This increases the risk of disease and complications of type 2 diabetes.

Negative effects of smoking on the human reproductive system

Nicotine affects blood flow in general, and, of course, blood flow in the genital area. For men, this means a decrease in sexual activity in every sense. Impaired blood flow in women leads to sexual dissatisfaction and reduces the ability to achieve orgasm. Smoking can also reduce sex hormone levels in both men and women. This may have the effect of reducing sexual desire.

Nicotine creates serious problems in men by disrupting the synthesis of prostaglandins and nitric oxide. This means a decrease in the quantity of sperm and its quality and, accordingly, problems with conception. Fertility is directly related to smoking.

If you smoke traditional or e-Sigs, this in any case creates nicotine addiction, which forces any person to continue smoking or vaping. At the Allen Carr Center, we understand that learning about the dangers of smoking does not help you quit smoking. Most people are well aware of the dangers of smoking and its effect on our body, and this does not stop either teenagers or adults. Most people continue to smoke because they can't quit. various reasons. Therefore, it is considered difficult to quit smoking.

But Allen Carr's system has been proving for over 35 years that quitting smoking is incredibly easy! And we're so confident that we even offer a money-back guarantee if things go wrong.

Tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4 thousand harmful compounds, causes chronic poisoning in smokers who systematically consume more than 15 cigarettes per day. In terms of prevalence, smoking hookahs, cigars, cigarettes, and pipes is comparable to mass poisoning on a global scale.

Consequences of smoking

Nicotine causes harm to the body. This nerve toxin enters the human body through the lungs and swallowed saliva during puffing.

When you inhale cigarette smoke, tar droplets containing nicotine are deposited in the alveoli of the lungs. Adsorbed into the bloodstream, nicotine reaches the brain. High concentration it does not exist in the blood for long and after 30 minutes it returns to normal, and the person again wants to smoke.

Nicotine, swallowed with saliva, enters the esophagus, then into the stomach. The poison is absorbed primarily in the intestines, irritating the mucous membrane.

When the usual dose of tobacco is significantly exceeded, poisoning occurs (toxicosis):

  • acute - with a single action large quantity poisons;
  • chronic – smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day.

Acute toxicosis

Inhaling a large dose of tobacco causes a spasm in the stomach and throat. The smoker feels sick and vomits. Violations primarily affect digestive system. The patient experiences diarrhea and abdominal pain.

As nicotine is absorbed into the blood, changes in the nervous system are observed, the following are noted:

  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • extreme pallor, constricted pupils;
  • excitement, headache;
  • convulsions, trembling.

Gradually the patient's condition changes, he falls into a stupor, his body is covered with sweat. A few hours later, in the absence of help, the person dies. Similar symptoms, but less pronounced, are experienced by every smoker who takes a puff on a cigarette for the first time.

Chronic smoking - nicotineism

With prolonged smoking, the aversion to the smell and taste of tobacco smoke disappears, which is a sign of chronic tobacco poisoning or nicotineism. The number of cigarettes necessary for satisfactory well-being gradually increases. If more than 15 cigarettes are consumed per day for 2 to 5 years, chronic tobacco smoking occurs, which has dire consequences.

The patient needs everything high dose nicotine, the daily amount of cigarettes reaches 2 packs. By this time, the person no longer has the euphoria from the cigarette, and the apparent increase in activity disappears. He falls completely into slavery from his habit, waking up with the thought of a cigarette.

Diseases from smoking

Nicotine affects all organs of the body. Changes affect endocrine system. By affecting the production of hormones, the poison interferes with the functioning of organs and systems. The toxin affects the adrenal glands, causing their anatomical disorders, increasing the production of hormones, stimulating the production of adrenaline.

Increased production of adrenaline leads to an increase in blood sugar concentration. This fact explains why smokers immediately light a cigarette in the morning. Tobacco affects thyroid gland, increasing its volume. The consequences of smoking also include an imbalance of gland hormones and the appearance of goiter.

Circulatory organs

Carbon monoxide from smoke enters the bloodstream and binds to red blood cells. This disrupts the transport of oxygen to the heart, causing hypoxia of myocardial tissue.

Smoking is dangerous for the vascular system:

  • increased likelihood of heart attacks;
  • an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • development of atherosclerosis;
  • increasing the risk of thrombosis.

A heart attack caused by smoking is manifested by pain in the heart area, a feeling of suffocation, increased body temperature, and panic.

Smoking is the reason obliterating endarteritis, caused by narrowing of the small arteries of the feet under the influence of nicotine, disruption of oxygen supply to the muscles and connective tissues of the extremities.

A characteristic symptom is lameness, a feeling of “crawling sensations” in the affected foot, numbness, and absence of pulse in the arteries of the leg. The disease affects smokers of working age. Impaired oxygen transport due to vasoconstriction leads to tissue necrosis and provokes gangrene thumbs stop.

Respiratory system

Respiratory diseases in smokers are especially severe. The probability of chronic bronchitis in smokers exceeds 82%.

  • the number of cigarettes smoked per day is multiplied by the duration (in years) of smoking;
  • the result is divided by 20.

With an index value above 10, the risk of lung disease increases.

Chronic lung disease affects 11 million smokers in Russia and 14 million in the United States. The disease is caused by the damaging effects of smoke particles and gases. 90% of cases of this disease are caused by active smoking, 10% get sick due to being in smoky rooms. Staying in a building with polluted air for 8 hours is equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Smoking is also dangerous because experienced addicts develop:

  • uncomplicated bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchospasms;
  • chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis with deformation, limitation of the airways through which oxygen penetrates into the smallest alveoli of the lungs;
  • emphysema.

A sign of oxygen starvation of the respiratory system is a change in the shape of the nails of the fingers and toes. They take on a convex shape and look like watch glass. This sign appears on the legs earlier than on the hands. At chronic bronchitis with deformation of the bronchi, the fingers take on the appearance of drumsticks.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is another answer to the question regarding the dangers of smoking. The risk group includes smokers who consume more than a pack of cigarettes per day. 20% of them get lung cancer and die from this disease.

Symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • weight loss;
  • shortness of breath at rest, when moving;
  • cough;
  • frequent bronchitis, acute respiratory infections;
  • sudden causeless chills;
  • hemoptysis.

Nervous system

Nicotine poisoning of the nervous system is manifested by headaches, fatigue, and apathy. When the amount of poison in the blood increases, excitement occurs, up to the appearance of psychosis. The patient's condition worsens and is accompanied by confusion.

Sign acute poisoning Nicotine in brain structures causes dizziness, tinnitus, disruption of the hearing aid, and distortion of visual perception. Smoking increases intraocular pressure, which worsens the symptoms of glaucoma.

Digestive tract

Cigarette smoke contains ammonia; when inhaled, it irritates the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, and gums. Smoke coats the smoker's teeth with plaque. Under the influence high temperature and toxic components in places where the mucous membrane comes into contact with a cigarette increases the risk of cancer.

Oral cancer is caused by smoking in 92% of cases, and esophageal cancer is caused by the same cause in 78% of cases.

The medical consequences of smoking include stomach problems. So, nicotine:

  • irritates the mucous membrane by swallowing saliva with smoke particles;
  • disrupts innervation due to the effect of nicotine on the autonomic nervous system.

Smokers experience spasms of the esophagus and stomach, and the secretion of gastric juices and saliva increases. Nicotine can also act in the opposite way. In old age, smokers experience a decrease in secretion gastric juice, deterioration of fibrin digestion.

Smokers more often develop gastritis, erosion, stomach ulcers, the liver becomes enlarged, and inflammation occurs in the intestines.

Excretory organs

Smoking increases the risk of urinary system diseases. Toxic substances cause irritation Bladder, ureters, kidneys. These diseases are more common in men.

Nicotine is the main cause of bladder cancer in 47% of all cases, kidney cancer develops due to smoking in 48% of patients.

Reproductive organs

In women, there is a decrease in estrogen levels, and the balance between the hormones responsible for ovulation and the cyclicity of menstruation is disrupted. Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from bleeding, early menopause, and infertility. Pregnancies in women who smoke more often end in miscarriages and are accompanied by toxicosis.

In men, potency suffers from smoking and the hormonal balance, sperm quality deteriorates.


The prognosis depends on the smoking experience. With long-term tobacco use, irreversible damage occurs in the lungs, heart, and nervous system; they are organic in nature and are not fully compensated even with complete cessation of smoking.

Video about the consequences of smoking:

Everyone knows about the dangers of cigarettes, but many do not take it seriously, and perhaps do not quite understand all the negative consequences of smoking. Every day, many people kill themselves from tobacco smoke, and those around them perceive this phenomenon as absolutely normal. If someone reassures himself that he smokes a little, then any use of cigarettes is a habit that is dangerous to health.

Long-term effects of smoking

It's no secret that tobacco smoke contains carcinogens that cause cancer. According to research, 90% of lung cancer cases are the result of smoking. Cigarettes increase the risk of other cancers. Smoking causes certain types of leukemia to develop.

Another serious consequence of smoking is impotence. We cannot say that every smoker will become impotent, but his chances of getting this disorder are much higher than those who are indifferent to cigarettes. Due to the fact that the chemicals in tobacco smoke impair the functioning of the circulatory system, there is insufficient blood flow to the pelvic area. The result is such a decrease in blood flow to the penis that the quality healthy sex worth forgetting.

Consequences of smoking during pregnancy

Those women who continue smoking during pregnancy are particularly frivolous. Research confirms that during pregnancy, the fetus is affected by more than 200 neuroactive substances that are part of tobacco smoke. If you give birth soon, and smoking is not forgotten, then the child will suffer from nicotine addiction. Cigarette use can cause damage to the baby's nervous system, as well as developmental abnormalities in the baby immediately after birth. Thus, you should completely abstain from using tobacco at least during pregnancy; this must be done for the sake of the health of the unborn child.

Lung diseases

Every time a person takes a drag from a cigarette, harmful substances enter his lungs. Although there are cells in the body that protect against harmful elements, however, over time cigarette smoke destroys them. It is the death of these cells that causes big problems and leads to complex chronic illnesses, severe forms of bronchitis and emphysema. affect the elasticity of the lungs, which become more difficult to contract over time. As a result, the person’s condition worsens and he begins to experience breathing problems. In addition, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and other diseases may develop.

Early aging

This is another answer to the question of why smoking is harmful. The organs and tissues of the body are covered with epithelium, which ensures their elasticity. Under influence harmful substances tobacco, especially acetaldehyde, the epithelium suffers greatly. As a result, it begins prematurely to keep it in good condition you have to use creams with elastins and collagens. To independently synthesize these substances, you will need vitamin C, the content of which inexorably decreases when smoking. Cigarette use reduces blood flow to skin, constricts blood vessels, depriving the skin of oxygen and nutrients.

Cardiovascular disease will be the answer to the doubts expressed in the question of whether smoking is harmful. Contained in tobacco smoke free radicals, interacting with cholesterol, help it accumulate on the walls of blood vessels. This leads to disturbances in blood flow and lack of nutrition to the heart. The result is myocardial infarction, and the likelihood of vascular thrombosis increases. The consequences of smoking cause attacks of angina (chest pain), strokes, which occur when the arteries become clogged.

Short-term effects include yellowing teeth, wrinkles, decreased sense of smell and taste sensations, increased likelihood of caries and irritation of the eye mucosa.

Tobacco smoking (nicotinism, nicotine mania) is the most common type of substance abuse among all age groups. Addiction to tobacco products has a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of adults, adolescents and children, both male and female.

note: There is not a single organ or system in the body that does not suffer from the toxic effects of tobacco smoke poisons.

Chronic smoking leads to the development of symptoms of addiction, mental and physical dependence, accompanied by withdrawal symptoms.

The male population prefers smoking most; according to WHO, about a third of men are regular users tobacco products.

Historical data

Tobacco leaves were brought to Europe in the 15th century from South America. Gradually, the habit of using tobacco in the form of chewing mixture, crushed powder for inhalation, and of course, smoking, spread throughout the globe. Some adherents of nicotine smoke claimed that tobacco is a medicinal plant that helps with many diseases.

At the beginning of the 19th century, scientists isolated nicotine from tobacco and described its properties. Tobacco in any form has been found to have negative health effects.

But, despite this, tobacco smoking quickly conquered everything large quantity your fans.

The smoking boom occurred in the second half of the 20th century. Nicotine addiction was instilled with the help of developing cinema and television, magazines. Billions of people, sitting in front of cinema screens and televisions, watched their favorite characters in art films smoke every day. Supermen and beauties, politicians and bandits, heroes for every consumer taste smoked. Tobacco factories and manufacturers flourished, brands of cigarettes multiplied, but the same cannot be said about the health of those who began to depend on this terrible poison...

Elite products and cigarettes for the middle class, very simple tobacco and cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, each of these types of dope has found its buyer.

And although the voices of opponents of tobacco products were periodically heard and continue to be heard, threatening warning messages were printed on beautiful packs of cigarettes - people continue to smoke.

In Russia, the number of tobacco consumers is 35% of the total population.

Why do people smoke

It all starts with the desire to imitate your idols, as well as the passion to know the unknown (what is it, if everyone likes it that way). The first cigarette, the first puff, feels extremely unpleasant. Dizziness, headache, nausea, and weakness appear. These are symptoms of nicotine poisoning. But with repeated attempts, they gradually disappear, and they are replaced by pleasant feelings of pleasure, clarity of thought, and euphoria.

The fact is that nicotine, entering the blood, participates in enzymatic reactions, causing increased formation of catecholamines with the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine and stimulating the brain's pleasure centers. Gradually, the smoker develops an addiction that requires new doses of nicotine. According to the American Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA, the addictive potential of nicotine exceeds that of heroin and opiates.

Addiction is a complex biopsychosocial problem. The main feature of this disorder is behavior characterized by compulsive consumption. psychoactive substance, in this case - nicotine. The diagnosis of addiction is established in accordance with the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-V (valid since 2013), developed by the American Psychiatric Association. This Guide contains 11 criteria: upon confirmation of 2 or more criteria noted by the patient for 12 months, a diagnosis of “Addiction” is made. If 2-3 criteria are confirmed, mild dependence is diagnosed, 4-5 - moderate, 6 or more - severe dependence.

note: despite the fact that in the process of diagnosing nicotine addiction, the presence of tolerance (the need for increasing doses of nicotine) and withdrawal (withdrawal syndrome) is taken into account, these factors in themselves do not constitute a basis for making a diagnosis of nicotine addiction. Dependence (addiction) belongs to the category of mental and behavioral disorders(classification according to ICD-10), which may be accompanied by tolerance and withdrawal syndrome, but can also arise in isolation from them.

In the process of developing nicotine addiction, several stages can be distinguished:

  • Episodic nicotine use. The number of cigarettes smoked does not exceed 5 in 10 days. The fact of smoking is provoked, as a rule, by external microsocial factors.
  • Systematic use of nicotine. The number of cigarettes smoked increases to 2 to 6 per day, and a person begins to develop less pronounced preferences for specific brands of cigarettes.
  • First stage of addiction. Formed mental dependence from nicotine, while physical dependence absent. The duration of this stage is from 3 to 5 years. A smoker thinks that smoking improves his performance and well-being. There is no withdrawal syndrome, tolerance to nicotine increases.
  • Second stage of addiction. Mental dependence reaches its apogee and begins to form physical dependence. The duration of the second stage averages from 5 to 20 years. Smoking is an obsessive desire; a person wakes up at night in order to smoke a cigarette, smokes on an empty stomach, and switches to stronger cigarettes. The first signs of physical dependence are a morning cough and a feeling of discomfort. Bronchitis may become more frequent and disorders may occur heart rate, insomnia, pain in the heart area, blood pressure is unstable.
  • The third stage of nicotine addiction. Both mental and physical dependence are present. The third stage is the stage of complications. At this time, tolerance to nicotine decreases; when smoking several cigarettes in a row, a person feels physical discomfort. Begin serious problems with health, development is possible precancerous conditions and cancer.

At the formation stage mental dependence Some tobacco consumers are wary; after all, smoking is not so harmless if it is so difficult to live without it. Some smokers quit, another part tries to quit, but cannot, and the third “safely” continues to smoke. As mentioned above, mental dependence develops on average after 3-5 years of constant smoking. Doses are usually about 5-7 cigarettes per day, sometimes 15.

“Well, a lot of people smoke, and it’s okay, they live, (so-and-so’s) grandfather actually lived until he was 90 and smoked all the time.” This is how a nicotine addict calms himself down. At the same time, he tries not to think about those who did not live to see 50 thanks to a destructive passion, and there are many of them. Much more than “grandfathers who lived to 90 with tobacco.”

After smoking for 5-15-20 years, the addict suddenly began to notice that without cigarettes it was no longer just uncomfortable, but bad. I already smoke a pack, or even more, a day. The need to smoke gets a person out of bed at night. An occasional “break” (due to illness or inability to smoke for other reasons) causes trembling in the hands, sweating, dizziness, headache, weakness, cough (paradox) and other individual unpleasant complaints. This is how it is formed physical dependence.

Nicotine is “built into” the normal biochemical reactions of the human body, the incoming dose is already necessary chemical For normal life many systems.

By depriving themselves of smoking, patients at the stage of physical dependence begin to suffer severely physically and mentally. The very first dose after abstinence returns normal health with amazing speed.

It would seem, just smoke for yourself if you want it so much. But no, it’s precisely during this period that everyone “crawls out” side effects nicotine addiction.

The harm caused by nicotine physical state no one doubts the smoking person and those around him. The fight against tobacco smoking has been going on for a long time and not without some success.

The WHO Framework Convention containing materials on the dangers of smoking and aimed at tobacco control states that, according to scientific evidence, the smoke of tobacco products leads to illness, disability and death.

Note:tobacco manufacturers, thanks modern technologies have developed products containing substances that, in addition to nicotine, form and maintain human addiction.

Among the main causes of death in the world, tobacco smoking is in second place, causing a number of pathologies that end in death.

Major diseases caused by smoking

The main target of tobacco smoke is Airways. Regularly passing through the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, smoke has a damaging effect on the mucous membranes of these organs, reduces their protective properties and over time can cause atrophy and degeneration of the cells of these organs into tumor cells.

Emerging inflammatory processes lead to severe chronic processes: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Pulmonary emphysema and obstructive processes often develop.

Research by foreign and our scientists clearly shows that in 90% of the European Consensus Statement on Lung Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention of deaths of men from lung cancer the cause was smoking. Women's figures are not too far behind - 80%. Although more recently, these numbers were much lower for women.

Malignant lung tumors occur more than 10 times more often in smokers than in non-smokers.

Smoking increases the risk of developing tuberculosis several times.

– the second main target of nicotine.

In women, one of the unpleasant complications is disruption of structures bone tissue leading to pathological fractures. Nicotine, when smoked, gets from the lungs into the blood, leading to the transfer of poisons to all organs human body. Being a strong carcinogen, nicotine can cause malignant neoplasms almost anywhere in the body.

Changes and appearance smoker – dry and yellowish skin, premature network of wrinkles, constant coughing, gray look facial skin, yellow teeth and damaged vocal cords. The smoker emits a constant unpleasant odor.

Note:In addition to nicotine, radioactive substances in smoke also have health effects.

Despite all attempts by manufacturing companies to reduce the concentrations of harmful substances in every possible way, tobacco remains a potent poison.

Some scientists wrote articles that showed the “positive” properties of tobacco, but, despite all their efforts, they failed to embellish the overall negative picture caused by smoking.

Many people, suffering from addiction and complications, try to quit bad habit and ask the question “How to get rid of nicotine addiction?” Some of them manage to cope without help, others need treatment from a drug addiction specialist.

The most successful method remains to quit addiction on your own. You can quit smoking at any stage. People with sufficiently developed will and desire do not have any special problems.

“Withdrawal” symptoms after the last cigarette smoked go away within 3-7-14 days. After them, the physical dependence disappears, the mental one can last for a very long time, but it all depends on the former smoker’s attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. The usual daily routine must change radically. It is necessary to add sports activities, walks, and diets. It is important not to return to addiction again, since in case of a “breakdown” both mental and physical dependence will return.

Among the therapeutic measures used:

  • replacement therapy(temporary introduction in different ways into the body of nicotine preparations, to mitigate withdrawal symptoms) - patches, lozenges, lozenges, nicotine chewing gum, etc.;
  • sedative therapy(and tranquilizers). Medicines help relieve sleep disorders and nervous condition, typical in the first days after failure;
  • psycho-impact– hypnosis, coding according to the Dovzhenko method, rational psychotherapy, auto-training techniques;
  • acupuncture, physiotherapeutic measures.

Quitting smoking is a choice of health and life!