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The hamster is dying. Syrian hamster - “my experience with homa disease. Everyone should know this!!!"

Decorative types Hamsters bred in captivity are very gentle creatures. They are susceptible various diseases which can occur due to food and water that is stale or has been treated with substances harmful to the animal, sharp changes temperature conditions and other things that are less significant for larger animals. If you suddenly find that your beloved hamster is lying down and not moving, do not panic, you need to act quickly and without emotion.

In some cases, it is necessary to provide first aid to a pet until you receive a qualified veterinary treatment. After delivering the hamster to the clinic, you need to tell the doctor what preceded this condition and what resuscitation measures were provided.

It is important that before starting any action, you need to analyze the situation: when the changes in the animal’s behavior began, what contributed to this, what symptoms appeared, how long it lasted.

If the animal was healthy and vigorous, and suddenly you noticed that the hamster was lying down and not moving, then first of all you need to assess the temperature. When the air temperature long time below 20⁰C, the rodent can hibernate.

Another reason for deep sleep A strong reduction in the amount of food serves - in this case the animal starves. Lack of lighting also leads to longer sleep.

If this is really hibernation, then the animal’s body is soft and warm (but lower than usual). Breathing and heartbeat are slow. Therefore, you need to observe the animal for five minutes. To assess the heartbeat, a large and index fingers on both sides chest hamster under paws. During hibernation, only four beats can be recorded in one minute.

To wake up a pet, it must be placed in a well-heated room with a temperature of +25⁰C. Prepared in advance clean water in the drinking bowl and food. A healthy animal will wake up on its own in two to three days. It is acceptable to wrap the rodent in a warm blanket or place the cage on bottles of warm water.

There is no need to force events. However, it is necessary to monitor him during this time to see if any odor has appeared or if the body has become numb.

Increased ambient temperature

Small rodents, despite the fact that wildlife they can live in steppes, deserts and semi-deserts and do not tolerate heat well.

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat stroke.

Signs of this condition will be:

  • Trembling when touched
  • Convulsions
  • Weakness and indifference
  • Coordination of movements is impaired
  • The hamster lies on its side and breathes heavily

Sudden overheating can lead to heart failure, which can be fatal. Such rodents do not have natural protective functions body in the form of sweat or breathing through the mouth.

If the animal is lethargic, but the impact high temperatures was not for a long time, then the first aid would be to move it to a cooler room and spray it over it with a spray bottle cold water.

A quick way to cool the body is to place the animal under a stream of cold water, holding the muzzle so that the hamster does not choke.

If the animal begins to come to life, it is important to give it water using a syringe or pipette.

IN unconscious the rodent will not be able to swallow liquid. To replenish water-salt balance sodium chloride or ringer's solution is injected subcutaneously. Large breeds you can inject from four to eight milliliters, dwarf and Djungarian hamsters - two milliliters.

One of the most popular, but short-lived pets is the hamster. Cute little ones who are always running somewhere seem to be in a hurry to live. And this is not without reason, because on average hamsters live about two years, and with good care they can live up to three. Any owner who chooses to keep this cute animal will almost inevitably face its death. So what standards should you adhere to so that your pet lives a long and happy life? And what to do if the hamster died?

Possible reasons

The main causes of death in hamsters can be identified:

  1. Poor living conditions.
  2. Poor quality and poor nutrition.
  3. Illnesses and late contact with the veterinarian.
  4. Old age.

Correct content

First, let's look at how to properly keep a hamster, because poor living conditions can cause death.

If you want to create ideal living conditions for your pet, you should not seek advice from sellers and consultants at pet stores. Often these people do not have specialized education and are interested in helping out as much as possible. more money for goods, even if they may ultimately cost your pet's life.

To maintain your hamster's health, it is important to choose correct cell. A high cage is dangerous, as hamsters like to climb up the bars under the roof and fall from there, seriously injuring themselves.

The cage should be spacious. Minimum dimensions along the bottom:

The minimum size means that it is advisable to take a larger cage along the bottom, but not smaller.

Equally important is the running wheel. correct sizes:

  • for a dwarf hamster, the wheel diameter is from 16 cm;
  • for a Syrian hamster - from 18 cm.

You shouldn’t take two hamsters with the motivation “so that one doesn’t get bored.” Hamsters are territorial animals. There is a high probability that one day, instead of two pets getting along, you will see a bloody battle with fatal. This applies to both different-sex and same-sex hamsters.

Do not engage in uncontrolled breeding of hamsters. Pregnancy seriously shortens the life of the female, and in some cases can lead to the death of her and her babies. Hamsters are famous for the fact that they can easily eat their offspring.

Hamsters should not be bathed in water. They need special sand for bathing.

Proper nutrition

There is a wide variety of food for rodents on display at pet stores. However, despite what the labels say, not all of them are created equal. Cheap food is not suitable for feeding hamsters - they are usually of low quality, incorrectly balanced, and do not contain all necessary substances and vitamins. There have been cases where rodent poison was found in food, which caused the death of pets.

For normal life Hamsters need balanced dry food. It should include cereals, plant seeds, herbs and flowers, as well as protein supplements in the form of dried insects.

It is important to give hamsters allowed vegetables and fruits. You can feed hamsters cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, turnips, radish. Species of hamsters that do not have a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, you can give pumpkin, carrots, fruits and dried fruits.

It is forbidden to give onions, white cabbage, sorrel.

Hamster injuries

Hamsters are fragile animals, and therefore there is a high risk of receiving all kinds of injuries in the process of life.

Hamsters often suffer injuries and broken limbs. This is due to high cages with floors made of rods. Also, the cause of broken limbs can be running wheels with a large mesh - a hamster's paw can get stuck in the wheel while running, and the result will be a fracture or amputation of a limb. Cotton wool or fabrics in a cage are very dangerous. The small paw may become entangled in the fibers and dry out, causing the hamster to chew it off.

Walking balls pose a great danger. They are strictly contraindicated for hamsters. Running in a ball, a hamster can suffocate, overheat, or get injured.

Serious injuries have been caused by fights between hamsters kept together.

Eye injuries from sharp objects or splinters are common.

Another danger for a hamster are other pets: cats and dogs. It is important to place the cage where other animals cannot reach it. Often cats and dogs drop cages or reach hamsters with their claws through the bars.

Hamsters do not feel heights, and therefore are not afraid of them. There are frequent cases when a hamster jumps from his hands onto the floor, resulting in serious injuries.

Hamster diseases

In order to avoid the irreparable in time and contact a veterinarian, it is worth knowing what illnesses pet hamsters suffer from.

As a result of constant running in a small running wheel, the hamster's spine becomes distorted and the internal organs. The animal gets sick and dies.

It has been documented that living in a small cage can cause a hamster to fail. hind legs. Small cells have a detrimental effect on mental condition hamster and can cause inappropriate behavior and more serious illnesses.

When using pine litter in a cage, a hamster may develop an allergy. To keep a hamster it is worth using cornflakes, sawdust fruit trees and cellulose filler. Needles are poison. It can cause respiratory diseases.

Benign and malignant tumors. The reason for their appearance may well be poor quality food. Any tumor that forms in a hamster will not resolve on its own, and your pet must be shown to a veterinarian.

Campbell's hamsters are prone to diabetes, and therefore must be kept on special diet- do not give sweet vegetables and fruits, exclude corn from the diet. As a result of crossing Campbell and Djungarian hamsters, it is now difficult to find in pet stores Djungarian hamsters clean lines, which means many of them are also prone to diabetes. Therefore, if you are not absolutely sure of the purity of your dwarf’s blood, it is advisable to feed it in accordance with a special diet.

Any changes in your hamster's health should not go unnoticed. If your hamster has any discharge or tumors, its limbs are damaged, or its hair is falling out, this is a direct indication to take the animal to the veterinarian. Don’t delay, because every minute can count.

How to care for an old hamster

Because of short term Already at the age of two, a hamster can be considered old. You need to be prepared that old age in hamsters is accompanied by many diseases, and an elderly hamster needs special care. It is important to know how hamsters die of old age.

Older hamsters usually have deteriorating eyesight and go blind. The hair falls off, teeth fall out, and the hamster can no longer chew dry food. Failure of limbs and the appearance of tumors are possible. The hamster becomes less active and sleeps more often.

Elderly hamsters should be fed boiled porridge, baby food. You should not carry an old hamster in your arms - you need to provide him with maximum comfort and peace.

How to understand that a hamster is dying:

  1. The hamster has become less active and constantly sleeps in the house.
  2. Doesn't eat anything.
  3. The fur felt matted and the eyes became sour.
  4. Discharge from the mouth or nose is visible.
  5. Hamster peeing under himself.
  6. Loose stools.

Hibernation. How to identify it and not bury the hamster alive?

This moment may come unexpectedly. If your hamster suddenly dies, do not rush to bury it. Often on social networks you can come across stories about how a dead hamster came back to life. This is not mysticism, and the reason is understandable: hamsters have the ability to hibernate, which can be mistaken for the death of the animal.

If the living conditions are inappropriate, the room temperature is low, or there is no food, the hamster can temporarily slow down the vital processes in its body. His breathing and heartbeat slow down until they become almost unnoticeable.

What to do if your hamster died? If the hamster lies motionless and shows no signs of life, you need to carefully observe it. A hibernating hamster breathes, albeit very slowly, and this can be seen with the naked eye. It is worth touching the hamster - if it is already numb, the conclusion is disappointing. If your hamster is soft to the touch, you should try to feel its heartbeat. It is worth keeping in mind that a hamster’s hibernation does not last long, and if after a couple of days your pet still has not woken up, then, unfortunately, it is worth recognizing it as dead. In any case, if you have any doubts about the death of your hamster, you should take it to the veterinarian so that the doctor can make a final conclusion.

Where and how to bury a hamster

The first and most common option is a funeral. You need to wrap the hamster in cloth and then put it in a small box. It would be good if your city has a specialized cemetery for pets, but in current realities this is rare. It is worth choosing a place with soft soil, where people do not walk, and digging a deep hole. After the box is buried, you need to compact the earth and it is advisable to put some stones on top so that the grave is not dug up by animals.

If the hamster died in winter, digging a grave will be more difficult due to the frozen ground. In this case, an ax or crowbar will help. You can bury the hamster not far from the heating main - the ground there does not freeze even in winter.

The second option is cremation. It is worth contacting veterinary clinics in your city and finding out if they provide this service. Of course, this option is preferable, but not all veterinary clinics have necessary equipment.

What to tell your child

The death of a pet is always a big blow for the whole family, and children are especially sensitive to this. Parents may feel confused about what to do if their hamster dies.

In what words to convey the news of the death of a pet to a child depends on the age of the child and on whether the parents explained to him what death is. However, you should not hide the fact of the animal’s death from the child, because in any case he will have to face death in the future. It must be remembered that at such a difficult moment the child needs special attention parents. You should not leave your child alone with his grief - you need to talk to him a lot and provide moral support. You should not scold if your child’s grades at school temporarily deteriorate. It takes time to get over grief. There is no need to immediately get another animal to replace the old one. All the same, the new pet will be completely different in character and habits, which is why it is important to completely mentally say goodbye to the deceased hamster.

What to do after

After the death of a hamster, it is important to thoroughly disinfect all the accessories that were in its cage, and the cage itself too. If you are considering getting another hamster, it is important to completely kill the scent of the previous owner. It is necessary to determine the cause of the pet’s death in order to avoid fatal mistakes in the future.

If you take responsibility and get a hamster, you must provide him comfortable conditions life. Don’t forget: your pet is just a page in life for you, but for him you are... whole life. Take care and love your pet so that you don’t regret anything when the time comes to part ways.

Everyone knows that individuals from the hamster family do not live very long. However, babies tend to hibernate, and therefore, if the hamster does not move and is breathing heavily, it is worth making the first inspection yourself. Usually the first signs of the disease appear almost immediately and are noticeable even to an inexperienced breeder. If the pet lies on its back, squeaks, and after trying to turn it onto its stomach, jumps up and runs to the opposite corner of the cage, most likely it simply fell and could not turn over on its own.

Causes caused by incorrect temperature conditions

In order to understand whether the hamster is really sick if he does not move but breathes, it is worth carrying out a detailed examination. Attention should be drawn to the baby's eyes, breathing rate, and the naturalness of his posture. In the event that the pet breathes calmly and measuredly with eyes closed Most likely he is just sleeping.


It is known that individuals of the order of the hamster family, without exception, cannot tolerate heat, straight Sun rays. Oddly enough, nature has deprived them of a system of protection against overheating; pets never sweat or breathe through their mouths like dogs. There are cases when receiving heatstroke ended in death for the animals.

To understand that your baby is overheated when he is lying on his side and breathing heavily, you should pay attention to the presence of such signs as:

  • no attempt to roll over or make any movements;
  • lethargy;
  • presence of seizures;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

The likelihood of heatstroke occurring when your hamster is motionless and panting increases under the following conditions:

  • improper transportation of the baby in personal transport;
  • installing the cage on a balcony, window sill, in a place exposed to direct sunlight;
  • installing the cage near heating devices;
  • with high room humidity and stuffiness.

If you don’t immediately help your pet when he doesn’t move but is breathing, he may not be saved. For this reason, it is worth providing first aid to the animal, which is to:

  • cool his body temperature - put the baby on a damp towel, tile, wet his ears and paws cool water. Do not rub frozen ice cubes or place them in water;
  • inject subcutaneously 2 ml of water that the animal usually drinks to prevent dehydration;
  • produce antishock therapy– You shouldn’t do this without waiting for the doctor. But if the ratologist is delayed, and the pet is getting worse, he can be given an injection in hind leg(intramuscular) prednisolone 30 mg/ml with a syringe designed for administering insulin. The dose for a Syrian will be 0.1 ml, and for a Djungarian - 0.5 ml.

"Coma" or hibernation

If the hamster lies without moving, it is possible that the pet has fallen into a kind of coma, that is, into hibernation. His breathing remains calm, even, and skin will be somewhat cool. IN wild conditions hibernation of individuals of the hamster order usually occurs in the winter season, when they need to survive cold, hunger, and decreased daylight hours.

The causes of “coma” can be the lack of food for several days in the absence of its strategic reserves, a heating shutdown or a sharp cold snap, which makes the apartment cool. The main signs that the baby is hibernating will be:

  • closed eyes while breathing;
  • cold but soft to the touch body;
  • slow heartbeat (no more than a beat every 15 seconds).

In such cases, it is recommended to place the animal’s cage in a room where the temperature is equal to or above 20°C, and fill its feeder and drinking bowl. Within a few days, if all is well, the animal usually wakes up. If, after emerging from hibernation, he has impaired coordination of movement, which does not go away, he begins to sneeze, cough, or develops diarrhea, as evidenced by a wet tail, you should consult a veterinarian. And since it is undesirable to transport the baby after waking up from hibernation, it is better if he arrives on his own.

Other diseases typical for pets

Often the reason that a hamster lies, does not move, does not eat, does not drink, but breathes, are infectious and viral diseases. In such cases, it is advisable to pay attention to additional signs, since in the absence of medication timely assistance the hamster may die.


Pneumonia, or “pneumonia,” can occur if the cage is exposed to a draft or is exposed to cool room with high humidity, for example in the bathroom, for a long time. Additional signs of its development, except rapid breathing, perform:

  • wheezing, gurgling in the lungs, which can be heard without additional equipment;
  • presence of nasal discharge;
  • absence physical activity, lethargy;
  • lack of appetite.

In such cases, it is best to call a ratologist, because the animal will need intensive injection therapy for 10-14 days. Medicines Only a specialist can prescribe. However, rapid breathing can cause heart failure. Upon examination, only a veterinarian will be able to indicate the real reason for this behavior.


If the hamster lies motionless, his eyes are open, and his breathing is heavy, he is most likely in death throes. This often occurs after the animal falls ill a few days before the onset of such a condition. It’s a pity that if the hamster is breathing heavily and lying on his back, most likely there is no way to help him. Experienced Veterinarian In such cases, he will suggest performing a soporific injection.

To make sure that the baby is really in agony, you need to remember whether he had diarrhea in the last 24 hours, whether his stomach suddenly increased in size and whether the pet lost weight. Hamsters cannot get sick for a long time because their metabolism is too fast. For this reason, you should immediately call a veterinarian or go to him for an appointment yourself, because hamsters “burn out” literally in a day or two.

Common causes of falling on your back

However, not everything is so scary. When a hamster falls on its back, it may just be playing. The main reasons that can cause an animal to fall are:

And yet, if the hamster falls on its back, tumbles, runs on the drum, behaves actively, eats well, there is no need to worry, since everything is fine with it. In order to understand what provoked such animal behavior - a desire to have fun or illness, it is enough to observe for some time.

A hamster's life is quite short. When buying a fluffy, immediately understand this point for yourself and do not hope that he will live 10 years. Usually hamsters die of old age at the age of 2.5-3 years. But there are factors that can accelerate the death of an animal. At the same time, it is not always clear what to do if a hamster dies, and is it possible to somehow help the pet?

Causes of hamster death

The death of a tiny creature can be provoked by various factors, so first of all you need to understand why hamsters die. Here are the most common reasons:

If the hamster suddenly died, there could be any reasons. But when a homa has been living with you for 3 years, becoming more lethargic day by day, he dies of old age. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Death from old age

The main cause of death in older animals (and not only hamsters) is wear and tear of the heart muscle and blood vessels. For example, a person who is in calm state, the heart beats at a frequency of approximately 70 beats/min. In a hamster, this figure is 180 beats per minute. Just imagine how this tiny heart works!

Many factors throughout life cause furry babies to stressful conditions, during which the heart works much faster. Thus, the heart muscle of small animals wears out very quickly, so an old hamster can die, even if all other organs are healthy.

Wear and tear of the blood vessels can result in hemorrhage into the animal’s brain, followed by paralysis. That is, Homa is still alive, but he can no longer play, run in a wheel or move at all. What to do in such a situation, put your friend to sleep or continue to care for him? This is a decision you must make yourself.

How do hamsters die?

The death of a pet can be expected or sudden. Hamsters can die screaming or absolutely silently. Here are the signs that your hamster is dying suddenly:

  • if the pet is sick, he will cry, gradually his voice will turn into a fading wheeze;
  • when falling from high altitude the pet can damage the spine, in which case its body will be limp, and death will occur within an hour;
  • The paralysis of an animal can be determined by its immobility. Khoma breathes, can eat a little, but is no longer able to move independently. From now on, the hamster's days are numbered.

In case of protracted illnesses and old age, the following external signs will help you recognize the approaching death of an animal:

  1. The animal became lethargic and unsociable, although previously it was willing to be handled.
  2. Sudden weight loss and the animal's refusal to eat indicate that the end is near. Also, a sure sign of dying is that the homa has stopped storing food: he feels that he will not need food soon.
  3. The animal's eyes do not shine as before and gradually become cloudy.
  4. The fur takes on a dull appearance and begins to fall out or become matted.

Is it possible to save a pet?

If you see that your hamster is dying, you should try to save its life. Of course, in the case of old age and cancer, it is no longer possible to help a tiny creature. The only thing you can do is prevent the animal from suffering.

But if alarming signs appear in the behavior of a young pet, you can extend its life. But at the same time a quick consultation qualified specialist- required condition. The sooner the doctor examines the khoma, the higher the chances of the fluffy.

We establish the fact of death

The death of a hamster can sometimes be confused with paralysis or sound sleep. If your hamster suddenly died, you need to make sure that it is really death and not paralysis. But how to do that?

The most important signs A dead animal is considered to have no pulse or breathing. You need to bring the mirror close to the nose: if it fogs up slightly, then the animal is still alive. To determine the heartbeat, the body must be picked up. By the way, you can determine its temperature in the same way: no heat comes from dead hamsters. The fact of death may also be indicated by the numbness of the hamster.

Preventing premature death

In order for a hamster to live a long and happy life and die only of old age, you need to take good care of it. Here are a number of rules that will help prolong the life of your pet:

  1. Feed the animal correctly, do not give fatty, spicy and sour foods. Remember: rodents should not eat stale food!
  2. Clean the cage often to reduce the chance of contracting a bacterial infection.
  3. Eliminate sources of stress and danger: electrical appliances, cats and dogs. Do not disturb your pet's usual routine, do not play with him forcefully.
  4. Do not wash the animal unless absolutely necessary and do not leave the cage with the animal in drafts.
  5. You cannot cross rodents too early: the hamster may die during childbirth.
  6. Communicate with your furry friend, he should feel your love.
  7. Take your fluffy to the vet periodically.

It happens that, despite all the efforts of owners and veterinarians, a pet dies. If you want to get a hamster or other animal again, thoroughly rinse the cage and all hamster furniture, and pour boiling water over it several times. This will help fight bacteria that may have caused the death of your previous pet.

Now you know why your pet. It should be remembered that not all hamster diseases are treatable. That's why important role plays a role in preventing their development. Timely consultations with a veterinarian, proper care for the animal, balanced diet will help extend lifespan. But if your hamster dies of old age, it is, alas, impossible to save him.

Even with proper maintenance and systematic care, the animals live from 1.5 to 2.5–3 years. At the same time, there are many factors that can accelerate the death of a small pet. And it’s not always possible to understand why hamsters die and how to help your pet. Why do hamsters die? How to understand that a dzhungarik is dying? What to do if your hamster dies?

Main causes of death

If the rodent does not receive proper attention from you, if the rules of care and maintenance are violated, the life expectancy of Djungarian and Syrian hamsters is significantly reduced. In some cases, the death of the animal may occur at the age of 5–6 months.

Do not forget that hamsters are very delicate, fragile and gentle creatures, and every year it becomes more difficult for them to resist the effects of unfavorable factors. Considering that many parents buy hamsters as pets for their children, death little friend may cause severe disorder or even psychological trauma in a child. Therefore, you need to know why hamsters die, the main causes and signs of their death.

Causes of death of hamsters:

  • unbalanced, unhealthy diet;
  • feeding with low-quality feed;
  • non-compliance with care standards, violation of maintenance rules;
  • frequent stress;
  • viral-bacterial diseases, fungal infections;
  • unfavorable microclimate conditions in the room where the pet is kept (temperature, humidity level);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • heart pathologies;
  • age-related changes in organism;
  • congenital, chronic pathologies;
  • old age.

Female hamsters often die during pregnancy and childbirth due to the fact that during this period the body of small pets becomes most vulnerable to adverse factors. Besides, it's too early pregnancy at 3–4 months it can kill your pet.

A great danger to the lives of Dzungarians and Syrians is prolonged overheating, hypothermia, and sudden changes temperature conditions, high humidity. The health of rodents is negatively affected by drafts, dampness, and cold. Do not forget that hamsters are heat-loving animals, and low temperatures can cause coma and death. This is especially dangerous for small hamsters.

In the room where the pet's cage is located, the temperature should be between 22–25 degrees Celsius. Prolonged hypothermia leads to slowdown, disruption metabolic processes, promotes development colds which represent mortal danger for small animals.

You need to understand that the lifespan of pet rodents directly depends on the quality of care.

Wrong diet

Hamsters are quite voracious omnivorous creatures. They happily eat everything that the owner offers. At the same time, we should not forget that Djungarians often have digestive problems. The intestines of these pets occupy almost 70% of the total weight. Therefore, the products from our table (sausages, smoked meats, salty, spicy foods, fatty varieties hard cheeses) should absolutely not be given to hamsters.

Digestive disorder in hamsters, inflammation digestive tract can be caused by moldy feed, wet grass, excessive eating of soft food, lack of fiber.

You should not treat your rodent to foods that will cause digestive disorders. blockage, acute inflammation The gastrointestinal tract can cause the early death of your beloved hamster.


Hamsters are very susceptible to stress. A rude, disrespectful attitude towards an animal, unsanitary conditions in a cage, a monotonous diet, lack of toys, entertainment, an improperly equipped cage, other pets in the house or overly aggressive relatives can cause severe emotional shock that a small pet may simply not withstand. Do not forget that stress greatly weakens the body of animals, regardless of their species.

The heart of rodents beats 180 beats per minute, so it wears out quickly.

Severe stress, fright can cause cardiac arrest in a small pet. In addition, hamsters can have a stroke. Due to hemorrhage, the rodent is paralyzed, but death does not occur immediately.

Diseases and injuries

You can recognize that a hamster is dying by its changed behavior. Dzungarik becomes lethargic, inactive, and reluctant to be held. Possible loss of coordination of movements, muscle spasms. The pet has dull, tousled fur, cloudy look. Before death, the rodent can be completely paralyzed. There may be other symptoms that indicate illness (cough, difficulty breathing, vomiting, upset stomach). Moreover, if all the hamsters in the cage died, one of the most probable causes- acute viral, bacterial infection.

Hamsters often die due to improper treatment. Almost all human medications are deadly to small rodents. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. Consult your veterinarian. Only a ratologist or veterinarian can select adequate therapy for a sick hamster.

Another one common reason hamster deaths - severe injuries, bruises incompatible with life, which a hamster can receive due to improper arrangement of the home, in the event of escaping from the cage and falling from a great height. Careless handling also shortens the life of pets. For example, while playing with a pet, a child may accidentally squeeze the hamster too much or drop it from a height, which will lead to a fracture and cause spinal injury and internal hemorrhage.

It is also worth noting that when several pets are kept together, they can get injured in fights with their relatives. Don't forget that hamsters are territorial animals, and if you keep several hamsters in one cage, they will constantly fight. Strong individuals will injure weak relatives. In this case, the pet may receive injuries or injuries that are incompatible with life.

Death from old age: how hamsters die

The main cause of natural death of all hamsters without exception is age-related changes in the body (wear and tear of the myocardium, blood vessels). Unfortunately, nature has given rodents a rather short life span, and all animals, without exception, die of old age. You can tell that a hamster is dying of old age by its changed behavior.

Signs of aging:

  • cloudy, unclear look;
  • decreased activity;
  • decreased appetite, refusal to feed;
  • bad condition fur;
  • the appearance of bald spots, bald spots on the neck and head.

Before death, the hamster eats less, stops stocking up, does not spend time on the running wheel or drum, has little interest in the outside world, and almost all the time sits motionless in the corner of the cage or does not leave its house. The pet moves slowly, very carefully.

If you see your hamster dying, try to save it. Of course, if he has cancer or is old, it is impossible to help the rodent.

The death of a hamster can be confused with paralysis or sound sleep. Therefore, do not rush to bury the rodent. Make sure the pet is really dead. If the animal is dead, it will have no pulse, no breathing, and the body will be cold.

It is difficult even for a veterinarian to determine exactly when death from old age will occur. But still, in order for the retirement period to be as favorable as possible for the rodent, the owners must surround their little pet with affection, attention and care.