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Fasting day on cucumbers. Pros and cons of cucumber days. Examples of menus for fasting days

Fatigue, dull hair, brittle nails and skin that has lost its elasticity - all these are signs not only of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. One of the primary reasons that needs to be eliminated is slagging in the body. Fasting days on kefir will help cleanse the body of “garbage” and, at the same time, keep your figure in order. Drive away Bad mood fasting days are also possible.

Why is kefir useful?

Kefir is a universal dietary product, which is included in the menu of many diets. The properties of kefir must be used in a timely manner, then they will be truly “magical”, capable of solving the problem loose stools, constipation or improving digestion.

Miracle properties of kefir:

  • Fresh kefir is laxative, so it will be effective for constipation, and is not advisable for the opposite problem.
  • Kefir, which is 2 days old, normalizes digestion. It is used on fasting days in order to cleanse the body and remove toxins and harmful substances, which tend to accumulate.
  • 3-day kefir strengthens, this should be taken into account if there are problems with stool.

The most important feature kefir is low calorie content while being nutritious. Kefir perfectly satisfies hunger without affecting your figure at all.

Homemade kefir will be much healthier than store-bought kefir, since beneficial enzymes are destroyed during factory pasteurization. In homemade kefir they remain in large quantities.

Features of a fasting day on kefir

  • Held once a week.
  • Drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day. kefir Other products are excluded.
  • Between doses of kefir you should drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water room temperature.

For the purpose of losing weight, the amount fasting days can be increased to 2-3. At the same time, build on how you feel and the rules of your diet.

A fasting day does not have to be only fermented milk. For greater effect and menu diversity, you can add fruits, vegetables or cereals to the kefir diet. And if you also want to lose a few extra kilos, you can try it.

Fasting days on apples and kefir

From the name it is clear that on this fasting day you can supplement kefir with apples. Fiber improves digestion, and kefir will help remove harmful substances.

Apples can be consumed either whole or grated. For maximum cleansing effect, it is better to eat them without heat treatment.

Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese

This option suitable for people, leading active image life. In addition to kefir, on such a day you can also eat cottage cheese. You not only cleanse the body, but also replenish the need for calcium, as well as proteins, which are necessary to maintain tone and restore energy.

To unload, you need to distribute 300 grams throughout the day. low-fat cottage cheese and about 2 liters. kefir To prevent a lack of fluid, you need to drink non-carbonated water throughout the day - up to 1.5 liters.

A kefir-curd fasting day can be a real salvation for digestive disorders, the main thing is to choose the right freshness of kefir.

Buckwheat is a very nutritious grain in itself. In combination with kefir, it not only saturates the stomach, but can also replace a whole complex of vitamins, which is especially important during the fasting period. By the way, it was this type that formed the basis.

Buckwheat should not be washed down with kefir; it is better to alternate portions and drink Herb tea or still water (mineral water is possible), but not earlier than half an hour after a snack.

What do you need to prepare for a fasting day? A glass of buckwheat needs to be boiled, or better yet, poured with boiling water and left overnight, and divided into equal portions (4-5), which should be eaten during the day. You need no more than 0.5 liters of kefir for the whole day.

To make your fasting day on kefir and buckwheat especially useful, choose light brown grains. Dark color indicates that the buckwheat was overdried during processing, and it contains much less vitamins than light buckwheat. In addition, overdried cereals often have bad taste, and doesn’t smell like buckwheat at all.

Fasting day on kefir and beets

This is also a good combination. Beets have a laxative property, and kefir, depending on its aging, can either enhance the effect or normalize digestion.

Regular inclusion of beets in the menu helps increase hemoglobin, which saturates the blood with oxygen, and, therefore, your general health will improve.

For the day you will need: 0.5 kg of beets and 1 liter. kefir Beets can be eaten no more than 3 times a day. The remaining meals should be kefir. It is allowed to eat 3 thin slices of cheese per day, but not at once. Kefir can be used to dress beet salad instead of mayonnaise. It is recommended to drink unsweetened tea, herbal infusions or water without gases.

Products for the day can be distributed as you wish.

Cucumbers are 90% water, and like no other vegetable, they are able to remove bile and cleanse the kidneys.

To “unload” in full without harming yourself, stock up on a liter of kefir and a kilogram of cucumbers - that’s all you need. Cucumbers should be eaten in 5 servings. How to do this with the greatest efficiency is described in the table.

You will need it for the whole day 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir. All foods should be divided into 6 meals, and eaten in equal portions every 2-2.5 hours.

Kefir can be used in various combinations, but first find out what exactly the effect of the product intended for simultaneous use is.

It is important to know! Kefir should not be consumed when increased acidity stomach, ulcers and individual intolerance milk protein, so consult your doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Kefir is an excellent drink for cleansing the body. It is not for nothing that it is used in diets and fasting days. The popularity is also explained not only by its dietary properties, but also by its taste and affordable price. And according to reviews from readers who adhere to such fasting days once a week, you can also get rid of a couple of extra pounds and feel good. If you want to achieve great results, you can try.

Fasting days with kefir are a delicious irreplaceable option that is available to everyone who monitors their well-being and health.

There are many diets to cleanse the body and restore physical fitness, the duration of which can be from one to several days or weeks. One of the easy ways that nutritionists recommend is to eat cucumbers for a week. Everyone chooses their own - you can arrange it every other day. Cucumber, like no other vegetable, is most suitable for low-calorie relief, since it consists of 95% water. In addition, they are a source of dietary fiber and contain minerals.

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Thanks to their composition, they help eliminate toxins; cucumbers contain iodine, which is easily absorbed by the human body; they prevent the formation of kidney stones and speed up metabolism, stabilize arterial pressure and work digestive system. A day on cucumbers can easily be endured, as they are tasty and aromatic, and the content they contain gives you a feeling of fullness.

Cucumber day for weight loss has many advantages over other similar diets. Among them are:

  • Availability at any time of the year, and in summer season– this is one of the most inexpensive products;
  • Unloading does not cause difficulties due to food restrictions, since it lasts only one day;
  • Cucumbers are used in combination with some other product, and therefore the menu for them can even be called varied.

Fasting day rules

Unloading on cucumbers is one of the most useful and effective options. The process is not, but even for one day you should prepare yourself psychologically. As with any diet, on a fasting day on cucumbers you don’t need to physically overexert yourself or be nervous. If possible, it is advisable to unload on those days when you do not have to cook food for the family, so as not to give in to temptation. Nutritionists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • If you want to quickly lose weight, you should not abuse unloading, so as not to harm your health; the best option is to do it once every 7-10 days;
  • During these days it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids– clean water and unsweetened green tea;
  • The next day you need to abstain from using fatty foods, sweets and flour.

It is safe to prescribe unloading yourself, but if you are not feeling very good or there is chronic diseases, it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

What to drink and eat

There are many options for dishes. Main principle– combine fresh cucumbers with any one product – lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.

The frequency of such days depends on the purpose of unloading. If you just want to lose a little weight, then unloading is not necessary more than two days a week.

Cucumbers give a good cleansing effect on the gastrointestinal tract and have a diuretic effect, thus losing several kilograms due to fluid loss. Despite all the benefits of vegetables, you cannot unload on them for several days in a row. Since long-term unloading threatens dehydration, because the solid component of cucumbers is not digestible fiber, and water quickly leaves the body through the urinary tract and pores on the skin.

If the goal is to maintain physical strength and overall health of the body, it is quite possible to achieve results in just two days a month. For unloading to be effective, they must be eaten correctly:

  • When eating, do not add salt, as it has a destructive effect on the microelements contained in the vegetable, leaving only the effect of fiber, and retains fluid in the body;
  • Do not peel – it is the peel that most helps cleanse the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; if the skin is hard, you can grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater;
  • Whether to drink a lot of liquid depends on the body’s individual need for water; you must do so so as not to experience discomfort on the fasting day.

It is best to unload on the same days, adhering to the schedule. This way the body will get used to the stress awaiting it, and unloading will not bring discomfort.

Examples of menus for fasting days

You can eat only cucumbers, or you can combine them with one of the other products. Fasting day on cucumbers and water: you need to eat 2 kg per day fresh cucumbers with the peel, do not add salt, eat them all day in small portions, you will get 6-8 meals, and drink at least 2 liters of water during the day.

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If it is difficult to eat only cucumbers all day, there is a gentle option - a salad of them, the result will be the same. You will need 2 kg of juicy cucumbers, any greens, freshly squeezed lemon juice, as a dressing - low-fat or vegetable oil. If lemon juice and herbs still stimulate your appetite, you can eat one hard-boiled chicken egg on this day.

Even more satisfying, but the same effective option, cucumbers with lean meat. During the day you need to eat 1–1.5 kg of cucumbers and no more than 300 g of any lean boiled meat. Rabbit meat will do, chicken fillet or lean beef. Do not salt the meat - rabbit, chicken and beef themselves have a bright taste.

Recipes for unloading

You can combine cucumbers not only with animal origin. You can carry out, you can combine cucumbers and. Very good - cucumbers with kefir, since kefir, being fermented milk product, promote maximum absorption useful substances from any product with which it is used together.

It consists of eating 1 kg of fresh cucumbers during the day, and drinking 1 liter of kefir per day. Vegetables are divided into five separate meals, and kefir is drunk between meals. Green tea and water - in any quantity.

As an option, to make the fasting seem tasty rather than boring, you can drink grated cucumbers and finely chopped herbs throughout the day.

The cocktails will be both effective and different in taste. You cannot add salt or add ground black pepper and other seasonings to the cocktail.

A fasting day on cucumbers and fresh tomatoes is useful. Tomatoes contain antioxidants, which in itself is always beneficial for the body. Eating tomatoes improves your mood and gives you physical strength, and on a day of food restriction, this property is very useful. Tomatoes and cucumbers on a fasting day are just a way to diversify the taste. Vitamin C contained in tomatoes is destroyed, creating an acidic environment, so before eating them with cucumbers, it is permissible to eat a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

You can arrange this unloading - take 1 kg of apples and 1 kg of cucumbers, eat them during the day, dividing them into small portions. You can bake apples, and eat them in turn - cucumbers and baked apples. Of course, eat vegetables without salt, and bake apples without sugar, butter and cinnamon. You can prepare a salad of cucumbers and fresh apples for the whole day.

Unloading on cucumbers and steamed, not boiled, is effective. You need to prepare the buckwheat the day before - pour boiling water over it, wrap it up and leave it overnight, then by the morning the cereal will swell and become suitable for consumption, retaining all its beneficial properties.


Like any diet, there are limitations to fasting days on cucumbers. You cannot arrange them if you have problems such as stomach ulcers and duodenum, heavy heart disease, diabetes, vitamin deficiency. Can't do

One of the most effective ways to correct weight, because 100 g of fresh cucumbers contains no more than 20 kcal. This vegetable is very well digested, so you can do 8-10 fasting days a month.

The main advantage of this method of weight correction, as nutritionists say, is that it sets the body up for independent natural process reset extra pounds ov.

First reviews about beneficial properties Cucumbers appeared a long time ago, because they are the most ancient vegetable crop.


This vegetable consists of 95-98% water, the minimum proportions are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Cucumbers saturate the body with potassium, which normalizes excretory function, circulatory systems. This vegetable is also rich in iodine compounds, the reserves of which are intensively consumed by our body.

The alkaline salts present in these vegetables help neutralize harmful acidic substances in food. Thanks to this property, cucumbers are called the body's orderlies.

Cucumbers, like any other vegetable crops, are rich in fiber. Alimentary fiber regulates intestinal function, removes excess cholesterol, which provokes the occurrence of sclerosis and diseases internal organs. As you know, fiber is not absorbed, but cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Tartronic acid also promotes weight loss by preventing the conversion of excess carbohydrates into a layer of fat.

Beneficial substances are destroyed when heat treatment, salting, pickling.

Indications for cucumber days

  • high blood pressure;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis;
  • edema (especially in pregnant women);
  • various types of obesity.

Cucumber days are an excellent remedy prevention of all these violations.

Cucumbers are also characterized by mild diuretic and laxative effects. Systematically carrying out fasting days on cucumbers allows you to avoid falling into a risk group for heart and thyroid diseases.


Cucumber days are prohibited for people suffering from chronic diseases kidneys, since cucumbers are a diuretic.

Consuming a lot of fiber is harmful for those who have gastritis and colitis. In general, ulcers and gastritis are the main contraindications for this method of losing weight, since cucumber greatly increases the acidity of gastric juice.

The lack of protein in the menu leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Before spending a fasting day on cucumbers, you should consult your doctor.

Rules for holding cucumber days

It is advisable to arrange such days during the fruit ripening season. In summer, you can buy natural vegetables or even grow them yourself. But it is better to refuse such “unloading” in winter, since store-bought cucumbers at this time are oversaturated with nitrates. Buy firm, undamaged cucumbers.

Salads made from this vegetable should not be seasoned with mayonnaise; if possible, replace the oil with a lower-calorie product.

It is advisable not to peel the peel from cucumbers, because it is in it that the main vitamins and minerals are concentrated.

This unloading should be done 1-2 times a week. If you do this cleansing too often, your metabolism may be disrupted. In other cases, with sufficient intervals between unloadings, there is no such risk: all the required nutrients enter the body.

“Unloading” on cucumbers and kefir

These products are most often recommended for use during a fasting day. The effect of this combination is a deep cleansing of the body.

It should be taken into account that kefir contains lactic acid bacteria, which, when combined with cucumber fiber, cause fermentation in the intestines. The exception is cucumber salad, because here we're talking about about kefir in very small quantities. This dressing will not upset digestion, but will diversify the taste. A good alternative is to sprinkle lemon juice on the chopped vegetables.

The norm of fluid consumption on such days is 1.5-2 liters of plain water or still mineral water. Although the speed of fat burning depends on the amount of water you drink, it is advisable to drink liquid only when you are thirsty. Correct drinking regime allows you to restore the balance of minerals and trace elements.

What you need to know about kefir

Everyone knows positive reviews doctors about kefir.

Speaking about low-fat kefir, it is worth noting that it is a low-calorie product. A 1% drink contains 40 kcal per 100 g of weight. A drink for a fasting day should contain no more, but not less than 1% fat content. After all, fat-soluble vitamins are completely absent in low-fat kefir.

A natural product should have the maximum permissible period shelf life is 7 days, at a stretch - 10. Then the effect of this fermented milk drink turns against you. The more substitutes there are in kefir, the worse it affects the human body: it begins to strengthen and cause fermentation. This is explained by the fact that preservatives are added to the drink to extend shelf life. Food for weight loss, on the contrary, should be fresh and with minimal factory processing.

Menu option

Take a kilogram of cucumbers, wash them, divide them into 5 equal parts.

In the morning, prepare a salad from 200 g of set aside vegetables (without adding salt), sprinkle it with parsley, dill, green onions. 20 minutes after eating, drink a glass of kefir.

After about 3 hours, eat part II of the cucumbers, but do not drink kefir. This will be lunch.

For lunch, prepare the cucumber salad again, sprinkle it with herbs and feta cheese (after soaking the cheese in water). After lunch you only need to drink water.

In the afternoon, eat IV part of cucumbers.

Cut the last cucumbers for dinner into a salad again, sprinkle it with herbs, season with olive oil or sunflower oil. Just before bed, drink a glass of kefir.

A day on tomatoes and cucumbers

Tomatoes are a rich source of potassium, and the glucose and fructose they contain are a great substitute for synthesized sugar. Tomatoes have the ability to maintain normal blood pressure. Due to the fact that the tomato is a fairly acidic vegetable, during the fasting day, eat no more than 4-5 medium tomatoes with 6-7 cucumbers.

These vegetables are organically combined in salads. Add a little garlic and parsley.

You can eat a cucumber/tomato every hour. The required amount of food for the whole day is 5 tomatoes and 7 cucumbers. In between, drink green tea with honey.

Periodic nutritional adjustments will help maintain a healthy body and good spirits. Even 1 or 2 “easy” days a month will allow you to stay in shape and experience freedom of movement.

What’s especially nice is that fasting days do not involve strict and scary diets. This has a beneficial effect on peace of mind and allows you to get by with everyday products.

Fasting day on cucumbers and kefir

One of the most popular types of one-day diet is a fasting day on kefir and cucumbers. This method Nutrition correction is often recommended by modern nutritionists. This method of unloading is also recommended for those who struggle with overweight, and those who prefer to lead healthy image life.

Cucumber fasting day

The easy digestibility of kefir and its beneficial effect on the stomach helps to efficiently digest food and normalizes the acid balance.

The water, potassium and sodium compounds in cucumbers are a good diuretic. on cucumbers the results are quick and positive.

Diet options for 1 day

For 6 meals, you need to drink 2 liters of low-fat kefir and eat 2 kilograms of fresh cucumbers without salt.

A blender produces a drink that contains: low-fat kefir and peeled cucumbers. A 300 ml drink should be made 5 times a day and drunk freshly prepared.

Cucumber Diet

Day on the water

Water is essential for the human body. When water-salt balance the body is in correct ratio, the rate of calorie burning increases significantly. This helps you feel lighter and not gain excess weight.

A fasting day on the water, the results of which are noticeable from the first try, will appeal to those who prefer gentle control of their own weight

Rules for a day on the water

The day before the diet, you must exclude meat, eggs and dairy fats from the menu. You should eat vegetables and grain porridges seasoned with olive oil.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to eat a handful of prunes.

Diet water should be filtered. It is best to freeze it first and then defrost it.

During the day you should drink about 4 liters of prepared water, if.

Many people wonder how much they can lose on a fasting day on the water. As a rule, it all depends on the characteristics of the body, but, on average, you can lose weight by 1000 g.


The best onion diet recipes for weight loss

A day on apples

Everyone who loves these fruits and is ready to eat only them once every 10 days wants to find out how much you can lose on apples on a fasting day. The results of such a one-day diet are impressive. Apples increase the intestines beneficial bacteria, which help you lose weight by 3000 g.

Apple diet menu for 1 day:

  • No more than 2 kg of unsweetened apple varieties.
  • 1.5 liters of filtered or bottled water.

Days to lose weight on buckwheat

Alternating “easy” days gives good results. You can choose cucumber, apple or kefir fasting every 2 weeks. Fasting days on buckwheat are especially loved by many.

For buckwheat day, you need to take only whole grains. It should be filled in the evening boiled water and leave to swell at room temperature. The finished cereal should be divided into several doses and consumed within next day in small portions. You should also drink about 2 liters clean water. Buckwheat relief will help you get rid of 1500 g excess weight.

Losing weight on buckwheat

Fasting days from Margarita Koroleva

The formula for every person's success lies in changing oneself. Fasting days from Margarita Koroleva have had a positive impact on the lives of many men and women. The famous nutritionist has developed a series of programs that are accessible to all segments of the population and do not require excessive willpower or physical activity.

Tips for managing your own weight from Margarita Koroleva help you not only get rid of extra pounds and get healthier, but also feel confident and full of strength as a person.

Cucumber is a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate vegetable that contains a huge amount of essential human body vitamins, minerals and microelements. It is especially useful in the spring - during the season. A fasting day on cucumbers during this period is an ideal opportunity to cleanse your body and lose a few extra pounds. Vegetable composition substances produce diuretic effect, as a result, excess fluid, toxins and waste are removed.

The main advantages of a fasting day on cucumbers

1. Arginine, which is contained in the composition, is especially useful for hypertensive patients, as it maintains normal blood pressure.

2. Cucumbers also contain silicon; it is thanks to this microelement that the body’s metabolic processes are normalized.

3. Eating a vegetable starts the “self-cleaning” process. Toxins, waste accumulated over time, and excess fluid are removed.

4. A fasting day on cucumbers is easier to tolerate than “hungry” mono-diets, since the product is satiating and a person will not feel hungry.

Of course, the main advantage is efficiency. There are a huge number of all kinds of “unloading”, but not all give good result. Cucumbers are very useful, they provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients for normal functioning, while promoting weight loss. You lose at least 1.5 kg per day if you follow all the rules and principles of organizing daily meals.

Options for fasting days on cucumbers

There are a lot of options for “unloading” with cucumbers, each of them is effective and gives positive result. All that remains is to choose the best option for yourself and start cleansing and losing weight.

1. Kefir and cucumbers

A day requires 500 ml of kefir with a fat content of 1% and 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers. From the presented ingredients, a cocktail is mixed in a blender and placed in the refrigerator. You need to drink one glass every 3-4 hours (depending on your individual daily routine).

You can also make fat-burning soup from kefir and cucumbers.

You will need the following components:

600 ml kefir (fat content 1%);

2 large cucumbers;

Fresh herbs (basil and mint are best).

The soup is very easy to prepare. Cucumbers are grated on a coarse grater so that not a lot of juice is lost. The greens are cut finely. Everything is laid out in a small saucepan, kefir is poured into it. The soup turns out very tasty and satisfying. The resulting amount is divided into equal portions per day.

2. Meat and cucumbers

Fasting day on cucumbers and meat - non-standard recipe. However, if you strictly follow the instructions, the effect is mind-blowing. During the day, a person will not experience discomfort and hunger, and will feel a surge of strength and relief.

You will need to prepare:

Fresh cucumbers(1 kg);

Boiled meat, necessarily dietary 150 grams (this can be turkey, rabbit or skinless chicken).

All products are distributed into 5 equal parts. Next, the person chooses one of the unloading options to choose from - either alternation (first cucumbers, after 3 hours of meat, then cucumbers again, etc.), or eat one cucumber and a piece of meat at one time. The main rule is to have dinner before 19:00 so that the stomach has time to process the food before going to bed.

3. Apples and cucumbers

A fasting day on cucumbers and apples allows you not only to lose excess weight, but also to provide your body with important microelements. Both products are characterized by a rich composition, and together they are a real vitamin “bomb”. During such unloading, you will not feel hunger at all, the metabolic process will normalize, and the elimination of toxins and fluids will accelerate.

Unloading should be organized as follows:

Breakfast - salad of coarsely grated cucumbers and apples, seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt;

After 2 hours – raw apple and cucumber (one fruit each);

Lunch – one large green apple;

A few hours later - two cucumbers;

Dinner – cucumber salad with parsley.

If you feel hungry before going to bed, it is not forbidden to eat one baked apple.

4. Cottage cheese and cucumbers

Another unloading option is to combine cucumbers and cottage cheese. Such a daily diet will be very beneficial for the body. Cottage cheese is much healthier than milk, strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on work digestive tract. In addition, it contains a lot of protein, which is easily digestible. Cottage cheese is very filling - it’s impossible to overeat it, but “unloading” will allow you to see a weight loss of 1.5-2 kg on the scale the next day.

Organizing a fasting day is very simple. A salad is prepared from 200 grams of cottage cheese, cucumbers, herbs and green onions. If desired, it can be filled with a small amount olive oil. The resulting amount of salad is divided into three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. For a snack it would be best to drink low-fat kefir.

A fasting day on cucumbers and cottage cheese is not difficult to endure, since hunger will not be felt.

Contraindications to “unloading” on cucumbers

Despite the rich vitamin composition and benefits for the body, a fasting day on cucumbers is not suitable for everyone.

2. Due to the fact that cucumbers are characterized by a diuretic effect, people suffering from kidney diseases should not consume them in large quantities.

3. Pregnancy and lactation period - any unloading during this time is strictly prohibited.

4. If there is an individual intolerance to cucumbers or other components of the presented recipes, it is better to choose a different type of unloading.

Basic rules and important points of organizing meals on a fasting day on cucumbers

Despite the simplicity and benefits of unloading, it is necessary to follow the basic rules in order to truly achieve good effect.

1. The full effect of the fasting day can only be achieved if you do not pickle the cucumbers. Spices contribute to the destruction of others important microelements, therefore, the basic properties of the vegetable are lost.

2. Cucumbers do not need to be peeled. Few people know that the peel contains substances that ensure maximum cleansing of the body from toxins and waste.

3. The vegetable contains a sufficient amount of water, however, in any case, you need to drink an additional 1 liter of liquid per day. Green tea is beneficial in the morning, as it starts digestion and metabolic processes.

5. If a person easily tolerated a daily fast on a vegetable, you can repeat the menu again every other day to consolidate the effect.

You need to get rid of excess weight correctly. “Hungry” diets cause stress to the body and do not have a beneficial effect on health. A fasting day on cucumbers is another matter. Hearty and healthy vegetables will remove toxins and excess liquid, will establish the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.