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Why do my eyes itch? What to do if your child's eyes itch. Conjunctivitis or pink eye

Do your eyes often itch? Itching can occur completely unexpectedly. This discomfort may disappear quickly, but in some cases it persists. long time. What is the reason for this symptom? How to quickly get rid of itching? To find out the answers to these and many other questions, read the article to the end.

If you have itchy eyes, the cause of this symptom is unknown, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. Dust particles and small specks can easily enter the eyes in windy weather, causing severe itching. When a foreign body gets into the mucous membrane, only one eye itches and hurts. Also, discomfort in the organs of vision may occur due to severe overwork- long reading, . The person, without noticing it, begins to rub his eyes vigorously. If the itching is not accompanied by severe painful sensations, no need to worry. It is enough to rinse your eyes if a speck gets into them, drip anti-inflammatory drops and rest a little.

To get rid of discomfort, you need to understand why your eyes itch

To answer the question as accurately as possible “Why do my eyes itch?” It is enough to carefully study the main reasons causing such discomfort. These include:

  • Eye contact with dust, smoke, chemicals;
  • Inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • Chronic eye fatigue, frequent lack of sleep;
  • Wearing incorrectly selected or low-quality glasses;
  • Liver pathologies, diabetes and other serious diseases;
  • Eye mite.

Only a doctor can accurately determine why your eyes itch and the causes of discomfort. If the itching does not disappear within a few days, you should definitely undergo a medical examination. Only by understanding why your eyes itch can you choose the optimal solution. effective treatment.

Itchy eyes due to allergies

Itching in the eyes is the main symptom of the body's allergic reaction to an irritant. Allergy sufferers also experience the following symptoms:

  • The eyelids and skin around the eyes become very swollen;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • A runny or stuffy nose appears;
  • The eyes become red and inflamed.

Allergies can be caused by different products - food, cosmetics, medications, pollen. If you experience any of the above symptoms, consult an allergist. He will be able to conduct diagnostics, accurately identify the allergen, and prescribe appropriate antihistamines.

Itching in the eyes with demodicosis

  • Severe itching occurs in the eye area;
  • Appear sticky discharge, which dry on the eyelashes, sticking them together;
  • Eyes react negatively to bright light sunlight.

Lately everything more people turn to ophthalmologists with obvious symptoms of a pathology called “Dry Eye Syndrome”. In patients with this diagnosis, fat secretion is reduced, which leads to accelerated evaporation of the protective tear film and insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane. If dry eye syndrome is left untreated, you risk damaging your vision.

The main causes of this pathology can be considered:

  • Long work at the computer or with texts. The eyes are constantly tense, the person rarely blinks, and this leads to drying out of the mucous membrane.
  • Wearing poor quality contact lenses, violation of the rules for using these products.
  • Too hot, dry climate.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke negatively affects the health of the entire body, including the organs of vision.

Itchy eyes - what to do? Try to rest more, do not strain your eyes, give up bad habits. Doctors also recommend regularly performing therapeutic exercises for the eyes, which will relieve fatigue and protect you from development.

How to quickly get rid of itching?

So, you have already found the answer to the question “Why does my eye itch?” Now all that remains is to find the most suitable treatment method that will quickly get rid of the discomfort. What to do if your eye itches? First of all, neutralize the cause of the unpleasant sensations. If you cannot do this yourself, seek the help of a professional ophthalmologist.

Itchy eyes caused by allergies can be relieved by eliminating the irritant and taking a pill antihistamine. You can also use medicinal products at home eye drops:

  • Antibacterial – Levomycetin, albucid;
  • Antiallergic – Cromohexal;
  • Antidemodex - Blepharogel.

Be sure to consult your doctor first, as self-treatment may not only be ineffective, but also lead to vision impairment.

If pregnant women have itchy eyes

Pregnant women should be especially wary of using any medications. If a woman in this position is bothered by itching in the eyes, this indicates stagnation of bile, since the liver cannot cope with increased loads. Also, such discomfort may signal the development of conjunctivitis.

During pregnancy, most medications are prohibited, as their toxic effects can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced ophthalmologist, after a preliminary examination and consultation with a gynecologist.

The best drops for itchy eyes

If your eyes are very itchy, use eye drops that will help quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom. You can buy such medications at any pharmacy; they are not expensive at all. However, each drop has its own composition and principle of action, so you need to choose them very carefully.

  • For the treatment of dry eye syndrome, it is recommended to use Oftalmoferon. Also, these drops are very helpful in eliminating viral inflammation. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug only after consulting a doctor.
  • If itchy eyes are due to injury or infectious disease, use Tsipromed drops. They quickly relieve inflammation and relieve discomfort.
  • To improve blood microcirculation in the eyes, use Emoxipin.
  • For the treatment of conjunctivitis, Triotriazolin drops are usually prescribed.

Any medical supplies must be used according to the instructions. Drops may have contraindications, so it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist first.

We use folk recipes

There are several simple but effective folk recipes that will allow you to quickly get rid of annoying itchy eyes. Such tools can be used for home treatment, if for some reason you cannot be examined by an ophthalmologist.

  • . The recipe is extremely simple. Used warm sachet green tea place on closed eyes and wait 15-20 minutes. Best to use green tea, but if you don’t have it on hand, you can use any other type of this product.
  • Compresses made from thinly sliced ​​slices fresh cucumber. You need to stay with this mask on your face for 20-30 minutes. Cucumber juice relieves redness, inflammation, reduces swelling.
  • Compresses from fresh cow's milk quickly reduce itching. Cotton pads soaked in milk should be pressed to the eyes and wait 20 minutes.
  • Peel and wash the potatoes, grate them fine grater to make a thick, homogeneous paste. Apply the product to closed eyelids and wash off after 15 minutes. Potatoes are excellent at combating itchy eyes, relieving fatigue and swelling.

To prevent discomfort in the eye area, regularly eat foods high in vitamins A and B. These may include carrots, apricots, spinach, beans, walnuts and whole grain cereals. Additionally, you can take a complex of vitamins in capsules. If your eyes itch for a long time, be sure to get examined. A responsible attitude towards your health will prevent the development of very serious and dangerous pathologies organs of vision.

Allergies have many unpleasant symptoms, one of them is the constant desire to scratch your eyes. What to do if your eyes itch, how to relieve the itching and what remedies can you use? You will read the answers to these and other questions below.

The vast majority of allergy sufferers have wondered at least once why their eyes itch. What to do when the corners of your eyes itch? To answer these questions, it is necessary to consider the causes of allergic reactions on the mucous membrane of the eyes and human skin.

Causes of itchy eyes:

  1. A large number of allergens fly directly in the air, which contributes to irritation of human mucous membranes.
  2. Allergies with inflammation of the mucous membranes are caused by the following allergens: house dust, which contains mold fungi, which are also strong, various chemical substances And medicines for the eyes, and. With such an allergy, the eyes sometimes itch unbearably all day long.
  3. The likelihood that food allergens or other medications will cause an allergic reaction that manifests itself in the eyes is much lower.

One way or another, with all the listed forms, the eyes itch, hurt, and turn red.

Common forms of the disease and their symptoms

The eyes itch and, depending on the degree of the allergic reaction: the most severe ones lead to inflammation of the cornea and vascular eye, retinal damage and, unfortunately, even optic nerve. But don't be afraid severe forms allergies are practically not common.

Most frequent symptoms allergies are conjunctivitis and allergic dermatitis, the forms of which are listed below:

  1. Conjunctivitis of an allergic nature, expressed in redness of the eyes, tearing, and swelling appears during the period of exacerbation.
  2. when the eyelids itch very much, sometimes even unbearably. This dermatitis is characterized by the presence of rashes around the eyes and appears in response to the use of cosmetics or eye medications.
  3. Conjunctivitis is hay fever, that is seasonal allergies to plant pollen, accompanied by both conjunctivitis itself and nasal congestion, swelling, runny nose, rashes on the eyelids and skin.
  4. Vernal conjunctivitis, called keratoconjunctivitis. This form is seasonal, manifested in spring and summer under the influence of UV radiation by tearing and fear of light, itching of the eyelids and the growth of papillary growths on the eyelids.

There are many medications that you can use to get rid of severe itchy eyes. The doctor may prescribe:

  • Antihistamines, which are excellent for relieving acute allergy symptoms, as well as getting rid of constant itching and swelling of the eyes.
  • Corticosteroids: ointments and drops for external use. These drugs are used in addition to complex therapy, have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis, relieve inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Decongestants that have vasoconstrictor effect, which allows you to quickly relieve swelling and inflammation. Unfortunately, after some time, these drugs begin to become addictive, which provokes another manifestation of allergy symptoms.

Using eye drops

The drugs listed above are classified as complex therapy, but one should not neglect immune therapy, which is based on the introduction of an allergen in small quantities into the body. The only negative is that this therapy is not applicable to all allergens.

In any case, an allergist must be involved in the development of therapy, which will make it possible to most effectively get rid of such days when the corners of the eyes itch incessantly, and the eyes themselves itch and hurt, turn red and watery.

Folk remedies to help

Many allergy sufferers resort to help. Are folk remedies effective for itchy eyes, and is it worth using them at all? The answer is ambiguous, since everyone experiences the effects of folk remedies individually. So it is worth consulting with your doctor. So what folk remedies treat itchy eyes?

If your eyes are very itchy and red, boiled water can help. onion with the addition of a teaspoon of honey. You need to rinse your eyes with the resulting decoction 4 times.

You can also wash your eyes, which are swollen and itchy, with a decoction of the popular millet cereal half an hour before bedtime.

A tablespoon of blue cornflower, left in a water bath, will relieve redness and itching of the eyes.

Like these ones simple recipes will help you with unbearable itching. The main thing is not to focus only on folk remedies; you should definitely consult a doctor about and drug treatment, which should never be neglected!

Very often eye itching is the cause allergic diseases. Itching can appear unexpectedly, for example, from house or office dust.

Itching in the eye area signals that the body should be studied and identified, since irritation and itching of the eye mucosa can be the cause of various eye diseases, eye injuries, colds, corneal damage, glaucoma. Severe eye itching may require additional medical treatment. Itching can also occur when wounds heal; substances are released that have a healing effect; in most cases, healing is accompanied by itching.

Redness and itching around the eyes can be caused by cosmetics. Red eyes can occur if you watch TV for a very long time and at close range, from working at the computer. Therefore, every hour you need to get up and do a warm-up for your eyes. And carefully monitor the child’s time at the computer so that he plays no more than forty minutes, then you can entertain him with some toy or come up with a game that will not be associated with watching TV and sitting at the computer.

Itching upper eyelid eyes and itching under the eyes, symptoms:

  • Swelling of the eyelid.
  • Profuse lacrimation.
  • Dry skin around the eyes.
  • Redness of the skin around the eyes.
  • Peeling.

Swelling and redness of the eyelid

Causes of itchy eyes

  • Allergy.
  • Eye contamination.
  • Eye contact with insects and various elements.
  • Corrosive liquids and gases.
  • Trichiasis.
  • Conjunctivitis. This disease covers inner part century. With conjunctivitis, itching in the corner of the eye and excessive tearing may occur.
  1. Eye infection. All the most unpleasant symptoms are caused by bacteria and lead to irritation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Allergy
  3. Hit foreign bodies(motes, specks of dust) The mote gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, which begins to itch, and the signal of itching and irritation of the eye is transmitted to the corner of the eye. If you remove the irritant, the itching goes away very quickly.

Redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes

Treatment for itchy eyes

To cure itchy eyes and itching around the eyes, you must first identify the cause, and then the doctor will prescribe individual treatment. In order to reduce burning and itching of the eyes, eye drops are used and various procedures are performed. Relieving itchy eyes should not be done on your own or at home, and you should not use improvised means, as you can get an infection, and then you will have to treat not only itchy eyes.

  • Lily of the valley, good helper for those whose eyes are constantly itchy, inflamed and watery, it also removes pain.
  • Cornflower, cumin, millet will help get rid of severe lacrimation
  • Clover, aloe, chamomile, dill, calendula will remove inflammation and fatigue.
  • Kalanchoe for redness
  • Parsley for swelling, bags under the eyes and inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Also for severe eye fatigue good remedy there will be ice. Pour boiling water over a few geranium leaves, leave, pour into molds and freeze.
  • Potatoes will help get rid of eye fatigue; place a couple of potato circles on your eyes and lie with them for 20 minutes; used tea bags are also considered effective.
  • If your eyes are very watery, you can try drinking Apple vinegar in proportion to one glass of water one teaspoon of vinegar.
  • Eye strain can be relieved by tugging on your earlobe.
  • It is also beneficial to wash your face and eyes with cold water.

Do you have an itchy eye? Why is this happening? If you turn to folk art, it will turn out almost like a joke. Why does your left eye itch, for example? Well, this is completely understandable - people say it leads to tears. Why is your right eye itchy? Popular signs say that it means a quick meeting with a loved one or some other great joy. But why do both eyes itch? Well, if that’s the case, have you tried seeing an ophthalmologist?

Certainly, folk signs offer a solution to this unpleasant question: if both eyes itch, then you need to scratch them at the same time and cross them three times - then there will be no tears or any other troubles. However, the option of consulting a doctor seems much more correct and effective. Moreover, it may turn out that you will need more than just ophthalmological care.

Itchy eyes

Problem of itchy eyes last decades has become quite common, and it is no longer possible to rely only on folk signs. Yes, and it is also unrealistic to cure this problem on your own, since it is necessary accurate diagnosis, which can only be delivered by a qualified ophthalmologist after careful research.

So there can be quite a few reasons for the unpleasant sensation in the eyes, and any of these reasons may not get worse healthy habit constantly rubbing or touching your eyes.

It should be noted that itching in the eyes is often accompanied by redness of both the eyelids and the whites of the eyes, and even the appearance of sticky discharge, which, when dried, turns into a crust (sometimes such discharge is very reminiscent of purulent discharge). In addition, itchy eyes can also be painful, which further complicates the problem.

As for the time when discomfort If the itching in the eyes becomes especially severe, then it can be different - sometimes the eyes itch immediately after sleep, and sometimes the itching appears only towards the end of the day.

Attention! To accurately determine the cause of itchy eyes, you need to contact medical institution for medical advice.

It is almost impossible to accurately determine the cause of eye itching on your own, and measures that you can take yourself to reduce it unpleasant symptom, may not lead to elimination of the cause, but to a “blurring” of symptoms and to chronicity of the disease or complications of its course.

Allergic reactions as a cause of itchy eyes

One of the very common reasons Itching in the eyes is an allergic reaction, that is, the so-called type I hypersensitivity reaction, or immune reactions when the human body produces antibodies to specific proteins (so-called immunoglobulins, and in this case immunoglobulins E). If such antibodies cause hypersensitivity in the body, then in this case they are usually called allergens.

It is very important that there are no “universal” allergens that affect everyone. The same substance can cause a severe allergic reaction in one person and have no effect on anyone else.

As for the allergic reaction that affects the eyes and causes itching, redness, watery eyes, and swelling of the eyelids, it can be caused by completely different factors.

  1. Firstly, the cause of an allergic reaction may be pollen different plants, which bloom from the very early spring and until autumn. Allergy season begins with the blooming of alder, birch and other trees before the leaves bloom, and this season continues until all flowering is over. The flowering of ragweed, which blooms until October, is especially active in causing allergic reactions.
  2. Secondly, pet hair or bird plumage can be a strong allergen. For some people serious danger even the pet Murka represents, although, according to the results of some studies, if a child grows up in an apartment where there are pets, then he develops a stronger immunity to any allergies.
  3. Third, one of the common causes of allergic reactions is house dust, which consists of a variety of microscopic particles. House dust certainly contains fragments of textiles, mold spores and pollen, soot, and dead scales. skin, the smallest particles of saprophytic mites and waste products of these insects. Research results confirm that house dust causes very strong air pollution in any room, and as a result, the air in an apartment is four times more polluted and eight times more toxic than the air on a city street (let alone compare with the air in the mountains or in the forest ). Therefore, constant thorough cleaning of all premises is very important.
  4. Fourth, for many people, household chemicals, including laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents, and cleaning products, pose a serious danger. In such cases, you should explore the possibility of using natural “grandmother’s” products that do not cause harm, do not cause allergic reactions and at the same time do an excellent job of maintaining cleanliness.
  5. Fifthly, allergic reactions may be caused cosmetics, including mascara, eye shadow, powder, and hairspray. It happens that allergies are caused only by certain drugs. brands containing allergenic substances to which an undesirable reaction occurs.
  6. Besides, itchy eyes can also be caused by certain types of food allergies(for example, hazelnuts).

Attention! An allergen can only be determined as a result of special analyzes and tests or as a result of long-term and close observations of the body's reactions. However, the tests will provide a much more accurate result much faster.

Any medications for treatment allergic itching the eye can only be used as prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. It is imperative to exclude any contact with the source of the allergy.

Demodectic mange as a common cause of itchy eyes

With demodicosis, not only do the eyes constantly itch, but the eyes also feel very tired all the time, a sticky discharge appears that sticks the eyelashes together; In addition, sunlight and light in general, as well as water, are very irritating.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to cure demodicosis on your own - this is a rather long process that requires not only perseverance and perseverance, but also special drugs, which may be different in each individual case, as well as a special ophthalmological massage, which can only be performed by an experienced specialist.

Attention! Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose demodicosis and carry out adequate effective treatment. Self-medication is unacceptable!

Attempts to self-medicate any eye diseases can lead to chronicity of the process, which will complicate the course of the disease and its treatment.

Dry eye syndrome

One of the common causes of itchy eyes is the so-called dry eye syndrome, which occurs due to the fact that for some reason fatty secretion decreases, the role of which is to protect against evaporation from the mucous membrane eyeball tear film.

It is known that the tear film protects the mucous membrane of the eye from drying out and provides comfort as a result of the necessary hydration. However, sometimes the tear film is not produced in sufficient quantity or evaporates so quickly that it does not have time to regenerate. In such cases, the eyes begin to itch, vision deterioration and negative reaction to light stimuli.

  1. Firstly, the cause of dry eye syndrome may be excessive eye strain as a result long work on the computer, reading for a long time or watching TV shows. With such a visual load, a person blinks much less often, so the eyes are much less moisturized and dry out quickly.
  2. Secondly, dry eye syndrome can be caused constantly wearing contact lenses. Therefore, when using contact lenses, it is necessary to use special ophthalmic solutions, regularly carry out special ophthalmic exercises and be sure to give your eyes a chance to rest from using lenses, even if they High Quality. In addition, any lenses wear out, so they should be promptly replaced with new ones.
  3. Third, the tear film is significantly reduced in an air-conditioned room, especially if you have to work on a computer in such a room, which happens very often.
  4. Fourth, the cause of thinning of the tear film and the appearance of dry eye syndrome can be climatic conditions, especially dry and hot climates.
  5. Fifthly, dry eye syndrome can be caused by chronic exposure cigarette smoke, which has an extremely negative impact not only on the eyes, but also on the functioning of the immune system, and on the entire body. It should not be forgotten that it is extremely bad influence affects the eyes and passive smoking, that is, even completely non-smoking people being in a smoky room.
  6. At sixth, dry eye syndrome can be caused by any other ophthalmological diseases or diseases of other organs and systems of the body, which require separate diagnosis.

Attention! For dry eye syndrome, you should use special eye drops from the “artificial tear” series. Self-appointment of any medicines unacceptable.

Only a doctor can select the appropriate drug, taking into account the condition of the eye, the condition of the whole body, and the expected visual load.


Itchy eyes can be caused by, that is, inflammatory disease conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eye). The cause of conjunctivitis can be allergic reaction (allergic conjunctivitis) or viral or bacterial infection(viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, respectively).

In addition to itchy eyes, symptoms of conjunctivitis include swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes, redness of the whites of the eyes, watery eyes and photophobia.

The most severe and constant eye itching occurs with allergic conjunctivitis, but with viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, eye itching can be episodic and intermittent.

Conjunctivitis is also accompanied by discharge from the eyes, which is especially noticeable after sleep.

Viral conjunctivitis can occur with any viral disease. Bacterial conjunctivitis are caused by various pathogenic bacteria, For example, Chlamydia trachomatis or Moraxella.

Conjunctivitis can also be caused by toxic substances.

Attention! Research results indicate that for people with blue eyes Conjunctivitis poses a much greater risk of long-term vision damage because light-colored eyes are more sensitive to any irritants, especially exposure to light.

It is absolutely clear that treatment of conjunctivitis and eye itching with conjunctivitis without an accurate diagnosis is impossible, since the disease can be caused completely for various reasons and pathogens that require different therapy.

Foreign body in the eye

Sometimes your eyes start to itch because something foreign has gotten into one or both eyes. It could be sand, dust, hairs, animal hair, an insect or some other object. Also, some rather caustic liquid may get into the eye. In addition, the eye may receive some minor injury. In any of these cases, adequate measures must be taken.

  1. Firstly If any foreign objects come into contact with your eyes, you should never rub your eyes, no matter how itchy they may be. Moreover, you should not touch your eyes if you cannot wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Secondly, the eye in which a foreign object is felt, including dust or fur, must be rinsed big amount clean running water. If there is no access to water, you can try to blot your eye with the corner of a clean handkerchief.
  3. Third, if you feel a foreign object in the eye, you need to close your eyes and try to collect tear fluid using a very light finger massage of the upper eyelid so that the foreign object is washed out closer to the corner of the eye, from where this object can be carefully removed. Then the eye should be rinsed as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
  4. Fourth If any caustic gaseous or liquid substance gets into the eyes, the eyes must be immediately rinsed with plenty of running water.

Attention! If independent measures do not bring positive result, you must immediately contact 24-hour emergency eye care. Remember that in case of eye injuries, time is most often counted not by hours, but by minutes.

If the doctor, after contacting emergency assistance appointed any therapeutic measures, they must be performed in strict accordance with medical recommendations. Neglect of your eyes or their treatment can lead to deterioration or loss of vision.

When is itching and burning of the eyes very dangerous?

  • Itchy eyes may indicate very severe and dangerous diseases eyes, which include dendritic keratitis, glaucoma, ulcerative lesion cornea. Any of these diseases requires immediate diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a specialist. None of these diseases can be cured on their own, but any of them can lead to blindness.
  • In addition, sometimes the eyes begin to itch when intraocular pressure increases.
  • This can only be determined at an appointment with an ophthalmologist using special equipment.
  • Also, eye itching can be caused by certain malfunctions. endocrine system body, disorders metabolic processes(metabolism) or dysfunction gastrointestinal tract. In any of these cases, diagnosis can only be made after all necessary research and laboratory tests.
  • Sometimes itchy eyes are caused by purulent inflammation sebaceous glands at the root of the eyelashes, which is often popularly called stye. Despite the apparent commonality and harmlessness of styes (as a rule, what is most distressing is the itching and swelling and redness of the eyelid due to suppuration), this disease can turn out to be very serious. That is why barley should never be neglected.

How to reduce itching in the eyes with folk remedies?

If the itching in the eyes is very annoying, and an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist is for some reason impossible, then you can use some folk remedies that will help relieve the itching for a while. However, even if the itching has become weaker or even almost disappeared for some time, under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the doctor. It is very important that these methods are accessible and safe.

1. Tea bags (chamomile or green).

If your eyes are very itchy and itchy, compresses made from tea bags will help reduce or even relieve the discomfort for a while (chamomile or green tea bags have proven themselves to be the best). Used sachets should be cooled slightly in the refrigerator and placed on the eyes for ten to fifteen minutes. This procedure can be repeated several times during the day. If you don’t have chamomile or green tea, then any other tea will do.

4. Milk compresses.

If your eyes itch and itch, you can use it to help. To do this, soak a cotton pad or gauze pad in cold milk and apply it to your eyes. Milk compresses should be done twice a day - morning and evening.

Attention! If using folk remedies it was possible to remove acute symptom, then this in no way cancels a visit to the doctor, because the absence of symptoms does not indicate a cure for the disease.

The eyes are a very important and vulnerable organ. Various diseases organs of vision can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, you should not “brush it off” and endure it if your eyes become itchy. It is better to discuss the causes and treatment (drugs, procedures) together with a specialist. And although the Internet is accessible medical literature contain a lot of recommendations and explanations, the doctor will make a more accurate diagnosis (based on examination and tests), which means the disease will recede faster.

Severe itching in the eyes: causes

It is not recommended to treat any disease on your own, but you shouldn’t leave everything to chance. If discomfort appears in the eye area, it means your health has deteriorated. This is a signal indicating that problems have appeared in the body that should be eliminated immediately.

Before you start taking any medications, you need to find out the reasons that caused itchy eyes. Causes and treatment are very interconnected, so in no case start self-medication without eliminating what may cause discomfort.

    Medications, household chemicals, cosmetics).

    Foreign body (mote, poor-quality lenses).

    Infection (both eye and other types).

    Consequence of a burn.

    Eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma).


If you know exactly the cause of the burning and itching in your eyes (for example, a speck of dust or a reaction to mascara), you can eliminate it yourself and solve your problem. If the problem is serious and requires outside help, consult a doctor immediately.

Professional help

Every state clinic should have a doctor. Of course, there are special clinics where they may provide faster or better care, but for a hefty sum. At the clinic compulsory medical insurance policy are obliged to provide free qualified assistance.

How will the reception take place:

    the doctor will ask questions regarding your illness and review your card;

    will examine: eyelids, pupil movements, reactions to light;

    if he has doubts, he will write you a referral for tests;

    will prescribe medications, compresses and set a date for the next appearance.

Vision is one of the most important senses, so problems should be taken very seriously. If there is a risk, it is better not to self-medicate, as this may do more harm than good. But if the discomfort is not severe and is, for example, a consequence of fatigue, you can use a few simple tips to relieve itching and burning in the eyes.

Causes, treatment and prevention

Causes that can be eliminated independently and methods of treatment and prevention at home:

    causative agent of allergies (change the brand of cosmetics, avoid contact with pets, spend less time in the sun without safety glasses or hats, plan a vacation when ragweed is in bloom, etc.);

    fatigue, overexertion (look up from the computer monitor and do exercises with your eyes, take breaks from work and sit for a few minutes with eyes closed, make compresses at home from chamomile infusion or strong tea);

    foreign body (if you have to work with dust, dirt, chemicals or in windy weather, use protective glasses). When trying to remove a speck from your eye, you need to use clean hands!

Do not neglect safety precautions and work without protection (for example, mowing grass, working with welding or planing, using strong chemicals), and also relax without thinking about eye health (opening your eyes underwater in a pool, using expired cosmetics). If you wear lenses, you need to keep your lenses and hands clean.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Symptoms: itching in the corners of the eyes.

Causes and treatment

Most often, doctors are consulted with such symptoms in the spring and autumn. Except pollen human body susceptible to many allergens. And even if you have not previously experienced all the “delights” of the flowering season, this does not mean that you are not at risk of allergic conjunctivitis. Worth yours immune system weaken a little, it can be attacked by allergenic pathogens. If you experience itching or burning in the corners of your eyes and you keep wanting to scratch or apply ice, consult your doctor immediately.

Having found out the cause of the allergy, it is advisable to eliminate it and at the same time go to the pharmacy.

In such cases, antihistamines and steroids are prescribed. They will relieve allergy symptoms. They also prescribe drops that will reduce and drugs to boost immunity.

During this disease, it is not recommended to use contact lenses or apply eye makeup. Care must be taken not to transfer the infection to the healthy eye, and for this there must be an enhanced personal hygiene regime. Eye drops with an “artificial tear” effect and cold compresses boiled water will help relieve itchy eyes.

The doctor should record the causes and treatment of itchy eyes, as well as test results and prescribed medications in your medical record.

Dry eye or keratitis

Symptoms include redness, a feeling of dryness and severe itching in the eyes and eyelids.

Possible causes and treatment: dry eye syndrome is especially susceptible to people over the age of 60, as well as citizens living in dry or dusty climates (indoors), spending a lot of time at the computer, and heavy smokers.

The fact is that tears are given by nature to “wash” the cornea of ​​the eye, removing dust and other particles from it, as well as to neutralize enzymes. The composition of tears is unique, and if a person is sick, fewer tears may be produced or its composition may change (the tear will dry out faster).

This disease cannot be completely cured, especially since it is often itself a symptom of some disease: lupus or Sjögren's syndrome. Not only is keratitis - chronic illness, often it is also progressive. But there are several ways to relieve symptoms.

1. An ophthalmologist can prescribe drops with an “artificial tear” effect. It is important to remember that it is better to limit the wearing of lenses or insert them 20 minutes after instillation.

2. The doctor will insert small drug for the lower eyelid. And throughout the day, this drug will release doses of eye lubricant in portions.


A disease in which the edges of the eyelids become inflamed, causing redness, dry “scales”, ulcers and itching in the eyes.

Causes, treatment and further observation the doctor enters it into the card so that the medical history is preserved and can be used in case of relapse. This is very serious illness organs of vision, which can occur due to vitamin deficiency, anemia, allergies, endocrine system disorders.

Self-medication for such a disease is strictly prohibited. Blepharitis treatment takes a long time and is complex. Depending on the type of blepharitis, the doctor will prescribe cleaning the ciliary edges of the eyelids, treating them with antiseptics and ointment, eyelid massage, brilliant green, antibiotics and other drugs depending on the patient’s condition.


One of the most common eye diseases. Every person at least once in his life “showed off” with a stye on his eye. With this disease, it becomes inflamed sebaceous gland and a hair follicle on the edge of the eyelid. Very often, this disease does not cause serious harm to health and does not require a trip to the doctor, but it can occur several times a year. In this case, it is worth thinking about the reasons for its occurrence.

Barley is always an unpleasant phenomenon; in addition to disturbing the aesthetic appearance, it is accompanied by discomfort and itching in the eyes.

Causes, treatment with folk remedies for eye stye

There are many reasons for the occurrence of barley:

    dusty rooms or windy weather;

    hypothermia, fatigue and stress;

    metabolic disorders, decreased immunity and infectious disease;

    non-compliance with hygiene rules, makeup;

    more serious diseases.

It should be remembered that if the appearance of barley is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, you must see a doctor. Another important rule- do not pierce or squeeze out the abscess!

In common parlance they say: “The barley that has sprung up needs to be twisted.” This is perhaps one of the most common and dubious methods of treating barley. Here are some tips traditional medicine that really help:

    Cauterize with honey alcohol, brilliant green solution or iodine. It is better to start treatment as early as possible.

    Make compresses from herbal infusions or Brew calendula, chamomile or tea and apply a warm compress to the sore eyelid. Repeat the procedure 4 times a day for 5 minutes;

    By using cotton swabs apply erythromycin (1%), tetracycline, hydrocartisone or other ointment with an antibacterial effect.

    Use gentamicin, ciprolet or albucid (30%) - drops for barley.

Within a few days, the barley should ripen, and after a couple of days it should stop bothering you. Although it happens that the tumor does not develop and an abscess does not form, everything subsides at the “inception” stage.

Demodectic mange of the eyelids

Symptoms: loss of eyelashes and dry eyes, formation of crusts or, conversely, purulent mucus along the eyelash growth line, redness and severe itching in the eyes.

Causes, treatment

First you need to find out the cause of the disease:

    serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

    age or pregnancy;

    weakened immunity, metabolic disorders;

    stress, moving and climate change;

    medicines containing a corticosteroid.

It is worth noting that the treatment is very long and requires, in addition to taking medications, strict adherence standards of personal hygiene. The patient should have a separate towel, dishes, and pillow. The infected person's clothes should be washed as often as possible with hypoallergenic products.

It is important to remember that demodicosis is easily transmitted healthy person. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful not to infect others.

It is better to consult a doctor at the first signs - he will prescribe medications and procedures. Typically, wiping the eyelids and eyelashes with an alcohol-containing solution and applying ointments such as Demalan, Demazol, and Blefarogel are prescribed twice a day. Antibiotics "Tsipromed" or "Tobrex" may also be needed.

Red eyes and itching: causes and treatment

Red eyes can be a consequence of harmless changes in the body and a signal of serious diseases.

Redness of the whites of the eyes is most likely caused by allergies, sleepless night, stress or spending long periods of time at the computer. Accordingly, to eliminate the disease you need to get rid of allergies, get enough sleep, drink sedatives and take breaks from working at the computer. But redness of the whites can also be a consequence diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiency or anemia. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

If only one eye is red, and it is not a speck, it is better to see a doctor. This may be a sign of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma, or ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eye.

Red whites and itchy eyes have the following causes and treatment. If the whites are constantly itching and burning, it is most likely allergic conjunctivitis. It is better not to experiment and not make a diagnosis yourself. The fact is that even conjunctivitis has several varieties. But based on inspection and analysis, taking into account individual characteristics sick, the doctor will select the optimal treatment option.

This will include compresses, drops, ointments, eyelid treatment, antibiotics and, of course, drugs to improve the immune system.

Prevention of eye disease in children

It’s very unpleasant when you yourself are sick, but it’s simply unbearable when your child is sick. Any eye disease will not only bring a lot of pain, inconvenience and vagaries to the baby, but can also cause more serious problems. Carry out everything necessary procedures It’s difficult for a child, so the recovery process is often delayed.

It is better to try to prevent dangerous illnesses in advance:

    keep your hands clean and teach your child the rules of personal hygiene;

    Take wet wipes with you when you go for a walk, and if your baby gets something in his eye, don’t let him “get into” it with his dirty fingers;

    wash your child's clothes hypoallergenic detergents and make sure that there are no allergies to foods, animals, or fragrances in the car;

    monitor the air humidity in the room and do not let your baby out on a sunny day without a cap;

    control its menu.

Interesting fact: we “forget” about those organs that do not hurt or bother us. As soon as you get sick with something, you remember about it, regret the time when you were healthy, and constantly “stumble upon” the diseased organ. Everyone knows about the benefits of prevention, but few people use it at least until one day they get sick.