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Respiratory allergosis: symptoms, treatment and prevention. Respiratory allergoses Basic drugs in the treatment of respiratory allergoses

Respiratory allergosis is not called specific disease, but a complex of ailments based on allergic damage respiratory tract. These disorders are more common in younger children preschool age 6 from 2 to 4 years.

The peculiarity of respiratory allergies is that the allergy occurs against the background active work infectious and non-infectious pathogens in the respiratory tract. Edema can affect the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

During the course of a respiratory allergy, the mucous membrane respiratory organs able to interact with all types of stimuli. Hence wide list possible irritating components that can cause an outbreak of allergosis. For example, food components enter the body through the pharynx and can therefore irritate the respiratory tract. People also inhale air that may contain various dangerous impurities and particles.

A specific irritating particle has its own specific properties. Most often, it is not the entire respiratory system that reacts to them at once, but only a certain part of it: the nose, larynx, bronchi, trachea, and sinuses. The affected area is usually the most sensitive of the entire respiratory tract. The allergic process starts on it, and the first symptoms appear.

Types of allergosis

Distinguish two types of allergosis: allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. They differ in that during rhinitis the upper respiratory tract is affected, and during asthma the lower respiratory tract is affected.

The causative agents of allergies in the breathing tube are also divided into two groups:

  1. Infectious. These include all kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other harmful microorganisms;
  2. Non-infectious. They may be pollen, household dust, food, medicines, as well as some household chemicals and decorative cosmetics.

Main symptoms of respiratory allergosis

It is often quite difficult for doctors to make this diagnosis, since many of the symptoms are similar to those of a common cold. These include:

  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Release of fluid and clear mucus from the nose;
  • Swelling of the eyelids and nasopharynx;
  • Dry cough;
  • Feeling of burning and itching in the nose;
  • Less common are fever and weakness.

However, there are several simple signs that can be used to distinguish allergies from colds. One of these is seasonality. Namely, an allergic reaction can occur in certain period, for example, during flowering plants. At this time, the patient’s symptoms worsen, mucus begins to come out of the nose, and they also feel worried frequent sneezing and cough. However, after rain, or upon completion of flowering, all symptoms disappear.

Another difference is the duration of the illness. If a person has allergies, then sneezing and itching, as a rule, bother him for a fairly long period of time (up to 3–4 weeks). However, if the patient has a cold, then severe symptoms They will only last a couple of days. Also, the significant differences between respiratory allergosis and ARVI are: with an allergic reaction, the general condition of a person is not disturbed, he is still active, has a great appetite and normal temperature.

Also, an allergic reaction can be determined by several more signs:

When interacting with an irritating element, abrupt change conditions: mucus from the nose begins to secrete profusely, frequent sneezing and coughing appear. But as soon as you leave the place where the allergen was located, the symptoms instantly disappear;

Respiratory allergosis in children

This diagnosis is overwhelmingly given to children. Some live with allergies long time, but many manage to overcome it and forget it already in their youth.

It is worth noting that the symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment stages for children and adults are no different. The only exceptions may be very young patients, under the age of 5 years. For such patients, the use of certain medications and several treatment procedures is excluded.

If a child suffers from respiratory allergy, then his parents should adhere to the following rules to protect him from contact with irritants:

  1. Be careful when visiting new premises (cafes, clubs, game rooms, shops and theaters);
  2. Use only hypoallergenic household chemicals and cosmetics no fragrance;
  3. Do not experiment with new perfumes, but use only those that do not cause a reaction in the child;
  4. During repairs or general cleaning, take the child to another place, since household dust is a causative agent of the reaction;
  5. Spices can also be allergens, so when preparing an exotic dish it is important that the child is not in the kitchen;
  6. During flowering, if possible, take the allergic person to a place where it will be easier for him. Also, do not plant flowers in the house or arrange bouquets;
  7. Before buying a new thing: a toy, carpet, clothes, etc. , - it is important to be sure that the child will not develop an allergy to new clothes;
  8. Do not have pets or visit guests who have them. It must be remembered that even dog or fish food can cause an allergy;
  9. Do not give your child untested medications;
  10. Don't offer new food.

Stages of diagnosing respiratory allergosis in children

In fact, the stages of diagnosis in adults differ little from studies in children. However, due to the more common occurrence of allergosis directly in childhood, let us consider the stages of observation specifically in children.

  1. First of all, if suspicious symptoms occur, you should visit an otolaryngologist or pediatrician. During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the patient has an allergy or a cold. The doctor will examine the throat: if it is red, then there is viral disease, and if it is pale and covered in spots, it means an allergy.
  2. Next, the patient may be referred for an x-ray to rule out diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is imperative to take an x-ray for those patients whose lower respiratory tract is affected;
  3. Then a series of studies are carried out to exclude adenoids and posterior rhinitis;
  4. Only after specialists are convinced of the presence of respiratory rhinitis in a child, will he be referred to an appointment with an allergist, who will write a referral for a blood test to look at the level of immunoglobulin;
  5. If a patient is diagnosed with asthma, his external respiration is examined using a spirograph.

Treatment methods for allergosis

Of course, the treatment stage and reception medicines directly depends on the specific case. But, at the beginning of therapy, almost everyone is prescribed antihistamine tablets, which are aimed at expanding the bronchi and facilitating breathing.

If the patient is over 5 years old, he can undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy, due to which the body will begin to produce antibodies to allergens. The result of this procedure is long action and can last a lifetime.

Allergy prevention measures

  • If the patient knows the irritants that cause allergies, then it is necessary to exclude them from his life as much as possible. For example, if a child suffers from seasonal allergies, then it is necessary to go to another region during flowering. It is known that life is much more difficult for allergy sufferers in southern latitudes, while symptoms are more easily tolerated in the north and northwest. This is explained by the too long period of flowering and fluff in the southern latitudes (from early spring to late autumn) and high humidity with a short flowering period in the north.
  • In the case of bronchial asthma, the patient needs to train the respiratory system. Sports such as swimming, running, football, bicycle rallies, etc. are perfect for this. It is also useful for asthmatics to play wind instruments, or simply inflate balloons several times a week.
  • Maintain order in the house. It is important to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew in your home, and also to throw away all “nuclear” household chemicals and switch to hypoallergenic products. It is important to remember that mold can be hidden in water filters, air conditioners, and bathroom walls. It is necessary to regularly clean surfaces from mold.

Combining all of the above, we can define the term respiratory allergosis. This is not a specific disease, but a complex of allergic reactions that are united by the nature of their occurrence, namely, damage to the respiratory tract. Disorders such as rhinitis, paringitis, pharyngitis, etc. counted among light forms respiratory tract allergosis. Severe forms are considered allergic pneumonia and allergic alveolitis. The most common type of respiratory tract allergy is bronchial asthma.

IN modern world there are many irritating factors that allergy sufferers have to deal with. If symptoms occur, you should visit your doctor's or pediatrician's office so that he can prescribe necessary research and identify the cause and source of irritation.

Typically, respiratory allergies can be cured. But this will take a long time (up to 3-4 weeks).

Respiratory allergies are a collective name for a group of diseases affecting organs respiratory tract, the cause of which is an inadequate response from the immune system to a specific irritant substance, the so-called allergen. Basically, these substances enter the body through the airborne mechanism, but it is possible that they enter the body with food and medicine.

Causes of non-infectious allergies

Among the factors that influence the occurrence of allergies, heredity is not the least important. If one or both parents are prone to allergies, then there is a high probability that the child will also have increased sensitivity to a number of irritants. An important role in the formation of such sensitivity, and, as a consequence, an allergic reaction, is played by poor nutrition: long artificial feeding child, passion for products with increased content artificial preservatives. In addition, inhalation of polluted air when living in close proximity to industrial facilities or busy highways, long-term treatment medications, frequent respiratory diseases have Negative influence and contribute to allergies.

Respiratory allergosis is very common in children. If for the smallest of them the most common allergens are food products: cow's milk, oranges, berries, chocolate, then in schoolchildren increased sensitivity is observed to household irritants such as dust, animal hair, tobacco smoke, and to plant pollen.

Respiratory allergies often occur under the influence of house dust. It is inhabited microscopic mites, mold fungi, wool, animal down and feathers, particles of epidermis, book dust, various chemicals: cleaning products and washing powders, cosmetics. Often for various medications: vitamins, antibiotics, antiseptics, aspirin, novocaine.

Infectious causes of allergies

In addition to non-infectious sources of allergies, there are also infectious ones, which are various microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi. Outbreaks chronic infections in the body may well serve as sources of it hypersensitivity and subsequent development of allergies. In general, susceptibility to several substances often occurs, rather than to just one, and this series tends to expand throughout life.

Types of respiratory allergies

Allergic rhinitis is perhaps the most common respiratory allergosis, the symptoms of which include nasal congestion, itching, sneezing, watery secretions and tearing along with swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. It is often seasonal in nature, but can also be year-round, occurring both independently and in combination with sinusitis and otitis.

Characterized by swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa. May be present painful sensations when swallowing, a feeling of a foreign object in the throat, dry cough. Along with pharyngitis, laryngitis is often observed.

Respiratory allergies also include pathologies such as allergic tracheitis. It involves attacks of an obsessive, painful, dry cough, like whooping cough, mainly at night. Fever and even vomiting are possible.

Allergic bronchitis is a protracted disease characterized by frequent relapses. General state a person may feel sick and their temperature may be elevated. The nature of the cough changes over the course of the disease from dry to wet; wheezing in the bronchi is clearly audible when inhaling, but there are no attacks of suffocation. In the case of allergic obstructive bronchitis, because there is a narrowing of the bronchi.

Continues the list of diseases such as respiratory allergies and allergic pneumonia. This is the most severe form of damage respiratory system, which basically has an allergic reaction due to the body’s hypersensitivity to a particular irritant. This disease causes cough, shortness of breath, chills, general weakness. The form of allergic pneumonia can be either acute or chronic. In case of inadequate or untimely treatment The prognosis for this disease can be very unfavorable.

Diagnosis of respiratory allergies

Correct recognition allergic cause respiratory diseases is possible only with a complete analysis of all data. As a rule, the course of such diseases is protracted, with constant relapses. The allergic nature of such pathologies is indicated by certain changes in the composition of the blood, the results of special samples and tests.

Treatment of respiratory allergies

Treatment of respiratory allergies comes down primarily to limiting contact with the allergen, and for this it is necessary to correct definition. If it is difficult to understand on your own what exactly caused pathological process, you cannot do without consulting an allergist who will conduct the necessary tests.

Drug treatment is carried out using antihistamines in combination with enterosorbents and prebiotics. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out, which consists of taking temperature-reducing medications and painkillers. Good results Physiotherapy provides: baths and inhalations, as well as treatment by staying in the microclimate of salt caves.

The same approach is applied if it is necessary to prevent respiratory allergy in children. Treatment consists, first of all, of preventing contact between the child and the irritant, be it some product, dust, tobacco smoke, chemical or medication, following a hypoallergenic diet, and carrying out vitamin therapy.

Prevention of allergies

Most the best prevention the occurrence of allergies is to strengthen the immune system with all measures, exercise and breathing exercises. If there is a risk of hereditary hypersensitivity to various irritants future mom She must adhere to a diet even during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby, do not transfer him to artificial feeding for as long as possible.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about respiratory allergies in children.

How to recognize it insidious disease waiting for the baby? How to distinguish it from normal viral infection?

Which children are at risk? What are the ways to treat and prevent respiratory allergies? How to protect children from dangerous diseases?

Respiratory allergies are a complex allergic diseases upper respiratory tract.

Respiratory allergies can affect individual areas (nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea, etc.) and the entire respiratory system.

Most often, respiratory allergosis occurs in children with a family history (parents suffered from allergies), and in infants who, for some reason, cannot receive breast milk.

And also in children 2-4 years old as a reaction of the immune system to food products or elements of cosmetics introduced for the first time.

Also at risk are children with weakened immune systems due to frequent colds or intestinal disorders.

Symptoms of respiratory allergosis are similar to those of viral respiratory tract infections:

  • itching and burning in the nose and throat;
  • cough, sneezing;
  • nasal congestion, watery or mucous discharge;
  • sore throat, swelling;
  • redness of the eyes, tearing.

As you can see, the symptoms are very similar to a common viral infection.

Sometimes parents do not pay due attention to the listed signs, they say, “all children get sick, who grew up without a runny nose?”

But if respiratory allergosis is not treated in time, serious complications can begin: conjunctivitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema.

How to distinguish respiratory allergosis from a viral infection? As a rule, with a viral infection, these symptoms appear gradually, with an increasing effect; with respiratory allergosis, they appear quite quickly and immediately.

In addition, a child suffering from respiratory allergy does not have a body, a good appetite, there is no lethargy, moodiness and other signs of the patient.

Often the disease “gives out” an abrupt course. For example, you notice that the attacks worsen after visiting the neighbor’s children (and there is a kitten in that apartment), or while cleaning the apartment, or after going to the circus, etc.

What should parents do if their children experience the symptoms described?

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease. Therefore, you need to start with a pediatrician.

He will examine the child and prescribe appropriate tests to exclude the possibility chronic diseases(for example, bronchitis or pneumonia) and refer you for consultation to an otolaryngologist (problems may be due to chronic rhinitis or adenoids).

The final diagnosis will be made by an allergist. To detect allergens that cause attacks of illness in children, the child's blood will be taken for analysis or skin tests will be done at the clinic.


Many parents serious treatment Respiratory allergosis is considered only.

  • Local treatment. For a runny nose, use oil-based vasoconstrictors. For conjunctivitis and burning eyelids - drugs based on ketotifen. For a sore throat, gargle with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus tincture.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed by an allergist.
  • Elimination of the allergen or, conversely, ASIT. Children over five years old can be given an allergen, gradually and carefully, disease-causing so that the immune system learns to accept it correctly. This is called ASIT - allergen-specific immunotherapy.
  • Sorbents (from activated carbon to more modern ones) cleanse the intestines and help the body fight the effects of allergens.
  • Allergists recommend prebiotics based on lactobacilli to normalize intestinal microflora and improve immunity.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. In the treatment of allergic diseases good effect produce speleotherapy, inhalations with essential oils, therapeutic baths with sea salt.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Hardening, reception, moderate physical exercise. Doctors recommend that children who have suffered from respiratory allergosis engage in swimming, figure skating, breathing exercises, and yoga—those sports that strengthen breathing. Mothers who are concerned about the aesthetic education of their children can be asked to take their child to a music school in a wind music class. Playing the flute, trombone and other instruments also helps develop proper breathing.
  • . Children prone to allergies should not consume honey, eggs, nuts, etc. You should avoid red and orange vegetables and fruits.
  • Cleanliness and order in the house. Dust, animal hair, insects are the worst enemies for people at risk. Keep the room clean, monitor the humidity - and your children will be reliably protected.

Only compliance with all components of treatment will help cope with allergies.

Important to remember

  1. If you have allergies in your family, if your child has been deprived mother's milk, was often sick or suffered intestinal infections– he is at risk and may develop respiratory allergosis.
  2. If a baby suddenly starts coughing, runny nose, itching and burning in the nose, throat, eyes (while the temperature, appetite, and mood are normal), and then everything stops just as quickly - these are symptoms of respiratory allergosis, and therefore, serious reason contact your pediatrician.
  3. If a child has been diagnosed with respiratory allergosis, you cannot limit yourself to antihistamines. Complex treatment is required.

We wish you and your children health!

Types, causes and symptoms of respiratory allergies. Methods for treating respiratory allergosis with medications, local remedies and folk methods.

Description and types of respiratory allergies

Most often, the disease manifests itself in childhood, but often the disease is diagnosed in adult patients. Usually the first symptoms appear after some illness due to decreased immunity.

The body reacts inappropriately to the allergen, producing antibodies that are ultimately directed against its own cells. With a respiratory allergy, the allergen gets into the mucous membrane of the throat or nose, causing a number of symptoms that are similar to the common cold.

Types of respiratory allergosis:

  • . It is triggered by aeroallergens that float in the air and land on the mucous membrane of the eyes. As a result of this, it is on this area The immune system produces antibodies. Accordingly, inflammation of the mucous membrane and lacrimal sac occurs.
  • Allergic rhinitis. Usually triggered by an allergen plant origin and is a seasonal disease. An exacerbation is observed during the flowering period of some plants, which, when they enter the nasal sinuses, provoke swelling and mucus secretion.
  • Allergic laryngitis. In this case, the allergen causes an inadequate reaction in the throat area. The tonsils may become inflamed.
  • Allergic bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa due to exposure to an allergen. Symptoms are similar to ordinary bacterial bronchitis. The disease can occur as a complication after ARVI.
  • Allergic alveolitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the alveoli of the lungs. The disease resembles pneumonia with separation large quantity sputum.

Main causes of respiratory allergies

The main cause of respiratory allergosis is aeroallergen, a pathogen that hovers in the air. Accordingly, upon contact with the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, nose and eyes, an inadequate reaction of the body may occur. It is worth noting that when proper operation The immune system should not be allergic to dust, pollen and household chemicals.

Causes of respiratory allergosis:

  1. Pathologies of the nervous and respiratory systems. Special attention worth your time perinatal pathologies. That is, children or adults with ICP, encephalopathy and various neurological disorders in the anamnesis.
  2. . People with this disease are prone to any type of allergy. Allergens can be food products, pollen, dust, or bed mites.
  3. Early effects of allergens on the body. Allergists believe that the earlier mothers introduce foods that can cause allergies into their child’s menu, the higher the risk. Most likely, this child will develop atopic dermatitis or allergies.
  4. Taking certain medications. In some cases, after taking certain medications, the body reacts inadequately to ordinary dust, pollen and household chemicals. This is due to an abnormal immunological response, which is provoked by taking immunomodulators and hormonal drugs.

Respiratory Allergy Symptoms

Often doctors respiratory allergies confused with ARVI. This is not at all surprising, since the symptoms of these ailments are very similar. Before treating respiratory allergies, certain laboratory research. But unlike a cold, there is no malaise and high temperature. Appetite is not affected.

List of symptoms of respiratory allergies:

  • Sneezing. This occurs due to the allergen entering the nasal mucosa. Often after sneezing there is mucus discharge from the nose. The patient may feel a sore sensation.
  • Eye redness and watery eyes. Resembles conjunctivitis, but when taking a smear from the mucous membrane of the eyes or tears for analysis pathogenic microorganisms they are not discovered in secret.
  • Cough and sore throat. When the walls of the throat are irritated, the patient feels pain. A little mucus may be produced. With allergic tracheitis, a dry and paroxysmal cough is observed. Vomiting may occur.
  • Wheezing in the lungs. Sometimes when listening you can hear wheezing. Therefore, doctors diagnose pneumonia. In fact, phlegm appears due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the alveoli.

Features of treatment of respiratory allergies

There are many treatment options for this disease. You can use pharmaceutical drugs or seek help from traditional medicine. Mainly used symptomatic treatment, which can relieve discomfort.

Treatment of respiratory allergies with medications

There are several types medical supplies, which are used to treat allergies. Antihistamines and local remedies. That is, for tracheitis, sprays in the throat, and for rhinitis, drops. IN severe cases shown hormonal drugs.

List of medications for the treatment of respiratory allergies:

  1. Diphenhydramine. This is a first generation antihistamine. It is not often used to treat allergies. It is mainly used in combination with Analgin to relieve swelling and reduce temperature. Causes drowsiness and acts on the central nervous system.
  2. Diazolin. A first-generation drug that acts quickly, but has a huge amount of side effects. Does not cause drowsiness and has a mild sedative effect. There is information that the drug has a negative effect on the health of the nervous system. The price of the medicine is low.
  3. Claridol. This is a second generation medicine that does not cause drowsiness and helps to quickly get rid of allergy symptoms. There is no need to take pills several times a day. One tablet is enough for 24 hours. Has a small number of side effects.
  4. Lomilan. Effective for allergic rhinitis, as it helps reduce the amount of fluid that is produced in the nose. For treatment, it is enough to take one capsule per day. There are not many side effects, mainly this headache and nausea. But they appear extremely rarely.
  5. Gismanal. The drug is third generation, so there are almost no side effects. One capsule is enough to forget about allergies for 24 hours. You can combine it with sleeping pills and drive a car. The drug does not inhibit nervous system and does not cause drowsiness, it can be taken by people who drive diesel locomotives and other vehicles.
  6. Telfast. Very effective drug, which is an analogue of histamines. Therefore, it contacts them, blocking their action. Often used for seasonal fever. Effective against angioedema, as it quickly relieves the effect of the allergen.

Local allergy medications

Since respiratory allergies are caused by the action of an allergen on some part of the respiratory system, it makes sense to use local remedies. For allergic rhinitis, nasal drops are prescribed, and for tracheitis, rinses are prescribed.

List of drugs for local treatment respiratory allergies:

  • Allergodil. These are nasal drops that are indicated for allergic rhinitis. It is enough to use the drug once a day. It relieves swelling and itching. Accordingly, the amount of mucus secreted decreases.
  • Cromohexal. A drug that quickly relieves swelling. It can be used for allergic rhinitis and tracheitis. Thanks to the spray, small droplets fall on the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, reducing inflammation, redness and swelling.
  • Flixonase. This is a corticosteroid-based drug. Accordingly, like all hormonal drugs, it is used in extreme cases. Drops disappear very quickly severe swelling and help treat runny nose.
  • Vibrocil. This combination drug, which contains a vasoconstrictor and an antihistamine component. Thanks to this, the medicine acts instantly, stopping a runny nose and relieving swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • Sanorin-Analergin. Combined drops into the nose, which are used to relieve symptoms allergic rhinitis. The drug contains two active substances. Naphazoline and Antazoline constrict blood vessels and relieve swelling. The drug works very quickly.
  • Derinat. This is an immunostimulating drug, so it is recommended to use it in combination with vasoconstrictor medications. The effect of the drug is observed after 4 days.

Treatment of respiratory allergies with folk remedies

Traditional medicine allows you to normalize the functioning of the immune system and reduce the sensitivity of receptors to allergens. Decoctions and rinses are mainly used.

Recipes traditional medicine for the treatment of respiratory allergies:

  1. . It is necessary to prepare a tincture of berries. To do this, the bottle is filled to the top with berries and filled with alcohol. It is necessary to leave the container in a warm place for 14 days. After this, the liquid is separated from the berries and taken 22 drops in the morning and evening.
  2. Birch leaves. Need to collect fresh leaves birch and pour a handful of 500 ml of boiling water. Leave the tea for 30 minutes. Drink instead of regular black or green tea. The course of treatment is 8 days. With the help of a decoction it is possible to get rid of the symptoms of the disease.
  3. Eggshell. Very effective remedy which our grandmothers used. You need to hard boil the egg. It is advisable that it be homemade. Peel off the shell and remove the thin film that lines the surface. Grind the shells to a powder. Take on the tip of a knife in the morning before meals. This remedy can be used for allergies in children.
  4. Bay leaf. Pour boiling water over 5 leaves and let stand for 5 minutes. Put it back on the fire and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the liquid and drink 50-60 ml three times a day. It is advisable to consume the decoction separately from food.

Prevention of respiratory allergies

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. This also applies to respiratory allergies. It is best to remove the allergen from your usual habitat and follow a few simple rules.

Preventive measures:

  • Carry out wet cleaning daily. This is true if there is a patient in the house who suffers from dust. Don't forget to wipe tables and window sills with a damp cloth.
  • Remove carpets. Carpet and carpet runners are “dust collectors”. Dust gets clogged deep in the fibers, which provokes an allergic reaction.
  • Replace the pillows, change them bed sheets . Bed mites live and reproduce in feather pillows. Down and feathers are an ideal environment for ticks. Buy pillows with synthetic filling. Change bed linen once a week.
  • Don't smoke or use fragrances. This also applies to aroma lamps. You should not add essential oils to humidifiers.
  • Install an air conditioner. This will prevent pollen from entering the room during the flowering period of some plants. Don't forget to clean the filter from time to time.
  • Do not relax in nature when plants are blooming. The best time to walk in nature is after rain, when there is no pollen in the air. Limit your time outdoors or wear a mask.
  • Use baby powders. Laundry detergents contain fragrances. Choose products for children without fragrance additives.
How to treat respiratory allergies - watch the video:

Respiratory allergies are not a death sentence. Try to avoid contact with allergens and take antihistamines during an exacerbation of the disease.


Respiratory allergosis is a complex of diseases caused by damage to the respiratory tract under the influence. The diagnosis can occur in both adults and children.

However, the disease often affects 2–4 year old children. Therapy for each case is carried out according to the presenting symptoms.

Respiratory allergosis in children - causes

Allergies in children can be caused by exposure to a powerful irritant.

The disease occurs by various circumstances. Often a significant role is played when the disease is transmitted to the child from the parents. This explains the occurrence of health difficulties during childhood.
Significant significance is manifested in:

  • use of artificial cereals for nutrition;
  • the presence of perinatal disorders in the respiratory and nervous systems;
  • presence of atopic dermatitis;
  • ecological situation of the territory where the little man lives.

Food containing preservatives, frequent colds, skin injury, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract have a harmful effect on the baby’s health.

Respiratory allergies in children can be caused by exposure to a powerful irritant. Although not all of them are like that. Antigens that stimulate high susceptibility are taken to be weak externally. Respiratory allergosis occurs when an antigen enters the body exclusively through inhalation.

There are often difficulties with diagnosis. Parents often define the symptoms of respiratory allergy as signs of a common cold caused by an infection. A doctor can identify the exact root cause of a respiratory tract disease, who must first eliminate the possibility of an infection in the patient’s body.

Ways of manifestation of the disease

The key symptoms of the disease are copious discharge mucus from the nasal passages, burning in the nose, sneezing, swelling of the nasopharynx

Respiratory allergies in children manifest themselves individually.
Allergic diseases are classified according to the location of the irritant:

  1. Most often, manifestations of allergic rhinitis are observed in childhood. The occurrence of irritation contributes to the appearance of persistent nasal congestion, small nasal mucus discharge, and conjunctivitis. In addition, the nasal passages are affected by increased itching, causing frequent sneezing.
  2. The manifestation occurs in the form of extensive swelling of the mucous tissue of the oropharyngeal organs. In some cases, the effect of inflammation extends to the tongue. The patient may complain of a feeling of a foreign object in the throat. The disease is accompanied by an intense dry cough.
  3. One of the symptoms is hoarseness. The patient is struck by powerful and prolonged outbreaks of dry cough. The symptom worsens at night and also appears strong pain in the chest.
  4. Obstructive bronchitis is a common type of illness of the allergic category. The irritation process covers lower system respiratory tract.
  5. The clinical picture of allergic laryngitis is swelling of the larynx, which contributes to the appearance of a barking cough.

The key symptoms of the disease are copious mucus discharge from the nasal passages, burning in the nose, sneezing, swelling of the mucous tissue of the nasopharynx, head spasms, slight increase in temperature, weakness, general painful condition and nervousness against this background.

There are often cases of erroneous diagnosis of ARVI, instead of respiratory allergosis. This often leads to incorrect assignment therapeutic therapy, which does not bring a positive result.
To exclude errors in diagnosis, some features of the disease should be taken into account:

  • allergosis does not affect the baby’s normal condition;
  • there is no disruption in the child’s appetite;
  • body temperature remains unchanged;
  • The baby's games and wakefulness continue as usual.

The main difference between ailments is the type of manifestation. When an irritant is exposed to the respiratory tract, a reaction is observed after a couple of minutes or hours. ARVI worsens the patient's condition over time.

Factors provoking respiratory allergies

The appearance of symptoms indicates recent contact with the allergen

Contact with an allergen causes rapid manifestation of symptoms of damage to the respiratory tract. After cessation of contact, recovery occurs almost instantly. Due to the fact that the development of respiratory allergosis occurs in short time, the appearance of suspicious symptoms indicates recent contact with the allergen. Therefore, it is always important to analyze previous events, for example:

  • visiting places where you rarely visit: guests, a store, a theater, a cafeteria;
  • carrying out hygiene and beauty procedures (using soap, shampoo, cream, perfume);
  • cleaning, repair and construction work (dust, household chemicals, new wall and floor covering);
  • odors nearby, and not necessarily unpleasant (all kinds of aerosols, smoke, spices);
  • contact with plants, especially flowering ones (a bouquet in a vase, a trip to country cottage area, walks through the forest, field);
  • the appearance of something deliberately new at home (toys, furniture elements, carpeting, clothing);
  • interaction with animals and animal food, especially food for aquarium fish;
  • using new laundry detergents (powder, bleach, conditioner);
  • eating unusual foods;
  • taking medications.

Respiratory allergens exist in a wide variety. The most famous of them is plant pollen. There are a huge number of potentially harmful plants. They are divided into three categories: weeds, grass families, trees and shrubs. Obviously, an allergic reaction caused by pollen allergens will occur seasonally.

The course of respiratory allergosis is often accompanied by the appearance allergic conjunctivitis. Simultaneous inflammation of the eye area and respiratory tract is also likely in certain types of acute respiratory viral infections, e.g. adenovirus infection. At the same time, it is almost impossible for this type of ARVI to pass easily - with the absence of general toxicosis and normal temperature bodies.

The disease can persist in a person for a long time. Prolonged runny nose a cheerful and joyful child has a reason to think about the manifestation of an allergy. Predisposition to allergic reactions refers to heredity. Parents with allergies increase the child's chances of having respiratory allergies.

Treatment and prevention of unpleasant symptoms

If signs of disease are detected, contact must first be eliminated

Of great importance preventive measures against respiratory allergy. To protect the child from possible allergens, they should be started immediately after birth. The risk period is in the summer. To prevent possible development respiratory diseases for the expected baby, pregnant women with hereditary allergies, it is important to follow strict hypoallergenic diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude products with various preservatives and chemical additives.

An important factor is the cleanliness of the room where the pregnant woman lives. The experience of doctors confirms that breastfeeding best protects the baby from developing allergies in the future. This happens due to the formation of a strong immune system in the baby, which helps the body overcome allergic reactions.

Parents should monitor the child's behavior, especially if mom or dad has a painful reaction to allergens. First of all, a reason to think is a prolonged dry cough that does not go away for a long time, unexpected difficulty in breathing, swelling of the larynx or nasal canals without a cold.

At the same time, the child can become apathetic and slightly inhibited, but allergosis will not affect his actions in any way. If you have the slightest suspicion, you should consult an allergist. After all, on time established diagnosis and the therapy carried out contribute to the successful overcoming of the disease.

If respiratory allergosis in children primarily affects the lungs or bronchi, then treatment is useful with training. For this, children are best suited for sports activities that develop the so-called. correct breathing. These include swimming, hockey, Wushu, Taekwondo, and figure skating.

Training exercises for the respiratory system improve the condition of the body, strengthen the child’s immunity, which helps relieve irritation in the future. Such people are advised to spend a lot of time on fresh air, if the factor that provokes the allergy is not pollen from flower plants.

Exercises promote the development of proper exhalation a certain type gymnastics There is information that wind instruments for music, through the training process lower paths breathing helps to significantly reduce the number of allergy attacks and simplify their course. Positive point Such training for the lungs is an opportunity to start practicing from a very young age.

If signs of an allergic disease are detected, it is initially necessary to eliminate contact with irritants or at least minimize it. Among medications, antihistamines or hormonal agents. The doctor's prescription may include first, second or third generation drugs.

Antihistamine medications:

  • Suprastin;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Diazolin;
  • Zodak;
  • Claritin et al.

A child, depending on age, can be cured with similar medications, but in the form of drops. With strongly expressed allergic manifestations The dosage of Suprastin is calculated according to the age of the baby. In addition, treatment necessarily involves the use of medications to narrow blood vessels, for example, Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin.

Halotherapy against respiratory allergosis

Salt aerosol has an antibacterial effect on microorganisms in the respiratory system