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Apricot has invaluable health benefits. Use of apricots in cooking. Influence of chemical elements

Speaking about the benefits of apricots for women, many remember their rich composition and properties. And also - oh important role in the prevention of hypertension and CVD – rich in potassium and magnesium, strengthen the heart muscle; diseases endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract - a lot of pectin, removes toxins, normalizes cholesterol; about protection nervous system from stress and reducing the likelihood of cancer.

In the latter cases, the benefits of apricots for women are indeed more clearly visible.

B vitamins are important for female body, and resistance to stress is now relevant for everyone: women are more nervous.

In some cases, breast cancer can be avoided by watching your diet, and even oncologists advise introducing apricots into your diet.

In general, these recommendations are general; this does not mean that they are ineffective. People of “both sexes” often create the same diagnoses for themselves, but the structure of the body in women is still different: it’s not for nothing that we are called “secrets” and “mysteries”.

Very useful properties

The benefits of apricots for women are explained by their composition and properties: Avicenna said this, and not only “in a cosmetic sense.” The great physician believed: apricots relieve painful conditions and restore strength, including during pregnancy. Modern doctors confirm this: let us clarify the general recommendations once again.

For anemia, apricots help increase hemoglobin levels: if you have heavy menstrual bleeding, you should eat them regularly.

Normalization hormonal levels For women, apricot fruits help not only during pregnancy, but also during PMS and menopause.

By stimulating the production of certain neurotransmitters, aromatic fruits promote calmness and good mood.

The sweet pulp of apricots helps you forget about high-calorie and unhealthy “snacks” from the store: not only is it preserved a slim body women, but also normal metabolism.

Apricot kernels are rich in amygdalin, the substance on which it is created. homeopathic medicine"Laetrile" (vitamin B17). Followers alternative methods treatments are sure that it fights cancer well, but official medicine configured differently. Studies do not confirm the effectiveness of this substance, but they do prove its toxicity. True, in small quantities apricot kernels will not cause harm, but passion for them can lead to severe poisoning hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited from chewing bones, but in history oriental medicine There is interesting fact: Ancient Arab healers advised women to wear a belt on their body made from apricot kernels covered with a special pattern to get rid of infertility.

Apricots for pregnant women

Do pregnant women need apricots? Of course they are needed; Some reasons have already been indicated above why women “in interesting position“It is worth including apricots in the menu.

Their entire rich vitamin and mineral composition is just what you need for expectant mother and baby. And apricots are also a joy in the literal sense: as soon as you see the ripe yellow-orange fruits and feel their aroma, your mood rises, and fears and depression recede - the benefits of apricots for a woman and child are enormous!

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation and swelling: many foods help, but not all are as tasty and attractive as golden apricots in the middle of summer.

The benefits of apricots different periods pregnant woman

How exactly do apricots help a woman during different periods of pregnancy?

Toxicosis appears in many people from the first days: morning sickness will recede if you eat 70-100 g of ripe fruits on an empty stomach.

Constipation and flatulence in many women also occur in the 1st trimester: hormonal changes change the condition of the intestinal muscles. Apricots contain many times more fiber of both types (soluble and insoluble) than apples or citrus fruits: 100-150 g of fruit in the morning (during the day or at night) will help solve this problem. According to reviews, apricots simply save you from constipation, allow you to give up pharmaceutical laxatives and avoid the development of hemorrhoids; many women note that it is better to eat them before bed, 8-10 pieces.

The same conditions can haunt a woman both in the 2nd trimester and in the 3rd; Heartburn and cramps are often added - there is not enough calcium, arrhythmia and increased blood pressure. Very ripe and sweet apricots help with heartburn; they contain tens of times more calcium than, for example, bananas; There is also a lot of potassium - support for the heart and kidneys, which endure increased stress during pregnancy. Potassium helps remove swelling: the salts of this macroelement help remove sodium from tissues.

Regarding anemia in women: some studies have shown that 100 g of fresh apricots contain the same amount of iron as 250 g of fresh beef liver. Not everyone wants to eat meat products; besides, apricots will absorb iron faster and easier.

About the condition of skin and hair in women. In the 2nd half of pregnancy, the skin often dries, hair weakens and falls out: the developing fetus consumes a lot of the vitamin A it needs. In such cases, it is better to eat apricots with cream, sour cream, yogurt: they contain a lot of beta-carotene, but they need fats for absorption .

Also important: by eating apricots regularly, many women prevented noticeable weight gain - extra pounds healthy birth do not contribute.

The benefits of apricots for nursing women

Nutrition for a nursing mother is a matter of particular importance. The child has already been born, and now his health depends on the environment, and on good nutrition- Firstly. Breast milkbest food; The baby's body receives everything that the mother eats. Apricots are just as useful as before, but now you need to be careful: the child’s intestines form their own flora and reactions may be different. It is recommended to introduce apricots 3-4 months after the birth of the baby, 2-3 pieces each. in a day; if all is well, increase the portions to 100-150 g, but don’t get carried away.

What are the benefits for the female figure?

Now the question that is most interesting to all women: do apricots help you lose weight or not? Of course, the topic of losing weight cannot be ignored: excess weight It’s not just pregnant women who make life difficult.

The calorie content of apricots is about 45 kcal. There are plenty of options to improve and maintain your figure.

Options for losing weight with apricots

  • The first and simplest option for using apricots for weight loss that women should try is fasting days once a week. Apricots (1 kg) are eaten throughout the day, in 4-5 doses. In the morning – raw fruits and unsweetened green tea; lunch – fresh juice with mint; lunch – raw fruits + fresh juice, tea; afternoon snack – juice mixed with water 1:1; in the evening – baked fruits. No liquid except water (1.5-2 l) and green (herbal) tea.
  • Mono-diet for no more than 3 days, no more than once every 3 months. Apricots are alternated throughout the day and combined with natural “milk”: low-fat milk, kefir and cottage cheese; curdled milk, yogurt, etc.
  • With a normal diet, one apricot dish a day will help maintain normal weight. “Tender” breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack: 150 g fresh fruits, 2-3 slices of lemon, several pieces of pear (apple); mix, pour over 50 g of low-fat sour cream (cream), sprinkle with cinnamon, add 1-2 tsp. honey.

There are contraindications

There are few contraindications to eating apricots, however, they exist and are worth mentioning. Apricots can cause harm in cases of hypothyroidism, diabetes, hepatitis, and a tendency to allergies.

Unripe and overripe fruits are harmful: they cause poisoning and diarrhea.

Of course, in case of abuse, it is not the apricots that are “to blame”: healthy person You can eat up to 500 g of fruits per day.

Apricot, “Armenian apple”, “armeniaca” is a beige fruit, usually with orange or reddish “sides”, growing on a tree. Its taste is sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, but the fruit always has its lover. Various varieties There are many apricots bred to this day; it is impossible to list them all. Each of them has approximately the same apricot properties, calorie content, and composition. The benefits of fresh apricots are undeniable, especially for women and children.

Eating apricot in fresh and dried great benefit for the body, which one? We will tell you about this today, you will also find out how fruits, seeds, leaves are processed, what is the significance of the resulting useful substances in cosmetology and food industry.

Beneficial properties of apricot for humans and contraindications

Homeland of the tree. Benefits of apricot

Common apricot and other varieties are grown throughout the European part of the continent and Asia. In large quantities precisely in Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkey (the main producers). The homeland of origin of the useful fruit is still a mystery. It is believed that they were brought from China, according to another version - from Armenia.

As it were, medicinal properties apricots are valued, and the fruit itself is loved and respected for content of valuable minerals, pectin, fiber, carotene and try to stock up on vitamins for future use. The fetus also has contraindications, what are they? We'll talk about this at the end of the material.

It is known that apricots contain vitamins, beneficial features have, and unlike peaches they begin to bear fruit early. Therefore, apricot fruits used to be called early fruits, and this is what distinguished them from peaches. People can enjoy the delicious taste of fruits throughout almost the entire summer. Especially if you dry it in reserve (dried apricots, apricots). The concentration of vitamins in dried fruits increases, this is a great opportunity to boost immunity in winter and autumn.

It’s not for nothing that he loves fruit warmed by the sun warmer climes and hates any draft, wind and cold. Under the influence of the luminary, it accumulates all the most valuable things that a person needs. The Armenian apple is useful for both children and adults. The benefits of apricots during pregnancy are also great: it improves digestion, fights stress, relieves toxicosis, replenishes iodine reserves,... Everyone should eat it in order to prevent diseases, unless there are contraindications.

Composition, benefits and calorie content of apricots

Except dietary fiber(2 g) the orange fruit contains many other microelements, the presence of which makes it a real home healer. The smallest amount of fat (only 0.1g) per 100 grams of product and low calorie content(44Kcal) allow us to classify the fruit as the most useful. There are only 9 g of carbohydrates per serving, which is very nutritious for such a low calorie content. Therefore, apricots are beneficial for women, children, men and the elderly who want to support healthy image life.

Composition of vitamins and other elements per 100 grams:

  • Beta carotene – 16 mg
  • Potassium – 305 mg
  • Iron – 2.1 mg
  • Vitamin C – about 10-12 mg
  • Calcium – 13 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Magnesium – 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 23 mg
  • Sugar – from 5 mg to 27 mg

In dried fruits healing properties apricots increase 5 times, so you should take this into account and stock up on drying for the winter. We have not yet named vitamins B, P and PP, which are present in small quantities in fresh and dried fruit. And also in some quantities there is apple, wine and citric acid, starch, inulin, pectin and iodine. By the way, iodine is found most of all, as the Wikipedia source assures, in Armenian fruits.

The beneficial properties of apricots are that their consumption normalizes intestinal function, improves mood, and hemoglobin in the blood. But that’s not all, pectin and fiber, together with processed products, remove toxins from the body, oils rejuvenate. And we’ll talk about apricot juice below; it contains a special “ingredient”, the benefits of which are difficult to underestimate.

Properties of apricot kernels

The bones contain special substance– amygdilin, it can have a harmful effect on the body if consumed in large quantities, just like hydrocyanic acid. But in cosmetology and medicine, apricot kernel oil is the No. 1 remedy for the prevention of dry skin, eczema, and for the youth of the body. The apricot kernel also exhibits antihelminthic properties.

Apricot oil. Properties and application

An oil similar in composition to almond and peach oils is extracted from apricot kernels (oleic and linoleic acid), which in its properties is not inferior to others cosmetics, and also has antibacterial, antiseptic effect. The benefits of oils contained in fruits and seeds are truly unique. Apricot oil exhibits anti-aging properties, so the benefits of apricot for women are completely justified and are successfully used in cosmetology.

Apricot for hair and face, the benefits of its oil content are often used in cosmetology to treat dry skin. Creams, lotions and masks, shampoos and hair rinses, and nail care products are made from the oil.

Apricot kernels - beneficial properties and contraindications

“Almonds” from seeds are also not always healthy and have a beneficial effect on the body. The fact is that hydrocyanic acid, produced after human consumption of amygdiline, can cause poisoning. Therefore, even small children small dose can send you to a hospital bed, and adults can eat no more than 20 grams of such almonds.

It’s better not to risk your health, because apricot kernels also have beneficial properties due to the strong poison hydrocyanic acid, which is similar in composition to potassium cyanide. So it is best to roast apricot seeds in a frying pan, the beneficial properties of which are valued, before use, or make jam with the addition of processed “almonds”. Both tasty and healthy!

Beneficial properties of apricots and contraindications

Apricot – best fruit for vision

Apricot is an ideal option to strengthen your eyesight, because no other fruit contains as much beta carotene as it contains. The beneficial properties of apricot for humans are that in our body about n is transformed into vital important vitamin And, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes, hair, nails, skin and the whole body. Scientists have found that age-related changes, which have a detrimental effect on clarity of vision (age-related macular degeneration), can be prevented by eating apricots.

But there is an opinion that beta carotene contained in fruits will help cope with diseases thyroid gland and liver, refuted by doctors. Which claim: often thyroid diseases are associated with low absorption of vitamin from healthy products, it is better for such people to consume pure vitamin A, prescribed in dosage form.

“Matters of the heart” and treatment of anemia

Pectin and the fibrous structure of the fruit pulp are not only useful thing for the intestines, but also active ingredient to remove toxins and cholesterol. And, as you know, cholesterol clogs internal organs and systems, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, the heart. By eating 2 apricots a day, you are already protecting your heart from harmful effects cholesterol.

The advantage of eating orange fruits is that their composition has a balanced content of iron and magnesium; the medicinal properties of apricot are that it helps strengthen the heart muscle and cleanses the blood. A person recovers much faster if he suffers from anemia and takes such vitamins.

Treatment and prevention of constipation

Apricots – the best remedy to cleanse the body of toxins. With constipation, toxins are absorbed into the body, this does not have the best effect on well-being and appearance. Here for you best helper– apricot juice with pulp, which has an antibiotic effect on putrefactive bacteria. And also common apricot and compote made from it, which has a laxative effect.

Fruit eliminates fatigue

All orange fruits and vegetables have the extraordinary ability to lift your spirits, and the same applies to apricots. If you want to relieve muscle or nervous tension, it’s enough to eat just 100 grams of fruit and your fatigue will go away.

All this due to the presence of calcium, which brings muscles into a relaxed state, and magnesium, which helps relieve psychological stress and calm heart rate. Magnesium is a unique mineral; it also lowers blood pressure if a person is hypertensive, so its effect doubles.

Asthma and cough

Doctors say that fresh apricots are best for this matter, because dried ones are filled with sulfites. This substance is for people with allergic reactions It is contraindicated and can, on the contrary, cause an asthma attack in an asthmatic.

But apricot kernels, whose beneficial properties are unique, are successfully used mainly in the East to treat coughs, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, and catarrh.

Oncological diseases

And again here we remember beta carotene, as well as lycopene - magic components for immune system, beauty, brain performance,... In addition, they prevent various cancer, such as cancer of the stomach, throat, lungs. It is enough to consume 150 grams of apricot per day and thus protect yourself from malignant tumors. This is not a panacea, but prevention, and so delicious too!

The bark of the apricot tree (decoction) and the leaves and droplets on the surface of the tree are also useful, which some people cannot refuse to try. A decoction of the bark, for example, is used for cerebral circulatory disorders, after injuries, to restore strength. And the beneficial properties of apricot leaves are found in the antibacterial qualities of the foliage; the pulp from the leaves is applied to wounds.

Healing apricot. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of apricots for women

The most beneficial for weight loss are the fibrous varieties of apricots, but everyone’s favorite “Kolerovka” is actually not so healthy. Fiber retains moisture in the body, absorbing it, and saturates the body. You feel full and don’t want to eat anymore. This is why apricot should be included in the menu; many people use “apricot” fasting days, and this the best choice not only to lose weight, but also to improve health.

Apricot has diuretic properties, so it is actively used by women in the fight against edema, as well as for kidney diseases.

Apricots - benefits for pregnant women

It is known that pregnant women often experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can recharge yourself with energy if you drink 100-150 grams of apricot juice once before meals. The benefits of apricots for pregnant women are manifested in the fact that they relieve morning toxicosis and give strength. . In addition, the juice is very useful for maintaining the beauty of hair and nails, skin elasticity, and preventing stretch marks.

Is it possible to eat apricots during pregnancy, their benefits and harms, what are they? This question is most often asked by mothers who are carrying a child in summer period, of course it is possible and necessary, only in moderate quantities, for example, a glass of concentrated juice can be taken once a day, or 100-150 grams of fruit instead. Eating too much fruit can cause frequent urge into the toilet and intestines will not only be cleansed, but will also have a negative impact on the uterine cavity and the unborn child.

Apricot - benefits and harms for the health of a pregnant woman

As we have already said, apricots in excess are good for pregnant women, but also harmful, here are some more warnings for expectant mothers:

  • You should not drink apricots with water, this will cause an upset stomach;
  • If your mother is gaining weight quickly, rid yourself of excessive amounts of sweets; there is nothing to say about buns. But dried apricots are also considered a high-calorie food, so you can’t eat handfuls of them;
  • If you have low blood pressure, allergies or asthma, eating apricots is contraindicated for women.

Apricot. Useful properties and contraindications

Each product has its own contraindications, and even if it seems that they are an ideal remedy for any disease. As we have already noted, apricots during pregnancy are beneficial for women and children, but pregnant women should eat them with caution. Although this interesting condition is not a disease at all, it is associated with the birth of a new life, which means that the diet should be healthy.

For children, eating apricot is good to increase appetite, improve digestion, and increase hemoglobin, but in large quantities it can irritate the intestines.

Here are a number of other contraindications for people with certain diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Pancreatitis, hepatitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

It is worth remembering, no matter how many benefits are present in the products that nature gives us, eating them more than normal is harmful to health. Apricots in quantities of over 500 grams per day are already an excess.

In contact with


All people know such a fruit as apricot. This is a fragrant, sweet, sunny fruit, and its pulp will certainly seduce anyone with its sweet taste.

Apricots come in several forms: boiled, fresh, and in the form of dried fruits, which are also divided into subspecies.

Dried apricots- these are halves of the fruit dried in the sun, which are oxidized with sulfur dioxide so that the fruit does not darken and is not food for various kinds of bugs.

Dried apricots– this is a whole dried apricot along with the pit, so it retains more of its beneficial properties.

Whispered- these are the largest seedless apricot fruits, and they are dried and contain at least 80% of their natural sugar.

Kaisa- These are pitted apricot fruits fumigated with sulfur dioxide; they are slightly dried.

Composition of apricots

Yes, apricots are not only tasty and aromatic, but also healthy. Apricots contain the following substances: sugar, of which 100g. contains 10.5%, starch, tannins, citric, malic and tartaric acids, insulin, pectin, which helps remove human body toxins and cholesterol. In addition, they contain many vitamins, microelements and minerals.

In addition to all this, apricots contain a certain amount. If you do not use it daily a large number of apricot, in any form, then you can avoid thyroid disease. Iodine also has anticholesterol and lipotropic effects.

Apricots will help with avi- and hypotaminosis, as well as for patients with anemia and kidney diseases, because they affect the process of hematopoiesis. Apricot is also indispensable for intoxication, especially with heavy metals. Helps maintain health in people who have oncological diseases. Helps restore vital functions of the human body.

If you are overweight, take apricot in the form dietary nutrition. Due to the fact that apricot normalizes the digestive process, as well as metabolism, as a result you can say goodbye to extra pounds forever. In addition, if you eat only 100 grams of pulp per day, you can get rid of gases in the intestines and normalize regular bowel movements.

Since these fruits contain iron, they are very useful for anemia, increasing hemoglobin in the blood. Thanks to the content of magnesium and phosphorus, our brain is able to work even more actively than before. They improve memory, which is very important for schoolchildren, students and people who engage in intellectual work.

Apricot fruits also help reduce high blood pressure, especially if you are hypertensive. Eat more fruits during their ripening season. But calcium, which is also contained in apricots, will normalize lice neuromuscular excitability. The phytoncides that are part of these fruits act as a wound healing agent and are especially good at treating deep and festering cuts. If you are suffering frequent constipation, then just cook apricot compote, it will have a laxative effect.

A thick infusion of dried apricot decoction is a good diuretic and decongestant. Apricots can be eaten even by people suffering from diabetes, but sear varieties should be excluded, because they contain a lot of sugar, which is contraindicated for such patients.

Contraindications for use

Diabetics should not eat it, especially those varieties that contain a lot of sucrose. Do not use under any circumstances if you have hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) or hepatitis (liver disease). In such cases, carotene and provitamin A simply will not be absorbed. Also, nursing mothers should not eat these fruits so as not to cause distress in the baby.

You should eat the seeds carefully, because they contain the glycoside amygdalin, which is broken down in the intestines, thereby forming a strong acid, which in turn is the poison of the day in our tissue. As a result, you can get severe poisoning of the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat more than 20 grams per day.

Apricot juice

Apricot juice helps strengthen the body, especially since it is digested even easier and faster than fruits.

This juice is very useful for pregnant women and children, because it contains a lot of iron and calcium. It is enough to drink 150 grams of juice per day to replenish daily requirement the body in iron and calcium.

For colitis accompanied by dysbacteriosis and flatulence, apricot juice is very effective.

As a diuretic, you just need to drink half a glass of juice between meals 6 times a day.

Yes, of course, in winter it is difficult to buy fresh apricot fruits. Therefore, they can be replaced with dried apricots and made into a decoction: pour 1 liter of boiling water over 100 grams of finely chopped dried apricots, leave for 5-6 hours. Then take half a glass warm before meals half an hour before meals.

Apricot decoction

Disinfectors, chemists, and in general all those who work with hazardous environments can become chronically intoxicated. Therefore, they should drink apricot decoction daily, because thanks to chemical composition fetus, it can increase the body's resistance to toxins.

You can also use leaves of both cultivated and wild apricot varieties. Drink the decoction on an empty stomach in a 100-gram glass.

Dried fruits from apricots

Of the dried fruits, the best among all is apricots, because they have a richer taste. If you soak it in water and remove the seed, you get the same dried apricots. After all, you see, dried apricots are most often orange. But why, you ask? If you dry it in a natural way, then it will definitely darken and acquire a brownish tint. But as a result of processing with sulfur, it is also colored with special food dyes, so it is better to buy dark-colored dried apricots, if you can find them.

Dried fruits, like fresh fruits, are very useful for children, the elderly and pregnant women, because they contain much more potassium salt more than in fresh apricots. Therefore, they are very useful for cardiovascular diseases, heart failure and arrhythmia.

Apricot seeds

But apricot seeds in (oriental) medicine are used as an antitussive, which is prescribed for laryngitis, cataracts of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma. Also, its fruits have bactericidal properties.

Medicinal mixture: apricot kernels – 20 grams, then peel the kernels. then dry and grind to form a powder. Take 1 tsp of this powder. with milk or tea 3-4 times a day.

In addition to all of the above, oil is made from apricot, which is similar in composition to peach and almond oil. This oil contains 5% myristic acid, 20% linoleic acid, and 14% stearic acid. It does not dry out, but this oil should be stored in dark oil, otherwise it will become bitter. This oil is used as a solvent for fat-soluble medications, which in turn are intended for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration.

Apricot tree bark

Apricot bark is also healing because it contains substances that are similar in action to liracetam. It is simply necessary for the functioning of the heart and brain. Especially after a stroke, the decoction will help restore damaged brain cells.

Also, after a difficult birth, the infusion will help weakened old people strengthen their strength.

In the production of blood-substituting fluids, droplets, gum, and drips are used - a transparent yellowish mass that is found on the trunks of apricot trees. They are also used as an astringent and enveloping agent.

Eat useful fruits apricot, and you will never suffer from cardiovascular diseases, anemia, work will be normalized gastrointestinal tract, your brain will work actively, your memory and skin structure will improve, which is very important for fashionistas.

Be always healthy, never get sick!

Scientists are still arguing where the golden fruit, the apricot, came from. Many Asian countries claim the title of its homeland, but most experts give primacy to Armenia. The fruits growing there are so different in iodine content from those grown in other regions that they gave rise to special varieties of this fruit.

The credit for spreading apricots throughout Europe goes to Alexander the Great, who brought them to Greece. From there, the plant continued its victorious march around the world. Today, apricot grows in Europe, Asia, South and North America.

The popularity of the fruit is evidenced by the numbers, as almost 3 million tons are produced annually. The main suppliers of fresh and dried apricots in the world are Uzbekistan and Türkiye.

This is a juicy, tender apricot fruit of small size, with a large pit inside. The fruit attracts with its rich sweet taste, unique aroma and pleasant yellow-orange color. The plant belongs to the Rosaceae family, it is a perennial tree, close relative plums and peaches.

Apricot fruits are used fresh for food, they are used to make marshmallows, confitures, jams and compotes. Apricot filling in baked goods is very tasty; it is added to cottage cheese, cereals and yoghurts. Oil is obtained from the seeds, which is used to make essences and liqueurs. Apricot fruits are also used in cosmetology in masks, creams, scrubs, peelings.

Composition and calorie content of apricot

Not only the taste of the fruit is attractive, but also its low calorie content - 28 kcal fresh per 100 grams. product. When dried it increases to 44-48 kcal. The composition of apricots is a balanced complex of vitamins, biologically active substances and minerals:

Apricot pulp contains other macro- and microelements:

  • phosphorus and calcium– 16 mg/100 g;
  • magnesium– 2 mg;
  • iron– 0.5 mg;
  • copper– 0.04 mg.

The benefits of apricots in fresh and dried form have been known for many thousands of years. They have found application in folk and traditional medicine and in our days.

For the intestines

High fiber content improves digestion and cleanses digestive tract. Helps fight constipation, even chronic ones. Supports the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

For the pancreas and thyroid glands

For the kidneys

Prevents the occurrence kidney infections due to its antibacterial effect and has a diuretic effect.

For men

Apricot, as a means of rejuvenating the body and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, has positive action on male potency.

For skin

For immunity

High content of antioxidant compounds allows binding free radicals and strengthen the immune system.

Excellent taste and low calorie content make the fruit one of the favorite foods in dietetics. Allows you to lose weight, cleanse the body and strengthen its protective properties.

For pregnant

Combination of vitamins and mineral elements makes the fetus a desirable product in the diet of pregnant women.

Harm and contraindications of apricots

The benefits and harms of apricots are incomparable. Talk about unwanted actions fruit is possible only if it is abused. There are several cases when you should eat apricots with caution:

  • People with increased acidity gastric juice as heartburn may occur.
  • Diabetics– due to the high sugar content.
  • Pregnant women, the fetus of which has a slow heartbeat, since the effect on the heart activity of the fruit is high and can cause harm to the child.
  • People with weak digestion prone to diarrhea.

It should be noted that some people have individual intolerance to the product. In this case, apricots will have to be excluded from the menu.

How to choose apricots

Apricots have the greatest benefit and ideal taste in the summer during the ripening season. If you have to When choosing them in a supermarket, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The fruits are firm and greenish in color and are unlikely to be ripe and suitable for consumption.
  2. Ripe apricot has a unique aroma that will never deceive you.
  3. You should not buy fruits with damaged skin, crushed, brown spots– you may not be able to bring them home.

Not quite ripe apricots can be brought to maturity by placing them in a dark place in a paper bag for some time.

How to store apricots

Apricots are perishable products. At room temperature, picked ripe apricots will last no more than a day.They can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. A great way to stock up on these seasonal treasure troves of nutrients is to freeze them, especially by blast freezing. In this form, they will last in the freezer for up to six months and will hardly lose their beneficial properties.

Dried apricots are popular: apricots - with a pit or dried apricots - without it. They can be purchased at finished form or dry it yourself. It is better to do this in the dryer or in the oven on a baking sheet. Dried fruits should be stored in a cool, ventilated area without direct sunlight.

Almost everyone is familiar with the wonderful taste of apricot. This orange fruit is grown all over the world. Its beneficial properties and effect on human health are very interesting, and in some ways even unique.

Apricots: benefits and harms

In addition to their high taste qualities, apricots saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, perfectly satisfy hunger, and help with many diseases. therapeutic effect, increase a person’s performance, making him cheerful.

Apricots - source Have a good mood and energy. The fruits are very sweet. Apricot juice contains a lot of sugar, including glucose.

People with a disease such as diabetes, it is undesirable to consume this fruit at all or minimize its amount in the diet.

IN dried apricots(Uryuk and dried apricots) there is also an excess of sugar, so they are contraindicated for anyone with metabolic disorders.

Apricots rank first among other fruits in terms of beta-carotene content, from which vitamin A is produced in the body.

It is known that beta-carotene is an antioxidant, which, according to latest research, is able to resist the development of oncology and heart disease.

Beta-carotene is also essential for supporting vision and protecting the body from radiation, viruses and microbes.

The vitamin C contained in the fruit significantly enhances its beneficial properties. Vitamin C is a serious helper of the immune system and a strong cancer protector.

Apricot contains: important elements, like magnesium, iron and potassium. These substances provide invaluable support cardiovascular system generally.

Magnesium and iron increase hemoglobin in the blood and optimize it in case of anemia general state body, and potassium helps maintain blood vessels in good shape.

The fruits are used to enhance digestive functions, as a mild laxative and antipyretic. For dry coughs, apricot is indicated for its ability to thin mucus.

If apricot is used for a long time, it will act as a diuretic. Children need this fruit to improve health and stimulate growth.

Apricots are irreplaceable for various stomach diseases. They unobtrusively stimulate the glandular apparatus of the digestive organs, in particular the stomach, and help normalize the acidity of gastric juice. And this leads to improved activity of the pancreas, and accordingly, the functioning of the gallbladder and liver improves.

At inflammatory processes Apricots are indispensable for kidneys. Potassium has a positive effect on the condition Bladder and kidneys. It is also worth recalling the ability of these fruits to remove all kinds of waste and toxins from the body.

Thanks to great content magnesium and phosphorus, apricots help improve memory and increase mental performance.

Regular consumption of apricots shows positive results in the prevention of atherosclerosis. The fruit contains a large amount of fiber, due to which some of the cholesterol that enters the intestines with food is not absorbed. Accordingly, the quantity bad cholesterol in the blood decreases significantly.

One more positive thing The presence of iodine salts in the composition of this fruit is evident. Therefore, it helps the thyroid gland, stimulates the production of necessary hormones and prevents goiter from developing.

During the season, these fruits are consumed fresh; the rest of the year you can enjoy dried fruits - apricots and dried apricots. They differ from each other by the presence of a seed when dried. In dried apricots the pit is removed, but in apricots it is present.

Dried fruits serve as an excellent alternative to candies and unhealthy sweets. For anyone who is watching their diet and weight, please note: Special attention on regular use dried apricots or apricots.

The benefits are undoubted, there is no harm to the figure. However, it should be remembered that the calorie content of dried apricots is quite high, 227 kcal per 100 grams. Don’t get too carried away and eat half a kilo at a time.

Attention! Apricot kernels contain dangerous substances - amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid.