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The big toe of my right foot is numb. Numbness of big toes

Numbness is usually a temporary loss of sensation in the skin, which is accompanied by tingling, burning or crawling. Persistent numbness of the toes is a symptom that characterizes disorders of the blood supply and innervation, therefore it is a signal of trouble in the upper parts of the body, possibly requiring immediate medical attention.

Vertebrologists at the Doctor Ignatiev Clinic in Kyiv often observe numbness in the toes in patients with varying degrees of degenerative changes in the spine. As a rule, this is not the only symptom, but often numbness begins as a single manifestation long before the onset of the main one. clinical picture. In any case, persistent numbness of the toes is a cause for concern and an immediate visit to an experienced specialist, whose appointment is possible after an appointment.

Causes of numbness in toes

  • Osteochondrosis lumbar region spinal column– 90% of cases of numbness of the toes are associated with this diagnosis, and most often the symptom manifests itself with protrusions and hernias intervertebral discs;
  • Oncological pathologies of the spine and peripheral nerves;
  • Spinal tuberculosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, other metabolic and hormonal disorders;
  • Leg tunnel syndrome occurs when a nerve trunk, for example, the popliteal nerve, is compressed when being in an uncomfortable position or doing the same type of work associated with the contraction of a certain group of muscles, which, when spasming, compress the nerve fibers.
  • Raynaud's disease - spastic reaction small arteries due to disorders nervous regulation their activities;
  • Multiple sclerosis with damage to the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • Neuritis, arthritis, micro-strokes and other pathologies.

Diagnosis of numbness of the toes requires mandatory clarification of the cause of this condition. For this, various instrumental techniques are used - radiography of the spine, ultrasound of blood vessels, computer and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and others.

Pain in the foot and toes

Treatment for numbness in toes

Any therapeutic measures should be aimed, first of all, at eliminating the causative factor of the disease, one of the manifestations of which is numbness of toes. It is necessary to restore the patency of the vessels supplying the lower extremities and release the nerve fibers from the compressed state. The following methods are used for this:

  • Drug therapy - anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, muscle relaxants, drugs to improve peripheral blood supply, vitamins, mineral complexes, chondroprotectors - they all help eliminate swelling and muscle spasm, restore trophism of the pathological zone and the entire lower limb.
  • Infectious and oncological pathologies, metabolic and hormonal disorders require specific therapy aimed at the source of all violations that have arisen;
  • Among local impacts great importance given to manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy - thanks to their long-term and systematic influence, favorable conditions for removing muscle and joint blocks, restoring blood flow, strengthening muscle tissue with good nutrition and innervation lower limbs.
  • Non-traditional methods - acupuncture, treatment with leeches, stone therapy, moxotherapy and others - help consolidate the success of other methods of treatment.

Doctors at the Kyiv “Clinic of Doctor Ignatiev” try to make the most of all their capabilities to restore normal sensitivity of the skin of the legs, as well as eliminate other disorders that most often occur with lumbar osteochondrosis and its complications. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner - this is the only way for patients to quickly achieve recovery.

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    Hello. I am a 32 year old woman, plump. A year and a half ago, I started experiencing pain when walking and when I just stand. They did a CT scan on me thoracic spine, they discovered a 3mm hernia that slightly affects the dural sac. They prescribed me gymnastics. The imbalance has not disappeared. For three months now, my toes and heels have begun to go numb, especially when I am in a sitting position. Please tell me the cause of the illness and what to do. Thank you

    Hello, can you please tell me what could be the reason? For the 2nd day already, the skin on the big toe of the left foot has become numb and this is accompanied by tingling, what should I do???

    Hello. Since childhood, my legs and arms have been hurting before precipitation or weather changes, now I’m almost 30 years old, over the last 3 weeks my legs and arms and head hurt every day, but morning pain in the heels has been added, i.e. In the morning I can’t stand on my heels, the pain is severe, I can’t stand it very much, everything is only getting worse every day, plus the added condition of stiff limbs throughout the day. Help me understand which doctor to contact, what to bring with me (for example, blood biochemistry, venous ultrasound). Thank you

    Hello, is your big toe numb?

    Good afternoon. I have a message for you. Recently I started feeling numbness in the ends of my fingers and toes. I did all the tests, MRI and ultrasound, they said everything is fine. Is it possible to get rid of the nerves in me???

    Good afternoon. please tell me what is the reason for the numbness of part of the big toe, and later there was some kind of crunching in the thigh, which began to hurt a little after that?

    Hello! Recently I was squatting for a long time, and when I stood up, after about 30m I felt that the two middle toes on my right foot were numb and tingling. Some time passed and it felt like my whole foot was going numb. I read on the Internet that it’s called “tunnel syndrome,” but I didn’t understand how it’s treated.
    Please tell me what I should do and how to cure it.
    Thank you in advance..

    Today the big toe on my left foot became numb. Exactly the tip (near the nail) What to do?

    Hello, for the second week now my big toe feels as if something was wrapped around it at the base. Slightly numb. At first it was only on the right foot. And now on the left.

    Hello. I'm swelling left leg V calf muscle, then the second toe (next after the big one) begins to go numb. Moreover, if I walk in heels, it’s easier for me.

    Good afternoon. I have a hernia in the lumbar region L5-C1. Were severe pain, then the pain subsided a little, but there was numbness in the 3 middle fingers. What to do about it? Will the numbness go away or is some treatment needed? Or just surgery?

    Hello. I am 37 years old. For several years my left leg has been itching below the knee and there are wounds. Photo as an attachment. Yesterday I went numb forefinger left leg.
    What could be the problem and who should I contact?
    Thank you.

    Hello. Based on the results of biozymia tests, a diagnosis of stage 1 bibilar liver cirrhosis was made. I take ursofalk as prescribed by the doctor constantly. My toes often go numb. The feet of both legs. Calves. Pain. burning. tingling. I forgot my heels. I can’t even walk for a long time. low. My legs swell and hurt. Is this related to my illness or is it rheumatic or neurological? Which doctor do you recommend for me to be examined for this illness. Thank you.

    Good afternoon. I am 29 years old. For 5 or 6 years now I have been bothered by numbness in the toes on my left foot: the ring and middle toes. This happens after 30 minutes of walking at any pace only in closed shoes. It doesn’t matter how comfortable and wide it is. You have to stop every 5 minutes, take off your shoes and stretch your toes. IN open shoes let it not even be inconvenient. This greatly reduces the quality of my life. Please advise which doctor to see?

    Hello, the big toes on both feet have been numb for two weeks. I thought my nails were growing in. I came for a pedicure and they said everything was fine. What could this be?((thanks for the answer

    zdrastvuite,izvenite pojalusta shto ia ne peshu ruskimi bukvami,mne tak udobnee,moia problema v chom,shto vot u menia akazivaetsia mikoz nogtia na balshix palcev no uje dgeta 8 let a ia i ne padazrivala,vot ia nedavno zainteresovals po odnoi prichine,shto u menia nemnojka pobalivaet balshoi palec pravoi nogi,ia dumala eta u menia krasovki ne pol santimetra jmut,nu ne tak jmut kak chut nogat virastit i ia daljna srazu srezat ato,patom pri xodbe bolna,vot i smatriu na nogat a on steel nemnojka xuje vigliadit,eta pitno joltoe shtota uvelichilos,i zametila esho shto konchik etogo palca ne chuvstvuiu,onemevshee,ne ves palec a tolka konchik palca,imenna gde prijimaet v obivi,ia xatelabi uznat,eta prichina shto dolgoe vremia teprpela shto obuv jala,ili eta ot gribka?ia kupila v apteke takoe lekarstvo,nazivaetsia TROSYD lak,ia 3 dnia evo uje maju,2 raza vden,mojet vi mne shtota posovetuite?spasibo za vnimanie

    Hello, please tell me, my big toe on my right foot freezes when I go out and it’s -10 degrees outside, but when I go into the house it goes away and doesn’t hurt. I do not know what to do

    Good afternoon. My big toe on my right foot is numb. And in the morning when I apply makeup, my right hand goes numb. More precisely, the thumb and index finger of my right hand. Tell me what to do or what medicine to take?

    It is necessary to consult a vertebroneurologist. Before doing this, get an MRI of your neck.

  1. The toes on my right foot are going numb. The third and fourth legs are going numb. And by the evening my feet are starting to roll back. I need to ask for help in Moscow. We live near the metro station in the southwest.

    Hello, today I discovered that my middle toe on my right foot is numb. What could this be? Thank you

    Good afternoon! Ring finger my right foot starts to hurt and burn when I wear shoes for a long time, and when I drive a car, I take off my shoes and everything goes away. I bought shoes 2 sizes larger, they don’t feel too tight, but I still drive and take off my right shoe, otherwise the pain and burning begins. Thanks everyone for the answers!

The feeling of numbness is always associated with a disruption in the process of nerve impulse transmission. To ensure innervation, the entire human body is literally permeated with a neural network consisting of tiny nerve endings. All of them are interconnected with the structures of the brain, where the centers of motor activity, analysis of feelings, and the formation of command responses are located.

If the little toe goes numb, then the disturbance in the process of impulse transmission can be at any level. If viewed from physiological point In terms of this process, everything will look like this:

  • the epidermis, muscles and fascia of the little finger are permeated with nerve fibers that collect information and activate this finger;
  • the nerve endings responsible for sensitivity receive signals from contact with the external environment and transmit them to the cerebral structures through the autonomic nervous system;
  • then, in response, a signal is sent to the motor axons, which promote contraction and release of the muscles;
  • if there is a break on some part of this path, then the signal does not pass through, the little finger feels numb.

Therefore, if your little toe goes numb, then you need to look for the place where the deformation of the nerve impulse transmission path occurs. We will talk about what diseases can provoke the appearance of such a symptom and what to do if such conditions occur in the proposed material.

Why does the little toe on the right and left foot go numb?

There are many factors why the little toe goes numb, and all of them can be conditionally divided into two large groups. The first includes exclusively pathologies associated with impaired innervation in the form of a primary reaction. The second group is a violation of tissue trophism due to impaired blood supply, causing dystrophic and atrophic manifestations in the axonal structure of the nerve fiber.

Before you begin to understand why your little toe goes numb, you need to understand that the nervous structure is a network with certain centers for processing received information and transmitting pathways. The conduction of nerve fibers is ensured mainly soft tissues, such as subcutaneous fatty tissue, epidermis, muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia and cartilage. Scar connective tissue does not have the ability to provide nerve fiber conduction. Roughly speaking, all fibrin scars can only interrupt the innervation pathways.

Accordingly, after a severe sprain ankle joint and without appropriate subsequent rehabilitation, the path of the axon of the sensory or motor nerve can be interrupted by cicatricial changes in the structure of the tissue. This is invariably accompanied by impaired sensitivity and a feeling of numbness in certain parts of the foot, including the toes.

There are no distinctive pathologies for the left and right legs. Their innervation is completely symmetrical. Therefore, all the reasons why the little toe on the right foot goes numb are similarly suitable to explain the appearance of this unpleasant sensation on the left lower limb.

Let us consider only some pathologies in which signs of disruption of the innovation process may occur. Here are the most common reasons why the little toe on the left or right foot goes numb:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region (deformation of the intervertebral cartilaginous disc occurs and this leads to pinching of the radicular nerve);
  • radiculopathy in the lumbar sacral region spinal column (total dysfunction of the radicular nerves associated with the inflammatory response after their prolonged compression);
  • pinching sciatic nerve in the lumbar, gluteal or femoral structures;
  • entrapment of the lesser tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa;
  • incorrect foot placement with deformation metatarsal bones foot and nerve fiber conduction disorders;
  • fractures of the small and large tibia;
  • fractures and cracks calcaneus;
  • sprains and tears of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus of the ankle joint;
  • knee bursitis;
  • tendovaginitis, myofascial syndromes, inflammation of the synovial membranes;
  • rheumatoid inflammatory processes;
  • local and generalized forms of disorders metabolic processes in the body (gout, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes).

Such conditions can also provoke blood supply disorders. Most often in men, numbness in the little finger is the first sign of developing obliterating endarteritis. In this disease, the muscle wall of small blood vessels is damaged. They spasm and do not carry out arterial blood saturated with oxygen to soft tissue structures. Begins oxygen starvation and trophic disorders. It causes pain. In subsequent stages, numbness shows that the trophic disorder has also affected the nerve fibers.

In women, the little finger usually goes numb when venous insufficiency and edema syndrome. Their tissue trophism is disrupted due to compression blood capillaries sweat intercellular fluid in the subcutaneous layer. Venous stagnation over time leads to thrombosis and the development of trophic ulcers of the leg. They can affect the pathways of the nerve fibers of the lesser and greater tibial nerve. This is what subsequently becomes the cause of sensitivity disturbance.

For what other reasons does the little toe on the left and right foot go numb?

As mentioned above, the reasons why the little toe goes numb are divided into neurological and vascular. They are identical for the left and right lower limbs. The structures of nerve fiber damage were discussed in some detail in the previous paragraph. Now we will pay attention to another common pathology - antipathic or toxic angiopathy in combination with neuropathy.

It is worth understanding that if the little toe on your foot goes numb, then there are reasons for this, and they may be hidden behind various diseases. Of course, the first step should always be to exclude lumbosacral osteochondrosis, sciatic nerve entrapment, cauda equina syndrome, fibular tunnel syndrome, etc.

But the likelihood of developing systemic angiopathy or neuropathy should not be discounted. The following persons are at risk:

  1. having overweight bodies and not following the process of consuming carbohydrates (they have a high probability of having type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent);
  2. presenters sedentary lifestyle life (physical inactivity leads to gradual degeneration of muscles, nerve fibers and vascular walls);
  3. having chronic diseases liver, kidneys and urinary system (ketoacidosis, hyperbilirubinemia and high level creatinine levels in the blood contribute to the deterioration of the nerve fiber and vascular wall);
  4. patients with a predisposition to the development of atherosclerosis (high cholesterol levels in the blood lead to blockage of blood vessels and disruption of the blood supply to nerve endings);
  5. persons who use alcoholic drinks(regardless of type and strength);
  6. active and passive smokers.

The reasons why the little toe on the left foot goes numb in the listed categories of citizens may be associated with deep trophic disorders and changes in the internal acid-base balance of the blood. These are serious conditions that require mandatory correction. But manual therapy can provide constant assistance in restoring the normal functioning of the body.

Whatever the reasons for the numbness of the little toe on the right foot, it is important to understand that, having eliminated them, you need to actively restore lost health. And in this regard, therapeutic exercises become mandatory. It helps restore elasticity of muscles and vascular walls. With active muscle work, saturation of all tissues with oxygen and nutrients begins. Happening reverse process and the nerve fiber is restored.

If the little toe on the left and right foot goes numb

If you notice that the little toe on your left or right foot is numb, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only experienced doctor During an examination and examination, he will be able to determine the exact cause of this unpleasant sensation. It is worth understanding that if the little toe on the right or left foot is numb and there is no visible reason for this sensation (for example, tight shoes or an incorrect sleeping position), then it will not go away on its own. Moreover, the disease will develop and acquire various unpleasant complications and consequences.

IN medical practice cases are not uncommon when it all started with a feeling of numbness in the little finger, and a year later the person lost his limb as a result of emergency amputation. Although everything could be corrected with a modern visit to a doctor.

Don't delay your visit. Moreover, you have a great opportunity to make an appointment with a neurologist of the highest category. In our manual therapy clinic, a candidate is treating medical sciences. You can sign up for his initial free consultation. During your appointment you will be given accurate diagnosis and told about all the possibilities and prospects for treatment.

We can help both patients with osteochondrosis, tunnel syndromes and the consequences of sports (domestic) injuries, as well as for people with manifestations of various neuropathies. Restoring sensitivity and performance of the entire musculoskeletal system becomes possible with integrated approach. You can launch spontaneous recovery processes in the human body with the help of reflexology. The impact on biologically active points leads to the fact that regeneration begins in the body. Osteopathy allows you to restore normal movement not only of the main physiological fluids in the human body, but will also improve energy metabolism.

The use of kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises will increase blood flow, eliminate stagnation of lymphatic fluid and speed up the process of tissue nutrition. In combination with massage and other types of manual intervention, all this allows you to quickly “put” a person on his feet and restore lost health.

Most people have at least once experienced such an unpleasant sensation as numbness in their limbs. This is often accompanied by a burning or tingling sensation, and sometimes pain. And, probably, most often the toes go numb. Typically, such manifestations have completely harmless physiological reasons, for example, being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. As a result, on this area body, blood circulation is disrupted or nerves are pinched. But you just move your fingers, and the discomfort quickly disappears. If such a symptom appears too often or has a protracted course, then it is worth taking a closer look at it.


The most common cause of numb toes is uncomfortable shoes. And you don’t have to wear smaller shoes to do this. The deterioration of blood circulation can be caused by the rigidity of the material, ill-designed shape of the model, and high heels. Initially, the little fingers and thumbs, and due to asymmetry human body they may only go numb on the left or right leg. People who spend the whole day on the move are especially susceptible to this. By evening, their limbs swell and, as a result, take up more volume, which makes the situation worse. That is why all experts advise wearing soft, moderately fitting shoes, but not too tight.

But, unfortunately, there are others, more serious reasons. The list of diseases that cause numbness in the toes is quite extensive:

  • Poor circulation. It can be triggered by diseases such as atherosclerosis, endarteritis, mini-stroke, gout, migraine, Raynaud's syndrome and others. Initially it only affects the fingertips. At the same time, in addition to numbness, the patient’s feet often freeze. Gout often gives symptoms on one half of the body; for example, they can be felt only on the left side, and in both the upper and lower extremities.
  • Deterioration of nerve conduction. As a result of insufficient tissue supply nerve cells periodically there is a loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the body (mainly because of this, the big toe goes numb), accompanied by intense pain. This is caused by osteochondrosis or herniated discs in the lumbar region, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, radiculitis and other diseases accompanied by inflammation of the bone tissue of the lower parts of the spinal column and limbs.
  • Non-inflammatory nerve damage. The main reasons for such violations are wrong exchange substances or intoxication of the body. In this case, numbness of the toes can be accompanied by tingling, itching and even pain. Sometimes it feels like goosebumps are crawling on your skin. In most cases, this happens with regular alcohol poisoning, a traumatic nerve tumor, or diabetes mellitus.
  • Diseases of the lower extremities. The feeling of numbness and burning can be caused by flat feet, significant impairment of the rise of the foot, deforming arthrosis of the joints of the legs and others. pathological changes. Moreover, the symptom appears suddenly, for example, without any visible reasons The middle finger goes numb.
  • Vitamin deficiency or micronutrient deficiency. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to deterioration of nerve conduction, including affecting the lower extremities. Lack of calcium, in turn, reduces the strength of bones, reducing the threshold of loads they can tolerate, and iron deficiency has a detrimental effect on blood circulation.

It is worth noting that some causes of numbness are progressive in nature, eventually leading to a limitation of a person’s physical activity up to and including disability. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, it is necessary to find out why they appeared, so that in the event of a serious disease, treatment can be started in a timely manner.

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Associated symptoms

As mentioned above, when your toes go numb, you may experience other associated symptoms:

  • reduction or total loss sensitivity at the site of numbness;
  • tingling or burning sensation;
  • feeling of “tightening”;
  • pain;
  • sensation of “goosebumps” on the skin;
  • coldness in the extremities.

If this symptom caused by a disease, its specific symptoms may also be present.

Diagnosis for numbness

Depending on the results of the preliminary examination of the patient, the specialist prescribes an examination, which may include the following methods:

  • blood test - both general and detailed, including for sugar;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • microbiology and oncology tests;
  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound and diagnostics of blood circulation in the vessels of the legs, as well as their functional state;
  • computer, magnetic resonance or gamma tomography;
  • bone tissue biopsy.


After all diagnostic procedures The specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment aimed at relieving the disease that caused numbness in the toes. In some cases, it is also necessary to restore normal vascular patency and eliminate nerve compression. The following therapeutic methods can be distinguished:

  • Symptomatic treatment with medications. If necessary, use means to improve blood supply to the diseased area or limbs as a whole, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, central or central muscle relaxants local action, preparations based on glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
  • Physiotherapeutic and manual procedures. These methods improve blood flow, relieve spasms and normalize the connection between the affected nerves and the central nervous system. To achieve these same goals, it is recommended to do special exercises.
  • Unconventional therapy. Usually used as an addition to basic procedures. Most shining example– acupuncture.

Of course, in many cases similar treatment not required. It is enough to keep your feet in comfortable conditions. For example, you should change your shoes to more comfortable ones, and the numbness will immediately go away.


For those who constantly have numbness in the fingers of their lower extremities, it is useful to do the following exercises 2-3 times a day:

  • Bend your fingers and then straighten them. Repeat 50 - 100 times.
  • Stand facing the wall, rise on tiptoes and remain in this position for a minute. After a short break, do this again - and so on at least 5 times.

If the symptom has disappeared, you can carry out these exercises at least once a day as a preventative measure (preferably immediately after sleep).

Traditional methods

In the absence of serious diseases, you can use traditional medicine:

  • In the evening, smear the numb finger with honey, wrap it in a bandage and put on woolen socks. After waking up, remove the bandage and rinse your leg. Towards the end of the day, repeat the procedure.
  • Thoroughly rub camphor ointment into the sore finger and put on a sock. It is advisable to do this in the evening.
  • In a container with 100 ml sunflower oil add 10 g of ground black pepper, place it in a saucepan with boiling water and keep for 30 minutes. After the oil has cooled, rub it on your numb finger 2 times a day.
  • Immerse your foot in a bath with hot water and press your fingertips firmly into the bottom. This will quickly stabilize blood flow and make the numb area sensitive.

If during the examination the specialist did not find pathologies, but unpleasant symptom does not go away and continues to recur periodically, it is recommended to use these tips:

  • When choosing shoes, you should avoid models with narrow toes, and your toes should be able to move freely.
  • When sitting for a long time, it is necessary to select the most comfortable position for the lower extremities, and also periodically bend and straighten your fingers.
  • If your feet are very tired, you can massage them or take contrast baths. This will relax the muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • With a predominantly passive lifestyle, you should not neglect physical education, especially exercises that provide the necessary load on the lower limbs.
  • It is necessary to ensure good nutrition, which includes everything necessary for the body vitamins and microelements.
  • You should not abuse alcohol and strong coffee, and it is also recommended to quit smoking. This will significantly increase the stability of blood vessels.

If your toes are numb, the first thing you should do is get examined and find out why this is happening. After all, it is not this symptom that will have to be treated, but the disease that causes it. Moreover, as already indicated, this also happens in quite serious cases, for example, with diabetes. But if you consult a specialist in a timely manner, most often the numbness can be easily eliminated.

Which doctor should I go to?

To begin with, go to a therapist, he will examine you and give you recommendations on who specifically to contact. He may refer you to a surgeon, neurologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, rheumatologist or neurosurgeon. But physiotherapists, massage therapists and reflexologists will also be useful.

“Goosebumps” and loss of sensitivity in the feet occur after overload or prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position. If numbness occurs for no apparent reason at regular intervals, you should consult a doctor so that it does not develop into a disease.

Numbness in the toes may indicate diseases of the nervous or circulatory systems. To establish a diagnosis, you must consult a doctor.

  • Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time - the leg is pressed against a hard surface. The process develops due to impaired innervation and blood circulation in the leg area. Changing posture and physical activity restore blood circulation.
  • The toes become numb due to the habit of sitting on a chair with one leg thrown back or tucked under. This pose will cause varicose veins veins in the legs and groin area, which will worsen appearance and will affect gait and normal functioning.
  • Shoes that are inappropriate in size, instep, or thickness, with narrow toes or high heels. Being in it leads to compression of nerves and blood vessels, numbness and loss of sensitivity in the toes develops. If your toe goes numb after wearing a certain pair of shoes, stop wearing them. Buy quality orthopedic shoes, suitable in all respects.
  • Freezing or wet feet.

Diseases leading to numbness of the big toe

Motor functions are controlled lower section spine. If it malfunctions, problems arise in the feet and they begin with a sensitivity disorder.

  • Intervertebral hernia is a disease in which a morphological disturbance of the structure of the vertebral skeletal system occurs. Intervertebral discs lie between the vertebrae, providing shock absorption and protection when there is a load on the spine. In the center intervertebral disc the “nucleus pulposus” is located. The outside of the disc is covered with a dense fibrous membrane. With an intervertebral hernia, the fibrous ring ruptures. The nucleus pulposus “comes out” and the nerves spinal cord, innervating the lower limb, are compressed. There is a feeling of numbness, crawling, pain. Numbness of the big toe occurs when a hernia occurs in the lumbar or sacral region. may not go away for a long time.
  • Inflammation of the sciatic nerve - one of the largest. Innervates both legs. With inflammation, sensitivity is impaired. The location of the inflammation determines which side the numbness will be on.
  • Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by a disorder of the structure of the intervertebral discs. They become thinner and flabby. Their functions and bone structure are disrupted, and the load on them increases. A numb big toe indicates the approximate location of the lesion. Osteochondrosis is diagnosed by X-ray examination of the lumbar spine.
  • Tuberculosis of the spine can cause sensitivity disorders. Tuberculosis can also affect bone structures.
  • Diseases caused by metabolic disorders. Diabetes mellitus may be the cause of numbness in the big toe. With diabetes, trophism suffers and a complication develops - gangrene of the feet. The big toe is the first to develop gangrene.
  • Neoplasms on the body, especially malignant ones.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system. Such diseases include Raynaud's disease. A spasm of blood vessels in the arterial bed occurs, blood flow to organs and tissues deteriorates, which leads to numbness. Raynaud's disease is paroxysmal in nature. Seizures are provoked infectious diseases, severe stress or hypothermia. The toes acquire a bluish cyanotic tint. The lesion is symmetrical - the toes of both feet are affected.
  • Gout is a disease in which salts are deposited uric acid in the form of crystals in the joint area. Joint deformation occurs. The risk group is people with increased body weight who abuse protein foods.
  • Chronic alcoholism.

What to do if your big toe is numb?

If you are sure that the cause of numbness is improperly chosen shoes or incorrect posture, then you do not need to see a doctor. But if you are not sure, then it is better to visit a doctor in order to avoid serious complications.

The doctor will rule out spinal diseases by conducting X-ray examination or CT and MRI procedures. Consultation with a specialized doctor is also necessary. If the heart is suspected - a cardiologist, in case of diabetes - an endocrinologist and a surgeon.

Treatment of the underlying disease is a long and complex process. For osteochondrosis, in addition to drug therapy massage and physiotherapy procedures are necessary.

When numbness of the big toe is the result bad habits, alcoholism or smoking, then you need to give up your habits. They lead to unnatural, chaotic expansion and contraction of blood vessels. The result is poor circulation in the extremities.

Numbness of the big toe is just a symptom of more serious illness, it is aimed at attracting attention and sending an SOS signal. It depends only on you whether you pay attention to it and help yourself in time.

The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Don't neglect your comfort for beautiful but uncomfortable shoes. Lead as much as possible active image life. Try not to gain excess weight, eat right, give up bad habits.

Numbness of the toes (impaired sensitivity, paresthesia) is a condition characterized by a violation of the human body’s ability to correctly perceive various irritations from its own tissues or external environment. It is often accompanied by tingling, pain or burning, redness or paleness of the skin.

Why does numbness in toes occur?

Short-term sensory impairment is usually caused by an uncomfortable position of the lower limb or mechanical compression of the foot by narrow shoes. At the same time they are compressed blood vessels, the blood supply to the soft tissues is disrupted, which leads to paresthesia. When you change your position or remove tight shoes, blood flow is quickly restored and the discomfort goes away.

Long-term paresthesia of the foot is usually due to pathology. Therefore, if such sensations occur very often or last more than 4-5 hours and are not associated with long stay If your feet are in an awkward position, you should consult a doctor.

The table shows the main diseases, one of the symptoms of which may be impaired sensitivity of the lower extremities:

Causes of numbness in toes

Clinical signs

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Degenerative-dystrophic processes lead to thinning of the intervertebral discs and a decrease in their height. As a result, compression of the sciatic nerve develops over time. Initially, the patient experiences band-like pain along the internal or outside legs. Then there are disturbances in the sensitivity of the fingers, feet, heels and ankles.

Acute cerebrovascular accidents

If the patient's toes on the left or right foot go numb and symptoms such as disorientation, impaired coordination of movements, hemiparesis, slurred speech, severe headache, this allows us to suspect the development of transient ischemic attack or stroke.

Multiple sclerosis

Loss of sensation is usually combined with impaired motor function of the limbs.

Tumor processes

Large malignant tumors the pelvic organs are compressed by blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation in the lower extremities is impaired, which causes numbness in the feet. In addition, the patient experiences increasing general weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite.


Peripheral nerve damage can result various diseases(HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, hypovitaminosis of B vitamins, renal failure). Paresthesia is usually associated with progressive muscle atrophy, trophic ulcers, increased fragility of nails.

Lesions of the articular apparatus

Various joint diseases (rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, gout) are often accompanied by soft tissue swelling. It causes compression of nerve endings and, as a result, sensory disturbances. In addition, patients have other symptoms: pain in the affected joints, impaired mobility, redness of the skin.

Raynaud's disease

The development of the disease is based on disturbances in blood flow through the arteries. Legs acquire characteristic appearance. The skin is pale and cold to the touch. Occur frequently trophic ulcers resistant to treatment.


Most often they are located on the pads under the middle toe or little toe. They are areas of thickened skin of a grayish tint, dense to the touch. Painful when walking.


Frostbite most often occurs on the fingertips. Damaged areas turn white. Their sensitivity is impaired and pain occurs. With severe frostbite, characteristic blisters appear on the skin.


As mentioned above, short-term paresthesia of the toes is most often caused by either an uncomfortable body position or compression by uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, if, for example, your little toe goes numb when wearing narrow dress shoes, and this feeling quickly goes away when changing shoes, there is nothing to worry about. But if sensory disturbances persist for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor.

It is necessary to understand that paresthesia can occur against the background pathological processes. Therefore, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe necessary treatment Only a specialist can do this after a full examination. Depending on the specific clinical situation, this may include:

  • MRI, CT, radiography of the lumbosacral spine;
  • biochemical blood test to determine the concentration of glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid, C-reactive protein;
  • radiography of the feet;
  • MSCT of the brain;
  • blood test for the presence of tumor markers;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower extremities.

If necessary, the patient is consulted by specialized specialists:

  • traumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • oncologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • vascular surgeon.

My toes are going numb - what to do?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since actions depend on the cause of the appearance. discomfort. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination and making a correct diagnosis, can prescribe this or that drug. For example, for hypovitaminosis conditions, patients are advised to take B vitamins, for gout - Allopurinol, and for Raynaud's disease - vasodilators.

How to treat numb toes at home

  1. Sit in a chair or chair in a comfortable position.
  2. Take off your shoes and move your feet up and down, left and right (10-15 repetitions);
  3. Lower your legs into the pelvis with warm water and hold them for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add pine needle extract to the water.
  4. Dry your feet with a clean towel using gentle blotting movements. Special attention pay attention to the skin between your fingers.
  5. Apply nourishing cream to your skin and massage your feet.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of paresthesia. Some of them are quite effective, but should only be used after consulting a doctor. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Infusion of sweet clover. Pour a small pinch of herb into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain and take half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. Camphor ointment with eucalyptus oil. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a jar of pharmaceutical camphor ointment and mix thoroughly with a wooden stick. The ointment is applied to the problem area with light massaging movements at night.
  3. Pumpkin compress. Bake a piece of pumpkin and puree it using a blender. Apply the resulting mixture while warm to your feet, cover with wax paper and wrap with a woolen scarf. Keep the compress for at least 2-3 hours.
  4. Pepper oil. Add 10 g of ground black pepper to 100 ml of sunflower oil. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Rub into problem areas 2 times a day.
  5. Pepper tincture. Grind 3 medium pickled cucumbers and a red pod hot pepper. Pour the resulting mixture with a liter of good vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Strain. Use to rub numb areas as needed.


To prevent numbness in your toes, you need to:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • adhere to a balanced, healthy diet;
  • stop wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • promptly treat infectious and somatic diseases.


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